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Index: branches/fitting/src/DipoleModelParameters.cpp
--- branches/fitting/src/DipoleModelParameters.cpp (revision 385)
+++ branches/fitting/src/DipoleModelParameters.cpp (revision 386)
@@ -1,493 +1,493 @@
// DipoleModelParameters.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// $Date$
// $Author: ullrich $
#include "DipoleModelParameters.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
DipoleModelParameters::DipoleModelParameters(Settings* settings)
mDipoleModelType = settings->dipoleModelType();
mDipoleModelParameterSetName = settings->dipoleModelParameterSetName();
mDipoleModelParameterSet = settings->dipoleModelParameterSet();
DipoleModelParameters::DipoleModelParameters(DipoleModelType mtype, DipoleModelParameterSet pset) :
mDipoleModelType(mtype), mDipoleModelParameterSet(pset)
void DipoleModelParameters::setDipoleModelType(DipoleModelType val)
mDipoleModelType = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setDipoleModelParameterSet(DipoleModelParameterSet val)
mDipoleModelParameterSet = val;
DipoleModelType DipoleModelParameters::dipoleModelType() const {return mDipoleModelType;}
DipoleModelParameterSet DipoleModelParameters::dipoleModelParameterSet() const {return mDipoleModelParameterSet;}
void DipoleModelParameters::setup_bSat()
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == KMW) {
// KMW paper (arXiv:hep-ph/0606272), Table 3
mQuarkMass[0] = mQuarkMass[1] = mQuarkMass[2] = 0.14; // u,d,s quarks
mQuarkMass[3] = 1.4;
mBG = 4.;
mMu02 = 1.17; // Gev^2
mLambdaG = 0.02;
mAg = 2.55;
mC = 4;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == HMPZ) {
// Internal note by Heikki Mantysaari an Pia Zurita, arXiv pending
mQuarkMass[0] = mQuarkMass[1] = mQuarkMass[2] = 0.03; // u,d,s quarks
mQuarkMass[3] = 1.3528;
mBG = 4.;
mMu02 = 1.1; // Gev^2
mLambdaG = 0.08289;
mAg = 2.1953;
mC = 2.2894;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == CUSTOM) {
if (mCustomParameters.size() < 10) {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setupParameters(): Error, require 8 custom parameters for bSAT when" << endl;
cout << " dipole-model parameter set is 'CUSTOM'. Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
mQuarkMass[0] = mCustomParameters[0];
mQuarkMass[1] = mCustomParameters[1];
mQuarkMass[2] = mCustomParameters[2];
mQuarkMass[3] = mCustomParameters[3];
mQuarkMass[4] = mCustomParameters[4];
mBG = mCustomParameters[5];
mMu02 = mCustomParameters[6];
mLambdaG = mCustomParameters[7];
mAg = mCustomParameters[8];
mC = mCustomParameters[9];
if(mCustomParameters.size() > 10 and mCustomParameters.size() < 13){
mShape = (ProtonShape) mCustomParameters[10];
mV = mCustomParameters[11];
mRshrink = mCustomParameters[12];
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_bSat(): Error, no known parameters for given dipole model" << endl;
cout << " and requested parmeter set "
<< "(" << mDipoleModelType << "/" << mDipoleModelParameterSet << "). Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
void DipoleModelParameters::setup_bNonSat()
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == KMW) {
// KT paper (arXiv:hep-ph/0304189v3), page 11
mQuarkMass[0] = mQuarkMass[1] = mQuarkMass[2] = 0.14; // u,d,s quarks
mQuarkMass[3] = 1.4;
mBG = 4.;
mMu02 = 0.8;
mLambdaG = -0.13;
mAg = 3.5;
mC = 4;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == HMPZ) {
// Internal note by Heikki Mantysaari an Pia Zurita, arXiv pending
mQuarkMass[0] = mQuarkMass[1] = mQuarkMass[2] = 0.1516; // u,d,s quarks
mQuarkMass[3] = 1.3504;
mBG = 4.;
mMu02 = 1.1;
mLambdaG = -0.006657;
mAg = 3.0391;
mC = 4.2974;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == CUSTOM) {
if (mCustomParameters.size() < 10) {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setupParameters(): Error, require 8 custom parameters for bNonSAT when" << endl;
cout << " dipole-model parameter set is 'CUSTOM'. Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
mQuarkMass[0] = mCustomParameters[0];
mQuarkMass[1] = mCustomParameters[1];
mQuarkMass[2] = mCustomParameters[2];
mQuarkMass[3] = mCustomParameters[3];
mQuarkMass[4] = mCustomParameters[4];
mBG = mCustomParameters[5];
mMu02 = mCustomParameters[6];
mLambdaG = mCustomParameters[7];
mAg = mCustomParameters[8];
mC = mCustomParameters[9];
if(mCustomParameters.size() > 10 and mCustomParameters.size() < 13){
mShape = (ProtonShape)mCustomParameters[10];
mV = mCustomParameters[11];
