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diff --git a/src/FCN/JointFCN.cxx b/src/FCN/JointFCN.cxx
index 0d2d9b0..b6eecf2 100755
--- a/src/FCN/JointFCN.cxx
+++ b/src/FCN/JointFCN.cxx
@@ -1,1032 +1,1034 @@
#include "JointFCN.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "FitUtils.h"
// //***************************************************
// JointFCN::JointFCN(std::string cardfile, TFile* outfile) {
// //***************************************************
// fOutputDir = gDirectory;
// FitPar::Config().out = outfile;
// fCardFile = cardfile;
// LoadSamples(fCardFile);
// fCurIter = 0;
// fMCFilled = false;
// fOutputDir->cd();
// fIterationTree = NULL;
// fDialVals = NULL;
// fNDials = 0;
// fUsingEventManager = FitPar::Config().GetParB("EventManager");
// fOutputDir->cd();
// };
JointFCN::JointFCN(TFile* outfile) {
fOutputDir = gDirectory;
if (outfile)
FitPar::Config().out = outfile;
std::vector<nuiskey> samplekeys = Config::QueryKeys("sample");
std::vector<nuiskey> covarkeys = Config::QueryKeys("covar");
fCurIter = 0;
fMCFilled = false;
fIterationTree = NULL;
fDialVals = NULL;
fNDials = 0;
fUsingEventManager = FitPar::Config().GetParB("EventManager");
JointFCN::JointFCN(std::vector<nuiskey> samplekeys, TFile* outfile) {
fOutputDir = gDirectory;
if (outfile)
FitPar::Config().out = outfile;
fCurIter = 0;
fMCFilled = false;
fIterationTree = NULL;
fDialVals = NULL;
fNDials = 0;
fUsingEventManager = FitPar::Config().GetParB("EventManager");
JointFCN::~JointFCN() {
// Delete Samples
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
delete exp;
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
delete pull;
// Sort Tree
if (fIterationTree) DestroyIterationTree();
if (fDialVals) delete fDialVals;
if (fSampleLikes) delete fSampleLikes;
void JointFCN::CreateIterationTree(std::string name, FitWeight* rw) {
LOG(FIT) << " Creating new iteration tree! " << std::endl;
if (fIterationTree && !>GetName())) {
fIterationTree = new TTree(name.c_str(), name.c_str());
// Setup Main Branches
fIterationTree->Branch("total_likelihood", &fLikelihood,
fIterationTree->Branch("total_ndof", &fNDOF, "total_ndof/I");
// Setup Sample Arrays
int ninputs = fSamples.size() + fPulls.size();
fSampleLikes = new double[ninputs];
fSampleNDOF = new int[ninputs];
fNDOF = GetNDOF();
// Setup Sample Branches
int count = 0;
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
std::string name = exp->GetName();
std::string liketag = name + "_likelihood";
std::string ndoftag = name + "_ndof";
fIterationTree->Branch(liketag.c_str(), &fSampleLikes[count],
(liketag + "/D").c_str());
fIterationTree->Branch(ndoftag.c_str(), &fSampleNDOF[count],
(ndoftag + "/D").c_str());
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
std::string name = pull->GetName();
std::string liketag = name + "_likelihood";
std::string ndoftag = name + "_ndof";
fIterationTree->Branch(liketag.c_str(), &fSampleLikes[count],
(liketag + "/D").c_str());
fIterationTree->Branch(ndoftag.c_str(), &fSampleNDOF[count],
(ndoftag + "/D").c_str());
// Add Dial Branches
std::vector<std::string> dials = rw->GetDialNames();
fNDials = dials.size();
fDialVals = new double[fNDials];
for (int i = 0; i < fNDials; i++) {
fIterationTree->Branch(dials[i].c_str(), &fDialVals[i],
(dials[i] + "/D").c_str());
void JointFCN::DestroyIterationTree() {
if (!fIterationTree) {
delete fIterationTree;
void JointFCN::WriteIterationTree() {
if (!fIterationTree) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't save empty iteration tree!" << std::endl;
void JointFCN::FillIterationTree(FitWeight* rw) {
if (!fIterationTree) {
ERR(FTL) << "Trying to fill iteration_tree when it is NULL!" << std::endl;
rw->GetAllDials(fDialVals, fNDials);
double JointFCN::DoEval(const double* x) {
fDialChanged = FitBase::GetRW()->HasRWDialChanged(x);
if (fDialChanged) {
fLikelihood = GetLikelihood();
LOG(FIT) << "Current Stat (iter. " << this->fCurIter << ") = " << fLikelihood
<< std::endl;
if (fIterationTree) FillIterationTree(FitBase::GetRW());
return fLikelihood;
int JointFCN::GetNDOF() {
int totaldof = 0;
int count = 0;
// Total number of Free bins in each MC prediction
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
int dof = exp->GetNDOF();
// Save Seperate DOF
if (fIterationTree) {
fSampleNDOF[count] = dof;
// Add to total
totaldof += dof;
// Loop over pulls
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
double dof = pull->GetLikelihood();
// Save seperate DOF
if (fIterationTree) {
fSampleNDOF[count] = dof;
// Add to total
totaldof += dof;
// Set Data Variable
fNDOF = totaldof;
return totaldof;
double JointFCN::GetLikelihood() {
LOG(MIN) << std::left << std::setw(43) << "Getting likelihoods..." << " : " << "-2logL" << std::endl;
// Loop and add up likelihoods in an uncorrelated way
double like = 0.0;
int count = 0;
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
double newlike = exp->GetLikelihood();
// Save seperate likelihoods
if (fIterationTree) {
fSampleLikes[count] = newlike;
LOG(MIN) << "-> " << std::left << std::setw(40) << exp->GetName() << " : " << newlike << std::endl;
// Add Weight Scaling
// like *= FitBase::GetRW()->GetSampleLikelihoodWeight(exp->GetName());
// Add to total
like += newlike;
// Loop over pulls
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
double newlike = pull->GetLikelihood();
// Save seperate likelihoods
if (fIterationTree) {
fSampleLikes[count] = newlike;
// Add to total
like += newlike;
// Set Data Variable
fLikelihood = like;
return like;
void JointFCN::LoadSamples(std::vector<nuiskey> samplekeys) {
LOG(MIN) << "Loading Samples : " << samplekeys.size() << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < samplekeys.size(); i++) {
nuiskey key = samplekeys[i];
// Get Sample Options
std::string samplename = key.GetS("name");
std::string samplefile = key.GetS("input");
std::string sampletype = key.GetS("type");
std::string fakeData = "";
LOG(MIN) << "Loading Sample : " << samplename << std::endl;
MeasurementBase* NewLoadedSample
= SampleUtils::CreateSample(key);
if (!NewLoadedSample) {
ERR(FTL) << "Could not load sample provided: " << samplename << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Check spelling with that in src/FCN/SampleList.cxx"
<< std::endl;
} else {
void JointFCN::LoadPulls(std::vector<nuiskey> pullkeys) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < pullkeys.size(); i++) {
nuiskey key = pullkeys[i];
std::string pullname = key.GetS("name");
std::string pullfile = key.GetS("input");
std::string pulltype = key.GetS("type");
+ std::cout << "Creating Pull Term : " << std::endl;
+ sleep(1);
fPulls.push_back(new ParamPull(pullname, pullfile, pulltype));
// // Sample Inputs
// if (!samplevect[0].compare("covar") || !samplevect[0].compare("pulls") ||
// !samplevect[0].compare("throws")) {
// // Get all inputs
// std::string name = samplevect[1];
// std::string files = samplevect[2];
// std::string type = "DEFAULT";
// if (samplevect.size() > 3) {
// type = samplevect[3];
// } else if (!samplevect[0].compare("pull")) {
// type = "GAUSPULL";
// } else if (!samplevect[0].compare("throws")) {
// type = "GAUSTHROWS";
// }
// // Create Pull Class
// LOG(MIN) << "Loading up pull term: " << name << " << " << files << " ("
// << type << ")" << std::endl;
// std::string fakeData = "";
// fOutputDir->cd();
// fPulls.push_back(new ParamPull(name, files, type));
// }
// //***************************************************
// void JointFCN::LoadSamples(std::string cardinput)
// //***************************************************
// {
// LOG(MIN) << "Initializing Samples" << std::endl;
// // Read the card file here and load objects
// std::string line;
// std::ifstream card(cardinput.c_str(), ifstream::in);
// // Make sure they are created in correct working DIR
// fOutputDir->cd();
// while (std::getline(card >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
// // Skip Empties
// if (line.c_str()[0] == '#') continue;
// if (line.empty()) continue;
// // Parse line
// std::vector<std::string> samplevect = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
// // Sample Inputs
// if (!samplevect[0].compare("sample")) {
// // Get all inputs
// std::string name = samplevect[1];
// std::string files = samplevect[2];
// std::string type = "DEFAULT";
// if (samplevect.size() > 3) type = samplevect[3];
// // Create Sample Class
// LOG(MIN) << "Loading up sample: " << name << " << " << files << " ("
// << type << ")" << std::endl;
// std::string fakeData = "";
// fOutputDir->cd();
// MeasurementBase* NewLoadedSample = SampleUtils::CreateSample(name, files, type,
// fakeData, FitBase::GetRW());
// if (!NewLoadedSample) {
// ERR(FTL) << "Could not load sample provided: " << name << std::endl;
// ERR(FTL) << "Check spelling with that in src/FCN/SampleList.cxx"
// << std::endl;
// throw;
// } else {
// fSamples.push_back(NewLoadedSample);
// }
// }
// // Sample Inputs
// if (!samplevect[0].compare("covar") || !samplevect[0].compare("pulls") ||
// !samplevect[0].compare("throws")) {
// // Get all inputs
// std::string name = samplevect[1];
// std::string files = samplevect[2];
// std::string type = "DEFAULT";
// if (samplevect.size() > 3) {
// type = samplevect[3];
// } else if (!samplevect[0].compare("pull")) {
// type = "GAUSPULL";
// } else if (!samplevect[0].compare("throws")) {
// type = "GAUSTHROWS";
// }
// // Create Pull Class
// LOG(MIN) << "Loading up pull term: " << name << " << " << files << " ("
// << type << ")" << std::endl;
// std::string fakeData = "";
// fOutputDir->cd();
// fPulls.push_back(new ParamPull(name, files, type));
// }
// }
// card.close();
// };
void JointFCN::ReconfigureSamples(bool fullconfig) {
int starttime = time(NULL);
LOG(REC) << "Starting Reconfigure iter. " << this->fCurIter << std::endl;
// std::cout << fUsingEventManager << " " << fullconfig << " " << fMCFilled << std::endl;
// Event Manager Reconf
if (fUsingEventManager) {
if (!fullconfig and fMCFilled)
} else {
// Loop over all Measurement Classes
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
// If RW Either do signal or full reconfigure.
if (fDialChanged or !fMCFilled or fullconfig) {
if (!fullconfig and fMCFilled)
// If RW Not needed just do normalisation
} else {
// Loop over pulls and update
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
fMCFilled = true;
LOG(MIN) << "Finished Reconfigure iter. " << fCurIter << " in "
<< time(NULL) - starttime << "s" << std::endl;
void JointFCN::ReconfigureSignal() {
void JointFCN::ReconfigureAllEvents() {
std::vector<InputHandlerBase*> JointFCN::GetInputList() {
std::vector<InputHandlerBase*> InputList;
fIsAllSplines = true;
MeasListConstIter iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
std::vector<MeasurementBase*> subsamples = exp->GetSubSamples();
for (size_t i = 0; i < subsamples.size(); i++) {
InputHandlerBase* inp = subsamples[i]->GetInput();
if (std::find(InputList.begin(), InputList.end(), inp) == InputList.end()) {
if (subsamples[i]->GetInput()->GetType() != kSPLINEPARAMETER) fIsAllSplines = false;
return InputList;
std::vector<MeasurementBase*> JointFCN::GetSubSampleList() {
std::vector<MeasurementBase*> SampleList;
MeasListConstIter iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
std::vector<MeasurementBase*> subsamples = exp->GetSubSamples();
for (size_t i = 0; i < subsamples.size(); i++) {
return SampleList;
void JointFCN::ReconfigureUsingManager() {
// 'Slow' Event Manager Reconfigure
LOG(REC) << "Event Manager Reconfigure" << std::endl;
int timestart = time(NULL);
// Reset all samples
MeasListConstIter iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
// If we are siving signal, reset all containers.
bool savesignal = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("SignalReconfigures"));
if (savesignal) {
// Reset all of our event signal vectors
// Make sure we have a list of inputs
if (fInputList.empty()) {
fInputList = GetInputList();
fSubSampleList = GetSubSampleList();
// If all inputs are splines make sure the readers are told
// they need to be reconfigured.
std::vector<InputHandlerBase*>::iterator inp_iter = fInputList.begin();
if (fIsAllSplines) {
for (; inp_iter != fInputList.end(); inp_iter++) {
InputHandlerBase* curinput = (*inp_iter);
// Tell reader in each BaseEvent it needs a Reconfigure next weight calc.
BaseFitEvt* curevent = curinput->FirstBaseEvent();
if (curevent->fSplineRead) {
// MAIN INPUT LOOP ====================
int fillcount = 0;
int inputcount = 0;
inp_iter = fInputList.begin();
// Loop over each input in manager
for (; inp_iter != fInputList.end(); inp_iter++) {
InputHandlerBase* curinput = (*inp_iter);
// Get event information
FitEvent* curevent = curinput->FirstNuisanceEvent();
int i = 0;
int nevents = curinput->GetNEvents();
int countwidth = nevents / 5;
// Start event loop iterating until we get a NULL pointer.
while (curevent) {
// Get Event Weight
curevent->RWWeight = FitBase::GetRW()->CalcWeight(curevent);
curevent->Weight = curevent->RWWeight * curevent->InputWeight;
double rwweight = curevent->Weight;
// std::cout << "RWWeight = " << curevent->RWWeight << " " << curevent->InputWeight << std::endl;
// Logging
// std::cout << CHECKLOG(1) << std::endl;
if (i % countwidth == 0) {
QLOG(REC, curinput->GetName() << " : Processed " << i
<< " events. [M, W] = ["
<< curevent->Mode << ", "
<< rwweight << "]");
// Setup flag for if signal found in at least one sample
bool foundsignal = false;
// Create a new signal bitset for this event
std::vector<bool> signalbitset(fSubSampleList.size());
// Create a new signal box vector for this event
std::vector<MeasurementVariableBox*> signalboxes;
// Start measurement iterator
size_t measitercount = 0;
std::vector<MeasurementBase*>::iterator meas_iter = fSubSampleList.begin();
// Loop over all subsamples (sub in JointMeas)
for (; meas_iter != fSubSampleList.end(); meas_iter++) {
MeasurementBase* curmeas = (*meas_iter);
// Compare input pointers, to current input, skip if not.
// Pointer tells us if it matches without doing ID checks.
if (curinput != curmeas->GetInput()) {
if (savesignal) {
// Set bit to 0 as definitely not signal
signalbitset[measitercount] = 0;
// Count up what measurement we are on.
// Skip sample as input not signal.
// Fill events for matching inputs.
MeasurementVariableBox* box = curmeas->FillVariableBox(curevent);
bool signal = curmeas->isSignal(curevent);
// If its Signal tally up fills
if (signal) {
// If we are saving signal/splines fill the bitset
if (savesignal) {
signalbitset[measitercount] = signal;
// If signal save a clone of the event box for use later.
if (savesignal and signal) {
foundsignal = true;
signalboxes.push_back( box->CloneSignalBox() );
// Keep track of Measurement we are on.
// Once we've filled the measurements, if saving signal
// push back if any sample flagged this event as signal
if (savesignal) {
// Save the vector of signal boxes for this event
if (savesignal and foundsignal) {
// If all inputs are splines we can save the spline coefficients
// for fast in memory reconfigures later.
if (fIsAllSplines and savesignal and foundsignal) {
// Make temp vector to push back with
std::vector<float> coeff;
for (size_t l = 0; l < (UInt_t)curevent->fSplineRead->GetNPar(); l++) {
coeff.push_back( curevent->fSplineCoeff[l] );
// Push back to signal event splines. Kept in sync with fSignalEventBoxes size.
// int splinecount = fSignalEventSplines.size();
// if (splinecount % 1000 == 0) {
// std::cout << "Pushed Back Coeff " << splinecount << " : ";
// for (size_t l = 0; l < fSignalEventSplines[splinecount].size(); l++) {
// std::cout << " " << fSignalEventSplines[splinecount][l];
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
// }
// Clean up vectors once done with this event
// Iterate to the next event.
curevent = curinput->NextNuisanceEvent();
// Keep track of what input we are on.
// End of Event Loop ===============================
// Now event loop is finished loop over all Measurements
// Converting Binned events to XSec Distributions
iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
// Print out statements on approximate memory usage for profiling.
