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@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\RCSId$Id: vamp_test.nw 314 2010-04-17 20:32:33Z ohl $
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Self Test}
\section{No Mapping Mode}
In this chapter we perfom a test of the major features of Vamp. A
function with many peaks is integrated with the traditional Vegas
algorithm, using a multi-channel approach and in parallel. The
function is constructed to have a known analytical integral (which is
chosen to be one) in order to be able to gauge the accuracy of the
reselt and error estimate.
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Serial Test}
! vamp_test.f90 --
<<Copyleft notice>>
<<Module [[vamp_test_functions]]>>
<<Module [[vamp_tests]]>>
<<Module [[vamp_test_functions]]>>=
module vamp_test_functions
use kinds
use constants, only: PI
use coordinates
use vamp, only: vamp_grid, vamp_multi_channel
implicit none
public :: f, j, phi, ihp, w
public :: lorentzian
private :: lorentzian_normalized
real(kind=default), public :: width
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>
end module vamp_test_functions
\int_{x_1}^{x_2}\!\mathrm{d}x\, \frac{1}{(x-x_0)^2+a^2}
= \frac{1}{a} \left(
- \atan\left(\frac{x_1-x_0}{a}\right) \right)
= N(x_0,x_1,x_2,a)
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function lorentzian_normalized (x, x0, x1, x2, a) result (f)
real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x, x0, x1, x2, a
real(kind=default) :: f
if (x1 <= x .and. x <= x2) then
f = 1 / ((x - x0)**2 + a**2) &
* a / (atan2 (x2 - x0, a) - atan2 (x1 - x0, a))
f = 0
end if
end function lorentzian_normalized
@ %def lorentzian_normalized
\int\!\mathrm{d}^nx\,f(x) =
\int\!\mathrm{d}\Omega_n\,r^{n-1}\mathrm{d}r f(x) = 1
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function lorentzian (x, x0, x1, x2, r0, a) result (f)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, x0, x1, x2
real(kind=default), intent(in) :: r0, a
real(kind=default) :: f
real(kind=default) :: r, r1, r2
integer :: n
n = size (x)
if (n > 1) then
r = sqrt (dot_product (x-x0, x-x0))
r1 = 0.4_default
r2 = min (minval (x2-x0), minval (x0-x1))
if (r1 <= r .and. r <= r2) then
f = lorentzian_normalized (r, r0, r1, r2, a) * r**(1-n) / surface (n)
f = 0
end if
f = lorentzian_normalized (x(1), x0(1), x1(1), x2(1), a)
end function lorentzian
@ %def lorentzian
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function f (x, prc_index, weights, channel, grids) result (f_x)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: prc_index
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: weights
integer, intent(in), optional :: channel
type(vamp_grid), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: grids
real(kind=default) :: f_x
real(kind=default), dimension(size(x)) :: minus_one, plus_one, zero, w_i, f_i
integer :: n, i
n = size(x)
minus_one = -1
zero = 0
plus_one = 1
w_i = 1
do i = 1, n
if (all (abs (x(i+1:)) <= 1)) then
f_i = lorentzian (x(1:i), zero(1:i), minus_one(1:i), plus_one(1:i), &
0.7_default, width) &
/ 2.0_default**(n-i)
f_i = 0
end if
end do
f_x = dot_product (w_i, f_i) / sum (w_i)
end function f
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function phi (xi, channel) result (x)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xi
integer, intent(in) :: channel
real(kind=default), dimension(size(xi)) :: x
real(kind=default) :: r
real(kind=default), dimension(0) :: dummy
integer :: n
n = size(x)
if (channel == 1) then
x = xi
else if (channel == 2) then
r = (xi(1) + 1) / 2 * sqrt (2.0_default)
x(1:2) = spherical_cos_to_cartesian (r, PI * xi(2), dummy)
x(3:) = xi(3:)
else if (channel < n) then
r = (xi(1) + 1) / 2 * sqrt (real (channel, kind=default))
x(1:channel) = spherical_cos_to_cartesian (r, PI * xi(2), xi(3:channel))
x(channel+1:) = xi(channel+1:)
else if (channel == n) then
r = (xi(1) + 1) / 2 * sqrt (real (channel, kind=default))
x = spherical_cos_to_cartesian (r, PI * xi(2), xi(3:))
x = 0
end if
end function phi
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function ihp (x, channel) result (xi)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: channel
real(kind=default), dimension(size(x)) :: xi
real(kind=default) :: r, phi
integer :: n
n = size(x)
if (channel == 1) then
xi = x
else if (channel == 2) then
call cartesian_to_spherical_cos (x(1:2), r, phi)
xi(1) = 2 * r / sqrt (2.0_default) - 1
xi(2) = phi / PI
