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Index: trunk/src/omega/src/thoList.mli
--- trunk/src/omega/src/thoList.mli (revision 4003)
+++ trunk/src/omega/src/thoList.mli (revision 4004)
@@ -1,121 +1,129 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2012 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
(* [splitn n l = (hdn l, tln l)], but more efficient. *)
val hdn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
val tln : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
val splitn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
(* [chop n l] chops [l] into pieces of size [n] (except for the last
one, which contains th remainder). *)
val chopn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list list
(* [of_subarray n m a] is $[\ocwlowerid{a.}(\ocwlowerid{n});
\ocwlowerid{a.}(\ocwlowerid{m})]$. Values of~[n] and~[m]
out of bounds are silently shifted towards these bounds. *)
val of_subarray : int -> int -> 'a array -> 'a list
(* [range s n m] is $[\ocwlowerid{n}; \ocwlowerid{n}+\ocwlowerid{s};
\ocwlowerid{m} - ((\ocwlowerid{m}-\ocwlowerid{n})\mod s)]$ *)
val range : ?stride:int -> int -> int -> int list
(* [enumerate s n [a1;a2;...] is [(n,a1); (n+s,a2); ...] *)
val enumerate : ?stride:int -> int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
(* Compress identical elements in a sorted list. Identity
is determined using the polymorphic equality function
[Pervasives.(=)]. *)
val uniq : 'a list -> 'a list
(* Test if all members of a list are structurally identical
(actually [homogeneous l] and [List.length (uniq l) <= 1]
are equivalent, but the former is more efficient if a mismatch
comes early). *)
val homogeneous : 'a list -> bool
(* [compare cmp l1 l2] compare two lists [l1] and [l2] according to
[cmp]. [cmp] defaults to the polymorphic []. *)
val compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
(* Collect and count identical elements in a list. Identity
is determined using the polymorphic equality function
[Pervasives.(=)]. [classify] does not assume that the list
is sorted. However, it is~$O(n)$ for sorted lists and~$O(n^2)$
in the worst case. *)
val classify : 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
(* Collect the second factors with a common first factor in lists. *)
val factorize : ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b list) list
-(* [flatmap f] is equivalent to $\ocwlowerid{List.flatten} \circ
- (\ocwlowerid{}\;\ocwlowerid{f})$, but more efficient,
- because no intermediate lists are built. *)
+(* [flatmap f] is equivalent to $\ocwlowerid{flatten} \circ
+ (\ocwlowerid{map}\;\ocwlowerid{f})$, but more efficient,
+ because no intermediate lists are built. Unfortunately, it is
+ not tail recursive. *)
val flatmap : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(* [rev_flatmap f] is equivalent to $\ocwlowerid{flatten} \circ
+ (\ocwlowerid{rev\_map}\;(\ocwlowerid{rev}\circ\ocwlowerid{f}))
+ = \ocwlowerid{rev}\circ(\ocwlowerid{flatmap}\;\ocwlowerid{f})$,
+ but more efficient, because no intermediate lists are built.
+ It is tail recursive. *)
+val rev_flatmap : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val clone : int -> 'a -> 'a list
val multiply : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
(* \begin{dubious}
Invent other names to avoid confusions with [List.fold_left2]
and [List.fold_right2].
\end{dubious} *)
val fold_right2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list list -> 'b -> 'b
val fold_left2 : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list list -> 'b
(* [iteri f n [a;b;c]] evaluates [f n a], [f (n+1) b] and [f (n+2) c]. *)
val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> int -> 'a list -> unit
val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list
(* [iteri2 f n m [[aa;ab];[ba;bb]]] evaluates [f n m aa], [f n (m+1) ab],
[f (n+1) m ba] and [f (n+1) (m+1) bb].
NB: the nested lists need not be rectangular. *)
val iteri2 : (int -> int -> 'a -> unit) -> int -> int -> 'a list list -> unit
(* Transpose a \emph{rectangular} list of lists like a matrix. *)
val transpose : 'a list list -> 'a list list
(* [partitioned_sort cmp index_sets list] sorts the sublists of [list] specified
by the [index_sets] and the complement of their union. \textbf{NB:} the sorting
follows to order in the lists in [index_sets]. \textbf{NB:} the indices are
0-based. *)
val partitioned_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> int list list -> 'a list -> 'a list
exception Overlapping_indices
exception Out_of_bounds
(* [ariadne_sort cmp list] sorts [list] according to [cmp]
(default []) keeping track of the original order
by a 0-based list of infices. *)
val ariadne_sort : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list * int list
(* [ariadne_unsort (ariadne_sort cmp list)] returns [list]. *)
val ariadne_unsort : 'a list * int list -> 'a list
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Index: trunk/src/omega/src/
--- trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 4003)
+++ trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 4004)
@@ -1,283 +1,291 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2012 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
let rec hdn n l =
if n <= 0 then
match l with
| x :: rest -> x :: hdn (pred n) rest
| [] -> invalid_arg "ThoList.hdn"
let rec tln n l =
if n <= 0 then
match l with
| _ :: rest -> tln (pred n) rest
| [] -> invalid_arg "ThoList.tln"
let rec splitn' n l1_rev l2 =
if n <= 0 then
(List.rev l1_rev, l2)
match l2 with
| x :: l2' -> splitn' (pred n) (x :: l1_rev) l2'
| [] -> invalid_arg "ThoList.splitn n > len"
let splitn n l =
if n < 0 then
invalid_arg "ThoList.splitn n < 0"
splitn' n [] l
(* This is [splitn'] all over again, but without the exception. *)
let rec chopn'' n l1_rev l2 =
if n <= 0 then
(List.rev l1_rev, l2)
match l2 with
| x :: l2' -> chopn'' (pred n) (x :: l1_rev) l2'
| [] -> (List.rev l1_rev, [])
let rec chopn' n ll_rev = function
| [] -> List.rev ll_rev
| l ->
begin match chopn'' n [] l with
| [], [] -> List.rev ll_rev
| l1, [] -> List.rev (l1 :: ll_rev)
| l1, l2 -> chopn' n (l1 :: ll_rev) l2
let chopn n l =
if n <= 0 then
invalid_arg "ThoList.chopn n <= 0"
chopn' n [] l
let of_subarray n1 n2 a =
let rec of_subarray' n1 n2 =
if n1 > n2 then
a.(n1) :: of_subarray' (succ n1) n2 in
of_subarray' (max 0 n1) (min n2 (pred (Array.length a)))
let range ?(stride=1) n1 n2 =
if stride <= 0 then
invalid_arg "ThoList.range: stride <= 0"
let rec range' n =
if n > n2 then
n :: range' (n + stride) in
range' n1
(* Tail recursive: *)
let enumerate ?(stride=1) n l =
let _, l_rev =
(fun (i, acc) a -> (i + stride, (i, a) :: acc))
(n, []) l in
List.rev l_rev
+(* This is \emph{not} tail recursive! *)
let rec flatmap f = function
| [] -> []
| x :: rest -> f x @ flatmap f rest