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_bNonSat(): Error, no known parameters for given dipole model" << endl;
cout << " and requested parmeter set "
<< "(" << mDipoleModelType << "/" << mDipoleModelParameterSet << "). Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
void DipoleModelParameters::setup_bCGC()
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == KMW) {
// WK paper (arXiv:0712.2670), Table II
mQuarkMass[0] = mQuarkMass[1] = mQuarkMass[2] = 0.14; // u,d,s quarks
mQuarkMass[3] = 1.4;
mKappa = 9.9;
mN0 = 0.558;
mX0 = 1.84e-6;
mLambda = 0.119;
mGammas = 0.46;
mBcgc = 7.5;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == CUSTOM) {
if (mCustomParameters.size() < 10) {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_bCGC(): Error, require 10 custom parameters for bCGC when" << endl;
cout << " dipole-model parameter set is 'CUSTOM'. Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
mQuarkMass[0] = mCustomParameters[0];
mQuarkMass[1] = mCustomParameters[1];
mQuarkMass[2] = mCustomParameters[2];
mQuarkMass[3] = mCustomParameters[3];
mKappa = mCustomParameters[4];
mN0 = mCustomParameters[5];
mX0 = mCustomParameters[6];
mLambda = mCustomParameters[7];
mGammas = mCustomParameters[8];
mBcgc = mCustomParameters[9];
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_bCGC(): Error, no known parameters for given dipole model"
<< " and requested parmeter set "
<< "(" << mDipoleModelType << "/" << mDipoleModelParameterSet << "). Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
void DipoleModelParameters::setupParameters()
TableGeneratorSettings *settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == CUSTOM) mCustomParameters = settings->dipoleModelCustomParameters();
// Init
mKappa = 0;
mN0 = 0;
mX0 = 0;
mLambda = 0;
mGammas = 0;
mBcgc = 0;
mBG = 0;
mMu02 = 0;
mLambdaG = 0;
mAg = 0;
mC = 0;
mV = 0;
mBoostedGaussianR2_rho = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNL_rho = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNT_rho = 0;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho = 0;
mBoostedGaussianR2_phi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNL_phi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNT_phi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi = 0;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi = 0;
// t masses (not used, just for completeness)
mQuarkMass[5] = 175.; // t quark consistent with HMPZ
// Parameters for boosted Gaussian wave function
// Model parameters
if (mDipoleModelType == bSat) {
else if (mDipoleModelType == bNonSat) {
else if (mDipoleModelType == bCGC) {
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setupParameters(): Error, no known parameters for given dipole model" << endl;
cout << " and requested parmeter set "
<< "(" << mDipoleModelType << "/" << mDipoleModelParameterSet << "). Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
+// exit(1);
+ }
double DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianR2(int vm)
if (vm == 113)
return mBoostedGaussianR2_rho;
else if (vm == 333)
return mBoostedGaussianR2_phi;
else if (vm == 443)
return mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi;
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianR2(): Error, no boosted Gaussian parameter parameters for given vector meson (" << vm << ")." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
double DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianNL(int vm)
if (vm == 113)
return mBoostedGaussianNL_rho;
else if (vm == 333)
return mBoostedGaussianNL_phi;
else if (vm == 443)
return mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi;
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianNL(): Error, no boosted Gaussian parameter parameters for given vector meson (" << vm << ")." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
double DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianNT(int vm)
if (vm == 113)
return mBoostedGaussianNT_rho;
else if (vm == 333)
return mBoostedGaussianNT_phi;
else if (vm == 443)
return mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi;
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianNT(): Error, no boosted Gaussian parameter parameters for given vector meson (" << vm << ")." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
void DipoleModelParameters::setup_boostedGaussiansWaveFunction()
if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == KMW) {
- //
// KMW: bSat, bNonSat, and bCGC use the same parameters
// and also does not distingiosh between T and L.