xi(3:) = x(3:)
else if (channel < n) then
call cartesian_to_spherical_cos (x(1:channel), r, phi, xi(3:channel))
xi(1) = 2 * r / sqrt (real (channel, kind=default)) - 1
xi(2) = phi / PI
xi(channel+1:) = x(channel+1:)
else if (channel == n) then
call cartesian_to_spherical_cos (x, r, phi, xi(3:))
xi(1) = 2 * r / sqrt (real (channel, kind=default)) - 1
xi(2) = phi / PI
xi = 0
end if
end function ihp
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function j (x, prc_index, channel) result (j_x)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: prc_index
integer, intent(in) :: channel
real(kind=default) :: j_x
if (channel == 1) then
j_x = 1
else if (channel > 1) then
j_x = 2 / sqrt (real (channel, kind=default)) !: $1/|\mathrm{d}r/\mathrm{d}\xi_1|$
j_x = j_x / PI !: $1/|\mathrm{d}\phi/\mathrm{d}\xi_2|$
j_x = j_x * cartesian_to_spherical_cos_j (x(1:channel))
j_x = 0
end if
end function j
<<Implementation of [[vamp_test_functions]] procedures>>=
pure function w (x, prc_index, weights, channel, grids) result (w_x)
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: prc_index
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: weights
integer, intent(in), optional :: channel
type(vamp_grid), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: grids
real(kind=default) :: w_x
w_x = vamp_multi_channel (f, prc_index, phi, ihp, j, x, weights, channel, grids)
end function w
<<Module [[vamp_tests]]>>=
module vamp_tests
use kinds
use exceptions
use histograms
use tao_random_numbers
use coordinates
use vamp
use vamp_test_functions !NODEP!
implicit none
<<Declaration of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>
end module vamp_tests
@ %def vamp_tests
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
<<Declaration of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
! public :: check_jacobians, check_inverses, check_inverses3
public :: check_inverses, check_inverses3
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]] (broken?)>>=
subroutine check_jacobians (rng, region, weights, samples)
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: region
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weights
integer, intent(in) :: samples
real(kind=default), dimension(size(region,dim=2)) :: x
real(kind=default) :: d
integer :: ch
integer, parameter :: prc_index = 1
do ch = 1, size(weights)
call vamp_check_jacobian (rng, samples, j, prc_index, phi, ch, region, d, x)
print *, "channel", ch, ": delta(j)/j=", real(d), ", @x=", real (x)
end do
end subroutine check_jacobians
@ %def check_jacobians
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
subroutine check_inverses (rng, region, weights, samples)
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: region
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weights
integer, intent(in) :: samples
real(kind=default), dimension(size(region,dim=2)) :: x1, x2, x_dx
real(kind=default) :: dx, dx_max
integer :: ch, i
dx_max = 0
x_dx = 0
do ch = 1, size(weights)
do i = 1, samples
call tao_random_number (rng, x1)
x2 = ihp (phi (x1, ch), ch)
dx = sqrt (dot_product (x1-x2, x1-x2))
if (dx > dx_max) then
dx_max = dx
x_dx = x1
end if
end do
print *, "channel", ch, ": |x-x|=", real(dx), ", @x=", real (x_dx)
end do
end subroutine check_inverses
@ %def check_inverses
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
subroutine check_inverses3 (rng, region, samples)
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: region
integer, intent(in) :: samples
real(kind=default), dimension(size(region,dim=2)) :: x1, x2, x_dx, x_dj
real(kind=default) :: r, phi, jac, caj, dx, dx_max, dj, dj_max
real(kind=default), dimension(size(x1)-2) :: cos_theta
integer :: i
dx_max = 0
x_dx = 0
dj_max = 0
x_dj = 0
do i = 1, samples
call tao_random_number (rng, x1)
call cartesian_to_spherical_cos_2 (x1, r, phi, cos_theta, jac)
call spherical_cos_to_cartesian_2 (r, phi, cos_theta, x2, caj)
dx = sqrt (dot_product (x1-x2, x1-x2))
dj = jac*caj - 1
if (dx > dx_max) then
dx_max = dx
x_dx = x1
end if
if (dj > dj_max) then
dj_max = dj
x_dj = x1
end if
end do
print *, "channel 3 : j*j-1=", real(dj), ", @x=", real (x_dj)
print *, "channel 3 : |x-x|=", real(dx), ", @x=", real (x_dx)
end subroutine check_inverses3
@ %def check_inverses3
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
<<Declaration of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
public :: single_channel, multi_channel
