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Index: trunk/src/SartreInclusiveDiffraction.cpp
--- trunk/src/SartreInclusiveDiffraction.cpp (revision 539)
+++ trunk/src/SartreInclusiveDiffraction.cpp (revision 540)
@@ -1,861 +1,865 @@
// SartreInclusiveDiffraction.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2024 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Tobias Toll
// Last update:
// $Date: 2024-06-03 11:27:05 -0400 (Mon, 03 Jun 2024) $
// $Author: ullrich $
// Note:
// When not using runcards, the user must first create an instance of
// SartreInclusiveDiffraction and then get the settings via one of:
// SartreInclusiveDiffraction::runSettings()
// EventGeneratorSettings::instance()
// Once init() is called settings cannot be changed any more.
#include "Version.h"
#include "Kinematics.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "SartreInclusiveDiffraction.h"
#include "Math/Functor.h"
#include "ModeFinderFunctor.h"
#include "Math/BrentMinimizer1D.h"
#include "Math/IntegratorMultiDim.h"
#include "Math/GSLMinimizer.h"
#include "TUnuranMultiContDist.h"
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include "TH2D.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TF3.h"
#include "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsFromTables.h"
using namespace std;
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance();
mRandom = mSettings->randomGenerator();
mIsInitialized = false;
mCurrentEvent = 0;
mNucleus = 0;
mUpcNucleus= 0;
// mSettings = 0;
mPDF_Functor = 0;
mPDF = 0;
mEventCounter = 0;
mTriesCounter = 0;
mTotalCrossSection = 0;
mTotalCrossSection_qqg = 0;
mTotalCrossSection_qq = 0;
mCrossSection = 0;
mUnuran = 0;
mEvents = 0;
mTries = 0;
mS = 0;
mA = 0;
- mUseCrossSectionTables=true;
delete mNucleus;
delete mUpcNucleus;
delete mPDF_Functor;
delete mPDF;
delete mCrossSection;
delete mUnuran;
delete mCurrentEvent;
bool SartreInclusiveDiffraction::init(const char* runcard)
mStartTime = time(0);
bool ok;
// Reset member variables.
// Note that one instance of Sartre should be able to get
// initialized multiple times.
mEvents = 0;
mTries = 0;
mTotalCrossSection = 0;
mTotalCrossSection_qqg = 0;
mTotalCrossSection_qq = 0;
// Print header
string ctstr(ctime(&mStartTime));
ctstr.erase(ctstr.size()-1, 1);
cout << "/========================================================================\\" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Sartre, Version " << setw(54) << left << VERSION << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| An event generator for inclusive diffraction |" << endl;
cout << "| in ep and eA collisions based on the dipole model. |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |" << endl;
cout << "| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |" << endl;
cout << "| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |" << endl;
cout << "| any later version. |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Code compiled on " << setw(12) << left << __DATE__;
cout << setw(41) << left << __TIME__ << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "| Run started at " << setw(55) << left << ctstr.c_str() << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "\\========================================================================/" << endl;
mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance(); // EventGeneratorSettings is a singleton
// Read runcard if available
if (runcard) {
if (!mSettings->readSettingsFromFile(runcard)) {
cout << "Error, reading runcard '" << runcard << "'. File doesn't exist or is not readable." << endl;
cout << "Runcard is '" << runcard << "'." << endl;
cout << "No runcard provided." << endl;
+ mUseCrossSectionTables=mSettings->useInclusiveCrossSectionTables();
// Set beam particles and center of mass energy
mElectronBeam = mSettings->eBeam();
mHadronBeam = mSettings->hBeam();
mS = Kinematics::s(mElectronBeam, mHadronBeam);
mA = mSettings->A();
bool allowBreakup = mSettings->enableNuclearBreakup();
if (mA == 1) allowBreakup = false;
if (allowBreakup) {
if (!getenv("SARTRE_DIR")) {
cout << "Error, environment variable 'SARTRE_DIR' is not defined. It is required\n"
"to locate tables needed for the generation if nuclear breakups." << endl;
if (mNucleus) delete mNucleus;
mNucleus = new FrangibleNucleus(mA, allowBreakup);
string upcNucleusName;
cout << "Sartre is running in inclusive diffraction mode" << endl;
cout << "Hadron beam species: " << mNucleus->name() << " (" << mA << ")" << endl;
cout << "Hadron beam: " << mHadronBeam << endl;
cout << "Electron beam: " << mElectronBeam << endl;
// Get details about the processes and models
mDipoleModelType = mSettings->dipoleModelType();
mDipoleModelParameterSet = mSettings->dipoleModelParameterSet();
cout << "Dipole model: " << mSettings->dipoleModelName().c_str() << endl;
cout << "Dipole model parameter set: " << mSettings->dipoleModelParameterSetName().c_str() << endl;
cout << "Process is ";
if (mA > 1)
cout << "e + " << mNucleus->name() << " -> e' + " << mNucleus->name() << "' + X"<< endl;
cout << "e + p -> e' + p' + X"<< endl;
// Print-out seed for reference
cout << "Random generator seed: " << mSettings->seed() << endl;
// Load in the tables containing the amplitude moments
if (!getenv("SARTRE_DIR")) {
cout << "Error, required environment variable 'SARTRE_DIR' is not defined." << endl;
// Kinematic limits and generator range
// There are 3 ranges we have to deal with
// 1. the kinematic range requested by the user
// if given.
// The user can only control Q2 and W but not t.
// For UPC that's xpom.
// 2. the range of the table(s)
// 3. the kinematically allowed range
// Of course (3) is more complex than a simple cube/square.
// However, we deal with the detailed shape of the kinematic
// range later using Kinematics::valid() when we generate the
// individual events.
// For setting up UNU.RAN we have to get the cubic/square
// envelope that satifies (1)-(3).
// Note, that they are correlated which makes the order
// in which we do things a bit tricky.
// Step 2:
// Kinematic limits might overrule boundaries from step 1
// let:
// 0: beta
// 1: Q2
// 2: W2
// 3: z
// Setup cross-section functor
// It is this functor that is used by all other functors,
// functions, and wrappers when dealing with cross-sections.
if (mCrossSection) delete mCrossSection;
mCrossSection = new InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections;
mCrossSection = new InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables;
// Here we need to put in Q2 > mu02.
// The calculation goes haywire for Q2 becoming too small
double mu02 = mCrossSection->dipoleModel()->getParameters()->mu02();
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(0);
double mf=tt_quarkMass[0];
//Now for the diffractive mass:
double kineMX2min = 4*mf*mf;//max(mu02, 4*mf*mf);
// This gives the limits for W2 and for inelasticity y:
double kineW2min = kineMX2min+protonMass2;
double kineYmin = Kinematics::ymin(mS, kineMX2min);
// ...and y gives the limit for Q2, unless it's smaller than the cut-off mu02:
double kineQ2min = Kinematics::Q2min(kineYmin);
kineQ2min = max(kineQ2min, mu02);
//The maximum momenta are given by s:
double kineQ2max = Kinematics::Q2max(mS);
double kineW2max = mS-kineQ2min-protonMass2;
// Now for all the fractions, making sure they make sense
double kineBetamax = kineQ2max/(kineQ2max+kineMX2min);
double kineBetamin = Kinematics::betamin(kineQ2min, mS, sqrt(kineW2min), 0);
double kineMX2max = (1.-kineBetamin)/kineBetamin*kineQ2max;
kineMX2max=min(kineMX2max, kineW2max-protonMass2);
double kineZmin=(1-sqrt(1-4*mf*mf/kineMX2max))/2.;
double kineZmax=1-kineZmin;
mLowerLimit[0] = kineBetamin;
mUpperLimit[0] = kineBetamax;
mLowerLimit[1] = kineQ2min;
mUpperLimit[1] = kineQ2max;
mLowerLimit[2] = kineW2min;
mUpperLimit[2] = kineW2max;
mLowerLimit[3] = kineZmin;
mUpperLimit[3] = kineZmax;
// Step 3:
// Deal with user provided limits.
// User settings are ignored (switched off) if min >= max.
// Only allow user limits for Q2, W2, and beta,
// not z.
