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diff --git a/Hadronization/ b/Hadronization/
--- a/Hadronization/
+++ b/Hadronization/
@@ -1,644 +1,643 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// Thisk is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ClusterFissioner class.
#include "ClusterFissioner.h"
#include <ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h>
#include <ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h>
#include <ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h>
#include <ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h>
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h>
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h>
#include <ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/EventRecord/Collision.h>
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/Kinematics.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/HwDebug.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/CheckId.h"
#include "Cluster.h"
#include <iomanip>
using namespace Herwig;
void ClusterFissioner::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _hadronsSelector << _globalParameters
<< _clMax << _clPow << _pSplit1 << _pSplit2 << _btClM << _iopRem;
void ClusterFissioner::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _hadronsSelector >> _globalParameters
>> _clMax >> _clPow >> _pSplit1 >> _pSplit2 >> _btClM >> _iopRem;
ClassDescription<ClusterFissioner> ClusterFissioner::initClusterFissioner;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void ClusterFissioner::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ClusterFissioner> documentation
("Class responsibles for chopping up the clusters");
static Reference<ClusterFissioner,HadronSelector>
"A reference to the HadronSelector object",
false, false, true, false);
static Reference<ClusterFissioner,GlobalParameters>
"A reference to the GlobalParameters object",
false, false, true, false);
static Parameter<ClusterFissioner,Energy>
interfaceClMax ("ClMax","cluster max mass (unit [GeV])",
&ClusterFissioner::_clMax, GeV, 3.35*GeV, 0.0*GeV, 10.0*GeV,
static Parameter<ClusterFissioner,double>
interfaceClPow ("ClPow","cluster mass exponent",
&ClusterFissioner::_clPow, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 10.0,false,false,false);
static Parameter<ClusterFissioner,double>
interfacePSplt1 ("PSplt1","cluster mass splitting param for u,d,s,c",
&ClusterFissioner::_pSplit1, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,false,false,false);
static Parameter<ClusterFissioner,double>
interfacePSplt2 ("PSplt2","cluster mass splitting param for b",
&ClusterFissioner::_pSplit2, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,false,false,false);
static Switch<ClusterFissioner,int> interfaceRemnantOption
"Option for the treatment of remnant clusters",
&ClusterFissioner::_iopRem, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceRemnantOptionSoft
"Both clusters produced in the fission of the beam cluster"
" are treated as soft clusters.",
static SwitchOption interfaceRemnantOptionHard
"Only the cluster containing the remnant is treated as a soft cluster.",
static Parameter<ClusterFissioner,Energy> interfaceBTCLM
"Parameter for the mass spectrum of remnant clusters",
&ClusterFissioner::_btClM, GeV, 1.*GeV, 0.1*GeV, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
void ClusterFissioner::fission(const StepPtr &pstep) {
* Loop over the (input) collection of cluster pointers, and store in
* the vector splitClusters all the clusters that need to be split
* (these are beam clusters, if soft underlying event is off, and
* heavy non-beam clusters).
vector<tClusterPtr> splitClusters;
ClusterVector clusters;
for (ParticleSet::iterator it = pstep->particles().begin();
it!= pstep->particles().end(); it++) {
if((*it)->id() == ExtraParticleID::Cluster)
for(ClusterVector::iterator it = clusters.begin() ;
it != clusters.end() ; ++it) {
* Skip 3-component clusters that have been redefined (as 2-component
* clusters) or not available clusters. The latter check is indeed
* redundant now, but it is used for possible future extensions in which,
* for some reasons, some of the clusters found by ClusterFinder are tagged
* straight away as not available.
if((*it)->isRedefined() || !(*it)->isAvailable()) continue;
// if the cluster is a beam cluster add it to the vector of clusters
// to be split
if((*it)->isBeamCluster()) splitClusters.push_back(*it);
// If the cluster is heavy add it to the vector of clusters to be split.
else if(pow((*it)->mass() , _clPow) >
pow(_clMax, _clPow) + pow((*it)->sumConstituentMasses(), _clPow))
// split the clusters
vector<tClusterPtr>::const_iterator iter;
for(iter = splitClusters.begin(); iter != splitClusters.end() ; ++iter)
{cut(*iter, pstep, clusters);}
void ClusterFissioner::cut(tClusterPtr cluster, const StepPtr &pstep,
ClusterVector &clusters) {
* This method does the splitting of the cluster pointed by cluPtr
* and "recursively" by all of its cluster children, if heavy. All of these
* new children clusters are added (indeed the pointers to them) to the
* collection of cluster pointers collecCluPtr. The method works as follows.