mBoostedGaussianR2_rho = 12.9;
mBoostedGaussianNL_rho = 0.853;
mBoostedGaussianNT_rho = 0.911;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho = 0.14;
mBoostedGaussianR2_phi = 11.2;
mBoostedGaussianNL_phi = 0.825;
mBoostedGaussianNT_phi= 0.919;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi = 0.14;
mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi = 2.3;
mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi = 0.575;
mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi = 0.578;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi = 1.4;
else if (mDipoleModelParameterSet == HMPZ) {
if (mDipoleModelType == bSat) {
mBoostedGaussianR2_rho = 3.6376*3.6376;
mBoostedGaussianNL_rho = 0.8926;
mBoostedGaussianNT_rho = 0.9942;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho = 0.03;
mBoostedGaussianR2_phi = 3.3922*3.3922;
mBoostedGaussianNL_phi = 0.8400;
mBoostedGaussianNT_phi = 0.9950;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi = 0.03;
mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi = 1.5070*1.5070;
mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi = 0.5860;
mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi = 0.5890;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi = 1.3528;
else if (mDipoleModelType == bNonSat) {
mBoostedGaussianR2_rho = 3.5750*3.5750;
mBoostedGaussianNL_rho = 0.8467;
mBoostedGaussianNT_rho = 0.8978;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho = 0.1516;
mBoostedGaussianR2_phi = 3.3530*3.3530;
mBoostedGaussianNL_phi = 0.8196;
mBoostedGaussianNT_phi = 0.9072;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi = 0.1516;
mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi = 1.5071*1.5071;
mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi = 0.5868;
mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi = 0.5899;
mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi = 1.3504;
else if (mDipoleModelType == bCGC) {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_boostedGaussiansWaveFunction(): "
"Error, no HMPZ wave function parameters for CGC model. Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::setup_boostedGaussiansWaveFunction(): Error, no known parameters for given dipole model "
<< " parmeter set "
<< "(" << mDipoleModelType << "/" << mDipoleModelParameterSet << "). Stop." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
double DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianQuarkMass(int vm)
if (vm == 113)
return mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho;
else if (vm == 333)
return mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi;
else if (vm == 443)
return mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi;
else {
cout << "DipoleModelParameters::boostedGaussianQuarkMass(): Error, no boosted Gaussian parameter parameters for given vector meson (" << vm << ")." << endl;
- exit(1);
+// exit(1);
bool DipoleModelParameters::list(ostream& os)
const int fieldWidth = 32;
os << "\nDipole Model Parameters:" << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Set: " << mDipoleModelParameterSetName << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Quark masses: "
<< "u=" << mQuarkMass[0]
<< ", d=" << mQuarkMass[1]
<< ", s=" << mQuarkMass[2]
<< ", c=" << mQuarkMass[3]
<< ", b=" << mQuarkMass[4]
<< ", t=" << mQuarkMass[5] << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BG: " << mBG << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Mu02: " << mMu02 << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "LambdaG: " << mLambdaG << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Ag: " << mAg << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "C: " << mC << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Kappa: " << mKappa << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "N0: " << mN0 << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "X0: " << mX0 << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Lambda: " << mLambda << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Gammas: " << mGammas << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "Bcgc: " << mBcgc << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianR2_rho: " << mBoostedGaussianR2_rho << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNL_rho: " << mBoostedGaussianNL_rho << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNT_rho: " << mBoostedGaussianNT_rho << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho: " << mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_rho << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianR2_phi: " << mBoostedGaussianR2_phi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNL_phi: " << mBoostedGaussianNL_phi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNT_phi: " << mBoostedGaussianNT_phi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi: " << mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_phi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianR2_jpsi: " << mBoostedGaussianR2_jpsi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNL_jpsi: " << mBoostedGaussianNL_jpsi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianNT_jpsi: " << mBoostedGaussianNT_jpsi << endl;
os << setw(fieldWidth) << "BoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi: " << mBoostedGaussianQuarkMass_jpsi << endl;
os << endl;
return true;
void DipoleModelParameters::setBG(double val) {
mBG = val;
mCustomParameters[5] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setMu02(double val) {
mMu02 = val;
mCustomParameters[6] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setLambdaG(double val) {
mLambdaG = val;
mCustomParameters[7] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setAg(double val) {
mAg = val;
mCustomParameters[8] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setC(double val) {
mC = val;
mCustomParameters[9] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setRshrink(double val) {
mRshrink = val;
mCustomParameters[12] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setV(double val) {
mV = val;
mCustomParameters[11] = val;
void DipoleModelParameters::setQuarkMass(int index, double val) {
mQuarkMass[index] = val;
mCustomParameters[index] = val;
Index: branches/fitting/src/DipoleModel.cpp
--- branches/fitting/src/DipoleModel.cpp (revision 385)
+++ branches/fitting/src/DipoleModel.cpp (revision 386)
@@ -1,751 +1,749 @@
// DipoleModel.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre version: 1.1
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Tobias Toll
// Last update:
// $Date$
// $Author$
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "DipoleModel.h"
#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#include "Parameters_Minuit2.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "Math/WrappedTF1.h"
#include "Math/GaussIntegrator.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnUserParameters.h"
//#include "LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
using namespace std;
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
unsigned int A = settings->A();
//comparisons with previous version in ep yields
//best agreement with as(MZ)=0.1196 at NLO:
// mAs.init(0.1196, 2);
// mAs.init(0.13939, 1); //Default Pythia 8 Too large
// mAs.init(params_coupling, params_asOrder);
// mAs.init(0.126, 1);//
// Initialise DGLAP evolution
cout << "DipoleModel(): Initializing the DGLAP engine:" << endl;
//Upper scale in the DGLAP evoultion. Should be high enough to cover LHeC:
// DglapEvolution::instance().setS(1e10); //this should do it...
