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(* --
Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
with contributions from
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
(* \thocwmodulesection{SM with WZW-type pseudoscalars} *)
module type SM_flags =
val include_anomalous : bool
val k_matrix : bool
module SM_no_anomalous : SM_flags =
let include_anomalous = false
let k_matrix = false
module WZW (Flags : SM_flags) =
open Coupling
let default_width = ref Timelike
let use_fudged_width = ref false
let options = Options.create
[ "constant_width", Arg.Unit (fun () -> default_width := Constant),
"use constant width (also in t-channel)";
"fudged_width", Arg.Set use_fudged_width,
"use fudge factor for charge particle width";
"custom_width", Arg.String (fun f -> default_width := Custom f),
"use custom width";
"cancel_widths", Arg.Unit (fun () -> default_width := Vanishing),
"use vanishing width";
"cms_width", Arg.Unit (fun () -> default_width := Complex_Mass),
"use complex mass scheme"]
(* We do not introduce the Goldstones for the heavy vectors here. *)
type matter_field = L of int | N of int | U of int | D of int
type gauge_boson = Ga | Wp | Wm | Z | Gl
type other = Phip | Phim | Phi0 | H | Psi0 | Eta
type flavor = M of matter_field | G of gauge_boson | O of other
let matter_field f = M f
let gauge_boson f = G f
let other f = O f
type field =
| Matter of matter_field
| Gauge of gauge_boson
| Other of other
let field = function
| M f -> Matter f
| G f -> Gauge f
| O f -> Other f
type gauge = unit
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Models.WZW.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let family n = matter_field [ L n; N n; U n; D n ]
let external_flavors () =
[ "1st Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [1; -1];
"2nd Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [2; -2];
"3rd Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [3; -3];
"Gauge Bosons", gauge_boson [Ga; Z; Wp; Wm; Gl];
"Higgs", [O H; O Psi0; O Eta];
"Goldstone Bosons", other [Phip; Phim; Phi0] ]
let flavors () = ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ())
let spinor n =
if n >= 0 then
let lorentz = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> spinor n | N n -> spinor n
| U n -> spinor n | D n -> spinor n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Ga | Gl -> Vector
| Wp | Wm | Z -> Massive_Vector
| O f ->
let color = function
| M (U n) -> Color.SUN (if n > 0 then 3 else -3)
| M (D n) -> Color.SUN (if n > 0 then 3 else -3)
| G Gl -> Color.AdjSUN 3
| _ -> Color.Singlet
let nc () = 3
let prop_spinor n =
if n >= 0 then
let propagator = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> prop_spinor n | N n -> prop_spinor n
| U n -> prop_spinor n | D n -> prop_spinor n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Ga | Gl -> Prop_Feynman
| Wp | Wm | Z -> Prop_Unitarity
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip | Phim | Phi0 -> Only_Insertion
| H | Psi0 | Eta -> Prop_Scalar
(* Optionally, ask for the fudge factor treatment for the widths of
charged particles. Currently, this only applies to $W^\pm$ and top. *)
let width f =
if !use_fudged_width then
match f with
| G Wp | G Wm | M (U 3) | M (U (-3))
| _ -> !default_width
let goldstone = function
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Wp -> Some (O Phip, Coupling.Integer 1)
| Wm -> Some (O Phim, Coupling.Integer 1)
| Z -> Some (O Phi0, Coupling.Integer 1)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let conjugate = function
| M f ->
M (begin match f with
| L n -> L (-n) | N n -> N (-n)
| U n -> U (-n) | D n -> D (-n)
| G f ->
G (begin match f with
| Gl -> Gl | Ga -> Ga | Z -> Z
| Wp -> Wm | Wm -> Wp
| O f ->
O (begin match f with
| Phip -> Phim | Phim -> Phip | Phi0 -> Phi0
| H -> H | Psi0 -> Psi0 | Eta -> Eta
let fermion = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| N n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| U n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| D n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl | Ga | Z | Wp | Wm -> 0
