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This is the README file for the fastjet-contrib project
which provides a library of 3rd-party add-ons to FastJet (
Instructions for generic users
You should have downloaded a tarball for the contrib. Unpack it, enter
the resulting directory and run
./configure [--fastjet-config=PATH] [--prefix=...] [...]
make check # optional
make install
Once you have installed, a contrib named XYZ will typically be
accessible through a line
#include "fastjet/contrib/XYZ.hh"
with the corresponding library available through -lXYZ .
Queries about the fastjet-contrib project as a whole should be sent to
Queries about individual contribs should be sent to the people
mentioned in the contrib/AUTHORS file
For users who want the latest version (and for developers)
Get an svn checkout of the top-level directory
svn co fjcontrib
which contains the scripts and a current list of contribs and their
versions. Within the fjcontrib directory, get the contribs themselves
by running
usually, the contribs are tagged (released) versions and there is
one svn checkout for each contrib. Then proceed with configure, make, etc.
To get updates at a later stage:
./scripts/ # all contribs
./scripts/ ContribName # just a specific contrib
./scripts/ ContribName version # specific version of a contrib
The command always updates the top level directory. If "version" is
"trunk", then you get the development area for the Contrib -- do this
only if you're a developer of that contrib.
For further information on development, see the file DEVEL-GUIDELINES.

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:54 PM (1 d, 20 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text

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