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diff --git a/Contrib/AlpGen/AlpGenHandler.h b/Contrib/AlpGen/AlpGenHandler.h
--- a/Contrib/AlpGen/AlpGenHandler.h
+++ b/Contrib/AlpGen/AlpGenHandler.h
@@ -1,567 +1,567 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_AlpGenHandler_H
#define HERWIG_AlpGenHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the AlpGenHandler class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
namespace Herwig {
class AlpGenHandler;
//declaration of thepeg ptr
namespace ThePEG {
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the AlpGenHandler class.
* @see \ref AlpGenHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for AlpGenHandler.
class AlpGenHandler: public QTildeShowerHandler {
* The default constructor.
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Finalize the object
virtual void dofinish();
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* Hook to allow vetoing of event after showering hard sub-process
* as in e.g. MLM merging.
virtual bool showerHardProcessVeto() const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Run MLM jet-parton matching on the 'extra' jets.
bool lightJetPartonVeto();
* Function that calculates deltaR between a parton and a jet
double partonJetDeltaR(ThePEG::tPPtr partonptr, LorentzMomentum jetmom) const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Initialize calorimeter for calsim_m and getjet_m. Note that
* because initialization is separte calsim_m can be called more
* than once to simulate pileup of several events.
void calini_m() const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple calorimeter simulation - assume uniform Y and phi bins.
void calsim_m() const;
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJets(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple jet-finding algorithm (similar to UA1). Find highest
* remaining cell > ETSTOP and sum surrounding cells with --
* Keep sets with ET>EJCUT and ABS(ETA)<ETACUT. The UA1
* parameters are RJET=1.0 and EJCUT=5.0.
void getjet_m(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
* vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
* jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. By and
* large the candidates for deletion are: vector bosons and their
* decay products, Higgs bosons, photons as well as _primary_, i.e.
* present in the lowest multiplicity process, heavy quarks and
* any related decay products.
void caldel_m() const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Label all particles with status between ISTLO and ISTHI
* (until a particle with status ISTOP is found) as final-state,
* call calsim_m and then put labels back to normal. This
* version keeps only all IST=1 particles rejected by caldel as
* daughters of vetoed heavy-quark mothers: jets complementary
* to those reconstructed by caldel.
void caldel_hvq() const;
* Get the particles from lastXCombPtr filling the pair
* preshowerISPs_ and particle pointer vector preshowerFSPs_.
void getPreshowerParticles() const;
* Get the particles from eventHandler()->currentEvent()->...
* filling the particle pairs showeredISHs_, showeredISPs_,
* showeredRems_ and the particle pointer vector showeredFSPs_.
void getShoweredParticles() const;
* Allows printing of debug output and sanity checks like
* total momentum consrvation to be carried out.
* debugLevel = -1, 0, ...5
* = no debugging, minimal debugging, ... verbose.
void doSanityChecks(int debugLevel) const;
* Given a pointer to a particle this finds all its final state
* descendents.
void getDescendents(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Accumulates all descendents of tops down to the b and W
* but not including them.
void getTopRadiation(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Sorts a given vector of particles by descending pT or ETJET
ParticleVector pTsort(ParticleVector unsortedVec);
pair< vector<Energy>, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> > ETsort(vector<Energy> unsortedetjet, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> unsortedVec);
* A function that prints a vector of Lorentz5Momenta in a fancy way
void printMomVec(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momVec);
* A probability function for varying etclus_ about the mean value
Energy etclusran_(double petc) const;
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<AlpGenHandler> initAlpGenHandler;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
AlpGenHandler & operator=(const AlpGenHandler &);
* Initial-state incoming partons prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable PPair preshowerISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering _to_be_removed_
* from preShowerFSPs_ prior to the light-parton-light-jet matching
* step. This same list is the starting point for determining
* partonsToMatch_ for the case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPsToDelete_;
* Initial-state incoming hadrons after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->incoming()).
mutable PPair showeredISHs_;
* Initial-state incoming partons after shower of hard process
* (look for partonic children of showeredISHs_).
mutable PPair showeredISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->getFinalState()).
mutable tPVector showeredFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* _to_be_removed_ from showeredFSPs_ prior to the
* light-parton-light-jet matching step. This same list is the
* starting point for determining particlesToCluster_ for the
* case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector showeredFSPsToDelete_;
* ONLY the final-state partons from preshowerFSPs_ that are
* supposed to enter the jet-parton matching.
mutable ParticleVector partonsToMatch_;
* The shower progenitors
mutable PPtr theProgenitor;
mutable PPtr theLastProgenitor;
* ONLY the final-state particles from showeredFSPs_ (and maybe
* also showeredRems_) that are supposed to go for jet clustering.
mutable tPVector particlesToCluster_;
* Final-state remnants after shower of hard process
* (look for remnants initially in showeredFSPs_).
mutable PPair showeredRems_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS_;
* Information extracted from the XComb object
* The fixed factorization scale used in the MEs.
Energy pdfScale_;
* Centre of mass energy
Energy2 sHat_;
* Constant alphaS used to generate LH events - if not already
* using CKKW scale (ickkw = 1 in AlpGen for example).
double alphaSME_;
* Number of rapidity segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncy_;
* Number of phi segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncphi_;
* Heavy flavour in WQQ,ZQQ,2Q etc (4=c, 5=b, 6=t).
int ihvy_;
* Number of photons in the AlpGen process.
int nph_;
* Number of higgses in the AlpGen process.
int nh_;
* Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable Energy etclus_;
* Mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy etclusmean_;
* maximum deviation from mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy epsetclus_;
* Cone size used in jet clustering (in merging).
double rclus_;
* Max |eta| for jets in clustering (in merging).
double etaclmax_;
* Default 1.5 factor used to decide if a jet matches a parton
* in merging: if DR(parton,jet)<rclusfactor*rclus the parton
* and jet are said to have been matched.
double rclusfactor_;
* The AlpGen hard process code. Relation to the AlpGen process names:
* 1: wqq, 2: zqq, 3: wjet, 4: zjet, 5: vbjet, 6: 2Q, 8: QQh, 9: Njet,
* 10: wcjet, 11: phjet, 12: hjet, 13: top, 14: wphjet, 15: wphqq,
* 16: 2Qph.
int ihrd_;
* The number of light jets in the AlpGen process (i.e. the 'extra' ones).
int njets_;
* Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation (used for hvq merging).
double drjmin_;
* This flags that the highest multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
bool highestMultiplicity_;
* This flags that the highest NLO multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
bool highestNLOMultiplicity_;
* This flags whether the etclus_ (merging scale) should be fixed or variable according to a prob. distribution around the mean
bool etclusfixed_;
* The forwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmax_;
* The backwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmin_;
* The jet algorithm used for parton-jet matching in the MLM procedure.
int jetAlgorithm_;
* Allows the vetoing to be turned off completely - just for convenience.
bool vetoIsTurnedOff_;
* Signals that the LH file being read-in is a NLO (Powheg one).
bool inputIsNLO_;
* Cosine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Cosine goes from +1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
mutable vector<double> cphcal_;
* Sine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Sine goes 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
mutable vector<double> sphcal_;
* Cosine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Cosine goes from -1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
mutable vector<double> cthcal_;
* Sine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Sine goes from 0 ---> +1 ---> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
mutable vector<double> sthcal_;
* Transverse energy deposit in a given calorimeter cell.
* First array index corresponds to rapidity index of cell,
* second array index corresponds to phi cell index.
mutable vector<vector<Energy> > et_;
* For a given calorimeter cell this holds the index of the jet
* that the cell was clustered into.
mutable vector<vector<int> > jetIdx_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet.
mutable vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjet_;
* Vector holding the list of FS particles resulting from
* the particle input to getDescendents.
mutable ParticleVector tmpList_;
* Variables for the C++ translation of the calini_m(), calsim_m(),
* getjet_m(...) and caldel_m() functions
mutable vector<Energy> etjet_;
mutable double dely_, delphi_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of AlpGenHandler. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::AlpGenHandler,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of AlpGenHandler. */
typedef Herwig::QTildeShowerHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the AlpGenHandler class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::AlpGenHandler>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::AlpGenHandler> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::AlpGenHandler"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* AlpGenHandler is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class AlpGenHandler depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_AlpGenHandler_H */
diff --git a/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h b/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
--- a/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
+++ b/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
@@ -1,640 +1,640 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H
#define HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the FxFxHandler class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/CompSelector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/XSecStat.h"
namespace Herwig {
class FxFxHandler;
//declaration of thepeg ptr
namespace ThePEG {
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
typedef vector< string > split_vector_type;
* Here is the documentation of the FxFxHandler class.
* @see \ref FxFxHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for FxFxHandler.
class FxFxHandler: public QTildeShowerHandler {
* FxFxHandler should have access to our private parts.
friend class FxFxEventHandler;
friend class FxFxReader;
* The default constructor.
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Finalize the object
virtual void dofinish();
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* Hook to allow vetoing of event after showering hard sub-process
* as in e.g. MLM merging.
virtual bool showerHardProcessVeto() const;
* information for FxFx merging
mutable int npLO_;
mutable int npNLO_;
* information for tree-level merging
mutable vector<double> ptclust_;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* whether a heavy quark has been found in the merging
mutable bool hvqfound = false;
* Run MLM jet-parton matching on the 'extra' jets.
bool lightJetPartonVeto();
* Function that calculates deltaR between a parton and a jet
double partonJetDeltaR(ThePEG::tPPtr partonptr, LorentzMomentum jetmom) const;
* Function that calculates deltaR between two jets
double partonJetDeltaR(LorentzMomentum jetmom1, LorentzMomentum jetmom2) const;
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJets(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJetsToMatch(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
* vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
* jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. By and
* large the candidates for deletion are: vector bosons and their
* decay products, Higgs bosons, photons as well as _primary_, i.e.
* present in the lowest multiplicity process, heavy quarks and
* any related decay products.
void caldel_m() const;
* Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
* vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
* jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. The candidates
* are chosen according to the information passed from madgraph.
void caldel_mg() const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Label all particles with status between ISTLO and ISTHI
* (until a particle with status ISTOP is found) as final-state,
* call calsim_m and then put labels back to normal. This
* version keeps only all IST=1 particles rejected by caldel as
* daughters of vetoed heavy-quark mothers: jets complementary
* to those reconstructed by caldel.
void caldel_hvq() const;
* get the MG5_aMC information required for FxFx merging
void getnpFxFx() const;
* get the MG5_aMC information required for FxFx merging
void getECOM() const;
* get the MG5_aMC information required for tree-level merging
void getptclust() const;
* Erases all occurences of a substring from a string
void erase_substr(std::string& subject, const std::string& search) const;
* Get the particles from lastXCombPtr filling the pair
* preshowerISPs_ and particle pointer vector preshowerFSPs_.
void getPreshowerParticles() const;
* Get the particles from eventHandler()->currentEvent()->...
* filling the particle pairs showeredISHs_, showeredISPs_,
* showeredRems_ and the particle pointer vector showeredFSPs_.
void getShoweredParticles() const;
* Allows printing of debug output and sanity checks like
* total momentum consrvation to be carried out.
* debugLevel = -1, 0, ...5
* = no debugging, minimal debugging, ... verbose.
void doSanityChecks(int debugLevel) const;
* Given a pointer to a particle this finds all its final state
* descendents.
void getDescendents(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Accumulates all descendents of tops down to the b and W
* but not including them.
void getTopRadiation(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Sorts a given vector of particles by descending pT or ETJET
ParticleVector pTsort(ParticleVector unsortedVec);
pair< vector<Energy>, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> > ETsort(vector<Energy> unsortedetjet, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> unsortedVec);
* A function that prints a vector of Lorentz5Momenta in a fancy way
void printMomVec(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momVec);
* A probability function for varying etclus_ about the mean value
Energy etclusran_(double petc) const;
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<FxFxHandler> initFxFxHandler;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
FxFxHandler & operator=(const FxFxHandler &);
* Initial-state incoming partons prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable PPair preshowerISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering _to_be_removed_
* from preShowerFSPs_ prior to the light-parton-light-jet matching
* step. This same list is the starting point for determining
* partonsToMatch_ for the case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPsToDelete_;
* Initial-state incoming hadrons after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->incoming()).
mutable PPair showeredISHs_;
* Initial-state incoming partons after shower of hard process
* (look for partonic children of showeredISHs_).
mutable PPair showeredISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->getFinalState()).
mutable tPVector showeredFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* _to_be_removed_ from showeredFSPs_ prior to the
* light-parton-light-jet matching step. This same list is the
* starting point for determining particlesToCluster_ for the
* case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector showeredFSPsToDelete_;
* ONLY the final-state partons from preshowerFSPs_ that are
* supposed to enter the jet-parton matching.
mutable ParticleVector partonsToMatch_;
* The shower progenitors
mutable PPtr theProgenitor;
mutable PPtr theLastProgenitor;
* ONLY the final-state particles from showeredFSPs_ (and maybe
* also showeredRems_) that are supposed to go for jet clustering.
mutable tPVector particlesToCluster_;
* Final-state remnants after shower of hard process
* (look for remnants initially in showeredFSPs_).
mutable PPair showeredRems_;
* the COM of the incoming hadrons
mutable double ECOM_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS_;
* Information extracted from the XComb object
* The fixed factorization scale used in the MEs.
Energy pdfScale_;
* Centre of mass energy
Energy2 sHat_;
* Constant alphaS used to generate LH events - if not already
* using CKKW scale (ickkw = 1 in AlpGen for example).
double alphaSME_;
* Number of rapidity segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncy_;
* Number of phi segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncphi_;
* Heavy flavour in WQQ,ZQQ,2Q etc (4=c, 5=b, 6=t).
int ihvy_;
* Number of photons in the AlpGen process.
int nph_;
* Number of higgses in the AlpGen process.
int nh_;
* Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable Energy etclus_;
* Mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy etclusmean_;
* maximum deviation from mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy epsetclus_;
* Cone size used in jet clustering (in merging).
double rclus_;
* Max |eta| for jets in clustering (in merging).
double etaclmax_;
* Default 1.5 factor used to decide if a jet matches a parton
* in merging: if DR(parton,jet)<rclusfactor*rclus the parton
* and jet are said to have been matched.
double rclusfactor_;
* Determines whether to detect the hard process or to manually determine which particles
* to include in the merging. If False, then the ihrd code below is used.
bool hpdetect_;
* The AlpGen hard process code. Relation to the AlpGen process names:
* 1: wqq, 2: zqq, 3: wjet, 4: zjet, 5: vbjet, 6: 2Q, 8: QQh, 9: Njet,
* 10: wcjet, 11: phjet, 12: hjet, 13: top, 14: wphjet, 15: wphqq,
* 16: 2Qph.
int ihrd_;
* The number of light jets in the AlpGen process (i.e. the 'extra' ones).
int njets_;
* Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation (used for hvq merging).
double drjmin_;
* This flags that the highest multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
mutable bool highestMultiplicity_;
* This flags whether the etclus_ (merging scale) should be fixed or variable according to a prob. distribution around the mean
bool etclusfixed_;
* The forwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmax_;
* The backwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmin_;
* The jet algorithm used for parton-jet matching in the MLM procedure.
int jetAlgorithm_;
* The merging mode (FxFx vs tree-level) used.
int mergemode_;
* Allows the vetoing to be turned off completely - just for convenience.
bool vetoIsTurnedOff_;
* Allows the vetoing on heavy quark decay products to be turned off.
bool vetoHeavyQ_;
* Allows vetoing of heavy flavour
bool vetoHeavyFlavour_;
* Veto if there exist softer unmatched jets than matched
bool vetoSoftThanMatched_;
* Cosine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Cosine goes from +1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
vector<double> cphcal_;
* Sine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Sine goes 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
vector<double> sphcal_;
* Cosine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Cosine goes from -1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
vector<double> cthcal_;
* Sine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Sine goes from 0 ---> +1 ---> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
vector<double> sthcal_;
* Transverse energy deposit in a given calorimeter cell.
* First array index corresponds to rapidity index of cell,
* second array index corresponds to phi cell index.
vector<vector<Energy> > et_;
* For a given calorimeter cell this holds the index of the jet
* that the cell was clustered into.
vector<vector<int> > jetIdx_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet.
mutable vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjet_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet from ME partons
mutable vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjetME_;
* Vector holding the list of FS particles resulting from
* the particle input to getDescendents.
mutable ParticleVector tmpList_;
* Variables for the C++ translation of the calini_m(), calsim_m(),
* getjet_m(...) and caldel_m() functions
mutable vector<Energy> etjet_;
vector<Energy> etjetME_;
mutable double dely_, delphi_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of FxFxHandler. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::FxFxHandler,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of FxFxHandler. */
typedef Herwig::QTildeShowerHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the FxFxHandler class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::FxFxHandler>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::FxFxHandler> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::FxFxHandler"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* FxFxHandler is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class FxFxHandler depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H */
diff --git a/Contrib/HiggsPairOL/AlpGenHandlerOL.h b/Contrib/HiggsPairOL/AlpGenHandlerOL.h
--- a/Contrib/HiggsPairOL/AlpGenHandlerOL.h
+++ b/Contrib/HiggsPairOL/AlpGenHandlerOL.h
@@ -1,587 +1,587 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_AlpGenHandlerOL_H
#define HERWIG_AlpGenHandlerOL_H
// This is the declaration of the AlpGenHandlerOL class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
#include "HiggsPair.h"
namespace Herwig {
class AlpGenHandlerOL;
//declaration of thepeg ptr
namespace ThePEG {
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the AlpGenHandlerOL class.
* @see \ref AlpGenHandlerOLInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for AlpGenHandlerOL.
class AlpGenHandlerOL: public QTildeShowerHandler {
* The default constructor.
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Finalize the object
virtual void dofinish();
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* Hook to allow vetoing of event after showering hard sub-process
* as in e.g. MLM merging.
virtual bool showerHardProcessVeto() const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Run MLM jet-parton matching on the 'extra' jets.
bool lightJetPartonVeto();
* Function that calculates deltaR between a parton and a jet
double partonJetDeltaR(ThePEG::tPPtr partonptr, LorentzMomentum jetmom) const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Initialize calorimeter for calsim_m and getjet_m. Note that
* because initialization is separte calsim_m can be called more
* than once to simulate pileup of several events.
void calini_m() const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple calorimeter simulation - assume uniform Y and phi bins.
void calsim_m() const;
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJets(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple jet-finding algorithm (similar to UA1). Find highest
* remaining cell > ETSTOP and sum surrounding cells with --
* Keep sets with ET>EJCUT and ABS(ETA)<ETACUT. The UA1
* parameters are RJET=1.0 and EJCUT=5.0.
void getjet_m(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) const;
* Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
* vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
* jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. By and
* large the candidates for deletion are: vector bosons and their
* decay products, Higgs bosons, photons as well as _primary_, i.e.
* present in the lowest multiplicity process, heavy quarks and
* any related decay products.
void caldel_m() const;
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Label all particles with status between ISTLO and ISTHI
* (until a particle with status ISTOP is found) as final-state,
* call calsim_m and then put labels back to normal. This
* version keeps only all IST=1 particles rejected by caldel as
* daughters of vetoed heavy-quark mothers: jets complementary
* to those reconstructed by caldel.
void caldel_hvq() const;
* Get the particles from lastXCombPtr filling the pair
* preshowerISPs_ and particle pointer vector preshowerFSPs_.
void getPreshowerParticles() const;
* Get the particles from eventHandler()->currentEvent()->...
* filling the particle pairs showeredISHs_, showeredISPs_,
* showeredRems_ and the particle pointer vector showeredFSPs_.
void getShoweredParticles() const;
* Allows printing of debug output and sanity checks like
* total momentum consrvation to be carried out.
* debugLevel = -1, 0, ...5
* = no debugging, minimal debugging, ... verbose.
void doSanityChecks(int debugLevel) const;
* Given a pointer to a particle this finds all its final state
* descendents.
void getDescendents(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Accumulates all descendents of tops down to the b and W
* but not including them.
void getTopRadiation(PPtr theParticle) const;
* Sorts a given vector of particles by descending pT or ETJET
ParticleVector pTsort(ParticleVector unsortedVec);
pair< vector<Energy>, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> > ETsort(vector<Energy> unsortedetjet, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> unsortedVec);
* A function that prints a vector of Lorentz5Momenta in a fancy way
void printMomVec(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momVec);
* A probability function for varying etclus_ about the mean value
Energy etclusran_(double petc) const;
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<AlpGenHandlerOL> initAlpGenHandlerOL;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
AlpGenHandlerOL & operator=(const AlpGenHandlerOL &);
* Initial-state incoming partons prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable PPair preshowerISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering _to_be_removed_
* from preShowerFSPs_ prior to the light-parton-light-jet matching
* step. This same list is the starting point for determining
* partonsToMatch_ for the case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector preshowerFSPsToDelete_;
* Initial-state incoming hadrons after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->incoming()).
mutable PPair showeredISHs_;
* Initial-state incoming partons after shower of hard process
* (look for partonic children of showeredISHs_).
mutable PPair showeredISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->getFinalState()).
mutable tPVector showeredFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* _to_be_removed_ from showeredFSPs_ prior to the
* light-parton-light-jet matching step. This same list is the
* starting point for determining particlesToCluster_ for the
* case of merging in heavy quark production.
mutable ParticleVector showeredFSPsToDelete_;
* ONLY the final-state partons from preshowerFSPs_ that are
* supposed to enter the jet-parton matching.
mutable ParticleVector partonsToMatch_;
* The shower progenitors
mutable PPtr theProgenitor;
mutable PPtr theLastProgenitor;
* ONLY the final-state particles from showeredFSPs_ (and maybe
* also showeredRems_) that are supposed to go for jet clustering.
mutable tPVector particlesToCluster_;
* Final-state remnants after shower of hard process
* (look for remnants initially in showeredFSPs_).
mutable PPair showeredRems_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
mutable ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS_;
* Information extracted from the XComb object
* The fixed factorization scale used in the MEs.
mutable Energy pdfScale_;
* Centre of mass energy
mutable Energy2 sHat_;
* Constant alphaS used to generate LH events - if not already
* using CKKW scale (ickkw = 1 in AlpGen for example).
mutable double alphaSME_;
* Number of rapidity segments of the calorimeter.
mutable unsigned int ncy_;
* Number of phi segments of the calorimeter.
mutable unsigned int ncphi_;
* Heavy flavour in WQQ,ZQQ,2Q etc (4=c, 5=b, 6=t).
mutable int ihvy_;
* Number of photons in the AlpGen process.
mutable int nph_;
* Number of higgses in the AlpGen process.
mutable int nh_;
* Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable Energy etclus_;
* Mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable Energy etclusmean_;
* maximum deviation from mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable Energy epsetclus_;
* type of smoothing function to use
mutable unsigned int smoothingtype_;
* Cone size used in jet clustering (in merging).
mutable double rclus_;
* Max |eta| for jets in clustering (in merging).
double etaclmax_;
* Default 1.5 factor used to decide if a jet matches a parton
* in merging: if DR(parton,jet)<rclusfactor*rclus the parton
* and jet are said to have been matched.
double rclusfactor_;
* The AlpGen hard process code. Relation to the AlpGen process names:
* 1: wqq, 2: zqq, 3: wjet, 4: zjet, 5: vbjet, 6: 2Q, 8: QQh, 9: Njet,
* 10: wcjet, 11: phjet, 12: hjet, 13: top, 14: wphjet, 15: wphqq,
* 16: 2Qph.
mutable int ihrd_;
* The number of light jets in the AlpGen process (i.e. the 'extra' ones).
mutable int njets_;
* Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation (used for hvq merging).
mutable double drjmin_;
* This flags that the highest multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
mutable bool highestMultiplicity_;
* This is the highest number of jets to be included in the matching.
* This implies that exclusive rates will be calculated up to highestNjets_-1 and
* inclusive for highestNjets_.
mutable int highestNjets_;
* This flags that the highest NLO multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
mutable bool highestNLOMultiplicity_;
* This flags whether the etclus_ (merging scale) should be fixed or variable according to a prob. distribution around the mean
mutable bool etclusfixed_;
* The forwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
mutable double ycmax_;
* The backwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
mutable double ycmin_;
* The jet algorithm used for parton-jet matching in the MLM procedure.
mutable int jetAlgorithm_;
* Allows the vetoing to be turned off completely - just for convenience.
mutable bool vetoIsTurnedOff_;
* Switch between original and OpenLoops implementations of the handler
mutable int vetoType_;
* Signals that the LH file being read-in is a NLO (Powheg one).
mutable bool inputIsNLO_;
* Cosine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Cosine goes from +1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
mutable vector<double> cphcal_;
* Sine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Sine goes 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
mutable vector<double> sphcal_;
* Cosine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Cosine goes from -1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
mutable vector<double> cthcal_;
* Sine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Sine goes from 0 ---> +1 ---> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
mutable vector<double> sthcal_;
* Transverse energy deposit in a given calorimeter cell.
* First array index corresponds to rapidity index of cell,
* second array index corresponds to phi cell index.
mutable vector<vector<Energy> > et_;
* For a given calorimeter cell this holds the index of the jet
* that the cell was clustered into.
mutable vector<vector<int> > jetIdx_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet.
mutable vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjet_;
* Vector holding the list of FS particles resulting from
* the particle input to getDescendents.
mutable ParticleVector tmpList_;
* Variables for the C++ translation of the calini_m(), calsim_m(),
* getjet_m(...) and caldel_m() functions
mutable vector<Energy> etjet_;
mutable double dely_, delphi_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of AlpGenHandlerOL. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::AlpGenHandlerOL,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of AlpGenHandlerOL. */
typedef Herwig::QTildeShowerHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the AlpGenHandlerOL class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::AlpGenHandlerOL>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::AlpGenHandlerOL> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::AlpGenHandlerOL"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* AlpGenHandlerOL is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class AlpGenHandlerOL depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_AlpGenHandlerOL_H */
diff --git a/Decay/Perturbative/ b/Decay/Perturbative/
--- a/Decay/Perturbative/
+++ b/Decay/Perturbative/
@@ -1,393 +1,393 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the SMHiggsFermionsDecayer class.
#include "SMHiggsFermionsDecayer.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/DecayVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/ScalarSpinInfo.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/FermionSpinInfo.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/GeneralDecayMatrixElement.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::SMHiggsFermionsDecayer() :
CF_(4./3.), NLO_(false) {
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::doinit() {
// get the vertices from the Standard Model object
tcHwSMPtr hwsm=dynamic_ptr_cast<tcHwSMPtr>(standardModel());
throw InitException() << "SMHiggsFermionsDecayer needs the StandardModel class"
<< " to be either the Herwig one or a class inheriting"
<< " from it";
_hvertex = hwsm->vertexFFH();
// make sure they are initialized
// get the width generator for the higgs
tPDPtr higgs = getParticleData(ParticleID::h0);
// set up the decay modes
vector<double> wgt(0);
unsigned int imode=0;
tPDVector extpart(3);
DecayPhaseSpaceModePtr mode;
int iy;
for(unsigned int istep=0;istep<11;istep+=10) {
for(unsigned ix=1;ix<7;++ix) {
if(istep<10||ix%2!=0) {
iy = ix+istep;
extpart[1]=getParticleData( iy);
mode = new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceMode(extpart,this));
// Energy quarkMass = getParticleData(ParticleID::b )->mass();
// Energy higgsMass = getParticleData(ParticleID::h0)->mass();
// double mu = quarkMass/higgsMass;
// double beta = sqrt(1.-4.*sqr(mu));
// double beta2 = sqr(beta);
// double aS = SM().alphaS(sqr(higgsMass));
// double L = log((1.+beta)/(1.-beta));
// cerr << "testing " << beta << " " << mu << "\n";
// cerr << "testing " << aS << " " << L << "\n";
// double fact =
// 6.-0.75*(1.+beta2)/beta2+12.*log(mu)-8.*log(beta)
// +(5./beta-2.*beta+0.375*sqr(1.-beta2)/beta2/beta)*L
// +(1.+beta2)/beta*(4.*L*log(0.5*(1.+beta)/beta)
// -2.*log(0.5*(1.+beta))*log(0.5*(1.-beta))
// +8.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2((1.-beta)/(1.+beta))
// -4.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2(0.5*(1.-beta)));
// cerr << "testing correction "
// << 1.+4./3.*aS/Constants::twopi*fact
// << "\n";
// double real = 4./3.*aS/Constants::twopi*
// (8.-0.75*(1.+beta2)/beta2+8.*log(mu)-8.*log(beta)
// +(3./beta+0.375*sqr(1.-beta2)/pow(beta,3))*L
// +(1.+beta2)/beta*(-0.5*sqr(L)+4.*L*log(0.5*(1.+beta))
// -2.*L*log(beta)-2.*log(0.5*(1.+beta))*log(0.5*(1.-beta))
// +6.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2((1.-beta)/(1.+beta))
// -4.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2(0.5*(1.-beta))
// -2./3.*sqr(Constants::pi)));
// double virt = 4./3.*aS/Constants::twopi*
// (-2.+4.*log(mu)+(2./beta-2.*beta)*L
// +(1.+beta2)/beta*(0.5*sqr(L)-2.*L*log(beta)+2.*sqr(Constants::pi)/3.
// +2.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2((1.-beta)/(1.+beta))));
// cerr << "testing real " << real << "\n";
// cerr << "testing virtual " << virt << "\n";
// cerr << "testing total no mb corr " << 1.+real+virt << "\n";
// cerr << "testing total mb corr " << 1.+real+virt +(8./3. - 2.*log(sqr(mu)))*aS/Constants::pi << "\n";
// InvEnergy2 Gf = 1.166371e-5/GeV2;
// Gf = sqrt(2.)*4*Constants::pi*SM().alphaEM(sqr(higgsMass))/8./SM().sin2ThetaW()/
// sqr(getParticleData(ParticleID::Wplus)->mass());
// cerr << "testing GF " << Gf*GeV2 << "\n";
// Energy LO = (3./8./Constants::pi)*sqrt(2)*sqr(quarkMass)*Gf*higgsMass*beta*beta*beta;
// cerr << "testing LO " << LO/GeV << "\n";
// cerr << "testing quark mass " << quarkMass/GeV << "\n";
// cerr << "testing gamma " << (1.+real+virt)*LO/MeV << "\n";
bool SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::accept(tcPDPtr parent, const tPDVector & children) const {
if(parent->id()!=ParticleID::h0||children.size()!=2) return false;
tPDVector::const_iterator pit = children.begin();
int id1=(**pit).id();
int id2=(**pit).id();
return true;
return false;
ParticleVector SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::decay(const Particle & parent,
const tPDVector & children) const {
// id's of the decaying particles
tPDVector::const_iterator pit(children.begin());
int id1((**pit).id());
int imode=-1;
if(abs(id1)<=6) imode = abs(id1)-1;
else if(abs(id1)>=11&&abs(id1)<=16) imode = (abs(id1)-11)/2+6;
ParticleVector output(generate(false,false,imode,parent));
// set up the colour flow
if(output[0]->hasColour()) output[0]->antiColourNeighbour(output[1]);
else if(output[1]->hasColour()) output[1]->antiColourNeighbour(output[0]);
return output;
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _maxwgt << _hvertex << NLO_;
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _maxwgt >> _hvertex >> NLO_;
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigSMHiggsFermionsDecayer("Herwig::SMHiggsFermionsDecayer", "");
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<SMHiggsFermionsDecayer> documentation
("The SMHiggsFermionsDecayer class implements the decat of the Standard Model"
" Higgs boson to the Standard Model fermions");
static ParVector<SMHiggsFermionsDecayer,double> interfaceMaxWeights
"Maximum weights for the various decays",
&SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::_maxwgt, 9, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<SMHiggsFermionsDecayer,bool> interfaceNLO
"Whether to return the LO or NLO result",
&SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::NLO_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceNLOLO
"Leading-order result",
static SwitchOption interfaceNLONLO
"NLO result",
// return the matrix element squared
double SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::me2(const int, const Particle & part,
const ParticleVector & decay,
MEOption meopt) const {
int iferm(1),ianti(0);
if(decay[0]->id()>0) swap(iferm,ianti);
if(meopt==Initialize) {
_swave = ScalarWaveFunction(part.momentum(),part.dataPtr(),incoming);
if(meopt==Terminate) {
constructSpinInfo(_wave ,decay[ianti],outgoing,true);
return 0.;
calculateWaveFunctions(_wave ,decay[ianti],outgoing);
Energy2 scale(sqr(part.mass()));
unsigned int ifm,ia;
for(ifm=0;ifm<2;++ifm) {
for(ia=0;ia<2;++ia) {
int id = abs(decay[0]->id());
double output=(ME()->contract(_rho)).real()*UnitRemoval::E2/scale;
if(id <=6) output*=3.;
// test of the partial width
// Ptr<Herwig::StandardModel>::transient_const_pointer
// hwsm=dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<Herwig::StandardModel>::transient_const_pointer>(standardModel());
// double g2(hwsm->alphaEM(scale)*4.*Constants::pi/hwsm->sin2ThetaW());
// Energy mass(hwsm->mass(scale,decay[0]->dataPtr())),
// mw(getParticleData(ParticleID::Wplus)->mass());
// double beta(sqrt(1.-4.*decay[0]->mass()*decay[0]->mass()/scale));
// cerr << "testing alpha " << hwsm->alphaEM(scale) << "\n";
// Energy test(g2*mass*mass*beta*beta*beta*part.mass()/32./Constants::pi/mw/mw);
// if(abs(decay[0]->id())<=6){test *=3.;}
// cout << "testing the answer " << output << " "
// << test/GeV
// << endl;
// leading-order result
if(!NLO_) return output;
// fermion mass
Energy particleMass = decay[0]->dataPtr()->mass();
// check decay products coloured, otherwise return
particleMass==ZERO) return output;
// inital masses, couplings etc
// higgs mass
mHiggs_ = part.mass();
// strong coupling
aS_ = SM().alphaS(sqr(mHiggs_));
// reduced mass
mu_ = particleMass/mHiggs_;
mu2_ = sqr(mu_);
// generate y
double yminus = 0.;
double yplus = 1.-2.*mu_*(1.-mu_)/(1.-2*mu2_);
double y = yminus + UseRandom::rnd()*(yplus-yminus);
//generate z for D31,2
double v = sqrt(sqr(2.*mu2_+(1.-2.*mu2_)*(1.-y))-4.*mu2_)/(1.-2.*mu2_)/(1.-y);
double zplus = (1.+v)*(1.-2.*mu2_)*y/2./(mu2_ +(1.-2.*mu2_)*y);
double zminus = (1.-v)*(1.-2.*mu2_)*y/2./(mu2_ +(1.-2.*mu2_)*y);
double z = zminus + UseRandom::rnd()*(zplus-zminus);
// map y,z to x1,x2 for both possible emissions
double x2 = 1. - y*(1.-2.*mu2_);
double x1 = 1. - z*(x2-2.*mu2_);
//get the dipoles
InvEnergy2 D1 = dipoleSubtractionTerm( x1, x2);
InvEnergy2 D2 = dipoleSubtractionTerm( x2, x1);
InvEnergy2 dipoleSum = abs(D1) + abs(D2);
double jac = (1.-y)*(yplus-yminus)*(zplus-zminus);
//calculate real
Energy2 realPrefactor = 0.25*sqr(mHiggs_)*sqr(1.-2.*mu2_)
InvEnergy2 realEmission = 4.*Constants::pi*aS_*CF_*calculateRealEmission( x1, x2);
// calculate the virtual
double virtualTerm = calculateVirtualTerm();
// running mass correction
virtualTerm += (8./3. - 2.*log(mu2_))*aS_/Constants::pi;
//answer = (born + virtual + real)/born * LO
output *= 1. + virtualTerm + 2.*jac*realPrefactor*(realEmission*abs(D1)/dipoleSum - D1);
// return the answer
return output;
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & os,bool header) const {
if(header) os << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
// parameters for the PerturbativeDecayer base class
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_maxwgt.size();++ix) {
os << "newdef " << name() << ":MaxWeights " << ix << " "
<< _maxwgt[ix] << "\n";
if(header) os << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;
void SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::doinitrun() {
if(initialize()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<numberModes();++ix) {
_maxwgt[ix] = mode(ix)->maxWeight();
//calculate lambda
double SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::calculateLambda(double x, double y, double z) const{
return sqr(x)+sqr(y)+sqr(z)-2.*x*y-2.*x*z-2.*y*z;
//calculates the dipole subtraction term for x1, D31,2 (Dij,k),
// 2 is the spectator anti-fermion and 3 is the gluon
InvEnergy2 SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::
dipoleSubtractionTerm(double x1, double x2) const{
InvEnergy2 commonPrefactor = CF_*8.*Constants::pi*aS_/sqr(mHiggs_);
return commonPrefactor/(1.-x2)*
//return ME for real emission
InvEnergy2 SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::
calculateRealEmission(double x1, double x2) const {
InvEnergy2 prefactor = 2./sqr(mHiggs_)/(1.-4.*mu2_);
return prefactor*(2. + (1.-x1)/(1.-x2) + (1.-x2)/(1.-x1)
+ 2.*(1.-2.*mu2_)*(1.-4.*mu2_)/(1.-x1)/(1.-x2)
- 2.*(1.-4.*mu2_)*(1./(1.-x2)+1./(1.-x1))
- 2.*mu2_*(1.-4.*mu2_)*(1./sqr(1.-x2)+1./sqr(1.-x1)));
double SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::
calculateVirtualTerm() const {
// logs and prefactors
double beta = sqrt(1.-4.*mu2_);
double L = log((1.+beta)/(1.-beta));
double prefactor = CF_*aS_/Constants::twopi;
// non-singlet piece
double nonSingletTerm = calculateNonSingletTerm(beta, L);
double virtualTerm =
-2.+4.*log(mu_)+(2./beta - 2.*beta)*L
+ (2.-4.*mu2_)/beta*(0.5*sqr(L) - 2.*L*log(beta)
+ 2.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2((1.-beta)/(1.+beta))
+ 2.*sqr(Constants::pi)/3.);
double iEpsilonTerm =
2.*(3.-sqr(Constants::pi)/2. + 0.5*log(mu2_) - 1.5*log(1.-2.*mu2_)
+ nonSingletTerm);
return prefactor*(virtualTerm+iEpsilonTerm);
//non-singlet piece of I(epsilon) insertion operator
double SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::
calculateNonSingletTerm(double beta, double L) const {
return 1.5*log(1.-2.*mu2_)
+ (1.-2.*mu2_)/beta*(- 2.*L*log(4.*(1.-2.*mu2_)/sqr(1.+beta))+
+ 2.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2(sqr((1.-beta)/(1.+beta)))
- 2.*Herwig::Math::ReLi2(2.*beta/(1.+beta))
- sqr(Constants::pi)/6.)
+ log(1.-mu_)
- 2.*log(1.-2.*mu_)
- 2.*mu2_/(1.-2.*mu2_)*log(mu_/(1.-mu_))
- mu_/(1.-mu_)
+ 2.*mu_*(2*mu_-1.)/(1.-2.*mu2_)
+ 0.5*sqr(Constants::pi);
double SMHiggsFermionsDecayer::matrixElementRatio(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay2,
const ParticleVector & decay3, MEOption,
ShowerInteraction inter) {
mHiggs_ = inpart.mass();
mu_ = decay2[0]->mass()/mHiggs_;
mu2_ = sqr(mu_);
double x1 = 2.*decay3[0]->momentum().t()/mHiggs_;
double x2 = 2.*decay3[1]->momentum().t()/mHiggs_;
double pre = inter==ShowerInteraction::QCD ? CF_ : sqr(double(decay2[0]->dataPtr()->iCharge())/3.);
return pre*calculateRealEmission(x1,x2)*4.*Constants::pi*sqr(mHiggs_);
diff --git a/Decay/Perturbative/SMTopDecayer.h b/Decay/Perturbative/SMTopDecayer.h
--- a/Decay/Perturbative/SMTopDecayer.h
+++ b/Decay/Perturbative/SMTopDecayer.h
@@ -1,408 +1,408 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SMTopDecayer.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SMTopDecayer_H
#define HERWIG_SMTopDecayer_H
// This is the declaration of the SMTopDecayer class.
#include "Herwig/Decay/PerturbativeDecayer.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/AbstractFFVVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/AbstractVVVVertex.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/DecayPhaseSpaceMode.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardModel.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
* \ingroup Decay
* The SMTopDecayer performs decays of the top quark into
* the bottom quark and qqbar pairs or to the bottom quark and lepton
* neutrino pairs via W boson exchange.
class SMTopDecayer: public PerturbativeDecayer {
* The default constructor.
* Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes
* which implement hard corrections
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return true;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr , double & ,
double & );
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return FSR;}
* Which of the possible decays is required
virtual int modeNumber(bool & , tcPDPtr , const tPDVector & ) const {return -1;}
* Check if this decayer can perfom the decay for a particular mode.
* Uses the modeNumber member but can be overridden
* @param parent The decaying particle
* @param children The decay products
virtual bool accept(tcPDPtr parent, const tPDVector & children) const;
* For a given decay mode and a given particle instance, perform the
* decay and return the decay products. As this is the base class this
* is not implemented.
* @return The vector of particles produced in the decay.
virtual ParticleVector decay(const Particle & parent,
const tPDVector & children) const;
* Return the matrix element squared for a given mode and phase-space channel.
* @param ichan The channel we are calculating the matrix element for.
* @param part The decaying Particle.
* @param decay The particles produced in the decay.
* @param meopt Option for the calculation of the matrix element
* @return The matrix element squared for the phase-space configuration.
virtual double me2(const int ichan, const Particle & part,
const ParticleVector & decay, MEOption meopt) const;
* Method to return an object to calculate the 3 (or higher body) partial width
* @param dm The DecayMode
* @return A pointer to a WidthCalculatorBase object capable of calculating the width
virtual WidthCalculatorBasePtr threeBodyMEIntegrator(const DecayMode & dm) const;
* The differential three body decay rate with one integral performed.
* @param imode The mode for which the matrix element is needed.
* @param q2 The scale, \e i.e. the mass squared of the decaying particle.
* @param s The invariant mass which still needs to be integrate over.
* @param m1 The mass of the first outgoing particle.
* @param m2 The mass of the second outgoing particle.
* @param m3 The mass of the third outgoing particle.
* @return The differential rate \f$\frac{d\Gamma}{ds}\f$
virtual InvEnergy threeBodydGammads(const int imode, const Energy2 q2,
const Energy2 s, const Energy m1,
const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const;
* Output the setup information for the particle database
* @param os The stream to output the information to
* @param header Whether or not to output the information for MySQL
virtual void dataBaseOutput(ofstream & os,bool header) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* The integrand for the integrate partial width
Energy6 dGammaIntegrand(Energy2 mffb2, Energy2 mbf2, Energy mt, Energy mb,
Energy mf, Energy mfb, Energy mw) const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* This function determines the point (\f$x_{g}\f$) where the condition that
* \f$x_{a}\f$ be real supersedes that due to the external input
* \f$\tilde{\kappa}\f$ where, again, \f$\kappa\f$ pertains to emissions from the
* b.
double xgbcut(double);
* Full matrix element with a factor of \f$\frac{\alpha_SC_F}{x_g^2\pi}\f$ removed.
* @param xw The momentum fraction of the W boson
* @param xg The momentum fraction of the gluon.
double me(double xw, double xg);
* Calculate matrix element ratio R/B
virtual double matrixElementRatio(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay2,
const ParticleVector & decay3, MEOption meopt,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* LO matrix element for \f$t\to b W^\pm\f$
double loME(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay);
* LO matrix element for \f$t\to b W^\pm\f$
double realME(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SMTopDecayer & operator=(const SMTopDecayer &);
* Pointer to the W vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFWVertex_;
* Pointer to the gluon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFGVertex_;
* Pointer to the photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPVertex_;
* Pointer to the photon vertex
AbstractVVVVertexPtr WWWVertex_;
* Max weight for integration
* Weight \f$W\to q\bar{q}'\f$
vector<double> _wquarkwgt;
* Weight \f$W\to \ell \nu\f$
vector<double> _wleptonwgt;
* Pointer to the \f$W^\pm\f$
PDPtr _wplus;
* Spin density matrix for the decay
mutable RhoDMatrix _rho;
* 1st spinor for the decay
mutable vector<SpinorWaveFunction > _inHalf;
* 2nd spinor for the decay
mutable vector<SpinorWaveFunction > _outHalf;
* 1st barred spinor for the decay
mutable vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> _inHalfBar;
* 2nd barred spinor for the decay
mutable vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> _outHalfBar;
* The mass of the W boson
Energy _ma;
* The mass of the bottom quark
Energy _mc;
* The top mass
Energy _mt;
* The gluon mass.
Energy _mg;
* The mass ratio for the W.
double _a;
* The mass ratio for the bottom.
double _c;
* The mass ratio for the gluon.
double _g;
* Two times the energy fraction of a.
double _ktb;
* Two times the energy fraction of the gluon.
double _ktc;
* Two times the energy fraction of the gluon.
double _xg;
* Two times the energy fraction of a.
double _xa;
* Two times the energy fraction of c.
double _xc;
* This determines the hard matrix element importance
* sampling in _xg. _xg_sampling=2.0 samples as 1/xg^2.
double _xg_sampling;
* The enhancement factor for initial-state radiation
double _initialenhance;
* The enhancement factor for final-state radiation
double _finalenhance;
#endif /* HERWIG_SMTopDecayer_H */
diff --git a/Decay/PerturbativeDecayer.h b/Decay/PerturbativeDecayer.h
--- a/Decay/PerturbativeDecayer.h
+++ b/Decay/PerturbativeDecayer.h
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef Herwig_PerturbativeDecayer_H
#define Herwig_PerturbativeDecayer_H
// This is the declaration of the PerturbativeDecayer class.
#include "Herwig/Decay/DecayIntegrator.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerInteraction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerInteraction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The PerturbativeDecayer class is the base class for perturbative decays in
* Herwig and implements the functuality for the POWHEG corrections
* @see \ref PerturbativeDecayerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for PerturbativeDecayer.
class PerturbativeDecayer: public DecayIntegrator {
* Type of dipole
enum dipoleType {FFa, FFc, IFa, IFc, IFba, IFbc, FFg};
* Phase-space region for an emission (assumes \f$a\to b,c\f$
enum phaseSpaceRegion {emissionFromB,emissionFromC,emissionFromA1,emissionFromA2,deadZone};
* Type of dipole
struct DipoleType {
DipoleType() {}
DipoleType(dipoleType a, ShowerInteraction b)
: type(a), interaction(b)
dipoleType type;
ShowerInteraction interaction;
* The default constructor.
PerturbativeDecayer() : inter_(ShowerInteraction::QCD),
pTmin_(GeV), useMEforT2_(true),
C_(5.), ymax_(10.), phaseOpt_(1),
pT_(ZERO),mb_(ZERO), e_(0.),
s_(0.), e2_(0.), s2_(0.), enhance_(1.)
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return No;}
* Member to generate the hardest emission in the POWHEG scheme
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Calculate matrix element ratio \f$\frac{M^2}{\alpha_S}\frac{|\overline{\rm{ME}}_3|}{|\overline{\rm{ME}}_2|}\f$
virtual double matrixElementRatio(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay2,
const ParticleVector & decay3, MEOption meopt,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* Work out the type of process
bool identifyDipoles(vector<DipoleType> & dipoles,
PPtr & aProgenitor,
PPtr & bProgenitor,
PPtr & cProgenitor,
ShowerInteraction inter) const;
* Coupling for the generation of hard QCD radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS() {return alphaS_;}
* Coupling for the generation of hard QED radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaEM() {return alphaEM_;}
* Return the momenta including the hard emission
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> hardMomenta(PPtr in, PPtr emitter,
PPtr spectator,
const vector<DipoleType> & dipoles,
int i, bool inDeadZone);
* Calculate momenta of all the particles
bool calcMomenta(int j, Energy pT, double y, double phi, double& xg,
double& xs, double& xe, double& xe_z,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>& particleMomenta);
* Check the calculated momenta are physical
bool psCheck(const double xg, const double xs);
* Return dipole corresponding to the DipoleType dipoleId
pair<double,double> calculateDipole(const DipoleType & dipoleId,
const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay3);
* Return contribution to dipole that depends on the spin of the emitter
double dipoleSpinFactor(tcPDPtr emitter, double z);
* Return the colour coefficient of the dipole
double colourCoeff(tcPDPtr emitter, tcPDPtr spectator,
tcPDPtr other, DipoleType dipole);
* Set up the colour lines
void getColourLines(RealEmissionProcessPtr real);
* Generate a hard emission
RealEmissionProcessPtr getHardEvent(RealEmissionProcessPtr born,
bool inDeadZone,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* Is the \f$x_g,x_s\f$ point in the dead-zone for all the dipoles
bool inTotalDeadZone(double xg, double xs,
const vector<DipoleType> & dipoles,
int i);
* Is the \f$x_g,x_a\f$ point in the dead-zone for an initial-final colour connection
phaseSpaceRegion inInitialFinalDeadZone(double xg, double xa, double a, double c) const;
* Is the \f$x_b,x_c\f$ point in the dead-zone for a final-final colour connection
phaseSpaceRegion inFinalFinalDeadZone(double xb, double xc, double b, double c) const;
* For me corrections use the shower or me for the T2 region
bool useMEforT2() const {return useMEforT2_;}
* Access to the kinematics for inheriting classes
* Transverse momentum of the emission
const Energy & pT() const { return pT_;}
* Mass of decaying particle
const Energy & mb() const {return mb_;}
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle
const double & e() const {return e_;}
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle
const double & s() const {return s_;}
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle squared
const double & e2() const {return e2_;}
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle squared
const double & s2() const {return s2_;}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
PerturbativeDecayer & operator=(const PerturbativeDecayer &);
* Members for the generation of the hard radiation
* Which types of radiation to generate
ShowerInteraction inter_;
* Coupling for the generation of hard QCD radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS_;
* Coupling for the generation of hard QED radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaEM_;
* Minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy pTmin_;
* This flag determines whether the T2 region in the decay shower
* (JHEP12(2003)_045) is populated by the ME correction (true) or
* the shower from the decaying particle.
bool useMEforT2_;
* Prefactor for the sampling
double C_;
* Maximum value for y
double ymax_;
* Option for phase-space sampling
unsigned int phaseOpt_;
* Mmeber variables for the kinematics of the hard emission
* Transverse momentum of the emission
Energy pT_;
* Mass of decaying particle
Energy mb_;
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle
double e_;
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle
double s_;
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle squared
double e2_;
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle squared
double s2_;
* Enhancement prefactor for special cases
mutable double enhance_;
#endif /* Herwig_PerturbativeDecayer_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/DIS/DISBase.h b/MatrixElement/DIS/DISBase.h
--- a/MatrixElement/DIS/DISBase.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/DIS/DISBase.h
@@ -1,438 +1,438 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_DISBase_H
#define HERWIG_DISBase_H
// This is the declaration of the DISBase class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The DISBase class is the base class for the implementation
* of DIS type processes including corrections in both the old
* fashioned matrix element and POWHEG approaches
* @see \ref DISBaseInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for DISBase.
class DISBase: public HwMEBase {
* The default constructor.
* The default constructor.
virtual ~DISBase();
* Members for the old-fashioned matrix element correction
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return true;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr, double &,
double & );
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Members for the POWHEG stype correction
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return Both;}
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform
* random numbers in the interval \f$ ]0,1[ \f$. To help the phase space
* generator, the dSigHatDR should be a smooth function of these
* numbers, although this is not strictly necessary.
* @param r a pointer to the first of nDim() consecutive random numbers.
* @return true if the generation succeeded, otherwise false.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables
* given by the last call to generateKinematics().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
DISBase & operator=(const DISBase &);
* The NLO weight
double NLOWeight() const;
* Calculate the coefficient A for the correlations
virtual double A(tcPDPtr lin, tcPDPtr lout, tcPDPtr qin, tcPDPtr qout,
Energy2 scale) const =0;
* Members for the matrix element correction
* Generate the values of \f$x_p\f$ and \f$z_p\f$
* @param xp The value of xp, output
* @param zp The value of zp, output
double generateComptonPoint(double &xp, double & zp);
* Generate the values of \f$x_p\f$ and \f$z_p\f$
* @param xp The value of xp, output
* @param zp The value of zp, output
double generateBGFPoint(double &xp, double & zp);
* Return the coefficients for the matrix element piece for
* the QCD compton case. The output is the \f$a_i\f$ coefficients to
* give the function as
* \f$a_0+a_1\cos\phi+a_2\sin\phi+a_3\cos^2\phi+a_4\sin^2\phi\f$
* @param xp \f$x_p\f$
* @param x2 \f$x_2\f$
* @param xperp \f$x_\perp\f$
* @param norm Normalise to the large $l$ value of the ME
vector<double> ComptonME(double xp, double x2, double xperp,
bool norm);
* Return the coefficients for the matrix element piece for
* the QCD compton case. The output is the \f$a_i\f$ coefficients to
* give the function as
* \f$a_0+a_1\cos\phi+a_2\sin\phi+a_3\cos^2\phi+a_4\sin^2\phi\f$
* @param xp \f$x_p\f$
* @param x2 \f$x_3\f$
* @param x3 \f$x_2\f$
* @param xperp \f$x_\perp\f$
* @param norm Normalise to the large $l$ value of the ME
vector<double> BGFME(double xp, double x2, double x3, double xperp,
bool norm);
* Members for the POWHEG correction
* Generate a Compton process
void generateCompton();
* Generate a BGF process
void generateBGF();
* Parameters for the matrix element correction
* Enchancement factor for ISR
double initial_;
* Enchancement factor for FSR
double final_;
* Relative fraction of compton and BGF processes to generate
double procProb_;
* Integral for compton process
double comptonInt_;
* Integral for BGF process
double bgfInt_;
* Parameters for the POWHEG correction
* Weight for the compton channel
double comptonWeight_;
* Weight for the BGF channel
double BGFWeight_;
* Minimum value of \f$p_T\f$
Energy pTmin_;
* Parameters for the point being generated
* \f$Q^2\f$
Energy2 q2_;
double l_;
* Borm momentum fraction
double xB_;
* Beam particle
tcBeamPtr beam_;
* Partons
tcPDPtr partons_[2];
* Leptons
tcPDPtr leptons_[2];
* PDF object
tcPDFPtr pdf_;
* Rotation to the Breit frame
LorentzRotation rot_;
* Lepton momenta
Lorentz5Momentum pl_[2];
* Quark momenta
Lorentz5Momentum pq_[2];
* q
Lorentz5Momentum q_;
* Compton parameters
Energy pTCompton_;
bool ComptonISFS_;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> ComptonMomenta_;
* BGF parameters
Energy pTBGF_;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> BGFMomenta_;
* The coefficient for the correlations
double acoeff_;
* Coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
* Gluon particle data object
PDPtr gluon_;
* The radiative variables
* The \f$x_p\f$ or \f$z\f$ real integration variable
double xp_;
* The hadron
tcBeamPtr hadron_;
* Selects a dynamic or fixed factorization scale
unsigned int scaleOpt_;
* The factorization scale
Energy muF_;
* Prefactor if variable scale used
double scaleFact_;
* Whether to generate the positive, negative or leading order contribution
unsigned int contrib_;
* Power for sampling \f$x_p\f$
double power_;
* Jacobian for \f$x_p\f$ integral
double jac_;
#endif /* HERWIG_DISBase_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/DrellYanBase.h b/MatrixElement/DrellYanBase.h
--- a/MatrixElement/DrellYanBase.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/DrellYanBase.h
@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_DrellYanBase_H
#define HERWIG_DrellYanBase_H
// This is the declaration of the DrellYanBase class.
#include "HwMEBase.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The DrellYanBase class class provides a base class for the implemented
* of Drell-Yan type processes and provides the matrix element and POWHEG
* style hard corrections
* @see \ref DrellYanBaseInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for DrellYanBase.
class DrellYanBase: public HwMEBase {
* The default constructor.
* Has a POWHEG style correction
//virtual bool hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return _alpha;}
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return ISR;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return _alpha;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr, double & initial,
double & final) {
final = 1.;
initial = 1.;
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
* Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to
* be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries()
* according to the associated XComb object.
virtual void setKinematics() {
mb2_ = sHat();
* Return the momenta and type of hard matrix element correction
* @param quarks The original incoming particles.
* @param beams The BeamParticleData objects
* @param boson The momentum of the original outgoing gauge boson
* @param iemit Whether the first (0) or second (1) particle emitted
* the radiation
* @param itype The type of radiated particle (0 is gluon, 1 is quark
* and 2 is antiquark)
* @param pnew The momenta of the new particles
* @param trans The LorentzRotation from the boson rest frame to the new lab
* @param xnew The new values of the momentuym fractions
* @return Whether or not the matrix element correction needs to be applied
bool applyHard(ParticleVector & quarks,
vector<tcBeamPtr> beams,
Lorentz5Momentum boson,unsigned int & iemit,
unsigned int & itype,vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pnew,
LorentzRotation & trans, pair<double,double> & xnew);
* Returns the matrix element for a given type of process,
* rapidity of the jet \f$y_j\f$ and transverse momentum \f$p_T\f$
* @param emis_type the type of emission,
* (0 is \f$q\bar{q}\to Vg\f$, 1 is \f$qg\to Vq\f$ and 2 is \f$g\bar{q}\to V\bar{q}\f$)
* @param pt The transverse momentum of the jet
* @param yj The rapidity of the jet
double getResult(int emis_type, Energy pt, double yj);
* generates the hardest emission (yj,p)
* @param pnew The momenta of the new particles
* @param emissiontype The type of emission, as for getResult
* @return Whether not an emission was generated
bool getEvent(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pnew,int & emissiontype);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Finalize this object. Called in the run phase just after a
* run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.
virtual void dofinish();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
DrellYanBase & operator=(const DrellYanBase &);
* Mass squared of the vector boson
Energy2 mb2_;
* Parameters for the old-style ME correction
* Relative weight for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ and \f$q/\bar{q}g\f$ channels
double _channelwgtA;
* Relative weight for the \f$qg\f$ and \f$\bar{q}g\f$ channels
double _channelwgtB;
* Weights for the channels as a vector
vector<double> _channelweights;
* Number of weights greater than 1
unsigned int _nover;
* Maximum weight
double _maxwgt;
* Constants for the sampling. The distribution is assumed to have the
* form \f$\frac{c}{{\rm GeV}}\times\left(\frac{{\rm GeV}}{p_T}\right)^n\f$
* The power, \f$n\f$, for the sampling
double _power;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ channel
double _preqqbar;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$qg\f$ channel
double _preqg;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$g\bar{q}\f$ channel
double _pregqbar;
* The prefactors as a vector for easy use
vector<double> _prefactor;
* Properties of the incoming particles
* Pointers to the BeamParticleData objects
vector<tcBeamPtr> _beams;
* Pointers to the ParticleDataObjects for the partons
vector<tcPDPtr> _partons;
* Properties of the boson and jets
* The rapidity of the gauge boson
double _yb;
* The mass of the gauge boson
Energy _mass;
* Whether the quark is in the + or - z direction
bool _quarkplus;
* the rapidity of the jet
double _yj;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy _pt;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy _min_pt;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr _alpha;
#endif /* HERWIG_DrellYanBase_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2Higgs.h b/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2Higgs.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2Higgs.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2Higgs.h
@@ -1,711 +1,711 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MEPP2Higgs.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MEPP2Higgs_H
#define HERWIG_MEPP2Higgs_H
// This is the declaration of the MEPP2Higgs class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/VectorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorBarWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/AbstractFFSVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/AbstractVVSVertex.h"
#include "Herwig/PDT/GenericMassGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/ProductionMatrixElement.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
* The MEPP2Higgs class implements the matrix element for the process
* pp->Higgs with different Higgs shape prescriptions (see details in hep-ph/9505211)
* and the NLL corrected Higgs width (see details in the FORTRAN HERWIG manual).
* @see \ref MEPP2HiggsInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEPP2Higgs.
class MEPP2Higgs: public HwMEBase {
* The default constructor.
* Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(). Uses
* me().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const;
* Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to
* be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries()
* according to the associated XComb object.
virtual void setKinematics() {
mh2_ = sHat();
/** @name Member functions for the generation of hard QCD radiation */
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return ISR;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return true;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr, double &,
double & );
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EW}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform
* random numbers in the interval \f$ ]0,1[ \f$. To help the phase space
* generator, the dSigHatDR should be a smooth function of these
* numbers, although this is not strictly necessary.
* @param r a pointer to the first of nDim() consecutive random numbers.
* @return true if the generation succeeded, otherwise false.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Get diagram selector. With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
* @param dv the diagrams to be weighted.
* @return a Selector relating the given diagrams to their weights.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
* @param diag the diagram chosen.
* @return the possible colour geometries weighted by their
* relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *> colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Construct the vertex of spin correlations.
virtual void constructVertex(tSubProPtr);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Finalize this object. Called in the run phase just after a
* run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.
virtual void dofinish();
* Members to calculate the real emission matrix elements
* The leading-order matrix element for \f$gg\to H\f$
Energy4 loME() const;
* The matrix element for \f$gg\to H g\f$
Energy2 ggME(Energy2 s, Energy2 t, Energy2 u);
* The matrix element for \f$qg\to H q\f$
Energy2 qgME(Energy2 s, Energy2 t, Energy2 u);
* The matrix element for \f$qbarg\to H qbar\f$
Energy2 qbargME(Energy2 s, Energy2 t, Energy2 u);
* Members to calculate the functions for the loop diagrams
* The \f$B(s)\f$ function of NBP339 (1990) 38-66
* @param s The scale
* @param mf2 The fermion mass squared.
Complex B(Energy2 s,Energy2 mf2) const;
* The \f$C(s)\f$ function of NBP339 (1990) 38-66
* @param s The scale
* @param mf2 The fermion mass squared.
complex<InvEnergy2> C(Energy2 s,Energy2 mf2) const;
* The \f$C(s)\f$ function of NBP339 (1990) 38-66
* @param s The \f$s\f$ invariant
* @param t The \f$t\f$ invariant
* @param u The \f$u\f$ invariant
* @param mf2 The fermion mass squared
complex<InvEnergy4> D(Energy2 s,Energy2 t, Energy2 u,Energy2 mf2) const;
* The integral \f$\int\frac{dy}{y-y_0}\log(a-i\epsilon-b y(1-y))\f$
* from NBP339 (1990) 38-66.
* @param a The parameter \f$a\f$.
* @param b The parameter \f$b\f$.
* @param y0 The parameter \f$y_0\f$.
Complex dIntegral(Energy2 a, Energy2 b, double y0) const;
* The \f$M_{+++}\f$ matrix element of NBP339 (1990) 38-66.
* @param s The \f$s\f$ invariant
* @param t The \f$t\f$ invariant
* @param u The \f$u\f$ invariant
* @param mf2 The fermion mass squared.
* @param i Which of the stored values to use for \f$D(u,t)\f$.
* @param j Which of the stored values to use for \f$D(u,s)\f$.
* @param k Which of the stored values to use for \f$D(s,t)\f$.
* @param i1 Which of the stored values to use for \f$C_1(s)\f$.
* @param j1 Which of the stored values to use for \f$C_1(t)\f$.
* @param k1 Which of the stored values to use for \f$C_1(u)\f$.
complex<Energy> me1(Energy2 s,Energy2 t,Energy2 u, Energy2 mf2,
unsigned int i,unsigned int j, unsigned int k,
unsigned int i1,unsigned int j1, unsigned int k1) const;
* The \f$M_{++-}\f$ matrix element of NBP339 (1990) 38-66.
* @param s The \f$s\f$ invariant
* @param t The \f$t\f$ invariant
* @param u The \f$u\f$ invariant
* @param mf2 The fermion mass squared.
complex<Energy> me2(Energy2 s,Energy2 t,Energy2 u, Energy2 mf2) const;
* The \f$F(x)\f$ function for the leading-order result
Complex F(double x) const;
* Method to extract the PDF weight for quark/antiquark
* initiated processes and select the quark flavour
tPDPtr quarkFlavour(tcPDFPtr pdf, Energy2 scale, double x, tcBeamPtr beam,
double & pdfweight, bool anti);
* Return the momenta and type of hard matrix element correction
* @param gluons The original incoming particles.