| O _ -> 0
(* Electrical charge, lepton number, baryon number. We could avoid the
rationals altogether by multiplying the first and last by 3 \ldots *)
module Ch = Charges.QQ
let ( // ) = Algebra.Small_Rational.make
let generation' = function
| 1 -> [ 1//1; 0//1; 0//1]
| 2 -> [ 0//1; 1//1; 0//1]
| 3 -> [ 0//1; 0//1; 1//1]
| -1 -> [-1//1; 0//1; 0//1]
| -2 -> [ 0//1; -1//1; 0//1]
| -3 -> [ 0//1; 0//1; -1//1]
| n -> invalid_arg ("WZW.generation': " ^ string_of_int n)
let generation f =
match f with
| M (L n | N n | U n | D n) -> generation' n
| G _ | O _ -> [0//1; 0//1; 0//1]
let charge = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> if n > 0 then -1//1 else 1//1
| N n -> 0//1
| U n -> if n > 0 then 2//3 else -2//3
| D n -> if n > 0 then -1//3 else 1//3
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl | Ga | Z -> 0//1
| Wp -> 1//1
| Wm -> -1//1
| O f ->
begin match f with
| H | Phi0 | Psi0 | Eta -> 0//1
| Phip -> 1//1
| Phim -> -1//1
let lepton = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n | N n -> if n > 0 then 1//1 else -1//1
| U _ | D _ -> 0//1
| G _ | O _ -> 0//1
let baryon = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L _ | N _ -> 0//1
| U n | D n -> if n > 0 then 1//1 else -1//1
| G _ | O _ -> 0//1
let charges f =
[ charge f; lepton f; baryon f] @ generation f
type constant =
| Unit | Pi | Alpha_QED | Sin2thw
| Sinthw | Costhw | E | G_weak | Vev
| Q_lepton | Q_up | Q_down | G_CC
| G_NC_neutrino | G_NC_lepton | G_NC_up | G_NC_down
| G_NC_h_neutrino | G_NC_h_lepton | G_NC_h_up | G_NC_h_down
| I_Q_W | I_G_ZWW | I_G_WWW
| G_HWW | G_HHWW | G_HZZ | G_HHZZ | G_EtaGG | G_EtaWW
| G_PsiWW | G_PsiZZ | G_PsiAA | G_PsiAZ | G_PsiGG
| G_EtaZZ | G_EtaAZ | G_EtaAA
| G_Htt | G_Hbb | G_Hcc | G_Htautau | G_H3 | G_H4
| Gs | I_Gs | G2
| Mass of flavor | Width of flavor
(* Two integer counters for the QCD and EW order of the couplings. *)
type orders = int * int
let orders = function
| _ -> (0,0)
let input_parameters =
let derived_parameters =
let g_over_2_costh =
Quot (Neg (Atom G_weak), Prod [Integer 2; Atom Costhw])
let nc_coupling c t3 q =
(Real_Array c,
[Prod [g_over_2_costh; Diff (t3, Prod [Integer 2; q; Atom Sin2thw])];
Prod [g_over_2_costh; t3]])
let half = Quot (Integer 1, Integer 2)
let derived_parameter_arrays =
[ nc_coupling G_NC_neutrino half (Integer 0);
nc_coupling G_NC_lepton (Neg half) (Integer (-1));
nc_coupling G_NC_up half (Quot (Integer 2, Integer 3));
nc_coupling G_NC_down (Neg half) (Quot (Integer (-1), Integer 3));
nc_coupling G_NC_h_neutrino half (Integer 0);
nc_coupling G_NC_h_lepton (Neg half) (Integer (-1));
nc_coupling G_NC_h_up half (Quot (Integer 2, Integer 3));
nc_coupling G_NC_h_down (Neg half) (Quot (Integer (-1), Integer 3)) ]
let parameters () =
{ input = input_parameters;
derived = derived_parameters;
derived_arrays = derived_parameter_arrays }
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{EM}} =
- e \sum_i q_i \bar\psi_i\fmslash{A}\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let mgm ((m1, g, m2), fbf, c) = ((M m1, G g, M m2), fbf, c)
let mom ((m1, o, m2), fbf, c) = ((M m1, O o, M m2), fbf, c)
let electromagnetic_currents n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Ga, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_lepton);
((U (-n), Ga, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_up);
((D (-n), Ga, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_down) ]
let color_currents n = mgm
[ ((U (-n), Gl, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((D (-n), Gl, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Gs) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{NC}} =
- \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_W}
\sum_i \bar\psi_i\fmslash{Z}(g_V^i-g_A^i\gamma_5)\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let neutral_currents n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Z, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_lepton);
