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diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
## TODO: make variable names POSIX-compliant in rivet-manual.pdf target!
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- make-plots.txt rivet-manual.tex preamble.tex intro.tex gettingstarted.tex writinganalyses.tex appendices.tex hepparticles.sty maybemath.sty \
+ make-plots.txt rivet-manual.tex preamble.tex intro.tex gettingstarted.tex writinganalyses.tex agilerunmc.tex acknowledgements.tex hepparticles.sty maybemath.sty \
rivet-manual.pdf hepunits.sty underscore.sty microtype.sty
## TODO: replace readplot with lighthisto/YODA functionality
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analyses.html: $(top_srcdir)/src/Analyses mk-analysis-html
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(top_srcdir)/src/.libs:$(top_srcdir)/src/Tools/yaml-cpp/.libs:$(FASTJETLIBPATH):$(HEPMCLIBPATH):$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(prefix)/lib \
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(top_srcdir)/src/.libs:$(top_srcdir)/src/Tools/yaml-cpp/.libs:$(FASTJETLIBPATH):$(HEPMCLIBPATH):$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(prefix)/lib \
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RIVET_INFO_PATH=$(top_srcdir)/data/anainfo \
$(PYTHON) mk-analysis-latex
analyses.bib analyses.tex:
> analyses.tex
> analyses.bib
#LATEX = pdflatex
LATEX = pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode
BIBTEX = bibtex
MAKEINDEX = makeindex
RERUN = "(There were undefined references|Rerun to get (cross-references|the bars) right)"
RERUNBIB = "No file.*\.bbl|Citation.*undefined"
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RM = rm -f
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+$(DOCNAME).pdf : $(DOCNAME).tex preamble.tex intro.tex gettingstarted.tex writinganalyses.tex agilerunmc.tex acknowledgements.tex analyses.tex refs.bib analyses.bib
$(LATEX) $<; true
egrep $(MAKEIDX) $< && ($(MAKEINDEX) $(DOCNAME) && cp $(DOCNAME).toc $(DOCNAME).toc.bak && $(LATEX) $<) > /dev/null; true
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compare-histos.html: compare-histos.txt
asciidoc -a toc compare-histos.txt
make-plots.html: make-plots.txt
asciidoc -a toc make-plots.txt
.PHONY = all doc upload arxivtar
# @echo "Default make rule does nothing: use 'make doc'"
doc: $(DOCS)
## TODO: Put Rivet version string in PDF filename for upload?
upload: $(DOCS)
$(RSH) $? $(DEST)
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for i in *.png; do convert $$i $${i/.png/.eps}; done
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-rivet-manual.tex preamble.tex intro.tex gettingstarted.tex writinganalyses.tex appendices.tex analyses.tex rivetversion.sty rivet-manual.bbl \
+rivet-manual.tex preamble.tex intro.tex gettingstarted.tex writinganalyses.tex agilerunmc.tex acknowledgements.tex analyses.tex rivetversion.sty rivet-manual.bbl \
hepnames.sty hepnicenames.sty hepparticles.sty heppennames.sty hepunits.sty maybemath.sty microtype.sty underscore.sty \
bend.eps cone.eps thinker.eps warning.eps \
h-physrev3.bst JHEP3.cls JHEP.bst
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## Install!
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diff --git a/doc/acknowledgements.tex b/doc/acknowledgements.tex
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/acknowledgements.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Rivet development has been supported by a variety of sources:
+\item All authors aknowledge support from the EU MCnet research network. MCnet
+ is a Marie Curie Research Training Network funded under Framework Programme 6
+ contract MRTN-CT-2006-035606.
+\item Andy Buckley has been supported by grants from the UK Science and
+ Technology Facilities Council (Special Project Grant), the Scottish
+ Universities Physics Alliance (Advanced Research Fellowship), and the
+ Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (Associateship).
