generator()->log() << "\n\n>>> NOTE: According to the repository settings for the GoSam interface:\n" << flush;
if (theHiggsEff) generator()->log() << "\n -- GoSam will use a model with an effective ggH coupling (model=smehc).\n" << flush;
else if (!theHiggsEff) generator()->log() << "\n -- GoSam will use its default model (model=smdiag).\n" << flush;
if (theNinja) generator()->log() << " -- GoSam will use Ninja as reduction program (reduction_programs=ninja,golem95).\n" << flush;
else if (!theNinja) generator()->log() << " -- GoSam will use Samurai as reduction program (reduction_programs=samurai,golem95).\n" << flush;
if (theFormOpt) generator()->log() << " -- Form optimization switched on (extensions=autotools).\n" << flush;
else if (!theFormOpt) generator()->log() << " -- Form optimization switched off (extensions=autotools, noformopt).\n" << flush;
if (theNinja && !theFormOpt) throw Exception() << "\n\n>>> NOTE: Ninja reduction needs form optimization!\n" << Exception::abortnow;
if (gosamSetupInFileNameInterface == "") {
generator()->log() << "\n Please be aware that you are using a copy of the default GoSam input file!\n"
<< " Please note that if you need special options to be considered for the specific\n"
<< " process you are looking at (diagram filtering, etc.) these are not automatically\n"
<< " set for you. In that case please consider to specify your own GoSam input file\n"
<< " via 'set " << name() << ":SetupInFilename' in the input file.\n\n" << flush;
// If one uses a custom GoSam input file at gosamSetupInFileName = gosamSetupInFileNameInterface
// then please note that not all options in there might match the corresponding Herwig repository
// options
if (gosamSetupInFileNameInterface != "") {
generator()->log() << "\n Please be aware that you are using a custom GoSam input file!\n"
<< " Please note that if you have set the options for model, reduction_programs,\n"
<< " extensions and/or form.tempdir manually these will of course not be replaced\n"
<< " by the corresponding repository settings mentioned above.\n\n" << flush;
generator()->log() << "\n>>> NOTE: GoSam may return the set of used parameters for this process via the OLP_PrintParameter() function:\n\n"
<< " -- If Debug::level > 1, the OLP parameters are being written to file: at " << factory()->runStorage() + name() + ".OLPParameters.lh.\n\n" << flush;
static ClassDocumentation<GoSamAmplitude> documentation("GoSamAmplitude implements an interface to GoSam.", "Matrix elements have been calculated using GoSam");
"File name of the GoSam infile (typically to be used. If left empty a new is created in the location specified in Path",
static ClassDocumentation<OpenLoopsAmplitude> documentation("OpenLoopsAmplitude implements an interface to OpenLoops.","Matrix elements have been calculated using OpenLoops.");