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diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3ff98c0..a412145 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,511 +1,518 @@
* \authors The HEJ collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
* \date 2019-2020
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#include "hej_test.hh"
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
#include "HEJ/Event.hh"
#include "HEJ/event_types.hh"
#include "HEJ/exceptions.hh"
#include "HEJ/PDG_codes.hh"
namespace {
const fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::antikt_algorithm, 0.4};
const double min_jet_pt{30.};
const std::vector<std::string> all_quarks{"-4","-1","1","2","3","4"};
const std::vector<std::string> all_partons{"g","-2","-1","1","2","3","4"};
const std::vector<std::string> all_bosons{"h", "Wp", "Wm", "Z_photon_mix"};
const std::vector<std::string> all_gZ{"photon", "Z"};
const std::vector<std::string> all_w{"W+", "W-"};
static std::mt19937_64 ran{0};
bool couple_quark(std::string const & boson, std::string & quark){
if(std::abs(HEJ::to_ParticleID(boson)) == HEJ::ParticleID::Wp){
auto qflav{ HEJ::to_ParticleID(quark) };
if(!HEJ::is_anyquark(qflav)) return false;
const int W_charge = HEJ::to_ParticleID(boson)>0?1:-1;
if(W_charge*qflav < 0 && !(std::abs(qflav)%2)) return false; // not anti-down
if(W_charge*qflav > 0 && (std::abs(qflav)%2)) return false; // not up
if(HEJ::to_ParticleID(boson) == HEJ::ParticleID::Z_photon_mix){
auto qflav{ HEJ::to_ParticleID(quark) };
if(!HEJ::is_anyquark(qflav)) return false;
return true;
- bool match_expectation( HEJ::event_type::EventType expected,
- std::array<std::string,2> const & in, std::vector<std::string> const & out,
- int const overwrite_boson = 0
+ //! Upon clustering does EventData match the expected classification
+ bool match_expectation(HEJ::event_type::EventType expected,
+ HEJ::Event::EventData evd
- HEJ::Event ev{ parse_configuration(
- in,out,overwrite_boson ).cluster(jet_def, min_jet_pt)};
+ HEJ::Event ev { evd.cluster(jet_def, min_jet_pt) };
if(ev.type() != expected){
std::cerr << "Expected type " << name(expected)
<< " but found " << name(ev.type()) << "\n" << ev;
auto jet_idx{ ev.particle_jet_indices() };
std::cout << "Particle Jet indices: ";
for(int const i: jet_idx)
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
+ //! Does match_expectation for EventData from parse_configuration
+ bool match_expectation( HEJ::event_type::EventType expected,
+ std::array<std::string,2> const & in, std::vector<std::string> const & out,
+ int const overwrite_boson = 0
+ ){
+ return match_expectation(expected, parse_configuration( in,out,overwrite_boson ));
+ }
//! test FKL configurations
//! if implemented==false : check processes that are not in HEJ yet
bool check_fkl( bool const implemented=true ){
using namespace HEJ;
auto const type{ implemented?event_type::FKL:event_type::non_resummable };
std::vector<std::string> bosons;
bosons = all_bosons;
else {
bosons = all_gZ;
for(std::string const & first: all_partons) // all quark flavours
for(std::string const & last: all_partons){
for(int njet=2; njet<=6; ++njet){ // all multiplicities
if(njet==5) continue;
std::array<std::string,2> base_in{first,last};
std::vector<std::string> base_out(njet, "g");
base_out.front() = first;
base_out.back() = last;
if(implemented && !match_expectation(type, base_in, base_out))
return false;
for(auto const & boson: bosons) // any boson
for(int pos=0; pos<=njet; ++pos){ // at any position
auto in{base_in};
auto out{base_out};
// change quark flavours for W
const bool couple_idx = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{0,1}(ran);
if(!couple_quark(boson, couple_idx?out.back():out.front()))
out.insert(out.begin()+pos, boson);
if(!match_expectation(type, in, out))
return false;
return true;
//! test unordered configurations
//! if implemented==false : check processes that are not in HEJ yet
bool check_uno( bool const implemented=true ){
using namespace HEJ;
auto const b{ implemented?event_type::unob:event_type::non_resummable };
auto const f{ implemented?event_type::unof:event_type::non_resummable };
std::vector<std::string> bosons;
if(implemented) {
bosons = all_bosons;
} else {
bosons = all_gZ;
for(std::string const & uno: all_quarks) // all quark flavours
for(std::string const & fkl: all_partons){
for(int njet=3; njet<=6; ++njet){ // all multiplicities >2
if(njet==5) continue;
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i){ // forward & backwards
std::array<std::string,2> base_in;
std::vector<std::string> base_out(njet, "g");
const int uno_pos = i?1:(njet-2);
const int fkl_pos = i?(njet-1):0;
base_in[i?0:1] = uno;
base_in[i?1:0] = fkl;
base_out[uno_pos] = uno;
base_out[fkl_pos] = fkl;
auto expectation{ i?b:f };
if( implemented
&& !match_expectation(expectation, base_in, base_out) )
return false;
for(auto const & boson: bosons){ // any boson
// at any position (higgs only inside FKL chain)
int start = 0;
int end = njet;
if(to_ParticleID(boson) == pid::higgs){
start = i?(uno_pos+1):fkl_pos;
end = i?(fkl_pos+1):uno_pos;
for(int pos=start; pos<=end; ++pos){
auto in{base_in};
auto out{base_out};
// change quark flavours for W
const bool couple_idx = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{0,1}(ran);
if(!couple_quark(boson, couple_idx?out[fkl_pos]:out[uno_pos]))
out.insert(out.begin()+pos, boson);
if(!match_expectation(expectation, in, out))
return false;
return true;
//! test extremal qqx configurations
//! if implemented==false : check processes that are not in HEJ yet
bool check_extremal_qqx( bool const implemented=true ){
using namespace HEJ;
auto const b{ implemented?event_type::qqxexb:event_type::non_resummable };
