"How the real state is found from the virtual cascade. Speed versus consistency.",
&EventFiller::theMode, 0, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceModeMode
"The fully consistent version. Not currently reccomended.",
static SwitchOption interfaceModeFast
"Checking only the new real partons introduced by each new interaction, rather than rechecking them all. Good for heavy ions. Not currently reccomended.",
static SwitchOption interfaceModeSingle
"Checking all partons, but sweeping just once in each direction, making "
"it a lot faster. Good for heavy ions. May give an occasional unordered "
"chain, but hopefully not too often. The recommended option.",
static SwitchOption interfaceModeNonRecursive
"Does all evo no matter what. Then removes biggest problem, and does it "
"all over again. Never turns partons back on once switched off.",