bool W2orQ2changed=false;
if (mSettings->Wmin() < mSettings->Wmax()) { // W2 first
if (mSettings->W2min() < mLowerLimit[2]) {
cout << "Warning, requested lower limit of W (" << mSettings->Wmin() << ") "
<< "is smaller than limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << sqrt(mLowerLimit[2]) << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mLowerLimit[2] = mSettings->W2min();
if (mSettings->W2max() > mUpperLimit[2]) {
cout << "Warning, requested upper limit of W (" << mSettings->Wmax() << ") "
<< "exceeds limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << sqrt(mUpperLimit[2]) << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mUpperLimit[2] = mSettings->W2max();
if (mSettings->Q2min() < mSettings->Q2max()) { // Q2
if (mSettings->Q2min() < mLowerLimit[1]) {
cout << "Warning, requested lower limit of Q2 (" << mSettings->Q2min() << ") "
<< "is smaller than limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << mLowerLimit[1] << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mLowerLimit[1] = mSettings->Q2min();
if (mSettings->Q2max() > mUpperLimit[1]) {
cout << "Warning, requested upper limit of Q2 (" << mSettings->Q2max() << ") "
<< "exceeds limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << mUpperLimit[1] << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mUpperLimit[1] = mSettings->Q2max();
if (W2orQ2changed){//mLowerLimit beta, Q2, W2, z
//kineBetamax = kineQ2max/(kineQ2max+kineMX2min);
mUpperLimit[0] = mUpperLimit[1]/(mUpperLimit[1]+kineMX2min);
//kineBetamin = Kinematics::betamin(kineQ2min, mS, sqrt(kineW2min), 0);
mLowerLimit[0] = Kinematics::betamin(mLowerLimit[1], mS, sqrt(mLowerLimit[2]), 0);
// kineMX2max = (1.-kineBetamin)/kineBetamin*kineQ2max;
// kineMX2max=min(kineMX2max, kineW2max-protonMass2);
kineMX2max = (1.-mLowerLimit[0])/mLowerLimit[0]*mUpperLimit[1];
kineMX2max=min(kineMX2max, mUpperLimit[2]-protonMass2);
// kineZmin=(1-sqrt(1-4*mf*mf/kineMX2max))/2.;
// kineZmax=1-kineZmin;
if (mSettings->betamin() < mSettings->betamax()) { // beta
if (mSettings->betamin() < mLowerLimit[0]) {
cout << "Warning, requested lower limit of beta (" << mSettings->betamin() << ") "
<< "is smaller than limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << mLowerLimit[0] << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mLowerLimit[0] = mSettings->betamin();
if (mSettings->betamax() > mUpperLimit[0]) {
cout << "Warning, requested upper limit of Q2 (" << mSettings->betamax() << ") "
<< "exceeds limit given by lookup tables and/or kinematic range (" << mUpperLimit[0] << "). ";
cout << "Limit has no effect." << endl;
else {
mUpperLimit[0] = mSettings->betamax();
// Check if any phase space is left
if (mLowerLimit[0] >= mUpperLimit[0]) {
cout << "Invalid range in beta: beta=[" << mLowerLimit[0] << ", " << mUpperLimit[0] << "]." << endl;
if (mLowerLimit[1] >= mUpperLimit[1]) {
cout << "Invalid range in Q2: Q2=[";
cout << mLowerLimit[1] << ", " << mUpperLimit[1] << "]." << endl;
if (mLowerLimit[2] >= mUpperLimit[2]) {
cout << "Invalid range in W: W=[" << sqrt(mLowerLimit[2]) << ", " << sqrt(mUpperLimit[2]) << "]." << endl;
// Print-out limits (all verbose levels)
if (true){//}(mSettings->verbose()) {
cout << "Sartre was thrown into the world, restricted by kinematics and user inputs alike:" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << " beta=[" << mLowerLimit[0] << ", " << mUpperLimit[0] << "]" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << "Q2=[" << mLowerLimit[1] << ", " << mUpperLimit[1] << "]" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << " W=[" << sqrt(mLowerLimit[2]) << ", " << sqrt(mUpperLimit[2]) << "]" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << " z=[" << mLowerLimit[3] << ", " << mUpperLimit[3] << "]" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << " MX2=[" << kineMX2min << ", " << kineMX2max << "]" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << " y=[" << kineYmin << ", 1" << "]" << endl;
// UNU.RAN needs the domain (boundaries) and the mode.
// The domain is already defined, here we find the mode, which is tricky.
// The max. cross-section is clearly at the domain boundary in Q2=Q2min.
// The position in W2 and beta is not obvious. The mode should be at z=0.5.
// The approach here is to use the BrentMinimizer1D that
// performs first a scan a then a Brent fit.
double theMode[4];
// Find the mode.
// Assume that the mode is at W2=W2max, Q2=Q2min, z=0.5
// Start with beta=0.5 => MX2=Q2
// It is kinemtically easier to use MX2 instead of beta here.
if (mSettings->verbose()) cout << "Finding mode of pdf:" << endl;
theMode[1] = mLowerLimit[1]; // Q2
theMode[2] = mUpperLimit[2]; // W2
theMode[3] = 0.5; // z
double MX2min=mLowerLimit[1]*(1-mUpperLimit[0])/mUpperLimit[0];
MX2min=max(kineMX2min, MX2min);
double MX2max=mLowerLimit[1]*(1-mLowerLimit[0])/mLowerLimit[0];
MX2max=min(kineMX2max, MX2max);
InclusiveDiffractionModeFinderFunctor modeFunctor(mCrossSection, theMode[1], theMode[2], theMode[3], MX2min, MX2max);
ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D minimizer;
minimizer.SetFunction(modeFunctor, MX2min, MX2max);
ok = minimizer.Minimize(100000, 0, 1.e-8);
if (! ok) {
cout << "Error, failed to find mode of pdf." << endl;
theMode[0] = minimizer.XMinimum(); // Mx2
double MX2=theMode[0];
theMode[0]=theMode[1]/(theMode[1]+MX2); //Mx2->beta
double crossSectionAtMode = (*mCrossSection)(MX2, theMode[1], theMode[2], theMode[3]);
if (mSettings->verbose()) {
cout << "\tlocation: beta=" << theMode[0] << ", Q2=" << theMode[1] << ", W=" << sqrt(theMode[2]) << ", z=" << theMode[3];
cout << "; value: " << crossSectionAtMode << endl;
// domain and mode for Q2 -> log(Q2)
mLowerLimit[1] = log(mLowerLimit[1]);
mUpperLimit[1] = log(mUpperLimit[1]);
theMode[1] = log(theMode[1]);
if (mPDF_Functor) delete mPDF_Functor;
if (mPDF) delete mPDF;
mPDF_Functor = new ROOT::Math::Functor(mCrossSection, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::unuranPDF, 4);
mPDF = new TUnuranMultiContDist(*mPDF_Functor, true); // last arg = pdf in log or not
mPDF->SetDomain(mLowerLimit, mUpperLimit);
if (mUnuran) delete mUnuran;
mUnuran = new TUnuran;
mCrossSection->setCheckKinematics(false); // avoid numeric glitch in Init()
mUnuran->Init(*mPDF, "method=hitro");
// Burn in generator
double xrandom[4];
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
// cout<<"QQ: beta="<<xrandom[0];
// cout<<" Q2="<<exp(xrandom[1]);
// cout<<" W="<<sqrt(xrandom[2]);
// cout<<" z="<<xrandom[3]<<endl;
// Set up QQG unu.ran:
//The mode is simpler for QQG, as it is at minimum beta
//The limits are the same, except for z which is a different quantity in QQG.
mLowerLimit_qqg[0]=mLowerLimit[0]; //beta
mLowerLimit_qqg[1]=mLowerLimit[1]; //log(Q2)
mLowerLimit_qqg[2]=mLowerLimit[2]; //W2
mLowerLimit_qqg[3]=mLowerLimit[0] * (1+4*mf*mf/exp(mUpperLimit[1]))+1e-10;
mUpperLimit_qqg[0]=mUpperLimit[0]; //beta
mUpperLimit_qqg[1]=mUpperLimit[1]; //log(Q2)
mUpperLimit_qqg[2]=mUpperLimit[2]; //W2
mUpperLimit_qqg[3]=mUpperLimit[3]; //z
double theMode_qqg[4];
theMode_qqg[0]=mLowerLimit_qqg[0]; //beta
theMode_qqg[1]=mLowerLimit_qqg[1]; //log(Q2)
theMode_qqg[2]=mUpperLimit_qqg[2]; //W2
theMode_qqg[3]=theMode_qqg[0]*(1+4*mf*mf/exp(theMode_qqg[1]))+1e-10; //z
if (mPDF_Functor_qqg) delete mPDF_Functor_qqg;
if (mPDF_qqg) delete mPDF_qqg;
mPDF_Functor_qqg = new ROOT::Math::Functor(mCrossSection, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::unuranPDF_qqg, 4);
mPDF_qqg = new TUnuranMultiContDist(*mPDF_Functor_qqg, true); // last arg = pdf in log or not
//Rescale the domain in z (and fix it in the pdf)
mPDF_qqg->SetDomain(mLowerLimit_qqg, mUpperLimit_qqg);
if (mUnuran_qqg) delete mUnuran_qqg;
mUnuran_qqg = new TUnuran;
mUnuran_qqg->Init(*mPDF_qqg, "method=hitro");
// mCrossSection->setCheckKinematics(true);
// Burn in QQG generator
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
// cout<<"QQG: beta="<<xrandom[0];
// cout<<" Q2="<<exp(xrandom[1]);
// cout<<" W="<<sqrt(xrandom[2]);
// cout<<" z="<<xrandom[3]<<endl;
+ mEventCounter = 0;
+ mTriesCounter = 0;
+ mIsInitialized = true;
+ cout << "Sartre for InclusiveDiffraction is initialized." << endl << endl;
// Calculate total cross section in given
// kinematic limits. This will be used to
// decide which type of event to generate,
// q-qbar or q-qbar-g
-// cout<<"Calculating cross sections over the given kinematic range..."<<endl;
-// cout<<"(This may take while, use your radical freedom and do other things.)"<<endl;
-// mCrossSection->setFockState(QQ);
-// mTotalCrossSection=0;
-// mTotalCrossSection_qq=totalCrossSection();