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
subroutine single_channel (rng, region, samples, iterations, &
integral, standard_dev, chi_squared)
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: region
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: samples, iterations
real(kind=default), intent(out) :: integral, standard_dev, chi_squared
type(vamp_grid) :: gr
type(vamp_history), dimension(iterations(1)+iterations(2)) :: history
integer, parameter :: PRC_INDEX = 1
call vamp_create_history (history)
call vamp_create_grid (gr, region, samples(1))
call vamp_sample_grid (rng, gr, f, PRC_INDEX, iterations(1), history = history)
call vamp_discard_integral (gr, samples(2))
call vamp_sample_grid &
(rng, gr, f, PRC_INDEX, iterations(2), &
integral, standard_dev, chi_squared, &
history = history(iterations(1)+1:))
call vamp_write_grid (gr, "vamp_test.grid")
call vamp_delete_grid (gr)
call vamp_print_history (history, "single")
call vamp_delete_history (history)
end subroutine single_channel
@ %def single_channel
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
subroutine multi_channel (rng, region, weights, samples, iterations, powers, &
integral, standard_dev, chi_squared)
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: region
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: weights
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: samples, iterations
real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: powers
real(kind=default), intent(out) :: integral, standard_dev, chi_squared
type(vamp_grids) :: grs
<<Body of [[multi_channel]]>>
end subroutine multi_channel
@ %def multi_channel
<<Body of [[multi_channel]]>>=
type(vamp_history), dimension(iterations(1)+iterations(2)+size(powers)-1) :: &
type(vamp_history), dimension(size(history),size(weights)) :: histories
integer :: it, nit
integer, parameter :: PRC_INDEX = 1
nit = size (powers)
call vamp_create_history (history)
call vamp_create_history (histories)
call vamp_create_grids (grs, region, samples(1), weights)
call vamp_sample_grids (rng, grs, w, PRC_INDEX, iterations(1) - 1, &
history = history, histories = histories)
call vamp_print_history (history, "multi")
call vamp_print_history (histories, "multi")
do it = 1, nit
call vamp_sample_grids (rng, grs, w, PRC_INDEX, 1, &
history = history(iterations(1)+it-1:), &
histories = histories(iterations(1)+it-1:,:))
call vamp_print_history (history(iterations(1)+it-1:), "multi")
call vamp_print_history (histories(iterations(1)+it-1:,:), "multi")
call vamp_refine_weights (grs, powers(it))
end do
call vamp_discard_integrals (grs, samples(2))
call vamp_sample_grids &
(rng, grs, w, PRC_INDEX, iterations(2), &
integral, standard_dev, chi_squared, &
history = history(iterations(1)+nit:), &
histories = histories(iterations(1)+nit:,:))
call vamp_print_history (history(iterations(1)+nit:), "multi")
call vamp_print_history (histories(iterations(1)+nit:,:), "multi")
call vamp_write_grids (grs, "vamp_test.grids")
call vamp_delete_grids (grs)
call vamp_print_history (history, "multi")
call vamp_print_history (histories, "multi")
call vamp_delete_history (history)
call vamp_delete_history (histories)
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
<<Declaration of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
public :: print_results
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>=
subroutine print_results (prefix, prev_ticks, &
integral, std_dev, chi2, acceptable, failures)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
integer, intent(in) :: prev_ticks
real(kind=default), intent(in) :: integral, std_dev, chi2, acceptable
integer, intent(inout) :: failures
integer :: ticks, ticks_per_second
real(kind=default) :: pull
call system_clock (ticks, ticks_per_second)
pull = (integral - 1) / std_dev
print "(1X,A,A,F6.2,A)", prefix, &
": time = ", real (ticks - prev_ticks) / ticks_per_second, " secs"
print *, prefix, ": int, err, chi2: ", &
real (integral), real (std_dev), real (chi2)
if (abs (pull) > acceptable) then
failures = failures + 1
print *, prefix, ": inacceptable pull:", real (pull)
print *, prefix, ": acceptable pull:", real (pull)
end if
end subroutine print_results
@ %def print_results
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\paragraph{Main Program}
program vamp_test
use kinds
use tao_random_numbers
use coordinates
use divisions, only: DIVISIONS_RCS_ID
use vamp
use vamp_test_functions !NODEP!
use vamp_tests !NODEP!