LOG(REC) << "Filled " << fillcount << " signal events." << std::endl;
if (savesignal) {
int mem = ( //sizeof(fSignalEventBoxes) +
// fSignalEventBoxes.size() * sizeof( +
sizeof(MeasurementVariableBox1D) * fillcount) * 1E-6;
LOG(REC) << " -> Saved " << fillcount << " signal boxes for faster access. (~" << mem << " MB)" << std::endl;
if (fIsAllSplines and !fSignalEventSplines.empty()) {
int splmem = sizeof(float) * fSignalEventSplines.size() * fSignalEventSplines[0].size() * 1E-6;
LOG(REC) << " -> Saved " << fillcount << " " << fSignalEventSplines.size() << " spline sets into memory. (~" << splmem << " MB)" << std::endl;
LOG(REC) << "Time taken ReconfigureUsingManager() : " << time(NULL) - timestart << std::endl;
// End of reconfigure
void JointFCN::ReconfigureFastUsingManager() {
LOG(FIT) << " -> Doing FAST using manager" << std::endl;
// Get Start time for profilling
int timestart = time(NULL);
// Reset all samples
MeasListConstIter iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
// Check for saved variables if not do a full reconfigure.
if (fSignalEventFlags.empty()) {
ERR(WRN) << "Signal Flags Empty! Using normal manager." << std::endl;
bool fFillNuisanceEvent = FitPar::Config().GetParB("FullEventOnSignalReconfigure");
// Setup fast vector iterators.
std::vector<bool>::iterator inpsig_iter = fSignalEventFlags.begin();
std::vector< std::vector<MeasurementVariableBox*> >::iterator box_iter = fSignalEventBoxes.begin();
std::vector< std::vector<float> >::iterator spline_iter = fSignalEventSplines.begin();
std::vector< std::vector<bool> >::iterator samsig_iter = fSampleSignalFlags.begin();
int splinecount = 0;
// Setup stuff for logging
int fillcount = 0;
int nevents = fSignalEventFlags.size();
int countwidth = nevents / 20;
// If All Splines tell splines they need a reconfigure.
std::vector<InputHandlerBase*>::iterator inp_iter = fInputList.begin();
if (fIsAllSplines) {
LOG(REC) << "All Spline Inputs so using fast spline loop." << std::endl;
for (; inp_iter != fInputList.end(); inp_iter++) {
InputHandlerBase* curinput = (*inp_iter);
// Tell each fSplineRead in BaseFitEvent to reconf next weight calc
BaseFitEvt* curevent = curinput->FirstBaseEvent();
if (curevent->fSplineRead) curevent->fSplineRead->SetNeedsReconfigure(true);
// Loop over all possible spline inputs
double* coreeventweights = new double[fSignalEventBoxes.size()];
splinecount = 0;
inp_iter = fInputList.begin();
inpsig_iter = fSignalEventFlags.begin();
spline_iter = fSignalEventSplines.begin();
// Loop over all signal flags
// For each valid signal flag add one to splinecount
// Get Splines from that count and add to weight
// Add splinecount
int sigcount = 0;
splinecount = 0;
// #pragma omp parallel for shared(splinecount,sigcount)
for (uint iinput = 0; iinput < fInputList.size(); iinput++) {
InputHandlerBase* curinput = fInputList[iinput];
BaseFitEvt* curevent = curinput->FirstBaseEvent();
for (int i = 0; i < curinput->GetNEvents(); i++) {
double rwweight = 0.0;
if (fSignalEventFlags[sigcount]) {
// Get Event Info
if (!fIsAllSplines) {
if (fFillNuisanceEvent) curinput->GetNuisanceEvent(i);
else curevent = curinput->GetBaseEvent(i);
} else {
curevent->fSplineCoeff = &fSignalEventSplines[splinecount][0];
curevent->RWWeight = FitBase::GetRW()->CalcWeight(curevent);
curevent->Weight = curevent->RWWeight * curevent->InputWeight;
rwweight = curevent->Weight;
coreeventweights[splinecount] = rwweight;
if (splinecount % countwidth == 0) {
LOG(REC) << "Processed " << splinecount << " event weights. W = " << rwweight << std::endl;
// #pragma omp atomic
// #pragma omp atomic
LOG(SAM) << "Processed event weights." << std::endl;
// #pragma omp barrier
// Reset Iterators
inpsig_iter = fSignalEventFlags.begin();
spline_iter = fSignalEventSplines.begin();
box_iter = fSignalEventBoxes.begin();
samsig_iter = fSampleSignalFlags.begin();
int nsplineweights = splinecount;
splinecount = 0;
// Start of Fast Event Loop ============================
// Start input iterators
// Loop over number of inputs
for (int ispline = 0; ispline < nsplineweights; ispline++) {
double rwweight = coreeventweights[ispline];
// Get iterators for this event
std::vector<bool>::iterator subsamsig_iter = (*samsig_iter).begin();
std::vector<MeasurementVariableBox*>::iterator subbox_iter = (*box_iter).begin();
// Loop over all sub measurements.
std::vector<MeasurementBase*>::iterator meas_iter = fSubSampleList.begin();
for (; meas_iter != fSubSampleList.end(); meas_iter++, subsamsig_iter++) {
MeasurementBase* curmeas = (*meas_iter);
// If event flagged as signal for this sample fill from the box.
if (*subsamsig_iter) {
curmeas->FillHistogramsFromBox((*subbox_iter), rwweight);
// Move onto next box if there is one.
if (ispline % countwidth == 0) {
LOG(REC) << "Filled " << ispline << " sample weights." << std::endl;
// Iterate over the main signal event containers.
// End of Fast Event Loop ===================
LOG(SAM) << "Filled sample distributions." << std::endl;
// Now loop over all Measurements
// Convert Binned events
iterSam = fSamples.begin();
for (; iterSam != fSamples.end(); iterSam++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = (*iterSam);
// Cleanup coreeventweights
if (fIsAllSplines) {
delete coreeventweights;
// Print some reconfigure profiling.
LOG(REC) << "Filled " << fillcount << " signal events." << std::endl;
LOG(REC) << "Time taken ReconfigureFastUsingManager() : " << time(NULL) - timestart << std::endl;
void JointFCN::Write() {
// Loop over individual experiments and call Write
LOG(MIN) << "Writing each of the data classes..." << std::endl;
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
// Save Pull Terms
for (PullListConstIter iter = fPulls.begin(); iter != fPulls.end(); iter++) {
ParamPull* pull = *iter;
if (FitPar::Config().GetParB("EventManager")) {
// Get list of inputs
std::map<int, InputHandlerBase*> fInputs = FitBase::EvtManager().GetInputs();
std::map<int, InputHandlerBase*>::const_iterator iterInp;
for (iterInp = fInputs.begin(); iterInp != fInputs.end(); iterInp++) {
InputHandlerBase* input = (iterInp->second);
void JointFCN::SetFakeData(std::string fakeinput) {
LOG(MIN) << "Setting fake data from " << fakeinput << std::endl;
for (MeasListConstIter iter = fSamples.begin(); iter != fSamples.end();
iter++) {
MeasurementBase* exp = *iter;
diff --git a/src/FitBase/Measurement1D.cxx b/src/FitBase/Measurement1D.cxx
index 651097e..25c5c54 100644
--- a/src/FitBase/Measurement1D.cxx
+++ b/src/FitBase/Measurement1D.cxx
@@ -1,1798 +1,1798 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P caltowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This ile is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "Measurement1D.h"
Measurement1D::Measurement1D(void) {
// XSec Scalings
fScaleFactor = -1.0;
fCurrentNorm = 1.0;
// Histograms
fDataHist = NULL;
fDataTrue = NULL;
fMCHist = NULL;
fMCFine = NULL;
fMCWeighted = NULL;
fMaskHist = NULL;
// Covar
covar = NULL;
fFullCovar = NULL;
fCovar = NULL;
fInvert = NULL;
fDecomp = NULL;
// Fake Data
fFakeDataInput = "";
fFakeDataFile = NULL;
// Options
fDefaultTypes = "FIX/FULL/CHI2";
fAllowedTypes =
fIsFix = false;
fIsShape = false;
fIsFree = false;
fIsDiag = false;
fIsFull = false;
fAddNormPen = false;
fIsMask = false;
fIsChi2SVD = false;
fIsRawEvents = false;
fIsNoWidth = false;
fIsDifXSec = false;
fIsEnu1D = false;
// Inputs
fInput = NULL;
// Extra Histograms
fMCHist_Modes = NULL;
Measurement1D::~Measurement1D(void) {
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
if (fDataTrue) delete fDataTrue;
if (fMCHist) delete fMCHist;
if (fMCFine) delete fMCFine;
if (fMCWeighted) delete fMCWeighted;
if (fMaskHist) delete fMaskHist;
if (covar) delete covar;
if (fFullCovar) delete fFullCovar;
if (fCovar) delete fCovar;
if (fInvert) delete fInvert;
if (fDecomp) delete fDecomp;
void Measurement1D::FinaliseSampleSettings() {
// Setup naming + renaming
fName = fSettings.GetName();
fSettings.SetS("originalname", fName);
if (fSettings.Has("rename")) {
fName = fSettings.GetS("rename");
fSettings.SetS("name", fName);
// Setup all other options
LOG(SAM) << "Finalising Sample Settings: " << fName << std::endl;
if ((fSettings.GetS("originalname").find("Evt") != std::string::npos)) {
fIsRawEvents = true;
LOG(SAM) << "Found event rate measurement but using poisson likelihoods."
<< std::endl;
if (fSettings.GetS("originalname").find("XSec_1DEnu") != std::string::npos) {
fIsEnu1D = true;
LOG(SAM) << "::" << fName << "::" << std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "Found XSec Enu measurement, applying flux integrated scaling, "
<< "not flux averaged!" << std::endl;
if (fIsEnu1D && fIsRawEvents) {
LOG(SAM) << "Found 1D Enu XSec distribution AND fIsRawEvents, is this "
"really correct?!"
<< std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "Check experiment constructor for " << fName
<< " and correct this!" << std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "I live in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
if (!fRW) fRW = FitBase::GetRW();
if (!fInput and !fIsJoint) SetupInputs(fSettings.GetS("input"));
// Setup options
SetFitOptions(fDefaultTypes); // defaults
SetFitOptions(fSettings.GetS("type")); // user specified
EnuMin = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(fSettings.GetS("enu_min"));
EnuMax = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(fSettings.GetS("enu_max"));
if (fAddNormPen) {
if (fNormError <= 0.0) {
ERR(WRN) << "Norm error for class " << fName << " is 0.0!" << std::endl;
ERR(WRN) << "If you want to use it please add fNormError=VAL" << std::endl;
void Measurement1D::CreateDataHistogram(int dimx, double* binx) {
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = new TH1D( (fSettings.GetName() + "_data").c_str(), (fSettings.GetFullTitles()).c_str(),
dimx, binx) ;
void Measurement1D::SetDataFromTextFile(std::string datafile) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading data from text file: " << datafile << std::endl;
fDataHist = PlotUtils::GetTH1DFromFile(datafile,
fSettings.GetName() + "_data",
void Measurement1D::SetDataFromRootFile(std::string datafile,
std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading data from root file: " << datafile << ";" << histname << std::endl;
fDataHist = PlotUtils::GetTH1DFromRootFile(datafile, histname);
fDataHist->SetNameTitle((fSettings.GetName() + "_data").c_str(),
void Measurement1D::SetEmptyData(){
fDataHist = new TH1D("EMPTY_DATA","EMPTY_DATA",1,0.0,1.0);
void Measurement1D::SetPoissonErrors() {
if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "Need a data hist to setup possion errors! " << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Setup Data First!" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX() + 1; i++) {
fDataHist->SetBinError(i + 1, sqrt(fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1)));
void Measurement1D::SetCovarFromDiagonal(TH1D* data) {
if (!data and fDataHist) {
data = fDataHist;
if (data) {
LOG(SAM) << "Setting diagonal covariance for: " << data->GetName() << std::endl;
fFullCovar = StatUtils::MakeDiagonalCovarMatrix(data);
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
} else {
ERR(FTL) << "No data input provided to set diagonal covar from!" << std::endl;
// if (!fIsDiag) {
// ERR(FTL) << "SetCovarMatrixFromDiag called for measurement "
// << "that is not set as diagonal." << std::endl;
// throw;
// }
void Measurement1D::SetCovarFromTextFile(std::string covfile, int dim) {
if (dim == -1) {
dim = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
LOG(SAM) << "Reading covariance from text file: " << covfile << std::endl;
fFullCovar = StatUtils::GetCovarFromTextFile(covfile, dim);
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
void Measurement1D::SetCovarFromRootFile(std::string covfile, std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading covariance from text file: " << covfile << ";" << histname << std::endl;
fFullCovar = StatUtils::GetCovarFromRootFile(covfile, histname);
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
void Measurement1D::SetCovarInvertFromTextFile(std::string covfile, int dim) {
if (dim == -1) {
dim = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
LOG(SAM) << "Reading inverted covariance from text file: " << covfile << std::endl;
covar = StatUtils::GetCovarFromTextFile(covfile, dim);
fFullCovar = StatUtils::GetInvert(covar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
void Measurement1D::SetCovarInvertFromRootFile(std::string covfile, std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading inverted covariance from text file: " << covfile << ";" << histname << std::endl;
covar = StatUtils::GetCovarFromRootFile(covfile, histname);
fFullCovar = StatUtils::GetInvert(covar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
void Measurement1D::SetCorrelationFromTextFile(std::string covfile, int dim) {
if (dim == -1) dim = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
LOG(SAM) << "Reading data correlations from text file: " << covfile << ";" << dim << std::endl;
TMatrixDSym* correlation = StatUtils::GetCovarFromTextFile(covfile, dim);
if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "Trying to set correlations from text file but there is no data to build it from. \n"
<< "In constructor make sure data is set before SetCorrelationFromTextFile is called. \n" << std::endl;
// Fill covar from data errors and correlations
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
(*fFullCovar)(i, j) = (*correlation)(i, j) * fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) * fDataHist->GetBinError(j + 1) * 1.E76;
// Fill other covars.
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
delete correlation;
void Measurement1D::SetCorrelationFromRootFile(std::string covfile, std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading data correlations from text file: " << covfile << ";" << histname << std::endl;
TMatrixDSym* correlation = StatUtils::GetCovarFromRootFile(covfile, histname);
if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "Trying to set correlations from text file but there is no data to build it from. \n"
<< "In constructor make sure data is set before SetCorrelationFromTextFile is called. \n" << std::endl;
// Fill covar from data errors and correlations
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(fDataHist->GetNbinsX());
for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
(*fFullCovar)(i, j) = (*correlation)(i, j) * fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) * fDataHist->GetBinError(j + 1) * 1.E76;
// Fill other covars.
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
delete correlation;
void Measurement1D::SetCholDecompFromTextFile(std::string covfile, int dim) {
if (dim == -1) {
dim = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
LOG(SAM) << "Reading cholesky from text file: " << covfile << std::endl;
TMatrixD* temp = StatUtils::GetMatrixFromTextFile(covfile, dim, dim);
TMatrixD* trans = (TMatrixD*)temp->Clone();
(*trans) *= (*temp);
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim, trans->GetMatrixArray(), "");
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
delete temp;
delete trans;
void Measurement1D::SetCholDecompFromRootFile(std::string covfile, std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Reading cholesky decomp from root file: " << covfile << ";" << histname << std::endl;
TMatrixD* temp = StatUtils::GetMatrixFromRootFile(covfile, histname);
TMatrixD* trans = (TMatrixD*)temp->Clone();
(*trans) *= (*temp);
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(temp->GetNrows(), trans->GetMatrixArray(), "");
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
delete temp;
delete trans;
void Measurement1D::ScaleData(double scale) {
void Measurement1D::ScaleDataErrors(double scale) {
for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
fDataHist->SetBinError(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) * scale);
void Measurement1D::ScaleCovar(double scale) {
(*fFullCovar) *= scale;
(*covar) *= 1.0 / scale;
(*fDecomp) *= sqrt(scale);
void Measurement1D::SetBinMask(std::string maskfile) {
if (!fIsMask) return;
LOG(SAM) << "Reading bin mask from file: " << maskfile << std::endl;
// Create a mask histogram with dim of data
int nbins = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
fMaskHist =
new TH1I((fSettings.GetName() + "_BINMASK").c_str(),
(fSettings.GetName() + "_BINMASK; Bin; Mask?").c_str(), nbins, 0, nbins);
std::string line;
std::ifstream mask(maskfile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
if (!mask.is_open()) {
LOG(FTL) << " Cannot find mask file." << std::endl;
while (std::getline(mask >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
std::vector<int> entries = GeneralUtils::ParseToInt(line, " ");
// Skip lines with poorly formatted lines
if (entries.size() < 2) {
LOG(WRN) << "Measurement1D::SetBinMask(), couldn't parse line: " << line
<< std::endl;
// The first index should be the bin number, the second should be the mask
// value.
int val = 0;
if (entries[1] > 0) val = 1;
fMaskHist->SetBinContent(entries[0], val);
// Apply masking by setting masked data bins to zero
PlotUtils::MaskBins(fDataHist, fMaskHist);
void Measurement1D::FinaliseMeasurement() {
LOG(SAM) << "Finalising Measurement: " << fName << std::endl;
// Make sure data is setup
if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "No data has been setup inside " << fName << " constructor!" << std::endl;
// Make sure covariances are setup
if (!fFullCovar) {
if (!covar) {
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
if (!fDecomp) {
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar);
// Setup fMCHist from data
fMCHist = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone();
fMCHist->SetNameTitle((fSettings.GetName() + "_MC").c_str(),
// Setup fMCFine
- fMCFine = new TH1D("mcfine", "mcfine", fDataHist->GetNbinsX(),
+ fMCFine = new TH1D("mcfine", "mcfine", fDataHist->GetNbinsX() * 6,
fMCHist->GetBinLowEdge(fDataHist->GetNbinsX() + 1));
fMCFine->SetNameTitle((fSettings.GetName() + "_MC_FINE").c_str(),
// Setup MC Stat
fMCStat = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
// Search drawopts for possible types to include by default
std::string drawopts = FitPar::Config().GetParS("drawopts");
if (drawopts.find("MODES") != std::string::npos) {
fMCHist_Modes = new TrueModeStack( (fSettings.GetName() + "_MODES").c_str(),
("True Channels"), fMCHist);
SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_Modes, kCMD_Reset, kCMD_Norm, kCMD_Write);
// Setup bin masks using sample name
if (fIsMask) {
std::string curname = fName;
std::string origname = fSettings.GetS("originalname");
// Check rename.mask
std::string maskloc = FitPar::Config().GetParDIR(curname + ".mask");
// Check origname.mask
if (maskloc.empty()) maskloc = FitPar::Config().GetParDIR(origname + ".mask");
// Check database
if (maskloc.empty()) {
maskloc = FitPar::GetDataBase() + "/masks/" + origname + ".mask";
// Setup Bin Mask
if (fScaleFactor < 0) {
ERR(FTL) << "I found a negative fScaleFactor in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "fScaleFactor = " << fScaleFactor << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "EXITING" << std::endl;
// Create and fill Weighted Histogram
if (!fMCWeighted) {
fMCWeighted = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
fMCWeighted->SetNameTitle((fName + "_MCWGHTS").c_str(),
(fName + "_MCWGHTS" + fPlotTitles).c_str());
fMCWeighted->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Weighted Events");
void Measurement1D::SetFitOptions(std::string opt) {
// Do nothing if default given
if (opt == "DEFAULT") return;
// CHECK Conflicting Fit Options
std::vector<std::string> fit_option_allow =
GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(fAllowedTypes, "/");
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fit_option_allow.size(); i++) {
std::vector<std::string> fit_option_section =
GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(, ",");
bool found_option = false;
for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fit_option_section.size(); j++) {
std::string av_opt =;
if (!found_option and opt.find(av_opt) != std::string::npos) {
found_option = true;
} else if (found_option and opt.find(av_opt) != std::string::npos) {
ERR(FTL) << "ERROR: Conflicting fit options provided: "
<< opt << std::endl
<< "Conflicting group = " << << std::endl
<< "You should only supply one of these options in card file." << std::endl;
// Check all options are allowed
std::vector<std::string> fit_options_input =
GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(opt, "/");
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fit_options_input.size(); i++) {
if (fAllowedTypes.find( == std::string::npos) {
ERR(FTL) << "ERROR: Fit Option '" <<
<< "' Provided is not allowed for this measurement."
