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diff --git a/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h b/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h
--- a/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h
+++ b/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h
@@ -1,476 +1,480 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of YODA -- Yet more Objects for Data Analysis
// Copyright (C) 2008-2015 The YODA collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
#ifndef YODA_ROOTCnv_h
#define YODA_ROOTCnv_h
#include "YODA/Histo1D.h"
#include "YODA/Histo2D.h"
#include "YODA/Profile1D.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
#include "TVectorF.h"
namespace YODA {
/// @name Conversion functions from ROOT to YODA data types
/// @todo Check that direct Scatter filling gives the same result at mkScatter(h) for ROOT -> YODA
/// @todo toProfile1D: TProfile -> Profile1D
/// @todo toScatter2D: TGraph(AsymmErrs) -> Scatter2D
// /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
// ///
// /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
// /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
// inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1& th1) {
// std::vector<HistoBin1D> bins;
// TArrayD sumw2s = *th1.GetSumw2();
// Dbn1D dbn_uflow, dbn_oflow;
// double sumWtot(0), sumW2tot(0)
// for (int i = 0; i =< th1.GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) {
// Dbn1D dbn(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetBinContent(i)), th1.GetBinContent(i), sumw2s[i], 0, 0);
// // th1.GetBinContent(i)*th1.GetBinCenter(i), th1.GetBinContent(i)*sqr(th1.GetBinCenter(i)));
// if (i == 0) dbn_uflow = dbn;
// else if (i == th1.GetNbinsX()+1) dbn_oflow = dbn;
// else bins.push_back(HistoBin1D(std::make_pair(th1.GetBinLowEdge(i), th1.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)), dbn));
// sumWtot += th1.GetBinContent(i);
// sumW2tot += sumw2s[i];
// }
// Dbn1D dbn_tot(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetEntries()), sumWtot, sumW2tot, 0, 0);
// Histo1D rtn(bins, dbn_tot, dbn_uflow, const Dbn1D& dbn_oflow, th1.GetName(), th1.GetTitle());
// rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th1.GetXaxis->GetTitle());
// rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th1.GetYaxis->GetTitle());
// return rtn;
// }
// /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
// ///
// /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
// /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
// inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1* th1) {
// return toHisto1D(*th1);
// }
/// Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (excluding TProfile) to a YODA Scatter2D
/// The optional bool arg specifies whether or not to divide y vals/errs by bin width.
inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TH1& th1, bool scalebywidth=true) {
Scatter2D rtn;
for (int ix = 1; ix <= th1.GetNbinsX(); ++ix) {
const TAxis& axx = *th1.GetXaxis();
const double x = axx.GetBinCenter(ix);
const double exminus = x - axx.GetBinLowEdge(ix);
const double explus = axx.GetBinUpEdge(ix) - x;
const double xwidth = axx.GetBinWidth(ix);
const double val = th1.GetBinContent(ix) / (scalebywidth ? xwidth : 1);
const double evalminus = th1.GetBinErrorLow(ix) / (scalebywidth ? xwidth : 1);
const double evalplus = th1.GetBinErrorUp(ix) / (scalebywidth ? xwidth : 1);
rtn.addPoint(x, val,
exminus, explus,
evalminus, evalplus);
+ rtn.setPath(th1.GetName());
+ rtn.setTitle(th1.GetTitle());
rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th1.GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th1.GetYaxis()->GetTitle());
return rtn;
/// Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (excluding TProfile) to a YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TH1* th1, bool scalebywidth=true) {
if (th1 == NULL) throw UserError("Null TH1 pointer passed as argument");
return toScatter2D(*th1, scalebywidth);
/// Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (excluding TProfile) to a new'd YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D* toNewScatter2D(const TH1& th1, bool scalebywidth=true) {
return toScatter2D(th1, scalebywidth).newclone();
/// Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (excluding TProfile) to a new'd YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D* toNewScatter2D(const TH1* th1, bool scalebywidth=true) {
return toScatter2D(th1, scalebywidth).newclone();
/// Convert a ROOT TProfile to a YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TProfile& tp1) {
return toScatter2D((TH1&)tp1, false);
/// Convert a ROOT TProfile to a YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TProfile* tp1) {
if (tp1 == NULL) throw UserError("Null TProfile pointer passed as argument");
return toScatter2D(*tp1); //< TProfile inherits from TH1, so this just uses the function above
/// Convert a ROOT TProfile to a new'd YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D* toNewScatter2D(const TProfile& tp1) {
return toScatter2D(tp1).newclone();
/// Convert a ROOT TProfile to a new'd YODA Scatter2D
inline Scatter2D* toNewScatter2D(const TProfile* tp1) {
return toScatter2D(tp1).newclone();
/// Convert a ROOT 2D histogram to a YODA Scatter3D
/// The optional bool arg specifies whether or not to divide y vals/errs by bin area.