((N (-n), Z, N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_neutrino);
((U (-n), Z, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_up);
((D (-n), Z, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_down) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{CC}} =
- \frac{g}{2\sqrt2} \sum_i \bar\psi_i
(T^+\fmslash{W}^+ + T^-\fmslash{W}^-)(1-\gamma_5)\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let charged_currents n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Wm, N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC);
((N (-n), Wp, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC);
((D (-n), Wm, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC);
((U (-n), Wp, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC) ]
let yukawa =
[ ((M (U (-3)), O H, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Htt);
((M (D (-3)), O H, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Hbb);
((M (U (-2)), O H, M (U 2)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Hcc);
((M (L (-3)), O H, M (L 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Htautau) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{TGC}} =
- e \partial_\mu A_\nu W_+^\mu W_-^\nu + \ldots
- e \cot\theta_w \partial_\mu Z_\nu W_+^\mu W_-^\nu + \ldots
\end{equation} *)
let tgc ((g1, g2, g3), t, c) = ((G g1, G g2, G g3), t, c)
let triple_gauge = tgc
[ ((Ga, Wm, Wp), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Q_W);
((Z, Wm, Wp), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_ZWW);
((Gl, Gl, Gl), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Gs)]
let qgc ((g1, g2, g3, g4), t, c) = ((G g1, G g2, G g3, G g4), t, c)
let gauge4 = Vector4 [(2, C_13_42); (-1, C_12_34); (-1, C_14_23)]
let minus_gauge4 = Vector4 [(-2, C_13_42); (1, C_12_34); (1, C_14_23)]
let quartic_gauge = qgc
[ (Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), gauge4, G_WWWW;
(Wm, Z, Wp, Z), minus_gauge4, G_ZZWW;
(Wm, Z, Wp, Ga), minus_gauge4, G_AZWW;
(Wm, Ga, Wp, Ga), minus_gauge4, G_AAWW;
(Gl, Gl, Gl, Gl), gauge4, G2 ]
let gauge_higgs =
[ ((O H, G Wp, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, G_HWW);
((O H, G Z, G Z), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, G_HZZ);
((O Psi0, G Wp, G Wm), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_PsiWW);
((O Psi0, G Z, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_PsiZZ);
((O Psi0, G Ga, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_PsiAA);
((O Psi0, G Z, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_PsiAZ);
((O Psi0, G Gl, G Gl), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_PsiGG);
((O Eta, G Gl, G Gl), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_EtaGG);
((O Eta, G Wp, G Wm), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_EtaWW);
((O Eta, G Z, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_EtaZZ);
((O Eta, G Z, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_EtaAZ);
((O Eta, G Ga, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2_Skew 1, G_EtaAA)]
let gauge_higgs4 =
[ (O H, O H, G Wp, G Wm), Scalar2_Vector2 1, G_HHWW;
(O H, O H, G Z, G Z), Scalar2_Vector2 1, G_HHZZ ]
let higgs =
[ (O H, O H, O H), Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1, G_H3 ]
let higgs4 =
[ (O H, O H, O H, O H), Scalar4 1, G_H4 ]
let goldstone_vertices =
[ ((O Phi0, G Wm, G Wp), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW);
((O Phip, G Ga, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_Q_W);
((O Phip, G Z, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW);
((O Phim, G Wp, G Ga), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_Q_W);
((O Phim, G Wp, G Z), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW) ]
let vertices3 =
(ThoList.flatmap electromagnetic_currents [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap color_currents [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap neutral_currents [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap charged_currents [1;2;3] @