* @param beams The BeamParticleData objects
* @param higgs The original outgoing higgs
* @param iemit Whether the first (0) or second (1) particle emitted
* the radiation
* @param itype The type of radiated particle (0 is gluon, 1 is quark
* and 2 is antiquark)
* @param pnew The momenta of the new particles
* @param xnew The new values of the momentuym fractions
* @param out The ParticleData object for the outgoing parton
* @return Whether or not the matrix element correction needs to be applied
bool applyHard(ParticleVector gluons,
vector<tcBeamPtr> beams,
PPtr higgs,unsigned int & iemit,
unsigned int & itype,vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pnew,
pair<double,double> & xnew,
tPDPtr & out);
* generates the hardest emission (yj,p)
* @param pnew The momenta of the new particles
* @param emissiontype The type of emission, as for getResult
* @return Whether not an emission was generated
bool getEvent(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pnew,int & emissiontype);
* Returns the matrix element for a given type of process,
* rapidity of the jet \f$y_j\f$ and transverse momentum \f$p_T\f$
* @param emis_type the type of emission,
* (0 is \f$gg\to h^0g\f$, 1 is \f$qg\to h^0q\f$ and 2 is \f$g\bar{q}\to h^0\bar{q}\f$)
* @param pt The transverse momentum of the jet
* @param yj The rapidity of the jet
* @param outParton the outgoing parton
double getResult(int emis_type, Energy pt, double yj,tcPDPtr & outParton);
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEPP2Higgs & operator=(const MEPP2Higgs &);
* Members to return the matrix elements for the different subprocesses
* Calculates the matrix element for the process g,g->h (via quark loops)
* @param g1 a vector of wave functions of the first incoming gluon
* @param g2 a vector of wave functions of the second incoming gluon
* @param calc Whether or not to calculate the matrix element for spin correlations
* @return the amlitude value.
double ggME(vector<VectorWaveFunction> g1,
vector<VectorWaveFunction> g2,
ScalarWaveFunction &,
bool calc) const;
* Calculates the matrix element for the process q,qbar->h
* @param fin a vector of quark spinors
* @param ain a vector of anti-quark spinors
* @param calc Whether or not to calculate the matrix element for spin correlations
* @return the amlitude value.
double qqME(vector<SpinorWaveFunction> & fin,
vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> & ain,
ScalarWaveFunction &,
bool calc) const;
* Selects a dynamic (sHat) or fixed factorization scale
unsigned int scaleopt_;
* The value associated to the fixed factorization scale option
Energy mu_F_;
* Defines the Higgs resonance shape
unsigned int shapeOption_;
* The processes to be included (GG->H and/or qq->H)
unsigned int processOption_;
* Minimum flavour of incoming quarks
int minFlavour_;
* Maximum flavour of incoming quarks
int maxFlavour_;
* Matrix element for spin correlations
ProductionMatrixElement me_;
* Pointer to the H-> 2 gluon vertex (used in gg->H)
AbstractVVSVertexPtr HGGVertex_;
* Pointer to the fermion-fermion Higgs vertex (used in qq->H)
AbstractFFSVertexPtr HFFVertex_;
* The mass generator for the Higgs
GenericMassGeneratorPtr hmass_;
* On-shell mass for the higgs
Energy mh_;
* On-shell width for the higgs
Energy wh_;
* Stuff for the ME correction
* Parameters for the evaluation of the loops for the
* matrix elements
* Minimum flavour of quarks to include in the loops
unsigned int minLoop_;
* Maximum flavour of quarks to include in the loops
unsigned int maxLoop_;
* Option for treatment of the fermion loops
unsigned int massOption_;
* Option for dynamic scale choice in alpha_S (0=mT,>0=pT)
unsigned int mu_R_opt_;
* Option for dynamic scale choice in PDFs (0=mT,>0=pT)
unsigned int mu_F_opt_;
* Small complex number to regularize some integrals
static const complex<Energy2> epsi_;
* Storage of the loop functions
* B functions
mutable Complex bi_[5];
* C functions
mutable complex<InvEnergy2> ci_[8];
* D functions
mutable complex<InvEnergy4> di_[4];
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
* Mass squared of Higgs
Energy2 mh2_;
* Relative weight of the \f$qg\f$ to the \f$gg\f$ channel
double channelwgtA_;
* Relative weight for the \f$\bar{q}g\f$ to the \f$gg\f$ channel
double channelwgtB_;
* Weights for the channels as a vector
vector<double> channelWeights_;
* Power for the \f$\frac{{\rm d}\hat{s}}{\hat{s}^n}\f$ importance sampling
* of the \f$gg\f$ component
double ggPow_;
* Power for the \f$\frac{{\rm d}\hat{s}}{\hat{s}^n}\f$ importance sampling
* of the \f$qg\f$ and \f$\bar{q}g\f$ components
double qgPow_;
* The enhancement factor for initial-state radiation
double enhance_;
* Number of weights greater than 1
unsigned int nover_;
* Number of attempts
unsigned int ntry_;
* Number which suceed
unsigned int ngen_;
* Maximum weight
double maxwgt_;
* Constants for the sampling. The distribution is assumed to have the
* form \f$\frac{c}{{\rm GeV}}\times\left(\frac{{\rm GeV}}{p_T}\right)^n\f$
* The power, \f$n\f$, for the sampling
double power_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$gg\f$ channel
double pregg_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$qg\f$ channel
double preqg_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$g\bar{q}\f$ channel
double pregqbar_;
* The prefactors as a vector for easy use
vector<double> prefactor_;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy minpT_;
* Properties of the incoming particles
* Pointers to the BeamParticleData objects
vector<tcBeamPtr> beams_;
* Pointers to the ParticleDataObjects for the partons
vector<tcPDPtr> partons_;
* Properties of the boson and jets
* The rapidity of the Higgs boson
double yh_;
* The mass of the Higgs boson
Energy mass_;
* the rapidity of the jet
double yj_;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy pt_;
* The outgoing parton
tcPDPtr out_;
* Whether of not to construct the vertex for spin correlations
bool spinCorrelations_;
#endif /* HERWIG_MEPP2Higgs_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2HiggsVBF.h b/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2HiggsVBF.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2HiggsVBF.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2HiggsVBF.h
@@ -1,471 +1,471 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_MEPP2HiggsVBF_H
#define HERWIG_MEPP2HiggsVBF_H
// This is the declaration of the MEPP2HiggsVBF class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/MEfftoffH.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The MEPP2HiggsVBF class provides the matrix elements for the
* production of the Higgs boson via the vector boson fusion mechanism
* in hadron collisions
* @see \ref MEPP2HiggsVBFInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEPP2HiggsVBF.
class MEPP2HiggsVBF: public MEfftoffH {
* Struct to contain the hadronic system
struct tChannelPair{
* The hadron
PPtr hadron;
* The beam particle data object
tcBeamPtr beam;
* The incoming particle
PPtr incoming;
* The outgoing particle
PPtr outgoing;
* The PDF
tcPDFPtr pdf;
* The default constructor.
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes
* which implement hard corrections
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return Both;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return true;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr, double &,
double & );
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Generate the hardest emission in the POWHEG approach
* Generate a Compton process
void generateCompton(unsigned int system);
* Generate a BGF process
void generateBGF(unsigned int system);
* Matrix element piece for the Compton process
double comptonME(unsigned int system,
double xT,double xp, double zp, double phi);
* Matrix element piece for the Compton process
double BGFME(unsigned int system,
double xT,double xp, double zp, double phi);
* Leading order matrix element
Energy4 loMatrixElement(const Lorentz5Momentum &p1,
const Lorentz5Momentum &p2,
const Lorentz5Momentum &q1,
const Lorentz5Momentum &q2,
double G1, double G2) const;
* Generate the hard emission in the old-fashioned matrix element correction approach
* Generate the values of \f$x_p\f$ and \f$z_p\f$
* @param xp The value of xp, output
* @param zp The value of zp, output
double generateComptonPoint(double &xp, double & zp);
* Generate the values of \f$x_p\f$ and \f$z_p\f$
* @param xp The value of xp, output
* @param zp The value of zp, output
double generateBGFPoint(double &xp, double & zp);
* Return the coefficients for the matrix element piece for
* the QCD compton case. The output is the \f$a_i\f$ coefficients to
* give the function as
* \f$a_0+a_1\cos\phi+a_2\sin\phi+a_3\cos^2\phi+a_4\sin^2\phi\f$
* @param xp \f$x_p\f$
* @param x2 \f$x_2\f$
* @param xperp \f$x_\perp\f$
* @param l Scaled momentum of incoming spectator
* @param m Scaled momentum of outgoing spectator
vector<double> ComptonME(double xp, double x2, double xperp,
LorentzVector<double> l,
LorentzVector<double> m);
* Return the coefficients for the matrix element piece for
* the QCD compton case. The output is the \f$a_i\f$ coefficients to
* give the function as
* \f$a_0+a_1\cos\phi+a_2\sin\phi+a_3\cos^2\phi+a_4\sin^2\phi\f$
* @param xp \f$x_p\f$
* @param x2 \f$x_3\f$
* @param x3 \f$x_2\f$
* @param xperp \f$x_\perp\f$
* @param l Scaled momentum of incoming spectator
* @param m Scaled momentum of outgoing spectator
vector<double> BGFME(double xp, double x2, double x3, double xperp,
LorentzVector<double> l,
LorentzVector<double> m);
* Calculate the coefficient A for the correlations
double A(tcPDPtr qin1, tcPDPtr qout1, tcPDPtr qin2, tcPDPtr qout2);
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Finalize this object. Called in the run phase just after a
* run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.
virtual void dofinish();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEPP2HiggsVBF & operator=(const MEPP2HiggsVBF &);
* Parameters for the hard POWHEG emission
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
* Weight for the compton channel
double comptonWeight_;
* Weight for the BGF channel
double BGFWeight_;
* Minimum value of \f$p_T\f$
Energy pTmin_;
* Gluon particle data object
PDPtr gluon_;
* Properties of the emission
* Beam particle
tcBeamPtr beam_[2];
* PDF object
tcPDFPtr pdf_[2];
* Partons
tcPDPtr partons_[2][4];
* q
Lorentz5Momentum q_[2];
* \f$Q^2\f$
Energy2 q2_[2];
* Coupling factor
double acoeff_;
* Lorentz vectors for the matrix element
LorentzVector<double> l_;
* Lorentz vectors for the matrix element
LorentzVector<double> m_;
* Born momentum fraction
double xB_[2];
* Rotation to the Breit frame
LorentzRotation rot_[2];
* Quark momenta for spectator system
Lorentz5Momentum pother_[2][2];
* Quark momenta for emitting system
Lorentz5Momentum psystem_[2][2];
* Higgs momenta
Lorentz5Momentum phiggs_[2];
* Transverse momenta for the compton emissions
Energy pTCompton_[2];
* Transverse momenta for the BGF emissions
Energy pTBGF_[2];
* Whether the Compton radiation is ISR or FSR
bool ComptonISFS_[2];
* Momenta of the particles for a compton emission
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> ComptonMomenta_[2];
* Momenta of the particles for a BGF emission
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> BGFMomenta_[2];
* the systems
vector<tChannelPair> systems_;
* Higgs boson
PPtr higgs_;
* Parameters for the matrix element correction
* Enchancement factor for ISR
double initial_;
* Enchancement factor for FSR
double final_;
* Relative fraction of compton and BGF processes to generate
double procProb_;
* Integral for compton process
double comptonInt_;
* Integral for BGF process
double bgfInt_;
* Number of weights greater than 1
unsigned int nover_;
* Maximum weight
pair<double,double> maxwgt_;
#endif /* HERWIG_MEPP2HiggsVBF_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h b/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h
--- a/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h
@@ -1,293 +1,293 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_HwMEBase_H
#define HERWIG_HwMEBase_H
// This is the declaration of the HwMEBase class.
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerInteraction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerInteraction.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
#include "HwMEBase.fh"
namespace Herwig {
struct Branching;
using namespace ThePEG;
typedef Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer tcBeamPtr;
* The HwMEBase class serves a number of purposes
* - it implements the phase space for \f$2\to2\f$ scattering processes
* - it provides virtual members for the implementation of hard radiation
* - it gives us greater control over the masses of the outgoing
* particles so that they can be
* - set massless where required by gauge invariance
* - have their off-shell masses generated using the sophisticated approaches
* available in Herwig.
* @see \ref HwMEBaseInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HwMEBase.
class HwMEBase: public MEBase {
* Default constructor.
HwMEBase() : lastTHat_(ZERO), lastUHat_(ZERO),
lastPhi_(0.0), rescaleOption_(1)
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* The number of internal degreed of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given 'nDim()' uniform
* random numbers in the interval ]0,1[. To help the phase space
* generator, the 'dSigHatDR()' should be a smooth function of these
* numbers, although this is not strictly necessary. Return
* false if the chosen points failed the kinematical cuts.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(). Uses
* me().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const;
* Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to
* be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries()
* according to the associated XComb object.
virtual void setKinematics();
* Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes
* which implement hard corrections
* Type of POWHEG correction
enum POWHEGType {No, ISR, FSR, Both};
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return No;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return false;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr , double & ,
double & );
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Access cached values in of the last set phase space point. */
* Return the \f$\hat{t}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
Energy2 tHat() const { return lastTHat_; }
* Return the \f$\hat{u}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
Energy2 uHat() const { return lastUHat_; }
* Return the azimuth angle of the last set phase space point.
double phi() const { return lastPhi_; }
/** @name Set the cached values in of the last set phase space point. */
* Set the \f$\hat{t}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
void tHat(Energy2 e2) { lastTHat_ = e2; }
* Set the \f$\hat{u}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
void uHat(Energy2 e2) { lastUHat_ = e2; }
* Set the azimuth angle of the last set phase space point.
void phi(double phi) { lastPhi_ = phi; }
* Set the treatment of the outgoing masses
* @param iopt The option for the treatment of the mass
void massOption(vector<unsigned int> iopt) {
massOption_ = iopt;
* Rescaled momenta for the helicity ME
* Set the treatment of the rescaling of the momenta for
* the matrix element calculation
* @param iopt The rescaling option
void rescalingOption(unsigned int iopt) {
* rescale the momenta for the computation of the helicity matrix element
bool rescaleMomenta(const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> &,
const cPDVector &);
* Access to the rescaled momenta
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & rescaledMomenta() const {
return rescaledMomenta_;
* Generate the masses of the particles
bool generateMasses(vector<Energy> & masses, double & mjac,
const double *r);
* Used internally by generateKinematics, after calculating the
* limits on cos(theta).
virtual double getCosTheta(double cthmin, double cthmax, const double r);
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HwMEBase & operator=(const HwMEBase &);
* Option for the treatment of the particle masses
vector<unsigned int> massOption_;
* The \f$\hat{t}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
Energy2 lastTHat_;
* The \f$\hat{u}\f$ of the last set phase space point.
Energy2 lastUHat_;
* The azimuth angle of the last set phase space point.
double lastPhi_;
* Produced to produce rescaled momenta
unsigned int rescaleOption_;
* Rescaled momenta for use in ME calculations
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> rescaledMomenta_;
#endif /* HERWIG_HwMEBase_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2ll.h b/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2ll.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2ll.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2ll.h
@@ -1,366 +1,366 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MEee2gZ2ll.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MEee2gZ2ll_H
#define HERWIG_MEee2gZ2ll_H
// This is the declaration of the MEee2gZ2ll class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardModel.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/ProductionMatrixElement.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorBarWaveFunction.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The MEee2gZ2ll class provides the matrix element for
* \f$e^+e^-\to\ell^+\ell^-\f$. N.B. for the production of \f$e^+e^-\f$
* only the \f$s\f$-channel Z and photon diagrams are included.
* @see \ref MEee2gZ2llInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEee2gZ2ll.
class MEee2gZ2ll: public HwMEBase {
* The default constructor.
MEee2gZ2ll() : allowed_(0), pTmin_(GeV),
preFactor_(6.) {
massOption(vector<unsigned int>(2,1));
* Members for hard corrections to the emission of QCD radiation
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return FSR;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return false;}
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EW}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Get diagram selector. With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
* @param dv the diagrams to be weighted.
* @return a Selector relating the given diagrams to their weights.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
* @param diag the diagram chosen.
* @return the possible colour geometries weighted by their
* relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Construct the vertex of spin correlations.
virtual void constructVertex(tSubProPtr);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Rebind pointer to other Interfaced objects. Called in the setup phase
* after all objects used in an EventGenerator has been cloned so that
* the pointers will refer to the cloned objects afterwards.
* @param trans a TranslationMap relating the original objects to
* their respective clones.
* @throws RebindException if no cloned object was found for a given
* pointer.
virtual void rebind(const TranslationMap & trans)
* Return a vector of all pointers to Interfaced objects used in this
* object.
* @return a vector of pointers.
virtual IVector getReferences();
* Calculate the matrix element for \f$e^+e^-\to \ell^+ \ell^-\f$.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
double loME(const vector<cPDPtr> & partons,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first) const;
* Member to calculate the matrix element
* @param fin Spinors for incoming fermion
* @param ain Spinors for incoming antifermion
* @param fout Spinors for outgoing fermion
* @param aout Spinors for outgong antifermion
* @param me Spin summed Matrix element
* @param cont The continuum piece of the matrix element
* @param BW The Z piece of the matrix element
ProductionMatrixElement HelicityME(vector<SpinorWaveFunction> & fin,
vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> & ain,
vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> & fout,
vector<SpinorWaveFunction> & aout,
double & me,
double & cont,
double & BW ) const;
* The ratio of the matrix element for one additional jet over the
* leading order result. In practice
* \[\frac{\hat{s}|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2_2|D_{\rm emit}|}{4\pi C_F\alpha_S|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2_3\left(|D_{\rm emit}|+|D_{\rm spect}\right)}}\]
* is returned where \f$\|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2\f$ is
* the spin and colour summed/averaged matrix element.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
* @param iemitter Whether the quark or antiquark is regardede as the emitter
* @param inter The type of interaction
double meRatio(vector<cPDPtr> partons,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momenta,
unsigned int iemittor,
bool subtract=false) const;
* Calculate the matrix element for \f$e^-e^-\to q \bar q g$.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
* @param inter The type of interaction
InvEnergy2 realME(const vector<cPDPtr> & partons,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta) const;
* Generate the momenta for a hard configuration
Energy generateHard(RealEmissionProcessPtr tree,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & emission,
unsigned int & iemit, unsigned int & ispect,
bool applyVeto);
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion Z vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFZVertex() const {return FFZVertex_;}
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPVertex() const {return FFPVertex_;}
* Pointer to the particle data object for the Z
PDPtr Z0() const {return Z0_;}
* Pointer to the particle data object for the photon
PDPtr gamma() const {return gamma_;}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEee2gZ2ll & operator=(const MEee2gZ2ll &);
* Pointers to the vertices
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion Z vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFZVertex_;
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPVertex_;
* Pointer to the particle data object for the Z
PDPtr Z0_;
* Pointer to the particle data object for the photon
PDPtr gamma_;
* The allowed outgoing
int allowed_;
* The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the quark
double d_kt1_;
* Pointer to the EM coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQED_;
* Variables for the POWHEG style corrections
* The cut off on pt, assuming massless quarks.
Energy pTmin_;
* Overestimate for the prefactor
double preFactor_;
* ParticleData objects for the partons
vector<cPDPtr> partons_;
* Momenta of the leading-order partons
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> loMomenta_;
#endif /* HERWIG_MEee2gZ2ll_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2qq.h b/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2qq.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2qq.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Lepton/MEee2gZ2qq.h
@@ -1,516 +1,516 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MEee2gZ2qq.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MEee2gZ2qq_H
#define HERWIG_MEee2gZ2qq_H
// This is the declaration of the MEee2gZ2qq class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardModel.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Rebinder.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/ProductionMatrixElement.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorBarWaveFunction.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The MEee2gZ2qq class implements the matrix element
* for \f$e^+e^-\to Z/\gamma \to q\bar{q}\f$ including spin correlations.
* The class includes greater control over the type of quark produced than is available
* in the corresponding matrix element from ThePEG, in addition to spin correlations.
* @see \ref MEee2gZ2qqInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEee2gZ2qq.
class MEee2gZ2qq: public HwMEBase {
* The default constructor.
MEee2gZ2qq() : minflav_(1), maxflav_(5), massopt_(1),
pTminQED_(GeV), pTminQCD_(GeV),
* Members for hard corrections to the emission of QCD radiation
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return FSR;}
* Has an old fashioned ME correction
virtual bool hasMECorrection() {return true;}
* Initialize the ME correction
virtual void initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr, double &,
double & );
* Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr);
* Apply the soft matrix element correction
* @param parent The initial particle in the current branching
* @param progenitor The progenitor particle of the jet
* @param fs Whether the emission is initial or final-state
* @param highestpT The highest pT so far in the shower
* @param ids ids of the particles produced in the branching
* @param z The momentum fraction of the branching
* @param scale the evolution scale of the branching
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the branching
* @return If true the emission should be vetoed
virtual bool softMatrixElementVeto(PPtr parent,
PPtr progenitor,
const bool & fs,
const Energy & highestpT,
const vector<tcPDPtr> & ids,
const double & z,
const Energy & scale,
const Energy & pT);
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,ShowerInteraction);
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EW}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Get diagram selector. With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
* @param dv the diagrams to be weighted.
* @return a Selector relating the given diagrams to their weights.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
* @param diag the diagram chosen.
* @return the possible colour geometries weighted by their
* relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Construct the vertex of spin correlations.
virtual void constructVertex(tSubProPtr);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Rebind pointer to other Interfaced objects. Called in the setup phase
* after all objects used in an EventGenerator has been cloned so that
* the pointers will refer to the cloned objects afterwards.
* @param trans a TranslationMap relating the original objects to
* their respective clones.
* @throws RebindException if no cloned object was found for a given
* pointer.
virtual void rebind(const TranslationMap & trans)
* Return a vector of all pointers to Interfaced objects used in this
* object.
* @return a vector of pointers.
virtual IVector getReferences();
* Calculate the matrix element for \f$e^+e^-\to q \bar{q}\f$.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
* @param first Whether or not to calculate the spin correlations
double loME(const vector<cPDPtr> & partons,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first) const;
* Member to calculate the matrix element
* @param fin Spinors for incoming fermion
* @param ain Spinors for incoming antifermion
* @param fout Spinors for outgoing fermion
* @param aout Spinors for outgong antifermion
* @param me Spin summed Matrix element
* @param cont The continuum piece of the matrix element
* @param BW The Z piece of the matrix element
ProductionMatrixElement HelicityME(vector<SpinorWaveFunction> & fin,
vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> & ain,
vector<SpinorBarWaveFunction> & fout,
vector<SpinorWaveFunction> & aout,
double & me,
double & cont,
double & BW ) const;
* The ratio of the matrix element for one additional jet over the
* leading order result. In practice
* \f[\frac{\hat{s}|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2_2|D_{\rm emit}|}{4\pi C_F\alpha_S|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2_3\left(|D_{\rm emit}|+|D_{\rm spect}|\right)}\f]
* is returned where \f$\|\overline{\mathcal{M}}|^2\f$ is
* the spin and colour summed/averaged matrix element.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
* @param iemitter Whether the quark or antiquark is regardede as the emitter
* @param inter The type of interaction
* @param subtract Whether or not to subtract the relevant dipole term
double meRatio(vector<cPDPtr> partons,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momenta,
unsigned int iemitter,
ShowerInteraction inter,
bool subtract =false) const;
* Calculate the matrix element for \f$e^-e^-\to q \bar q g\f$.
* @param partons The incoming and outgoing particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles
* @param inter The type of interaction
InvEnergy2 realME(const vector<cPDPtr> & partons,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
ShowerInteraction inter) const;
* Generate the momenta for a hard configuration
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & emission,
unsigned int & iemit, unsigned int & ispect,
bool applyVeto,ShowerInteraction);
* Calculate the reall emission
RealEmissionProcessPtr calculateRealEmission(RealEmissionProcessPtr born, bool veto,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* Calculate \f$\tilde{\kappa}\f$.
double getKfromX(double, double);
* Vector and axial vector parts of the matrix element
* Vector part of the matrix element
double MEV(double, double);
* The matrix element, given \f$x_1\f$, \f$x_2\f$.
* @param x1 \f$x_1\f$
* @param x2 \f$x_2\f$
double PS(double x1, double x2);
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion Z vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFZVertex() const {return FFZVertex_;}
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPVertex() const {return FFPVertex_;}
* Pointer to the particle data object for the Z
PDPtr Z0() const {return Z0_;}
* Pointer to the particle data object for the photon
PDPtr gamma() const {return gamma_;}
* Pointer to the particle data object for the gluon
PDPtr gluon() const {return gluon_;}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEee2gZ2qq & operator=(const MEee2gZ2qq &);
* Parameters controlling the leading-order process
* The minimum PDG of the quarks to be produced
int minflav_;
* The maximum PDG of the quarks to be produced
int maxflav_;
* Option for the treatment of the top quark mass
unsigned int massopt_;
* Pointers to the vertices
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion Z vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFZVertex_;
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPVertex_;
* Pointer to the fermion-antifermion photon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFGVertex_;
* Switch on/off the helivity vertex construction
bool spinCorrelations_;
* Pointer to the ParticleData objects
* Pointer to the particle data object for the Z
PDPtr Z0_;
* Pointer to the particle data object for the photon
PDPtr gamma_;
* Pointer to the particle data object for the gluon
PDPtr gluon_;
* CM energy
Energy d_Q_;
* Quark mass
Energy d_m_;
* The rho parameter
double d_rho_;
* The v parameter
double d_v_;
* The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the quark
double d_kt1_;
* The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the antiquark
double d_kt2_;
* Cut-off parameter
static const double EPS_;
* Pointer to the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQCD_;
* Pointer to the EM coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQED_;
* Variables for the POWHEG style corrections
* The cut off on pt for QED, assuming massless quarks.
Energy pTminQED_;
* The cut off on pt for QCD, assuming massless quarks.
Energy pTminQCD_;
* Overestimate for the prefactor
double preFactor_;
* ParticleData objects for the partons
vector<cPDPtr> partons_;
* Momenta of the leading-order partons
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> loMomenta_;
#endif /* HERWIG_MEee2gZ2qq_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.h b/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.h
@@ -1,542 +1,542 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg_H
#define HERWIG_MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg_H
// This is the declaration of the MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/Vector/FFVVertex.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/ProductionMatrixElement.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg class.
* @see \ref MEPP2GammaGammaPowhegInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.
class MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg: public HwMEBase {
enum DipoleType { IIQCD1=2, IIQCD2=4,
IFQED1=5, FIQED1=6, IFQED2=7, FIQED2=8 };
enum RadiationType {Subtraction,Hard,Shower};
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
/** @name Member functions for the generation of hard QCD radiation */
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return ISR;}
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_S\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS() const;
* Return the order in \f$\alpha_{EW}\f$ in which this matrix
* element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW() const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform
* random numbers in the interval \f$ ]0,1[ \f$. To help the phase space
* generator, the dSigHatDR should be a smooth function of these
* numbers, although this is not strictly necessary.
* @param r a pointer to the first of nDim() consecutive random numbers.
* @return true if the generation succeeded, otherwise false.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables
* given by the last call to generateKinematics().
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR() const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Get diagram selector. With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
* @param dv the diagrams to be weighted.
* @return a Selector relating the given diagrams to their weights.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
* @param diag the diagram chosen.
* @return the possible colour geometries weighted by their
* relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Calculate of the full next-to-leading order weight
virtual double NLOWeight() const;
* Leading-order matrix element for \f$q\bar q\to \gamma\gamma\f$
double loGammaGammaME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first=false) const;
* Leading-order matrix element for \f$qg\to \gamma q\f$
double loGammaqME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first=false) const;
* Leading-order matrix element for \f$g\bar q\to \gamma \bar q\f$
double loGammaqbarME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first=false) const;
* Leading-order matrix element for \f$q\bar q\to \gamma g\f$
double loGammagME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
bool first=false) const;
* Real emission matrix element for \f$q\bar q\to \gamma \gamma g\f$
InvEnergy2 realGammaGammagME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
DipoleType dipole, RadiationType rad,
bool first=false) const;
* Real emission matrix element for \f$qg\to \gamma \gamma q\f$
InvEnergy2 realGammaGammaqME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
DipoleType dipole, RadiationType rad,
bool first=false) const;
* Real emission matrix element for \f$g\bar q\to \gamma \gamma \bar q\f$
InvEnergy2 realGammaGammaqbarME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
DipoleType dipole, RadiationType rad,
bool first=false) const;
* The dipole subtractedvirtual contribution
double subtractedVirtual() const;
* Subtracted real contribution
double subtractedReal(pair<double,double> x, double z,
double zJac, double oldqPDF, double newqPDF,
double newgPDF,bool order) const;
* Calculate of the collinear counterterms
* Quark collinear counter term
double collinearQuark(double x, Energy2 mu2, double jac, double z,
double oldPDF, double newPDF) const;
* Gluon collinear counter term
double collinearGluon(Energy2 mu2, double jac, double z,
double oldPDF, double newPDF) const;
* The real matrix element divided by \f$2 g_S^2\f$, to be implemented in the
* inheriting classes.
* @param particles The ParticleData objects of the particles
* @param momenta The momenta of the particles
double realME(const cPDVector & particles,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta) const;
* Generate hard QCD emission
RealEmissionProcessPtr hardQCDEmission(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
* Generate hard QED emission
RealEmissionProcessPtr hardQEDEmission(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
* The supression function
pair<double,double> supressionFunction(Energy pT,Energy scale) const {
if(supressionScale_==0) scale = lambda_;
Energy2 scale2 = sqr(scale), pT2 = sqr(pT);
switch( supressionFunction_ ) {
case 0:
return make_pair(1.,0.);
case 1:
if(pT < scale ) return make_pair(1.,0.);
else return make_pair(0.,1.);
case 2:
return make_pair(scale2/(pT2+scale2),pT2/(pT2+scale2));
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg & operator=(const MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg &);
* Vertices
* FFPVertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPvertex_;
* FFGVertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFGvertex_;
* Kinematic variables for the real radiation
* First variable
mutable double zTilde_;
* Second variable
mutable double vTilde_;
* Azimuthal angle
mutable double phi_;
* Whether to generate the positive, negative or leading order contribution
unsigned int contrib_;
* Power for sampling \f$x_p\f$
double power_;
* Pointer to the gluon ParticleData object
tcPDPtr gluon_;
* Processes
unsigned int process_;
* Processes
unsigned int threeBodyProcess_;
* Allowed flavours of the incoming quarks
int maxflavour_;
* Factor for \f$C_F\f$ dependent pieces
mutable double CFfact_;
* Factor for \f$T_R\f$ dependent pieces
mutable double TRfact_;
* Strong coupling
mutable double alphaS_;
* Use a fixed value of \f$\alpha_S\f$
bool fixedAlphaS_;
* Electromagnetic coupling
mutable double alphaEM_;
* Leading-order matrix element
mutable double loME_;
* The matrix element
mutable ProductionMatrixElement me_;
* the selected dipole
mutable DipoleType dipole_;
* Supression Function
* Choice of the supression function
unsigned int supressionFunction_;
* Choice for the scale in the supression function
unsigned int supressionScale_;
* Scalar for the supression function
Energy lambda_;
* Hard emission stuff
* Whether the quark is in the + or - z direction
bool quarkplus_;
* Properties of the incoming particles
* Pointers to the BeamParticleData objects
vector<tcBeamPtr> beams_;
* Pointers to the ParticleDataObjects for the partons
vector<tcPDPtr> partons_;
* Constants for the sampling. The distribution is assumed to have the
* form \f$\frac{c}{{\rm GeV}}\times\left(\frac{{\rm GeV}}{p_T}\right)^n\f$
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ channel
double preQCDqqbarq_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ channel
double preQCDqqbarqbar_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$qg\f$ channel
double preQCDqg_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$g\bar{q}\f$ channel
double preQCDgqbar_;
double preQEDqqbarq_;
double preQEDqqbarqbar_;
double preQEDqgq_;
double preQEDgqbarqbar_;
* The prefactors as a vector for easy use
vector<double> prefactor_;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy minpT_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQCD_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the EM
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQED_;
* Scale choice
unsigned int scaleChoice_;
* Scale factor
double scalePreFactor_;
#endif /* HERWIG_MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg_H */
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2VVPowheg.h b/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2VVPowheg.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2VVPowheg.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Powheg/MEPP2VVPowheg.h
@@ -1,832 +1,832 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_MEPP2VVPowheg_H
#define HERWIG_MEPP2VVPowheg_H
// This is the declaration of the MEPP2VVPowheg class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Hadron/MEPP2VV.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Powheg/VVKinematics.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardCKM.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using Math::ReLi2;
using Constants::pi;
* Here is the documentation of the MEPP2VVPowheg class.
* @see \ref MEPP2VVPowhegInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEPP2VVPowheg.
class MEPP2VVPowheg: public MEPP2VV {
* The default constructor.
/** @name Member functions for the generation of hard QCD radiation */
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return ISR;}
* Apply the POWHEG style correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr,
ShowerInteraction inter);
* Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform
* random numbers in the interval \f$ ]0,1[ \f$. To help the phase space
* generator, the dSigHatDR should be a smooth function of these
* numbers, although this is not strictly necessary.
* @param r a pointer to the first of nDim() consecutive random numbers.
* @return true if the generation succeeded, otherwise false.
virtual bool generateKinematics(const double * r);
* The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix
* element.
virtual int nDim() const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Return the scale associated with the last set phase space point.
virtual Energy2 scale() const;
* This member check the collinear limits of the
* real emission matrix elements are equal to the
* appropriate combinations of Born ME's multiplied
* by the splitting functions.
bool sanityCheck() const;
* Return the CKM matrix elements.
Complex CKM(int ix,int iy) const { return ckm_[ix][iy]; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Function to set the born variables.
void getKinematics(double xt, double y, double theta2);
* Calculate the correction weight with which leading-order
* configurations are re-weighted.
double NLOweight() const;
* Calculate the ratio of the NLO luminosity to the LO
* luminosity function for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ initiated channel.
double Lhat_ab(tcPDPtr a, tcPDPtr b, realVVKinematics Kinematics) const;
* Calculate the universal soft-virtual contribution to the NLO weight.
double Vtilde_universal(realVVKinematics S) const;
* Function for calculation of the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ initiated real
* contribution.
double Ctilde_Ltilde_qq_on_x(tcPDPtr a,tcPDPtr b,realVVKinematics C) const;
* Function for calculation of the \f$gq\f$ initiated real
* contribution.
double Ctilde_Ltilde_gq_on_x(tcPDPtr a,tcPDPtr b,realVVKinematics C) const;
* Function for calculation of the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ initiated real
* contribution.
double Rtilde_Ltilde_qqb_on_x(tcPDPtr a,tcPDPtr b) const;
* Function for calculation of the \f$qg\f$ initiated real
* contribution.
double Rtilde_Ltilde_qg_on_x(tcPDPtr a,tcPDPtr b) const;
* Function for calculation of the \f$gqb\f$ initiated real
* contribution.
double Rtilde_Ltilde_gqb_on_x(tcPDPtr a,tcPDPtr b) const;
* The regular part of the virtual correction matrix element(s).
* For WZ production this is given by Equation B.2 in NPB 383 (1992)
* 3-44 *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_V_regular(realVVKinematics S) const;
* Member variable to store the
* regular part of the virtual correction matrix element(s).
* For WZ production this is given by Equation B.2 in NPB 383 (1992)
* 3-44 *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
mutable double M_V_regular_;
* The matrix element q + qb -> n + g times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the matrix element q + qb -> n + g times tk*uk
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_;
* The matrix element q + g -> n + q times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qg(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the matrix element q + g -> n + q times tk*uk
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_qg_;
* The matrix element g + qb -> n + q times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_gqb(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the matrix element g + qb -> n + q times tk*uk
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_gqb_;
* The matrix element q + qb -> n + g times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the
* matrix element q + qb -> n + g times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_hel_amp_;
* The matrix element q + g -> n + q times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qg_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the
* matrix element q + g -> n + q times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_qg_hel_amp_;
* The matrix element g + qb -> n + qb times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
Energy2 t_u_M_R_gqb_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Member variable to store the
* matrix element g + qb -> n + qb times (tk*uk)^2 - using helicity amplitudes
mutable Energy2 t_u_M_R_gqb_hel_amp_;
* The leading order matrix element - using helicity amplitudes
double lo_me() const;
* The Born matrix element as given in Equation 3.1 - 3.3 in NPB 383
* (1992) *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_Born_WZ(bornVVKinematics B) const;
* Member variable to store the
* Born matrix element as given in Equation 3.1 - 3.3 in NPB 383
* (1992) *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
mutable double M_Born_;
* The Born matrix element as given in Equation 2.18 - 2.19 in NPB 357
* (1991) *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_Born_ZZ(bornVVKinematics B) const;
* M_V_regular_ZZ is the regular part of the one-loop ZZ matrix element
* exactly as defined in Eqs. B.1 & B.2 of NPB 357(1991)409-438 ***
* modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_V_regular_ZZ(realVVKinematics S) const;
* t_u_M_R_qqb_ZZ is the q + qb -> n + g times tk*uk real emission
* matrix element as defined in Eq. C.1 of NPB 357(1991)409-438 ***
* modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_ZZ(realVVKinematics R) const;
* The Born matrix element as given in Equation 3.2 - 3.8 in NPB 410
* (1993) *** modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_Born_WW(bornVVKinematics B) const;
* M_V_regular_WW is the regular part of the one-loop WW matrix element
* exactly as defined in Eqs. C.1 - C.7 of of NPB 410(1993)280-324 ***
* modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
double M_V_regular_WW(realVVKinematics S) const;
* t_u_M_R_qqb_WW is the q + qb -> n + g times tk*uk real emission
* matrix element as defined in Eq. D.1-D.5 of NPB 410(1993)280-324 ***
* modulo a factor 1/(2s) ***, which is a flux factor that
* those authors absorb in the matrix element.
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_WW(realVVKinematics R) const;
* Return the factorion scale squared.
Energy2 mu_F2() const;
* Return the renormalisation scale squared.
Energy2 mu_UV2() const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MEPP2VVPowheg & operator=(const MEPP2VVPowheg &);
* Parameters for the NLO weight
* Parameter to determine when to use limiting value of real emission
* matrix elements, to avoid rounding error issues.
double tiny;
* The BeamParticleData object for the plus and minus direction hadrons
tcBeamPtr hadron_A_;
tcBeamPtr hadron_B_;
* Born / virtual 2->2 kinematics.
bornVVKinematics B_;
* Soft limit of the 2->3 real emission kinematics.
realVVKinematics S_;
* Soft-collinear limit of the 2->3 kinematics (emission in +z direction).
realVVKinematics SCp_;
* The collinear limit of the 2->3 kinematics (emission in -z direction).
realVVKinematics SCm_;
* The collinear limit of the 2->3 kinematics (emission in +z direction).
realVVKinematics Cp_;
* The collinear limit of the 2->3 kinematics (emission in -z direction).
realVVKinematics Cm_;
* The resolved 2->3 real emission kinematics:
realVVKinematics H_;
* The ParticleData object for the plus and minus lo partons
tcPDPtr ab_, bb_;
* The ParticleData object for the quark and antiquark
* (which can be in a different order to ab_ and bb_).
tcPDPtr quark_, antiquark_;
* Values of the PDF's before radiation
double lo_lumi_;
* The value of the leading order qqbar->VV matrix element
mutable double lo_me2_;
* The CF_ colour factor
double CF_;
* The TR_ colour factor
double TR_;
* The number of colours
double NC_;
* The weak coupling and the sin (squared) of the Weinberg angle
mutable double gW_, sin2ThetaW_;
* The up and down, left handed, quark-boson couplings
mutable double guL_, gdL_;
* The up and down, right handed, quark-boson couplings (for WW & ZZ)
mutable double guR_, gdR_;
* The TGC coupling
mutable double eZ_;
* The TGC coupling squared. This is useful for debugging purposes
* when one wants to turn of t-channel * TGC interference contributions
* but leave the pure TGC contributions intact. It is also needed in
* order to transform WZ matrix elements into WW ones.
mutable double eZ2_;
* The CKM factor (Fij^2)
mutable double Fij2_;
* Whether to generate the positive, negative or leading order contribution
unsigned int contrib_;
* Whether to generate all channels contributions or just qqb or just
* qg+gqb contributions
unsigned int channels_;
* Whether to use a fixed or a running QCD coupling for the NLO weight
unsigned int nlo_alphaS_opt_;
* The value of alphaS to use for the nlo weight if nlo_alphaS_opt_=1
double fixed_alphaS_;
* Flag to remove or multiply in MCFM branching fractions for testing
unsigned int removebr_;
* Selects a dynamic (sHat) or fixed factorization scale
unsigned int scaleopt_;
* The factorization scale
Energy mu_F_;
* The renormalization scale
Energy mu_UV_;
* The pT of V1 in a radiative event in the lab frame (for scale setting only)
Energy2 k1r_perp2_lab_;
* The pT of V2 in a radiative event in the lab frame (for scale setting only)
Energy2 k2r_perp2_lab_;
* The ckm matrix elements (unsquared, to allow interference)
vector< vector<Complex> > ckm_;
* Option to impose helicity conservation on the real NLO ME's (greatly improves evaluation time).
bool helicityConservation_;
* The q + qb -> v1 + v2 + g helicity amplitudes
mutable ProductionMatrixElement qqb_hel_amps_;
* The q + g -> v1 + v2 + q helicity amplitudes
mutable ProductionMatrixElement qg_hel_amps_;
* The g + qb -> v1 + v2 + qb helicity amplitudes
mutable ProductionMatrixElement gqb_hel_amps_;
* The vertices
* The photon fermion-antifermion vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFPvertex_;
* The W fermion-antifermion vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFWvertex_;
* The Z fermion-antifermionvertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFZvertex_;
* The triple electroweak gauge boson vertex
AbstractVVVVertexPtr WWWvertex_;
* The quark-antiquark gluon vertex
AbstractFFVVertexPtr FFGvertex_;
* The value of \f$\alpha_S\f$ used for the calculation
mutable double alphaS_;
* Returns the matrix element for a given type of process,
* rapidity of the jet \f$y_j\f$ and transverse momentum \f$p_T\f$
* @param emis_type the type of emission,
* (0 is \f$q\bar{q}\to Vg\f$, 1 is \f$qg\to Vq\f$ and 2 is \f$g\bar{q}\to V\bar{q}\f$)
* @param pT The transverse momentum of the jet
* @param R The object containing the kinematics
double getResult(int emis_type, realVVKinematics R, Energy pT);
* generates the hardest emission (yj,p)
* @param pnew The momenta of the new particles
* @param emissiontype The type of emission, as for getResult
* @return Whether not an emission was generated
bool getEvent(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pnew,unsigned int & emissiontype);
* sets the QCD, EW and PDF scales
* @param pT The pT of the current step in the veto algorithm
void setTheScales(Energy pT);
* The matrix element q + qb -> n + g times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qqb_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R, bool getMatrix) const;
* The matrix element q + g -> n + q times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_qg_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R, bool getMatrix) const;
* The matrix element g + qb -> n + q times tk*uk
Energy2 t_u_M_R_gqb_hel_amp(realVVKinematics R, bool getMatrix) const;
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
double lo_me(bool getMatrix) const;
* Recalculate hard vertex to include spin correlations for radiative events.
void recalculateVertex();
* Member which selects a two body decay mode for each vector
* boson and distributes decay products isotropically
bool isotropicDecayer();
* The triangle function lambda(x,y,z)=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2-2*x*y-2*y*z-2*x*z)
Energy2 triangleFn(Energy2,Energy2,Energy2);
* If this boolean is true the n+1 body helicity amplitudes will be
* used to calculate a hard vertex based on those kinematics for spin
* correlations in the decays.
bool realMESpinCorrelations_;
* The colour & spin averaged n-body (leading order) matrix element squared.
double lo_me_;
* The resolved 2->3 real emission kinematics.
realVVKinematics R_;
* This specifies the emitting configuration:
* 1: q + qbar -> V1 + V2 + g
* 2: q + g -> V1 + V2 + q
* 3: g + qbar -> V1 + V2 + qbar.
unsigned int channel_;
* Identifies the space-like mother of the branching
* as quark (+1) or antiquark (-1):
int fermionNumberOfMother_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr showerAlphaS_;
* Constants for the sampling. The distribution is assumed to have the
* form \f$\frac{c}{{\rm GeV}}\times\left(\frac{{\rm GeV}}{p_T}\right)^n\f$
* The power, \f$n\f$, for the sampling
double power_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$q\bar{q}\f$ channel
double preqqbar_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$qg\f$ channel
double preqg_;
* The prefactor, \f$c\f$ for the \f$g\bar{q}\f$ channel
double pregqbar_;
* The QCD beta function divided by 4pi, (11-2/3*nf)/4/pi, with nf = 5.
double b0_;
* The fundamental QCD scale in the one-loop alpha_{S} used for the crude
* (not the very crude) overestimate of the Sudakov exponent. The default
* value is set so such that alphaS(MZ), neglecting all flavour threshold
* effects i.e. MZ*exp(-1/2/b0_/alphaS(MZ)).
Energy LambdaQCD_;
* The prefactors as a vector for easy use
vector<double> prefactor_;
* Properties of the incoming particles
* Pointers to the ShowerProgenitor objects for the partons
PPtr qProgenitor_;
PPtr qbProgenitor_;
* Pointers to the Shower particle objects for the partons
PPtr showerQuark_;
PPtr showerAntiquark_;
* Pointers to the BeamParticleData objects
tcBeamPtr qHadron_;
tcBeamPtr qbHadron_;
* Properties of the boson and jets
* Pointers to the Shower particle objects for the partons
PPtr gluon_;
PPtr V1_;
PPtr V2_;
vector<PPtr> children_;
* Flag indicating if the q & qbar are flipped or not i.e. this
* is true if q enters from the -z direction in the lab frame.
bool flipped_;
* the rapidity of the jet
double Yk_;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy pT_;
* The transverse momentum of the jet
Energy min_pT_;
// Work out the scales we want to use in the matrix elements and the pdfs:
* Scale for alpha_S: pT^2 of the diboson system.
Energy2 QCDScale_;
* Scale for real emission PDF:
Energy2 PDFScale_;
* Scale of electroweak vertices: mVV^2 the invariant mass of the diboson system.
Energy2 EWScale_;
* A matrix to hold the home-grown production matrix element
mutable Complex productionMatrix_[3][3][3][3];
#endif /* HERWIG_MEPP2VVPowheg_H */
diff --git a/Models/General/HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.h b/Models/General/HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.h
--- a/Models/General/HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.h
+++ b/Models/General/HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.h
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor_H
#define HERWIG_HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor_H
// This is the declaration of the HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor class.
#include "HardProcessConstructor.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor class.
* @see \ref HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.
class HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor: public HardProcessConstructor {
* The default constructor.
* Main function called to start constructing the diagrams for
* the 2->2 process
void constructDiagrams();
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor &
operator=(const HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor &);
* The allowed outgoing vector bosons
PDVector _vector;
* The outgoing higgs bosons
PDVector _higgs;
* Collision Type
bool _type;
* Treatment of the Higgs width
unsigned int _shapeOpt;
* The shower coupling for the Matrix Element corrections
ShowerAlphaPtr _alpha;
#endif /* HERWIG_HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor_H */
diff --git a/Models/General/TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h b/Models/General/TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h
--- a/Models/General/TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h
+++ b/Models/General/TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h
@@ -1,175 +1,175 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_TwoBodyDecayConstructor_H
#define HERWIG_TwoBodyDecayConstructor_H
// This is the declaration of the TwoBodyDecayConstructor class.
#include "NBodyDecayConstructorBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/VertexBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/General/GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "TwoBodyDecay.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using Helicity::VertexBasePtr;
using Helicity::tVertexBasePtr;
* The TwoBodyDecayConstructor class inherits from the dummy base class
* NBodyDecayConstructorBase and implements the necessary functions in
* order to create the 2 body decay modes for a given set of vertices
* stored in a Model class.
* @see \ref TwoBodyDecayConstructorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for TwoBodyDecayConstructor.
* @see NBodyDecayConstructor
class TwoBodyDecayConstructor: public NBodyDecayConstructorBase {
* The default constructor.
TwoBodyDecayConstructor() : inter_(ShowerInteraction::Both) {
radiationVertices_[ShowerInteraction::QCD] = map<tPDPtr,VertexBasePtr>();
radiationVertices_[ShowerInteraction::QED] = map<tPDPtr,VertexBasePtr>();
* Function used to determine allowed decaymodes
*@param part vector of ParticleData pointers containing particles in model
virtual void DecayList(const set<PDPtr> & part);
* Number of outgoing lines. Required for correct ordering.
virtual unsigned int numBodies() const { return 2; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
TwoBodyDecayConstructor & operator=(const TwoBodyDecayConstructor &);
/** @name Functions to create decayers and decaymodes. */
* Function to create decays
* @param inpart Incoming particle
* @param vert The vertex to create decays for
* @param ilist Which list to search
* @param iv Row number in _theExistingDecayers member
* @return A vector a decay modes
set<TwoBodyDecay> createModes(tPDPtr inpart, VertexBasePtr vert,
unsigned int ilist);
* Function to create decayer for specific vertex
* @param decay decay mode for this decay
* member variable
GeneralTwoBodyDecayerPtr createDecayer(TwoBodyDecay decay);
* Create decay mode(s) from given part and decay modes
* @param decays The vector of decay modes
* @param decayer The decayer responsible for this decay
void createDecayMode(set<TwoBodyDecay> & decays);
* Get the vertex for QED/QCD radiation
VertexBasePtr radiationVertex(tPDPtr particle,ShowerInteraction inter,
tPDPair children = tPDPair ());
* Map of particles and the vertices which generate their QCD
* radiation
map<ShowerInteraction,map<tPDPtr,VertexBasePtr> > radiationVertices_;
* Default choice for the strong coupling object for hard QCD radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQCD_;
* Default choice for the strong coupling object for hard QED radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaQED_;
* Which type of corrections to the decays to include
ShowerInteraction inter_;
#endif /* HERWIG_TwoBodyDecayConstructor_H */
diff --git a/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h b/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h
--- a/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h
+++ b/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h
@@ -1,665 +1,665 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// HwRemDecayer.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_HwRemDecayer_H
#define HERWIG_HwRemDecayer_H
// This is the declaration of the HwRemDecayer class.
#include "ThePEG/PDT/RemnantDecayer.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcess.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "Herwig/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "HwRemDecayer.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The HwRemDecayer class is responsible for the decay of the remnants. Additional
* secondary scatters have to be evolved backwards to a gluon, the
* first/hard interaction has to be evolved back to a valence quark.
* This is all generated inside this class,
* which main methods are then called by the ShowerHandler.
* A simple forced splitting algorithm is used.
* This takes the Remnant object produced from the PDF and backward
* evolution (hadron - parton) and produce partons with the remaining
* flavours and with the correct colour connections.
* The algorithim operates by starting with the parton which enters the hard process.
* If this is from the sea there is a forced branching to produce the antiparticle
* from a gluon branching. If the parton entering the hard process was a gluon, or
* a gluon was produced from the first step of the algorithm, there is then a further
* branching back to a valence parton. After these partons have been produced a quark or
* diquark is produced to give the remaining valence content of the incoming hadron.
* The forced branching are generated using a scale between QSpac and EmissionRange times
* the minimum scale. The energy fractions are then distributed using
* \f[\frac{\alpha_S}{2\pi}\frac{P(z)}{z}f(x/z,\tilde{q})\f]
* with the massless splitting functions.
* \author Manuel B\"ahr
* @see \ref HwRemDecayerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HwRemDecayer.
class HwRemDecayer: public RemnantDecayer {
/** Typedef to store information about colour partners */
typedef vector<pair<tPPtr, tPPtr> > PartnerMap;
* The default constructor.
HwRemDecayer() : allowTop_(false), multiPeriph_(false), quarkPair_(false),
ptmin_(-1.*GeV), beta_(ZERO),
_range(1.1), _zbin(0.05),_ybin(0.),
_nbinmax(100), DISRemnantOpt_(0),
pomeronStructure_(0), mg_(ZERO) {}
/** @name Virtual functions required by the Decayer class. */
* Check if this decayer can perfom the decay specified by the
* given decay mode.
* @return true if this decayer can handle the given mode, otherwise false.
virtual bool accept(const DecayMode &) const {
return true;
* Return true if this decayer can handle the extraction of the \a
* extracted parton from the given \a particle.
virtual bool canHandle(tcPDPtr particle, tcPDPtr parton) const;
* Return true if this decayed can extract more than one parton from
* a particle.
virtual bool multiCapable() const {
return true;
* Perform a decay for a given DecayMode and a given Particle instance.
* @param dm the DecayMode describing the decay.
* @param p the Particle instance to be decayed.
* @param step the step we are working on.
* @return a ParticleVector containing the decay products.
virtual ParticleVector decay(const DecayMode & dm, const Particle & p, Step & step) const;
* struct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown
* due to energy conservation issues of additional soft scatters
struct ExtraSoftScatterVeto {};
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Do several checks and initialization, for remnantdecay inside ShowerHandler.
void initialize(pair<tRemPPtr, tRemPPtr> rems, tPPair beam, Step & step,
Energy forcedSplitScale);
* Initialize the soft scattering machinery.
* @param ptmin = the pt cutoff used in the UE model
* @param beta = slope of the soft pt-spectrum
void initSoftInteractions(Energy ptmin, InvEnergy2 beta);
* Perform the acual forced splitting.
* @param partons is a pair of ThePEG::Particle pointers which store the final
* partons on which the shower ends.
* @param pdfs are pointers to the pdf objects for both beams
* @param first is a flage wether or not this is the first or a secondary interation
void doSplit(pair<tPPtr, tPPtr> partons, pair<tcPDFPtr, tcPDFPtr> pdfs, bool first);
* Perform the final creation of the diquarks. Set the remnant masses and do
* all colour connections.
* @param colourDisrupt = variable to control how many "hard" scatters
* are colour isolated
* @param softInt = parameter for the number of soft scatters
void finalize(double colourDisrupt=0.0, unsigned int softInt=0);
* Find the children
void findChildren(tPPtr,vector<PPtr> &) const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit() {
mg_ = getParticleData(ParticleID::g)->constituentMass();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HwRemDecayer & operator=(const HwRemDecayer &);
* Simple struct to store info about baryon quark and di-quark
* constituents.
struct HadronContent {
* manually extract the valence flavour \a id.
inline void extract(int id) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<flav.size(); i++) {
if(id == sign*flav[i]){
if(hadron->id() == ParticleID::gamma ||
(hadron->id() == ParticleID::pomeron && pomeronStructure==1) ||
hadron->id() == ParticleID::reggeon) {
flav[0] = id;
flav[1] = -id;
extracted = 0;
else if (hadron->id() == ParticleID::pomeron && pomeronStructure==0) {
extracted = 0;
else {
extracted = i;
* Return a proper particle ID assuming that \a id has been removed
* from the hadron.
long RemID() const;
* Method to determine whether \a parton is a quark from the sea.
* @return TRUE if \a parton is neither a valence quark nor a gluon.
bool isSeaQuark(tcPPtr parton) const {
return ((parton->id() != ParticleID::g) && ( !isValenceQuark(parton) ) );
* Method to determine whether \a parton is a valence quark.
bool isValenceQuark(tcPPtr parton) const {
return isValenceQuark(parton->id());
* Method to determine whether \a parton is a quark from the sea.
* @return TRUE if \a parton is neither a valence quark nor a gluon.
bool isSeaQuarkData(tcPDPtr partonData) const {
return ((partonData->id() != ParticleID::g) && ( !isValenceQuarkData(partonData) ) );
* Method to determine whether \a parton is a valence quark.
bool isValenceQuarkData(tcPDPtr partonData) const {
int id(sign*partonData->id());
return find(flav.begin(),flav.end(),id) != flav.end();
* Method to determine whether \a parton is a valence quark.
bool isValenceQuark(int id) const {
return find(flav.begin(),flav.end(),sign*id) != flav.end();
/** The valence flavours of the corresponding baryon. */
vector<int> flav;
/** The array index of the extracted particle. */
int extracted;
/** -1 if the particle is an anti-particle. +1 otherwise. */
int sign;
/** The ParticleData objects of the hadron */
tcPDPtr hadron;
/** Pomeron treatment */
unsigned int pomeronStructure;
* Return the hadron content objects for the incoming particles.
const pair<HadronContent, HadronContent>& content() const {
return theContent;
* Return a HadronContent struct from a PPtr to a hadron.
HadronContent getHadronContent(tcPPtr hadron) const;
* Set the hadron contents.
void setHadronContent(tPPair beam) {
theContent.first = getHadronContent(beam.first);
theContent.second = getHadronContent(beam.second);
* Do the forced Splitting of the Remnant with respect to the
* extracted parton \a parton.
* @param parton = PPtr to the parton going into the subprocess.
* @param content = HadronContent struct to keep track of flavours.
* @param rem = Pointer to the ThePEG::RemnantParticle.
* @param used = Momentum vector to keep track of remaining momenta.
* @param partners = Vector of pairs filled with tPPtr to the particles
* which should be colour connected.
* @param pdf pointer to the PDF Object which is used for this particle
* @param first = Flag for the first interaction.
void split(tPPtr parton, HadronContent & content, tRemPPtr rem,
Lorentz5Momentum & used, PartnerMap & partners, tcPDFPtr pdf, bool first);
* Merge the colour lines of two particles
* @param p1 = Pointer to particle 1
* @param p2 = Pointer to particle 2
* @param anti = flag to indicate, if (anti)colour was extracted as first parton.
void mergeColour(tPPtr p1, tPPtr p2, bool anti) const;
* Set the colour connections.
* @param partners = Object that holds the information which particles to connect.
* @param anti = flag to indicate, if (anti)colour was extracted as first parton.
* @param disrupt parameter for disruption of the colour structure
void fixColours(PartnerMap partners, bool anti, double disrupt) const;
* Set the momenta of the Remnants properly and boost the decay particles.
void setRemMasses() const;
* This creates a parton from the remaining flavours of the hadron. The
* last parton used was a valance parton, so only 2 (or 1, if meson) flavours
* remain to be used.
PPtr finalSplit(const tRemPPtr rem, long remID,
Lorentz5Momentum usedMomentum) const {
// Create the remnant and set its momentum, also reset all of the decay
// products from the hadron
PPtr remnant = new_ptr(Particle(getParticleData(remID)));
Lorentz5Momentum prem(rem->momentum()-usedMomentum);
// Add the remnant to the step, but don't do colour connections
return remnant;
* This takes the particle and find a splitting for np -> p + child and
* creates the correct kinematics and connects for such a split. This
* Splitting has an upper bound on qtilde given by the energy argument
* @param rem The Remnant
* @param child The PDG code for the outgoing particle
* @param oldQ The maximum scale for the evolution
* @param oldx The fraction of the hadron's momentum carried by the last parton
* @param pf The momentum of the last parton at input and after branching at output
* @param p The total emitted momentum
* @param content The content of the hadron
PPtr forceSplit(const tRemPPtr rem, long child, Energy &oldQ, double &oldx,
Lorentz5Momentum &pf, Lorentz5Momentum &p,
HadronContent & content) const;
* Check if a particle is a parton from a hadron or not
* @param parton The parton to be tested
bool isPartonic(tPPtr parton) const;
/** @name Soft interaction methods. */
* Produce pt values according to dN/dp_T = N p_T exp(-beta_*p_T^2)
Energy softPt() const;
* Get the 2 pairs of 5Momenta for the scattering. Needs calling of
* initSoftInteractions.
void softKinematics(Lorentz5Momentum &r1, Lorentz5Momentum &r2,
Lorentz5Momentum &g1, Lorentz5Momentum &g2) const;
* Create N soft gluon interactions
void doSoftInteractions(unsigned int N){
* Create N soft gluon interactions (old version)
void doSoftInteractions_old(unsigned int N);
* Create N soft gluon interactions - multiperhpheral kinematics
void doSoftInteractions_multiPeriph(unsigned int N);
* Method to add a particle to the step
* @param parent = pointer to the parent particle
* @param id = Particle ID of the newly created particle
* @param p = Lorentz5Momentum of the new particle
tPPtr addParticle(tcPPtr parent, long id, Lorentz5Momentum p) const;
* A flag which indicates, whether the extracted valence quark was a
* anti particle.
pair<bool, bool> theanti;
* variable to sum up the x values of the extracted particles
pair<double, double> theX;
/**Pair of HadronContent structs to know about the quark content of the beams*/
pair<HadronContent, HadronContent> theContent;
/**Pair of Lorentz5Momentum to keep track of the forced splitting product momenta*/
pair<Lorentz5Momentum, Lorentz5Momentum> theUsed;
* Pair of PartnerMap's to store the particles, which will be colour
* connected in the end.
pair<PartnerMap, PartnerMap> theMaps;
* Variable to hold a pointer to the current step. The variable is used to
* determine, wether decay(const DecayMode & dm, const Particle & p, Step & step)
* has been called in this event or not.
StepPtr thestep;
* Pair of Remnant pointers. This is needed to boost
* in the Remnant-Remnant CMF after all have been decayed.
pair<RemPPtr, RemPPtr> theRems;
* The beam particle data for the current incoming hadron
mutable tcPPtr theBeam;
* the beam data
mutable Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer theBeamData;
* The PDF for the current initial-state shower
mutable tcPDFPtr _pdf;
* Switch to control handling of top quarks in proton
bool allowTop_;
* Switch to control using multiperipheral kinemaics
bool multiPeriph_;
* True if kinematics is to be calculated for quarks
bool quarkPair_;
/** @name Soft interaction variables. */
* Pair of soft Remnant pointers, i.e. Diquarks.
tPPair softRems_;
* ptcut of the UE model
Energy ptmin_;
* slope of the soft pt-spectrum: dN/dp_T = N p_T exp(-beta*p_T^2)
InvEnergy2 beta_;
* Maximum number of attempts for the regeneration of an additional
* soft scattering, before the number of scatters is reduced.
unsigned int maxtrySoft_;
* Variable to store the relative number of colour disrupted
* connections to additional soft subprocesses.
double colourDisrupt_;
* Variable to store the additive factor of the
multiperipheral ladder multiplicity.
double ladderbFactor_;
* Variable of the parameterization of the ladder multiplicity.
double ladderPower_;
* Variable of the parameterization of the ladder multiplicity.
double ladderNorm_;
* Variable to store the gaussian width of the
* fluctuation of the longitudinal momentum
* fraction.
double gaussWidth_;
* Variable to store the current total multiplicity
of a ladder.
double valOfN_;
* Variable to store the initial total rapidity between
of the remnants.
double initTotRap_;
/** @name Forced splitting variables. */
* The kinematic cut-off
Energy _kinCutoff;
* The PDF freezing scale as set in ShowerHandler
Energy _forcedSplitScale;
* Range for emission
double _range;
* Size of the bins in z for the interpolation
double _zbin;
* Size of the bins in y for the interpolation
double _ybin;
* Maximum number of bins for the z interpolation
int _nbinmax;
* Pointer to the object calculating the QCD coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr _alphaS;
* Pointer to the object calculating the QED coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr _alphaEM;
* Option for the DIS remnant
unsigned int DISRemnantOpt_;
* Option for the treatment of the pomeron structure
unsigned int pomeronStructure_;
* The gluon constituent mass.
Energy mg_;
#endif /* HERWIG_HwRemDecayer_H */
diff --git a/Shower/ b/Shower/
--- a/Shower/
+++ b/Shower/
@@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
SUBDIRS = Dipole QTilde
libHwShower_la_LIBADD = \
libHwShower_la_SOURCES = \
ShowerHandler.h ShowerHandler.fh \
ShowerVariation.h \
ShowerEventRecord.h \
PerturbativeProcess.h PerturbativeProcess.fh \
RealEmissionProcess.h RealEmissionProcess.fh \
UEBase.h UEBase.fh \
-Core/ShowerInteraction.h Core/ShowerConfig.h Core/ \
-Core/Base/Branching.h \
-Core/Base/ Core/Base/ShowerParticle.fh Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h \
-Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h Core/Base/ \
-Core/Base/ShowerBasis.fh Core/Base/ShowerBasis.h Core/Base/ \
-Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h \
-Core/Base/ Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh \
-Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h Core/Couplings/ Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.fh\
-Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh \
-Core/SplittingFunctions/ \
-Core/Base/ Core/Base/ShowerVertex.fh Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h
+ShowerInteraction.h \
+ShowerAlpha.h ShowerAlpha.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_Branching_H
#define HERWIG_Branching_H
// This is the declaration of the Branching struct.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The branching struct is used to store information on the branching.
* The kinematics variable is a pointer to the ShowerKinematics for the branching
* The sudakov variable is a pointer to the SudakovFormFactor for the branching
* The ids variable is the list of particles in the branching
struct Branching {
* Pointer to the ShowerKinematics object for the branching
ShoKinPtr kinematics;
* PDG codes of the particles in the branching
IdList ids;
* The SudakovFormFactor for the branching
tSudakovPtr sudakov;
* The type of radiation line
ShowerPartnerType type;
* Whether or not it keep from forced hard emisson
bool hard;
* Which of the children is same as incoming
unsigned int iout;
* Constructor for the struct
* @param a pointer to the ShowerKinematics object for the branching
* @param c PDG codes of the particles in the branching
* @param d The SudakovFormFactor for the branching
Branching(ShoKinPtr a, IdList c,tSudakovPtr d,ShowerPartnerType t)
: kinematics(a), ids(c), sudakov(d), type(t), hard(false), iout(0) {}
* Default constructor
Branching() : hard(false), iout(0) {}
#endif /* HERWIG_Branching_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h
@@ -1,363 +1,363 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_HardBranching_H
#define HERWIG_HardBranching_H
// This is the declaration of the HardBranching class.
