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Index: trunk/src/APPLgridInterface/
--- trunk/src/APPLgridInterface/ (revision 224)
+++ trunk/src/APPLgridInterface/ (revision 225)
@@ -1,674 +1,674 @@
// Add to a pre-existing APPLgrid root file the PDF evolution provided by APFEL
// Standard libraries
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "APFEL/APFEL.h"
#include "APPLgridInterface.h"
// APPLgrid
#include "appl_grid/appl_grid.h"
#include "appl_grid/appl_igrid.h"
#include "appl_grid/lumi_pdf.h"
#include "appl_grid/SparseMatrix3d.h"
#include "LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Check that the input is correct
if (argc!=2) {
cout << "Invalid Parameters:" << endl;
cout << "Syntax: ./APPLgridEvolutionFilter <APPLgrid file>" << endl;
// Initial scale
double Q0 = sqrt(2);
double Q20 = Q0 * Q0;
// Flavour map
bool FlavMap[13][13]={{0},{0}};
double Channels[13][13]={{0},{0}};
string flavour[13]={"t~","b~","c~","s~","u~","d~","g ","d ","u ","s ","c ","b ","t "};
// Input applgrid (forget about FastNLO for the moment)
const igrid* igrid;
const appl::grid *g = NULL;
g = new appl::grid(argv[1]);
// Parameters of the input grid
string pdflbl = g->getGenpdf();
int nsubproc = g->subProcesses();
int nbin = g->Nobs();
+ int lo = g->leadingOrder();
int no = g->nloops();
bool sym = g->isSymmetric();
// Call PDF subprocess generator
appl_pdf *genpdf = appl_pdf::getpdf(pdflbl);
// Display parameter
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info:" << endl;
//cout << " Transform: " << g->getTransform() << endl;
//cout << " GenPDF: " << pdflbl << endl;
cout << " SubProc: " << nsubproc << endl;
cout << " Nbins: " << nbin << endl;
cout << " Nloops: " << no << endl;
if(sym) cout << " The process is symmetric" << endl;
- else cout << " The process is NOT symmetric" << endl;
+ else cout << " The process is NOT symmetric" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
// Declare the arrays of weights and other stuff
double *******Wt = new double******[nbin];
double *******M1a = new double******[nbin];
double *******M2a = new double******[nbin];
double ******W = new double*****[nbin];
+ double ***AsFact = new double**[nbin];
double ***x1v = new double**[nbin];
double ***x2v = new double**[nbin];
double **xmin = new double*[nbin];
int **n1b = new int*[nbin];
int **n2b = new int*[nbin];
int **ntau = new int*[nbin];
// Loop over the bins
for(int ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ibin++) {
//for(int ibin=0; ibin<1; ibin++) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: bin " << ibin+1 << " of " << nbin << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
- Wt[ibin] = new double*****[no];
- M1a[ibin] = new double*****[no];
- M2a[ibin] = new double*****[no];
- W[ibin] = new double****[no];
- x1v[ibin] = new double*[no];
- x2v[ibin] = new double*[no];
- xmin[ibin] = new double[no];
- n1b[ibin] = new int[no];
- n2b[ibin] = new int[no];
- ntau[ibin] = new int[no];
+ Wt[ibin] = new double*****[no];
+ M1a[ibin] = new double*****[no];
+ M2a[ibin] = new double*****[no];
+ W[ibin] = new double****[no];
+ AsFact[ibin] = new double*[no];
+ x1v[ibin] = new double*[no];
+ x2v[ibin] = new double*[no];
+ xmin[ibin] = new double[no];
+ n1b[ibin] = new int[no];
+ n2b[ibin] = new int[no];
+ ntau[ibin] = new int[no];
// Loop over the perturbative orders
- //for(int pto=0; pto<=no; pto++) {
- for(int pto=1; pto<2; pto++) {
+ for(int pto=0; pto<=no; pto++) {
+ //for(int pto=1; pto<2; pto++) {
if(pto == 0) cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Perturbative order: LO " << endl;
if(pto == 1) cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Perturbative order: NLO " << endl;
if(pto == 2) cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Perturbative order: NNLO " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
// Access internal grid for "pto" and "ibin"
igrid = g->weightgrid(pto,ibin);
if (igrid==NULL) cerr << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: grid not found"<<endl;