yukawa @ triple_gauge @
gauge_higgs @ higgs @ goldstone_vertices)
let vertices4 =
quartic_gauge @ gauge_higgs4 @ higgs4
let vertices () = (vertices3, vertices4, [])
(* For efficiency, make sure that [F.of_vertices vertices] is
evaluated only once. *)
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 4
let flavor_of_string = function
| "e-" -> M (L 1) | "e+" -> M (L (-1))
| "mu-" -> M (L 2) | "mu+" -> M (L (-2))
| "tau-" -> M (L 3) | "tau+" -> M (L (-3))
| "nue" -> M (N 1) | "nuebar" -> M (N (-1))
| "numu" -> M (N 2) | "numubar" -> M (N (-2))
| "nutau" -> M (N 3) | "nutaubar" -> M (N (-3))
| "u" -> M (U 1) | "ubar" -> M (U (-1))
| "c" -> M (U 2) | "cbar" -> M (U (-2))
| "t" -> M (U 3) | "tbar" -> M (U (-3))
| "d" -> M (D 1) | "dbar" -> M (D (-1))
| "s" -> M (D 2) | "sbar" -> M (D (-2))
| "b" -> M (D 3) | "bbar" -> M (D (-3))
| "g" | "gl" -> G Gl
| "A" -> G Ga | "Z" | "Z0" -> G Z
| "W+" -> G Wp | "W-" -> G Wm
| "Psi" -> O Psi0 | "Eta" -> O Eta
| "H" -> O H
| _ -> invalid_arg "Models.WZW.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L 1 -> "e-" | L (-1) -> "e+"
| L 2 -> "mu-" | L (-2) -> "mu+"
| L 3 -> "tau-" | L (-3) -> "tau+"
| L _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_string: invalid lepton"
| N 1 -> "nue" | N (-1) -> "nuebar"
| N 2 -> "numu" | N (-2) -> "numubar"
| N 3 -> "nutau" | N (-3) -> "nutaubar"
| N _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_string: invalid neutrino"
| U 1 -> "u" | U (-1) -> "ubar"
| U 2 -> "c" | U (-2) -> "cbar"
| U 3 -> "t" | U (-3) -> "tbar"
| U _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_string: invalid up type quark"
| D 1 -> "d" | D (-1) -> "dbar"
| D 2 -> "s" | D (-2) -> "sbar"
| D 3 -> "b" | D (-3) -> "bbar"
| D _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_string: invalid down type quark"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "g"
| Ga -> "A" | Z -> "Z"
| Wp -> "W+" | Wm -> "W-"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "phi+" | Phim -> "phi-" | Phi0 -> "phi0"
| H -> "H" | Psi0 -> "psi" | Eta -> "eta"
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L 1 -> "e^-" | L (-1) -> "e^+"
| L 2 -> "\\mu-" | L (-2) -> "\\mu^+"
| L 3 -> "\\tau^-" | L (-3) -> "\\tau^+"
| L _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_TeX: invalid lepton"
| N 1 -> "\\nu_e" | N (-1) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_e"
| N 2 -> "\\nu_\\mu" | N (-2) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_\\mu"
| N 3 -> "\\nu_\\tau" | N (-3) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_\\tau"
| N _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_TeX: invalid neutrino"
| U 1 -> "u" | U (-1) -> "\\bar{u}"
| U 2 -> "c" | U (-2) -> "\\bar{c}"
| U 3 -> "t" | U (-3) -> "\\bar{t}"
| U _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_TeX: invalid up type quark"
| D 1 -> "d" | D (-1) -> "\\bar{d}"
| D 2 -> "s" | D (-2) -> "\\bar{s}"
| D 3 -> "b" | D (-3) -> "\\bar{b}"
| D _ -> invalid_arg
"Models.WZW.flavor_to_TeX: invalid down type quark"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "g"
| Ga -> "\\gamma" | Z -> "Z"
| Wp -> "W^+" | Wm -> "W^-"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "phi+" | Phim -> "phi-" | Phi0 -> "phi0"
| H -> "H" | Psi0 -> "\\Psi" | Eta -> "\\eta"
let flavor_symbol = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n when n > 0 -> "l" ^ string_of_int n
| L n -> "l" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| N n when n > 0 -> "n" ^ string_of_int n
| N n -> "n" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| U n when n > 0 -> "u" ^ string_of_int n
| U n -> "u" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| D n when n > 0 -> "d" ^ string_of_int n
| D n -> "d" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "gl"
| Ga -> "a" | Z -> "z"
| Wp -> "wp" | Wm -> "wm"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "pp" | Phim -> "pm" | Phi0 -> "p0"
| H -> "h" | Psi0 -> "psi" | Eta -> "eta"
(* There are PDG numbers for Z', Z'', W', 32-34, respectively.
