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diff --git a/CepGen/Core/Logger.cpp b/CepGen/Core/Logger.cpp
index 42abee7..29f95d7 100644
--- a/CepGen/Core/Logger.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Core/Logger.cpp
@@ -1,51 +1,54 @@
#include "CepGen/Core/Logger.h"
+#if !defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__CLING__)
namespace CepGen
Logger::Logger( std::ostream* os ) :
level( Level::information ), output( os )
Logger::addExceptionRule( const std::string& rule )
allowed_exc_.emplace_back( rule );
Logger::passExceptionRule( const std::string& tmpl, const Level& lev ) const
if ( level >= lev )
return true;
if ( allowed_exc_.size() == 0 )
return false;
for ( const auto& rule : allowed_exc_ )
if ( std::regex_match( tmpl, rule ) )
return true;
return false;
operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Logger::Level& lvl )
switch ( lvl ) {
case Logger::Level::nothing:
return os << "None";
case Logger::Level::error:
return os << "Errors";
case Logger::Level::warning:
return os << "Warnings";
case Logger::Level::information:
return os << "Infos";
case Logger::Level::debug:
return os << "Debug";
case Logger::Level::debugInsideLoop:
return os << "Debug (in loops)";
return os;
diff --git a/CepGen/Core/Logger.h b/CepGen/Core/Logger.h
index 330c64c..ae72988 100644
--- a/CepGen/Core/Logger.h
+++ b/CepGen/Core/Logger.h
@@ -1,49 +1,56 @@
#ifndef CepGen_Core_Logger_h
#define CepGen_Core_Logger_h
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
namespace CepGen
/// General purposes logger
/// \author Laurent Forthomme <>
/// \date 15 Oct 2015
class Logger
/// Logging threshold for the output stream
enum class Level { nothing = 0, error, warning, information, debug, debugInsideLoop };
/// Initialize a logging object
Logger( std::ostream* os = &std::cout );
std::vector<std::regex> allowed_exc_;
/// Retrieve the running instance of the logger
static Logger& get( std::ostream* os = &std::cout ) {
static Logger log( os );
return log;
/// Add a new rule to display exceptions/messages
/// \param[in] rule Regex rule to handle
void addExceptionRule( const std::string& rule );
/// Is the module set to be displayed/logged?
/// \param[in] tmpl Module name to probe
bool passExceptionRule( const std::string& tmpl, const Level& lev ) const;
/// Redirect the logger to a given output stream
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Logger::Level& lvl );
/// Logging threshold for the output stream
Level level;
/// Output stream to use for all logging operations
std::ostream* output;
+#if defined(__CINT__) || defined(__CLING__)
+ inline Logger::Logger( std::ostream* ) {}
+ inline Logger::~Logger() {}
+ inline void Logger::addExceptionRule( const std::string& ) {}
+ inline bool Logger::passExceptionRule( const std::string&, const Logger::Level& ) const { return false; }
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
index 7ee7ad0..e98e328 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
@@ -1,353 +1,354 @@
#include "CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.h"
#include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
#include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
#include <assert.h>
namespace CepGen
namespace Process
const double PPtoWW::mw_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::W );
const double PPtoWW::mw2_ = PPtoWW::mw_*PPtoWW::mw_;
PPtoWW::PPtoWW() :
GenericKTProcess( "pptoww", "ɣɣ → W⁺W¯", { { PDG::Photon, PDG::Photon } }, { PDG::W, PDG::W } ),
y1_( 0. ), y2_( 0. ), pt_diff_( 0. ), phi_pt_diff_( 0. )
registerVariable( y1_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "First outgoing W rapidity" );
registerVariable( y2_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "Second outgoing W rapidity" );
registerVariable( pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff, { 0., 500. }, "Ws transverse momentum difference" );