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
#include "HardBranching.fh"
#include "HardTree.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The HardBranching class is designed to contain the information needed for
* an individual branching in the POWHEG approach
class HardBranching : public Base {
* The HardTree is friend
friend class HardTree;
* Enum for the status
enum Status {Outgoing=0,Incoming,Decay};
* The default constructor
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param sudakov The Sudakov form factor for the branching
* @param parent The parent for the branching
* @param status Whether the particle is incoming or outgoing
HardBranching(ShowerParticlePtr particle, SudakovPtr sudakov,
tHardBranchingPtr parent,Status status);
* Add a child of the branching
* @param child The child of the branching
void addChild(HardBranchingPtr child) {_children.push_back(child);}
* Clear the children
void clearChildren() { _children.clear(); }
* Set the momenta of the particles
void setMomenta(LorentzRotation R, double alpha, Lorentz5Momentum pt,
bool setMomentum=true);
* Set and get members for the private member variables
* Return the branching particle.
tShowerParticlePtr branchingParticle() const {return _particle;}
* Set the branching particle
void branchingParticle(ShowerParticlePtr in) {_particle=in;}
* Get the original momentum
const Lorentz5Momentum & original() const {return _original;}
* Set the original momentum
void original(const Lorentz5Momentum & in) {_original=in;}
* Get the p reference vector
const Lorentz5Momentum & pVector() const {return _p;}
* Set the p reference vector
void pVector(const Lorentz5Momentum & in) {_p=in;}
* Get the n reference vector
const Lorentz5Momentum & nVector() const {return _n;}
* Set the n reference vector
void nVector(const Lorentz5Momentum & in) {_n=in;}
* Get the transverse momentum vector
const Lorentz5Momentum & qPerp() const {return _qt;}
* Set the transverse momentum vector
void qPerp(const Lorentz5Momentum & in) {_qt=in;}
* Get the momentum the particle should have as the start of a shower
const Lorentz5Momentum & showerMomentum() const {return _shower;}
* Set the momentum the particle should have as the start of a shower
void showerMomentum(const Lorentz5Momentum & in ) {_shower=in;}
* Get the transverse momentum
Energy pT() const {return _pt;}
* Set the transverse momentum
void pT(Energy in) { _pt=in;}
* Get the fraction of beam momentum x
double x_frac() const {return _x_frac;}
* Set the fraction of beam momentum x
void x_frac( double x ) { _x_frac = x; }
* Get whether the branching is incoming, outgoing or decay
Status status() const {return _status;}
* Set whether the branching is incoming, outgoing or decay
void status(Status in) {_status=in;}
* The parent of the branching
tHardBranchingPtr parent() const {return _parent;}
* Set the parent of the branching
void parent(tHardBranchingPtr in) {_parent=in;}
* The Sudakov form-factor
SudakovPtr sudakov() const {return _sudakov;}
* The Sudakov form-factor
void sudakov(SudakovPtr in) {_sudakov=in;}
* Get the beam particle
PPtr beam() const {return _beam;}
* Set the beam particle
void beam(PPtr in) {_beam=in;}
* The children
vector<HardBranchingPtr> & children() {return _children;}
* Information on the Shower variables for the branching
* Get the evolution scale
Energy scale() const {return _scale;}
* The evolution scale
void scale(Energy in) {_scale=in;}
* The energy fraction
double z() const {return _z;}
* The energy fraction
void z(double in) {_z=in;}
* The azimthual angle
double phi() const {return _phi;}
* The azimthual angle
void phi(double in) {_phi=in;}
* Colour partners
* Get the colour partner
tHardBranchingPtr colourPartner() const {return _partner;}
* The colour partner of the branching
void colourPartner(tHardBranchingPtr in) {_partner=in;}
* Type of branching
ShowerPartnerType type() const {
return type_;
* Type of branching
void type(ShowerPartnerType in) {
type_ = in;
* The branching particle
ShowerParticlePtr _particle;
* The rescaled momentum
Lorentz5Momentum _original;
* The \f$p\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum _p;
* The \f$n\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum _n;
* The transverse momentum vector
Lorentz5Momentum _qt;
* The momentum the particle should have as the start of a shower
Lorentz5Momentum _shower;
* The transverse momentum
Energy _pt;
* The beam momentum fraction carried by an incoming parton x
double _x_frac;
* Whether the branching is incoming, outgoing or a decay
Status _status;
* Information on the Shower variables for the branching
* The evolution scale
Energy _scale;
* The energy fraction
double _z;
* The azimthual angle
double _phi;
* The parent of the branching
tHardBranchingPtr _parent;
* The Sudakov form-factor
SudakovPtr _sudakov;
* The children
vector<HardBranchingPtr> _children;
* The beam particle
PPtr _beam;
* The colour partner
tHardBranchingPtr _partner;
* The type of branching
ShowerPartnerType type_;
#endif /* HERWIG_HardBranching_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_HardTree_H
#define HERWIG_HardTree_H
// This is the declaration of the HardTree class.
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.fh"
#include "HardBranching.h"
#include "HardTree.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The HardTree class is designed to contain the information required
* to implement the POWHEG approach for Monte Carlo at next-to-leading order.
class HardTree : public Base {
* Output operator for testing
friend ostream & operator << (ostream &, const HardTree & );
* The default constructor.
HardTree(vector<HardBranchingPtr>, vector<HardBranchingPtr>, ShowerInteraction);
* Contructor from Real emission process
HardTree(RealEmissionProcessPtr real);
* Match particles in the ShowerTree to branchings in the HardTree
bool connect(ShowerParticlePtr particle, HardBranchingPtr branching) {
if(branchings_.find(branching)==branchings_.end()) return false;
return true;
* Match the prticles in the ShowerTree to the branchings in the HardTree
bool connect(ShowerTreePtr);
* Access the map between the ShowerParticle and the HardBranching
map<ShowerParticlePtr,tHardBranchingPtr> & particles()
{return particles_;}
* Access the set of branchings
set<HardBranchingPtr> & branchings() {return branchings_;}
* Access the incoming branchings
set<HardBranchingPtr> & incoming() {return spacelike_;}
* Type of interaction
ShowerInteraction interaction() {return interaction_;}
* Get the Rotation to be applied to the tree
LorentzRotation showerRot() { return showerRot_; }
* Set the Rotation to be applied to the tree
void showerRot( LorentzRotation r ) { showerRot_ = r; }
* Whether or not the evolution partners are set
bool partnersSet() const {return partnersSet_;}
* Whether or not the evolution partners are set
void partnersSet(bool in) {partnersSet_=in;}
* Type of interaction
ShowerInteraction interaction_;
* The ShowerTree
ShowerTreePtr _tree;
* Map from the particles in the ShowerTree to the HardBranchings
map<ShowerParticlePtr,tHardBranchingPtr> particles_;
* The HardBranchings in the hard process
set<HardBranchingPtr> branchings_;
* The HardBranchings which initiate the space-like showers
set<HardBranchingPtr> spacelike_;
* Rotation to shower frame
LorentzRotation showerRot_;
* Whether or not partners are set
bool partnersSet_;
* Output operator for testing
ostream & operator << (ostream &, const HardTree & );
#endif /* HERWIG_HardTree_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// KinematicsReconstructor.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_KinematicsReconstructor_H
#define HERWIG_KinematicsReconstructor_H
// This is the declaration of the KinematicsReconstructor class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h"
#include "KinematicsReconstructor.fh"
#include <cassert>
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* Exception class
* used to communicate failure of kinematics
* reconstruction.
struct KinematicsReconstructionVeto {};
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class is responsible for the kinematical reconstruction
* after each showering step, and also for the necessary Lorentz boosts
* in order to preserve energy-momentum conservation in the overall collision,
* and also the invariant mass and the rapidity of the hard subprocess system.
* In the case of multi-step showering, there will be not unnecessary
* kinematical reconstructions.
* Notice:
* - although we often use the term "jet" in either methods or variables names,
* or in comments, which could appear applicable only for QCD showering,
* there is indeed no "dynamics" represented in this class: only kinematics
* is involved, as the name of this class remainds. Therefore it can be used
* for any kind of showers (QCD-,QED-,EWK-,... bremsstrahlung).
* @see \ref KinematicsReconstructorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for KinematicsReconstructor.
class KinematicsReconstructor: public Interfaced {
* Methods to reconstruct the kinematics of a scattering or decay process
* Given the ShowerTree for the shower from a hard process
* the method does the reconstruction of the jets,
* including the appropriate boosts (kinematics reshufflings)
* needed to conserve the total energy-momentum of the collision
* and preserving the invariant mass and the rapidity of the
* hard subprocess system.
virtual bool reconstructHardJets(ShowerTreePtr hard,
const map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,
pair<Energy,double> > & pt,
ShowerInteraction type,
bool switchRecon) const=0;
* Given the ShowerTree for a decay shower
* the method does the reconstruction of the jets,
* including the appropriate boosts (kinematics reshufflings)
* needed to conserve the total energy-momentum of the collision
* and preserving the invariant mass and the rapidity of the
* hard subprocess system.
virtual bool reconstructDecayJets(ShowerTreePtr decay,
ShowerInteraction type) const=0;
* Methods to invert the reconstruction of the shower for
* a scattering or decay process and calculate
* the variables used to generate the
* shower given the particles produced.
* This is needed for the CKKW and POWHEG approaches
* Given the particles, with a history which we wish to interpret
* as a shower reconstruct the variables used to generate the
* shower for a decay process
virtual bool deconstructDecayJets(HardTreePtr decay,ShowerInteraction) const=0;
* Given the particles, with a history which we wish to interpret
* as a shower reconstruct the variables used to generate the shower
* for a hard process
virtual bool deconstructHardJets(HardTreePtr hard,ShowerInteraction) const=0;
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
KinematicsReconstructor & operator=(const KinematicsReconstructor &);
#endif /* HERWIG_KinematicsReconstructor_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
@@ -1,536 +1,536 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the PartnerFinder class.
#include "PartnerFinder.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Debug.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describePartnerFinder ("Herwig::PartnerFinder","");
// some useful functions to avoid using #define
namespace {
// return bool if final-state particle
inline bool FS(const tShowerParticlePtr a) {
return a->isFinalState();
// return colour line pointer
inline Ptr<ThePEG::ColourLine>::transient_pointer
CL(const tShowerParticlePtr a, unsigned int index=0) {
return a->colourInfo()->colourLines().empty() ? ThePEG::tColinePtr() :
// return colour line size
inline unsigned int
CLSIZE(const tShowerParticlePtr a) {
return a->colourInfo()->colourLines().size();
inline Ptr<ThePEG::ColourLine>::transient_pointer
ACL(const tShowerParticlePtr a, unsigned int index=0) {
return a->colourInfo()->antiColourLines().empty() ? ThePEG::tColinePtr() :
inline unsigned int
ACLSIZE(const tShowerParticlePtr a) {
return a->colourInfo()->antiColourLines().size();
void PartnerFinder::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << partnerMethod_ << QEDPartner_ << scaleChoice_;
void PartnerFinder::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> partnerMethod_ >> QEDPartner_ >> scaleChoice_;
void PartnerFinder::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<PartnerFinder> documentation
("This class is responsible for finding the partners for each interaction types ",
"and within the evolution scale range specified by the ShowerVariables ",
"then to determine the initial evolution scales for each pair of partners.");
static Switch<PartnerFinder,int> interfacePartnerMethod
"Choice of partner finding method for gluon evolution.",
&PartnerFinder::partnerMethod_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfacePartnerMethodRandom
"Choose partners of a gluon randomly.",
static SwitchOption interfacePartnerMethodMaximum
"Choose partner of gluon with largest angle.",
static Switch<PartnerFinder,int> interfaceQEDPartner
"Control of which particles to use as the partner for QED radiation",
&PartnerFinder::QEDPartner_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceQEDPartnerAll
"Consider all possible choices which give a positive contribution"
" in the soft limit.",
static SwitchOption interfaceQEDPartnerIIandFF
"Only allow initial-initial or final-final combinations",
static SwitchOption interfaceQEDPartnerIF
"Only allow initial-final combinations",
static Switch<PartnerFinder,int> interfaceScaleChoice
"The choice of the evolution scales",
&PartnerFinder::scaleChoice_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceScaleChoicePartner
"Scale of all interactions is that of the evolution partner",
static SwitchOption interfaceScaleChoiceDifferent
"Allow each interaction to have different scales",
void PartnerFinder::setInitialEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
ShowerInteraction type,
const bool setPartners) {
// clear the existing partners
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cit = particles.begin();
cit != particles.end(); ++cit) (*cit)->clearPartners();
// set them
if(type==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
else if(type==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
else {
// print out for debugging
if(Debug::level>=10) {
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cit = particles.begin();
cit != particles.end(); ++cit) {
generator()->log() << "Particle: " << **cit << "\n";
if(!(**cit).partner()) continue;
generator()->log() << "Primary partner: " << *(**cit).partner() << "\n";
for(vector<ShowerParticle::EvolutionPartner>::const_iterator it= (**cit).partners().begin();
it!=(**cit).partners().end();++it) {
generator()->log() << static_cast<long>(it->type) << " "
<< it->weight << " "
<< it->scale/GeV << " "
<< *(it->partner)
<< "\n";
generator()->log() << flush;
void PartnerFinder::setInitialQCDEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
const bool setPartners) {
// set the partners and the scales
if(setPartners) {
// Loop over particles and consider only coloured particles which don't
// have already their colour partner fixed and that don't have children
// (the latter requirement is relaxed in the case isDecayCase is true).
// Build a map which has as key one of these particles (i.e. a pointer
// to a ShowerParticle object) and as a corresponding value the vector
// of all its possible *normal* candidate colour partners, defined as follows:
// --- have colour, and no children (this is not required in the case
// isDecayCase is true);
// --- if both are initial (incoming) state particles, then the (non-null) colourLine()
// of one of them must match the (non-null) antiColourLine() of the other.
// --- if one is an initial (incoming) state particle and the other is
// a final (outgoing) state particle, then both must have the
// same (non-null) colourLine() or the same (non-null) antiColourLine();
// Notice that this definition exclude the special case of baryon-violating
// processes (as in R-parity Susy), which will show up as particles
// without candidate colour partners, and that we will be treated a part later
// (this means that no modifications of the following loop is needed!)
ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cit, cjt;
for(cit = particles.begin(); cit != particles.end(); ++cit) {
// Skip colourless particles
if(!(*cit)->data().coloured()) continue;
// find the partners
vector< pair<ShowerPartnerType, tShowerParticlePtr> > partners =
// must have a partner
if(partners.empty()) {
throw Exception() << "`Failed to make colour connections in "
<< "PartnerFinder::setQCDInitialEvolutionScales"
<< (**cit)
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Calculate the evolution scales for all possible pairs of of particles
vector<pair<Energy,Energy> > scales;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix< partners.size();++ix) {
// In the case of more than one candidate colour partners,
// there are now two approaches to choosing the partner. The
// first method is based on two assumptions:
// 1) the choice of which is the colour partner is done
// *randomly* between the available candidates.
// 2) the choice of which is the colour partner is done
// *independently* from each particle: in other words,
// if for a particle "i" its selected colour partner is
// the particle "j", then the colour partner of "j"
// does not have to be necessarily "i".
// The second method always chooses the furthest partner
// for hard gluons and gluinos.
// store the choice
int position(-1);
// random choice
if( partnerMethod_ == 0 ) {
// random choice of partner
position = UseRandom::irnd(partners.size());
// take the one with largest angle
else if (partnerMethod_ == 1 ) {
if ((*cit)->perturbative() == 1 &&
(*cit)->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) {
// Determine largest angle
double maxAngle(0.);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
double angle = (*cit)->momentum().vect().
if(angle>maxAngle) {
maxAngle = angle;
position = ix;
position = UseRandom::irnd(partners.size());
// set the evolution partner
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
// set scales for all interactions to that of the partner, default
Energy scale = scales[position].first;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
if(partners[ix].first==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
(**cit).scales().QCD_c =
(**cit).scales().QCD_c_noAO =
(scaleChoice_==0 ? scale : scales[ix].first);
else if(partners[ix].first==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
(**cit).scales().QCD_ac =
(**cit).scales().QCD_ac_noAO =
(scaleChoice_==0 ? scale : scales[ix].first);
// primary partner set, set the others and do the scale
else {
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cit = particles.begin();
cit != particles.end(); ++cit) {
// Skip colourless particles
if(!(*cit)->data().coloured()) continue;
// find the partners
vector< pair<ShowerPartnerType, tShowerParticlePtr> > partners =
// must have a partner
if(partners.empty()) {
throw Exception() << "`Failed to make colour connections in "
<< "PartnerFinder::setQCDInitialEvolutionScales"
<< (**cit)
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Calculate the evolution scales for all possible pairs of of particles
vector<pair<Energy,Energy> > scales;
int position(-1);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix< partners.size();++ix) {
if(partners[ix].second) position = ix;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
// set scales for all interactions to that of the partner, default
Energy scale = scales[position].first;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
if(partners[ix].first==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
(**cit).scales().QCD_c =
(**cit).scales().QCD_c_noAO =
(scaleChoice_==0 ? scale : scales[ix].first);
else if(partners[ix].first==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
(**cit).scales().QCD_ac =
(**cit).scales().QCD_ac_noAO =
(scaleChoice_==0 ? scale : scales[ix].first);
else {
void PartnerFinder::setInitialQEDEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
const bool setPartners) {
// loop over all the particles
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cit = particles.begin();
cit != particles.end(); ++cit) {
// not charged or photon continue
if(!(**cit).dataPtr()->charged()) continue;
// find the potential partners
vector<pair<double,tShowerParticlePtr> > partners = findQEDPartners(*cit,particles,isDecayCase);
if(partners.empty()) {
throw Exception() << "Failed to find partner in "
<< "PartnerFinder::setQEDInitialEvolutionScales"
<< (**cit) << Exception::eventerror;
// calculate the probabilities
double prob(0.);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) prob += partners[ix].first;
// normalise
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) partners[ix].first /= prob;
// set the partner if required
int position(-1);
// use QCD partner if set
if(!setPartners&&(*cit)->partner()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
if((*cit)->partner()==partners[ix].second) {
position = ix;
// set the partner
if(setPartners||!(*cit)->partner()||position<0) {
prob = UseRandom::rnd();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
if(partners[ix].first>prob) {
position = ix;
prob -= partners[ix].first;
if(position>=0&&(setPartners||!(*cit)->partner())) {
// must have a partner
if(position<0) throw Exception() << "Failed to find partner in "
<< "PartnerFinder::setQEDInitialEvolutionScales"
<< (**cit) << Exception::eventerror;
// Calculate the evolution scales for all possible pairs of of particles
vector<pair<Energy,Energy> > scales;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix< partners.size();++ix) {
// store all the possible partners
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<partners.size();++ix) {
// set scales
(**cit).scales().QED = scales[position].first;
(**cit).scales().QED_noAO = scales[position].first;
pair<Energy,Energy> PartnerFinder::
calculateInitialEvolutionScales(const ShowerPPair &particlePair,
const bool isDecayCase) {
bool FS1=FS(particlePair.first),FS2= FS(particlePair.second);
if(FS1 && FS2)
return calculateFinalFinalScales(particlePair);
else if(FS1 && !FS2) {
ShowerPPair a(particlePair.second, particlePair.first);
pair<Energy,Energy> rval = calculateInitialFinalScales(a,isDecayCase);
return pair<Energy,Energy>(rval.second,rval.first);
else if(!FS1 &&FS2)
return calculateInitialFinalScales(particlePair,isDecayCase);
return calculateInitialInitialScales(particlePair);
vector< pair<ShowerPartnerType, tShowerParticlePtr> >
PartnerFinder::findQCDPartners(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticleVector &particles) {
vector< pair<ShowerPartnerType, tShowerParticlePtr> > partners;
ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt = particles.begin(); cjt != particles.end(); ++cjt) {
if(!(*cjt)->data().coloured() || particle==*cjt) continue;
// one initial-state and one final-state particle
if(FS(particle) != FS(*cjt)) {
// loop over all the colours of both particles
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<CLSIZE(particle); ++ix) {
for(unsigned int jx=0; jx<CLSIZE(*cjt); ++jx) {
if((CL(particle,ix) && CL(particle,ix)==CL(*cjt,jx))) {
partners.push_back(make_pair(ShowerPartnerType:: QCDColourLine,*cjt));
//loop over all the anti-colours of both particles
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<ACLSIZE(particle); ++ix) {
for(unsigned int jx=0; jx<ACLSIZE(*cjt); ++jx) {
if((ACL(particle,ix) && ACL(particle,ix)==ACL(*cjt,jx))) {
// two initial-state or two final-state particles
else {
//loop over the colours of the first particle and the anti-colours of the other
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<CLSIZE(particle); ++ix){
for(unsigned int jx=0; jx<ACLSIZE(*cjt); ++jx){
if(CL(particle,ix) && CL(particle,ix)==ACL(*cjt,jx)) {
partners.push_back(make_pair(ShowerPartnerType:: QCDColourLine,*cjt));
//loop over the anti-colours of the first particle and the colours of the other
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<ACLSIZE(particle); ++ix){
for(unsigned int jx=0; jx<CLSIZE(*cjt); jx++){
if(ACL(particle,ix) && ACL(particle,ix)==CL(*cjt,jx)) {
// if we haven't found any partners look for RPV
if (partners.empty()) {
// special for RPV
tColinePtr col = CL(particle);
if(FS(particle)&&col&&col->sourceNeighbours().first) {
tColinePair cpair = col->sourceNeighbours();
for(cjt=particles.begin();cjt!=particles.end();++cjt) {
if(( FS(*cjt) && ( CL(*cjt) == cpair.first || CL(*cjt) == cpair.second))||
(!FS(*cjt) && (ACL(*cjt) == cpair.first || ACL(*cjt) == cpair.second ))) {
partners.push_back(make_pair(ShowerPartnerType:: QCDColourLine,*cjt));
else if(col&&col->sinkNeighbours().first) {
tColinePair cpair = col->sinkNeighbours();
for(cjt=particles.begin();cjt!=particles.end();++cjt) {
if(( FS(*cjt) && (ACL(*cjt) == cpair.first || ACL(*cjt) == cpair.second))||
(!FS(*cjt) && ( CL(*cjt) == cpair.first || CL(*cjt) == cpair.second))) {
partners.push_back(make_pair(ShowerPartnerType:: QCDColourLine,*cjt));
col = ACL(particle);
if(FS(particle)&&col&&col->sinkNeighbours().first) {
tColinePair cpair = col->sinkNeighbours();
for(cjt=particles.begin();cjt!=particles.end();++cjt) {
if(( FS(*cjt) && (ACL(*cjt) == cpair.first || ACL(*cjt) == cpair.second))||
(!FS(*cjt) && ( CL(*cjt) == cpair.first || CL(*cjt) == cpair.second ))) {
else if(col&&col->sourceNeighbours().first) {
tColinePair cpair = col->sourceNeighbours();
for(cjt=particles.begin();cjt!=particles.end();++cjt) {
if(( FS(*cjt) && ( CL(*cjt) == cpair.first || CL(*cjt) == cpair.second))||
(!FS(*cjt) && (ACL(*cjt) == cpair.first ||ACL(*cjt) == cpair.second))) {
// return the partners
return partners;
vector< pair<double, tShowerParticlePtr> >
PartnerFinder::findQEDPartners(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase) {
vector< pair<double, tShowerParticlePtr> > partners;
ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator cjt;
double pcharge = particle->id()==ParticleID::gamma ? 1 : double(particle->data().iCharge());
vector< pair<double, tShowerParticlePtr> > photons;
for(cjt = particles.begin(); cjt != particles.end(); ++cjt) {
if(particle == *cjt) continue;
if((**cjt).id()==ParticleID::gamma) photons.push_back(make_pair(1.,*cjt));
if(!(*cjt)->data().charged() ) continue;
double charge = pcharge*double((*cjt)->data().iCharge());
if( FS(particle) != FS(*cjt) ) charge *=-1.;
if( QEDPartner_ != 0 && !isDecayCase ) {
// only include II and FF as requested
if( QEDPartner_ == 1 && FS(particle) != FS(*cjt) )
// only include IF is requested
else if(QEDPartner_ == 2 && FS(particle) == FS(*cjt) )
if(particle->id()==ParticleID::gamma) charge = -abs(charge);
// only keep positive dipoles
if(charge<0.) partners.push_back(make_pair(-charge,*cjt));
if(particle->id()==ParticleID::gamma&& partners.empty()) {
return photons;
return partners;
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// PartnerFinder.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_PartnerFinder_H
#define HERWIG_PartnerFinder_H
// This is the declaration of the PartnerFinder class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "PartnerFinder.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* typedef of a pair of particle for calculating the evolution scales
typedef pair<tShowerParticlePtr,tShowerParticlePtr> ShowerPPair;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class is responsible of two related tasks:
* - it finds the partners
* - for each pair of partners (and interaction therefore)
* it sets the initial evolution scales of both of them.
* In general the finding of the partners is performed by this class but
* the calculation of the initial evolution scales should be implemented
* for different shower evolution models in classes inheriting from this one.
* Notice that a given particle has, in general, a different partner
* for each different interaction; however, given a partner, its
* initial evolution scale, Q, is purely a kinematical relationship
* between the pair, without dependence on the dynamics (i.e. type of interaction).
* @see \ref PartnerFinderInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for PartnerFinder.
class PartnerFinder: public Interfaced {
* The default constructor.
PartnerFinder() : partnerMethod_(0), QEDPartner_(0), scaleChoice_(0) {}
* Given in input a collection of particles (ShowerParticle objects),
* each of these methods set the initial evolution scales of those particles,
* between the ones given in input, that do not have yet their
* evolution scale set.
* The input collection of particles can be either the full collection of
* showering particles (kept in the main class ShowerHandler,
* in the case isDecayCase is false, or simply, in the case isDecayCase
* is true, the decaying particle and its decay products.
* The methods returns true, unless something wrong (inconsistencies,
* or undefined values) happens.
* These methods are virtual but in most cases inheriting classes should not
* need to overide them as they simply find the relevant partner and call
* one of the calculateScale members to calculate the scale.
* Set the initial scales
* @param particles The particles to be considered
* @param isDecayCase Whether or not this is a decay
* @param setPartners Whether to set the colour partners or just the scales
virtual void setInitialEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
const bool setPartners=true);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Members to set the scales for different interactions
* Set initial scales for a QCD interaction
virtual void setInitialQCDEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
const bool setPartners=true);
* Set initial scales for a QED interaction
virtual void setInitialQEDEvolutionScales(const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase,
const bool setPartners=true);
* Find the QCD partners
* @param particle The particle to find the partners for
* @param particles The full set of particles to search
vector< pair<ShowerPartnerType, tShowerParticlePtr> >
findQCDPartners(tShowerParticlePtr particle, const ShowerParticleVector &particles);
* Find the QED partners
* @param particle The particle to find the partners for
* @param particles The full set of particles to search
vector< pair<double, tShowerParticlePtr> >
findQEDPartners(tShowerParticlePtr particle, const ShowerParticleVector &particles,
const bool isDecayCase);
* Given a pair of particles, supposedly partners w.r.t. an interaction,
* this method returns their initial evolution scales as a pair.
* If something wrong happens, it returns the null (ZERO,ZERO) pair.
* This method is used by the above setXXXInitialEvolutionScales
* methods.
* These methods must be overiden in inheriting classes
* General method to calculate the initial evolution scales
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialEvolutionScales(const ShowerPPair &,
const bool isDecayCase);
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for two final-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateFinalFinalScales(const ShowerPPair &)=0;
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for two initial-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialInitialScales(const ShowerPPair &)=0;
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for one initial
* and one final-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialFinalScales(const ShowerPPair &,
const bool isDecayCase)=0;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
PartnerFinder & operator=(const PartnerFinder &);
* Method for choosing colour partner
int partnerMethod_;
* Choice for the QED radiation partner
int QEDPartner_;
* Choice of the scale
int scaleChoice_;
#endif /* HERWIG_PartnerFinder_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
rename from Shower/Core/Base/
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerBasis.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerBasis.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerBasis.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerBasis.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerBasis.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerBasis.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerBasis.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerBasis.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerBasis.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerBasis.h
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef Herwig_ShowerBasis_H
#define Herwig_ShowerBasis_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerBasis class.
#include "ShowerBasis.fh"
#include "ShowerParticle.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/Lorentz5Vector.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The ShowerBasis class stores the basis vectors used by the shower
class ShowerBasis: public Base {
* enum for the frame definition
enum Frame {BackToBack,Rest};
* The default constructor.
ShowerBasis() {}
* Access to the frame definition
Frame frame() const {return frame_;}
* Implementation of the virtual function returning a set of basis vectors, specific to
* the type of evolution. This function will be used by the
* ForwardShowerEvolver in order to access \f$p\f$
* and \f$n\f$.
virtual vector<Lorentz5Momentum> getBasis() const;
* Set the basis vectors
void setBasis(const Lorentz5Momentum &p, const Lorentz5Momentum & n,
Frame frame);
* Access to the \f$p\f$ vector used to describe the kinematics.
const Lorentz5Momentum & pVector() const {return pVector_;}
* Access to the \f$n\f$ vector used to describe the kinematics.
const Lorentz5Momentum & nVector() const {return nVector_;}
* Dot product of thew basis vectors
Energy2 p_dot_n() const {return pVector_*nVector_;}
* Transform the shower kinematics (usually the reference vectors)
virtual void transform(const LorentzRotation & r);
* Converts a Sudakov parametrization of a momentum w.r.t. the given
* basis \f$p\f$ and \f$n\f$ into a 5 momentum.
* @param alpha The \f$\alpha\f$ parameter of the Sudakov parameterisation
* @param beta The \f$\beta\f$ parameter of the Sudakov parameterisation
* @param px The \f$x\f$-component of the transverse momentum in the Sudakov
* parameterisation
* @param py The \f$x\f$-component of the transverse momentum in the Sudakov
* parameterisation
Lorentz5Momentum sudakov2Momentum(double alpha, double beta,
Energy px, Energy py) const {
return alpha*pVector_ + beta*nVector_ + px*xPerp_ + py*yPerp_;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerBasis & operator=(const ShowerBasis &);
* The frame in which the basis vectors are defined
Frame frame_;
* The \f$p\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum pVector_;
* The \f$n\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum nVector_;
* x \f$q_\perp\f$ reference vector
LorentzVector<double> xPerp_;
* y \f$q_\perp\f$reference vector
LorentzVector<double> yPerp_;
#endif /* Herwig_ShowerBasis_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
rename from Shower/Core/Base/
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h
@@ -1,276 +1,276 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerKinematics.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerKinematics_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerKinematics_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerKinematics class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
#include "ShowerKinematics.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* This is the abstract base class from which all other shower
* kinematics classes derive. The main purpose of the
* shower kinematics classes is to allow the reconstruction
* of jet masses, at the end of the showering (indeed, for
* multi-scale showering, at the end of each scale-range evolution).
* This is necessary for the kinematics reshuffling
* in order to compensate the recoil of the emissions.
* The KinematicsReconstructor class is in
* charge of this job, and which is the main "user" of
* ShowerKinematics and its derived classes.
* How this is done depends on the choice of kinematics variables
* and whether the jet is time-like (forward evolved) or
* space-like (backward evolved), whereas the class ShowerKinematics
* describes only the common features which are independent by them.
* In general there are a number of methods specific to a shower approach
* @see KinematicsReconstructor
class ShowerKinematics: public Base {
* The default constructor.
ShowerKinematics() : Base(), _isTheJetStartingPoint( false ),
_scale(), _z( 0.0 ), _phi( 0.0 ), _pt(),
_sudakov() {}
* The updateChildren and updateParent
* members to update the values of the \f$\alpha\f$ and
* \f$p_\perp\f$ variables during the shower evolution.
* Along with the showering evolution --- going forward for
* time-like (forward) evolution, and going backward for space-like
* (backward) evolution --- the kinematical variables of the
* branching products are calculated and updated from the knowledge
* of the parent kinematics.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateChildren(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto ) const;
virtual void resetChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType) const;
* Update the kinematical data of a particle when a reconstruction
* fixpoint was found. This will highly depend on the kind of
* kinematics chosen and will be defined in the inherited concrete
* classes. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param last The particle.
* @param px The \f$x\f$ component of the \f$p_T\f$.
* @param py The \f$y\f$ component of the \f$p_T\f$.
virtual void updateLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last,
Energy px, Energy py) const;
* The reconstructLast, reconstructChildren and reconstructParent members
* are used during the reconstruction
* Along with the showering evolution --- going forward for
* time-like (forward) evolution, and going backward for space-like
* (backward) evolution --- the kinematical variables of the
* branching products are calculated and updated from the knowledge
* of the parent kinematics.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
virtual void reconstructChildren(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) const;
* Reconstruct the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
virtual void reconstructParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children) const;
* Update the kinematical data of a particle when a reconstruction
* fixpoint was found. This will highly depend on the kind of
* kinematics chosen and will be defined in the inherited concrete
* classes. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param last The particle.
* @param mass The mass to be used, if less than zero on-shell
virtual void reconstructLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last, Energy mass=-1.*GeV) const;
* Set/access the flag that tells whether or not this ShowerKinematics
* object is associated to the starting particle of the jet: only in this
* case it is sensible to use the two main virtual methods below.
* Set the starting point flag
void isTheJetStartingPoint(const bool );
* Get the starting point flag
bool isTheJetStartingPoint() const;
* Set/Get methods for the kinematic variables
* Access the scale of the splitting.
Energy scale() const { return _scale; }
* Set the scale of the splitting.
void scale(const Energy in) { _scale=in; }
* Access the energy fraction, \f$z\f$.
double z() const { return _z; }
* Set the energy fraction, \f$z\f$.
void z(const double in) { _z=in; }
* Access the azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
double phi() const { return _phi; }
* Set the azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
void phi(const double in) { _phi=in; }
* Access the relative \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
Energy pT() const { return _pt; }
* Set the relative \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
void pT(const Energy in) const { _pt=in; }
* Set and get methods for the SplittingFunction object
* Access the SplittingFunction object responsible of the
* eventual branching of this particle.
tSplittingFnPtr splittingFn() const { return _sudakov-> splittingFn(); }
* Set and get methods for the SudakovFormFactor object
* Access the SudakovFormFactor object responsible of the
* eventual branching of this particle.
tSudakovPtr SudakovFormFactor() const { return _sudakov; }
* Set the SudakovFormFactor object responsible of the
* eventual branching of this particle.
void SudakovFormFactor(const tSudakovPtr sud) { _sudakov=sud; }
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerKinematics & operator=(const ShowerKinematics &);
* Is this the starting point of the jet
bool _isTheJetStartingPoint;
* The \f$\tilde{q}\f$ evolution variable.
Energy _scale;
* The energy fraction, \f$z\f$
double _z;
* The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
double _phi;
* The relative \f$p_T\f$
mutable Energy _pt;
* The splitting function for the branching of the particle
tSudakovPtr _sudakov;
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerKinematics_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ShowerModel class.
#include "ShowerModel.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "PartnerFinder.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeShowerModel ("Herwig::ShowerModel","");
void ShowerModel::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _reconstructor << _partnerfinder << _sudakovs;
void ShowerModel::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _reconstructor >> _partnerfinder >> _sudakovs;
void ShowerModel::doinit() {
void ShowerModel::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ShowerModel> documentation
("The ShowerModel class contains the references for the classes which"
" are specific to the shower evolution scheme.");
static Reference<ShowerModel,KinematicsReconstructor> interfaceKinematicsReconstructor
"Reference to the KinematicsReconstructor object",
&ShowerModel::_reconstructor, false, false, true, false, false);
static Reference<ShowerModel,PartnerFinder> interfacePartnerFinder
"Reference to the PartnerFinder object",
&ShowerModel::_partnerfinder, false, false, true, false, false);
static RefVector<ShowerModel,SudakovFormFactor> interfaceSudakovFormFactors
"Vector of references to the SudakovFormFactor objects",
&ShowerModel::_sudakovs, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerModel.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerModel_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerModel_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerModel class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "KinematicsReconstructor.fh"
#include "PartnerFinder.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh"
#include "ShowerModel.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The ShowerModel class is a container for all the objects needed to implement a
* specific model of the shower evolution, as opposed to those which are independent
* of the evolution.
* In general there are four types of object
* - The KinematicsReconstructor object which is responsible for reconstruction
* of the shower kinematics after the evolution.
* - The PartnerFinder which is responsible for finding the partner and setting the
* initial evolution scale
* - A vector of SudakovFormFactor objects which will usually all be instances
* of a class implementing the SudakovFormFactor for a specific model with
* different splitting functions for different branchings
* For each model the checkConsistency member must be implemented to check that
* the correct objects for the model are used.
* @see \ref ShowerModelInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ShowerModel.
class ShowerModel: public Interfaced {
* Access methods to access the objects
* Access to the KinematicsReconstructor object
tKinematicsReconstructorPtr kinematicsReconstructor() const { return _reconstructor; }
* Access to the PartnerFinder object
tPartnerFinderPtr partnerFinder() const { return _partnerfinder; }
* Access to the SudakovFormFactor objects
const vector<SudakovPtr> & sudakovFormFactors() const { return _sudakovs; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* The checkConsitency member which must be implemented in classes
* inheriting from this one.
virtual void checkConsistency() =0;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerModel & operator=(const ShowerModel &);
* Pointer to the various objects
* Pointer to the KinematicsReconstructor object
KinematicsReconstructorPtr _reconstructor;
* Pointer to the PartnerFinder object
PartnerFinderPtr _partnerfinder;
* Pointers to the SudakovFormFactor objects
vector<SudakovPtr> _sudakovs;
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerModel_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
rename from Shower/Core/Base/
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h
@@ -1,528 +1,528 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerParticle.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerParticle_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerParticle_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerParticle class.
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ShowerBasis.h"
#include "ShowerKinematics.h"
#include "ShowerParticle.fh"
#include <iosfwd>
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class represents a particle in the showering process.
* It inherits from the Particle class of ThePEG and has some
* specifics information useful only during the showering process.
* Notice that:
* - for forward evolution, it is clear what is meant by parent/child;
* for backward evolution, however, it depends whether we want
* to keep a physical picture or a Monte-Carlo effective one.
* In the former case, an incoming particle (emitting particle)
* splits into an emitted particle and the emitting particle after
* the emission: the latter two are then children of the
* emitting particle, the parent. In the Monte-Carlo effective
* picture, we have that the particle close to the hard subprocess,
* with higher (space-like) virtuality, splits into an emitted particle
* and the emitting particle at lower virtuality: the latter two are,
* in this case, the children of the first one, the parent. However we
* choose a more physical picture where the new emitting particle is the
* parented of the emitted final-state particle and the original emitting
* particle.
* - the pointer to a SplitFun object is set only in the case
* that the particle has undergone a shower emission. This is similar to
* the case of the decay of a normal Particle where
* the pointer to a Decayer object is set only in the case
* that the particle has undergone to a decay.
* In the case of particle connected directly to the hard subprocess,
* there is no pointer to the hard subprocess, but there is a method
* isFromHardSubprocess() which returns true only in this case.
* @see Particle
* @see ShowerConfig
* @see ShowerKinematics
class ShowerParticle: public Particle {
* Struct for all the info on an evolution partner
struct EvolutionPartner {
* Constructor
EvolutionPartner(tShowerParticlePtr p,double w, ShowerPartnerType t,
Energy s) : partner(p), weight(w), type(t), scale(s)
* The partner
tShowerParticlePtr partner;
* Weight
double weight;
* Type
ShowerPartnerType type;
* The assoicated evolution scale
Energy scale;
* Struct to store the evolution scales
struct EvolutionScales {
* Constructor
EvolutionScales() : QED(),QCD_c(),QCD_ac(),
* QED scale
Energy QED;
* QCD colour scale
Energy QCD_c;
* QCD anticolour scale
Energy QCD_ac;
* QED scale
Energy QED_noAO;
* QCD colour scale
Energy QCD_c_noAO;
* QCD anticolour scale
Energy QCD_ac_noAO;
* Maximum allowed virtuality of the particle
Energy2 Max_Q2;
/** @name Construction and descruction functions. */
* Standard Constructor. Note that the default constructor is
* private - there is no particle without a pointer to a
* ParticleData object.
* @param x the ParticleData object
* @param fs Whether or not the particle is an inital or final-state particle
* @param tls Whether or not the particle initiates a time-like shower
ShowerParticle(tcEventPDPtr x, bool fs, bool tls=false)
: Particle(x), _isFinalState(fs),
_perturbative(0), _initiatesTLS(tls), _x(1.0), _showerKinematics(),
_vMass(ZERO), _thePEGBase() {}
* Copy constructor from a ThePEG Particle
* @param x ThePEG particle
* @param pert Where the particle came from
* @param fs Whether or not the particle is an inital or final-state particle
* @param tls Whether or not the particle initiates a time-like shower
ShowerParticle(const Particle & x, unsigned int pert, bool fs, bool tls=false)
: Particle(x), _isFinalState(fs),
_perturbative(pert), _initiatesTLS(tls), _x(1.0), _showerKinematics(),
_vMass(ZERO), _thePEGBase(&x) {}
* Set a preliminary momentum for the particle
void setShowerMomentum(bool timelike);
* Construct the spin info object for a shower particle
void constructSpinInfo(bool timelike);
* Perform any initial calculations needed after the branching has been selected
void initializeDecay();
* Perform any initial calculations needed after the branching has been selected
* @param parent The beam particle
void initializeInitialState(PPtr parent);
* Perform any initial calculations needed after the branching has been selected
void initializeFinalState();
* Access/Set various flags about the state of the particle
* Access the flag that tells if the particle is final state
* or initial state.
bool isFinalState() const { return _isFinalState; }
* Access the flag that tells if the particle is initiating a
* time like shower when it has been emitted in an initial state shower.
bool initiatesTLS() const { return _initiatesTLS; }
* Access the flag which tells us where the particle came from
* This is 0 for a particle produced in the shower, 1 if the particle came
* from the hard sub-process and 2 is it came from a decay.
unsigned int perturbative() const { return _perturbative; }
* Set/Get the momentum fraction for initial-state particles
* For an initial state particle get the fraction of the beam momentum
void x(double x) { _x = x; }
* For an initial state particle set the fraction of the beam momentum
double x() const { return _x; }
* Set/Get methods for the ShowerKinematics objects
* Access/ the ShowerKinematics object.
const ShoKinPtr & showerKinematics() const { return _showerKinematics; }
* Set the ShowerKinematics object.
void showerKinematics(const ShoKinPtr in) { _showerKinematics = in; }
* Set/Get methods for the ShowerBasis objects
* Access/ the ShowerBasis object.
const ShowerBasisPtr & showerBasis() const { return _showerBasis; }
* Set the ShowerBasis object.
void showerBasis(const ShowerBasisPtr in, bool copy) {
_showerBasis = in;
else {
_showerBasis = new_ptr(ShowerBasis());
* Members relating to the initial evolution scale and partner for the particle
* Veto emission at a given scale
void vetoEmission(ShowerPartnerType type, Energy scale);
* Access to the evolution scales
const EvolutionScales & scales() const {return scales_;}
* Access to the evolution scales
EvolutionScales & scales() {return scales_;}
* Return the virtual mass\f$
Energy virtualMass() const { return _vMass; }
* Set the virtual mass
void virtualMass(Energy mass) { _vMass = mass; }
* Return the partner
tShowerParticlePtr partner() const { return _partner; }
* Set the partner
void partner(const tShowerParticlePtr partner) { _partner = partner; }
* Get the possible partners
vector<EvolutionPartner> & partners() { return partners_; }
* Add a possible partners
void addPartner(EvolutionPartner in );
* Clear the evolution partners
void clearPartners() { partners_.clear(); }
* Return the progenitor of the shower
tShowerParticlePtr progenitor() const { return _progenitor; }
* Set the progenitor of the shower
void progenitor(const tShowerParticlePtr progenitor) { _progenitor = progenitor; }
* Members to store and provide access to variables for a specific
* shower evolution scheme
struct Parameters {
Parameters() : alpha(1.), beta(), ptx(), pty(), pt() {}
double alpha;
double beta;
Energy ptx;
Energy pty;
Energy pt;
* Set the vector containing dimensionless variables
Parameters & showerParameters() { return _parameters; }
* If this particle came from the hard process get a pointer to ThePEG particle
* it came from
const tcPPtr thePEGBase() const { return _thePEGBase; }
* Extract the rho matrix including mapping needed in the shower
RhoDMatrix extractRhoMatrix(bool forward);
* For a particle which came from the hard process get the spin density and
* the mapping required to the basis used in the Shower
* @param rho The \f$\rho\f$ matrix
* @param mapping The mapping
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
bool getMapping(SpinPtr &, RhoDMatrix & map);
* Standard clone function.
virtual PPtr clone() const;
* Standard clone function.
virtual PPtr fullclone() const;
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<ShowerParticle> initShowerParticle;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerParticle & operator=(const ShowerParticle &);
* Whether the particle is in the final or initial state
bool _isFinalState;
* Whether the particle came from
unsigned int _perturbative;
* Does a particle produced in the backward shower initiate a time-like shower
bool _initiatesTLS;
* Dimensionless parameters
Parameters _parameters;
* The beam energy fraction for particle's in the initial state
double _x;
* The shower kinematics for the particle
ShoKinPtr _showerKinematics;
* The shower basis for the particle
ShowerBasisPtr _showerBasis;
* Storage of the evolution scales
EvolutionScales scales_;
* Virtual mass
Energy _vMass;
* Partners
tShowerParticlePtr _partner;
* Pointer to ThePEG Particle this ShowerParticle was created from
const tcPPtr _thePEGBase;
* Progenitor
tShowerParticlePtr _progenitor;
* Partners
vector<EvolutionPartner> partners_;
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & es) {
os << "Scales: QED=" << es.QED / GeV
<< " QCD_c=" << es.QCD_c / GeV
<< " QCD_ac=" << es.QCD_ac / GeV
<< " QED_noAO=" << es.QED_noAO / GeV
<< " QCD_c_noAO=" << es.QCD_c_noAO / GeV
<< " QCD_ac_noAO=" << es.QCD_ac_noAO / GeV
<< '\n';
return os;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of ShowerParticle. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::ShowerParticle,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of ShowerParticle. */
typedef Particle NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the ShowerParticle class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::ShowerParticle>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::ShowerParticle> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::ShowerParticle"; }
/** Create a Event object. */
static TPtr create() { return TPtr::Create(Herwig::ShowerParticle(tcEventPDPtr(),true)); }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerParticle_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h
@@ -1,263 +1,263 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerProgenitor.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerProgenitor_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerProgenitor_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerProgenitor struct.
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ShowerProgenitor.fh"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* A struct to store information on the perturbative particle which
* initiates a shower
class ShowerProgenitor : public Base {
* Enum for the reconstruction state of this progentitor
enum Reconstructed { notReconstructed=0, done, dontReconstruct};
* Typedef for the BeamParticleData objects
typedef Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer tcBeamPtr;
* Constructor for the class
* @param original The original particle
* @param copy The colour isolated copy
* @param particle The ShowerPArticle copy
* @param pT The \f$p_t\f$ of the hardest emission
* @param emitted Whether or not the particle has radiated
ShowerProgenitor(PPtr original,PPtr copy, ShowerParticlePtr particle,
Energy pT=ZERO,bool emitted=false)
: _original(original), _copy(copy), _perturbative(true),
_particle(particle), _highestpT(pT),
_maxHardPt(ZERO), _hardScale(ZERO), _hasEmitted(emitted),
_reconstructed(notReconstructed) {
// get the BeamParticleData object
if ( original->parents().empty() ) {
else {
* Access to the particle
ShowerParticlePtr progenitor() const { return _particle; }
* Set the particle
void progenitor(ShowerParticlePtr in) { _particle=in; }
* Access to the original particle
PPtr original() const { return _original; }
* Access to the colour isolated copy
PPtr copy() const { return _copy; }
* Set the copy
void copy(PPtr in) { _copy=in; }
* Whether the particle came from the hard process or was added by
* the matrix element correction
bool perturbative() const { return _perturbative; }
* Whether the particle came from the hard process or was added by
* the matrix element correction
void perturbative(bool in) { _perturbative=in; }
* Set/Get methods for the hardest \f$p_T\f$ so far
* Access the \f$p_T\f$ of the hardest emission so far
Energy highestpT() const { return _highestpT; }
* Set the \f$p_T\f$ of the hardest emission so far
void highestpT(Energy in) { _highestpT=in; }
* Set/Get methods for the maximum \f$p_T\f$
* Access the maximum \f$p_T\f$ for radiation
Energy maximumpT(ShowerInteraction type) const {
map<ShowerInteraction,Energy>::const_iterator it = _maxpT.find(type);
return it !=_maxpT.end() ? it->second : Constants::MaxEnergy;
* Set the maximum \f$p_T\f$ for radiation
void maximumpT(Energy in,ShowerInteraction type) {
_maxpT[type]=in; }
* Set/Get methods for whether the particle has radiated
* Access the maximum hard \f$p_T\f$, given by the hard process
Energy maxHardPt() const { return _maxHardPt; }
* Set the maximum hard \f$p_T\f$, given by the hard process
void maxHardPt(Energy in) { _maxHardPt = in; }
* Access the relevant hard scale to be used in profile scales; usually
* this is taken to be the maximum pt, except for other choices such as
* hfact.
Energy hardScale() const { return _hardScale; }
* Set the relevant hard scale to be used in profile scales; usually
* this is taken to be the maximum pt, except for other choices such as
* hfact.
void hardScale(Energy in) { _hardScale = in; }
* Has this particle radiated
bool hasEmitted() const { return _hasEmitted; }
* Set whether or not this particle has radiated
void hasEmitted(bool in) { _hasEmitted=in; }
* The id of the particle
long id() const { return _particle->id(); }
* The BeamParticleData object
tcBeamPtr beam() { return _beam; }
* Whether or not the recon has been performed
Reconstructed reconstructed() const {return _reconstructed;}
* Whether or not the recon has been performed
void reconstructed(Reconstructed recon) {_reconstructed = recon;}
* Pointer to the original particle
PPtr _original;
* Pointer to the colour isolated copy of the original particle
PPtr _copy;
* Whether the particle came from the hard process or was added by
* the matrix element correction
bool _perturbative;
* Pointer to the ShowerParticle
ShowerParticlePtr _particle;
* Highest \f$p_T\f$ emitted in the shower from this particle
Energy _highestpT;
* Maximum allowed \f$p_T\f$ for emission from this particle
map<ShowerInteraction,Energy> _maxpT;
* maximum hard \f$p_T\f$ from the hard process
Energy _maxHardPt;
* The relevant hard scale to be used in profile scales; usually
* this is taken to be the maximum pt, except for other choices such as
* hfact.
Energy _hardScale;
* Has there been radiation
bool _hasEmitted;
* The BeamParticleData object
tcBeamPtr _beam;
* Whether or not the reconstruction has been performed
Reconstructed _reconstructed;
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerProgenitor_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
@@ -1,922 +1,922 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/MultiColour.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ShowerTree.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/XComb.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG;
bool ShowerTree::_spaceTime = false;
Energy2 ShowerTree::_vmin2 = 0.1*GeV2;
namespace {
void findBeam(tPPtr & beam, PPtr incoming) {
while(!beam->children().empty()) {
bool found=false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<beam->children().size();++ix) {
if(beam->children()[ix]==incoming) {
found = true;
if(found) break;
beam = beam->children()[0];
ShowerTree::ShowerTree(PerturbativeProcessPtr process)
: _hardMECorrection(false),
_parent(), _hasShowered(false) {
// get the incoming and outgoing particles and make copies
vector<PPtr> original,copy;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<process->incoming().size();++ix) {
copy .push_back(new_ptr(Particle(*original.back())));
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<process->outgoing().size();++ix) {
copy .push_back(new_ptr(Particle(*original.back())));
// isolate the colour
// hard process
unsigned int itype(1);
if(process->incoming().size()==2) {
_wasHard = true;
// set the beams and incoming particles
tPPair beam = CurrentGenerator::current().currentEvent()->incoming();
findBeam(beam.first ,process->incoming()[0].first);
_incoming = make_pair(process->incoming()[0].first,
double x1(_incoming.first ->momentum().rho()/beam.first ->momentum().rho());
double x2(_incoming.second->momentum().rho()/beam.second->momentum().rho());
// must have two incoming particles
assert(_incoming.first && _incoming.second);
// set the parent tree
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
ShowerParticlePtr temp=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*copy[ix],itype,false));
temp->x(ix==0 ? x1 : x2);
// decay process
else if(process->incoming().size()==1) {
_wasHard = false;
// create the parent shower particle
ShowerParticlePtr sparent(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*copy[0],itype,false)));
// return if not decayed
if(original.size()==1) return;
// create the children
assert(copy.size() == original.size());
for (unsigned int ix=process->incoming().size();ix<original.size();++ix) {
ShowerParticlePtr stemp= new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*copy[ix],itype,true));
void ShowerTree::updateFinalStateShowerProduct(ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor,
ShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) {
bool matches[2];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
matches[ix] = children[ix]->id()==progenitor->id();
ShowerParticlePtr newpart;
if(matches[0]&&matches[1]) {
if(parent->showerKinematics()->z()>0.5) newpart=children[0];
else newpart=children[1];
else if(matches[0]) newpart=children[0];
else if(matches[1]) newpart=children[1];
void ShowerTree::updateInitialStateShowerProduct(ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor,
ShowerParticlePtr newParent) {
void ShowerTree::insertHard(StepPtr pstep, bool ISR, bool) {
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
// construct the map of colour lines for hard process
for(cit=_incomingLines.begin();cit!=_incomingLines.end();++cit) {
if(!cit->first->perturbative()) continue;
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=_outgoingLines.begin();cjt!=_outgoingLines.end();++cjt) {
if(!cjt->first->perturbative()) continue;
// initial-state radiation
if(ISR) {
for(cit=incomingLines().begin();cit!=incomingLines().end();++cit) {
ShowerParticlePtr init=(*cit).first->progenitor();
PPtr original = (*cit).first->original();
if(original->parents().empty()) continue;
PPtr hadron= original->parents()[0];
PPtr copy=cit->first->copy();
ParticleVector intermediates=original->children();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<intermediates.size();++ix) {
// if not from a matrix element correction
if(cit->first->perturbative()) {
// break mother/daugther relations
// if particle showers add shower
if(cit->first->hasEmitted()) {
// no showering for this particle
else {
// from matrix element correction
else {
// break mother/daugther relations
// if particle showers add shower
if(cit->first->hasEmitted()) {
// no showering for this particle
else {
else {
for(cit=incomingLines().begin();cit!=incomingLines().end();++cit) {
ShowerParticlePtr init=(*cit).first->progenitor();
PPtr original = (*cit).first->original();
if(original->parents().empty()) continue;
PPtr hadron= original->parents()[0];
PPtr copy=cit->first->copy();
ParticleVector intermediates=original->children();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<intermediates.size();++ix) {
// break mother/daugther relations
// no showering for this particle
// final-state radiation
for(cjt=outgoingLines().begin();cjt!=outgoingLines().end();++cjt) {
ShowerParticlePtr init=(*cjt).first->progenitor();
// ZERO the distance of original
// if not from a matrix element correction
if(cjt->first->perturbative()) {
// register the shower particle as a
// copy of the one from the hard process
tParticleVector parents=init->parents();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<parents.size();++ix)
// from a matrix element correction
else {
cjt->first->original()==_incoming.second) {
else {
// ZERO the distance of copy ??? \todo change if add space-time
// copy so travels no distance
// sort out the colour
// insert shower products
void ShowerTree::addFinalStateShower(PPtr p, StepPtr s) {
// if endpoint assume doesn't travel
if(p->children().empty()) {
else {
Length ctau = p->dataPtr()->generateLifeTime(p->mass(), p->dataPtr()->width());
Lorentz5Distance lifeLength(ctau,p->momentum().vect()*(ctau/p->mass()));
// set the space-time distance
else {
ParticleVector::const_iterator child;
for(child=p->children().begin(); child != p->children().end(); ++child) {
void ShowerTree::addInitialStateShower(PPtr p, PPtr hadron,
StepPtr s, bool addchildren) {
// Each parton here should only have one parent
if(!p->parents().empty()) {
throw Exception() << "Particle must only have one parent in ShowerTree"
<< "::addInitialStateShower" << Exception::runerror;
// set the space-time distances
if(addchildren) {
else {
// recurse
else {
// if not adding children return
if(!addchildren) return;
// add children
ParticleVector::const_iterator child;
for(child = p->children().begin(); child != p->children().end(); ++child) {
// if a final-state particle update the colour
ShowerParticlePtr schild =
if(schild && schild->isFinalState()) updateColour(*child,false);
// if there are grandchildren of p
if(!(*child)->children().empty()) {
// Add child as intermediate
// If child is shower particle and final-state, add children
if(schild && schild->isFinalState()) addFinalStateShower(schild,s);
void ShowerTree::update(PerturbativeProcessPtr newProcess) {
// must be one incoming particle
// copy the particles and isolate the colour
vector<PPtr> original,copy;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<newProcess->incoming().size();++ix) {
copy .push_back(new_ptr(Particle(*original.back())));
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<newProcess->outgoing().size();++ix) {
copy .push_back(new_ptr(Particle(*original.back())));
// isolate the colour
// make the new progenitor
ShowerParticlePtr stemp=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*copy[0],2,false));
ShowerProgenitorPtr newprog=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(original[0],copy[0],stemp));
// create the children
assert(copy.size() == original.size());
for (unsigned int ix=newProcess->incoming().size();ix<original.size();++ix) {
ShowerParticlePtr stemp= new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*copy[ix],2,true));
void ShowerTree::insertDecay(StepPtr pstep,bool ISR, bool) {
// find final particle from previous tree
PPtr final;
final = _parent->_treelinks[this].second;
// construct the map of colour lines
PPtr copy=_incomingLines.begin()->first->copy();
// now this is the ONE instance of the particle which should have a life length
// \todo change if space-time picture added
// set the lifelength, need this so that still in right direction after
// any ISR recoils
Length ctau = copy->lifeTime();
Lorentz5Distance lifeLength(ctau,final->momentum().vect()*(ctau/final->mass()));
// initial-state radiation
if(ISR&&!_incomingLines.begin()->first->progenitor()->children().empty()) {
ShowerParticlePtr init=_incomingLines.begin()->first->progenitor();
// just a copy doesn't travel
// insert shower products
// sort out colour
// get the decaying particles
// make the copy
tColinePair cline=make_pair(copy->colourLine(),copy->antiColourLine());
// sort out sinks and sources if needed
if(cline.first) {
if(cline.first->sourceNeighbours().first) {
else if (cline.first->sinkNeighbours().first) {
if(cline.second) {
if(cline.second->sourceNeighbours().first) {
else if (cline.second->sinkNeighbours().first) {
// copy of the one from the hard process
tParticleVector dpar=copy->parents();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<dpar.size();++ix) dpar[ix]->abandonChild(copy);
// just a copy does not move
// final-state radiation
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
for(cit=outgoingLines().begin();cit!=outgoingLines().end();++cit) {
ShowerParticlePtr init=cit->first->progenitor();
// ZERO the distance
throw Exception() << "Final-state particle must have a ThePEGBase"
<< " in ShowerTree::insertDecay()"
<< Exception::runerror;
// if not from matrix element correction
if(cit->first->perturbative()) {
// add the child
PPtr orig=cit->first->original();
// register the shower particle as a
// copy of the one from the hard process
tParticleVector parents=init->parents();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<parents.size();++ix)
// from a matrix element correction
else {
cit->first->original())) {
// register the shower particle as a
// copy of the one from the hard process
tParticleVector parents=init->parents();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<parents.size();++ix)
// ZERO the distances as just copies
// insert shower products
void ShowerTree::clear() {
// reset the has showered flag
// clear the colour map
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cjt;
// abandon the children of the outgoing particles
for(cit=_outgoingLines.begin();cit!=_outgoingLines.end();++cit) {
ShowerParticlePtr orig=cit->first->progenitor();
ParticleVector children=orig->children();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix) orig->abandonChild(children[ix]);
// forward products
// if a decay
if(!_wasHard) {
ShowerParticlePtr orig=_incomingLines.begin()->first->progenitor();
ParticleVector children=orig->children();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix) orig->abandonChild(children[ix]);
// if a hard process
else {
for(cjt=_incomingLines.begin();cjt!=_incomingLines.end();++cjt) {
tPPtr parent = cjt->first->original()->parents().empty() ?
tPPtr() : cjt->first->original()->parents()[0];
ShowerParticlePtr temp=
// reset the particles at the end of the shower
// if hard process backward products
void ShowerTree::resetShowerProducts() {
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cjt;
void ShowerTree::updateAfterShower(ShowerDecayMap & decay) {
// update the links
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator mit;
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::iterator tit;
for(tit=_treelinks.begin();tit!=_treelinks.end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first) {
if(mit!=_outgoingLines.end()) tit->second.second=mit->second;
// get the particles coming from those in the hard process
set<tShowerParticlePtr> hard;
// find the shower particles which should be decayed in the
// shower but didn't come from the hard process
set<tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
for(cit=_forward.begin();cit!=_forward.end();++cit) {
!(**cit).dataPtr()->stable()) &&
hard.find(*cit)==hard.end()) {
PerturbativeProcessPtr newProcess(new_ptr(PerturbativeProcess()));
ShowerTreePtr newtree=new_ptr(ShowerTree(newProcess));
Energy width=(**cit).dataPtr()->generateWidth((**cit).mass());
void ShowerTree::addFinalStateBranching(ShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) {
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<children.size(); ++ix) {
void ShowerTree::addInitialStateBranching(ShowerParticlePtr oldParent,
ShowerParticlePtr newParent,
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild) {
void ShowerTree::setParents() {
// set the parent tree of the children
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> ShowerTree::extractProgenitors() {
// extract the particles from the ShowerTree
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator mit;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> ShowerHardJets;
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator mjt;
return ShowerHardJets;
void ShowerTree::transform(const LorentzRotation & boost, bool applyNow) {
if(applyNow) {
// now boost all the particles
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
// incoming
for(cit=_incomingLines.begin();cit!=_incomingLines.end();++cit) {
// outgoing
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=_outgoingLines.begin();cjt!=_outgoingLines.end();++cjt) {
else {
// child trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
void ShowerTree::applyTransforms() {
// now boost all the particles
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cit;
// incoming
for(cit=_incomingLines.begin();cit!=_incomingLines.end();++cit) {
// outgoing
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=_outgoingLines.begin();cjt!=_outgoingLines.end();++cjt) {
// child trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
_transforms = LorentzRotation();
void ShowerTree::clearTransforms() {
_transforms = LorentzRotation();
// // child trees
// for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
// tit=_treelinks.begin();tit!=_treelinks.end();++tit)
// tit->first->clearTransforms();
void ShowerTree::fixColour(tShowerParticlePtr part) {
if(!part->colourInfo()->colourLines().empty()) {
if(part->colourInfo()->colourLines().size()==1) {
ColinePtr line=part->colourLine();
if(line) {
else {
Ptr<MultiColour>::pointer colour =
vector<tcColinePtr> lines = colour->colourLines();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<lines.size();++ix) {
ColinePtr line = const_ptr_cast<ColinePtr>(lines[ix]);
if(line) {
if(!part->colourInfo()->antiColourLines().empty()) {
if(part->colourInfo()->antiColourLines().size()==1) {
ColinePtr line=part->antiColourLine();
if(line) {
else {
Ptr<MultiColour>::pointer colour =
vector<tcColinePtr> lines = colour->antiColourLines();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<lines.size();++ix) {
ColinePtr line = const_ptr_cast<ColinePtr>(lines[ix]);
if(line) {
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> ShowerTree::extractProgenitorParticles() {
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> particles;
// incoming particles
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
cit=incomingLines().begin(); cit!=incomingLines().end();++cit)
// outgoing particles
cjt=outgoingLines().begin(); cjt!=outgoingLines().end();++cjt)
return particles;
Lorentz5Distance ShowerTree::spaceTimeDistance(tPPtr particle) {
if(!_spaceTime) return Lorentz5Distance();
Energy2 q2 = particle->mass() > ZERO ? sqr(particle->mass()) : -sqr(particle->mass());
const tcPDPtr data = particle->dataPtr();
// calculate width imposing min value
Energy conMass = max(data->constituentMass(),200*MeV);
Energy width = max(data->generateWidth(particle->mass()),_vmin2/conMass);
// offshellness
Energy2 offShell = q2-sqr(data->constituentMass());
if(abs(offShell)<1e-10*GeV2) offShell = ZERO;
InvEnergy2 fact = UseRandom::rndExp(1./sqrt((sqr(offShell)+sqr(q2*width/conMass))));
Lorentz5Distance output = (hbarc*fact)*particle->momentum();
return output;
void ShowerTree::constructTrees(ShowerTreePtr & hardTree,
ShowerDecayMap & decayTrees,
PerturbativeProcessPtr hard,
DecayProcessMap decay) {
map<PerturbativeProcessPtr,ShowerTreePtr> treeMap;
// convert the hard process
if(hardTree) {
if(hardTree->isDecay()) hardTree->update(hard);
else {
hardTree = new_ptr(ShowerTree(hard));
for(DecayProcessMap::const_iterator it=decay.begin();it!=decay.end();++it) {
ShowerTreePtr newTree = new_ptr(ShowerTree(it->second));
// set up the links between the trees
for(map<PerturbativeProcessPtr,ShowerTreePtr>::const_iterator it=treeMap.begin();
it!=treeMap.end();++it) {
// links to daughter trees
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator mit;
mit!=it->second->_outgoingLines.end();++mit) {
unsigned int iloc=0;
for(;iloc<it->first->outgoing().size();++iloc) {
// links to parent trees
if(it->first->incoming()[0].second) {
it->second->_parent = treeMap[it->first->incoming()[0].second];
namespace {
Lorentz5Momentum sumMomenta(tPPtr particle) {
return particle->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum output;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particle->children().size();++ix) {
output += sumMomenta(particle->children()[ix]);
return output;
void ShowerTree::checkMomenta() {
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pin;
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it=_incomingLines.begin();
it!=_incomingLines.end();++it) {
if(isDecay()) {
tPPtr parent = it->first->progenitor();
while(!parent->children().empty()) {
pin.back() -= sumMomenta(parent->children()[1]);
parent = parent->children()[0];
else {
tPPtr parent = it->second;
while(!parent->children().empty()&&parent->children().size()==2) {
pin.back() -= sumMomenta(parent->children()[1]);
parent = parent->children()[0];
if(parent==it->first->progenitor()) break;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pout;
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it= _outgoingLines.begin();
it!=_outgoingLines.end();++it) {
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix< pin.size();++ix) {
CurrentGenerator::log() << "pin " << ix << pin[ix]/GeV << "\n";
psum +=pin[ix];
CurrentGenerator::log() << "In total " << psum/GeV << " " << psum.m()/GeV << "\n";
Lorentz5Momentum psum2;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix< pout.size();++ix) {
CurrentGenerator::log() << "pout " << ix << pout[ix]/GeV << "\n";
psum2 +=pout[ix];
CurrentGenerator::log() << "Out total " << psum2/GeV << " " << psum2.m()/GeV << "\n";
CurrentGenerator::log() << "Total " << (psum-psum2)/GeV << "\n";
RealEmissionProcessPtr ShowerTree::perturbativeProcess() {
RealEmissionProcessPtr output(new_ptr(RealEmissionProcess()));
// add the incoming particles
unsigned int ix=0;
pair<double,double> x;
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it=_incomingLines.begin();
it!=_incomingLines.end();++it) {
if(ix==0) x.first = it->second->x();
else x.second = it->second->x();
// add the outgoing particles
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it= _outgoingLines.begin();
it!=_outgoingLines.end();++it) {
return output;
void ShowerTree::setVetoes(const map<ShowerInteraction,Energy> & pTs,
unsigned int type) {
if(type==1||type==3) {
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it=_incomingLines.begin();
it!=_incomingLines.end();++it) {
for(map<ShowerInteraction,Energy>::const_iterator jt=pTs.begin();jt!=pTs.end();++jt)
if(type==2||type==3) {
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator it= _outgoingLines.begin();
it!=_outgoingLines.end();++it) {
for(map<ShowerInteraction,Energy>::const_iterator jt=pTs.begin();jt!=pTs.end();++jt)
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h
@@ -1,414 +1,414 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerTree.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerTree_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerTree_H
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.fh"
#include "Herwig/Shower/PerturbativeProcess.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerEventRecord.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Step.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ShowerTree.fh"
namespace Herwig {
* Typedef for map of ShowerTrees for decays
typedef multimap<Energy,ShowerTreePtr,std::greater<Energy> > ShowerDecayMap;
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The ShowerTree class stores the basic information needed for
* each hard interaction, either a scattering process or decay, which
* needs to be showered.
class ShowerTree : public ShowerEventRecord {
friend class QTildeShowerHandler;
* Constructor from a perturbative process
* @param process The perturbative process
ShowerTree(PerturbativeProcessPtr process);
* Calculate the space-time displacement
* @param particle The particle for which to calculate the displacement
static Lorentz5Distance spaceTimeDistance(tPPtr particle);
* Construct the trees from the hard process
* @param hardTree The output ShowerTree for the hard process
* @param decayTrees The output ShowerTrees for any decays.
