std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBgkndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( bkgndAsym == 0 ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background asym LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
// TODO If these are all histograms shouldn't need to add much more code in other functions
if (pdf==0) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDtPdf : The PDF pointer is null, not adding it."<<std::endl;
// check that this background name is valid
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDtPdf : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModels : the model pointer is null for the particle model." << std::endl;
// check that this background name is valid
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModels : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModels : the model pointer is null for the anti-particle model. Using only the particle model." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : PDF pointer is null." << std::endl;
// check that this background name is valid
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : There are " << nsigpdfvars << " signal PDF variables but " << nbkgndpdfvars << " bkgnd PDF variables." << std::endl;
// gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// }
// }
// Clear the vectors of parameter information so we can start from scratch
// Set the fit parameters for signal and background models
// Set the fit parameters for the decay time models
// Set the fit parameters for the extra PDFs
// Set the initial bg and signal events
// Handle flavour-tagging calibration parameters
// Add tagging efficiency parameters
//Asymmetry terms AProd and in setAsymmetries()?
// Check that we have the expected number of fit variables
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Unequal number of signal DP components in the particle and anti-particle models: " << nAmpB0bar << " != " << nAmpB0 << std::endl;
if ( nAmpB0bar != nSigComp_ ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Number of signal DP components in the model (" << nAmpB0bar << ") not equal to number of coefficients supplied (" << nSigComp_ << ")." << std::endl;
std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Initialising signal DP model"<<std::endl;
// TODO should check (first time) that they match in terms of number of entries in the vectors and that each entry has the same number of points, ranges, weights etc.
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0bar signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0bar signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\" but does contain the conjugate \""<<conjName<<"\", resetting name to use the conjugate."<<std::endl;
TString tmp = compName;
compName = conjName;
conjName = tmp;
coeffSet->name( compName );
if ( conjugate ) {
if ( ! sigModelB0_->hasResonance(conjName) ) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<conjName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
} else {
if ( ! sigModelB0_->hasResonance(compName) ) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
// Do we already have it in our list of names?
for (auto& coeffset : coeffPars_){
if (coeffset->name() == compName) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : Have already set coefficients for \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setCalibParams : Setting the initial fit parameters of the flavour tagging calibration parameters." << std::endl;
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0bar_.size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
if (fitFracB0bar_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0bar_[i].size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
TString name = fitFracB0bar_[i][j].name();
name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "B0bar" );
fitFracB0_ = sigModelB0_->getFitFractions();
if (fitFracB0_.size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0_.size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
if (fitFracB0_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0_[i].size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
TString name = fitFracB0_[i][j].name();
name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "B0" );
// Calculate the ACPs and FitFrac asymmetries
// Add the Fit Fraction asymmetry for each signal component
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
// Add the calculated CP asymmetry for each signal component
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndAsymmetries : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
// Update the number of signal events to be total-sum(background events)
// Check whether we want to have randomised initial fit parameters for the signal model
if (this->useRandomInitFitPars() == kTRUE) {
void LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars()
// Only randomise those parameters that are not fixed!
std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars : Randomising the initial values of the coefficients of the DP components (and phiMix)..."<<std::endl;
if (iEvt%1000 == 0) {std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::genExpt : Generated event number "<<iEvt<<" out of "<<nEvtsGen<<" "<<evtCategory<<" events."<<std::endl;}
+ auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (signalTree_ && (signalTree_->nEvents() == signalTree_->nUsedEvents())) {
std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Source of embedded signal events used up, clearing the list of used events."<<std::endl;
// std::cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Source of embedded " << bkgndClass << " events used up, clearing the list of used events." << std::endl;
// embeddedData->clearUsedList();
LauKinematics* kinematics{nullptr};
switch ( BkgndTypes_[bkgndID] ) {
case LauFlavTag::BkgndType::Combinatorial:
// First choose the true tag, accounting for the production asymmetry
// CONVENTION WARNING regarding meaning of sign of AProd
// NB the true tag doesn't really mean anything for combinatorial background
Double_t random = LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm();
if ( random <= 0.5 * ( 1.0 - AProdBkgnd_[bkgndID]->unblindValue() ) ) {
curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = LauFlavTag::Flavour::B;
} else {
curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = LauFlavTag::Flavour::Bbar;
kinematics = kinematicsB0_;
if ( cpEigenValue_ == CPEigenvalue::QFS ) {
if ( BkgndDPModelsBbar_[bkgndID] != nullptr ) {
// generate the true decay flavour and the corresponding DP position
// (the supply of two DP models indicates a possible asymmetry)
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setupGenNtupleBranches : Decay flavour variable not set for QFS decay, see LauFlavTag::setDecayFlvVarName()."<<std::endl;
// TODO - any other decay time function types that make sense for combinatorial?
// - should also have a set of checks in initialise that we have everything we need for the backgrounds and that the various settings make sense
default :
// TODO as per comment just above, once the above mentioned checks are implemented this error message can be removed
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::getEvtDPDtLikelihood : bkgnd types other than Hist and Exp don't make sense for combinatorial!" << std::endl;
// ...include flavour tagging
for (std::size_t taggerID{0}; taggerID<nTaggers; ++taggerID){
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauSimpleFitModel::embedBkgnd : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::freeSpeciesNames : \"" << par->name() << "\" is a LauFormulaPar, which implies it is perhaps not entirely free to float in the fit, so the sWeight calculation may not be reliable" << std::endl;