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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index de6cd58..ef3ba1e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,311 +1,309 @@
* \authors The HEJ collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
* \date 2019
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#include "HEJ/HDF5Reader.hh"
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include "highfive/H5File.hpp"
namespace HEJ {
namespace {
// buffer size for reader
// each "reading from disk" reads "chunk_size" many event at once
constexpr std::size_t chunk_size = 10000;
struct ParticleData {
std::vector<int> id;
std::vector<int> status;
std::vector<int> mother1;
std::vector<int> mother2;
std::vector<int> color1;
std::vector<int> color2;
std::vector<double> px;
std::vector<double> py;
std::vector<double> pz;
std::vector<double> e;
std::vector<double> m;
std::vector<double> lifetime;
std::vector<double> spin;
struct EventRecords {
std::vector<int> particle_start;
std::vector<int> nparticles;
std::vector<int> pid;
std::vector<double> weight;
- int trials;
std::vector<double> scale;
std::vector<double> fscale;
std::vector<double> rscale;
std::vector<double> aqed;
std::vector<double> aqcd;
+ double trials;
ParticleData particles;
class ConstEventIterator {
// iterator traits
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = LHEF::HEPEUP;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const LHEF::HEPEUP*;
using reference = LHEF::HEPEUP const &;
using iterator = ConstEventIterator;
friend iterator cbegin(EventRecords const & records) noexcept;
friend iterator cend(EventRecords const & records) noexcept;
iterator& operator++() {
particle_offset_ += records_.get().nparticles[idx_];
return *this;
iterator& operator--() {
particle_offset_ -= records_.get().nparticles[idx_];
return *this;
iterator operator--(int) {
auto res = *this;
return res;
bool operator==(iterator const & other) const {
return idx_ == other.idx_;
bool operator!=(iterator other) const {
return !(*this == other);
value_type operator*() const {
value_type hepeup{};
auto const & r = records_.get();
hepeup.NUP = r.nparticles[idx_];
hepeup.IDPRUP =[idx_];
hepeup.XWGTUP = r.weight[idx_]/r.trials;
hepeup.weights.emplace_back(hepeup.XWGTUP, nullptr);
hepeup.SCALUP = r.scale[idx_];
hepeup.scales.muf = r.fscale[idx_];
hepeup.scales.mur = r.rscale[idx_];
hepeup.AQEDUP = r.aqed[idx_];
hepeup.AQCDUP = r.aqcd[idx_];
const size_t start = particle_offset_;
const size_t end = start + hepeup.NUP;
auto const & p = r.particles;
hepeup.IDUP = std::vector<long>( begin(, begin( );
hepeup.ISTUP = std::vector<int>( begin(p.status)+start, begin(p.status)+end );
hepeup.VTIMUP = std::vector<double>( begin(p.lifetime)+start, begin(p.lifetime)+end );
hepeup.SPINUP = std::vector<double>( begin(p.spin)+start, begin(p.spin)+end );
for(size_t i = 0; i < hepeup.MOTHUP.size(); ++i) {
const size_t idx = start + i;
assert(idx < end);
hepeup.MOTHUP[i] = std::make_pair(p.mother1[idx], p.mother2[idx]);
hepeup.ICOLUP[i] = std::make_pair(p.color1[idx], p.color2[idx]);
hepeup.PUP[i] = std::vector<double>{
p.px[idx],[idx], p.pz[idx], p.e[idx], p.m[idx]
return hepeup;
explicit ConstEventIterator(EventRecords const & records):
records_{records} {}
std::reference_wrapper<const EventRecords> records_;
size_t idx_ = 0;
size_t particle_offset_ = 0;
}; // end ConstEventIterator
ConstEventIterator cbegin(EventRecords const & records) noexcept {
return ConstEventIterator{records};
ConstEventIterator cend(EventRecords const & records) noexcept {
auto it =ConstEventIterator{records};
it.idx_ = records.aqcd.size(); // or size of any other records member
return it;
} // end anonymous namespace
struct HDF5Reader::HDF5ReaderImpl{
HighFive::File file;
std::size_t event_idx;
std::size_t particle_idx;
std::size_t nevents;
EventRecords records;
ConstEventIterator cur_event;
LHEF::HEPRUP heprup;
LHEF::HEPEUP hepeup;
explicit HDF5ReaderImpl(std::string const & filename):
.getDataSet("nparticles") // or any other dataset
void read_heprup() {
const auto init = file.getGroup("init");
init.getDataSet( "PDFgroupA" ).read(heprup.PDFGUP.first);
init.getDataSet( "PDFgroupB" ).read(heprup.PDFGUP.second);
init.getDataSet( "PDFsetA" ).read(heprup.PDFSUP.first);
init.getDataSet( "PDFsetB" ).read(heprup.PDFSUP.second);
init.getDataSet( "beamA" ).read(heprup.IDBMUP.first);
init.getDataSet( "beamB" ).read(heprup.IDBMUP.second);
init.getDataSet( "energyA" ).read(heprup.EBMUP.first);
init.getDataSet( "energyB" ).read(heprup.EBMUP.second);
init.getDataSet( "numProcesses" ).read(heprup.NPRUP);
init.getDataSet( "weightingStrategy" ).read(heprup.IDWTUP);
const auto proc_info = file.getGroup("procInfo");
proc_info.getDataSet( "procId" ).read(heprup.LPRUP);
proc_info.getDataSet( "xSection" ).read(heprup.XSECUP);
proc_info.getDataSet( "error" ).read(heprup.XERRUP);
// TODO: is this identification correct?