+\item Holger Schulz acknowledges the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
+We also wish to thank the CERN MCplots (\url{}) team, and
+especially Anton Karneyeu, for doing the pre-release testing of the Rivet 1.5
+series and pointing out all the bits that we got wrong: Rivet is a much better
+system as a result!
diff --git a/doc/appendices.tex b/doc/agilerunmc.tex
rename from doc/appendices.tex
rename to doc/agilerunmc.tex
--- a/doc/appendices.tex
+++ b/doc/agilerunmc.tex
@@ -1,32 +1,29 @@
-\section{Typical \kbd{agile-runmc} commands}
\item \paragraph{Simple run:}{\kbd{agile-runmc Herwig:6510 -P~lep1.params
--beams=LEP:91.2 \cmdbreak -n~1000} will use the Fortran Herwig 6.5.10
generator (the \kbd{-g} option switch) to generate 1000 events (the \kbd{-n}
switch) in LEP1 mode, i.e. $\Ppositron\Pelectron$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =
\item \paragraph{Parameter changes:}{\kbd{agile-runmc Pythia6:425
--beams=LEP:91.2 \cmdbreak -n~1000 -P~myrun.params -p~"PARJ(82)=5.27"}
will generate 1000 events using the Fortran Pythia 6.423 generator, again
in LEP1 mode. The \kbd{-P} switch is actually the way of specifying a
parameters file, with one parameter per line in the format ``\val{key}
\val{value}'': in this case, the file \kbd{lep1.params} is loaded from the
\kbd{\val{installdir}/share/AGILe} directory, if it isn't first found in the
current directory. The \kbd{-p} (lower-case) switch is used to change a
named generator parameter, here Pythia's \kbd{PARJ(82)}, which sets the
parton shower cutoff scale. Being able to change parameters on the command
line is useful for scanning parameter ranges from a shell loop, or rapid
testing of parameter values without needing to write a parameters file for
use with~\kbd{-P}.}
\item \paragraph{Writing out HepMC events:}{\kbd{agile-runmc Pythia6:425
--beams=LHC:14TeV -n~50 -o~out.hepmc -R} will generate 50 LHC events with
Pythia. The~\kbd{-o} switch is being used here to tell \kbd{agile-runmc} to
write the generated events to the \kbd{out.hepmc} file. This file will be a
plain text dump of the HepMC event records in the standard HepMC format. Use
of filename ``-'' will result in the event stream being written to standard
output (i.e. dumping to the terminal.}
diff --git a/doc/rivet-manual.tex b/doc/rivet-manual.tex
--- a/doc/rivet-manual.tex
+++ b/doc/rivet-manual.tex
@@ -1,98 +1,84 @@
\title{Rivet user manual\\ {\smaller \textsc{version \RivetVersion}}}
\author{Andy Buckley\\ PPE Group, School of Physics, University of Edinburgh, UK.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Jonathan Butterworth\\ HEP Group, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London, UK.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Hendrik Hoeth\\ IPPP, Durham University, UK.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Leif L\"onnblad\\ Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sweden.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{James Monk\\ HEP Group, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London, UK.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Holger Schulz\\ Institut f\"ur Physik, Berlin Humboldt University, Germany.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Jan Eike von Seggern\\ Institut f\"ur Physik, Berlin Humboldt University, Germany.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Frank Siegert\\ Physikalisches Institut, Freiburg University, Germany.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\author{Lars Sonnenschein\\ RWTH Aachen University, III. Phys. Inst. A, 52056 Aachen, Germany.\\ E-mail: \email{}}
\abstract{This is the manual and user guide for the Rivet system for the
validation and tuning of Monte Carlo event generators. As well as the core
Rivet library, this manual describes the usage of the \kbd{rivet} program and
the AGILe generator interface library. The depth and level of description is
chosen for users of the system, starting with the basics of using validation
code written by others, and then covering sufficient details to write new
Rivet analyses and calculational components.}
\keywords{Event generator, simulation, validation, tuning, QCD}
\part{Getting started with Rivet}
\part{Standard Rivet analyses}
In this section we describe the standard experimental analyses included with the
Rivet library. To maintain synchronisation with the code, these descriptions are
generated automatically from the metadata in the analysis objects
\part{How Rivet works}
+\section{Typical \kbd{agile-runmc} commands}
-Rivet development has been supported by a variety of sources:
-\item All authors aknowledge support from the EU MCnet research network. MCnet
- is a Marie Curie Research Training Network funded under Framework Programme 6
- contract MRTN-CT-2006-035606.
-\item Andy Buckley has been supported by grants from the UK Science and
- Technology Facilities Council (Special Project Grant), the Scottish
- Universities Physics Alliance (Advanced Research Fellowship), and the
- Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (Associateship).
-\item Holger Schulz acknowledges the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
-We also wish to thank the CERN MCplots (\url{}) team, and
-especially Anton Karneyeu, for doing the pre-release testing of the Rivet 1.5
-series and pointing out all the bits that we got wrong: Rivet is a much better
-system as a result!

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