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// tableGeneratorMain.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date: 2018-07-24 07:17:50 +0100 (Tue, 24 Jul 2018) $
// $Author: ttoll $
// Main program to create amplitude lookup tables.
// [Developer only]
// Usage:
// tableGeneratorMain runcard startBin endBin
// Bins run from 0 to nbin-1.
// Loop fill all bins from startBIn to endBin (including endBin).
// If endBin exceeds the size of the table it set to the nbin-1.
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Amplitudes.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Table.h"
#include "TableGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "Enumerations.h"
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#include "Version.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Print header
time_t theStartTime = time(0);
string ctstr(ctime(&theStartTime));
ctstr.erase(ctstr.size()-1, 1);
cout << "/========================================================================\\" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Sartre, Version " << setw(54) << left << VERSION << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| An event generator for exclusive diffractive vector meson production |" << endl;
cout << "| in ep and eA collisions based on the dipole model. |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |" << endl;
cout << "| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |" << endl;
cout << "| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |" << endl;
cout << "| any later version. |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Code compiled on " << setw(12) << left << __DATE__;
cout << setw(41) << left << __TIME__ << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "| Run started at " << setw(55) << left << ctstr.c_str() << right << '|' << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| -------------------------------------------------------------------- |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| Sartre Table Generator (Experts only) |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "\\========================================================================/" << endl;
TH1::AddDirectory(false); // to explicitly delete all new histograms by hand
TableGeneratorSettings* settings = TableGeneratorSettings::instance();
// Check arguments
char* runcard;
if (argc != 4) {
cout << "Usage: tableGeneratorMain runcard startBin endBin" << endl;
return 2;
else {
runcard = argv[1];
cout << "Reading settings from runcard." << endl;
int nBinQ2 = settings->Q2bins();
int nBinW2 = settings->W2bins();
int nBinT = settings->tbins();
double Q2min = settings->Q2min();
double Q2max = settings->Q2max();
double Wmin = settings->Wmin();
double Wmax = settings->Wmax();
double W2min = Wmin*Wmin;
double W2max = Wmax*Wmax;
double tmin = settings->tmin();
double tmax = settings->tmax();
unsigned int massA = settings->A();
int vmPDG = settings->vectorMesonId();
DipoleModelType model = settings->dipoleModelType();
DipoleModelParameterSet pset = settings->dipoleModelParameterSet();
int startingBin = settings->startBin();
int endingBin = settings->endBin();
int modes = settings->modesToCalculate();
unsigned char priority = settings->priority();
// Check if lambda tables can be calculated
bool createLambdaTables = true;
if (massA == 1 && modes == 1 && settings->numberOfConfigurations() == 1) {
cout << "\nLambda tables will be generated." << endl;
else {
cout << "\nLambda tables will not be generated. Requires A = 1, mode = 1, and 1 configuration only." << endl;
createLambdaTables = false;
// Check bins
// Table's bin indices run from 0 ... nbins-1
int maxbins = nBinQ2*nBinW2*nBinT;
if (endingBin >= maxbins) {
cout << "Warning, given end bin (" << endingBin << ") exceeds the size of the table." << endl;
cout << " set to maximum value (" << maxbins-1 << ") now." << endl;
endingBin = maxbins-1;
// Define all tables. Depending on tableset type some
// will not be written but we define them all anyway.
Table tableT;
Table tableL;
Table tableT2;
Table tableL2;
Table tableVarT;
Table tableVarL;
Table tableLambdaT;
Table tableLambdaL;
bool logQ2=true, logW2=true, logT=false, logC=true;
// Set filenames for the tables.
// Be as desciptive as possible. Helps when mass producing tables.
// We create all tables and decide later what
// gets written and what not.
string rootfile=settings->rootfile();
rootfile += "_" + settings->dipoleModelName();
rootfile += "_" + settings->dipoleModelParameterSetName();
ostringstream filenameT, filenameL, filenameT2,
filenameL2, filenameVarT, filenameVarL,
filenameLambdaT, filenameLambdaL;
filenameT << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin <<"_T.root";
filenameL << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_L.root";
filenameT2 << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_T2.root";
filenameL2 << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_L2.root";
filenameVarT << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_VarT.root";
filenameVarL << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_VarL.root";
filenameLambdaT << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_LambdaT.root";
filenameLambdaL << rootfile << "_" << settings->vectorMesonId() << "_bin"
<< startingBin << "-" << endingBin << "_LambdaL.root";
(void) tableT.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, logC, // all bools
mean_A, transverse,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
(void) tableL.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, logC, // all bools
mean_A, longitudinal,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
(void) tableT2.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, logC, // all bools