// DglapEvolution::instance().G(0.01, 4.);
DipoleModel::~DipoleModel() { /* no op */}
const TableGeneratorNucleus* DipoleModel::nucleus() const { return &mNucleus; }
bool DipoleModel::configurationExists() const { return mConfigurationExists; }
double DipoleModel::bDependence(double) { return 0; }
double DipoleModel::bDependence(double, double) { return 0; }
double DipoleModel::dsigmadb2ep(double, double, double) { return 0;}
double DipoleModel::ddxdsigmadb2(double, double, double) { return 0;}
//void DipoleModel::setParams(const std::vector<double>& par) {/*this needs to return nothing*/}
void DipoleModel::setParams(const std::vector<double>& par)
mBg = par[0]; //par[0];//BS For MZ, BG is kept fixed
mLmass = par[1];
mCmass = par[2];
mBmass = par[3];
mC = par[4];
mMu_02 = par[5]; //par[5];//BS For MZ, Mu02 is kept fixed
mAg = par[6];
mLamg = par[7];
mRmax = par[8];
mAs_qqg = par[9];
mRhs = par[10];
mnLP = par[11];
mR0WS = par[12];
mdWS = par[13];
muCE = par[14];
mEP = par[15];
BV = par[16];
RV = par[17];
wV = par[18];
qMass[0] = mLmass;
qMass[1] = mLmass;
qMass[2] = mLmass;
qMass[3] = mCmass;
qMass[4] = mBmass;
qMass[5] = params_t_mass;
//cout << "DipoleModel mAg = " + std::to_string(mAg) << endl;
mBDependence = 0;
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = 0;
mThicknessNormTable = 0;
// delete mPDF;
delete mSigma_ep_LookupTable;
delete mThicknessNormTable;
delete mBDependence;
DipoleModel_bSat& DipoleModel_bSat::operator=(const DipoleModel_bSat& dp)
if (this != &dp) {
delete mBDependence;
delete mSigma_ep_LookupTable;
delete mThicknessNormTable;
mBDependence = new TH2F(*(dp.mBDependence));
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = new TH1F(*(dp.mSigma_ep_LookupTable));
mThicknessNormTable = new TH1F(*(dp.mThicknessNormTable));
return *this;
DipoleModel_bSat::DipoleModel_bSat(const DipoleModel_bSat& dp) : DipoleModel(dp)
mBDependence = new TH2F(*(dp.mBDependence));
void DipoleModel::createLaplaceThickness(){
double zbhigh=30.*mnLP*hbarc; //fm
int numBins=100000;
mLP_lu=new TH1D("LP_lu", "LP_lu", numBins, 0, zbhigh);
double binWidth=zbhigh/numBins; //fm
double norm=0;
for(int i=1; i<=numBins; i++){
double b=mLP_lu->GetBinCenter(i); //fm
TF1 LP("LP", this, &DipoleModel_bSat::uiLaplace, -zbhigh, zbhigh, 3);
LP.SetParameter(0, b);
LP.SetParameter(1, mnLP);
//WS.SetParameter(2, params_dWS);
ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 wf(LP);
ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator ig;
double LP_of_b=ig.Integral(-zbhigh, zbhigh)/hbarc; //GeV^2
mLP_lu->SetBinContent(i, LP_of_b);
// Calculate the norm=integral(T'(b)d^2b=integral(2pibT'(b)db)
// ~2pi*sum(T'(bi)*bi*Delta b)
norm+=2.*M_PI*b/hbarc*LP_of_b*binWidth/hbarc; //GeV^0
mLP_lu->Scale(1./norm); //normalise, GeV^2
// Calculate <b^2>=integral(b^2 T(b)d^2b)=integral(2pi b^3T(b)db)
// PR(mLP_lu->Interpolate(0.5));
// PR(mLP_lu->Interpolate(1));
// PR(mLP_lu->Interpolate(2));
// PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*0.5/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(0.5/(mnLP*hbarc)));
// PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*1/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(1/(mnLP*hbarc)));
// PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*2/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(2/(mnLP*hbarc)));
double b2_mean=0.;
for(int i=1; i<=numBins; i++){
double b=mLP_lu->GetBinCenter(i)/hbarc;
double T_of_b=mLP_lu->GetBinContent(i);
b2_mean+=b*b*b*T_of_b; //GeV-1
b2_mean*=2.*M_PI*binWidth/hbarc; //GeV^-2
double DipoleModel::uiLaplace(double* x, double* par){
//All in fm
double z=*x; //fm
double b=par[0]; //fm
double r=par[1]; //Radius GeV^-1
//double d=par[2]; //thickness GeV^-1
double arg=(sqrt((z*z+b*b))/(hbarc*r));
return (1/(8*M_PI*r*r*r))*exp(-arg); //GeV^3
void DipoleModel::createCompressedExponentThickness(){
double zbhigh=30;//30.*(1/muCE)*pow(hbarc, 1); //fm
double rhigh=sqrt(1/1.5)/hbarc;
int numBinsb=10000;
int numBinsr=1000;
// int numBinsb=100;
// int numBinsr=10;
mCE_lu=new TH2D("CE_lu", "CE_lu", numBinsb, 0, zbhigh, numBinsr, 0, rhigh); //r Upper limit can be changed
//mCE_lu=new TH1D("CE_lu", "CE_lu", numBinsb, 0, zbhigh);//, numBinsr, 0, rhigh); //r Upper limit can be changed
