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diff --git a/Shower/Powheg/Matching/ b/Shower/Powheg/Matching/
--- a/Shower/Powheg/Matching/
+++ b/Shower/Powheg/Matching/
@@ -1,1788 +1,1807 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the PowhegHandler class.
#include "PowhegHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/CFileLineReader.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/MECorrectionBase.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/Histogram.h"
#include "QTildeSudakovIntegrator.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/Tree2toNDiagram.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "Herwig++/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
#include <queue>
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr PowhegHandler::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr PowhegHandler::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void PowhegHandler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _alphaS << _sudopt << _sudname << _jetMeasureMode << _allowedInitial
<< _allowedFinal << _matrixElement << _lepton << _highestMult << _reweightOff << _testSudakovs <<_yini
<< _alphaSMG << _npoint << ounit( _max_qtilde, GeV ) << ounit( _max_pt_cut, GeV )
<< ounit( _min_pt_cut, GeV ) << _clusterOption;
void PowhegHandler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _alphaS >> _sudopt >> _sudname >> _jetMeasureMode >> _allowedInitial
>> _allowedFinal >> _matrixElement >> _lepton >> _highestMult >> _reweightOff >> _testSudakovs >> _yini
>> _alphaSMG >> _npoint >> iunit( _max_qtilde, GeV ) >> iunit( _max_pt_cut, GeV )
>> iunit( _min_pt_cut, GeV ) >> _clusterOption;
ClassDescription<PowhegHandler> PowhegHandler::initPowhegHandler;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void PowhegHandler::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<PowhegHandler> documentation
("The PowhegHandler class manages the implementation of the CKKW approach using"
"the truncated shower.");
static Reference<PowhegHandler,ShowerAlpha> interfaceShowerAlpha
"The object calculating the strong coupling constant",
&PowhegHandler::_alphaS, false, false, true, false, false);
static Switch<PowhegHandler,unsigned int> interfaceSudakovOption
"Option for the initialisation of the Sudakov tables",
&PowhegHandler::_sudopt, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSudakovOptionWrite
"Calculate the Sudakov and write the table to a file",
static SwitchOption interfaceSudakovOptionRead
"Read the Sudakov table from a file",
static SwitchOption interfaceSudakovOptionCompute
"Calculate the Sudakov but don't write the table",
static Parameter<PowhegHandler,string> interfaceSudakovName
"Name for the file containing the Sudakov form factors",
&PowhegHandler::_sudname, "",
false, false);
static Switch<PowhegHandler, unsigned int> ifaceJetMeasureMode
"Choice of the jet measure algorithm",
&PowhegHandler::_jetMeasureMode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption Durham
(ifaceJetMeasureMode,"Durham","Durham jet algorithm", 0);
static SwitchOption ShowerPt
(ifaceJetMeasureMode,"ShowerPt","ShowerPt", 1);
static SwitchOption LUCLUS
(ifaceJetMeasureMode,"LUCLUS","LUCLUS jet algorithm", 2);
static Parameter<PowhegHandler,double> interfaceMergeScale
"The CKKW merging scale, yini",
&PowhegHandler::_yini, 0.001, 0.0, 1.0,
false, false, Interface::limited );
static Parameter<PowhegHandler,double> interfaceAlphaSMG
"The fixed alphas used in MG event generation",
&PowhegHandler::_alphaSMG, 0.118, 0.0, 1.0,
false, false, Interface::limited );
static Switch<PowhegHandler,bool> interfaceLepton
"Whether is a hadron-hadron or lepton-lepton collision",
&PowhegHandler::_lepton, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLeptonLeptonic
"Leptonic collision",
static SwitchOption interfaceLeptonHadronic
"Hadronic collision",
static Switch<PowhegHandler,bool> interfaceHighestMultiplicity
"Whether we are treating the highest mutliplicity treatment",
&PowhegHandler::_highestMult, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceMultHighest
"highest multiplicity",
static SwitchOption interfaceMultNotHighest
"Not the highest multiplicity",
static Switch<PowhegHandler,bool> interfaceReweight
"Whether to switch off the sudakov reweighting",
&PowhegHandler::_reweightOff, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceReweightOff
"No Sudakov reweighting",
static SwitchOption interfaceReweightOn
"Do Sudakov reweighting",
static Switch<PowhegHandler,bool> interfaceTestSudakov
"Whether to output Sudakov test histograms",
&PowhegHandler::_testSudakovs, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceTestSudakovOff
"No Sudakov testing",
static SwitchOption interfaceTestSudakovOn
"Do Sudakov testing",
static Reference<PowhegHandler,MEBase> interfaceMatrixElement
"The matrix element class for the core 2->2 process",
&PowhegHandler::_matrixElement, false, false, true, true, false);
static Parameter<PowhegHandler,unsigned int> interfaceInterpPoints
"The number of points used for sudakov interpolation tables",
&PowhegHandler::_npoint, 10, 0, 1000000,
false, false, Interface::limited );
static Parameter<PowhegHandler, Energy> interfaceMaxQTilde
"The maximum QTilde scale for sudakov interpolation tables",
&PowhegHandler::_max_qtilde, GeV, 91.2*GeV, 1.*GeV, 1000000.*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<PowhegHandler, Energy> interfaceMaxPtCut
"The maximum pt cut for sudakov interpolation tables",
&PowhegHandler::_max_pt_cut, GeV, 45.6*GeV, 1.*GeV, 1000000.*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<PowhegHandler, Energy> interfaceMinPtCut
"The minimum pt cut for sudakov interpolation tables",
&PowhegHandler::_min_pt_cut, GeV, 0.*GeV, 0.*GeV, 1000000.*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<PowhegHandler, unsigned int> ifaceClusterOption
"Choice of the clustering scheme",
&PowhegHandler::_clusterOption, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption angularOrdered
(ifaceClusterOption,"angularOrdered","make all histories and require angular ordering", 0);
static SwitchOption jetClustered
(ifaceClusterOption,"jetClustered", "cluster according to jet algorithm", 1);
double PowhegHandler::reweightCKKW(int minMult, int maxMult) {
// cluster the event
if( _clusterOption == 0 )
_theHardTree = doClusteringOrdered();
_theHardTree = doClustering();
// return if fails
return 0.;
// compute the Sudakov weight
double SudWgt = _lepton ? sudakovWeight( _theHardTree ) : 1.;
//update the sub process
if(_lepton) {
ParticleVector outgoing = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->outgoing();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<outgoing.size();++ix) {
tParticleVector parents=outgoing[ix]->parents();
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<parents.size();++iy)
// add new ones based on the HardTree
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> colourMap;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=_theHardTree->branchings().begin();
it!=_theHardTree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).incoming()) continue;
PPtr newParticle = new_ptr(Particle((**it).branchingParticle()->dataPtr()));
//do colour connections
if((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine()) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr>::iterator loc
= colourMap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine());
if(loc!=colourMap.end()) loc->second->addColoured(newParticle);
else {
ColinePtr newLine=new_ptr(ColourLine());
if((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine()) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr>::iterator loc
= colourMap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine());
if(loc!=colourMap.end()) loc->second->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
else {
ColinePtr newLine=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else {
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it;
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> colourMap;
ParticleVector outgoing;
PPair incoming;
it!=_theHardTree->branchings().end();++it) {
PPtr newParticle = new_ptr(Particle((**it).branchingParticle()->dataPtr()));
if((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine()) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr>::iterator loc
= colourMap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine());
if(loc!=colourMap.end()) loc->second->addColoured(newParticle);
else {
ColinePtr newLine=new_ptr(ColourLine());
if((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine()) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr>::iterator loc
= colourMap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine());
if(loc!=colourMap.end()) loc->second->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
else {
ColinePtr newLine=new_ptr(ColourLine());
if((**it).incoming()) {
incoming.first = newParticle;
incoming.second = newParticle;
SubProPtr newSubProcess=
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<outgoing.size();++ix)
if( ! _reweightOff ){
if ( SudWgt / 5. > 1 ) cerr << SudWgt <<"\n";
return SudWgt / 5.;
return 1.;
void PowhegHandler::dofinish() {
+ if( _clusterOption == 1 ){
+ cout<<"\n---------\n"
+ <<"proportion of unordered trees created = "
+ << ( 1. - double( _ordered_trees_created )
+ / double( _trees_created ) ) * 100.
