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! madgraph - a Feynman Diagram package by Tim Stelzer and Bill Long
! (c) 1993
! Filename: write_module.f
! The Fortran 90 interface for Madgraph to run with WHIZARD
! adapted by W. Kilian 2000-2004
subroutine writeamp_f90
& (ngraphs,nexternal,nproc,sflows,
& unit_par_def,unit_par_set)
! writes out the subroutine for Fortran 90
implicit none
! Constants
include ''
! integer maxlines, maxfactors, maxflows
! parameter (maxlines=9,maxfactors=10,maxflows=200)
! integer maxgraphs
! parameter (maxgraphs=9999)
! Arguments
integer ngraphs,nexternal,nproc,ncolor
double precision sflows(maxflows,maxflows)
integer :: unit_par_def, unit_par_set
! Local Variables
character(120) buff
character(80) name
character(3) temp
character(3) ifmt1, ifmt2, ifmt3
character(80) fmt1, fmt2
character*4 str1
integer i,j,k,ichar,jchar,ishift,nlength,nlen
integer isym,jhel,initc,iden(maxcross)
integer ncross,ipart(maxlines,maxcross),ic(maxlines,maxcross)
integer jline(0:4),imatch(0:maxcross)
integer icross,iboson
integer nhel(maxlines,3**maxlines),step(maxlines),ncomb,ncomb_in
integer cflow(maxlines,maxflows)
integer aflow(maxlines,maxflows)
integer flow_c(maxflows,maxflows,2)
integer ncolors, nflows
integer idenom, inum, icount, jcount
! External
logical equal
external equal
integer igcf
external igcf
! Global Variables
double precision den(maxgraphs)
integer neigen,nrows,jplace(maxgraphs)
common /to_colormat/ den,neigen,nrows,jplace
integer flows(0:2*maxlines,0:maxfactors,0:24,0:maxflows)
integer graphcolor(0:2,0:maxflows,0:maxgraphs)
integer alen(maxgraphs)
integer wnum(-maxlines:maxlines),wcount,wlen(maxgraphs*maxlines)
integer iline(-maxlines:maxlines),idir(-maxlines:maxlines)
integer this_coup(max_coup) ,goal_coup(max_coup)
character*(10) coup_name(max_coup)
integer ncoups
character*80 gname
integer iname
integer nincoming
character*60 proc
integer iproc
integer symfact(maxgraphs)
common /tosymmetry/symfact
integer info_p(5,max_particles),iposx(3,max_particles)
character*(max_string) iwave(max_particles),owave(max_particles)
character*(8) str(3,max_particles)
character*(4*max_particles) particle(4)
integer charge_c(max_particles)
integer iparticle(0:max_particles,0:4),inverse(max_particles)
common/to_model/iparticle, particle, inverse, charge_c
logical lwp,lwm,lz,decay,cross
! Begin Code
ishift = iname
nlength = ishift
name = gname(1:iname)
call lower_case(name)
print*,'Writing function ',name(1:iname) ,
& ' in file ',gname(1:iname)//'.f90'
ncolors = flows(0,0,0,0)
! Header
write(92, 5) 'WHIZARD interface for Madgraph'
write(92, 5)
write(92, 5) 'Automatically generated file, do not edit'
write(92, 5)
! Driver module
write(92, 5) 'Driver module'
write(92, 5) 'Process: '//trim(proc)
do i=1, ncoups
write (92, fmt=5, advance="no") ' PT order: ' //
& trim (coup_name(i)) // ' <= '
write (92, *) goal_coup(i)
end do
write(92, 5)
write(92,10) 'module '//trim(name)
write(92,10) ' use kinds, only: D=>default !NODEP!'
write(92,10) ' use parameters'
write(92,10) ' implicit none'
write(92,10) ' private'
write(92,10) " public :: scatter_nonzero"
write(92,10) " public :: scatter_colored_nonzero"
write(92,10) " public :: scatter_diagonal_nonzero"
write(92,10) " public :: scatter_diagonal_colored_nz"
write(92,10) " public :: number_particles, "//
& "number_particles_in, number_particles_out"
write(92,10) " public :: number_spin_states, "//
& "number_spin_states_in, number_spin_states_out"
write(92,10) " public :: spin_states, "//
& "spin_states_in, spin_states_out"
write(92,10) " public :: number_flavor_states, "//
& "number_flavor_states_in, number_flavor_states_out"
write(92,10) " public :: flavor_states, "//
& "flavor_states_in, flavor_states_out"
write(92,10) " public :: number_flavor_zeros, "//
& "number_flavor_zeros_in, number_flavor_zeros_out"
write(92,10) " public :: flavor_zeros, "//
& "flavor_zeros_in, flavor_zeros_out"
write(92,10) " public :: number_color_flows"
write(92,10) " public :: color_flows, anticolor_flows"
write(92,10) " public :: create, reset, destroy"
! Code for decays, crossings (jets etc.) -- not activated yet
! c
! c These lines for artificial decay
! c
! if (decay) then
! call getparticle('w+',nwp,ngot)
! if (ngot .ne. 1) print*,'Error finding W+',nwp,ngot
! call getparticle('w-',nwm,ngot)
! if (ngot .ne. 1) print*,'Error finding W+',nwp,ngot
! call getparticle('z',nz,ngot)
! if (ngot .ne. 1) print*,'Error finding W+',nwp,ngot
! lwp=.false.
! lwm=.false.
! lz =.false.
! if (iline(iline(0)) .eq. nwp) lwp=.true.
