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#include <cmath>
#include "CMass.h"
*!\brief scission energies
* calculates information on scission point for saddle-to-scission
* evaporation and for fission mass distributions
class CScission
static float const e2; //!< \f$e^{2} = 1.44 MeV fm^{-1}\f$
static float const kRotate; //!< constant for rotational energy
static float const slopeViola; //!< for Viola systematics of fission KE
static float const constViola; //!< for Viola systematics of fission KE
float mu0; //!< reduced mass
float Vc0; //!< Coulomb self energy of a symmetric frag
float R1; //!< radius of frag1 in fm
float momInertia1; //!< moment of inertia of frgament1
float R2; //!< radius of frag1 in fm
float momInertia2; //!< moment of inertia of frgament1
float k1; //!< part of the rotational energy
bool sym; //!< logical symmetic of non symmetric fission
float Z1;//!< atomic number of lighter fragment after fission
float Z2;//!< atomic number of heavier fragment
float A1;//!< mass number of lighter fragment after fission
float A2;//!< mass number of heavier fragment
CMass * mass; //!< gives mass excess
static float const r0; //!< constant R=r0*A^(1/3)
float sep; //!< separation between the surafces of the 2 spheres
float sep0; //!< separation determined in init()
float sep1; //!< separation determined in sigmaFissionSystematics()
int iA; //!< mass number of system
int iZ; //!< proton number of system
float A; //!< float value of iA
float Z; //!< float value of iZ
float fJ; //!< spin of system
float Esymmetric; //!< energy for symmetric mass split
float ekTot; //!< total fission kinetic energy from getFissionKineticEnergy()
float Erotate1; //!<rotational energy of fragment1
float Erotate2; //!<rotational energy of fragment2
float Epair1; //!< pairing energy of frag1
float Epair2; //!< pairing energy of frag2
float Eshell1; //!< shell energy of frag1
float Eshell2; //!< shell energy of frag2
float EkCoul; //!< Colomb part of total fisison kinetic energy
float EkRot; //!< rotational part of total fission kinetic energy
CScission(int iZ0,int iA0,float fJ0, int iChan);
void init(int iZ0,int iA0,float fJ0,int ichan,float Z1=0.,float A1=0.);
float getSep(float EkViola);
float getScissionEnergy();
float getScissionEnergy(int iZ1,int iA1);
float getFissionKineticEnergy(int iZ1, int iA1);
float sigmaFissionSystematicsScission(int iZ, int iA, float fJ, float fUscission);
float sigmaFissionSystematicsSaddle(int iZ, int iA, float fJ, float fUscission);

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Sat, Dec 21, 3:57 PM (1 d, 21 h)
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CScission.h (2 KB)

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