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# eeww_polarized.sin
# Use WHIZARD's initial and final state polarization facilities to
# examine the angular distributions for all 36 helicity combinations
# in e+, e- -> W+, W-
# Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
# Wolfgang Kilian <>
# Thorsten Ohl <>
# Juergen Reuter <>
# with contributions from
# cf. main AUTHORS file
# WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Define and compile the process
model = SM
process eeww = "e+", "e-" => "W+", "W-"
# Define the beams and event count (for simulation)
sqrts = 200 GeV
beams = "e+", "e-"
n_events = 100000
# Tell WHIZARD to retain the W polarization in the generated events
polarized "W+", "W-"
# Define common description for all histograms below
$description =
"A WHIZARD 3.0 Example. $W$ pair production in polarized ILC beams at 200 GeV. Analysis for polarized $W$s."
# Define histograms for all final-state helicity combinations.
histogram cta_mm (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: -1 -1" }
histogram cta_m0 (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: -1 0" }
histogram cta_mp (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: -1 +1" }
histogram cta_0m (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: 0 -1" }
histogram cta_00 (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: 0 0" }
histogram cta_0p (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: 0 +1" }
histogram cta_pm (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: +1 -1" }
histogram cta_p0 (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: +1 0" }
histogram cta_pp (-1, 1, 0.1) { $title = "$WW$ polarization: +1 +1" }
# Loop over e+ / e- helicity
scan int hel_ep = (-1, 1) {
scan int hel_em = (-1, 1) {
# Apply the helicity setup
beams_pol_density = @(hel_ep), @(hel_em)
# (Re)calculate the integral for each initial state polarization
integrate (eeww)
# The analysis setup fills the different histograms
analysis =
if (any Hel == -1 ["W+"] and any Hel == -1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_mm (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == -1 ["W+"] and any Hel == 0 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_m0 (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == -1 ["W+"] and any Hel == +1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_mp (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == 0 ["W+"] and any Hel == -1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_0m (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == 0 ["W+"] and any Hel == 0 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_00 (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == 0 ["W+"] and any Hel == +1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_0p (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == +1 ["W+"] and any Hel == -1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_pm (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == +1 ["W+"] and any Hel == 0 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_p0 (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
elsif (any Hel == +1 ["W+"] and any Hel == +1 ["W-"] ) then
record cta_pp (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"])
# Generate events (keep the helicity information). As this takes
# some time, we request status information. The event sample has to
# be rebuilt as it is different for different initial state polarization.
$sample = sprintf "eeww%+d%+d" (hel_ep, hel_em)
# Generate a new event sample and fill histograms on the fly
simulate (eeww) {
?rebuild_events = true
?polarized_events = true
checkpoint = 10000
# Generate a PDF document with all histograms for this e+/e- helicity
compile_analysis { $out_file = $sample & ".dat" }
# Reset histograms
clear (analysis)

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:27 PM (16 h, 3 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
eeww_polarized.sin (4 KB)

Event Timeline