! if (iline(iline(0)) .eq. nwm) lwm=.true.
! if (iline(iline(0)) .eq. nz ) lz =.true.
! if (lz) then
! call getparticle('e+e-',jline(1),jline(0))
! elseif(lwp) then
! call getparticle('e+ve',jline(1),jline(0))
! elseif(lwm) then
! call getparticle('ve~e-',jline(1),jline(0))
! else
! print*,'Warning last particle not Z or W+ or W-'
! print*,'Not decaying'
! decay=.false.
! endif
! endif
! if (decay) then
! iboson=iline(iline(0))
! iline(0)=iline(0)+1
! iline(iline(0)-1)=jline(1)
! iline(iline(0))=jline(2)
! c print*,'We have decay',decay,lz
! else
! c print*,'No decay'
! endif
if (cross) then
! call crossing(ncross,ipart,imatch)
stop 'Bug: crossing called in WHIZARD version'
imatch(0) =1
imatch(1) =1
do i=1,iline(0)
c set up all the different crossings which are not identical
icross = 0
do i=1,ncross
if (imatch(i) .gt. icross) then
call getdenom(isym,initc,jhel,step,ipart(1,i))
iden(imatch(i)) = isym*initc*jhel
c write(*,*) 'iden',i,imatch(i),iden(imatch(i))
if (imatch(i) .ne. icross+1) then
print*,'Error in imatch writesub.f',i,imatch(i),icross+1
if (icross .ne. imatch(0)) then
print*,'Warning icross .ne. imatch(0)',icross,imatch(0)
c write(*,*) 'iden(1)',iden(1)
ishift = iname
c nlength = ishift
! Number of particles
! Helicity states
ncomb_in = 1
do i=1,nexternal
if (info_p(2,iline(i)) .eq. 1) then
step(i) = 3 !1 Helicity state 0 (scalar)
elseif (abs(info_p(2,iline(i))) .eq. 2) then
step(i) = 2 !2 Helicity states -1,1
if (i .le. nincoming) ncomb_in=ncomb_in*2
elseif (info_p(2,iline(i)) .eq. 3) then
step(i) = 1 !3 Helicity state -1,0,1 W,Z
if (i .le. nincoming) ncomb_in=ncomb_in*3
print*,'Unknown Helicity',info_p(2,iline(i)),
& iline(i),i
call sethel_f90 (nhel,step,nexternal,ncomb)
if (ncomb /= ncomb_in * (ncomb/ncomb_in)) then
stop "Can't happen: mismatch in helicity counting"
end if
!!! Code for summing over partons (?) -- not activated yet
! c buff = 'REAL*8 FUNCTION S'
! c jchar = 18
! buff = 'SUBROUTINE S'
! jchar = 13
! buff(jchar:jchar+ishift) = name(1:iname)
! jchar = jchar+ishift
! ishift= 7
! buff(jchar:jchar+ishift) = '(P1,ANS)'
! jchar =jchar+ishift
! write(92,10) buff(1:jchar)
! call genparton(ncross,ipart,buff(12:jchar),nproc,imatch)
! jchar=jchar-4
! FNAME= buff(13:jchar)
! c FNAME(JCHAR-12:JCHAR-12+13)=',NHEL(1,IHEL))'
! FNAME(JCHAR-12:JCHAR-12+19)=',NHEL(1,IHEL),JC(1))'
! FLEN = jchar+19
!!! Code for crossings -- not activated yet
! do i=1,ncross
! buff = 'Crossing ??? is '
! write(buff(10:12),'(i3)') imatch(i)
! ichar = 17
! do j=1,2
! call part_string(inverse(iline(ipart(j,i))),str1,nlen)
! buff(ichar:ichar+nlen-1) = str1(1:nlen)
! ichar=ichar+nlen
! buff(ichar:ichar)=' '
! ichar=ichar+1
! enddo
! buff(ichar:ichar+3) = '-> '
! ichar=ichar+3
! do j=3,iline(0)
! call part_string(iline(ipart(j,i)),str1,nlen)
! buff(ichar:ichar+nlen-1) = str1(1:nlen)
! ichar=ichar+nlen
! buff(ichar:ichar)=' '
! ichar=ichar+1
! enddo
! write(92,5) buff(1:ichar)
! enddo
! Compute the color flow configurations and coefficients:
! Note that, in Madgraph2, the 'flow' amplitudes are actually color
! amplitudes (skeleton graphs of quarks and gluons),
! so we have to extract the color flow information by ourselves
! This routine is called here because we want to know the value of nflows
call setflows(nflows,cflow,aflow,flow_c)
! Now all constants are known
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Constants '
write(92,5) ' '
call get_iformat
& (max (nexternal, ngraphs, wcount,
& nflows, ncolors, ncomb, icross),
& ifmt1)
fmt1 = "(2x,A,1x,"//ifmt1//")"
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ncross =', icross
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: nexternal =', nexternal
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: nincoming =', nincoming
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: noutgoing =',
& nexternal-nincoming
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ncomb =', ncomb
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ncomb_in =', ncomb_in
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ncomb_out =',
& ncomb/ncomb_in
write(92,10) ' integer, parameter :: thel = ncomb * ncross'
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ncolors =', ncolors
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: nflows =', nflows
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: ngraphs =', ngraphs
write(92,fmt1) 'integer, parameter :: wcount =', wcount
write(92,10) ' integer, parameter :: SAMPLE = 10, REPEAT = 5'
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Module Variables '
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(nexternal,ncomb) :: nhel'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(ncross) :: iden'
write(92,10) ' real(D), dimension(ncross) :: cmult'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(nexternal,ncross) :: ic'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(nexternal,nflows) :: cflw'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(nexternal,nflows) :: aflw'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(ncolors,nflows) :: '//
& 'flow_c_num'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(ncolors,nflows) :: '//
& 'flow_c_den'
write(92,10) ' real(D), dimension(ncolors,nflows) :: flow_c'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(ncolors,ncolors) :: cf_num'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(ncolors) :: cf_den'
write(92,10) ' real(D), dimension(ncolors,ncolors) :: cf'
write(92,10) ' complex(D), dimension(ncolors,ncomb,ncross) ::'
& //' amp_color'
write(92,10) ' complex(D), dimension(nflows,ncomb,ncross) ::'
& //' amp_flow'
c Transfer parameter declarations from tmp file