auto const f{ implemented?event_type::qqxexf:event_type::non_resummable };
std::vector<std::string> bosons;
bosons = all_w;
else {
bosons = all_gZ;
for(std::string const & qqx: all_quarks) // all quark flavours
for(std::string const & fkl: all_partons){
std::string const qqx2{ std::to_string(HEJ::to_ParticleID(qqx)*-1) };
for(int njet=3; njet<=6; ++njet){ // all multiplicities >2
if(njet==5) continue;
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i){ // forward & backwards
std::array<std::string,2> base_in;
std::vector<std::string> base_out(njet, "g");
const int qqx_pos = i?0:(njet-2);
const int fkl_pos = i?(njet-1):0;
base_in[i?0:1] = "g";
base_in[i?1:0] = fkl;
base_out[fkl_pos] = fkl;
base_out[qqx_pos] = qqx;
base_out[qqx_pos+1] = qqx2;
auto expectation{ i?b:f };
if( implemented
&& !match_expectation(expectation, base_in, base_out) )
return false;
for(auto const & boson: bosons){ // all bosons
// at any position (higgs only inside FKL chain)
int start = 0;
int end = njet;
if(to_ParticleID(boson) == pid::higgs){
start = i?(qqx_pos+2):fkl_pos;
end = i?(fkl_pos+1):qqx_pos;
for(int pos=start; pos<=end; ++pos){
auto in{base_in};
auto out{base_out};
// change quark flavours for W
const bool couple_idx = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{0,1}(ran);
if(couple_idx || !couple_quark(boson, out[fkl_pos]) ){
// (randomly) try couple to FKL, else fall-back to qqx
if(!couple_quark(boson, out[qqx_pos]))
couple_quark(boson, out[qqx_pos+1]);
out.insert(out.begin()+pos, boson);
if(!match_expectation(expectation, in, out))
return false;
// test allowed jet configurations
if( implemented){
if( !( match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -3)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -4)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -5)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -5)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -6)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -7)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -7)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -8)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -8)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -9)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -10)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -11)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -11)
&& match_expectation(f,{fkl,"g"},{fkl,"g","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -12)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g",fkl},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","g",fkl}, -12)
return false;
if (fkl == "2") {
if( !( match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","Wp","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -3)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","Wp","g","g","1"}, -4)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","Wp","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -5)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","Wp","g","g","1"}, -5)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","g","Wp","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -6)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","g","g","g","Wp",qqx,qqx2}, -7)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","Wp","1"}, -7)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","Wp","g","g","g",qqx,qqx2}, -8)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"Wp","g","g","g","1"}, -8)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","Wp","g","g","1"}, -9)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","g","g","g","Wp",qqx,qqx2}, -10)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","g","g","g","Wp",qqx,qqx2}, -11)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","g","g","Wp","1"}, -11)
&& match_expectation(f,{"2","g"},{"1","g","g","g","Wp",qqx,qqx2}, -12)
&& match_expectation(b,{"g","2"},{qqx,qqx2,"g","Wp","g","g","1"}, -12)
return false;
return true;
//! test central qqx configurations
//! if implemented==false : check processes that are not in HEJ yet
bool check_central_qqx(bool const implemented=true){
using namespace HEJ;
auto const t{ implemented?event_type::qqxmid:event_type::non_resummable };
std::vector<std::string> bosons;
bosons = all_w;
else {
bosons = all_gZ;
for(std::string const & qqx: all_quarks) // all quark flavours
for(std::string const & fkl1: all_partons)
for(std::string const & fkl2: all_partons){
std::string const qqx2{ std::to_string(HEJ::to_ParticleID(qqx)*-1) };
for(int njet=4; njet<=6; ++njet){ // all multiplicities >3
if(njet==5) continue;
for(int qqx_pos=1; qqx_pos<njet-2; ++qqx_pos){ // any qqx position
std::array<std::string,2> base_in;
std::vector<std::string> base_out(njet, "g");
base_in[0] = fkl1;
base_in[1] = fkl2;
base_out.front() = fkl1;
base_out.back() = fkl2;
base_out[qqx_pos] = qqx;
base_out[qqx_pos+1] = qqx2;
if( implemented && !match_expectation(t, base_in, base_out) )
return false;
for(auto const & boson: bosons) // any boson
for(int pos=0; pos<=njet; ++pos){ // at any position
if( to_ParticleID(boson) == pid::higgs
&& (pos==qqx_pos || pos==qqx_pos+1) )
auto in{base_in};
auto out{base_out};
// change quark flavours for W
const int couple_idx{ std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{0,2}(ran) };
// (randomly) try couple to FKL, else fall-back to qqx
if( couple_idx == 0 && couple_quark(boson, out.front()) ){}
else if( couple_idx == 1 && couple_quark(boson, out.back()) ){}
else {
if(!couple_quark(boson, out[qqx_pos]))
couple_quark(boson, out[qqx_pos+1]);
out.insert(out.begin()+pos, boson);
if(!match_expectation(t, in, out))
return false;
return true;