-// cout<<" The QQ cross section is: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qq<<" nb. (1/2)"<<endl;
-// mCrossSection->setFockState(QQG);
-// mTotalCrossSection=0;
-// mTotalCrossSection_qqg=totalCrossSection();
-// cout<<"The QQG cross section is: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qqg<<" nb. (2/2)"<<endl;
-// cout<<"Total Cross Section: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qqg+mTotalCrossSection_qq<<" nb"<<endl;
-// mTotalCrossSection=mTotalCrossSection_qqg+mTotalCrossSection_qq;
- mEventCounter = 0;
- mTriesCounter = 0;
- mIsInitialized = true;
- cout << "Sartre for InclusiveDiffraction is initialized." << endl << endl;
+ cout<<"Calculating cross sections over the given kinematic range..."<<endl;
+ cout<<"(This may take while, use your radical freedom and do other things.)"<<endl;
+ mCrossSection->setFockState(QQ);
+ mTotalCrossSection=0;
+ mTotalCrossSection_qq=totalCrossSection();
+ cout<<" The QQ cross section is: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qq<<" nb. (1/2)"<<endl;
+ mCrossSection->setFockState(QQG);
+ mTotalCrossSection=0;
+ mTotalCrossSection_qqg=totalCrossSection();
+ cout<<"The QQG cross section is: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qqg<<" nb. (2/2)"<<endl;
+ cout<<"Total Cross Section: "<<mTotalCrossSection_qqg+mTotalCrossSection_qq<<" nb"<<endl;
+ mTotalCrossSection=mTotalCrossSection_qqg+mTotalCrossSection_qq;
return true;
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::cross_section_wrapper(double* xx, double* par){
double arg[4]={xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], par[0]};
double result=mCrossSection->unuranPDF(arg);
return -result;
bool SartreInclusiveDiffraction::init(const string& str) // overloaded version of init()
if (str.empty())
return init();
return init(str.c_str());
vector<pair<double,double> > SartreInclusiveDiffraction::kinematicLimits()
vector<pair<double,double> > array;
array.push_back(make_pair(mLowerLimit[0], mUpperLimit[0])); // t
array.push_back(make_pair(exp(mLowerLimit[1]), exp(mUpperLimit[1]))); // Q2 or xpom
if (!mSettings->UPC())
array.push_back(make_pair(sqrt(mLowerLimit[2]), sqrt(mUpperLimit[2]))); // W
return array;
Event* SartreInclusiveDiffraction::generateEvent()
if (!mIsInitialized) {
cout << "SartreInclusiveDiffraction::generateEvent(): Error, Sartre is not initialized yet." << endl;
cout << " Call init() before trying to generate events." << endl;
return 0;
// Decide which Fock-state to generate:
bool isQQ=false;
if(mRandom->Uniform(mTotalCrossSection) <= mTotalCrossSection_qq)
// Generate one event
double xrandom[4];
while (true) {
delete mCurrentEvent;
mCurrentEvent = new Event;
// xrandom[i]
// i=0: beta
// i=1: Q2
// i=2: W2
// i=3: z
xrandom[1] = exp(xrandom[1]); // log(Q2) -> Q2
double MX2=xrandom[1]*(1-xrandom[0])/xrandom[0];
bool isValidEvent;
isValidEvent = Kinematics::valid( mS, xrandom[0], xrandom[1], xrandom[2], xrandom[3], sqrt(MX2), true, (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 1));
if (!isValidEvent) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout << "SartreInclusiveDiffraction::generateEvent(): event rejected, not within kinematic limits" << endl;
// Fill beam particles in Event structure
// Kinematics for eA is reported as 'per nucleon'
mCurrentEvent->eventNumber = mEventCounter;
mCurrentEvent->beta = xrandom[0]; // beta
mCurrentEvent->Q2 = xrandom[1]; // Q2
mCurrentEvent->x = Kinematics::x(xrandom[1], xrandom[2]); // x
mCurrentEvent->xpom=mCurrentEvent->x/xrandom[0]; //xpom=x/beta
mCurrentEvent->y = Kinematics::y(xrandom[1], mCurrentEvent->x, mS); // y
mCurrentEvent->s = mS; // s
mCurrentEvent->W = sqrt(xrandom[2]);
mCurrentEvent->z = xrandom[3];
mCurrentEvent->MX = sqrt(MX2);
mCurrentEvent->polarization = mCrossSection->polarizationOfLastCall();
mCurrentEvent->polarization = transverse;
// mCurrentEvent->diffractiveMode = mCrossSection->diffractiveModeOfLastCall();
mCurrentEvent->quarkSpecies = mCrossSection->quarkSpeciesOfLastCall();
// The following needs to be modified for QQG
double dsigmadb2=0;
double z=xrandom[3];
double eps2=z*(1-z)*(mCurrentEvent->Q2+MX2);
double r_average=1./sqrt(eps2);
if (mA == 1) {
dsigmadb2=mCrossSection->dipoleModel()->dsigmadb2ep(r_average*hbarc, 0, mCurrentEvent->xpom);
else {
dsigmadb2=mCrossSection->dipoleModel()->coherentDsigmadb2(r_average*hbarc, 0, mCurrentEvent->xpom);
Particle eIn, hIn;
eIn.index = 0;
eIn.pdgId = 11; // e-
eIn.status = 1;
eIn.p = mElectronBeam;
hIn.index = 1;
hIn.pdgId = mNucleus->pdgID();
hIn.status = 1;
hIn.p = mHadronBeam;
// Generate the final state particles
bool ok;
if (isQQ) {
ok = mFinalStateGenerator.generate(mA, mCurrentEvent, QQ);
else {
ok = mFinalStateGenerator.generate(mA, mCurrentEvent, QQG);
if (!ok) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 1) cout << "SartreInclusiveDiffraction::generateEvent(): failed to generate final state" << endl;
// Nuclear breakup
// If the event is incoherent the final state generator does produce a
// 'virtual' proton with m > m_p which is used in Nucleus to calculate
// the excitation energy and the boost.
int indexOfScatteredHadron = 6;
bool allowBreakup = mSettings->enableNuclearBreakup();
if (mA == 1) allowBreakup = false;
if (mNucleus) mNucleus->resetBreakup(); // clear previous event in any case
if (allowBreakup && mCurrentEvent->diffractiveMode == incoherent && mNucleus) {
int nFragments = mNucleus->breakup(mCurrentEvent->particles[indexOfScatteredHadron].p);
// Merge the list of products into the event list.
// We loose some information here. The user can always go back to
// the nucleus and check the decay products for more details.
// In the original list the energy is per nuclei, here we transform it
// to per nucleon to stay consistent with Sartre conventions.
const vector<BreakupProduct>& products = mNucleus->breakupProducts();
for (int i=0; i<nFragments; i++) {
Particle fragment;
fragment.index = mCurrentEvent->particles.size();
fragment.pdgId = products[i].pdgId;
fragment.status = 1;
fragment.p = products[i].p*(1/static_cast<double>(products[i].A));
return mCurrentEvent;
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::totalCrossSection()
if (mTotalCrossSection == 0) {
// Limits of integration in beta, Q2, W2, z
double xmin[4];
double xmax[4];
copy(mLowerLimit, mLowerLimit+4, xmin);
copy(mUpperLimit, mUpperLimit+4, xmax);
// At this point mLowerLimit[1] and mUpperLimit[1]
// are in log(Q2)
xmin[1] = exp(xmin[1]); // log Q2 limit
xmax[1] = exp(xmax[1]); // log Q2 limit
mTotalCrossSection = calculateTotalCrossSection(xmin, xmax);
return mTotalCrossSection;
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::totalCrossSection(double lower[4], double upper[4]) // beta, Q2, W, z
lower[2] *= lower[2]; upper[2] *= upper[2]; // W -> W2
double result = calculateTotalCrossSection(lower, upper);
return result;
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::integrationVolume(){
// Limits of integration in beta, Q2, W2, z
double xmin[4];
double xmax[4];
copy(mLowerLimit, mLowerLimit+4, xmin);
copy(mUpperLimit, mUpperLimit+4, xmax);
// At this point mLowerLimit[1] and mUpperLimit[1]
// are in log(Q2)
xmin[1] = exp(xmin[1]); // log Q2 limit
xmax[1] = exp(xmax[1]); // log Q2 limit
double volume = (xmax[0]-xmin[0]) * (xmax[1]-xmin[1]) * (xmax[2]-xmin[2]) * (xmax[3]-xmin[3]);
return volume; //GeV4
EventGeneratorSettings* SartreInclusiveDiffraction::runSettings()
return EventGeneratorSettings::instance();
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::crossSectionsClassWrapper(const double* var){
return (*mCrossSection)(var);
double SartreInclusiveDiffraction::calculateTotalCrossSection(double lower[4], double upper[4])
double result = 0;
if (!mIsInitialized) {
cout << "SartreInclusiveDiffraction::calculateTotalCrossSection(): Error, Sartre is not initialized yet." << endl;
cout << " Call init() before trying to generate events." << endl;
return result;
// Calculate integral using adaptive numerical method
// no abs tolerance given -> relative only
const double precision = 5e-4;
// unsigned int numberofcalls = 1000000;
unsigned int numberofcalls = 0;//1e5;
ROOT::Math::Functor wfL(this, &SartreInclusiveDiffraction::crossSectionsClassWrapper, 4);
ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim ig(ROOT::Math::IntegrationMultiDim::kADAPTIVE, 0, precision, numberofcalls);
result = ig.Integral(lower, upper);
// If it fails we switch to a MC integration which is usually more robust
// although not as accurate. This should happen very rarely if at all.