+ <<" %\n--------\n";
+ }
string fname = generator()->filename() + string("-")
+ string("");
ofstream output(fname.c_str());
using namespace HistogramOptions;
"Sudakov wgts",
"AlphaS wgts",
void PowhegHandler::doinitrun() {
+ _trees_created = 0;
+ _ordered_trees_created = 0;
_s = sqr( generator()->maximumCMEnergy() );
_hSud = new_ptr(Histogram(0.,2.,100));
_halphaS = new_ptr(Histogram(0.,2.,100));
ofstream sudFileOutput;
// integrator for the outer integral
GaussianIntegrator outer;
// get the final-state branchings from the evolver
if(_sudopt!=2) {
it = evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().begin();
it != evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().end(); ++it) {
//skip sudakovs involving tops
if( abs( it->second.second[0] ) == 6 ||
abs( it->second.second[1] ) == 6 ||
abs( it->second.second[2] ) == 6 ) continue;
Ptr<QTildeSudakovIntegrator>::pointer integrator =
new_ptr( QTildeSudakovIntegrator(it->second, _jetMeasureMode, _s ) );
Energy qtildemax = _max_qtilde;
Energy qtildemin = integrator->minimumScale();
//initialise sudakov values on grid ij ( pt_i, qtilde_j )
vector< double > dummy( _npoint, 0. );
vector< vector< double > > sud( _npoint, dummy );
vector< Energy > ptCut;
vector< Energy > scale;
//fill scales at start
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < _npoint; ++ix ){
ptCut.push_back( _min_pt_cut + double( ix ) * ( _max_pt_cut - _min_pt_cut ) / double( _npoint - 1 ) );
scale.push_back( qtildemin + double( ix ) * ( qtildemax - qtildemin ) / double( _npoint - 1 ) );
//fill sud integrals
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < _npoint; ++ix ){
sud[ix][0] = 0.;
for( unsigned int jx = 1; jx < _npoint; ++jx ) {
double currentSud = integrator->value( scale[ jx ], scale[ jx - 1 ], ptCut[ix] );
sud[ix][jx] = ( sud[ix][ jx - 1 ] + currentSud );
//exponentiate to the Sudakov
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < _npoint; ++ix ) {
for( unsigned int jx = 0; jx < _npoint; ++jx ) {
sud[ix][jx] = exp( - sud[ix][jx] );
Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >::Ptr theInterpolator =
new_ptr( Interpolator2d<double,Energy,Energy>( sud, ptCut, scale ) );
_fbranchings.insert( make_pair( it->first, make_pair( theInterpolator, qtildemin ) ) );
//write current sud grid to selected output file
if(_sudopt==1) {
sudFileOutput << it->second.second[0] << "\t"
<< it->second.second[1] << "\t"
<< it->second.second[2] << "\n";
//output the grid size i * j
sudFileOutput << ptCut.size() << "\t" << scale.size() << "\n";
for( unsigned int jx = 0;jx < scale.size(); ++jx ){
//write a row
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < ptCut.size(); ++ix ){
sudFileOutput << sud[ix][jx] << "\t";
sudFileOutput << "\n";
//output pts in a line
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < ptCut.size(); ++ix ){
sudFileOutput << ptCut[ix] / GeV << "\t";
sudFileOutput << "\n";
//output scales in a line
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < scale.size(); ++ix ){
sudFileOutput << scale[ix] / GeV << "\t";
sudFileOutput << "\n";
else {
CFileLineReader file(_sudname);
while(file.readline()) {
string line = file.getline();
istringstream is;
IdList ids(3);
is >> ids[0] >> ids[1] >> ids[2];
unsigned int isize;
unsigned int jsize;
is >> isize >> jsize;
//initialise vectors and matrix to the correct size
vector< double > dummy( jsize, 0. );
vector< vector< double > > sud( isize, dummy );
vector< Energy > pt( isize );
vector< Energy > scale( jsize );
//read in matrix of sud values sud( pt_i, scale_i )
//read a column- different line is different qtilde
for( unsigned int jx = 0; jx < jsize; ++jx ) {
//read a horizontal line diferent entry ids different pt
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < isize; ++ix )
is >> sud[ix][jx];
//read in pt values
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < isize; ++ix ){
double val;
is >> val;
pt[ix] = val * GeV;
for( unsigned int jx = 0; jx < jsize; ++jx ){
double val;
is >> val;
scale[jx] = val * GeV;
//find branching list with matching ids
BranchingList::const_iterator it,
start = evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().lower_bound(ids[0]),
end = evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().upper_bound(ids[0]);
for( it = start; it != end; ++it ) {
if( it->second.second[0] == ids[0] &&
it->second.second[1] == ids[1] &&
it->second.second[2] == ids[2] ) {
// construct the Interpolators
Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >::Ptr theInterpolator =
new_ptr( Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >( sud, pt, scale ) );
Energy qtildemin = scale[0];
_fbranchings.insert( make_pair( it->first, make_pair( theInterpolator, qtildemin ) ) );
if( it == end ) {
cerr << "sud read error: could not find correct branching list\n";
if( _testSudakovs ) testSudakovs();
void PowhegHandler::doinit() throw(InitException) {
// extract the allowed branchings
// final-state
it = evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().begin();
it != evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().end(); ++it) {
pair<long,long> prod(make_pair(it->second.second[1],it->second.second[2]));
// initial-state
it = evolver()->splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings().begin();
it != evolver()->splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings().end(); ++it) {
void PowhegHandler::cascade() {
double PowhegHandler::getJetMeasure(ShowerParticlePtr part_i,
ShowerParticlePtr part_j){
double yij;
double costheta = part_i->momentum().vect().dot( part_j->momentum().vect() )
/ part_i->momentum().vect().mag() / part_j->momentum().vect().mag();
switch( _jetMeasureMode ){
case 0:
if( sqr( part_i->momentum().e() ) > sqr( part_j->momentum().e() ) )
yij = 2. * sqr( part_j->momentum().e() ) * ( 1. - costheta ) / _s ;
yij = 2. * sqr( part_i->momentum().e() ) * ( 1. - costheta ) / _s ;
case 2:
yij = 2. * sqr( part_i->momentum().e() * part_j->momentum().e() /
( part_i->momentum().e() + part_j->momentum().e() ) )/_s
* ( 1. - costheta );
yij = 1.;
return yij;
//given two particles returns value of durham jet algorithm
bool PowhegHandler::splittingAllowed( ShowerParticlePtr part_i,
ShowerParticlePtr part_j,
int qq_pairs ) {
// g 2 q qbar or an incorrect qq type
if ( abs ( part_i->id() ) < 7 && abs ( part_j->id() ) < 7 ) {
if ( abs ( part_i->id() ) != abs ( part_j->id() ) ) return false;
if ( ( part_i->id() < 0 && part_j->id() < 0 ) ||
( part_i->id() > 0 && part_j->id() > 0 ) ) return false;
if ( qq_pairs < 2 ) return false;
return true;
// finds the id of the emitting particle and sudakov for the desired clustering
// also swaps order of children pointers as required (not pointers passed by reference)
SudakovPtr PowhegHandler::getSud( long & emmitter_id,
ShowerParticlePtr & part_i,
ShowerParticlePtr & part_j ) {
// g 2 q qbar or an incorrect qq type
if ( abs ( part_i->id() ) < 7 && abs ( part_j->id() ) < 7 ) {
if ( abs ( part_i->id() ) != abs ( part_j->id() ) ) return SudakovPtr();
if ( ( part_i->id() < 0 && part_j->id() < 0 ) ||
( part_i->id() > 0 && part_j->id() > 0 ) ) return SudakovPtr();
//if the q and qbar are the wrong way round then switch order
if ( part_j->id() > part_i->id() ) swap( part_i, part_j );
emmitter_id = 21;
// q/qbar 2 q/qbar g
else if ( abs ( part_i->id() ) < 7 || abs ( part_j->id() ) < 7 ) {
if( abs ( part_i->id() ) < 7 ){
emmitter_id = part_i->id();
else {
emmitter_id = part_j->id();
// g 2 g g
else {
emmitter_id = 21;
BranchingList branchings =
//cycle through list of all branchings with the correct abs ( emmitter_id )
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = branchings.lower_bound( abs(emmitter_id) );
cit != branchings.upper_bound( abs(emmitter_id) ); ++cit ) {
IdList ids = cit->second.second;
if( abs( ids[0] ) == abs( emmitter_id ) ) {
if( abs(ids[1]) == abs(part_i->id()) &&
abs(ids[2]) == abs(part_j->id()) ) {
return cit->second.first;
if( abs( ids[1] ) == abs( part_j->id() ) &&
abs( ids[2] ) == abs( part_i->id() ) ) {
swap( part_i, part_j );
return cit->second.first;
return SudakovPtr();
//have the & in here so that can remove pointer - is this right??