// Parameter of the current internal grid
ntau[ibin][pto] = igrid->Ntau();
int nx1 = igrid->Ny1();
int nx2 = igrid->Ny2();
//cout << " Number of Q2 grid points = " << ntau[ibin][pto] << endl;
//cout << " Number of x1 grid points = " << nx1 << endl;
//cout << " Number of x2 grid points = " << nx2 << endl;
//cout << " " << endl;
- Wt[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
- M1a[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
- M2a[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
- W[ibin][pto] = new double***[ntau[ibin][pto]];
+ Wt[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
+ M1a[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
+ M2a[ibin][pto] = new double****[ntau[ibin][pto]];
+ W[ibin][pto] = new double***[ntau[ibin][pto]];
+ AsFact[ibin][pto] = new double[ntau[ibin][pto]];
// Loop over the grid in Q2
for(int itau=0; itau<ntau[ibin][pto]; itau++) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Q2 grid point " << itau+1 << " of " << ntau[ibin][pto] << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
double Q = sqrt(igrid->fQ2(igrid->gettau(itau)));
- //Q0 = sqrt(igrid->fQ2(igrid->gettau(1)));;
+ //Q0 = sqrt(igrid->fQ2(igrid->gettau(1)));
//Q20 = Q0 * Q0;
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Evolution between " << Q0 << " GeV and " << Q << " GeV" << endl;
double delta = 0,deltap = 0;
double a,ap;
double eps = 1e-8;
// Generate the evolution table for the first grid in x
vector<double> xext1v;
int iy1 = nx1;
for(int ix1=0; ix1<nx1; ix1++) {
iy1--; // inverse order
// Parameters of the grid (see eq. (1) of arXiv:0911.2985)
if(ix1 > 0) {
deltap = delta;
ap = a;
delta = igrid->gety1(iy1) - igrid->gety1(iy1+1);
a = ( delta - log( xext1v[ix1-1] / xext1v[ix1] ) ) / ( xext1v[ix1-1] - xext1v[ix1] );
// Check that "delta" and "a" are constant all over the grid
if(ix1 > 1) {
if(abs(delta - deltap) > eps) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: The step is not constant " << endl;
if(abs(a - ap) > eps) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: The parameter 'a' is not constant " << endl;
// Check that the vector "xext1v" is not empty
if((xext1v.size()-nx1) != 0) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: Mismatch in size for xext1v, expected "<< nx1 << ", found " << xext1v.size() << endl;
// If the Upper limit of the grid if different from 1,
// compute all the grid points up to one using "delta"
// and "a" coomputed in the loop above.
if(abs(xext1v[nx1-1]-1) > eps) {
double yp = igrid->gety1(0);
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Extending grid 1 ..." << endl;
for(int ix1=0; xext1v[xext1v.size()-1]<1; ix1++) {
yp += delta;
// Force the last point to be equal to one
xext1v[xext1v.size()-1] = 1;
n1b[ibin][pto] = xext1v.size()-1;
// Generate the evolution table for the second grid in x.
// if the x-space grids are not equal for the PDFs ...
// INFO: Usually APPLgrid says that they are not equal while they are.
vector<double> xext2v;
if(!sym) {
int iy2 = nx2;
for(int ix2=0; ix2<nx2; ix2++) {
iy2--; // inverse order
// Parameters of the grid (see eq. (1) of arXiv:0911.2985)
if(ix2 > 0) {
deltap = delta;
ap = a;
delta = igrid->gety2(iy2) - igrid->gety2(iy2+1);
a = ( delta - log( xext2v[ix2-1] / xext2v[ix2] ) ) / ( xext2v[ix2-1] - xext2v[ix2] );
// Check that "delta" and "a" are constant all over the grid
if(ix2 > 1) {
if(abs(delta - deltap) > eps) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: The step is not constant " << endl;
if(abs(a - ap) > eps) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: The parameter 'a' is not constant " << endl;
// Check that the vector "xext2v" is not empty
if((xext2v.size()-nx2) != 0) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: Mismatch in size for xext2v, expected "<< nx2 << ", found " << xext2v.size() << endl;
// If the Upper limit of the grid if different from 1,
// compute all the grid points up to one using "delta"
// and "a" coomputed in the loop above.