+(* This is! *)
+let rev_flatmap f l =
+ let rec rev_flatmap' acc f = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | x :: rest -> rev_flatmap' (List.rev_append (f x) acc) f rest in
+ rev_flatmap' [] f l
let fold_left2 f acc lists =
List.fold_left (List.fold_left f) acc lists
let fold_right2 f lists acc =
List.fold_right (List.fold_right f) lists acc
let iteri f start list =
ignore (List.fold_left (fun i a -> f i a; succ i) start list)
let iteri2 f start_outer star_inner lists =
iteri (fun j -> iteri (f j) star_inner) start_outer lists
let mapi f start list =
let next, list' =
List.fold_left (fun (i, acc) a -> (succ i, f i a :: acc)) (start, []) list in
List.rev list'
(* Is there a more efficient implementation? *)
let transpose lists =
let rec transpose' rest =
if List.for_all ((=) []) rest then
else List.hd rest :: transpose' ( rest) in
transpose' lists
| Failure "tl" -> invalid_arg "ThoList.transpose: not rectangular"
let compare ?( l1 l2 =
let rec compare' l1' l2' =
match l1', l2' with
| [], [] -> 0
| [], _ -> -1
| _, [] -> 1
| n1 :: r1, n2 :: r2 ->
let c = cmp n1 n2 in
if c <> 0 then
compare' r1 r2
compare' l1 l2
let rec uniq' x = function
| [] -> []
| x' :: rest ->
if x' = x then
uniq' x rest
x' :: uniq' x' rest
let uniq = function
| [] -> []
| x :: rest -> x :: uniq' x rest
let rec homogeneous = function
| [] | [_] -> true
| a1 :: (a2 :: _ as rest) ->
if a1 <> a2 then
homogeneous rest
(* If we needed it, we could use a polymorphic version of [Set] to
speed things up from~$O(n^2)$ to~$O(n\ln n)$. But not before it
matters somewhere \ldots *)
let classify l =
let rec add_to_class a = function
| [] -> [1, a]
| (n, a') :: rest ->
if a = a' then
(succ n, a) :: rest
(n, a') :: add_to_class a rest
let rec classify' cl = function
| [] -> cl
| a :: rest -> classify' (add_to_class a cl) rest
classify' [] l
let rec factorize l =
let rec add_to_class x y = function
| [] -> [(x, [y])]
| (x', ys) :: rest ->
if x = x' then
(x, y :: ys) :: rest
(x', ys) :: add_to_class x y rest
let rec factorize' fl = function
| [] -> fl
| (x, y) :: rest -> factorize' (add_to_class x y fl) rest
in (fun (x, ys) -> (x, List.rev ys)) (factorize' [] l)
let rec clone n x =
if n < 0 then
invalid_arg "ThoList.clone"
else if n = 0 then
x :: clone (pred n) x
let rec rev_multiply n rl l =
if n < 0 then
invalid_arg "ThoList.multiply"
else if n = 0 then
List.rev_append rl (rev_multiply (pred n) rl l)
let multiply n l = rev_multiply n (List.rev l) l
module ISet = Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = end)
exception Overlapping_indices
exception Out_of_bounds
let iset_of_list list =
List.fold_right ISet.add list ISet.empty
let iset_list_union list =
List.fold_right ISet.union list ISet.empty
let complement_index_sets n index_set_lists =
let index_sets = iset_of_list index_set_lists in
let index_set = iset_list_union index_sets in
let size_index_sets =
List.fold_left (fun acc s -> ISet.cardinal s + acc) 0 index_sets in
if size_index_sets <> ISet.cardinal index_set then
raise Overlapping_indices
else if ISet.exists (fun i -> i < 0 or i >= n) index_set then
raise Overlapping_indices
match ISet.elements (ISet.diff (iset_of_list (range 0 (pred n))) index_set) with
| [] -> index_set_lists
| complement -> complement :: index_set_lists
let sort_section cmp array index_set =
(Array.set array)
index_set (List.sort cmp ( (Array.get array) index_set))
let partitioned_sort cmp index_sets list =
let array = Array.of_list list in
(fun () -> sort_section cmp array)
() (complement_index_sets (List.length list) index_sets);
Array.to_list array
let ariadne_sort ?( list =
let sorted =
List.sort (fun (n1, a1) (n2, a2) -> cmp a1 a2) (enumerate 0 list) in
( snd sorted, fst sorted)
let ariadne_unsort (sorted, indices) = snd
(fun (n1, a1) (n2, a2) -> n1 n2)
(List.map2 (fun n a -> (n, a)) indices sorted))
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* End:
Index: trunk/src/omega/src/
--- trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 4003)
+++ trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 4004)
@@ -1,1471 +1,1471 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2012 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
let rcs_file = RCS.parse "Colorize" ["Colorizing Monochrome Models"]
{ RCS.revision = "$Revision$"; = "$Date$"; = "$Author$";
= "$URL$" }
(* \thocwmodulesection{Colorizing a Monochrome Model} *)
module It (M : Model.T) =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Colorize.It()"
[ "Colorizing Generic Monochrome Models"]
open Coupling
module C = Color
let incomplete s =
failwith ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ " not done yet!")
let invalid s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ " must not be evaluated!")
let impossible s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ " can't happen! (but just did ...)")
let su0 s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ ": found SU(0)!")
let colored_vertex s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ ": colored vertex!")
let baryonic_vertex s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^
": baryonic (i.e. eps_ijk) vertices not supported yet!")
let color_flow_ambiguous s =
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ ": ambiguous color flow!")
let color_flow_of_string s =
let c = int_of_string s in
if c < 1 then
invalid_arg ("Colorize.It()." ^ s ^ ": color flow # < 1!")
type cf_in = int
type cf_out = int
type flavor =
| White of M.flavor
| CF_in of M.flavor * cf_in
| CF_out of M.flavor * cf_out
| CF_io of M.flavor * cf_in * cf_out
| CF_aux of M.flavor
type flavor_sans_color = M.flavor
let flavor_sans_color = function
| White f -> f
| CF_in (f, _) -> f
| CF_out (f, _) -> f
| CF_io (f, _, _) -> f
| CF_aux f -> f
let pullback f arg1 =
f (flavor_sans_color arg1)
type gauge = M.gauge
type constant = M.constant
let options = M.options
let color = pullback M.color
let pdg = pullback M.pdg
let lorentz = pullback M.lorentz
module Ch = M.Ch
let charges = pullback M.charges
(* For the propagator we cannot use pullback because we have to add the case
of the color singlet propagator by hand. *)
let cf_aux_propagator = function
| Prop_Scalar -> Prop_Col_Scalar (* Spin 0 octets. *)
| Prop_Majorana -> Prop_Col_Majorana (* Spin 1/2 octets. *)
| Prop_Feynman -> Prop_Col_Feynman (* Spin 1 states, massless. *)
| Prop_Unitarity -> Prop_Col_Unitarity (* Spin 1 states, massive. *)
| Aux_Vector -> Aux_Col_Vector (* constant colored vector propagator *)
| Aux_Tensor_1 -> Aux_Col_Tensor_1 (* constant colored tensor propagator *)
| Prop_Col_Scalar | Prop_Col_Feynman
| Prop_Col_Majorana | Prop_Col_Unitarity
| Aux_Col_Vector | Aux_Col_Tensor_1
-> failwith ("Colorize.It().colorize_propagator: already colored particle!")
| _ -> failwith ("Colorize.It().colorize_propagator: impossible!")
