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diff --git a/MatrixElement/FxFx/ b/MatrixElement/FxFx/
--- a/MatrixElement/FxFx/
+++ b/MatrixElement/FxFx/
@@ -1,914 +1,929 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the FxFxFileReader class.
#include "FxFxFileReader.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace ThePEG;
FxFxFileReader(const FxFxFileReader & x)
: FxFxReader(x), neve(x.neve), ieve(0),
LHFVersion(x.LHFVersion), outsideBlock(x.outsideBlock),
headerBlock(x.headerBlock), initComments(x.initComments),
initAttributes(x.initAttributes), eventComments(x.eventComments),
theFileName(x.theFileName), theQNumbers(x.theQNumbers),
theDecayer(x.theDecayer) {}
FxFxFileReader::~FxFxFileReader() {}
IBPtr FxFxFileReader::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr FxFxFileReader::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
bool FxFxFileReader::preInitialize() const {
return true;
void FxFxFileReader::doinit() {
// are we using QNUMBERS
if(!theQNumbers) return;
// parse the header block and create
// any new particles needed in QNUMBERS blocks
string block = headerBlock;
string line = "";
bool readingSLHA = false;
int (*pf)(int) = tolower;
unsigned int newNumber(0);
do {
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
if(line[0]=='#') continue;
// are we reading the SLHA block
if(readingSLHA) {
// reached the end of slha block ?
if(line.find("</slha") != string::npos) {
readingSLHA = false;
// remove trailing comment from line
vector<string> split = StringUtils::split(line,"#");
// check for a qnumbers block
transform(split[0].begin(), split[0].end(), split[0].begin(), pf);
// if not contine
if(split[0].find("block qnumbers")==string::npos)
// get name from comment
string name;
if(split.size()>=2) {
name = StringUtils::stripws(split[1]);
else {
ostringstream tname;
tname << "NP" << newNumber;
name = tname.str();
// extract the PDG code
split = StringUtils::split(split[0]," ");
istringstream is(split[2]);
long PDGCode(0);
is >> PDGCode;
// get the charge, spin, colour and whether an antiparticle
int charge(0),spin(0),colour(0),anti(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
int dummy[2];
istringstream is(line);
is >> dummy[0] >> dummy[1];
switch (dummy[0]) {
case 1:
charge = dummy[1];
case 2:
spin = dummy[1];
case 3:
colour = dummy[1];
case 4:
anti = dummy[1];
// check if particles already exist
PDPair newParticle;
newParticle.first = getParticleData(PDGCode);
if(newParticle.first) Throw<SetupException>()
<< "Particle with PDG code " << PDGCode
<< " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block"
<< " already exists. Retaining the original particle"
<< Exception::warning;
if(anti) {
newParticle.second = getParticleData(-PDGCode);
if(newParticle.second) Throw<SetupException>()
<< "Anti-particle with PDG code " << -PDGCode
<< " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block"
<< " already exists. Retaining the original particle"
<< Exception::warning;
if(( newParticle.first && !newParticle.second ) ||
( newParticle.second && !newParticle.first ) )
<< "Either particle or anti-particle with PDG code " << PDGCode
<< " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block"
<< " already exists, but not both the particle and antiparticle. "
<< " Something dodgy here stopping"
<< Exception::runerror;
// already exists continue
if(newParticle.first) continue;
// create the particles
// particle with no anti particle
if( anti == 0 ) {
// construct the name
if(name=="") {
ostringstream temp;
temp << PDGCode;
name = temp.str();
// create the ParticleData object
newParticle.first = ParticleData::Create(PDGCode,name);
// particle anti-particle pair
else {
// construct the names
string nameAnti;
if(name=="") {
ostringstream temp;
temp << PDGCode;
name = temp.str();
ostringstream temp2;
temp << -PDGCode;
nameAnti = temp2.str();
else {
for(string::iterator it=nameAnti.begin();it!=nameAnti.end();++it) {
if(*it=='+') nameAnti.replace(it,it+1,"-");
else if(*it=='-') nameAnti.replace(it,it+1,"+");
if(nameAnti==name) nameAnti += "bar";
// create the ParticleData objects
newParticle = ParticleData::Create(PDGCode,name,nameAnti);
// set the particle properties
if(colour==1) colour = 0;
newParticle.first->iSpin (PDT::Spin (spin ));
// register it
// set the antiparticle properties
if(newParticle.second) {
if(colour==3||colour==6) colour *= -1;
charge = -charge;
newParticle.second->iSpin (PDT::Spin (spin ));
// register it
// start of SLHA block ?