// this checks a (non excessive) list of non-resummable states
bool check_non_resummable(){
auto type{ HEJ::event_type::non_resummable};
// 2j - crossing lines
match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"2","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"g","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-1"}, {"-1","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"2","g","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"2","h","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-1"}, {"h","-1","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"Wp","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-1"}, {"-2","Wp","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"4","g"}, {"g","3","Wp"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-2"}, {"-1","Wm","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","3"}, {"4","g","Wm"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","3"}, {"Wm","4","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"Z_photon_mix","2","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-1"}, {"-1","Z_photon_mix","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"4","g"}, {"g","4","Z_photon_mix"})
// 2j - qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"-2","2","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"-4","Wp","3"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"Wm","-1","2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"-3","Z_photon_mix","3"})
// 3j - crossing lines
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"4","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"g","g","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","3"}, {"3","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-2","2"}, {"2","g","-2","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-3","g"}, {"g","g","Wp","-4"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-2"}, {"Wm","-1","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"1","-1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-4"}, {"Z_photon_mix","-4","g","1"})
// higgs inside uno
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"g","h","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","1"}, {"g","h","-1","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"g","2","h","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","1"}, {"-1","1","h","g"})
// higgs outside uno
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"h","g","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","1"}, {"-1","1","g","h"})
// higgs inside qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"-1","h","1","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","-1","h","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","g","2","h","-2"})
// higgs outside qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"h","-1","1","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","g","2","-2","h"})
// 4j - two uno
&& match_expectation(type, {"-2","2"}, {"g","-2","2","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","3"}, {"g","1","h","3","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"g","1","3","Wp","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-2"}, {"g","Wm","1","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"3","2"}, {"g","3","Z_photon_mix","2","g"})
// 4j - two gluon outside
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"g","4","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","3"}, {"1","3","h","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"1","3","g","Wp","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-2"}, {"1","Wm","-1","g","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"g","g","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","3"}, {"g","g","1","3","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"g","g","1","Wp","3"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-2"}, {"Wm","g","g","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","2"}, {"g","g","-1","Z_photon_mix","2"})
// 4j - ggx+uno
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"1","-1","4","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","g"}, {"g","2","-3","3"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"1","-1","h","4","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","g"}, {"g","2","-3","3","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"Wp","1","-1","3","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","g"}, {"g","2","-4","Wp","3"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","4"}, {"2","Wm","-1","4","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","g"}, {"g","2","Wp","-3","4"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-4","g"}, {"g","-4","-3","3","Z_photon_mix"})
// 3j - crossing+uno
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","4"}, {"g","4","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","4"}, {"4","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","4"}, {"g","h","4","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","-3"},{"Wm","g","-4","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","4"}, {"3","1","Wp","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","4"}, {"3","1","g","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","3"}, {"3","2","Z_photon_mix","g"})