let propagator = function
| CF_aux f -> cf_aux_propagator (M.propagator f)
| White f -> M.propagator f
| CF_in (f, _) -> M.propagator f
| CF_out (f, _) -> M.propagator f
| CF_io (f, _, _) -> M.propagator f
let width = pullback M.width
let goldstone = function
| White f ->
begin match M.goldstone f with
| None -> None
| Some (f', g) -> Some (White f', g)
| CF_in (f, c) ->
begin match M.goldstone f with
| None -> None
| Some (f', g) -> Some (CF_in (f', c), g)
| CF_out (f, c) ->
begin match M.goldstone f with
| None -> None
| Some (f', g) -> Some (CF_out (f', c), g)
| CF_io (f, c1, c2) ->
begin match M.goldstone f with
| None -> None
| Some (f', g) -> Some (CF_io (f', c1, c2), g)
| CF_aux f ->
begin match M.goldstone f with
| None -> None
| Some (f', g) -> Some (CF_aux f', g)
let conjugate = function
| White f -> White (M.conjugate f)
| CF_in (f, c) -> CF_out (M.conjugate f, c)
| CF_out (f, c) -> CF_in (M.conjugate f, c)
| CF_io (f, c1, c2) -> CF_io (M.conjugate f, c2, c1)
| CF_aux f -> CF_aux (M.conjugate f)
let conjugate_sans_color = M.conjugate
let fermion = pullback M.fermion
let max_degree = M.max_degree
let flavors () =
invalid "flavors"
let external_flavors () =
invalid "external_flavors"
let parameters = M.parameters
module ISet = Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let nc_value =
let nc_set =
(fun nc_set f ->
match M.color f with
| C.Singlet -> nc_set
| C.SUN nc -> ISet.add (abs nc) nc_set
| C.AdjSUN nc -> ISet.add (abs nc) nc_set)
ISet.empty (M.flavors ()) in
match ISet.elements nc_set with
| [] -> 0
| [n] -> n
| nc_list ->
("Colorize.It(): more than one value of N_C: " ^
String.concat ", " ( string_of_int nc_list))
let nc () =
let split_color_string s =
let i1 = String.index s '/' in
let i2 = String.index_from s (succ i1) '/' in
let sf = String.sub s 0 i1
and sc1 = String.sub s (succ i1) (i2 - i1 - 1)
and sc2 = String.sub s (succ i2) (String.length s - i2 - 1) in
(sf, sc1, sc2)
| Not_found -> (s, "", "")
let flavor_of_string s =
let sf, sc1, sc2 = split_color_string s in
let f = M.flavor_of_string sf in
match M.color f with
| C.Singlet -> White f
| C.SUN nc ->
if nc > 0 then
CF_in (f, color_flow_of_string sc1)
CF_out (f, color_flow_of_string sc2)
| C.AdjSUN _ ->
begin match sc1, sc2 with
| "", "" -> CF_aux f
| _, _ -> CF_io (f, color_flow_of_string sc1, color_flow_of_string sc2)
| Failure "int_of_string" ->
invalid_arg "Colorize().flavor_of_string: expecting integer"
let flavor_to_string = function
| White f ->
M.flavor_to_string f
| CF_in (f, c) ->
M.flavor_to_string f ^ "/" ^ string_of_int c ^ "/"
| CF_out (f, c) ->
M.flavor_to_string f ^ "//" ^ string_of_int c
| CF_io (f, c1, c2) ->
M.flavor_to_string f ^ "/" ^ string_of_int c1 ^ "/" ^ string_of_int c2
| CF_aux f ->
M.flavor_to_string f ^ "//"
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| White f ->
M.flavor_to_TeX f
| CF_in (f, c) ->
"{" ^ M.flavor_to_TeX f ^ "}_c" ^ string_of_int c
| CF_out (f, c) ->
"{" ^ M.flavor_to_TeX f ^ "}_a" ^ string_of_int c
| CF_io (f, c1, c2) ->
"{" ^ M.flavor_to_TeX f ^ "}_c" ^ string_of_int c1 ^ string_of_int c2
| CF_aux f ->
"{" ^ M.flavor_to_TeX f ^ "}_0"
let flavor_symbol = function
| White f ->
M.flavor_symbol f
| CF_in (f, c) ->
M.flavor_symbol f ^ "_" ^ string_of_int c ^ "_"
| CF_out (f, c) ->
M.flavor_symbol f ^ "__" ^ string_of_int c
| CF_io (f, c1, c2) ->
M.flavor_symbol f ^ "_" ^ string_of_int c1 ^ "_" ^ string_of_int c2
| CF_aux f ->
M.flavor_symbol f ^ "__"
let gauge_symbol = M.gauge_symbol
(* Masses and widths must not depend on the colors anyway! *)
let mass_symbol = pullback M.mass_symbol
let width_symbol = pullback M.width_symbol
let constant_symbol = M.constant_symbol
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Vertices} *)
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Auxiliary functions} *)
let mult_vertex3 x = function
| FBF (c, fb, coup, f) ->
FBF ((x * c), fb, coup, f)
| PBP (c, fb, coup, f) ->
PBP ((x * c), fb, coup, f)
| BBB (c, fb, coup, f) ->
BBB ((x * c), fb, coup, f)
| GBG (c, fb, coup, f) ->
GBG ((x * c), fb, coup, f)
| Gauge_Gauge_Gauge c ->
Gauge_Gauge_Gauge (x * c)
| Aux_Gauge_Gauge c ->
Aux_Gauge_Gauge (x * c)
| Scalar_Vector_Vector c ->
Scalar_Vector_Vector (x * c)
| Aux_Vector_Vector c ->
Aux_Vector_Vector (x * c)
| Aux_Scalar_Vector c ->
Aux_Scalar_Vector (x * c)
| Scalar_Scalar_Scalar c ->
Scalar_Scalar_Scalar (x * c)
| Aux_Scalar_Scalar c ->
Aux_Scalar_Scalar (x * c)
| Vector_Scalar_Scalar c ->
Vector_Scalar_Scalar (x * c)
| Graviton_Scalar_Scalar c ->
Graviton_Scalar_Scalar (x * c)
| Graviton_Vector_Vector c ->
Graviton_Vector_Vector (x * c)
| Graviton_Spinor_Spinor c ->
Graviton_Spinor_Spinor (x * c)
| Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T c ->
Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (x * c)
| Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L c ->
Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L (x * c)
| Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T5 c ->
Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T5 (x * c)
| Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L5 c ->
Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L5 (x * c)
| Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge c ->
Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge (x * c)
| Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge_5 c ->
Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge_5 (x * c)
| Aux_DScalar_DScalar c ->
Aux_DScalar_DScalar (x * c)
| Aux_Vector_DScalar c ->
Aux_Vector_DScalar (x * c)
| Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 c ->
Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 (x * c)
| Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew c ->
Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew (x * c)
| Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_T c ->
Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_T (x * c)
| Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_U c ->
Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_U (x * c)
| Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_TU c ->
Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_TU (x * c)
| Dim6_Vector_Vector_Vector_T c ->
Dim6_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (x * c)
| Tensor_2_Vector_Vector c ->
Tensor_2_Vector_Vector (x * c)
| Dim5_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_1 c ->
Dim5_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_1 (x * c)
| Dim5_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_2 c ->
Dim5_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_2 (x * c)
| Dim7_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_T c ->
Dim7_Tensor_2_Vector_Vector_T (x * c)
let mult_vertex4 x = function
| Scalar4 c ->
Scalar4 (x * c)
| Scalar2_Vector2 c ->
Scalar2_Vector2 (x * c)
| Vector4 ic4_list ->
Vector4 ( (fun (c, icl) -> (x * c, icl)) ic4_list)
| DScalar4 ic4_list ->
DScalar4 ( (fun (c, icl) -> (x * c, icl)) ic4_list)
| DScalar2_Vector2 ic4_list ->
DScalar2_Vector2 ( (fun (c, icl) -> (x * c, icl)) ic4_list)
| GBBG (c, fb, b2, f) ->
GBBG ((x * c), fb, b2, f)
| Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (c, ic4_list) ->
Vector4_K_Matrix_tho ((x * c), ic4_list)
| Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (c, ch2_list) ->
Vector4_K_Matrix_jr ((x * c), ch2_list)
let mult_vertexn x = function
| foo -> ignore (incomplete "mult_vertexn"); foo
let mult_vertex x = function
| V3 (v, fuse, c) -> V3 (mult_vertex3 x v, fuse, c)
| V4 (v, fuse, c) -> V4 (mult_vertex4 x v, fuse, c)
| Vn (v, fuse, c) -> Vn (mult_vertexn x v, fuse, c)
(* Below, we will need to permute Lorentz structures. The following
permutes the three possible contractions of four vectors. We permute
the first three indices, as they correspond to the particles entering
the fusion. *)
type permutation4 =
| P123 | P231 | P312
| P213 | P321 | P132
let permute_contract4 = function
| P123 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_12_34
| C_13_42 -> C_13_42
| C_14_23 -> C_14_23
| P231 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_14_23
| C_13_42 -> C_12_34
| C_14_23 -> C_13_42
| P312 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_13_42
| C_13_42 -> C_14_23
| C_14_23 -> C_12_34
| P213 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_12_34
| C_13_42 -> C_14_23
| C_14_23 -> C_13_42
| P321 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_14_23
| C_13_42 -> C_13_42
| C_14_23 -> C_12_34
| P132 ->
begin function
| C_12_34 -> C_13_42
| C_13_42 -> C_12_34
| C_14_23 -> C_14_23
let permute_contract4_list perm ic4_list = (fun (i, c4) -> (i, permute_contract4 perm c4)) ic4_list
let permute_vertex4' perm = function
| Scalar4 c ->
Scalar4 c
| Vector4 ic4_list ->
Vector4 (permute_contract4_list perm ic4_list)
| Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (c, ic4_list) ->
Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (c, permute_contract4_list perm ic4_list)
| Scalar2_Vector2 c ->
incomplete "permute_vertex4' Scalar2_Vector2"
| DScalar4 ic4_list ->
incomplete "permute_vertex4' DScalar4"
| DScalar2_Vector2 ic4_list ->
incomplete "permute_vertex4' DScalar2_Vector2"
| GBBG (c, fb, b2, f) ->
incomplete "permute_vertex4' GBBG"
| Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (c, ch2_list) ->
incomplete "permute_vertex4' Vector4_K_Matrix_tho"
let permute_vertex4 perm = function
| V3 (v, fuse, c) -> V3 (v, fuse, c)
| V4 (v, fuse, c) -> V4 (permute_vertex4' perm v, fuse, c)
| Vn (v, fuse, c) -> Vn (v, fuse, c)
(* [vertices] are \emph{only} used by functor applications and
for indexing a cache of precomputed fusion rules, which is not
used for colorized models. *)
let vertices () =
invalid "vertices"
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Cubic Vertices} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
The following pattern matches could eventually become quite long.