double binWidthb=zbhigh/numBinsb; //fm
double binWidthr=rhigh/numBinsr;
double norm=0;
for(int i=1; i<=numBinsb; i++){
for(int j=1; j<=numBinsr; j++){
double b=mCE_lu->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); //fm
double r=mCE_lu->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); //fm
TF1 CE("CE", this, &DipoleModel::uiCompressedExponent, -zbhigh, zbhigh, 4);
CE.SetParameter(0, b);
CE.SetParameter(1, r);
CE.SetParameter(2, muCE);
CE.SetParameter(3, mEP);
//if(r>0.8) PR(r);
ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 wf(CE);
ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator ig;
double CE_of_b=2.*ig.IntegralUp(0.)/hbarc;//(-zbhigh, zbhigh)/hbarc; //GeV^2
// PR(b);
// PR(r);
// PR(muCE);
// PR(mEP);
// PR(zbhigh);
// PR(rhigh);
// PR(CE_of_b);
mCE_lu->SetBinContent(i, j, CE_of_b);
// Calculate the norm=integral(T'(b)d^2b=integral(2pibT'(b)db)
// ~2pi*sum(T'(bi)*bi*Delta b)
norm+=2.*M_PI*b/hbarc*CE_of_b*binWidthb/hbarc; //GeV^0
// PR(norm);
// mCE_lu->Scale(1./norm); //normalise, GeV^2
// Calculate <b^2>=integral(b^2 T(b)d^2b)=integral(2pi b^3T(b)db)
// //
// double* z=0;
// double parameters[3]={1, muCE, mEP};
// PR(DipoleModel::uiCompressedExponent(z, parameters));
// PR(mCE_lu->Interpolate(0.5, 0));//, 1.));
// PR(mCE_lu->Interpolate(1, 0));//, 2.));
// PR(mCE_lu->Interpolate(2, 0));//, 4.));
// PR(((pow(muCE,3/mEP)*mEP)/(4*M_PI*TMath::Gamma(3/mEP))));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1.5)));
// // double u=muCE;
// // double v=mEP;
// // double z=0;
// // double b=0.5;
// // double arg=u*(pow((sqrt(z*z+b*b)/hbarc),v));
// // PR(((pow(u,3/v)*v)/(4*M_PI*TMath::Gamma(3/v)))*exp(-arg));
// // b=1;
// // arg=u*(pow((sqrt(z*z+b*b)/hbarc),v));
// // PR(((pow(u,3/v)*v)/(4*M_PI*TMath::Gamma(3/v)))*exp(-arg));
// // b=2;
// // arg=u*(pow((sqrt(z*z+b*b)/hbarc),v));
// // PR(((pow(u,3/v)*v)/(4*M_PI*TMath::Gamma(3/v)))*exp(-arg));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1.5)) * exp(-(0.5*0.5)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1.5)) * exp(-(1*1)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1.5)) * exp(-(2*2)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// double zvalue=0;
// double values1[4]={0.5, 0., muCE, mEP};
// double values2[4]={1., 0., muCE, mEP};
// double values3[4]={2., 0., muCE, mEP};
// PR(uiCompressedExponent(&zvalue, values1));
// PR(uiCompressedExponent(&zvalue, values2));
// PR(uiCompressedExponent(&zvalue, values3));
// // PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*0.5/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(0.5/(mnLP*hbarc)));
// // PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*1/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(1/(mnLP*hbarc)));
// // PR((1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*2/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(2/(mnLP*hbarc)));
// // PR(1/(2*M_PI*mBg) * exp(-0*0/((hbarc2)*(2*mBg))));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1)) * exp(-(0.5*0.5)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1)) * exp(-(1*1)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// PR((1/pow(2*M_PI*mBg, 1)) * exp(-(2*2)/(hbarc2*2*mBg)));
// // /double b2_mean=0.;
// // for(int i=1; i<=numBins; i++){
// // double b=mCE_lu->GetBinCenter(i)/hbarc;
// // double T_of_b=mCE_lu->GetBinContent(i);
// // b2_mean+=b*b*b*T_of_b; //GeV-1
// // }
// // b2_mean*=2.*M_PI*binWidth/hbarc; //GeV^-2
// // PR(sqrt(b2_mean*hbarc2));
double DipoleModel::uiCompressedExponent(double* x, double* par){
//All in fm
double z=*x; //fm
double b=par[0];
double r=par[1]; //fm
double u=par[2]; //Radius GeV^-1
double exponentparameter=par[3];
//double v=2-exp(-exponentparameter*1e-2/(pow(r,6.)));
//double v=1+exp(-exponentparameter*r*r);
double v=2-exp(-exponentparameter*1e-4/(pow(r,4.)));
//double v=1+exp(-exponentparameter*pow(r,4.));
//double v=max(2.95673-exponentparameter*r, 1.);
//double v=1+exp(-exponentparameter*pow(r,9));
//double v=par[2];
//double v=exponentparameter;
// double arg=u*(pow((sqrt(z*z+b*b)/hbarc),v));
double arg=u*(pow((z*z+b*b)/hbarc2, 0.5*v));
return pow(u,3./v)*v / (4.*M_PI*TMath::Gamma(3./v)) * exp(-arg); //GeV^
void DipoleModel::createWoodsSaxonThickness(){