<< std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Fit Options should be provided as a '/' seperated list "
<< std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Available options for " << fName << " are '" << fAllowedTypes
<< "'" << std::endl;
// Set TYPE
fFitType = opt;
if (opt.find("FIX") != std::string::npos) {
fIsFree = fIsShape = false;
fIsFix = true;
} else if (opt.find("SHAPE") != std::string::npos) {
fIsFree = fIsFix = false;
fIsShape = true;
} else if (opt.find("FREE") != std::string::npos) {
fIsFix = fIsShape = false;
fIsFree = true;
// DIAG,FULL (or default to full)
if (opt.find("DIAG") != std::string::npos) {
fIsDiag = true;
fIsFull = false;
} else if (opt.find("FULL") != std::string::npos) {
fIsDiag = false;
fIsFull = true;
if (opt.find("LOG") != std::string::npos) {
fIsChi2 = false;
ERR(FTL) << "No other LIKELIHOODS properly supported!" << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Try to use a chi2!" << std::endl;
} else {
fIsChi2 = true;
if (opt.find("RAW") != std::string::npos) fIsRawEvents = true;
if (opt.find("NOWIDTH") != std::string::npos) fIsNoWidth = true;
if (opt.find("DIF") != std::string::npos) fIsDifXSec = true;
if (opt.find("ENU1D") != std::string::npos) fIsEnu1D = true;
if (opt.find("NORM") != std::string::npos) fAddNormPen = true;
if (opt.find("MASK") != std::string::npos) fIsMask = true;
void Measurement1D::SetSmearingMatrix(std::string smearfile, int truedim,
int recodim) {
// The smearing matrix describes the migration from true bins (rows) to reco
// bins (columns)
// Counter over the true bins!
int row = 0;
std::string line;
std::ifstream smear(smearfile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
// Note that the smearing matrix may be rectangular.
fSmearMatrix = new TMatrixD(truedim, recodim);
if (smear.is_open())
LOG(SAM) << "Reading smearing matrix from file: " << smearfile << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Smearing matrix provided is incorrect: " << smearfile
<< std::endl;
while (std::getline(smear >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
int column = 0;
std::vector<double> entries = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(line, " ");
for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter = entries.begin();
iter != entries.end(); iter++) {
(*fSmearMatrix)(row, column) =
(*iter) / 100.; // Convert to fraction from
// percentage (this may not be
// general enough)
void Measurement1D::ApplySmearingMatrix() {
if (!fSmearMatrix) {
ERR(WRN) << fName
<< ": attempted to apply smearing matrix, but none was set"
<< std::endl;
TH1D* unsmeared = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
TH1D* smeared = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
// Loop over reconstructed bins
// true = row; reco = column
for (int rbin = 0; rbin < fSmearMatrix->GetNcols(); ++rbin) {
// Sum up the constributions from all true bins
double rBinVal = 0;
// Loop over true bins
for (int tbin = 0; tbin < fSmearMatrix->GetNrows(); ++tbin) {
rBinVal +=
(*fSmearMatrix)(tbin, rbin) * unsmeared->GetBinContent(tbin + 1);
smeared->SetBinContent(rbin + 1, rBinVal);
fMCHist = (TH1D*)smeared->Clone();
Reconfigure LOOP
void Measurement1D::ResetAll() {
void Measurement1D::FillHistograms() {
if (Signal) {
fMCHist->Fill(fXVar, Weight);
fMCFine->Fill(fXVar, Weight);
fMCStat->Fill(fXVar, 1.0);
if (fMCHist_Modes) fMCHist_Modes->Fill(Mode, fXVar, Weight);
void Measurement1D::ScaleEvents() {
// Fill MCWeighted;
// for (int i = 0; i < fMCHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
// fMCWeighted->SetBinContent(i + 1, fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
// fMCWeighted->SetBinError(i + 1, fMCHist->GetBinError(i + 1));
// }
// Setup Stat ratios for MC and MC Fine
double* statratio = new double[fMCHist->GetNbinsX()];
for (int i = 0; i < fMCHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
if (fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) != 0) {
statratio[i] = fMCHist->GetBinError(i + 1) / fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1);
} else {
statratio[i] = 0.0;
double* statratiofine = new double[fMCFine->GetNbinsX()];
for (int i = 0; i < fMCFine->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
if (fMCFine->GetBinContent(i + 1) != 0) {
statratiofine[i] = fMCFine->GetBinError(i + 1) / fMCFine->GetBinContent(i + 1);
} else {
statratiofine[i] = 0.0;
// Scaling for raw event rates
if (fIsRawEvents) {
double datamcratio = fDataHist->Integral() / fMCHist->Integral();
if (fMCHist_Modes) fMCHist_Modes->Scale(datamcratio);
// Scaling for XSec as function of Enu
} else if (fIsEnu1D) {
PlotUtils::FluxUnfoldedScaling(fMCHist, GetFluxHistogram(),
GetEventHistogram(), fScaleFactor,
PlotUtils::FluxUnfoldedScaling(fMCFine, GetFluxHistogram(),
GetEventHistogram(), fScaleFactor,
// if (fMCHist_Modes) {
// PlotUtils::FluxUnfoldedScaling(fMCHist_Modes, GetFluxHistogram(),
// GetEventHistogram(), fScaleFactor,
// fNEvents);
// }
} else if (fIsNoWidth) {
if (fMCHist_Modes) fMCHist_Modes->Scale(fScaleFactor);
// Any other differential scaling
} else {
fMCHist->Scale(fScaleFactor, "width");
fMCFine->Scale(fScaleFactor, "width");
if (fMCHist_Modes) fMCHist_Modes->Scale(fScaleFactor, "width");
// Proper error scaling - ROOT Freaks out with xsec weights sometimes
for (int i = 0; i < fMCStat->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
fMCHist->SetBinError(i + 1, fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) * statratio[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < fMCFine->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
fMCFine->SetBinError(i + 1, fMCFine->GetBinContent(i + 1) * statratiofine[i]);
// Clean up
delete statratio;
delete statratiofine;
void Measurement1D::ApplyNormScale(double norm) {
fCurrentNorm = norm;
fMCHist->Scale(1.0 / norm);
fMCFine->Scale(1.0 / norm);
Statistic Functions - Outsources to StatUtils
int Measurement1D::GetNDOF() {
int ndof = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
if (fMaskHist) ndof -= fMaskHist->Integral();
return ndof;
double Measurement1D::GetLikelihood() {
// If this is for a ratio, there is no data histogram to compare to!
if (fNoData || !fDataHist) return 0.;
// Apply Masking to MC if Required.
if (fIsMask and fMaskHist) {
PlotUtils::MaskBins(fMCHist, fMaskHist);
// Sort Shape Scaling
double scaleF = 0.0;
// TODO Include !fIsRawEvents
if (fIsShape) {
if (fMCHist->Integral(1, fMCHist->GetNbinsX(), "width")) {
scaleF = fDataHist->Integral(1, fDataHist->GetNbinsX(), "width") /
fMCHist->Integral(1, fMCHist->GetNbinsX(), "width");
// Likelihood Calculation
double stat = 0.;
if (fIsChi2) {
if (fIsRawEvents) {
stat = StatUtils::GetChi2FromEventRate(fDataHist, fMCHist, fMaskHist);
} else if (fIsDiag) {
stat = StatUtils::GetChi2FromDiag(fDataHist, fMCHist, fMaskHist);
} else if (!fIsDiag and !fIsRawEvents) {
std::cout << "Getting likelihood from covariance " << std::endl;
stat = StatUtils::GetChi2FromCov(fDataHist, fMCHist, covar, fMaskHist);
// Sort Penalty Terms
if (fAddNormPen) {
double penalty =
(1. - fCurrentNorm) * (1. - fCurrentNorm) / (fNormError * fNormError);
stat += penalty;
// Return to normal scaling
if (fIsShape) { // and !FitPar::Config().GetParB("saveshapescaling")) {
fMCHist->Scale(1. / scaleF);
fMCFine->Scale(1. / scaleF);
fLikelihood = stat;
return stat;
Fake Data Functions
void Measurement1D::SetFakeDataValues(std::string fakeOption) {
// Setup original/datatrue
TH1D* tempdata = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
if (!fIsFakeData) {
fIsFakeData = true;
// Make a copy of the original data histogram.
if (!fDataOrig) fDataOrig = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone((fName + "_data_original").c_str());
} else {
// Setup Inputs
fFakeDataInput = fakeOption;
LOG(SAM) << "Setting fake data from : " << fFakeDataInput << std::endl;
// From MC
if ("MC") == 0) {
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone((fName + "_MC").c_str());
// Fake File
} else {
if (!fFakeDataFile) fFakeDataFile = new TFile(fFakeDataInput.c_str(), "READ");
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fFakeDataFile->Get((fName + "_MC").c_str());
// Setup Data Hist
fDataHist->SetNameTitle((fName + "_FAKE").c_str(),
(fName + fPlotTitles).c_str());
// Replace Data True
if (fDataTrue) delete fDataTrue;
fDataTrue = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone();
fDataTrue->SetNameTitle((fName + "_FAKE_TRUE").c_str(),
(fName + fPlotTitles).c_str());
// Make a new covariance for fake data hist.
int nbins = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
double alpha_i = 0.0;
double alpha_j = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++) {
alpha_i = fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) / tempdata->GetBinContent(i + 1);
alpha_j = fDataHist->GetBinContent(j + 1) / tempdata->GetBinContent(j + 1);
(*fFullCovar)(i, j) = alpha_i * alpha_j * (*fFullCovar)(i, j);
// Setup Covariances
if (covar) delete covar;
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
if (fDecomp) delete fDecomp;
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
delete tempdata;
void Measurement1D::ResetFakeData() {
if (fIsFakeData) {
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fDataTrue->Clone((fSettings.GetName() + "_FKDAT").c_str());
void Measurement1D::ResetData() {
if (fIsFakeData) {
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fDataOrig->Clone((fSettings.GetName() + "_data").c_str());
fIsFakeData = false;
void Measurement1D::ThrowCovariance() {
// Take a fDecomposition and use it to throw the current dataset.
// Requires fDataTrue also be set incase used repeatedly.
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = StatUtils::ThrowHistogram(fDataTrue, fFullCovar);
Access Functions
TH1D* Measurement1D::GetMCHistogram() {
if (!fMCHist) return fMCHist;
std::ostringstream chi2;
chi2 << std::setprecision(5) << this->GetLikelihood();
int linecolor = kRed;
int linestyle = 1;
int linewidth = 1;
int fillcolor = 0;
int fillstyle = 1001;
// if (fSettings.Has("linecolor")) linecolor = fSettings.GetI("linecolor");
// if (fSettings.Has("linestyle")) linestyle = fSettings.GetI("linestyle");
// if (fSettings.Has("linewidth")) linewidth = fSettings.GetI("linewidth");
// if (fSettings.Has("fillcolor")) fillcolor = fSettings.GetI("fillcolor");
// if (fSettings.Has("fillstyle")) fillstyle = fSettings.GetI("fillstyle");
return fMCHist;
TH1D* Measurement1D::GetDataHistogram() {
if (!fDataHist) return fDataHist;
int datacolor = kBlack;
int datastyle = 1;
int datawidth = 1;
// if (fSettings.Has("datacolor")) datacolor = fSettings.GetI("datacolor");
// if (fSettings.Has("datastyle")) datastyle = fSettings.GetI("datastyle");
// if (fSettings.Has("datawidth")) datawidth = fSettings.GetI("datawidth");
return fDataHist;
Write Functions
// Save all the histograms at once
void Measurement1D::Write(std::string drawOpt) {
// Get Draw Options
drawOpt = FitPar::Config().GetParS("drawopts");
// Write Settigns
if (drawOpt.find("SETTINGS") != std::string::npos){
fSettings.Set("NDOF", this->GetNDOF() );
fSettings.Set("#chi^{2}/NDOF", fLikelihood / this->GetNDOF() );
// Write Data/MC
// Write Fine Histogram
if (drawOpt.find("FINE") != std::string::npos)
// Write Weighted Histogram
if (drawOpt.find("WEIGHTS") != std::string::npos && fMCWeighted)
// Save Flux/Evt if no event manager
if (!FitPar::Config().GetParB("EventManager")) {
if (drawOpt.find("FLUX") != std::string::npos && GetFluxHistogram())
if (drawOpt.find("EVT") != std::string::npos && GetEventHistogram())
if (drawOpt.find("XSEC") != std::string::npos && GetEventHistogram())
// Write Mask
if (fIsMask && (drawOpt.find("MASK") != std::string::npos)) {
// Write Covariances
if (drawOpt.find("COV") != std::string::npos && fFullCovar) {
PlotUtils::GetFullCovarPlot(fFullCovar, fSettings.GetName());
if (drawOpt.find("INVCOV") != std::string::npos && covar) {
PlotUtils::GetInvCovarPlot(covar, fSettings.GetName());
if (drawOpt.find("DECOMP") != std::string::npos && fDecomp) {
PlotUtils::GetDecompCovarPlot(fDecomp, fSettings.GetName());
// // Likelihood residual plots
// if (drawOpt.find("RESIDUAL") != std::string::npos) {
// WriteResidualPlots();
// }
// Ratio and Shape Plots
if (drawOpt.find("RATIO") != std::string::npos) {
if (drawOpt.find("SHAPE") != std::string::npos) {
if (drawOpt.find("RATIO") != std::string::npos)
// // RATIO
// if (drawOpt.find("CANVMC") != std::string::npos) {
// TCanvas* c1 = WriteMCCanvas(fDataHist, fMCHist);
// c1->Write();
// delete c1;
// }
// // PDG
// if (drawOpt.find("CANVPDG") != std::string::npos && fMCHist_Modes) {
// TCanvas* c2 = WritePDGCanvas(fDataHist, fMCHist, fMCHist_Modes);
// c2->Write();
// delete c2;
// }
// Write Extra Histograms
// Returning
LOG(SAM) << "Written Histograms: " << fName << std::endl;
void Measurement1D::WriteRatioPlot() {
// Setup mc data ratios
TH1D* dataRatio = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone((fName + "_data_RATIO").c_str());
TH1D* mcRatio = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone((fName + "_MC_RATIO").c_str());
// Extra MC Data Ratios
for (int i = 0; i < mcRatio->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
dataRatio->SetBinContent(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) / fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
dataRatio->SetBinError(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) / fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
mcRatio->SetBinContent(i + 1, fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) / fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
mcRatio->SetBinError(i + 1, fMCHist->GetBinError(i + 1) / fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
// Write ratios
delete mcRatio;
delete dataRatio;
void Measurement1D::WriteShapePlot() {
TH1D* mcShape = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone((fName + "_MC_SHAPE").c_str());
double shapeScale = 1.0;
if (fIsRawEvents) {
shapeScale = fDataHist->Integral() / fMCHist->Integral();
} else {
shapeScale = fDataHist->Integral("width") / fMCHist->Integral("width");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << shapeScale;
delete mcShape;
void Measurement1D::WriteShapeRatioPlot() {
// Get a mcshape histogram
TH1D* mcShape = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone((fName + "_MC_SHAPE").c_str());
double shapeScale = 1.0;
if (fIsRawEvents) {
shapeScale = fDataHist->Integral() / fMCHist->Integral();
} else {
shapeScale = fDataHist->Integral("width") / fMCHist->Integral("width");
// Create shape ratio histograms
TH1D* mcShapeRatio = (TH1D*)mcShape->Clone((fName + "_MC_SHAPE_RATIO").c_str());
TH1D* dataShapeRatio = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone((fName + "_data_SHAPE_RATIO").c_str());
// Divide the histograms
// Colour the shape ratio plots
delete mcShapeRatio;
delete dataShapeRatio;
void Measurement1D::SetupMeasurement(std::string inputfile, std::string type,
FitWeight * rw, std::string fkdt) {
//nuiskey samplekey = Config::CreateKey("sample");
// samplekey.AddS("name", fName);
// samplekey.AddS("type",type);
// samplekey.AddS("input",inputfile);
// fSettings = LoadSampleSettings(samplekey);
// Reset everything to NULL
// Init();
// Check if name contains Evt, indicating that it is a raw number of events
// measurements and should thus be treated as once
fIsRawEvents = false;
if ((fName.find("Evt") != std::string::npos) && fIsRawEvents == false) {
fIsRawEvents = true;
LOG(SAM) << "Found event rate measurement but fIsRawEvents == false!"
<< std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "Overriding this and setting fIsRawEvents == true!"
<< std::endl;
fIsEnu1D = false;
if (fName.find("XSec_1DEnu") != std::string::npos) {
fIsEnu1D = true;
LOG(SAM) << "::" << fName << "::" << std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "Found XSec Enu measurement, applying flux integrated scaling, "
"not flux averaged!"
<< std::endl;
if (fIsEnu1D && fIsRawEvents) {
LOG(SAM) << "Found 1D Enu XSec distribution AND fIsRawEvents, is this "
"really correct?!"
<< std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "Check experiment constructor for " << fName
<< " and correct this!" << std::endl;
LOG(SAM) << "I live in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
fRW = rw;
if (!fInput and !fIsJoint) SetupInputs(inputfile);
// Set Default Options
// Set Passed Options
// Still adding support for flat flux inputs
// // Set Enu Flux Scaling
// if (isFlatFluxFolding) this->Input()->ApplyFluxFolding(
// this->defaultFluxHist );
// FinaliseMeasurement();
void Measurement1D::SetupDefaultHist() {
// Setup fMCHist
fMCHist = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone();
fMCHist->SetNameTitle((fName + "_MC").c_str(),
(fName + "_MC" + fPlotTitles).c_str());
// Setup fMCFine
Int_t nBins = fMCHist->GetNbinsX();
fMCFine = new TH1D(
(fName + "_MC_FINE").c_str(), (fName + "_MC_FINE" + fPlotTitles).c_str(),
nBins * 6, fMCHist->GetBinLowEdge(1), fMCHist->GetBinLowEdge(nBins + 1));
fMCStat = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
// Setup the NEUT Mode Array
PlotUtils::CreateNeutModeArray((TH1D*)fMCHist, (TH1**)fMCHist_PDG);
// Setup bin masks using sample name
if (fIsMask) {
std::string maskloc = FitPar::Config().GetParDIR(fName + ".mask");
if (maskloc.empty()) {
maskloc = FitPar::GetDataBase() + "/masks/" + fName + ".mask";
fMCHist_Modes = new TrueModeStack( (fName + "_MODES").c_str(), ("True Channels"), fMCHist);
SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_Modes, kCMD_Reset, kCMD_Norm, kCMD_Write);
void Measurement1D::SetDataValues(std::string dataFile) {
// Override this function if the input file isn't in a suitable format
LOG(SAM) << "Reading data from: " << dataFile.c_str() << std::endl;
fDataHist =
PlotUtils::GetTH1DFromFile(dataFile, (fName + "_data"), fPlotTitles);
fDataTrue = (TH1D*)fDataHist->Clone();
// Number of data points is number of bins
fNDataPointsX = fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
void Measurement1D::SetDataFromDatabase(std::string inhistfile,
std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Filling histogram from " << inhistfile << "->" << histname
<< std::endl;
fDataHist = PlotUtils::GetTH1DFromRootFile(
(GeneralUtils::GetTopLevelDir() + "/data/" + inhistfile), histname);
fDataHist->SetNameTitle((fName + "_data").c_str(), (fName + "_data").c_str());
void Measurement1D::SetDataFromFile(std::string inhistfile,
std::string histname) {
LOG(SAM) << "Filling histogram from " << inhistfile << "->" << histname
<< std::endl;
fDataHist = PlotUtils::GetTH1DFromRootFile((inhistfile), histname);
fDataHist->SetNameTitle((fName + "_data").c_str(), (fName + "_data").c_str());
void Measurement1D::SetCovarMatrix(std::string covarFile) {
// Covariance function, only really used when reading in the MB Covariances.
