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Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_real_partition.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_real_partition.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_real_partition.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,41 +1,43 @@
# Seed change to clean numerical noise between LHAPDF 6.2.3 and 6.3.0/6.4.0
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvj"
?pacify = true
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t"
?alphas_from_mz = false
?alphas_from_lhapdf = true
alphas_nf = 5
alphas_order = 2
alpha_power = 1
alphas_power = 1
beams = p, p => lhapdf
$lhapdf_file = "MSTW2008nlo68cl"
sqrts = 13 TeV
seed = 31415
# Settings for MPI
$rng_method = "rng_stream"
$integration_method = "vamp2"
cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
let subevt @pt_selected = select if Pt > 30 GeV [@clustered_jets] in
let subevt @eta_selected = select if abs(Eta) < 4 [@pt_selected] in
count [@eta_selected] >= 1
scale = eval Ht/2 [Z:jet]
$real_partition_mode = "on"
real_partition_scale = 10 GeV
process ppzj_wp = pr, pr => Z, jet { nlo_calculation = real $restrictions="!W+:W-" }
integrate (ppzj_wp) { iterations = 2:1000:"gw",2:1000 }
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzw.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzw.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzw.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvv"
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:c:C:b:B:gl
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "t"
$negative_sf = "positive"
alias Wpm = Wp:Wm
beams = p, p => lhapdf
$lhapdf_file = "MSTW2008nlo68cl"
sqrts = 13000 GeV
alpha_power = 2
alphas_power = 0
?alphas_from_mz = false
?alphas_from_lhapdf = true
scale = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
sum sqrt(Pt^2 + M^2)/2 [Z:Wpm] + sum Pt/2 [@clustered_jets]
?combined_nlo_integration = false
process nlo_ppzw_p1 = pr, pr => Z, Wpm { nlo_calculation = full }
integrate (nlo_ppzw_p1) { iterations = 1:500:"gw" }
!mult_call_real = 1
!mult_call_virt = 5
!integrate (nlo_ppzw_p1) { iterations = 10:100000:"gw",5:60000 }
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzz.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzz.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzz.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvv"
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:c:C:b:B:gl
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "t"
$negative_sf = "positive"
beams = p, p => lhapdf
$lhapdf_file = "MSTW2008nlo68cl"
sqrts = 13000 GeV
alpha_power = 2
alphas_power = 0
?alphas_from_mz = false
?alphas_from_lhapdf = true
scale = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
sum sqrt(Pt^2 + M^2)/2 [Z] + sum Pt/2 [@clustered_jets]
?combined_nlo_integration = false
process nlo_ppzz_p1 = pr, pr => Z, Z { nlo_calculation = full }
integrate (nlo_ppzz_p1) { iterations = 1:500:"gw" }
!mult_call_real = 5
!relative_error_goal = 0.009
!integrate (nlo_ppzz_p1) { iterations = 15:100000:"gw",5:60000 }
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_1.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_1.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_1.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
# SINDARIN input for WHIZARD self-test
# Testing NLO calculation of the real component of
# of pp -> Zj and the simulation of events.
model = "SM"
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvj"
?logging = true
?openmp_logging = false
?vis_history = false
?integration_timer = false
?pacify = true
!!! Tests should be run single-threaded
openmp_num_threads = 1
mZ = 91.188
wZ = 0.0
ms = 0
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias elec = e1:E1
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t"
jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm
jet_r = 0.5
$method = "openloops"
alpha_power = 1
alphas_power = 1
$rng_method = "rng_stream"
$integration_method = "vamp2"
beams = p, p => pdf_builtin
sqrts = 13000 GeV
cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
let subevt @pt_selected = select if Pt > 350 GeV [@clustered_jets] in
let subevt @eta_selected = select if abs(Eta) < 4 [@pt_selected] in
count [@eta_selected] >= 1
scale = eval Ht/2 [Z:jet]
?combined_nlo_integration = false
seed = 3992
process nlo_ppzj_sim_1_p1 = pr, pr => Z, jet { nlo_calculation = real $restrictions="!W+:W-" }
integrate (nlo_ppzj_sim_1_p1) { iterations = 1:100 }
n_events = 10
$sample_normalization = "sigma"
?unweighted = false
?negative_weights = true
?keep_failed_events = true
?fixed_order_nlo_events = true
sample_format = debug
?debug_decay = false
?debug_process = false
?debug_verbose = false
?sample_pacify = true
?write_raw = false
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_2.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_2.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_2.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