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Physics parameters'
write(92,5) ' '
rewind (unit_par_def)
read (unit_par_def, '(A)', end=70) buff
write (92, '(A)') trim (buff)
70 exit
end do
! write data tables
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Helicity combination tables'
write(92,5) ' '
call get_iformat (ncomb,ifmt1)
call data_format (fmt1, 2, ",':,',"//ifmt1, nexternal, "I2")
do i=1, ncomb
write (92,fmt1) "nhel", i, nhel(:nexternal,i)
end do
! Code for crossings
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Crossing (permutation) data'
write(92,5) ' '
call get_iformat (nexternal, ifmt1)
call get_iformat (ncross, ifmt2)
call get_iformat (maxval(iden(:ncross)), ifmt3)
call data_format (fmt1, 2, ",':,',"//ifmt2, nexternal, ifmt1)
call data_format (fmt2, 2, ifmt2, 1, ifmt3)
do i=1,ncross
if (imatch(i) .gt. icross) then
write (92, fmt1) "ic", i, ipart(:nexternal,i)
write (92, fmt2) "iden", i, iden(i)
! Write the color flow configurations, color ME, and coefficients
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Color flow tables'
write(92,5) ' '
call get_iformat (nflows,ifmt1)
call data_format (fmt1, 2, ",':,',"//ifmt1, nexternal, "I2")
do i=1, nflows
write (92,fmt1) "cflw", i, cflow(:nexternal,i)
end do
write (92,10)
do i=1, nflows
write (92,fmt1) "aflw", i, aflow(:nexternal,i)
end do
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Coefficients for projecting color graphs onto '//
& 'color flows'
write(92,5) ' '
call write_flow_coefficients_f90 (ncolors, nflows, flow_c)
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Coefficients for squaring color graph amplitudes'
write(92,5) ' '
call write_color_matrix_f90 (sflows, ncolors)
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' save'
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) 'contains'
! User-level routines
call write_interface
& (nexternal, nhel, unit_par_def, unit_par_set)
! Write routines for computing eigenamplitudes (to be summed over eigenvalues)
! and optionally color flow amplitudes
! Subroutine: Loop over helicities, compute and store color amplitude values
write(92,5) 'This subroutine calculates the amplitudes '//
& 'for all crossings'
write(92,5) 'and helicity combinations and stores them '//
& 'in module variables '
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' subroutine calculate_amplitudes '//
& '(p, zero_ct, n, calc_flows)'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'real(D), dimension(0:3,nexternal), intent(in) :: p'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) '//
& ':: zero_ct'
write(92,10) ' integer, intent(in) :: n'
write(92,10) ' logical, intent(in) :: calc_flows'
! write local declarations
write(92,10) ' real(D), dimension(0:3,nexternal) :: pp'
write(92,10) ' integer :: hi, ho, hel'
write(92,10) ' integer :: icross, ipart'
write(92,10) ' integer, dimension(nexternal) :: jc'
write(92,10) ' do icross = 1, ncross'
! write(92,10) ' call switchmom (p,pp,ic(:,icross),jc,nexternal)
c the 'switchmom' routine inlined:
write(92,10) ' do ipart = 1, nexternal'
write(92,10) ' pp(:,ic(ipart,icross)) = p(:,ipart)'
write(92,10) ' end do'
write(92,10) ' jc = +1'
c Careful here, if there are no crossings then we don't want
c to flip the signs of the incoming particles because they already
c are flipped
if (nincoming .eq. 0) then
write(92,10) ' jc(ic(1)) = -1'
write(92,10) ' jc(ic(2)) = -1'
end if
write(92,10) ' hel = 0'
write(92,10) ' do hi = 1, number_spin_states_in ()'
write(92,10) ' do ho = 1, number_spin_states_out ()'
write(92,10) ' hel = hel + 1'
write(92,10) ' if (calc_flows) then'
write(92,10) ' call calculate_amplitude &'
write(92,10) ' '//
& ' & (pp, nhel(:,hel), jc, zero_ct(hi,1,ho,1), n, &'
write(92,10) ' '//
& ' & amp_color(:,hel,icross), amp_flow(:,hel,icross))'
write(92,10) ' else'
write(92,10) ' call calculate_amplitude &'
write(92,10) ' '//
& ' & (pp, nhel(:,hel), jc, zero_ct(hi,1,ho,1), n, &'
write(92,10) ' '//
& ' & amp_color(:,hel,icross))'
write(92,10) ' end if'
write(92,10) ' end do'
write(92,10) ' end do'
write(92,10) ' end do'
write(92,10) ' end subroutine calculate_amplitudes'
! Subroutine: Matrix element calculation, returning diagram amplitudes
! and transforming them into appropriate color bases
write(92,5) 'This subroutine calculates the vector'//
& 'of color amplitudes '
write(92,5) 'for a given helicity combination'
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,5) 'Process '//proc(1:iproc)
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' subroutine calculate_amplitude '//
& '(p, nhel, ic, zero_ct, n, amp_color, amp_flow)'
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'real(D), dimension(0:3,nexternal), intent(in) :: p'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'integer, dimension(nexternal), intent(in) :: nhel'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'integer, dimension(nexternal), intent(in) :: ic'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'integer, intent(inout) :: zero_ct'
write(92,10) ' integer, intent(in) :: n'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'complex(D), dimension(:), intent(out) '//
& ':: amp_color'
write(92,10) ' '//
& 'complex(D), dimension(:), intent(out), optional '//
& ':: amp_flow'
! write local declarations
write(92,5) ' '
write(92,10) ' complex(D), dimension(ngraphs) :: amp'
write(92,10) ' complex(D), dimension(6,wcount) :: w'
write(92,5) ' '
! Begin executable code
write(92,10)' if (zero_ct > REPEAT) then'
write(92,10)' amp_color(:) = 0'
write(92,10)' if (present(amp_flow)) amp_flow(:) = 0'
write(92,10)' return'
write(92,10)' end if'
! Write HELAS calls
do while (.true.)
