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# Defining build options
opts = Options()
BoolOption( 'precompile', 'Set to 1 for header precompilation', 1 ),
BoolOption( 'ctags' , 'Set to 1 to create a ctags file' , 0 ),
BoolOption( 'java' , 'Set to 1 to create a java interface' , 0 ),
BoolOption( 'debug' , 'Set to 1 create debugging symbols' , 0 ),
BoolOption( 'optimise' , 'Set to 1 produce optimised code' , 0 ),
BoolOption( 'btagging' , 'Enable btagging code' , 0 ),
PathOption( 'prefix' , 'Set the installation prefix' , '/usr' ),
PathOption( 'clhepdir' , 'Set the CLHEP directory' , '/usr' ),
PathOption( 'boostdir' , 'Set the Boost directory' , '/usr' ),
# content template for the Rave.pc file (pkg-config metadata)
pkgconfig_data = """# pkg-config metadata file, autogenerated by scons
# define variables
# metadata
Name: ${name}
Description: Vertex reconstruction library
Version: 0.1.0
Libs: -L${libdir} -l${name}
Cflags: -I${includedir}
# starting a new environment
env = Environment( options = opts )
env.build_dir = r'build'
env.pch_name = env.build_dir + r'/rave_precompile.h'
env.pkgconfig_suffix = r'.pc'
env.object_collector = []
# Provide a help text for the -h argument
Help( opts.GenerateHelpText( env ) )
# Centralize the signatures
# Import python tools
import os, re, sys, glob
import SCons
if env['ctags']:
os.system ("ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .")
if env['java']:
os.system ("./create_java")
# Define source directories
directories = Split( 'CommonTools DataFormats Environment FWCore Geometry MagneticField RaveBase RecoVertex TrackingTools' )
if env['btagging']:
directories.append ( 'RecoBTag' )
env.Replace( CPPPATH = env.GetLaunchDir() )
env.Replace( LIBPATH = [ '#' + env.build_dir + '/' + dir for dir in directories ] )
env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-I/usr/include', '-Wall', '-pedantic' ] )
if env['debug']:
env.Append ( CPPFLAGS = [ '-g' ] )
if env['optimise']:
env.Append ( CPPFLAGS = [ '-O' ] )
env.Replace( CXXFLAGS = [] )
if os.environ.has_key('CXX'):
env['CXX'] = os.environ['CXX']
env['CC'] = os.environ['CXX']
# Include checking
# Check for CLHEP
def CheckClhep(context, clhepdir):
clhepdir = clhepdir.rstrip() # remove eventual newline characters
context.Message('Checking for CLHEP (at '+clhepdir + ') ... ')
context.env.ParseConfig(clhepdir + '/bin/Matrix-config --ldflags --libs --cppflags' )
ret = context.TryLink("""
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
#include <iostream>
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix cov6D(6,0);
std::cout << cov6D(1,1) << std::endl;
return 0;
""", '.cpp')
context.Result( ret )
return ret
# Check for Boost
def CheckBoost(context, boostdir):
context.Message('Checking for Boost ... ')
boostdir=boostdir.rstrip() # remove eventual newline characters
context.env.Append( CXXFLAGS = '-I'+boostdir+'/include' )
ret = context.TryLink("""
#include "boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp"
#include "boost/type_traits/is_polymorphic.hpp"
#include "boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
return 0;
""", '.cpp')
context.Result( ret )
return ret
# avoid configuring on cleaning
if not env.GetOption('clean'):
conf = Configure( env, custom_tests = { 'CheckClhep': CheckClhep, 'CheckBoost': CheckBoost } )
if env['clhepdir'] == '/usr':
env['clhepdir'] = os.popen('clhep-config --prefix').read()
if not conf.CheckClhep(env['clhepdir']):
print 'Did not find the CLHEP library, exiting!'
Exit( 1 )
if not conf.CheckBoost(env['boostdir']):
print 'Did not find the Boost library, exiting!'
Exit( 1 )
env = conf.Finish()
# Make build directory if it is missing
if not os.path.exists( env.build_dir ):
os.mkdir( env.build_dir )
# Generate header file for precompilation
if env['precompile']:
if not env.GetOption('clean'):
precompile_files = []
for dir in [ 'FWCore', 'Geometry' ]:
precompile_files += glob.glob( dir + r'/*/interface/*.h' )
header_lines = [ '#include "../' + i + '"\n' for i in precompile_files ] + [ '\n' ]
header_file = open( env.pch_name, 'w' )
header_file.writelines( header_lines )
env.Append( CPPFLAGS='-Winvalid-pch' )
pch_builder = Builder( action = '$CXXCOM', suffix = '.h.gch', src_suffix = '.h', source_scanner = CScan )
env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'MakePCH' : pch_builder } )
env.AppendUnique( CXXFLAGS = [ '-fPIC' ] )
env.pcheader = env.MakePCH( File( env.pch_name ) )
Clean( env.pcheader, env.pcheader )
env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-include' + env.pch_name ] )
if env['btagging']:
# enable b-tagging code
env.Append ( CPPFLAGS = [ '-DWITH_BTAGGING' ] )
env.Append ( CPPFLAGS = [ '-DRAVE' ] )
Export( 'env' )
# Do the hierarchical building
for dir in directories:
env.SConscript( os.path.join( dir, 'SConscript' ), build_dir = os.path.join( env.build_dir, dir ), duplicate = 1 )
Import( 'env' )
libRave = env.SharedLibrary( 'Rave', env.object_collector )
env.Default( libRave )
env.Install( env['prefix'] + '/lib', DEFAULT_TARGETS )
env.Install( env['prefix'] + '/include', source = [ 'rave.i' ] )
libnames = [ os.path.split( x )[-1][3:-3] for x in map(str, DEFAULT_TARGETS) ]
# generate or clean the pkg-config data
if not env.GetOption('clean'):
print 'Generating pkg-config metadata...'
for x in libnames:
pkgconfig_file = open( env.build_dir + '/' + x + env.pkgconfig_suffix, 'w' )
pkgconfig_file.write( pkgconfig_data % ( env['prefix'], x ) )
print 'Cleaning pkg-config metadata...'
for x in libnames:
Execute( Delete( env.build_dir + '/' + x + env.pkgconfig_suffix ) )
for x in libnames:
env.Install( env['prefix'] + '/lib/pkgconfig', env.build_dir + '/' + x + env.pkgconfig_suffix )
# Use generated header file list if existing, otherwise install all header files
filenames = [ x.strip() for x in file( r'public.txt' ).readlines() ]
print "Using public header list file for installation..."
except IOError:
filenames = []
for dir in directories:
filenames += glob.glob( dir + r'/*/interface/*.h' )
for filename in filenames:
env.Install( os.path.split( env['prefix'] + '/include/' + filename )[0] , filename )
env.Alias( 'install', env['prefix'] )

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:58 PM (1 d, 20 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
SConstruct (6 KB)

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