registerVariable( phi_pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.phi_pt_diff, { 0., 2.*M_PI }, "Ws azimuthal angle difference" );
// How matrix element is calculated
const unsigned short method = 1;
// matrix element computation
//const double stild = s_/2.*(1+sqrt(1.-(4*pow(mp2_, 2))/s_*s_));
// Inner photons
const double q1tx = qt1_*cos( phi_qt1_ ), q1ty = qt1_*sin( phi_qt1_ ),
q2tx = qt2_*cos( phi_qt2_ ), q2ty = qt2_*sin( phi_qt2_ );
<< "q1t(x/y) = " << q1tx << " / " << q1ty << "\n\t"
<< "q2t(x/y) = " << q2tx << " / " << q2ty << ".";
// Two-photon system
const double ptsumx = q1tx+q2tx,
ptsumy = q1ty+q2ty,
ptsum = sqrt( ptsumx*ptsumx+ptsumy*ptsumy );
const double ptdiffx = pt_diff_*cos( phi_pt_diff_ ),
ptdiffy = pt_diff_*sin( phi_pt_diff_ );
// Outgoing leptons
const double pt1x = ( ptsumx+ptdiffx )*0.5, pt1y = ( ptsumy+ptdiffy )*0.5, pt1 = std::hypot( pt1x, pt1y ),
pt2x = ( ptsumx-ptdiffx )*0.5, pt2y = ( ptsumy-ptdiffy )*0.5, pt2 = std::hypot( pt2x, pt2y );
- if ( PDG::W ).pt_single.valid() ) {
+ if ( cuts_.cuts.central_particles.count( PDG::W ) > 0
+ && PDG::W ).pt_single.valid() ) {
const Limits pt_limits = PDG::W ).pt_single;
if ( !pt_limits.passes( pt1 ) || !pt_limits.passes( pt2 ) )
return 0.;
// transverse mass for the two leptons
const double amt1 = sqrt( pt1*pt1+mw2_ ),
amt2 = sqrt( pt2*pt2+mw2_ );
// a window in two-boson invariant mass
const double invm = sqrt( amt1*amt1 + amt2*amt2 + 2.*amt1*amt2*cosh( y1_-y2_ ) - ptsum*ptsum );
if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.mass_sum.passes( invm ) )
return 0.;
// a window in transverse momentum difference
if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff.passes( fabs( pt1-pt2 ) ) )
return 0.;
// a window in rapidity distance
if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_diff.passes( fabs( y1_-y2_ ) ) )
return 0.;
// auxiliary quantities
const double alpha1 = amt1/sqs_*exp( y1_ ), beta1 = amt1/sqs_*exp( -y1_ ),
alpha2 = amt2/sqs_*exp( y2_ ), beta2 = amt2/sqs_*exp( -y2_ );
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:sudakov" )
<< "Sudakov parameters:\n\t"
<< " alpha1/2 = " << alpha1 << " / " << alpha2 << "\n\t"
<< " beta1/2 = " << beta1 << " / " << beta2 << ".";
const double q1t2 = q1tx*q1tx+q1ty*q1ty, q2t2 = q2tx*q2tx+q2ty*q2ty;
const double x1 = alpha1+alpha2, x2 = beta1+beta2;
const double z1p = alpha1/x1, z1m = alpha2/x1,
z2p = beta1 /x2, z2m = beta2 /x2;
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:zeta" )
<< "z(1/2)p = " << z1p << " / " << z2p << "\n\t"
<< "z(1/2)m = " << z1m << " / " << z2m << ".";
if ( x1 > 1. || x2 > 1. )
return 0.; // sanity check
const double ak10 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).energy(),
ak1z = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum().pz(),
ak20 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).energy(),
ak2z = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum().pz();
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:incoming" )
<< "incoming particles: p1: " << ak1z << " / " << ak10 << "\n\t"
<< " p2: " << ak2z << " / " << ak20 << ".";
// additional conditions for energy-momentum conservation
const double s1_eff = x1*s_-qt1_*qt1_, s2_eff = x2*s_-qt2_*qt2_;
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:central" )
<< "s(1/2)_eff = " << s1_eff << " / " << s2_eff << " GeV^2\n\t"
<< "diboson invariant mass = " << invm << " GeV";
if ( ( cuts_.mode == Kinematics::Mode::ElasticInelastic
|| cuts_.mode == Kinematics::Mode::InelasticInelastic )
&& ( sqrt( s1_eff ) <= ( MY_+invm ) ) )
return 0.;
if ( ( cuts_.mode == Kinematics::Mode::InelasticElastic
|| cuts_.mode == Kinematics::Mode::InelasticInelastic )
&& ( sqrt( s2_eff ) <= ( MX_+invm ) ) )
return 0.;
//const double qcaptx = pcaptx, qcapty = pcapty;
// four-momenta of the outgoing protons (or remnants)
const double px_plus = ( 1.-x1 )*fabs( ak1z )*M_SQRT2,
px_minus = ( MX_*MX_ + q1t2 )*0.5/px_plus;
const double py_minus = ( 1.-x2 )*fabs( ak2z )*M_SQRT2, // warning! sign of pz??