bool PowhegHandler::fillProtoTrees( map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr > theParticles,
ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree ){
if( theParticles.size() < 3 ) return true;
//find number of qqpairs - count quarks - used
int no_qqbar = 0;
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator itc = theParticles.begin();
itc != theParticles.end(); itc++ )
if( itc->first->id() > 0 && itc->first->id() < 7 ) no_qqbar ++;
HardBranchingPtr currentBranching;
ProtoTreePtr newProtoTree;
map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr > newParticles;
for( map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr >::iterator ita = theParticles.begin();
ita != theParticles.end(); ita++ ) {
for( map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr >::iterator itb = theParticles.begin();
itb != ita; itb++) {
if( ! splittingAllowed( ita->first, itb->first, no_qqbar ) ) continue;
currentBranching = getCluster( make_pair( ita->first, itb->first ),
theParticles );
set< HardBranchingPtr > newTreeBranchings = currentProtoTree->getBranchings();
newProtoTree = new_ptr( ProtoTree( newTreeBranchings ) );
//now remove the hard branchings of clustered particles from newTree
//currentProtoTree should contain which ever hardbranchings are in theParticles
if( ! newProtoTree->removeBranching( ita->second ) )
cerr<<"fill proto tree problem!!! can't find clustered in newProtoTree 1 \n"
<< "couldn't find: " << ita->second <<"\n";
if( ! newProtoTree->removeBranching( itb->second ) )
cerr<<"fill proto tree problem!!! can't find clustered in newProtoTree 1 \n"
<< "couldn't find: " << itb->second <<"\n";
newProtoTree->addBranching( currentBranching );
newParticles = theParticles;
if( newParticles.find( ita->first ) != newParticles.end() )
newParticles.erase( ita->first );
cerr<<"fill newParticles problem!!! can't find clustered in newParticles \n";
if( newParticles.find( itb->first ) != newParticles.end() )
newParticles.erase( itb->first );
cerr<<"fill newParticles problem!!! can't find clustered in newParticles \n";
newParticles.insert( make_pair( currentBranching->branchingParticle(),
currentBranching ) );
if( ! repeatProtoTree( newProtoTree ) ) _proto_trees.insert( newProtoTree );
//remove the current tree if it hasn't already been removed
if( _proto_trees.find( currentProtoTree ) != _proto_trees.end() )
_proto_trees.erase( currentProtoTree );
//do recursion
fillProtoTrees( newParticles, newProtoTree );
return true;
HardBranchingPtr PowhegHandler::getCluster( pair< ShowerParticlePtr, ShowerParticlePtr > clusterPair,
map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr > theParticles ){
for( map< HardBranchingPtr , pair< ShowerParticlePtr, ShowerParticlePtr > >::const_iterator
cit = _all_clusters.begin(); cit != _all_clusters.end(); ++cit ){
if( ( cit->second.first == clusterPair.first && cit->second.second == clusterPair.second ) ||
( cit->second.first == clusterPair.second && cit->second.second == clusterPair.first ) ){
return cit->first;
//branching not found create -- with sudakov and everything
long thePartId;
tcPDPtr particle_data;
SudakovPtr theSudakov = getSud( thePartId, clusterPair.first, clusterPair.second );
if( !theSudakov ){
cerr << "can't find the sudakov in: \n"
<< *clusterPair.first<<"\n"
<< *clusterPair.second<<"\n";
Lorentz5Momentum pairMomentum = clusterPair.first->momentum() +
pairMomentum.setMass( 0. * MeV );
particle_data = getParticleData( thePartId );
//creates emitter particle
ShowerParticlePtr clustered = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( particle_data, true ) );
clustered->set5Momentum( pairMomentum );
HardBranchingPtr clusteredBranch( new_ptr( HardBranching( clustered, theSudakov,
HardBranchingPtr(), false ) ) );
_all_clusters.insert( make_pair( clusteredBranch, clusterPair ) );
//join children
clusteredBranch->addChild( theParticles.find( clusterPair.first )->second );
clusteredBranch->addChild( theParticles.find( clusterPair.second )->second );
return clusteredBranch;
bool PowhegHandler::repeatProtoTree( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree ){
//loop over all prototrees and see how many hardbranchings of curentProtoTree are found in each
for( set< ProtoTreePtr >::const_iterator cit = _proto_trees.begin();
cit != _proto_trees.end(); ++cit ){
unsigned int no_matches = 0;
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::const_iterator ckt
= currentProtoTree->getBranchings().begin(); ckt != currentProtoTree->getBranchings().end(); ckt++ ){
if( (*cit)->getBranchings().find( *ckt ) != (*cit)->getBranchings().end() )
if( no_matches == currentProtoTree->getBranchings().size() ) return true;
return false;
bool PowhegHandler::simpleColConnections( ProtoTreePtr theProtoTree ){
set< HardBranchingPtr > currentProtoTree = theProtoTree->getBranchings();
if( currentProtoTree.size() != 2 ) {
cerr<<"\n\nwrong size of proto tree: "
<< currentProtoTree.size() <<"\n\n\n";
return false;
//colourline to join up q and qbar
ColinePtr newline = new_ptr( ColourLine() );
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::iterator it = currentProtoTree.begin();
it != currentProtoTree.end(); ++it ){
if( (*it)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->iColour()
== PDT::Colour3 )
newline->addColoured( (*it)->branchingParticle() );
else if( (*it)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->iColour()
== PDT::Colour3bar )
newline->addAntiColoured( (*it)->branchingParticle() );
else cerr<< "\n\n\nClustered back to gluon\n\n";
return true;
bool PowhegHandler::simpleColConnections( HardTreePtr theHardTree ){
set< HardBranchingPtr > particles = theHardTree->branchings();
//colourline to join up q and qbar
ColinePtr newline = new_ptr( ColourLine() );
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::iterator it = particles.begin();
it != particles.end(); ++it ){
if( (*it)->incoming() ) continue;
if( (*it)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->iColour()
== PDT::Colour3 )
newline->addColoured( (*it)->branchingParticle() );
else if( (*it)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->iColour()
== PDT::Colour3bar )
newline->addAntiColoured( (*it)->branchingParticle() );
else cerr<< "\n\n\nClustered back to gluon\n\n";
return true;
HardTreePtr PowhegHandler::doClusteringOrdered() {
if(!_lepton) {
return generalClustering();
ParticleVector theParts = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->outgoing();
//initialise global variables
//make an intermediate and add to subprocess if not read in
if(lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->intermediates().empty()) {
return HardTreePtr();
PPair theIncomings = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->incoming();
//set intermediate to Z
long intermediate_id = 23;
PPtr theIntermediate = new_ptr( Particle( getParticleData( intermediate_id ) ) );
theIntermediate->set5Momentum( theIncomings.first->momentum() +
theIncomings.second->momentum() );
//add the intermediate - parent/child relations should be updated
lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->addIntermediate( theIntermediate );
cerr<<"added intermediate\n"
<< *theIntermediate<<"\n";
PPtr vb = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->intermediates()[0];
map <ShowerParticlePtr,HardBranchingPtr> theParticles;