* @param hard The output ShowerTree for the hard process
* @param decay The output ShowerTrees for any decays.
static void constructTrees(ShowerTreePtr & hardTree,
ShowerDecayMap & decayTrees,
PerturbativeProcessPtr hard,
DecayProcessMap decay);
* Insert the tree into the event record
* @param pstep The step into which the particles should be inserted
* @param ISR Whether or not ISR is switched on
* @param FSR Whether or not FSR is switched on
void fillEventRecord(StepPtr pstep,bool ISR,bool FSR) {
insertHard (pstep,ISR,FSR);
* Set the parent tree to this tree for trees which come from this one.
* This needs to be run after the constructor.
void setParents();
* Access methods for the type of interaction
* Whether or not this is a scattering process
bool isHard() const { return _wasHard; }
* Whether or not this is a decay.
bool isDecay() const { return !_wasHard; }
* Flags relating to the application of the hard matrix element correction
* Was the hard matrix element correction applied
bool hardMatrixElementCorrection() const { return _hardMECorrection; }
* Set whether or not the hard matrix element correction was applied
void hardMatrixElementCorrection(bool in) { _hardMECorrection=in; }
* Get the incoming shower particles
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr> & incomingLines() {
return _incomingLines;
* Get the outgoing shower particles
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> & outgoingLines() {
return _outgoingLines;
* Update the shower product for a final-state particle
void updateFinalStateShowerProduct(ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor,
ShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children);
* Update the shower product for an initial-state particle
void updateInitialStateShowerProduct(ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor,
ShowerParticlePtr newParent);
* Get the current final shower product for a final-state particle
tShowerParticlePtr getFinalStateShowerProduct(ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor) {
return _outgoingLines.find(progenitor)==_outgoingLines.end()
? tShowerParticlePtr() : _outgoingLines[progenitor];
* Add a final-state branching. This method removes the parent of the branching
* from the list of particles at the end of the shower and inserts the children
* @param parent The parent for the branching
* @param children The outgoing particles in the branching
void addFinalStateBranching(ShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children);
* Add an initial-state branching. This method removes the oldParent of the
* branching and inserts the result of the backward evolution and the
* outgoing particle into the relevant lists.
* @param oldParent The particle being backward evolved
* @param newParent The initial-state particle resulting from the backward evolution
* @param otherChild The final-state particle produced in the evolution.
void addInitialStateBranching(ShowerParticlePtr oldParent,
ShowerParticlePtr newParent,
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild);
// /**
// * Member called at the end of the shower of a tree to perform a number of
// * updates.
// * @param decay The map of widths and ShowerTrees for the decays so that
// * any unstable decay products can be added.
// */
void updateAfterShower(ShowerDecayMap & decay);
* Access and set the flag for whether this tree has been showered
* Access the flag
bool hasShowered() const { return _hasShowered; }
* Set the flag
void hasShowered(bool in) { _hasShowered=in; }
* Access the parent tree
ShowerTreePtr parent() const { return _parent; }
* Clear all the shower products so that the event can be reshowered
* if the first attempt fail
void clear();
* Reset the particles resulting from the shower to those which started
* the shower
void resetShowerProducts();
* Set maximum Emission scales
void setVetoes(const map<ShowerInteraction,Energy> & pTs,
unsigned int type);
* Extract the progenitors for the reconstruction
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> extractProgenitors();
* Access to the outgoing particles
const set<tShowerParticlePtr> & forwardParticles() const { return _forward; }
* Map of particles in this Tree which are the initial particles in other
* trees
const map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> > &
treelinks() const {return _treelinks;}
* Update the link between shower particle and tree
void updateLink(tShowerTreePtr tree,
pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> in) {
_treelinks[tree] = in;
* Transform the tree
void transform(const LorentzRotation & rot, bool applyNow);
* Apply any postphoned transformations
void applyTransforms();
* Clear any postphoned transformations
void clearTransforms();
* Transform which needs to be applied
const LorentzRotation & transform() {return _transforms;}
* Get all the progenitors
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> extractProgenitorParticles();
* Check the momentum conservation in the tree
void checkMomenta();
* Update tree after the parent has been decayed.
void update(PerturbativeProcessPtr newProcess);
* The perturbative process
RealEmissionProcessPtr perturbativeProcess();
* Functions to add the shower to the event record.
* Insert a hard process
* @param pstep The step into which the particles should be inserted
* @param ISR Whether or not ISR is switched on
* @param FSR Whether or not FSR is switched on
void insertHard(StepPtr pstep,bool ISR,bool FSR);
* Insert a decay process
* @param pstep The step into which the particles should be inserted
* @param ISR Whether or not ISR is switched on
* @param FSR Whether or not FSR is switched on
void insertDecay(StepPtr pstep,bool ISR,bool FSR);
* Recursively add the final-state shower from the particle to the event record.
* @param particle The final-state particle
* @param step The step
void addFinalStateShower(PPtr particle, StepPtr step);
* Add the initial-state shwoer from the particle to the step
* @param particle The final-state particle
* @param hadron The incoming hadron
* @param step The step
* @param addchildren Add the children of the particle
void addInitialStateShower(PPtr particle, PPtr hadron,
StepPtr step, bool addchildren=true);
* After the creatation of a ShowerParticle make sure it is properly attached
* to its ColourLine
* @param part The particle
void fixColour(tShowerParticlePtr part);
* Incoming partons for the hard process
PPair _incoming;
* The incoming ShowerParticles connected to the interaction
* as the index of a map with the particle the shower backward evolves
* them to as the value
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr> _incomingLines;
* The outgoing ShowerParticles connected to the interaction
* as the index of a map with the particle the shower
* evolves them to as the value
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> _outgoingLines;
* The outgoing ShowerParticles at the end of the final-state shower
set<tShowerParticlePtr> _forward;
* The incoming ShowerParticles at the end of the initial-state shower
set<tShowerParticlePtr> _backward;
* Was the hard matrix element correction applied
bool _hardMECorrection;
* Was this a scattering process or a decay
bool _wasHard;
* Map of particles in this Tree which are the initial particles in other
* trees
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> > _treelinks;
* The parent tree
tShowerTreePtr _parent;
* Has this tree showered
bool _hasShowered;
* The transforms which still need to be applied
LorentzRotation _transforms;
* Whether or not to include space-time distances
static bool _spaceTime;
* Minimum virtuality for the space-time model
static Energy2 _vmin2;
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
rename from Shower/Core/Base/
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h
@@ -1,139 +1,139 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerVeto.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerVeto_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerVeto_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerVeto class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "ShowerVeto.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.fh"
namespace Herwig {
struct Branching;
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* Exception class for vetoing a showering
struct VetoShower { };
/**\ingroup Shower
* ShowerVeto is a general interface for performing
* vetoes during showering.
* @see \ref ShowerVetoInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ShowerVeto.
class ShowerVeto: public Interfaced {
* Define types of ShowerVetoes
enum ShowerVetoType {
* Throw away emission, if veto encountered. Set the scale to
* the scale of vetoed emission.
Emission = 1,
* Throw away showering
* Throw away event
* Constructor giving the behaviour of this veto
ShowerVeto (ShowerVetoType vetoType) : _vetoType(vetoType) {}
* Return the type of this veto
ShowerVetoType vetoType () const {return _vetoType;}
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Return true, if the selected emission off the given
* particle and progenitor is vetoed.
virtual bool vetoTimeLike (tcShowerProgenitorPtr, tcShowerParticlePtr,
const Branching&,tcShowerTreePtr) = 0;
* Return true, if the selected emission off the given
* particle and progenitor is vetoed.
virtual bool vetoSpaceLike (tcShowerProgenitorPtr, tcShowerParticlePtr,
const Branching&,tcShowerTreePtr) = 0;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerVeto & operator=(const ShowerVeto &);
* The type of this veto.
ShowerVetoType _vetoType;
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerVeto_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/
rename from Shower/Core/Base/
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh b/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h b/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
rename from Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
--- a/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
@@ -1,688 +1,688 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SudakovFormFactor.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H
#define HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H
// This is the declaration of the SudakovFormFactor class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/RhoDMatrix.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SpinInfo.h"
#include "ShowerKinematics.fh"
#include "SudakovFormFactor.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* A typedef for the BeamParticleData
typedef Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer tcBeamPtr;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This is the definition of the Sudakov form factor class. In general this
* is the base class for the implementation of Sudakov form factors in Herwig.
* The methods generateNextTimeBranching(), generateNextDecayBranching() and
* generateNextSpaceBranching need to be implemented in classes inheriting from this
* one.
* In addition a number of methods are implemented to assist with the calculation
* of the form factor using the veto algorithm in classes inheriting from this one.
* In general the Sudakov form-factor, for final-state radiation, is given
* by
* \f[\Delta_{ba}(\tilde{q}_{i+1},\tilde{q}_i)=
* \exp\left\{
* -\int^{\tilde{q}^2_i}_{\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}}
* \frac{{\rm d}\tilde{q}^2}{\tilde{q}^2}
* \int\frac{\alpha_S(z,\tilde{q})}{2\pi}
* P_{ba}(z,\tilde{q})\Theta(p_T)
* \right\}.
* \f]
* We can solve this to obtain the next value of the scale \f$\tilde{q}_{i+1}\f$
* given the previous value \f$\tilde{q}_i\f$
* in the following way. First we obtain a simplified form of the integrand
* which is greater than or equal to the true integrand for all values of
* \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
* In practice it is easiest to obtain this over estimate in pieces. The ShowerAlpha
* object contains an over estimate for \f$\alpha_S\f$, the splitting function
* contains both an over estimate of the spltting function and its integral
* which is needed to compute the over estimate of the \f$\tilde{q}\f$ integrand,
* together with an over estimate of the limit of the \f$z\f$ integral.
* This gives an overestimate of the integrand
* \f[g(\tilde{q}^2) = \frac{c}{\tilde{q}^2}, \f]
* where because the over estimates are chosen to be independent of \f$\tilde{q}\f$ the
* parameter
* \f[c = \frac{\alpha_{\rm over}}{2\pi}\int^{z_1}_{z_0}P_{\rm over}(z),\f]
* is a constant independent of \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
* The guesst() member can then be used to generate generate the value of
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ according to this result. This is done by solving the Sudakov
* form factor, with the over estimates, is equal to a random number
* \f$r\f$ in the interval \f$[0,1]\f$. This gives
* \f[\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}=G^{-1}\left[G(\tilde{q}^2_i)+\ln r\right],\f]
* where \f$G(\tilde{q}^2)=c\ln(\tilde{q}^2)\f$ is the infinite integral
* of \f$g(\tilde{q}^2)\f$ and \f$G^{-1}(x)=\exp\left(\frac{x}c\right)\f$
* is its inverse.
* It this case we therefore obtain
* \f[\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}=\tilde{q}^2_ir^{\frac1c}.\f]
* The value of \f$z\f$ can then be calculated in a similar way
* \f[z = I^{-1}\left[I(z_0)+r\left(I(z_1)-I(z_0)\right)\right],\f]
* using the guessz() member,
* where \f$I=\int P(z){\rm d}z\f$ and \f$I^{-1}\f$ is its inverse.
* The veto algorithm then uses rejection using the ratio of the
* true value to the overestimated one to obtain the original distribution.
* This is accomplished using the
* - alphaSVeto() member for the \f$\alpha_S\f$ veto
* - SplittingFnVeto() member for the veto on the value of the splitting function.
* in general there must also be a chech that the emission is in the allowed
* phase space but this is left to the inheriting classes as it will depend
* on the ordering variable.
* The Sudakov form factor for the initial-scale shower is different because
* it must include the PDF which guides the backward evolution.
* It is given by
* \f[\Delta_{ba}(\tilde{q}_{i+1},\tilde{q}_i)=
* \exp\left\{
* -\int^{\tilde{q}^2_i}_{\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}}
* \frac{{\rm d}\tilde{q}^2}{\tilde{q}^2}
* \int\frac{\alpha_S(z,\tilde{q})}{2\pi}
* P_{ba}(z,\tilde{q})\frac{x'f_a(\frac{x}z,\tilde{q}^2)}{xf_b(x,\tilde{q^2})}
* \right\},
* \f]
* where \f$x\f$ is the fraction of the beam momentum the parton \f$b\f$ had before
* the backward evolution.
* This can be solve in the same way as for the final-state branching but the constant
* becomes
* \f[c = \frac{\alpha_{\rm over}}{2\pi}\int^{z_1}_{z_0}P_{\rm over}(z)PDF_{\rm max},\f]
* where
* \f[PDF_{\rm max}=\max\frac{x'f_a(\frac{x}z,\tilde{q}^2)}{xf_b(x,\tilde{q^2})},\f]
* which can be set using an interface.
* In addition the PDFVeto() member then is needed to implement the relevant veto.
* @see SplittingGenerator
* @see SplittingFunction
* @see ShowerAlpha
* @see \ref SudakovFormFactorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for SudakovFormFactor.
class SudakovFormFactor: public Interfaced {
* The SplittingGenerator is a friend to insert the particles in the
* branchings at initialisation
friend class SplittingGenerator;
* The default constructor.
SudakovFormFactor() : pdfmax_(35.0), pdffactor_(0),
cutOffOption_(0), a_(0.3), b_(2.3), c_(0.3*GeV),
kinCutoffScale_( 2.3*GeV ), vgcut_(0.85*GeV),
vqcut_(0.85*GeV), pTmin_(1.*GeV), pT2min_(ZERO),
z_( 0.0 ),phi_(0.0), pT_(){}
* Members to generate the scale of the next branching
* Return the scale of the next time-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* defined.
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance, double detuning,
Energy2 maxQ2)=0;
* Return the scale of the next space-like decay branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param stoppingScale stopping scale for the evolution
* @param minmass The minimum mass allowed for the spake-like particle.
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const Energy stoppingScale,
const Energy minmass,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
double detuning)=0;
* Return the scale of the next space-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* defined.
* @param beam The beam particle
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,double x,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
tcBeamPtr beam,
double detuning)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for forward evolution
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for backward evolution
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for ISR in decays
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Methods to provide public access to the private member variables
* Return the pointer to the SplittingFunction object.
tSplittingFnPtr splittingFn() const { return splittingFn_; }
* Return the pointer to the ShowerAlpha object.
tShowerAlphaPtr alpha() const { return alpha_; }
* The type of interaction
inline ShowerInteraction interactionType() const
{return splittingFn_->interactionType();}
* Methods to access the kinematic variables for the branching
* The energy fraction
double z() const { return z_; }
* The azimuthal angle
double phi() const { return phi_; }
* The transverse momentum
Energy pT() const { return pT_; }
* Access the maximum weight for the PDF veto
double pdfMax() const { return pdfmax_;}
* Method to return the evolution scale given the
* transverse momentum, \f$p_T\f$ and \f$z\f$.
virtual Energy calculateScale(double z, Energy pt, IdList ids,unsigned int iopt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a final-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for an initial-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a decay branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Methods to implement the veto algorithm to generate the scale of
* the next branching
* Value of the energy fraction for the veto algorithm
* @param iopt The option for calculating z
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* - 0 is final-state
* - 1 is initial-state for the hard process
* - 2 is initial-state for particle decays
double guessz (unsigned int iopt, const IdList &ids) const;
* Value of the scale for the veto algorithm
* @param t1 The starting valoe of the scale
* @param iopt The option for calculating t
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* - 0 is final-state
* - 1 is initial-state for the hard process
* - 2 is initial-state for particle decays
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param identical Whether or not the outgoing particles are identical
Energy2 guesst (Energy2 t1,unsigned int iopt, const IdList &ids,
double enhance, bool identical, double detune) const;
* Veto on the PDF for the initial-state shower
* @param t The scale
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* @param parton0 Pointer to the particleData for the
* new parent (this is the particle we evolved back to)
* @param parton1 Pointer to the particleData for the
* original particle
* @param beam The BeamParticleData object
bool PDFVeto(const Energy2 t, const double x,
const tcPDPtr parton0, const tcPDPtr parton1,
tcBeamPtr beam) const;
* The PDF veto ratio
double PDFVetoRatio(const Energy2 t, const double x,
const tcPDPtr parton0, const tcPDPtr parton1,
tcBeamPtr beam,double factor) const;
* The veto on the splitting function.
* @param t The scale
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param mass Whether or not to use the massive splitting functions
* @return true if vetoed
bool SplittingFnVeto(const Energy2 t,
const IdList &ids,
const bool mass,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double detune) const {
return UseRandom::rnd()>SplittingFnVetoRatio(t,ids,mass,rho,detune);
* The Splitting function veto ratio
double SplittingFnVetoRatio(const Energy2 t,
const IdList &ids,
const bool mass,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double detune) const {
return splittingFn_->ratioP(z_, t, ids,mass,rho)/detune;
* The veto on the coupling constant
* @param pt2 The value of ther transverse momentum squared, \f$p_T^2\f$.
* @return true if vetoed
bool alphaSVeto(Energy2 pt2) const;
* The alpha S veto ratio
double alphaSVetoRatio(Energy2 pt2,double factor) const;
* Methods to set the kinematic variables for the branching
* The energy fraction
void z(double in) { z_=in; }
* The azimuthal angle
void phi(double in) { phi_=in; }
* The transverse momentum
void pT(Energy in) { pT_=in; }
* Set/Get the limits on the energy fraction for the splitting
* Get the limits
pair<double,double> zLimits() const { return zlimits_;}
* Set the limits
void zLimits(pair<double,double> in) { zlimits_=in; }
* Set the particles in the splittings
void addSplitting(const IdList &);
* Delete the particles in the splittings
void removeSplitting(const IdList &);
* Access the potential branchings
const vector<IdList> & particles() const { return particles_; }
* @name Methods for the cut-off
* The option being used
unsigned int cutOffOption() const { return cutOffOption_; }
* The kinematic scale
Energy kinScale() const {return kinCutoffScale_;}
* The virtuality cut-off on the gluon \f$Q_g=\frac{\delta-am_q}{b}\f$
* @param scale The scale \f$\delta\f$
* @param mq The quark mass \f$m_q\f$.
Energy kinematicCutOff(Energy scale, Energy mq) const
{return max((scale -a_*mq)/b_,c_);}
* The virtualilty cut-off for gluons
Energy vgCut() const { return vgcut_; }
* The virtuality cut-off for everything else
Energy vqCut() const { return vqcut_; }
* The minimum \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
Energy pTmin() const { return pTmin_; }
* The square of the minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy2 pT2min() const { return pT2min_; }
* Calculate the virtual masses for a branchings
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses(const IdList & ids);
* Set the PDF
void setPDF(tcPDFPtr pdf, Energy scale) {
pdf_ = pdf;
freeze_ = scale;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SudakovFormFactor & operator=(const SudakovFormFactor &);
* Pointer to the splitting function for this Sudakov form factor
SplittingFnPtr splittingFn_;
* Pointer to the coupling for this Sudakov form factor
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
* Maximum value of the PDF weight
double pdfmax_;
* List of the particles this Sudakov is used for to aid in setting up
* interpolation tables if needed
vector<IdList> particles_;
* Option for the inclusion of a factor \f$1/(1-z)\f$ in the PDF estimate
unsigned pdffactor_;
* Option for the type of cut-off to be applied
unsigned int cutOffOption_;
* Parameters for the default Herwig cut-off option, i.e. the parameters for
* the \f$Q_g=\max(\frac{\delta-am_q}{b},c)\f$ kinematic cut-off
* The \f$a\f$ parameter
double a_;
* The \f$b\f$ parameter
double b_;
* The \f$c\f$ parameter
Energy c_;
* Kinematic cutoff used in the parton shower phase space.
Energy kinCutoffScale_;
* Parameters for the FORTRAN-like cut-off
* The virtualilty cut-off for gluons
Energy vgcut_;
* The virtuality cut-off for everything else
Energy vqcut_;
* Parameters for the \f$p_T\f$ cut-off
* The minimum \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
Energy pTmin_;
* The square of the minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy2 pT2min_;
* Member variables to keep the shower kinematics information
* generated by a call to generateNextTimeBranching or generateNextSpaceBranching
* The energy fraction
double z_;
* The azimuthal angle
double phi_;
* The transverse momentum
Energy pT_;
* The limits of \f$z\f$ in the splitting
pair<double,double> zlimits_;
* Stuff for the PDFs
* PDf
tcPDFPtr pdf_;
* Freezing scale
Energy freeze_;
#endif /* HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQCD.h b/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQCD.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQCD.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQCD.h
@@ -1,308 +1,308 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerAlphaQCD.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQCD_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQCD_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerAlphaQCD class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This concrete class provides the definition of the
* pure virtual function value() and overestimateValue() for the
* strong coupling.
* A number of different options for the running of the coupling
* and its initial definition are supported.
* @see \ref ShowerAlphaQCDInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ShowerAlphaQCD.
class ShowerAlphaQCD: public ShowerAlpha {
* The default constructor.
ShowerAlphaQCD() : ShowerAlpha(),
_qmin(0.630882*GeV), _asType(1), _asMaxNP(1.0),
_thresholds(4), _lambda(4),
_maxtry(100),_alphamin(0.),_val0(1.), _optInputScale(ZERO) {}
* Methods to return the coupling
* It returns the running coupling value evaluated at the input scale
* multiplied by the scale factor scaleFactor().
* @param scale The scale
* @return The coupling
virtual double value(const Energy2 scale) const;
* It returns the running coupling value evaluated at the input scale
* multiplied by the scale factor scaleFactor().
virtual double overestimateValue() const;
* Return the ratio of the coupling at the scale to the overestimated value
virtual double ratio(const Energy2 scale,double factor =1.) const;
* Initialize this coupling.
virtual void initialize() { doinit(); }
* A command to initialize the coupling and write
* its value at the scale given by the argument (in GeV)
string value(string);
* Match thresholds and write alpha_s
* specified file; arguments are
* Q_low/GeV Q_high/GeV n_steps filename
string check(string args);
* Get the value of \f$\Lambda_{\rm QCd}\f$
* @param nf number of flavours
Energy lambdaQCD(unsigned int nf) {
if (nf <= 3) return _lambda[0];
else if (nf==4 || nf==5) return _lambda[nf-3];
else return _lambda[3];
* Return the quark masses to be used; if not empty these masses
* should be considered instead of the ones set in the particle data
* objects.
const vector<Energy>& quarkMasses() const { return _quarkMasses; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Member functions which calculate the coupling
* The 1,2,3-loop parametrization of \f$\alpha_S\f$.
* @param q The scale
* @param lam \f$\Lambda_{\rm QCD}\f$
* @param nf The number of flavours
double alphaS(Energy q, Energy lam, int nf) const;
* The derivative of \f$\alpha_S\f$ with respect to \f$\ln(Q^2/\Lambda^2)\f$
* @param q The scale
* @param lam \f$\Lambda_{\rm QCD}\f$
* @param nf The number of flavours
double derivativealphaS(Energy q, Energy lam, int nf) const;
* Compute the value of \f$Lambda\f$ needed to get the input value of
* the strong coupling at the scale given for the given number of flavours
* using the Newton-Raphson method
* @param match The scale for the coupling
* @param alpha The input coupling
* @param nflav The number of flavours
Energy computeLambda(Energy match, double alpha, unsigned int nflav) const;
* Return the value of \f$\Lambda\f$ and the number of flavours at the scale.
* @param q The scale
* @return The number of flavours at the scale and \f$\Lambda\f$.
pair<short, Energy> getLamNfTwoLoop(Energy q) const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerAlphaQCD & operator=(const ShowerAlphaQCD &);
* Minimum value of the scale
Energy _qmin;
* Parameter controlling the behaviour of \f$\alpha_S\f$ in the
* non-perturbative region.
int _asType;
* Another parameter, a possible (maximum) value of alpha in the
* non-perturbative region.
double _asMaxNP;
* Thresholds for the different number of flavours
vector<Energy> _thresholds;
* \f$\Lambda\f$ for the different number of flavours
vector<Energy> _lambda;
* Option for the number of loops
unsigned int _nloop;
* Option for the translation between \f$\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}\f$ and
* \f$\Lambda_{\rm Herwig}\f$
bool _lambdaopt;
* Option for the threshold masses
bool _thresopt;
* Input value of Lambda
Energy _lambdain;
* Input value of \f$alpha_S(M_Z)\f$
double _alphain;
* Option for the calculation of Lambda from input parameters
bool _inopt;
* Tolerance for discontinuities at the thresholds
double _tolerance;
* Maximum number of iterations for the Newton-Raphson method to converge
unsigned int _maxtry;
* The minimum value of the coupling
double _alphamin;
* Value of \f$\alpha_S\f$ at the minimum scale
double _val0;
* An optional input scale to be used for the input alphas; if zero MZ will
* be used out of the particle data object.
Energy _optInputScale;
* The quark masses to be used; if not empty these masses should be
* considered instead of the ones set in the particle data objects.
vector<Energy> _quarkMasses;
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQCD_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQED.h b/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQED.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQED.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Couplings/ShowerAlphaQED.h
@@ -1,193 +1,193 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerAlphaQED.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQED_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQED_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerAlphaQED class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This concrete class provides the definition of the
* pure virtual function value(scale) for \f$\alpha_{\rm QED}\f$.
* N.B. as we always use \f$\alpha(0)\f$ for the radiation of photons
* this class is very simple.
* @see ShowerAlpha
* @see ShowerAlphaQCD
* @see \ref ShowerAlphaQEDInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ShowerAlphaQED.
class ShowerAlphaQED: public ShowerAlpha {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
ShowerAlphaQED() : ShowerAlpha(), _alpha(1./137.), couplingSource_(1)
* Methods to return the coupling.
* The methods are equivalent to the QCD ones
* and are necessary to make use of the virtuality of ShowerAlpha
* at other places.
* It returns the running coupling value evaluated at the input scale
* multiplied by the scale factor scaleFactor().
* @param scale The scale
* @return The coupling
virtual double value(const Energy2 scale) const;
* It returns the overestimiate of the coupling
* multiplied by the scale factor scaleFactor().
virtual double overestimateValue() const;
* Return the ratio of the coupling at the scale to the overestimated value
virtual double ratio(const Energy2 scale,double factor=1.) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<ShowerAlphaQED> initShowerAlphaQED;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ShowerAlphaQED & operator=(const ShowerAlphaQED &);
* The value of the coupling, as we are producing real photons
* this is always \f$\alpha(q^2=0)\f$.
double _alpha;
* Source of coupling value
unsigned int couplingSource_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of ShowerAlphaQED. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::ShowerAlphaQED,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of ShowerAlphaQED. */
typedef Herwig::ShowerAlpha NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the ShowerAlphaQED class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::ShowerAlphaQED>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::ShowerAlphaQED> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::ShowerAlphaQED"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* ShowerAlphaQED is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class ShowerAlphaQED depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_ShowerAlphaQED_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
#include "Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
using namespace Herwig;
void Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateChildren(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto) const {
assert(children.size() == 2);
// calculate the scales
// set the maximum virtual masses
IdList ids(3);
ids[0] = parent->dataPtr();
ids[1] = children[0]->dataPtr();
ids[2] = children[1]->dataPtr();
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = SudakovFormFactor()->virtualMasses(ids);
Energy2 q2 = sqr(virtualMasses[0])-(1.-z())*sqr(scale());
if(massVeto) {
children[1]->scales().Max_Q2 = (1.-z())/z()*(z()*sqr(virtualMasses[0])-q2);
// determine alphas of children according to interpretation of z
const ShowerParticle::Parameters & params = parent->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child0 = children[0]->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child1 = children[1]->showerParameters();
child0.alpha = z() * params.alpha;
child1.alpha = (1.-z()) * params.alpha;
child0.ptx = pT() * cos(phi()) + z()* params.ptx;
child0.pty = pT() * sin(phi()) + z()* params.pty; = sqrt( sqr(child0.ptx) + sqr(child0.pty) );
child1.ptx = -pT() * cos(phi()) + (1.-z()) * params.ptx;
child1.pty = -pT() * sin(phi()) + (1.-z()) * params.pty; = sqrt( sqr(child1.ptx) + sqr(child1.pty) );
// set up the colour connections
// make the products children of the parent
// set the momenta of the children
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator pit=children.begin();
pit!=children.end();++pit) {
void Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
reconstructParent( const tShowerParticlePtr, const ParticleVector &) const {
throw Exception() << "Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::reconstructParent not implemented"
<< Exception::abortnow;
void Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
reconstructLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last, Energy mass) const {
// set beta component and consequently all missing data from that,
// using the nominal (i.e. PDT) mass.
Energy theMass = mass > ZERO ? mass : last->data().constituentMass();
(sqr(theMass) + sqr(last->showerParameters().pt)
- sqr( last->showerParameters().alpha )*last->showerBasis()->pVector().m2())
/ ( 2.*last->showerParameters().alpha*last->showerBasis()->p_dot_n() );
// set that new momentum
last->set5Momentum( last->showerBasis()->sudakov2Momentum( last->showerParameters().alpha,
last->showerParameters().pty) );
void Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType) const {
IdList ids(3);
ids[0] = parent->dataPtr();
ids[1] = children[0]->dataPtr();
ids[2] = children[1]->dataPtr();
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = SudakovFormFactor()->virtualMasses(ids);
if(children[1]->children().empty()) children[1]->virtualMass(virtualMasses[2]);
// compute the new pT of the branching
Energy2 pt2=(1.-z())*(z()*sqr(virtualMasses[0])-sqr(children[0]->virtualMass()))
if(pt2>ZERO) {
else {
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
#define HERWIG_Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
// This is the declaration of the Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This (concrete) class provides the specific decay shower
* kinematics information.
* @see ShowerKinematics
* @see IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see KinematicsReconstructor
class Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2: public ShowerKinematics {
* The updateChildren, updateParent and updateLast
* members to update the values of the \f$\alpha\f$ and
* \f$p_\perp\f$ variables during the shower evolution.
* Along with the showering evolution --- going forward for
* time-like (forward) evolution, and going backward for space-like
* (backward) evolution --- the kinematical variables of the
* branching products are calculated and updated from the knowledge
* of the parent kinematics. This method is used by the
* ForwardShowerEvolver.
* @param parent The branching particle
* @param children The particles produced in the branching
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the
* KinematicsReconstructor.
virtual void reconstructParent( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children ) const;
* Update the kinematical data of a particle when a reconstruction
* fixpoint was found. This will highly depend on the kind of
* kinematics chosen and will be defined in the inherited concrete
* classes. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param last The particle to update
* @param mass The mass to be used, if less than zero on-shell
virtual void reconstructLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last, Energy mass=-1.*GeV) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType) const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 & operator=(const Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 &);
#endif /* HERWIG_Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
#include "FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Debug.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
using namespace Herwig;
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateParameters(tShowerParticlePtr theParent,
tShowerParticlePtr theChild0,
tShowerParticlePtr theChild1,
bool setAlpha) const {
const ShowerParticle::Parameters & parent = theParent->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child0 = theChild0->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child1 = theChild1->showerParameters();
// determine alphas of children according to interpretation of z
if ( setAlpha ) {
child0.alpha = z() * parent.alpha;
child1.alpha = (1.-z()) * parent.alpha;
// set the values
double cphi = cos(phi());
double sphi = sin(phi());
child0.ptx = pT() * cphi + z() * parent.ptx;
child0.pty = pT() * sphi + z() * parent.pty; = sqrt( sqr(child0.ptx) + sqr(child0.pty) );
child1.ptx = -pT() * cphi + (1.-z())* parent.ptx;
child1.pty = -pT() * sphi + (1.-z())* parent.pty; = sqrt( sqr(child1.ptx) + sqr(child1.pty) );
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateChildren(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto) const {
// calculate the scales
// set the maximum virtual masses
if(massVeto) {
Energy2 q2 = z()*(1.-z())*sqr(scale());
IdList ids(3);
ids[0] = parent->dataPtr();
ids[1] = children[0]->dataPtr();
ids[2] = children[1]->dataPtr();
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = SudakovFormFactor()->virtualMasses(ids);
if(ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g && ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::gamma ) {
q2 += sqr(virtualMasses[0]);
// limits on further evolution
children[0]->scales().Max_Q2 = z() *(q2-sqr(virtualMasses[2])/(1.-z()));
children[1]->scales().Max_Q2 = (1.-z())*(q2-sqr(virtualMasses[1])/ z() );
// update the parameters
updateParameters(parent, children[0], children[1], true);
// set up the colour connections
// make the products children of the parent
// set the momenta of the children
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator pit=children.begin();
pit!=children.end();++pit) {
// sort out the helicity stuff
if(! dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->correlations()) return;
SpinPtr pspin(parent->spinInfo());
if(!pspin || !dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->spinCorrelations() ) return;
Energy2 t = sqr(scale())*z()*(1.-z());
IdList ids;
// create the vertex
SVertexPtr vertex(new_ptr(ShowerVertex()));
// set the matrix element
RhoDMatrix mapping;
SpinPtr inspin;
bool needMapping = parent->getMapping(inspin,mapping);
if(needMapping) vertex->incomingBasisTransform(mapping);
// set the incoming particle for the vertex
for(ShowerParticleVector::const_iterator pit=children.begin();
pit!=children.end();++pit) {
// construct the spin info for the children
// connect the spinInfo object to the vertex
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
reconstructParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children ) const {
assert(children.size() == 2);
ShowerParticlePtr c1 = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(children[0]);
ShowerParticlePtr c2 = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(children[1]);
c1->showerParameters().beta + c2->showerParameters().beta;
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = c1->momentum() + c2->momentum();
Energy2 m2 = sqr(pT())/z()/(1.-z()) + sqr(c1->mass())/z()
+ sqr(c2->mass())/(1.-z());
parent->set5Momentum( pnew );
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::reconstructLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last,
Energy mass) const {
// set beta component and consequently all missing data from that,
// using the nominal (i.e. PDT) mass.
Energy theMass = mass > ZERO ? mass : last->data().constituentMass();
Lorentz5Momentum pVector = last->showerBasis()->pVector();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & lastParam = last->showerParameters();
Energy2 denom = 2. * lastParam.alpha * last->showerBasis()->p_dot_n();
if(abs(denom)/(sqr(pVector.e())+pVector.rho2())<1e-10) {
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
lastParam.beta = ( sqr(theMass) + sqr(
- sqr(lastParam.alpha) * pVector.m2() )
/ denom;
// set that new momentum
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = last->showerBasis()->
sudakov2Momentum( lastParam.alpha, lastParam.beta,
lastParam.ptx , lastParam.pty);
if(last->data().stable()) {
last->set5Momentum( newMomentum );
else {
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType) const {
IdList ids(3);
ids[0] = parent->dataPtr();
ids[1] = children[0]->dataPtr();
ids[2] = children[1]->dataPtr();
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = SudakovFormFactor()->virtualMasses(ids);
if(children[0]->children().empty()) children[0]->virtualMass(virtualMasses[1]);
if(children[1]->children().empty()) children[1]->virtualMass(virtualMasses[2]);
// compute the new pT of the branching
Energy2 pt2=sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*sqr(scale())
- sqr(children[0]->virtualMass())*(1.-z())
- sqr(children[1]->virtualMass())* z() ;
if(ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) pt2 += z()*(1.-z())*sqr(virtualMasses[0]);
if(pt2>ZERO) {
else {
Energy2 q2 =
sqr(children[0]->virtualMass())/z() +
sqr(children[1]->virtualMass())/(1.-z()) +
void FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
resetChildren(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) const {
updateParameters(parent, children[0], children[1], false);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix) {
if(children[ix]->children().empty()) continue;
ShowerParticleVector newChildren;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<children[ix]->children().size();++iy)
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
@@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
#define HERWIG_FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
// This is the declaration of the FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This (concrete) class provides the specific Final State shower
* kinematics information.
* @see ShowerKinematics
* @see IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see KinematicsReconstructor
class FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2: public ShowerKinematics {
* Default constructor
inline FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2() {}
* The updateChildren, updateParent and updateLast
* members to update the values of the \f$\alpha\f$ and
* \f$p_\perp\f$ variables during the shower evolution.
* Along with the showering evolution --- going forward for
* time-like (forward) evolution, and going backward for space-like
* (backward) evolution --- the kinematical variables of the
* branching products are calculated and updated from the knowledge
* of the parent kinematics. This method is used by the
* ForwardShowerEvolver.
* @param parent The branching particle
* @param children The particles produced in the branching
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
void updateParameters(tShowerParticlePtr theParent,
tShowerParticlePtr theChild0,
tShowerParticlePtr theChild1,
bool setAlpha) const;
virtual void updateChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto ) const;
virtual void resetChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param parent The parent
* @param children The children
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the
* KinematicsReconstructor.
virtual void reconstructParent( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children ) const;
* Update the kinematical data of a particle when a reconstruction
* fixpoint was found. This will highly depend on the kind of
* kinematics chosen and will be defined in the inherited concrete
* classes. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param last The particle to update
* @param mass The mass to be used, if less than zero on-shell
virtual void reconstructLast(const tShowerParticlePtr last, Energy mass=-1.*GeV) const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 & operator=(const FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 &);
#endif /* HERWIG_FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
#include "IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Debug.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace Herwig;
void IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr theParent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
bool massVeto) const {
const ShowerParticle::Parameters & parent = theParent->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child0 = children[0]->showerParameters();
ShowerParticle::Parameters & child1 = children[1]->showerParameters();
double cphi = cos(phi());
double sphi = sin(phi());
child1.alpha = (1.-z()) * parent.alpha;
child1.ptx = (1.-z()) * parent.ptx - cphi * pT();
child1.pty = (1.-z()) * parent.pty - sphi * pT(); = sqrt( sqr(child1.ptx) + sqr(child1.pty) );
// space-like child
child0.alpha = parent.alpha - child1.alpha;
child0.beta = parent.beta - child1.beta;
child0.ptx = parent.ptx - child1.ptx;
child0.pty = parent.pty - child1.pty;
if(massVeto) {
Energy2 q2 = (1.-z())*sqr(scale());
children[1]->scales().Max_Q2 = (1.-z())*q2/z();
void IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType) const {
// calculate the scales
// set proper colour connections
// set proper parent/child relationships
// sort out the helicity stuff
// construct the spin info for parent and timelike child
// temporary assignment of shower parameters to calculate correlations
parent->showerParameters().alpha = parent->x();
children[1]->showerParameters().alpha = (1.-z()) * parent->x();
children[1]->showerParameters().ptx = - cos(phi()) * pT();
children[1]->showerParameters().pty = - sin(phi()) * pT();
children[1]->showerParameters().pt = pT();
parent ->showerBasis(children[0]->showerBasis(),true);
parent ->setShowerMomentum(false);
if(! dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->correlations()) return;
SpinPtr pspin(children[0]->spinInfo());
if(!pspin || !dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->spinCorrelations() ) return;
// compute the matrix element for spin correlations
IdList ids;
Energy2 t = (1.-z())*sqr(scale())/z();
// create the vertex
SVertexPtr vertex(new_ptr(ShowerVertex()));
// set the matrix element
// set the incoming particle for the vertex
// (in reality the first child as going backwards)
// construct the spin infos
parent ->constructSpinInfo(false);
// connect the spinInfo objects to the vertex
parent ->spinInfo()->productionVertex(vertex);
void IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
reconstructParent(const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children ) const {
PPtr c1 = children[0];
ShowerParticlePtr c2 = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(children[1]);
ShowerParticle::Parameters & c2param = c2->showerParameters();
// get shower variables from 1st child in order to keep notation
// parent->(c1, c2) clean even though the splitting was initiated
// from c1. The name updateParent is still referring to the
// timelike branching though.
// on-shell child
c2param.beta = 0.5*( sqr(c2->data().constituentMass()) + sqr( )
/ ( c2param.alpha * parent->showerBasis()->p_dot_n() );
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = parent->showerBasis()->
sudakov2Momentum(c2param.alpha, c2param.beta,
c2param.ptx , c2param.pty);
c2->set5Momentum( pnew );
// spacelike child
Lorentz5Momentum pc1(parent->momentum() - c2->momentum());
void IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::
updateLast( const tShowerParticlePtr theLast,Energy px,Energy py) const {
if(theLast->isFinalState()) return;
ShowerParticle::Parameters & last = theLast->showerParameters();
Lorentz5Momentum pVector = theLast->showerBasis()->pVector();
Energy2 pt2 = sqr(px) + sqr(py);
last.alpha = theLast->x();
last.beta = 0.5 * pt2 / last.alpha / theLast->showerBasis()->p_dot_n();
last.ptx = ZERO;
last.pty = ZERO; = ZERO;
// momentum
Lorentz5Momentum ntemp = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,-pVector.vect());
double beta = 0.5 * pt2 / last.alpha / ( pVector * ntemp);
Lorentz5Momentum plast =
Lorentz5Momentum( (pVector.z()>ZERO ? px : -px), py, ZERO, ZERO)
+ theLast->x() * pVector + beta * ntemp;
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
#define HERWIG_IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
// This is the declaration of the IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This (concrete) class provides the specific Intial State shower
* kinematics information.
* @see ShowerKinematics
* @see FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see KinematicsReconstructor
class IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2: public ShowerKinematics {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* Construct in terms of the basis states
inline IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2() {}
* The updateChildren, updateParent and updateLast
* members to update the values of the \f$\alpha\f$ and
* \f$p_\perp\f$ variables during the shower evolution.
* Along with the showering evolution --- going forward for
* time-like (forward) evolution, and going backward for space-like
* (backward) evolution --- the kinematical variables of the
* branching products are calculated and updated from the knowledge
* of the parent kinematics. This method is used by the
* ForwardShowerEvolver.
* @param parent The branching particle
* @param children The particles produced in the branching
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateChildren( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
bool massVeto) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the
* KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param parent The branching particle
* @param children The particles produced in the branching
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
virtual void updateParent( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ShowerParticleVector & children,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType) const;
* Update the parent Kinematics from the knowledge of the kinematics
* of the children. This method will be used by the
* KinematicsReconstructor.
virtual void reconstructParent( const tShowerParticlePtr parent,
const ParticleVector & children ) const;
* Update the kinematical data of a particle when a reconstruction
* fixpoint was found. This will highly depend on the kind of
* kinematics chosen and will be defined in the inherited concrete
* classes. This method will be used by the KinematicsReconstructor.
* @param theLast The particle.
* @param px The \f$x\f$ component of the \f$p_T\f$.
* @param py The \f$y\f$ component of the \f$p_T\f$.
virtual void updateLast(const tShowerParticlePtr theLast,
Energy px, Energy py) const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 & operator=(const IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 &);
#endif /* HERWIG_IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,273 +1,273 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeFinder class.
#include "QTildeFinder.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeQTildeFinder ("Herwig::QTildeFinder","");
void QTildeFinder::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _finalFinalConditions << _initialFinalDecayConditions
<< _initialInitialConditions;
void QTildeFinder::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _finalFinalConditions >> _initialFinalDecayConditions
void QTildeFinder::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<QTildeFinder> documentation
("This class is responsible for finding the partners for each interaction types ",
"and within the evolution scale range specified by the ShowerVariables ",
"then to determine the initial evolution scales for each pair of partners.");
static Switch<QTildeFinder,unsigned int> interfaceFinalFinalConditions
"The initial conditions for the shower of a final-final colour connection",
&QTildeFinder::_finalFinalConditions, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalFinalConditionsSymmetric
"The symmetric choice",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalFinalConditionsColoured
"Maximal radiation from the coloured particle",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalFinalConditionsAntiColoured
"Maximal emission from the anticoloured particle",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalFinalConditionsRandom
"Randomly selected maximal emission from one of the particles",
static Switch<QTildeFinder,unsigned int> interfaceInitialFinalDecayConditions
"The initial conditions for the shower of an initial-final"
" decay colour connection.",
&QTildeFinder::_initialFinalDecayConditions, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialFinalDecayConditionsSymmetric
"The symmetric choice",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialFinalDecayConditionsMaximal
"Maximal radiation from the decay product",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialFinalDecayConditionsSmooth
"Smooth matching in the soft limit",
static Switch<QTildeFinder,unsigned int> interfaceInitialInitialConditions
"The initial conditions for the shower of an initial-initial"
" colour connection.",
&QTildeFinder::_initialInitialConditions, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialInitialConditionsSymmetric
"The symmetric choice",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialInitialConditionsMaximiseB
"Maximal radiation from parton b",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialInitialConditionsMaximiseC
"Maximal radiation from parton c",
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateInitialFinalScales(const ShowerPPair &ppair, const bool isDecayCase) {
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateInitialFinalScales(const Lorentz5Momentum& pb, const Lorentz5Momentum& pc,
const bool isDecayCase) {
if(!isDecayCase) {
// In this case from JHEP 12(2003)045 we find the conditions
// ktilde_b = (1+c) and ktilde_c = (1+2c)
// We also find that c = m_c^2/Q^2. The process is a+b->c where
// particle a is not colour connected (considered as a colour singlet).
// Therefore we simply find that q_b = sqrt(Q^2+m_c^2) and
// q_c = sqrt(Q^2+2 m_c^2)
// We also assume that the first particle in the pair is the initial
// state particle and the second is the final state one c
Energy2 mc2 = sqr(pc.mass());
Energy2 Q2 = -(pb-pc).m2();
return pair<Energy,Energy>(sqrt(Q2+mc2), sqrt(Q2+2*mc2));
else {
// In this case from JHEP 12(2003)045 we find, for the decay
// process b->c+a(neutral), the condition
// (ktilde_b-1)*(ktilde_c-c)=(1/4)*sqr(1-a+c+lambda).
// We also assume that the first particle in the pair is the initial
// state particle (b) and the second is the final state one (c).
// - We find maximal phase space coverage through emissions from
// c if we set ktilde_c = 4.*(sqr(1.-sqrt(a))-c)
// - We find the most 'symmetric' way to populate the phase space
// occurs for (ktilde_b-1)=(ktilde_c-c)=(1/2)*(1-a+c+lambda)
// - We find the most 'smooth' way to populate the phase space
// occurs for...
Energy2 mb2(sqr(pb.mass()));
double a=(pb-pc).m2()/mb2;
double c=sqr(pc.mass())/mb2;
double lambda = 1. + a*a + c*c - 2.*a - 2.*c - 2.*a*c;
lambda = sqrt(max(lambda,0.));
double PROD = 0.25*sqr(1. - a + c + lambda);
double ktilde_b, ktilde_c,cosi(0.);
switch(initialFinalDecayConditions()) {
case 0: // the 'symmetric' choice
ktilde_c = 0.5*(1-a+c+lambda) + c ;
ktilde_b = 1.+PROD/(ktilde_c-c) ;
case 1: // the 'maximal' choice
ktilde_c = 4.0*(sqr(1.-sqrt(a))-c);
ktilde_b = 1.+PROD/(ktilde_c-c) ;
case 2: // the 'smooth' choice
// c is a problem if very small here use 1GeV as minimum
c = max(c,1.*GeV2/mb2);
cosi = (sqr(1-sqrt(c))-a)/lambda;
ktilde_b = 2.0/(1.0-cosi);
ktilde_c = (1.0-a+c+lambda)*(1.0+c-a-lambda*cosi)/(2.0*(1.0+cosi));
throw Exception() << "Invalid option for decay shower's phase space"
<< " QTildeFinder::calculateInitialFinalScales"
<< Exception::abortnow;
return pair<Energy,Energy>(sqrt(mb2*ktilde_b),sqrt(mb2*ktilde_c));
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateInitialInitialScales(const ShowerPPair &ppair) {
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateInitialInitialScales(const Lorentz5Momentum& p1, const Lorentz5Momentum& p2) {
// This case is quite simple. From JHEP 12(2003)045 we find the condition
// that ktilde_b = ktilde_c = 1. In this case we have the process
// b+c->a so we need merely boost to the CM frame of the two incoming
// particles and then qtilde is equal to the energy in that frame
Energy Q = sqrt((p1+p2).m2());
if(_initialInitialConditions==1) {
return pair<Energy,Energy>(sqrt(2.0)*Q,sqrt(0.5)*Q);
} else if(_initialInitialConditions==2) {
return pair<Energy,Energy>(sqrt(0.5)*Q,sqrt(2.0)*Q);
} else {
return pair<Energy,Energy>(Q,Q);
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateFinalFinalScales(const ShowerPPair & pp) {
bool colouredFirst =
return calculateFinalFinalScales(pp.first->momentum(),pp.second->momentum(),
pair<Energy,Energy> QTildeFinder::
calculateFinalFinalScales(Lorentz5Momentum p1, Lorentz5Momentum p2,
bool colouredFirst) {
static const double eps=1e-7;
// Using JHEP 12(2003)045 we find that we need ktilde = 1/2(1+b-c+lambda)
// ktilde = qtilde^2/Q^2 therefore qtilde = sqrt(ktilde*Q^2)
// find momenta in rest frame of system
// calculate quantities for the scales
Energy2 Q2 = (p1+p2).m2();
double b = p1.mass2()/Q2;
double c = p2.mass2()/Q2;
if(b<0.) {
if(b<-eps) {
throw Exception() << "Negative Mass squared b = " << b
<< "in QTildeFinder::calculateFinalFinalScales()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
b = 0.;
if(c<0.) {
if(c<-eps) {
throw Exception() << "Negative Mass squared c = " << c
<< "in QTildeFinder::calculateFinalFinalScales()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
c = 0.;
// KMH & PR - 16 May 2008 - swapped lambda calculation from
// double lam=2.*p1.vect().mag()/Q; to sqrt(kallen(1,b,c)),
// which should be identical for p1 & p2 onshell in their COM
// but in the inverse construction for the Nason method, this
// was not the case, leading to misuse.
double lam=sqrt((1.+sqrt(b)+sqrt(c))*(1.-sqrt(b)-sqrt(c))
// symmetric case
unsigned int iopt=finalFinalConditions();
Energy firstQ,secondQ;
if(iopt==0) {
firstQ = sqrt(0.5*Q2*(1.+b-c+lam));
secondQ = sqrt(0.5*Q2*(1.-b+c+lam));
// assymetric choice
else {
double kappab,kappac;
// calculate kappa with coloured line getting maximum
if((iopt==1&&colouredFirst)|| // first particle coloured+maximal for coloured
(iopt==2&&!colouredFirst)|| // first particle anticoloured+maximal for acoloured
(iopt==3&&UseRandom::rndbool(0.5))) { // random choice
else {
// calculate the scales
firstQ = sqrt(Q2*kappab);
secondQ = sqrt(Q2*kappac);
return pair<Energy,Energy>(firstQ, secondQ);
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeFinder.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeFinder.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeFinder.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeFinder.h
@@ -1,206 +1,206 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// QTildeFinder.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_QTildeFinder_H
#define HERWIG_QTildeFinder_H
// This is the declaration of the QTildeFinder class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The QTildeFinder class is responsible for finding the partners and
* setting the initial evolution scales for the shower evolution described
* in JHEP 0312:045,2003.
* @see \ref QTildeFinderInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for QTildeFinder.
class QTildeFinder: public PartnerFinder {
* The default constructor.
QTildeFinder() : _finalFinalConditions(0),
_initialInitialConditions(0) {}
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Calculate the initial evolution scales given momenta
pair<Energy,Energy> calculateFinalFinalScales(Lorentz5Momentum p1, Lorentz5Momentum p2,
bool colouredfirst);
* Calculate the initial evolution scales given momenta
pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialInitialScales(const Lorentz5Momentum& p1,
const Lorentz5Momentum& p2);
* Calculate the initial evolution scales given momenta
pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialFinalScales(const Lorentz5Momentum& pb, const Lorentz5Momentum& pc,
const bool isDecayCase);
* Given a pair of particles, supposedly partners w.r.t. an interaction,
* this method returns their initial evolution scales as a pair.
* If something wrong happens, it returns the null (ZERO,ZERO) pair.
* This method is used by the above setXXXInitialEvolutionScales
* methods.
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for two final-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateFinalFinalScales(const ShowerPPair &);
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for two initial-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialInitialScales(const ShowerPPair &);
* Calculate the initial evolution scales for one initial
* and one final-state particles
virtual pair<Energy,Energy> calculateInitialFinalScales(const ShowerPPair &,
const bool isDecayCase);
* Access function for the initial conditions for the shower
* Initial conditions for the shower of a final-final colour connection
* - 0 is the symmetric choice
* - 1 is maximal emmision from the coloured particle
* - 2 is maximal emmision from the anticoloured particle
* - 3 is randomly selected maximal emmision
unsigned int finalFinalConditions() const
{return _finalFinalConditions;}
* Initial conditions for the shower of an initial-final decay colour connection
* - 0 is the symmetric choice
* - 1 is maximal emission from the decay product
* - 2 is the smooth choice
unsigned int initialFinalDecayConditions() const
{return _initialFinalDecayConditions;}
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
QTildeFinder & operator=(const QTildeFinder &);
* Flags controlling the initial conditions for the shower
* Initial conditions for the shower with a final-final colour
* connection
unsigned int _finalFinalConditions;
* Initial conditions for the shower with an initial-final decay colour
* connection. This is done according to the top decay colour
* connection calculation in JHEP12(2003)_045. The options act as follows:
* 0: This is the default 'symmetric' choice which more or less divides
* the phase space evenly between the parent and its charged child.
* 1: This 'maximal' choice maximises the phase space available for
* gluons emitted from the charged child.
* 2: This (experimental) 'smooth' choice does not suffer from
* a discontinuity at the boundary between the region populated by
* emissions from the charged child and the region populated by emissions
* from the parent. This does, however, mean that the phase space
* available for emissions from the charged child is fairly minimal.
unsigned int _initialFinalDecayConditions;
* Initial conditions for the shower with an initial-initial colour
* connection. This is done according to the colour connection
* calculation in JHEP12(2003)_045. The options act as follows:
* 0: This is the default 'symmetric' choice which more or less divides
* the phase space evenly between the two incoming partons.
* 1: This increases the phase space for emission from "parton b".
* 2: This increases the phase space for emission from "parton c".
unsigned int _initialInitialConditions;
#endif /* HERWIG_QTildeFinder_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,2942 +1,2942 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeReconstructor class.
#include "QTildeReconstructor.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourLine.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace Herwig;
describeQTildeReconstructor("Herwig::QTildeReconstructor", "");
namespace {
* Struct to order the jets in off-shellness
struct JetOrdering {
bool operator() (const JetKinStruct & j1, const JetKinStruct & j2) {
Energy diff1 = j1.q.m()-j1.p.m();
Energy diff2 = j2.q.m()-j2.p.m();
if(diff1!=diff2) {
return diff1>diff2;
else if( j1.q.e() != j2.q.e() )
return j1.q.e()>j2.q.e();
return j1.parent->uniqueId>j2.parent->uniqueId;
void QTildeReconstructor::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _reconopt << _initialBoost << ounit(_minQ,GeV) << _noRescale
<< _noRescaleVector << _finalStateReconOption
<< _initialStateReconOption;
void QTildeReconstructor::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _reconopt >> _initialBoost >> iunit(_minQ,GeV) >> _noRescale
>> _noRescaleVector >> _finalStateReconOption
>> _initialStateReconOption;
void QTildeReconstructor::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<QTildeReconstructor> documentation
( "This class is responsible for the kinematics reconstruction of the showering,",
" including the kinematics reshuffling necessary to compensate for the recoil"
"of the emissions." );
static Switch<QTildeReconstructor,unsigned int> interfaceReconstructionOption
"Option for the kinematics reconstruction",
&QTildeReconstructor::_reconopt, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionGeneral
"Use the general solution which ignores the colour structure for all processes",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionColour
"Use the colour structure of the process to determine the reconstruction procedure.",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionColour2
"Make the most use possible of the colour structure of the process to determine the reconstruction procedure. "
"Start with FF, then IF then II colour connections",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionColour3
"Make the most use possible of the colour structure of the process to determine the reconstruction procedure. "
"Do the colour connections in order of the pT's emitted in the shower starting with the hardest."
" The colour partner is fully reconstructed at the same time.",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionColour4
"Make the most use possible of the colour structure of the process to determine the reconstruction procedure. "
"Do the colour connections in order of the pT's emitted in the shower starting with the hardest, while leaving"
" the colour partner on mass-shell",
static Parameter<QTildeReconstructor,Energy> interfaceMinimumQ2
"The minimum Q2 for the reconstruction of initial-final systems",
&QTildeReconstructor::_minQ, GeV, 0.001*GeV, 1e-6*GeV, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static RefVector<QTildeReconstructor,ParticleData> interfaceNoRescale
"Particles which shouldn't be rescaled to be on shell by the shower",
&QTildeReconstructor::_noRescaleVector, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
static Switch<QTildeReconstructor,unsigned int> interfaceInitialInitialBoostOption
"Option for how the boost from the system before ISR to that after ISR is applied.",
&QTildeReconstructor::_initialBoost, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialInitialBoostOptionOneBoost
"Apply one boost from old CMS to new CMS",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialInitialBoostOptionLongTransBoost
"First apply a longitudinal and then a transverse boost",
static Switch<QTildeReconstructor,unsigned int> interfaceFinalStateReconOption
"Option for how to reconstruct the momenta of the final-state system",
&QTildeReconstructor::_finalStateReconOption, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalStateReconOptionDefault
"All the momenta are rescaled in the rest frame",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalStateReconOptionMostOffShell
"All particles put on the new-mass shell and then the most off-shell and"
" recoiling system are rescaled to ensure 4-momentum is conserved.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalStateReconOptionRecursive
"Recursively put on shell by putting the most off-shell particle which"
" hasn't been rescaled on-shell by rescaling the particles and the recoiling system. ",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalStateReconOptionRestMostOffShell
"The most off-shell is put on shell by rescaling it and the recoiling system,"
" the recoiling system is then put on-shell in its rest frame.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFinalStateReconOptionRestRecursive
"As 3 but recursive treated the currently most-off shell,"
" only makes a difference if more than 3 partons.",
static Switch<QTildeReconstructor,unsigned int> interfaceInitialStateReconOption
"Option for the reconstruction of initial state radiation",
&QTildeReconstructor::_initialStateReconOption, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialStateReconOptionRapidity
"Preserve shat and rapidity",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialStateReconOptionLongitudinal
"Preserve longitudinal momentum",
static SwitchOption interfaceInitialStateReconOptionSofterFraction
"Preserve the momentum fraction of the parton which has emitted softer.",
void QTildeReconstructor::doinit() {
_noRescale = set<cPDPtr>(_noRescaleVector.begin(),_noRescaleVector.end());
bool QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructTimeLikeJet(const tShowerParticlePtr particleJetParent) const {
bool emitted=true;
// if this is not a fixed point in the reconstruction
if( !particleJetParent->children().empty() ) {
// if not a reconstruction fixpoint, dig deeper for all children:
for ( ParticleVector::const_iterator cit =
cit != particleJetParent->children().end(); ++cit )
// it is a reconstruction fixpoint, ie kinematical data has to be available
else {
// check if the parent was part of the shower
ShowerParticlePtr jetGrandParent;
jetGrandParent= dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>
// update if so
if (jetGrandParent) {
if (jetGrandParent->showerKinematics()) {
!_progenitor->data().stable()) {
else {
// otherwise
else {
Energy dm = particleJetParent->data().constituentMass();
if (abs(dm-particleJetParent->momentum().m())>0.001*MeV
&&_noRescale.find(particleJetParent->dataPtr())==_noRescale.end()) {
Lorentz5Momentum dum = particleJetParent->momentum();
else {
// recursion has reached an endpoint once, ie we can reconstruct the
// kinematics from the children.
if( !particleJetParent->children().empty() )
->reconstructParent( particleJetParent, particleJetParent->children() );
return emitted;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructHardJets(ShowerTreePtr hard,
const map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,
pair<Energy,double> > & intrinsic,
ShowerInteraction type,
bool switchRecon) const {
_currentTree = hard;
// extract the particles from the ShowerTree
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> ShowerHardJets=hard->extractProgenitors();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
_boosts[ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()] = vector<LorentzRotation>();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit = _currentTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != _currentTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
_treeBoosts[tit->first] = vector<LorentzRotation>();
try {
// old recon method, using new member functions
if(_reconopt == 0 || switchRecon ) {
// reconstruction based on coloured systems
else if( _reconopt == 1) {
// reconstruction of FF, then IF, then II
else if( _reconopt == 2) {
// reconstruction based on coloured systems
else if( _reconopt == 3 || _reconopt == 4) {
catch(KinematicsReconstructionVeto) {
for(map<tPPtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_boosts.begin();bit!=_boosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_treeBoosts.begin();bit!=_treeBoosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return false;
catch (Exception & ex) {
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
throw ex;
// ensure x<1
cit=hard->incomingLines().begin();cit!=hard->incomingLines().end();++cit) {
tPPtr parent = cit->first->progenitor();
while (!parent->parents().empty()) {
parent = parent->parents()[0];
tPPtr hadron;
if ( cit->first->original()->parents().empty() ) {
hadron = cit->first->original();
else {
hadron = cit->first->original()->parents()[0];
if( ! (hadron->id() == parent->id() && hadron->children().size() <= 1)
&& parent->momentum().rho() > hadron->momentum().rho()) {
for(map<tPPtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_boosts.begin();bit!=_boosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_treeBoosts.begin();bit!=_treeBoosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return false;
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return true;
QTildeReconstructor::solveKfactor(const Energy & root_s,
const JetKinVect & jets) const {
Energy2 s = sqr(root_s);
// must be at least two jets
if ( jets.size() < 2) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
// sum of jet masses must be less than roots
if(momConsEq( 0.0, root_s, jets )>ZERO) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
// if two jets simple solution
if ( jets.size() == 2 ) {
static const Energy2 eps = 1.0e-4 * MeV2;
if ( sqr(jets[0].p.x()+jets[1].p.x()) < eps &&
sqr(jets[0].p.y()+jets[1].p.y()) < eps &&
sqr(jets[0].p.z()+jets[1].p.z()) < eps ) {
Energy test = (jets[0].p+jets[1].p).vect().mag();
if(test > 1.0e-4 * MeV) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
if ( jets[0].p.vect().mag2() < eps ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
Energy2 m1sq(jets[0].q.m2()),m2sq(jets[1].q.m2());
return sqrt( ( sqr(s - m1sq - m2sq) - 4.*m1sq*m2sq )
/(4.*s*jets[0].p.vect().mag2()) );
else throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
// i.e. jets.size() > 2, numerically
// check convergence, if it's a problem maybe use Newton iteration?
else {
double k1 = 0.,k2 = 1.,k = 0.;
if ( momConsEq( k1, root_s, jets ) < ZERO ) {
while ( momConsEq( k2, root_s, jets ) < ZERO ) {
k1 = k2;
k2 *= 2;
while ( fabs( (k1 - k2)/(k1 + k2) ) > 1.e-10 ) {
if( momConsEq( k2, root_s, jets ) == ZERO ) {
return k2;
} else {
k = (k1+k2)/2.;
if ( momConsEq( k, root_s, jets ) > ZERO ) {
k2 = k;
} else {
k1 = k;
return k1;
} else throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
bool QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructSpaceLikeJet( const tShowerParticlePtr p) const {
bool emitted = true;
tShowerParticlePtr child;
tShowerParticlePtr parent;
parent = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(p->parents()[0]);
if(parent) {
// if branching reconstruct time-like child
child = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(p->children()[1]);
if(p->perturbative()==0 && child) {
if(!child->children().empty()) {
// calculate the momentum of the particle
Lorentz5Momentum pnew=p->momentum()-child->momentum();
return emitted;
Boost QTildeReconstructor::
solveBoostBeta( const double k, const Lorentz5Momentum & newq,
const Lorentz5Momentum & oldp ) {
// try something different, purely numerical first:
// a) boost to rest frame of newq, b) boost with kp/E
Energy q = newq.vect().mag();
Energy2 qs = sqr(q);
Energy2 Q2 = newq.m2();
Energy kp = k*(oldp.vect().mag());
Energy2 kps = sqr(kp);
// usually we take the minus sign, since this boost will be smaller.