inline Scatter3D toScatter3D(const TH2& th2, bool scalebyarea=true) {
Scatter3D rtn;
for (int ix = 1; ix <= th2.GetNbinsX(); ++ix) {
for (int iy = 1; iy <= th2.GetNbinsY(); ++iy) {
const TAxis& axx = *th2.GetXaxis();
const double x = axx.GetBinCenter(ix);
const double exminus = x - axx.GetBinLowEdge(ix);
const double explus = axx.GetBinUpEdge(ix) - x;
const double xwidth = axx.GetBinWidth(ix);
const TAxis& axy = *th2.GetYaxis();
const double y = axy.GetBinCenter(iy);
const double eyminus = y - axy.GetBinLowEdge(iy);
const double eyplus = axy.GetBinUpEdge(iy) - y;
const double ywidth = axy.GetBinWidth(iy);
const int ixy = th2.GetBin(ix, iy);
const double area = xwidth*ywidth;
const double val = th2.GetBinContent(ixy) / (scalebyarea ? area : 1);
const double evalminus = th2.GetBinErrorLow(ixy) / (scalebyarea ? area : 1);
const double evalplus = th2.GetBinErrorUp(ixy) / (scalebyarea ? area : 1);
rtn.addPoint(x, y, val,
exminus, explus,
eyminus, eyplus,
evalminus, evalplus);
+ rtn.setPath(th2.GetName());
+ rtn.setTitle(th2.GetTitle());
rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th2.GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th2.GetYaxis()->GetTitle());
- rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th2.GetZaxis()->GetTitle());
+ rtn.addAnnotation("ZLabel", th2.GetZaxis()->GetTitle());
return rtn;
/// Convert a ROOT 2D histogram to a YODA Scatter3D
inline Scatter3D toScatter3D(const TH2* th2, bool scalebyarea=true) {
if (th2 == NULL) throw UserError("Null TH2 pointer passed as argument");
return toScatter3D(*th2, scalebyarea);
/// Convert a ROOT 2D histogram to a new'd YODA Scatter3D
inline Scatter3D* toNewScatter3D(const TH2& th2, bool scalebyarea=true) {
return toScatter3D(th2).newclone();
/// Convert a ROOT 2D histogram to a new'd YODA Scatter3D
inline Scatter3D* toNewScatter3D(const TH2* th2, bool scalebyarea=true) {
return toScatter3D(th2).newclone();
/// @todo Add toScatter2D(TGraph&/*) and toScatter3D(TGraph2D&/*)
/// @name Conversion functions from YODA to ROOT data types
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo1D to a ROOT 1D histogram
/// @todo Check/improve/extend -- needs SetBinError or not?
inline TH1D toTH1D(const Histo1D& h) {
// Work out bin edges first
std::vector<double> edges;
for (size_t i = 0; i < h.numBins(); ++i) {
const HistoBin1D& b = h.bin(i);
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMin())) edges.push_back(b.xMin());
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMax())) edges.push_back(b.xMax());
// Book ROOT histogram
TH1D rtn(h.path().c_str(), h.title().c_str(), edges.size()-1, &edges[0]);
TArrayD& sumw2s = *rtn.GetSumw2();
for (int i = 1; i <= rtn.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
try {
const HistoBin1D& b = h.binAt(rtn.GetBinCenter(i)); // throws if in a gap
rtn.SetBinContent(i, b.sumW());
sumw2s[i] = b.sumW2();
} catch (const Exception& e) { }
// Overflows
rtn.SetBinContent(0, h.underflow().sumW());
rtn.SetBinContent(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, h.overflow().sumW());
sumw2s[0] = h.underflow().sumW2();
sumw2s[rtn.GetNbinsX()+1] = h.overflow().sumW2();
// Labels
if (h.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.SetXTitle(h.annotation("XLabel").c_str());
if (h.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.SetYTitle(h.annotation("YLabel").c_str());
return rtn;
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo1D to a ROOT 1D histogram as new'd pointer
inline TH1D* toNewTH1D(const Histo1D& h, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TH1D*) toTH1D(h).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo2D to a ROOT 2D histogram
/// @todo Check/improve/extend -- needs SetBinError or not?