else if(line.find("<slha") != string::npos) {
readingSLHA = true;
// now set any masses/decay modes
block = headerBlock;
bool ok=true;
do {
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
// are we reading the SLHA block
if(readingSLHA) {
// reached the end?
if(line.find("</slha") == 0 ) {
readingSLHA = false;
// make lower case
transform(line.begin(),line.end(),line.begin(), pf);
// found the mass block ?
if(line.find("block mass")!=string::npos) {
// read it
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
// check not at end
while(line[0] != 'D' && line[0] != 'B' &&
line[0] != 'd' && line[0] != 'b' &&
line != "") {
// skip comment lines
if(line[0] == '#') {
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
// get the mass and PGD code
istringstream temp(line);
long id;
double mass;
temp >> id >> mass;
// skip resetting masses on SM particles
// as it can cause problems later on in event generation
if(abs(id)<=6 || (abs(id)>=11 && abs(id)<=16) ||
abs(id)==23 || abs(id)==24) {
// Throw<SetupException>() << "Standard model mass for PID "
// << id
// << " will not be changed."
// << Exception::warning;
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
// magnitude of mass for susy models
mass = abs(mass);
// set the mass
tPDPtr particle = getParticleData(id);
if(!particle) throw SetupException()
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - Particle with PDG code not"
<< id << " not found." << Exception::runerror;
const InterfaceBase * ifb = BaseRepository::FindInterface(particle,
ostringstream os;
os << mass;
ifb->exec(*particle, "set", os.str());
// read the next line
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
// found a decay block
else if(line.find("decay") == 0) {
// get PGD code and width
istringstream iss(line);
string dummy;
long parent(0);
Energy width(ZERO);
iss >> dummy >> parent >> iunit(width, GeV);
// get the ParticleData object
PDPtr inpart = getParticleData(parent);
if(!inpart) {
throw SetupException()
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - A ParticleData object with the PDG code "
<< parent << " does not exist. " << Exception::runerror;
if ( abs(inpart->id()) == 6 ||
abs(inpart->id()) == 15 ||
abs(inpart->id()) == 23 ||
abs(inpart->id()) == 24 ||
abs(inpart->id()) == 25 ) {
Throw<SetupException>() << "\n"
"* Your LHE file changes the width of " << inpart->PDGName() << ".\n"
"* This can cause serious problems in the event generation!\n"
"\n" << Exception::warning;
else if (inpart->width() > ZERO && width <= ZERO) {
Throw<SetupException>() << "\n"
"* Your LHE file zeroes the non-zero width of " << inpart->PDGName() << ".\n"
"* If " << inpart->PDGName() << " is a decaying SM particle,\n"
"* this can cause serious problems in the event generation!\n"
"\n" << Exception::warning;
// set the width
if( width > ZERO ) {
// construct prefix for DecayModes
string prefix(inpart->name() + "->"), tag(prefix),line("");
unsigned int nmode(0);
// read any decay modes
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
while(line[0] != 'D' && line[0] != 'B' &&
line[0] != 'd' && line[0] != 'b' &&
line[0] != '<' && line != "") {
// skip comments
if(line[0] == '#') {
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
// read decay mode and construct the tag
istringstream is(line);
double brat(0.);
unsigned int nda(0),npr(0);
is >> brat >> nda;
while( true ) {
long t;
is >> t;
if( ) break;
if( t == abs(parent) )
throw SetupException()
<< "An error occurred while read a decay of the "
<< inpart->PDGName() << ". One of its products has the same PDG code "
<< "as the parent particle in FxFxFileReader::doinit()."