tcPDPtr particle_data;
ShowerParticlePtr vBoson = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( *vb, 1, false, false ) );
//loops through the FS particles and create hardBranchings
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < theParts.size(); i++){
ShowerParticlePtr currentParticle =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( *theParts[i], 1, true, false ) );
HardBranchingPtr currentBranching = new_ptr( HardBranching( currentParticle, SudakovPtr(),
HardBranchingPtr(),false ) );
theParticles.insert( make_pair( currentParticle, currentBranching ) );
//create and initialise the first tree
ProtoTreePtr initialProtoTree = new_ptr( ProtoTree() );
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator ita = theParticles.begin();
ita != theParticles.end(); ita++ ){
initialProtoTree->addBranching( ita->second );
_proto_trees.insert( initialProtoTree );
fillProtoTrees( theParticles, initialProtoTree );
double totalWeight = 0.;
//create a hardtree from each proto tree and fill _hardTrees with angular ordered configs
for( set< ProtoTreePtr >::const_iterator cit = _proto_trees.begin();
cit != _proto_trees.end(); ++cit ){
simpleColConnections( *cit );
//vector boson branching
vector<HardBranchingPtr> spaceBranchings;
//all branchings
vector<HardBranchingPtr> theBranchings;
//fill theBranchings
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::const_iterator cjt = (*cit)->getBranchings().begin();
cjt != (*cit)->getBranchings().end(); ++cjt )
theBranchings.push_back( *cjt );
spaceBranchings.push_back( new_ptr( HardBranching( vBoson, SudakovPtr(),
true ) ) );
theBranchings.push_back( spaceBranchings.back() );
HardTreePtr powhegtree = new_ptr( HardTree( theBranchings,
spaceBranchings ) );
// Calculate the shower variables
// if momentum deconstruction fails then continue and ignore
if( ! evolver()->showerModel()->kinematicsReconstructor()
->deconstructDecayJets( powhegtree, evolver() ) ) continue;
//only insert angular ordered hardTrees
if( powhegtree->checkHardOrdering() ) {
//find the wgt and fill _hardTrees map
double treeWeight = sudakovWeight( powhegtree );
treeWeight *= splittingFnWeight( powhegtree );
_hardTrees.push_back( make_pair( powhegtree, treeWeight ) );
totalWeight += treeWeight;
if( _hardTrees.empty() )
return HardTreePtr();
//now just choose a hardTree from
long treeIndex;
treeIndex = UseRandom::irnd( _hardTrees.size() );
} while ( _hardTrees[ treeIndex ].second / totalWeight < UseRandom::rnd() );
//re-do momentum deconstruction (gets overridden by other trees otherwise)
simpleColConnections( _hardTrees[ treeIndex ].first );
if( ! evolver()->showerModel()->kinematicsReconstructor()
->deconstructDecayJets( _hardTrees[ treeIndex ].first, evolver() ) )
cerr<<"\n\nproblem doing momentum decon in selected tree \n\n";
// return HardTreePtr();
return _hardTrees[ treeIndex ].first;
void PowhegHandler::fixColours(tPPtr parent, tPPtr child1, tPPtr child2) {
// the different possible cases
child2->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr temp = child2->antiColourLine();
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3&&
child1->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr temp = child1->antiColourLine();
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar&&
child2->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr temp = child1->antiColourLine();
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar&&
child1->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr temp = child2->antiColourLine();
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8&&
child2->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
if(UseRandom::rndbool(0.5)) {
ColinePtr temp = child1->antiColourLine();
else {
ColinePtr temp = child2->antiColourLine();
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8&&
child2->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
else if(parent->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8&&
child2->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
else {
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour in PowhegHandler::fixColours()"
<< Exception::runerror;
HardTreePtr PowhegHandler::generalClustering() {
throw Exception() << "PowhegHandler::generalClustering()"
<< " must have a MatrixElement object for the core "
<< "2->2 process" << Exception::runerror;
PPair incoming = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->incoming();
ParticleVector outgoing = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->outgoing();
_s = lastXCombPtr()->lastS();
// queue with the prototype trees
std::queue<PrototypeTree> potentialTrees;
// the base tree we'll make the others from
PrototypeTree root;
ShowerParticlePtr newParticle =
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(incoming.second->dataPtr(),false));
for(set<PrototypeBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=root.incoming.begin();
it!=root.incoming.end();++it) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<outgoing.size();++ix) {
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(outgoing[ix]->dataPtr(),true));
// store the final potential trees
list<PrototypeTree> trees;
while (!potentialTrees.empty()) {
PrototypeTree current = potentialTrees.front();
bool found(false);
// potential final-final mergings
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr>::iterator it,jt;
for(it=current.outgoing.begin();it!=current.outgoing.end();++it) {
jt = it;
for( ; jt!=current.outgoing.end();++jt) {
branch = make_pair(*it,*jt);
BranchingElement allowed = allowedFinalStateBranching(branch);
if(!allowed.first) continue;
// copy the tree
PrototypeTree newTree = current;
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> pmap = newTree.reset();
branch.first = pmap[branch.first ];
branch.second = pmap[branch.second];
// make the new branching
// new particle first
tcPDPtr newData = getParticleData(allowed.second[0]);
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum(branch.first ->particle->momentum()+
(branch.first ->particle->id()==allowed.second[1]&&
branch.second->particle->id()==allowed.second[2])) {
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(newData,true));
else {
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(newData->CC(),true));
// then the branching
PrototypeBranchingPtr newBranching(new_ptr(PrototypeBranching(newParticle)));
branch.first ->parent =newBranching;
branch.second->parent =newBranching;
newBranching->children.push_back(branch.first );
newBranching->sudakov = allowed.first;
newTree.outgoing.erase(branch.first );
// jet measure
newTree.scales.push_back(hadronJetMeasure(branch.first ->particle->momentum(),
// insert in the relevant list
if(newTree.outgoing.size()==2) trees.push_back(newTree);
else potentialTrees.push(newTree);
found = true;
// initial-final mergings
for(it=current.outgoing.begin();it!=current.outgoing.end();++it) {
jt!=current.currentSpaceLike.end();++jt) {
branch = make_pair(*jt,*it);
BranchingElement allowed = allowedInitialStateBranching(branch);
if(!allowed.first) continue;
// copy the tree
PrototypeTree newTree = current;
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> pmap = newTree.reset();
branch.first = pmap[branch.first ];
branch.second = pmap[branch.second];
// make the new branching
// new particle first