inline TH2D toTH2D(const Histo2D& h) {
// Work out bin edges first
std::vector<double> xedges, yedges;
for (size_t i = 0; i < h.numBins(); ++i) {
const HistoBin2D& b = h.bin(i);
// Sort and remove (fuzzy) duplicate edges
std::sort(xedges.begin(), xedges.end());
std::sort(yedges.begin(), yedges.end());
const std::vector<double>::iterator xlast = std::unique(xedges.begin(), xedges.end());
const std::vector<double>::iterator ylast = std::unique(yedges.begin(), yedges.end());
xedges.erase(xlast, xedges.end());
yedges.erase(ylast, yedges.end());
// Book ROOT histogram
TH2D rtn(h.path().c_str(), h.title().c_str(), xedges.size()-1, &xedges[0], yedges.size()-1, &yedges[0]);
TArrayD& sumw2s = *rtn.GetSumw2();
for (int ix = 1; ix <= rtn.GetNbinsX(); ++ix) {
for (int iy = 1; iy <= rtn.GetNbinsY(); ++iy) {
const int i = rtn.GetBin(ix, iy);
try {
//const HistoBin2D& b = h.binAt(rtn.GetBinCenter(ix), rtn.GetBinCenter(iy)); // throws if in a gap
const HistoBin2D& b = h.binAt(rtn.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix), rtn.GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy)); // throws if in a gap
rtn.SetBinContent(i, b.sumW());
sumw2s[i] = b.sumW2();
} catch (const Exception& e) { }
// Overflows
/// @todo Connect up when supported in YODA... if 2D overflows are possible in ROOT?!
// rtn.SetBinContent(0, h.underflow().sumW());
// rtn.SetBinContent(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, h.overflow().sumW());
// sumw2s[0] = h.underflow().sumW2();
// sumw2s[rtn.GetNbinsX()+1] = h.overflow().sumW2();
// Labels
if (h.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.SetXTitle(h.annotation("XLabel").c_str());
if (h.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.SetYTitle(h.annotation("YLabel").c_str());
if (h.hasAnnotation("ZLabel")) rtn.SetZTitle(h.annotation("ZLabel").c_str());
return rtn;
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo2D to a ROOT 2D histogram as new'd pointer
inline TH2D* toNewTH2D(const Histo2D& h, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TH2D*) toTH2D(h).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @brief Convert a YODA Scatter2D to a ROOT TH1D
/// @brief Convert a YODA Profile1D to a ROOT TProfile
/// @warning Reported not to work, and maybe not to be possible at all...
/// @todo Check/improve/extend. How to set all the y-weights in ROOT profiles?
inline TProfile toTProfile(const Profile1D& p) {
// Work out bin edges first
std::vector<double> edges;
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.numBins(); ++i) {
const ProfileBin1D& b = p.bin(i);
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMin())) edges.push_back(b.xMin());
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMax())) edges.push_back(b.xMax());
// Book ROOT histogram
TProfile rtn(p.path().c_str(), p.title().c_str(), edges.size()-1, &edges[0]);
Double_t* sumwys = rtn.GetArray(); //< YUCK!!!
TArrayD& sumwy2s = *rtn.GetSumw2(); //< YUCK!!!
for (int i = 1; i <= rtn.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
try {
const ProfileBin1D& b = p.binAt(rtn.GetBinCenter(i)); // throws if in a gap
// rtn.SetBinContent(i, b.mean());
// rtn.SetBinError(i, b.stdErr());
/// @todo Need to set the following, according to Roman Lysak:
// - for sum(y*y): TProfile::GetSumw2()
// - for sum(y): TProfile::GetArray()
// - for sum(w): TProfile::SetBinEntries(bin, w)
// Clearly, the names of accessors/methods are confusing...
