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diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.h b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.h
@@ -1,1046 +1,1037 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SubtractionDipole.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SubtractionDipole_H
#define HERWIG_SubtractionDipole_H
// This is the declaration of the SubtractionDipole class.
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Dipoles/SubtractionDipole.fh"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StandardXComb.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/MatchboxMEBase.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Matching/ShowerApproximation.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
class TildeKinematics;
class InvertedTildeKinematics;
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief SubtractionDipole represents a dipole subtraction
* term in the formalism of Catani and Seymour.
class SubtractionDipole:
public MEBase, public LastMatchboxXCombInfo {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~SubtractionDipole();
/** @name Subprocess and diagram information. */
* Return true, if this dipole applies to the selected
* configuration.
virtual bool canHandle(const cPDVector& partons,
int emitter, int emission, int spectator) const = 0;
* Return true, if this dipole is symmetric with respect to emitter
* and emission.
virtual bool isSymmetric() const { return false; }
* If this is a dependent matrix element in a ME group, return true,
* if it applies to the process set in lastXComb()
virtual bool apply() const { return theApply; }
* Clear the bookkeeping
void clearBookkeeping();
* Setup bookkeeping maps.
void setupBookkeeping();
* Get bookkeeping information for the given
* real emission diagram
void subtractionBookkeeping();
* Determine bookkeeping information for
* the underlying Born process supplied through
* the lastHeadXComb() object.
void splittingBookkeeping();
* For the given event generation setup return a xcomb object
* appropriate to this matrix element.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb(Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair & inc,
tEHPtr newEventHandler,tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler,
tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW,
const PBPair & newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams, bool mir,
const PartonPairVec& allPBins,
tStdXCombPtr newHead = tStdXCombPtr(),
tMEPtr newME = tMEPtr());
* For the given event generation setup return a dependent xcomb object
* appropriate to this matrix element.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb(tStdXCombPtr newHead,
const PBPair & newPartonBins,
const DiagramVector & newDiagrams,
tMEPtr newME = tMEPtr());
* Create a dependent xcomb object for the underlying
* Born process, given a XComb driving the real emission
StdXCombPtr makeBornXComb(tStdXCombPtr realXC);
* Create dependent xcomb objects for the real emission process,
* given a XComb driving the underlying Born
vector<StdXCombPtr> makeRealXCombs(tStdXCombPtr bornXC);
* Return true, if bookkeeping did not find a non-trivial setup.
bool empty() const { return theSplittingMap.empty(); }
* Return the emitter as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int realEmitter() const { return theRealEmitter; }
* Set the emitter as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
void realEmitter(int id) { theRealEmitter = id; }
* Return the emission as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int realEmission() const { return theRealEmission; }
* Set the emission as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
void realEmission(int id) { theRealEmission = id; }
* Return the spectator as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int realSpectator() const { return theRealSpectator; }
* Set the spectator as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
void realSpectator(int id) { theRealSpectator = id; }
* Return the emitter as referred to by the underlying
* Born process.
int bornEmitter() const { return theBornEmitter; }
* Set the emitter as referred to by the underlying
* Born process.
void bornEmitter(int id) { theBornEmitter = id; }
* Return the spectator as referred to by the underlying
* Born process.
int bornSpectator() const { return theBornSpectator; }
* Set the spectator as referred to by the underlying
* Born process.
void bornSpectator(int id) { theBornSpectator = id; }
* Define the real emission key type
typedef pair<pair<cPDVector,int>,pair<int,int> > RealEmissionKey;
* Create a real emission key
static RealEmissionKey realEmissionKey(const cPDVector& proc,
int em, int emm, int sp) {
return make_pair(make_pair(proc,emm),make_pair(em,sp));
* Return the diagram of a real emission key
static const cPDVector& process(const RealEmissionKey& key) {
return key.first.first;
* Return the emission id of a real emission key
static int emission(const RealEmissionKey& key) {
return key.first.second;
* Return the emitter id of a real emission key
static int emitter(const RealEmissionKey& key) {
return key.second.first;
* Return the spectator id of a real emission key
static int spectator(const RealEmissionKey& key) {
return key.second.second;
* Define the underlying Born key type
typedef pair<cPDVector,pair<int,int> > UnderlyingBornKey;
* Create a underlying Born key
static UnderlyingBornKey underlyingBornKey(const cPDVector& proc,
int em, int sp) {
return make_pair(proc,make_pair(em,sp));
* Return the diagram of a underlying Born key
static const cPDVector& process(const UnderlyingBornKey& key) {
return key.first;
* Return the emitter id of a underlying Born key
static int emitter(const UnderlyingBornKey& key) {
return key.second.first;
* Return the spectator id of a underlying Born key
static int spectator(const UnderlyingBornKey& key) {
return key.second.second;
* Define real emission key and index dictionary
* for partons not involved in the given dipole.