The O'Caml compiler will (hopefully) optimize them aggressively
\end{dubious} *)
let colorize_fusion2 f1 f2 (f, v) =
match M.color f with
| C.Singlet ->
begin match f1, f2 with
| White _, White _ ->
[White f, v]
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c2')
| CF_out (_, c1), CF_in (_, c2') ->
if c1 = c2' then
[White f, v]
| CF_io (f1, c1, c1'), CF_io (f2, c2, c2') ->
if c1 = c2' && c2 = c1' then
[White f, v]
| CF_aux f1, CF_aux f2 ->
[White f, mult_vertex (- (nc ())) v]
| CF_aux _, CF_io _ | CF_io _, CF_aux _ ->
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), White _
| White _, (CF_in _ | CF_out _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (CF_io _ | CF_aux _), (CF_in _ | CF_out _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _), (CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_in _, CF_in _ | CF_out _, CF_out _ ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| C.SUN nc1 ->
begin match f1, f2 with
| CF_in (_, c1), (White _ | CF_aux _)
| (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if nc1 > 0 then
[CF_in (f, c1), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_out (_, c1'), (White _ | CF_aux _)
| (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_out (_, c1') ->
if nc1 < 0 then
[CF_out (f, c1'), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if nc1 > 0 then begin
if c1 = c2' then
[CF_in (f, c2), v]
end else
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1') ->
if nc1 < 0 then begin
if c1' = c2 then
[CF_out (f, c2'), v]
end else
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_in _, CF_in _ ->
if nc1 > 0 then
baryonic_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_out _, CF_out _ ->
if nc1 < 0 then
baryonic_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| CF_in _, CF_out _ | CF_out _, CF_in _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _) ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
| C.AdjSUN _ ->
begin match f1, f2 with
| White _, CF_io (_, c1, c2') | CF_io (_, c1, c2'), White _ ->
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), v]
| White _, CF_aux _ | CF_aux _, White _ ->
[CF_aux f, mult_vertex (- (nc ())) v]
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c2')
| CF_out (_, c2'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if c1 <> c2' then
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), v]
[CF_aux f, v]
(* In the adjoint representation
\end{fmfgraph*}}} \,=
g f_{a_1a_2a_3} C^{\mu_1\mu_2\mu_3} (k_1,k_2,k_3)
C^{\mu_1\mu_2\mu_3}(k_1,k_2,k_3) = \\
( g^{\mu_1\mu_2} (k_1^{\mu_3}-k_2^{\mu_3})
+ g^{\mu_2\mu_3} (k_2^{\mu_1}-k_3^{\mu_1})
+ g^{\mu_3\mu_1} (k_3^{\mu_2}-k_1^{\mu_2}) )
while in the color flow basis find from
\ii f_{a_1a_2a_3}
= \tr\left(T_{a_1}\left\lbrack T_{a_2},T_{a_3}\right\rbrack\right)
= \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_2}T_{a_3}\right)
- \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_3}T_{a_2}\right)
the decomposition
\ii f_{a_1a_2a_3} T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1}T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2}T_{a_3}^{i_3j_3}
= \delta^{i_1j_2}\delta^{i_2j_3}\delta^{i_3j_1}
- \delta^{i_1j_3}\delta^{i_3j_2}\delta^{i_2j_1}\,.
The resulting Feynman rule is
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
\end{fmfgraph*}}} \,=
\ii g
\left( \delta^{i_1j_3}\delta^{i_2j_1}\delta^{i_3j_2}
- \delta^{i_1j_2}\delta^{i_2j_3}\delta^{i_3j_1} \right)
C^{\mu_1\mu_2\mu_3} (k_1,k_2,k_3)
\end{equation} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
We have to generalize this for cases of three particles
in the adjoint that are not all gluons (gluinos, scalar octets):
\item scalar-scalar-scalar
\item scalar-scalar-vector
\item scalar-vector-vector
\item scalar-fermion-fermion
\item vector-fermion-fermion
\end{dubious} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
We could use a better understanding of the signs for the
gaugino-gaugino-gaugeboson couplings!!!
\end{dubious} *)
| CF_io (f1, c1, c1'), CF_io (f2, c2, c2') ->
let sign =
begin match v with
| V3 (Gauge_Gauge_Gauge _, _, _)
| V3 (Aux_Gauge_Gauge _, _, _) -> 1
| V3 (FBF (_, _, _, _), fuse2, _) ->
begin match fuse2 with
| F12 -> 1 (* works, but needs theoretical underpinning *)
| F21 -> -1 (* dto. *)
| F31 -> 1 (* dto. *)
| F32 -> -1 (* transposition of [F12] (no testcase) *)
| F23 -> 1 (* transposition of [F21] (no testcase) *)
| F13 -> -1 (* transposition of [F12] (no testcase) *)
| V3 _ -> incomplete "colorize_fusion2 (V3 _)"
| V4 _ -> impossible "colorize_fusion2 (V4 _)"
| Vn _ -> impossible "colorize_fusion2 (Vn _)"
end in
if c1' = c2 then
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), mult_vertex (-sign) v]
else if c2' = c1 then
[CF_io (f, c2, c1'), mult_vertex ( sign) v]
| CF_aux _ , CF_io _
| CF_io _ , CF_aux _
| CF_aux _ , CF_aux _ ->
| White _, White _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), (CF_in _ | CF_out _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _), (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_in _, CF_in _ | CF_out _, CF_out _ ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion2"
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Quartic Vertices} *)
let colorize_fusion3 f1 f2 f3 (f, v) =
match M.color f with
| C.Singlet ->
begin match f1, f2, f3 with
| White _, White _, White _ ->
[White f, v]
| (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c2')
| (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_out (_, c1), CF_in (_, c2')
| CF_in (_, c1), (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_out (_, c2')
| CF_out (_, c1), (White _ | CF_aux _), CF_in (_, c2')
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c2'), (White _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_out (_, c1), CF_in (_, c2'), (White _ | CF_aux _) ->
if c1 = c2' then
[White f, v]
| White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _ ->
if c1 = c2' && c2 = c1' then
[White f, v]
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, White _ ->
[White f, mult_vertex (- (nc ())) v]
| White _, CF_io _, CF_aux _
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_io _
| CF_io _, White _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_io _
| CF_io _, CF_aux _, White _
| CF_aux _, CF_io _, White _ ->
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_in (_, c2), CF_out (_, c3')
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_out (_, c3'), CF_in (_, c2)
| CF_in (_, c2), CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_out (_, c3')
| CF_out (_, c3'), CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_in (_, c2)
| CF_in (_, c2), CF_out (_, c3'), CF_io (_, c1, c1')
| CF_out (_, c3'), CF_in (_, c2), CF_io (_, c1, c1') ->
if c1 = c3' && c1' = c2 then
[White f, v]
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3') ->
if c1' = c2 && c2' = c3 && c3' = c1 then
[White f, mult_vertex (-1) v]
else if c1' = c3 && c2' = c1 && c3' = c2 then
[White f, mult_vertex ( 1) v]
| CF_io _, CF_io _, CF_aux _
| CF_io _, CF_aux _, CF_io _
| CF_aux _, CF_io _, CF_io _
| CF_io _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_io _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_io _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _ ->
| CF_in _, CF_in _, CF_in _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, CF_out _ ->
