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// DipoleModel.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Tobias Toll
// Last update:
// $Date: 2018-03-28 16:04:37 +0100 (Wed, 28 Mar 2018) $
// $Author: ullrich $
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "DipoleModel.h"
#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
using namespace std;
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
unsigned int A = settings->A();
mParameters = 0;
delete mParameters;
const TableGeneratorNucleus* DipoleModel::nucleus() const { return &mNucleus; }
bool DipoleModel::configurationExists() const { return mConfigurationExists; }
double DipoleModel::bDependence(double) { return 0; }
double DipoleModel::bDependence(double, double) { return 0; }
double DipoleModel::dsigmadb2ep(double, double, double) { return 0;}
mBDependence = 0;
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = 0;
// Set the parameters. Note that we enforce here the bSat model
// independent of what the settings say.
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
mParameters = new DipoleModelParameters(bSat, settings->dipoleModelParameterSet());
delete mSigma_ep_LookupTable;
delete mBDependence;
DipoleModel_bSat& DipoleModel_bSat::operator=(const DipoleModel_bSat& dp)
if (this != &dp) {
delete mBDependence;
delete mSigma_ep_LookupTable;
mBDependence = new TH2F(*(dp.mBDependence));
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = new TH1F(*(dp.mSigma_ep_LookupTable));
return *this;
DipoleModel_bSat::DipoleModel_bSat(const DipoleModel_bSat& dp) : DipoleModel(dp)
mBDependence = new TH2F(*(dp.mBDependence));
void DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(int iConfiguration)
if (!mIsInitialized) {
cout << "DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(): DipoleModel class has not been initialized! Stopping." << endl;
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
unsigned int A = mNucleus.A();
string path=settings->bSatLookupPath();
ostringstream filename;
filename << path << "/bSat_bDependence_A" << A <<".root";
ifstream ifs(filename.str().c_str());
if (!ifs) {
cout << "DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(): File does not exist: " << filename.str().c_str() << endl;
cout << "Stopping." << endl;
TFile* lufile= new TFile(filename.str().c_str());
ostringstream histoName;
histoName.str( "" );
histoName << "Configuration_" << iConfiguration;
lufile->GetObject( histoName.str().c_str(), mBDependence );
double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double xprobe)
double bDep=bDependence(b, phi);
double muQ2 = mParameters->C()/(r*r/hbarc2) + mParameters->mu02();
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
double result = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
return result;
double DipoleModel_bSat::bDependence(double b, double phi)
double result = mBDependence->Interpolate(b, phi);
return result;
double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
const double BG = mParameters->BG(); // GeV^-2
double arg = b*b/(2*BG);
arg /= hbarc2;
double bDep= 1/(2*M_PI*BG) * exp(-arg);
double Mu02 = mParameters->mu02(); // GeV^2
double muQ2 = mParameters->C()/(r*r/hbarc2) + Mu02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
double result = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
return result;
double DipoleModel_bSat::coherentDsigmadb2(double r, double b, double xprobe){
double sigmap = mSigma_ep_LookupTable->Interpolate(r);
int A=nucleus()->A();
double TA=nucleus()->T(b)/A;
double result = 2 * ( 1 - pow(1 - TA/2.*sigmap, A) );
return result;
void DipoleModel_bSat::createSigma_ep_LookupTable(double xprobe)
double rbRange=3.*nucleus()->radius();
TF1* dsigmaForIntegration = new TF1("dsigmaForIntegration", this, &DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2epForIntegration, 0., rbRange, 2);
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = new TH1F("", "", 1000, 0, rbRange);
for (int iR=1; iR<=1000; iR++) {
double r=mSigma_ep_LookupTable->GetBinCenter(iR);
dsigmaForIntegration->SetParameter(0, r);
dsigmaForIntegration->SetParameter(1, xprobe);
double result=dsigmaForIntegration->Integral(0, rbRange);
mSigma_ep_LookupTable->SetBinContent(iR, result);
delete dsigmaForIntegration;
double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2epForIntegration(double *x, double* par)
double r=par[0];
double xprobe=par[1];
double b = *x;
return 2*M_PI*b/hbarc2*dsigmadb2ep(r, b, xprobe);
// Set the parameters. Note that we enforce here the bNonSat model
// independent of what the settings say.
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
mParameters = new DipoleModelParameters(bNonSat, settings->dipoleModelParameterSet());
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
const double BG = mParameters->BG(); // GeV^-2
double arg = b*b/(2*BG);
arg /= hbarc2;
double bDep= 1/(2*M_PI*BG) * exp(-arg);
double Mu02 = mParameters->mu02(); // GeV^2
double muQ2 = mParameters->C()/(r*r/hbarc2) + Mu02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
return omega;
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double xprobe)
double bDep=bDependence(b, phi);
double muQ2 = mParameters->C()/(r*r/hbarc2) + mParameters->mu02();
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
return omega;
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::coherentDsigmadb2(double r, double b, double xprobe){
int A=nucleus()->A();
double TA=nucleus()->T(b)/A;
double muQ2 = mParameters->C()/(r*r/hbarc2) + mParameters->mu02();
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double result=A*TA*M_PI*M_PI/Nc*r*r/hbarc2*asxg;
return result;
// Set the parameters. Note that we enforce here the bNonSat model
// independent of what the settings say.
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
mParameters = new DipoleModelParameters(bCGC, settings->dipoleModelParameterSet());
void DipoleModel_bCGC::createConfiguration(int iConfiguration)
if (!mIsInitialized) {
cout << "DipoleModel_bCGC::createConfigurationDipoleModel class has not been initialized! Stopping." << endl;
//iConfiguration is a dummy for bCGC. Do this to avoid compiler warnings:
double DipoleModel_bCGC::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double x)
double result=1;
for (unsigned int iA=0; iA<mNucleus.A(); iA++) {
double absdeltab=( TVector3(b*cos(phi), b*sin(phi), 0.) ).Perp();
result*=(1.-0.5*dsigmadb2ep(r, absdeltab, x));
return 2.*(1.-result);
double DipoleModel_bCGC::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
double Y = log(1/xprobe);
double kappa = mParameters->kappa();
double N0 = mParameters->N0();
double x0 = mParameters->x0();
double lambda = mParameters->lambda();
double gammas = mParameters->gammas();
double A = -N0*N0*gammas*gammas/((1-N0)*(1-N0)*log(1-N0));
double B = 0.5*pow(1-N0,-(1-N0)/(N0*gammas));
double Qs = pow(x0/xprobe,lambda/2)*sqrt(DipoleModel_bCGC::bDependence(b));
double rQs = r*Qs/hbarc;
double result=0;
if (rQs <= 2)
result = 2*N0*pow(0.5*rQs, 2*(gammas+(1/(kappa*lambda*Y))*log(2/rQs)));
result = 2*(1 - exp(-A*log(B*rQs)*log(B*rQs)));
return result;
double DipoleModel_bCGC::bDependence(double b)
double gammas = mParameters->gammas();
double Bcgc = mParameters->Bcgc();
return exp(-0.5*b*b/Bcgc/gammas/hbarc2);

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Sat, Dec 21, 1:34 PM (19 h, 15 m)
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DipoleModel.cpp (10 KB)

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