if (result <= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
cout << "SartreInclusiveDiffraction::calculateTotalCrossSection(): warning, adaptive integration failed - switching to VEGAS method." << endl;
ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim igAlt(ROOT::Math::IntegrationMultiDim::kVEGAS);
result = igAlt.Integral(lower, upper);
return result;
const FrangibleNucleus* SartreInclusiveDiffraction::nucleus() const {return mNucleus;}
void SartreInclusiveDiffraction::listStatus(ostream& os) const
os << "Event summary: " << mEventCounter<< " events generated, " << mTriesCounter << " tried" << endl;
time_t delta = runTime();
os << "Total time used: " << delta/60 << " min " << delta - 60*(delta/60) << " sec" << endl;
time_t SartreInclusiveDiffraction::runTime() const
time_t now = time(0);
return now-mStartTime;
// Utility functions and operators (helpers)
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const TLorentzVector& v)
os << v.Px() << '\t' << v.Py() << '\t' << v.Pz() << '\t' << v.E() << '\t';
double m2 = v*v;
if (m2 < 0)
os << '(' << -sqrt(-m2) << ')';
os << '(' << sqrt(m2) << ')';
return os;
Index: trunk/src/Settings.h
--- trunk/src/Settings.h (revision 539)
+++ trunk/src/Settings.h (revision 540)
@@ -1,217 +1,223 @@
// Settings.h
// Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date$
// $Author$
#ifndef Settings_h
#define Settings_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "TDatabasePDG.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "Enumerations.h"
using namespace std;
class TParticlePDG;
class SettingsParameterBase {
virtual ~SettingsParameterBase() {}
string name;
template<typename T> class SettingsParameter : public SettingsParameterBase {
T* address;
T defaultValue;
class Settings {
virtual ~Settings();
bool readSettingsFromFile(const char*);
virtual bool list(ostream& = cout);
TParticlePDG* lookupPDG(int) const;
string particleName(int pdgID);
static TRandom3* randomGenerator();
unsigned int seed() const;
void setSeed(unsigned int);
int userInt() const;
double userDouble() const;
string userString() const;
void setUserInt(int);
void setUserDouble(double);
void setUserString(const string&);
void setVerbose(bool);
bool verbose() const;
void setVerboseLevel(int);
int verboseLevel() const;
void setQ2min(double);
double Q2min() const;
double Qmin() const;
void setQ2max(double);
double Q2max() const;
double Qmax() const;
void setWmin(double);
void setW2min(double);
double Wmin() const;
double W2min() const;
void setWmax(double);
void setW2max(double);
double Wmax() const;
double W2max() const;
void setXpomMin(double); // UPC only
void setXpomMax(double);
double xpomMin() const;
double xpomMax() const;
void setbetamin(double); // Inclusive diffraction
double betamin() const;
void setbetamax(double);
double betamax() const;
void setZmin(double); // Inclusive diffraction
double zmin() const;
void setZmax(double);
double zmax() const;
int vectorMesonId() const;
void setVectorMesonId(int);
static double quarkMass(int);
static void setQuarkMass(int, double);
string dipoleModelName() const;
DipoleModelType dipoleModelType() const;
void setDipoleModelType(DipoleModelType);
string dipoleModelParameterSetName() const;
DipoleModelParameterSet dipoleModelParameterSet() const;
void setDipoleModelParameterSet(DipoleModelParameterSet);
string tableSetTypeName() const;
TableSetType tableSetType() const;
void setTableSetType(TableSetType);
unsigned int A() const;
void setA(unsigned int);
string rootfile() const;
void setRootfile(const char*);
void setInclusiveDiffractionMode(bool);
bool inclusiveDiffractionMode() const;
bool exclusiveDiffractionMode() const;
void setUPC(bool);
bool UPC() const;
+ void setUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables(bool);
+ bool useInclusiveCrossSectionTables() const;
void setUPCA(unsigned int);
unsigned int UPCA() const;
template<typename T> void registerParameter(T*, const char*, T);
virtual void consolidateSettings() = 0;
virtual void consolidateCommonSettings();
vector<SettingsParameterBase*> mRegisteredParameters;
static TRandom3 mRandomGenerator;
unsigned int mSeed;
static double mQuarkMass[6];
bool mVerbose;
int mVerboseLevel;
double mQ2min;
double mQ2max;
double mWmin;
double mWmax;
double mXpomMin;
double mXpomMax;
double mbetamin;
double mbetamax;
double mZmin;
double mZmax;
int mVectorMesonId;
string mDipoleModelName;
DipoleModelType mDipoleModelType;
DipoleModelParameterSet mDipoleModelParameterSet;
string mDipoleModelParameterSetName;
TableSetType mTableSetType;
string mTableSetTypeName;
unsigned int mA;
string mRootfile;
bool mUPC;
unsigned int mUPCA;
bool mInclusiveDiffractionMode; // if false exclusive
+ bool mUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables;
string mRuncard;
vector<string> mLines;
TDatabasePDG *mPDG;
map<int, string> mPeriodicTable;
int mUserInt;
double mUserDouble;
string mUserString;
template<typename T> void Settings::registerParameter(T* var, const char* name, T def)
SettingsParameter<T>* sv = new SettingsParameter<T>;
sv->address = var;
sv->name = name;
sv->defaultValue = def;
*var = def;
inline TRandom3* Settings::randomGenerator() {return &mRandomGenerator;}
inline double Settings::quarkMass(int i) {return mQuarkMass[i];}
inline void Settings::setQuarkMass(int i, double val) {mQuarkMass[i] = val;}
Index: trunk/src/Settings.cpp
--- trunk/src/Settings.cpp (revision 539)
+++ trunk/src/Settings.cpp (revision 540)
@@ -1,620 +1,625 @@
// Settings.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date$
// $Author$
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TParticlePDG.h"
#include "TError.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
TRandom3 Settings::mRandomGenerator;
// initialize static member
double Settings::mQuarkMass[] = {0.0022, 0.0047, 0.096, 1.27, 4.18, 173.21}; // PDG values
mPDG = new TDatabasePDG;
// Setup name table (map) for nuclei
mPeriodicTable[1] = "H";
mPeriodicTable[2] = "He";
mPeriodicTable[3] = "Li";
mPeriodicTable[4] = "Be";
mPeriodicTable[5] = "B";
mPeriodicTable[6] = "C";
mPeriodicTable[7] = "N";
mPeriodicTable[8] = "O";
mPeriodicTable[9] = "F";
mPeriodicTable[10] = "Ne";
mPeriodicTable[11] = "Na";
mPeriodicTable[12] = "Mg";
mPeriodicTable[13] = "Al";
mPeriodicTable[14] = "Si";
mPeriodicTable[15] = "P";
mPeriodicTable[16] = "S";
mPeriodicTable[17] = "Cl";
mPeriodicTable[18] = "Ar";
mPeriodicTable[19] = "K";
mPeriodicTable[20] = "Ca";
mPeriodicTable[21] = "Sc";
mPeriodicTable[22] = "Ti";
mPeriodicTable[23] = "V";
mPeriodicTable[24] = "Cr";
mPeriodicTable[25] = "Mn";
mPeriodicTable[26] = "Fe";
mPeriodicTable[27] = "Co";
mPeriodicTable[28] = "Ni";
mPeriodicTable[29] = "Cu";
mPeriodicTable[30] = "Zn";
mPeriodicTable[31] = "Ga";
mPeriodicTable[32] = "Ge";
mPeriodicTable[33] = "As";
mPeriodicTable[34] = "Se";
mPeriodicTable[35] = "Br";
mPeriodicTable[36] = "Kr";
mPeriodicTable[37] = "Rb";
mPeriodicTable[38] = "Sr";
mPeriodicTable[39] = "Y";
mPeriodicTable[40] = "Zr";
mPeriodicTable[41] = "Nb";
mPeriodicTable[42] = "Mo";
mPeriodicTable[43] = "Tc";
mPeriodicTable[44] = "Ru";
mPeriodicTable[45] = "Rh";
mPeriodicTable[46] = "Pd";
mPeriodicTable[47] = "Ag";
mPeriodicTable[48] = "Cd";
mPeriodicTable[49] = "In";
mPeriodicTable[50] = "Sn";
mPeriodicTable[51] = "Sb";
mPeriodicTable[52] = "Te";
mPeriodicTable[53] = "I";
mPeriodicTable[54] = "Xe";
mPeriodicTable[55] = "Cs";
mPeriodicTable[56] = "Ba";
mPeriodicTable[57] = "La";
mPeriodicTable[58] = "Ce";
mPeriodicTable[59] = "Pr";
mPeriodicTable[60] = "Nd";
mPeriodicTable[61] = "Pm";
mPeriodicTable[62] = "Sm";
mPeriodicTable[63] = "Eu";
mPeriodicTable[64] = "Gd";
mPeriodicTable[65] = "Tb";
mPeriodicTable[66] = "Dy";
mPeriodicTable[67] = "Ho";
mPeriodicTable[68] = "Er";
mPeriodicTable[69] = "Tm";
mPeriodicTable[70] = "Yb";
mPeriodicTable[71] = "Lu";
mPeriodicTable[72] = "Hf";
mPeriodicTable[73] = "Ta";
mPeriodicTable[74] = "W";
mPeriodicTable[75] = "Re";
mPeriodicTable[76] = "Os";
mPeriodicTable[77] = "Ir";
mPeriodicTable[78] = "Pt";
mPeriodicTable[79] = "Au";
mPeriodicTable[80] = "Hg";
mPeriodicTable[81] = "Tl";
mPeriodicTable[82] = "Pb";
mPeriodicTable[83] = "Bi";
mPeriodicTable[84] = "Po";
mPeriodicTable[85] = "At";
mPeriodicTable[86] = "Rn";
mPeriodicTable[87] = "Fr";
mPeriodicTable[88] = "Ra";
mPeriodicTable[89] = "Ac";
mPeriodicTable[90] = "Th";
mPeriodicTable[91] = "Pa";
mPeriodicTable[92] = "U";
mPeriodicTable[93] = "Np";
mPeriodicTable[94] = "Pu";
mPeriodicTable[95] = "Am";
mPeriodicTable[96] = "Cm";
mPeriodicTable[97] = "Bk";
mPeriodicTable[251] = "Cf";
mPeriodicTable[252] = "Es";
mPeriodicTable[100] = "Fm";
mPeriodicTable[258] = "Md";
mPeriodicTable[102] = "No";
mPeriodicTable[103] = "Lr";
mPeriodicTable[261] = "Rf";
mPeriodicTable[105] = "Db";
mPeriodicTable[106] = "Sg";
mPeriodicTable[107] = "Bh";
mPeriodicTable[108] = "Hs";
mPeriodicTable[109] = "Mt";
// Register parameters (ptr, name, default)
registerParameter(&mUserInt, "userInt", 0);
registerParameter(&mUserDouble, "userDouble", 0.);
registerParameter(&mUserString, "userString", string(""));
registerParameter(&mA, "A", static_cast<unsigned int>(1));
registerParameter(&mVectorMesonId, "vectorMesonId", 443); // J/psi
registerParameter(&mDipoleModelName, "dipoleModel", string("bSat"));
registerParameter(&mDipoleModelParameterSetName, "dipoleModelParameterSet", string("KMW"));
registerParameter(&mTableSetTypeName, "tableSetType", string("total_and_coherent"));
registerParameter(&mQ2min, "Q2min", 1000.); // no limits if max <= min
registerParameter(&mQ2max, "Q2max", 0.);
registerParameter(&mWmin, "Wmin", 1000.);
registerParameter(&mWmax, "Wmax", 0.);
registerParameter(&mXpomMin, "xpomMin", 1e-8);
registerParameter(&mXpomMax, "xpomMax", 1.);
registerParameter(&mbetamin, "betamin", 0.);
registerParameter(&mbetamax, "betamax", 1.);
registerParameter(&mZmin, "zmin", 0.);
registerParameter(&mZmax, "zmax", 1.);
registerParameter(&mVerbose, "verbose", false);
registerParameter(&mVerboseLevel, "verboseLevel", 0);
registerParameter(&mRootfile, "rootfile", string("sartre.root"));
registerParameter(&mSeed, "seed", static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
registerParameter(&mUPC, "UPC", false);
registerParameter(&mUPCA, "UPCA", static_cast<unsigned int>(1));
registerParameter(&mInclusiveDiffractionMode, "inclusiveDiffractionMode", false);
+ registerParameter(&mUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables, "useInclusiveCrossSectionTables", false);
for (unsigned int k=0; k<mRegisteredParameters.size(); k++) {
delete mRegisteredParameters[k];
delete mPDG;
int Settings::userInt() const {return mUserInt;}
double Settings::userDouble() const {return mUserDouble;}
string Settings::userString() const {return mUserString;}
void Settings::setUserInt(int val) {mUserInt = val;}
void Settings::setUserDouble(double val) {mUserDouble = val;}
void Settings::setUserString(const string& val) {mUserString = val;}
unsigned int Settings::seed() const {return mSeed;}
void Settings::setSeed(unsigned int val)
mSeed = val;
gRandom->SetSeed(mSeed); // needed for TH1::GetRandom()
bool Settings::readSettingsFromFile(const char *file)
if (!file) return false; // nothing to do
mRuncard = string(file);
// Open file
ifstream ifs(file);
if (!ifs) {
cout << "Settings::readSettingsFromFile(): error, cannot open file '"
<< file << "'." << endl;
return false;
// Read file into vector of strings, skip comments and empty lines
while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) {
string line;
getline (ifs, line);
if (ifs.eof() && line.empty()) break;
// empty line
if (line.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\v\b\r\f\a") == string::npos) continue;
// if first character is not a letter/digit, then taken to be a comment.