// we only require |k \vec p| = |\vec q'| which leaves the sign of
// the boost open but the 'minus' solution gives a smaller boost
// parameter, i.e. the result should be closest to the previous
// result. this is to be changed if we would get many momentum
// conservation violations at the end of the shower from a hard
// process.
double betam = (q*sqrt(qs + Q2) - kp*sqrt(kps + Q2))/(kps + qs + Q2);
// move directly to 'return'
Boost beta = -betam*(k/kp)*oldp.vect();
// note that (k/kp)*oldp.vect() = oldp.vect()/oldp.vect().mag() but cheaper.
// leave this out if it's running properly!
if ( betam >= 0 ) return beta;
else return Boost(0., 0., 0.);
bool QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructDecayJets(ShowerTreePtr decay,
ShowerInteraction) const {
_currentTree = decay;
// extract the particles from the ShowerTree
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> ShowerHardJets=decay->extractProgenitors();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
_boosts[ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()] = vector<LorentzRotation>();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit = _currentTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != _currentTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
_treeBoosts[tit->first] = vector<LorentzRotation>();
try {
bool radiated[2]={false,false};
// find the decaying particle and check if particles radiated
ShowerProgenitorPtr initial;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
// only consider initial-state jets
if(ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
radiated[1] |=ShowerHardJets[ix]->hasEmitted();
else {
// find boost to the rest frame if needed
Boost boosttorest=-initial->progenitor()->momentum().boostVector();
double gammarest =
// check if need to boost to rest frame
bool gottaBoost = (boosttorest.mag() > 1e-12);
// if initial state radiation reconstruct the jet and set up the basis vectors
Lorentz5Momentum pjet;
Lorentz5Momentum nvect;
// find the partner
ShowerParticlePtr partner = initial->progenitor()->partner();
Lorentz5Momentum ppartner[2];
if(partner) ppartner[0]=partner->momentum();
// get the n reference vector
if(partner) {
if(initial->progenitor()->showerKinematics()) {
nvect = initial->progenitor()->showerBasis()->getBasis()[1];
else {
Lorentz5Momentum ppartner=initial->progenitor()->partner()->momentum();
if(gottaBoost) ppartner.boost(boosttorest,gammarest);
nvect = Lorentz5Momentum( ZERO,0.5*initial->progenitor()->mass()*
// if ISR
if(radiated[0]) {
// reconstruct the decay jet
// momentum of decaying particle after ISR
// boost initial state jet and basis vector if needed
if(gottaBoost) {
// loop over the final-state particles and do the reconstruction
JetKinVect possiblepartners;
JetKinVect jetKinematics;
bool atLeastOnce = radiated[0];
LorentzRotation restboost(boosttorest,gammarest);
Energy inmass(ZERO);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
// only consider final-state jets
if(!ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
// do the reconstruction
JetKinStruct tempJetKin;
tempJetKin.parent = ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor();
if(ShowerHardJets.size()==2) {
Lorentz5Momentum dum=ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
tempJetKin.p = ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(gottaBoost) tempJetKin.p.boost(boosttorest,gammarest);
if(ShowerHardJets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed) {
atLeastOnce |= reconstructTimeLikeJet(tempJetKin.parent);
if(gottaBoost) deepTransform(tempJetKin.parent,restboost);
tempJetKin.q = ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(partner) ppartner[1]=partner->momentum();
// calculate the rescaling parameters
double k1,k2;
Lorentz5Momentum qt;
jetKinematics,partner,ppartner,k1,k2,qt)) {
for(map<tPPtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_boosts.begin();bit!=_boosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_treeBoosts.begin();bit!=_treeBoosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return false;
// apply boosts and rescalings to final-state jets
for(JetKinVect::iterator it = jetKinematics.begin();
it != jetKinematics.end(); ++it) {
LorentzRotation Trafo = LorentzRotation();
if(it->parent!=partner) {
// boost for rescaling
if(atLeastOnce) {
tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = _currentTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != _currentTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==it->parent)
if(it->parent->children().empty()&&!it->parent->spinInfo() &&
tit==_currentTree->treelinks().end()) {
Lorentz5Momentum pnew(k2*it->p.vect(),
else {
// rescaling boost can't ever work in this case
if(k2<0. && it->q.mass()==ZERO)
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
Trafo = solveBoost(k2, it->q, it->p);
if(gottaBoost) Trafo.boost(-boosttorest,gammarest);
if(atLeastOnce || gottaBoost) deepTransform(it->parent,Trafo);
else {
Lorentz5Momentum pnew=ppartner[0];
pnew *=k1;
LorentzRotation Trafo=solveBoost(1.,ppartner[1],pnew);
if(gottaBoost) Trafo.boost(-boosttorest,gammarest);
catch(KinematicsReconstructionVeto) {
for(map<tPPtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_boosts.begin();bit!=_boosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,vector<LorentzRotation> >::const_iterator bit=_treeBoosts.begin();bit!=_treeBoosts.end();++bit) {
for(vector<LorentzRotation>::const_reverse_iterator rit=bit->second.rbegin();rit!=bit->second.rend();++rit) {
LorentzRotation rot = rit->inverse();
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return false;
catch (Exception & ex) {
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
throw ex;
_currentTree = tShowerTreePtr();
return true;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructDecayJet( const tShowerParticlePtr p) const {
if(p->children().empty()) return false;
tShowerParticlePtr child;
// if branching reconstruct time-like child
child = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(p->children()[1]);
if(child) {
// calculate the momentum of the particle
Lorentz5Momentum pnew=p->momentum()-child->momentum();
return true;
return false;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
solveDecayKFactor(Energy mb,
const Lorentz5Momentum & n,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pjet,
const JetKinVect & jetKinematics,
ShowerParticlePtr partner,
Lorentz5Momentum ppartner[2],
double & k1, double & k2,
Lorentz5Momentum & qt) const {
Energy2 pjn = partner ? pjet.vect()*n.vect() : ZERO;
Energy2 pcn = partner ? ppartner[0].vect()*n.vect() : 1.*MeV2;
Energy2 nmag = n.vect().mag2();
Lorentz5Momentum pn = partner ? (pjn/nmag)*n : Lorentz5Momentum();
qt=pjet-pn; qt.setE(ZERO);
Energy2 pt2=qt.vect().mag2();
Energy Ejet = pjet.e();
// magnitudes of the momenta for fast access
vector<Energy2> pmag;
Energy total(Ejet);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jetKinematics.size();++ix) {
// return if no possible solution
if(total>mb) return false;
Energy2 pcmag=ppartner[0].vect().mag2();
// used newton-raphson to get the rescaling
static const Energy eps=1e-8*GeV;
long double d1(1.),d2(1.);
Energy roots, ea, ec, ds;
unsigned int ix=0;
do {
d2 = d1 + pjn/pcn;
roots = Ejet;
ds = ZERO;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<jetKinematics.size();++iy) {
if(jetKinematics[iy].parent==partner) continue;
ea = sqrt(sqr(d2)*pmag[iy]+jetKinematics[iy].q.mass2());
roots += ea;
ds += d2/ea*pmag[iy];
if(partner) {
ec = sqrt(sqr(d1)*pcmag + pt2 + ppartner[1].mass2());
roots += ec;
ds += d1/ec*pcmag;
d1 += (mb-roots)/ds;
d2 = d1 + pjn/pcn;
while(abs(mb-roots)>eps && ix<100);
// return true if N-R succeed, otherwise false
return ix<100;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructDecayJets(HardTreePtr decay,ShowerInteraction) const {
// extract the momenta of the particles
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pin;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pout;
// on-shell masses of the decay products
vector<Energy> mon;
Energy mbar(-GeV);
// the hard branchings of the particles
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit;
set<HardBranchingPtr> branchings=decay->branchings();
// properties of the incoming particle
bool ISR = false;
HardBranchingPtr initial;
Lorentz5Momentum qisr;
// find the incoming particle, both before and after
// any ISR
(*cit)->status()==HardBranching::Decay) {
// search back up isr if needed
HardBranchingPtr branch = *cit;
while(branch->parent()) branch=branch->parent();
// momentum or original parent
// ISR?
ISR = !branch->branchingParticle()->children().empty();
// ISR momentum
qisr = pin.back()-(**cit).branchingParticle()->momentum();
// compute boost to rest frame
Boost boostv=-pin[0].boostVector();
// partner for ISR
ShowerParticlePtr partner;
Lorentz5Momentum ppartner;
if(initial->branchingParticle()->partner()) {
// momentum of the decay products
for(cit=branchings.begin();cit!=branchings.end();++cit) {
if((*cit)->status()!=HardBranching::Outgoing) continue;
// find the mass of the particle
// including special treatment for off-shell resonances
// to preserve off-shell mass
Energy mass;
if(!(**cit).branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->stable()) {
HardBranchingPtr branch=*cit;
while(!branch->children().empty()) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<branch->children().size();++ix) {
(**cit).branchingParticle()->id()) {
branch = branch->children()[ix];
mass = branch->branchingParticle()->mass();
else {
mass = (**cit).branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->mass();
// if not evolution partner of decaying particle
if((*cit)->branchingParticle()!=partner) {
// evolution partner of decaying particle
else {
mbar = mass;
// boost all the momenta to the rest frame of the decaying particle
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) pout[ix].boost(boostv);
if(initial->branchingParticle()->partner()) {
// compute the rescaling factors
double k1,k2;
if(!ISR) {
if(partner) {
if(partner) {
else {
ppartner,mbar,k1,k2)) return false;
// now calculate the p reference vectors
unsigned int ifinal=0;
for(cit=branchings.begin();cit!=branchings.end();++cit) {
if((**cit).status()!=HardBranching::Outgoing) continue;
// for partners other than colour partner of decaying particle
if((*cit)->branchingParticle()!=partner) {
Lorentz5Momentum pvect = (*cit)->branchingParticle()->momentum();
pvect /= k1;
// for colour partner of decaying particle
else {
Lorentz5Momentum pvect = (*cit)->branchingParticle()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum qtotal;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) qtotal+=pout[ix];
Lorentz5Momentum qperp =
pvect +=qperp;
pvect /=k2;
// For initial-state if needed
if(initial) {
tShowerParticlePtr newPartner=initial->branchingParticle()->partner();
if(newPartner) {
tHardBranchingPtr branch;
for( set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator clt = branchings.begin();
clt != branchings.end(); ++clt ) {
if((**clt).branchingParticle()==newPartner) {
Lorentz5Momentum pvect = initial->branchingParticle()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum ptemp = branch->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = Lorentz5Momentum( ZERO,
// calculate the reference vectors, then for outgoing particles
if((**cit).status()!=HardBranching::Outgoing) continue;
// find the partner branchings
tShowerParticlePtr newPartner=(*cit)->branchingParticle()->partner();
if(!newPartner) continue;
tHardBranchingPtr branch;
for( set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator clt = branchings.begin();
clt != branchings.end(); ++clt ) {
if(cit==clt) continue;
if((**clt).branchingParticle()==newPartner) {
if((**decay->incoming().begin()).branchingParticle()==newPartner) {
branch = *decay->incoming().begin();
// final-state colour partner
if(branch->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
Boost boost=((*cit)->pVector()+branch->pVector()).findBoostToCM();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = branch->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,pcm.vect());
nvect.boost( -boost);
// initial-state colour partner
else {
Boost boost=branch->pVector().findBoostToCM();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = (*cit)->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = Lorentz5Momentum( ZERO, -pcm.vect());
nvect.boost( -boost);
// now compute the new momenta
// and calculate the shower variables
for(cit=branchings.begin();cit!=branchings.end();++cit) {
if((**cit).status()!=HardBranching::Outgoing) continue;
LorentzRotation B=LorentzRotation(-boostv);
LorentzRotation A=LorentzRotation(boostv),R;
if((*cit)->branchingParticle()==partner) {
Lorentz5Momentum qnew;
Energy2 dot=(*cit)->pVector()*(*cit)->nVector();
double beta = 0.5*((*cit)->branchingParticle()->momentum().m2()
// compute the boost
else {
Lorentz5Momentum qnew;
if((*cit)->branchingParticle()->partner()) {
Energy2 dot=(*cit)->pVector()*(*cit)->nVector();
double beta = 0.5*((*cit)->branchingParticle()->momentum().m2()
else {
qnew = (*cit)->pVector();
// compute the boost
// reconstruct the momenta
if(initial) {
return true;
double QTildeReconstructor::
inverseRescalingFactor(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pout,
vector<Energy> mon, Energy roots) const {
double lambda=1.;
if(pout.size()==2) {
double mu_q1(pout[0].m()/roots), mu_q2(pout[1].m()/roots);
double mu_p1(mon[0]/roots) , mu_p2(mon[1]/roots);
lambda =
throw Exception() << "Rescaling factor is imaginary in QTildeReconstructor::"
<< "inverseRescalingFactor lambda^2= " << lambda
<< Exception::eventerror;
lambda = sqrt(lambda);
else {
unsigned int ntry=0;
// compute magnitudes once for speed
vector<Energy2> pmag;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
// Newton-Raphson for the rescaling
vector<Energy> root(pout.size());
do {
// compute new energies
Energy sum(ZERO);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
root[ix] = sqrt(pmag[ix]/sqr(lambda)+sqr(mon[ix]));
// if accuracy reached exit
if(abs(sum/roots-1.)<1e-10) break;
// use Newton-Raphson to compute new guess for lambda
Energy numer(ZERO),denom(ZERO);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
numer +=root[ix];
denom +=pmag[ix]/root[ix];
double fact = 1.+sqr(lambda)*numer/denom;
if(fact<0.) fact=0.5;
lambda *=fact;
throw Exception() << "Rescaling factor is nan in QTildeReconstructor::"
<< "inverseRescalingFactor "
<< Exception::eventerror;
return lambda;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructGeneralSystem(HardTreePtr tree,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
// extract incoming and outgoing particles
ColourSingletShower in,out;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) in .jets.push_back(*it);
else out.jets.push_back(*it);
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
// do the initial-state reconstruction
// do the final-state reconstruction
// only at this point that we can be sure all the reference vectors
// are correct
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->incoming().begin();
it!=tree->incoming().end();++it) {
return true;
bool QTildeReconstructor::deconstructHardJets(HardTreePtr tree,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
// inverse of old recon method
if(_reconopt == 0) {
return deconstructGeneralSystem(tree,type);
else if(_reconopt == 1) {
return deconstructColourSinglets(tree,type);
else if(_reconopt == 2) {
throw Exception() << "Inverse reconstruction is not currently supported for ReconstructionOption Colour2 "
<< "in QTildeReconstructor::deconstructHardJets(). Please use one of the other options\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(_reconopt == 3 || _reconopt == 4 ) {
return deconstructColourPartner(tree,type);
bool QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructColourSinglets(HardTreePtr tree,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
// identify the colour singlet systems
unsigned int nnun(0),nnii(0),nnif(0),nnf(0),nni(0);
// now decide what to do
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
bool general(false);
// initial-initial connection and final-state colour singlet systems
// Drell-Yan type
if(nnun==0&&nnii==1&&nnif==0&&nnf>0&&nni==0) {
// reconstruct initial-initial system
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
if(type!=ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// DIS and VBF type
else if(nnun==0&&nnii==0&&((nnif==1&&nnf>0&&nni==1)||
(nnif==2&& nni==0))) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
// e+e- type
else if(nnun==0&&nnii==0&&nnif==0&&nnf>0&&nni==2) {
// only FS needed
// but need to boost to rest frame if QED ISR
Lorentz5Momentum ptotal;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
ptotal += systems[ix].jets[0]->branchingParticle()->momentum();
toRest = LorentzRotation(ptotal.findBoostToCM());
fromRest = toRest;
if(type!=ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// general type
else {
general = true;
// final-state systems except for general recon
if(!general) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
// only at this point that we can be sure all the reference vectors
// are correct
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->incoming().begin();
it!=tree->incoming().end();++it) {
return true;
else {
return deconstructGeneralSystem(tree,type);
return true;
bool QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructColourPartner(HardTreePtr tree,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
Lorentz5Momentum ptotal;
HardBranchingPtr emitter;
ColourSingletShower incomingShower,outgoingShower;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
ptotal += (*it)->branchingParticle()->momentum();
// check for emitting particle
if((**it).parent() ) {
emitter = *it;
throw Exception() << "Only one emitting particle allowed in "
<< "QTildeReconstructor::deconstructColourPartner()"
<< Exception::runerror;
else if ((**it).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
// check for emitting particle
if(!(**it).children().empty() ) {
emitter = *it;
throw Exception() << "Only one emitting particle allowed in "
<< "QTildeReconstructor::deconstructColourPartner()"
<< Exception::runerror;
ColourSingletShower system;
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
// identify the colour singlet system
if(emitter->status() == HardBranching::Outgoing &&
emitter->colourPartner()->status() == HardBranching::Outgoing ) {
// need to boost to rest frame if QED ISR
if( !incomingShower.jets[0]->branchingParticle()->coloured() &&
!incomingShower.jets[1]->branchingParticle()->coloured() ) {
Boost boost = ptotal.findBoostToCM();
toRest = LorentzRotation( boost);
fromRest = LorentzRotation(-boost);
else if (emitter->status() == HardBranching::Incoming &&
emitter->colourPartner()->status() == HardBranching::Incoming) {
// make sure the recoil gets applied
else if ((emitter->status() == HardBranching::Outgoing &&
emitter->colourPartner()->status() == HardBranching::Incoming ) ||
(emitter->status() == HardBranching::Incoming &&
emitter->colourPartner()->status() == HardBranching::Outgoing)) {
// enusre incoming first
if(system.jets[0]->status() == HardBranching::Outgoing)
else {
throw Exception() << "Unknown type of system in "
<< "QTildeReconstructor::deconstructColourPartner()"
<< Exception::runerror;
// only at this point that we can be sure all the reference vectors
// are correct
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->incoming().begin();
it!=tree->incoming().end();++it) {
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=tree->branchings().begin();
it!=tree->branchings().end();++it) {
if((**it).status()!=HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
if(*it==system.jets[0] || *it==system.jets[1]) continue;
if((**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().z()>ZERO) {
else {
return true;
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructInitialFinalSystem(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets) const {
Lorentz5Momentum pin[2],pout[2],pbeam;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
// final-state parton
if(jets[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
pout[0] +=jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
_progenitor = jets[ix]->progenitor();
if(jets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed) {
// initial-state parton
else {
pin[0] +=jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(jets[ix]->progenitor()->showerKinematics()) {
pbeam = jets[ix]->progenitor()->showerBasis()->getBasis()[0];
else {
if ( jets[ix]->original()->parents().empty() ) {
pbeam = jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
else {
pbeam = jets[ix]->original()->parents()[0]->momentum();
if(jets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed) {
// add intrinsic pt if needed
// momenta after showering
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
pout[1] += jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
pin[1] += jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
// work out the boost to the Breit frame
Lorentz5Momentum pa = pout[0]-pin[0];
Axis axis(pa.vect().unit());
LorentzRotation rot;
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
if ( sinth > 1.e-9 )
rot.boostZ( pa.e()/pa.vect().mag());
Lorentz5Momentum ptemp=rot*pbeam;
Boost trans = -1./ptemp.e()*ptemp.vect();
if ( trans.mag2() - 1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
pa *=rot;
// project and calculate rescaling
// reference vectors
Lorentz5Momentum n1(ZERO,ZERO,-pa.z(),-pa.z());
Lorentz5Momentum n2(ZERO,ZERO, pa.z(),-pa.z());
Energy2 n1n2 = n1*n2;
// decompose the momenta
Lorentz5Momentum qbp=rot*pin[1],qcp=rot*pout[1];
double a[2],b[2];
a[0] = n2*qbp/n1n2;
b[0] = n1*qbp/n1n2;
Lorentz5Momentum qperp = qbp-a[0]*n1-b[0]*n2;
b[1] = 0.5;
a[1] = 0.5*(qcp.m2()-qperp.m2())/n1n2/b[1];
double kb;
if(a[0]!=0.) {
double A(0.5*a[0]),B(b[0]*a[0]-a[1]*b[1]-0.25),C(-0.5*b[0]);
if(sqr(B)-4.*A*C<0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
kb = 0.5*(-B+sqrt(sqr(B)-4.*A*C))/A;
else {
kb = 0.5*b[0]/(b[0]*a[0]-a[1]*b[1]-0.25);
// changed to improve stability
if(kb==0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
if ( a[1]>b[1] && abs(a[1]) < 1e-12 )
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
if ( a[1]<=b[1] && abs(0.5+b[0]/kb) < 1e-12 )
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
double kc = (a[1]>b[1]) ? (a[0]*kb-0.5)/a[1] : b[1]/(0.5+b[0]/kb);
if(kc==0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
Lorentz5Momentum pnew[2] = { a[0]*kb*n1+b[0]/kb*n2+qperp,
LorentzRotation rotinv=rot.inverse();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
if(jets[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
Energy delta = jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum().m()-jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum().mass();
if ( abs(delta) > MeV ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
else {
tPPtr parent;
// check the first boost worked, and if not apply small correction to
// fix energy/momentum conservation
// this is a kludge but it reduces momentum non-conservation dramatically
Lorentz5Momentum pdiff = pnew[0]-jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
Energy2 delta = sqr(pdiff.x())+sqr(pdiff.y())+sqr(pdiff.z())+sqr(pdiff.t());
unsigned int ntry=0;
while(delta>1e-6*GeV2 && ntry<5 ) {
ntry +=1;
pdiff = pnew[0]-jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
delta = sqr(pdiff.x())+sqr(pdiff.y())+sqr(pdiff.z())+sqr(pdiff.t());
// apply test in breit-frame
Lorentz5Momentum ptest1 = parent->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum ptest2 = rot*pbeam;
if(ptest1.z()/ptest2.z()<0. || ptest1.z()/ptest2.z()>1.)
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
bool QTildeReconstructor::addIntrinsicPt(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets) const {
bool added=false;
// add the intrinsic pt if needed
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
// only for initial-state particles which haven't radiated
jets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::dontReconstruct) continue;
if(_intrinsic.find(jets[ix])==_intrinsic.end()) continue;
pair<Energy,double> pt=_intrinsic[jets[ix]];
Energy etemp = jets[ix]->original()->parents()[0]->momentum().z();
p_basis(ZERO, ZERO, etemp, abs(etemp)),
n_basis(ZERO, ZERO,-etemp, abs(etemp));
double alpha = jets[ix]->progenitor()->x();
double beta = 0.5*(sqr(jets[ix]->progenitor()->data().mass())+
Lorentz5Momentum pnew=alpha*p_basis+beta*n_basis;
added = true;
return added;
namespace {
double defaultSolveBoostGamma(const double & betam,const Energy2 & kps,
const Energy2 & qs, const Energy2 & Q2,
const Energy & kp,
const Energy & q, const Energy & qE) {
if(betam<0.5) {
return 1./sqrt(1.-sqr(betam));
else {
return ( kps+ qs + Q2)/
sqrt(2.*kps*qs + kps*Q2 + qs*Q2 + sqr(Q2) + 2.*q*qE*kp*sqrt(kps + Q2));
LorentzRotation QTildeReconstructor::
solveBoost(const double k, const Lorentz5Momentum & newq,
const Lorentz5Momentum & oldp ) const {
Energy q = newq.vect().mag();
Energy2 qs = sqr(q);
Energy2 Q2 = newq.mass2();
Energy kp = k*(oldp.vect().mag());
Energy2 kps = sqr(kp);
double betam = (q*newq.e() - kp*sqrt(kps + Q2))/(kps + qs + Q2);
if ( abs(betam) - 1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
Boost beta = -betam*(k/kp)*oldp.vect();
double gamma = 0.;
if(Q2/sqr(oldp.e())>1e-4) {
gamma = defaultSolveBoostGamma(betam,kps,qs,Q2,kp,q,newq.e());
else {
if(k>0) {
gamma = 4.*kps*qs/sqr(kps +qs) + 2.*sqr(kps-qs)*Q2/pow<3,1>(kps +qs)
- 0.25*( sqr(kps) + 14.*kps*qs + sqr(qs))*sqr(kps-qs)/(pow<4,1>(kps +qs)*kps*qs)*sqr(Q2);
else {
gamma = 0.25*sqr(Q2)/(kps*qs)*(1. - 0.5*(kps+qs)/(kps*qs)*Q2);
if(gamma<=0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
gamma = 1./sqrt(gamma);
if(gamma>2.) gamma = defaultSolveBoostGamma(betam,kps,qs,Q2,kp,q,newq.e());
// note that (k/kp)*oldp.vect() = oldp.vect()/oldp.vect().mag() but cheaper.
ThreeVector<Energy2> ax = newq.vect().cross( oldp.vect() );
double delta;
if (newq.x()*oldp.x()+newq.y()*oldp.y()+newq.z()*oldp.z()< 1e-16*GeV2) {
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
delta = newq.vect().angle( oldp.vect() );
LorentzRotation R;
using Constants::pi;
Energy2 scale1 = sqr(newq.x())+ sqr(newq.y())+sqr(newq.z());
Energy2 scale2 = sqr(oldp.x())+ sqr(oldp.y())+sqr(oldp.z());
if ( ax.mag2()/scale1/scale2 > 1e-28 ) {
R.rotate( delta, unitVector(ax) ).boost( beta , gamma );
else if(abs(delta-pi)/pi < 0.001) {
double phi=2.*pi*UseRandom::rnd();
Axis axis(cos(phi),sin(phi),0.);
R.rotate(delta,axis).boost( beta , gamma );
else {
R.boost( beta , gamma );
return R;
LorentzRotation QTildeReconstructor::solveBoost(const Lorentz5Momentum & q,
const Lorentz5Momentum & p ) const {
Energy modp = p.vect().mag();
Energy modq = q.vect().mag();
double betam = (p.e()*modp-q.e()*modq)/(sqr(modq)+sqr(modp)+p.mass2());
if ( abs(betam)-1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
Boost beta = -betam*q.vect().unit();
ThreeVector<Energy2> ax = p.vect().cross( q.vect() );
double delta = p.vect().angle( q.vect() );
LorentzRotation R;
using Constants::pi;
if ( beta.mag2() - 1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
if ( ax.mag2()/GeV2/MeV2 > 1e-16 ) {
R.rotate( delta, unitVector(ax) ).boost( beta );
else {
R.boost( beta );
return R;
LorentzRotation QTildeReconstructor::solveBoostZ(const Lorentz5Momentum & q,
const Lorentz5Momentum & p ) const {
static const double eps = 1e-6;
LorentzRotation R;
double beta;
Energy2 mt2 = p.mass()<ZERO ? -sqr(p.mass())+sqr(p.x())+sqr(p.y()) : sqr(p.mass())+sqr(p.x())+sqr(p.y()) ;
double ratio = mt2/(sqr(p.t())+sqr(q.t()));
if(abs(ratio)>eps) {
double erat = (q.t()+q.z())/(p.t()+p.z());
Energy2 den = mt2*(erat+1./erat);
Energy2 num = (q.z()-p.z())*(q.t()+p.t()) + (p.z()+q.z())*(p.t()-q.t());
beta = num/den;
if ( abs(beta) - 1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
else {
double er = sqr(p.t()/q.t());
double x = ratio+0.125*(er+10.+1./er)*sqr(ratio);
beta = -(p.t()-q.t())*(p.t()+q.t())/(sqr(p.t())+sqr(q.t()))*(1.+x);
double gamma = (4.*sqr(p.t()*q.t()) +sqr(p.t()-q.t())*sqr(p.t()+q.t())*
if ( abs(beta) - 1. >= 0. ) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
gamma = 1./sqrt(gamma);
Lorentz5Momentum ptest = R*p;
if(ptest.z()/q.z() < 0. || ptest.t()/q.t() < 0. ) {
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
return R;
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructFinalStateSystem(bool applyBoost,
const LorentzRotation & toRest,
const LorentzRotation & fromRest,
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets) const {
LorentzRotation trans = applyBoost? toRest : LorentzRotation();
// special for case of individual particle
if(jets.size()==1) {
bool radiated(false);
// find the hard process centre-of-mass energy
Lorentz5Momentum pcm;
// check if radiated and calculate total momentum
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
radiated |=jets[ix]->hasEmitted();
pcm += jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(applyBoost) pcm *= trans;
// check if in CMF frame
Boost beta_cm = pcm.findBoostToCM();
bool gottaBoost(false);
if(beta_cm.mag() > 1e-12) {
gottaBoost = true;
// collection of pointers to initial hard particle and jet momenta
// for final boosts
JetKinVect jetKinematics;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator cit;
for(cit = jets.begin(); cit != jets.end(); cit++) {
JetKinStruct tempJetKin;
tempJetKin.parent = (*cit)->progenitor();
if(applyBoost || gottaBoost) {
tempJetKin.p = (*cit)->progenitor()->momentum();
if((**cit).reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed) {
radiated |= reconstructTimeLikeJet((*cit)->progenitor());
else {
radiated |= !(*cit)->progenitor()->children().empty();
tempJetKin.q = (*cit)->progenitor()->momentum();
// default option rescale everything with the same factor
if( _finalStateReconOption == 0 || jetKinematics.size() <= 2 ) {
// find the rescaling factor
double k = 0.0;
if(radiated) {
k = solveKfactor(pcm.m(), jetKinematics);
// perform the rescaling and boosts
for(JetKinVect::iterator it = jetKinematics.begin();
it != jetKinematics.end(); ++it) {
LorentzRotation Trafo = solveBoost(k, it->q, it->p);
// different treatment of most off-shell
else if ( _finalStateReconOption <= 4 ) {
// sort the jets by virtuality
// Bryan's procedures from FORTRAN
if( _finalStateReconOption <=2 ) {
// loop over the off-shell partons, _finalStateReconOption==1 only first ==2 all
JetKinVect::const_iterator jend = _finalStateReconOption==1 ? jetKinematics.begin()+1 : jetKinematics.end();
for(JetKinVect::const_iterator jit=jetKinematics.begin(); jit!=jend;++jit) {
// calculate the 4-momentum of the recoiling system
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
bool done = true;
for(JetKinVect::const_iterator it=jetKinematics.begin();it!=jetKinematics.end();++it) {
if(it==jit) {
done = false;
// first option put on-shell and sum 4-momenta
if( _finalStateReconOption == 1 ) {
LorentzRotation Trafo = solveBoost(1., it->q, it->p);
psum += it->parent->momentum();
// second option, sum momenta
else {
// already rescaled
if(done) psum += it->parent->momentum();
// still needs to be rescaled
else psum += it->p;
// set the mass
// calculate the 3-momentum rescaling factor
Energy2 s(pcm.m2());
Energy2 m1sq(jit->q.m2()),m2sq(psum.m2());
Energy4 num = sqr(s - m1sq - m2sq) - 4.*m1sq*m2sq;
if(num<ZERO) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
double k = sqrt( num / (4.*s*jit->p.vect().mag2()) );
// boost the off-shell parton
LorentzRotation B1 = solveBoost(k, jit->q, jit->p);
// boost everything else to rescale
LorentzRotation B2 = solveBoost(k, psum, psum);
for(JetKinVect::iterator it=jetKinematics.begin();it!=jetKinematics.end();++it) {
if(it==jit) continue;
it->p *= B2;
it->q *= B2;
// Peter's C++ procedures
else {
reconstructFinalFinalOffShell(jetKinematics,pcm.m2(), _finalStateReconOption == 4);
// apply the final boosts
if(gottaBoost || applyBoost) {
LorentzRotation finalBoosts;
if(gottaBoost) finalBoosts.boost(-beta_cm);
if(applyBoost) finalBoosts.transform(fromRest);
for(JetKinVect::iterator it = jetKinematics.begin();
it != jetKinematics.end(); ++it) {
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructInitialInitialSystem(bool & applyBoost,
LorentzRotation & toRest,
LorentzRotation & fromRest,
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets) const {
bool radiated = false;
Lorentz5Momentum pcm;
// check whether particles radiated and calculate total momentum
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < jets.size(); ++ix ) {
radiated |= jets[ix]->hasEmitted();
pcm += jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(jets[ix]->original()->parents().empty()) return;
// check if intrinsic pt to be added
radiated |= !_intrinsic.empty();
// if no radiation return
if(!radiated) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
// initial state shuffling
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> p, pq, p_in;
vector<Energy> pts;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
// add momentum to vector
// reconstruct the jet
if(jets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed) {
radiated |= reconstructSpaceLikeJet(jets[ix]->progenitor());
Energy etemp = jets[ix]->original()->parents()[0]->momentum().z();
Lorentz5Momentum ptemp = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO, ZERO, etemp, abs(etemp));
// add the intrinsic pt if needed
radiated |=addIntrinsicPt(jets);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
double x1 = p_in[0].z()/pq[0].z();
double x2 = p_in[1].z()/pq[1].z();
vector<double> beta=initialStateRescaling(x1,x2,p_in[0]+p_in[1],p,pq,pts);
// if not need don't apply boosts
if(!(radiated && p.size() == 2 && pq.size() == 2)) return;
// apply the boosts
Lorentz5Momentum newcmf;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
tPPtr toBoost = jets[ix]->progenitor();
Boost betaboost(0, 0, beta[ix]);
tPPtr parent;
boostChain(toBoost, LorentzRotation(0.,0.,beta[ix]),parent);
parent->momentum().z()/pq[ix].z()>1.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
if(newcmf.m()<ZERO||newcmf.e()<ZERO) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
void QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructInitialInitialSystem(bool & applyBoost,
LorentzRotation & toRest,
LorentzRotation & fromRest,
HardTreePtr tree,
vector<HardBranchingPtr> jets,
ShowerInteraction) const {
// put beam with +z first
if(jets[0]->beam()->momentum().z()<ZERO) swap(jets[0],jets[1]);
// get the momenta of the particles
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pin,pq;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
Energy etemp = jets[ix]->beam()->momentum().z();
pq.push_back(Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO, ZERO,etemp, abs(etemp)));
// calculate the rescaling
double x[2];
Lorentz5Momentum pcm=pin[0]+pin[1];
vector<double> boost = inverseInitialStateRescaling(x[0],x[1],pcm,pin,pq);
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt=tree->incoming().begin();
HardBranchingPtr incoming[2];
incoming[0] = *cjt;
incoming[1] = *cjt;
// apply the boost the the particles
unsigned int iswap[2]={1,0};
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
LorentzRotation R(0.,0.,-boost[ix]);
// and calculate the boosts
// do one boost
if(_initialBoost==0) {
toRest = LorentzRotation(-pcm.boostVector());
else if(_initialBoost==1) {
// first the transverse boost
Energy pT = sqrt(sqr(pcm.x())+sqr(pcm.y()));
double beta = -pT/pcm.t();
// the longitudinal
beta = pcm.z()/sqrt(pcm.m2()+sqr(pcm.z()));
fromRest = LorentzRotation((jets[0]->showerMomentum()+
void QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructFinalStateSystem(const LorentzRotation & toRest,
const LorentzRotation & fromRest,
HardTreePtr tree, vector<HardBranchingPtr> jets,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
LorentzRotation trans = toRest;
if(jets.size()==1) {
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = toRest*(jets[0]->branchingParticle()->momentum());
pnew *= fromRest;
jets[0]-> original(pnew);
// find the colour partners
ShowerParticleVector particles;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> ptemp;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// calculate the reference vectors
unsigned int iloc(0);
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator clt;
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// reset the momentum
// sort out the partners
tShowerParticlePtr partner =
if(!partner) continue;
for(clt=tree->branchings().begin();clt!=tree->branchings().end();++clt) {
if((**clt).branchingParticle()==partner) {
tHardBranchingPtr branch;
for(clt=tree->branchings().begin();clt!=tree->branchings().end();++clt) {
if(clt==cjt) continue;
if((*clt)->branchingParticle()==partner) {
vector<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pout;
vector<Energy> mon;
Lorentz5Momentum pin;
for(cit=jets.begin();cit!=jets.end();++cit) {
// boost all the momenta to the rest frame of the decaying particle
pin *=trans;
Boost beta_cm = pin.findBoostToCM();
bool gottaBoost(false);
if(beta_cm.mag() > 1e-12) {
gottaBoost = true;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
// rescaling factor
double lambda=inverseRescalingFactor(pout,mon,pin.mass());
if (lambda< 1.e-10) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
// now calculate the p reference vectors
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
Lorentz5Momentum pvect = jets[ix]->branchingParticle()->momentum();
pvect /= lambda;
if(gottaBoost) pvect.boost(-beta_cm);
// find the colour partners
ShowerParticleVector particles;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> ptemp;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// calculate the reference vectors
unsigned int iloc(0);
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator clt;
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// reset the momentum
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// sort out the partners
tShowerParticlePtr partner =
if(!partner) continue;
for(clt=tree->branchings().begin();clt!=tree->branchings().end();++clt) {
if((**clt).branchingParticle()==partner) {
tHardBranchingPtr branch;
for(clt=tree->branchings().begin();clt!=tree->branchings().end();++clt) {
if(clt==cjt) continue;
if((*clt)->branchingParticle()==partner) {
// compute the reference vectors
// both incoming, should all ready be done
if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Incoming &&
(**clt).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
// both outgoing
else if((**cjt).status()!=HardBranching::Incoming&&
branch->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
Boost boost=((*cjt)->pVector()+branch->pVector()).findBoostToCM();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = branch->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,pcm.vect());
nvect.boost( -boost);
else if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
Lorentz5Momentum pa = -(**cjt).showerMomentum()+branch->showerMomentum();
Lorentz5Momentum pb = (**cjt).showerMomentum();
Axis axis(pa.vect().unit());
LorentzRotation rot;
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
rot.boostZ( pa.e()/pa.vect().mag());
Boost trans = -1./pb.e()*pb.vect();
Energy scale=(**cjt).beam()->momentum().e();
Lorentz5Momentum pbasis(ZERO,(**cjt).beam()->momentum().vect().unit()*scale);
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = rot*pbasis;
tHardBranchingPtr branch2 = *cjt;;
while (branch2->parent()) {
else if(branch->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
// now compute the new momenta
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
if(!(*cjt)->branchingParticle()->isFinalState()) continue;
Lorentz5Momentum qnew;
if((*cjt)->branchingParticle()->partner()) {
Energy2 dot=(*cjt)->pVector()*(*cjt)->nVector();
double beta = 0.5*((*cjt)->branchingParticle()->momentum().m2()
else {
qnew = (*cjt)->pVector();
// qnew is the unshuffled momentum in the rest frame of the p basis vectors,
// for the simple case Z->q qbar g this was checked against analytic formulae.
// compute the boost
LorentzRotation R=solveBoost(qnew,
Energy QTildeReconstructor::momConsEq(double k,
const Energy & root_s,
const JetKinVect & jets) const {
static const Energy2 eps=1e-8*GeV2;
Energy dum = ZERO;
for(JetKinVect::const_iterator it = jets.begin(); it != jets.end(); ++it) {
Energy2 dum2 = (it->q).m2() + sqr(k)*(it->p).vect().mag2();
if(dum2 < ZERO) {
if(dum2 < -eps) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
dum2 = ZERO;
dum += sqrt(dum2);
return dum - root_s;
void QTildeReconstructor::boostChain(tPPtr p, const LorentzRotation &bv,
tPPtr & parent) const {
if(!p->parents().empty()) boostChain(p->parents()[0], bv,parent);
else parent=p;
if(p->children().size()==2) {
namespace {
bool sortJets(ShowerProgenitorPtr j1, ShowerProgenitorPtr j2) {
return j1->highestpT()>j2->highestpT();
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructGeneralSystem(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & ShowerHardJets) const {
// find initial- and final-state systems
ColourSingletSystem in,out;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
// reconstruct initial-initial system
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
// reconstruct initial-initial system
// reconstruct the final-state systems
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructFinalFirst(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & ShowerHardJets) const {
static const Energy2 minQ2 = 1e-4*GeV2;
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,bool> used;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
used[ShowerHardJets[ix]] = false;
} // first to the final-state reconstruction of any systems which need it
set<ShowerProgenitorPtr> outgoing;
// first find any particles with final state partners
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->partner()->isFinalState()) outgoing.insert(ShowerHardJets[ix]);
// then find the colour partners
if(!outgoing.empty()) {
set<ShowerProgenitorPtr> partners;
for(set<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator it=outgoing.begin();it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
if((**it).progenitor()->partner()==ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()) {
// do the final-state reconstruction if needed
if(!outgoing.empty()) {
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> outgoingJets(outgoing.begin(),outgoing.end());
// Now do any initial-final systems which are needed
vector<ColourSingletSystem> IFSystems;
// find the systems N.B. can have duplicates
// find initial-state with FS partners or FS with IS partners
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->partner()->isFinalState()) {
else if(ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()&&
!ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()->partner()->isFinalState()) {
// then add the partners
for(unsigned int is=0;is<IFSystems.size();++is) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
if(IFSystems[is].jets[0]->progenitor()->partner()==ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()) {
// ensure incoming first
if(!IFSystems.empty()) {
unsigned int istart = UseRandom::irnd(IFSystems.size());
unsigned int istop=IFSystems.size();
for(unsigned int is=istart;is<=istop;++is) {
if(is==IFSystems.size()) {
if(istart!=0) {
istop = istart-1;
else break;
// skip duplicates
if(used[IFSystems[is].jets[0]] &&
used[IFSystems[is].jets[1]] ) continue;
if(IFSystems[is].jets[0]->original()&&IFSystems[is].jets[0]->original()->parents().empty()) continue;
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<IFSystems[is].jets.size();++ix) {
psum += IFSystems[is].jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
psum -= IFSystems[is].jets[ix]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(-psum.m2()>minQ2) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<IFSystems[is].jets.size();++ix) {
used[IFSystems[is].jets[ix]] = true;
// now we finally need to handle the initial state system
ColourSingletSystem in,out;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
// reconstruct initial-initial system
bool doRecon = false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<in.jets.size();++ix) {
if(!used[in.jets[ix]]) {
doRecon = true;
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
if(doRecon) {
// reconstruct the final-state systems
if(!doRecon) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<out.jets.size();++ix) {
if(!used[out.jets[ix]]) {
doRecon = true;
if(doRecon) {
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructColourPartner(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & ShowerHardJets) const {
static const Energy2 minQ2 = 1e-4*GeV2;
// sort the vector by hardness of emission
// map between particles and progenitors for easy lookup
map<ShowerParticlePtr,ShowerProgenitorPtr> progenitorMap;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
progenitorMap[ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor()] = ShowerHardJets[ix];
// check that the IF systems can be reconstructed
bool canReconstruct = true;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
tShowerParticlePtr progenitor = ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor();
tShowerParticlePtr partner = progenitor->partner();
if(!partner) continue;
else if((progenitor->isFinalState() &&
!partner->isFinalState()) ||
(!progenitor->isFinalState() &&
partner->isFinalState()) ) {
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets(2);
jets[0] = ShowerHardJets[ix];
jets[1] = progenitorMap[partner];
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<jets.size();++iy) {
psum += jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
psum -= jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(-psum.m2()<minQ2) {
canReconstruct = false;
if(!canReconstruct) {
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,bool> used;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
used[ShowerHardJets[ix]] = false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ShowerHardJets.size();++ix) {
// skip jets which have already been handled
if(ShowerHardJets[ix]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::done) continue;
// already reconstructed
if(used[ShowerHardJets[ix]]) continue;
// no partner continue
tShowerParticlePtr progenitor = ShowerHardJets[ix]->progenitor();
tShowerParticlePtr partner = progenitor->partner();
if(!partner) {
// check if there's a daughter tree which also needs boosting
Lorentz5Momentum porig = progenitor->momentum();
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = _currentTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != _currentTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
// if there is, boost it
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==progenitor) {
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = tit->first->incomingLines().begin()
pnew *= tit->first->transform();
Lorentz5Momentum pdiff = porig-pnew;
Energy2 test = sqr(pdiff.x()) + sqr(pdiff.y()) +
sqr(pdiff.z()) + sqr(pdiff.t());
LorentzRotation rot;
if(test>1e-6*GeV2) rot = solveBoost(porig,pnew);
// do the reconstruction
// final-final
if(progenitor->isFinalState() &&
partner->isFinalState() ) {
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets(2);
jets[0] = ShowerHardJets[ix];
jets[1] = progenitorMap[partner];
if(_reconopt==4 && jets[1]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed)
if(_reconopt==4 && jets[1]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::dontReconstruct)
used[jets[0]] = true;
if(_reconopt==3) used[jets[1]] = true;
// initial-final
else if((progenitor->isFinalState() &&
!partner->isFinalState()) ||
(!progenitor->isFinalState() &&
partner->isFinalState()) ) {
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> jets(2);
jets[0] = ShowerHardJets[ix];
jets[1] = progenitorMap[partner];
if(jets[0]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) swap(jets[0],jets[1]);
if(jets[0]->original()&&jets[0]->original()->parents().empty()) continue;
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<jets.size();++iy) {
psum += jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
psum -= jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
if(_reconopt==4 && progenitorMap[partner]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed)
if(_reconopt==4 && progenitorMap[partner]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::dontReconstruct)
used[ShowerHardJets[ix]] = true;
if(_reconopt==3) used[progenitorMap[partner]] = true;
// initial-initial
else if(!progenitor->isFinalState() &&
!partner->isFinalState() ) {
ColourSingletSystem in,out;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<ShowerHardJets.size();++iy) {
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false);
if(_reconopt==4 && in.jets[1]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::notReconstructed)
if(_reconopt==4 && in.jets[1]->reconstructed()==ShowerProgenitor::dontReconstruct)
used[in.jets[0]] = true;
if(_reconopt==3) used[in.jets[1]] = true;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<out.jets.size();++iy) {
// reconstruct the final-state systems
LorentzRotation finalBoosts;
finalBoosts.transform( toRest);
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<out.jets.size();++iy) {
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<out.jets.size();++iy) {
bool QTildeReconstructor::
inverseDecayRescalingFactor(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pout,
vector<Energy> mon,Energy roots,
Lorentz5Momentum ppartner, Energy mbar,
double & k1, double & k2) const {
ThreeVector<Energy> qtotal;
vector<Energy2> pmag;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
Energy2 dot1 = qtotal*ppartner.vect();
Energy2 qmag2=qtotal.mag2();
double a = -dot1/qmag2;
static const Energy eps=1e-10*GeV;
unsigned int itry(0);
Energy numer(ZERO),denom(ZERO);
do {
double k12=sqr(k1);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<pout.size();++ix) {
Energy en = sqrt(pmag[ix]/k12+sqr(mon[ix]));
numer += en;
denom += pmag[ix]/en;
Energy en = sqrt(qmag2/k12+sqr(mbar));
numer += en-roots;
denom += qmag2/en;
k1 += numer/denom*k12*k1;
if(abs(k1)>1e10) return false;
while (abs(numer)>eps&&itry<100);
k1 = abs(k1);
k2 = a*k1;
return itry<100;
void QTildeReconstructor::
deconstructInitialFinalSystem(HardTreePtr tree,vector<HardBranchingPtr> jets,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
HardBranchingPtr incoming;
Lorentz5Momentum pin[2],pout[2],pbeam;
HardBranchingPtr initial;
Energy mc(ZERO);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
// final-state parton
if(jets[ix]->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
pout[0] += jets[ix]->branchingParticle()->momentum();
mc = jets[ix]->branchingParticle()->thePEGBase() ?
jets[ix]->branchingParticle()->thePEGBase()->mass() :
// initial-state parton
else {
pin[0] += jets[ix]->branchingParticle()->momentum();
initial = jets[ix];
pbeam = jets[ix]->beam()->momentum();
Energy scale=pbeam.t();
pbeam = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,pbeam.vect().unit()*scale);
incoming = jets[ix];
while(incoming->parent()) incoming = incoming->parent();
if(jets.size()>2) {
mc = pout[0].mass();
// work out the boost to the Breit frame
Lorentz5Momentum pa = pout[0]-pin[0];
Axis axis(pa.vect().unit());
LorentzRotation rot;
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
rot.boostZ( pa.e()/pa.vect().mag());
// transverse part
Lorentz5Momentum paxis=rot*pbeam;
Boost trans = -1./paxis.e()*paxis.vect();
pa *= rot;
// reference vectors
Lorentz5Momentum n1(ZERO,ZERO,-pa.z(),-pa.z());
Lorentz5Momentum n2(ZERO,ZERO, pa.z(),-pa.z());
Energy2 n1n2 = n1*n2;
// decompose the momenta
Lorentz5Momentum qbp=rot*pin[0],qcp= rot*pout[0];
double a[2],b[2];
a[0] = n2*qbp/n1n2;
b[0] = n1*qbp/n1n2;
a[1] = n2*qcp/n1n2;
b[1] = n1*qcp/n1n2;
Lorentz5Momentum qperp = qbp-a[0]*n1-b[0]*n2;
// before reshuffling
Energy Q = abs(pa.z());
double c = sqr(mc/Q);
Lorentz5Momentum pb(ZERO,ZERO,0.5*Q*(1.+c),0.5*Q*(1.+c));
Lorentz5Momentum pc(ZERO,ZERO,0.5*Q*(c-1.),0.5*Q*(1.+c));
double anew[2],bnew[2];
anew[0] = pb*n2/n1n2;
bnew[0] = 0.5*(qbp.m2()-qperp.m2())/n1n2/anew[0];
bnew[1] = pc*n1/n1n2;
anew[1] = 0.5*qcp.m2()/bnew[1]/n1n2;
Lorentz5Momentum qnewb = (anew[0]*n1+bnew[0]*n2+qperp);
Lorentz5Momentum qnewc = (anew[1]*n1+bnew[1]*n2);
// initial-state boost
LorentzRotation rotinv=rot.inverse();
LorentzRotation transb=rotinv*solveBoostZ(qnewb,qbp)*rot;
// final-state boost
LorentzRotation transc=rotinv*solveBoost(qnewc,qcp)*rot;
// this will need changing for more than one outgoing particle
// set the pvectors
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<jets.size();++ix) {
if(jets[ix]->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
else {
// find the colour partners
ShowerParticleVector particles;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> ptemp;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt;
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
unsigned int iloc(0);
for(cjt=tree->branchings().begin();cjt!=tree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
// reset the momentum
for(vector<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt=jets.begin();
cjt!=jets.end();++cjt) {
// sort out the partners
tShowerParticlePtr partner =
if(!partner) continue;
tHardBranchingPtr branch;
clt=tree->branchings().begin();clt!=tree->branchings().end();++clt) {
if((**clt).branchingParticle()==partner) {
// compute the reference vectors
// both incoming, should all ready be done
if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Incoming &&
branch->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
Energy etemp = (*cjt)->beam()->momentum().z();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect(ZERO, ZERO,-etemp, abs(etemp));
tHardBranchingPtr branch2 = *cjt;
while (branch2->parent()) {
// both outgoing
else if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing&&
branch->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
Boost boost=((*cjt)->pVector()+branch->pVector()).findBoostToCM();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = branch->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,pcm.vect());
nvect.boost( -boost);
else if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
Lorentz5Momentum pa = -(**cjt).showerMomentum()+branch->showerMomentum();
Lorentz5Momentum pb = (**cjt).showerMomentum();
Axis axis(pa.vect().unit());
LorentzRotation rot;
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
if(axis.perp2()>1e-20) {
if(abs(1.-pa.e()/pa.vect().mag())>1e-6) rot.boostZ( pa.e()/pa.vect().mag());
Boost trans = -1./pb.e()*pb.vect();
Energy scale=(**cjt).beam()->momentum().t();
Lorentz5Momentum pbasis(ZERO,(**cjt).beam()->momentum().vect().unit()*scale);
Lorentz5Momentum pcm = rot*pbasis;
Lorentz5Momentum nvect = rot*Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,-pcm.vect());
tHardBranchingPtr branch2 = *cjt;
while (branch2->parent()) {
else if(branch->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
Lorentz5Momentum nvect=Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO,branch->showerMomentum().vect());
// now compute the new momenta
for(vector<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cjt=jets.begin();
cjt!=jets.end();++cjt) {
if((**cjt).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
void QTildeReconstructor::deepTransform(PPtr particle,
const LorentzRotation & r,
bool match,
PPtr original) const {
if(_boosts.find(particle)!=_boosts.end()) {
Lorentz5Momentum porig = particle->momentum();
if(!original) original = particle;
for ( int i = 0, N = particle->children().size(); i < N; ++i ) {
// transform the p and n vectors
ShowerParticlePtr sparticle = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>(particle);
if(sparticle && sparticle->showerBasis()) {
if ( particle->next() ) deepTransform(particle->next(),r,match,original);
if(!match) return;
if(!particle->children().empty()) return;
// force the mass shell
if(particle->dataPtr()->stable()) {
Lorentz5Momentum ptemp = particle->momentum();
// check if there's a daughter tree which also needs boosting
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = _currentTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != _currentTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
// if there is, boost it
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==original) {
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = tit->first->incomingLines().begin()
pnew *= tit->first->transform();
Lorentz5Momentum pdiff = porig-pnew;
Energy2 test = sqr(pdiff.x()) + sqr(pdiff.y()) +
sqr(pdiff.z()) + sqr(pdiff.t());
LorentzRotation rot;
if(test>1e-6*GeV2) rot = solveBoost(porig,pnew);
void QTildeReconstructor::reconstructFinalFinalOffShell(JetKinVect orderedJets,
Energy2 s,
bool recursive) const {
JetKinVect::iterator jit;
jit = orderedJets.begin(); ++jit;
// 4-momentum of recoiling system
Lorentz5Momentum psum;
for( ; jit!=orderedJets.end(); ++jit) psum += jit->p;
// calculate the 3-momentum rescaling factor
Energy2 m1sq(orderedJets.begin()->q.m2()),m2sq(psum.m2());
Energy4 num = sqr(s - m1sq - m2sq) - 4.*m1sq*m2sq;
if(num<ZERO) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
double k = sqrt( num / (4.*s*orderedJets.begin()->p.vect().mag2()) );
// boost the most off-shell
LorentzRotation B1 = solveBoost(k, orderedJets.begin()->q, orderedJets.begin()->p);
// boost everything else
// first to rescale
LorentzRotation B2 = solveBoost(k, psum, psum);
// and then to rest frame of new system
Lorentz5Momentum pnew = B2*psum;
// apply transform (calling routine ensures at least 3 elements)
jit = orderedJets.begin(); ++jit;
for(;jit!=orderedJets.end();++jit) {
jit->p *= B2;
jit->q *= B2;
JetKinVect newJets(orderedJets.begin()+1,orderedJets.end());
// final reconstruction
if(newJets.size()==2 || !recursive ) {
// rescaling factor
double k = solveKfactor(psum.m(), newJets);
// rescale jets in the new CMF
for(JetKinVect::iterator it = newJets.begin(); it != newJets.end(); ++it) {
LorentzRotation Trafo = solveBoost(k, it->q, it->p);
// recursive
else {
// finally boost back from new CMF
LorentzRotation back(-pnew.findBoostToCM());
for(JetKinVect::iterator it = newJets.begin(); it != newJets.end(); ++it) {
Energy QTildeReconstructor::findMass(HardBranchingPtr branch) const {
// KH - 230909 - If the particle has no children then it will
// not have showered and so it should be "on-shell" so we can
// get it's mass from it's momentum. This means that the
// inverseRescalingFactor doesn't give any nans or do things
// it shouldn't if it gets e.g. two Z bosons generated with
// off-shell masses. This is for sure not the best solution.
// PR 1/1/10 modification to previous soln
// PR 28/8/14 change to procedure and factorize into a function
if(branch->children().empty()) {
return branch->branchingParticle()->mass();
else if(!branch->children().empty() &&
!branch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->stable() ) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<branch->children().size();++ix) {
return findMass(branch->children()[ix]);
return branch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->mass();
QTildeReconstructor::inverseInitialStateRescaling(double & x1, double & x2,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pold,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & p,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pq) const {
// hadronic CMS
Energy2 s = (pq[0] +pq[1] ).m2();
// partonic CMS
Energy MDY = pold.m();
// find alpha, beta and pt
Energy2 p12=pq[0]*pq[1];
double a[2],b[2];
Lorentz5Momentum pt[2];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
a[ix] = p[ix]*pq[1]/p12;
b [ix] = p[ix]*pq[0]/p12;
pt[ix] = p[ix]-a[ix]*pq[0]-b[ix]*pq[1];
// compute kappa
// we always want to preserve the mass of the system
double k1(1.),k2(1.);
if(_initialStateReconOption==0) {
double rap=pold.rapidity();
x2 = MDY/sqrt(s*exp(2.*rap));
x1 = sqr(MDY)/s/x2;
// longitudinal momentum
else if(_initialStateReconOption==1) {
double A = 1.;
double C = -sqr(MDY)/s;
double B = 2.*pold.z()/sqrt(s);
if(abs(B)>1e-10) {
double discrim = 1.-4.*A*C/sqr(B);
if(discrim < 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
x1 = B>0. ? 0.5*B/A*(1.+sqrt(discrim)) : 0.5*B/A*(1.-sqrt(discrim));
else {
x1 = -C/A;
if( x1 <= 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
x1 = sqrt(x1);
x2 = sqr(MDY)/s/x1;
// preserve mass and don't scale the softer system
// to reproduce the dipole kinematics
else if(_initialStateReconOption==2) {
// in this case kp = k1 or k2 depending on who's the harder guy
k1 = a[0]*b[1]*s/sqr(MDY);
if ( pt[0].perp2() < pt[1].perp2() ) swap(k1,k2);
x1 = a[0]/k1;
x2 = b[1]/k2;
// decompose the momenta
double anew[2] = {a[0]/k1,a[1]*k2};
double bnew[2] = {b[0]*k1,b[1]/k2};
vector<double> boost(2);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
boost[ix] = getBeta(a [ix]+b [ix], a[ix] -b [ix],
anew[ix]+bnew[ix], anew[ix]-bnew[ix]);
return boost;
QTildeReconstructor::initialStateRescaling(double x1, double x2,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pold,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & p,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & pq,
const vector<Energy>& highestpts) const {
Energy2 S = (pq[0]+pq[1]).m2();
// find alphas and betas in terms of desired basis
Energy2 p12 = pq[0]*pq[1];
double a[2] = {p[0]*pq[1]/p12,p[1]*pq[1]/p12};
double b[2] = {p[0]*pq[0]/p12,p[1]*pq[0]/p12};
Lorentz5Momentum p1p = p[0] - a[0]*pq[0] - b[0]*pq[1];
Lorentz5Momentum p2p = p[1] - a[1]*pq[0] - b[1]*pq[1];
// compute kappa
// we always want to preserve the mass of the system
Energy MDY = pold.m();
Energy2 A = a[0]*b[1]*S;
Energy2 B = Energy2(sqr(MDY)) - (a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1])*S - (p1p+p2p).m2();
Energy2 C = a[1]*b[0]*S;
double rad = 1.-4.*A*C/sqr(B);
if(rad < 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
double kp = B/(2.*A)*(1.+sqrt(rad));
// now compute k1
// conserve rapidity
double k1(0.);
double k2(0.);
if(_initialStateReconOption==0) {
rad = kp*(b[0]+kp*b[1])/(kp*a[0]+a[1]);
rad *= pq[0].z()<ZERO ? exp(-2.*pold.rapidity()) : exp(2.*pold.rapidity());
if(rad <= 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
k1 = sqrt(rad);
k2 = kp/k1;
// conserve longitudinal momentum
else if(_initialStateReconOption==1) {
double a2 = (a[0]+a[1]/kp);
double b2 = -x2+x1;
double c2 = -(b[1]*kp+b[0]);
if(abs(b2)>1e-10) {
double discrim = 1.-4.*a2*c2/sqr(b2);
if(discrim < 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
k1 = b2>0. ? 0.5*b2/a2*(1.+sqrt(discrim)) : 0.5*b2/a2*(1.-sqrt(discrim));
else {
k1 = -c2/a2;
if( k1 <= 0.) throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
k1 = sqrt(k1);
k2 = kp/k1;
// preserve mass and don't scale the softer system
// to reproduce the dipole kinematics
else if(_initialStateReconOption==2) {
// in this case kp = k1 or k2 depending on who's the harder guy
k1 = kp; k2 = 1.;
if ( highestpts[0] < highestpts[1] )
// calculate the boosts
vector<double> beta(2);
beta[0] = getBeta((a[0]+b[0]), (a[0]-b[0]), (k1*a[0]+b[0]/k1), (k1*a[0]-b[0]/k1));
beta[1] = getBeta((a[1]+b[1]), (a[1]-b[1]), (a[1]/k2+k2*b[1]), (a[1]/k2-k2*b[1]));
if (pq[0].z() > ZERO) {
beta[0] = -beta[0];
beta[1] = -beta[1];
return beta;
void QTildeReconstructor::
reconstructColourSinglets(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & ShowerHardJets,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
// identify and catagorize the colour singlet systems
unsigned int nnun(0),nnii(0),nnif(0),nnf(0),nni(0);
// now decide what to do
// initial-initial connection and final-state colour singlet systems
LorentzRotation toRest,fromRest;
bool applyBoost(false),general(false);
// Drell-Yan type
if(nnun==0&&nnii==1&&nnif==0&&nnf>0&&nni==0) {
// reconstruct initial-initial system
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
if(type!=ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// DIS and VBF type
else if(nnun==0&&nnii==0&&((nnif==1&&nnf>0&&nni==1)||
(nnif==2&& nni==0))) {
// check these systems can be reconstructed
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
// compute q^2
if(systems[ix].type!=IF) continue;
Lorentz5Momentum q;
for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<systems[ix].jets.size();++iy) {
q += systems[ix].jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
q -= systems[ix].jets[iy]->progenitor()->momentum();
// check above cut
if(abs(q.m())>=_minQ) continue;
if(nnif==1&&nni==1) {
throw KinematicsReconstructionVeto();
else {
general = true;
if(!general) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
// e+e- type
else if(nnun==0&&nnii==0&&nnif==0&&nnf>0&&nni==2) {
general = type!=ShowerInteraction::QCD;
// general type
else {
general = true;
// final-state systems except for general recon
if(!general) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<systems.size();++ix) {
else {
void QTildeReconstructor::findInitialBoost(const Lorentz5Momentum & pold,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pnew,
LorentzRotation & toRest,
LorentzRotation & fromRest) const {
// do one boost
if(_initialBoost==0) {
toRest = LorentzRotation(pold.findBoostToCM());
fromRest = LorentzRotation(pnew.boostVector());
else if(_initialBoost==1) {
// boost to rest frame
// first transverse
toRest = Boost(-pold.x()/pold.t(),-pold.y()/pold.t(),0.);
// then longitudinal
double beta = pold.z()/sqrt(pold.m2()+sqr(pold.z()));
// boost from rest frame
// first apply longitudinal boost
beta = pnew.z()/sqrt(pnew.m2()+sqr(pnew.z()));
// then transverse one
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
#include "QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/SpinorBarWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/VectorWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/LorentzSpinorBar.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::getBasis() const {
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> dum;
dum.push_back( _pVector );
dum.push_back( _nVector );
return dum;
void QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::setBasis(const Lorentz5Momentum &p,
const Lorentz5Momentum & n,
Frame inframe) {
Boost beta_bb;
if(frame()==BackToBack) {
beta_bb = -(_pVector + _nVector).boostVector();
else if(frame()==Rest) {
beta_bb = -pVector().boostVector();
Lorentz5Momentum p_bb = pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum n_bb = nVector();
p_bb.boost( beta_bb );
n_bb.boost( beta_bb );
// rotate to have z-axis parallel to p/n
Axis axis;
if(frame()==BackToBack) {
axis = p_bb.vect().unit();
else if(frame()==Rest) {
axis = n_bb.vect().unit();
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>1e-10) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
// boost back
_xPerp.boost( -beta_bb );
_yPerp.boost( -beta_bb );
void QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::setMomentum(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
bool timeLike) const {
Energy mass = particle->mass() > ZERO ? particle->mass() : particle->data().mass();
// calculate the momentum of the assuming on-shell
Energy2 pt2 = sqr(particle->showerParameters().pt);
double alpha = timeLike ? particle->showerParameters().alpha : particle->x();
double beta = 0.5*(sqr(mass) + pt2 - sqr(alpha)*pVector().m2())/(alpha*p_dot_n());
Lorentz5Momentum porig=sudakov2Momentum(alpha,beta,
void QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::constructSpinInfo(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
bool timeLike) const {
// now construct the required spininfo and calculate the basis states
PDT::Spin spin(particle->dataPtr()->iSpin());
if(spin==PDT::Spin0) {
// calculate the basis states and construct the SpinInfo for a spin-1/2 particle
else if(spin==PDT::Spin1Half) {
// outgoing particle
if(particle->id()>0) {
vector<LorentzSpinorBar<SqrtEnergy> > stemp;
// outgoing antiparticle
else {
vector<LorentzSpinor<SqrtEnergy> > stemp;
// calculate the basis states and construct the SpinInfo for a spin-1 particle
else if(spin==PDT::Spin1) {
bool massless(particle->id()==ParticleID::g||particle->id()==ParticleID::gamma);
vector<Helicity::LorentzPolarizationVector> vtemp;
else {
throw Exception() << "Spins higher than 1 are not yet implemented in "
<< "FS_QtildaShowerKinematics1to2::constructVertex() "
<< Exception::runerror;
void QTildeShowerKinematics1to2::transform(const LorentzRotation & r) {
_pVector *= r;
_nVector *= r;
_xPerp *= r;
_yPerp *= r;
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
#define HERWIG_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H
// This is the declaration of the QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/Lorentz5Vector.h"
#include "QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This abstract class describes the common features for initial and final
* state radiation kinematics for \f$1\to2\f$ branchings and for
* the choice of \f$\tilde{q}\f$ as evolution variable.