* Initially the vector vecCluPtr contains just the input pointer to the
* cluster to be split. Then it will be filled "recursively" by all
* of the cluster's children that are heavy enough to require, in their turn,
* to be split. In each loop, the last element of the vector vecCluPtr is
* considered (only once because it is then removed from the vector).
* This approach is conceptually recursive, but avoid the overhead of
* a concrete recursive function. Furthermore it requires minimal changes
* in the case that the fission of an heavy cluster could produce more
* than two cluster children as assumed now.
* Draw the masses: for normal, non-beam clusters a power-like mass dist
* is used, whereas for beam clusters a fast-decreasing exponential mass
* dist is used instead (to avoid many iterative splitting which could
* produce an unphysical large transverse energy from a supposed soft beam
* remnant process).
vector<tClusterPtr> clusterStack;
// Here we recursively loop over clusters in the stack and cut them
while (!clusterStack.empty()) {
// take the last element of the vector
tClusterPtr iCluster = clusterStack.back();
// split it
cutType ct = cut(iCluster);
// There are cases when we don't want to split, even if it fails mass test
if(!ct.first.first || !ct.second.first)
// if an unsplit beam cluster leave if for the underlying event
// continue
// check if clusters
ClusterPtr one = dynamic_ptr_cast<ClusterPtr>(ct.first.first);
ClusterPtr two = dynamic_ptr_cast<ClusterPtr>(ct.second.first);
// is a beam cluster must be split into two hadrons
// There should always be a intermediate quark(s) from the splitting, but
// in case there isn't
if(ct.first.second) {
if(ct.second.second) {
pstep->addDecayProduct(iCluster, ct.first.first);
pstep->addDecayProduct(iCluster, ct.second.first);
// Sometimes the clusters decay C -> H + C' rather then C -> C' + C''
- if((!one||!two)&&iCluster->isBeamCluster()
- &&_globalParameters->isSoftUnderlyingEventON())
- cerr << "\ntesting problem beam cluster split into hadrons" << endl;
if(one) {
- if(one->isBeamCluster()) one->isAvailable(false);
+ if(one->isBeamCluster()&&
+ _globalParameters->isSoftUnderlyingEventON()) one->isAvailable(false);
if(pow(one->mass(), _clPow) >
pow(_clMax, _clPow) + pow(one->sumConstituentMasses(), _clPow)
&&one->isAvailable()) {
if(two) {
- if(two->isBeamCluster()) two->isAvailable(false);
+ if(two->isBeamCluster()&&
+ _globalParameters->isSoftUnderlyingEventON()) two->isAvailable(false);
if(pow(two->mass(), _clPow) >
pow(_clMax, _clPow) + pow(two->sumConstituentMasses(), _clPow)
&& two->isAvailable()) {
ClusterFissioner::cutType ClusterFissioner::cut(tClusterPtr &cluster) {
// Get the actual particles making up the cluster
long idQ1 = 0, idQ2 = 0;
tPPtr ptrQ1 = cluster->particle(0), ptrQ2 = cluster->particle(1);
if(ptrQ1) idQ1 = ptrQ1->id();
if(ptrQ2) idQ2 = ptrQ2->id();
// And check if those particles are from a beam remnant
bool rem1 = cluster->isBeamRemnant(0);
bool rem2 = cluster->isBeamRemnant(1);
// workout which distribution to use
bool soft1=rem1||(_iopRem==0&&rem2);
bool soft2=rem2||(_iopRem==0&&rem1);
// Initialization for the exponential ("soft") mass distribution.