tcPDPtr newData = getParticleData(allowed.second[1]);
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum(branch.first ->particle->momentum()-
(branch.first ->particle->id()==allowed.second[0]&&
branch.second->particle->id()==allowed.second[2])) {
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(newData,false));
else {
newParticle = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(newData->CC(),false));
// then the branching
PrototypeBranchingPtr newBranching(new_ptr(PrototypeBranching(newParticle)));
newBranching->parent = branch.first;
branch.second->parent = branch.first;
newBranching->parent->sudakov = allowed.first;
newTree.currentSpaceLike.erase(branch.first );
newTree.outgoing .erase(branch.second);
// jet measure
if(branch.first ->particle->momentum().z()/
branch.second->particle->momentum().z()>0.) newTree.scales.back()-=0.001*MeV2;
// insert in the relevant list
if(newTree.outgoing.size()==2) trees.push_back(newTree);
else potentialTrees.push(newTree);
found = true;
// treated one branching so pop from the queue
if(!found) trees.push_back(current);
// check the core process is allowed using the matrix element
// and remove ones which aren't allowed
list<PrototypeTree>::iterator it=trees.begin(),jt;
while(it!=trees.end()) {
DiagPtr diagram = getDiagram(*it);
if(!diagram) it = trees.erase(it);
else {
it->diagram = diagram;
// finally for the moment select the one with the smallest pt for the first branching
// now find the one with the minimum pt
HardTreePtr newTree;
while(!trees.empty()) {
Energy2 minkT =1e30*GeV2;
for(it=trees.begin();it!=trees.end();++it) {
if(it->scales.back()<minkT) {
minkT = it->scales.back();
// construct the hard tree
newTree = (*jt).convert();
// assign the beam particles
// construct the colour flow
// Calculate the shower variables
if(checkTree(newTree)) break;
// if no tree return an empty one
if(trees.empty()) return HardTreePtr();
// return the tree
return newTree;
BranchingElement PowhegHandler::
allowedFinalStateBranching(pair<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> & br) {
// check with normal ID's
pair<long,long> ptest = make_pair(br.first->particle->id(),br.second->particle->id());
map<pair<long,long>,pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> >::const_iterator
split = _allowedFinal.find(ptest);
if(split!=_allowedFinal.end()) {
if(split->second.second[1]!=ptest.first) swap(br.first,br.second);
return split->second;
// check with CC
if(br.first ->particle->dataPtr()->CC()) ptest.first *= -1;
if(br.second->particle->dataPtr()->CC()) ptest.second *= -1;
if(split!=_allowedFinal.end()) {
if(split->second.second[1]!=ptest.first) swap(br.first,br.second);
return split->second;
// not found found null pointer
return make_pair(SudakovPtr(),IdList());
BranchingElement PowhegHandler::
allowedInitialStateBranching(pair<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> & br) {
// veto top
if(abs(br.first ->particle->id())==ParticleID::t||
return make_pair(SudakovPtr(),IdList());
bool cc = br.first->particle->id()<0;
pair<multimap<long, pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> >::const_iterator,
multimap<long, pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> >::const_iterator>
location = _allowedInitial.equal_range(abs(br.first->particle->id()));
for(multimap<long, pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> >::const_iterator it=location.first;
it!=location.second;++it) {
long idtest = it->second.second[2];
if(cc&&getParticleData(idtest)->CC()) idtest *= -1;
if(idtest==br.second->particle->id()) return it->second;
!br.first->particle->dataPtr()->CC()) return it->second;
// not found found null pointer
return make_pair(SudakovPtr(),IdList());
DiagPtr PowhegHandler::getDiagram(const PrototypeTree & tree) {
// extract the incoming particles
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree.currentSpaceLike.begin();
tcPDPair incoming;
incoming.first = (**it).particle->dataPtr();
incoming.second = (**it).particle->dataPtr();
// and the outgoing particles
multiset<tcPDPtr> outgoing;
// see if the process is allowed
for(MEBase::DiagramVector::const_iterator dt = _matrixElement->diagrams().begin();
dt!=_matrixElement->diagrams().end();++dt) {
const cPDVector partons=(**dt).partons();
// check incoming particles
(incoming.first==partons[1]&&incoming.second==partons[0]))) continue;
// check the number of outgoing
if(partons.size()!=tree.outgoing.size()+2) return DiagPtr();
// check the outgoing
multiset<tcPDPtr> otemp(outgoing);
multiset<tcPDPtr>::iterator it;
for(unsigned int ix=2;ix<partons.size();++ix) {
if(it!=otemp.end()) otemp.erase(it);
if(!otemp.empty()) continue;
return *dt;
return DiagPtr();
Energy2 PowhegHandler::hadronJetMeasure(const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,
const Lorentz5Momentum & p2,
bool final) {
Energy2 output;
if(final) {
double deltay = p1.rapidity()-p2.rapidity();
double deltaphi = p1.phi()-p2.phi();
if(deltaphi<-Constants::pi) deltaphi += Constants::twopi;
if(deltaphi> Constants::pi) deltaphi -= Constants::twopi;
double deltaR = sqr(deltay)+sqr(deltaphi);
output = min(p1.perp2(),p2.perp2())*deltaR;
else {
output = p1.perp2();
return output;
HardBranchingPtr PrototypeBranching::convert() {
if(!particle) {
cerr << "testing don't have particle for the branching shit" << "\n";
// create the new particle
HardBranchingPtr hard=new_ptr(HardBranching(particle,sudakov,
// and the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix) {
return hard;
HardTreePtr PrototypeTree::convert() {
vector<HardBranchingPtr> branchings,spacelike;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it,jt;
// incoming lines and spacelike inot the hard process
for(it=incoming.begin();it!=incoming.end();++it) {
HardBranchingPtr br(spacelike.back());
while (!br->children().empty()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<br->children().size();++ix) {
if(br->children()[ix]->incoming()) {
br = br->children()[ix];
// outgoing particles
for(it=outgoing.begin();it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
HardTreePtr newTree = new_ptr(HardTree(branchings,spacelike));
return newTree;
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> PrototypeTree::reset() {
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> output;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> newOutgoing;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> newIncoming;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> newSpaceLike;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr>::iterator it,jt;
for(it=incoming.begin();it!=incoming.end();++it) {
PrototypeBranchingPtr newBr = (**it).reset(PrototypeBranchingPtr(),output);
PrototypeBranchingPtr br=newBr;
while(!br->children.empty()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<br->children.size();++ix) {
if(!br->children[ix]->particle->isFinalState()) {
br = br->children[ix];
for(it=outgoing.begin();it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
outgoing = newOutgoing;
incoming = newIncoming;
currentSpaceLike = newSpaceLike;
return output;
PrototypeBranchingPtr PrototypeBranching::
reset(PrototypeBranchingPtr newParent,
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> & pmap) {
PrototypeBranchingPtr output(new_ptr(PrototypeBranching(particle)));
pmap[this] = output;
