When running ScannerS with this file the program will be loaded with the 2HDM potential.
Fill the variables bellow in order to specify the ranges you wish to confine the potential parameters.
These are the following:
- Light Higgs mass mh
- Heavy Higgs mass mH
- Other scalar mass mA
- Charged Higgs mass mH+
- Mixing angle alpha
- v1/v2 angle (tan) tanbeta
- m12^2 coupling m12^2
Besides the independent parameters above you can also chose to restrict the other the values for the other couplings. You can do this by adding their min and max values below. These are m11^2, m22^2, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, lambda4 and lambda5 (don't forget to add the '>' when declaring them).
If you declare any of these parameters range it will be checked by CheckBounds() and points outside this range will be rejected.