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diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/OpenLoops/ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/OpenLoops/
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/OpenLoops/
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/OpenLoops/
@@ -1,428 +1,427 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the OpenLoopsAmplitude class.
#include "OpenLoopsAmplitude.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DynamicLoader.h"
#include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace Herwig;
OpenLoopsAmplitude::OpenLoopsAmplitude():use_cms(true),psp_tolerance(12) {
OpenLoopsAmplitude::~OpenLoopsAmplitude() {
IBPtr OpenLoopsAmplitude::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr OpenLoopsAmplitude::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
extern "C" void OLP_Start(const char*, int* i);
extern "C" void OLP_SetParameter(const char* ,double* ,double*,int*);
extern "C" void ol_setparameter_string(const char*, const char*);
extern "C" void OLP_PrintParameter(const char*);
extern "C" void OLP_EvalSubProcess(int*, double*, double*, double*, double*);
extern "C" void OLP_EvalSubProcess2(int*, double*, double*, double*, double*);
// id ps-point emitter polvec res
extern "C" void ol_evaluate_sc(int, double*, int, double*, double*);
extern "C" void OLP_Polvec(double*,double*,double*);
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::doinitrun() {
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::startOLP(const string& contract, int& status) {
string tempcontract=contract;
bool success = DynamicLoader::load("@OPENLOOPSLIBS@/")
||DynamicLoader::load("@OPENLOOPSLIBS@/libopenloops.dylib") ;
if ( !success ) {
throw Exception() << "Failed to load\n"
<< DynamicLoader::lastErrorMessage
<< Exception::abortnow;
string stabilityPrefix = factory()->runStorage() + "OpenLoops.StabilityLog";
assert(stabilityPrefix.size() < 256);
int a=0;double null=0.0;double one=1.0;
int part[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,15,23,24,25};string stri;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
map<long,Energy>::const_iterator it=reshuffleMasses().find(part[i]);
double mass;
mass = getParticleData(part[i])->mass()/GeV;
mass = it->second/GeV;
double width=getParticleData(part[i])->width()/GeV;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << part[i];
string str = ss.str();
// stri="alphas";
// one=SM().alphaS();
// OLP_SetParameter( stri.c_str(),&one ,&null,&a);
OLP_SetParameter(stri.c_str(),&one ,&null,&a);
OLP_Start(tempcontract.c_str(), &status);
didStartOLP() = true;
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::fillOrderFile(const map<pair<Process, int>, int>& procs) {
string orderFileName = factory()->buildStorage() + name() + ".OLPContract.lh";
ofstream orderFile(orderFileName.c_str());
size_t asPower = 100;
size_t minlegs = 100;
size_t maxlegs = 0;
for ( map<pair<Process, int>, int>::const_iterator t = procs.begin() ; t != procs.end() ; ++t ) {
asPower = min(asPower, static_cast<size_t>(t->first.first.orderInAlphaS));
minlegs = min(minlegs, static_cast<size_t>(t->first.first.legs.size()));
maxlegs = max(maxlegs, static_cast<size_t>(t->first.first.legs.size()));
orderFile << "# OLP order file created by Herwig++/Matchbox for OpenLoops\n\n";
orderFile << "CorrectionType QCD\n";
orderFile << "IRregularization " << (isDR() ? "DRED" : "CDR") << "\n";
orderFile << "extra answerfile " << (factory()->buildStorage() + name() + ".OLPAnswer.lh") << "\n";
- orderFile << "extra verbose 2\n";
orderFile << "extra psp_tolerance "<<psp_tolerance<<"\n";
orderFile << "extra use_cms "<<(use_cms?"1":"0")<< "\n";
orderFile << "\n";
if (extraOpenLoopsPath!="")
orderFile << "Extra OpenLoopsPath " << extraOpenLoopsPath << "\n";
for ( map<pair<Process, int>, int>::const_iterator p = procs.begin() ; p != procs.end() ; ++p ) {
std::stringstream Processstr;
std::stringstream Typestr;
Processstr << (*p).first.first.legs[0]->id() << " " << (*p).first.first.legs[1]->id() << " -> ";
for ( PDVector::const_iterator o = (*p).first.first.legs.begin() + 2 ; o != (*p).first.first.legs.end() ; ++o )
Processstr << (**o).id() << " ";