TFile* tempFile = new TFile(covarFile.c_str(), "READ");
TH2D* covarPlot = new TH2D();
// TH2D* decmpPlot = new TH2D();
TH2D* covarInvPlot = new TH2D();
TH2D* fFullCovarPlot = new TH2D();
std::string covName = "";
std::string covOption = FitPar::Config().GetParS("thrown_covariance");
if (fIsShape || fIsFree) covName = "shp_";
if (fIsDiag)
covName += "diag";
covName += "full";
covarPlot = (TH2D*)tempFile->Get((covName + "cov").c_str());
covarInvPlot = (TH2D*)tempFile->Get((covName + "covinv").c_str());
if (!"SUB"))
fFullCovarPlot = (TH2D*)tempFile->Get((covName + "cov").c_str());
else if (!"FULL"))
fFullCovarPlot = (TH2D*)tempFile->Get("fullcov");
ERR(WRN) << "Incorrect thrown_covariance option in parameters."
<< std::endl;
int dim = int(fDataHist->GetNbinsX()); //-this->masked->Integral());
int covdim = int(fDataHist->GetNbinsX());
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
fDecomp = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
int row, column = 0;
row = 0;
column = 0;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < covdim; i++) {
// if (this->masked->GetBinContent(i+1) > 0) continue;
for (Int_t j = 0; j < covdim; j++) {
// if (this->masked->GetBinContent(j+1) > 0) continue;
(*this->covar)(row, column) = covarPlot->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
(*fFullCovar)(row, column) = fFullCovarPlot->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
column = 0;
// Set bin errors on data
if (!fIsDiag) {
StatUtils::SetDataErrorFromCov(fDataHist, fFullCovar);
// Get Deteriminant and inverse matrix
// fCovDet = this->covar->Determinant();
TDecompSVD LU = TDecompSVD(*this->covar);
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim, LU.Invert().GetMatrixArray(), "");
// Sets the covariance matrix from a provided file in a text format
// scale is a multiplicative pre-factor to apply in the case where the
// covariance is given in some unit (e.g. 1E-38)
void Measurement1D::SetCovarMatrixFromText(std::string covarFile, int dim,
double scale) {
// Make a counter to track the line number
int row = 0;
std::string line;
std::ifstream covarread(covarFile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
if (covarread.is_open())
LOG(SAM) << "Reading covariance matrix from file: " << covarFile
<< std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Covariance matrix provided is incorrect: " << covarFile
<< std::endl;
// Loop over the lines in the file
while (std::getline(covarread >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
int column = 0;
// Loop over entries and insert them into matrix
std::vector<double> entries = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(line, " ");
if (entries.size() <= 1) {
ERR(WRN) << "SetCovarMatrixFromText -> Covariance matrix only has <= 1 "
"entries on this line: "
<< row << std::endl;
for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter = entries.begin();
iter != entries.end(); iter++) {
(*covar)(row, column) = *iter;
(*fFullCovar)(row, column) = *iter;
// Scale the actualy covariance matrix by some multiplicative factor
(*fFullCovar) *= scale;
// Robust matrix inversion method
TDecompSVD LU = TDecompSVD(*this->covar);
delete this->covar;
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim, LU.Invert().GetMatrixArray(), "");
// Now need to multiply by the scaling factor
// If the covariance
(*this->covar) *= 1. / (scale);
void Measurement1D::SetCovarMatrixFromCorrText(std::string corrFile, int dim) {
// Make a counter to track the line number
int row = 0;
std::string line;
std::ifstream corr(corrFile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
this->fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
if (corr.is_open())
LOG(SAM) << "Reading and converting correlation matrix from file: "
<< corrFile << std::endl;
else {
ERR(FTL) << "Correlation matrix provided is incorrect: " << corrFile
<< std::endl;
while (std::getline(corr >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
int column = 0;
// Loop over entries and insert them into matrix
// Multiply by the errors to get the covariance, rather than the correlation
// matrix
std::vector<double> entries = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(line, " ");
for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter = entries.begin();
iter != entries.end(); iter++) {
double val = (*iter) * this->fDataHist->GetBinError(row + 1) * 1E38 *
this->fDataHist->GetBinError(column + 1) * 1E38;
if (val == 0) {
ERR(FTL) << "Found a zero value in the covariance matrix, assuming "
"this is an error!"
<< std::endl;
(*this->covar)(row, column) = val;
(*this->fFullCovar)(row, column) = val;
// Robust matrix inversion method
TDecompSVD LU = TDecompSVD(*this->covar);
delete this->covar;
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim, LU.Invert().GetMatrixArray(), "");
// FullUnits refers to if we have "real" unscaled units in the covariance matrix, e.g. 1E-76.
// If this is the case we need to scale it so that the chi2 contribution is correct
// NUISANCE internally assumes the covariance matrix has units of 1E76
void Measurement1D::SetCovarFromDataFile(std::string covarFile,
std::string covName, bool FullUnits) {
LOG(SAM) << "Getting covariance from " << covarFile << "->" << covName
<< std::endl;
TFile* tempFile = new TFile(covarFile.c_str(), "READ");
TH2D* covPlot = (TH2D*)tempFile->Get(covName.c_str());
// Scale the covariance matrix if it comes in normal units
if (FullUnits) {
int dim = covPlot->GetNbinsX();
fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(dim);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
(*fFullCovar)(i, j) = covPlot->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
this->covar = (TMatrixDSym*)fFullCovar->Clone();
fDecomp = (TMatrixDSym*)fFullCovar->Clone();
TDecompSVD LU = TDecompSVD(*this->covar);
this->covar = new TMatrixDSym(dim, LU.Invert().GetMatrixArray(), "");
TDecompChol LUChol = TDecompChol(*fDecomp);
fDecomp = new TMatrixDSym(dim, LU.GetU().GetMatrixArray(), "");
// //********************************************************************
// void Measurement1D::SetBinMask(std::string maskFile) {
// //********************************************************************
// // Create a mask histogram.
// int nbins = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
// fMaskHist =
// new TH1I((fName + "_fMaskHist").c_str(),
// (fName + "_fMaskHist; Bin; Mask?").c_str(), nbins, 0, nbins);
// std::string line;
// std::ifstream mask(maskFile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
// if (mask.is_open())
// LOG(SAM) << "Reading bin mask from file: " << maskFile << std::endl;
// else
// LOG(FTL) << " Cannot find mask file." << std::endl;
// while (std::getline(mask >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
// std::vector<int> entries = GeneralUtils::ParseToInt(line, " ");
// // Skip lines with poorly formatted lines
// if (entries.size() < 2) {
// LOG(WRN) << "Measurement1D::SetBinMask(), couldn't parse line: " << line
// << std::endl;
// continue;
// }
// // The first index should be the bin number, the second should be the mask
// // value.
// fMaskHist->SetBinContent(entries[0], entries[1]);
// }
// // Set masked data bins to zero
// PlotUtils::MaskBins(fDataHist, fMaskHist);
// return;
// }
// //********************************************************************
// void Measurement1D::GetBinContents(std::vector<double>& cont,
// std::vector<double>& err) {
// //********************************************************************
// // Return a vector of the main bin contents
// for (int i = 0; i < fMCHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
// cont.push_back(fMCHist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
// err.push_back(fMCHist->GetBinError(i + 1));
// }
// return;
// };
XSec Functions
// //********************************************************************
// void Measurement1D::SetFluxHistogram(std::string fluxFile, int minE, int
// maxE,
// double fluxNorm) {
// //********************************************************************
// // Note this expects the flux bins to be given in terms of MeV
// LOG(SAM) << "Reading flux from file: " << fluxFile << std::endl;
// TGraph f(fluxFile.c_str(), "%lg %lg");
// fFluxHist =
// new TH1D((fName + "_flux").c_str(), (fName + "; E_{#nu} (GeV)").c_str(),
// f.GetN() - 1, minE, maxE);
// Double_t* yVal = f.GetY();
// for (int i = 0; i < fFluxHist->GetNbinsX(); ++i)
// fFluxHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, yVal[i] * fluxNorm);
// };
// //********************************************************************
// double Measurement1D::TotalIntegratedFlux(std::string intOpt, double low,
// double high) {
// //********************************************************************
// if (fInput->GetType() == kGiBUU) {
// return 1.0;
// }
// // The default case of low = -9999.9 and high = -9999.9
// if (low == -9999.9) low = this->EnuMin;
// if (high == -9999.9) high = this->EnuMax;
// int minBin = fFluxHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(low);
// int maxBin = fFluxHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(high);
// // Get integral over custom range
// double integral = fFluxHist->Integral(minBin, maxBin + 1, intOpt.c_str());
// return integral;
// };
diff --git a/src/FitBase/ParamPull.cxx b/src/FitBase/ParamPull.cxx
index f443f82..4143afe 100644
--- a/src/FitBase/ParamPull.cxx
+++ b/src/FitBase/ParamPull.cxx
@@ -1,792 +1,810 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "ParamPull.h"
-ParamPull::ParamPull(std::string name, std::string inputfile, std::string type, std::string dials){
+ParamPull::ParamPull(std::string name, std::string inputfile, std::string type, std::string dials) {
fMinHist = NULL;
fMaxHist = NULL;
fTypeHist = NULL;
fDialSelection = dials;
fName = name;
fInput = inputfile;
fType = type;
// Set the pull type
std::cout << fType << std::endl;
// Setup Histograms from input file
- SetupHistograms(fInput);
+ SetupHistograms(fInput);
-void ParamPull::SetType(std::string type){
+void ParamPull::SetType(std::string type) {
fType = type;
// Assume Default if empty
- if (type.empty() || type == "DEFAULT"){
+ if (type.empty() || type == "DEFAULT") {
ERR(WRN) << "No type specified for ParmPull class " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(WRN) << "Assuming GAUSTHROW/GAUSPULL" << std::endl;
// Set Dial options
- if (type.find("FRAC") != std::string::npos){
+ if (type.find("FRAC") != std::string::npos) {
fDialOptions = "FRAC";
fPlotTitles = ";; Fractional RW Value";
- } else if (type.find("ABS") != std::string::npos){
+ } else if (type.find("ABS") != std::string::npos) {
fDialOptions = "ABS";
- fPlotTitles= ";; ABS RW Value";
+ fPlotTitles = ";; ABS RW Value";
} else {
fDialOptions = "";
- fPlotTitles= ";; RW Value";
+ fPlotTitles = ";; RW Value";
// Parse throw types
if (type.find("GAUSPULL") != std::string::npos) fCalcType = kGausPull;
else fCalcType = kNoPull;
if (type.find("GAUSTHROW") != std::string::npos) fThrowType = kGausThrow;
else fThrowType = kNoThrow;
// Extra check to see if throws or pulls are turned off
if (type.find("NOPULL") != std::string::npos) fCalcType = kNoPull;
if (type.find("NOTHROW") != std::string::npos) fThrowType = kNoThrow;
-void ParamPull::SetupHistograms(std::string input){
+void ParamPull::SetupHistograms(std::string input) {
// Extract Types from Input
fFileType = "";
const int nfiletypes = 4;
- const std::string filetypes[nfiletypes] = {"FIT","ROOT","TXT","DIAL"};
+ const std::string filetypes[nfiletypes] = {"FIT", "ROOT", "TXT", "DIAL"};
for (int i = 0; i < nfiletypes; i++) {
std::string tempTypes = filetypes[i] + ":";
if (input.find(tempTypes) != std::string::npos) {
fFileType = filetypes[i];
input.replace(input.find(tempTypes), tempTypes.size(), "");
// Read Files
if (!"FIT")) ReadFitFile(input);
else if (!"ROOT")) ReadRootFile(input);
else if (!"VECT")) ReadVectFile(input);
else if (!"DIAL")) ReadDialInput(input);
else {
ERR(FTL) << "Unknown ParamPull Type: " << input << std::endl;
// Check Dials are all good
// Setup MC Histogram
fMCHist = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fMCHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_MC").c_str(),
- (fName + " MC" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " MC" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
// If no Covar input make an uncorrelated one
- if (!fCovar){
+ if (!fCovar) {
fCovar = StatUtils::MakeDiagonalCovarMatrix(fDataHist, 1.0);
// If no types or limits are provided give them a default option
- if (!fMinHist){
+ if (!fMinHist) {
fMinHist = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fMinHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_min").c_str(),
- (fName + " min" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
- for (int i = 0; i < fMinHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- // TODO (P.Stowell) Change this to a NULL system where limits are actually free!
- fMinHist->SetBinContent(i+1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) - 1E6);
+ (fName + " min" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ for (int i = 0; i < fMinHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ // TODO (P.Stowell) Change this to a NULL system where limits are actually free!
+ fMinHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) - 1E6);
- if (!fMaxHist){
+ if (!fMaxHist) {
fMaxHist = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fMaxHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_min").c_str(),
- (fName + " min" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
- for(int i = 0; i < fMaxHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- fMaxHist->SetBinContent(i+1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) - 1E6);
+ (fName + " min" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ for (int i = 0; i < fMaxHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ fMaxHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) - 1E6);
// Set types from state, or to unknown
- if (!fTypeHist){
+ if (!fTypeHist) {
int deftype = -1;
- if (fType.find("T2K") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kT2K; }
- else if (fType.find("NEUT") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kNEUT; }
- else if (fType.find("NIWG") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kNIWG; }
- else if (fType.find("GENIE") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kGENIE; }
- else if (fType.find("NORM") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kNORM; }
- else if (fType.find("NUWRO") != std::string::npos){ deftype = kNUWRO; }
+ if (fType.find("T2K") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kT2K; }
+ else if (fType.find("NEUT") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kNEUT; }
+ else if (fType.find("NIWG") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kNIWG; }
+ else if (fType.find("GENIE") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kGENIE; }
+ else if (fType.find("NORM") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kNORM; }
+ else if (fType.find("NUWRO") != std::string::npos) { deftype = kNUWRO; }
fTypeHist = new TH1I( (fName + "_type").c_str(),
- (fName + " type" + fPlotTitles).c_str(),
- fDataHist->GetNbinsX(), 0, fDataHist->GetNbinsX() );
- for(int i = 0; i < fTypeHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- fTypeHist->SetBinContent(i+1, deftype );
+ (fName + " type" + fPlotTitles).c_str(),
+ fDataHist->GetNbinsX(), 0, fDataHist->GetNbinsX() );
+ for (int i = 0; i < fTypeHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ fTypeHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, deftype );
// Sort Covariances
fInvCovar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fCovar);
fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fCovar);
// Create DataTrue for Throws
fDataTrue = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fDataTrue->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_truedata").c_str(),
- (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
fDataOrig = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fDataOrig->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_origdata").c_str(),
- (fName + " origdata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " origdata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
// Select only dials we want
- if (!fDialSelection.empty()){
+ if (!fDialSelection.empty()) {
(*fDataHist) = RemoveBinsNotInString(*fDataHist, fDialSelection);
-TH1D ParamPull::RemoveBinsNotInString(TH1D hist, std::string mystr){
+TH1D ParamPull::RemoveBinsNotInString(TH1D hist, std::string mystr) {
// Make list of allowed bins
std::vector<std::string> allowedbins;
- for (int i = 0; i < hist.GetNbinsX(); i++){
- std::string syst = std::string(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
- if (mystr.find(syst) != std::string::npos){
+ for (int i = 0; i < hist.GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ std::string syst = std::string(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
+ if (mystr.find(syst) != std::string::npos) {
// Make new histogram
UInt_t nbins = allowedbins.size();
TH1D newhist = TH1D( hist.GetName(), hist.GetTitle(),
- (Int_t)nbins, 0.0, (Double_t)nbins);
+ (Int_t)nbins, 0.0, (Double_t)nbins);
// Setup bins
- for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; i++){
+ for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
// Set Labels
- newhist.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, allowedbins[i].c_str());
+ newhist.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, allowedbins[i].c_str());
// Copy Values
- for (Int_t j = 0; j < hist.GetNbinsX(); j++){
- if (!allowedbins[i].compare(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j+1))){
- newhist.SetBinContent(i+1, hist.GetBinContent(j+1) );
- newhist.SetBinError(i+1, hist.GetBinError(j+1) );
+ for (Int_t j = 0; j < hist.GetNbinsX(); j++) {
+ if (!allowedbins[i].compare(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j + 1))) {
+ newhist.SetBinContent(i + 1, hist.GetBinContent(j + 1) );
+ newhist.SetBinError(i + 1, hist.GetBinError(j + 1) );
return newhist;
-TH1I ParamPull::RemoveBinsNotInString(TH1I hist, std::string mystr){
+TH1I ParamPull::RemoveBinsNotInString(TH1I hist, std::string mystr) {
// Make list of allowed bins
std::vector<std::string> allowedbins;
- for (int i = 0; i < hist.GetNbinsX(); i++){
- std::string syst = std::string(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < hist.GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ std::string syst = std::string(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
- if (mystr.find(syst) != std::string::npos){
+ if (mystr.find(syst) != std::string::npos) {
// Make new histogram
UInt_t nbins = allowedbins.size();
TH1I newhist = TH1I( hist.GetName(), hist.GetTitle(),
- (Int_t)nbins, 0.0, (Int_t)nbins);
+ (Int_t)nbins, 0.0, (Int_t)nbins);
// Setup bins
- for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; i++){
+ for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
// Set Labels
- newhist.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, allowedbins[i].c_str());
+ newhist.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, allowedbins[i].c_str());
// Copy Values
- for (Int_t j = 0; j < hist.GetNbinsX(); j++){
- if (!allowedbins[i].compare(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j+1))){
- newhist.SetBinContent(i+1, hist.GetBinContent(j+1) );
- newhist.SetBinError(i+1, hist.GetBinError(j+1) );
+ for (Int_t j = 0; j < hist.GetNbinsX(); j++) {
+ if (!allowedbins[i].compare(hist.GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j + 1))) {
+ newhist.SetBinContent(i + 1, hist.GetBinContent(j + 1) );
+ newhist.SetBinError(i + 1, hist.GetBinError(j + 1) );
return newhist;
-void ParamPull::ReadFitFile(std::string input){
+void ParamPull::ReadFitFile(std::string input) {
- TFile* tempfile = new TFile(input.c_str(),"READ");
+ TFile* tempfile = new TFile(input.c_str(), "READ");
// Read Data
fDataHist = (TH1D*) tempfile->Get("fit_dials_free");
- if (!fDataHist){
+ if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find TH1D hist fit_dials in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "File Entries:" << std::endl;
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
// Read Covar
TH2D* tempcov = (TH2D*) tempfile->Get("covariance_free");
- if (!tempcov){
+ if (!tempcov) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find TH2D covariance_free in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "File Entries:" << std::endl;
// Setup Covar
int nbins = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
fCovar = new TMatrixDSym( nbins );
- for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++){
- for(int j = 0; j < nbins; j++){
- (*fCovar)(i,j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++) {
+ (*fCovar)(i, j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
-void ParamPull::ReadRootFile(std::string input){
+void ParamPull::ReadRootFile(std::string input) {
- std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input,";");
+ std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input, ";");
// Check all given
- if (inputlist.size() < 2){
+ if (inputlist.size() < 2) {
ERR(FTL) << "Covar supplied in 'ROOT' format should have 3 semi-colon seperated entries!" << std::endl
- << "ROOT:filename;histname[;covarname]" << std::endl;
+ << "ROOT:filename;histname[;covarname]" << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "histname = TH1D, covarname = TH2D" << std::endl;
// Get Entries
std::string filename = inputlist[0];
LOG(DEB) << filename << std::endl;
std::string histname = inputlist[1];
LOG(DEB) << histname << std::endl;
- LOG(DEB) << input<< std::endl;
+ LOG(DEB) << input << std::endl;
// Read File
- TFile* tempfile = new TFile(filename.c_str(),"READ");
- if (tempfile->IsZombie()){
+ TFile* tempfile = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "READ");
+ if (tempfile->IsZombie()) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find file in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "location = " << filename << std::endl;
// Read Hist
fDataHist = (TH1D*) tempfile->Get(histname.c_str());
- if (!fDataHist){
+ if (!fDataHist) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find TH1D hist " << histname << " in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "File Entries:" << std::endl;
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
LOG(DEB) << "READING COVAR" << std::endl;
// Read Covar
- if (inputlist.size() > 2){
+ if (inputlist.size() > 2) {
std::string covarname = inputlist[2];
- LOG(DEB) << "COVARNAME = " <<covarname << std::endl;
+ LOG(DEB) << "COVARNAME = " << covarname << std::endl;
TH2D* tempcov = (TH2D*) tempfile->Get(covarname.c_str());
- if (!tempcov){
+ if (!tempcov) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find TH2D covar " << covarname << " in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "File Entries:" << std::endl;
// Setup Covar
int nbins = fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
fCovar = new TMatrixDSym( nbins );
- for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++){
- for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++){
- (*fCovar)(i,j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbins; j++) {
+ (*fCovar)(i, j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
- // Uncorrelated
+ // Uncorrelated
} else {
- LOG(SAM) <<"No Covar provided so using diagonal errors for "
- << fName << std::endl;
+ LOG(SAM) << "No Covar provided so using diagonal errors for "
+ << fName << std::endl;
fCovar = NULL;
-void ParamPull::ReadVectFile(std::string input){
+void ParamPull::ReadVectFile(std::string input) {
- std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input,";");
- if (inputlist.size() < 4){
+ std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input, ";");
+ if (inputlist.size() < 4) {
ERR(FTL) << "Need 3 inputs for vector input in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Inputs: " << input << std::endl;
// Open File
std::string rootname = inputlist[0];
- TFile* tempfile = new TFile(rootname.c_str(),"READ");
- if (tempfile->IsZombie()){
+ TFile* tempfile = new TFile(rootname.c_str(), "READ");
+ if (tempfile->IsZombie()) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find file in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "location = " << rootname << std::endl;
// Get Name
std::string tagname = inputlist[1];
// TVector<std::string> dialtags = tempfile->Get(tagname.c_str());
// if (!dialtags){
// ERR(FTL) << "Can't find list of dial names!" << std::endl;
// }
- // Get Values
+ // Get Values
std::string valuename = inputlist[2];
TVectorD* dialvals = (TVectorD*)tempfile->Get(valuename.c_str());
- if (!dialvals){
+ if (!dialvals) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find dial values" << std::endl;
- // Get Matrix
+ // Get Matrix
std::string matrixname = inputlist[3];
TMatrixD* matrixvals = (TMatrixD*)tempfile->Get(matrixname.c_str());
- if (!matrixvals){
+ if (!matrixvals) {
ERR(FTL) << "Can't find matirx values" << std::endl;
// Get Types
- if (inputlist.size() > 4){
+ if (inputlist.size() > 4) {
std::string typesname = inputlist[3];
// Get Minimum
- if (inputlist.size() > 5){
+ if (inputlist.size() > 5) {
std::string minname = inputlist[4];
// Get Maximum
- if (inputlist.size() > 6){
+ if (inputlist.size() > 6) {
std::string maxname = inputlist[5];
-void ParamPull::ReadDialInput(std::string input){
+void ParamPull::ReadDialInput(std::string input) {
- std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input,";");
- if (inputlist.size() < 3){
+ std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(input, ";");
+ if (inputlist.size() < 3) {
ERR(FTL) << "Need 3 inputs for dial input in " << fName << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Inputs: " << input << std::endl;
- std::vector<double> inputvals = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(input,";");
+ std::vector<double> inputvals = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(input, ";");
std::string dialname = inputlist[0];
double val = inputvals[1];
double err = inputvals[2];
fDataHist = new TH1D( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + "_data" + fPlotTitles).c_str(), 1, 0, 1);
+ (fName + "_data" + fPlotTitles).c_str(), 1, 0, 1);
fDataHist->SetBinContent(1, val);
fDataHist->SetBinError(1, err);
fDataHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, dialname.c_str());
fCovar = NULL;
-std::map<std::string, int> ParamPull::GetAllDials(){
+std::map<std::string, int> ParamPull::GetAllDials() {
std::map<std::string, int> dialtypemap;
- for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- std::string name = fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1);
- int type = fTypeHist->GetBinContent(i+1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ std::string name = fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1);
+ int type = fTypeHist->GetBinContent(i + 1);
dialtypemap[name] = type;
return dialtypemap;
-bool ParamPull::CheckDialsValid(){
+bool ParamPull::CheckDialsValid() {
return true;
std::string helpstring = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- std::string name = std::string(fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ std::string name = std::string(fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
// If dial exists its all good
if (FitBase::GetRW()->DialIncluded(name)) continue;
// If it doesn't but its a sample norm also continue
- if (name.find("_norm") != std::string::npos){
+ if (name.find("_norm") != std::string::npos) {
ERR(WRN) << "Norm dial included in covar but not set in FitWeight." << std::endl;
ERR(WRN) << "Assuming its a sample norm and skipping..." << std::endl;
// Dial unknown so print a help statement
std::ostringstream tempstr;
tempstr << "unknown_parameter " << name << " "
- << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) << " "
- << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) - fDataHist->GetBinError(i+1) << " "
- << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) + fDataHist->GetBinError(i+1) << " "
- << fDataHist->GetBinError(i+1) << " ";
+ << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) << " "
+ << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) - fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) << " "
+ << fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) + fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) << " "
+ << fDataHist->GetBinError(i + 1) << " ";
if (!fType.empty()) tempstr << fType << std::endl;
else tempstr << "FREE" << std::endl;
- helpstring += tempstr.str();
+ helpstring += tempstr.str();
// Show statement before failing
- if (!helpstring.empty()){
- ERR(WRN) <<"Dial(s) included in covar but not set in FitWeight." << std::endl
+ if (!helpstring.empty()) {
+ ERR(WRN) << "Dial(s) included in covar but not set in FitWeight." << std::endl
<< "ParamPulls needs to know how you want it to be treated." << std::endl
- <<"Include the following lines into your card:" << std::endl;
+ << "Include the following lines into your card:" << std::endl;
ERR(WRN) << helpstring << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
return true;
-void ParamPull::Reconfigure(){
+void ParamPull::Reconfigure() {
FitWeight* rw = FitBase::GetRW();
// Get Dial Names that are valid
std::vector<std::string> namevec = rw->GetDialNames();
std::vector<double> valuevec = rw->GetDialValues();
// Set Bin Values from RW
- for (UInt_t i = 0; i < namevec.size(); i++){
+ for (UInt_t i = 0; i < namevec.size(); i++) {
// Loop over bins and check name matches
std::string syst =;
+ double systval =;
+ std::vector<std::string> allsyst = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(syst, ",");
// Proper Reconf using RW
- for (int j = 0; j < fMCHist->GetNbinsX(); j++){
+ for (int j = 0; j < fMCHist->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
- // If Match set value
- if (! fMCHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j+1) )){
- double curval = rw->GetDialValue(syst);
- fMCHist->SetBinContent(j+1, curval);
+ // Search for the name of this bin in the corrent dial
+ std::string binname = std::string(fMCHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j + 1) );
+ // Check Full Name
+ if (! {
+ fMCHist->SetBinContent(j + 1, systval);
+ break;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> splitbinname = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(binname, ",");
+ for (int l = 0; l < splitbinname.size(); l++) {
+ std::string singlebinname = splitbinname[l];
+ for (int k = 0; k < allsyst.size(); k++) {
+ if (!allsyst[k].compare(singlebinname.c_str())) {
+ fMCHist->SetBinContent(j + 1, systval);
+ }
+ }
-void ParamPull::ResetToy(void){
+void ParamPull::ResetToy(void) {
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
LOG(DEB) << "Resetting toy" << std::endl;
LOG(DEB) << fDataTrue << std::endl;
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fDataTrue->Clone();
LOG(DEB) << "Setting name" << std::endl;
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
-void ParamPull::SetFakeData(std::string fakeinput){
+void ParamPull::SetFakeData(std::string fakeinput) {
// Set from MC Setting
- if (!"MC")){
+ if (!"MC")) {
// Copy MC into data
if (fDataHist) delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fMCHist->Clone();
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " fakedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " fakedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
// Copy original data errors
- for (int i = 0; i < fDataOrig->GetNbinsX(); i++){
- fDataHist->SetBinError(i+1, fDataOrig->GetBinError(i+1) );
+ for (int i = 0; i < fDataOrig->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ fDataHist->SetBinError(i + 1, fDataOrig->GetBinError(i + 1) );
// Make True Toy Central Value Hist
fDataTrue = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fDataTrue->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_truedata").c_str(),
- (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
} else {
ERR(FTL) << "Trying to set fake data for ParamPulls not from MC!" << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Not currently implemented.." << std::endl;
-void ParamPull::RemoveFakeData(){
+void ParamPull::RemoveFakeData() {
delete fDataHist;
fDataHist = (TH1D*)fDataOrig->Clone();
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " data" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
fDataTrue = (TH1D*) fDataHist->Clone();
fDataTrue->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_truedata").c_str(),
- (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " truedata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
-double ParamPull::GetLikelihood(){
+double ParamPull::GetLikelihood() {
double like = 0.0;
- switch(fCalcType){
+ switch (fCalcType) {
// Gaussian Calculation with correlations
case kGausPull:
like = StatUtils::GetChi2FromCov(fDataHist, fMCHist, fInvCovar, NULL);
like *= 1E-76;
// Default says this has no pull
case kNoThrow:
like = 0.0;
LOG(DEB) << "Likelihood = " << like << " " << fCalcType << std::endl;
return like;
-int ParamPull::GetNDOF(){
+int ParamPull::GetNDOF() {
int ndof = 0;
- if (fCalcType != kNoThrow){
+ if (fCalcType != kNoThrow) {
ndof += fDataHist->GetNbinsX();
return ndof;
-void ParamPull::ThrowCovariance(){
+void ParamPull::ThrowCovariance() {
// Reset toy for throw
LOG(DEB) << "Toy Reset " << std::endl;
// Generate random Gaussian throws
std::vector<double> randthrows;
- for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+ for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
double randtemp = 0.0;
- switch(fThrowType){
- // Gaussian Throws
+ switch (fThrowType) {
+ // Gaussian Throws
case kGausThrow:
- randtemp = gRandom->Gaus(0.0,1.0);
+ randtemp = gRandom->Gaus(0.0, 1.0);
- // No Throws (DEFAULT)
+ // No Throws (DEFAULT)
// Create Bin Modifications
double totalres = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+ for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
// Calc Bin Mod
double binmod = 0.0;
- for (int j = 0; j < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); j++){
+ for (int j = 0; j < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
// std::cout << "DECOMP " << j << " " << i << " " << << std::endl;
- binmod += (*fDecomp)(j,i) *;
+ binmod += (*fDecomp)(j, i) *;
// Add up fraction dif
totalres += binmod;
// Add to current data
- fDataHist->SetBinContent(i+1,fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) + binmod);
+ fDataHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) + binmod);
// Rename
fDataHist->SetNameTitle( (fName + "_data").c_str(),
- (fName + " toydata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
+ (fName + " toydata" + fPlotTitles).c_str() );
// Print Status
LOG(REC) << "Created new toy histogram. Total Dif = "
- << totalres << std::endl;
+ << totalres << std::endl;
-TH2D ParamPull::GetCovar(){
+TH2D ParamPull::GetCovar() {
TH2D tempCov = TH2D(*fInvCovar);
- for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++){
- tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
- tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
+ tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
tempCov.SetNameTitle((fName + "_INVCOV").c_str(),
- (fName + " InvertedCovariance;Dials;Dials").c_str());
+ (fName + " InvertedCovariance;Dials;Dials").c_str());
return tempCov;
-TH2D ParamPull::GetFullCovar(){
+TH2D ParamPull::GetFullCovar() {
TH2D tempCov = TH2D(*fCovar);
- for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++){
- tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
- tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
+ tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
tempCov.SetNameTitle((fName + "_COV").c_str(),
- (fName + " Covariance;Dials;Dials").c_str());
+ (fName + " Covariance;Dials;Dials").c_str());
return tempCov;
-TH2D ParamPull::GetDecompCovar(){
+TH2D ParamPull::GetDecompCovar() {
TH2D tempCov = TH2D(*fCovar);
- for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++){
- tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
- tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i+1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempCov.GetNbinsX(); i++) {
+ tempCov.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
+ tempCov.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, fDataHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i + 1));
tempCov.SetNameTitle((fName + "_DEC").c_str(),
- (fName + " Decomposition;Dials;Dials").c_str());
+ (fName + " Decomposition;Dials;Dials").c_str());
return tempCov;
-void ParamPull::Write(std::string writeoptt){
+void ParamPull::Write(std::string writeoptt) {
diff --git a/src/Reweight/FitWeight.cxx b/src/Reweight/FitWeight.cxx
index 50714a6..c40a847 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/FitWeight.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/FitWeight.cxx
@@ -1,242 +1,246 @@
#include "FitWeight.h"
void FitWeight::AddRWEngine(int type) {
switch (type) {
case kNEUT:
fAllRW[type] = new NEUTWeightEngine("neutrw");
case kNUWRO:
fAllRW[type] = new NuWroWeightEngine("nuwrorw");
case kGENIE:
fAllRW[type] = new GENIEWeightEngine("genierw");
case kNORM:
fAllRW[type] = new SampleNormEngine("normrw");
fAllRW[type] = new LikelihoodWeightEngine("likerw");
case kT2K:
fAllRW[type] = new T2KWeightEngine("t2krw");
case kCUSTOM:
fAllRW[type] = new NUISANCEWeightEngine("nuisrw");
fAllRW[type] = new SplineWeightEngine("splinerw");
case kNIWG:
fAllRW[type] = new NIWGWeightEngine("niwgrw");
THROW("CANNOT ADD RW Engine for unknown dial type: " << type);
void FitWeight::IncludeDial(std::string name, std::string type, double val) {
// Should register the dial here.
int typeenum = Reweight::ConvDialType(type);
IncludeDial(name, typeenum, val);
void FitWeight::IncludeDial(std::string name, int dialtype, double val) {
// Get the dial enum
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, dialtype);
if (nuisenum == -1){
THROW("NUISENUM == " << nuisenum << " for " << name);
// Setup RW Engine Pointer
if (fAllRW.find(dialtype) == fAllRW.end()) {
WeightEngineBase* rw = fAllRW[dialtype];
// Include the dial
rw->IncludeDial(name, val);
// Set Dial Value
if (val != -9999.9) {
rw->SetDialValue(name, val);
// Sort Maps
fAllEnums[name] = nuisenum;
fAllValues[nuisenum] = val;
// Sort Lists
void FitWeight::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
// Reconfigure all added RW engines
for (std::map<int, WeightEngineBase*>::iterator iter = fAllRW.begin();
iter != fAllRW.end(); iter++) {
void FitWeight::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
+ // Add extra check, if name not found look for one with name in it.
int nuisenum = fAllEnums[name];
SetDialValue(nuisenum, val);
// Allow for name aswell using GlobalList to determine sample name.
void FitWeight::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
// Conv dial type
int dialtype = int(nuisenum - (nuisenum % 1000)) / 1000;
if (fAllRW.find(dialtype) == fAllRW.end()){
THROW("Cannot find RW Engine for dialtype = " << dialtype << " " << nuisenum << " " << (nuisenum - (nuisenum % 1000)) / 1000);
// Get RW Engine for this dial
fAllRW[dialtype]->SetDialValue(nuisenum, val);
fAllValues[nuisenum] = val;
// Update ValueList
for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnumList.size(); i++) {
if (fEnumList[i] == nuisenum) {
fValueList[i] = val;
void FitWeight::SetAllDials(const double* x, int n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < (UInt_t)n; i++) {
int rwenum = fEnumList[i];
SetDialValue(rwenum, x[i]);
double FitWeight::GetDialValue(std::string name) {
+ // Add extra check, if name not found look for one with name in it.
int nuisenum = fAllEnums[name];
return GetDialValue(nuisenum);
double FitWeight::GetDialValue(int nuisenum) {
return fAllValues[nuisenum];
int FitWeight::GetDialPos(std::string name) {
int rwenum = fAllEnums[name];
return GetDialPos(rwenum);
int FitWeight::GetDialPos(int nuisenum) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fEnumList.size(); i++) {
if (fEnumList[i] == nuisenum) {
return i;
ERR(FTL) << "No Dial Found! " << std::endl;
return -1;
bool FitWeight::DialIncluded(std::string name) {
return (fAllEnums.find(name) != fAllEnums.end());
bool FitWeight::DialIncluded(int rwenum) {
return (fAllValues.find(rwenum) != fAllValues.end());
double FitWeight::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rwweight = 1.0;
for (std::map<int, WeightEngineBase*>::iterator iter = fAllRW.begin();
iter != fAllRW.end(); iter++) {
double w = (*iter).second->CalcWeight(evt);
// LOG(FIT) << "Iter " << (*iter).second->fCalcName << " = " << w << std::endl;
rwweight *= w;
return rwweight;
void FitWeight::UpdateWeightEngine(const double* x) {
size_t count = 0;
for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter = fEnumList.begin();
iter != fEnumList.end(); iter++) {
SetDialValue( (*iter), x[count] );
void FitWeight::GetAllDials(double* x, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x[i] = GetDialValue( fEnumList[i] );
bool FitWeight::NeedsEventReWeight(const double* x) {
bool haschange = false;
size_t count = 0;
// Compare old to new and decide if RW needed.