read(91,'(a)',end=990) buff
call lower_case (buff)
if (buff(6:6)==" ") then
write (92,*)
write (92,'(a)',advance="no") ' ' //
& trim (adjustl (buff))
buff(6:6) = " "
write (92,'(a)',advance="no") trim (adjustl (buff))
end if
end do
990 continue
write (92, *)
! Write flow amplitudes
write (92,5)
call get_iformat (ncolors, ifmt1)
call get_iformat (ngraphs, ifmt3)
do i=1,ncolors
c First determine a common denominator for these amplitudes
inum = 999999
do j=1,ngraphs
do k=1,graphcolor(0,0,j) !Number of terms/flows
if (graphcolor(0,k,j) .eq. i) then
inum = min(inum,abs(graphcolor(1,k,j)))
& igcf(idenom,graphcolor(2,k,j)))
end if
end do
end do
call get_iformat (inum, ifmt2)
if (idenom .ne. 1) inum=1
call write_amp_color_begin (i, inum, idenom, .false.)
icount = 5
jcount = 0
do j=1,ngraphs
do k=1,graphcolor(0,0,j) !Number of terms/flows
if (graphcolor(0,k,j) .eq. i) then
if (jcount == 40) then
call write_amp_color_end (inum, idenom)
icount = 5
jcount = 0
call write_amp_color_begin (i,inum,idenom,.true.)
end if
if (icount == 5) then
write (92, "(A)") " &"
write (92, "(12x)", advance="no")
icount = 0
jcount = jcount + 1
end if
& idenom*symfact(j)/inum
if (equal(den(j),1d0)) then
write (92, "(A,"//ifmt3//",A)", advance="no")
& '+amp(',j,')'
icount = icount + 1
elseif (equal(den(j),-1d0)) then
write (92, "(A,"//ifmt3//",A)", advance="no")
& '-amp(',j,')'
icount = icount + 1
elseif (den(j) .gt. 0d0) then
write (92, "(A,E10.3,A,"//ifmt3//",A)",
& advance="no")
& '+', den(j), '*amp(',j,')'
icount = icount + 1
elseif (den(j) .lt. 0d0) then
write (92, "(A,E10.3,A,"//ifmt3//",A)",
& advance="no")
& '-', abs(den(j)), '*amp(',j,')'
icount = icount + 1
end if
end if
end do
end do
call write_amp_color_end (inum, idenom)
write(92,10)' if (n <= SAMPLE) then'
write(92,10)' if (all (abs(amp_color) <= tiny(1.0_D)))'//
& ' zero_ct = zero_ct + 1'
write(92,10)' end if'
write(92,10)' if (present(amp_flow)) then'
write(92,10)' amp_flow = matmul (amp_color, flow_c)'
write(92,10)' end if'
write(92,10)' end subroutine calculate_amplitude'
write(92, 10) 'end module '//trim(name)
5 format('! ',a)
6 format('! ',a,i5)
10 format(a)
11 format(a,i5)
c 10 format(6x,a)
c 11 format(6x,a,i5)
15 format('!',6x,a)
20 format(',p',i1)
subroutine write_amp_color_begin (i, inum, idenom, add)
integer, intent(in) :: i, inum, idenom
logical, intent(in) :: add
character(80) fmt1, str
str = ""
if (add) then
fmt1 = "(1x,A,"//ifmt1//",A),1x"
write (str, fmt1) "amp_color(", i, ")"
end if
if (inum .eq. 1 .and. idenom .eq. 1) then
fmt1 = "(4x,A,"//ifmt1//",A)"
write (92, fmt1, advance="no") "amp_color(", i, ") ="
& // trim (str)
else if (inum .ne. 1) then
fmt1 = "(4x,A,"//ifmt1//",A,"//ifmt2//",A)"
write (92, fmt1, advance="no") "amp_color(", i, ") = "
& // trim (str), inum, "*("
else if (idenom .ne. 1) then
fmt1 = "(4x,A,"//ifmt1//",A)"
write (92, fmt1, advance="no") "amp_color(", i, ") = "
& // trim (str) // "("
end if
end subroutine
subroutine write_amp_color_end (inum, idenom)
integer, intent(in) :: inum, idenom
if (idenom .ne. 1) then
write (92,'(A)') " &"
write(92,'(10x,A,I6)') ') / ', idenom
else if (inum .ne. 1) then
write (92,'(A)') " &"
write(92,'(10x,A)') ')'
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sethel_f90 (nhel,step,npart,ncomb)
c Sets up all possible helicity combinations in nhel(ipart,ncomb)
c given the number of particles, and the step size to be used
c for each particle
c The first state is always -1, the next is 0 or 1 depending onstep
c WK:
implicit none
! Constants
include ''
c integer maxlines
c parameter (maxlines=9)
! Arguments
integer nhel(maxlines,3**maxlines),step(maxlines),npart,ncomb
! Local
integer ipart,iflip , i
logical gotone
do ipart=1,npart
if (step(ipart) == 3) then
nhel(ipart,ncomb) = 0
nhel(ipart,ncomb) = -1
end if
do while (gotone)
c write(*,'(8I4)'),ncomb,(nhel(ipart,ncomb),ipart=1,npart)
do ipart=1,npart
gotone = .false.