double zbhigh=3.*params_R0WS*hbarc; //fm
int numBins=100000;
mWS_lu=new TH1D("WS_lu", "WS_lu", numBins, 0, zbhigh);
double binWidth=zbhigh/numBins; //fm
double norm=0;
for(int i=1; i<=numBins; i++){
double b=mWS_lu->GetBinCenter(i); //fm
TF1 WS("WS", this, &DipoleModel_bSat::uiWoodsSaxon, -zbhigh, zbhigh, 3);
WS.SetParameter(0, b);
WS.SetParameter(1, params_R0WS);
WS.SetParameter(2, params_dWS);
ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 wf(WS);
ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator ig;
double WS_of_b=ig.Integral(-zbhigh, zbhigh)/hbarc; //GeV^-1
mWS_lu->SetBinContent(i, WS_of_b);
// Calculate the norm=integral(T'(b)d^2b=integral(2pibT'(b)db)
// ~2pi*sum(T'(bi)*bi*Delta b)
norm+=2.*M_PI*b/hbarc*WS_of_b*binWidth/hbarc; //GeV^-3
mWS_lu->Scale(1./norm); //normalise, GeV^2
// Calculate <b^2>=integral(b^2 T(b)d^2b)=integral(2pi b^3T(b)db)
double b2_mean=0.;
for(int i=1; i<=numBins; i++){
double b=mWS_lu->GetBinCenter(i)/hbarc;
double T_of_b=mWS_lu->GetBinContent(i);
b2_mean+=b*b*b*T_of_b; //GeV-1
b2_mean*=2.*M_PI*binWidth/hbarc; //GeV^-2
double DipoleModel::uiWoodsSaxon(double* x, double* par){
//All in fm
double z=*x; //fm
double b=par[0]; //fm
double R0=par[1]; //Radius GeV^-1
double d=par[2]; //thickness GeV^-1
double arg=(sqrt((z*z+b*b))/hbarc-R0)/d;
return 1./(1+exp(arg)); //GeV^0
void DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(int iConfiguration)
if (!mIsInitialized) {
cout << "DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(): DipoleModel class has not been initialized! Stopping." << endl;
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
unsigned int A = mNucleus.A();
string path=settings->bSatLookupPath();
ostringstream filename;
filename << path << "/bSat_bDependence_A" << A <<".root";
ifstream ifs(filename.str().c_str());
if (!ifs) {
cout << "DipoleModel_bSat::createConfiguration(): File does not exist: " << filename.str().c_str() << endl;
cout << "Stopping." << endl;
TFile* lufile= new TFile(filename.str().c_str());
ostringstream histoName;
histoName.str( "" );
histoName << "Configuration_" << iConfiguration;
lufile->GetObject( histoName.str().c_str(), mBDependence );
double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double xprobe)
double bDep=bDependence(b, phi);
double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
double result = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
return result;
double DipoleModel_bSat::ddxdsigmadb2(double r, double b, double xprobe){
const double BG = mBg; // GeV^-2
double arg = b*b/(2*BG);
arg /= hbarc2;
double bDep= 1/(2*M_PI*BG) * exp(-arg);
double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02;
double alphas=mAs.alphaS(muQ2);
double Gofx=DglapEvolution::instance().G(xprobe, muQ2);
// double Gofx=mPDF->xfxQ2(21, xprobe, muQ2)/xprobe;
double omegaFactor = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*alphas*bDep;
double h=xprobe*1e-3;
double Gofxp=DglapEvolution::instance().G(xprobe+h, muQ2);
double Gofxm=DglapEvolution::instance().G(xprobe-h, muQ2);
// double Gofxp=mPDF->xfxQ2(21, xprobe+h, muQ2)/(xprobe+h);
// double Gofxm=mPDF->xfxQ2(21, xprobe-h, muQ2)/(xprobe-h);
double ddx_xg=((xprobe+h)*Gofxp-(xprobe-h)*Gofxm)/(2*h);
double result = omegaFactor*ddx_xg*exp(-omegaFactor*xprobe*Gofx/2);
return result;
return 0.;
double DipoleModel_bSat::bDependence(double b, double phi)
double result = mBDependence->Interpolate(b, phi);
return result;
double DipoleModel::protonThickness(double b, double r=0){
double result=0;
case HardSphere:
// T(b)=3/2pi*1/R^3*sqrt(R^2-b^2)
// <b>=0, <b^2>=2/5*R^2
// sigma(b)=0.63*R
result=3./2.*sqrt(params_Rhs*params_Rhs-b*b/hbarc2)/(M_PI*pow(params_Rhs, 3));
case Laplace:
result = (1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*b/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(b/(mnLP*hbarc)); //GeV^2
case CompressedExponent:
result= mCE_lu->Interpolate(b, r); //GeV^2
case Gauss:
// T(b)=1/(2piBG)exp(-b2/(2BG))
// <b>=0, <b^2>=BG
// sigma(b)=sqrt(BG)
const double BG = mBg; // GeV^-2
double arg = b*b/(2*BG); //fm2*GeV^2
arg /= hbarc2; //GeV^0
result= 1/(2*M_PI*BG) * exp(-arg); //GeV^2
return result;
void DipoleModel_bSat::setMu02(double val){ mMu02=val; }