output->sudakov = sudakov;
output->parent = newParent;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix) {
return output;
void PowhegHandler::createColourFlow(HardTreePtr tree,
DiagPtr diagram) {
// first construct a set of on-shell momenta for the hard collison
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> meMomenta;
vector<tcPDPtr> mePartonData;
PVector particles;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it;
for(it=tree->branchings().begin();it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).incoming()) {
for(it=tree->branchings().begin();it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if(!(**it).incoming()) {
// cerr << "testing number of partons\n";
// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<meMomenta.size();++ix) {
// cerr << *particles[ix] << "\n";
// }
// boost the momenta to the CMF frame
// compte boost to reset frame
Lorentz5Momentum prest(meMomenta[0]+meMomenta[1]);
LorentzRotation R(-prest.boostVector());
// and then to put beams along the axis
Lorentz5Momentum ptest = R*meMomenta[0];
Axis axis(ptest.vect().unit());
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
const cPDVector partons=diagram->partons();
// order of the incoming partons
if(mePartonData[0]!=partons[0]) {
// order of the outgoing partons
for(unsigned int ix=2;ix<partons.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix;iy<meMomenta.size();++iy) {
if(partons[ix]==mePartonData[iy]) {
if(ix!=iy) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<meMomenta.size();++ix)
PPair in(mePartonData[0]->produceParticle(meMomenta[0]),
PVector out;
for(unsigned int ix=2;ix<meMomenta.size();++ix) {
const ColourLines & cl = _matrixElement->selectColourGeometry(diagram);
PVector slike;
tPVector ret;
Ptr<Tree2toNDiagram>::pointer diagram2 =
for ( int i = 1; i < diagram2->nSpace() - 1; ++i )
ret = tPVector(slike.begin(), slike.end());
int io = particles.size();
PVector tlike(diagram2->allPartons().size() - diagram2->nSpace());
for ( int i = diagram2->allPartons().size() - 1; i >= diagram2->nSpace(); --i ) {
int it = i - diagram2->nSpace();
pair<int,int> ch = diagram2->children(i);
bool iso = ch.first < 0;
if ( iso ) {
tlike[it] = particles[--io];
else {
Lorentz5Momentum p = tlike[ch.first - diagram2->nSpace()]->momentum() +
tlike[ch.second - diagram2->nSpace()]->momentum();
tlike[it] = diagram2->allPartons()[i]->produceParticle(p);
ret.insert(ret.end(), tlike.begin(), tlike.end());
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ret.size();++ix) {
PVector::iterator it = find(particles.begin(),particles.end(),ret[ix]);
if(it==particles.end()) {
ColinePtr line = ret[ix]->colourLine();
if(line) line->removeColoured(ret[ix]);
line = ret[ix]->antiColourLine();
if(line) line->removeAntiColoured(ret[ix]);
// now the colours of the rest of the particles
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) (**it).fixColours();
double PowhegHandler::Sud( Energy scale, long id, Energy pt_cut ){
//upper limit on scale
double sudwgt = 1.;
//scale cut set to just below max_qtilde to avoid seg fault on boundary
Energy scale_cut = sqrt( _s );
multimap< long, pair< Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >::Ptr, Energy > >::const_iterator cjt;
for( cjt = _fbranchings.lower_bound( abs( id ) );
cjt != _fbranchings.upper_bound( abs( id ) );
++cjt ) {
//check to see if we are within qtilde limits before calling interpolator
if( scale < scale_cut && scale > cjt->second.second )
sudwgt *= (* cjt->second.first )( pt_cut, scale );
else if ( scale < cjt->second.second )
sudwgt *= (* cjt->second.first )( pt_cut, cjt->second.second);
sudwgt *= (* cjt->second.first )( pt_cut, scale_cut);
//check for errors in sud value
if( sudwgt == 0 ){ cerr<<"zero sud at scale = "<< scale / GeV
<<", id = "<< id
<<", pt_cut = " << pt_cut / GeV
<<", scale_cut = " << scale_cut / GeV
if( sudwgt > 1.2 ){ cerr<<"large sud = "<< sudwgt<<" at scale = "<< scale / GeV
<<", id = "<< id
<<", pt_cut = " << pt_cut / GeV
<<", scale_cut = " << scale_cut / GeV
if( isnan( sudwgt ) ){ cerr<<"nan sud at scale = "<< scale / GeV
<<", id = "<< id
<< ", pt_cut = " << pt_cut / GeV <<"\n";
if( isinf( sudwgt ) ){ cerr<<"inf sud at scale = "<< scale / GeV
<<", id = "<< id
<< ", pt_cut = " << pt_cut / GeV <<"\n";
return sudwgt;
double PowhegHandler::splittingFnWeight( HardTreePtr theTree ){
double splitFnWgt = 1.;
for( map< HardBranchingPtr, Energy>::const_iterator cit = theTree->getNodes().begin();
cit != theTree->getNodes().end(); ++cit ) {
vector< long > ids;
ids.push_back( cit->first->branchingParticle()->id() );
if( ! cit->first->children().empty() ) {
ids.push_back( cit->first->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id() );
ids.push_back( cit->first->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id() );
else cerr<< "splittingFnWeight(): node with no children found\n";
double z = cit->first->children()[0]->z();
Energy2 t = z * ( 1. - z ) * sqr( cit->second );
// cerr<<"z = "<< z<< ", qt = "<< cit->second / GeV <<"\n";
splitFnWgt *= cit->first->sudakov()->splittingFn()->P( z, t, ids, true );
return splitFnWgt;
double PowhegHandler::sudakovWeight( HardTreePtr theTree ) {
double SudWgt = 1.;
Energy kt_cut;
if( ! _highestMult ) kt_cut = sqrt( _yini * _s );
else {
kt_cut = theTree->lowestPt( _jetMeasureMode );
if( kt_cut > _max_pt_cut )
kt_cut = _max_pt_cut;
//external line weight
for( map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr >::const_iterator cit =
cit != theTree->getExternals().end(); ++cit ) {
Energy scale= sqrt( _s );
if( cit->second ){
if( cit->first == cit->second->children()[0]->branchingParticle() )
scale = cit->second->scale() * cit->second->children()[0]->z();
else if( cit->first == cit->second->children()[1]->branchingParticle() )
scale = cit->second->scale() * cit->second->children()[1]->z();
else cerr<<"could not find child in external HardBranching \n";
scale = cit->first->evolutionScale();
SudWgt *= Sud( scale, cit->first->id(), kt_cut );
if(SudWgt > 1.1) cerr<<"\n\n\nsudakov from externals > 1!!\n\n\n";
//intermediate line wgts
for( map< long, pair< Energy, Energy > >::const_iterator cit
= theTree->getInternals().begin();
cit != theTree->getInternals().end(); ++cit ) {
Energy scale = cit->second.first;
double internal_wgt = Sud( scale, cit->first, kt_cut );
scale = cit->second.second;
internal_wgt /= Sud( scale, cit->first, kt_cut );
if(internal_wgt > 1.1 || internal_wgt < 0.)cerr<<"\n\nbig internal weight of "<< internal_wgt
<<"\nnum scale = "
<<cit->second.first / GeV
<<"\nden scale = "
<<cit->second.second /GeV
SudWgt *= internal_wgt;
if(SudWgt > 1.1 ) cerr<<"sud wgt is "<<SudWgt<<"\n";
double alphaWgt = 1.;
//alphaS weight
for( map< HardBranchingPtr, Energy >::const_iterator cit = theTree->getNodes().begin();
cit != theTree->getNodes().end(); ++cit ) {
if( ! cit->first->children().empty() )
alphaWgt *= _alphaS->value( sqr( cit->first->children()[0]->pT() ) ) / _alphaSMG;
else cerr << "sudakovWeight(): node with no children \n";
if( SudWgt > 1.1 ) {
cerr<<"\n\nweight exceeded 1 in PowhegHandler::reweight() !!! \n";
cerr<<" alpha wgt = "<< alphaWgt
<<"\n sudWgt = "<< SudWgt<<"\n\n";
return SudWgt*alphaWgt;
void PowhegHandler::setBeams(HardTreePtr tree) {
PPair beams=lastXCombPtr()->lastParticles();
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it = tree->incoming().begin();