* @see ShowerKinematics
* @see IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2
* @see KinematicsReconstructor
class QTildeShowerKinematics1to2: public ShowerKinematics {
* Implementation of the virtual function returning a set of basis vectors, specific to
* the type of evolution. This function will be used by the
* ForwardShowerEvolver in order to access \f$p\f$
* and \f$n\f$.
virtual vector<Lorentz5Momentum> getBasis() const;
* Access to the \f$p\f$ vector used to describe the kinematics.
const Lorentz5Momentum & pVector() const {return _pVector;}
* Access to the \f$n\f$ vector used to describe the kinematics.
const Lorentz5Momentum & nVector() const {return _nVector;}
* Dot product of thew basis vectors
Energy2 p_dot_n() const {return _pVector*_nVector;}
* Converts a Sudakov parametrization of a momentum w.r.t. the given
* basis \f$p\f$ and \f$n\f$ into a 5 momentum.
* @param alpha The \f$\alpha\f$ parameter of the Sudakov parameterisation
* @param beta The \f$\beta\f$ parameter of the Sudakov parameterisation
* @param px The \f$x\f$-component of the transverse momentum in the Sudakov
* parameterisation
* @param py The \f$x\f$-component of the transverse momentum in the Sudakov
* parameterisation
Lorentz5Momentum sudakov2Momentum(double alpha, double beta,
Energy px, Energy py) const {
return alpha*_pVector + beta*_nVector + px*_xPerp+py*_yPerp;
* Transform the shower kinematics (usually the reference vectors)
virtual void transform(const LorentzRotation & r);
* Set the basis vectors
void setBasis(const Lorentz5Momentum &p, const Lorentz5Momentum & n,
Frame frame);
* Set a preliminary momentum for the particle
void setMomentum(tShowerParticlePtr,bool timelike) const;
* Construct the spin info object for a shower particle
void constructSpinInfo(tShowerParticlePtr,bool timelike) const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 & operator=(const QTildeShowerKinematics1to2 &);
* The \f$p\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum _pVector;
* The \f$n\f$ reference vector
Lorentz5Momentum _nVector;
* x \f$q_\perp\f$ reference vector
LorentzVector<double> _xPerp;
* y \f$q_\perp\f$reference vector
LorentzVector<double> _yPerp;
#endif /* HERWIG_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/
@@ -1,1062 +1,1062 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeSudakov class.
#include "QTildeSudakov.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeQTildeSudakov ("Herwig::QTildeSudakov","");
void QTildeSudakov::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<QTildeSudakov> documentation
("The QTildeSudakov class implements the Sudakov form factor for ordering it"
" qtilde");
bool QTildeSudakov::guessTimeLike(Energy2 &t,Energy2 tmin,double enhance,
double detune) {
Energy2 told = t;
// calculate limits on z and if lower>upper return
if(!computeTimeLikeLimits(t)) return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,0,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2],detune);
// actual values for z-limits
if(!computeTimeLikeLimits(t)) return false;
if(t<tmin) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::guessSpaceLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, const double x,
double enhance,
double detune) {
Energy2 told = t;
// calculate limits on z if lower>upper return
if(!computeSpaceLikeLimits(t,x)) return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,1,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2],detune);
// actual values for z-limits
if(!computeSpaceLikeLimits(t,x)) return false;
if(t<tmin) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::PSVeto(const Energy2 t,
const Energy2 maxQ2) {
// still inside PS, return true if outside
// check vs overestimated limits
if(z() < zLimits().first || z() > zLimits().second) return true;
Energy2 q2 = z()*(1.-z())*t;
if(ids_[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g &&
ids_[0]->id()!=ParticleID::gamma ) q2 += masssquared_[0];
if(q2>maxQ2) return true;
// compute the pts
Energy2 pt2 = z()*(1.-z())*q2 - masssquared_[1]*(1.-z()) - masssquared_[2]*z();
// if pt2<0 veto
if(pt2<pT2min()) return true;
// otherwise calculate pt and return
return false;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
double detuning,
Energy2 maxQ2) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to the method.
q_ = ZERO;
// perform initialization
Energy2 tmax(sqr(startingScale)),tmin;
// check max > min
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// calculate next value of t using veto algorithm
Energy2 t(tmax);
// no shower variations to calculate
// Without variations do the usual Veto algorithm
// No need for more if-statements in this loop.
do {
if(!guessTimeLike(t,tmin,enhance,detuning)) break;
while(PSVeto(t,maxQ2) ||
SplittingFnVeto(z()*(1.-z())*t,ids,true,rho,detuning) ||
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*t : z()*(1.-z())*t));
else {
bool alphaRew(true),PSRew(true),SplitRew(true);
do {
if(!guessTimeLike(t,tmin,enhance,detuning)) break;
if (PSRew) continue;
alphaRew=alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*t : z()*(1.-z())*t);
double factor=alphaSVetoRatio(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*t : z()*(1.-z())*t,1.)*
tShowerHandlerPtr ch = ShowerHandler::currentHandler();
if( !(SplitRew || alphaRew) ) {
q_ = t > ZERO ? Energy(sqrt(t)) : -1.*MeV;
if (q_ <= ZERO) break;
for ( map<string,ShowerVariation>::const_iterator var =
var != ch->showerVariations().end(); ++var ) {
if ( ( ch->firstInteraction() && var->second.firstInteraction ) ||
( !ch->firstInteraction() && var->second.secondaryInteractions ) ) {
double newfactor = alphaSVetoRatio(splittingFn()->pTScale() ?
sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*t :
* SplittingFnVetoRatio(z()*(1.-z())*t,ids,true,rho,detuning);
double varied;
if ( SplitRew || alphaRew ) {
// No Emission
varied = (1. - newfactor) / (1. - factor);
} else {
// Emission
varied = newfactor / factor;
map<string,double>::iterator wi = ch->currentWeights().find(var->first);
if ( wi != ch->currentWeights().end() )
wi->second *= varied;
else {
//ch->currentWeights()[var->first] = varied;
while(PSRew || SplitRew || alphaRew);
q_ = t > ZERO ? Energy(sqrt(t)) : -1.*MeV;
if(q_ < ZERO) return ShoKinPtr();
// return the ShowerKinematics object
return createFinalStateBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::
generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingQ,
const IdList &ids,
double x,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer beam,
double detuning) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to the method.
q_ = ZERO;
// perform the initialization
Energy2 tmax(sqr(startingQ)),tmin;
// check max > min
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// calculate next value of t using veto algorithm
Energy2 t(tmax),pt2(ZERO);
// no shower variations
// Without variations do the usual Veto algorithm
// No need for more if-statements in this loop.
do {
if(!guessSpaceLike(t,tmin,x,enhance,detuning)) break;
while(pt2 < pT2min()||
z() > zLimits().second||
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t)||
// shower variations
bool alphaRew(true),PDFRew(true),ptRew(true),zRew(true),SplitRew(true);
do {
if(!guessSpaceLike(t,tmin,x,enhance,detuning)) break;
ptRew=pt2 < pT2min();
zRew=z() > zLimits().second;
if (ptRew||zRew) continue;
alphaRew=alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t);
double factor=PDFVetoRatio(t,x,ids[0],ids[1],beam,1.)*
alphaSVetoRatio(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t,1.)*
tShowerHandlerPtr ch = ShowerHandler::currentHandler();
if( !(PDFRew || SplitRew || alphaRew) ) {
q_ = t > ZERO ? Energy(sqrt(t)) : -1.*MeV;
if (q_ <= ZERO) break;
for ( map<string,ShowerVariation>::const_iterator var =
var != ch->showerVariations().end(); ++var ) {
if ( ( ch->firstInteraction() && var->second.firstInteraction ) ||
( !ch->firstInteraction() && var->second.secondaryInteractions ) ) {
double newfactor = PDFVetoRatio(t,x,ids[0],ids[1],beam,var->second.factorizationScaleFactor)*
alphaSVetoRatio(splittingFn()->pTScale() ?
sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t,var->second.renormalizationScaleFactor)
double varied;
if( PDFRew || SplitRew || alphaRew) {
// No Emission
varied = (1. - newfactor) / (1. - factor);
} else {
// Emission
varied = newfactor / factor;
map<string,double>::iterator wi = ch->currentWeights().find(var->first);
if ( wi != ch->currentWeights().end() )
wi->second *= varied;
else {
//ch->currentWeights()[var->first] = varied;
while( PDFRew || SplitRew || alphaRew);
if(t > ZERO && zLimits().first < zLimits().second) q_ = sqrt(t);
else return ShoKinPtr();
// create the ShowerKinematics and return it
return createInitialStateBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
void QTildeSudakov::initialize(const IdList & ids, Energy2 & tmin) {
tmin = cutOffOption() != 2 ? ZERO : 4.*pT2min();
masses_ = virtualMasses(ids);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<masses_.size();++ix) {
if(ix>0) tmin=max(masssquared_[ix],tmin);
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const Energy stoppingScale,
const Energy minmass,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
double detuning) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to this method.
q_ = Constants::MaxEnergy;
// perform initialisation
Energy2 tmax(sqr(stoppingScale)),tmin;
// check some branching possible
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// perform the evolution
Energy2 t(tmin),pt2(-MeV2);
do {
if(!guessDecay(t,tmax,minmass,enhance,detuning)) break;
pt2 = sqr(1.-z())*(t-masssquared_[0])-z()*masssquared_[2];
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->pTScale() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t ) ||
pt2<pT2min() ||
if(t > ZERO) {
q_ = sqrt(t);
else return ShoKinPtr();
// create the ShowerKinematics object
return createDecayBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
bool QTildeSudakov::guessDecay(Energy2 &t,Energy2 tmax, Energy minmass,
double enhance, double detune) {
// previous scale
Energy2 told = t;
// overestimated limits on z
if(tmax<masssquared_[0]) {
return false;
Energy2 tm2 = tmax-masssquared_[0];
Energy tm = sqrt(tm2);
pair<double,double> limits=make_pair(sqr(minmass/masses_[0]),
if(zLimits().second<zLimits().first) {
return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,2,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2],detune);
// actual values for z-limits
if(t<masssquared_[0]) {
return false;
tm2 = t-masssquared_[0];
tm = sqrt(tm2);
if(t>tmax||zLimits().second<zLimits().first) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::computeTimeLikeLimits(Energy2 & t) {
if (t < 1e-20 * GeV2) {
return false;
// special case for gluon radiating
pair<double,double> limits;
if(ids_[0]->id()==ParticleID::g||ids_[0]->id()==ParticleID::gamma) {
// no emission possible
if(t<16.*(masssquared_[1]+pT2min())) {
return false;
// overestimate of the limits
limits.first = 0.5*(1.-sqrt(1.-4.*sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t)));
limits.second = 1.-limits.first;
// special case for radiated particle is gluon
else if(ids_[2]->id()==ParticleID::g||ids_[2]->id()==ParticleID::gamma) {
limits.first = sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t);
limits.second = 1.-sqrt((masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t);
else if(ids_[1]->id()==ParticleID::g||ids_[1]->id()==ParticleID::gamma) {
limits.second = sqrt((masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t);
limits.first = 1.-sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t);
else {
limits.first = (masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t;
limits.second = 1.-(masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t;
if(limits.first>=limits.second) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::computeSpaceLikeLimits(Energy2 & t, double x) {
if (t < 1e-20 * GeV2) {
return false;
pair<double,double> limits;
// compute the limits
limits.first = x;
double yy = 1.+0.5*masssquared_[2]/t;
limits.second = yy - sqrt(sqr(yy)-1.+pT2min()/t);
// return false if lower>upper
if(limits.second<limits.first) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
tShowerParticlePtr findCorrelationPartner(ShowerParticle & particle,
bool forward,
ShowerInteraction inter) {
tPPtr child = &particle;
tShowerParticlePtr mother;
if(forward) {
mother = !particle.parents().empty() ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(particle.parents()[0]) : tShowerParticlePtr();
else {
mother = particle.children().size()==2 ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(&particle) : tShowerParticlePtr();
tShowerParticlePtr partner;
while(mother) {
tPPtr otherChild;
if(forward) {
for (unsigned int ix=0;ix<mother->children().size();++ix) {
if(mother->children()[ix]!=child) {
otherChild = mother->children()[ix];
else {
otherChild = mother->children()[1];
tShowerParticlePtr other = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(otherChild);
if((inter==ShowerInteraction::QCD && otherChild->dataPtr()->coloured()) ||
(inter==ShowerInteraction::QED && otherChild->dataPtr()->charged())) {
partner = other;
if(forward && !other->isFinalState()) {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother);
child = mother;
if(forward) {
mother = ! mother->parents().empty() ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother->parents()[0]) : tShowerParticlePtr();
else {
tShowerParticlePtr mtemp =
if(!partner) {
if(forward) {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>( child)->partner();
else {
if(mother) {
tShowerParticlePtr parent;
if(!mother->children().empty()) {
parent = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother->children()[0]);
if(!parent) {
parent = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother);
partner = parent->partner();
else {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(&particle)->partner();
return partner;
pair<double,double> softPhiMin(double phi0, double phi1, double A, double B, double C, double D) {
double c01 = cos(phi0 - phi1);
double s01 = sin(phi0 - phi1);
double s012(sqr(s01)), c012(sqr(c01));
double A2(A*A), B2(B*B), C2(C*C), D2(D*D);
if(abs(B/A)<1e-10 && abs(D/C)<1e-10) return make_pair(phi0,phi0+Constants::pi);
double root = sqr(B2)*C2*D2*sqr(s012) + 2.*A*B2*B*C2*C*D*c01*s012 + 2.*A*B2*B*C*D2*D*c01*s012
+ 4.*A2*B2*C2*D2*c012 - A2*B2*C2*D2*s012 - A2*B2*sqr(D2)*s012 - sqr(B2)*sqr(C2)*s012
- sqr(B2)*C2*D2*s012 - 4.*A2*A*B*C*D2*D*c01 - 4.*A*B2*B*C2*C*D*c01 + sqr(A2)*sqr(D2)
+ 2.*A2*B2*C2*D2 + sqr(B2)*sqr(C2);
if(root<0.) return make_pair(phi0,phi0+Constants::pi);
root = sqrt(root);
double denom = (-2.*A*B*C*D*c01 + A2*D2 + B2*C2);
double denom2 = (-B*C*c01 + A*D);
if(denom==ZERO || denom2==0)
return make_pair(phi0,phi0+Constants::pi);
double num = B2*C*D*s012;
return make_pair(atan2(B*s01*(-C*(num + root) / denom + D) / denom2, -(num + root ) / denom) + phi0,
atan2(B*s01*(-C*(num - root) / denom + D) / denom2, -(num - root ) / denom) + phi0);
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
// no correlations, return flat phi
if(! dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->correlations())
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy2 t = z*(1.-z)*sqr(kinematics->scale());
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
Energy2 pipj,pik;
bool canBeSoft[2] = {ids[1]->id()==ParticleID::g || ids[1]->id()==ParticleID::gamma,
ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::g || ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::gamma };
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
vector<Energy> Ek(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej;
Energy2 m12(ZERO),m22(ZERO);
InvEnergy2 aziMax(ZERO);
bool softAllowed = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()&&
(canBeSoft[0] || canBeSoft[1]);
if(softAllowed) {
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner=findCorrelationPartner(particle,true,splittingFn()->interactionType());
// remember we want the softer gluon
bool swapOrder = !canBeSoft[1] || (canBeSoft[0] && canBeSoft[1] && z < 0.5);
double zFact = !swapOrder ? (1.-z) : z;
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb;
if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::BackToBack) {
beta_bb = -(pVect + nVect).boostVector();
else if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::Rest) {
beta_bb = -pVect.boostVector();
Axis axis;
if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::BackToBack) {
axis = pVect.vect().unit();
else if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::Rest) {
axis = nVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect, m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.showerParameters().alpha;
double beta0 = 0.5/alpha0/pn*
Lorentz5Momentum qperp0(particle.showerParameters().ptx,
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
pik = 0.5*zFact*(sqr(alpha0)*m2 - sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt) + 2.*alpha0*beta0*pn )
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
Energy2 dot3 = pj*qperp0;
pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2+dot3;
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
pjk[0] = zFact*(alpha0*dot1+dot3-0.5*dot2/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
pjk[1] = (pj.x() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x())*pT;
pjk[2] = (pj.y() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y())*pT;
m12 = sqr(particle.dataPtr()->mass());
m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
if(swapOrder) {
pjk[1] *= -1.;
pjk[2] *= -1.;
Ek[0] = zFact*(alpha0*pVect.t()-0.5*nVect.t()/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
Ek[1] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x()*pT;
Ek[2] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y()*pT;
if(swapOrder) {
Ek[1] *= -1.;
Ek[2] *= -1.;
Energy mag2=sqrt(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2]));
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
double phi0 = atan2(-pjk[2],-pjk[1]);
if(phi0<0.) phi0 += Constants::twopi;
double phi1 = atan2(-Ek[2],-Ek[1]);
if(phi1<0.) phi1 += Constants::twopi;
double xi_min = pik/Ei/(Ek[0]+mag2), xi_max = pik/Ei/(Ek[0]-mag2), xi_ij = pipj/Ei/Ej;
if(xi_min>xi_max) swap(xi_min,xi_max);
if(xi_min>xi_ij) softAllowed = false;
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
double A = (pipj*Ek[0]- Ej*pik)/Ej/sqr(Ej);
double B = -sqrt(sqr(pipj)*(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2])))/Ej/sqr(Ej);
double C = pjk[0]/sqr(Ej);
double D = -sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]))/sqr(Ej);
pair<double,double> minima = softPhiMin(phi0,phi1,A,B,C,D);
aziMax = 0.5/pik/(Ek[0]-mag2)*(Ei-m12*(Ek[0]-mag2)/pik + max(Ej*(A+B*cos(minima.first -phi1))/(C+D*cos(minima.first -phi0)),
// if spin correlations
vector<pair<int,Complex> > wgts;
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->spinCorrelations()) {
// calculate the weights
wgts = splittingFn()->generatePhiForward(z,t,ids,rho);
else {
wgts = vector<pair<int,Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt;
static const Complex ii(0.,1.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// first the spin correlations bit (gives 1 if correlations off)
Complex spinWgt = 0.;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix) {
spinWgt += wgts[ix].second;
spinWgt += exp(double(wgts[ix].first)*ii*phi)*wgts[ix].second;
wgt = spinWgt.real();
if(wgt-1.>1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Forward spin weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0]->id() << " " << ids[1]->id() << " " << ids[2]->id() << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
generator()->log() << "Weights \n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix)
generator()->log() << wgts[ix].first << " " << wgts[ix].second << "\n";
// soft correlations bit
double aziWgt = 1.;
if(softAllowed) {
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
Energy Eg = Ek[0]+Ek[1]*cos(phi)+Ek[2]*sin(phi);
if(pipj*Eg>pik*Ej) {
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziWgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
aziWgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Eg*(Ei-m12*Eg/pik + (pipj*Eg - Ej*pik)/dot)/aziMax);
if(aziWgt-1.>1e-10||aziWgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Forward soft weight problem " << aziWgt << " " << aziWgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0]->id() << " " << ids[1]->id() << " " << ids[2]->id() << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
else {
aziWgt = 0.;
wgt *= aziWgt;
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi in forward evolution\n";
phi = phiMax;
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
// no correlations, return flat phi
if(! dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->correlations())
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy2 t = (1.-z)*sqr(kinematics->scale())/z;
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
bool softAllowed = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations() &&
(ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::g || ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::gamma);
Energy2 pipj,pik,m12(ZERO),m22(ZERO);
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej,Ek;
InvEnergy2 aziMax(ZERO);
if(softAllowed) {
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner=findCorrelationPartner(particle,false,splittingFn()->interactionType());
double zFact = (1.-z);
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb = -(pVect + nVect).boostVector();
Axis axis = pVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect;
Energy2 m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.x();
double beta0 = -0.5/alpha0/pn*sqr(alpha0)*m2;
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
double beta2 = 0.5*(1.-zFact)*(sqr(alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact))*m2+sqr(pT))/alpha0/zFact/pn;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2;
pik = alpha0*(alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*m2+pn*(beta2+zFact/(1.-zFact)*beta0));
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
pjk[0] = alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*dot1+beta2*dot2;
pjk[1] = pj.x()*pT;
pjk[2] = pj.y()*pT;
m12 = ZERO;
m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
Ek = alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*pVect.t()+beta2*nVect.t();
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
if(pipj*Ek> Ej*pik) {
aziMax = 0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik + (pipj*Ek- Ej*pik)/(pjk[0]-mag));
else {
aziMax = 0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik);
else {
// if spin correlations
vector<pair<int,Complex> > wgts;
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->spinCorrelations()) {
// get the weights
wgts = splittingFn()->generatePhiBackward(z,t,ids,rho);
else {
wgts = vector<pair<int,Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt;
static const Complex ii(0.,1.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
Complex spinWgt = 0.;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix) {
spinWgt += wgts[ix].second;
spinWgt += exp(double(wgts[ix].first)*ii*phi)*wgts[ix].second;
wgt = spinWgt.real();
if(wgt-1.>1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Backward weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0]->id() << " " << ids[1]->id() << " " << ids[2]->id() << " " << " " << z << " " << phi << "\n";
generator()->log() << "Weights \n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix)
generator()->log() << wgts[ix].first << " " << wgts[ix].second << "\n";
// soft correlations bit
double aziWgt = 1.;
if(softAllowed) {
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziWgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
aziWgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik + pipj*Ek/dot - Ej*pik/dot)/aziMax);
if(aziWgt-1.>1e-10||aziWgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Backward soft weight problem " << aziWgt << " " << aziWgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0]->id() << " " << ids[1]->id() << " " << ids[2]->id() << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
wgt *= aziWgt;
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi in backward evolution\n";
phi = phiMax;
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// only soft correlations in this case
// no correlations, return flat phi
if( !(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations() &&
(ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::g || ids[2]->id()==ParticleID::gamma )))
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner = findCorrelationPartner(particle,true,splittingFn()->interactionType());
double zFact(1.-z);
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb = -pVect.boostVector();
Axis axis = nVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect;
Energy2 m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.showerParameters().alpha;
double beta0 = 0.5/alpha0/pn*
Lorentz5Momentum qperp0(particle.showerParameters().ptx,
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
Energy2 pik = 0.5*zFact*(sqr(alpha0)*m2 - sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt) + 2.*alpha0*beta0*pn )
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
Energy2 dot3 = pj*qperp0;
Energy2 pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2+dot3;
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
pjk[0] = zFact*(alpha0*dot1+dot3-0.5*dot2/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
pjk[1] = (pj.x() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x())*pT;
pjk[2] = (pj.y() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y())*pT;
Energy2 m12 = sqr(particle.dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
InvEnergy2 aziMax;
vector<Energy> Ek(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej;
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
Ek[0] = zFact*(alpha0*pVect.t()+-0.5*nVect.t()/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
Ek[1] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x()*pT;
Ek[2] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y()*pT;
Energy mag2=sqrt(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2]));
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
aziMax = 0.5/pik/(Ek[0]-mag2)*(Ei-m12*(Ek[0]-mag2)/pik + pipj*(Ek[0]+mag2)/(pjk[0]-mag) - Ej*pik/(pjk[0]-mag) );
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt(0.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==1) {
wgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(dynamic_ptr_cast<tcQTildeShowerHandlerPtr>(ShowerHandler::currentHandler())->softCorrelations()==2) {
if(qperp0.m2()==ZERO) {
wgt = 1.;
else {
Energy Eg = Ek[0]+Ek[1]*cos(phi)+Ek[2]*sin(phi);
wgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Eg*(Ei-m12*Eg/pik + (pipj*Eg - Ej*pik)/dot)/aziMax);
if(wgt-1.>1e-10||wgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Decay soft weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0]->id() << " " << ids[1]->id() << " " << ids[2]->id() << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
phi = phiMax;
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi\n";
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
Energy QTildeSudakov::calculateScale(double zin, Energy pt, IdList ids,
unsigned int iopt) {
Energy2 tmin;
// final-state branching
if(iopt==0) {
Energy2 scale=(sqr(pt)+masssquared_[1]*(1.-zin)+masssquared_[2]*zin);
if(ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) scale -= zin*(1.-zin)*masssquared_[0];
scale /= sqr(zin*(1-zin));
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else if(iopt==1) {
Energy2 scale=(sqr(pt)+zin*masssquared_[2])/sqr(1.-zin);
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else if(iopt==2) {
Energy2 scale = (sqr(pt)+zin*masssquared_[2])/sqr(1.-zin)+masssquared_[0];
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else {
throw Exception() << "Unknown option in QTildeSudakov::calculateScale() "
<< "iopt = " << iopt << Exception::runerror;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeSudakov.h b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
@@ -1,291 +1,291 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// QTildeSudakov.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H
#define HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H
// This is the declaration of the QTildeSudakov class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The QTildeSudakov class implements the Sudakov form factor for evolution in
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ using the veto algorithm.
* @see \ref QTildeSudakovInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for QTildeSudakov.
class QTildeSudakov: public SudakovFormFactor {
* The default constructor.
inline QTildeSudakov() {}
* Members to generate the scale of the next branching
* Return the scale of the next time-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param maxQ2 The maximum \f$Q^2\f$ for the emission
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
double detuning,
Energy2 maxQ2);
* Return the scale of the next space-like decay branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param stoppingScale stopping scale for the evolution
* @param minmass The minimum mass allowed for the spake-like particle.
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const Energy stoppingScale,
const Energy minmass,
const IdList &ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
double detuning);
* Return the scale of the next space-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param beam The beam particle
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,double x,
const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
tcBeamPtr beam,
double detuning);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for forward branching
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for backward branching
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for ISR in decays
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
ShoKinPtr kinematics,
const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Method to return the evolution scale given the
* transverse momentum, \f$p_T\f$ and \f$z\f$.
virtual Energy calculateScale(double z, Energy pt, IdList ids,unsigned int iopt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a final-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for an initial-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a decay branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Methods to provide the next value of the scale before the vetos
* are applied.
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for time-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @return False if scale less than minimum, true otherwise
bool guessTimeLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, double enhance, double detune);
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for time-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmax The maximum scale
* @param minmass The minimum mass of the particle after the branching
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
bool guessDecay(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmax,Energy minmass,
double enhance, double detune);
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for space-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param x Fraction of the beam momentum.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
bool guessSpaceLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, const double x,
double enhance, double detune);
* Initialize the values of the cut-offs and scales
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param ids The ids of the partics in the branching
void initialize(const IdList & ids,Energy2 &tmin);
* Phase Space veto member to implement the \f$\Theta\f$ function as a veto
* so that the emission is within the allowed phase space.
* @param t The scale
* @param maxQ2 The maximum virtuality
* @return true if vetoed
bool PSVeto(const Energy2 t,const Energy2 maxQ2);
* Compute the limits on \f$z\f$ for time-like branching
* @param scale The scale of the particle
* @return True if lower limit less than upper, otherwise false
bool computeTimeLikeLimits(Energy2 & scale);
* Compute the limits on \f$z\f$ for space-like branching
* @param scale The scale of the particle
* @param x The energy fraction of the parton
* @return True if lower limit less than upper, otherwise false
bool computeSpaceLikeLimits(Energy2 & scale, double x);
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
QTildeSudakov & operator=(const QTildeSudakov &);
* The evolution scale, \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
Energy q_;
* The Ids of the particles in the current branching
IdList ids_;
* The masses of the particles in the current branching
vector<Energy> masses_;
* The mass squared of the particles in the current branching
vector<Energy2> masssquared_;
#endif /* HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/ b/Shower/QTilde/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/
@@ -1,35 +1,45 @@
SUBDIRS = Matching
HwShower_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -module -version-info 25:0:0
HwShower_la_SOURCES = \
Couplings/ShowerAlphaQCD.h Couplings/ \
Couplings/ShowerAlphaQED.h Couplings/\
QTildeShowerHandler.h QTildeShowerHandler.fh \
SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
SplittingFunctions/CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h SplittingFunctions/\
Default/ Default/QTildeSudakov.h\
Default/ Default/QTildeModel.h\
Default/ \
Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h \
Default/ Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h \
Default/ Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h \
Default/ Default/QTildeFinder.h\
Default/ Default/QTildeReconstructor.h Default/QTildeReconstructor.tcc \
Base/ \
Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h \
Base/KinematicsReconstructor.fh \
Base/ Base/ShowerModel.h Base/ShowerModel.fh \
Base/ Base/HardTree.h Base/HardTree.fh \
Base/HardBranching.h Base/HardBranching.fh Base/\
Base/PartnerFinder.h Base/PartnerFinder.fh Base/ \
Base/ShowerVeto.h Base/ShowerVeto.fh Base/ \
Base/FullShowerVeto.h Base/FullShowerVeto.fh Base/ \
SplittingFunctions/ SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h\
SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.fh \
-Base/ShowerTree.h Base/ShowerTree.fh Base/
+Base/ShowerTree.h Base/ShowerTree.fh Base/ \
+ShowerConfig.h \
+Base/Branching.h \
+Base/ Base/ShowerParticle.fh Base/ShowerParticle.h \
+Base/ShowerKinematics.fh Base/ShowerKinematics.h Base/ \
+Base/ShowerBasis.fh Base/ShowerBasis.h Base/ \
+Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh Base/ShowerProgenitor.h \
+Base/ Base/SudakovFormFactor.h Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh \
+SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh \
+SplittingFunctions/ \
+Base/ Base/ShowerVertex.fh Base/ShowerVertex.h
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Matching/ b/Shower/QTilde/Matching/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Matching/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Matching/
@@ -1,1103 +1,1103 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the PowhegShowerHandler class.
#include <config.h>
#include "PowhegShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
// include theses to have complete types
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MPIPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MinBiasPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/DiagramBase.fh"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/DiagramDrawer.h"
using namespace Herwig;
namespace {
struct ParticleOrdering {
bool operator()(tcPDPtr p1, tcPDPtr p2) {
return abs(p1->id()) > abs(p2->id()) ||
( abs(p1->id()) == abs(p2->id()) && p1->id() > p2->id() ) ||
( p1->id() == p2->id() && p1->fullName() > p2->fullName() );
IBPtr PowhegShowerHandler::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr PowhegShowerHandler::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
HardTreePtr PowhegShowerHandler::generateCKKW(ShowerTreePtr showerTree) const {
// hard subprocess
tSubProPtr sub = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess();
// real emission sub-process
tSubProPtr real = Factory()->hardTreeSubprocess();
// born emitter
emitter_ = Factory()->hardTreeEmitter();
spectator_ = Factory()->hardTreeSpectator();
// if no hard emission return
if ( !(real && emitter_>-1) )
return HardTreePtr();
// check emission
return HardTreePtr();
// check if decay has radiated don't add it
if(showerTree->outgoingLines().size() != sub->outgoing().size()) {
// loop over the decay trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit=showerTree->treelinks().begin(); tit != showerTree->treelinks().end(); ++tit) {
if(tit->first->outgoingLines().empty()) continue;
// match the particles
set<tPPtr> decayProducts;
set<PPtr> outgoing(real->outgoing().begin(),real->outgoing().end());
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator oit=tit->first->outgoingLines().begin();
oit!=tit->first->outgoingLines().end();++oit) {
tPPtr decayProd;
Energy2 dmin( 1e30*GeV2 );
tPPtr part = oit->second->original();
for( set<PPtr>::const_iterator it = outgoing.begin(); it != outgoing.end(); ++it ) {
if((**it).id()!=part->id()) continue;
Energy2 dtest =
sqr( part->momentum().x() - (**it).momentum().x() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().y() - (**it).momentum().y() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().z() - (**it).momentum().z() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().t() - (**it).momentum().t() );
dtest += 1e10*sqr(part->momentum().m()-(**it).momentum().m());
if( dtest < dmin ) {
decayProd = *it;
dmin = dtest;
if(!decayProd) {
throw Exception() << "PowhegShowerHandler::generateCKKW(). Can't match shower and hard trees."
<< Exception::eventerror;
outgoing .erase (decayProd);
bool coloured = false, foundParent = true;
tPPtr parent,emitted;
unsigned int nprod(0);
for( set<tPPtr>::const_iterator it = decayProducts.begin(); it != decayProducts.end(); ++it ) {
coloured |= (**it).dataPtr()->coloured();
tPPtr newParent = !(**it).parents().empty() ? (**it).parents()[0] : tPPtr();
// check if from emission
if(newParent->id()==(**it).id()) {
if(newParent->children().size()!=2) foundParent=false;
bool foundChild(false), foundGluon(false);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<newParent->children().size();++ix) {
if(newParent->children()[ix]==*it) {
foundChild = true;
else if(newParent->children()[ix]->id()==ParticleID::g) {
foundGluon = true;
if(foundChild && foundGluon) {
newParent = !newParent->parents().empty() ? newParent->parents()[0] : tPPtr();
foundParent = false;
if(!newParent) {
foundParent = false;
else if(!parent) {
parent = newParent;
else {
if(parent!=newParent) foundParent = false;
if(nprod!=tit->first->outgoingLines().size()&&foundParent) {
if(decayRadiation_==0) {
throw Exception() << "The radiation generated in this event\n "
<< *real << "\n has been interepted as occuring in the "
<< "decay \nof a colour-singlet object and cannot be handled "
<< "you can either not simulated this process, "
<< "veto this class of events by using\n"
<< "set " << fullName() << ":DecayRadiation VetoEvent\n"
<< "or throw the hard radiation away using \n"
<< "set " << fullName() << ":DecayRadiation VetoRadiation\n"
<< "Please contact us at for advice\n"
<< "on how to simulate this process\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(decayRadiation_==1) {
throw Exception() << "The radiation generated in this event\n "
<< *real << "\n has been interepted as occuring in the "
<< "decay \nof a colour-singlet object and cannot be handled "
<< "vetoing event\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
else if(decayRadiation_==2) {
generator()->log() << "The radiation generated in this event\n "
<< *real << "\n has been interepted as occuring in the "
<< "decay \nof a colour-singlet object and cannot be handled "
<< "vetoing radiation\n";
return HardTreePtr();
tStdXCombPtr lastXC = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>(lastXCombPtr());
tStdXCombPtr headXC = lastXC->head();
if (headXC)
matrixElement_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<MEPtr>(headXC->matrixElement());
else if (lastXC)
matrixElement_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<MEPtr>(lastXC->matrixElement());
if (lastXC){
tStdXCombPtr projector= lastXC->lastProjector();
if (projector){
matrixElement_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<MEPtr>(projector->matrixElement());
// create a hard tree by clustering the event
try {
} catch(exception &e) {
throw Exception() << "Caught a problem in PowhegShowerHandler::doClustering " << e.what()
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Get the HardTree from the CKKW handler.
CKKWTreePtr hardtree = hardTree().tree();
// zero to avoid MPI problems
return hardtree;
PotentialTree PowhegShowerHandler::doClustering(tSubProPtr real,ShowerTreePtr showerTree) const {
// clear storage of the protoTrees
assert( matrixElement() );
// extract the XComb for the Born process
tStdXCombPtr lastXC;
if (subtractionIntegral()){
tStdXCombPtr lastXCReal = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>(lastXCombPtr());
lastXC = lastXCReal->lastProjector();
lastXC = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>(lastXCombPtr());
const StandardXComb xc= *lastXC;
// get the particles for the born process
PPair incomingBorn = xc.subProcess()->incoming();
ParticleVector outgoingBorn = xc.subProcess()->outgoing();
// get particles from the XComb object for the real process
ParticleVector outgoing = real->outgoing();
PPair incoming = real->incoming();
// loop through the FS particles and create ProtoBranchings
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < outgoing.size(); ++i) {
tPPtr parent = outgoing[i]->parents()[0];
ProtoBranchingPtr currentBranching =
currentBranching-> colourLine(outgoing[i]-> colourLine());
// add IS hardBranchings
ProtoBranchingPtr currentBranching =
new_ptr(ProtoBranching(incoming.first ->dataPtr(),HardBranching::Incoming,
incoming.first ->momentum(),tSudakovPtr()));
currentBranching-> colourLine(incoming.first-> colourLine());
currentBranching =
currentBranching-> colourLine(incoming.second-> colourLine());
// create and initialise the first tree
ProtoTreePtr initialProtoTree = new_ptr( ProtoTree() );
for(set<ProtoBranchingPtr>::const_iterator it=protoBranchings().begin();
it!=protoBranchings().end();++it) {
// fill _proto_trees with all possible trees
protoTrees().insert(initialProtoTree );
fillProtoTrees( initialProtoTree , xc.mePartonData()[emitter_]->id() );
// create a HardTree from each ProtoTree and fill hardTrees()
for( set< ProtoTreePtr >::const_iterator cit = protoTrees().begin();
cit != protoTrees().end(); ++cit ) {
set<tPPtr> bornParticles(outgoingBorn.begin(),outgoingBorn.end());
bornParticles.insert(incomingBorn.first );
PotentialTree newTree;
// new check based on the colour structure
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> cmap;
// make the colour connections in the tree
ShowerParticleVector branchingParticles;
map<ShowerParticlePtr,HardBranchingPtr> branchingMap;
bool matched(true);
int iemitter(-1);
HardBranchingPtr emitter;
map<int,HardBranchingPtr> locMap;
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::iterator it = newTree.tree()->branchings().begin();
it != newTree.tree()->branchings().end(); ++it ) {
matched = true;
// map the particle to the branching for future use
tPPtr bornPartner;
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
HardBranchingPtr parent=*it;
while(parent->parent()) {
parent = parent->parent();
if(parent->branchingParticle()->momentum().z()/incomingBorn.first->momentum().z()>0.) {
bornPartner = incomingBorn.first;
if(!parent->children().empty()) {
iemitter = 0;
emitter = *it;
locMap[0] = *it;
else {
bornPartner = incomingBorn.second;
if(!parent->children().empty()) {
iemitter = 1;
emitter = *it;
locMap[1] = *it;
else {
Energy2 dmin( 1e30*GeV2 );
for(set<tPPtr>::const_iterator bit=bornParticles.begin();bit!=bornParticles.end();
++bit) {
if((**it).branchingParticle()->id()!=(**bit).id()) continue;
if(*bit==incomingBorn.first||*bit==incomingBorn.second) continue;
Energy2 dtest =
sqr( (**bit).momentum().x() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().x() ) +
sqr( (**bit).momentum().y() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().y() ) +
sqr( (**bit).momentum().z() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().z() ) +
sqr( (**bit).momentum().t() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().t() );
dtest += 1e10*sqr((**bit).momentum().m()-(**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().m());
if( dtest < dmin ) {
bornPartner = *bit;
dmin = dtest;
// find the map
int iloc(-1);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<outgoingBorn.size();++ix) {
if(outgoingBorn[ix]==bornPartner) {
iloc = ix+2;
if(!(**it).children().empty()) {
emitter = *it;
iemitter = iloc;
locMap[iloc]= *it;
if(!bornPartner) {
// skip the next block if not enforcing colour consistency
if(!enforceColourConsistency_) continue;
if((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine()) {
if(cmap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine())!=cmap.end()) {
if(cmap[(**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine()]!=bornPartner->colourLine()) {
else {
cmap[(**it).branchingParticle()->colourLine()] = bornPartner->colourLine();
if((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine()) {
if(cmap.find((**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine())!=cmap.end()) {
if(cmap[(**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine()]!=bornPartner->antiColourLine()) {
else {
cmap[(**it).branchingParticle()->antiColourLine()] = bornPartner->antiColourLine();
// require a match
if(!matched) break;
// if no match continue
if(!matched) continue;
// now sort out any decays
!= newTree.tree()->branchings().size()) {
if(showerTree->treelinks().empty()) {
matched = false;
// loop over the decay trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit=showerTree->treelinks().begin(); tit != showerTree->treelinks().end(); ++tit) {
if(tit->first->outgoingLines().empty()) continue;
set<HardBranchingPtr> decayProducts;
set<HardBranchingPtr> branchings = newTree.tree()->branchings();
// match the particles
for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator oit=tit->first->outgoingLines().begin();
oit!=tit->first->outgoingLines().end();++oit) {
HardBranchingPtr decayProd;
Energy2 dmin( 1e30*GeV2 );
tPPtr part = oit->second->original();
for( set< HardBranchingPtr >::iterator it = branchings.begin(); it != branchings.end(); ++it ) {
if((**it).status()==HardBranching::Incoming ) continue;
if((**it).branchingParticle()->id()!=part->id()) continue;
Energy2 dtest =
sqr( part->momentum().x() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().x() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().y() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().y() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().z() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().z() ) +
sqr( part->momentum().t() - (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().t() );
dtest += 1e10*sqr(part->momentum().m()-(**it).branchingParticle()->momentum().m());
if( dtest < dmin ) {
decayProd = *it;
dmin = dtest;
if(!decayProd) {
throw Exception() << "PowhegShowerHandler::generateCKKW(). Can't match shower and hard trees."
<< Exception::eventerror;
branchings .erase (decayProd);
// erase the decay products
Lorentz5Momentum pnew,pshower;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it = decayProducts.begin(); it!=decayProducts.end(); ++it) {
pnew += (**it).branchingParticle()->momentum();
pshower += (**it).showerMomentum();
pnew .setMass(tit->second.second->mass());
pnew .rescaleEnergy();
// create the decaying particle
ShowerParticlePtr particle = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( tit->second.second->dataPtr() , true ) );
particle->set5Momentum( pnew );
HardBranchingPtr newBranch = new_ptr( HardBranching( particle, tSudakovPtr(),
HardBranching::Outgoing ) );
// if no match continue
if(!matched) continue;
// find the colour partners
try {
catch( Exception & e ) {
generator()->log() << "Problem in set evolution scales in "
<< "PowhegShowerHandler::doClustering(). Exception was"
<< e.what();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<branchingParticles.size();++ix) {
if(branchingParticles[ix]->partner()) {
HardBranchingPtr partner = branchingMap[branchingParticles[ix]->partner()];
if(forcePartners_) {
locMap[emitter_ ]->colourPartner(locMap[spectator_]);
locMap[spectator_]->colourPartner(locMap[emitter_ ]);
locMap[emitter_ ]->branchingParticle()->partner(locMap[spectator_]->branchingParticle());
locMap[spectator_]->branchingParticle()->partner(locMap[emitter_ ]->branchingParticle());
// set the beam particles
PPair beams = lastXCombPtr()->lastParticles();
// remove children of beams
PVector beam_children = beams.first->children();
if( (**newTree.tree()->incoming().begin()).branchingParticle()->momentum().z() /
beams.first->momentum().z() < 0.)
swap( beams.first, beams.second );
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it = newTree.tree()->incoming().begin();
HardBranchingPtr br = *it;
br->beam( beams.first );
while ( !br->children().empty() ) {
for(unsigned int ix = 0; ix < br->children().size(); ++ix ) {
if( br->children()[ix]->status() == HardBranching::Incoming ) {
br = br->children()[ix];
br->beam( beams.first );
br = *it;
br->beam( beams.second );
while ( !br->children().empty() ) {
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < br->children().size(); ++ix ) {
if( br->children()[ix]->status() == HardBranching::Incoming ) {
br = br->children()[ix];
br->beam( beams.second );
// check the emitter and the spectator some how
if(iemitter!=emitter_) continue;
//do inverse momentum reconstruction
if( !showerModel()->kinematicsReconstructor()
->deconstructHardJets( newTree.tree(), ShowerInteraction::QCD ) ) continue;
hardTrees_.push_back( make_pair( newTree, 1. ) );
// select the tree
PotentialTree chosen_hardTree;
if (hardTrees_.size()==1) {
chosen_hardTree = hardTrees_[0].first;
else {
// if multiple trees pick the one with matching
// intermediate particle momenta
for (unsigned int il=0; il<hardTrees_.size(); ++il){
vector<pair <long int, Lorentz5Momentum> > particles;
PotentialTree testTree = hardTrees_[il].first;
CKKWTreePtr check = testTree.tree();
// get id and momenta of particles in hard tree
for (set< HardBranchingPtr >::iterator it=check->branchings().begin();
it!=check->branchings().end(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->children().empty()){
for (unsigned int ic=0; ic<(*it)->children().size(); ++ic)
if ((*it)->parent()){
if (!(*it)->parent()->children().empty()) {
for (unsigned int ic=0; ic<(*it)->parent()->children().size(); ++ic) {
if(*it==(*it)->parent()->children()[ic]) continue;
// loop through and match to particles in real subprocess
vector<pair <long int, Lorentz5Momentum> >::iterator part = particles.begin();
// incoming
for (; part!=particles.end(); ++part){
if ((*part).first==real->incoming().first->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, real->incoming().first->momentum()))
if (part!=particles.end()) particles.erase(part);
part = particles.begin();
for (; part!=particles.end(); ++part){
if ((*part).first==real->incoming().second->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, real->incoming().second->momentum()))
if (part!=particles.end()) particles.erase(part);
// outgoing
for (unsigned int io=0; io<real->outgoing().size(); ++io){
part = particles.begin();
for (; part!=particles.end(); ++part){
if ((*part).first==real->outgoing()[io]->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, real->outgoing()[io]->momentum()))
if (part!=particles.end()) particles.erase(part);
// intermediate
for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<real->intermediates().size(); ++ii){
part = particles.begin();
for (; part!=particles.end(); ++part){
if ((*part).first==real->intermediates()[ii]->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, real->intermediates()[ii]->momentum()))
if (part!=particles.end()) particles.erase(part);
// intermediate CC with -1*momentum
for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<real->intermediates().size(); ++ii){
part = particles.begin();
for (; part!=particles.end(); ++part){
if (!real->intermediates()[ii]->coloured() ||
(real->intermediates()[ii]->hasColour() &&
if ((*part).first==real->intermediates()[ii]->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, -1.*real->intermediates()[ii]->momentum()) )
else {
if ((*part).first==-1.*real->intermediates()[ii]->id() &&
fuzzyEqual((*part).second, -1.*real->intermediates()[ii]->momentum()) )
if (part!=particles.end()) particles.erase(part);
// if all particles match, set as hardtree
if (particles.empty()){
chosen_hardTree = testTree;
if(! chosen_hardTree.tree() ) {
return PotentialTree();
return chosen_hardTree;
bool PowhegShowerHandler::checkDiagram(PotentialTree & tree,
tcDiagPtr loDiagram) const {
set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cit;
tcPDPair incoming;
multiset<tcPDPtr,ParticleOrdering> outgoing;
//get the incoming and outgoing partons involved in hard process
for( cit = tree.tree()->branchings().begin();
cit != tree.tree()->branchings().end(); ++cit ){
if( (*cit)->status() ==HardBranching::Incoming) {
HardBranchingPtr parent = *cit;
while(parent->parent()) parent = parent->parent();
if( parent->branchingParticle()->momentum().z()>ZERO )
incoming.first = (*cit)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
incoming.second = (*cit)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
else {
outgoing.insert( (*cit)->branchingParticle()->dataPtr() );
if(!incoming.first || !incoming.second)
return 0.;
pair<string,string> tag;
tag.first = incoming.first ->PDGName() + "," + incoming.second->PDGName() + "->";
tag.second = incoming.second ->PDGName() + "," + incoming.first ->PDGName() + "->";
string tag_out;
for ( multiset<tcPDPtr,ParticleOrdering>::iterator i = outgoing.begin();
i != outgoing.end(); ++i ) {
if ( i != outgoing.begin() ) tag_out += ",";
tag_out += (**i).PDGName();
tag.first += tag_out;
tag.second += tag_out;
// find the diagrams
if( tag.first == loDiagram->getTag() ||
tag.second == loDiagram->getTag() )
// check this is allowed
return tree.diagram();
void PowhegShowerHandler::fillProtoTrees( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree,long id ) const {
for( set<tProtoBranchingPtr>::const_iterator
ita = currentProtoTree->branchings().begin();
ita!=currentProtoTree->branchings().end();++ita) {
for( set<tProtoBranchingPtr>::const_iterator
itb = currentProtoTree->branchings().begin();
itb!=ita;++itb) {
// can't merge two incoming branchings
if( (**ita).status() == HardBranching::Incoming &&
(**itb).status() == HardBranching::Incoming ) continue;
// if branching must be outgoing, skip incoming
if(emitter_>=2 && ( (**ita).status() == HardBranching::Incoming ||
(**itb).status() == HardBranching::Incoming ))
// if branching must be incoming, skip outgoing
if(emitter_<2 && ( (**ita).status() != HardBranching::Incoming &&
(**itb).status() != HardBranching::Incoming ))
// get a new branching for this pair
ProtoBranchingPtr currentBranching = getCluster(*ita,*itb);
// check branching with the right PID
if( ! currentBranching ||
currentBranching->id() != id)
// branching allowed so make a new Tree out of these branchings
set< tProtoBranchingPtr > newTreeBranchings = currentProtoTree->branchings();
ProtoTreePtr newProtoTree = new_ptr( ProtoTree( newTreeBranchings ) );
// remove duplicate trees
if( ! repeatProtoTree( newProtoTree ) ) protoTrees().insert( newProtoTree );
// remove the current tree if it hasn't already been removed
if( protoTrees().find( currentProtoTree ) != protoTrees().end() )
protoTrees().erase( currentProtoTree );
// do recursion
fillProtoTrees( newProtoTree , id);
bool PowhegShowerHandler::repeatProtoTree( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree ) const {
// loop over all prototrees and see
// how many ProtoBranchings of current ProtoTree are found in each
for( set< ProtoTreePtr >::const_iterator cit = protoTrees().begin();
cit != protoTrees().end(); ++cit ) {
unsigned int no_matches = 0;
for( set< tProtoBranchingPtr >::const_iterator ckt
= currentProtoTree->branchings().begin();
ckt != currentProtoTree->branchings().end(); ckt++ ) {
if( (*cit)->branchings().find( *ckt ) != (*cit)->branchings().end() )
// return true if all match
if( no_matches == currentProtoTree->branchings().size() )
return true;
return false;
tProtoBranchingPtr PowhegShowerHandler::getCluster( tProtoBranchingPtr b1,
tProtoBranchingPtr b2 ) const {
// look for the clustered pair in protoBranchings_
for(set<ProtoBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cit = protoBranchings().begin();
cit != protoBranchings().end(); ++cit) {
// both outgoing
if(b1->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing &&
b2->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
(**cit).children().empty()) continue;
if( ( b1 == (**cit).children()[0] && b2 == (**cit).children()[1] ) ||
( b1 == (**cit).children()[1] && b2 == (**cit).children()[0] ) )
return *cit;
// first incoming
else if(b1->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
if((**cit).backChildren().empty() ) continue;
if(b1!=(**cit).backChildren()[0]) continue;
if(b2==(**cit).backChildren()[1]) return *cit;
// second incoming
else if(b2->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
if((**cit).backChildren().empty() ) continue;
if(b2!=(**cit).backChildren()[0]) continue;
if(b1==(**cit).backChildren()[1]) return *cit;
// is branching incoming or outgoing
bool incoming = b1->status()==HardBranching::Incoming ||
// get the branching
BranchingElement theBranching;
if( !incoming ) theBranching = allowedFinalStateBranching( b1, b2 );
else theBranching = allowedInitialStateBranching( b1, b2 );
//if branching is not allowed return null ProtoBrancing
if( !theBranching.sudakov ) return ProtoBranchingPtr();
// get the ParticleData object for the new branching
tcPDPtr particle_data = incoming ? theBranching.particles[1] : theBranching.particles[0];
// create clustered ProtoBranching
ProtoBranchingPtr clusteredBranch;
// outgoing
if( !incoming ) {
Lorentz5Momentum pairMomentum = b1->momentum() + b2->momentum();
clusteredBranch = new_ptr(ProtoBranching(particle_data,HardBranching::Outgoing,
pairMomentum, theBranching.sudakov));
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
tProtoBranchingPtr coloured,antiColoured;
if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 &&
b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
coloured = b1;
antiColoured = b2;
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 &&
b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
coloured = b2;
antiColoured = b1;
else if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 &&
b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) {
if(b1->colourLine()==b2->antiColourLine()) {
coloured = b2;
antiColoured = b1;
else if(b2->colourLine()==b1->antiColourLine()) {
coloured = b1;
antiColoured = b2;
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
// can't have colour self connected gluons
if(coloured-> colourLine()==antiColoured->antiColourLine())
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
clusteredBranch-> colourLine( coloured-> colourLine());
// softest particle is the emitted
if(coloured->momentum().t()>antiColoured->momentum().t()) {
else {
// incoming
else {
Lorentz5Momentum pairMomentum = b1->momentum() - b2->momentum();
pairMomentum.setMass( ZERO );
// check for CC
if( particle_data->CC() &&
( b1->id() != theBranching.particles[0]->id() ||
b2->id() != theBranching.particles[2]->id() ) ) {
particle_data = particle_data->CC();
clusteredBranch = new_ptr(ProtoBranching(particle_data,HardBranching::Incoming,
// work out the type of branching
if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 &&
particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
clusteredBranch-> colourLine(b1->colourLine());
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 &&
particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar &&
particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
clusteredBranch-> colourLine(b2->antiColourLine());
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 &&
particle_data->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(b1->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
clusteredBranch-> colourLine(b1->colourLine());
else if(b2->particle()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
if(b1->colourLine()==b2->colourLine()) {
else if(b1->antiColourLine()==b2->antiColourLine()) {
clusteredBranch-> colourLine(b1->colourLine());
else {
return ProtoBranchingPtr();
//set children relations
// outgoing
if( !incoming ){
clusteredBranch->addChild( b1 );
clusteredBranch->addChild( b2 );
else {
clusteredBranch->addBackChild( b1 );
clusteredBranch->addBackChild( b2 );
return clusteredBranch;
BranchingElement PowhegShowerHandler::
allowedFinalStateBranching( tProtoBranchingPtr & b1, tProtoBranchingPtr & b2) const {
// check with normal ID's
pair< long, long > ptest = make_pair( b1->id(), b2->id() );
map< pair< long, long >, BranchingElement >::const_iterator
split = allowedFinal_.find(ptest);
if( split != allowedFinal_.end() ) {
if( split->second.particles[1]->id() != ptest.first ) swap( b1, b2 );
return split->second;
// check with CC
if( b1->particle()->CC() ) ptest.first *= -1;
if( b2->particle()->CC() ) ptest.second *= -1;
split = allowedFinal_.find( ptest );
if( split != allowedFinal_.end() ) {
// cc the idlist only be for qbar g clusterings
BranchingElement ccBranch = split->second;
if( split->second.particles[1]->id() != ptest.first ) swap( b1, b2);
return ccBranch;
// not found found null pointer
return BranchingElement();
BranchingElement PowhegShowerHandler::allowedInitialStateBranching( tProtoBranchingPtr & b1,
tProtoBranchingPtr & b2) const {
if(b2->status()==HardBranching::Incoming) swap(b1,b2);
// is initial parton an antiparticle
bool cc = b1->id() < 0;
//gives range of allowedInitial_ with matching first abs( id )
pair< multimap< long, BranchingElement >::const_iterator,
multimap< long, BranchingElement >::const_iterator >
location = allowedInitial_.equal_range( abs( b1->id() ) );
//iterates over this range
for( multimap< long, BranchingElement >::const_iterator it = location.first;
it != location.second; ++it ) {
long idtest = cc ? it->second.conjugateParticles[2]->id() : it->second.particles[2]->id();
// does second id match the test
if( idtest == b2->id() ) return it->second;
//if the the IS parton is a gluon and charge conjugate of second parton mathes accept
if( idtest == -b2->id() &&
! b1->particle()->CC() ) return it->second;
// not found found null pointer
return BranchingElement();
bool PowhegShowerHandler::fuzzyEqual(Lorentz5Momentum a,
Lorentz5Momentum b) const{
// check momenta are within 1% of each other
if ( (a.e()==ZERO && b.e()==ZERO) || (a.e()/b.e()>0.99 && a.e()/b.e()<1.01) ){
if ((a.x()==ZERO && b.x()==ZERO) || (a.x()/b.x()>0.99 && a.x()/b.x()<1.01) ){
if ((a.y()==ZERO && b.y()==ZERO) || (a.y()/b.y()>0.99 && a.y()/b.y()<1.01) ){
if ((a.z()==ZERO && b.z()==ZERO) || (a.z()/b.z()>0.99 && a.z()/b.z()<1.01) )
return true;
return false;
void PowhegShowerHandler::doinit() {
// extract the allowed branchings
// final-state
it = splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().begin();
it != splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings().end(); ++it) {
pair<long,long> prod(make_pair(it->second.particles[1]->id(),
// initial-state
it = splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings().begin();
it != splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings().end(); ++it) {
void PowhegShowerHandler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << allowedInitial_ << allowedFinal_
<< subtractionIntegral_ << enforceColourConsistency_ << forcePartners_
<< decayRadiation_;
void PowhegShowerHandler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> allowedInitial_ >> allowedFinal_
>> subtractionIntegral_ >> enforceColourConsistency_ >> forcePartners_
>> decayRadiation_;
// Static variable needed for the type description system in ThePEG.
void PowhegShowerHandler::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<PowhegShowerHandler> documentation
("The PowhegShowerHandler class");
static Switch<PowhegShowerHandler,bool> interfaceEnforceColourConsistency
"Force the Born and real emission colour flows to be consistent",
&PowhegShowerHandler::enforceColourConsistency_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceEnforceColourConsistencyYes
"Enforce the consistency",
static SwitchOption interfaceEnforceColourConsistencyNo
"Don't enforce consistency",
static Switch<PowhegShowerHandler,bool> interfaceForcePartners
"Whether or not to force the partners to be those from the kinematic generation",
&PowhegShowerHandler::forcePartners_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceForcePartnersYes
"Force them",
static SwitchOption interfaceForcePartnersNo
"Don't force them",
static Switch<PowhegShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceDecayRadiation
"Handling of radiation which is interpretted as having come from decays",
&PowhegShowerHandler::decayRadiation_, 0, false,false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayRadiationNotAllowed
"Not allowed at all, run error will be thrown",
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayRadiationVetoEvent
"Veto the whole event",
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayRadiationVetoRadiation
"Throw the radiation away but keep the event",
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/Matching/PowhegShowerHandler.h b/Shower/QTilde/Matching/PowhegShowerHandler.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/Matching/PowhegShowerHandler.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/Matching/PowhegShowerHandler.h
@@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// PowhegShowerHandler.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_PowhegShowerHandler_H
#define HERWIG_PowhegShowerHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the PowhegShowerHandler class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardBranching.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Matching/CKKWTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Matching/ProtoTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Matching/ProtoBranching.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Matching/PotentialTree.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/DiagramBase.fh"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h"
// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h"
// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h"
// #include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
-// #include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
+// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.fh"
-// #include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h"
+// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h"
// #include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h"
// #include "ThePEG/Handlers/XComb.h"
// #include "Herwig/Decay/HwDecayerBase.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
class PowhegShowerHandler: public QTildeShowerHandler {
* The default constructor.
PowhegShowerHandler() : subtractionIntegral_(false),
Ptr<MatchboxFactory>::tptr Factory() const{return MatchboxFactory::currentFactory();}
* Return true, if the shower handler can generate a truncated
* shower for POWHEG style events generated using Matchbox
virtual bool canHandleMatchboxTrunc() const { return true; }
* Generate hard emissions for CKKW etc
virtual HardTreePtr generateCKKW(ShowerTreePtr tree) const;
* Access to the core matrix element
MEPtr matrixElement() const {return matrixElement_;}
* Creates all (ordered) cluster histories and selects one.
PotentialTree doClustering(tSubProPtr sub,ShowerTreePtr showerTree) const;
* Access to the select tree
PotentialTree & hardTree() {return hardTree_;}
const PotentialTree & hardTree() const {return hardTree_;}
* Access to the select tree
void hardTree(PotentialTree in) const {hardTree_ = in;}
* Check if two momenta are equal within 1%
bool fuzzyEqual(Lorentz5Momentum a, Lorentz5Momentum b) const;
* Access to the potential branchings
set<ProtoBranchingPtr> & protoBranchings() const {return protoBranchings_;}
* The ProtoTrees which will become CKKWTrees
set< ProtoTreePtr > & protoTrees() const {return protoTrees_;}
* Recursive function to find all possible clustered trees.
* Does not produce any repeated trees.
void fillProtoTrees( ProtoTreePtr , long id ) const;
* Function looks to see if a cluster of the branchings already exists
* in protoBranchings_ if so returns the pointer to that protoBranching
* if not creates the hardBranchings, adds it
* to protoBranchings and returns the pointer
tProtoBranchingPtr getCluster( tProtoBranchingPtr, tProtoBranchingPtr ) const;
* Checks whether a ProtoTree containing the same branchings already
* exists in protoTrees_ in which case the current tree is a repeat
* and should be removed (and not recursed)
bool repeatProtoTree( ProtoTreePtr currentProtoTree ) const;
* Returns the branching element for an FS-FS clustering
BranchingElement allowedFinalStateBranching( tProtoBranchingPtr &,
tProtoBranchingPtr &) const;
* Returns the branching element for an IS-FS clustering
BranchingElement allowedInitialStateBranching( tProtoBranchingPtr & ,
tProtoBranchingPtr &) const;
* Returns the diagram corresponding to the (leading-order) hardTree
bool checkDiagram(PotentialTree &,tcDiagPtr) const;
bool subtractionIntegral() const {return subtractionIntegral_;}
void setSubtractionIntegral(bool subInt) const { subtractionIntegral_=subInt;}
* The matrix element for the core process
mutable MEPtr matrixElement_;
* The chosen hard tree
mutable PotentialTree hardTree_;
* All the Protobranchings used in finding the shower histories
mutable set<ProtoBranchingPtr> protoBranchings_;
* The ProtoTrees which will become CKKWTrees
mutable set< ProtoTreePtr > protoTrees_;
* The possible shower configurations that are angular-ordered
mutable vector< pair< PotentialTree, double > > hardTrees_;
* Which branchings are allowed?