baryonic_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in _, CF_in _, CF_out _
| CF_in _, CF_out _, CF_in _
| CF_out _, CF_in _, CF_in _
| CF_in _, CF_out _, CF_out _
| CF_out _, CF_in _, CF_out _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, CF_in _
| White _, White _, (CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| White _, (CF_io _ | CF_aux _), White _
| (CF_io _ | CF_aux _), White _, White _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_in _, CF_in _
| CF_in _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_in _
| CF_in _, CF_in _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_out _, CF_out _
| CF_out _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_out _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _) ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| C.SUN nc1 ->
begin match f1, f2, f3 with
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c3, c3')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if nc1 > 0 then
if c1 = c2' && c2 = c3' then
[CF_in (f, c3), v]
else if c1 = c3' && c3 = c2' then
[CF_in (f, c2), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c3, c3')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3'), CF_out (_, c1') ->
if nc1 < 0 then
if c1' = c2 && c2' = c3 then
[CF_out (f, c3'), v]
else if c1' = c3 && c3' = c2 then
[CF_out (f, c2'), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_aux _
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _ ->
if nc1 > 0 then
if c1 = c2' then
[CF_in (f, c2), mult_vertex ( 2) v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_aux _
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _ ->
if nc1 < 0 then
if c1' = c2 then
[CF_out (f, c2'), mult_vertex ( 2) v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| White _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_in (_, c1), White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _, CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1), White _ ->
if nc1 > 0 then
if c1 = c2' then
[CF_in (f, c2), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| White _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _, CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1'), White _ ->
if nc1 < 0 then
if c2 = c1' then
[CF_out (f, c2'), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1) ->
if nc1 > 0 then
[CF_in (f, c1), mult_vertex ( 2) v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _, White _
| CF_in (_, c1), White _, CF_aux _
| CF_in (_, c1), White _, White _
| CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1), White _
| White _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _
| White _, CF_in (_, c1), White _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_in (_, c1)
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1)
| White _, White _, CF_in (_, c1) ->
if nc1 > 0 then
[CF_in (f, c1), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1') ->
if nc1 < 0 then
[CF_out (f, c1'), mult_vertex ( 2) v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _, White _
| CF_out (_, c1'), White _, CF_aux _
| CF_out (_, c1'), White _, White _
| CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1'), White _
| White _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _
| White _, CF_out (_, c1'), White _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_out (_, c1')
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1')
| White _, White _, CF_out (_, c1') ->
if nc1 < 0 then
[CF_out (f, c1'), v]
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in _, CF_in _, CF_out _
| CF_in _, CF_out _, CF_in _
| CF_out _, CF_in _, CF_in _ ->
if nc1 > 0 then
color_flow_ambiguous "colorize_fusion3"
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in _, CF_out _, CF_out _
| CF_out _, CF_in _, CF_out _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, CF_in _ ->
if nc1 < 0 then
color_flow_ambiguous "colorize_fusion3"
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| CF_in _, CF_in _, CF_in _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, CF_out _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _)
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _) ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
| C.AdjSUN nc ->
begin match f1, f2, f3 with
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1'), White _
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1), White _
| CF_in (_, c1), White _, CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), White _, CF_in (_, c1)
| White _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1')
| White _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if c1 <> c1' then
[CF_io (f, c1, c1'), v]
[CF_aux f, v]
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_aux _, CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_aux _, CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if c1 <> c1' then
[CF_io (f, c1, c1'), mult_vertex ( 2) v]
[CF_aux f, mult_vertex ( 2) v]
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| CF_in (_, c1), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_out (_, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1)
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_in (_, c1), CF_out (_, c1')
| CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_out (_, c1'), CF_in (_, c1) ->
if c1 = c2' && c2 = c1' then
[CF_aux f, mult_vertex ( 2) v]
else if c1 = c2' then
[CF_io (f, c2, c1'), v]
else if c2 = c1' then
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), v]
(* \begin{equation}
\end{fmfgraph*}}} \,=
\mbox{} - & \ii g^2 f_{a_1a_2b}f_{a_3a_4b}
(g_{\mu_1\mu_3} g_{\mu_4\mu_2} - g_{\mu_1\mu_4} g_{\mu_2\mu_3}) \\
\mbox{} - & \ii g^2 f_{a_1a_3b}f_{a_4a_2b}
(g_{\mu_1\mu_4} g_{\mu_2\mu_3} - g_{\mu_1\mu_2} g_{\mu_3\mu_4}) \\
\mbox{} - & \ii g^2 f_{a_1a_4b}f_{a_2a_3b}
(g_{\mu_1\mu_2} g_{\mu_3\mu_4} - g_{\mu_1\mu_3} g_{\mu_4\mu_2})
\end{equation} *)
(* Using
\mathcal{P}_4 = \left\{\{1,2,3,4\},\{1,3,4,2\},\{1,4,2,3\},
as the set of permutations of~$\{1,2,3,4\}$ with the cyclic permutations
factored out, we have:
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e4, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__e4, __v) sideways -thick)}
\fmfi{phantom_arrow}{( vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e2, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e3, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e4, __v) sideways -thick)}
(reverse vpath (__e4, __v) sideways -thick)
join ( vpath (__e1, __v) sideways -thick)}
\end{fmfgraph*}}} \,=
\ii g^2 \sum_{\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1,2,3,4}\in\mathcal{P}_4}
\left( 2g_{\mu_{\alpha_1}\mu_{\alpha_3}} g_{\mu_{\alpha_4}\mu_{\alpha_2}}
- g_{\mu_{\alpha_1}\mu_{\alpha_4}} g_{\mu_{\alpha_2}\mu_{\alpha_3}}
- g_{\mu_{\alpha_1}\mu_{\alpha_2}} g_{\mu_{\alpha_3}\mu_{\alpha_4}}\right)
\end{equation} *)
(* The different color connections correspond to permutations of the
particles entering the fusion and have to be matched by a corresponding
permutation of the Lorentz structure: *)
(* \begin{dubious}
We have to generalize this for cases of four particles
in the adjoint that are not all gluons:
\item scalar-scalar-scalar-scalar
\item scalar-scalar-vector-vector
and even ones including fermions (gluinos) if higher dimensional
operators are involved.