typedef pair<RealEmissionKey,map<int,int> > RealEmissionInfo;
* Define underlying Born key and index dictionary
* for partons not involved in the given dipole.
typedef pair<UnderlyingBornKey,map<int,int> > UnderlyingBornInfo;
* Return the merging map
const map<RealEmissionKey,UnderlyingBornInfo>& mergingMap() const { return theMergingMap; }
* Return the splitting map
const multimap<UnderlyingBornKey,RealEmissionInfo>& splittingMap() const { return theSplittingMap; }
* Return the underlying Born diagrams to be considered
* for the given real emission process.
const DiagramVector& underlyingBornDiagrams(const cPDVector& real) const;
* Return the real emission diagrams to be considered
* for the given Born process.
const DiagramVector& realEmissionDiagrams(const cPDVector& born) const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element does not want to
* make use of mirroring processes; in this case all
* possible partonic subprocesses with a fixed assignment
* of incoming particles need to be provided through the diagrams
* added with the add(...) method.
virtual bool noMirror () const { return true; }
* With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics(...) method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Select a diagram. Default version uses diagrams(const
* DiagramVector &) to select a diagram according to the
* weights. This is the only method used that should be outside of
* MEBase.
virtual DiagramIndex diagram(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Select a ColpurLines geometry. The default version returns a
* colour geometry selected among the ones returned from
* colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr).
virtual const ColourLines &
selectColourGeometry(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix element
* is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const { return realEmissionME()->orderInAlphaS(); }
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EM}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given. Returns 0.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const { return underlyingBornME()->orderInAlphaEW(); }
/** @name Phasespace generation */
* Set the XComb object to be used in the next call to
* generateKinematics() and dSigHatDR().
virtual void setXComb(tStdXCombPtr xc);
* Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to
* be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries()
* according to the associated XComb object. If the function is
* overridden in a sub class the new function must call the base
* class one first.
virtual void setKinematics();
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform random
* numbers in the interval ]0,1[. To help the phase space generator,
* the 'dSigHatDR' should be a smooth function of these numbers,
* although this is not strictly necessary. The return value should
* be true of the generation succeeded. If so the generated momenta
* should be stored in the meMomenta() vector.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* The number of internal degreed of freedom used in the matrix
* element. This default version returns 0;
virtual int nDim() const;
* Return true, if this matrix element expects
* the incoming partons in their center-of-mass system
virtual bool wantCMS () const { return realEmissionME()->wantCMS(); }
* Clear the information previously provided by a call to
* setKinematics(...).
virtual void clearKinematics();
* If this is a dependent matrix element in a ME group, return true,
* if cuts should be ignored.
virtual bool ignoreCuts() const { return theIgnoreCuts; }
* Indicate that cuts should be ignored
void doIgnoreCuts(bool is = true) { theIgnoreCuts = is; }
/** @name Tilde kinematics */
* Return the TildeKinematics object used
Ptr<TildeKinematics>::tcptr tildeKinematics() const { return theTildeKinematics; }
* Set the TildeKinematics object used
void tildeKinematics(Ptr<TildeKinematics>::tptr);
* Generate the tilde kinematics from real emission
* kinematics accessible through the XComb's
* head object and store it in meMomenta(). This default
* implemenation uses the tildeKinematics() object.
virtual bool generateTildeKinematics();
* Return the InvertedTildeKinematics object used
Ptr<InvertedTildeKinematics>::tcptr invertedTildeKinematics() const { return theInvertedTildeKinematics; }
* Set the InvertedTildeKinematics object used
void invertedTildeKinematics(Ptr<InvertedTildeKinematics>::tptr);
* Return the number of additional random numbers
* needed to generate real emission kinematics off
* the tilde kinematics previously supplied through
* the XComb object. This default implementation
* returns invertedTildeKinematics()->nDimRadiation()
virtual int nDimRadiation() const;
* Generate the real emission kinematics
* off the Born kinematics accessible through the XComb's
* head object and store it in meMomenta(); store
* the single particle phasespace in units of lastHeadXComb()->lastSHat()
* in jacobian(). This default
* implemenation uses the invertedTildeKinematics() object
virtual bool generateRadiationKinematics(const double *);
* Set a pt cut when splitting
void ptCut(Energy cut);
* Return the relevant dipole scale
Energy lastDipoleScale() const {
return splitting() ? theLastSplittingScale : theLastSubtractionScale;
* Return the relevant pt
Energy lastPt() const {
return splitting() ? theLastSplittingPt : theLastSubtractionPt;
* Return true, if this dipole acts in splitting mode.