* The allowed final-state branchings
mutable map<pair<long,long>,BranchingElement > allowedFinal_;
* The allowed initial-state branchings
mutable multimap<long, BranchingElement > allowedInitial_;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
PowhegShowerHandler & operator=(const PowhegShowerHandler &);
* Emitter particle from the original generation
mutable int emitter_;
* Spectator particle from the original generation
mutable int spectator_;
* Whether or not a subtraction integral
mutable bool subtractionIntegral_;
* Whether or not do enforce consistency of the Born and real colour flows
bool enforceColourConsistency_;
* Force emitter and spectator partners
bool forcePartners_;
* Handling of radiation in decays
unsigned int decayRadiation_;
#endif /* HERWIG_PowhegShowerHandler_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/ b/Shower/QTilde/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/
@@ -1,3733 +1,3733 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeShowerHandler class.
#include "QTildeShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MPIPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MinBiasPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/SubtractedME.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h"
using namespace Herwig;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::_hardEmissionWarn = true;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::_missingTruncWarn = true;
QTildeShowerHandler::QTildeShowerHandler() :
_maxtry(100), _meCorrMode(1), _reconOpt(0),
_iptrms(ZERO), _beta(0.), _gamma(ZERO), _iptmax(),
_limitEmissions(0), _initialenhance(1.), _finalenhance(1.),
_nReWeight(100), _reWeight(false),
_trunc_Mode(true), _hardEmission(1),
_spinOpt(1), _softOpt(2), _hardPOWHEG(false), muPt(ZERO),
_maxTryFSR(100000), _maxFailFSR(100), _fracFSR(0.001),
_nFSR(0), _nFailedFSR(0)
QTildeShowerHandler::~QTildeShowerHandler() {}
IBPtr QTildeShowerHandler::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr QTildeShowerHandler::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void QTildeShowerHandler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _model << _splittingGenerator << _maxtry
<< _meCorrMode << _hardVetoReadOption
<< _limitEmissions << _spinOpt << _softOpt << _hardPOWHEG
<< ounit(_iptrms,GeV) << _beta << ounit(_gamma,GeV) << ounit(_iptmax,GeV)
<< _vetoes << _fullShowerVetoes << _nReWeight << _reWeight
<< _trunc_Mode << _hardEmission << _reconOpt
<< ounit(muPt,GeV)
<< oenum(interaction_) << _maxTryFSR << _maxFailFSR << _fracFSR;
void QTildeShowerHandler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _model >> _splittingGenerator >> _maxtry
>> _meCorrMode >> _hardVetoReadOption
>> _limitEmissions >> _spinOpt >> _softOpt >> _hardPOWHEG
>> iunit(_iptrms,GeV) >> _beta >> iunit(_gamma,GeV) >> iunit(_iptmax,GeV)
>> _vetoes >> _fullShowerVetoes >> _nReWeight >> _reWeight
>> _trunc_Mode >> _hardEmission >> _reconOpt
>> iunit(muPt,GeV)
>> ienum(interaction_) >> _maxTryFSR >> _maxFailFSR >> _fracFSR;
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigQTildeShowerHandler("Herwig::QTildeShowerHandler", "");
void QTildeShowerHandler::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<QTildeShowerHandler> documentation
("TheQTildeShowerHandler class is the main class"
" for the angular-ordered parton shower",
"The Shower evolution was performed using an algorithm described in "
" G.~Marchesini and B.~R.~Webber,\n"
" ``Simulation Of QCD Jets Including Soft Gluon Interference,''\n"
" Nucl.\\ Phys.\\ B {\\bf 238}, 1 (1984).\n"
" %%CITATION = NUPHA,B238,1;%%\n"
" G.~Marchesini and B.~R.~Webber,\n"
" ``Monte Carlo Simulation of General Hard Processes with Coherent QCD\n"
" Radiation,''\n"
" Nucl.\\ Phys.\\ B {\\bf 310}, 461 (1988).\n"
" %%CITATION = NUPHA,B310,461;%%\n"
" S.~Gieseke, P.~Stephens and B.~Webber,\n"
" ``New formalism for QCD parton showers,''\n"
" JHEP {\\bf 0312}, 045 (2003)\n"
" [arXiv:hep-ph/0310083].\n"
" %%CITATION = JHEPA,0312,045;%%\n"
static Reference<QTildeShowerHandler,SplittingGenerator>
"A reference to the SplittingGenerator object",
false, false, true, false);
static Reference<QTildeShowerHandler,ShowerModel> interfaceShowerModel
"The pointer to the object which defines the shower evolution model.",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_model, false, false, true, false, false);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceMaxTry
"The maximum number of attempts to generate the shower from a"
" particular ShowerTree",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_maxtry, 100, 1, 100000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceNReWeight
"The number of attempts for the shower when reweighting",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_nReWeight, 100, 10, 10000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler, unsigned int> ifaceMECorrMode
"Choice of the ME Correction Mode",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_meCorrMode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption on
(ifaceMECorrMode,"HardPlusSoft","hard+soft on", 1);
static SwitchOption hard
(ifaceMECorrMode,"Hard","only hard on", 2);
static SwitchOption soft
(ifaceMECorrMode,"Soft","only soft on", 3);
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler, bool> ifaceHardVetoReadOption
"Apply read-in scale veto to all collisions or just the primary one?",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_hardVetoReadOption, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption AllCollisions
"Read-in pT veto applied to primary and secondary collisions.",
static SwitchOption PrimaryCollision
"Read-in pT veto applied to primary but not secondary collisions.",
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler, Energy> ifaceiptrms
"RMS of intrinsic pT of Gaussian distribution:\n"
&QTildeShowerHandler::_iptrms, GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 1000000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler, double> ifacebeta
"Proportion of inverse quadratic distribution in generating intrinsic pT.\n"
"(1-Beta) is the proportion of Gaussian distribution",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_beta, 0, 0, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler, Energy> ifacegamma
"Parameter for inverse quadratic:\n"
&QTildeShowerHandler::_gamma,GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 100000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler, Energy> ifaceiptmax
"Upper bound on intrinsic pT for inverse quadratic",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_iptmax,GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 100000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static RefVector<QTildeShowerHandler,ShowerVeto> ifaceVetoes
"The vetoes to be checked during showering",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_vetoes, -1,
static RefVector<QTildeShowerHandler,FullShowerVeto> interfaceFullShowerVetoes
"The vetos to be appliede on the full final state of the shower",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_fullShowerVetoes, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceLimitEmissions
"Limit the number and type of emissions for testing",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_limitEmissions, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsNoLimit
"Allow an arbitrary number of emissions",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneInitialStateEmission
"Allow one emission in the initial state and none in the final state",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneFinalStateEmission
"Allow one emission in the final state and none in the initial state",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsHardOnly
"Only allow radiation from the hard ME correction",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneEmission
"Allow one emission in either the final state or initial state, but not both",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,bool> interfaceTruncMode
("TruncatedShower", "Include the truncated shower?",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_trunc_Mode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceTruncMode0
(interfaceTruncMode,"No","Truncated Shower is OFF", 0);
static SwitchOption interfaceTruncMode1
(interfaceTruncMode,"Yes","Truncated Shower is ON", 1);
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,int> interfaceHardEmission
"Whether to use ME corrections or POWHEG for the hardest emission",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_hardEmission, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionNone
"No Corrections",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionMECorrection
"Old fashioned ME correction",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionPOWHEG
"Powheg style hard emission",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,ShowerInteraction> interfaceInteractions
"The interactions to be used in the shower",
&QTildeShowerHandler::interaction_, ShowerInteraction::Both, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionsQCD
"Only QCD radiation",
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionsQED
"Only QEd radiation",
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionsQCDandQED
"Both QED and QCD radiation",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceReconstructionOption
"Treatment of the reconstruction of the transverse momentum of "
"a branching from the evolution scale.",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_reconOpt, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionCutOff
"Use the cut-off masses in the calculation",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emission of the parent,"
" no veto in generation of emissions from children",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell2
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emissions from the children."
" no veto in generation of emissions from children",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell3
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emissions from the children."
" veto in generation of emissions from children using cut-off for second parton",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell4
"As OffShell3 but with a restriction on the mass of final-state"
" jets produced via backward evolution.",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell5
"Try and preserve q2 but if pt negative just zero it",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceSpinCorrelations
"Treatment of spin correlations in the parton shower",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_spinOpt, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSpinCorrelationsNo
"No spin correlations",
static SwitchOption interfaceSpinCorrelationsSpin
"Include the azimuthal spin correlations only",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceSoftCorrelations
"Option for the treatment of soft correlations in the parton shower",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_softOpt, 2, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsNone
"No soft correlations",
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsFull
"Use the full eikonal",
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsSingular
"Use original Webber-Marchisini form",
static Switch<QTildeShowerHandler,bool> interfaceHardPOWHEG
"Treatment of powheg emissions which are too hard to have a shower interpretation",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_hardPOWHEG, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceHardPOWHEGAsShower
"Still interpret as shower emissions",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardPOWHEGRealEmission
"Generate shower from the real emmission configuration",
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceMaxTryFSR
"The maximum number of attempted FSR emissions in"
" the generation of the FSR",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_maxTryFSR, 100000, 10, 100000000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceMaxFailFSR
"Maximum number of failures generating the FSR",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_maxFailFSR, 100, 1, 100000000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<QTildeShowerHandler,double> interfaceFSRFailureFraction
"Maximum fraction of events allowed to fail due to too many FSR emissions",
&QTildeShowerHandler::_fracFSR, 0.001, 1e-10, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
tPPair QTildeShowerHandler::cascade(tSubProPtr sub,
XCPtr xcomb) {
// use me for reference in tex file etc
// set things up in the base class
// check if anything needs doing
if ( !doFSR() && ! doISR() )
return sub->incoming();
// start of the try block for the whole showering process
unsigned int countFailures=0;
while (countFailures<maxtry()) {
try {
PerturbativeProcessPtr hard;
DecayProcessMap decay;
splitHardProcess(firstInteraction() ? tagged() :
// if no hard process
if(!hard_) throw Exception() << "Shower starting with a decay"
<< "is not implemented"
<< Exception::runerror;
// perform the shower for the hard process
// if no decaying particles to shower break out of the loop
if(decay_.empty()) break;
// shower the decay products
while(!decay_.empty()) {
// find particle whose production process has been showered
ShowerDecayMap::iterator dit = decay_.begin();
while(!dit->second->parent()->hasShowered() && dit!=decay_.end()) ++dit;
// get the particle
ShowerTreePtr decayingTree = dit->second;
// remove it from the multimap
// make sure the particle has been decayed
// now shower the decay
// suceeded break out of the loop
catch (KinematicsReconstructionVeto) {
catch ( ... ) {
// if loop exited because of too many tries, throw event away
if (countFailures >= maxtry()) {
throw Exception() << "Too many tries for main while loop "
<< "in QTildeShowerHandler::cascade()."
<< Exception::eventerror;
//enter the particles in the event record
// clear storage
// non hadronic case return
if (!isResolvedHadron(incomingBeams().first ) &&
!isResolvedHadron(incomingBeams().second) )
return incomingBeams();
// remake the remnants (needs to be after the colours are sorted
// out in the insertion into the event record)
if ( firstInteraction() ) return remakeRemnant(sub->incoming());
//Return the new pair of incoming partons. remakeRemnant is not
//necessary here, because the secondary interactions are not yet
//connected to the remnants.
return make_pair(findFirstParton(sub->incoming().first ),
void QTildeShowerHandler::fillEventRecord() {
// create a new step
StepPtr pstep = newStep();
// insert the steps
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<done_.size();++ix) {
HardTreePtr QTildeShowerHandler::generateCKKW(ShowerTreePtr ) const {
return HardTreePtr();
void QTildeShowerHandler::doinit() {
// interactions may have been changed through a setup file so we
// clear it up here
// calculate max no of FSR vetos
_maxFailFSR = max(int(_maxFailFSR), int(_fracFSR*double(generator()->N())));
// check on the reweighting
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_fullShowerVetoes.size();++ix) {
if(_fullShowerVetoes[ix]->behaviour()==1) {
_reWeight = true;
if(_reWeight && maximumTries()<_nReWeight) {
throw Exception() << "Reweight being performed in the shower but the number of attempts for the"
<< "shower is less than that for the reweighting.\n"
<< "Maximum number of attempt for the shower "
<< fullName() << ":MaxTry is " << maximumTries() << "\nand for reweighting is "
<< fullName() << ":NReWeight is " << _nReWeight << "\n"
<< "we recommend the number of attempts is 10 times the number for reweighting\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
ShowerTree::_vmin2 = vMin();
ShowerTree::_spaceTime = includeSpaceTime();
void QTildeShowerHandler::doinitrun() {
ShowerTree::_vmin2 = vMin();
ShowerTree::_spaceTime = includeSpaceTime();
void QTildeShowerHandler::generateIntrinsicpT(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower) {
if ( !ipTon() || !doISR() ) return;
// don't do anything for the moment for secondary scatters
if( !firstInteraction() ) return;
// generate intrinsic pT
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
// only consider initial-state particles
if(particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) continue;
if(!particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured()) continue;
Energy ipt;
if(UseRandom::rnd() > _beta) {
else {
ipt=_gamma*sqrt(pow(1.+sqr(_iptmax/_gamma), UseRandom::rnd())-1.);
pair<Energy,double> pt = make_pair(ipt,UseRandom::rnd(Constants::twopi));
_intrinsic[particlesToShower[ix]] = pt;
void QTildeShowerHandler::setupMaximumScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & p,
XCPtr xcomb) {
// let POWHEG events radiate freely
if(_hardEmission==2&&hardTree()) {
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->maxHardPt(Constants::MaxEnergy);
// return if no vetos
if (!restrictPhasespace()) return;
// find out if hard partonic subprocess.
bool isPartonic(false);
cit = _currenttree->incomingLines().begin();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm;
for(; cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++cit) {
pcm += cit->first->progenitor()->momentum();
isPartonic |= cit->first->progenitor()->coloured();
// find minimum pt from hard process, the maximum pt from all outgoing
// coloured lines (this is simpler and more general than
// 2stu/(s^2+t^2+u^2)). Maximum scale for scattering processes will
// be transverse mass.
Energy ptmax = generator()->maximumCMEnergy();
// general case calculate the scale
if ( !hardScaleIsMuF() || (hardVetoReadOption()&&!firstInteraction()) ) {
// scattering process
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
// coloured incoming particles
if (isPartonic) {
cjt = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
for(; cjt!=currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++cjt) {
if (cjt->first->progenitor()->coloured())
ptmax = min(ptmax,cjt->first->progenitor()->momentum().mt());
if (ptmax == generator()->maximumCMEnergy() ) ptmax = pcm.m();
!firstInteraction()) {
// decay, incoming() is the decaying particle.
else {
ptmax = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
// hepeup.SCALUP is written into the lastXComb by the
// LesHouchesReader itself - use this by user's choice.
// Can be more general than this.
else {
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
ptmax = sqrt( xcomb->lastShowerScale() );
else {
ptmax = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
ptmax *= hardScaleFactor();
// set maxHardPt for all progenitors. For partonic processes this
// is now the max pt in the FS, for non-partonic processes or
// processes with no coloured FS the invariant mass of the IS
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->maxHardPt(ptmax);
void QTildeShowerHandler::setupHardScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & p,
XCPtr xcomb) {
if ( hardScaleIsMuF() &&
(!hardVetoReadOption() || firstInteraction()) ) {
Energy hardScale = ZERO;
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
hardScale = sqrt( xcomb->lastShowerScale() );
else {
hardScale = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
hardScale *= hardScaleFactor();
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->hardScale(hardScale);
muPt = hardScale;
void QTildeShowerHandler::showerHardProcess(ShowerTreePtr hard, XCPtr xcomb) {
_hardme = HwMEBasePtr();
// extract the matrix element
tStdXCombPtr lastXC = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>(xcomb);
if(lastXC) {
_hardme = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwMEBasePtr>(lastXC->matrixElement());
_decayme = HwDecayerBasePtr();
// set the current tree
// work out the type of event
// generate the showering
RealEmissionProcessPtr QTildeShowerHandler::hardMatrixElementCorrection(bool hard) {
// set the initial enhancement factors for the soft correction
_initialenhance = 1.;
_finalenhance = 1.;
// see if we can get the correction from the matrix element
// or decayer
RealEmissionProcessPtr real;
if(hard) {
if(_hardme&&_hardme->hasMECorrection()) {
real =
else {
if(_decayme&&_decayme->hasMECorrection()) {
real = _decayme->applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(_currenttree->perturbativeProcess());
return real;
ShowerParticleVector QTildeShowerHandler::createTimeLikeChildren(tShowerParticlePtr, IdList ids) {
// Create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children of
// the emitting particle; set the parent/child relationship
// if same as definition create particles, otherwise create cc
ShowerParticleVector children;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
return children;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
ShowerInteraction type,
Branching fb, bool first) {
// don't do anything if not needed
if(_limitEmissions == 1 || hardOnly() ||
( _limitEmissions == 2 && _nfs != 0) ||
( _limitEmissions == 4 && _nfs + _nis != 0) ) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
// too many tries
if(_nFSR>=_maxTryFSR) {
// too many failed events
throw Exception() << "Too many events have failed due to too many shower emissions, in\n"
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeShower(). Terminating run\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Too many attempted emissions in QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeShower()\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// generate the emission
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
// generate the emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,HardBranchingPtr());
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
fc[0] = Branching();
fc[1] = Branching();
// has emitted
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
// check highest pT
// create the children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// update the children
updateChildren(particle, children,fb.type,_reconOpt==3 || _reconOpt==4);
// update number of emissions
if(_limitEmissions!=0) {
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0||_reconOpt==5) {
// all other options
else {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[ix].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[ix].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[ix].ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[ix+1] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[ix+1] = virtualMasses[ix+1];
masses[0] = fb.ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g ? virtualMasses[0] : ZERO;
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = z*(1.-z)*(z*(1.-z)*sqr(fb.kinematics->scale()) + sqr(masses[0]))
- sqr(masses[1])*(1.-z) - sqr(masses[2])*z;
if(pt2>=ZERO) break;
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(_reconOpt==1) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// generate the new emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,HardBranchingPtr());
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
setupChildren = true;
// clean up vetoed children
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[0],type,fc[0],false);
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],false);
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// branching has happened
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
QTildeShowerHandler::spaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, PPtr beam,
ShowerInteraction type) {
//using the pdf's associated with the ShowerHandler assures, that
//modified pdf's are used for the secondary interactions via
tcPDFPtr pdf;
if(firstPDF().particle() == _beam)
pdf = firstPDF().pdf();
if(secondPDF().particle() == _beam)
pdf = secondPDF().pdf();
Energy freeze = pdfFreezingScale();
// don't do anything if not needed
if(_limitEmissions == 2 || hardOnly() ||
( _limitEmissions == 1 && _nis != 0 ) ||
( _limitEmissions == 4 && _nis + _nfs != 0 ) ) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
Branching bb;
// generate branching
while (true) {
// return if no emission
if(!bb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
// if not vetoed break
if(!spaceLikeVetoed(bb,particle)) break;
// otherwise reset scale and continue
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// particles as in Sudakov form factor
tcPDPtr part[2]={bb.ids[0],bb.ids[2]};
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(part[0],false));
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(part[1],true,true));
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
//this updates the evolution scale
updateParent(newParent, theChildren,bb.type);
// update the history if needed
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted = _limitEmissions==0 ?
spaceLikeShower(newParent,beam,type) : false;
if(newParent->spinInfo()) newParent->spinInfo()->develop();
// now reconstruct the momentum
if(!emitted) {
if(_intrinsic.find(_progenitor)==_intrinsic.end()) {
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt=_intrinsic[_progenitor];
updateChildren(newParent, theChildren,bb.type,_reconOpt>=4);
if(_limitEmissions!=0) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
if(theChildren[1]->spinInfo()) theChildren[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// return the emitted
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
void QTildeShowerHandler::showerDecay(ShowerTreePtr decay) {
// work out the type of event
_decayme = HwDecayerBasePtr();
_hardme = HwMEBasePtr();
// find the decayer
// try the normal way if possible
tDMPtr dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original() ->decayMode();
if(!dm) dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->copy() ->decayMode();
if(!dm) dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->progenitor()->decayMode();
// otherwise make a string and look it up
if(!dm) {
string tag = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original()->dataPtr()->name()
+ "->";
OrderedParticles outgoing;
it=decay->outgoingLines().begin();it!=decay->outgoingLines().end();++it) {
if(abs(decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original()->id()) == ParticleID::t &&
abs(it->first->original()->id())==ParticleID::Wplus &&
decay->treelinks().size() == 1) {
ShowerTreePtr Wtree = decay->treelinks().begin()->first;
it2=Wtree->outgoingLines().begin();it2!=Wtree->outgoingLines().end();++it2) {
else {
for(OrderedParticles::const_iterator it=outgoing.begin(); it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
if(it!=outgoing.begin()) tag += ",";
tag +=(**it).name();
tag += ";";
dm = findDecayMode(tag);
if(dm) _decayme = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwDecayerBasePtr>(dm->decayer());
// set the ShowerTree to be showered
// generate the showering
// if no vetos
// force calculation of spin correlations
SpinPtr spInfo = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->progenitor()->spinInfo();
if(spInfo) {
if(!spInfo->developed()) spInfo->needsUpdate();
bool QTildeShowerHandler::spaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,ShowerInteraction type,
Branching fb) {
// don't do anything if not needed
if(_limitEmissions == 1 || hardOnly() ||
( _limitEmissions == 3 && _nis != 0) ||
( _limitEmissions == 4 && _nfs + _nis != 0) ) {
return false;
// too many tries
if(_nFSR>=_maxTryFSR) {
// too many failed events
throw Exception() << "Too many events have failed due to too many shower emissions, in\n"
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeShower(). Terminating run\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Too many attempted emissions in QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeShower()\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// generate the emission
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
// generate the emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) return false;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
fc[0] = Branching();
fc[1] = Branching();
// has emitted
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
// create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// updateChildren the children
updateChildren(particle, children, fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching (children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
// Herwig default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
// generate the new emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
return false;
setupChildren = true;
else {
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
// space-like children
masses[1] = children[0]->virtualMass();
// time-like child
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[1].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[1].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[1].ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[2] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[2] = virtualMasses[2];
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = (1.-z)*(z*sqr(masses[0])-sqr(masses[1])-z/(1.-z)*sqr(masses[2]));
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
else {
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// In the case of splittings which involves coloured particles,
// set properly the colour flow of the branching.
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// branching has happened
return true;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> QTildeShowerHandler::setupShower(bool hard) {
RealEmissionProcessPtr real;
// generate hard me if needed
if(_hardEmission==1) {
real = hardMatrixElementCorrection(hard);
if(real&&!real->outgoing().empty()) setupMECorrection(real);
// generate POWHEG hard emission if needed
else if(_hardEmission==2)
// set the initial colour partners
// get the particles to be showered
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower =
// return the answer
return particlesToShower;
void QTildeShowerHandler::setEvolutionPartners(bool hard,ShowerInteraction type,
bool clear) {
// match the particles in the ShowerTree and hardTree
if(hardTree() && !hardTree()->connect(currentTree()))
throw Exception() << "Can't match trees in "
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::setEvolutionPartners()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// extract the progenitors
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> particles =
// clear the partners if needed
if(clear) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
// sort out the colour partners
if(hardTree()) {
// find the partner
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
tShowerParticlePtr partner = hardTree()->particles()[particles[ix]]->branchingParticle()->partner();
if(!partner) continue;
it!=hardTree()->particles().end();++it) {
if(it->second->branchingParticle()==partner) {
throw Exception() << "Can't match partners in "
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::setEvolutionPartners()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Set the initial evolution scales
if(hardTree() && _hardPOWHEG) {
bool tooHard=false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(particles[ix]);
Energy hardScale(ZERO);
ShowerPartnerType type(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// final-state
if(particles[ix]->isFinalState()) {
if(mit!= eit && !mit->second->children().empty()) {
hardScale = mit->second->scale();
type = mit->second->type();
// initial-state
else {
if(mit!= eit && mit->second->parent()) {
hardScale = mit->second->parent()->scale();
type = mit->second->parent()->type();
if(type!=ShowerPartnerType::Undefined) {
if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QED) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QED_noAO<hardScale;
else if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QCD_c_noAO<hardScale;
else if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QCD_ac_noAO<hardScale;
if(tooHard) convertHardTree(hard,type);
void QTildeShowerHandler::updateHistory(tShowerParticlePtr particle) {
if(!particle->children().empty()) {
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particle->children().size();++ix) {
ShowerParticlePtr part = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>
// update the history if needed
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<theChildren.size();++ix)
bool QTildeShowerHandler::startTimeLikeShower(ShowerInteraction type) {
_nFSR = 0;
// initialize basis vectors etc
if(!progenitor()->progenitor()->partner()) return false;
if(hardTree()) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && !mit->second->children().empty() ) {
bool output=truncatedTimeLikeShower(progenitor()->progenitor(),
mit->second ,type,Branching(),true);
if(output) updateHistory(progenitor()->progenitor());
return output;
// do the shower
bool output = hardOnly() ? false :
timeLikeShower(progenitor()->progenitor() ,type,Branching(),true) ;
if(output) updateHistory(progenitor()->progenitor());
return output;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::startSpaceLikeShower(PPtr parent, ShowerInteraction type) {
// initialise the basis vectors
if(!progenitor()->progenitor()->partner()) return false;
if(hardTree()) {
eit =hardTree()->particles().end(),
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && mit->second->parent() ) {
return truncatedSpaceLikeShower( progenitor()->progenitor(),
parent, mit->second->parent(), type );
// perform the shower
return hardOnly() ? false :
bool QTildeShowerHandler::
startSpaceLikeDecayShower(const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minimumMass,ShowerInteraction type) {
_nFSR = 0;
// set up the particle basis vectors
if(!progenitor()->progenitor()->partner()) return false;
if(hardTree()) {
eit =hardTree()->particles().end(),
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && mit->second->parent() ) {
HardBranchingPtr branch=mit->second;
while(branch->parent()) branch=branch->parent();
return truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(progenitor()->progenitor(),maxScales,
minimumMass, branch ,type, Branching());
// perform the shower
return hardOnly() ? false :
bool QTildeShowerHandler::timeLikeVetoed(const Branching & fb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction type = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// check whether emission was harder than largest pt of hard subprocess
if ( restrictPhasespace() && fb.kinematics->pT() > _progenitor->maxHardPt() )
return true;
// soft matrix element correction veto
if( softMEC()) {
if(_hardme && _hardme->hasMECorrection()) {
fb.ids, fb.kinematics->z(),
return true;
else if(_decayme && _decayme->hasMECorrection()) {
fb.ids, fb.kinematics->z(),
return true;
// veto on maximum pt
if(fb.kinematics->pT()>_progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
// general vetos
if (fb.kinematics && !_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoTimeLike(_progenitor,particle,fb,currentTree());
switch((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if(vetoed) return true;
if ( firstInteraction() &&
profileScales() ) {
double weight =
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > weight )
return true;
return false;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::spaceLikeVetoed(const Branching & bb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction type = convertInteraction(bb.type);
// check whether emission was harder than largest pt of hard subprocess
if (restrictPhasespace() && bb.kinematics->pT() > _progenitor->maxHardPt())
return true;
// apply the soft correction
if( softMEC() && _hardme && _hardme->hasMECorrection() ) {
bb.ids, bb.kinematics->z(),
return true;
// the more general vetos
// check vs max pt for the shower
if(bb.kinematics->pT()>_progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
if (!_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoSpaceLike(_progenitor,particle,bb,currentTree());
switch ((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if (vetoed) return true;
if ( firstInteraction() &&
profileScales() ) {
double weight =
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > weight )
return true;
return false;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::spaceLikeDecayVetoed( const Branching & fb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction type = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// apply the soft correction
if( softMEC() && _decayme && _decayme->hasMECorrection() ) {
fb.ids, fb.kinematics->z(),
return true;
// veto on hardest pt in the shower
if(fb.kinematics->pT()> _progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
// general vetos
if (!_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoSpaceLike(_progenitor,particle,fb,currentTree());
switch((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if (vetoed) return true;
return false;
void QTildeShowerHandler::hardestEmission(bool hard) {
HardTreePtr ISRTree;
// internal POWHEG in production or decay
if( (( _hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()!=0 ) ||
( _decayme && _decayme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()!=0 ) ) ) {
RealEmissionProcessPtr real;
unsigned int type(0);
// production
if(_hardme) {
real = _hardme->generateHardest( currentTree()->perturbativeProcess(),
type = _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection();
// decay
else {
real = _decayme->generateHardest( currentTree()->perturbativeProcess() );
type = _decayme->hasPOWHEGCorrection();
if(real) {
// set up ther hard tree
if(!real->outgoing().empty()) _hardtree = new_ptr(HardTree(real));
// set up the vetos
// store initial state POWHEG radiation
if(_hardtree && _hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()==1)
ISRTree = _hardtree;
else if (hard) {
// Get minimum pT cutoff used in shower approximation
Energy maxpt = 1.*GeV;
if ( currentTree()->showerApproximation() ) {
int colouredIn = 0;
int colouredOut = 0;
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( it->second->coloured() ) ++colouredOut;
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( it->second->coloured() ) ++colouredIn;
if ( currentTree()->showerApproximation()->ffPtCut() == currentTree()->showerApproximation()->fiPtCut() &&
currentTree()->showerApproximation()->ffPtCut() == currentTree()->showerApproximation()->iiPtCut() )
maxpt = currentTree()->showerApproximation()->ffPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 2 && colouredOut == 0 )
maxpt = currentTree()->showerApproximation()->iiPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 0 && colouredOut > 1 )
maxpt = currentTree()->showerApproximation()->ffPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 2 && colouredOut == 1 )
maxpt = min(currentTree()->showerApproximation()->iiPtCut(), currentTree()->showerApproximation()->fiPtCut());
else if ( colouredIn == 1 && colouredOut > 1 )
maxpt = min(currentTree()->showerApproximation()->ffPtCut(), currentTree()->showerApproximation()->fiPtCut());
maxpt = min(min(currentTree()->showerApproximation()->iiPtCut(), currentTree()->showerApproximation()->fiPtCut()),
// Generate hardtree from born and real emission subprocesses
_hardtree = generateCKKW(currentTree());
// Find transverse momentum of hardest emission
if (_hardtree){
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it=_hardtree->branchings().begin();
it!=_hardtree->branchings().end();++it) {
if ((*it)->parent() && (*it)->status()==HardBranching::Incoming)
if ((*it)->children().size()==2 && (*it)->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing){
if ((*it)->branchingParticle()->id()!=21 &&
abs((*it)->branchingParticle()->id())>5 ){
if ((*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id()==21 ||
else if ((*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id()==21 ||
else {
if ( abs((*it)->branchingParticle()->id())<6){
if (abs((*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id())<6)
maxpt = (*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
maxpt = (*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
else maxpt = (*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
// Hardest (pt) emission should be the first powheg emission.
// set maximum pT for subsequent emissions from S events
if ( currentTree()->isPowhegSEvent() ) {
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( ! it->second->coloured() ) continue;
it->first->maximumpT(maxpt, ShowerInteraction::QCD );
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( ! it->second->coloured() ) continue;
it->first->maximumpT(maxpt, ShowerInteraction::QCD );
_hardtree = generateCKKW(currentTree());
// if hard me doesn't have a FSR powheg
// correction use decay powheg correction
if (_hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()<2) {
// connect the trees
if(_hardtree) {
void QTildeShowerHandler::addFSRUsingDecayPOWHEG(HardTreePtr ISRTree) {
// check for intermediate colour singlet resonance
const ParticleVector inter = _hardme->subProcess()->intermediates();
if (inter.size()!=1 || inter[0]->momentum().m2()/GeV2 < 0 ||
inter[0]->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour0) {
// ignore cases where outgoing particles are not coloured
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr > out = currentTree()->outgoingLines();
if (out.size() != 2 ||
out. begin()->second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 ||
out.rbegin()->second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0) {
// look up decay mode
tDMPtr dm;
string tag;
string inParticle = inter[0]->dataPtr()->name() + "->";
vector<string> outParticles;
outParticles.push_back(out.begin ()->first->progenitor()->dataPtr()->name());
for (int it=0; it<2; ++it){
tag = inParticle + outParticles[it] + "," + outParticles[(it+1)%2] + ";";
dm = generator()->findDecayMode(tag);
if(dm) break;
// get the decayer
HwDecayerBasePtr decayer;
if(dm) decayer = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwDecayerBasePtr>(dm->decayer());
// check if decayer has a FSR POWHEG correction
if (!decayer || decayer->hasPOWHEGCorrection()<2) {
// generate the hardest emission
// create RealEmissionProcess
PPtr in = new_ptr(*inter[0]);
RealEmissionProcessPtr newProcess(new_ptr(RealEmissionProcess()));
newProcess->bornOutgoing().push_back(out.begin ()->first->progenitor());
// generate the FSR
newProcess = decayer->generateHardest(newProcess);
HardTreePtr FSRTree;
if(newProcess) {
// set up ther hard tree
if(!newProcess->outgoing().empty()) FSRTree = new_ptr(HardTree(newProcess));
// set up the vetos
if(!FSRTree) return;
// if there is no ISRTree make _hardtree from FSRTree
if (!ISRTree){
vector<HardBranchingPtr> inBranch,hardBranch;
cit =currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end();++cit ) {
if(inBranch[0]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->coloured()) {
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it=FSRTree->branchings().begin();
it!=FSRTree->branchings().end();++it) {
HardTreePtr newTree = new_ptr(HardTree(hardBranch,inBranch,
_hardtree = newTree;
// Otherwise modify the ISRTree to include the emission in FSRTree
else {
vector<tShowerParticlePtr> FSROut, ISROut;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator itFSR, itISR;
// get outgoing particles
for(itFSR =FSRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itFSR).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing)
for(itISR =ISRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itISR).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing)
// find COM frame formed by outgoing particles
LorentzRotation eventFrameFSR, eventFrameISR;
eventFrameFSR = ((FSROut[0]->momentum()+FSROut[1]->momentum()).findBoostToCM());
eventFrameISR = ((ISROut[0]->momentum()+ISROut[1]->momentum()).findBoostToCM());
// find rotation between ISR and FSR frames
int j=0;
if (ISROut[0]->id()!=FSROut[0]->id()) j=1;
eventFrameISR.rotateZ( (eventFrameFSR*FSROut[0]->momentum()).phi()-
(eventFrameISR*ISROut[j]->momentum()).phi() );
eventFrameISR.rotateY( (eventFrameFSR*FSROut[0]->momentum()).theta()-
(eventFrameISR*ISROut[j]->momentum()).theta() );
for (itFSR=FSRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itFSR).branchingParticle()->id()==in->id()) continue;
for (itISR =ISRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itISR).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
if ((**itFSR).branchingParticle()->id()==
// rotate FSRTree particle to ISRTree event frame
// add the children of the FSRTree particles to the ISRTree
// rotate momenta to ISRTree event frame
_hardtree = ISRTree;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::truncatedTimeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type,
Branching fb, bool first) {
// select a branching if we don't have one
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,branch);
// must be an emission, the forced one it not a truncated one
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
if(!fc[0].hard) fc[0] = Branching();
if(!fc[1].hard) fc[1] = Branching();
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
// create the children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// update the children
updateChildren(particle, children,fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
if(!fc[0].kinematics) {
// select branching for first particle
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout ==1 )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch->children()[0]);
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// select branching for the second particle
if(!fc[1].kinematics) {
// select branching for first particle
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout ==2 )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch->children()[1]);
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0 || (_reconOpt==1 && fb.hard) ) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// H7 default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// generate the new emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,branch);
// must be at least hard emission
setupChildren = true;
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[ix].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[ix].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[ix].ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[ix+1] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[ix+1] = virtualMasses[ix+1];
masses[0] = fb.ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g ? virtualMasses[0] : ZERO;
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = z*(1.-z)*(z*(1.-z)*sqr(fb.kinematics->scale()) + sqr(masses[0]))
- sqr(masses[1])*(1.-z) - sqr(masses[2])*z;
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
// if only the hard emission have to accept it
else if ((fc[0].hard && !fc[1].kinematics) ||
(fc[1].hard && !fc[0].kinematics) ) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].hard) continue;
if(fc[ix].kinematics && ! fc[ix].hard )
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::truncatedSpaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, PPtr beam,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type) {
tcPDFPtr pdf;
if(firstPDF().particle() == beamParticle())
pdf = firstPDF().pdf();
if(secondPDF().particle() == beamParticle())
pdf = secondPDF().pdf();
Energy freeze = pdfFreezingScale();
Branching bb;
// parameters of the force branching
double z(0.);
HardBranchingPtr timelike;
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < branch->children().size(); ++ix ) {
if( branch->children()[ix]->status() ==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
timelike = branch->children()[ix];
if( branch->children()[ix]->status() ==HardBranching::Incoming )
z = branch->children()[ix]->z();
// generate truncated branching
tcPDPtr part[2];
if(z>=0.&&z<=1.) {
while (true) {
if( !isTruncatedShowerON() || hardOnly() ) break;
bb = splittingGenerator()->chooseBackwardBranching( *particle,
beam, 1., beamParticle(),
type , pdf,freeze);
if( !bb.kinematics || bb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale() ) {
bb = Branching();
// particles as in Sudakov form factor
part[0] = bb.ids[0];
part[1] = bb.ids[2];
double zsplit = bb.kinematics->z();
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// if doesn't carry most of momentum
ShowerInteraction type2 = convertInteraction(bb.type);
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType() &&
zsplit < 0.5) {
// others
if( part[0]->id() != particle->id() || // if particle changes type
bb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2) || // pt veto
bb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) { // angular ordering veto
// and those from the base class
if(spaceLikeVetoed(bb,particle)) {
if( !bb.kinematics ) {
//do the hard emission
ShoKinPtr kinematics =
branch->sudakov()->createInitialStateBranching( branch->scale(), z, branch->phi(),
branch->children()[0]->pT() );
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
particle->showerKinematics( kinematics );
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( branch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr(), false ) );
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( timelike->branchingParticle()->dataPtr(),
true, true ) );
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
theChildren.push_back( particle );
theChildren.push_back( otherChild );
updateParent( newParent, theChildren, branch->type());
// update the history if needed
currentTree()->updateInitialStateShowerProduct( progenitor(), newParent );
currentTree()->addInitialStateBranching( particle, newParent, otherChild );
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted=false;
if(!hardOnly()) {
if( branch->parent() ) {
emitted = truncatedSpaceLikeShower( newParent, beam, branch->parent() , type);
else {
emitted = spaceLikeShower( newParent, beam , type);
if( !emitted ) {
if( intrinsicpT().find( progenitor() ) == intrinsicpT().end() ) {
kinematics->updateLast( newParent, ZERO, ZERO );
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt = intrinsicpT()[progenitor()];
kinematics->updateLast( newParent,
kt.first*cos( kt.second ),
kt.first*sin( kt.second ) );
updateChildren( newParent, theChildren,bb.type,false);
if(hardOnly()) return true;
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
if( timelike->children().empty() ) {
timeLikeShower( otherChild , type,Branching(),true);
else {
truncatedTimeLikeShower( otherChild, timelike , type,Branching(), true);
// return the emitted
return true;
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
particle->showerKinematics( bb.kinematics );
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( part[0], false ) );
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( part[1], true, true ) );
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
theChildren.push_back( particle );
theChildren.push_back( otherChild );
updateParent( newParent, theChildren, bb.type);
// update the history if needed
currentTree()->updateInitialStateShowerProduct( progenitor(), newParent );
currentTree()->addInitialStateBranching( particle, newParent, otherChild );
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted = truncatedSpaceLikeShower( newParent, beam, branch,type);
// now reconstruct the momentum
if( !emitted ) {
if( intrinsicpT().find( progenitor() ) == intrinsicpT().end() ) {
bb.kinematics->updateLast( newParent, ZERO, ZERO );
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt = intrinsicpT()[ progenitor() ];
bb.kinematics->updateLast( newParent,
kt.first*cos( kt.second ),
kt.first*sin( kt.second ) );
updateChildren( newParent, theChildren, bb.type,false);
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
timeLikeShower( otherChild , type,Branching(),true);
// return the emitted
return true;
bool QTildeShowerHandler::
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass, HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type, Branching fb) {
// select a branching if we don't have one
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
// must be an emission, the forced one it not a truncated one
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
if(!fc[0].hard) fc[0] = Branching();
if(!fc[1].hard) fc[1] = Branching();
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
// create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// updateChildren the children
updateChildren(particle, children, fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
if(!fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
// select branching for first particle
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,
else {
// select branching for first particle
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch->children()[0]);
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// select branching for the second particle
if(!fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[1]->id()==particle->id()) {
// select branching for first particle
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch->children()[1]);
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0 || (_reconOpt==1 && fb.hard) ) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// branching has happened
// H7 default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
// generate the new emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
// must be at least hard emission
setupChildren = true;
else {
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
// space-like children
masses[1] = children[0]->virtualMass();
// time-like child
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[1].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[1].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[1].ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[2] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[2] = virtualMasses[2];
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = (1.-z)*(z*sqr(masses[0])-sqr(masses[1])-z/(1.-z)*sqr(masses[2]));
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
else {
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
return true;
void QTildeShowerHandler::connectTrees(ShowerTreePtr showerTree,
HardTreePtr hardTree, bool hard ) {
ShowerParticleVector particles;
// find the Sudakovs
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
cit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++cit) {
// Sudakovs for ISR
if((**cit).parent()&&(**cit).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
vector<long> br(3);
br[0] = (**cit).parent()->branchingParticle()->id();
br[1] = (**cit). branchingParticle()->id();
br[2] = (**cit).parent()->children()[0]==*cit ?
(**cit).parent()->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id() :
BranchingList branchings = splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings();
if(br[1]<0&&br[0]==br[1]) {
br[0] = abs(br[0]);
br[1] = abs(br[1]);
else if(br[1]<0) {
br[1] = -br[1];
br[2] = -br[2];
long index = abs(br[1]);
SudakovPtr sudakov;
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cjt = branchings.lower_bound(index);
cjt != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cjt ) {
IdList ids = cjt->second.particles;
if(ids[0]->id()==br[0]&&ids[1]->id()==br[1]&&ids[2]->id()==br[2]) {
if(!sudakov) throw Exception() << "Can't find Sudakov for the hard emission in "
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::connectTrees() for ISR"
<< Exception::runerror;
// Sudakovs for FSR
else if(!(**cit).children().empty()) {
vector<long> br(3);
br[0] = (**cit) .branchingParticle()->id();
br[1] = (**cit).children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id();
br[2] = (**cit).children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id();
BranchingList branchings = splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings();
if(br[0]<0) {
br[0] = abs(br[0]);
br[1] = abs(br[1]);
br[2] = abs(br[2]);
long index = br[0];
SudakovPtr sudakov;
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cjt = branchings.lower_bound(index);
cjt != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cjt ) {
IdList ids = cjt->second.particles;
if(ids[0]->id()==br[0]&&ids[1]->id()==br[1]&&ids[2]->id()==br[2]) {
if(!sudakov) {
throw Exception() << "Can't find Sudakov for the hard emission in "
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::connectTrees()"
<< Exception::runerror;
// calculate the evolution scale
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
cit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++cit) {
// inverse reconstruction
if(hard) {
// now reset the momenta of the showering particles
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower=showerTree->extractProgenitors();
// match them
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,HardBranchingPtr> partners;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator bit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
bit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++bit) {
Energy2 dmin( 1e30*GeV2 );
ShowerProgenitorPtr partner;
for(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator pit=particlesToShower.begin();
pit!=particlesToShower.end();++pit) {
if(partners.find(*pit)!=partners.end()) continue;
if( (**bit).branchingParticle()->id() != (**pit).progenitor()->id() ) continue;
if( (**bit).branchingParticle()->isFinalState() !=
(**pit).progenitor()->isFinalState() ) continue;
if( (**pit).progenitor()->isFinalState() ) {
Energy2 dtest =
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().x() - (**bit).showerMomentum().x() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().y() - (**bit).showerMomentum().y() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().z() - (**bit).showerMomentum().z() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().t() - (**bit).showerMomentum().t() );
// add mass difference for identical particles (e.g. Z0 Z0 production)
dtest += 1e10*sqr((**pit).progenitor()->momentum().m()-(**bit).showerMomentum().m());
if( dtest < dmin ) {
partner = *pit;
dmin = dtest;
else {
// ensure directions are right
if((**pit).progenitor()->momentum().z()/(**bit).showerMomentum().z()>ZERO) {
partner = *pit;
if(!partner) throw Exception() << "Failed to match shower and hard trees in QTildeShowerHandler::hardestEmission"
<< Exception::eventerror;
partners[partner] = *bit;
for(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator pit=particlesToShower.begin();
pit!=particlesToShower.end();++pit) {
HardBranchingPtr partner = partners[*pit];
if((**pit).progenitor()->dataPtr()->stable()) {
else {
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = (**pit).progenitor()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = partner->showerMomentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
(**pit).copy() ->transform(boost);
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
(**pit).copy() ->transform(boost);
// correction boosts for daughter trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit = showerTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != showerTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
ShowerTreePtr decayTree = tit->first;
cit = decayTree->incomingLines().begin();
// reset the momentum of the decay particle
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = cit->first->progenitor()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = tit->second.second->momentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
void QTildeShowerHandler::doShowering(bool hard,XCPtr xcomb) {
// zero number of emissions
_nis = _nfs = 0;
// if MC@NLO H event and limited emissions
// indicate both final and initial state emission
if ( currentTree()->isMCatNLOHEvent() && _limitEmissions != 0 ) {
_nis = _nfs = 1;
// extract particles to shower
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower(setupShower(hard));
// check if we should shower
bool colCharge = false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
if(particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured() ||
particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->charged()) {
colCharge = true;
if(!colCharge) {
// setup the maximum scales for the shower
if (restrictPhasespace()) setupMaximumScales(particlesToShower,xcomb);
// set the hard scales for the profiles
// specific stuff for hard processes and decays
Energy minmass(ZERO), mIn(ZERO);
// hard process generate the intrinsic p_T once and for all
if(hard) {
// decay compute the minimum mass of the final-state
else {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
if(particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
minmass += particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->constituentMass();
minmass += particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->mass();
else {
mIn = particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->mass();
// throw exception if decay can't happen
if ( minmass > mIn ) {
throw Exception() << " Mass of decaying particle is "
<< "below constituent masses of decay products."
<< Exception::eventerror;
// setup for reweighted
bool reWeighting = _reWeight && hard && ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction();
double eventWeight=0.;
unsigned int nTryReWeight(0);
// create random particle vector (only need to do once)
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> tmp;
unsigned int nColouredIncoming = 0;
unsigned int xx=UseRandom::irnd(particlesToShower.size());
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
if(!particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState() &&
particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->coloured()) ++nColouredIncoming;
bool switchRecon = hard && nColouredIncoming !=1;
// main shower loop
unsigned int ntry(0);
bool reconstructed = false;
do {
// clear results of last attempt if needed
if(ntry!=0) {
_nis = _nfs = 0;
// if MC@NLO H event and limited emissions
// indicate both final and initial state emission
if ( currentTree()->isMCatNLOHEvent() && _limitEmissions != 0 ) {
_nis = _nfs = 1;
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
SpinPtr spin = particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->spinInfo();
if(spin && spin->decayVertex() &&
dynamic_ptr_cast<tcSVertexPtr>(spin->decayVertex())) {
// loop over particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
// extract the progenitor
// final-state radiation
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
if(!doFSR()) continue;
// perform shower
// initial-state radiation
else {
if(!doISR()) continue;
// hard process
if(hard) {
// get the PDF
if(!beamParticle()) {
throw Exception() << "Incorrect type of beam particle in "
<< "QTildeShowerHandler::doShowering(). "
<< "This should not happen for conventional choices but may happen if you have used a"
<< " non-default choice and have not changed the create ParticleData line in the input files"
<< " for this particle to create BeamParticleData."
<< Exception::runerror;
// perform the shower
// set the beam particle
tPPtr beamparticle=progenitor()->original();
// generate the shower
// decay
else {
// skip colour and electrically neutral particles
if(!progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured() &&
!progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->charged()) {
// perform shower
// set the scales correctly. The current scale is the maximum scale for
// emission not the starting scale
ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales maxScales(progenitor()->progenitor()->scales());
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales() = ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->charged()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QED = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QED_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->hasColour()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_c = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_c_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->hasAntiColour()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_ac = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
// perform the shower
// do the kinematic reconstruction, checking if it worked
reconstructed = hard ?
reconstructHardJets (currentTree(),intrinsicpT(),interaction_,
switchRecon && ntry>maximumTries()/2) :
if(!reconstructed) continue;
// apply vetos on the full shower
for(vector<FullShowerVetoPtr>::const_iterator it=_fullShowerVetoes.begin();
it!=_fullShowerVetoes.end();++it) {
int veto = (**it).applyVeto(currentTree());
if(veto<0) continue;
// veto the shower
if(veto==0) {
reconstructed = false;
// veto the shower and reweight
else if(veto==1) {
reconstructed = false;
// veto the event
else if(veto==2) {
throw Veto();
if(reWeighting) {
if(reconstructed) eventWeight += 1.;
if(nTryReWeight==_nReWeight) {
reWeighting = false;
if(eventWeight==0.) throw Veto();
// check if failed to generate the shower
if(ntry==maximumTries()) {
throw ShowerHandler::ShowerTriesVeto(ntry);
throw Exception() << "Failed to generate the shower after "
<< ntry << " attempts in QTildeShowerHandler::showerDecay()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// handle the weights and apply any reweighting required
if(nTryReWeight>0) {
tStdEHPtr seh = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdEHPtr>(generator()->currentEventHandler());
static bool first = true;
if(seh) {
else if(first) {
generator()->log() << "Reweighting the shower only works with internal Herwig7 processes"
<< "Presumably you are showering Les Houches Events. These will not be"
<< "reweighted\n";
first = false;
// tree has now showered
void QTildeShowerHandler:: convertHardTree(bool hard,ShowerInteraction type) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> cmap;
// incoming particles
cit=currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end();++cit) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(cit->first->progenitor());
// put the colour lines in the map
ShowerParticlePtr oldParticle = cit->first->progenitor();
ShowerParticlePtr newParticle = mit->second->branchingParticle();
ColinePtr cLine = oldParticle-> colourLine();
ColinePtr aLine = oldParticle->antiColourLine();
if(newParticle->colourLine() &&
cmap.find(newParticle-> colourLine())==cmap.end())
cmap[newParticle-> colourLine()] = cLine;
if(newParticle->antiColourLine() &&
cmap[newParticle->antiColourLine()] = aLine;
// check whether or not particle emits
bool emission = mit->second->parent();
if(emission) {
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
newParticle = mit->second->parent()->branchingParticle();
// get the new colour lines
ColinePtr newCLine,newALine;
// sort out colour lines
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newCLine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newCLine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newCLine;
// and anticolour lines
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newALine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newALine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newALine;
// remove colour lines from old particle
if(aLine) {
if(cLine) {
// add particle to colour lines
if(newCLine) newCLine->addColoured (newParticle);
if(newALine) newALine->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
// insert new particles
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newParticle,1,false)));
// and the emitted particle if needed
if(emission) {
ShowerParticlePtr newOut = mit->second->parent()->children()[1]->branchingParticle();
if(newOut->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut-> colourLine();
cmap[ctemp]->addColoured (newOut);
if(newOut->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut->antiColourLine();
ShowerParticlePtr sout=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newOut,1,true));
ShowerProgenitorPtr out=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(cit->first->original(),newOut,sout));
if(hard) {
// sort out the value of x
if(mit->second->beam()->momentum().z()>ZERO) {
sp->x(newParticle->momentum(). plus()/mit->second->beam()->momentum(). plus());
else {
// outgoing particles
cit=currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();cit!=currentTree()->outgoingLines().end();++cit) {
tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = currentTree()->treelinks().begin();
tit != currentTree()->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==cit->first->progenitor())
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(cit->first->progenitor());
if(mit==hardTree()->particles().end()) continue;
// put the colour lines in the map
ShowerParticlePtr oldParticle = cit->first->progenitor();
ShowerParticlePtr newParticle = mit->second->branchingParticle();
ShowerParticlePtr newOut;
ColinePtr cLine = oldParticle-> colourLine();
ColinePtr aLine = oldParticle->antiColourLine();
if(newParticle->colourLine() &&
cmap.find(newParticle-> colourLine())==cmap.end())
cmap[newParticle-> colourLine()] = cLine;
if(newParticle->antiColourLine() &&
cmap[newParticle->antiColourLine()] = aLine;
// check whether or not particle emits
bool emission = !mit->second->children().empty();
if(emission) {
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
newParticle = mit->second->children()[0]->branchingParticle();
newOut = mit->second->children()[1]->branchingParticle();
// get the new colour lines
ColinePtr newCLine,newALine;
// sort out colour lines
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newCLine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newCLine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newCLine;
// and anticolour lines
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newALine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newALine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newALine;
// remove colour lines from old particle
if(aLine) {
if(cLine) {
// special for unstable particles
if(newParticle->id()==oldParticle->id() &&
(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()||!oldParticle->dataPtr()->stable())) {
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = oldParticle->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = newParticle->momentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
if(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()) tit->first->transform(boost,false);
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
if(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()) tit->first->transform(boost,false);
// add particle to colour lines
if(newCLine) newCLine->addColoured (newParticle);
if(newALine) newALine->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
// insert new particles
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newParticle,1,true)));
// and the emitted particle if needed
if(emission) {
if(newOut->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut-> colourLine();
cmap[ctemp]->addColoured (newOut);
if(newOut->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut->antiColourLine();
ShowerParticlePtr sout=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newOut,1,true));
ShowerProgenitorPtr out=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(cit->first->original(),newOut,sout));
// update any decay products
// reset the tree
// reextract the particles and set the colour partners
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> particles =
// clear the partners
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
// clear the tree
// Set the initial evolution scales
Branching QTildeShowerHandler::selectTimeLikeBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
ShowerInteraction type,
HardBranchingPtr branch) {
Branching fb;
unsigned int iout=0;
while (true) {
// break if doing truncated shower and no truncated shower needed
if(branch && (!isTruncatedShowerON()||hardOnly())) break;
// no emission break
if(!fb.kinematics) break;
// special for truncated shower
if(branch) {
// check haven't evolved too far
if(fb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) {
// find the truncated line
if(fb.ids[1]->id()!=fb.ids[2]->id()) {
if(fb.ids[1]->id()==particle->id()) iout=1;
else if (fb.ids[2]->id()==particle->id()) iout=2;
else if(fb.ids[1]->id()==particle->id()) {
if(fb.kinematics->z()>0.5) iout=1;
else iout=2;
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// no flavour changing branchings
if(iout==0) {
double zsplit = iout==1 ? fb.kinematics->z() : 1-fb.kinematics->z();
// only if same interaction for forced branching
ShowerInteraction type2 = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// and evolution
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType()) {
if(zsplit < 0.5 || // hardest line veto
fb.kinematics->scale()*zsplit < branch->scale() ) { // angular ordering veto
// pt veto
if(fb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2)) {
// standard vetos for all emissions
if(timeLikeVetoed(fb,particle)) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// special for already decayed particles
// don't allow flavour changing branchings
bool vetoDecay = false;
tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit = currentTree()->treelinks().begin();
tit != currentTree()->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first == progenitor()) {
it = currentTree()->outgoingLines().find(progenitor());
if(it!=currentTree()->outgoingLines().end() && particle == it->second &&
fb.ids[0]!=fb.ids[1] && fb.ids[1]!=fb.ids[2]) {
vetoDecay = true;
if(vetoDecay) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// normal case
if(!branch) {
if(fb.kinematics) fb.hard = false;
return fb;
// truncated emission
if(fb.kinematics) {
fb.hard = false;
fb.iout = iout;
return fb;
// otherwise need to return the hard emission
// construct the kinematics for the hard emission
ShoKinPtr showerKin=
IdList idlist(3);
idlist[0] = particle->dataPtr();
idlist[1] = branch->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
idlist[2] = branch->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
fb = Branching( showerKin, idlist, branch->sudakov(),branch->type() );
fb.hard = true;
// return it
return fb;
Branching QTildeShowerHandler::selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,ShowerInteraction type,
HardBranchingPtr branch) {
Branching fb;
unsigned int iout=0;
while (true) {
// break if doing truncated shower and no truncated shower needed
if(branch && (!isTruncatedShowerON()||hardOnly())) break;
// select branching
// return if no radiation
if(!fb.kinematics) break;
// special for truncated shower
if(branch) {
// check haven't evolved too far
if(fb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) {
// find the truncated line
if(fb.ids[1]->id()!=fb.ids[2]->id()) {
if(fb.ids[1]->id()==particle->id()) iout=1;
else if (fb.ids[2]->id()==particle->id()) iout=2;
else if(fb.ids[1]->id()==particle->id()) {
if(fb.kinematics->z()>0.5) iout=1;
else iout=2;
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// no flavour changing branchings
if(iout==0) {
ShowerInteraction type2 = convertInteraction(fb.type);
double zsplit = iout==1 ? fb.kinematics->z() : 1-fb.kinematics->z();
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType()) {
if(zsplit < 0.5 || // hardest line veto
fb.kinematics->scale()*zsplit < branch->scale() ) { // angular ordering veto
// pt veto
if(fb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2)) {
// if not vetoed break
if(spaceLikeDecayVetoed(fb,particle)) {
// otherwise reset scale and continue
// normal case
if(!branch) {
if(fb.kinematics) fb.hard = false;
return fb;
// truncated emission
if(fb.kinematics) {
fb.hard = false;
fb.iout = iout;
return fb;
// otherwise need to return the hard emission
// construct the kinematics for the hard emission
ShoKinPtr showerKin=
IdList idlist(3);
idlist[0] = particle->dataPtr();
idlist[1] = branch->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
idlist[2] = branch->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr();
// create the branching
fb = Branching( showerKin, idlist, branch->sudakov(),ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine );
// return it
return fb;
void QTildeShowerHandler::checkFlags() {
string error = "Inconsistent hard emission set-up in QTildeShowerHandler::showerHardProcess(). ";
if ( ( currentTree()->isMCatNLOSEvent() || currentTree()->isMCatNLOHEvent() ) ) {
if (_hardEmission ==2 )
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot generate POWHEG matching with MC@NLO shower "
<< "approximation. Add 'set QTildeShowerHandler:HardEmission 0' to input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if ( canHandleMatchboxTrunc() )
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot use truncated qtilde shower with MC@NLO shower "
<< "approximation. Set LHCGenerator:EventHandler"
<< ":CascadeHandler to '/Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler' or "
<< "'/Herwig/Shower/Dipole/DipoleShowerHandler'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if ( ((currentTree()->isPowhegSEvent() || currentTree()->isPowhegHEvent()) ) &&
_hardEmission != 2){
if ( canHandleMatchboxTrunc())
throw Exception() << error
<< "Unmatched events requested for POWHEG shower "
<< "approximation. Set QTildeShowerHandler:HardEmission to "
<< "'POWHEG'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if (_hardEmissionWarn) {
_hardEmissionWarn = false;
throw Exception() << error
<< "Unmatched events requested for POWHEG shower "
<< "approximation. Changing QTildeShowerHandler:HardEmission from "
<< _hardEmission << " to 2"
<< Exception::warning;
if ( currentTree()->isPowhegSEvent() || currentTree()->isPowhegHEvent()) {
if (currentTree()->showerApproximation()->needsTruncatedShower() &&
!canHandleMatchboxTrunc() )
throw Exception() << error
<< "Current shower handler cannot generate truncated shower. "
<< "Set Generator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler to "
<< "'/Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if ( currentTree()->truncatedShower() && _missingTruncWarn) {
throw Exception() << "Warning: POWHEG shower approximation used without "
<< "truncated shower. Set Generator:EventHandler:"
<< "CascadeHandler to '/Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler' and "
<< "'MEMatching:TruncatedShower Yes'."
<< Exception::warning;
// else if ( !dipme && _hardEmissionMode > 1 &&
// firstInteraction())
// throw Exception() << error
// << "POWHEG matching requested for LO events. Include "
// << "'set Factory:ShowerApproximation MEMatching' in input file."
// << Exception::runerror;
tPPair QTildeShowerHandler::remakeRemnant(tPPair oldp){
// get the parton extractor
PartonExtractor & pex = *lastExtractor();
// get the new partons
tPPair newp = make_pair(findFirstParton(oldp.first ),
// if the same do nothing
if(newp == oldp) return oldp;
// Creates the new remnants and returns the new PartonBinInstances
// ATTENTION Broken here for very strange configuration
PBIPair newbins = pex.newRemnants(oldp, newp, newStep());
// return the new partons
return newp;
PPtr QTildeShowerHandler::findFirstParton(tPPtr seed) const{
if(seed->parents().empty()) return seed;
tPPtr parent = seed->parents()[0];
//if no parent there this is a loose end which will
//be connected to the remnant soon.
if(!parent || parent == incomingBeams().first ||
parent == incomingBeams().second ) return seed;
else return findFirstParton(parent);
void QTildeShowerHandler::decay(ShowerTreePtr tree, ShowerDecayMap & decay) {
// must be one incoming particle
// apply any transforms
// if already decayed return
if(!tree->outgoingLines().empty()) return;
// now we need to replace the particle with a new copy after the shower
// find particle after the shower
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit = tree->parent()->treelinks().find(tree);
ShowerParticlePtr newparent=tit->second.second;
PerturbativeProcessPtr newProcess = new_ptr(PerturbativeProcess());
DecayProcessMap decayMap;
namespace {
findFinalStateLine(ShowerTreePtr tree, long id, Lorentz5Momentum momentum) {
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::iterator partner;
Energy2 dmin(1e30*GeV2);
cit =tree->outgoingLines().begin(); cit!=tree->outgoingLines().end(); ++cit) {
if(cit->second->id()!=id) continue;
Energy2 test =
if(test<dmin) {
dmin = test;
partner = cit;
return partner->first;
findInitialStateLine(ShowerTreePtr tree, long id, Lorentz5Momentum momentum) {
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::iterator partner;
Energy2 dmin(1e30*GeV2);
cit =tree->incomingLines().begin(); cit!=tree->incomingLines().end(); ++cit) {
if(cit->second->id()!=id) continue;
Energy2 test =
if(test<dmin) {
dmin = test;
partner = cit;
return partner->first;
void fixSpectatorColours(PPtr newSpect,ShowerProgenitorPtr oldSpect,
ColinePair & cline,ColinePair & aline, bool reconnect) {
cline.first = oldSpect->progenitor()->colourLine();
cline.second = newSpect->colourLine();
aline.first = oldSpect->progenitor()->antiColourLine();
aline.second = newSpect->antiColourLine();
if(!reconnect) return;
if(cline.first) {
cline.first ->removeColoured(oldSpect->copy());
cline.first ->removeColoured(oldSpect->progenitor());
cline.first ->addColoured(newSpect);
if(aline.first) {
aline.first ->removeAntiColoured(oldSpect->copy());
aline.first ->removeAntiColoured(oldSpect->progenitor());
aline.first ->addAntiColoured(newSpect);
void fixInitialStateEmitter(ShowerTreePtr tree, PPtr newEmit,PPtr emitted, ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter,
ColinePair cline,ColinePair aline,double x) {
// sort out the colours
if(emitted->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// emitter
if(cline.first && cline.first == emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine() &&
cline.second !=newEmit->antiColourLine()) {
// sort out not radiating line
ColinePtr col = emitter->progenitor()->colourLine();
if(col) {
else if(aline.first && aline.first == emitter->progenitor()->colourLine() &&
aline.second !=newEmit->colourLine()) {
// sort out not radiating line
ColinePtr anti = emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine();
if(anti) {
// emitted
if(cline.first && cline.second==emitted->colourLine()) {
else if(aline.first && aline.second==emitted->antiColourLine()) {
else {
if(emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine() ) {
ColinePtr col = emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine();
if(newEmit->antiColourLine()) {
else if (emitted->colourLine()) {
if(emitter->progenitor()->colourLine() ) {
ColinePtr col = emitter->progenitor()->colourLine();
if(newEmit->colourLine()) {
else if (emitted->antiColourLine()) {
// update the emitter
ShowerParticlePtr sp = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newEmit,1,false));
// add emitted
ShowerProgenitorPtr gluon=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(emitter->original(),emitted,sp));
void fixFinalStateEmitter(ShowerTreePtr tree, PPtr newEmit,PPtr emitted, ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter,
ColinePair cline,ColinePair aline) {
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
// special case if decayed
for(tit = tree->treelinks().begin(); tit != tree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==emitter->progenitor())
// sort out the colour lines
if(cline.first && cline.first == emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine() &&
cline.second !=newEmit->antiColourLine()) {
// sort out not radiating line
ColinePtr col = emitter->progenitor()->colourLine();
if(col) {
else if(aline.first && aline.first == emitter->progenitor()->colourLine() &&
aline.second !=newEmit->colourLine()) {
// sort out not radiating line
ColinePtr anti = emitter->progenitor()->antiColourLine();
if(anti) {
// update the emitter
ShowerParticlePtr sp = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newEmit,1,true));
// update for decaying particles
// add the emitted particle
// sort out the colour
if(cline.first && cline.second==emitted->antiColourLine()) {
else if(aline.first && aline.second==emitted->colourLine()) {
ShowerProgenitorPtr gluon=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(emitter->original(),
void QTildeShowerHandler::setupMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr real) {
// II emission
if(real->emitter() < real->incoming().size() &&
real->spectator() < real->incoming().size()) {
// recoiling system
for( map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
cjt= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
cjt != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end();++cjt ) {
// the the radiating system
ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter,spectator;
unsigned int iemit = real->emitter();
unsigned int ispect = real->spectator();
int ig = int(real->emitted())-int(real->incoming().size());
emitter = findInitialStateLine(currentTree(),
spectator = findInitialStateLine(currentTree(),
// sort out the colours
ColinePair cline,aline;
// update the spectator
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*real->incoming()[ispect],1,false)));
sp->x(ispect ==0 ? real->x().first :real->x().second);
// now for the emitter
emitter,cline,aline,iemit ==0 ? real->x().first :real->x().second);
// FF emission
else if(real->emitter() >= real->incoming().size() &&
real->spectator() >= real->incoming().size()) {
// find the emitter and spectator in the shower tree
ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter,spectator;
int iemit = int(real->emitter())-int(real->incoming().size());
emitter = findFinalStateLine(currentTree(),
int ispect = int(real->spectator())-int(real->incoming().size());
spectator = findFinalStateLine(currentTree(),
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
// first the spectator
// special case if decayed
for(tit = currentTree()->treelinks().begin(); tit != currentTree()->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==spectator->progenitor())
// sort out the colours
ColinePair cline,aline;
// update the spectator
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*real->outgoing()[ispect],1,true)));
// update for decaying particles
// now the emitting particle
int ig = int(real->emitted())-int(real->incoming().size());
// IF emission
else {
// scattering process
if(real->incoming().size()==2) {
ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter,spectator;
unsigned int iemit = real->emitter();
unsigned int ispect = real->spectator();
int ig = int(real->emitted())-int(real->incoming().size());
ColinePair cline,aline;
// incoming spectator
if(ispect<2) {
spectator = findInitialStateLine(currentTree(),
// update the spectator
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*real->incoming()[ispect],1,false)));
sp->x(ispect ==0 ? real->x().first :real->x().second);
// outgoing spectator
else {
spectator = findFinalStateLine(currentTree(),
// special case if decayed
map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = currentTree()->treelinks().begin(); tit != currentTree()->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==spectator->progenitor())
// update the spectator
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*real->outgoing()[ispect-real->incoming().size()],1,true)));
// update for decaying particles
// incoming emitter
if(iemit<2) {
emitter = findInitialStateLine(currentTree(),
emitter,aline,cline,iemit ==0 ? real->x().first :real->x().second);
// outgoing emitter
else {
emitter = findFinalStateLine(currentTree(),
// decay process
else {
unsigned int iemit = real->emitter()-real->incoming().size();
int ig = int(real->emitted())-int(real->incoming().size());
ColinePair cline,aline;
// incoming spectator
ShowerProgenitorPtr spectator = findInitialStateLine(currentTree(),
// find the emitter
ShowerProgenitorPtr emitter =
// recoiling system
for( map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
cjt= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
cjt != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end();++cjt ) {
if(cjt->first==emitter) continue;
// sort out the emitter
// clean up the shower tree
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h b/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h
@@ -1,856 +1,856 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef Herwig_QTildeShowerHandler_H
#define Herwig_QTildeShowerHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the QTildeShowerHandler class.