static const InvEnergy b = 2.0 / _btClM;
static const int max_loop = 1000;
int counter = 0;
bool succeeded=false;
Energy Mc1 = Energy(), Mc2 = Energy(),m1=Energy(),m2=Energy(),m=Energy();
bool toHadron1,toHadron2;
long idNew;
// Draw new flavour
idNew = drawNewFlavour(); // draw the new flavour (idNew > 0)
if(!CheckId::canBeMeson(idQ1,-idNew) && !CheckId::canBeBaryon(idQ1,-idNew))
idNew = -idNew;
// Check that new clusters can produce particles and there is enough
// phase space to choose the drawn flavour
Energy Mc = cluster->mass();
m1 = ptrQ1->data().constituentMass();
m2 = ptrQ2->data().constituentMass();
m = getParticleData(abs(idNew))->constituentMass();
// Do not split in the case there is no phase space available
// (it happens sometimes for clusters with b-flavour)
if(Mc < m1+m + m2+m) continue;
// power for splitting
double exp1=_pSplit1, exp2=_pSplit1;
if(CheckId::hasBeauty(idQ1)) exp1 = _pSplit2;
if(CheckId::hasBeauty(idQ2)) exp2 = _pSplit2;
// If, during the drawing of candidate masses, too many attempts fail
// (because the phase space available is tiny)
//_hadronsSelector->lightestHadron(idQ2, idNew)then give up (the cluster
// is not split).
Mc1 = Energy();
Mc2 = Energy();
if(Mc1<m1+m || Mc2<m+m2 || Mc1+Mc2>Mc) continue;
* New (not present in Fortran Herwig):
* check whether the fragment masses Mc1 and Mc2 are above the
* threshold for the production of the lightest pair of hadrons with the
* right flavours. If not, then set by hand the mass to the lightest
* single hadron with the right flavours, in order to solve correctly
* the kinematics, and (later in this method) create directly such hadron
* and add it to the children hadrons of the cluster that undergoes the
* fission (i.e. the one pointed by iCluPtr). Notice that in this special
* case, the heavy cluster that undergoes the fission has one single
* cluster child and one single hadron child. We prefer this approach,
* rather than to create a light cluster, with the mass set equal to
* the lightest hadron, and let then the class LightClusterDecayer to do
* the job to decay it to that single hadron, for two reasons:
* First, because the sum of the masses of the two constituents can be,
* in this case, greater than the mass of that hadron, hence it would
* be impossible to solve the kinematics for such two components, and
* therefore we would have a cluster whose components are undefined.
* Second, the algorithm is faster, because it avoids the reshuffling
* procedure that would be necessary if we used LightClusterDecayer
* to decay the light cluster to the lightest hadron.
toHadron1 = false;
if(Mc1 < _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadronPair(idQ1,-idNew)) {
Mc1 = _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadron(idQ1,-idNew);
toHadron1 = true;
toHadron2 = false;
if(Mc2 < _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadronPair(idQ2,idNew)) {
Mc2 = _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadron(idQ2,idNew);
toHadron2 = true;
// Check if the decay kinematics is still possible: if not then
// force the one-hadron decay for the other cluster as well.
if(Mc1 + Mc2 > Mc) {
if(!toHadron1) {
Mc1 = _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadron(idQ1, -idNew);
toHadron1 = true;
} else if(!toHadron2) {
Mc2 = _hadronsSelector->massLightestHadron(idQ2, idNew);
toHadron2 = true;
succeeded = (Mc>=Mc1+Mc2);
while (!succeeded && counter < max_loop);
if(counter >= max_loop)
return cutType(PPair(PPtr(),PPtr()),PPair(PPtr(),PPtr()));
// Determined the (5-components) momenta (all in the LAB frame)
Lorentz5Momentum pClu = cluster->momentum(); // known
Lorentz5Momentum p0Q1 = ptrQ1->momentum(); // known (mom Q1 before fission)
Lorentz5Momentum pClu1, pClu2, pQ1, pQone, pQtwo, pQ2; //unknown
pClu1,pClu2,pQ1,pQone,pQtwo,pQ2); // out
* The previous methods have determined the kinematics and positions
* of C -> C1 + C2.