<< " Please check the Les Houches file.\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
tcPDPtr p = getParticleData(t);
if( !p )
throw SetupException()
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() -"
<< " An unknown PDG code has been encounterd "
<< "while reading a decay mode. ID: " << t
<< Exception::runerror;
tag += p->name() + ",";
if( npr != nda )
throw SetupException()
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - While reading a decay of the "
<< inpart->PDGName() << " from an SLHA file, an inconsistency "
<< "between the number of decay products and the value in "
<< "the 'NDA' column was found. Please check if the spectrum "
<< "file is correct.\n"
<< Exception::warning;
// create the DecayMode
if( npr > 1 ) {
if( nmode==0 ) {
generator()->preinitInterface(inpart, "VariableRatio" , "set","false");
if(inpart->massGenerator()) {
ok = false;
<< inpart->PDGName() << " already has a WidthGenerator set"
<< " this is incompatible with using QNUMBERS "
<< "Use\n"
<< "set " << inpart->fullName() << ":Width_generator NULL\n"
<< "to fix this." << Exception::warning;
unsigned int ntemp=0;
for(DecaySet::const_iterator dit = inpart->decayModes().begin();
dit != inpart->decayModes().end(); ++dit ) {
if((**dit).on()) ++ntemp;
if(ntemp!=0) {
ok = false;
<< inpart->PDGName() << " already has DecayModes"
<< " this is incompatible with using QNUMBERS "
<< "Use\n"
<< "do " << inpart->fullName() << ":SelectDecayModes none\n"
<< " to fix this." << Exception::warning;
tag.replace(tag.size() - 1, 1, ";");
DMPtr dm = generator()->findDecayMode(tag);
if(!theDecayer) Throw<SetupException>()
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() Decayer must be set using the "
<< "FxFxFileReader:Decayer"
<< " must be set to allow the creation of new"
<< " decay modes."
<< Exception::runerror;
if(!dm) {
dm = generator()->preinitCreateDecayMode(tag);
<< "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - Needed to create "
<< "new decaymode but one could not be created for the tag "
<< tag << Exception::warning;
generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "Decayer", "set",
ostringstream br;
br << setprecision(13) << brat;
generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "BranchingRatio", "set", br.str());
generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "Active", "set", "Yes");
if(dm->CC()) {
generator()->preinitInterface(dm->CC(), "BranchingRatio", "set", br.str());
generator()->preinitInterface(dm->CC(), "Active", "set", "Yes");
// read the next line
block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n");
line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n");
if(nmode>0) {
// start of SLHA block ?
else if(line.find("<slha") != string::npos) {
readingSLHA = true;
throw SetupException() << "Problem reading QNUMBERS blocks in FxFxFileReader::doinit()"
<< Exception::runerror;
void FxFxFileReader::initialize(FxFxEventHandler & eh) {
if ( LHFVersion.empty() )
<< "The file associated with '" << name() << "' does not contain a "
<< "proper formatted Les Houches event file. The events may not be "
<< "properly sampled." << Exception::warning;
//vector<string> FxFxFileReader::optWeightNamesFunc() { return optionalWeightsNames; }
vector<string> FxFxFileReader::optWeightsNamesFunc() { return optionalWeightsNames; }
void FxFxFileReader::open() {
if ( filename().empty() )
throw FxFxFileError()
<< "No Les Houches file name. "
<< "Use 'set " << name() << ":FileName'."
<< Exception::runerror;;
if ( !cfile )
throw FxFxFileError()
<< "The FxFxFileReader '" << name() << "' could not open the "
<< "event file called '" << theFileName << "'."
<< Exception::runerror;
if ( !cfile.find("<LesHouchesEvents") ) return;
map<string,string> attributes =
StringUtils::xmlAttributes("LesHouchesEvents", cfile.getline());
LHFVersion = attributes["version"];
//cout << LHFVersion << endl;
if ( LHFVersion.empty() ) return;
bool readingHeader = false;
bool readingInit = false;
headerBlock = "";
// char (cwgtinfo_weights_info[250][15]);
string hs;
// int cwgtinfo_nn(0);
// Loop over all lines until we hit the </init> tag.