for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter = fEnumList.begin();
iter != fEnumList.end(); iter++) {
int nuisenum = (*iter);
int type = (nuisenum / 1000) - (nuisenum % 1000);
// Compare old to new
double oldval = GetDialValue(nuisenum);
double newval = x[count];
if (oldval != newval) {
if (fAllRW[type]->NeedsEventReWeight()) {
haschange = true;
return haschange;
double FitWeight::GetSampleNorm(std::string name) {
if (name.empty()) return 1.0;
// Find norm dial
if (fAllEnums.find(name + "_norm") != fAllEnums.end()) {
if (fAllValues.find(fAllEnums[name+"_norm"]) != fAllValues.end()){
return fAllValues[ fAllEnums[name+"_norm"] ];
} else {
return 1.0;
} else {
return 1.0;
void FitWeight::Print() {
LOG(REC) << "Fit Weight State: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNameList.size(); i++) {
LOG(REC) << " -> Par " << i << ". " << fNameList[i] << " " << fValueList[i] << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.cxx
index 2496698..3eef0e4 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,203 +1,232 @@
#include "GENIEWeightEngine.h"
GENIEWeightEngine::GENIEWeightEngine(std::string name) {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up GENIE RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Create RW Engine suppressing cout
fGenieRW = new genie::rew::GReWeight();
// Get List of Vetos (Just for debugging)
std::string rw_engine_list = FitPar::Config().GetParS("FitWeight.fGenieRW_veto");
bool xsec_ncel = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ncel") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ccqe = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccqe") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_coh = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_coh") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_nnres = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_nonresbkg") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_nudis = rw_engine_list.find("nuclear_dis") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_resdec = rw_engine_list.find("hadro_res_decay") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_fzone = rw_engine_list.find("hadro_intranuke") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_intra = rw_engine_list.find("hadro_fzone") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_agky = rw_engine_list.find("hadro_agky") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_qevec = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccqe_vec") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_dis = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_dis") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_nc = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_nc") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ccres = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccres") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ncres = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ncres") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_nucqe = rw_engine_list.find("nuclear_qe") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_qeaxial = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccqe_axial") == std::string::npos;
// Now actually add the RW Calcs
if (xsec_ncel)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ncel", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecNCEL);
if (xsec_ccqe)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccqe", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCQE);
if (xsec_coh)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_coh", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCOH);
if (xsec_nnres)
new genie::rew::GReWeightNonResonanceBkg);
if (xsec_nudis)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("nuclear_dis", new genie::rew::GReWeightDISNuclMod);
if (xsec_resdec)
new genie::rew::GReWeightResonanceDecay);
if (xsec_fzone)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("hadro_fzone", new genie::rew::GReWeightFZone);
if (xsec_intra)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("hadro_intranuke", new genie::rew::GReWeightINuke);
if (xsec_agky)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("hadro_agky", new genie::rew::GReWeightAGKY);
if (xsec_qevec)
new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCQEvec);
#if __GENIE_VERSION__ >= 212
if (xsec_qeaxial)
- fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccqe_axial",
- new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCQEaxial);
+ fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccqe_axial",
+ new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCQEaxial);
if (xsec_dis)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_dis", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecDIS);
if (xsec_nc)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_nc", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecNC);
if (xsec_ccres)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccres", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCRES);
if (xsec_ncres)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ncres", new genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecNCRES);
if (xsec_nucqe)
fGenieRW->AdoptWghtCalc("nuclear_qe", new genie::rew::GReWeightFGM);
GReWeightNuXSecCCQE * rwccqe =
dynamic_cast<GReWeightNuXSecCCQE *> (fGenieRW->WghtCalc("xsec_ccqe"));
// Default to include shape and normalization changes for CCRES (can be changed downstream if desired)
GReWeightNuXSecCCRES * rwccres =
dynamic_cast<GReWeightNuXSecCCRES *> (fGenieRW->WghtCalc("xsec_ccres"));
// Default to include shape and normalization changes for NCRES (can be changed downstream if desired)
GReWeightNuXSecNCRES * rwncres =
dynamic_cast<GReWeightNuXSecNCRES *> (fGenieRW->WghtCalc("xsec_ncres"));
// Default to include shape and normalization changes for DIS (can be changed downstream if desired)
GReWeightNuXSecDIS * rwdis =
dynamic_cast<GReWeightNuXSecDIS *> (fGenieRW->WghtCalc("xsec_dis"));
// Final Reconfigure
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("setabstwk"));
// allow cout again
ERR(FTL) << "GENIE RW NOT ENABLED" << std::endl;
-void GENIEWeightEngine::IncludeDial(int nuisenum, double startval) {
+void GENIEWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
- // Get RW Enum and name
- int rwenum = (nuisenum % 1000);
- genie::rew::GSyst_t rwsyst = static_cast<genie::rew::GSyst_t>(rwenum);
- std::string name = GSyst::AsString(rwsyst);
+ // Get First enum
+ int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kGENIE);
- // Fill Maps
- fGenieNameSysts[name] = rwsyst;
- fGenieEnumSysts[nuisenum] = rwsyst;
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
- // Initialize dial
- fGenieRW->Systematics().Init( fGenieEnumSysts[nuisenum] );
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
- // Add line to check dial is actually handled.
- // if (fGenieRW->Systematics().IsHandled
+ // Get RW
+ genie::rew::GSyst_t rwsyst = GSyst::FromString(singlename);
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fGENIESysts.push_back(rwsyst);
+ // Initialize dial
+ std::cout << "Registering " << singlename << " from " << name << std::endl;
+ fGenieRW->Systematics().Init( fGENIESysts[index] );
+ // If Absolute
+ if (fIsAbsTwk) {
+ GSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( rwsyst, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ }
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
- // If Absolute
- if (fIsAbsTwk) {
- GSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fGenieEnumSysts[nuisenum], 1.0, 1.0 );
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(nuisenum, startval);
void GENIEWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
- // Set RW engine values
- int rwenum = (nuisenum % 1000);
- fGenieRW->Systematics().Set(static_cast<genie::rew::GSyst_t>(rwenum), val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ std::cout << "Setting GENIE Dial Value "
+ << i << " " << indices[i] << " "
+ << fGENIESysts[indices[i]] << std::endl;
+ fGenieRW->Systematics().Set( fGENIESysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
+void GENIEWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
+#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fGenieRW->Systematics().Set(fGENIESysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void GENIEWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
// Hush now...
if (silent) StopTalking();
// Reconf
+ fGenieRW->Print();
// Shout again
if (silent) StartTalking();
double GENIEWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rw_weight = 1.0;
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
// Skip Non GENIE
if (evt->fType != kGENIE) return 1.0;
// Make nom weight
- if (!evt){
- THROW("evt not found : " << evt);
+ if (!evt) {
+ THROW("evt not found : " << evt);
- if (!(evt->genie_event)){
- THROW("evt->genie_event not found!" << evt->genie_event);
+ if (!(evt->genie_event)) {
+ THROW("evt->genie_event not found!" << evt->genie_event);
- if (!(evt->genie_event->event)){
- THROW("evt->genie_event->event GHepRecord not found!" << (evt->genie_event->event));
+ if (!(evt->genie_event->event)) {
+ THROW("evt->genie_event->event GHepRecord not found!" << (evt->genie_event->event));
- if (!fGenieRW){
- THROW("GENIE RW Not Found!" << fGenieRW);
+ if (!fGenieRW) {
+ THROW("GENIE RW Not Found!" << fGenieRW);
rw_weight = fGenieRW->CalcWeight(*(evt->genie_event->event));
// std::cout << "Returning GENIE Weight for electron scattering = " << rw_weight << std::endl;
// Return rw_weight
return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.h b/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.h
index 9d86c23..b0d3d03 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/GENIEWeightEngine.h
@@ -1,63 +1,64 @@
#include "FitLogger.h"
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
#include "EVGCore/EventRecord.h"
#include "EVGCore/EventRecord.h"
#include "GHEP/GHepRecord.h"
#include "GSyst.h"
#include "GSystUncertainty.h"
#include "Ntuple/NtpMCEventRecord.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeight.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightAGKY.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightDISNuclMod.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightFGM.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightFZone.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightINuke.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNonResonanceBkg.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecCCQE.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecCCQEvec.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecCCRES.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecCOH.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecDIS.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecNC.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecNCEL.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecNCRES.h"
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightResonanceDecay.h"
#if __GENIE_VERSION__ >= 212
#include "ReWeight/GReWeightNuXSecCCQEaxial.h"
using namespace genie;
using namespace genie::rew;
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
#include "FitWeight.h"
class GENIEWeightEngine : public WeightEngineBase {
GENIEWeightEngine(std::string name);
~GENIEWeightEngine() {};
- void IncludeDial(int nuisenum, double startval);
+ void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval);
void SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val);
+ void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val);
void Reconfigure(bool silent = false);
double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt);
inline bool NeedsEventReWeight() { return true; };
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
- std::map<std::string, genie::rew::GSyst_t> fGenieNameSysts;
- std::map<int, genie::rew::GSyst_t> fGenieEnumSysts;
+ std::vector<genie::rew::GSyst_t> fGENIESysts;
genie::rew::GReWeight* fGenieRW; //!< Genie RW Object
diff --git a/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.cxx
index 4640f38..91cc285 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,58 +1,95 @@
#include "LikelihoodWeightEngine.h"
LikelihoodWeightEngine::LikelihoodWeightEngine(std::string name) {
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up Likelihood Weight RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = true;
void LikelihoodWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
- // Get NUISANCE Enum
- int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNORM);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(1.0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
- // Set Value if given
- if (startval != -999.9) {
- SetDialValue(name, startval);
- }
+ // Get NUISANCE Enum
+ int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNORM);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++){
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(1.0);
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
+ }
+ // Set Value if given
+ if (startval != -999.9) {
+ SetDialValue(name, startval);
+ }
void LikelihoodWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++){
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void LikelihoodWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val){
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++){
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
+double LikelihoodWeightEngine::GetDialValue(std::string name){
+ // Check for exact dial names
+ if (fNameIndex.find(name) != fNameIndex.end()){
+ return fValues[ fNameIndex[name][0] ];
+ // If not iterate and check entry in one of the keys
+ } else {
+ for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<size_t> >::iterator iter = fNameIndex.begin();
+ iter != fNameIndex.end(); iter++){
+ std::string keyname = iter->first;
+ if ( keyname.find(name) != std::string::npos){
+ return fValues[ iter->second[0] ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1.0;
void LikelihoodWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
- // Empty placeholder incase we want print statements...
+ // Empty placeholder incase we want print statements...
diff --git a/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.h b/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.h
index 8ae8917..69dea0a 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/LikelihoodWeightEngine.h
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
#ifndef LikelihoodWeightEngine_H
#define LikelihoodWeightEngine_H
#include "FitLogger.h"
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
// Could probably just make a general weight engine for stuff like this...
class LikelihoodWeightEngine : public WeightEngineBase {
LikelihoodWeightEngine(std::string name);
void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval);
void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val);
void SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val);
void Reconfigure(bool silent = false);
inline double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {return 1.0;};
inline bool NeedsEventReWeight(){ return false; };
+ double GetDialValue(std::string name);
diff --git a/src/Reweight/NEUTWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/NEUTWeightEngine.cxx
index 644a93b..3bd0c2e 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/NEUTWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/NEUTWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,155 +1,186 @@
#include "NEUTWeightEngine.h"
NEUTWeightEngine::NEUTWeightEngine(std::string name) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up NEUT RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Create RW Engine suppressing cout
fNeutRW = new neut::rew::NReWeight();
TDirectory* olddir = gDirectory;
// get list of vetoed calc engines (just for debug really)
std::string rw_engine_list = FitPar::Config().GetParS("FitWeight.fNeutRW_veto");
bool xsec_ccqe = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccqe") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_res = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_res") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ccres = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ccres") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_coh = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_coh") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_dis = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_dis") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ncel = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ncel") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_nc = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_nc") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_ncres = rw_engine_list.find("xsec_ncres") == std::string::npos;
bool nucl_casc = rw_engine_list.find("nucl_casc") == std::string::npos;
bool nucl_piless = rw_engine_list.find("nucl_piless") == std::string::npos;
// Activate each calc engine
if (xsec_ccqe)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccqe", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecCCQE);
if (xsec_res)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_res", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecRES);
if (xsec_ccres)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ccres", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecCCRES);
if (xsec_coh)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_coh", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecCOH);
if (xsec_dis)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_dis", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecDIS);
if (xsec_ncel)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ncel", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecNCEL);
if (xsec_nc)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_nc", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecNC);
if (xsec_ncres)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("xsec_ncres", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuXSecNCRES);
if (nucl_casc)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("nucl_casc", new neut::rew::NReWeightCasc);
if (nucl_piless)
fNeutRW->AdoptWghtCalc("nucl_piless", new neut::rew::NReWeightNuclPiless);
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("setabstwk"));
// allow cout again
void NEUTWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- // Get NEUT Syst.
- neut::rew::NSyst_t gensyst = NSyst::FromString(name);
+ // Get First enum
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNEUT);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(0.0);
- fNEUTSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
- // Initialize dial
- fNeutRW->Systematics().Init( fNEUTSysts[index] );
+ // Get Syst
+ neut::rew::NSyst_t gensyst = NSyst::FromString(singlename);
- // If Absolute
- if (fIsAbsTwk) {
- NSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNEUTSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fNEUTSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Initialize dial
+ LOG(FIT) << "Registering " << singlename << " dial." << std::endl;
+ fNeutRW->Systematics().Init( fNEUTSysts[index] );
+ // If Absolute
+ if (fIsAbsTwk) {
+ NSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNEUTSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
+ }
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(nuisenum, startval);
void NEUTWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
- fNeutRW->Systematics().Set(fNEUTSysts[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ std::cout << "Setting Dial Value = " << nuisenum << " "
+ << i << " " << indices[i] << " " << fValues[indices[i]]
+ << " Enum=" << fNEUTSysts[indices[i]] << std::endl;
+ fNeutRW->Systematics().Set(fNEUTSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NEUTWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
- fNeutRW->Systematics().Set(fNEUTSysts[fNameIndex[name]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ std::cout << "Setting Dial Value = " << name << " = "
+ << i << " " << indices[i] << " " << fValues[indices[i]]
+ << " Enum=" << fNEUTSysts[indices[i]] << std::endl;
+ fNeutRW->Systematics().Set(fNEUTSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NEUTWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
// Hush now...
if (silent) StopTalking();
// Reconf
+ //if (LOG_LEVEL(DEB)){
+ fNeutRW->Print();
+ // }
// Shout again
if (silent) StartTalking();
double NEUTWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rw_weight = 1.0;
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- // Skip Non GENIE
+ // Skip Non NEUT
if (evt->fType != kNEUT) return 1.0;
// Hush now
// Fill NEUT Common blocks
// Call Weight calculation
rw_weight = fNeutRW->CalcWeight();
// Speak Now
// Return rw_weight
return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/NIWGWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/NIWGWeightEngine.cxx
index 2c3a680..94c53ec 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/NIWGWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/NIWGWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,195 +1,220 @@
#include "NIWGWeightEngine.h"
NIWGWeightEngine::NIWGWeightEngine(std::string name) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up NIWG RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Create RW Engine suppressing cout
fNIWGRW = new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeight();
// Get List of Veto Calcs (For Debugging)
std::string rw_engine_list =
bool niwg_2012a = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_2012a") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_2014a = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_2014a") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_pimult = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_pimult") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_mec = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_mec") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_rpa = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_rpa") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_eff_rpa = rw_engine_list.find("niwg_eff_rpa") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_proton =
rw_engine_list.find("niwg_protonFSIbug") == std::string::npos;
bool niwg_hadron =
rw_engine_list.find("niwg_HadronMultSwitch") == std::string::npos;
// Add the RW Calcs
if (niwg_2012a)
fNIWGRW->AdoptWghtCalc("niwg_2012a", new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeight2012a);
if (niwg_2014a)
fNIWGRW->AdoptWghtCalc("niwg_2014a", new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeight2014a);
if (niwg_pimult)
fNIWGRW->AdoptWghtCalc("niwg_pimult", new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightPiMult);
if (niwg_mec)
fNIWGRW->AdoptWghtCalc("niwg_mec", new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightMEC);
if (niwg_rpa)
fNIWGRW->AdoptWghtCalc("niwg_rpa", new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightRPA);
if (niwg_eff_rpa)
new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightEffectiveRPA);
if (niwg_proton)
new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightProtonFSIbug);
if (niwg_hadron)
new niwg::rew::NIWGReWeightHadronMultSwitch);
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("setabstwk"));
// allow cout again
ERR(FTL) << "NIWG RW Enabled but NEUT RW is not!" << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "NIWG RW NOT ENABLED!" << std::endl;
void NIWGWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- // Get NEUT Syst.
