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// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief CDF properties of high-mass multi-jet events
class CDF_1996_S3349578 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("CDF_1996_S3349578")
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
/// Initialise and register projections here
const FinalState fs(-4.2, 4.2);
addProjection(FastJets(fs, FastJets::CDFJETCLU, 0.7), "Jets");
/// Book histograms here, e.g.:
_h_3_mNJ = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 1);
_h_3_X3 = bookHistogram1D(2, 1, 1);
_h_3_X4 = bookHistogram1D(3, 1, 1);
_h_3_costheta3 = bookHistogram1D(8, 1, 1);
_h_3_psi3 = bookHistogram1D(9, 1, 1);
_h_3_f3 = bookHistogram1D(14, 1, 1);
_h_3_f4 = bookHistogram1D(14, 1, 2);
_h_3_f5 = bookHistogram1D(14, 1, 3);
_h_4_mNJ = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 2);
_h_4_X3 = bookHistogram1D(4, 1, 1);
_h_4_X4 = bookHistogram1D(5, 1, 1);
_h_4_costheta3 = bookHistogram1D(10, 1, 1);
_h_4_psi3 = bookHistogram1D(11, 1, 1);
_h_4_f3 = bookHistogram1D(15, 1, 1);
_h_4_f4 = bookHistogram1D(15, 1, 2);
_h_4_f5 = bookHistogram1D(15, 1, 3);
_h_4_XA = bookHistogram1D(17, 1, 1);
_h_4_psiAB = bookHistogram1D(19, 1, 1);
_h_4_fA = bookHistogram1D(21, 1, 1);
_h_4_fB = bookHistogram1D(21, 1, 2);
_h_5_mNJ = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 3);
_h_5_X3 = bookHistogram1D(6, 1, 1);
_h_5_X4 = bookHistogram1D(7, 1, 1);
_h_5_costheta3 = bookHistogram1D(12, 1, 1);
_h_5_psi3 = bookHistogram1D(13, 1, 1);
_h_5_f3 = bookHistogram1D(16, 1, 1);
_h_5_f4 = bookHistogram1D(16, 1, 2);
_h_5_f5 = bookHistogram1D(16, 1, 3);
_h_5_XA = bookHistogram1D(18, 1, 1);
_h_5_XC = bookHistogram1D(18, 1, 2);
_h_5_psiAB = bookHistogram1D(20, 1, 1);
_h_5_psiCD = bookHistogram1D(20, 1, 2);
_h_5_fA = bookHistogram1D(22, 1, 1);
_h_5_fB = bookHistogram1D(23, 1, 1);
_h_5_fC = bookHistogram1D(24, 1, 1);
_h_5_fD = bookHistogram1D(25, 1, 1);
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Jets jets;
FourMomentum jetsystem(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
foreach (const Jet& jet, applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "Jets").jetsByEt()) {
double Et = jet.momentum().Et();
if (Et > 20.0*GeV) {
bool separated=true;
foreach (const Jet& ref, jets) {
if (deltaR(jet.momentum(), ref.momentum())<0.9) {
if (!separated) continue;
jetsystem += jet.momentum();
if (jets.size()>=5) break;
/// @todo include gaussian jet energy resolution smearing?