bool splitting() const { return theSplitting; }
* Switch on splitting mode for this dipole.
void doSplitting() { theSplitting = true; }
* Switch off splitting mode for this dipole.
void doSubtraction() { theSplitting = false; }
* Return the subtraction parameters.
const vector<double>& subtractionParameters() const { return theSubtractionParameters; }
* Access the subtraction parameters.
vector<double>& subtractionParameters() { return theSubtractionParameters; }
/** @name Scale choices, couplings and PDFs */
* Return true, if scales should be calculated from real emission kinematics
bool realEmissionScales() const { return theRealEmissionScales; }
* Switch on or off that scales should be calculated from real emission kinematics
void doRealEmissionScales(bool on = true) { theRealEmissionScales = on; }
* Return the scale associated with the phase space point provided
* by the last call to setKinematics().
virtual Energy2 scale() const {
return realEmissionScales() ?
realEmissionME()->scale() :
* Return the value of \f$\alpha_S\f$ associated with the phase
* space point provided by the last call to setKinematics(). This
* versions returns SM().alphaS(scale()).
virtual double alphaS() const {
return realEmissionScales() ?
realEmissionME()->alphaS() :
* Return the value of \f$\alpha_EM\f$ associated with the phase
* space point provided by the last call to setKinematics(). This
* versions returns SM().alphaEM(scale()).
virtual double alphaEM() const {
return realEmissionScales() ?
realEmissionME()->alphaEM() :
* Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF
* weight for the first incoming parton itself.
virtual bool havePDFWeight1() const { return realEmissionME()->havePDFWeight1(); }
* Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF
* weight for the second incoming parton itself.
virtual bool havePDFWeight2() const { return realEmissionME()->havePDFWeight2(); }
/** @name Matrix elements and evaluation */
* Return the real emission matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tcptr realEmissionME() const {
return theRealEmissionME;
* Return the real emission matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr realEmissionME() {
return theRealEmissionME;
* Set the real emission matrix element
void realEmissionME(Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr me) { theRealEmissionME = me; }
* Return the underlying Born matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tcptr underlyingBornME() const {
return theUnderlyingBornME;
* Return the underlying Born matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr underlyingBornME() {
return theUnderlyingBornME;
* Set the underlying Born matrix element
void underlyingBornME(Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr me) { theUnderlyingBornME = me; }
* Set the dipoles which have been found along with this dipole
void partnerDipoles(const vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>& p) {
thePartners = p;
* Return the dipoles which have been found along with this dipole
const vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>& partnerDipoles() const {
return thePartners;
* Return the matrix element averaged over spin correlations.
virtual double me2Avg(double ccme2) const = 0;
* Return true, if the cross section should actually return the spin
* averaged splitting function times the Born matrix element squared.
bool showerKernel() const { return theShowerKernel; }
* Indicate that the cross section should actually return the spin
* averaged splitting function times the Born matrix element squared.
void doShowerKernel(bool is = true) { theShowerKernel = is; }
* Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables
* given by the last call to generateKinematics().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR(Energy2 factorizationScale) const;
* Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables
* given by the last call to generateKinematics().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const { return dSigHatDR(ZERO); }
/** @name Methods relevant to matching */
* Set the shower approximation.
void showerApproximation(Ptr<ShowerApproximation>::tptr app) {
theShowerApproximation = app;
* Return the shower approximation.
Ptr<ShowerApproximation>::tptr showerApproximation() const { return theShowerApproximation; }
* Indicate that the shower real emission contribution should be subtracted.
void doRealShowerSubtraction() { theRealShowerSubtraction = true; }
* Return true, if the shower real emission contribution should be subtracted.
bool realShowerSubtraction() const { return theRealShowerSubtraction; }
* Indicate that the shower virtual contribution should be subtracted.
void doVirtualShowerSubtraction() { theVirtualShowerSubtraction = true; }
* Return true, if the shower virtual contribution should be subtracted.
bool virtualShowerSubtraction() const { return theVirtualShowerSubtraction; }
/** @name Caching and diagnostic information */
* Inform this matrix element that a new phase space
* point is about to be generated, so all caches should
* be flushed.
virtual void flushCaches();
* Indicate that the subtraction is being tested.
void doTestSubtraction() { theSubtractionTest = true; }
* Return true, if the subtraction is being tested.