if(abs(xext2v[nx2-1]-1) > eps) {
double yp = igrid->gety2(0);
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Extending grid 2 ..." << endl;
for(int ix2=0; xext2v[xext2v.size()-1]<1; ix2++) {
yp += delta;
// Force the last point to be equal to one
xext2v[xext2v.size()-1] = 1;
n2b[ibin][pto] = xext2v.size()-1;
// ... otherwise copy "n1b", "xext1v" and "M1" into "n2b", "xext2v" and "M2"
else {
n2b[ibin][pto] = n1b[ibin][pto];
xext2v = xext1v;
// Extract weights from the APPLgrid root file (in the inverse order)
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Extracting original weights ..." << endl;
bool NonZeroWeights = false;
W[ibin][pto][itau] = new double**[nx1];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<nx1; alpha++) {
W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha] = new double*[nx2];
for(int beta=0; beta<nx2; beta++) {
W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta] = new double[nsubproc];
for(int ip=0; ip<nsubproc; ip++) {
W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][ip] = (*(const SparseMatrix3d*) igrid->weightgrid(ip))(itau,nx1-1-alpha,nx2-1-beta);
if(W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][ip] != 0) NonZeroWeights = true;
if(NonZeroWeights) {
- // Call APFEL and compute the evolution operators
+ // Call APFEL and compute the evolution operators and the alpha_s factor
+ // Evolution operators
double *M1 = NULL;
M1 = new double[14*14*(n1b[ibin][pto]+1)*(n1b[ibin][pto]+1)];
double *M2 = NULL;
M2 = new double[14*14*(n2b[ibin][pto]+1)*(n2b[ibin][pto]+1)];
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Computing evolution operator on grid 1 ..." << endl;
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Computing evolution operator on grid 2 ..." << endl;
if(!sym) {
xmin[ibin][pto] = min(xext1v[0],xext2v[0]);
else {
xmin[ibin][pto] = xext1v[0];
+ // Alphas factor
+ AsFact[ibin][pto][itau] = pow(APFEL::AlphaQCD(Q)/APFEL::AlphaQCD(Q0),lo+pto);
x1v[ibin][pto] = new double[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
x2v[ibin][pto] = new double[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
// Put the first evolution operator in a suitable matrix form
M1a[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha] = new double**[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho] = new double*[13];
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k] = new double[13];
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
int m1 = ( i + 1 ) + 14 * ( ( k + 1 ) + 14 * ( alpha + ( n1b[ibin][pto] + 1 ) * rho ) );
- M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k][i] = M1[m1];
+ M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k][i] = M1[m1] * x1v[ibin][pto][rho] / x1v[ibin][pto][alpha];
delete[] M1;
// Put the second evolution operator in a suitable matrix form
M2a[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int beta=0; beta<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; beta++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta] = new double**[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma] = new double*[13];
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l] = new double[13];
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
int m2 = ( j + 1 ) + 14 * ( ( l + 1 ) + 14 * ( beta + ( n2b[ibin][pto] + 1 ) * sigma ) );
- M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l][j] = M2[m2];
+ M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l][j] = M2[m2] * x2v[ibin][pto][sigma] / x2v[ibin][pto][beta];
delete[] M2;
// Combine APPLgrid weights "W" with the evolution operators "M1a" and "M2a" and produce "Wt"
double *H = new double[nsubproc];
Wt[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
double perc = (double) 100 * rho / n1b[ibin][pto];
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Combining APPLgrid weights with evolution operators: " << setprecision(3) << setw(4) << perc << " % done" << endl;
if(rho != n1b[ibin][pto]) cout << "\x1b[A";
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho] = new double**[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma] = new double*[13];
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k] = new double[13];
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] = 0;
for(int alpha=0; alpha<nx1; alpha++) {
for(int beta=0; beta<nx2; beta++) {
double *f1 = M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k];
double *f2 = M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l];
// Evaluate luminosities
// Combine luminosities with weights
for(int ip=0; ip<nsubproc; ip++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] += W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][ip] * H[ip];
if(Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] != 0) {
FlavMap[k][l] = true;
Channels[k][l] += Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l];
delete[] H;
else {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: All the weights are null: Evolution not needed" << endl;
Wt[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho] = new double**[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma] = new double*[13];
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k] = new double[13];
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] = 0;
M1a[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha] = new double**[n1b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho] = new double*[13];
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k] = new double[13];
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][rho][k][i] = 0;
M2a[ibin][pto][itau] = new double***[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int beta=0; beta<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; beta++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta] = new double**[n2b[ibin][pto]+1];
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma] = new double*[13];
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l] = new double[13];
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
M2a[ibin][pto][itau][beta][sigma][l][j] = 0;
cout << " " << endl;
// Write Flavour Map
cout << "Final flavour map:" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " ";
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
cout << flavour[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
cout << flavour[i] << " ";
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
cout << FlavMap[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
// Find the independent channels.