iflip = npart
do while(.not. gotone .and. iflip .gt. 0)
nhel(iflip,ncomb) = nhel(iflip,ncomb)+step(iflip)
if (nhel(iflip,ncomb) .gt. 1) then
if (step(iflip) == 3) then
nhel(iflip,ncomb) = 0
nhel(iflip,ncomb) = -1
end if
iflip =iflip-1
Subroutine write_flow_coefficients_f90 (ncolors,nflows,flow_c)
! This routine writes out the coefficients to project color graphs onto
! color flows
implicit none
! Constants
include ''
integer npl
parameter (npl = 6)
! Arguments
integer ncolors, nflows
integer flow_c(maxflows,maxflows,2)
! Local Variables
integer i,j,k
character(3) ifmt1,ifmt2,ifmt3
character(80) fmt1,fmt2
! Begin Code
call get_iformat (ncolors,ifmt1)
call get_iformat (nflows,ifmt2)
call get_iformat (maxval(flow_c)*10,ifmt3)
do i=1, nflows
do j=0, (ncolors-1)/npl
k = min (npl, ncolors-j*npl)
call data_format (fmt2, 2,
& ifmt1// ",':'," //ifmt1// ",','," //ifmt2, k, ifmt3)
write (92,fmt2)
& "flow_c_num", j*npl+1, j*npl+k, i,
& flow_c(j*npl+1:j*npl+k,i,1)
write (92,fmt2)
& "flow_c_den", j*npl+1, j*npl+k, i,
& flow_c(j*npl+1:j*npl+k,i,2)
end do
end do
Subroutine write_color_matrix_f90 (sflows, ncolors)
! This routine writes out the matrix of color coefficients
! for all of the graphs.
implicit none
! Constants
include ''
integer npl
parameter (npl = 6)
! Arguments
double precision sflows(maxflows,maxflows)
integer ncolors
! Local Variables
integer i,j,k
character(3) ifmt1,ifmt2,ifmt3
character(80) fmt1,fmt2
integer idenom(ncolors)
integer icf(ncolors,ncolors)
! External
integer igcf
external igcf
! Global Variables
integer isflows(2,maxflows,maxflows)
integer flows(0:2*maxlines,0:maxfactors,0:24,0:maxflows)
integer graphcolor(0:2,0:maxflows,0:maxgraphs)
! Begin Code
do i=1,ncolors
do j=1,ncolors
if (isflows(2,j,i) /= 0) then
idenom(i) = abs (idenom(i)*isflows(2,j,i)/
& igcf(idenom(i),isflows(2,j,i)))
do j=1,ncolors
if (isflows(2,j,i) /= 0) then
icf(j,i) = isflows(1,j,i)*(idenom(i)/isflows(2,j,i))
icf(j,i) = 0
end if
end do
end do
call get_iformat (ncolors,ifmt1)
call get_iformat (maxval(idenom),ifmt2)
call get_iformat (maxval(icf)*10,ifmt3)
call data_format (fmt1, 2, ifmt1, 1, ifmt2)
do i=1, ncolors
do j=0, (ncolors-1)/npl
k = min (npl, ncolors-j*npl)
call data_format (fmt2, 2,
& ifmt1// ",':'," //ifmt1// ",','," //ifmt1, k, ifmt3)
write (92,fmt2)
& "cf_num", j*npl+1, j*npl+k, i, icf(j*npl+1:j*npl+k,i)
end do
write (92,fmt1) "cf_den", i, idenom(i)
end do
c* WK: calculate color flows in PYTHIA-compatible format
c* All particles are taken as outgoing (so incoming codes are inverted)
c* cflow: For each particle, the particle index where the color comes from
c* aflow: For each particle, the particle index where the anticolor comes from
c* flows: The form each factor in each flow is stored by MADGRAPH:
c* first the quark where the color string ends,
c* then the antiquark where the color string begins,
c* then the gluons from end to beginning of the color string.
c* For a pure gluonic string, the string is implicitly closed.
