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// Nsubjettiness Package
// Questions/Comments?
// Copyright (c) 2011-14
// Jesse Thaler, Ken Van Tilburg, Christopher K. Vermilion, and TJ Wilkason
// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this code. If not, see <>.
#include "MeasureFunction.hh" //new file added by TJW 12/25
#include "AxesFinder.hh" //new file added by TJW 12/25
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
//#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
//#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
namespace contrib {
//parameter classes moved to MeasureFunction.hh to avoid cross-referencing -- TJW 12/28
//base MeasureFunction class and function definitions moved to MeasureFunction.hh/.cc -- TJW 12/25
//Derived MeasureFunction classes moved to MeasureFunction.hh -- TJW/28
//WinnerTakeAllRecombiner class definition moved into WinnerTakeAllRecombiner.hh -- TJW 12/28
//AxesFinder base class definitions moved to AxesFinder.hh -- TJW 12/25
//AxesFinder from exlusive jets and derived class definitions moved to AxesFinder.hh -- TJW 12/28
//AxesFinder from hardest jets and derived class definitions moved to AxesFinder.hh -- TJW 12/28
//Manual AxesFinder class moved to AxesFinder.hh -- TJW 12/28
//Minimum axes classes moved to AxesFinder.hh -- TJW 12/28
// functions for minimization all moved to -- TJW 12/22
// Main Njettiness Class
/// \class Njettiness
// Njettiness uses AxesFinder and MeasureFunction together in order to find tau_N for the event. The user specifies
// which AxesFinder and which MeasureFunction to use in the calculation, and then Njettiness returns tau_N for the event.
// It also can return information about the axes and jets it used in the calculation, as well as information about
// how the event was partitioned. -- comment added by TJW
class Njettiness {
enum AxesMode {
wta_kt_axes, //Winner Take All axes with kt
wta_ca_axes, // Winner Take All axes with CA
onepass_wta_kt_axes, //one-pass minimization of WTA axes with kt
onepass_wta_ca_axes, //one-pass minimization of WTA axes with ca
kt_axes, // exclusive kt axes
ca_axes, // exclusive ca axes
antikt_0p2_axes, // inclusive hardest axes with antikt-0.2
min_axes, // axes that minimize N-subjettiness (100 passes by default)
manual_axes, // set your own axes with setAxes()
onepass_kt_axes, // one-pass minimization from kt starting point
onepass_ca_axes, // one-pass minimization from ca starting point
onepass_antikt_0p2_axes, // one-pass minimization from antikt-0.2 starting point
onepass_manual_axes // one-pass minimization from manual starting point
//new MeasureMode enum added by TJW 1/7
enum MeasureMode {
normalized_measure, //default normalized measure
unnormalized_measure, //default unnormalized measure
geometric_measure, //geometric measure
normalized_cutoff_measure, //default normalized measure with explicit Rcutoff
unnormalized_cutoff_measure, //default unnormalized measure with explicit Rcutoff
geometric_cutoff_measure //geometric measure with explicit Rcutoff
MeasureFunction* _function;
AxesFinder* _axesFinder;
// new class added to contain all various components of tau -- TJW 1/14
TauComponents _current_tau_components; //automatically set to have components of 0; these values will be set by the getTau function call -- TJW 1/15
// added enum information so functions can specify output based on specific options, primarily for setAxes -- TJW 1/15
AxesMode _current_axes_mode;
MeasureMode _current_measure_mode;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> _currentAxes;
// these values are no longer necessary -- TJW 1/15
// double _current_tau_normalized;
// double _current_tau_numerator; //To return unnormalized values if wanted
// double _current_tau_denominator; //To return normalization factor if wanted
// std::vector<double> _current_subtaus_normalized;
// std::vector<double> _current_subtaus_numerator; //To return unnormalized values if wanted
//Use NsubAxesMode to pick which type of axes to use
// function definition moved from -- TJW 1/15
void establishAxes(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector <fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputs) {
_currentAxes = _axesFinder->getAxes(n_jets,inputs,_currentAxes);
// function removed since it is no longer necessary -- TJW 1/15
// void establishTaus(const std::vector <fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputs);
// added for compilation of non C++11 users -- TJW 1/15
bool isnan(double para) { return para != para; }
//created new function to check to make sure input has correct number of parameters -- TJW 1/10
bool correctParameterCount(int n, double para1, double para2, double para3, double para4){
int numpara;
if (!isnan(para1) && !isnan(para2) && !isnan(para3) && !isnan(para4)) numpara = 4;
else if (!isnan(para1) && !isnan(para2) && !isnan(para3) && isnan(para4)) numpara = 3;
else if (!isnan(para1) && !isnan(para2) && isnan(para3) && isnan(para4)) numpara = 2;
else if (!isnan(para1) && isnan(para2) && isnan(para3) && isnan(para4)) numpara = 1;
else numpara = 0;
return n == numpara;
// created new function to set onepass_axes depending on input measure_mode and startingFinder-- TJW 1/13
// made void so that it just sets _axesFinder instead of returning AxesFinder -- TJW 1/15
void setOnePassAxesFinder(MeasureMode measure_mode, AxesFinder* startingFinder, double para1, double Rcutoff) {
if (measure_mode == normalized_measure || measure_mode == unnormalized_measure || measure_mode == normalized_cutoff_measure || measure_mode == unnormalized_cutoff_measure) {