\end{dubious} *)
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), CF_io (_, c3, c3') ->
if c1' = c2 && c2' = c3 then
[CF_io (f, c1, c3'), permute_vertex4 P123 v]
else if c1' = c3 && c3' = c2 then
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), permute_vertex4 P132 v]
else if c2' = c3 && c3' = c1 then
[CF_io (f, c2, c1'), permute_vertex4 P231 v]
else if c2' = c1 && c1' = c3 then
[CF_io (f, c2, c3'), permute_vertex4 P213 v]
else if c3' = c1 && c1' = c2 then
[CF_io (f, c3, c2'), permute_vertex4 P312 v]
else if c3' = c2 && c2' = c1 then
[CF_io (f, c3, c1'), permute_vertex4 P321 v]
| CF_io _, CF_io _, CF_aux _
| CF_io _, CF_aux _, CF_io _
| CF_aux _, CF_io _, CF_io _
| CF_io _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_io _
| CF_aux _, CF_io _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _ ->
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2'), White _
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _, CF_io (_, c2, c2')
| White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_io (_, c2, c2') ->
if c1' = c2 then
[CF_io (f, c1, c2'), mult_vertex (-1) v]
else if c2' = c1 then
[CF_io (f, c2, c1'), mult_vertex ( 1) v]
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_aux _, White _
| CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _, CF_aux _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1')
| White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1'), CF_aux _
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_io (_, c1, c1') ->
| CF_aux _, CF_aux _, White _
| CF_aux _, White _, CF_aux _
| White _, CF_aux _, CF_aux _ ->
| White _, White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1')
| White _, CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _
| CF_io (_, c1, c1'), White _, White _ ->
[CF_io (f, c1, c1'), v]
| White _, White _, CF_aux _
| White _, CF_aux _, White _
| CF_aux _, White _, White _ ->
| White _, White _, White _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _)
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _),
(White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_in _, CF_in _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_in _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_in _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_in _, CF_in _
| CF_out _, CF_out _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _)
| CF_out _, (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_out _
| (White _ | CF_io _ | CF_aux _), CF_out _, CF_out _
| (CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _),
(CF_in _ | CF_out _) ->
colored_vertex "colorize_fusion3"
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Quintic and Higher Vertices} *)
let is_white = function
| White _ -> true
| _ -> false
let colorize_fusionn flist (f, v) =
let incomplete_match () =
("colorize_fusionn { " ^
String.concat ", " ( flavor_to_string flist) ^
" } -> " ^ M.flavor_to_string f) in
match M.color f with
| C.Singlet ->
if List.for_all is_white flist then
[White f, v]
incomplete_match ()
| C.SUN _ ->
if List.for_all is_white flist then
colored_vertex "colorize_fusionn"
incomplete_match ()
| C.AdjSUN _ ->
if List.for_all is_white flist then
colored_vertex "colorize_fusionn"
incomplete_match ()
let fuse2 f1 f2 =
(colorize_fusion2 f1 f2)
(M.fuse2 (flavor_sans_color f1) (flavor_sans_color f2))
let fuse3 f1 f2 f3 =
(colorize_fusion3 f1 f2 f3)
(M.fuse3 (flavor_sans_color f1) (flavor_sans_color f2) (flavor_sans_color f3))
let fuse_list flist =
(colorize_fusionn flist)
(M.fuse ( flavor_sans_color flist))
let fuse = function
| [] | [_] -> invalid_arg "Colorize.It().fuse"
| [f1; f2] -> fuse2 f1 f2
| [f1; f2; f3] -> fuse3 f1 f2 f3
| flist -> fuse_list flist
let max_degree = M.max_degree
(* \thocwmodulesubsection{Adding Color to External Particles} *)
let count_color_strings f_list =
let rec count_color_strings' n_in n_out n_glue = function
| f :: rest ->
begin match M.color f with
| C.Singlet -> count_color_strings' n_in n_out n_glue rest
| C.SUN nc ->
if nc > 0 then
count_color_strings' (succ n_in) n_out n_glue rest
else if nc < 0 then
count_color_strings' n_in (succ n_out) n_glue rest
su0 "count_color_strings"
| C.AdjSUN _ ->
count_color_strings' (succ n_in) (succ n_out) (succ n_glue) rest
| [] -> (n_in, n_out, n_glue)
count_color_strings' 0 0 0 f_list
let external_color_flows f_list =
let n_in, n_out, n_glue = count_color_strings f_list in
if n_in <> n_out then
let color_strings = ThoList.range 1 n_in in
+ List.rev_map
(fun permutation -> (color_strings, permutation))
(Combinatorics.permute color_strings)
(* If there are only adjoints \emph{and} there are no couplings of
adjoints to singlets, we can ignore the $\mathrm{U}(1)$-ghosts. *)
let pure_adjoints f_list =
List.for_all (fun f -> match M.color f with C.AdjSUN _ -> true | _ -> false) f_list
let two_adjoints_couple_to_singlets () =
let vertices3, vertices4, verticesn = M.vertices () in
List.exists (fun ((f1, f2, f3), _, _) ->
match M.color f1, M.color f2, M.color f3 with
| C.AdjSUN _, C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet
| C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _
| C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _, C.AdjSUN _ -> true
| _ -> false) vertices3 ||
List.exists (fun ((f1, f2, f3, f4), _, _) ->
match M.color f1, M.color f2, M.color f3, M.color f4 with
| C.AdjSUN _, C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet, C.Singlet
| C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet
| C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _, C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet
| C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet, C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _
| C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _, C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _
| C.Singlet, C.Singlet, C.AdjSUN _, C.AdjSUN _ -> true
| _ -> false) vertices4 ||
List.exists (fun (flist, _, g) -> true) verticesn
let external_ghosts f_list =
if pure_adjoints f_list then
two_adjoints_couple_to_singlets ()
(* We use [List.hd] and [] instead of pattern matching, because we
consume [ecf_in] and [ecf_out] at a different pace. *)
let tail_opt = function
| [] -> []
| _ :: tail -> tail
let head_req = function
| [] ->
invalid_arg "Colorize.It().colorize_crossed_amplitude1: insufficient flows"
| x :: _ -> x
let rec colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts acc f_list (ecf_in, ecf_out) =
match f_list, ecf_in, ecf_out with
| [], [], [] -> [List.rev acc]
| [], _, _ ->
invalid_arg "Colorize.It().colorize_crossed_amplitude1: leftover flows"
| f :: rest, _, _ ->
begin match M.color f with
| C.Singlet ->
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts
(White f :: acc)
rest (ecf_in, ecf_out)
| C.SUN nc ->
if nc > 0 then
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts
(CF_in (f, head_req ecf_in) :: acc)
rest (tail_opt ecf_in, ecf_out)
else if nc < 0 then
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts
(CF_out (f, head_req ecf_out) :: acc)
rest (ecf_in, tail_opt ecf_out)
su0 "colorize_flavor"
| C.AdjSUN _ ->
let ecf_in' = head_req ecf_in
and ecf_out' = head_req ecf_out in
if ecf_in' = ecf_out' then begin
if ghosts then
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts
(CF_aux f :: acc)
rest (tail_opt ecf_in, tail_opt ecf_out)
end else
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts
(CF_io (f, ecf_in', ecf_out') :: acc)
rest (tail_opt ecf_in, tail_opt ecf_out)
let colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts f_list (ecf_in, ecf_out) =
colorize_crossed_amplitude1 ghosts [] f_list (ecf_in, ecf_out)
let colorize_crossed_amplitude f_list =
- ThoList.flatmap
+ ThoList.rev_flatmap
(colorize_crossed_amplitude1 (external_ghosts f_list) f_list)
(external_color_flows f_list)
let cross_uncolored p_in p_out =
( M.conjugate p_in) @ p_out
let uncross_colored n_in p_lists_colorized =
let p_in_out_colorized = (ThoList.splitn n_in) p_lists_colorized in
(fun (p_in_colored, p_out_colored) ->
( conjugate p_in_colored, p_out_colored))
let amplitude p_in p_out =
(List.length p_in)
(colorize_crossed_amplitude (cross_uncolored p_in p_out))
(* The $-$-sign in the second component is redundant, but a Whizard convention. *)
let indices = function
| White _ -> Color.Flow.of_list [0; 0]
| CF_in (_, c) -> Color.Flow.of_list [c; 0]
| CF_out (_, c) -> Color.Flow.of_list [0; -c]
| CF_io (_, c1, c2) -> Color.Flow.of_list [c1; -c2]
| CF_aux f -> Color.Flow.ghost ()
let flow p_in p_out =
( indices p_in, indices p_out)
(* \thocwmodulesection{Colorizing a Monochrome Gauge Model} *)
module Gauge (M : Model.Gauge) =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Colorize.Gauge()"
[ "Colorizing Monochrome Gauge Models"]
module CM = It(M)
type flavor = CM.flavor
type flavor_sans_color = CM.flavor_sans_color
type gauge = CM.gauge
type constant = CM.constant
module Ch = CM.Ch
let charges = CM.charges
let flavor_sans_color = CM.flavor_sans_color
let color = CM.color
let pdg = CM.pdg
let lorentz = CM.lorentz
let propagator = CM.propagator
let width = CM.width
let conjugate = CM.conjugate
let conjugate_sans_color = CM.conjugate_sans_color
let fermion = CM.fermion
let max_degree = CM.max_degree
let vertices = CM.vertices
let fuse2 = CM.fuse2
let fuse3 = CM.fuse3
let fuse = CM.fuse
let flavors = CM.flavors
let nc =
let external_flavors = CM.external_flavors
let goldstone = CM.goldstone
let parameters = CM.parameters
let flavor_of_string = CM.flavor_of_string
let flavor_to_string = CM.flavor_to_string
let flavor_to_TeX = CM.flavor_to_TeX
let flavor_symbol = CM.flavor_symbol
let gauge_symbol = CM.gauge_symbol
let mass_symbol = CM.mass_symbol
let width_symbol = CM.width_symbol
let constant_symbol = CM.constant_symbol
let options = CM.options
let incomplete s =
failwith ("Colorize.Gauge()." ^ s ^ " not done yet!")