subroutine setflows (nflows, cflow, aflow, flow_c)
implicit none
! Constants
include ''
c integer maxlines, maxfactors, maxflows
c parameter (maxlines=9,maxfactors=10,maxflows=200)
c integer maxgraphs
c parameter (maxgraphs=9999)
! Arguments
integer nflows
integer cflow(maxlines,maxflows)
integer aflow(maxlines,maxflows)
integer flow_c(maxflows,maxflows,2)
! Local variables
integer iflow, iterm, jterm, nterms
integer icolor, ncolors, nfactors, ifact, nelements, ielem
integer i, icu, ifr, ito
logical gluons_only
integer cflw(maxlines), aflw(maxlines)
integer flow_ptr(maxterms)
! Global Variables
integer flows(0:2*maxlines,0:maxfactors,0:24,0:maxflows)
integer graphcolor(0:2,0:maxflows,0:maxgraphs)
! Initialize flows
nflows = 0
cflow = 0
aflow = 0
flow_c(:,:,1) = 0 ! numerators
flow_c(:,:,2) = 1 ! denominators
! Loop over MADGRAPH color diagrams
ncolors = flows(0,0,0,0)
do icolor=1, ncolors
cflw = 0
aflw = 0
flow_ptr = 0
! Loop over all terms = flows associated to color diagram
nterms = flows(0,0,0,icolor)
do iterm = 1, nterms
nfactors = flows(0,0,iterm,icolor)
do ifact = 2, nfactors
gluons_only = (flows(0,ifact,iterm,icolor) > 0)
nelements = abs (flows(0,ifact,iterm,icolor))
! Pure gluonic string
if (gluons_only) then
do ielem = 1, nelements
icu = flows(ielem,ifact,iterm,icolor)
if (ielem < nelements) then
ifr = flows(ielem+1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ifr = flows(1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
end if
if (ielem > 1) then
ito = flows(ielem-1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ito = flows(nelements,ifact,iterm,icolor)
end if
cflw(icu) = ifr
aflw(icu) = ito
end do
! Quark string with gluons attached
else if (nelements > 2) then
icu = flows(1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ifr = flows(3,ifact,iterm,icolor)
cflw(icu) = ifr
icu = flows(2,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ito = flows(nelements,ifact,iterm,icolor)
aflw(icu) = ito
do ielem = 3, nelements
icu = flows(ielem,ifact,iterm,icolor)
if (ielem < nelements) then
ifr = flows(ielem+1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ifr = flows(2,ifact,iterm,icolor)
end if
cflw(icu) = ifr
if (ielem > 3) then
ito = flows(ielem-1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ito = flows(1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
end if
aflw(icu) = ito
end do
! Pure quark string
else if (nelements == 2) then
ito = flows(1,ifact,iterm,icolor)
ifr = flows(2,ifact,iterm,icolor)
cflw(ito) = ifr
aflw(ifr) = ito
stop "Can't happen: Unterminated color string"
end if
end do ! ifact
! Check if flow already exists
iflow = 0
do i = 1, nflows
if (all (cflw==cflow(:,i)) .and.
& all (aflw==aflow(:,i))) then
iflow = i
end if
end do
if (iflow == 0) then
nflows = nflows + 1
iflow = nflows
cflow(:,iflow) = cflw
aflow(:,iflow) = aflw
end if
do jterm=1, iterm-1
if (flow_ptr(jterm) == iflow) then
&"Color flow assigned twice to color graph -- can't handle this"
end if
end do
flow_ptr(iterm) = iflow
! Enter flow coefficient (num,den) for this term
flow_c(icolor,iflow,1:2) = flows(1:2,1,iterm,icolor)
end do ! iterm
end do ! icolor
! This function returns the integer format appropriate for printing ival
! count is the field width as an integer, fmt is the format string
subroutine get_iformat (ival, fmt)
integer, intent(in) :: ival
character(3), intent(out) :: fmt
integer :: i, n
n = abs (ival)
if (n /= 0) then
i = 0
do while (n /= 0)
i = i + 1
n = n / 10
end do
i = 1
end if
if (ival < 0) i = i + 1
write (fmt, "('I',I2.2)") i
! This function returns the format appropriate for writing a DATA line
subroutine data_format
& (fmt, n_skip, arg_fmt, n_entries, entry_fmt)
character(*), intent(out) :: fmt
character(*), intent(in) :: arg_fmt, entry_fmt
integer, intent(in) :: n_skip, n_entries
character(3) :: ifmt1
character(20) :: xfmt, rfmt
if (n_skip > 0) then
call get_iformat (n_skip, ifmt1)
write (xfmt, "("//ifmt1//",'x,')") n_skip
xfmt = ""
end if
if (n_entries > 1) then
call get_iformat (n_entries-1, ifmt1)
write (rfmt, "(',',"//ifmt1//",A)")
& n_entries-1, "(',',"//trim(entry_fmt)//")"
rfmt = ""
end if
fmt = "(" // trim(xfmt) // "'data ',A,'('," // trim(arg_fmt) //
& ",') /'," // trim(entry_fmt) // trim(rfmt) // ",'/')"
! *WK: writes out interfacing subroutines
subroutine write_interface
& (nexternal, nhel, unit_par_def, unit_par_set)
! Constants
include ''
c integer maxlines
c parameter (maxlines=9)
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nexternal
integer, intent(in) :: nhel(maxlines,3**maxlines)
integer, intent(in) :: unit_par_def, unit_par_set
! Global Variables
integer iline(-maxlines:maxlines),idir(-maxlines:maxlines)
integer this_coup(max_coup) ,goal_coup(max_coup)
! character*15 gname
character*80 gname
integer iname
integer nincoming
character*(4*max_particles) particle(4)
integer charge_c(max_particles)
integer iparticle(0:max_particles,0:4),inverse(max_particles)
common/to_model/iparticle, particle, inverse, charge_c
integer pdg_code(0:max_particles)
! Local variables
integer :: i, code
! character*20 name
character*80 name
character(120) buff
! Begin code
name = gname(1:iname)
call lower_case(name)
! Write service functions
write(92,11) ' function number_particles () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = nexternal'
write(92,11) ' end function number_particles'
write(92,11) ' function number_particles_in () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = nincoming'
write(92,11) ' end function number_particles_in'
write(92,11) ' function number_particles_out () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = noutgoing'
write(92,11) ' end function number_particles_out'
write(92,11) ' function number_spin_states () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = ncomb'
write(92,11) ' end function number_spin_states'
write(92,11) ' function number_spin_states_in () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = ncomb_in'
write(92,11) ' end function number_spin_states_in'
write(92,11) ' function number_spin_states_out () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = ncomb_out'
write(92,11) ' end function number_spin_states_out'
! Assume that the out-spin index varies faster than the in-index
write(92,11) ' subroutine spin_states (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = nhel'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine spin_states'
write(92,11) ' subroutine spin_states_in (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = nhel(:number_particles_in(), '//
& '::number_spin_states_out())'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine spin_states_in'
