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process Demo = {
source = PoolSource
untracked vstring fileNames = { 'file:/afs/' }
//source = EmptySource {}
untracked PSet maxEvents = {untracked int32 input = 25}
#keep the logging output to a nice level
service = MessageLogger {}
#include "Configuration/StandardSequences/data/FakeConditions.cff"
#include "TrackingTools/TrackRefitter/data/TracksToTrajectories.cff"
module generalTracks = TracksToTrajectories {
InputTag Tracks = generalTracks
PSet TrackTransformer = {
string Fitter = "KFFitterForRefitInsideOut"
string Smoother = "KFSmootherForRefitInsideOut"
string Propagator = "SmartPropagatorAnyRK"
string TrackerRecHitBuilder = "WithTrackAngle"
string MuonRecHitBuilder = "MuonRecHitBuilder"
string RefitDirection = "insideOut"
bool RefitRPCHits = true
module standAloneMuons = TracksToTrajectories {
InputTag Tracks = standAloneMuons
PSet TrackTransformer = {
string Fitter = "KFFitterForRefitInsideOut"
string Smoother = "KFSmootherForRefitInsideOut"
string Propagator = "SmartPropagatorAnyRK"
string TrackerRecHitBuilder = "WithTrackAngle"
string MuonRecHitBuilder = "MuonRecHitBuilder"
string RefitDirection = "insideOut"
bool RefitRPCHits = true
module globalMuons = TracksToTrajectories {
InputTag Tracks = globalMuons
PSet TrackTransformer = {
string Fitter = "KFFitterForRefitInsideOut"
string Smoother = "KFSmootherForRefitInsideOut"
string Propagator = "SmartPropagatorAnyRK"
string TrackerRecHitBuilder = "WithTrackAngle"
string MuonRecHitBuilder = "MuonRecHitBuilder"
string RefitDirection = "insideOut"
bool RefitRPCHits = true
include "Visualisation/Frog/data/Frog_Analyzer.cff"
replace frog.OutputFile ="SingleTop.vis"
replace frog.CompressFiles = false
#replace frog.GenParticlesProducers = {}
replace frog.SimTrackProducers = {famosSimHits}
replace frog.SimVertexProducers = {famosSimHits}
replace frog.SimHitProducers = {famosSimHits:TrackerHits}
replace frog.SimCaloHitProducers = {famosSimHits:EcalHitsEB, famosSimHits:EcalHitsEE, famosSimHits:EcalHitsES, famosSimHits:HcalHits}
#replace frog.TrajectoryProducers = {generalTracks,standAloneMuons,globalMuons}
replace frog.TrajectoryProducers = {}
replace frog.TrackProducers = {gsWithMaterialTracks}
replace frog.EcalRecHitProducers = {caloRecHits:EcalRecHitsEB, caloRecHits:EcalRecHitsEE, caloRecHits:EcalRecHitsES}
replace frog.HcalHBHERecHitProducers = {caloRecHits}
replace frog.HcalHORecHitProducers = {caloRecHits}
replace frog.HcalHFRecHitProducers = {caloRecHits}
replace frog.DTSegmentProducers = {}
replace frog.CSCSegmentProducers = {}
replace frog.RPCHitsProducers = {}
replace frog.SiStripClusterProducers = {}
replace frog.CaloJetsProducers = {fastjet6CaloJets}
#replace frog.NEventsInVisFile = 50
#module out = PoolOutputModule
# untracked string fileName = "out.root"
#path p = {generalTracks,standAloneMuons,globalMuons, frog}
path p = {frog}
#endpath o = {out}
#schedule = {p,o}

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:58 PM (18 h, 56 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
Frog_Analyzer_16X_FastSim.cfg (3 KB)

Event Timeline