if ( (*p).first.second == ProcessType::treeME2 ) {
Typestr << "Tree";
} else if ( (*p).first.second == ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2 ) {
Typestr << "ccTree";
} else if ( (*p).first.second == ProcessType::spinColourCorrelatedME2 ) {
Typestr << "sctree_polvect";
} else if ( (*p).first.second == ProcessType::oneLoopInterference ) {
Typestr << "Loop";
OpenLoopsProcInfo pro = OpenLoopsProcInfo((*p).second, -1, Processstr.str(), Typestr.str());
processmap[(*p).second] = pro;
vector < string > types;
for ( size_t i = asPower ; i != asPower + maxlegs - minlegs + 1 ; i++ ) {
orderFile << "\n\nCouplingPower QCD " << i;
orderFile << "\n\n#AlphasPower " << i;
for ( vector<string>::iterator it = types.begin() ; it != types.end() ; it++ ) {
for ( map<int, OpenLoopsProcInfo>::iterator p = processmap.begin() ; p != processmap.end() ; ++p )
if ( (*p).second.Tstr() == *it && i == (unsigned int) (*p).second.orderAs() ) {
orderFile << "\nAmplitudeType " << *it << "\n";
for ( map<int, OpenLoopsProcInfo>::iterator p = processmap.begin() ; p != processmap.end() ; ++p )
if ( (*p).second.Tstr() == *it && i == (unsigned int) (*p).second.orderAs() ) {
orderFile << (*p).second.Pstr() << "\n";
orderFile << flush;
bool OpenLoopsAmplitude::checkOLPContract() {
string contractFileName = factory()->buildStorage() + name() + ".OLPAnswer.lh";
ifstream infile(contractFileName.c_str());
string line;
vector < string > contractfile;
while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
for ( map<int, OpenLoopsProcInfo>::iterator p = processmap.begin() ; p != processmap.end() ; p++ ) {
bool righttype = false;
for ( vector<string>::iterator linex = contractfile.begin() ; linex != contractfile.end() ; ++linex ) {
if ( (*linex).find("AmplitudeType ")!= std::string::npos ) {
if ( (*linex).find(" " + (*p).second.Tstr() + " ")!= std::string::npos ) {
righttype = true;
} else {
righttype = false;
if ( righttype ) {
if ( (*linex).find((*p).second.Pstr()) != std::string::npos ){
if( (*p).second.Pstr().length() == (*linex).find("|") ) {
string sub = (*linex).substr((*linex).find("|") + 1, (*linex).find("#") - (*linex).find("|") - 1); // | 1 23 # buggy??
int subint;
int subint2;
istringstream(sub) >> subint >> subint2;
string ids = factory()->buildStorage() + "OpenLoops.ids.dat";
ofstream IDS(ids.c_str());
for ( map<int, OpenLoopsProcInfo>::iterator p = processmap.begin() ; p != processmap.end() ; p++ ) {
idpair.insert ( std::pair<int,int>((*p).second.HID(),(*p).second.GID()) );
IDS << (*p).second.HID() << " " << (*p).second.GID() << "\n";
if ( (*p).second.GID() == -1 ) return 0;
IDS << flush;
return 1;
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::getids() const{
string line = factory()->buildStorage() + "OpenLoops.ids.dat";
ifstream infile(line.c_str());
int hid;
int gid;
while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
istringstream(line) >> hid>>gid;
idpair.insert ( std::pair<int,int>(hid,gid) );
bool OpenLoopsAmplitude::startOLP(const map<pair<Process, int>, int>& procs) {
string contractFileName = factory()->buildStorage() + name() + ".OLPAnswer.lh";
string orderFileName = factory()->buildStorage() + name() + ".OLPContract.lh";
int status = -1;
startOLP(orderFileName, status);
if ( !checkOLPContract() ) {
return false;
if ( status != 1 ) return false;
return true;
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::evalSubProcess() const {
double units = pow(lastSHat() / GeV2, mePartonData().size() - 4.);
double acc ;
double scale = sqrt(mu2() / GeV2);
int a=0;double null=0.0;double one=1.0;
string stri="alphas";
if (!hasRunningAlphaS()) one=SM().alphaS();
else if (hasRunningAlphaS()) one=lastAlphaS();
OLP_SetParameter( stri.c_str(),&one ,&null,&a);
double out[7]={};
int id = olpId()[ProcessType::oneLoopInterference] ? olpId()[ProcessType::oneLoopInterference] : olpId()[ProcessType::treeME2];
if ( idpair.size() == 0 ) {
if ( Debug::level > 1 ) {
string parfile=factory()->runStorage() + name() + ".Parameters.dat";
OLP_EvalSubProcess2(&((*(idpair.find(id))).second), olpMomenta(), &scale, out,&acc );
if ( olpId()[ProcessType::oneLoopInterference] ) {
if(calculateTreeME2())lastTreeME2(out[3] * units);