#include "QTildeShowerHandler.fh"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerTree.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.fh"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/HardTree.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerVeto.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/FullShowerVeto.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/HwDecayerBase.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Matching/ShowerApproximation.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Statistic.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The QTildeShowerHandler class.
* @see \ref QTildeShowerHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for QTildeShowerHandler.
class QTildeShowerHandler: public ShowerHandler {
* Pointer to an XComb object
typedef Ptr<XComb>::pointer XCPtr;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~QTildeShowerHandler();
* At the end of the Showering, transform ShowerParticle objects
* into ThePEG particles and fill the event record with them.
* Notice that the parent/child relationships and the
* transformation from ShowerColourLine objects into ThePEG
* ColourLine ones must be properly handled.
void fillEventRecord();
* Return the relevant hard scale to be used in the profile scales
virtual Energy hardScale() const {
return muPt;
* Hook to allow vetoing of event after showering hard sub-process
* as in e.g. MLM merging.
virtual bool showerHardProcessVeto() const { return false; }
* Generate hard emissions for CKKW etc
virtual HardTreePtr generateCKKW(ShowerTreePtr tree) const;
* Members to perform the shower
* Perform the shower of the hard process
virtual void showerHardProcess(ShowerTreePtr,XCPtr);
* Perform the shower of a decay
virtual void showerDecay(ShowerTreePtr);
* Access to the flags and shower variables
* Get the ShowerModel
ShowerModelPtr showerModel() const {return _model;}
* Get the SplittingGenerator
tSplittingGeneratorPtr splittingGenerator() const { return _splittingGenerator; }
* Mode for hard emissions
int hardEmission() const {return _hardEmission;}
* Connect the Hard and Shower trees
virtual void connectTrees(ShowerTreePtr showerTree, HardTreePtr hardTree, bool hard );
* Access to switches for spin correlations
* Spin Correlations
unsigned int spinCorrelations() const {
return _spinOpt;
* Soft correlations
unsigned int softCorrelations() const {
return _softOpt;
* Any correlations
bool correlations() const {
return _spinOpt!=0||_softOpt!=0;
* Perform the shower
void doShowering(bool hard,XCPtr);
* Generate the hard matrix element correction
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr hardMatrixElementCorrection(bool);
* Generate the hardest emission
virtual void hardestEmission(bool hard);
* Set up for applying a matrix element correction
void setupMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr real);
* Extract the particles to be showered, set the evolution scales
* and apply the hard matrix element correction
* @param hard Whether this is a hard process or decay
* @return The particles to be showered
virtual vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> setupShower(bool hard);
* set the colour partners
virtual void setEvolutionPartners(bool hard,ShowerInteraction,
bool clear);
* Methods to perform the evolution of an individual particle, including
* recursive calling on the products
* It does the forward evolution of the time-like input particle
* (and recursively for all its radiation products).
* accepting only emissions which conforms to the showerVariables
* and soft matrix element correction.
* If at least one emission has occurred then the method returns true.
* @param particle The particle to be showered
virtual bool timeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, ShowerInteraction,
Branching fb, bool first);
* It does the backward evolution of the space-like input particle
* (and recursively for all its time-like radiation products).
* accepting only emissions which conforms to the showerVariables.
* If at least one emission has occurred then the method returns true
* @param particle The particle to be showered
* @param beam The beam particle
virtual bool spaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,PPtr beam,
* If does the forward evolution of the input on-shell particle
* involved in a decay
* (and recursively for all its time-like radiation products).
* accepting only emissions which conforms to the showerVariables.
* @param particle The particle to be showered
* @param maxscale The maximum scale for the shower.
* @param minimumMass The minimum mass of the final-state system
virtual bool
spaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minimumMass,ShowerInteraction,
Branching fb);
* Truncated shower from a time-like particle
virtual bool truncatedTimeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type,
Branching fb, bool first);
* Truncated shower from a space-like particle
virtual bool truncatedSpaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,PPtr beam,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type);
* Truncated shower from a time-like particle
virtual bool truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minimumMass, HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction type, Branching fb);
* Switches for matrix element corrections
* Any ME correction?
bool MECOn() const {
return _hardEmission == 1;
* Any hard ME correction?
bool hardMEC() const {
return _hardEmission == 1 && (_meCorrMode == 1 || _meCorrMode == 2);
* Any soft ME correction?
bool softMEC() const {
return _hardEmission == 1 && (_meCorrMode == 1 || _meCorrMode > 2);
* Is the truncated shower on?
bool isTruncatedShowerON() const {return _trunc_Mode;}
* Switch for intrinsic pT
* Any intrinsic pT?
bool ipTon() const {
return _iptrms != ZERO || ( _beta == 1.0 && _gamma != ZERO && _iptmax !=ZERO );
/**@name Additional shower vetoes */
* Insert a veto.
void addVeto (ShowerVetoPtr v) { _vetoes.push_back(v); }
* Remove a veto.
void removeVeto (ShowerVetoPtr v) {
vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator vit = find(_vetoes.begin(),_vetoes.end(),v);
if (vit != _vetoes.end())
* Switches for vetoing hard emissions
* Returns true if the hard veto read-in is to be applied to only
* the primary collision and false otherwise.
bool hardVetoReadOption() const {return _hardVetoReadOption;}
* Enhancement factors for radiation needed to generate the soft matrix
* element correction.
* Access the enhancement factor for initial-state radiation
double initialStateRadiationEnhancementFactor() const { return _initialenhance; }
* Access the enhancement factor for final-state radiation
double finalStateRadiationEnhancementFactor() const { return _finalenhance; }
* Set the enhancement factor for initial-state radiation
void initialStateRadiationEnhancementFactor(double in) { _initialenhance=in; }
* Set the enhancement factor for final-state radiation
void finalStateRadiationEnhancementFactor(double in) { _finalenhance=in; }
* Access to set/get the HardTree currently beinging showered
* The HardTree currently being showered
tHardTreePtr hardTree() {return _hardtree;}
* The HardTree currently being showered
void hardTree(tHardTreePtr in) {_hardtree = in;}
* Access/set the beam particle for the current initial-state shower
* Get the beam particle data
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer beamParticle() const { return _beam; }
* Set the beam particle data
void setBeamParticle(Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer in) { _beam=in; }
* Set/Get the current tree being evolver for inheriting classes
* Get the tree
tShowerTreePtr currentTree() { return _currenttree; }
* Set the tree
void currentTree(tShowerTreePtr tree) { _currenttree=tree; }
* Access the maximum number of attempts to generate the shower
unsigned int maximumTries() const { return _maxtry; }
* Set/Get the ShowerProgenitor for the current shower
* Access the progenitor
ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor() { return _progenitor; }
* Set the progenitor
void progenitor(ShowerProgenitorPtr in) { _progenitor=in; }
* Calculate the intrinsic \f$p_T\f$.
virtual void generateIntrinsicpT(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>);
* Access to the intrinsic \f$p_T\f$ for inheriting classes
map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,pair<Energy,double> > & intrinsicpT() { return _intrinsic; }
* find the maximally allowed pt acc to the hard process.
void setupMaximumScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> &,XCPtr);
* find the relevant hard scales for profile scales.
void setupHardScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> &,XCPtr);
* Convert the HardTree into an extra shower emission
void convertHardTree(bool hard,ShowerInteraction type);
* Find the parton extracted from the incoming particle after ISR
PPtr findFirstParton(tPPtr seed) const;
* Fix Remnant connections after ISR
tPPair remakeRemnant(tPPair oldp);
* Start the shower of a timelike particle
virtual bool startTimeLikeShower(ShowerInteraction);
* Update of the time-like stuff
void updateHistory(tShowerParticlePtr particle);
* Start the shower of a spacelike particle
virtual bool startSpaceLikeShower(PPtr,ShowerInteraction);
* Start the shower of a spacelike particle
virtual bool
startSpaceLikeDecayShower(const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minimumMass,ShowerInteraction);
* Select the branching for the next time-like emission
Branching selectTimeLikeBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
ShowerInteraction type,
HardBranchingPtr branch);
* Select the branching for the next space-like emission in a decay
Branching selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,ShowerInteraction type,
HardBranchingPtr branch);
* Create the timelike child of a branching
ShowerParticleVector createTimeLikeChildren(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
IdList ids);
* Vetos for the timelike shower
virtual bool timeLikeVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr);
* Vetos for the spacelike shower
virtual bool spaceLikeVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr);
* Vetos for the spacelike shower
virtual bool spaceLikeDecayVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr);
* Only generate the hard emission, for testing only.
bool hardOnly() const {return _limitEmissions==3;}
* Check the flags
void checkFlags();
void addFSRUsingDecayPOWHEG(HardTreePtr ISRTree);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* The main method which manages the showering of a subprocess.
virtual tPPair cascade(tSubProPtr sub, XCPtr xcomb);
* Decay a ShowerTree
void decay(ShowerTreePtr tree, ShowerDecayMap & decay);
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
QTildeShowerHandler & operator=(const QTildeShowerHandler &);
* Stuff from the ShowerHandler
* The ShowerTree for the hard process
ShowerTreePtr hard_;
* The ShowerTree for the decays
ShowerDecayMap decay_;
* The ShowerTrees for which the initial shower
vector<ShowerTreePtr> done_;
private :
* Pointer to the model for the shower evolution model
ShowerModelPtr _model;
* Pointer to the splitting generator
SplittingGeneratorPtr _splittingGenerator;
* Maximum number of tries to generate the shower of a particular tree
unsigned int _maxtry;
* Matrix element correction switch
unsigned int _meCorrMode;
* Control of the reconstruction option
unsigned int _reconOpt;
* If hard veto pT scale is being read-in this determines
* whether the read-in value is applied to primary and
* secondary (MPI) scatters or just the primary one, with
* the usual computation of the veto being performed for
* the secondary (MPI) scatters.
bool _hardVetoReadOption;
* rms intrinsic pT of Gaussian distribution
Energy _iptrms;
* Proportion of inverse quadratic intrinsic pT distribution
double _beta;
* Parameter for inverse quadratic: 2*Beta*Gamma/(sqr(Gamma)+sqr(intrinsicpT))
Energy _gamma;
* Upper bound on intrinsic pT for inverse quadratic
Energy _iptmax;
* Limit the number of emissions for testing
unsigned int _limitEmissions;
* The progenitor of the current shower
ShowerProgenitorPtr _progenitor;
* Matrix element
HwMEBasePtr _hardme;
* Decayer
HwDecayerBasePtr _decayme;
* The ShowerTree currently being showered
ShowerTreePtr _currenttree;
* The HardTree currently being showered
HardTreePtr _hardtree;
* Radiation enhancement factors for use with the veto algorithm
* if needed by the soft matrix element correction
* Enhancement factor for initial-state radiation
double _initialenhance;
* Enhancement factor for final-state radiation
double _finalenhance;
* The beam particle data for the current initial-state shower
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer _beam;
* Storage of the intrinsic \f$p_t\f$ of the particles
map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,pair<Energy,double> > _intrinsic;
* Vetoes
vector<ShowerVetoPtr> _vetoes;
* Full Shower Vetoes
vector<FullShowerVetoPtr> _fullShowerVetoes;
* Number of iterations for reweighting
unsigned int _nReWeight;
* Whether or not we are reweighting
bool _reWeight;
* number of IS emissions
unsigned int _nis;
* Number of FS emissions
unsigned int _nfs;
* The option for wqhich interactions to use
ShowerInteraction interaction_;
* Truncated shower switch
bool _trunc_Mode;
* Count of the number of truncated emissions
unsigned int _truncEmissions;
* Mode for the hard emissions
int _hardEmission;
* Option to include spin correlations
unsigned int _spinOpt;
* Option for the kernal for soft correlations
unsigned int _softOpt;
* Option for hard radiation in POWHEG events
bool _hardPOWHEG;
* True if no warnings about incorrect hard emission
* mode setting have been issued yet
static bool _hardEmissionWarn;
* True if no warnings about missing truncated shower
* have been issued yet
static bool _missingTruncWarn;
* The relevant hard scale to be used in the profile scales
Energy muPt;
* Maximum number of emission attempts for FSR
unsigned int _maxTryFSR;
* Maximum number of failures for FSR generation
unsigned int _maxFailFSR;
* Failure fraction for FSR generation
double _fracFSR;
* Counter for number of FSR emissions
unsigned int _nFSR;
* Counter for the number of failed events due to FSR emissions
unsigned int _nFailedFSR;
#endif /* HERWIG_QTildeShowerHandler_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/ b/Shower/QTilde/
rename from Shower/Core/
rename to Shower/QTilde/
--- a/Shower/Core/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ShowerConfig class.
#include "ShowerConfig.h"
-#include "Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
using namespace Herwig;
BranchingElement::~BranchingElement() {}
BranchingElement::BranchingElement() {}
BranchingElement::BranchingElement(SudakovPtr sud, IdList part) : sudakov(sud), particles(part) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<part.size();++ix)
conjugateParticles.push_back(part[ix]->CC() ? tcPDPtr(part[ix]->CC()) : part[ix]);
namespace ThePEG {
* Output operator to allow the structure
PersistentOStream & operator << (PersistentOStream & os,
const Herwig::BranchingElement & x) {
os << x.sudakov << x.particles << x.conjugateParticles;
return os;
* Input operator to allow the structure
PersistentIStream & operator >> (PersistentIStream & is,
Herwig::BranchingElement & x) {
is >> x.sudakov >> x.particles >> x.conjugateParticles;
return is;
diff --git a/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h b/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h
rename from Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h
--- a/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ShowerConfig.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ShowerConfig_H
#define HERWIG_ShowerConfig_H
// This is the declaration of the ShowerConfig class.
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
-#include "ShowerInteraction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerInteraction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* Handy header file to be included in all Shower classes.
* It contains only some useful typedefs.
* Pointer to a ColourLine
typedef Ptr<ThePEG::ColourLine>::pointer ColinePtr;
* Transient Pointer to a ColourLine
typedef Ptr<ThePEG::ColourLine>::transient_pointer tColinePtr;
* A pair of ColourLine pointers
typedef pair<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> ColinePair;
* A pair of transient ColourLine pointers
typedef pair<tColinePtr,tColinePtr> tColinePair;
* A Vector of ShowerParticle pointers
typedef vector<ShowerParticlePtr> ShowerParticleVector;
* A Vector of transient ShowerParticle pointers
typedef vector<tShowerParticlePtr> tShowerParticleVector;
* Definition of the IdList for branchings
typedef vector<tcPDPtr> IdList;
inline ShowerInteraction convertInteraction(ShowerPartnerType partner) {
if (partner==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine ||
return ShowerInteraction::QCD;
else if (partner==ShowerPartnerType::QED)
return ShowerInteraction::QED;
return ShowerInteraction::UNDEFINED;
* typedef to pair the SudakovFormFactor and the particles in a branching
struct BranchingElement {
* Constructor
* Constructor
BranchingElement(SudakovPtr sud, IdList part);
* Destructor
* Access to the Sudakov
SudakovPtr sudakov;
* Access to the particles
IdList particles;
* Access to the charge conjugate particles
IdList conjugateParticles;
* Compare two BranchingElements
bool operator == (const BranchingElement& x) const{
sudakov == x.sudakov &&
particles == x.particles &&
conjugateParticles == x.conjugateParticles;
* typedef to pair the PDG code of the particle and the BranchingElement
typedef multimap<long,BranchingElement> BranchingList;
* typedef to create a structure which can be inserted into a BranchingList
typedef pair<long, BranchingElement> BranchingInsert;
namespace ThePEG {
* Output operator to allow the structure
PersistentOStream & operator << (PersistentOStream & os,
const Herwig::BranchingElement & x);
* Input operator to allow the structure
PersistentIStream & operator >> (PersistentIStream & is,
Herwig::BranchingElement & x);
#endif // HERWIG_ShowerConfig_H
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn class.
#include "HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation
* of the CMW enhanced expressions for the
* splitting function for \f$\frac12\to q\frac12 1\f$.
* The kernel uses the same overestimate as the
* corresponding HalfHalfOneSplitFn and thus only needs to
* implement the spitting function and ratio to the overestimate.
* TODO: For a more efficient sampling one needs can rewrite the
* overestimation to contain the alpha_max*Kgmax factors.
* @see \ref CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.
class CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn: public HalfHalfOneSplitFn {
* The default constructor.
CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn() : HalfHalfOneSplitFn() {}
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* Very similar to HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
* Here the kernel only contains the soft part multiplied by the
* alphas/2pi * Kg from
* Nucl.Phys. B349 (1991) 635-654
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* Very similar to HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
* Since we use only the 1/1-z part for overestimating the kernel
* in the first place we can keep the same overestimation related functions
* for the CMW kernels.
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* Return the correction term from:
* Nucl.Phys. B349 (1991) 635-654
double Kg(Energy2 )const{
//TODO: Should be t-dependent
int Nf=5;//alpha_->Nf(t)
return (3.*(67./18.-1./6.*sqr(Constants::pi))-5./9.*Nf);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit(){
// Pointer to the alpha_s object in use.
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
// Provide information if the kernel is used for initial state.
// as the pt definition contains an additional factor of z.
bool isIS_=false;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn & operator=(const CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_CMWOneOneOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_CMWOneOneOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the CMWOneOneOneSplitFn class.
#include "OneOneOneSplitFn.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation
* of the CMW enhanced expressions for the
* splitting function for \f$1\to 11\f$.
* The kernel uses the same overestimate as the
* corresponding OneOneOneSplitFn and thus only needs to
* implement the spitting function and ratio to the overestimate.
* TODO: For a more efficient sampling one needs can rewrite the
* overestimation to contain the alpha_max*Kgmax factors.
* @see \ref CMWOneOneOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.
class CMWOneOneOneSplitFn: public OneOneOneSplitFn {
* The default constructor.
CMWOneOneOneSplitFn() : OneOneOneSplitFn() {}
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* Very similar to HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
* Here the kernel only contains the soft part multiplied by the
* alphas/2pi * Kg from
* Nucl.Phys. B349 (1991) 635-654
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* Very similar to HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
* Since we use only the 1/1-z part for overestimating the kernel
* in the first place we can keep the same overestimation related functions
* for the CMW kernels.
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* Return the correction term from:
* Nucl.Phys. B349 (1991) 635-654
double Kg(Energy2 )const{
//TODO: Might be t-dependent
int Nf=5;//alpha_->Nf(t)
return (3.*(67./18.-1./6.*sqr(Constants::pi))-5./9.*Nf);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit(){
// Pointer to the alpha_s object in use.
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
// Provide information if the kernel is used for initial state.
// as the pt definition contains an additional factor of z.
bool isIS_=false;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
CMWOneOneOneSplitFn & operator=(const CMWOneOneOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_CMWOneOneOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the HalfHalfOneSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\frac12\to q\frac12 1\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) =C\left(\frac{1+z^2}{1-z}-2\frac{m^2_q}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = \frac{2C}{1-z},\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = -2C\ln(1-z),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[1-\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see \ref HalfHalfOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
class HalfHalfOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
HalfHalfOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HalfHalfOneSplitFn & operator=(const HalfHalfOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the HalfOneHalfSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This classs provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\frac12\to 1\frac12\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) = C\left(\frac{2(1-z)+z^2}{z}-2\frac{m^2_q}t\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = 2C\frac1z,\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = 2C\ln z,\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see SplittingFunction
class HalfOneHalfSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
HalfOneHalfSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HalfOneHalfSplitFn & operator=(const HalfOneHalfSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
@@ -1,193 +1,193 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the OneHalfHalfSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$1\to \frac12\frac12\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) =C\left(1-2z(1-z)+2\frac{m_q^2}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = C,\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z =Cz,\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\frac{r}{C}\f]
* @see \ref OneHalfHalfSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for OneHalfHalfSplitFn.
class OneHalfHalfSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
OneHalfHalfSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
OneHalfHalfSplitFn & operator=(const OneHalfHalfSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// OneOneOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$1\to 11\f$ where the emitting particle is massi e
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z) =2C\left( \frac{z}{1-z}-\frac{m^2}{q^2-m^2}) +2\rho_{00]\frac{(1-z)^2m^2}{q^2-m^2} + (1-\rho_{00})\left(\frac{1-z}{z}+z(1-z)-\frac{(1-z)^2m^2}{q^2-m^2}\right)\right),\f]
* where \f$C=\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = 2C\left(\frac1z+\frac1{1-z}\right),\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z =2C\ln\left(\frac{z}{1-z}\right),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\frac{\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}{(1+\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}\f]
* @see \ref OneOneOneMassiveSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.
class OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn & operator=(const OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// OneOneOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the OneOneOneSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$1\to 11\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z) =2C*\left(\frac{z}{1-z}+\frac{1-z}{z}+z(1-z)\right),\f]
* where \f$C=\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = 2C\left(\frac1z+\frac1{1-z}\right),\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z =2C\ln\left(\frac{z}{1-z}\right),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\frac{\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}{(1+\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}\f]
* @see \ref OneOneOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for OneOneOneSplitFn.
class OneOneOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
OneOneOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
* @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
OneOneOneSplitFn & operator=(const OneOneOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
rename from Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/
rename to Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,891 +1,891 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the SplittingFunction class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeSplittingFunction ("Herwig::SplittingFunction","");
void SplittingFunction::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<SplittingFunction> documentation
("The SplittingFunction class is the based class for 1->2 splitting functions"
" in Herwig");
static Switch<SplittingFunction,ColourStructure> interfaceColourStructure
"The colour structure for the splitting function",
&SplittingFunction::_colourStructure, Undefined, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureTripletTripletOctet
"3 -> 3 8",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureOctetOctetOctet
"8 -> 8 8",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureOctetTripletTriplet
"8 -> 3 3bar",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureTripletOctetTriplet
"3 -> 8 3",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureSextetSextetOctet
"6 -> 6 8",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureChargedChargedNeutral
"q -> q 0",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureNeutralChargedCharged
"0 -> q qbar",
static SwitchOption interfaceColourStructureChargedNeutralCharged
"q -> 0 q",
static Switch<SplittingFunction,ShowerInteraction>
"Type of the interaction",
ShowerInteraction::UNDEFINED, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionTypeQCD
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionTypeQED
static Switch<SplittingFunction,bool> interfaceAngularOrdered
"Whether or not this interaction is angular ordered, "
"normally only g->q qbar and gamma-> f fbar are the only ones which aren't.",
&SplittingFunction::angularOrdered_, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceAngularOrderedYes
"Interaction is angular ordered",
static SwitchOption interfaceAngularOrderedNo
"Interaction isn't angular ordered",
static Switch<SplittingFunction,unsigned int> interfaceScaleChoice
"The scale choice to be used",
&SplittingFunction::scaleChoice_, 2, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceScaleChoicepT
"pT of the branching",
static SwitchOption interfaceScaleChoiceQ2
"Q2 of the branching",
static SwitchOption interfaceScaleChoiceFromAngularOrdering
"If angular order use pT, otherwise Q2",
void SplittingFunction::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << oenum(_interactionType) << _interactionOrder
<< oenum(_colourStructure) << _colourFactor
<< angularOrdered_ << scaleChoice_;
void SplittingFunction::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> ienum(_interactionType) >> _interactionOrder
>> ienum(_colourStructure) >> _colourFactor
>> angularOrdered_ >> scaleChoice_;
void SplittingFunction::colourConnection(tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
const bool back) const {
if(_colourStructure==TripletTripletOctet) {
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
assert(( cparent.first && !cparent.second &&
partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) ||
( !cparent.first && cparent.second &&
// q -> q g
if(cparent.first) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
newline->addColoured ( first);
newline->addAntiColoured (second);
// qbar -> qbar g
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// Set progenitor
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
assert(( cfirst.first && !cfirst.second &&
partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) ||
( !cfirst.first && cfirst.second &&
// q -> q g
if(cfirst.first) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// qbar -> qbar g
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// Set progenitor
else if(_colourStructure==OctetOctetOctet) {
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
// ensure first gluon is hardest
if( first->id()==second->id() && parent->showerKinematics()->z()<0.5 )
// colour line radiates
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
// The colour line is radiating
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// anti colour line radiates
else if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
// The colour line is radiating
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// anti colour line radiates
else if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(_colourStructure == OctetTripletTriplet) {
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
cparent.first ->addColoured ( first);
// Set progenitor
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
assert(( cfirst.first && !cfirst.second) ||
(!cfirst.first && cfirst.second));
// g -> q qbar
if(cfirst.first) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// g -> qbar q
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// Set progenitor
else if(_colourStructure == TripletOctetTriplet) {
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
assert(( cparent.first && !cparent.second) ||
(!cparent.first && cparent.second));
// q -> g q
if(cparent.first) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
newline->addColoured (second);
newline->addAntiColoured( first);
// qbar -> g qbar
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
newline->addColoured ( first);
// Set progenitor
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// ensure input consistency
// q -> g q
if(parent->id()>0) {
cfirst.first ->addColoured(parent);
else {
cfirst.first ->addAntiColoured(second);
// Set progenitor
else if(_colourStructure==SextetSextetOctet) {
//make sure we're not doing backward evolution
//make sure something sensible
assert(parent->colourLine() || parent->antiColourLine());
//get the colour lines or anti-colour lines
bool isAntiColour=true;
ColinePair cparent;
if(parent->colourLine()) {
cparent = ColinePair(const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parent->colourInfo()->colourLines()[0]),
else {
cparent = ColinePair(const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parent->colourInfo()->antiColourLines()[0]),
//check for sensible input
// assert(cparent.first && cparent.second);
// sextet has 2 colour lines
if(!isAntiColour) {
//pick at random which of the colour topolgies to take
double topology = UseRandom::rnd();
if(topology < 0.25) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(topology >=0.25 && topology < 0.5) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(topology >= 0.5 && topology < 0.75) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
// sextet has 2 anti-colour lines
else {
double topology = UseRandom::rnd();
if(topology < 0.25){
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(topology >=0.25 && topology < 0.5) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(topology >= 0.5 && topology < 0.75) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(_colourStructure == ChargedChargedNeutral) {
if(!parent->data().coloured()) return;
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// q -> q g
if(cparent.first) {
// qbar -> qbar g
if(cparent.second) {
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// q -> q g
if(cfirst.first) {
// qbar -> qbar g
if(cfirst.second) {
else if(_colourStructure == ChargedNeutralCharged) {
if(!parent->data().coloured()) return;
if(!back) {
ColinePair cparent = ColinePair(parent->colourLine(),
// q -> q g
if(cparent.first) {
// qbar -> qbar g
if(cparent.second) {
else {
if (second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if (second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar ) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
else if(_colourStructure == NeutralChargedCharged ) {
if(!back) {
if(first->dataPtr()->coloured()) {
ColinePtr newline=new_ptr(ColourLine());
if(first->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
newline->addColoured (first );
else if (first->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
newline->addColoured (second);
newline->addAntiColoured(first );
else {
ColinePair cfirst = ColinePair(first->colourLine(),
// gamma -> q qbar
if(cfirst.first) {
// gamma -> qbar q
else if(cfirst.second) {
else {
void SplittingFunction::doinit() {
assert((_colourStructure>0&&_interactionType==ShowerInteraction::QCD) ||
(_colourStructure<0&&_interactionType==ShowerInteraction::QED) );
if(_colourFactor>0.) return;
// compute the colour factors if need
if(_colourStructure==TripletTripletOctet) {
_colourFactor = 4./3.;
else if(_colourStructure==OctetOctetOctet) {
_colourFactor = 3.;
else if(_colourStructure==OctetTripletTriplet) {
_colourFactor = 0.5;
else if(_colourStructure==TripletOctetTriplet) {
_colourFactor = 4./3.;
else if(_colourStructure==SextetSextetOctet) {
_colourFactor = 10./3.;
else if(_colourStructure<0) {
_colourFactor = 1.;
else {
bool SplittingFunction::checkColours(const IdList & ids) const {
if(_colourStructure==TripletTripletOctet) {
if(ids[0]!=ids[1]) return false;
if((ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour3||ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) &&
ids[2]->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==OctetOctetOctet) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(ids[ix]->iColour()!=PDT::Colour8) return false;
return true;
else if(_colourStructure==OctetTripletTriplet) {
if(ids[0]->iColour()!=PDT::Colour8) return false;
return true;
return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==TripletOctetTriplet) {
if(ids[0]!=ids[2]) return false;
if((ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour3||ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) &&
ids[1]->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==SextetSextetOctet) {
if(ids[0]!=ids[1]) return false;
if((ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour6 || ids[0]->iColour()==PDT::Colour6bar) &&
ids[2]->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==ChargedChargedNeutral) {
if(ids[0]!=ids[1]) return false;
if(ids[2]->iCharge()!=0) return false;
if(ids[0]->iCharge()==ids[1]->iCharge()) return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==ChargedNeutralCharged) {
if(ids[0]!=ids[2]) return false;
if(ids[1]->iCharge()!=0) return false;
if(ids[0]->iCharge()==ids[2]->iCharge()) return true;
return false;
else if(_colourStructure==NeutralChargedCharged) {
if(ids[1]->id()!=-ids[2]->id()) return false;
if(ids[0]->iCharge()!=0) return false;
if(ids[1]->iCharge()==-ids[2]->iCharge()) return true;
return false;
else {
return false;
namespace {
bool hasColour(tPPtr p) {
PDT::Colour colour = p->dataPtr()->iColour();
return colour==PDT::Colour3 || colour==PDT::Colour8 || colour == PDT::Colour6;
bool hasAntiColour(tPPtr p) {
PDT::Colour colour = p->dataPtr()->iColour();
return colour==PDT::Colour3bar || colour==PDT::Colour8 || colour == PDT::Colour6bar;
void SplittingFunction::evaluateFinalStateScales(ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr emitter,
tShowerParticlePtr emitted) {
// identify emitter and emitted
double zEmitter = z, zEmitted = 1.-z;
bool bosonSplitting(false);
// special for g -> gg, particle highest z is emitter
if(emitter->id() == emitted->id() && emitter->id() == parent->id() &&
zEmitted > zEmitter) {
swap( emitted, emitter);
// otherwise if particle ID same
else if(emitted->id()==parent->id()) {
swap( emitted, emitter);
// no real emitter/emitted
else if(emitter->id()!=parent->id()) {
bosonSplitting = true;
// may need to add angularOrder flag here
// now the various scales
// QED
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QED) {
assert(colourStructure()==ChargedChargedNeutral ||
colourStructure()==ChargedNeutralCharged ||
colourStructure()==NeutralChargedCharged );
// normal case
if(!bosonSplitting) {
assert(colourStructure()==ChargedChargedNeutral ||
colourStructure()==ChargedNeutralCharged );
// set the scales
// emitter
emitter->scales().QED = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_c = min(scale,parent->scales().QCD_c );
emitter->scales().QCD_c_noAO = min(scale,parent->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
emitter->scales().QCD_ac = min(scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac );
emitter->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = min(scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
// emitted
emitted->scales().QED = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_c = ZERO;
emitted->scales().QCD_c_noAO = ZERO;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac = ZERO;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = ZERO;
// gamma -> f fbar
else {
assert(colourStructure()==NeutralChargedCharged );
// emitter
emitter->scales().QED = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(emitter)) {
emitter->scales().QCD_c = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(emitter)) {
emitter->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// emitted
emitted->scales().QED = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(emitted)) {
emitted->scales().QCD_c = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(emitted)) {
emitted->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// QCD
else {
// normal case eg q -> q g and g -> g g
if(!bosonSplitting) {
emitter->scales().QED = min(scale,parent->scales().QED );
emitter->scales().QED_noAO = min(scale,parent->scales().QED_noAO);
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
emitter->scales().QCD_c = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_ac = min(zEmitter*scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac );
emitter->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = min( scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
else {
emitter->scales().QCD_c = min(zEmitter*scale,parent->scales().QCD_c );
emitter->scales().QCD_c_noAO = min( scale,parent->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
emitter->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// emitted
emitted->scales().QED = ZERO;
emitted->scales().QED_noAO = ZERO;
emitted->scales().QCD_c = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// g -> q qbar
else {
// emitter
if(emitter->dataPtr()->charged()) {
emitter->scales().QED = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_c = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitter*scale;
emitter->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// emitted
if(emitted->dataPtr()->charged()) {
emitted->scales().QED = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_c = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac = zEmitted*scale;
emitted->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
void SplittingFunction::evaluateInitialStateScales(ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr spacelike,
tShowerParticlePtr timelike) {
// scale for time-like child
Energy AOScale = (1.-z)*scale;
// QED
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QED) {
if(parent->id()==spacelike->id()) {
// parent
parent ->scales().QED = scale;
parent ->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_c = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c );
parent ->scales().QCD_c_noAO = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
parent ->scales().QCD_ac = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac );
parent ->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
// timelike
timelike->scales().QED = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
timelike->scales().QCD_c = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = ZERO;
else if(parent->id()==timelike->id()) {
parent ->scales().QED = scale;
parent ->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(parent)) {
parent ->scales().QCD_c = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(parent)) {
parent ->scales().QCD_ac = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// timelike
timelike->scales().QED = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_c = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
else {
parent ->scales().QED = scale;
parent ->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_c = ZERO ;
parent ->scales().QCD_c_noAO = ZERO ;
parent ->scales().QCD_ac = ZERO ;
parent ->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = ZERO ;
// timelike
timelike->scales().QED = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_c = min(AOScale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac );
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = min( scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
if(hasAntiColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = min(AOScale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c );
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = min( scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
// QCD
else {
// timelike
if(timelike->dataPtr()->charged()) {
timelike->scales().QED = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_c = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(timelike)) {
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
if(parent->id()==spacelike->id()) {
parent ->scales().QED = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QED );
parent ->scales().QED_noAO = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QED_noAO );
parent ->scales().QCD_c = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c );
parent ->scales().QCD_c_noAO = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
parent ->scales().QCD_ac = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac );
parent ->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = min(scale,spacelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
else {
if(parent->dataPtr()->charged()) {
parent ->scales().QED = scale;
parent ->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
if(hasColour(parent)) {
parent ->scales().QCD_c = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
if(hasAntiColour(parent)) {
parent ->scales().QCD_ac = scale;
parent ->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
void SplittingFunction::evaluateDecayScales(ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr spacelike,
tShowerParticlePtr timelike) {
// angular-ordered scale for 2nd child
Energy AOScale = (1.-z)*scale;
// QED
if(partnerType==ShowerPartnerType::QED) {
// timelike
timelike->scales().QED = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
timelike->scales().QCD_c = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = ZERO;
// spacelike
spacelike->scales().QED = scale;
spacelike->scales().QED_noAO = scale;
// QCD
else {
// timelike
timelike->scales().QED = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QED_noAO = ZERO;
timelike->scales().QCD_c = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = scale;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac = AOScale;
timelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = scale;
// spacelike
spacelike->scales().QED = max(scale,parent->scales().QED );
spacelike->scales().QED_noAO = max(scale,parent->scales().QED_noAO );
spacelike->scales().QCD_c = max(scale,parent->scales().QCD_c );
spacelike->scales().QCD_c_noAO = max(scale,parent->scales().QCD_c_noAO );
spacelike->scales().QCD_ac = max(scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac );
spacelike->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = max(scale,parent->scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
diff --git a/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh
rename from Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh
rename to Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
rename from Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
rename to Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
--- a/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
@@ -1,388 +1,388 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SplittingFunction.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
#define HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
// This is the declaration of the SplittingFunction class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerConfig.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/RhoDMatrix.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/DecayMatrixElement.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourLine.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "SplittingFunction.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* Enum to define the possible types of colour structure which can occur in
* the branching.
enum ColourStructure {Undefined=0,
TripletTripletOctet = 1,OctetOctetOctet =2,
OctetTripletTriplet = 3,TripletOctetTriplet=4,
SextetSextetOctet = 5,
/** \ingroup Shower
* This is an abstract class which defines the common interface
* for all \f$1\to2\f$ splitting functions, for both initial-state
* and final-state radiation.
* The SplittingFunction class contains a number of purely virtual members
* which must be implemented in the inheriting classes. The class also stores
* the interaction type of the spltting function.
* The inheriting classes need to specific the splitting function
* \f$P(z,2p_j\cdot p_k)\f$, in terms of the energy fraction \f$z\f$ and
* the evolution scale. In order to allow the splitting functions to be used
* with different choices of evolution functions the scale is given by
* \f[2p_j\cdot p_k=(p_j+p_k)^2-m_{jk}^2=Q^2-(p_j+p_k)^2=z(1-z)\tilde{q}^2=
* \frac{p_T^2}{z(1-z)}-m_{jk}^2+\frac{m_j^2}{z}+\frac{m_k^2}{1-z},\f]
* where \f$Q^2\f$ is the virtuality of the branching particle,
* $p_T$ is the relative transverse momentum of the branching products and
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ is the angular variable described in hep-ph/0310083.
* In addition an overestimate of the
* splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}(z)\f$ which only depends upon \f$z\f$,
* the integral, inverse of the integral for this overestimate and
* ratio of the true splitting function to the overestimate must be provided
* as they are necessary for the veto alogrithm used to implement the evolution.
* @see \ref SplittingFunctionInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for SplittingFunction.
class SplittingFunction: public Interfaced {
* The default constructor.
* @param b All splitting functions must have an interaction order
SplittingFunction(unsigned int b)
: Interfaced(), _interactionType(ShowerInteraction::UNDEFINED),
_colourStructure(Undefined), _colourFactor(-1.),
angularOrdered_(true), scaleChoice_(2) {}
* Methods to return the interaction type and order for the splitting function
* Return the type of the interaction
ShowerInteraction interactionType() const {return _interactionType;}
* Return the order of the splitting function in the interaction
unsigned int interactionOrder() const {return _interactionOrder;}
* Return the colour structure
ColourStructure colourStructure() const {return _colourStructure;}
* Return the colour factor
double colourFactor(const IdList &ids) const {
return _colourFactor;
else if(_colourStructure<0) {
if(_colourStructure==ChargedChargedNeutral ||
_colourStructure==ChargedNeutralCharged) {
return sqr(double(ids[0]->iCharge())/3.);
else if(_colourStructure==NeutralChargedCharged) {
double fact = sqr(double(ids[1]->iCharge())/3.);
fact *= abs(double(ids[1]->iColour()));
return fact;
* Purely virtual method which should determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const = 0;
* Method to check the colours are correct
virtual bool checkColours(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* Purely virtual method which should return the exact value of the splitting function,
* \f$P\f$ evaluated in terms of the energy fraction, \f$z\f$, and the evolution scale
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return
* an overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ such that the result \f$P_{\rm over}\geq P\f$. This function
* should be simple enough that it does not depend on the evolution scale.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return the inverse of the
* indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ which is used to
* generate the value of \f$z\f$.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should make the proper colour connection
* between the emitting parent and the branching products.
* @param parent The parent for the branching
* @param first The first branching product
* @param second The second branching product
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
* @param back Whether this is foward or backward evolution.
virtual void colourConnection(tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second,
ShowerPartnerType partnerType,
const bool back) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param phi The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @param timeLike Whether timelike or spacelike, affects inclusive of mass terms
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) = 0;
* Whether or not the interaction is angular ordered
bool angularOrdered() const {return angularOrdered_;}
* Scale choice
bool pTScale() const {
return scaleChoice_ == 2 ? angularOrdered_ : scaleChoice_ == 0;
* Functions to state scales after branching happens
* Sort out scales for final-state emission
void evaluateFinalStateScales(ShowerPartnerType type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
* Sort out scales for initial-state emission
void evaluateInitialStateScales(ShowerPartnerType type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
* Sort out scales for decay emission
void evaluateDecayScales(ShowerPartnerType type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Set the colour factor
void colourFactor(double in) {_colourFactor=in;}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SplittingFunction & operator=(const SplittingFunction &);
* The interaction type for the splitting function.
ShowerInteraction _interactionType;
* The order of the splitting function in the coupling
unsigned int _interactionOrder;
* The colour structure
ColourStructure _colourStructure;
* The colour factor
double _colourFactor;
* Whether or not this interaction is angular-ordered
bool angularOrdered_;
* The choice of scale
unsigned int scaleChoice_;
#endif /* HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,616 +1,616 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the SplittingGenerator class.
#include "SplittingGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Command.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/StringUtils.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/Repository.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Rebinder.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
namespace {
bool checkInteraction(ShowerInteraction allowed,
ShowerInteraction splitting) {
return true;
else if(allowed == splitting)
return true;
return false;
describeSplittingGenerator ("Herwig::SplittingGenerator","");
IBPtr SplittingGenerator::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr SplittingGenerator::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void SplittingGenerator::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _bbranchings << _fbranchings << _deTuning;
void SplittingGenerator::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _bbranchings >> _fbranchings >> _deTuning;
void SplittingGenerator::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<SplittingGenerator> documentation
("There class is responsible for initializing the Sudakov form factors ",
"and generating splittings.");
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceAddSplitting
"Adds another splitting to the list of splittings considered "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceAddInitialSplitting
"Adds another splitting to the list of initial splittings to consider "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov. Here the particle a is the "
"particle that is PRODUCED by the splitting. b is the initial state "
"particle that is splitting in the shower.",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceDeleteSplitting
"Deletes a splitting from the list of splittings considered "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceDeleteInitialSplitting
"Deletes a splitting from the list of initial splittings to consider "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov. Here the particle a is the "
"particle that is PRODUCED by the splitting. b is the initial state "
"particle that is splitting in the shower.",
static Parameter<SplittingGenerator,double> interfaceDetuning
"The Detuning parameter to make the veto algorithm less efficient to improve the weight variations",
&SplittingGenerator::_deTuning, 1.0, 1.0, 10.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
string SplittingGenerator::addSplitting(string arg, bool final) {
string partons = StringUtils::car(arg);
string sudakov = StringUtils::cdr(arg);
vector<tPDPtr> products;
string::size_type next = partons.find("->");
if(next == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
if(partons.find(';') == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
tPDPtr parent = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+2);
do {
next = min(partons.find(','), partons.find(';'));
tPDPtr pdp = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+1);
if(pdp) products.push_back(pdp);
else return "Error: Could not create splitting from " + arg;
} while(partons[0] != ';' && partons.size());
SudakovPtr s;
s = dynamic_ptr_cast<SudakovPtr>(Repository::TraceObject(sudakov));
if(!s) return "Error: Could not load Sudakov " + sudakov + '\n';
IdList ids;
for(vector<tPDPtr>::iterator it = products.begin(); it!=products.end(); ++it)
// check splitting can handle this
return "Error: Sudakov " + sudakov + " SplittingFunction can't handle particles\n";
// add to map
return "";
string SplittingGenerator::deleteSplitting(string arg, bool final) {
string partons = StringUtils::car(arg);
string sudakov = StringUtils::cdr(arg);
vector<tPDPtr> products;
string::size_type next = partons.find("->");
if(next == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
if(partons.find(';') == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
tPDPtr parent = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+2);
do {
next = min(partons.find(','), partons.find(';'));
tPDPtr pdp = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+1);
if(pdp) products.push_back(pdp);
else return "Error: Could not create splitting from " + arg;
} while(partons[0] != ';' && partons.size());
SudakovPtr s;
s = dynamic_ptr_cast<SudakovPtr>(Repository::TraceObject(sudakov));
if(!s) return "Error: Could not load Sudakov " + sudakov + '\n';
IdList ids;
for(vector<tPDPtr>::iterator it = products.begin(); it!=products.end(); ++it)
// check splitting can handle this
return "Error: Sudakov " + sudakov + " Splitting Function can't handle particles\n";
// delete from map
return "";
void SplittingGenerator::addToMap(const IdList &ids, const SudakovPtr &s, bool final) {
if(!final) {
// search if the branching was already included.
auto binsert =BranchingInsert(abs(ids[1]->id()),BranchingElement(s,ids));
// get the range of already inserted splittings.
auto eqrange=_bbranchings.equal_range(binsert.first);
for(auto it = eqrange.first; it != eqrange.second; ++it){
if((*it).second == binsert.second)
throw Exception()<<"SplittingGenerator: Trying to insert existing splitting.\n"
<< Exception::setuperror;
else {
// search if the branching was already included.
auto binsert =BranchingInsert(abs(ids[0]->id()),BranchingElement(s,ids));
// get the range of already inserted splittings.
auto eqrange=_fbranchings.equal_range(binsert.first);
for(auto it = eqrange.first; it != eqrange.second; ++it){
if((*it).second ==binsert.second)
throw Exception()<<"SplittingGenerator: Trying to insert existing splitting.\n"
<< Exception::setuperror;
void SplittingGenerator::deleteFromMap(const IdList &ids,
const SudakovPtr &s, bool final) {
bool didRemove=false;
if(!final) {
range = _bbranchings.equal_range(abs(ids[1]->id()));
for(BranchingList::iterator it=range.first;
it!=range.second&&it!=_bbranchings.end();++it) {
if(it->second.sudakov==s&&it->second.particles==ids) {
BranchingList::iterator it2=it;
else {
range = _fbranchings.equal_range(abs(ids[0]->id()));
for(BranchingList::iterator it=range.first;
it!=range.second&&it!=_fbranchings.end();++it) {
if(it->second.sudakov==s&&it->second.particles==ids) {
BranchingList::iterator it2 = it;
if (!didRemove)
throw Exception()<<"SplittingGenerator: Try to remove non existing splitting.\n"
<< Exception::setuperror;
Branching SplittingGenerator::chooseForwardBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,
double enhance,
ShowerInteraction type) const {
RhoDMatrix rho;
bool rhoCalc(false);
Energy newQ = ZERO;
ShoKinPtr kinematics = ShoKinPtr();
ShowerPartnerType partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
SudakovPtr sudakov = SudakovPtr();
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the highest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no branchings return empty branching struct
if( _fbranchings.find(index) == _fbranchings.end() )
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _fbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _fbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit) {
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(type,cit->second.sudakov->interactionType())) continue;
if(!rhoCalc) {
rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(true);
rhoCalc = true;
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
ShowerPartnerType type;
IdList particles =!=cit->first ? cit->second.conjugateParticles : cit->second.particles;
// work out which starting scale we need
if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
newKin = cit->second.sudakov->
else if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
newKin= cit->second.sudakov->
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
ShoKinPtr newKin2 = cit->second.sudakov->
// pick the one with the highest scale
if( ( newKin && newKin2 && newKin2->scale() > newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin && newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// other g -> q qbar
else {
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ?
max(particle.scales().QCD_c , particle.scales().QCD_ac ) :
max(particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO, particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
newKin= cit->second.sudakov->
type = UseRandom::rndbool() ?
ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// everything else q-> qg etc
else {
Energy startingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
newKin= cit->second.sudakov->
// shouldn't be anything else
// if no kinematics contine
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if( newKin->scale() > newQ ) {
kinematics = newKin;
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = particles;
sudakov = cit->second.sudakov;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
// if not hard generate phi
// and return it
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
Branching SplittingGenerator::
chooseDecayBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & stoppingScales,
Energy minmass, double enhance,
ShowerInteraction interaction) const {
RhoDMatrix rho(particle.dataPtr()->iSpin());
Energy newQ = Constants::MaxEnergy;
ShoKinPtr kinematics;
SudakovPtr sudakov;
ShowerPartnerType partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the lowest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no branchings return empty branching struct
if(_fbranchings.find(index) == _fbranchings.end())
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _fbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _fbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit) {
// check interaction doesn't change flavour
if(cit->second.particles[1]->id()!=index&&cit->second.particles[2]->id()!=index) continue;
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(interaction,cit->second.sudakov->interactionType())) continue;
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
IdList particles =!=cit->first ? cit->second.conjugateParticles : cit->second.particles;
ShowerPartnerType type;
// work out which starting scale we need
if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QED : stoppingScales.QED_noAO;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
if(startingScale < stoppingScale ) {
newKin = cit->second.sudakov->
else if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
Energy stoppingColour = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_c : stoppingScales.QCD_c_noAO;
Energy stoppingAnti = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_ac : stoppingScales.QCD_ac_noAO;
Energy startingColour = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
Energy startingAnti = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
if(startingColour<stoppingColour) {
newKin= cit->second.sudakov->
ShoKinPtr newKin2;
if(startingAnti<stoppingAnti) {
newKin2 = cit->second.sudakov->
// pick the one with the lowest scale
if( (newKin&&newKin2&&newKin2->scale()<newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin&&newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// other
else {
// everything else
else {
Energy startingScale,stoppingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_c : stoppingScales.QCD_c_noAO;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_ac : stoppingScales.QCD_ac_noAO;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
if(startingScale < stoppingScale ) {
newKin = cit->second.sudakov->
// shouldn't be anything else
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if(newKin->scale() < newQ ) {
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = particles;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
// and generate phi
// and return it
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
Branching SplittingGenerator::
chooseBackwardBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,PPtr ,
double enhance,
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer beam,
ShowerInteraction type,
tcPDFPtr pdf, Energy freeze) const {
RhoDMatrix rho;
bool rhoCalc(false);
Energy newQ=ZERO;
ShoKinPtr kinematics=ShoKinPtr();
ShowerPartnerType partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
SudakovPtr sudakov;
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the highest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no possible branching return
if(_bbranchings.find(index) == _bbranchings.end())
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _bbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _bbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit ) {
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(type,cit->second.sudakov->interactionType())) continue;
// setup the PDF
//calc rho as needed
if(!rhoCalc) {
rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(false);
rhoCalc = true;
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
IdList particles =!=cit->first ? cit->second.conjugateParticles : cit->second.particles;
ShowerPartnerType type;
if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
else if(cit->second.sudakov->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.sudakov->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
newKin = cit->second.sudakov->
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,particles, particle.x(),rho,0.5*enhance,beam,_deTuning);
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
ShoKinPtr newKin2 = cit->second.sudakov->
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,particles, particle.x(),rho,0.5*enhance,beam,_deTuning);
// pick the one with the highest scale
if( (newKin&&newKin2&&newKin2->scale()>newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin&&newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
else {
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ?
max(particle.scales().QCD_c , particle.scales().QCD_ac ) :
max(particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO, particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
type = UseRandom::rndbool() ?
ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,particles, particle.x(),rho,enhance,beam,_deTuning);
// everything else
else {
Energy startingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,particles, particle.x(),rho,enhance,beam,_deTuning);
// shouldn't be anything else
// if no kinematics contine
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if(newKin->scale() > newQ) {
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = particles;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
// initialize the ShowerKinematics
// and generate phi
// return the answer
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
void SplittingGenerator::rebind(const TranslationMap & trans) {
BranchingList::iterator cit;
for(cit=_fbranchings.begin();cit!=_fbranchings.end();++cit) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).particles.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).conjugateParticles.size();++ix) {
for(cit=_bbranchings.begin();cit!=_bbranchings.end();++cit) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).particles.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).conjugateParticles.size();++ix) {
IVector SplittingGenerator::getReferences() {
IVector ret = Interfaced::getReferences();
BranchingList::iterator cit;
for(cit=_fbranchings.begin();cit!=_fbranchings.end();++cit) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).particles.size();++ix)
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).conjugateParticles.size();++ix)
for(cit=_bbranchings.begin();cit!=_bbranchings.end();++cit) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).particles.size();++ix)
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(cit->second).conjugateParticles.size();++ix)
return ret;
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h
@@ -1,321 +1,321 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SplittingGenerator.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SplittingGenerator_H
#define HERWIG_SplittingGenerator_H
// This is the declaration of the SplittingGenerator class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/Branching.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
#include "SplittingGenerator.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerKinematics.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class is responsible for creating, at the beginning of the Run,
* all the SplittingFunction objects and the corresponding
* SudakovFormFactor objects, and then of the generation of splittings
* (radiation emissions) during the event.
* Many switches are defined in this class which allowed the user to turn on/off:
* - each type of interaction (QCD, QED, EWK,...);
* - initial- and final-state radiation for all type of interactions;
* - initial- and final-state radiation for each type of interaction;
* - each type of splitting (\f$u\to ug\f$, \f$d\to dg\f$, \f$\ldots\f$,
* \f$g\to gg\f$, \f$g\to u\bar{u}\f$, \f$\ldots\f$).
* These switches are useful mainly for debugging, but eventually can
* also be used for a "quick and dirty" estimation of systematic errors.
* In the future it should be possible to implement in this class
* - the \f$1\to2\f$ azimuthal correlations for soft emission due to QCD coherence
* using the ShowerParticle object provided in the input.
* - Similarly having the \f$\rho-D\f$ matrix and the SplittingFunction pointer
* it should be possible to implement the spin correlations.
* @see SudakovFormFactor
* @see SplitFun
* @see \ref SplittingGeneratorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for SplittingGenerator.
class SplittingGenerator: public Interfaced {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
SplittingGenerator() : _deTuning(1.) {}
* Methods to select the next branching and reconstruct the kinematics
* Choose a new forward branching for a time-like particle
* The method returns:
* - a pointer to a ShowerKinematics object, which
* contains the information about the new scale and all other
* kinematics variables that need to be generated simultaneously;
* - a pointer to the SudakovFormFactor object associated
* with the chosen emission.
* - The PDG codes of the particles in the branching,
* as a Branching struct.
* In the case no branching has been generated, both the returned
* pointers are null ( ShoKinPtr() , tSudakovFFPtr() ).
* @param particle The particle to be evolved
* @param enhance The factor by which to ehnace the emission of radiation
* @param type The type of interaction to generate
* @return The Branching struct for the branching
Branching chooseForwardBranching(ShowerParticle & particle,
double enhance,
ShowerInteraction type) const;
* Select the next branching of a particles for the initial-state shower
* in the particle's decay.
* @param particle The particle being showerwed
* @param maxscale The maximum scale
* @param minmass Minimum mass of the particle after the branching
* @param enhance The factor by which to ehnace the emission of radiation
* @param type The type of interaction to generate
* @return The Branching struct for the branching
Branching chooseDecayBranching(ShowerParticle & particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,double enhance,
ShowerInteraction type) const;
* Choose a new backward branching for a space-like particle.
* The method returns:
* - a pointer to a ShowerKinematics object, which
* contains the information about the new scale and all other
* kinematics variables that need to be generated simultaneously;
* - a pointer to the SudakovFormFactor object associated
* with the chosen emission.
* - The PDG codes of the particles in the branching,
* as a Branching struct.
* In the case no branching has been generated, both the returned
* pointers are null ( ShoKinPtr() , tSudakovFFPtr() ).
* @param particle The particle to be evolved
* @param enhance The factor by which to ehnace the emission of radiation
* @param beamparticle The beam particle
* @param beam The BeamParticleData object
* @param type The type of interaction to generate
* @return The Branching struct for the branching
chooseBackwardBranching(ShowerParticle & particle,
PPtr beamparticle,
double enhance,
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer beam,
ShowerInteraction type,
tcPDFPtr , Energy ) const;
* Methods to parse the information from the input files to create the
* branchings
* Add a final-state splitting
string addFinalSplitting(string arg) { return addSplitting(arg,true); }
* Add an initial-state splitting
string addInitialSplitting(string arg) { return addSplitting(arg,false); }
* Add a final-state splitting
string deleteFinalSplitting(string arg) { return deleteSplitting(arg,true); }
* Add an initial-state splitting
string deleteInitialSplitting(string arg) { return deleteSplitting(arg,false); }
* Access to the splittings
* Access the final-state branchings
const BranchingList & finalStateBranchings() const { return _fbranchings; }
* Access the initial-state branchings
const BranchingList & initialStateBranchings() const { return _bbranchings; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Rebind pointer to other Interfaced objects. Called in the setup phase
* after all objects used in an EventGenerator has been cloned so that
* the pointers will refer to the cloned objects afterwards.
* @param trans a TranslationMap relating the original objects to
* their respective clones.
* @throws RebindException if no cloned object was found for a given
* pointer.
virtual void rebind(const TranslationMap & trans)
* Return a vector of all pointers to Interfaced objects used in this
* object.
* @return a vector of pointers.
virtual IVector getReferences();
* Add a branching to the map
* @param ids PDG coeds of the particles in the branching
* @param sudakov The SudakovFormFactor for the branching
* @param final Whether this is an initial- or final-state branching
void addToMap(const IdList & ids, const SudakovPtr & sudakov, bool final);
* Remove a branching to the map
* @param ids PDG coeds of the particles in the branching
* @param sudakov The SudakovFormFactor for the branching
* @param final Whether this is an initial- or final-state branching
void deleteFromMap(const IdList & ids, const SudakovPtr & sudakov, bool final);
* Obtain the reference vectors for a final-state particle
* @param particle The particle
* @param p The p reference vector
* @param n The n reference vector
void finalStateBasisVectors(ShowerParticle particle, Lorentz5Momentum & p,
Lorentz5Momentum & n) const;
* Add a splitting
* @param in string to be parsed
* @param final Whether this is an initial- or final-state branching
string addSplitting(string in ,bool final);
* Delete a splitting
* @param in string to be parsed
* @param final Whether this is an initial- or final-state branching
string deleteSplitting(string in ,bool final);
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SplittingGenerator & operator=(const SplittingGenerator &);
* List of the branchings and the appropriate Sudakovs for forward branchings
BranchingList _fbranchings;
* Lists of the branchings and the appropriate Sudakovs for backward branchings.
BranchingList _bbranchings;
* The detuning parameter
double _deTuning;
#endif /* HERWIG_SplittingGenerator_H */
diff --git a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the ZeroZeroOneSplitFn class.
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\phi\to \phi g\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) = 2C\left(\frac{z}{1-z}-\frac{m^2_\phi}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = \frac{2C}{1-z},\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = -2C\ln(1-z),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[1-\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see \ref ZeroZeroOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.
class ZeroZeroOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward
* Shouldn't be needed and NOT IMPLEMENTED
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn & operator=(const ZeroZeroOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h b/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h
--- a/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h
+++ b/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// RealEmissionProcess.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_RealEmissionProcess_H
#define HERWIG_RealEmissionProcess_H
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcess.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/XComb.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
#include "RealEmissionProcess.fh"
-#include "Herwig/Shower/Core/ShowerInteraction.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerInteraction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Simple struct for hard processes and decays
class RealEmissionProcess : public Base {
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const RealEmissionProcess & proc);
* The incoming particles
ParticleVector & incoming() {
return incoming_;
* The outgoing particles
ParticleVector & outgoing() {
return outgoing_;
* The incoming particles
ParticleVector & bornIncoming() {
return bornIncoming_;
* The outgoing particles
ParticleVector & bornOutgoing() {
return bornOutgoing_;
* The hadrons
ParticleVector & hadrons() {
return hadrons_;
* The emitter
unsigned int emitter () const {return emitter_;}
* The spectator
unsigned int spectator() const {return spectator_;}
* The emitted
unsigned int emitted () const {return emitted_;}
* The emitter
void emitter (unsigned int in) {emitter_=in;}
* The spectator
void spectator(unsigned int in) {spectator_=in;}
* The emitted
void emitted (unsigned int in) {emitted_=in;}
* Lorentz Rotation to final-state for II dipoles
LorentzRotation transformation() const { return trans_;}
* Lorentz Rotation to final-state for II dipoles
void transformation(LorentzRotation in) {trans_=in;}
* Get the x values
pair<double,double> x() const {return x_;}
* Set the x values
void x(pair<double,double> in) {x_=in;}
* Type of interaction
ShowerInteraction interaction() {return interaction_;}
* Type of interaction
void interaction(ShowerInteraction in) {interaction_ = in;}
* Emission scales
map<ShowerInteraction,Energy> & pT() {return pT_;}
* The emitter
unsigned int emitter_;
* The spectator
unsigned int spectator_;
* The emitter
unsigned int emitted_;
* The incoming particles
ParticleVector incoming_;
* The outgoing particles
ParticleVector outgoing_;
* The hadrons
ParticleVector hadrons_;
* Incoming for the Born process
ParticleVector bornIncoming_;
* Outgoing for the Born process
ParticleVector bornOutgoing_;
* Lorentz transformation for spectators in II
LorentzRotation trans_;
* x values
pair<double,double> x_;
* Type of interaction
ShowerInteraction interaction_;
* Emission scales
map<ShowerInteraction,Energy> pT_;
* Output to a stream
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const RealEmissionProcess & proc) {
<< proc.emitter_ << " "
<< proc.spectator_ << " "
<< proc.emitted_ << "\n";
os << "BORN\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<proc.bornIncoming_.size();++ix)
os << proc.bornIncoming_[ix]->colourLine() << " "
<< proc.bornIncoming_[ix]->antiColourLine() << " "
<< *proc.bornIncoming_[ix] << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<proc.bornOutgoing_.size();++ix)
os << proc.bornOutgoing_[ix]->colourLine() << " "
<< proc.bornOutgoing_[ix]->antiColourLine() << " "
<< *proc.bornOutgoing_[ix] << "\n";
os << "REAL\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<proc.incoming_.size();++ix)
os << proc.incoming_[ix]->colourLine() << " "
<< proc.incoming_[ix]->antiColourLine() << " "
<< *proc.incoming_[ix] << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<proc.outgoing_.size();++ix)
os << proc.outgoing_[ix]->colourLine() << " "
<< proc.outgoing_[ix]->antiColourLine() << " "
<< *proc.outgoing_[ix] << "\n";
return os;
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Couplings/ b/Shower/
rename from Shower/Core/Couplings/
rename to Shower/
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.fh b/Shower/ShowerAlpha.fh
rename from Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.fh
rename to Shower/ShowerAlpha.fh
diff --git a/Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h b/Shower/ShowerAlpha.h
rename from Shower/Core/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h
rename to Shower/ShowerAlpha.h
diff --git a/Shower/Core/ShowerInteraction.h b/Shower/ShowerInteraction.h
rename from Shower/Core/ShowerInteraction.h
rename to Shower/ShowerInteraction.h

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:01 PM (2 h, 20 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(961 KB)

Event Timeline