rtn.SetBinEntries(i, b.sumW());
sumwys[i] = b.sumWY();
sumwy2s[i] = b.sumWY2();
} catch (const Exception& e) { }
// Overflows
rtn.SetBinEntries(0, p.underflow().sumW());
rtn.SetBinEntries(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, p.overflow().sumW());
sumwys[0] = p.underflow().sumWY();
sumwys[0] = p.underflow().sumWY();
sumwy2s[rtn.GetNbinsX()+1] = p.overflow().sumWY2();
sumwy2s[rtn.GetNbinsX()+1] = p.overflow().sumWY2();
// Labels
if (p.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.SetXTitle(p.annotation("XLabel").c_str());
if (p.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.SetYTitle(p.annotation("YLabel").c_str());
return rtn;
/// @brief Convert a YODA Profile1D to a ROOT TH1D
inline TH1D toTH1D(const Profile1D& p) {
// Work out bin edges first
std::vector<double> edges;
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.numBins(); ++i) {
const ProfileBin1D& b = p.bin(i);
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMin())) edges.push_back(b.xMin());
if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.xMax())) edges.push_back(b.xMax());
// Book ROOT histogram
TH1D rtn(p.path().c_str(), p.title().c_str(), edges.size()-1, &edges[0]);
for (int i = 1; i <= rtn.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
try {
const ProfileBin1D& b = p.binAt(rtn.GetBinCenter(i)); // throws if in a gap
rtn.SetBinContent(i, b.mean());
rtn.SetBinError(i, b.stdErr());
} catch (const Exception& e) { }
// Overflows
rtn.SetBinContent(0, p.underflow().yMean());
rtn.SetBinContent(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, p.overflow().yMean());
rtn.SetBinError(0, p.underflow().yStdErr());
rtn.SetBinError(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, p.overflow().yStdErr());
// Labels
if (p.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.SetXTitle(p.annotation("XLabel").c_str());
if (p.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.SetYTitle(p.annotation("YLabel").c_str());
return rtn;
/// @brief Convert a YODA Profile1D to a ROOT TProfile as new'd pointer
inline TProfile* toNewTProfile(const Profile1D& p, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TProfile*) toTProfile(p).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @todo Convert a YODA Profile2D to a ROOT TProfile2D
/// @brief Convert a YODA Scatter2D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors
/// @todo Check/improve/extend.
inline TGraphAsymmErrors toTGraph(const Scatter2D& s) {
TVectorF xs(s.numPoints()), ys(s.numPoints());
TVectorF exls(s.numPoints()), exhs(s.numPoints());
TVectorF eyls(s.numPoints()), eyhs(s.numPoints());
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.numPoints(); ++i) {
const Point2D& p = s.point(i);
xs[i] = p.x();
ys[i] = p.y();
exls[i] = p.xErrMinus();
exhs[i] = p.xErrPlus();
eyls[i] = p.yErrMinus();
eyhs[i] = p.yErrPlus();
// Make the ROOT object... mm, the constructors don't take name+title, unlike all this histos!
TGraphAsymmErrors rtn(xs, ys, exls, exhs, eyls, eyhs);
// Labels
if (s.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.GetXaxis()->SetTitle(s.annotation("XLabel").c_str());
if (s.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(s.annotation("YLabel").c_str());
return rtn;
/// @brief Convert a YODA Scatter2D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors as new'd pointer
inline TGraphAsymmErrors* toNewTGraph(const Scatter2D& s, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TGraphAsymmErrors*) toTGraph(s).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo1D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors
inline TGraphAsymmErrors toTGraph(const Histo1D& h) {
return toTGraph(mkScatter(h));
/// @brief Convert a YODA Histo1D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors as new'd pointer
inline TGraphAsymmErrors* toNewTGraph(const Histo1D& h, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TGraphAsymmErrors*) toTGraph(h).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @brief Convert a YODA Profile1D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors
inline TGraphAsymmErrors toTGraph(const Profile1D& p) {
return toTGraph(mkScatter(p));
/// @brief Convert a YODA Profile1D to a ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors as new'd pointer
inline TGraphAsymmErrors* toNewTGraph(const Profile1D& p, const std::string& rootname) {
return (TGraphAsymmErrors*) toTGraph(p).Clone(rootname.c_str());
/// @todo Convert YODA Scatter3D, Histo2D and Profile2D to TGraph2D
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