// First of all count how many non-zero elements are there.
// This sets the maximum number of channels.
int MaxChannels = 0;
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
if(Channels[i][j] != 0) MaxChannels++;
// Find channels
vector<string> PartChann;
string proc;
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
if(FlavMap[i][j]) {
FlavMap[i][j] = false;
proc = flavour[i] + flavour[j];
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
if(!(k == i && l == j)) {
double eps = 1e-6;
double ratio = abs( 1 - Channels[k][l] / Channels[i][j] );
if(ratio < eps) {
proc += " + " + flavour[k] + flavour[l];
FlavMap[k][l] = false;
// Report how many channels have been found
int Nchannels = PartChann.size();
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Number of independent channels after evolution: " << Nchannels << endl;
if(Nchannels > MaxChannels) {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: The number of independent channels exceeds the maximum allowed" << endl;
//for(int ip=0; ip<Nchannels; ip++) cout << PartChann[ip] << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
// Output grid
// Fill vector of luminosities
std::vector<int> luminosities;
for(int ip=0 ; ip<Nchannels; ip++) {
int nproc = count(PartChann[ip].begin(),PartChann[ip].end(),'+') + 1;
// loop over the parton-parton combinations within each luminosity
for(int iproc=0; iproc<nproc; iproc++) {
int part1 = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(7*iproc,2));
int part2 = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(7*iproc+2,2));
// Check whether we are dealing with W+, W- or none of them
int ckmcharge = genpdf->getckmcharge();
if(ckmcharge == 1 || ckmcharge == -1) luminosities.push_back(ckmcharge);
else luminosities.push_back(0);
string pdffile = "apfel.config";
new lumi_pdf(pdffile,luminosities);
// Put bins into an array
double *obsbins = new double[nbin+1];
for(int ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ibin++) obsbins[ibin] = g->obslow(ibin);
obsbins[nbin] = g->obsmax();
// Open the output grid with some temporay parameters that will be redefined below
const appl::igrid* oigrid;
appl::grid *og = NULL;
og = new appl::grid(g->Nobs(), obsbins,
1, Q20, Q20, 0,
30, 1e-5, 1, 5, // Temporary parameters to be adjusted below
g->leadingOrder(), g->nloops());
- /*
- og = new appl::grid( 1, Q20, Q20, 0,
- 30, 1e-5, 1, 5, // Temporary parameters to be adjusted below
- g->Nobs()+1, g->obsmin(), g->obsmax(),
- pdffile,
- g->leadingOrder(), g->nloops());
- */
for(int ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ibin++) {
//for(int ibin=0; ibin<1; ibin++) {
- //for(int pto=0; pto<=no; pto++) {
- for(int pto=1; pto<2; pto++) {
+ for(int pto=0; pto<=no; pto++) {
+ //for(int pto=1; pto<2; pto++) {
// Test of the computation
igrid = g->weightgrid(pto,ibin);
for(int itau=0; itau<ntau[ibin][pto]; itau++) {
// Initial scale PDFs on the grid
double f10[n1b[ibin][pto]+1][13];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
- f10[alpha][i] = LHAPDF::xfx(x1v[ibin][pto][alpha],Q0,i-6);
+ f10[alpha][i] = LHAPDF::xfx(x1v[ibin][pto][alpha],Q0,i-6) / x1v[ibin][pto][alpha];
double f20[n2b[ibin][pto]+1][13];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
- f20[alpha][i] = LHAPDF::xfx(x2v[ibin][pto][alpha],Q0,i-6);
+ f20[alpha][i] = LHAPDF::xfx(x2v[ibin][pto][alpha],Q0,i-6) / x2v[ibin][pto][alpha];
// Evolve PDFs on the grid with M1a and M2a
double f1[n1b[ibin][pto]+1][13];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
f1[alpha][i] = 0;
for(int beta=0; beta<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; beta++) {
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
f1[alpha][i] += M1a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][j][i] * f10[beta][j];