* In the case that one of the two product is light, that means either
* decayOneHadronClu1 or decayOneHadronClu2 is true, then the momenta
* of the components of that light product have not been determined,
* and a (light) cluster will not be created: the heavy father cluster
* decays, in this case, into a single (not-light) cluster and a
* single hadron. In the other, "normal", cases the father cluster
* decays into two clusters, each of which has well defined components.
* Notice that, in the case of components which point to particles, the
* momenta of the components is properly set to the new values, whereas
* we do not change the momenta of the pointed particles, because we
* want to keep all of the information (that is the new momentum of a
* component after the splitting, which is contained in the _momentum
* member of the Component class, and the (old) momentum of that component
* before the splitting, which is contained in the momentum of the
* pointed particle). Please not make confusion of this only apparent
* inconsistency!
LorentzPoint posC,pos1,pos2;
posC = cluster->labVertex();
cutType rval;
if(toHadron1) rval.first = produceHadron(idQ1,-idNew,pClu1,pos1);
else rval.first = produceCluster(ptrQ1,-idNew, pClu1, pos1,
pQ1, pQone, rem1);
if(toHadron2) rval.second = produceHadron(idQ2,idNew,pClu2,pos2);
else rval.second = produceCluster(ptrQ2, idNew, pClu2, pos2,
pQ2, pQtwo, rem2);
return rval;
ClusterFissioner::PPair ClusterFissioner::produceHadron(long id1, long id2,
Lorentz5Momentum &a,
LorentzPoint &b) const {
PPair rval;
rval.first = getParticle(_hadronsSelector->lightestHadron(id1, id2));
rval.second = getParticle(id2);
return rval;
ClusterFissioner::PPair ClusterFissioner::produceCluster(tPPtr &p1, long id,
Lorentz5Momentum &a,
LorentzPoint &b,
Lorentz5Momentum &c,
Lorentz5Momentum &d,
bool isRem) const {
PPair rval;
rval.second = getParticle(id);
ClusterPtr cluster = new_ptr(Cluster(p1,rval.second));
rval.first = cluster;
if(cluster->particle(0)->id() == p1->id()) {
} else {
return rval;
long ClusterFissioner::drawNewFlavour() const {
// Flavour is assumed to be only u, d, s, with weights
// (which are not normalized probabilities) given
// by the same weights as used in HadronsSelector for
// the decay of clusters into two hadrons.
double prob_d = _hadronsSelector->pwtDquark();
double prob_u = _hadronsSelector->pwtUquark();
double prob_s = _hadronsSelector->pwtSquark();
double sum = prob_d + prob_u + prob_s;
prob_d = prob_d / sum;
prob_u = prob_u / sum;
prob_s = prob_s / sum;
int choice = rnd3(prob_u, prob_d, prob_s);
long idNew = 0;
switch (choice) {
case 0: idNew = ThePEG::ParticleID::u; break;
case 1: idNew = ThePEG::ParticleID::d; break;
case 2: idNew = ThePEG::ParticleID::s; break;
return idNew;
void ClusterFissioner::drawChildMass(const Energy M, const Energy m1,
const Energy m2, const Energy m,
Energy & Mclu, const double expt,
const InvEnergy b, const bool soft) const {
* This method, given in input the cluster mass Mclu of an heavy cluster C,
* made of consituents of masses m1 and m2, draws the masses Mclu1 and Mclu2
* of, respectively, the children cluster C1, made of constituent masses m1
* and m, and cluster C2, of mass Mclu2 and made of constituent masses m2
* and m. The mass is extracted from one of the two following mass
* distributions:
* --- power-like ("normal" distribution)
* d(Prob) / d(M^exponent) = const
* where the exponent can be different from the two children C1 (exp1)
* and C2 (exponent2).
* --- exponential ("soft" distribution)
* d(Prob) / d(M^2) = exp(-b*M)
* where b = 2.0 / average.
* Such distributions are limited below by the masses of
* the constituents quarks, and above from the mass of decaying cluster C.
* The choice of which of the two mass distributions to use for each of the
* two cluster children is dictated by iRemnant (see below).