if (jets.size() > 4) {
_fiveJetAnalysis(jets, weight);
if (jets.size() > 3) {
_fourJetAnalysis(jets, weight);
if (jets.size() > 2) _threeJetAnalysis(jets, weight);
void _threeJetAnalysis(const Jets& jets, const double& weight) {
MSG_DEBUG("3 jet analysis");
double sumEt=0.0;
FourMomentum jetsystem(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if (sumEt < 420.0*GeV) return;
const double m3J = _safeMass(jetsystem);
if (m3J<600*GeV) {
LorentzTransform cms_boost(-jetsystem.boostVector());
vector<FourMomentum> jets3;
foreach (Jet jet, jets) {
std::sort(jets3.begin(), jets3.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum p3(jets3[0]);
FourMomentum p4(jets3[1]);
FourMomentum p5(jets3[2]);
FourMomentum pAV = cms_boost.transform(_avg_beam_in_lab(m3J, jetsystem.rapidity()));
double costheta3=pAV.vector3().unit().dot(p3.vector3().unit());
if (fabs(costheta3)>0.6) {
double X3 = 2.0*p3.E()/m3J;
if (X3>0.9) {
const double X4 = 2.0*p4.E()/m3J;
const double psi3 = _psi(p3, pAV, p4, p5);
const double f3 = _safeMass(p3)/m3J;
const double f4 = _safeMass(p4)/m3J;
const double f5 = _safeMass(p5)/m3J;
_h_3_mNJ->fill(m3J, weight);
_h_3_X3->fill(X3, weight);
_h_3_X4->fill(X4, weight);
_h_3_costheta3->fill(costheta3, weight);
_h_3_psi3->fill(psi3, weight);
_h_3_f3->fill(f3, weight);
_h_3_f4->fill(f4, weight);
_h_3_f5->fill(f5, weight);
void _fourJetAnalysis(const Jets& jets, const double& weight) {
MSG_DEBUG("4 jet analysis");
double sumEt=0.0;
FourMomentum jetsystem(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if (sumEt < 420.0*GeV) return;
const double m4J = _safeMass(jetsystem);
if (m4J < 650*GeV) return;
LorentzTransform cms_boost(-jetsystem.boostVector());
vector<FourMomentum> jets4;
foreach (Jet jet, jets) {
std::sort(jets4.begin(), jets4.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum pA, pB;
vector<FourMomentum> jets3(_reduce(jets4, pA, pB));
std::sort(jets3.begin(), jets3.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum p3(jets3[0]);
FourMomentum p4(jets3[1]);
FourMomentum p5(jets3[2]);
FourMomentum pAV = cms_boost.transform(_avg_beam_in_lab(m4J, jetsystem.rapidity()));
double costheta3=pAV.vector3().unit().dot(p3.vector3().unit());
if (fabs(costheta3)>0.8) {
const double X3 = 2.0*p3.E()/m4J;
if (X3>0.9) {
// fill histograms
const double X4 = 2.0*p4.E()/m4J;
const double psi3 = _psi(p3, pAV, p4, p5);
const double f3 = _safeMass(p3)/m4J;
const double f4 = _safeMass(p4)/m4J;
const double f5 = _safeMass(p5)/m4J;
const double fA = _safeMass(pA)/m4J;
const double fB = _safeMass(pB)/m4J;
const double XA = pA.E()/(pA.E()+pB.E());
const double psiAB = _psi(pA, pB, pA+pB, pAV);
_h_4_mNJ->fill(m4J, weight);
_h_4_X3->fill(X3, weight);
_h_4_X4->fill(X4, weight);
_h_4_costheta3->fill(costheta3, weight);
_h_4_psi3->fill(psi3, weight);
_h_4_f3->fill(f3, weight);
_h_4_f4->fill(f4, weight);
_h_4_f5->fill(f5, weight);
_h_4_XA->fill(XA, weight);
_h_4_psiAB->fill(psiAB, weight);
_h_4_fA->fill(fA, weight);
_h_4_fB->fill(fB, weight);
void _fiveJetAnalysis(const Jets& jets, const double& weight) {
MSG_DEBUG("5 jet analysis");
double sumEt=0.0;
FourMomentum jetsystem(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if (sumEt < 420.0*GeV) return;
const double m5J = _safeMass(jetsystem);
if (m5J < 750*GeV) return;
LorentzTransform cms_boost(-jetsystem.boostVector());
vector<FourMomentum> jets5;
foreach (Jet jet, jets) {
std::sort(jets5.begin(), jets5.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum pC, pD;
vector<FourMomentum> jets4(_reduce(jets5, pC, pD));
std::sort(jets4.begin(), jets4.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum pA, pB;
vector<FourMomentum> jets3(_reduce(jets4, pA, pB));
std::sort(jets3.begin(), jets3.end(), FourMomentum::byEDescending());
FourMomentum p3(jets3[0]);
FourMomentum p4(jets3[1]);
FourMomentum p5(jets3[2]);
// fill histograms
FourMomentum pAV = cms_boost.transform(_avg_beam_in_lab(m5J, jetsystem.rapidity()));
const double costheta3 = pAV.vector3().unit().dot(p3.vector3().unit());
const double X3 = 2.0*p3.E()/m5J;
const double X4 = 2.0*p4.E()/m5J;
const double psi3 = _psi(p3, pAV, p4, p5);
const double f3 = _safeMass(p3)/m5J;
const double f4 = _safeMass(p4)/m5J;
const double f5 = _safeMass(p5)/m5J;
const double fA = _safeMass(pA)/m5J;
const double fB = _safeMass(pB)/m5J;
const double XA = pA.E()/(pA.E()+pB.E());
const double psiAB = _psi(pA, pB, pA+pB, pAV);
const double fC = _safeMass(pC)/m5J;
const double fD = _safeMass(pD)/m5J;
const double XC = pC.E()/(pC.E()+pD.E());
const double psiCD = _psi(pC, pD, pC+pD, pAV);
_h_5_mNJ->fill(m5J, weight);
_h_5_X3->fill(X3, weight);
_h_5_X4->fill(X4, weight);
_h_5_costheta3->fill(costheta3, weight);
_h_5_psi3->fill(psi3, weight);
_h_5_f3->fill(f3, weight);
_h_5_f4->fill(f4, weight);
_h_5_f5->fill(f5, weight);
_h_5_XA->fill(XA, weight);
_h_5_psiAB->fill(psiAB, weight);
_h_5_fA->fill(fA, weight);
_h_5_fB->fill(fB, weight);
_h_5_XC->fill(XC, weight);
_h_5_psiCD->fill(psiCD, weight);
_h_5_fC->fill(fC, weight);
_h_5_fD->fill(fD, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
/// Normalise, scale and otherwise manipulate histograms here
