///< 3 = a single neutron from each nucleus (1n1n),
///< 4 = neither nucleon breaks up (with b > 2R),
///< 5 = no hadronic break up (similar to option 1, but with the actual hadronic interaction)
/// 6 = set impact parameter range via bmax and bmin
parameter<bool, VALIDITY_CHECK> _interferenceEnabled; ///< if VALIDITY_CHECK, interference is taken into account
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _interferenceStrength; ///< percentage of interference: from 0 = none to 1 = full
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _maxPtInterference; ///< maximum p_T for interference calculation [GeV/c]
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _nmbPtBinsInterference; ///< number of p_T bins for interference calculation
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _ptBinWidthInterference; ///< width of p_T bins for interference calculation [GeV/c]
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _protonEnergy;
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _minGammaEnergy; ///< minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _maxGammaEnergy; ///< maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
parameter<std::string,NO_VALIDITY_CHECK> _pythiaParams; ///< semi-colon separated parameters to pass to pythia, e.g. "mstj(1)=0;paru(13)=0.1"
parameter<bool, NO_VALIDITY_CHECK> _pythiaFullEventRecord; ///< if the full pythia event record should be in the output
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _xsecCalcMethod; ///< Select x-sec calc method. (0 is standard starlight method, 1 must be used for assym. collisions (e.g. p-A), but is slow)
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _bslopeDefinition; ///< Optional parameter to set different values of slope parameter
parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _bslopeValue; ///< Value of slope parameter when _bslopeDefinition is set to 1
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _printVM; ///< Optional parameter to set printing options for VM cross section
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _impulseVM; ///< Optional parameter to use impulse approximation (no nuclear effects) for VM cross section.
parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _quantumGlauber; ///< Optional parameter. Set = 1 to use Quantum Glauber calculation, rather than Classical Glauber
printWarn << " cannot enable interference for incoherent production " << endl;
return false;
double mass = 0;
double width = 0;
double defaultMinW = 0; // default for _minW, unless it is defined later [GeV/c^2]
double defaultMaxW = 0; // default for _maxW, unless it is defined later [GeV/c^2]
switch (prodParticleId()) {
case 11: // e+e- pair
_particleType = ELECTRON;
_decayType = LEPTONPAIR;
mass = mel();
defaultMinW = 2*mass; // default is 0.01; up to 0.15 is safe for Summer 2000 triggering for e+e- pairs
defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 13: // mu+mu- pair
_particleType = MUON;
_decayType = LEPTONPAIR;
defaultMinW = 2 * muonMass();
defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 15: // tau+tau- pair
_particleType = TAUON;
_decayType = LEPTONPAIR;
defaultMinW = 2 * tauMass();
defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 10015: // tau+tau- pair
_particleType = TAUONDECAY;
_decayType = LEPTONPAIR;
defaultMinW = 2 * tauMass();
defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
// case 24: // W+W- pair
// _particleType = W;
// _decayType = WW;
// defaultMinW = 2 * muonMass();
// break;
case 115: // a_2(1320)
_particleType = A2;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = a2Mass();
width = a2Width();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 221: // eta
_particleType = ETA;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = etaMass();
width = etaWidth();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 225: // f_2(1270)
_particleType = F2;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = f2Mass();
width = f2Width();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = f2BrPiPi();
case 331: // eta'(958)
_particleType = ETAPRIME;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = etaPrimeMass();
width = etaPrimeWidth();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 335: // f_2'(1525)
_particleType = F2PRIME;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = f2PrimeMass();
width = f2PrimeWidth();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = f2PrimeBrKK();
case 441: // eta_c(1s)
_particleType = ETAC;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = etaCMass();
width = etaCWidth();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 9010221: // f_0(980), was orginally called 10221? updated to standard number
_particleType = F0;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = f0Mass();
width = f0Width();
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = f0BrPiPi();
case 33: // Z"/Z0 This is the rho^0 rho^0 final state SRK
_particleType = ZOVERZ03;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
defaultMinW = 4*pionChargedMass();
defaultMaxW = 1.6; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
_inputBranchingRatio = 1.0;
case 88: // axion// AXION HACK, till break statement
_particleType = AXION;
_decayType = SINGLEMESON;
mass = _axionMass.value();
width = 1/(64*starlightConstants::pi)*mass*mass*mass/(1000*1000);//Fix Lambda=1000 GeV, rescaling is trivial.
defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0
defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
break; // AXION HACK, end
// case 25: // Higgs
// _particleType = HIGGS;
// _decayType = SINGLEMESON;
// break;
case 113: // rho(770)
_particleType = RHO;
mass = rho0Mass();
width = rho0Width();
defaultMinW = 2 * pionChargedMass();
defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width;
_inputBranchingRatio = rho0BrPiPi();
case 913: // rho(770) with direct pi+pi- decay, interference given by ZEUS data
_particleType = RHOZEUS;
mass = rho0Mass();
width = rho0Width();
defaultMinW = 2 * pionChargedMass();
defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; // use the same 1.5GeV max mass as ZEUS
_inputBranchingRatio = rho0BrPiPi();
case 999: // pi+pi-pi+pi- phase space decay
_particleType = FOURPRONG;
mass = rho0PrimeMass();
width = rho0PrimeWidth();
defaultMinW = 4 * pionChargedMass();
defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default
if (defaultMaxW>10.){defaultMaxW=10.;} //SRK May 29, 2019, to avoid an unduly high defaultMaxW