proc_info.getDataSet( "unitWeight" ).read(heprup.XMAXUP);
- records.trials = 0;
- std::vector<int> trials;
+ std::vector<double> trials;
- for( auto trial: trials)
- records.trials+=trial;
+ records.trials = std::accumulate(begin(trials), end(trials), 0.);
std::size_t read_event_records(std::size_t count) {
count = std::min(count, nevents-event_idx);
auto events = file.getGroup("event");
events.getDataSet("nparticles").select({event_idx}, {count}).read(records.nparticles);
assert(records.nparticles.size() == count);
events.getDataSet("pid").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( );
events.getDataSet("weight").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.weight );
events.getDataSet("scale").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.scale );
events.getDataSet("fscale").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.fscale );
events.getDataSet("rscale").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.rscale );
events.getDataSet("aqed").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.aqed );
events.getDataSet("aqcd").select( {event_idx}, {count} ).read( records.aqcd );
const std::size_t particle_count = std::accumulate(
begin(records.nparticles), end(records.nparticles), 0
auto pdata = file.getGroup("particle");
auto & particles = records.particles;
pdata.getDataSet("id").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( );
pdata.getDataSet("status").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.status );
pdata.getDataSet("mother1").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.mother1 );
pdata.getDataSet("mother2").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.mother2 );
pdata.getDataSet("color1").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.color1 );
pdata.getDataSet("color2").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.color2 );
pdata.getDataSet("px").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.px );
pdata.getDataSet("py").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( );
pdata.getDataSet("pz").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.pz );
pdata.getDataSet("e").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.e );
pdata.getDataSet("m").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.m );
pdata.getDataSet("lifetime").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.lifetime );
pdata.getDataSet("spin").select( {particle_idx}, {particle_count} ).read( particles.spin );
event_idx += count;
particle_idx += particle_count;
return count;
HDF5Reader::HDF5Reader(std::string const & filename):
new HDF5Reader::HDF5ReaderImpl{filename},
bool HDF5Reader::read_event() {
if(impl_->cur_event == cend(impl_->records)) {
// end of active chunk, read new events from file
const auto events_read = impl_->read_event_records(chunk_size);
impl_->cur_event = cbegin(impl_->records);
if(events_read == 0) return false;
impl_->hepeup = *impl_->cur_event;
return true;
namespace {
static const std::string nothing = "";
std::string const & HDF5Reader::header() const {
return nothing;
LHEF::HEPRUP const & HDF5Reader::heprup() const {
return impl_->heprup;
LHEF::HEPEUP const & HDF5Reader::hepeup() const {
return impl_->hepeup;
HEJ::optional<int> HDF5Reader::number_events() const {
return impl_->nevents;
#else // no HDF5 support
namespace HEJ {
class HDF5Reader::HDF5ReaderImpl{};
HDF5Reader::HDF5Reader(std::string const &){
throw std::invalid_argument{
"Failed to create HDF5 reader: "
"HEJ 2 was built without HDF5 support"
bool HDF5Reader::read_event() {
throw std::logic_error{"unreachable"};
std::string const & HDF5Reader::header() const {
throw std::logic_error{"unreachable"};
LHEF::HEPRUP const & HDF5Reader::heprup() const {
throw std::logic_error{"unreachable"};
LHEF::HEPEUP const & HDF5Reader::hepeup() const {
throw std::logic_error{"unreachable"};
HEJ::optional<int> HDF5Reader::number_events() const {
throw std::logic_error{"unreachable"};
namespace HEJ {
void HDF5Reader::HDF5ReaderImplDeleter::operator()(HDF5ReaderImpl* p) {
delete p;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:26 PM (16 h, 5 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(11 KB)

Event Timeline