- niwg::rew::NIWGSyst_t gensyst = niwg::rew::NIWGSyst::FromString(name);
+ // Get First enum
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNIWG);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(0.0);
- fNIWGSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
- // Initialize dial
- fNIWGRW->Systematics().Init( fNIWGSysts[index] );
+ // Get RW
+ niwg::rew::NIWGSyst_t gensyst = niwg::rew::NIWGSyst::FromString(name);
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fNIWGSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Initialize dial
+ LOG(FIT) << "Registering " << singlename << " from " << name << std::endl;
+ fNIWGRW->Systematics().Init( fNIWGSysts[index] );
+ // If Absolute
+ if (fIsAbsTwk) {
+ niwg::rew::NIWGSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNIWGSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
+ }
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
- // If Absolute
- if (fIsAbsTwk) {
- niwg::rew::NIWGSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNIWGSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(nuisenum, startval);
void NIWGWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
- fNIWGRW->Systematics().Set(fNIWGSysts[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ std::cout << "Setting NIWG Dial Value "
+ << i << " " << indices[i] << " "
+ << fNIWGSysts[indices[i]] << std::endl;
+ fNIWGRW->Systematics().Set( fNIWGSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NIWGWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
- fNIWGRW->Systematics().Set(fNIWGSysts[fNameIndex[name]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fNIWGRW->Systematics().Set(fNIWGSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NIWGWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
// Hush now...
if (silent) StopTalking();
// Reconf
// Shout again
if (silent) StartTalking();
double NIWGWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rw_weight = 1.0;
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
// Skip Non GENIE
if (evt->fType != kNEUT) return 1.0;
// Hush now
niwg::rew::NIWGEvent* niwg_event = NIWGWeightEngine::GetNIWGEventLocal(evt->fNeutVect);
rw_weight *= fNIWGRW->CalcWeight(*niwg_event);
delete niwg_event;
// Speak Now
// Return rw_weight
return rw_weight;
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
niwg::rew::NIWGEvent * NIWGWeightEngine::GetNIWGEventLocal(NeutVect* nvect)
- niwg::rew::NIWGEvent * fDummyNIWGEvent = NULL;
+ niwg::rew::NIWGEvent * fDummyNIWGEvent = NULL;
- fDummyNIWGEvent = new niwg::rew::NIWGEvent();
- fDummyNIWGEvent->detid = 1; // MiniBooNE (apply CCQE LowE variations)
- fDummyNIWGEvent->neutmode = nvect->Mode;
- fDummyNIWGEvent->targetA = nvect->TargetA;
- fDummyNIWGEvent->recenu_ccqe_sk = -1;
- if (nvect->Ibound==0) fDummyNIWGEvent->targetA = 1;//RT: identifies as H, rather than O16
+ fDummyNIWGEvent = new niwg::rew::NIWGEvent();
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->detid = 1; // MiniBooNE (apply CCQE LowE variations)
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->neutmode = nvect->Mode;
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->targetA = nvect->TargetA;
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->recenu_ccqe_sk = -1;
+ if (nvect->Ibound == 0) fDummyNIWGEvent->targetA = 1; //RT: identifies as H, rather than O16
- // Fill initial particle stack
- for (int ip=0; ip<nvect->Npart(); ++ip) {
+ // Fill initial particle stack
+ for (int ip = 0; ip < nvect->Npart(); ++ip) {
- niwg::rew::NIWGPartStack fDummyPartStack;
+ niwg::rew::NIWGPartStack fDummyPartStack;
- fDummyPartStack.p = (nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fP)*0.001; // Convert to GeV
+ fDummyPartStack.p = (nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fP) * 0.001; // Convert to GeV
- fDummyPartStack.pdg = nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fPID;
- = nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fIsAlive;
- fDummyPartStack.parent = nvect->ParentIdx(ip)-1; // WARNING: this needs to be tested with a NeutRoot file
+ fDummyPartStack.pdg = nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fPID;
+ = nvect->PartInfo(ip)->fIsAlive;
+ fDummyPartStack.parent = nvect->ParentIdx(ip) - 1; // WARNING: this needs to be tested with a NeutRoot file
- fDummyNIWGEvent->part_stack.push_back(fDummyPartStack);
- }
- fDummyNIWGEvent->CalcKinematics();
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->part_stack.push_back(fDummyPartStack);
+ }
+ fDummyNIWGEvent->CalcKinematics();
- return fDummyNIWGEvent;
+ return fDummyNIWGEvent;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.cxx
index 1a45507..44b301a 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,106 +1,129 @@
#include "NUISANCEWeightEngine.h"
#include "NUISANCEWeightCalcs.h"
NUISANCEWeightEngine::NUISANCEWeightEngine(std::string name) {
- // Setup the NUISANCE Reweight engine
- fCalcName = name;
- LOG(FIT) << "Setting up NUISANCE Custom RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
+ // Setup the NUISANCE Reweight engine
+ fCalcName = name;
+ LOG(FIT) << "Setting up NUISANCE Custom RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
- // Load in all Weight Calculations
- fWeightCalculators.push_back( new GaussianModeCorr() );
+ // Load in all Weight Calculations
+ fWeightCalculators.push_back( new GaussianModeCorr() );
- // Set Abs Twk Config
- fIsAbsTwk = true;
+ // Set Abs Twk Config
+ fIsAbsTwk = true;
void NUISANCEWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
- // Get NUISANCE Enum
- int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kCUSTOM);
+ // Get First enum
+ int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kCUSTOM);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(1.0);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
- // Set Value if given
- if (startval != -999.9) {
- SetDialValue(name, startval);
- }
+ // Get RW
+ int singleenum = Reweight::ConvDial(singlename, kCUSTOM);
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fNUISANCEEnums.push_back(singleenum);
+ // Initialize dial
+ std::cout << "Registering " << singlename << " from " << name << std::endl;
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
+ }
+ // Set Value if given
+ if (startval != -999.9) {
+ SetDialValue(nuisenum, startval);
+ }
void NUISANCEWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void NUISANCEWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void NUISANCEWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
- // Loop over all names
- for (std::map<int, size_t>::iterator enumiter = fEnumIndex.begin();
- enumiter != fEnumIndex.end(); enumiter++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fNUISANCEEnums.size(); i++) {
+ for (std::vector<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>::iterator calciter = fWeightCalculators.begin();
+ calciter != fWeightCalculators.end(); calciter++) {
- for (std::vector<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>::iterator calciter = fWeightCalculators.begin();
- calciter != fWeightCalculators.end(); calciter++) {
+ NUISANCEWeightCalc* nuiscalc = static_cast<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>(*calciter);
- NUISANCEWeightCalc* nuiscalc = static_cast<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>(*calciter);
- if (nuiscalc->IsHandled(enumiter->first)) {
- nuiscalc->SetDialValue(enumiter->first, fValues[enumiter->second]);
- }
- }
- }
+ if (nuiscalc->IsHandled(fNUISANCEEnums[i])) {
+ nuiscalc->SetDialValue(fNUISANCEEnums[i], fValues[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
-double NUISANCEWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
- double rw_weight = 1.0;
+double NUISANCEWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt * evt) {
+ double rw_weight = 1.0;
- // Cast as usable class
- for (std::vector<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>::iterator iter = fWeightCalculators.begin();
- iter != fWeightCalculators.end(); iter++) {
- NUISANCEWeightCalc* nuiscalc = static_cast<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>(*iter);
+ // Cast as usable class
+ for (std::vector<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>::iterator iter = fWeightCalculators.begin();
+ iter != fWeightCalculators.end(); iter++) {
+ NUISANCEWeightCalc* nuiscalc = static_cast<NUISANCEWeightCalc*>(*iter);
- rw_weight *= nuiscalc->CalcWeight(evt);
- }
+ rw_weight *= nuiscalc->CalcWeight(evt);
+ }
- // Return rw_weight
- return rw_weight;
+ // Return rw_weight
+ return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.h b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.h
index bd19b60..07e95b8 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.h
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
#include "FitLogger.h"
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
#include "FitWeight.h"
#include "NUISANCESyst.h"
#include "NUISANCEWeightCalcs.h"
class NUISANCEWeightEngine : public WeightEngineBase {
NUISANCEWeightEngine(std::string name);
~NUISANCEWeightEngine() {};
void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval);
void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val);
void SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val);
void Reconfigure(bool silent = false);
double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt);
inline bool NeedsEventReWeight() { return true; };
std::vector<NUISANCEWeightCalc*> fWeightCalculators;
+ std::vector<int> fNUISANCEEnums;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/NuWroWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/NuWroWeightEngine.cxx
index baab616..53694c9 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/NuWroWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/NuWroWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,126 +1,140 @@
#include "NuWroWeightEngine.h"
NuWroWeightEngine::NuWroWeightEngine(std::string name) {
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up NuWro RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Create RW Engine suppressing cout
// Create the engine
fNuwroRW = new nuwro::rew::NuwroReWeight();
// Get List of Veto Calcs (For Debugging)
std::string rw_engine_list =
bool xsec_qel = rw_engine_list.find("nuwro_QEL") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_flag = rw_engine_list.find("nuwro_FlagNorm") == std::string::npos;
bool xsec_res = rw_engine_list.find("nuwro_RES") == std::string::npos;
// Add the RW Calcs
if (xsec_qel)
fNuwroRW->AdoptWghtCalc("nuwro_QEL", new nuwro::rew::NuwroReWeight_QEL);
if (xsec_flag)
new nuwro::rew::NuwroReWeight_FlagNorm);
if (xsec_res) fNuwroRW->AdoptWghtCalc( "nuwro_RES", new
nuwro::rew::NuwroReWeight_SPP );
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("setabstwk"));
// allow cout again
ERR(FTL) << "NUWRO RW NOT ENABLED! " << std::endl;
void NuWroWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
// Get RW Enum and name
- nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst_t gensyst = nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst::FromString(name);
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNUWRO);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(0.0);
- fNUWROSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Initialise new vector
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ fNameIndex[name];
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
- // Initialise Dial
- fNuwroRW->Systematics().Add( fNUWROSysts[index] );
+ // Get Syst
+ nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst_t gensyst = nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst::FromString(name);
- // If Absolute
- if (fIsAbsTwk) {
- nuwro::rew::NuwroSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNUWROSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fNUWROSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Initialise Dial
+ fNuwroRW->Systematics().Add( fNUWROSysts[index] );
+ if (fIsAbsTwk) {
+ nuwro::rew::NuwroSystUncertainty::Instance()->SetUncertainty( fNUWROSysts[index], 1.0, 1.0 );
+ }
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(name, startval);
void NuWroWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
- fNuwroRW->Systematics().SetSystVal(fNUWROSysts[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fNuwroRW->Systematics().SetSystVal(fNUWROSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NuWroWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
- fNuwroRW->Systematics().SetSystVal(fNUWROSysts[fNameIndex[name]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fNuwroRW->Systematics().SetSystVal(fNUWROSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void NuWroWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
// Hush now...
if (silent) StopTalking();
// Reconf
// Shout again
if (silent) StartTalking();
double NuWroWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rw_weight = 1.0;
// Skip Non GENIE
if (evt->fType != kNUWRO) return 1.0;
// Call Weight calculation
rw_weight = fNuwroRW->CalcWeight(evt->fNuwroEvent);
// Return rw_weight
return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.cxx
index 13d2acc..a9b4354 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.cxx
@@ -1,58 +1,94 @@
#include "SampleNormEngine.h"
SampleNormEngine::SampleNormEngine(std::string name) {
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
- LOG(FIT) << "Setting up Sample Norm RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
+ LOG(FIT) << "Setting up Likelihood Weight RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = true;
void SampleNormEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
- // Get NUISANCE Enum
- int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNORM);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(1.0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
- // Set Value if given
- if (startval != -999.9) {
- SetDialValue(name, startval);
- }
+ // Get NUISANCE Enum
+ int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kNORM);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++){
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(1.0);
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
+ }
+ // Set Value if given
+ if (startval != -999.9) {
+ SetDialValue(name, startval);
+ }
void SampleNormEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++){
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void SampleNormEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val){
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++){
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
+double SampleNormEngine::GetDialValue(std::string name){
+ // Check for exact dial names
+ if (fNameIndex.find(name) != fNameIndex.end()){
+ return fValues[ fNameIndex[name][0] ];
+ // If not iterate and check entry in one of the keys
+ } else {
+ for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<size_t> >::iterator iter = fNameIndex.begin();
+ iter != fNameIndex.end(); iter++){
+ std::string keyname = iter->first;
+ if (keyname.find(name) != std::string::npos){
+ return fValues[ iter->second[0] ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1.0;
void SampleNormEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
- // Empty placeholder incase we want print statements...
+ // Empty placeholder incase we want print statements...
diff --git a/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.h b/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.h
index c341a71..3d1bd48 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/SampleNormEngine.h
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
#ifndef SampleNormEngine_H
#define SampleNormEngine_H
#include "FitLogger.h"
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
class SampleNormEngine : public WeightEngineBase {
SampleNormEngine(std::string name);
void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval);
void SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val);
void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val);
void Reconfigure(bool silent = false);
inline double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {return 1.0;};
inline bool NeedsEventReWeight(){ return false; };
+ double GetDialValue(std::string name);
diff --git a/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.cxx
index a2ec628..6e1df33 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,79 +1,94 @@
#include "SplineWeightEngine.h"
SplineWeightEngine::SplineWeightEngine(std::string name) {
// Setup the Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up Spline RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = true;
void SplineWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
- // Get NUISANCE Enum
+ // Get RW Enum and name
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kSPLINEPARAMETER);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(0.0);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
- // std::cout << "Inlcuded Spline Dial " << name << " " << nuisenum << " " << startval << " " << index << std::endl;
+ // Initialise new vector
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ fNameIndex[name];
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
+ // Get Single Enum For this dial
+ int singleenum = Reweight::ConvDial(singlename, kCUSTOM);
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fSingleEnums.push_back(singleenum);
+ fSingleNames.push_back(singlename);
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
+ }
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(name, startval);
void SplineWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
- // LOG(FIT) << "Enum Val " << nuisenum << std::endl;
- // LOG(FIT) << fEnumIndex.size() << std::endl;
- // LOG(FIT) << "Set Dial Value to " << nuisenum << " " << fEnumIndex[nuisenum] << " " << val << std::endl;
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void SplineWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val){
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ }
void SplineWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
- for (std::map<std::string, size_t>::iterator iter = fNameIndex.begin();
- iter != fNameIndex.end(); iter++){
- // LOG(FIT) << "Reconfiguring Spline " << iter->first << " to be " << fValues[ iter->second ] << " Inside SPL RW" << std::endl;
- fSplineValueMap[ iter->first ] = fValues[ iter->second ];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fSingleNames.size(); i++){
+ fSplineValueMap[ fSingleNames[i] ] = fValues[i];
double SplineWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
if (!evt->fSplineRead) return 1.0;
if (evt->fSplineRead->NeedsReconfigure()) {
double rw_weight = evt->fSplineRead->CalcWeight( evt->fSplineCoeff );
if (rw_weight < 0.0) rw_weight = 0.0;
return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.h b/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.h
index 974f9eb..9de1afa 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/SplineWeightEngine.h
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
#ifndef SplineWeightEngine_H
#define SplineWeightEngine_H
#include "FitLogger.h"
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
#include "SplineReader.h"
class SplineWeightEngine : public WeightEngineBase {
SplineWeightEngine(std::string name);
void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval);
void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val);
void SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val);
void Reconfigure(bool silent = false);
inline double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt);
inline bool NeedsEventReWeight(){ return true; };
std::map< std::string, double > fSplineValueMap;
+ std::vector<int> fSingleEnums;
+ std::vector<std::string> fSingleNames;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/T2KWeightEngine.cxx b/src/Reweight/T2KWeightEngine.cxx
index 8d1c761..ac0123b 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/T2KWeightEngine.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/T2KWeightEngine.cxx
@@ -1,126 +1,149 @@
#include "T2KWeightEngine.h"
T2KWeightEngine::T2KWeightEngine(std::string name) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
// Setup the NEUT Reweight engien
fCalcName = name;
LOG(FIT) << "Setting up T2K RW : " << fCalcName << std::endl;
// Create RW Engine suppressing cout
// Create Main RW Engine
fT2KRW = new t2krew::T2KReWeight();
// Setup Sub RW Engines (Only activated for neut and niwg)
fT2KNeutRW = new t2krew::T2KNeutReWeight();
fT2KNIWGRW = new t2krew::T2KNIWGReWeight();
fT2KRW->AdoptWghtEngine("fNeutRW", fT2KNeutRW);
fT2KRW->AdoptWghtEngine("fNIWGRW", fT2KNIWGRW);
// allow cout again
// Set Abs Twk Config
fIsAbsTwk = (FitPar::Config().GetParB("setabstwk"));
ERR(FTL) << "T2K RW NOT ENABLED" << std::endl;
void T2KWeightEngine::IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
- // Get NEUT Syst.
- t2krew::T2KSyst_t gensyst = t2krew::T2KSyst::FromString(name);
+ // Get First enum
int nuisenum = Reweight::ConvDial(name, kT2K);
- // Fill Maps
- int index = fValues.size();
- fValues.push_back(0.0);
- fT2KSysts.push_back(gensyst);
+ // Setup Maps
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum];// = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ fNameIndex[name]; // = std::vector<size_t>(0);
+ // Split by commas
+ std::vector<std::string> allnames = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, ",");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < allnames.size(); i++) {
+ std::string singlename = allnames[i];
+ // Get RW
+ t2krew::T2KSyst_t gensyst = t2krew::T2KSyst::FromString(name);
- fEnumIndex[nuisenum] = index;
- fNameIndex[name] = index;
+ // Fill Maps
+ int index = fValues.size();
+ fValues.push_back(0.0);
+ fT2KSysts.push_back(gensyst);
- // Initialize dial
- fT2KRW->Systematics().Include(gensyst);
+ // Initialize dial
+ std::cout << "Registering " << singlename << " from " << name << std::endl;
+ fT2KRW->Systematics().Include(gensyst);
+ // If Absolute
+ if (fIsAbsTwk) {
+ fT2KRW->Systematics().SetAbsTwk(gensyst);
+ }
+ // Setup index
+ fEnumIndex[nuisenum].push_back(index);
+ fNameIndex[name].push_back(index);
- // If Absolute
- if (fIsAbsTwk) {
- fT2KRW->Systematics().SetAbsTwk(gensyst);
// Set Value if given
if (startval != -999.9) {
SetDialValue(nuisenum, startval);
void T2KWeightEngine::SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
- fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]] = val;
- fT2KRW->Systematics().SetTwkDial(fT2KSysts[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fEnumIndex[nuisenum];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fT2KRW->Systematics().SetTwkDial(fT2KSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void T2KWeightEngine::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
- fValues[fNameIndex[name]] = val;
- fT2KRW->Systematics().SetTwkDial(fT2KSysts[fNameIndex[name]], val);
+ std::vector<size_t> indices = fNameIndex[name];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
+ fValues[indices[i]] = val;
+ fT2KRW->Systematics().SetTwkDial(fT2KSysts[indices[i]], val);
+ }
void T2KWeightEngine::Reconfigure(bool silent) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
// Hush now...