type matter_field = M.matter_field
type gauge_boson = M.gauge_boson
type other = M.other
type field =
| Matter of matter_field
| Gauge of gauge_boson
| Other of other
let field f =
incomplete "field"
let matter_field f =
incomplete "matter_field"
let gauge_boson f =
incomplete "gauge_boson"
let other f =
incomplete "other"
let amplitude = CM.amplitude
let flow = CM.flow
* Local Variables:
* mode:caml
* indent-tabs-mode:nil
* page-delimiter:"^(\\* .*\n"
* End:
Index: trunk/src/omega/tests/
--- trunk/src/omega/tests/ (revision 4003)
+++ trunk/src/omega/tests/ (revision 4004)
@@ -1,72 +1,131 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2012 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
open OUnit
+let unattended = ref true
+let skip_if_unattended () =
+ skip_if !unattended "not suitable for unattended tests"
let trivial_test =
"trivial" >::
(fun () -> true)
(fun b -> assert_bool "always true" b)
(fun b -> ()))
-let random_list n =
+let short_random_list n =
let l = ref [] in
for i = 1 to n do
l := 1024 :: !l
-let flatmap_test =
- "flatmap" >::
- (fun () ->
- let inner_list = random_list 20 in
- let f n = ((+) n) inner_list
- and outer_list = random_list 30 in
- let my = ThoList.flatmap f outer_list
- and std = List.concat ( f outer_list) in
- assert_equal my std)
-let flatmap'_test =
- "flatmap'" >::
- (fun () ->
- let inner_list = random_list 20 in
- let f n = ((+) n) inner_list
- and f' n = List.rev_map ((+) n) inner_list
- and outer_list = random_list 30 in
- let my = ThoList.flatmap f outer_list
- and std = List.rev (List.concat (List.rev_map f' outer_list)) in
- assert_equal my std)
-let tholist_suite =
- "ThoList" >:::
- [flatmap_test;
- flatmap'_test]
+let allowed_recursion_depth () =
+ let rec allowed_recursion_depth' n =
+ try
+ allowed_recursion_depth' (succ n)
+ with
+ | Stack_overflow -> n in
+ allowed_recursion_depth' 0
+let long_random_list factor =
+ let n = factor * allowed_recursion_depth () in
+ let l = ref [] in
+ for i = 1 to n do
+ l := n :: !l
+ done;
+ !l
+module Integer =
+ struct
+ type t = int
+ let compare = compare
+ let pp_printer = Format.pp_print_int
+ let pp_print_sep = OUnitDiff.pp_comma_separator
+ end
+module Integer_List = OUnitDiff.ListSimpleMake(Integer)
+module ThoList_Unit_Tests =
+ struct
+ let inner_list = ThoList.range 1 5
+ let outer_list = (( * ) 10) (ThoList.range 1 4)
+ let f n = ((+) n) inner_list
+ let flatmap =
+ "flatmap" >::
+ (fun () ->
+ let result = ThoList.flatmap f outer_list
+ and expected = List.flatten ( f outer_list) in
+ assert_equal expected result)
+ let rev_flatmap =
+ "rev_flatmap" >::
+ (fun () ->
+ let result = ThoList.rev_flatmap f outer_list
+ and expected = List.rev (ThoList.flatmap f outer_list) in
+ Integer_List.assert_equal expected result)
+ let flatmap_stack_overflow =
+ "flatmap_stack_overflow" >::
+ (fun () ->
+ skip_if !unattended "memory limits not suitable for unattended tests";
+ let l = long_random_list 2 in
+ let f n = ((+) n) (short_random_list 2) in
+ assert_raises Stack_overflow
+ (fun () -> ThoList.flatmap f l))
+ let rev_flatmap_no_stack_overflow =
+ "rev_flatmap_no_stack_overflow" >::
+ (fun () ->
+ skip_if !unattended "memory limits not suitable for unattended tests";
+ let l = long_random_list 10 in
+ let f n = ((+) n) (short_random_list 10) in
+ ignore (ThoList.rev_flatmap f l);
+ assert_bool "always true" true)
+ let suite =
+ "ThoList" >:::
+ [flatmap;
+ flatmap_stack_overflow;
+ rev_flatmap;
+ rev_flatmap_no_stack_overflow ]
+ end
let suite =
- "O'Mega Unit Tests" >:::
+ "omega" >:::
- tholist_suite]
+ ThoList_Unit_Tests.suite]
-let _ =
- run_test_tt_main suite
+let _ =
+ run_test_tt_main
+ ~arg_specs:[("-attended", Arg.Clear unattended,
+ " run tests that depend on the environment");
+ ("-unattended", Arg.Set unattended,
+ " don't run tests depend on the environment")]
+ suite;
+ exit 0
Index: trunk/src/omega/tests/
--- trunk/src/omega/tests/ (revision 4003)
+++ trunk/src/omega/tests/ (revision 4004)
@@ -1,364 +1,367 @@
# -- Makefile for O'Mega within and without WHIZARD
# $Id$
## Process this file with automake to produce
# Copyright (C) 1999-2012 by
# Wolfgang Kilian <>
# Thorsten Ohl <>
# Juergen Reuter <>
# Christian Speckner <>
# WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# OMEGA_SPLIT = -target:single_function
OMEGA_SPLIT = -target:split_function 10
# OMEGA_SPLIT = -target:split_module 10
# OMEGA_SPLIT = -target:split_file 10
OMEGA_QED = $(top_builddir)/bin/omega_QED.opt
OMEGA_QED_OPTS = $(OMEGA_SPLIT) -target:parameter_module parameters_QED
OMEGA_QCD = $(top_builddir)/bin/omega_QCD.opt
OMEGA_QCD_OPTS = $(OMEGA_SPLIT) -target:parameter_module parameters_QCD
OMEGA_SYM = $(top_builddir)/bin/omega_SYM.opt
OMEGA_SYM_OPTS = $(OMEGA_SPLIT) -target:parameter_module parameters_SYM
OMEGA_XXX = $(top_builddir)/bin/omega_%%%.opt
OMEGA_XXX_OPTS = -target:parameter_module parameters_%%%
AM_FCFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/src
## Default Fortran compiler options
## OpenMP
include $(top_srcdir)/src/Makefile.ocaml
-OCAMLFLAGS += -I $(top_builddir)/src
+OCAMLFLAGS += -I $(top_builddir)/src
+OMEGA_CORE = $(top_builddir)/src/omega_core.cmxa
TESTS += omega_unit
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += omega_unit
-omega_unit: oUnit.cmx oUnitDiff.cmx omega_unit.cmx
+omega_unit: $(OMEGA_CORE) oUnit.cmx oUnitDiff.cmx omega_unit.cmx
- unix.cmxa $(top_builddir)/src/omega_core.cmxa \
+ unix.cmxa $(OMEGA_CORE) \
oUnit.cmx oUnitDiff.cmx omega_unit.cmx
oUnit.cmi: oUnit.mli
$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
oUnitDiff.cmi: oUnitDiff.mli
$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ocaml_unit.cmx oUnit.cmx oUnitDiff.cmx: oUnit.cmi
ocaml_unit.cmx oUnitDiff.cmx: oUnitDiff.cmi
+omega_unit.cmx: $(OMEGA_CORE)
TESTS += test_omega95 test_omega95_bispinors
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += test_omega95 test_omega95_bispinors
test_omega95_SOURCES = test_omega95.f90 omega_testtools.f90
test_omega95_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
test_omega95_bispinors_SOURCES = test_omega95_bispinors.f90 omega_testtools.f90
test_omega95_bispinors_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
test_omega95.o test_omega95_bispinors.o: omega_testtools.o
test_omega95.f90: $(top_srcdir)/src/omegalib.nw
$(NOTANGLE) -R[[$@]] $< | $(CPIF) $@
test_omega95_bispinors.f90: $(top_srcdir)/src/omegalib.nw
$(NOTANGLE) -R[[$@]] $< | $(CPIF) $@
omega_testtools.f90: $(top_srcdir)/src/omegalib.nw
$(NOTANGLE) -R[[$@]] $< | $(CPIF) $@
TESTS += test_qed_eemm
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += test_qed_eemm
test_qed_eemm_SOURCES = test_qed_eemm.f90 parameters_QED.f90
nodist_test_qed_eemm_SOURCES = amplitude_qed_eemm.f90
test_qed_eemm_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