bool readingInitWeights = false, readingInitWeights_sc = false;
string weightinfo;
while ( cfile.readline() ) {
// found the init block for multiple weights
if(cfile.find("<initrwgt")) { /*cout << "reading weights" << endl;*/ readingInitWeights = true; }
// found end of init block for multiple weights: end the while loop
if(cfile.find("</initrwgt")) { readingInitWeights = false; readingInitWeights_sc = false; continue;}
// found the end of init block
if(cfile.find("</init")) { readingInit = false; break; }
/* read the weight information block
* optionalWeightNames will contain information about the weights
* this will be appended to the weight information
if(readingInitWeights) {
string scalename = "";
if(cfile.find("<weightgroup")) {
/* we found a weight group
* start reading the information
* within it
readingInitWeights_sc = true;
weightinfo = cfile.getline();
/* to make it shorter, erase some stuff
string str_weightgroup = "<weightgroup";
string str_arrow = ">";
string str_newline = "\n";
erase_substr(weightinfo, str_weightgroup);
erase_substr(weightinfo, str_arrow);
erase_substr(weightinfo, str_newline);
/* if we are reading a new weightgroup, go on
* until we find the end of it
if(readingInitWeights_sc && !cfile.find("</weightgroup") && !cfile.find("<weightgroup")) {
hs = cfile.getline();
+ //cout << "hs=" << hs << endl;
+ //cout << "weightinfo= " << weightinfo << endl;
+ //fix for potential new lines:
+ if(!cfile.find("<weight") and !cfile.find("</weightgroup")) {
+ weightinfo = weightinfo + hs;
+ //cout << "weightinfo fixed= " << weightinfo << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
istringstream isc(hs);
int ws = 0;
/* get the name that will be used to identify the scale
do {
string sub; isc >> sub;
if(ws==1) { string str_arrow = ">"; erase_substr(sub, str_arrow); scalename = sub; }
} while (isc);
/* now get the relevant information
* e.g. scales or PDF sets used
string startDEL = ">"; //starting delimiter
string stopDEL = "</weight>"; //end delimiter
unsigned firstLim = hs.find(startDEL); //find start of delimiter
// unsigned lastLim = hs.find(stopDEL); //find end of delimitr
string scinfo = hs.substr(firstLim); //define the information for the scale
scinfo = StringUtils::stripws(scinfo);
+ //cout << "scinfo = " << scinfo << endl;
/* fill in the map
* indicating the information to be appended to each scale
* i.e. scinfo for each scalname
scalemap[scalename] = scinfo.c_str();
string str_id = "id=";
string str_prime = "'";
erase_substr(scalename, str_id);
erase_substr(scalename, str_prime);
if ( cfile.find("<header") ) {
- // We have hit the header block, so we should dump this and all
// following lines to headerBlock until we hit the end of it.
readingHeader = true;
headerBlock = cfile.getline() + "\n";
if ( (cfile.find("<init ") && !cfile.find("<initrwgt")) || cfile.find("<init>") ) {
//cout << "found init block" << endl;
// We have hit the init block, so we should expect to find the
// standard information in the following. But first check for
// attributes.
initAttributes = StringUtils::xmlAttributes("init", cfile.getline());
readingInit = true;
if ( !( cfile >> heprup.IDBMUP.first >> heprup.IDBMUP.second
>> heprup.EBMUP.first >> heprup.EBMUP.second
>> heprup.PDFGUP.first >> heprup.PDFGUP.second
>> heprup.PDFSUP.first >> heprup.PDFSUP.second
>> heprup.IDWTUP >> heprup.NPRUP ) ) {
heprup.NPRUP = -42;
LHFVersion = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < heprup.NPRUP; ++i ) {
if ( !( cfile >> heprup.XSECUP[i] >> heprup.XERRUP[i]
>> heprup.XMAXUP[i] >> heprup.LPRUP[i] ) ) {
heprup.NPRUP = -42;
LHFVersion = "";
if ( cfile.find("</header") ) {
readingHeader = false;
headerBlock += cfile.getline() + "\n";
if ( readingHeader ) {
/* We are in the process of reading the header block. Dump the
line to headerBlock.*/
headerBlock += cfile.getline() + "\n";
if ( readingInit ) {
// Here we found a comment line. Dump it to initComments.
initComments += cfile.getline() + "\n";
string central = "central";
if (theIncludeCentral) optionalWeightsNames.push_back(central);
// cout << "reading init finished" << endl;
if ( !cfile ) {
heprup.NPRUP = -42;
LHFVersion = "";
bool FxFxFileReader::doReadEvent() {
if ( !cfile ) return false;
if ( LHFVersion.empty() ) return false;
if ( heprup.NPRUP < 0 ) return false;
eventComments = "";
outsideBlock = "";
hepeup.NUP = 0;
hepeup.XPDWUP.first = hepeup.XPDWUP.second = 0.0;
// Keep reading lines until we hit the next event or the end of
// the event block. Save any inbetween lines. Exit if we didn't
// find an event.
while ( cfile.readline() && !cfile.find("<event") )
outsideBlock += cfile.getline() + "\n";
// We found an event. First scan for attributes.
