Finally, we check that all designated constituents are actually
clustered into the considered jet.
\subsubsection{Final steps}
Knowing the rapidity span covered by the extremal partons, we can now
generate the rapdities for the partons outside jets. We perform jet
clustering on all partons and check in
\lstinline!PhaseSpacePoint::jets_ok! that all the following criteria are
\item The number of resummation jets must match the number of
fixed-order jets.
\item No partons designated to be outside jets may end up inside jets.
\item All other outgoing partons \emph{must} end up inside jets.
\item The extremal (in rapidity) partons must be inside the extremal
jets. If there is, for example, an unordered forward emission, the
most forward parton must end up inside the most forward jet and the
next parton must end up inside second jet.
\item The rapidities of fixed-order and resummation jets must match.
After this, we adjust the phase-space normalisation according to the
third line of eq.~(\ref{eq:resumdijetFKLmatched2}), determine the
flavours of the outgoing partons, and adopt any additional colourless
bosons from the fixed-order input event. Finally, we use momentum
conservation to reconstruct the momenta of the incoming partons.
+\subsection{Colour connection}
+ \input{src/ColourConnect.tex}
+ \caption{Left: Non-crossing colour flow dominating in the MRK limit. The
+ crossing of the colour line connecting to particle 2 can be resolved by
+ writing particle 2 on the left. Right: A colour flow with a (manifest)
+ colour-crossing. The crossing can only be resolved if one breaks the
+ rapidities order, e.g. switching particles 2 and 3. From~\cite{Andersen:2017sht}.}
+ \label{fig:Colour_crossing}
+After the phase space for the resummation event is generated, we can construct
+the colour for each particle. To generate the colour flow one has to call
+\lstinline!Event::generate_colours! on any \HEJ configuration. For non-\HEJ
+event we do not change the colour, and assume it is provided by the user (e.g.
+through the LHE file input). The colour connection is done in the large $N_c$
+(infinite number of colour) limit with leading colour in
+MRK~\cite{Andersen:2008ue, Andersen:2017sht}. The idea is to allow only
+$t$-channel colour exchange, without any crossing colour lines. For example the
+colour crossing in the colour connection on the left of
+figure~\ref{fig:Colour_crossing} can be resolved by switching \textit{particle
+2} to the left.
+We can write down the colour connections by following the colour flow from
+\textit{gluon a} to \textit{gluon b} and back to \textit{gluon a}, e.g.
+figure~\ref{fig:Colour_gleft} corresponds to $a123ba$. In such an expression any
+valid, non-crossing colour flow will connect all external legs while respecting
+the rapidity ordering. Thus configurations like the left of
+figure~\ref{fig:Colour_crossing} are allowed ($a134b2a$), but the right of the
+same figures breaks the rapidity ordering between 2 and 3 ($a1324ba$). Note that
+connections between $b$ and $a$ are in inverse order, e.g. $ab321a$ corresponds to~\ref{fig:Colour_gright} ($a123ba$) just with colour and anti-colour swapped.