amplitude_qed_eemm.f90: $(OMEGA_QED) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QED) $(OMEGA_QED_OPTS) -target:module amplitude_qed_eemm \
-scatter "e+ e- -> m+ m-" > $@
test_qed_eemm.o: amplitude_qed_eemm.o
test_qed_eemm.o: parameters_QED.o
amplitude_qed_eemm.o: parameters_QED.o
fc_s.ects \
fc_a.ects cf_a.ects fa_f.ects ca_c.ects af_f.ects ac_c.ects \
aa_a.ects \
fc_fc.ects \
aa_s.ects as_a.ects sa_a.ects
TESTS += ects
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ $(OMEGA_XXX) $^ > $@
ects_SOURCES = color_test_lib.f90 \
parameters_SM.f90 parameters_QED.f90 parameters_QCD.f90 parameters_SYM.f90
nodist_ects_SOURCES = ects.f90
ects_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
TESTS += ward
EXTRA_DIST += ward_identities.list
omega_interface.f90 omega_testtools.f90 tao_random_numbers.f90 \
parameters_QED.f90 parameters_QCD.f90 parameters_SYM.f90 \
parameters_SM.f90 parameters_SM_top_anom.f90
ward_lib.o: $(WARD_SUPPORT_O)
WARD_LIB_F90 = ward_lib.f90 $(WARD_SUPPORT_F90)
WARD_LIB_O = $(WARD_LIB_F90:.f90=.o)
run_ward: ward
ward.f90: $(OMEGA_QED) $(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_SYM)
ward.f90: ward_identities.list
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ $(OMEGA_XXX) $(OMEGA_SPLIT) < $< > $@
ward_SOURCES = $(WARD_LIB_F90)
nodist_ward_SOURCES = ward.f90
ward_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
ward.o: $(WARD_LIB_O)
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += ward_long
EXTRA_DIST += ward_identities_long.list
run_ward_long: ward_long
ward_long.f90: ward_identities_long.list
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ $(OMEGA_XXX) $(OMEGA_SPLIT) < $< > $@
ward_long_SOURCES = $(WARD_LIB_F90)
nodist_ward_long_SOURCES = ward_long.f90
ward_long_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
# ward_long.o: ward_long.f90
# $(FCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $(FCFLAGS_f90) -O0 $<
ward_long.o: $(WARD_LIB_O)
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += ward_fail
EXTRA_DIST += ward_identities_fail.list
run_ward_fail: ward_fail
ward_fail.f90: ward_identities_fail.list
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ $(OMEGA_XXX) $(OMEGA_SPLIT) < $< > $@
ward_fail_SOURCES = $(WARD_LIB_F90)
nodist_ward_fail_SOURCES = ward_fail.f90
ward_fail_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
ward_fail.o: ward_fail.f90
$(FCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $(FCFLAGS_f90) -O0 $<
ward_fail.o: $(WARD_LIB_O)
TESTS += compare_split_function compare_split_module
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += compare_split_function compare_split_module
EXTRA_DIST += comparisons.list
compare_lib.o: $(COMPARE_SUPPORT_O)
COMPARE_LIB_F90 = compare_lib.f90 $(COMPARE_SUPPORT_F90)
run_compare: compare_split_function compare_split_module
compare_split_function.f90: comparisons.list
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ SF \
"$(OMEGA_XXX) -target:single_function" \
"$(OMEGA_XXX) -target:split_function 10" < $< > $@
compare_split_module.f90: comparisons.list
$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ SM \
"$(OMEGA_XXX) -target:single_function" \
"$(OMEGA_XXX) -target:split_module 10" < $< > $@
compare_split_function.f90 compare_split_module.f90: \ $(OMEGA_QED) $(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_SYM)
compare_split_function_SOURCES = $(COMPARE_LIB_F90)
nodist_compare_split_function_SOURCES = compare_split_function.f90
compare_split_function_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
compare_split_module_SOURCES = $(COMPARE_LIB_F90)
nodist_compare_split_module_SOURCES = compare_split_module.f90
compare_split_module_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
compare_split_function.o compare_split_module.o: $(COMPARE_LIB_O)
TESTS += test_openmp
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += test_openmp
test_openmp_SOURCES = test_openmp.f90 parameters_QCD.f90
nodist_test_openmp_SOURCES = amplitude_openmp.f90
test_openmp_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
amplitude_openmp.f90: $(OMEGA_QCD) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_QCD_OPTS) -target:openmp -target:module amplitude_openmp \
-scatter "gl gl -> gl gl gl" > $@
test_openmp.o: amplitude_openmp.o
test_openmp.o: parameters_QCD.o
amplitude_openmp.o: parameters_QCD.o
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += benchmark
run_benchmark: benchmark
BENCHMARK_PROCESS = -scatter "gl gl -> gl gl gl"
benchmark_SOURCES = benchmark.f90 parameters_QCD.f90
nodist_benchmark_SOURCES = \
amplitude_benchmark_v1.f90 amplitude_benchmark_v2.f90 \
amplitude_benchmark_v3.f90 # amplitude_benchmark_v4.f90
benchmark_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
amplitude_benchmark_v1.f90: $(OMEGA_QCD) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_QCD_OPTS) -target:module amplitude_benchmark_v1 \
$(BENCHMARK_PROCESS) -target:single_function > $@
amplitude_benchmark_v2.f90: $(OMEGA_QCD) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_QCD_OPTS) -target:module amplitude_benchmark_v2 \
$(BENCHMARK_PROCESS) -target:split_function $(BENCHMARK_SPLIT_SIZE) > $@
amplitude_benchmark_v3.f90: $(OMEGA_QCD) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_QCD_OPTS) -target:module amplitude_benchmark_v3 \
$(BENCHMARK_PROCESS) -target:split_module $(BENCHMARK_SPLIT_SIZE) > $@
amplitude_benchmark_v4.f90: $(OMEGA_QCD) Makefile
$(OMEGA_QCD) $(OMEGA_QCD_OPTS) -target:module amplitude_benchmark_v4 \
$(BENCHMARK_PROCESS) -target:split_file $(BENCHMARK_SPLIT_SIZE) > $@
benchmark.o: \
amplitude_benchmark_v1.o amplitude_benchmark_v2.o \
amplitude_benchmark_v3.o # amplitude_benchmark_v4.o
benchmark.o: parameters_QCD.o
amplitude_benchmark_v1.o amplitude_benchmark_v2.o \
amplitude_benchmark_v3.o amplitude_benchmark_v4.o: parameters_QCD.o
PATH=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):$$PATH; export PATH; \
omega_QED.opt $(OMEGA_QED_OPTS) -scatter "e+ e- -> m+ m-" \
-target:module amplitude_qed_eemm > amplitude_qed_eemm.f90; \
$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -I$(pkgincludedir) \
-L$(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -L$(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir) \
$(srcdir)/parameters_QED.f90 amplitude_qed_eemm.f90 \
$(srcdir)/test_qed_eemm.f90 -lomega_core; \
### Remove DWARF debug information on MAC OS X
-rm -rf a.out.dSYM
.PHONY: clean-macosx
clean-local: clean-macosx
rm -f a.out gmon.out $(OMEGA_CACHES) *.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) *.o amplitude_*.f90 \
$(EXTRA_PROGRAMS) ects.f90 ward.f90 compare_split_*.f90 \
omega_testtools.f90 test_omega95*.f90
## The End.

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Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 2:50 PM (1 d, 14 h)
Storage Engine
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Event Timeline