void DipoleModel_bSat::useSkewednessCorrection(){ mUseSkewednessCorrection=true; }
double DipoleModel_bSat::calculateNorm(double w){
double norm=0;
double step=1e-2;
// double T_old=0;
for(double b=step; b<3.5; b+=step){
double T_gauss=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
double T_laplace=(1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*b/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(b/(mnLP*hbarc));
double T=(1-w)*T_gauss+w*T_laplace;
// T=0.5*(T+T_old);
// T_old=T;
return norm;
void DipoleModel_bSat::createNormTable(){
mBg=4; //#TT
mnLP=1.8282; //#TT
mThicknessNormTable = new TH1F("", "", 1000, -5., 5.);
for(int i=1; i<=1000; i++){
//Omega = X(r, b_ * T(b), this is a function of X(r, xprobe)
double X=pow(10, mThicknessNormTable->GetBinCenter(i));
double norm=0;
double db=1e-3;
for(double b=1e-4; b<4.; b+=db){
//find weight:
double T_gauss=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
double T_laplace=(1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*b/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(b/(mnLP*hbarc));
double weight=0.5;
double dsigdb2=0;
int count=0;
int countMax=1e4;
double bDep=0;
double weight_old=weight;
bDep= (1-weight)*T_gauss+weight*T_laplace;
double omega = X*bDep;
dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
if(abs(weight_old-weight)/weight < 1e-5 or weight==0 or count>countMax) break;
mThicknessNormTable->SetBinContent(i, norm);
// Version which interpolates between different shapes:
+double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
+ //
+ //modify dipole size as
+ //
+ r=mRmax*sqrt(log(1+r*r/(mRmax*mRmax)));
+ double T_gauss=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
+ double T_laplace=(1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*b/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(b/(mnLP*hbarc));
+ double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02; //GeV2
+ double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
+ //Use an iterative approach to find the thickness
+ double weight=0.5;
+ double dsigdb2=0;
+ int count=0;
+ int countMax=1e4;
+ double bDep=0;
+ while(true){
+ double weight_old=weight;
+ bDep= (1-weight)*T_gauss+weight*T_laplace;
+ double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
+ dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
+ weight=0.5*dsigdb2;
+ if(abs(weight_old-weight)/weight < 1e-5 or weight==0 or count>countMax) break;
+ }
+ //We need to normalise the thickness
+ // double norm=calculateNorm(weight);
+ double X=((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg;
+ bDep/=mThicknessNormTable->Interpolate(log10(X));
+ dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-X*bDep/2));
+// return bDep;
+ return dsigdb2;
+//original version:
//double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
// //
// //modify dipole size as
// //
// //r=mRmax*sqrt(log(1+r*r/(mRmax*mRmax)));
-// mBg=4;
-// mnLP=1.8282;
-// double T_gauss=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
-// double T_laplace=(1/(4*M_PI*mnLP*mnLP))*b/(mnLP*hbarc)*TMath::BesselK1(b/(mnLP*hbarc));
+// double bDep=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
// double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02; //GeV2
// double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
-// //Use an iterative approach to find the thickness
-// double weight=0.5;
-// double dsigdb2=0;
-// int count=0;
-// int countMax=1e4;
-// double bDep=0;
-// while(true){
-// double weight_old=weight;
-// bDep= (1-weight)*T_gauss+weight*T_laplace;
-// double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
-// dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
-// weight=0.5*dsigdb2;
-// if(abs(weight_old-weight)/weight < 1e-5 or weight==0 or count>countMax) break;
-// }
-// //We need to normalise the thickness
-// // double norm=calculateNorm(weight);
-// double X=((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg;
-// // bDep/=mThicknessNormTable->Interpolate(log10(X));
-// dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-X*bDep/2));
-// return bDep;
+// double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
+// double dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
