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diff --git a/ b/
index 6b1c3a3..b417c6b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,126 +1,129 @@
# Changelog
This is the log for changes to the HEJ program. Further changes to the HEJ API
are documented in [``]( If you are using HEJ as a
library, please also read the changes there.
## Version 2.1
Implemented W boson with jets for complete set of first subleading processes
(unordered gluon, central and extremal quark-antiquark pair), see
[arXiv:TODO]( Ported unordered gluon emissions for
pure jets from HEJ 1. This release include many changes to the code, which
affect users of HEJ as a library (see [``](
### 2.1.0
#### New Processes
* Resummation for W bosons with jets
- New subleading processes `extremal qqx` & `central qqx` for a quark and
anti-quark in the final state, e.g. `g g => u d_bar Wm g` (the other
subleading processes also work with W's)
- `HEJFOG` can generate multiple jets together with a (off-shell) W bosons
decaying into lepton & neutrino
* Resummation can now be performed on all subleading processes within pure
jets also. This includes `unordered`, `extremal qqbar` and `central
qqbar` processes.
#### More Physics implementation
* Partons now have a Colour charge
- Colours are read from and written to LHE files
- For reweighted events the colours are created according to leading colour in
the FKL limit
* Use relative fraction for soft transverse momentum in extremal jets (`max ext
soft pt fraction`). This supersedes `min extparton pt`, which is now
deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
#### Updates to Runcard
* Allow multiplication and division of multiple scale functions e.g.
* Grouped `event treatment` for subleading channels together in runcard
- Rename `non-HEJ` processes to `non-resummable`
* Read electro-weak constants from input
- new mandatory setting `vev` to change vacuum expectation value
- new mandatory settings `particle properties` to specify mass & width of
- FOG: decays are now specified in `decays` setting (previously under
`particle properties`)
* Allow loading multiple analyses with `analyses`. The old `analysis` (with "i")
is marked deprecated.
* Optional setting to specify maximal number of Fixed Order events (`max
events`, default is all)
* Allow changing the regulator lambda in input (`regulator parameter`, only for
advanced users)
#### Changes to Input/Output
* Added support to read & write `hdf5` event files suggested in
[arXiv:1905.05120]( (needs
* Support input with average weight equal to the cross section (`IDWTUP=1 or 4`)
* Support unmodified Les Houches Event Files written by Sherpa with
`cross section = sum(weights)/sum(trials)`
* Analyses now get general run information (`LHEF::HEPRUP`) in the
constructor. **This might break previously written, external analyses!**
- external analyses should now be created with
`make_analysis(YAML::Node const & config, LHEF::HEPRUP const & heprup)`
* Support `rivet` version 3 with both `HepMC` version 2 and 3
- Multiple weights with `rivet 3` will only create one `.yoda` file (instead
of one per weight/scale)
* Added option to unweight only resummation events
(`unweight: {type: resummation}`)
* Added option for partially unweighting resummation events, similar to
the fixed-order generator.
* Improved unweighting algorithm.
* Follow HepMC convention for particle Status codes: incoming = 11,
decaying = 2, outgoing = 1 (unchanged)
#### Miscellaneous
+* Currents are now generated with [`FORM`](
+ - `FORM` is included as a `git submodule`, use `git submodule update --init`
+ to download `FORM`
* Print cross sections at end of run
* Added example analysis & scale to `examples/`. Everything in `examples/` will
be build when the flag `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=TRUE` is set in `cmake`.
* Use `git-lfs` for raw data in test (`make test` now requires `git-lfs`)
* Dropped support for HepMC 3.0.0, either HepMC version 2 or >3.1 is required
- It is now possible to write out both HepMC 2 and HepMC 3 events at the same
* Create [Sphinx]( and [Doxygen](
documentation by `make sphinx` or `make doxygen` in your `build/` folder
## Version 2.0
First release of HEJ 2. Complete code rewrite compared to HEJ 1. Improved
matching to Fixed Order ([arXiv:1805.04446](
Implemented processes: Higgs boson with jets (FKL and unordered gluon emission,
with finite quark mass loop,
[arXiv:1812.08072](, and pure jets (only FKL).
See [arXiv:1902.08430](
### 2.0.6
* Fixed compiling rivet when YODA headers are _outside_ of rivet directory
### 2.0.5
* Fixed event classification for input not ordered in rapidity
### 2.0.4
* Fixed wrong path of `HEJ_INCLUDE_DIR` in `hej-config.cmake`
### 2.0.3
* Fixed parsing of (numerical factor) * (base scale) in configuration
* Don't change scale names, but sanitise Rivet output file names instead
### 2.0.2
* Changed scale names to `"_over_"` and `"_times_"` for proper file names (was
`"/"` and `"*"` before)
### 2.0.1
* Fixed name of fixed-order generator in error message.
### 2.0.0
* First release
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 3:00 PM (5 h, 52 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(5 KB)
Attached To
Event Timeline
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