eventAttributes = StringUtils::xmlAttributes("event", cfile.getline());
/* information necessary for FxFx merging:
* the npLO and npNLO tags
istringstream ievat(cfile.getline());
int we(0), npLO(-10), npNLO(-10);
do {
string sub; ievat >> sub;
if(we==2) { npLO = atoi(sub.c_str()); }
if(we==5) { npNLO = atoi(sub.c_str()); }
} while (ievat);
optionalnpLO = npLO;
optionalnpNLO = npNLO;
std::stringstream npstringstream;
npstringstream << "np " << npLO << " " << npNLO;
std::string npstrings = npstringstream.str();
/* the FxFx merging information
* becomes part of the optionalWeights, labelled -999
* for future reference
if(theIncludeFxFxTags) optionalWeights[npstrings.c_str()] = -999;
string ecomstring = "ecom";
optionalWeights[ecomstring.c_str()] = heprup.EBMUP.first+heprup.EBMUP.second;
if ( !cfile.readline() ) return false;
// The first line determines how many subsequent particle lines we
// have.
if ( !( cfile >> hepeup.NUP >> hepeup.IDPRUP >> hepeup.XWGTUP
>> hepeup.SCALUP >> hepeup.AQEDUP >> hepeup.AQCDUP ) )
return false;
// Read all particle lines.
for ( int i = 0; i < hepeup.NUP; ++i ) {
if ( !cfile.readline() ) return false;
if ( !( cfile >> hepeup.IDUP[i] >> hepeup.ISTUP[i]
>> hepeup.MOTHUP[i].first >> hepeup.MOTHUP[i].second
>> hepeup.ICOLUP[i].first >> hepeup.ICOLUP[i].second
>> hepeup.PUP[i][0] >> hepeup.PUP[i][1] >> hepeup.PUP[i][2]
>> hepeup.PUP[i][3] >> hepeup.PUP[i][4]
>> hepeup.VTIMUP[i] >> hepeup.SPINUP[i] ) )
return false;
throw Exception()
<< "nan's as momenta in Les Houches file "
<< Exception::eventerror;
if(hepeup.MOTHUP[i].first -1==i ||
hepeup.MOTHUP[i].second-1==i) {
throw Exception()
<< "Particle has itself as a mother in Les Houches "
<< "file, this is not allowed\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Now read any additional comments and named weights.
// read until the end of rwgt is found
bool readingWeights = false, readingaMCFast = false, readingMG5ClusInfo = false;
while ( cfile.readline() && !cfile.find("</event>")) {
if(cfile.find("</applgrid")) { readingaMCFast=false; } //aMCFast weights end
if(cfile.find("</rwgt")) { readingWeights=false; } //optional weights end
if(cfile.find("</clustering")) { readingMG5ClusInfo=false; } // mg5 mclustering scale info end
/* reading of optional weights
if(readingWeights) {
if(!cfile.find("<wgt")) { continue; }
istringstream iss(cfile.getline());
int wi = 0;
double weightValue(0);
string weightName = "";
// we need to put the actual weight value into a double
do {
string sub; iss >> sub;
if(wi==1) { string str_arrow = ">" ; erase_substr(sub, str_arrow); weightName = sub; }
if(wi==2) weightValue = atof(sub.c_str());
} while (iss);
// store the optional weights found in the temporary map
+ //cout << "weightName, weightValue= " << weightName << ", " << weightValue << endl;
optionalWeightsTemp[weightName] = weightValue;
/* reading of aMCFast weights
if(readingaMCFast) {
std::stringstream amcfstringstream;
amcfstringstream << "aMCFast " << cfile.getline();
std::string amcfstrings = amcfstringstream.str();
string str_newline = "\n";
optionalWeights[amcfstrings.c_str()] = -111; //for the aMCFast we give them a weight -111 for future identification
/* read additional MG5 Clustering information
* used in LO merging
if(readingMG5ClusInfo) {
string hs = cfile.getline();
string startDEL = "<clus scale="; //starting delimiter
string stopDEL = "</clus>"; //end delimiter
unsigned firstLim = hs.find(startDEL); //find start of delimiter
// unsigned lastLim = hs.find(stopDEL); //find end of delimitr
string mg5clusinfo = hs.substr(firstLim); //define the information for the scale
string str_arrow = ">";
string str_quotation = "\"";
string str_newline= "\n";
optionalWeights[mg5clusinfo.c_str()] = -222; //for the mg5 scale info weights we give them a weight -222 for future identification
//store MG5 clustering information
if(cfile.find("<scales")) {
string hs = cfile.getline();
string startDEL = "<scales"; //starting delimiter
string stopDEL = "</scales>"; //end delimiter
unsigned firstLim = hs.find(startDEL); //find start of delimiter
// unsigned lastLim = hs.find(stopDEL); //find end of delimitr
string mg5scinfo = hs.substr(firstLim); //define the information for the scale
string str_arrow = ">";
string str_newline= "\n";
optionalWeights[mg5scinfo.c_str()] = -333; //for the mg5 scale info weights we give them a weight -333 for future identification