int firstChar = line.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\v\b\r\f\a");
if (!isalnum(line[firstChar])) continue;
ifs.close(); // done with I/O
// Process vector of strings one at a time and use
// it to set registered variables.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<mLines.size(); i++) {
// replace '=' by blank to make parsing simpler.
while (mLines[i].find("=") != string::npos) {
int firstEqual = mLines[i].find_first_of("=");
mLines[i].replace(firstEqual, 1, " ");
// replace ':' by blank to make parsing simpler.
while (mLines[i].find(":") != string::npos) {
int firstEqual = mLines[i].find_first_of(":");
mLines[i].replace(firstEqual, 1, " ");
// get identifier string
istringstream splitLine(mLines[i]);
string name;
splitLine >> name;
// find value string
string valueString;
splitLine >> valueString;
if (!splitLine) {
cout << "Settings::readSettingsFromFile(): error, value of variable '"
<< name.c_str() << "' not recognized." << endl;
istringstream modeData(valueString);
// Loop over registered variables and see which fits.
// Not particular elegant but does the job and saves
// a lot of programming in derived classes.
bool isRegistered = false;
for (unsigned int k=0; k<mRegisteredParameters.size(); k++) {
if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<vector<double>>)) { // test
SettingsParameter<vector<double>> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<vector<double>>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
var->address->push_back(atof(valueString.c_str())); // first value
while (splitLine.good() && !splitLine.eof()) { // get remaining
string nextValue;
splitLine >> nextValue;
if (splitLine.eof()) break;
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<double>)) {
SettingsParameter<double> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<double>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
modeData >> (*(var->address));
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<int>)) {
SettingsParameter<int> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<int>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
modeData >> (*(var->address));
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<unsigned int>)) {
SettingsParameter<unsigned int> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<unsigned int>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
modeData >> (*(var->address));
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<unsigned long>)) {
SettingsParameter<unsigned long> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<unsigned long>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
modeData >> (*(var->address));
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<string>)) {
SettingsParameter<string> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<string>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
*(var->address) = valueString;
isRegistered = true;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<bool>)) {
SettingsParameter<bool> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<bool>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
if (var->name == name) {
isRegistered = true;
if (valueString == string("true") ||
valueString == string("True") ||
valueString == string("TRUE") ||
valueString == string("on") ||
valueString == string("On") ||
valueString == string("ON") ||
valueString == string("Yes") ||
valueString == string("yes") ||
valueString == string("YES") ||
valueString == string("T") ||
valueString == string("t") ||
valueString == string("1") ) {
*(var->address) = true;
else {
*(var->address) = false;
if (!isRegistered) {
cout << "Settings::readSettingsFromFile(): error, parameter identifier '" <<
name.c_str() << "' not recognized." << endl;
// Consolidate input (after burner)
consolidateSettings(); // overloaded
return true;
bool Settings::list(ostream& os)
const int fieldWidth = 28;
os << "\nRun Settings:" << endl;
for (unsigned int k=0; k<mRegisteredParameters.size(); k++) {
if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<double>)) {
SettingsParameter<double> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<double>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << *(var->address) << endl;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<int>)) {
SettingsParameter<int> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<int>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << *(var->address) << endl;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<unsigned int>)) {
SettingsParameter<unsigned int> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<unsigned int>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << *(var->address) << endl;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<unsigned long>)) {
SettingsParameter<unsigned long> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<unsigned long>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << *(var->address) << endl;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<string>)) {
SettingsParameter<string> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<string>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << var->address->c_str() << endl;
else if (typeid(*mRegisteredParameters[k]) == typeid(SettingsParameter<bool>)) {
SettingsParameter<bool> *var = dynamic_cast<SettingsParameter<bool>*> (mRegisteredParameters[k]);
os << setw(fieldWidth) << var->name.c_str() << "\t" << (*(var->address) ? "true" : "false") << endl;
os << endl;
return true;
TParticlePDG* Settings::lookupPDG(int id) const
if (mPDG)
return mPDG->GetParticle(id);
return 0;
string Settings::particleName(int pdgID)
string name("unknown");
if (abs(pdgID) < 1000000000) { // particle
if (mPDG) {
TParticlePDG *part = lookupPDG(pdgID);
if (part) name = part->GetName();
if (abs(pdgID) == 990) name = "pomeron";
else { // nucleus in 10LZZZAAAI PDG format
int id = pdgID;
// int iso = id%10;
id /= 10;
int A = id%1000;
id /= 1000;
int Z = id%1000;
stringstream namestream;
namestream << mPeriodicTable[Z] << "(" << A << ")";
name = namestream.str();
return name;
void Settings::setVerbose(bool val) {
mVerbose = val;
if (mVerbose && mVerboseLevel == 0) setVerboseLevel(1);
if (!mVerbose && mVerboseLevel != 0) setVerboseLevel(0);
bool Settings::verbose() const {return mVerbose;}
void Settings::setVerboseLevel(int val) {
mVerboseLevel = val;
if (!mVerbose && mVerboseLevel != 0) mVerbose = true;
if (mVerbose && mVerboseLevel == 0) mVerbose = false;
// Unless verbose level is 5 or higher we suppress the many redundant
// ROOT messages from algorithms since most of their errors are handled
// internally anyway.
if (mVerboseLevel < 5) gErrorIgnoreLevel = 5000;
int Settings::verboseLevel() const {return mVerboseLevel;}
void Settings::setQ2min(double val) { mQ2min = val;}
double Settings::Q2min() const {return mQ2min;}
double Settings::Qmin() const {return sqrt(mQ2min);}
void Settings::setQ2max(double val) { mQ2max = val;}
double Settings::Q2max() const {return mQ2max;}
double Settings::Qmax() const {return sqrt(mQ2max);}
void Settings::setW2min(double val) { mWmin = sqrt(val);}
void Settings::setWmin(double val) { mWmin = val;}
double Settings::Wmin() const {return mWmin;}
double Settings::W2min() const {return mWmin*mWmin;}
void Settings::setW2max(double val) { mWmax = sqrt(val);}
void Settings::setWmax(double val) { mWmax = val;}
double Settings::Wmax() const {return mWmax;}
double Settings::W2max() const {return mWmax*mWmax;}
void Settings::setXpomMin(double val) {mXpomMin = val;}
void Settings::setXpomMax(double val) {mXpomMax = val;}
double Settings::xpomMin() const {return mXpomMin;}
double Settings::xpomMax() const {return mXpomMax;}
void Settings::setbetamin(double val) {mbetamin = val;}
void Settings::setbetamax(double val) {mbetamax = val;}
double Settings::betamin() const {return mbetamin;}
double Settings::betamax() const {return mbetamax;}
void Settings::setZmin(double val) {mZmin = val;}
void Settings::setZmax(double val) {mZmax = val;}
double Settings::zmin() const {return mZmin;}
double Settings::zmax() const {return mZmax;}
int Settings::vectorMesonId() const {return mVectorMesonId;}
void Settings::setVectorMesonId(int val) {mVectorMesonId = val;}
string Settings::dipoleModelName() const {return mDipoleModelName;}
DipoleModelType Settings::dipoleModelType() const {return mDipoleModelType;}
void Settings::setDipoleModelType(DipoleModelType val)
mDipoleModelType = val;
if (mDipoleModelType == bSat)
mDipoleModelName = string("bSat");
else if (mDipoleModelType == bNonSat)
mDipoleModelName = string("bNonSat");
else if (mDipoleModelType == bCGC)
mDipoleModelName = string("bCGC");
unsigned int Settings::A() const {return mA;}
void Settings::setA(unsigned int val) {mA = val;}
void Settings::setRootfile(const char* val){ mRootfile = val; }
string Settings::rootfile() const { return mRootfile; }
string Settings::dipoleModelParameterSetName() const {return mDipoleModelParameterSetName;}
DipoleModelParameterSet Settings::dipoleModelParameterSet() const {return mDipoleModelParameterSet;}
void Settings::setDipoleModelParameterSet(DipoleModelParameterSet val)
mDipoleModelParameterSet = val;
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == KMW)
mDipoleModelParameterSetName = string("KMW");
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == HMPZ)
mDipoleModelParameterSetName = string("HMPZ");
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == STU)
mDipoleModelParameterSetName = string("STU");
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == CUSTOM)
mDipoleModelParameterSetName = string("CUSTOM");
string Settings::tableSetTypeName() const {return mTableSetTypeName;}
TableSetType Settings::tableSetType() const {return mTableSetType;}
void Settings::setTableSetType(TableSetType val)
mTableSetType = val;
if (mTableSetType == total_and_coherent)
mTableSetTypeName = string("total_and_coherent");
else if (mTableSetType == coherent_and_incoherent)
mTableSetTypeName = string("coherent_and_incoherent");
void Settings::consolidateCommonSettings()
// Check if verbose levels and flags are consistent
// The verbose flag superseeds the verboseLevel.