if (silent) StopTalking();
// Reconf
// Shout again
if (silent) StartTalking();
double T2KWeightEngine::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) {
double rw_weight = 1.0;
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
// Skip Non GENIE
if (evt->fType != kNEUT) return 1.0;
// Hush now
// Get Weight For NEUT
rw_weight = fT2KRW->CalcWeight(evt->fNeutVect);
// Speak Now
// Return rw_weight
return rw_weight;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.cxx b/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.cxx
index 038a896..04bb6c0 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.cxx
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
#include "WeightEngineBase.h"
bool WeightEngineBase::IsDialIncluded(std::string name) {
return (fNameIndex.find(name) != fNameIndex.end());
bool WeightEngineBase::IsDialIncluded(int nuisenum) {
return (fEnumIndex.find(nuisenum) != fEnumIndex.end());
double WeightEngineBase::GetDialValue(std::string name) {
if (!IsDialIncluded(name)) {
ERR(FTL) << "Dial " << name
<< " not included in " << fCalcName << std::endl;
- return fValues[fNameIndex[name]];
+ return fValues[fNameIndex[name][0]];
double WeightEngineBase::GetDialValue(int nuisenum) {
if (!IsDialIncluded(nuisenum)) {
ERR(FTL) << "Dial Enum " << nuisenum
<< " not included in " << fCalcName << std::endl;
- return fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum]];
+ return fValues[fEnumIndex[nuisenum][0]];
diff --git a/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.h b/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.h
index c8adf71..a3a3c7e 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/WeightEngineBase.h
@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
#include "BaseFitEvt.h"
#include "FitLogger.h"
#include "FitUtils.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <deque>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "GeneratorUtils.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TGraph2D.h"
#include "WeightUtils.h"
class WeightEngineBase {
virtual ~WeightEngineBase(){};
// Functions requiring Override
virtual void IncludeDial(std::string name, double startval){};
virtual void SetDialValue(int nuisenum, double val){};
virtual void SetDialValue(std::string name, double val){};
virtual bool IsDialIncluded(std::string name);
virtual bool IsDialIncluded(int nuisenum);
virtual double GetDialValue(std::string name);
virtual double GetDialValue(int nuisenum);
virtual void Reconfigure(bool silent){};
virtual double CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt){ return 1.0; };
virtual bool NeedsEventReWeight() = 0;
bool fHasChanged;
bool fIsAbsTwk;
- std::vector<double> fValues;
- std::map<int, size_t> fEnumIndex;
- std::map<std::string, size_t> fNameIndex;
+ std::vector< double > fValues;
+ std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> > fEnumIndex;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<size_t> > fNameIndex;
std::string fCalcName;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/WeightUtils.cxx b/src/Reweight/WeightUtils.cxx
index 81d4fb3..758f91c 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/WeightUtils.cxx
+++ b/src/Reweight/WeightUtils.cxx
@@ -1,487 +1,489 @@
#include "WeightUtils.h"
TF1 FitBase::GetRWConvFunction(std::string type, std::string name) {
std::string dialfunc = "x";
std::string parType = type;
double low = -10000.0;
double high = 10000.0;
if (parType.find("parameter") == std::string::npos) parType += "_parameter";
string line;
ifstream card(
(GeneralUtils::GetTopLevelDir() + "/parameters/dial_conversion.card").c_str(),
while (std::getline(card >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
// Check the line length
if (inputlist.size() < 4) continue;
// Check whether this is a comment
if (inputlist[0].c_str()[0] == '#') continue;
// Check whether this is the correct parameter type
if (inputlist[0].compare(parType) != 0) continue;
// Check the parameter name
if (inputlist[1].compare(name) != 0) continue;
// inputlist[2] should be the units... ignore for now
dialfunc = inputlist[3];
// High and low are optional, check whether they exist
if (inputlist.size() > 4) low = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(inputlist[4]);
if (inputlist.size() > 5) high = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(inputlist[5]);
TF1 convfunc = TF1((name + "_convfunc").c_str(), dialfunc.c_str(), low, high);
return convfunc;
std::string FitBase::GetRWUnits(std::string type, std::string name) {
std::string unit = "sig.";
std::string parType = type;
if (parType.find("parameter") == std::string::npos) {
parType += "_parameter";
std::string line;
std::ifstream card((GeneralUtils::GetTopLevelDir() + "/parameters/dial_conversion.card").c_str(), ifstream::in);
while (std::getline(card >> std::ws, line, '\n')) {
std::vector<std::string> inputlist = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
// Check the line length
if (inputlist.size() < 3) continue;
// Check whether this is a comment
if (inputlist[0].c_str()[0] == '#') continue;
// Check whether this is the correct parameter type
if (inputlist[0].compare(parType) != 0) continue;
// Check the parameter name
if (inputlist[1].compare(name) != 0) continue;
unit = inputlist[2];
return unit;
double FitBase::RWAbsToSigma(std::string type, std::string name, double val) {
TF1 f1 = GetRWConvFunction(type, name);
double conv_val = f1.GetX(val);
if (fabs(conv_val) < 1E-10) conv_val = 0.0;
return conv_val;
double FitBase::RWSigmaToAbs(std::string type, std::string name, double val) {
TF1 f1 = GetRWConvFunction(type, name);
double conv_val = f1.Eval(val);
return conv_val;
double FitBase::RWFracToSigma(std::string type, std::string name, double val) {
TF1 f1 = GetRWConvFunction(type, name);
double conv_val = f1.GetX((val * f1.Eval(0.0)));
if (fabs(conv_val) < 1E-10) conv_val = 0.0;
return conv_val;
double FitBase::RWSigmaToFrac(std::string type, std::string name, double val) {
TF1 f1 = GetRWConvFunction(type, name);
double conv_val = f1.Eval(val) / f1.Eval(0.0);
return conv_val;
int FitBase::ConvDialType(std::string type) {
if (!"neut_parameter")) return kNEUT;
else if (!"niwg_parameter")) return kNIWG;
else if (!"nuwro_parameter")) return kNUWRO;
else if (!"t2k_parameter")) return kT2K;
else if (!"genie_parameter")) return kGENIE;
else if (!"custom_parameter")) return kCUSTOM;
else if (!"norm_parameter")) return kNORM;
else if (!"modenorm_parameter")) return kMODENORM;
else if (!"likeweight_parameter")) return kLIKEWEIGHT;
else if (!"spline_parameter")) return kSPLINEPARAMETER;
else return kUNKNOWN;
std::string FitBase::ConvDialType(int type) {
switch (type) {
case kNEUT: { return "neut_parameter"; }
case kNIWG: { return "niwg_parameter"; }
case kNUWRO: { return "nuwro_parameter"; }
case kT2K: { return "t2k_parameter"; }
case kGENIE: { return "genie_parameter"; }
case kNORM: { return "norm_parameter"; }
case kCUSTOM: {return "custom_parameter"; }
case kMODENORM: { return "modenorm_parameter"; }
case kLIKEWEIGHT: { return "likeweight_parameter"; }
case kSPLINEPARAMETER: {return "spline_parameter";}
default: return "unknown_parameter";
int FitBase::GetDialEnum(std::string type, std::string name) {
return FitBase::GetDialEnum( FitBase::ConvDialType(type), name );
int FitBase::GetDialEnum(int type, std::string name) {
int offset = type * 1000;
int this_enum = -1; //Not Found
std::cout << "Getting dial enum " << type << " " << name << std::endl;
// Select Types
switch (type) {
case kNEUT: {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
int neut_enum = (int)neut::rew::NSyst::FromString(name);
if (neut_enum != 0) { this_enum = neut_enum + offset; }
this_enum = -2; //Not enabled
case kNIWG: {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
int niwg_enum = (int)niwg::rew::NIWGSyst::FromString(name);
if (niwg_enum != 0) { this_enum = niwg_enum + offset; }
this_enum = -2;
case kNUWRO: {
int nuwro_enum = (int)nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst::FromString(name);
if (nuwro_enum > 0) { this_enum = nuwro_enum + offset; }
this_enum = -2;
case kGENIE: {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
int genie_enum = (int)genie::rew::GSyst::FromString(name);
if (genie_enum > 0) { this_enum = genie_enum + offset; }
this_enum = -2;
case kCUSTOM: {
int custom_enum = 0; // PLACEHOLDER
this_enum = custom_enum + offset;
case kT2K: {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
int t2k_enum = (int)t2krew::T2KSyst::FromString(name);
if (t2k_enum > 0) { this_enum = t2k_enum + offset; }
this_enum = -2;
case kNORM: {
if (gNormEnums.find(name) == gNormEnums.end()) {
gNormEnums[name] = gNormEnums.size() + 1 + offset;
this_enum = gNormEnums[name];
case kMODENORM: {
size_t us_pos = name.find_first_of('_');
std::string numstr = name.substr(us_pos + 1);
int mode_num = std::atoi(numstr.c_str());
LOG(FTL) << "Getting mode num " << mode_num << std::endl;
if (!mode_num) {
ERR(FTL) << "Attempting to parse dial name: \"" << name
<< "\" as a mode norm dial but failed." << std::endl;
this_enum = 60 + mode_num + offset;
if (gLikeWeightEnums.find(name) == gLikeWeightEnums.end()) {
gLikeWeightEnums[name] = gLikeWeightEnums.size() + 1 + offset;
this_enum = gLikeWeightEnums[name];
if (gSplineParameterEnums.find(name) == gSplineParameterEnums.end()) {
gSplineParameterEnums[name] = gSplineParameterEnums.size() + 1 + offset;
this_enum = gSplineParameterEnums[name];
// If Not Enabled
if (this_enum == -2) {
ERR(FTL) << "RW Engine not supported for " << FitBase::ConvDialType(type) << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Check dial " << name << std::endl;
// If Not Found
if (this_enum == -1) {
ERR(FTL) << "Dial " << name << " not found." << std::endl;
return this_enum;
int Reweight::ConvDialType(std::string type) {
if (!"neut_parameter")) return kNEUT;
else if (!"niwg_parameter")) return kNIWG;
else if (!"nuwro_parameter")) return kNUWRO;
else if (!"t2k_parameter")) return kT2K;
else if (!"genie_parameter")) return kGENIE;
else if (!"norm_parameter")) return kNORM;
else if (!"modenorm_parameter")) return kMODENORM;
else if (!"custom_parameter")) return kCUSTOM;
else if (!"likeweight_parameter")) return kLIKEWEIGHT;
else if (!"spline_parameter")) return kSPLINEPARAMETER;
else return kUNKNOWN;
std::string Reweight::ConvDialType(int type) {
switch (type) {
case kNEUT: { return "neut_parameter"; }
case kNIWG: { return "niwg_parameter"; }
case kNUWRO: { return "nuwro_parameter"; }
case kT2K: { return "t2k_parameter"; }
case kGENIE: { return "genie_parameter"; }
case kNORM: { return "norm_parameter"; }
case kCUSTOM: {return "custom_parameter"; }
case kMODENORM: { return "modenorm_parameter"; }
case kLIKEWEIGHT: { return "likeweight_parameter"; }
case kSPLINEPARAMETER: {return "spline_parameter";}
default: return "unknown_parameter";
int Reweight::NEUTEnumFromName(std::string name) {
#ifdef __NEUT_ENABLED__
int neutenum = (int)neut::rew::NSyst::FromString(name);
return (neutenum > 0) ? neutenum : kNoDialFound;
return kGeneratorNotBuilt;
int Reweight::NIWGEnumFromName(std::string name) {
#ifdef __NIWG_ENABLED__
int niwgenum = (int)niwg::rew::NIWGSyst::FromString(name);
return (niwgenum != 0) ? niwgenum : kNoDialFound;
return kGeneratorNotBuilt;
int Reweight::NUWROEnumFromName(std::string name) {
int nuwroenum = (int)nuwro::rew::NuwroSyst::FromString(name);
return (nuwroenum > 0) ? nuwroenum : kNoDialFound;
return kGeneratorNotBuilt;
int Reweight::GENIEEnumFromName(std::string name) {
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
int genieenum = (int)genie::rew::GSyst::FromString(name);
return (genieenum > 0) ? genieenum : kNoDialFound;
return kGeneratorNotBuilt;
int Reweight::T2KEnumFromName(std::string name) {
#ifdef __T2KREW_ENABLED__
int t2kenum = (int)t2krew::T2KSyst::FromString(name);
return (t2kenum > 0) ? t2kenum : kNoDialFound;
return kGeneratorNotBuilt;
int Reweight::NUISANCEEnumFromName(std::string name, int type) {
int nuisenum = Reweight::DialList().EnumFromNameAndType(name, type);
return nuisenum;
int Reweight::CustomEnumFromName(std::string name) {
int custenum = Reweight::ConvertNUISANCEDial(name);
return custenum;
int Reweight::ConvDial(std::string name, std::string type, bool exceptions) {
return Reweight::ConvDial( name, Reweight::ConvDialType(type), exceptions );
-int Reweight::ConvDial(std::string name, int type, bool exceptions) {
+int Reweight::ConvDial(std::string fullname, int type, bool exceptions) {
+ std::string name = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(fullname,",")[0]; // Only use first dial given
// Produce offset seperating each type.
int offset = type * 1000;
int genenum = kNoDialFound;
switch (type) {
case kNEUT:
genenum = NEUTEnumFromName(name);
case kNIWG:
genenum = NIWGEnumFromName(name);
case kNUWRO:
genenum = NUWROEnumFromName(name);
case kGENIE:
genenum = GENIEEnumFromName(name);
case kT2K:
genenum = T2KEnumFromName(name);
case kCUSTOM:
genenum = CustomEnumFromName(name);
case kNORM:
genenum = NUISANCEEnumFromName(name, type);
genenum = kNoTypeFound;
// Throw if required.
if (exceptions) {
// If Not Enabled
if (genenum == kGeneratorNotBuilt) {
ERR(FTL) << "RW Engine not supported for " << FitBase::ConvDialType(type) << std::endl;
ERR(FTL) << "Check dial " << name << std::endl;
// If no type enabled
if (genenum == kNoTypeFound) {
ERR(FTL) << "Type mismatch inside ConvDialEnum" << std::endl;
// If Not Found
if (genenum == kNoDialFound) {
ERR(FTL) << "Dial " << name << " not found." << std::endl;
// Add offset if no issue
int nuisenum = genenum;
if (genenum != kGeneratorNotBuilt and
genenum != kNoTypeFound and
genenum != kNoDialFound) {
nuisenum += offset;
// Now register dial
// std::cout << "Returning " << nuisenum << std::endl;
Reweight::DialList().RegisterDialEnum(name, type, nuisenum);
return nuisenum;
std::string Reweight::ConvDial(int nuisenum) {
//GlobalDialList* temp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Reweight::DialList().fAllDialEnums.size(); i++) {
if (Reweight::DialList().fAllDialEnums[i] == nuisenum) {
return Reweight::DialList().fAllDialNames[i];
LOG(FIT) << "Cannot find dial with enum = " << nuisenum << std::endl;
return "";
diff --git a/src/Utils/NuisKey.cxx b/src/Utils/NuisKey.cxx
index a5dd1ad..9a0a512 100644
--- a/src/Utils/NuisKey.cxx
+++ b/src/Utils/NuisKey.cxx
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
#include "NuisKey.h"
std::string nuiskey::GetS(std::string name){
return Config::Get().GetS(fNode,name);
int nuiskey::GetI(std::string name){
return Config::Get().GetI(fNode,name);
double nuiskey::GetD(std::string name){
return Config::Get().GetD(fNode,name);
bool nuiskey::GetB(std::string name){
return Config::Get().GetB(fNode,name);
std::vector<std::string> nuiskey::GetVS(std::string name, const char* del){
return Config::Get().GetVS(fNode,name,del);
std::vector<int> nuiskey::GetVI(std::string name, const char* del){
return Config::Get().GetVI(fNode,name,del);
std::vector<double> nuiskey::GetVD(std::string name, const char* del){
return Config::Get().GetVD(fNode,name,del);
std::vector<nuiskey> Config::QueryKeys(const std::string type, const std::string test1){
// Get Vector of nodes
std::vector<XMLNodePointer_t> nodelist = Config::Get().GetNodes(type);
// Convert List into a key list for easier access
std::vector<nuiskey> keylist;
for (std::vector<XMLNodePointer_t>::const_iterator iter = nodelist.begin();
iter != nodelist.end(); iter++){
// Create new key
nuiskey newkey = nuiskey(*iter);
// Add test1
if (!test1.empty()){
std::vector<std::string> testvect = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(test1,"=");
if (testvect.size() < 2) continue;
if (newkey.GetS(testvect[0]) != testvect[1]) continue;
// Save node as nuiskey
keylist.push_back( newkey );
// Return list of keys
return keylist;
nuiskey Config::QueryLastKey(const std::string type, const std::string test1){
// Loop over all for now because I'm lazy...
std::vector<nuiskey> allkeys = Config::QueryKeys(type,test1);
if (allkeys.size() < 1) return nuiskey();
else return allkeys[allkeys.size()-1];
nuiskey Config::QueryFirstKey(const std::string type, const std::string test1){
// Loop over all for now because I'm lazy...
std::vector<nuiskey> allkeys = Config::QueryKeys(type,test1);
if (allkeys.size() < 1) return nuiskey();
else return allkeys[allkeys.size()-1];
nuiskey Config::CreateParameterKeyFromLine(const std::string line){
nuiskey parameterkey = Config::CreateKey("parameter");
// Parse
std::vector<std::string> strvct = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
// Add to key
parameterkey.AddS("type", strvct[0]);
parameterkey.AddS("name", strvct[1]);
parameterkey.AddS("nominal", strvct[2]);
if (strvct.size() == 7){
} else if (strvct.size() == 3){
return parameterkey;
bool nuiskey::Has(const std::string name){
return Config::Get().Has(fNode, name);
nuiskey Config::CreatePullKeyFromLine(const std::string line){
- nuiskey pullkey = Config::CreateKey("pull");
+ nuiskey pullkey = Config::CreateKey("covar");
// Parse
std::vector<std::string> strvct = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
pullkey.AddS("name", strvct[1]);
pullkey.AddS("input", strvct[2]);
pullkey.AddS("type", strvct[3]);
return pullkey;
nuiskey Config::CreateOldConfigKeyFromLine(const std::string line){
nuiskey configkey = Config::CreateKey("config");
std::vector<std::string> strvct = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
configkey.AddS( strvct[1], strvct[2] );
return configkey;
nuiskey Config::CreateSampleKeyFromLine(const std::string line){
// Create new key
nuiskey samplekey = Config::CreateKey("sample");
// Parse
std::vector<std::string> strvct = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(line, " ");
// Get elements
samplekey.AddS("name" , strvct[1]);
samplekey.AddS("input" , strvct[2]);
if (strvct.size() > 3){
samplekey.AddS("type", strvct[3]);
if (strvct.size() > 4){
samplekey.AddS("norm", strvct[4]);
return samplekey;
nuiskey Config::CreateKey(const std::string name){
return nuiskey(Config::Get().CreateNode(name));
void nuiskey::AddS(std::string name, std::string newval){
Config::Get().AddS(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::AddI(std::string name, int newval){
Config::Get().AddI(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::AddD(std::string name, double newval){
Config::Get().AddD(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::AddB(std::string name, bool newval){
Config::Get().AddB(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::SetS(std::string name, std::string newval){
Config::Get().SetS(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::SetI(std::string name, int newval){
Config::Get().SetI(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::SetD(std::string name, double newval){
Config::Get().SetD(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::SetB(std::string name, bool newval){
Config::Get().SetB(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::ChangeS(std::string name, std::string newval){
Config::Get().ChangeS(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::ChangeI(std::string name, int newval){
Config::Get().ChangeI(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::ChangeD(std::string name, double newval){
Config::Get().ChangeD(fNode, name, newval);
void nuiskey::ChangeB(std::string name, bool newval){
Config::Get().ChangeB(fNode, name, newval);
std::vector<std::string> nuiskey::GetAllKeys(){
return Config::Get().GetAllKeysForNode(fNode);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 6:30 PM (5 h, 35 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(200 KB)

Event Timeline