py_plus = ( MY_*MY_ + q2t2 )*0.5/py_minus;
<< "px± = " << px_plus << " / " << px_minus << "\n\t"
<< "py± = " << py_plus << " / " << py_minus << ".";
PX_ = Particle::Momentum( -q1tx, -q1ty, ( px_plus-px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( px_plus+px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
PY_ = Particle::Momentum( -q2tx, -q2ty, ( py_plus-py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( py_plus+py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:remnants" )
<< "First remnant: " << PX_ << ", mass = " << PX_.mass() << "\n\t"
<< "Second remnant: " << PY_ << ", mass = " << PY_.mass() << ".";
/*assert( fabs( PX_.mass()-MX_ ) < 1.e-6 );
assert( fabs( PY_.mass()-MY_ ) < 1.e-6 );*/
// four-momenta squared of the virtual photons
const double ww = 0.5 * ( 1.+sqrt( 1.-4.*mp2_/s_ ) );
// FIXME FIXME FIXME /////////////////////
Particle::Momentum q1( q1tx, q1ty, +0.5 * x1*ww*sqs_*( 1.-q1t2/x1/x1/ww/ww/s_ ), 0.5 * x1*ww*sqs_*( 1.+q1t2/x1/x1/ww/ww/s_ ) ),
q2( q2tx, q2ty, -0.5 * x2*ww*sqs_*( 1.-q2t2/x2/x2/ww/ww/s_ ), 0.5 * x2*ww*sqs_*( 1.+q2t2/x2/x2/ww/ww/s_ ) );
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:partons" )
<< "First photon*: " << q1 << ", mass2 = " << q1.mass2() << "\n\t"
<< "Second photon*: " << q2 << ", mass2 = " << q2.mass2() << ".";
//const double q12 = q1.mass2(), q22 = q2.mass2();
// four-momenta of the outgoing W^+ and W^-
p_w1_ = Particle::Momentum( pt1x, pt1y, alpha1*ak1z + beta1*ak2z, alpha1*ak10 + beta1*ak20 );
p_w2_ = Particle::Momentum( pt2x, pt2y, alpha2*ak1z + beta2*ak2z, alpha2*ak10 + beta2*ak20 );
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:central" )
<< "First W: " << p_w1_ << ", mass = " << p_w1_.mass() << "\n\t"
<< "Second W: " << p_w2_ << ", mass = " << p_w2_.mass() << ".";
//assert( fabs( p_w1_.mass()-event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0].mass() ) < 1.e-6 );
//assert( fabs( p_w2_.mass()-event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[1].mass() ) < 1.e-6 );
// Mendelstam variables
//const double shat = s_*x1*x2; // ishat = 1 (approximation)
const double shat = ( q1+q2 ).mass2(); // ishat = 2 (exact formula)
const double that1 = ( q1-p_w1_ ).mass2(), that2 = ( q2-p_w2_ ).mass2();
const double uhat1 = ( q1-p_w2_ ).mass2(), uhat2 = ( q2-p_w1_ ).mass2();
<< "that(1/2) = " << that1 << " / " << that2 << "\n\t"
<< "uhat(1/2) = " << uhat1 << " / " << uhat2 << ".";
//const double mll = sqrt( shat );
const double that = 0.5*( that1+that2 ), uhat = 0.5*( uhat1+uhat2 );
// matrix elements
double amat2 = 0.;
<< "matrix element mode: " << method << ".";
// matrix element for gamma gamma --> W^+ W^-
// (Denner+Dittmaier+Schuster)
// (work in collaboration with C. Royon)
if ( method == 0 )
amat2 = onShellME( shat, that, uhat );
// off-shell Nachtmann formulae
else if ( method == 1 )
amat2 = offShellME( shat, that, uhat, phi_qt1_+phi_qt2_, phi_qt1_-phi_qt2_ );
if ( amat2 <= 0. )
return 0.;
// unintegrated photon distributions
GenericKTProcess::computeIncomingFluxes( x1, q1t2, x2, q2t2 );
CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:fluxes" )
<< "Incoming photon fluxes for (x/kt2) = "
<< "(" << x1 << "/" << q1t2 << "), "
<< "(" << x2 << "/" << q2t2 << "):\n\t"
<< flux1_ << ", " << flux2_ << ".";
// factor 2.*pi from integration over phi_sum
// factor 1/4 from jacobian of transformations
// factors 1/pi and 1/pi due to integration over
// d^2 kappa_1 d^2 kappa_2 instead d kappa_1^2 d kappa_2^2
const double aintegral = amat2 / ( 16.*M_PI*M_PI*( x1*x2*s_ )*( x1*x2*s_ ) )
* flux1_/M_PI * flux2_/M_PI * 0.25