write(92,11) ' subroutine spin_states_out (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = nhel(number_particles_in()+1:, '//
& ':number_spin_states_out())'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine spin_states_out'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_states () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 1'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_states'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_states (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
do i=1, nincoming
code = inverse(iline(i))
write(92,23) ' a(', i, ',1) =', pdg_code(code)
end do
do i=nincoming+1, nexternal
code = iline(i)
write(92,23) ' a(', i, ',1) =', pdg_code(code)
end do
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_states'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_states_in () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 1'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_states_in'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_states_in (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
do i=1, nincoming
code = inverse(iline(i))
write(92,23) ' a(', i, ',1) =', pdg_code(code)
end do
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_states_in'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_states_out () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 1'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_states_out'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_states_out (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
do i=1, nexternal-nincoming
code = iline(i+nincoming)
write(92,23) ' a(', i, ',1) =', pdg_code(code)
end do
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_states_out'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_zeros () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 0'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_zeros'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_zeros (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = 0'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_zeros'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_zeros_in () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 0'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_zeros_in'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_zeros_in (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = 0'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_zeros_in'
write(92,11) ' function number_flavor_zeros_out () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = 0'
write(92,11) ' end function number_flavor_zeros_out'
write(92,11) ' subroutine flavor_zeros_out (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = 0'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine flavor_zeros_out'
write(92,11) ' function number_color_flows () result (n)'
write(92,11) ' integer :: n'
write(92,11) ' n = nflows'
write(92,11) ' end function number_color_flows'
write(92,11) ' subroutine color_flows (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = cflw'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine color_flows'
write(92,11) ' subroutine anticolor_flows (a)'
write(92,11) ' integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a'
write(92,11) ' a = aflw'
write(92,11) ' end subroutine anticolor_flows'
! Write the constructor for the constant block
! This initializes the REAL representation for the color data
! The multiplicity is renormalized by the number of in- spin states
! because this is taken into account by the in-state density matrix
write(92,10) " subroutine create"
write(92,10) " integer :: i"
write(92,10) " do i=1, ncolors"
write(92,10) " cf(:,i) = real(cf_num(:,i),D) / cf_den(i)"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " flow_c = real(flow_c_num,D) / flow_c_den"
write(92,10) " cmult = real(iden,D) / real(ncomb_in,D)"
write(92,10) " end subroutine create"
! Write the destructor for the constant block
! Nothing to do since no dynamical memory is used
write(92,10) " subroutine destroy"
write(92,10) " end subroutine destroy"
! Write the routine for setting constants:
! transfer from tmp file
! This replaces the corresponding helas routines
rewind (unit_par_set)
read (unit_par_set, '(A)', end=70) buff
write (92, '(A)') trim (buff)
70 exit
end do
! Write the sqme wrapper for general spin density matrices
! Assume that the out-spin index varies faster than the in-index
write(92,10) " subroutine scatter_nonzero "//
& "(p, rho_in, rho_out, zero_ct, n)"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(0:,:), intent(in) :: p"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: rho_in"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: rho_out"
write(92,10) " "//
& "integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: zero_ct"
write(92,10) " integer, intent(in) :: n"
write(92,10) " integer :: hi1, ho1, hi2, ho2, h1, h2"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(ncolors) :: amp1, amp2"
write(92,10) " "//
& "call calculate_amplitudes "//
& "(p, zero_ct, n, calc_flows=.false.)"
write(92,10) " rho_out = 0"
write(92,10) " h1 = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi1 = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho1 = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h1 = h1 + 1"
write(92,10) " h2 = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi2 = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho2 = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h2 = h2 + 1"
write(92,10) " amp1 = "//
& "matmul (amp_color(:,h1,1), cf)"
write(92,10) " amp2 = amp_color(:,h2,1)"
write(92,10) " rho_out(ho1,1,ho2,1) = "//
& "rho_out(ho1,1,ho2,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & + dot_product (amp1, amp2) * rho_in(hi1,1,hi2,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & / cmult(1)"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end subroutine scatter_nonzero"
! Write the sqme wrapper for diagonal density matrices
! Again, assume that the out-spin index varies faster than the in-index
write(92,10) " subroutine scatter_diagonal_nonzero "//
& "(p, rho_in, rho_out, zero_ct, n)"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(0:,:), intent(in) :: p"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rho_in"
write(92,10) " "//
& "real(D), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: rho_out"
write(92,10) " "//
& "integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: zero_ct"
write(92,10) " integer, intent(in) :: n"
write(92,10) " integer :: hi, ho, h"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(ncolors) :: amp1, amp2"
write(92,10) " "//
& "call calculate_amplitudes "//
& "(p, zero_ct, n, calc_flows=.false.)"