# SINDARIN input for WHIZARD self-test
# Testing NLO calculation of the virtual component of
# of pp -> Zj and the simulation of events.
model = "SM"
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvj"
?logging = true
?openmp_logging = false
?vis_history = false
?integration_timer = false
?pacify = true
!!! Tests should be run single-threaded
openmp_num_threads = 1
mZ = 91.188
wZ = 0.0
ms = 0
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias elec = e1:E1
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t"
jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm
jet_r = 0.5
$method = "openloops"
alpha_power = 1
alphas_power = 1
$rng_method = "rng_stream"
$integration_method = "vamp2"
beams = p, p => pdf_builtin
sqrts = 13000 GeV
cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
let subevt @pt_selected = select if Pt > 350 GeV [@clustered_jets] in
let subevt @eta_selected = select if abs(Eta) < 4 [@pt_selected] in
count [@eta_selected] >= 1
scale = eval Ht/2 [Z:jet]
?combined_nlo_integration = false
seed = 3991
process nlo_ppzj_sim_2_p1 = pr, pr => Z, jet { nlo_calculation = virtual $restrictions="!W+:W-" }
integrate (nlo_ppzj_sim_2_p1) { iterations = 1:100 }
n_events = 2
$sample_normalization = "sigma"
?unweighted = false
?negative_weights = true
?keep_failed_events = true
?fixed_order_nlo_events = true
sample_format = debug
?debug_decay = false
?debug_process = false
?debug_verbose = false
?sample_pacify = true
?write_raw = false
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_3.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_3.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_3.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
# SINDARIN input for WHIZARD self-test
# Testing NLO calculation of the dglap component of
# of pp -> Zj and the simulation of events.
model = "SM"
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvj"
?logging = true
?openmp_logging = false
?vis_history = false
?integration_timer = false
?pacify = true
!!! Tests should be run single-threaded
openmp_num_threads = 1
mZ = 91.188
wZ = 0.0
ms = 0
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias elec = e1:E1
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t"
jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm
jet_r = 0.5
$method = "openloops"
alpha_power = 1
alphas_power = 1
$rng_method = "rng_stream"
$integration_method = "vamp2"
beams = p, p => pdf_builtin
sqrts = 13000 GeV
cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
let subevt @pt_selected = select if Pt > 350 GeV [@clustered_jets] in
let subevt @eta_selected = select if abs(Eta) < 4 [@pt_selected] in
count [@eta_selected] >= 1
scale = eval Ht/2 [Z:jet]
?combined_nlo_integration = false
seed = 3991
process nlo_ppzj_sim_3_p1 = pr, pr => Z, jet { nlo_calculation = dglap $restrictions="!W+:W-" }
integrate (nlo_ppzj_sim_3_p1) { iterations = 1:100 }
n_events = 2
$sample_normalization = "sigma"
?unweighted = false
?negative_weights = true
?keep_failed_events = true
?fixed_order_nlo_events = true
sample_format = debug
?debug_decay = false
?debug_process = false
?debug_verbose = false
?sample_pacify = true
?write_raw = false
Index: trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_4.sin
--- trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_4.sin (revision 8824)
+++ trunk/share/tests/ext_tests_nlo/nlo_ppzj_sim_4.sin (revision 8825)
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
# SINDARIN input for WHIZARD self-test
# Testing the combined NLO calculation of all components of
# of pp -> Zj and the simulation of events.
model = "SM"
+$openloops_allowed_libs = "ppvj"
?logging = true
?openmp_logging = false
?vis_history = false
?integration_timer = false
?pacify = true
!!! Tests should be run single-threaded
openmp_num_threads = 1
mZ = 91.188
wZ = 0.0
ms = 0
alias pr = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:gl
alias elec = e1:E1
$exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t"
jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm
jet_r = 0.5
$method = "openloops"
alpha_power = 1
alphas_power = 1
$rng_method = "rng_stream"
$integration_method = "vamp2"
beams = p, p => pdf_builtin
sqrts = 13000 GeV
cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in
let subevt @pt_selected = select if Pt > 360 GeV [@clustered_jets] in
let subevt @eta_selected = select if abs(Eta) < 4 [@pt_selected] in
count [@eta_selected] >= 1
scale = eval Ht/2 [Z:jet]
?combined_nlo_integration = true
seed = 4466
process nlo_ppzj_sim_4_p1 = pr, pr => Z, jet { nlo_calculation = full $restrictions="!W+:W-" }
integrate (nlo_ppzj_sim_4_p1) { iterations = 1:100 }
n_events = 10
$sample_normalization = "sigma"
?unweighted = false
?negative_weights = true
?keep_failed_events = true
?fixed_order_nlo_events = true
sample_format = debug
?debug_decay = false
?debug_process = false
?debug_verbose = false
?sample_pacify = true
?write_raw = false

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 6:17 PM (1 d, 21 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(10 KB)

Event Timeline