// 3j - crossing+qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"-1","1","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"-1","1","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","1","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"2","-2","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"2","-2","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","-2","2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","1","-2","2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"-1","1","h","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"-1","h","1","1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","1","h","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"h","g","1","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"2","-2","1","g","h"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","h","1","-2","2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"Wp","3","-4","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"3","g"}, {"-2","Wm","1","3","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","Wm","-3","4"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","-3"}, {"g","-3","-1","Wp","2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","2"}, {"2","g","Z_photon_mix","4","-4"})
// 4j- gluon in qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","-1","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"1","-1","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"1","g","Wm","-2","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"2","g"}, {"2","-2","g","Wp","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"Wp","3","g","-4","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"1","h","-1","g","1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"3","g"}, {"3","1","g","Z_photon_mix","-1"})
// 6j - two qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-1","g","g","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-1","g","1","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","-1","g","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","-1","1","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","1","-1","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"h","1","-1","g","g","1","-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","Wp","-2","g","1","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","Wp","-1","g","1","-2"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","-1","Wm","2","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","1","2","-1","Wm","-1","g"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"2","-2","g","-1","1","Z_photon_mix","g"})
// random stuff (can be non-physical)
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-2","2","-1"}) // != 2 qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-2","2","g"}) // could be qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"e+","e-"},{"1","-1"}) // bad initial state
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","e-"}, {"g","1","Wm"}) // bad initial state
&& match_expectation(type, {"h","g"}, {"g","g"}) // bad initial state
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"-1","1","1"}) // bad qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"1","1","-1"}) // crossing in bad qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"-1","g"}, {"-2","1","1","Wp"}) // bad qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"1","-1","g","g","g","2"}) // bad qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","2"}, {"1","-1","-2","g","g","2"}) // gluon in bad qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"-1","2","g","g"}) // wrong back qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","g","2","1"}) // wrong forward qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","-2","1","g"}) // wrong central qqx
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"1","-2","g","g","Wp"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","g","-2","1","Wp"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","g","Wp","-2","1"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","1"}, {"g","-2","1","g","Wp"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","g","g","-2","1","-1","Wp"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","g"}, {"g","Wp","1","-2","g"}) // extra quark
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"1","-1","-2","g","g","g","Wp"}) // extra quark
// Two boson states, that are currently not implemented
bool check_bad_FS(){
auto type{ HEJ::event_type::bad_final_state};
match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g","p","p","g"}) // protons
&& match_expectation(type, {"-4","-1"},{"-4","g","11","-11","-2"}) // leptons should be in decay
&& match_expectation(type, {"-4","-1"},{"-4","g","-13","g","-2"}) // leptons should be in decay
// not 2 jets
bool check_not_2_jets(){
auto type{ HEJ::event_type::no_2_jets};
match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {})
&& match_expectation(type, {"1","-1"}, {})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","-1"}, {"-1"})
&& match_expectation(type, {"g","g"}, {"g"})
// not implemented processes
bool check_not_implemented(){
return check_fkl(false)
&& check_uno(false)
&& check_extremal_qqx(false)
&& check_central_qqx(false);
int main() {
// tests for "no false negatives"
// i.e. all HEJ-configurations get classified correctly
if(!check_fkl()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_uno()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_extremal_qqx()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_central_qqx()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
// test for "no false positive"
// i.e. non-resummable gives non-resummable
if(!check_non_resummable()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_bad_FS()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_not_2_jets()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
if(!check_not_implemented()) return EXIT_FAILURE;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:22 PM (8 h, 16 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(25 KB)

Event Timeline