normalize(_h_3_mNJ, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_X3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_X4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_costheta3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_psi3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_f3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_f4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_3_f5, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_mNJ, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_X3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_X4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_costheta3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_psi3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_f3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_f4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_f5, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_XA, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_psiAB, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_fA, 1.0);
normalize(_h_4_fB, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_mNJ, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_X3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_X4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_costheta3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_psi3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_f3, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_f4, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_f5, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_XA, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_XC, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_psiAB, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_psiCD, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_fA, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_fB, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_fC, 1.0);
normalize(_h_5_fD, 1.0);
vector<FourMomentum> _reduce(const vector<FourMomentum>& jets,
FourMomentum& combined1,
FourMomentum& combined2) {
double minMass2 = 1e9;
size_t idx1(jets.size()), idx2(jets.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<jets.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j=i+1; j<jets.size(); ++j) {
double mass2 = FourMomentum(jets[i]+jets[j]).mass2();
if (mass2<minMass2) {
vector<FourMomentum> newjets;
for (size_t i=0; i<jets.size(); ++i) {
if (i!=idx1 && i!=idx2) newjets.push_back(jets[i]);
combined1 = jets[idx1];
combined2 = jets[idx2];
return newjets;
FourMomentum _avg_beam_in_lab(const double& m, const double& y) {
const double mt = m/2.0;
FourMomentum beam1(mt, 0, 0, mt);
FourMomentum beam2(mt, 0, 0, -mt);
if (fabs(y)>1e-3) {
FourMomentum boostvec(cosh(y), 0.0, 0.0, sinh(y));
LorentzTransform cms_boost(-boostvec.boostVector());
cms_boost = cms_boost.inverse();
if (beam1.E()>beam2.E()) {
return beam1-beam2;
else {
return beam2-beam1;
double _psi(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2,
const FourMomentum& p3, const FourMomentum& p4) {
Vector3 p1xp2 = p1.vector3().cross(p2.vector3());
Vector3 p3xp4 = p3.vector3().cross(p4.vector3());
return mapAngle0ToPi(acos(p1xp2.unit().dot(p3xp4.unit())));
double _safeMass(const FourMomentum& p) {
double mass2=p.mass2();
if (mass2>0.0) return sqrt(mass2);
else if (mass2<-1.0e-5) {
MSG_WARNING("m2 = " << m2 << ". Assuming m2=0.");
return 0.0;
else return 0.0;
/// @name Histograms
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_mNJ;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_X3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_X4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_costheta3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_psi3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_f3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_f4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_3_f5;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_mNJ;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_X3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_X4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_costheta3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_psi3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_f3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_f4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_f5;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_XA;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_psiAB;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_fA;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_4_fB;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_mNJ;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_X3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_X4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_costheta3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_psi3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_f3;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_f4;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_f5;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_XA;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_XC;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_psiAB;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_psiCD;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_fA;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_fB;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_fC;
AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_5_fD;
// The hook for the plugin system

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 6:28 PM (8 h, 21 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (13 KB)

Event Timeline