if (mVerbose && mVerboseLevel == 0) setVerboseLevel(1);
if (mVerboseLevel != 0 && !mVerbose) setVerboseLevel(0);
setVerboseLevel(verboseLevel()); // invoke method no matter what
// Set random generator seed
gRandom->SetSeed(mSeed); // needed for TH1::GetRandom()
// Dipole Model
if (mDipoleModelName == string("bSat"))
mDipoleModelType = bSat;
else if (mDipoleModelName == string("bNonSat"))
mDipoleModelType = bNonSat;
else if (mDipoleModelName == string("bCGC"))
mDipoleModelType = bCGC;
else {
cout << "Settings::consolidateCommonSettings(): Error, dipole model '"
<< mDipoleModelName.c_str() << "' is not defined." << endl;
// Dipole Model Parameter Set
if (mDipoleModelParameterSetName == string("KMW"))
mDipoleModelParameterSet = KMW;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSetName == string("HMPZ"))
mDipoleModelParameterSet = HMPZ;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSetName == string("STU"))
mDipoleModelParameterSet = STU;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSetName == string("CUSTOM"))
mDipoleModelParameterSet = CUSTOM;
else {
cout << "Settings::consolidateCommonSettings(): Error, dipole model parameter set'"
<< mDipoleModelParameterSetName.c_str() << "' is not defined." << endl;
// Table Set Type
if (mTableSetTypeName == string("total_and_coherent"))
mTableSetType = total_and_coherent;
else if (mTableSetTypeName == string("coherent_and_incoherent"))
mTableSetType = coherent_and_incoherent;
else {
cout << "Settings::consolidateCommonSettings(): Error, table set type '"
<< mTableSetTypeName.c_str() << "' is not defined." << endl;
void Settings::setInclusiveDiffractionMode(bool val) { mInclusiveDiffractionMode = val; }
bool Settings::inclusiveDiffractionMode() const { return mInclusiveDiffractionMode; }
bool Settings::exclusiveDiffractionMode() const { return !mInclusiveDiffractionMode; }
+void Settings::setUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables(bool val) { mUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables = val; }
+bool Settings::useInclusiveCrossSectionTables() const { return mUseInclusiveCrossSectionTables; }
void Settings::setUPC(bool val) { mUPC = val; }
bool Settings::UPC() const { return mUPC; }
void Settings::setUPCA(unsigned int val){ mUPCA = val; }
unsigned int Settings::UPCA() const { return mUPCA; }
Index: trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsFromTables.cpp
--- trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsFromTables.cpp (revision 539)
+++ trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsFromTables.cpp (revision 540)
@@ -1,271 +1,276 @@
#include "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsFromTables.h"
#include <TFile.h>
#include "Math/SpecFunc.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "DipoleModel.h"
#include "AlphaStrong.h"
#include "Math/IntegratorMultiDim.h"
#include "Math/Functor.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Enumerations.h"
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#include "Math/WrappedTF1.h"
#include "Math/GaussIntegrator.h"
#include "Kinematics.h"
#include "linterp.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
using namespace std;
- TFile* fileQQ_T0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_T1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_T2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_T3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_L0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_L1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_L2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQ_L3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQG_0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQG_1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQG_2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
- TFile* fileQQG_3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_T0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_T1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_T2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_T3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_TQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_L0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_L1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_L2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQ_L3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_LQQ.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQG_0 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q0_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQG_1 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q1_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQG_2 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q2_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
+ TFile* fileQQG_3 = TFile::Open("/Users/tbu/sartre_SVN/sartre/examples/inclusiveTables_linear_10x10x10_A208/incdifftest_bSat_STU_q3_bin0-10000_TQQG.root", "READ");
// Retrieve the histograms
THnF* histQQ_T0 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_T0->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_T1 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_T1->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_T2 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_T2->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_T3 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_T3->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_L0 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_L0->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_L1 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_L1->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_L2 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_L2->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQ_L3 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQ_L3->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQG_0 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQG_0->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQG_1 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQG_1->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQG_2 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQG_2->Get("table"));
THnF* histQQG_3 = dynamic_cast<THnF*>(fileQQG_3->Get("table"));
double InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::dsigmadbetadz_T(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z) {
double MX2 = Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkIndex);
double mf = tt_quarkMass[mQuarkIndex]; //#TT tmp
double sqrtArg = 1.-4.*mf*mf/MX2;
if (sqrtArg<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"There is no phase-space for z, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double z0 = (1.-sqrt(sqrtArg))/2.;
if (z<z0 or z>1-z0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"z="<<z<<" which is smaller than z0="<<z0<<"or larger than (1-z0)="<<1-z0<<", return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double pt2 = z*(1-z)*Q2-mf*mf;
if (pt2<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
if(z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf<0){ //kappa2<0
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark production, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double result = interpolate(beta, Q2, W2, z, transverse, QQ, mQuarkIndex); //nb
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::dsigmadbetadz_L(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z){
double MX2 = Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkIndex);
double mf = tt_quarkMass[mQuarkIndex]; //#TT tmp
double pt2 = z*(1-z)*Q2-mf*mf;
if (pt2<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double sqrtArg=1.-4.*mf*mf/MX2;
if (sqrtArg<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"There is no phase-space for z, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double z0=(1.-sqrt(sqrtArg))/2.;
if (z<z0 or z>1-z0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"z="<<z<<" which is smaller than z0="<<z0<<"or larger than (1-z0)="<<1-z0<<", return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
if(z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf<0){ //kappa2<0
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark production, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double result = interpolate(beta, Q2, W2, z, longitudinal, QQ, mQuarkIndex);
return result;
// QQG Calculations
double InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::dsigmadbetadz_QQG(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double ztilde) {
double result = interpolate(beta, Q2, W2, ztilde, transverse, QQG, mQuarkIndex);
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::interpolate(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z, GammaPolarization pol, FockState fock, int quark){
-// double scaleFactor=(0.9-0.1)/10;
- beta = beta*0.8/0.9+0.1;
THnF* hist4D=0;
- if(pol==transverse and fock==QQ){
+ //#TT TODO: There seem to be a strange swap happening
+ // between T QQ and L QQ...
+ if(pol==longitudinal and fock==QQ){;
- else if(pol==longitudinal and fock==QQ){
+ else if(pol==transverse and fock==QQ){;
else if(fock==QQG){;
cout<<"InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::interpolate(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z, GammaPolarization pol, FockState fock, int quark): There is nothing to interpolate, ending"<<endl;
int nDims = hist4D->GetNdimensions();
-// PR(nDims);
+// PR(nDims);
vector <double>MinRange(nDims); //beta, Q2,W2, z
vector <double>MaxRange(nDims); //beta, Q2,W2, z
vector <int>Bins(nDims); //beta, Q2,W2, z
for (int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++) {
TAxis* axis = hist4D->GetAxis(dim); // Get the axis for this dimension
if (!axis) {
std::cerr << "Error: Cannot retrieve axis for dimension " << dim << std::endl;
// Get the number of bins and range
int nBins = axis->GetNbins();
double minRange = axis->GetXmin();
double maxRange = axis->GetXmax();
-// PR(minRange);
-// PR(maxRange);
Bins[dim]= nBins;
-// PR(nBins);
MinRange[dim]= minRange;
MaxRange[dim]= maxRange;
// construct the grid in each dimension.
// note that we will pass in a sequence of iterators pointing to the beginning of each grid
std::vector<double> gridBeta = mgrid(hist4D, 0, Bins[0]);
std::vector<double> gridQ2 = mgrid(hist4D, 1, Bins[1]) ;
std::vector<double> gridW2 = mgrid(hist4D, 2, Bins[2]);
std::vector<double> gridZ = mgrid(hist4D, 3, Bins[3]) ;
-// print_grid_vector(gridQ2, "gridQ2");
-// print_grid_vector(gridW2, "gridW2");
-// print_grid_vector(gridBeta, "gridBeta");
-// print_grid_vector(gridZ, "gridZ");
std::vector< std::vector<double>::iterator > grid_iter_list;
- // cout<<"grid\t"<<*(gridQ2.begin())<<endl;
// the size of the grid in each dimension
array<int,4> grid_sizes;
- grid_sizes[0] = Bins[0];
- grid_sizes[1] = Bins[1];
- grid_sizes[2] = Bins[2];
- grid_sizes[3] = Bins[3];
- // for(unsigned long i=0;i<grid_sizes.size(); i++)
- // std::cout<<"Grid size \t"<<grid_sizes[i]<<std::endl;
+ for(unsigned long i=0; i<grid_sizes.size(); i++){
+ grid_sizes[i] = Bins[i];
+ }
// total number of elements
int num_elements = grid_sizes[0] * grid_sizes[1]* grid_sizes[2]* grid_sizes[3];
-// std::cout<<"num_elements = "<<num_elements<<std::endl;
// fill in the values of f(x) at the gridpoints.
// we will pass in a contiguous sequence, values are assumed to be laid out C-style
std::vector<double> f_values(num_elements);
int count = 0;
+ int countExtreme=0;
for (int ibeta=1; ibeta<=grid_sizes[0]; ibeta++) {
for (int iQ2=1; iQ2<=grid_sizes[1]; iQ2++) {
for (int iW2=1; iW2<=grid_sizes[2]; iW2++) {
for (int iZ=1; iZ<=grid_sizes[3]; iZ++) {
- int binIndex[] = {ibeta, iQ2, iW2, iZ};
- f_values[count] = hist4D->GetBinContent(binIndex);
+ int binIndex[4] = {ibeta-1, iQ2-1, iW2-1, iZ-1};
+ double val=hist4D->GetBinContent(binIndex);
+ if(exp(val)>1e20){ //There seems to be some spikes
+ countExtreme++;
+ val=0;
+ }
+ if(val!=0)
+ f_values[count] = val;//exp(val);
+ else
+ f_values[count] = 0.;
-// PR(count);
- // std::cout<<"done"<<std::endl;
- // construct the interpolator. the last two arguments are pointers to the underlying data
+// if(countExtreme){
+// PR(countExtreme);
+//// exit(3);
+// }
+ //
+ // Construct the interpolator.