// return dsigdb2;
-//original version:
-double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
- //
- //modify dipole size as
- //
- //r=mRmax*sqrt(log(1+r*r/(mRmax*mRmax)));
- double bDep=1./(2*M_PI*mBg)*exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./mBg);
- double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02; //GeV2
- double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
- double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
- double dsigdb2 = 2.*(1. - exp(-omega/2));
- return dsigdb2;
//Skewedness: x1+x2=xp
// sigma(xp)^2 = \int_0^xp dx1\int_0^xp dx2 sigma(x1)sigma(x2)delta(xp-x1-x2)=
// = \int_0^xp sigma(x1)sigma(xp-x1)
double DipoleModel_bSat::coherentDsigmadb2(double r, double b, double xprobe){
double sigmap = mSigma_ep_LookupTable->Interpolate(r);
int A=nucleus()->A();
double TA=nucleus()->T(b)/A;
double result = 2 * ( 1 - pow(1 - TA/2.*sigmap, A) );
return result;
void DipoleModel_bSat::createSigma_ep_LookupTable(double xprobe)
double rbRange=3.*nucleus()->radius();
TF1* dsigmaForIntegration = new TF1("dsigmaForIntegration", this, &DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2epForIntegration, 0., rbRange, 2);
mSigma_ep_LookupTable = new TH1F("", "", 1000, 0, rbRange);
for (int iR=1; iR<=1000; iR++) {
double r=mSigma_ep_LookupTable->GetBinCenter(iR);
dsigmaForIntegration->SetParameter(0, r);
dsigmaForIntegration->SetParameter(1, xprobe);
double result=dsigmaForIntegration->Integral(0, rbRange);
mSigma_ep_LookupTable->SetBinContent(iR, result);
delete dsigmaForIntegration;
double DipoleModel_bSat::dsigmadb2epForIntegration(double *x, double* par)
double r=par[0];
double xprobe=par[1];
double b = *x;
return 2*M_PI*b/hbarc2*dsigmadb2ep(r, b, xprobe);
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
//modify dipole size as
//const double BG = bNonSat_BG; // GeV^-2
//double arg = b*b/(2*BG);
//arg /= hbarc2;
// double bDep= 1/(2*M_PI*BG) * exp(-arg);
double bDep= protonThickness(b, r);
double Mu02 = mMu_02; // GeV^2
double muQ2 = mC/(r*r/hbarc2) + Mu02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
return omega;
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double xprobe)
double bDep=bDependence(b, phi);
double muQ2 = params_C/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double omega = ((M_PI*M_PI)/Nc)*(r*r/hbarc2)*asxg*bDep;
return omega;
double DipoleModel_bNonSat::coherentDsigmadb2(double r, double b, double xprobe){
int A=nucleus()->A();
double TA=nucleus()->T(b)/A;
double muQ2 = params_C/(r*r/hbarc2) + mMu_02;
double asxg = DglapEvolution::instance().alphaSxG(xprobe, muQ2);
double result=A*TA*M_PI*M_PI/Nc*r*r/hbarc2*asxg;
return result;
//void DipoleModel_bCGC::createConfiguration(int iConfiguration)
// if (!mIsInitialized) {
// cout << "DipoleModel_bCGC::createConfigurationDipoleModel class has not been initialized! Stopping." << endl;
// exit(1);
// }
// //iConfiguration is a dummy for bCGC. Do this to avoid compiler warnings:
// iConfiguration++;
// mNucleus.generate();
// mConfigurationExists=true;
//double DipoleModel_bCGC::dsigmadb2(double r, double b, double phi, double x)
// double result=1;
// for (unsigned int iA=0; iA<mNucleus.A(); iA++) {
// double absdeltab=( TVector3(b*cos(phi), b*sin(phi), 0.)
// ).Perp();
// result*=(1.-0.5*dsigmadb2ep(r, absdeltab, x));
// }
// return 2.*(1.-result);
//double DipoleModel_bCGC::dsigmadb2ep(double r, double b, double xprobe)
// double Y = log(1/xprobe);
// double kappa = bCGC_kappa;
// double N0 = bCGC_N0;
// double x0 = bCGC_x0;
// double lambda = bCGC_lambda;
// double gammas = bCGC_gammas;
// double A = -N0*N0*gammas*gammas/((1-N0)*(1-N0)*log(1-N0));
// double B = 0.5*pow(1-N0,-(1-N0)/(N0*gammas));
// double Qs = pow(x0/xprobe,lambda/2)*sqrt(DipoleModel_bCGC::bDependence(b));
// double rQs = r*Qs/hbarc;
// double result=0;
// if (rQs <= 2)
// result = 2*N0*pow(0.5*rQs, 2*(gammas+(1/(kappa*lambda*Y))*log(2/rQs)));
// else
// result = 2*(1 - exp(-A*log(B*rQs)*log(B*rQs)));
// return result;
//double DipoleModel_bCGC::bDependence(double b)
// double gammas = bCGC_gammas, Bcgc = bCGC_Bcgc;
// return exp(-0.5*b*b/Bcgc/gammas/hbarc2);

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