* Constants::GeV2toBarn;
/*const double aintegral = amat2 / ( 16.*M_PI*M_PI*x1*x1*x2*x2*s_*s_ )
* flux1_/M_PI * flux2_/M_PI
* Constants::GeV2toBarn * 0.25;*/
return aintegral*qt1_*qt2_*pt_diff_;
// randomise the charge of the outgoing leptons
short sign = ( drand() > 0.5 ) ? +1 : -1;
// first outgoing lepton
Particle& ow1 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0];
ow1.setPdgId( ow1.pdgId(), sign );
ow1.setStatus( Particle::Undecayed );
ow1.setMomentum( p_w1_ );
// second outgoing lepton
Particle& ow2 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[1];
ow2.setPdgId( ow2.pdgId(), -sign );
ow2.setStatus( Particle::Undecayed );
ow2.setMomentum( p_w2_ );
PPtoWW::onShellME( double shat, double that, double uhat )
const double mw4 = mw2_*mw2_;
const double term1 = 2.*shat * ( 2.*shat+3.*mw2_ ) / ( 3.*( mw2_-that )*( mw2_-uhat ) );
const double term2 = 2.*shat*shat * ( shat*shat + 3.*mw4 ) / ( 3.*pow( mw2_-that, 2 )*pow( mw2_-uhat, 2 ) );
const double auxil_gamgam = 1.-term1+term2;
const double beta = sqrt( 1.-4.*mw2_/shat );
return 3.*Constants::alphaEM*Constants::alphaEM*beta / ( 2.*shat ) * auxil_gamgam / ( beta/( 64.*M_PI*M_PI*shat ) );
PPtoWW::offShellME( double shat, double that, double uhat, double phi_sum, double phi_diff )
const double e2 = 4.*M_PI*Constants::alphaEM;
double amat2_0 = 0., amat2_1 = 0., amat2_interf = 0.;
for ( const auto lam3 : { -1, 0, 1 } ) {
for ( const auto lam4 : { -1, 0, 1 } ) {
double ampli_pp = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, +1, +1, lam3, lam4 );
double ampli_mm = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, -1, -1, lam3, lam4 );
double ampli_pm = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, +1, -1, lam3, lam4 );
double ampli_mp = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, -1, +1, lam3, lam4 );
amat2_0 += ampli_pp*ampli_pp + ampli_mm*ampli_mm + 2.*cos( 2.*phi_diff )*ampli_pp*ampli_mm;
amat2_1 += ampli_pm*ampli_pm + ampli_mp*ampli_mp + 2.*cos( 2.*phi_sum )*ampli_pm*ampli_mp;
amat2_interf -= 2.*( cos( phi_sum+phi_diff )*( ampli_pp*ampli_pm+ampli_mm*ampli_mp ) + cos( phi_sum-phi_diff )*( ampli_pp*ampli_mp+ampli_mm*ampli_pm ) );
return e2*e2 * ( amat2_0 + amat2_1 + amat2_interf );
PPtoWW::amplitudeWW( double shat, double that, double uhat, short lam1, short lam2, short lam3, short lam4 )
// then compute some kinematic variables
const double cos_theta = ( that-uhat ) / shat / sqrt( 1.+1.e-10-4.*mw2_/shat ), cos_theta2 = cos_theta*cos_theta;
const double sin_theta2 = 1.-cos_theta2, sin_theta = sqrt( sin_theta2 );
const double beta = sqrt( 1.-4.*mw2_/shat ), beta2 = beta*beta;
const double inv_gamma = sqrt( 1.-beta2 ), gamma = 1./inv_gamma, gamma2 = gamma*gamma, inv_gamma2 = inv_gamma*inv_gamma;
const double invA = 1./( 1.-beta2*cos_theta2 );
if ( lam3 == 0 && lam4 == 0 )
return invA*inv_gamma2*( ( gamma2+1. )*( 1.-lam1*lam2 )*sin_theta2 - ( 1.+lam1*lam2 ) );
if ( lam4 == 0 )
return invA*( -M_SQRT2*inv_gamma*( lam1-lam2 )*( 1.+lam1*lam3*cos_theta )*sin_theta );
if ( lam3 == 0 )
return invA*( -M_SQRT2*inv_gamma*( lam2-lam1 )*( 1.+lam2*lam4*cos_theta )*sin_theta );
if ( lam3 != 0 && lam4 != 0 )
return invA*( -0.5*( 2.*beta*( lam1+lam2 )*( lam3+lam4 ) - inv_gamma2*( 1.+lam3*lam4 )*( 2.*lam1*lam2+( 1.-lam1*lam2 ) * cos_theta2 )+( 1.+lam1*lam2*lam3*lam4 )*( 3.+lam1*lam2 ) + 2.*( lam1-lam2 )*( lam3-lam4 )*cos_theta + ( 1.-lam1*lam2 )*( 1.-lam3*lam4 )*cos_theta2 ) );
return 0.;
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Sat, Dec 21, 12:23 PM (1 d, 17 h)
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