* If the number of attempts to extract a pair of mass values that are
* kinematically acceptable is above some fixed number (max_loop, see below)
* the method gives up and returns false; otherwise, when it succeeds, it
* returns true.
* These distributions have been modified from HERWIG:
* Before these were:
* Mclu1 = m1 + (Mclu - m1 - m2)*pow( rnd(), 1.0/exponent1 );
* The new one coded here is a more efficient version, same density
* but taking into account 'in phase space from' beforehand
Energy max = M-m1-m2-2.0*m;
double rmin = exp(-b*max);
if(rmin > 50.0) rmin = 0.0;
// hard cluster
{Mclu = pow(rnd(pow(M-m1-m2-m, expt), pow(m, expt)), 1./expt) + m1;}
// Otherwise it uses a soft mass distribution
double r1 = rnd(rmin, 1.0-rmin) * rnd(rmin, 1.0-rmin);
if(r1 > rmin) Mclu = m1 + m - log(r1)/b;
else Mclu = Energy();
void ClusterFissioner::calculateKinematics(const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu,
const Lorentz5Momentum & p0Q1,
const bool toHadron1,
const bool toHadron2,
Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1,
Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2,
Lorentz5Momentum & pQ1,
Lorentz5Momentum & pQbar,
Lorentz5Momentum & pQ,
Lorentz5Momentum & pQ2bar) const {
* This method solves the kinematics of the two body cluster decay:
* C (Q1 Q2bar) ---> C1 (Q1 Qbar) + C2 (Q Q2bar)
* In input we receive the momentum of C, pClu, and the momentum
* of the quark Q1 (constituent of C), p0Q1, both in the LAB frame.
* Furthermore, two boolean variables inform whether the two fission
* products (C1, C2) decay immediately into a single hadron (in which
* case the cluster itself is identify with that hadron) and we do
* not have to solve the kinematics of the components (Q1,Qbar) for
* C1 and (Q,Q2bar) for C2.
* The output is given by the following momenta (all 5-components,
* and all in the LAB frame):
* pClu1 , pClu2 respectively of C1 , C2
* pQ1 , pQbar respectively of Q1 , Qbar in C1
* pQ , pQ2bar respectively of Q , Q2 in C2
* The assumption, suggested from the string model, is that, in C frame,
* C1 and its constituents Q1 and Qbar are collinear, and collinear to
* the direction of Q1 in C (that is before cluster decay); similarly,
* (always in the C frame) C2 and its constituents Q and Q2bar are
* collinear (and therefore anti-collinear with C1,Q1,Qbar).
* The solution is then obtained by using Lorentz boosts, as follows.
* The kinematics of C1 and C2 is solved in their parent C frame,
* and then boosted back in the LAB. The kinematics of Q1 and Qbar
* is solved in their parent C1 frame and then boosted back in the LAB;
* similarly, the kinematics of Q and Q2bar is solved in their parent
* C2 frame and then boosted back in the LAB. In each of the three
* "two-body decay"-like cases, we use the fact that the direction
* of the motion of the decay products is known in the rest frame of
* their parent. This is obvious for the first case in which the
* parent rest frame is C; but it is also true in the other two cases
* where the rest frames are C1 and C2. This is because C1 and C2
* are boosted w.r.t. C in the same direction where their components,
* respectively (Q1,Qbar) and (Q,Q2bar) move in C1 and C2 rest frame
* respectively.
* Of course, although the notation used assumed that C = (Q1 Q2bar)
* where Q1 is a quark and Q2bar an antiquark, indeed everything remain
* unchanged also in all following cases:
* Q1 quark, Q2bar antiquark; --> Q quark;
* Q1 antiquark , Q2bar quark; --> Q antiquark;
* Q1 quark, Q2bar diquark; --> Q quark
* Q1 antiquark, Q2bar anti-diquark; --> Q antiquark
* Q1 diquark, Q2bar quark --> Q antiquark
* Q1 anti-diquark, Q2bar antiquark; --> Q quark
// Calculate the unit three-vector, in the C frame, along which
// all of the constituents and children clusters move.
