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diff --git a/Models/General/PrototypeVertex.h b/Models/General/PrototypeVertex.h
--- a/Models/General/PrototypeVertex.h
+++ b/Models/General/PrototypeVertex.h
@@ -1,474 +1,474 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// PrototypeVertex.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_PrototypeVertex_H
#define HERWIG_PrototypeVertex_H
#include <stack>
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/VertexBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
// This is the declaration of the PrototypeVertex class.
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using Helicity::VertexBasePtr;
class PrototypeVertex;
/** Pair of int,double */
typedef pair<unsigned int, double> CFPair;
* A struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's
struct ParticleOrdering {
* Operator for the ordering
* @param p1 The first ParticleData object
* @param p2 The second ParticleData object
bool operator() (PDPtr p1, PDPtr p2) {
return abs(p1->id()) > abs(p2->id()) ||
( abs(p1->id()) == abs(p2->id()) && p1->id() > p2->id() ) ||
( p1->id() == p2->id() && p1->fullName() > p2->fullName() );
* A struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's
struct VertexOrdering {
* Operator for the ordering
* @param p1 The first ParticleData object
* @param p2 The second ParticleData object
bool operator() (const pair< tPDPtr, PrototypeVertexPtr > & p1,
const pair< tPDPtr, PrototypeVertexPtr > & p2) const {
return abs(p1.first->id()) > abs(p2.first->id()) ||
( abs(p1.first->id()) == abs(p2.first->id()) && p1.first->id() > p2.first->id() ) ||
( p1.first->id() == p2.first->id() && p1.first->fullName() > p2.first->fullName() );
typedef multiset<pair< tPDPtr, PrototypeVertexPtr >,VertexOrdering > OrderedVertices;
* A set of ParticleData objects ordered as for the DecayMode's
typedef multiset<PDPtr,ParticleOrdering> OrderedParticles;
* Storage of a potenital n-body decay
class PrototypeVertex : public Base {
* Default Constructor
PrototypeVertex() : npart(0), possibleOnShell(false) {}
* Constructor
PrototypeVertex(tPDPtr in, OrderedVertices out,
VertexBasePtr v, int n) :
incoming(in), outgoing(out), vertex(v), npart(n),
possibleOnShell(false) {}
* Incoming particle
tPDPtr incoming;
* Outgoing particles
OrderedVertices outgoing;
* The vertex for the interaction
VertexBasePtr vertex;
* The parent of the vertex
tPrototypeVertexPtr parent;
* Number of particles
unsigned int npart;
* Outgoing particles
mutable OrderedParticles outPart;
* Can have on-shell intermediates
bool possibleOnShell;
* Increment the number of particles
void incrementN(int in) {
npart += in;
if(parent) parent->incrementN(in);
* Mass of the incoming particle
Energy incomingMass() {
return incoming->mass();
* Total mass of all the outgoing particles
Energy outgoingMass() {
Energy mass(ZERO);
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = outgoing.begin();
it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
mass += it->second ?
it->second->outgoingMass() : it->first->mass();
return mass;
* Total constituent mass of all the outgoing particles
Energy outgoingConstituentMass() {
Energy mass(ZERO);
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = outgoing.begin();
it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
mass += it->second ?
it->second->outgoingConstituentMass() : it->first->constituentMass();
return mass;
* Check the external particles
bool checkExternal(bool first=true) {
if(outPart.empty()) setOutgoing();
if(first&&outPart.find(incoming)!=outPart.end()) return false;
bool output = true;
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = outgoing.begin();
it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
if(it->second&& !it->second->checkExternal(false)) output = false;
return output;
* Set the outgoing particles
void setOutgoing() const {
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = outgoing.begin();
it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
if(it->second) {
* Are there potential on-shell intermediates?
bool canBeOnShell(unsigned int opt,Energy maxMass,bool first);
* Check if same external particles
bool sameDecay(const PrototypeVertex & x) const;
* Create a \f$1\to2\f$ prototype
static void createPrototypes(tPDPtr inpart, VertexBasePtr vertex,
std::stack<PrototypeVertexPtr> & prototypes);
* Expand the prototypes by adding more legs
static void expandPrototypes(PrototypeVertexPtr proto, VertexBasePtr vertex,
std::stack<PrototypeVertexPtr> & prototypes,
const set<PDPtr> & excluded);
* Copy the whole structure with a new branching
static PrototypeVertexPtr replicateTree(PrototypeVertexPtr parent,
PrototypeVertexPtr oldChild,
PrototypeVertexPtr & newChild);
* Output to a stream
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const PrototypeVertex & diag) {
os << diag.incoming->PDGName() << " -> ";
bool seq=false;
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = diag.outgoing.begin();
it!=diag.outgoing.end();++it) {
os << it->first->PDGName() << " ";
if(it->second) seq = true;
os << " decays via "
<< diag.vertex->fullName() << " in a "
<< diag.npart << "-body decay\n";
if(!seq) return os;
os << "Followed by\n";
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator it = diag.outgoing.begin();
it!=diag.outgoing.end();++it) {
if(it->second) os << *it->second;
return os;
* Test whether two diagrams are identical.