implicit none
integer :: start_ticks
integer, dimension(2) :: iterations, samples
real(kind=default), dimension(2,5) :: region
real(kind=default), dimension(5) :: weight_vector
real(kind=default), dimension(10) :: powers
real(kind=default) :: single_integral, single_standard_dev, single_chi_squared
real(kind=default) :: multi_integral, multi_standard_dev, multi_chi_squared
type(tao_random_state) :: rng
real(kind=default), parameter :: ACCEPTABLE = 4
integer :: failures
failures = 0
call tao_random_create (rng, 0)
call system_clock (start_ticks)
call tao_random_seed (rng, start_ticks)
iterations = (/ 4, 3 /)
samples = (/ 20000, 200000 /)
region(1,:) = -1.0
region(2,:) = 1.0
width = 0.0001
print *, "Starting VAMP 1.0 self test..."
print *, "serial code"
print *, VAMP_RCS_ID
call system_clock (start_ticks)
call single_channel (rng, region, samples, iterations, &
single_integral, single_standard_dev, single_chi_squared)
call print_results ("SINGLE", start_ticks, &
single_integral, single_standard_dev, single_chi_squared, &
10*ACCEPTABLE, failures)
weight_vector = 1
powers = 0.25_default
call system_clock (start_ticks)
call multi_channel (rng, region, weight_vector, samples, iterations, &
powers, multi_integral, multi_standard_dev, multi_chi_squared)
call print_results ("MULTI", start_ticks, &
multi_integral, multi_standard_dev, multi_chi_squared, &
ACCEPTABLE, failures)
call system_clock (start_ticks)
! call check_jacobians (rng, region, weight_vector, samples(1))
call check_inverses (rng, region, weight_vector, samples(1))
call check_inverses3 (rng, region, samples(1))
if (failures == 0) then
stop 0
else if (failures == 1) then
stop 1
stop 2
end if
end program vamp_test
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Parallel Test}
! vampi_test.f90 --
<<Copyleft notice>>
<<Module [[vamp_test_functions]]>>
@ The following is identical to [[vamp_tests]], except
for~[[use vampi]]:
module vampi_tests
use kinds
use exceptions
use histograms
use tao_random_numbers
use coordinates
use vampi
use vamp_test_functions !NODEP!
implicit none
<<Declaration of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>
<<Implementation of procedures in [[vamp_tests]]>>
end module vampi_tests
@ %def vampi_tests
program vampi_test
use kinds
use tao_random_numbers
use coordinates
use divisions, only: DIVISIONS_RCS_ID
use vamp, only: VAMP_RCS_ID
use vampi
use mpi90
use vamp_test_functions !NODEP!
use vampi_tests !NODEP!
implicit none
integer :: num_proc, proc_id, start_ticks
logical :: perform_io
integer, dimension(2) :: iterations, samples
real(kind=default), dimension(2,5) :: region
real(kind=default), dimension(5) :: weight_vector
real(kind=default), dimension(10) :: powers
real(kind=default) :: single_integral, single_standard_dev, single_chi_squared
real(kind=default) :: multi_integral, multi_standard_dev, multi_chi_squared
type(tao_random_state) :: rng
integer :: iostat, command
character(len=72) :: command_line
integer, parameter :: &
CMD_ERROR = -1, CMD_END = 0, &
call tao_random_create (rng, 0)
call mpi90_init ()
call mpi90_size (num_proc)
call mpi90_rank (proc_id)
perform_io = (proc_id == 0)
call system_clock (start_ticks)
call tao_random_seed (rng, start_ticks + proc_id)
iterations = (/ 4, 3 /)
samples = (/ 20000, 200000 /)
samples = (/ 200000, 2000000 /)
region(1,:) = -1.0
region(2,:) = 1.0
width = 0.0001
if (perform_io) then
print *, "Starting VAMP 1.0 self test..."
if (num_proc > 1) then
print *, "parallel code running on ", num_proc, " processors"
print *, "parallel code running serially"
end if
print *, VAMP_RCS_ID
print *, VAMPI_RCS_ID
end if
command_loop: do
<<Parse the commandline in [[vamp_test]] and set [[command]]>>
call mpi90_broadcast (command, 0)
call system_clock (start_ticks)
select case (command)
<<Execute [[command]] in [[vamp_test]]>>
case (CMD_END)
exit command_loop
case (CMD_NOP)
! do nothing
case (CMD_ERROR)
! do nothing
end select
end do command_loop
call mpi90_finalize ()
end program vampi_test
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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