//determine start of aMCFast weights
if(cfile.find("<applgrid")) { readingaMCFast = true;}
//determine start of optional weights
if(cfile.find("<rwgt")) { readingWeights = true; }
//determine start of MG5 clustering scale information
if(cfile.find("<clustering")) { readingMG5ClusInfo = true;}
// loop over the optional weights and add the extra information as found in the init
for (map<string,double>::const_iterator it=optionalWeightsTemp.begin(); it!=optionalWeightsTemp.end(); ++it){
+ string itfirst = it->first;
+ erase_substr(itfirst, "'");
+ erase_substr(itfirst, "\"");
for (map<string,string>::const_iterator it2=scalemap.begin(); it2!=scalemap.end(); ++it2){
//find the scale id in the scale information and add this information
- if(it->first==it2->first) {
+ string it2first = it2->first;
+ erase_substr(it2first, "'");
+ erase_substr(it2first, "\"");
+ //cout << "itfirst, it2first = " << itfirst << "\t" << it2first << endl;
+ if(itfirst==it2first) {
string info = it2->second;
string str_newline = "\n";
erase_substr(info, str_newline);
//set the optional weights
optionalWeights[info] = it->second;
/* additionally, we set the "central" scale
* this is actually the default event weight
string central = "central";
if (theIncludeCentral) optionalWeights[central] = hepeup.XWGTUP;
if ( !cfile ) return false;
return true;
void FxFxFileReader::close() {
void FxFxFileReader::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << neve << LHFVersion << outsideBlock << headerBlock << initComments
<< initAttributes << eventComments << eventAttributes << theFileName
<< theQNumbers << theIncludeFxFxTags << theIncludeCentral << theDecayer;
void FxFxFileReader::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> neve >> LHFVersion >> outsideBlock >> headerBlock >> initComments
>> initAttributes >> eventComments >> eventAttributes >> theFileName
>> theQNumbers >> theIncludeFxFxTags >> theIncludeCentral >> theDecayer;
ieve = 0;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void FxFxFileReader::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<FxFxFileReader> documentation
("ThePEG::FxFxFileReader is an base class to be used for objects "
"which reads event files from matrix element generators. This class is "
"able to read plain event files conforming to the Les Houches Event File "
static Parameter<FxFxFileReader,string> interfaceFileName
"The name of a file containing events conforming to the Les Houches "
"protocol to be read into ThePEG. A file name ending in "
"<code>.gz</code> will be read from a pipe which uses "
"<code>zcat</code>. If a file name ends in <code>|</code> the "
"preceeding string is interpreted as a command, the output of which "
"will be read through a pipe.",
&FxFxFileReader::theFileName, "", false, false);
static Switch<FxFxFileReader,bool> interfaceQNumbers
"Whether or not to read search for and read a QNUMBERS"
" block in the header of the file.",
&FxFxFileReader::theQNumbers, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceQNumbersYes
static SwitchOption interfaceQNumbersNo
"Don't use QNUMBERS",
static Switch<FxFxFileReader,bool> interfaceIncludeFxFxTags
"Include FxFx tags",
&FxFxFileReader::theIncludeFxFxTags, true, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeFxFxTagsYes
"Use the FxFx tags",
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeFxFxTagsNo
"Don't use the FxFx tags",
static Switch<FxFxFileReader,bool> interfaceIncludeCentral
"Include definition of central weight",
&FxFxFileReader::theIncludeCentral, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeCentralYes
"include definition of central weight",
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeCentralNo
"Don't include definition of central weight",
static Reference<FxFxFileReader,Decayer> interfaceDecayer
"Decayer to use for any decays read from the QNUMBERS Blocks",
&FxFxFileReader::theDecayer, false, false, true, true, false);
void FxFxFileReader::erase_substr(std::string& subject, const std::string& search) {
size_t pos = 0;
while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
subject.erase( pos, search.length() );
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:24 PM (15 h, 35 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(32 KB)
Attached To
rHERWIGHG herwighg
Event Timeline
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