double f2[n2b[ibin][pto]+1][13];
for(int alpha=0; alpha<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; alpha++) {
for(int i=0; i<13; i++) {
f2[alpha][i] = 0;
for(int beta=0; beta<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; beta++) {
for(int j=0; j<13; j++) {
f2[alpha][i] += M2a[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][j][i] * f20[beta][j];
// Compute predictions
double pred1 = 0;
for(int alpha=0; alpha<igrid->Ny1(); alpha++) {
for(int beta=0; beta<igrid->Ny2(); beta++) {
double *He = new double[nsubproc];
double *fe1 = f1[alpha];
double *fe2 = f2[beta];
for(int ip=0; ip<nsubproc; ip++) {
pred1 += W[ibin][pto][itau][alpha][beta][ip] * He[ip];
double pred2 = 0;
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
int count = 0;
int nc = luminosities[count];
for(int ip=0; ip<nc; ip++) {
count += 2;
double H0 = 0;
int nproc = luminosities[count];
for(int iproc=0; iproc<nproc; iproc++) {
int part1 = luminosities[count] + 6;
int part2 = luminosities[count] + 6;
H0 += f10[rho][part1] * f20[sigma][part2];
int k = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(0,2)) + 6;
int l = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(2,2)) + 6;
pred2 += Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] * H0;
for(int k=0; k<13; k++) {
for(int l=0; l<13; l++) {
pred2 += Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l] * f10[rho][k] * f20[sigma][l];
cout << setprecision(15);
cout << "pred1 = " << pred1 << ", pred2 = " << pred2 << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
// Redefine parameters
og->redefine(ibin, pto, 1, Q20, Q20, 30, xmin[ibin][pto], 1);
// Access internal grid
oigrid = og->weightgrid(pto,ibin);
for(int rho=0; rho<n1b[ibin][pto]+1; rho++) {
for(int sigma=0; sigma<n2b[ibin][pto]+1; sigma++) {
double *weight = new double[Nchannels];
for(int ip=0; ip<Nchannels; ip++) {
int k = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(0,2)) + 6;
int l = FlavourCode(PartChann[ip].substr(2,2)) + 6;
weight[ip] = 0;
for(int itau=0; itau<ntau[ibin][pto]; itau++) {
- weight[ip] += Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l];
+ weight[ip] += AsFact[ibin][pto][itau] * Wt[ibin][pto][itau][rho][sigma][k][l];
// Fill output grid with weights
og->fill(x1v[ibin][pto][rho], x2v[ibin][pto][sigma], Q20, og->obs(ibin), weight, pto);
// Finally dump to file
og->Write(string(argv[1]).substr(0,string(argv[1]).size()-5) + "-Evolved.root");
delete Wt;
delete M1a;
delete M2a;
delete W;
delete g;
delete genpdf;
delete og;
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Info: Evolution included in " << argv[1] << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
return 0;
// Function that returns the flavour code
int FlavourCode(string Flavour)
int code;
if(Flavour == "t~") code = -6;
else if(Flavour == "b~") code = -5;
else if(Flavour == "c~") code = -4;
else if(Flavour == "s~") code = -3;
else if(Flavour == "u~") code = -2;
else if(Flavour == "d~") code = -1;
else if(Flavour == "g ") code = 0;
else if(Flavour == "d ") code = 1;
else if(Flavour == "u ") code = 2;
else if(Flavour == "s ") code = 3;
else if(Flavour == "c ") code = 4;
else if(Flavour == "b ") code = 5;
else if(Flavour == "t ") code = 6;
else {
cout << "APPLgridEvolutionFilter() Error: Unknown flavour" << endl;
return code;
Index: trunk/src/Evolution/ExternalEvolutionOperator.f
--- trunk/src/Evolution/ExternalEvolutionOperator.f (revision 224)
+++ trunk/src/Evolution/ExternalEvolutionOperator.f (revision 225)
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
* ExternalEvolutionOperator.f:
* This subroutine computes the "external" evolution operator on a
* user-given external grid starting from the "internal" evolution
* operators on the internal x-space grid of APFEL.
