# add list of cgi files to the other files that need to be copied across
downloads.html \
downloads_detailed.html \
HBstyle.css \
privacypolicy.html \
index_debug.html \
HiggsBounds-logo-small.jpg \
DarkSUSY2-100.jpg \
sample_fhucc_mhmax.txt \
minipaper.tex \
minipaper.bib \
minipaper.bbl \
minipaper.pdf \
# '*' is a sed wildcard and will match any number (or none) or the character immediately preceeding it
# change paths and website addresses to appropriate settings for laptop. Also want to use the hepforge .css file, so get to see what effect it'll have on the page.
# note that the links to the tar.gz files will not work as they're not stored on my laptop!