+ // The last two arguments are pointers to the underlying data
+ //
InterpMultilinear <4, double> interp_ML(grid_iter_list.begin(), grid_sizes.begin(),, + num_elements);
- // InterpMultilinear interp_ML(grid_iter_list.begin(), grid_sizes.begin(),, + num_elements);
// interpolate:
array<double,4> args = {beta, Q2, W2, z};
double result=interp_ML.interp(args.begin());
- return exp(result);
+// return result;
+ if(result==0)
+ return 0.;
+ else
+ return exp(result);
vector<double> InclusiveDiffractionCrossSectionsFromTables::mgrid(THnF* hist,int axis, int len){
vector<double> gridtype(len);
- for(int i = 0; i <len; i++){
- double val = hist->GetAxis(axis)->GetBinCenter(i+1);
- gridtype[i] = val;
-// PR(val);
+ for(int i = 1; i <=len; i++){
+ double val = hist->GetAxis(axis)->GetBinCenter(i);
+ gridtype[i-1] = val;
return gridtype;
Index: trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections.cpp
--- trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections.cpp (revision 539)
+++ trunk/src/InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections.cpp (revision 540)
@@ -1,729 +1,728 @@
// InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSection.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2024 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Tobias Toll
// Last update:
// $Date: 2024-06-03 11:27:05 -0400 (Mon, 03 Jun 2024) $
// $Author: ullrich $
#include "Math/SpecFunc.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "DipoleModel.h"
#include "AlphaStrong.h"
#include "Math/IntegratorMultiDim.h"
#include "Math/Functor.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "WaveOverlap.h"
#include "Kinematics.h"
//#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Enumerations.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "cuba.h"
#include "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections.h"
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#include "Math/WrappedTF1.h"
#include "Math/GaussIntegrator.h"
#include "DipoleModelParameters.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance();
mRandom = mSettings->randomGenerator();
mS = Kinematics::s(mSettings->eBeam(), mSettings->hBeam());
mCheckKinematics = true;
mCrossSectionRatioLT = 0;
// TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
if(mDipoleModel) delete mDipoleModel;
mDipoleModelParameterSet = mSettings->dipoleModelParameterSet();
DipoleModelType model=mSettings->dipoleModelType();
if (model==bSat) {
mDipoleModel = new DipoleModel_bSat(mSettings);
else if(model==bNonSat){
mDipoleModel = new DipoleModel_bNonSat(mSettings);
else {
cout << "Integrals::init(): Error, model not implemented: "<< model << endl;
double* InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_total(){return mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_L_total;}
double* InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dWdz_L_total(){return mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_total;}
double* InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_qqg(){ return mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_qqg;};
//These three functions are unique for the sub-classes:
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigmadbetadz_T(double, double, double, double){ return 0; }
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigmadbetadz_L(double, double, double, double){ return 0; }
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigmadbetadz_QQG(double, double, double, double){return 0;}
void InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::setCheckKinematics(bool val) {mCheckKinematics = val;}
void InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::setFockState(FockState val){
FockState InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::getFockState(){
return mFockState;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::operator()(double MX2, double Q2, double W2, double z){
return dsigdMX2dQ2dW2dz_total_checked(MX2, Q2, W2, z);
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::operator()(const double* array){
double result=0;
if(mFockState==QQ or mFockState==ALL){
result+=dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
else if(mFockState==QQG or
result+=dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
cout<<"InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::operator(): Fockstate is invalid, stopping"<<endl;
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::unuranPDF(const double* array){
// array is: beta, log(Q2), W2, z
double result = 0;
double Q2 = exp(array[1]);
result = dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(array[0], Q2, array[2], array[3]);
result *= Q2; // Jacobian
return log(result);
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdMX2dQ2dW2dz_total_checked(double MX2, double Q2, double W2, double z){
double beta=Q2/(Q2+MX2);
double jacobian=beta*beta/Q2;
double result= dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(beta, Q2, W2, z);
return jacobian*result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z){
double result = 0;
// Check if in kinematically allowed region
double MX2=Kinematics::MX2(Q2, beta, 0);
if (mCheckKinematics && !Kinematics::valid(mS, beta, Q2, W2, z, sqrt(MX2), false, (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) )) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(): warning, beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z="<< z
<< " is outside of kinematically allowed region. Return 0." << endl;
return 0;
double csT = dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total(beta, Q2, W2, z, transverse);
double csL = dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total(beta, Q2, W2, z, longitudinal);
result = csT + csL;
// Polarization
if (mRandom->Uniform(result) <= csT)
mPolarization = transverse;
mPolarization = longitudinal;
// Quark Species
if(mPolarization == transverse){
bool isChosen=false;
double cs_rejected=0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
double R=mRandom->Uniform(csT-cs_rejected);
double csTi=mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_total[i];
if(R <= csTi){
if(!isChosen) mQuarkSpecies=4;
bool isChosen=false;
double cs_rejected=0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
double R=mRandom->Uniform(csL-cs_rejected);
double csLi=mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_L_total[i];
if(R <= csLi){
if(!isChosen) mQuarkSpecies=4;
// Print-out at high verbose levels
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 10) { // Spinal Tap ;-)
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(): " << result;
cout << " at beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z;
cout << " (" << (mPolarization == transverse ? "transverse" : "longitudinal");
cout << ')' << endl;
// Check validity of return value
if (std::isnan(result)) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(): Error, return value = NaN at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z << endl;
result = 0;
if (std::isinf(result)) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(): Error, return value = inf at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z << endl;
result = 0;
if (result < 0) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_checked(): Error, negative cross-section at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << endl;
result = 0;
return result; //nb/GeV4
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z, GammaPolarization pol) {
double result = 0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
double tmpresult = dsigdbetadz_total(beta, Q2, W2, z, pol); //nb
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) tmpresult *= mPhotonFlux(Q2,W2,pol); //nb/GeV4
if(pol == transverse)
if(pol == longitudinal)
return result; //nb/GeV4
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadz_total(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z, GammaPolarization pol) {
double result = 0;
result = dsigmadbetadz_T(beta, Q2, W2, z);
else if(pol==longitudinal){
result = dsigmadbetadz_L(beta, Q2, W2, z);
return result; //nb
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::crossSectionOfLastCall(){
return mTotalCS;
GammaPolarization InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::polarizationOfLastCall(){
return mPolarization;
unsigned int InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::quarkSpeciesOfLastCall(){
return mQuarkSpecies;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::quarkMassOfLastCall(){
// return Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkSpecies); //#TT tmp
return tt_quarkMass[mQuarkSpecies];
void InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::setQuarkIndex(unsigned int val){mQuarkIndex=val;}
DipoleModel* InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dipoleModel(){
return mDipoleModel;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::crossSectionRatioLTOfLastCall() const {return mCrossSectionRatioLT;}
// QQG Calculations
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::unuranPDF_qqg(const double* array){
// array is: beta, log(Q2), W2, z
double result = 0;
double Q2 = exp(array[1]);
double z=array[3];
result = dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(array[0], Q2, array[2], z);
result *= Q2; // Jacobian log(Q2)->Q2
return log(result);
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z){
// Check if in kinematically allowed region
double MX2=Kinematics::MX2(Q2, beta, 0);
if(mCheckKinematics && z<beta) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"z<beta, beta="<<beta<<", z="<<z<<endl;
return 0; // For QQG beta < z < 1
if (mCheckKinematics && !Kinematics::valid(mS, beta, Q2, W2, z, sqrt(MX2), false, (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) )) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(): warning, beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z="<< z
<< " is outside of kinematically allowed region. Return 0." << endl;
return 0;
- double xpom=Kinematics::xpomeron(0, Q2, W2, sqrt(MX2));
- if(mA>1)
- dipoleModel()->createSigma_ep_LookupTable(xpom);
double result = dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_qqg(beta, Q2, W2, z);
// Quark Species
bool isChosen=false;
double cs_rejected=0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
double R=mRandom->Uniform(result-cs_rejected);
double csTi=mDsigdbetadQ2dWdz_T_qqg[i];
if(R <= csTi){
if(!isChosen) mQuarkSpecies=4;
// Print-out at high verbose levels
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 10) { // Spinal Tap ;-)
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(): " << result;
cout << " at beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z<< endl;
// Check validity of return value
if (std::isnan(result)) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(): Error, return value = NaN at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z << endl;
result = 0;
if (std::isinf(result)) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(): Error, return value = inf at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << z << endl;
result = 0;
if (result < 0) {