write(92,10) " rho_out = 0"
write(92,10) " h = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h = h + 1"
write(92,10) " amp1 = matmul (amp_color(:,h,1), cf)"
write(92,10) " amp2 = amp_color(:,h,1)"
write(92,10) " rho_out(ho,1) = rho_out(ho,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & + dot_product (amp1, amp2) * rho_in(hi,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & / cmult(1)"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end subroutine scatter_diagonal_nonzero"
! Write the sqme wrapper for colored amplitudes (generic spin density)
! Again, assume that the out-spin index varies faster than the in-index
! The incoming color is assumed uncorrelated, therefore rho_in is
! four-dimensional (hel1, flv1, hel2, flv2),
! The outgoing color flow information is stored in rho_col_out
! which therefore is five-dimensional. The color-summed result
! is returned in the four-dimensional array rho_out.
write(92,10) " subroutine scatter_colored_nonzero &"
write(92,10) " & (p, rho_in, rho_out, rho_col_out, "//
& "zero_ct, n)"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(0:,:), intent(in) :: p"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: rho_in"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: rho_out"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: "//
& "rho_col_out"
write(92,10) " "//
& "integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: zero_ct"
write(92,10) " integer, intent(in) :: n"
write(92,10) " integer :: hi1, ho1, hi2, ho2, h1, h2, c"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(ncolors) :: amp1, amp2"
write(92,10) " "//
& "call calculate_amplitudes "//
& "(p, zero_ct, n, calc_flows=.true.)"
write(92,10) " rho_out = 0"
write(92,10) " h1 = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi1 = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho1 = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h1 = h1 + 1"
write(92,10) " h2 = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi2 = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho2 = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h2 = h2 + 1"
write(92,10) " amp1 = "//
& "matmul (amp_color(:,h1,1), cf)"
write(92,10) " amp2 = amp_color(:,h2,1)"
write(92,10) " rho_out(ho1,1,ho2,1) = "//
& "rho_out(ho1,1,ho2,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & + dot_product (amp1, amp2) * rho_in(hi1,1,hi2,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & / cmult(1)"
write(92,10) " do c = 1, nflows"
write(92,10) " rho_col_out(c,ho1,1,ho2,1) = "//
& "rho_col_out(c,ho1,1,ho2,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & + amp_flow(c,h1,1) * conjg(amp_flow(c,h2,1)) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & * rho_in(hi1,1,hi2,1)"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end subroutine scatter_colored_nonzero"
! Write the sqme wrapper for colored amplitudes with diagonal spin density
! Again, assume that the out-spin index varies faster than the in-index
! The color flow index is the first index in rho_out which therefore
! is three-dimensional. For counting zeros, the color index is summed over.
write(92,10) " subroutine scatter_diagonal_colored_nz "//
& "(p, rho_in, rho_out, zero_ct, n)"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(0:,:), intent(in) :: p"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rho_in"
write(92,10) " "//
& "real(D), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: rho_out"
write(92,10) " "//
& "integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: zero_ct"
write(92,10) " integer, intent(in) :: n"
write(92,10) " integer :: hi, ho, h, c"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(nflows,ncross) :: pcol"
write(92,10) " real(D), dimension(ncross) :: sqme, sum_pcol"
write(92,10) " "//
& "complex(D), dimension(ncolors) :: amp1, amp2"
write(92,10) " "//
& "call calculate_amplitudes "//
& "(p, zero_ct, n, calc_flows=.true.)"
write(92,10) " rho_out = 0"
write(92,10) " h = 0"
write(92,10) " do hi = 1, number_spin_states_in ()"
write(92,10) " do ho = 1, number_spin_states_out ()"
write(92,10) " h = h + 1"
write(92,10) " amp1 = matmul (amp_color(:,h,1), cf)"
write(92,10) " amp2 = amp_color(:,h,1)"
write(92,10) " "//
& "sqme(1) = dot_product (amp1, amp2) * rho_in(hi,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & / cmult(1)"
write(92,10) " do c = 1, nflows"
write(92,10) " pcol(c,1) = abs (amp_flow(c,h,1))**2"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " sum_pcol(1) = sum (pcol(:,1))"
write(92,10) " if (sum_pcol(1) /= 0) then"
write(92,10) " rho_out(:,ho,1) = "//
& "rho_out(:,ho,1) &"
write(92,10) " "//
& " & + sqme(1) * pcol(:,1) / sum_pcol(1)"
write(92,10) " end if"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end do"
write(92,10) " end subroutine scatter_diagonal_colored_nz"
10 format(a)
11 format(a,i1)
12 format(a,i1,a)
13 format(a,i1,a,i3)
22 format(a,i2,a,i2,a)
23 format(a,i2,a,i9)
44 format(a,i4)
c 10 format(6x,a)
c 11 format(6x,a,i1)
c 12 format(6x,a,i1,a)
c 13 format(6x,a,i1,a,i3)
c 22 format(6x,a,i2,a,i2,a)
c 23 format(6x,a,i2,a,i9)
c 44 format(6x,a,i4)
end subroutine write_interface

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 8:42 PM (22 h, 54 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
write_module.f (53 KB)

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