HardBranchingPtr br=*it;
while (!br->children().empty()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<br->children().size();++ix) {
if(br->children()[ix]->incoming()) {
br = br->children()[ix];
while (!br->children().empty()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<br->children().size();++ix) {
if(br->children()[ix]->incoming()) {
br = br->children()[ix];
bool PowhegHandler::checkTree(HardTreePtr tree) {
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it;
bool reject = false;
for(it=tree->incoming().begin();it!=tree->incoming().end();++it) {
reject |=checkBranching(*it);
for(it=tree->branchings().begin();it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).incoming()) continue;
reject |=checkBranching(*it);
return !reject;
bool PowhegHandler::checkBranching(HardBranchingPtr br) {
static const double eps(1e-5);
bool reject(false);
for(vector<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=br->children().begin();
it!=br->children().end();++it) {
reject |=checkBranching(*it);
reject |= br->z()<-eps || br->z()>1.+eps;
return reject;
void PowhegHandler::testSudakovs(){
ofstream sudTestOut;
Energy deltaQt = 0.5 * GeV;
//vector of pts to evaluate at and the colours they should be on plot
vector< pair<Energy, string> > thePts;
thePts.push_back( make_pair( 0.*GeV, string("BLACK" ) ) );
thePts.push_back( make_pair( 2.*GeV, string("RED" ) ) );
thePts.push_back( make_pair( 5.*GeV, string("BLUE" ) ) );
thePts.push_back( make_pair( 10*GeV, string("GREEN" ) ) ); "" );
multimap< long, pair< Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >::Ptr, Energy > >::const_iterator cjt;
for( cjt = _fbranchings.begin();
cjt != _fbranchings.end();
++cjt ) {
//loop over pts
sudTestOut <<"NEW FRAME \nSET WINDOW X 1.6 8 Y 3.5 9\nSET FONT DUPLEX\n"
<<"TITLE TOP \"Sud Test "<< cjt->first
<<": BLACK-pt=0GeV, RED-pt=2GeV, BLUE-pt=5GeV, GREEN-pt=10GeV\" \n"
<<"CASE \"\" \nTITLE LEFT \"Sud(qtilde)\" \nCASE \" \" \n"
<<"SET ORDER X Y DX \nTITLE BOTTOM \"qtilde / GeV \" \n";
for( vector< pair< Energy, string > >::const_iterator cit = thePts.begin();
cit != thePts.end(); ++cit ){
Energy qtilde = cjt->second.second;
while( qtilde < _max_qtilde ){
double sud_val = (*cjt->second.first)( cit->first, qtilde );
sudTestOut << qtilde / GeV <<"\t"<< sud_val <<"\t"<< deltaQt / 2. / GeV<<"\n";
qtilde += deltaQt;
sudTestOut <<"HIST "<< cit->second <<"\n";
HardTreePtr PowhegHandler::doClustering() {
if(!_lepton) {
return generalClustering();
ParticleVector theParts = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->outgoing();
//make an intermediate and add to subprocess if not read in
if(lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->intermediates().empty()) {
return HardTreePtr();
PPair theIncomings = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->incoming();
//set intermediate to Z
long intermediate_id = 23;
PPtr theIntermediate = new_ptr( Particle( getParticleData( intermediate_id ) ) );
theIntermediate->set5Momentum( theIncomings.first->momentum() +
theIncomings.second->momentum() );
//add the intermediate - parent/child relations should be updated
lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->addIntermediate( theIntermediate );
cerr<<"added intermediate\n"
<< *theIntermediate<<"\n";
PPtr vb = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->intermediates()[0];
map <ShowerParticlePtr,HardBranchingPtr> theParticles;
tcPDPtr particle_data;
ShowerParticlePtr vBoson = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( *vb, 1, false, false ) );
//loops through the FS particles and create naon branchings
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < theParts.size(); i++){
ShowerParticlePtr currentParticle =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( *theParts[i], 1, true, false ) );
new_ptr( HardBranching( currentParticle, SudakovPtr(),
HardBranchingPtr(),false ) ) ) );
currentParticle->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr newline = new_ptr(ColourLine());
currentParticle->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
ColinePtr newline = new_ptr(ColourLine());
// loops clustering until we get down to qqbar
while( theParticles.size() > 2 ){
//get number of qqbar pairs
int qq_pairs = 0;
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator ita = theParticles.begin();
ita != theParticles.end() ; ita++ ) {
if( ita->first->id() > 0 && ita->first->id() < 7 ) qq_pairs++;
double yij_min = 1.;
pair< ShowerParticlePtr, ShowerParticlePtr > clusterPair;
//loops over all pairs of particles in theParticles
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator ita = theParticles.begin();
ita != theParticles.end() ; ita++ ) {
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator itb = theParticles.begin();
itb != ita; itb++) {
double yij = getJetMeasure( ita->first, itb->first );
if( yij < yij_min && splittingAllowed( ita->first, itb->first, qq_pairs ) ) {
clusterPair.first = ita->first;
clusterPair.second = itb->first;
yij_min = yij;
long thePartId;
SudakovPtr theSudakov = getSud( thePartId,
clusterPair.first, clusterPair.second );
if( !theSudakov ){
cerr << "can't find the sudakov in: \n";
cerr << *clusterPair.first<<"\n"
<< *clusterPair.second<<"\n";
Lorentz5Momentum pairMomentum = clusterPair.first->momentum() +
particle_data = getParticleData( thePartId );
//creates emitter particle
ShowerParticlePtr clustered = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( particle_data, true ) );
clustered->set5Momentum( pairMomentum );
HardBranchingPtr clusteredBranch( new_ptr( HardBranching( clustered, theSudakov,
HardBranchingPtr(), false ) ) );
fixColours( clustered, clusterPair.first, clusterPair.second );
theParticles.insert( make_pair( clustered, clusteredBranch ) );
//add children
clusteredBranch->addChild(theParticles.find(clusterPair.first )->second);
theParticles.erase( clusterPair.first );
theParticles.erase( clusterPair.second );
vector<HardBranchingPtr> theBranchings;
for( map<ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it =
it != theParticles.end(); ++it )
theBranchings.push_back( it->second );
// fix for e+e- to match up the colours of the q qbar pair
if(theBranchings[0]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
ColinePtr temp = theBranchings[1]->branchingParticle()->antiColourLine();
else {
ColinePtr temp = theBranchings[0]->branchingParticle()->antiColourLine();
vector<HardBranchingPtr> spaceBranchings;
spaceBranchings.push_back( new_ptr( HardBranching( vBoson, SudakovPtr(),
true ) ) );
theBranchings.push_back( spaceBranchings.back() );
HardTreePtr powhegtree = new_ptr( HardTree( theBranchings,
spaceBranchings ) );
// Calculate the shower variables
deconstructDecayJets( powhegtree, evolver() );
+ //keep track of proportion of trees that are ordered
+ _trees_created++;
+ if( powhegtree->checkHardOrdering() )
+ _ordered_trees_created++;
+ powhegtree->findNodes();
return powhegtree;
diff --git a/Shower/Powheg/Matching/PowhegHandler.h b/Shower/Powheg/Matching/PowhegHandler.h
--- a/Shower/Powheg/Matching/PowhegHandler.h
+++ b/Shower/Powheg/Matching/PowhegHandler.h
@@ -1,483 +1,495 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_PowhegHandler_H
#define HERWIG_PowhegHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the PowhegHandler class.