lastOneLoopInterference((out[2])* units);
lastOneLoopPoles(pair<double, double>(out[0] * units, out[1] * units));
} else if ( olpId()[ProcessType::treeME2] ) {
lastTreeME2(out[0] * units);
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::evalColourCorrelator(pair<int, int> ) const {
double units = pow(lastSHat() / GeV2, mePartonData().size() - 4.);
double acc ;
double scale = sqrt(mu2() / GeV2);
int a=0;double null=0.0;double one=1.0;
string stri="alphas";
if (!hasRunningAlphaS()) one=SM().alphaS();
else if (hasRunningAlphaS()) one=lastAlphaS();
OLP_SetParameter( stri.c_str(),&one ,&null,&a);
int n = lastXComb().meMomenta().size();
colourCorrelatorResults.resize(n * (n - 1) / 2);
if ( idpair.size() == 0 ) {
if ( Debug::level > 1 ) {
string parfile=factory()->runStorage() + name() + ".Parameters.dat";
int id = olpId()[ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2];
OLP_EvalSubProcess2(&((*(idpair.find(id))).second), olpMomenta(), &scale, &colourCorrelatorResults[0],&acc );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ){
for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < n ; ++j ) {
lastColourCorrelator(make_pair(i, j), colourCorrelatorResults[i+j*(j-1)/2] * units);
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::evalSpinColourCorrelator(pair<int , int > ) const {
double OpenLoopsAmplitude::spinColourCorrelatedME2(pair<int,int> ij,
const SpinCorrelationTensor& c) const{
double units = pow(lastSHat() / GeV2, mePartonData().size() - 4.);
int a=0;double null=0.0;double one=1.0;
string stri="alphas";
if (!hasRunningAlphaS()) one=SM().alphaS();
else if (hasRunningAlphaS()) one=lastAlphaS();
OLP_SetParameter( stri.c_str(),&one ,&null,&a);
int emitter=ij.first+1;
int n = lastXComb().meMomenta().size();
if ( idpair.size() == 0 ) {
if ( Debug::level > 1 ) {
string parfile=factory()->runStorage() + name() + ".Parameters.dat";
int id = (*(idpair.find(olpId()[ProcessType::spinColourCorrelatedME2]))).second;
//double * outx =new double[n];
double polvec[4];
double avg= colourCorrelatedME2(ij)*(-c.diagonal());
ol_evaluate_sc(id, olpMomenta(),emitter,polvec,&spinColourCorrelatorResults[0]);
double corr =-1.*units * spinColourCorrelatorResults[ij.second]/c.scale()*c.momentum().dot(c.momentum());
double Nc = generator()->standardModel()->Nc();
double cfac = 1.;
if ( mePartonData()[ij.first]->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 ) {
cfac = Nc;
} else if ( mePartonData()[ij.first]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ||
mePartonData()[ij.first]->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar ) {
cfac = (sqr(Nc)-1.)/(2.*Nc);
} else assert(false);
avg + corr/cfac;
// If needed, insert default implementations of virtual function defined
// in the InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-impl in Emacs).
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << idpair ;
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> idpair ;
// *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments
// are correct (the class and its base class), and that the constructor
// arguments are correct (the class name and the name of the dynamically
// loadable library where the class implementation can be found).
DescribeClass<OpenLoopsAmplitude, MatchboxOLPME> describeHerwigOpenLoopsAmplitude("Herwig::OpenLoopsAmplitude", "");
void OpenLoopsAmplitude::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<OpenLoopsAmplitude> documentation("OpenLoopsAmplitude implements an interface to OpenLoops.","Matrix elements have been calculated using OpenLoops.");
static Switch<OpenLoopsAmplitude,bool> interfaceUseComplMass
"Switch on or off if Compex Masses.",
&OpenLoopsAmplitude::use_cms, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceUseComplMassOn
"True for Compex Masses.",
static SwitchOption interfaceUseComplMassOff
"False for no Compex Masses.",
static Parameter<OpenLoopsAmplitude,int> interfacepsp_tolerance
"(Debug)Phase Space Tolerance. Better use e.g.: set OpenLoops:Massless 13",
&OpenLoopsAmplitude::psp_tolerance, 12, 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 9:18 PM (1 d, 4 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(15 KB)

Event Timeline