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// is -*- c++ -*-
// @file nnlo_common.h
// nnlo common block interface
// Copyright (C) 2015 M.Sutton (
// $Id: nnlo_common.h, v0.0 Thu 3 Sep 2015 09:51:20 CEST sutt $
// #include <omp.h>
const int maxscl = 7;
//extern "C" int maxscl_hook;
const double TINY = 1.e-100;
typedef struct {
char sproc[5];
} __process__ ;
/// vegas iteration information
typedef struct {
int itmax1;
int itmax2;
int nshota;
int nshotb;
int nshotc;
int nshotd;
int nshote;
} __runinfo__;
typedef struct { int ieorder; } __order__;
/// alpha_s
typedef struct { double as; } __strong__;
/// beam energy ????
/// typedef struct { double Ebeam; } __Ebeam__;
typedef struct {
int njets;
// int norder;
} __inppar__ ;
typedef struct {
int ndim;
int nv;
int norder;
} __ndimcurrent__ ;
typedef struct {
double PDF;
double xi1;
double xi2;
double xjac;
double x1;
double x2;
} __PDF__ ;
/// standard x variables
typedef struct {
double x1;
double x2;
} __parfrac__ ;
/// virtual correction x variables
typedef struct {
double xreg1;
double xreg2;
bool virtsflag;
} __xregions__ ;
/// jacobian flag for virtual terms
typedef struct {
bool jflag;
} __jacobian__ ;
typedef struct {
int igx;
} __gridix__ ;
///// scales
//typedef struct {
// double facscale[maxscl];
// double rscale[maxscl];
//} __scales__;
/// index of which diagram is being
/// processed ...
typedef struct {
int iproc;
} __currentprocess__;
/// which two input parton species are
/// related to process iproc
typedef struct {
int ip1;
int ip2;
} __idparton__;
typedef struct {
int ip1;
int ip2;
} __partid__;
/// normalisation term
typedef struct {
double rnormcurr;
double wgtcurr;
} __histonorm__;
typedef struct {
double gridwgt[maxscl];
} __gridweights__ ;
// common /channel/ip(1:2000),ipars(1:2000),iloops(1:2000)
typedef struct {
int ip[2000];
int ipars[2000];
int iloops[2000];
} __channel__ ;
/// jacobian factor for colour sampler
typedef struct {
double xcoljac;
} __xcoljac__ ;
/// jacobian flag for colour sampler
typedef struct {
bool colflag;
} __colourflag__ ;
typedef struct {
int Nphase;
} __nphase__ ;
typedef struct {
int iphase;
} __iphase__ ;
typedef struct {
double swgt;
int iave;
int it;
} __vegasiterweight__ ;
typedef struct {
double roots;
} __inputpar__ ;
typedef struct {
char srunid[3];
} __runid__;
typedef struct {
char fname[100];
} __outfile__;
typedef struct {
char sjobname[10];
} __jobname__;
typedef struct {
char slogname[100];
} __log__;
extern "C" __runinfo__ runinfo_;
extern "C" __order__ order_;
// extern "C" __Ebeam__ ebeam_;
extern "C" __inppar__ inppar_;
extern "C" __strong__ strong_;
// extern "C" __PDF__ pdf_;
extern "C" __parfrac__ parfrac_;
#pragma omp threadprivate(parfrac_)
extern "C" __xregions__ xregions_;
extern "C" __jacobian__ jacobian_;
//extern "C" __scales__ scales_;
//#pragma omp threadprivate(scales_)
extern "C" double mur2_hook(const int& idx);
extern "C" double muf2_hook(const int& idx);
extern "C" __histonorm__ histonorm_;
extern "C" __currentprocess__ currentprocess_;
extern "C" __idparton__ idparton_;
extern "C" __partid__ partid_;
#pragma omp threadprivate(partid_)
// extern "C" __gridweights__ gridweights_;
extern "C" __ndimcurrent__ ndimcurrent_;
extern "C" __gridix__ gridix_;
extern "C" __channel__ channel_;
extern "C" __process__ process_;
extern "C" __colourflag__ colourflag_;
extern "C" __xcoljac__ xcoljac_;
/// access the rotated phasespace points
/// for the real caching
extern "C" __nphase__ nphase_;
extern "C" __iphase__ iphase_;
extern "C" __vegasiterweight__ vegasiterweight_;
extern "C" __runid__ runid_;
extern "C" __outfile__ outfile_;
extern "C" __jobname__ jobname_;
extern "C" __inputpar__ inputpar_;
extern "C" __log__ log_;
#endif // NNLO_COMMON_H

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Mon, Jan 20, 8:19 PM (11 h, 45 m)
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nnlo_common.h (3 KB)

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