cout << "InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_total_qqg_checked(): Error, negative cross-section at" << endl;
cout << " beta=" << beta << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", z=" << endl;
result = 0;
return result; //nb/GeV4
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections::dsigdbetadQ2dW2dz_qqg(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z) {
double result = 0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkIndex);
double mf = tt_quarkMass[i]; //#TT tmp
double Mqq2=(z/beta-1)*Q2;
if(Mqq2<4*mf*mf) continue; //Not enough phase-space for the q and qbar
double tmpresult = dsigmadbetadz_QQG(beta, Q2, W2, z); //nb
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) tmpresult *= mPhotonFlux(Q2,W2,transverse); //nb/GeV4
return result; //nb/GeV4 (with flux) or nb (without)
// InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals:
// Inheriting class from InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSections
//Set up the integrals
if(Amp0) delete Amp0;
Amp0=new TF1("Amp0", this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_0, 0, 30., 5);
if(WFAmp0) delete WFAmp0;
WFAmp0=new ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1(*Amp0);
+ GIAmp0.SetRelTolerance(1e-4);
if(Amp1) delete Amp1;
Amp1=new TF1("Amp1", this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_1, 0, 30. , 5);
if(WFAmp1) delete WFAmp1;
WFAmp1=new ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1(*Amp1);
if(Ampqqg) delete Ampqqg;
Ampqqg=new TF1("Ampqqg", this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_qqg, 0, 30., 4);
if(WFAmpqqg) delete WFAmpqqg;
WFAmpqqg=new ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1(*Ampqqg);
if(WFAmp0) delete WFAmp0;
if(Amp0) delete Amp0;
if(WFAmp1) delete WFAmp1;
if(Amp1) delete Amp1;
if(Ampqqg) delete Ampqqg;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigmadbetadz_T(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z) {
double MX2 = Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
double xpom = Kinematics::xpomeron(0., Q2, W2, sqrt(MX2));
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkIndex);
double mf = tt_quarkMass[mQuarkIndex]; //#TT tmp
double sqrtArg = 1.-4.*mf*mf/MX2;
if (sqrtArg<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"There is no phase-space for z, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double z0 = (1.-sqrt(sqrtArg))/2.;
if (z<z0 or z>1-z0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"z="<<z<<" which is smaller than z0="<<z0<<"or larger than (1-z0)="<<1-z0<<", return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double pt2 = z*(1-z)*Q2-mf*mf;
if (pt2<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
- cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0."<<endl;
+ cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0. mf="<<mf<<endl;
return 0;
if(z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf<0){ //kappa2<0
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark production, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double epsilon2=z*(1-z)*Q2+mf*mf;
double ef=quarkCharge[mQuarkIndex];
double Phi0=Phi_0(beta, xpom, z, Q2, mf);
double Phi1=Phi_1(beta, xpom, z, Q2, mf);
double prefactor=Nc*Q2*alpha_em/(4.*M_PI*beta*beta)*ef*ef*z*(1-z); //GeV2
prefactor/=2.; //expanded z-range
double term1=epsilon2*(z*z+(1-z)*(1-z))*Phi1; //GeV2*fm6
double term2=mf*mf*Phi0; //GeV2*fm6
double result=prefactor*(term1+term2); //GeV4*fm6
result/=hbarc2*hbarc2; //fm2
result *= 1e7; //nb
return result;//nb
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigmadbetadz_L(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double z){
double MX2 = Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
double xpom = Kinematics::xpomeron(0., Q2, W2, sqrt(MX2));
// double mf = Settings::quarkMass(mQuarkIndex);
double mf = tt_quarkMass[mQuarkIndex]; //#TT tmp
double pt2 = z*(1-z)*Q2-mf*mf;
if (pt2<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
- cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0."<<endl;
+ cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark transverse momenta, return 0. mf="<<mf<<endl;
return 0;
double sqrtArg=1.-4.*mf*mf/MX2;
if (sqrtArg<0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"There is no phase-space for z, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double z0=(1.-sqrt(sqrtArg))/2.;
if (z<z0 or z>1-z0){
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"z="<<z<<" which is smaller than z0="<<z0<<"or larger than (1-z0)="<<1-z0<<", return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
if(z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf<0){ //kappa2<0
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout<<"Not enough phase-space for quark production, return 0."<<endl;
return 0;
double ef=quarkCharge[mQuarkIndex];
double Phi0=Phi_0(beta, xpom, z, Q2, mf); //fm6
double term=Nc*Q2*Q2*alpha_em/(M_PI*beta*beta); //GeV4
term*=Phi0; //fm6*GeV4
term/=2.; //expanded z-range
double result=term;
result/=hbarc2*hbarc2; //fm2
result *= 1e7; //nb
return result; //nb
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::Phi_0(double beta, double xpom, double z, double Q2, double mf){
TF1* Phi0=new TF1("Phi0", this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_0, 0, 30., 0);
ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1* WFPhi0=new ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1(*Phi0);
ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator GIPhi0;
Amp0->SetParameter(0, beta);
Amp0->SetParameter(1, xpom);
Amp0->SetParameter(2, z);
Amp0->SetParameter(3, Q2);
Amp0->SetParameter(5, mf);
double blow=0;
double result=GIPhi0.IntegralUp(blow); //fm6
delete Phi0;
delete WFPhi0;
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::Phi_1(double beta, double xpom, double z, double Q2, double mf){
TF1* Phi1=new TF1("Phi1", this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_1, 0, 30., 0);
ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1* WFPhi1=new ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1(*Phi1);
ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator GIPhi1;
Amp1->SetParameter(0, beta);
Amp1->SetParameter(1, xpom);
Amp1->SetParameter(2, z);
Amp1->SetParameter(3, Q2);
Amp1->SetParameter(5, mf);
double blow=0;
double result=GIPhi1.IntegralUp(blow); //fm6
delete Phi1;
delete WFPhi1;
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_0(double *var, double*){
double b=*var;
double amplitude=Amplitude_0(b); //fm2
double result=2*M_PI*b*amplitude*amplitude; //fm5
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_1(double *var, double*){
double b=*var; //fm
double amplitude=Amplitude_1(b); //fm2
double result=2*M_PI*b*amplitude*amplitude; //fm5
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::Amplitude_0(double b){
//Gauss Integrator defined in header file and set in constructor
Amp0->SetParameter(4, b);
double rlow=1e-3;
double result=GIAmp0.IntegralUp(rlow); //fm2
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::Amplitude_1(double b){
//Gauss Integrator defined in header file and set in constructor
Amp1->SetParameter(4, b);
double rlow=1e-3;
double result=GIAmp1.IntegralUp(rlow); //fm2
return result;
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_0(double *var, double *par){
double r=*var;
+ if(r>100.) return 0; //IntegralUp sometimes tries too large values that break the dipole model
double beta=par[0];
double xpom=par[1];
double z=par[2];
double Q2=par[3];
double b=par[4];
double mf=par[5];
double MX2=Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
double kappa2=z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf;
double kappa=sqrt(kappa2);
double epsilon2=z*(1-z)*Q2+mf*mf;
double epsilon=sqrt(epsilon2); //GeV
double besselK0=TMath::BesselK0(epsilon*r/hbarc);
double besselJ0=TMath::BesselJ0(kappa*r/hbarc);
double dsigmadb2=0;
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->dsigmadb2ep(r, b, xpom);
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->coherentDsigmadb2(r, b, xpom);
return r*besselK0*besselJ0*dsigmadb2; //fm
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_1(double *var, double *par){
double r=*var; //fm
+ if(r>100.) return 0; //IntegralUp sometimes tries too large values that break the dipole model
double beta=par[0];
double xpom=par[1];
double z=par[2];
double Q2=par[3]; //GeV2
double b=par[4];
double mf=par[5];
double MX2=Q2*(1-beta)/beta; //GeV2
double kappa2=z*(1-z)*MX2-mf*mf; //GeV2
double kappa=sqrt(kappa2); //GeV
double epsilon2=z*(1-z)*Q2+mf*mf;
double epsilon=sqrt(epsilon2); //GeV
double besselK1=TMath::BesselK1(epsilon*r/hbarc);
double besselJ1=TMath::BesselJ1(kappa*r/hbarc);
double dsigmadb2=0; //GeV0
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->dsigmadb2ep(r, b, xpom);
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->coherentDsigmadb2(r, b, xpom);
return r*besselK1*besselJ1*dsigmadb2; //fm
// QQG Calculations
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::dsigmadbetadz_QQG(double beta, double Q2, double W2, double ztilde) {
double MX2 = Q2*(1-beta)/beta;
double xpom = Kinematics::xpomeron(0., Q2, W2, sqrt(MX2));
double Phi=Phi_qqg(xpom, ztilde, Q2);
double alpha_S=0.15;
double ef=quarkCharge[mQuarkIndex];
double betafactor=(1-beta/ztilde)*
double result=alpha_S*alpha_em/(2*M_PI*M_PI*Q2)*betafactor*ef*ef*Phi; //GeV-2
result*=hbarc2; //fm2
result *= 1e7; //nb
return result; //nb
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::Phi_qqg(double xpom, double z, double Q2){
Ampqqg->SetParameter(0, xpom);
Ampqqg->SetParameter(1, z);
ROOT::Math::Functor wf(this, &InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_qqg, 2);
ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim ig(ROOT::Math::IntegrationMultiDim::kADAPTIVE);
double bRange=3. * dipoleModel()->nucleus()->radius();
double lo[2]={0.,1e-4}; //b, k2
double hi[2]={bRange, Q2}; //b, k2
double result = ig.Integral(lo, hi)/hbarc; //GeV0
return result; //GeV0
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiPhi_qqg(const double* var) {
double b=var[0];
double k2=var[1];
double Q2=mQ2;
Ampqqg->SetParameter(2, sqrt(k2));
Ampqqg->SetParameter(3, b);
double rlow=1e-3;
double amp_qqg=GIAmpqqg.IntegralUp(rlow); //fm2
amp_qqg/=hbarc2; //GeV-2
double result = (2*M_PI)*b/hbarc*k2*k2*log(Q2/k2)*amp_qqg*amp_qqg; //GeV-1
return result; //GeV-1
double InclusiveDiffractiveCrossSectionsIntegrals::uiAmplitude_qqg(double *var, double *par){
double r=*var; //fm
if(r>100.) return 0; //IntegralUp sometimes tries too large values that break the dipole model
double xpom=par[0];
double z=par[1];
double k=par[2]; //GeV
double b=par[3];
double besselK2=ROOT::Math::cyl_bessel_k(2, sqrt(z)*k*r/hbarc);
double besselJ2=ROOT::Math::cyl_bessel_j(2, sqrt(1-z)*k*r/hbarc);
double dsigmadb2=0; //GeV0
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->dsigmadb2ep(r, b, xpom);
dsigmadb2=mDipoleModel->coherentDsigmadb2(r, b, xpom);
double term=1-0.5*dsigmadb2;
double dsigmadb2tilde=2*(1-term*term);
double result=r*besselK2*besselJ2*dsigmadb2tilde; //fm
return result;

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Mon, Jan 20, 9:01 PM (23 h, 1 m)
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