mean_A2, transverse,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
(void) tableL2.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, logC, // all bools
mean_A2, longitudinal,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
bool contentVar = modes == 1 ? false : logC; // if mode = 1 they will be 0 so lin is better
(void) tableVarT.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, contentVar, // all bools
variance_A, transverse,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
(void) tableVarL.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, contentVar, // all bools
variance_A, longitudinal,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
double contentLambda = false; // content lin
(void) tableLambdaT.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, contentLambda, // all bools
lambda_A, transverse,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
(void) tableLambdaL.create(nBinQ2, Q2min, Q2max,
nBinW2, W2min, W2max,
nBinT, tmin, tmax,
logQ2, logW2, logT, contentLambda, // all bools
lambda_A, longitudinal,
massA, vmPDG, model, pset,
cout << "\nAll tables created:" << endl;
cout << "\nTables have " << maxbins << " bins each.\n" << endl;
if (settings->useBackupFile()) {
int ibin = settings->startingBinFromBackup();
tableT.setAutobackup("tableT", ibin);
tableL.setAutobackup("tableL", ibin);
tableT2.setAutobackup("tableT2", ibin);
tableL2.setAutobackup("tableL2", ibin);
tableVarT.setAutobackup("tableVarT", ibin);
tableVarL.setAutobackup("tableVarL", ibin);
tableLambdaT.setAutobackup("tableLambdaT", ibin);
tableLambdaL.setAutobackup("tableLambdaL", ibin);
cout << "Automatic backup of tables is enabled." << endl;
cout << "Automatic backup of tables is off.\n" << endl;
// DGLAP Evolution can be speed up by using lookup tables
DglapEvolution &dglap = DglapEvolution::instance();
dglap.generateLookupTable(1000, 1000);
// Create and initialize the amplitudes calculator
Amplitudes amps;
// Generate the the nucleon configurations
// Print out settings
cout << endl;
cout << "Tables will be generated for:" << endl;
cout << "\tNucleus mass A="<<massA<<endl;
cout << "\tModes to calculate: " << modes << endl;
cout << "\tVector Meson Id: " << vmPDG << endl;
cout << "\tBins: " << startingBin << "-" << endingBin << endl;
cout << "\tQ2 range: [" << Q2min << ", " << Q2max << "], " << nBinQ2 << " bins." << endl;
cout << "\tW2 range: [" << W2min << ", " << W2max << "], " << nBinW2 << " bins." << endl;
cout << "\t t range: [" << tmin << ", " << tmax << "], " << nBinT << " bins." << endl;
cout << "\tDipole model: " << settings->dipoleModelName() << endl;
cout << "\tDipole model parameter set: " << settings->dipoleModelParameterSetName() << endl;
cout << "\tTable set mode: " << settings->tableSetTypeName() << endl;
cout << endl;
// Calculate contents and fill tables
// Note that we fill all tables. What is written
// at the end is another story.
cout << "Start filling tables" << endl;
time_t tableFillStart = time(0);
int nShow = (endingBin - startingBin)/100;
for (int i=startingBin; i<=endingBin; i++) {
if (nShow && (i%nShow == 0 || i == startingBin || i == endingBin))
cout << "processing bin " << i << endl;
double Q2, W2, t;
tableT.binCenter(i, Q2, W2, t);
double kinematicPoint[3]={t, Q2, W2};
double aT = 0;
double aL = 0;
double aT2 = 0;
double aL2 = 0;
double aVarT = 0;
double aVarL = 0;
// For mode = 1 only coherent is
// calculated and incoherent is therefore
// assumed to be 0.
// Hence total == coherent
// Recall:
// coherent = A
// total = A2
// incoherent = variance = A2 - A*A
aL = amps.amplitudeL();
aT = amps.amplitudeT();
tableT.fill(i, aT);
tableL.fill(i, aL);
if (modes != 1) {
aT2 = amps.amplitudeT2();
aL2 = amps.amplitudeL2();
else {
aT2 = aT*aT;
aL2 = aL*aL;
tableT2.fill(i, aT2);
tableL2.fill(i, aL2);
if (modes != 1) {
aVarT = aT2-aT*aT;
aVarL = aL2-aL*aL;
tableVarT.fill(i, aVarT);
tableVarL.fill(i, aVarL);
// Calculate lambda and fill table
if (createLambdaTables) {
double hplus, hminus;
hplus=hminus=(W2max-W2min)/(4*1e4); //This value comes from tests of large and small W2
hminus=min(hminus, W2-W2min);
hplus=min(hplus, W2max-W2);
hminus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
hplus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
double lambda[2]={0, 0};
double ampPlus[2]={0, 0};
double ampMinus[2]={0, 0};
for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
// Don't calculate unless numerically viable:
if (ampPlus[j]==0 || ampMinus[j]==0) {
else {
//Calculate derivate d(logA/dW2)=log(A+/A-)/(h+-h-):
double derivate=log(abs(ampPlus[j]/ampMinus[j]))/(hplus+hminus);
// Finally calculate lambda:
double jacobian = (W2-protonMass2+Q2);
lambda[j] = jacobian*derivate;
tableLambdaT.fill(i, lambda[0]);
tableLambdaL.fill(i, lambda[1]);
time_t tableFillEnd = time(0);
// Report CPU time/cell
cout << endl;
cout << "CPU time/bin: "
<< static_cast<double>(tableFillEnd-tableFillStart)/(endingBin-startingBin+1)
<< " s" << endl;
cout << "Total time: " << static_cast<double>(tableFillEnd-tableFillStart)/60./60. << " h" << endl << endl;
// We write out all tables.
// Whoever runs the production can then decide
// later what to keep and what to delete.
// If the desired run mode is total_and_coherent or
// coherent_and_incoherent, if this is just to improve
// a coherent table in some phase space, or if one wants
// to maintain redundancy, all these factor might affect
// your choice.
if (createLambdaTables) {
cout << "All tables written" << endl;
cout << "All done. Bye." << endl;
return 0;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 6:16 PM (7 h, 43 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
tableGeneratorMain.cpp (18 KB)

Event Timeline