* Default beam not set (Pythia sets pp) - allows beam to be set in cmd file, but still over-ridden on command line
* Default beam energy set to 13 TeV
- * Tagging as 1.1.0
+ * Tagging as 1.1.1
2016-11-17 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Fix test for zlib support in pythia lib
2016-04-01 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* set_crash_on_problem now set true
* tagging for release as 1.0.0
2014-11-26 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Fix multiple weights and CCKW-L cross section
* Update A2-MSTW2008LO and AU2-CT10 for new Py8.2 PDF syntax
* Add lhapdfdummy to linker only for Pythia version less than 8.2
* Option to slim the event record (-s) is now off by default. The option -s on the commandline now turns on the full event slimming (removes everything except final state particles)
2016-11-15 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Ignore events with 0 CKKW-L weight
2014-09-18 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Update build and params for Pythia 8.200
2014-02-26 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* change default beam energy to 8000 GeV
2014-02-03 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* improve header directory structure to include/Sacrifice include/tclap etc.
* Download tarball of MCUtils headers and install in include if not already present there.
* Use the downloaded MCUtils unless otherwise specified
#increase version to 0.9.9, make tarball
2013-11-25 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Compatibility with Pythia 8.180
2013-07-29 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* PTRel_boostVetoedShower.cxx: another vetoed shower, this time implemented with a
boost that evolves during the evtn due to recoil. Should be identical to main31
2013-07-14 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* HepMC no longer optional. Doesn't really make sense, since HepMC output is the whole point
* Add option to produced gzip compressed output.
Option will only be present if Pythia itself was compiled with gzip support.
2013-07-10 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Optional support for MCUtils to provide reduced HepMC size through filtering
2013-07-08 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Suppress and Enhance MPI Userhooks. Veto events with MPI above and below a threshold
2013-07-01 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* update m4 scripts for slc6 gcc 46
* setupPythia.sh script adds LHAPATH
2013-06-19 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* User hook for vetoed shower using relative pT and reduced scale, a la main31
2013-02-13 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Update build system to support Pythia with gzip
2013-01-28 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch>
* Selection of UserHooks for vetoed shower with PoWHEG
WZVetoedShower.cxx vetoes emissions relative to the beam
QCDVetoedShower.cxx compares each emission to each PoWHEG leg
PoWHEGVetoedShower vetoes relative to the beam, but determines a new
definition of the veto scale
* The above author suggested veto schemes need testing and validating!