_axesFinder = new AxesFinderFromOnePassMinimization(startingFinder, para1, Rcutoff);
else if (measure_mode == geometric_measure || measure_mode == geometric_cutoff_measure) {
_axesFinder = new AxesFinderFromGeometricMinimization(startingFinder, Rcutoff);
else {
std::cerr << "minimization only set up for normalized_measure, unnormalized_measure, normalized_cutoff_measure, unnormalized_cutoff_measure, geometric_measure, geometric_cutoff_measure" << std::endl;
exit(1); }
//created separate function to set MeasureFunction and AxesFinder in order to reduce redundant code in Njettiness constructors -- TJW 1/11
void setMeasureFunctionandAxesFinder(AxesMode axes_mode, MeasureMode measure_mode, double para1, double para2, double para3, double para4);
Njettiness(AxesFinder* axesFinder, MeasureFunction* function) : _function(function), _axesFinder(axesFinder) {}
// updated constructor to use three separate parameters instead of NsubParameters -- TJW 1/9
// updated to use new private function defined above -- TJW 1/11
// constructor removed since it is never explicitly used by the user -- TJW 1/13
// Njettiness(AxesMode axes_mode, double beta, double R0, double Rcutoff) {
// setMeasureFunctionandAxesFinder(axes_mode, normalized_cutoff_measure, beta, R0, Rcutoff);
// }
//new constructor to include both AxesMode and MeasureMode enums, and parameters for them -- TJW 1/7
// updated to use new private function defined above -- TJW 1/11
// updated to include 4th parameter (if necessary) -- TJW
Njettiness(AxesMode axes_mode, MeasureMode measure_mode, double para1 = NAN, double para2 = NAN, double para3 = NAN, double para4 = NAN) : _current_axes_mode(axes_mode), _current_measure_mode(measure_mode) {
setMeasureFunctionandAxesFinder(axes_mode, measure_mode, para1, para2, para3, para4);
// updated constructor to use separate Rcutoff parameter instead of NsubGeometricParameters for initialization of geometric measure-- TJW 1/10
// constructor definition moved from -- TJW 1/11
// this constructor should no longer exist because the user should specify geometric_measure with above constructor. -- TJW 1/14
// Njettiness(double Rcutoff) {
// _function = new GeometricMeasure(Rcutoff);
// _axesFinder = new AxesFinderFromGeometricMinimization(new AxesFinderFromKT(),Rcutoff);
// }
// constructor definition moved from -- TJW 1/11
~Njettiness() {
delete _function;
delete _axesFinder;
void setMeasureFunction(MeasureFunction* newFunction) {_function = newFunction;}
void setAxesFinder(AxesFinder* newAxesFinder) {_axesFinder = newAxesFinder;}
// setAxes for Manual mode
void setAxes(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> myAxes) {
if (_current_axes_mode == manual_axes || _current_axes_mode == onepass_manual_axes) {
_currentAxes = myAxes;
else {
std::cerr << "You can only use setAxes if using manual_axes or onepass_manual_axes measure mode" << std::endl;
// The value of N-subjettiness
double getTau(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputJets) {
if (inputJets.size() <= n_jets) {
_currentAxes = inputJets;
return 0.0;
establishAxes(n_jets, inputJets); // sets current Axes
_current_tau_components = _function->result(inputJets, _currentAxes); // sets current Tau Values
//establishTaus(inputJets); //no longer necessary -- TJW 1/15
// return _current_tau_normalized;
return _current_tau_components.tau_normalized();
// new function to return all TauComponents that user would want -- TJW 1/15
TauComponents getTauComponents(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputJets) {
getTau(n_jets, inputJets);
return _current_tau_components;
// Alternative function call to return just numerator information
// Function for retrieving the unnormalized tau_N
// removed since nothing uses it -- TJW 1/15
// double getTauNumerator(unsigned n_jets, const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputJets) {
// getTau(n_jets,inputJets);
// return _current_tau_numerator;
// }
// get axes used by getTau.
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> currentAxes() { return _currentAxes;}
// get subTau values calculated in getTau.
// std::vector<double> currentTaus() { return _current_subtaus_normalize; }
std::vector<double> currentTaus() { return _current_tau_components.subtaus_normalized(); }
// get total Tau value calculated in getTau.
// double currentTau() { return _current_tau_normalized; }
double currentTau() { return _current_tau_components.tau_normalized(); }
// TauComponents currentTauComponents() {return _current_tau_components; }
// these functions aren't used by anyone and can be replaced by NjettinessComponents function -- TJW 1/15
// double currentTauNormalized() { return _current_tau_normalized; }
// double currentTauNumerator() { return _current_tau_numerator; }
// double currentTauDenominator() { return _current_tau_denominator; }
// std::vector<double> currentSubTausNumerator() { return _current_subtaus_numerator; }
// std::vector<double> currentSubTausNormalized() { return _current_subtaus_normalized; }
// partition inputs by Voronoi (each vector stores indices corresponding to inputJets)
std::vector<std::list<int> > getPartition(const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputJets);
// partition inputs by Voronoi
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> getJets(const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & inputJets);
//all Njettiness function definitions moved to -- TJW 12/22
} // namespace contrib

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:38 PM (21 h, 47 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
Njettiness.hh (12 KB)

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