* The evolution operator "M" on the external grid "xext" is given
* as one-dimensional array in order to be passed to the c++ wrapper.
subroutine ExternalEvolutionOperator(Q0,Q,n,xext,M)
implicit none
include "../commons/grid.h"
include "../commons/EvolutionOperator.h"
include "../commons/EvolutionMatrices.h"
* Input Variables
integer n
double precision xext(0:n)
double precision Q0,Q
* Internal Variables
integer k
integer i,j
integer alpha,beta,alphap,betap
double precision w_int_herm,xint(0:200)
double precision inta(0:nint_max,0:n)
double precision intb(0:n,0:nint_max)
double precision eps
* Output Variables
double precision M(0:14*14*(n+1)*(n+1)-1)
-* Set Evolution Operator to zero
- do alphap=0,n
- do betap=0,n
- do i=-6,6
- do j=-6,6
- k = ( 7 + i ) + 14 * ( ( 7 + j )
- 1 + 14 * ( alphap + ( n + 1 ) * betap ) )
- M(k) = 0d0
- if(Q.eq.Q0.and.betap.eq.alphap.and.j.eq.i) M(k) = 1d0
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- if(Q.eq.Q0) return
* Disable welcome message
call EnableWelcomeMessage(.false.)
* Enable computation of the Total Evolution operator
* (it also locks internal subgrids)
call EnableEvolutionOperator(.true.)
* Tune internal grids
call SetNumberOfGrids(3)
call SetGridParameters(1,80,3,xext(0))
call SetGridParameters(2,50,5,1d-1)
call SetGridParameters(3,40,5,8d-1)
* Initializes integrals on the grids
call InitializeAPFEL
* Compute APFEL evolution operators
call EvolveAPFEL(Q0,Q)
+* Set Evolution Operator to zero
+ do alphap=0,n
+ do betap=0,n
+ do i=-6,6
+ do j=-6,6
+ k = ( 7 + i ) + 14 * ( ( 7 + j )
+ 1 + 14 * ( alphap + ( n + 1 ) * betap ) )
+ M(k) = 0d0
+ if(Q.eq.Q0.and.betap.eq.alphap.and.j.eq.i) M(k) = 1d0
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(Q.eq.Q0) return
* Interpolation functions on the joint grid
do alpha=0,nin(0)
xint(alpha) = xg(0,alpha)
do alphap=0,n
do alpha=0,nin(0)
inta(alpha,alphap) =
1 w_int_herm(nin(0),xint,alpha,xext(alphap))
intb(alphap,alpha) =
1 w_int_herm(n,xext,alphap,xint(alpha))
* Fill Evolution Operator
do i=-nff,nff
do j=-nfi,nfi
do alphap=0,n
do betap=alphap,n
k = ( 7 + i ) + 14 * ( ( 7 + j )
1 + 14 * ( alphap + ( n + 1 ) * betap ) )
do alpha=0,nin(0)
do beta=alpha,nin(0)
M(k) = M(k)
1 + inta(alpha,alphap)
2 * PhQCD(0,i,j,alpha,beta)
3 * intb(betap,beta)
if(dabs(M(k)).lt.eps) M(k) = 0d0
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Sat, Dec 21, 12:32 PM (1 d, 20 h)
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