Lorentz5Momentum u(p0Q1);
u.boost( -pClu.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
// the unit three-vector is then u.vect().unit()
// Calculate the momenta of C1 and C2 in the (parent) C frame first,
// where the direction of C1 is u.vect().unit(), and then boost back in the
// LAB frame.
if (pClu.m() < pClu1.mass() + pClu2.mass() ) {
throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in ClusterFissioner::calculateKinematics() (A)"
<< Exception::eventerror;
Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu, pClu1.mass(), pClu2.mass(),
u.vect().unit(), pClu1, pClu2);
// In the case that cluster1 does not decay immediately into a single hadron,
// calculate the momenta of Q1 (as constituent of C1) and Qbar in the
// (parent) C1 frame first, where the direction of Q1 is u.vect().unit(),
// and then boost back in the LAB frame.
if(!toHadron1) {
if (pClu1.m() < pQ1.mass() + pQbar.mass() ) {
throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in ClusterFissioner::calculateKinematics() (B)"
<< Exception::eventerror;
Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu1, pQ1.mass(), pQbar.mass(),
u.vect().unit(), pQ1, pQbar);
// In the case that cluster2 does not decay immediately into a single hadron,
// Calculate the momenta of Q and Q2bar (as constituent of C2) in the
// (parent) C2 frame first, where the direction of Q is u.vect().unit(),
// and then boost back in the LAB frame.
if(!toHadron2) {
if (pClu2.m() < pQ.mass() + pQ2bar.mass() ) {
throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in ClusterFissioner::calculateKinematics() (C)"
<< Exception::eventerror;
Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu2, pQ.mass(), pQ2bar.mass(),
u.vect().unit(), pQ, pQ2bar);
void ClusterFissioner::calculatePositions(const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu,
const LorentzPoint & positionClu,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2,
LorentzPoint & positionClu1,
LorentzPoint & positionClu2) const
// Determine positions of cluster children.
// See Marc Smith's thesis, page 127, formulas (4.122) and (4.123).
Energy Mclu = pClu.m();
Energy Mclu1 = pClu1.m();
Energy Mclu2 = pClu2.m();
// Calculate the unit three-vector, in the C frame, along which
// children clusters move.
Lorentz5Momentum u(pClu1);
u.boost( -pClu.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C frame
// the unit three-vector is then u.vect().unit()
Energy pstarChild = Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(Mclu,Mclu1,Mclu2);
// First, determine the relative positions of the children clusters
// in the parent cluster reference frame.
double GeV2mm = _globalParameters->conversionFactorGeVtoMillimeter();
Length x1 = GeV2mm * (Mclu*0.25 + 0.5
*(pstarChild + (sqr(Mclu2) - sqr(Mclu1))/(2.0*Mclu)))/GeV;
Length t1 = ((Mclu/GeV) * GeV2mm - x1);
LorentzDistance distanceClu1( x1 * u.vect().unit(), t1 );
Length x2 = GeV2mm * (-Mclu*0.25 + 0.5
*(-pstarChild + (sqr(Mclu2) - sqr(Mclu))/(2.0*Mclu)))/GeV;
Length t2 = ((Mclu/GeV) * GeV2mm + x2);
LorentzDistance distanceClu2(x2 * u.vect().unit(), t2);
// Debugging
if ( HERWIG_DEBUG_LEVEL >= HwDebug::extreme_Hadronization ) {
generator()->log() << "ClusterFissioner::calculatePositions : *** extreme debugging ***" << endl
<< "\t distanceClu1 = " << distanceClu1
<< "\t invariant length = " << distanceClu1.mag() << " [mm] " << endl
<< "\t distanceClu2 = " << distanceClu2
<< "\t invariant length = " << distanceClu2.mag() << " [mm] " << endl;
// Then, transform such relative positions from the parent cluster
// reference frame to the Lab frame.
distanceClu1.boost( pClu.boostVector() );
distanceClu2.boost( pClu.boostVector() );
// Finally, determine the absolute positions in the Lab frame.
positionClu1 = positionClu + distanceClu1;
positionClu2 = positionClu + distanceClu2;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:24 PM (1 d, 42 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(28 KB)

Event Timeline