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/Histogram.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/Evolver.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/Interpolator.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/Interpolator2d.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/GaussianIntegrator.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/HardTree.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/DiagramBase.fh"
namespace Herwig {
class PowhegHandler;
class PrototypeBranching;
class ProtoTree;
//declaration of thepeg ptr
namespace ThePEG {
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
class PrototypeBranching : public Base {
PrototypeBranching(ShowerParticlePtr in) : particle(in) {}
ShowerParticlePtr particle;
tSudakovPtr sudakov;
tPrototypeBranchingPtr parent;
vector<PrototypeBranchingPtr> children;
HardBranchingPtr convert();
PrototypeBranchingPtr reset(PrototypeBranchingPtr,
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> &);
struct PrototypeTree {
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> outgoing;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> incoming;
set<PrototypeBranchingPtr> currentSpaceLike;
vector<Energy2> scales;
HardTreePtr convert();
map<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> reset();
DiagPtr diagram;
class ProtoTree:public Base {
ProtoTree() {}
ProtoTree(const set< HardBranchingPtr > & newBranchings) : theBranchings( newBranchings ) {}
void addBranching( HardBranchingPtr Branching ){
theBranchings.insert( Branching );
bool removeBranching( HardBranchingPtr Branching ){
if( theBranchings.find( Branching ) != theBranchings.end() ){
theBranchings.erase( Branching );
return true;
else return false;
const set< HardBranchingPtr > & getBranchings() const {
return theBranchings;
set< HardBranchingPtr > theBranchings;
* Here is the documentation of the PowhegHandler class.
* @see \ref PowhegHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for PowhegHandler.
class PowhegHandler: public ShowerHandler {
* The default constructor.
PowhegHandler() : _npoint(10), _sudopt(0), _sudname(""), _jetMeasureMode(1), _lepton(true), _reweightOff(false),
_highestMult(false), _testSudakovs(false),
_yini(0.001), _alphaSMG(0.118), _max_qtilde( 91.2*GeV ), _max_pt_cut( 45.6*GeV ), _min_pt_cut( 0.*GeV ), _clusterOption( 0 ) {}
* Perform CKKW reweighting
virtual double reweightCKKW(int minMult, int maxMult);
* Main method for the cascade
virtual void cascade();
* access to the hard tree object
inline HardTreePtr getHardTree() {
return _theHardTree;
* access to the merging scale
inline Energy getMergeScale() {
return sqrt( _yini * _s );
inline bool highestMult(){
return _highestMult;
* access to the jet measure definition being used
inline unsigned int jetMeasureMode() {
return _jetMeasureMode;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
virtual void dofinish();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit() throw(InitException);
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
//a list of all clusters used in finding all shower histories
map< HardBranchingPtr , pair< ShowerParticlePtr, ShowerParticlePtr > > _all_clusters;
//a set of prototrees (which are a set of HardBranchings)
//can do find on set to see if it contains a certain hardbranching
set< ProtoTreePtr > _proto_trees;
//all possible shower configurations that are angular ordered
vector< pair< HardTreePtr, double > > _hardTrees;
//just connect up the progenitors in currentProtoTree
bool simpleColConnections( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree );
bool simpleColConnections( HardTreePtr currentHardTree );
//recursive method to find all trees
//does a single clustering on the current tree adding more prototrees if more than one possible branching
bool fillProtoTrees( map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr >,
ProtoTreePtr );
//looks to see if a cluster of the cluster_particles already exists in _all_clusterings
//if so returns the pointer to that hardBranching if not creates the hardBranchings, adds it
//to _all_branchings and returns the pointer
HardBranchingPtr getCluster( pair< ShowerParticlePtr, ShowerParticlePtr >, map< ShowerParticlePtr, HardBranchingPtr > );
//checks whether a prototree containing the same branchings exists already in _proto_trees in
//which case the current tree is a repeat and should be removed (and not recursed)
bool repeatProtoTree( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree );
* Clusters the partons and creates a branching history
* by combining the 2 particles with smallest
* jet measure out of all allowed pairings until we are left
* with \f$q\bar{q}\f$.
HardTreePtr doClustering( );
* Creates all cluster histories and selects one
* according to its shower probability
HardTreePtr doClusteringOrdered( );
double Sud( Energy scale, long id, Energy pt_cut );
HardTreePtr generalClustering();
BranchingElement allowedFinalStateBranching
(pair<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> &);
BranchingElement allowedInitialStateBranching
(pair<PrototypeBranchingPtr,PrototypeBranchingPtr> &);
DiagPtr getDiagram(const PrototypeTree &);
Energy2 hadronJetMeasure(const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,
const Lorentz5Momentum & p2,
bool final=true);
void createColourFlow(HardTreePtr,DiagPtr);
void setBeams(HardTreePtr);
bool checkTree(HardTreePtr);
bool checkBranching(HardBranchingPtr);
* Calculate the Sudakov weight
double sudakovWeight( HardTreePtr );
* Calculate the splitting function weight
double splittingFnWeight( HardTreePtr );
* Checks to see that the splitting is allowed.
bool splittingAllowed( ShowerParticlePtr part_i,
ShowerParticlePtr part_j,
int qq_pairs);
* Sort's out the colour lines
void fixColours(tPPtr parent, tPPtr child1, tPPtr child2);
* Checks to see that the splitting is allowed and finds the
* Sudakov form factor for the splitting.
SudakovPtr getSud(long & emmitter_id,
ShowerParticlePtr & part_i,
ShowerParticlePtr & part_j ) ;
* Returns the durham jet measure, yij, for the two particles.
double getJetMeasure(ShowerParticlePtr part_i, ShowerParticlePtr part_j);
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<PowhegHandler> initPowhegHandler;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
PowhegHandler & operator=(const PowhegHandler &);
* Outputs some sudakov test histograms
void testSudakovs();
* The chosen hard tree
HardTreePtr _theHardTree;
* Number of points for the interpolation tables
unsigned int _npoint;
* Centre of mass energy
Energy2 _s;
* Map containing the sudakovs for the final-state particles
multimap< long, pair< Interpolator2d< double, Energy, Energy >::Ptr, Energy > > _fbranchings;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr _alphaS;
* Option for the Sudakov table
unsigned int _sudopt;
* Filename for the Sudakov table
string _sudname;
* The jet measure algorithm we are using.
unsigned int _jetMeasureMode;
* Whether \f$e^+e^-\f$ or hadron-hadron
bool _lepton;
* Whether sudakov reweighting is switched off
bool _reweightOff;
* Whether we are treating the highest multiplicity contribution
bool _highestMult;
* Whether the sudakovs should be tested
bool _testSudakovs;
* The allowed final-state branchings
map<pair<long,long>,pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> > _allowedFinal;
* The allowed initial-state branchings
multimap<long, pair<SudakovPtr,IdList> > _allowedInitial;
* The matrix element for the core process
MEPtr _matrixElement;
* The ckkw merging scale
double _yini;
* The fixed alphaS value that was used to generate mad graph events
double _alphaSMG;
* Histogram of sudakov weights
HistogramPtr _hSud;
* Histogram of alphaS weights
HistogramPtr _halphaS;
* maximum qtilde scale for sudakov interpolation tables
Energy _max_qtilde;
* minimum qtilde scale for sudakov interpolation tables
Energy _min_qtilde;
* maximum pt cut for sudakov interpolation tables
Energy _max_pt_cut;
* minimum pt cut for sudakov interpolation tables
Energy _min_pt_cut;
* which clustering scheme to use
unsigned int _clusterOption;
+ /**
+ * total number of hard trees created in this run
+ */
+ unsigned int _trees_created;
+ /**
+ * the number of ordered hard trees
+ */
+ unsigned int _ordered_trees_created;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of PowhegHandler. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::PowhegHandler,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of PowhegHandler. */
typedef Herwig::ShowerHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the PowhegHandler class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::PowhegHandler>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::PowhegHandler> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::PowhegHandler"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* PowhegHandler is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class PowhegHandler depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_PowhegHandler_H */

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:37 PM (22 h, 11 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(80 KB)

Event Timeline