bool testSubtraction() const { return theSubtractionTest; }
* Return true, if verbose
bool verbose() const { return realEmissionME()->verbose() || underlyingBornME()->verbose(); }
* Dump the setup to an ostream
void print(ostream&) const;
* Print debug information on the last event
virtual void printLastEvent(ostream&) const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* generateTildeKinematics
void logGenerateTildeKinematics() const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* generateRadiationKinematics
void logGenerateRadiationKinematics(const double * r) const;
* Write out diagnostic information for
* me2 evaluation
void logME2() const;
* Write out diagnostic information
* for dsigdr evaluation
void logDSigHatDR(double effectiveJac) const;
/** @name Reweight objects */
* Insert a reweight object
void addReweight(Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr rw) { theReweights.push_back(rw); }
* Return the reweight objects
const vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>& reweights() const { return theReweights; }
* Access the reweight objects
vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr>& reweights() { return theReweights; }
/** @name Methods used to setup SubtractionDipole objects */
* Clone this dipole.
Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr cloneMe() const {
return dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr>(clone());
* Clone the dependencies, using a given prefix.
void cloneDependencies(const std::string& prefix = "");
/** @name Methods required to setup the event record */
* construct the spin information for the interaction
virtual void constructVertex(tSubProPtr sub);
* Comlete a SubProcess object using the internal degrees of freedom
* generated in the last generateKinematics() (and possible other
* degrees of freedom which was intergated over in dSigHatDR(). This
* default version does nothing. Will be made purely virtual in the
* future.
virtual void generateSubCollision(SubProcess & sub);
- /**
- * Handle integer powers appearing downstream.
- */
- double pow(double x, unsigned int p) const {
- return std::pow(x,(double)p);
- }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Wether or not this dipole acts in splitting mode.
bool theSplitting;
* True, if should apply to process in the xcomb.
bool theApply;
* True, if the subtraction is being tested.
bool theSubtractionTest;
* True if cuts should be ignored
bool theIgnoreCuts;
* True, if the cross section should actually return the spin
* averaged splitting function times the Born matrix element squared.
bool theShowerKernel;
* The real emission matrix element to be considered
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr theRealEmissionME;
* The underlying Born matrix element
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::ptr theUnderlyingBornME;
* The dipoles which have been found along with this dipole
vector<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::ptr> thePartners;
* The TildeKinematics to be used.
Ptr<TildeKinematics>::ptr theTildeKinematics;
* The InvertedTildeKinematics to be used.
Ptr<InvertedTildeKinematics>::ptr theInvertedTildeKinematics;
* A vector of reweight objects the sum of which
* should be applied to reweight this dipole
vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr> theReweights;
* The emitter as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int theRealEmitter;
* The emission as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int theRealEmission;
* The spectator as referred to by the real emission
* matrix element.
int theRealSpectator;
* The subtraction parameters
vector<double> theSubtractionParameters;
* Map real emission diagrams to underlying Born diagrams
* and tilde emitter/spectator.
map<RealEmissionKey,UnderlyingBornInfo> theMergingMap;
* Map underlying Born diagrams and tilde emitter/spectator
* to real emission diagram containing the splitting.
multimap<UnderlyingBornKey,RealEmissionInfo> theSplittingMap;
* Map underlying Born diagrams to emitter/spectator pairs
map<cPDVector,pair<int,int> > theIndexMap;
* Map real emission processes to Born diagrams
map<cPDVector,DiagramVector> theUnderlyingBornDiagrams;
* Map Born processes to real emission diagrams
map<cPDVector,DiagramVector> theRealEmissionDiagrams;
* The last real emission key encountered
RealEmissionKey lastRealEmissionKey;
* The last underlying Born key encountered
UnderlyingBornKey lastUnderlyingBornKey;
* The last real emission info encountered
multimap<UnderlyingBornKey,RealEmissionInfo>::const_iterator lastRealEmissionInfo;
* The emitter as referred to by the underlying Born
* matrix element.
int theBornEmitter;
* The spectator as referred to by the underlying Born
* matrix element.
int theBornSpectator;
* The last scale as generated from the tilde mapping
Energy theLastSubtractionScale;
* The last scale as generated from the splitting mapping
Energy theLastSplittingScale;
* The last pt as generated from the tilde mapping
Energy theLastSubtractionPt;
* The last pt as generated from the splitting mapping
Energy theLastSplittingPt;
* The shower approximation.
Ptr<ShowerApproximation>::ptr theShowerApproximation;
* True, if the shower real emission contribution should be subtracted.
bool theRealShowerSubtraction;
* True, if the shower virtual contribution should be subtracted.
bool theVirtualShowerSubtraction;
* True, if scales should be calculated from real emission kinematics
bool theRealEmissionScales;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SubtractionDipole & operator=(const SubtractionDipole &);
#endif /* HERWIG_SubtractionDipole_H */
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Sat, Dec 21, 5:31 PM (12 h, 46 m)
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