inline bool operator==(const PrototypeVertex & x, const PrototypeVertex & y) {
if(x.incoming != y.incoming) return false;
if(x.vertex != y.vertex) return false;
if(x.npart != y.npart) return false;
if(x.outgoing.empty()&&y.outgoing.empty()) return true;
if(x.outgoing.size() != y.outgoing.size()) return false;
OrderedVertices::const_iterator xt = x.outgoing.begin();
OrderedVertices::const_iterator yt = y.outgoing.begin();
while(xt!=x.outgoing.end()) {
if(xt->first != yt->first) return false;
// special for identical particles
OrderedVertices::const_iterator lxt = x.outgoing.lower_bound(*xt);
OrderedVertices::const_iterator uxt = x.outgoing.upper_bound(*xt);
// just one particle
if(lxt==uxt) {
if(xt->second && yt->second) {
if(*(xt->second)==*(yt->second)) {
else return false;
else if(xt->second || yt->second)
return false;
// identical particles
else {
OrderedVertices::const_iterator lyt = y.outgoing.lower_bound(*xt);
OrderedVertices::const_iterator uyt = y.outgoing.upper_bound(*xt);
unsigned int nx=0;
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator ixt=lxt;ixt!=uxt;++ixt) {++nx;}
unsigned int ny=0;
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator iyt=lyt;iyt!=uyt;++iyt) {++ny;}
if(nx!=ny) return false;
vector<bool> matched(ny,false);
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator ixt=lxt;ixt!=uxt;++ixt) {
bool found = false;
unsigned int iy=0;
for(OrderedVertices::const_iterator iyt=lyt;iyt!=uyt;++iyt) {
if(matched[iy]) {
if( (!ixt->second &&!iyt->second) ||
( ixt->second&&iyt->second &&
*(ixt->second)==*(iyt->second)) ) {
matched[iy] = true;
found = true;
if(!found) return false;
return true;
* A simple vertex for the N-body diagram
struct NBVertex {
* Constructor taking a prototype vertex as the arguments
NBVertex(PrototypeVertexPtr proto = PrototypeVertexPtr() );
* Incoming particle
tPDPtr incoming;
* Outgoing particles
mutable OrderedParticles outgoing;
* The vertices
list<pair<PDPtr,NBVertex> > vertices;
* The vertex
VertexBasePtr vertex;
- * The NBDiagram struct contains information about a \f$1\ton\f$ decay
+ * The NBDiagram struct contains information about a \f$1\to n\f$ decay
* that has been automatically generated.
struct NBDiagram : public NBVertex {
* Constructor taking a prototype vertex as the arguments*/
NBDiagram(PrototypeVertexPtr proto=PrototypeVertexPtr());
* The type of channel
vector<unsigned int> channelType;
/** Store colour flow at \f$N_c=3\f$ information */
mutable vector<CFPair> colourFlow;
/** Store colour flow at \f$N_c=\infty\f$ information */
mutable vector<CFPair> largeNcColourFlow;
* Output operator to allow the structure to be persistently written
* @param os The output stream
* @param x The NBVertex
inline PersistentOStream & operator<<(PersistentOStream & os,
const NBVertex & x) {
os << x.incoming << x.outgoing << x.vertices << x.vertex;
return os;
* Input operator to allow persistently written data to be read in
* @param is The input stream
* @param x The NBVertex
inline PersistentIStream & operator>>(PersistentIStream & is,
NBVertex & x) {
is >> x.incoming >> x.outgoing >> x.vertices >> x.vertex;
return is;
* Output operator to allow the structure to be persistently written
* @param os The output stream
* @param x The NBDiagram
inline PersistentOStream & operator<<(PersistentOStream & os,
const NBDiagram & x) {
os << x.incoming << x.channelType << x.outgoing << x.vertices << x.vertex
<< x.colourFlow << x.largeNcColourFlow;
return os;
* Input operator to allow persistently written data to be read in
* @param is The input stream
* @param x The NBDiagram
inline PersistentIStream & operator>>(PersistentIStream & is,
NBDiagram & x) {
is >> x.incoming >> x.channelType >> x.outgoing >> x.vertices >> x.vertex
>> x.colourFlow >> x.largeNcColourFlow;
return is;
* Output a NBVertex to a stream
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const NBVertex & vertex) {
os << vertex.incoming->PDGName() << " -> ";
bool seq=false;
for(list<pair<PDPtr,NBVertex> >::const_iterator it=vertex.vertices.begin();
it!=vertex.vertices.end();++it) {
os << it->first->PDGName() << " ";
if(it->second.incoming) seq = true;
os << "via vertex " << vertex.vertex->fullName() << "\n";
if(!seq) return os;
os << "Followed by\n";
for(list<pair<PDPtr,NBVertex> >::const_iterator it=vertex.vertices.begin();
it!=vertex.vertices.end();++it) {
if(it->second.incoming) os << it->second;
return os;
* Output a NBDiagram to a stream
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const NBDiagram & diag) {
os << diag.incoming->PDGName() << " -> ";
for(OrderedParticles::const_iterator it=diag.outgoing.begin();
it!=diag.outgoing.end();++it) {
os << (**it).PDGName() << " ";
os << " has order ";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<diag.channelType.size();++ix)
os << diag.channelType[ix] << " ";
os << "\n";
os << "First decay " << diag.incoming->PDGName() << " -> ";
bool seq=false;
for(list<pair<PDPtr,NBVertex> >::const_iterator it=diag.vertices.begin();
it!=diag.vertices.end();++it) {
os << it->first->PDGName() << " ";
if(it->second.incoming) seq = true;
os << "via vertex " << diag.vertex->fullName() << "\n";
if(!seq) return os;
os << "Followed by\n";
for(list<pair<PDPtr,NBVertex> >::const_iterator it=diag.vertices.begin();
it!=diag.vertices.end();++it) {
if(it->second.incoming) os << it->second;
return os;
#endif /* HERWIG_PrototypeVertex_H */
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Sun, Feb 23, 2:03 PM (1 h, 54 m)
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