We just introduce a number 38 for Y0 as a Z'''.
As well, there is the number 8 for a t'.
let pdg = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n when n > 0 -> 9 + 2*n
| L n -> - 9 + 2*n
| N n when n > 0 -> 10 + 2*n
| N n -> - 10 + 2*n
| U n when n > 0 -> 2*n
| U n -> 2*n
| D n when n > 0 -> - 1 + 2*n
| D n -> 1 + 2*n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> 21
| Ga -> 22 | Z -> 23
| Wp -> 24 | Wm -> (-24)
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip | Phim -> 27 | Phi0 -> 26
| H -> 25 | Psi0 -> 28 | Eta -> 29
let mass_symbol f =
"mass(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let width_symbol f =
"width(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let constant_symbol = function
| Unit -> "unit" | Pi -> "PI"
| Alpha_QED -> "alpha" | E -> "e" | G_weak -> "g" | Vev -> "vev"
| Sin2thw -> "sin2thw" | Sinthw -> "sinthw" | Costhw -> "costhw"
| Q_lepton -> "qlep" | Q_up -> "qup" | Q_down -> "qdwn"
| G_NC_lepton -> "gnclep" | G_NC_neutrino -> "gncneu"
| G_NC_up -> "gncup" | G_NC_down -> "gncdwn"
| G_CC -> "gcc"
| G_NC_h_lepton -> "gnchlep" | G_NC_h_neutrino -> "gnchneu"
| G_NC_h_up -> "gnchup" | G_NC_h_down -> "gnchdwn"
| I_Q_W -> "iqw" | I_G_ZWW -> "igzww" | I_G_WWW -> "igwww"
| G_WWWW -> "gw4" | G_ZZWW -> "gzzww"
| G_AZWW -> "gazww" | G_AAWW -> "gaaww"
| G_HWW -> "ghww" | G_HZZ -> "ghzz"
| G_HHWW -> "ghhww" | G_HHZZ -> "ghhzz"
| G_PsiWW -> "gpsiww" | G_PsiZZ -> "gpsizz" | G_PsiAA -> "gpsiaa"
| G_PsiAZ -> "gpsiaz" | G_PsiGG -> "gpsigg" | G_EtaGG -> "getagg"
| G_EtaZZ -> "getazz" | G_EtaAA -> "getaaa" | G_EtaAZ -> "getaaz"
| G_EtaWW -> "getaww"
| G_Htt -> "ghtt" | G_Hbb -> "ghbb"
| G_Htautau -> "ghtautau" | G_Hcc -> "ghcc"
| G_H3 -> "gh3" | G_H4 -> "gh4"
| Gs -> "gs" | I_Gs -> "igs" | G2 -> "gs**2"
| Mass f -> "mass" ^ flavor_symbol f
| Width f -> "width" ^ flavor_symbol f

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:21 PM (1 d, 56 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (20 KB)

Event Timeline