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--- a/Hadronization/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2077 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-// Thisk is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
-// functions of the SoftClusterFissioner class.
-#include "SoftClusterFissioner.h"
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h>
-#include <ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h>
-#include "Herwig/Utilities/Kinematics.h"
-#include "Cluster.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
-#include <ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h>
-#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParMap.h"
-#include "Herwig/Utilities/AlphaS.h"
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace Herwig;
-// Initialize counters
-unsigned int SoftClusterFissioner::_counterMaxLoopViolations=0;
-unsigned int SoftClusterFissioner::_counterPaccGreater1=0;
-unsigned int SoftClusterFissioner::_counterFissionMatrixElement=0;
-SoftClusterFissioner::SoftClusterFissioner() :
- _allowHadronFinalStates(2),
- _massSampler(0),
- _phaseSpaceSamplerCluster(0),
- _phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent(0),
- _matrixElement(0),
- _fissionApproach(0),
- _powerLawPower(0.0),
- _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement(5000000),
- _safetyFactorMatrixElement(10.0),
- _epsilonIR(1.0),
- _failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement(0),
- _writeOut(0)
- if (_counterMaxLoopViolations){
- std::cout << "WARNING: There have been "
- << _counterMaxLoopViolations
- << "/" << _counterFissionMatrixElement
- << " Maximum tries violations during the Simulation! ("
- << 100.0*double(_counterMaxLoopViolations)/double(_counterFissionMatrixElement)
- << " %)\n"
- << "You may want to reduce SoftClusterFissioner:SafetyFactorOverEst (=>potentially Pacc>=1) "
- << "and/or increase SoftClusterFissioner:MaxLoopMatrixElement (=>slower performance)\n";
- }
- if (_counterPaccGreater1){
- std::cout << "WARNING: There have been "
- << _counterPaccGreater1
- << "/" << _counterFissionMatrixElement
- << " Pacc>=1 exceptions during the Simulation! ("
- << 100.0*double(_counterPaccGreater1)/double(_counterFissionMatrixElement)
- << " %)\n"
- << "You may want to increase SoftClusterFissioner:SafetyFactorOverEst to reduce this "
- << "\nNOTE: look at the log file and look for the larges Pacc accepted and multiply "
- << "\n SoftClusterFissioner:SafetyFactorOverEst by this factor";
- }
-IBPtr SoftClusterFissioner::clone() const {
- return new_ptr(*this);
-IBPtr SoftClusterFissioner::fullclone() const {
- return new_ptr(*this);
-void SoftClusterFissioner::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
- os << _allowHadronFinalStates
- << _massSampler
- << _phaseSpaceSamplerCluster
- << _phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent
- << _matrixElement
- << _fissionApproach
- << _powerLawPower
- << _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement
- << _safetyFactorMatrixElement
- << _epsilonIR
- << _failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement
- << _writeOut
- ;
-void SoftClusterFissioner::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
- is >> _allowHadronFinalStates
- >> _massSampler
- >> _phaseSpaceSamplerCluster
- >> _phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent
- >> _matrixElement
- >> _fissionApproach
- >> _powerLawPower
- >> _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement
- >> _safetyFactorMatrixElement
- >> _epsilonIR
- >> _failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement
- >> _writeOut
- ;
- void printV(Lorentz5Momentum p) {
- std::cout << "("<<p.e()/GeV<<"|"<<p.vect().x()/GeV<<","<<p.vect().y()/GeV<<","<<p.vect().z()/GeV<<") Mass = "<<p.mass()/GeV<<" m = "<<p.m()/GeV<<"\n";
- }
-void SoftClusterFissioner::doinit() {
- ClusterFissioner::doinit();
- // TODO: Some User warnings/errors but not complete list
- if (_matrixElement!=0 && _fissionApproach==0) generator()->logWarning( Exception(
- "For non-trivial MatrixElement you need to enable FissionApproach=New or Hybrid\n",
- Exception::warning));
-void SoftClusterFissioner::Init() {
- static ClassDocumentation<SoftClusterFissioner> documentation
- ("Class responsibles for chopping up the clusters");
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceFissionApproach
- ("FissionApproach",
- "Option for different Cluster Fission approaches",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_fissionApproach, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachDefault
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "Default",
- "Default Herwig-7.3.0 cluster fission without restructuring",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachNew
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "New",
- "New cluster fission which allows to choose MassSampler"
- ", PhaseSpaceSampler and MatrixElement",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachHybrid
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "Hybrid",
- "New cluster fission which allows to choose MassSampler"
- ", PhaseSpaceSampler and MatrixElement, but uses Default"
- " Approach for BeamClusters",
- 2);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachPreservePert
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "PreservePert",
- "New cluster fission which allows to choose MassSampler"
- ", PhaseSpaceSampler and MatrixElement, but uses Default"
- " Approach for BeamClusters",
- 3);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachPreserveNonPert
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "PreserveNonPert",
- "New cluster fission which allows to choose MassSampler"
- ", PhaseSpaceSampler and MatrixElement, but uses Default"
- " Approach for BeamClusters",
- 4);
- static SwitchOption interfaceFissionApproachPreserveFirstPert
- (interfaceFissionApproach,
- "PreserveFirstPert",
- "New cluster fission which allows to choose MassSampler"
- ", PhaseSpaceSampler and MatrixElement, but uses Default"
- " Approach for BeamClusters",
- 5);
- // Switch C->H1,C2 C->H1,H2 on or off
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceAllowHadronFinalStates
- ("AllowHadronFinalStates",
- "Option for allowing hadron final states of cluster fission",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_allowHadronFinalStates, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceAllowHadronFinalStatesNone
- (interfaceAllowHadronFinalStates,
- "None",
- "Option for disabling hadron final states of cluster fission",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceAllowHadronFinalStatesSemiHadronicOnly
- (interfaceAllowHadronFinalStates,
- "SemiHadronicOnly",
- "Option for allowing hadron final states of cluster fission of type C->H1,C2 "
- "(NOT YET USABLE WITH MatrixElement only use option None)",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfaceAllowHadronFinalStatesAll
- (interfaceAllowHadronFinalStates,
- "All",
- "Option for allowing hadron final states of cluster fission "
- "of type C->H1,C2 or C->H1,H2 "
- "(NOT YET USABLE WITH MatrixElement only use option None)",
- 2);
- // Mass Sampler Switch
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceMassSampler
- ("MassSampler",
- "Option for different Mass sampling options",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_massSampler, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMassSamplerDefault
- (interfaceMassSampler,
- "Default",
- "Choose H7.2.3 default mass sampling using PSplitX",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMassSamplerUniform
- (interfaceMassSampler,
- "Uniform",
- "Choose Uniform Mass sampling in M1,M2 space",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMassSamplerFlatPhaseSpace
- (interfaceMassSampler,
- "FlatPhaseSpace",
- "Choose Flat Phase Space sampling of Mass in M1,M2 space (Recommended)",
- 2);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMassSamplerPhaseSpacePowerLaw
- (interfaceMassSampler,
- "PhaseSpacePowerLaw",
- "Choose Phase Space times a power law sampling of Mass in M1,M2 space.",
- 3);
- static Parameter<SoftClusterFissioner,double>
- interfaceMassPowerLaw("MassPowerLaw",
- "power of mass power law modulation of FlatPhaseSpace",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_powerLawPower, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0,
- false,false,false);
- // Phase Space Sampler Switch
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerCluster
- ("PhaseSpaceSamplerCluster",
- "Option for different phase space sampling options",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_phaseSpaceSamplerCluster, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerClusterAligned
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerCluster,
- "Aligned",
- "Draw the momentum of child clusters to be aligned"
- " the relative momentum of the mother cluster",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerClusterIsotropic
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerCluster,
- "Isotropic",
- "Draw the momentum of child clusters to be isotropic"
- " the relative momentum of the mother cluster",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerClusterTchannel
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerCluster,
- "Tchannel",
- "Draw the momentum of child clusters to be t-channel like"
- " the relative momentum of the mother cluster"
- " i.e. cosTheta ~ 1/(1+A-cosTheta)^2",
- 2);
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituents
- ("PhaseSpaceSamplerConstituents",
- "Option for different phase space sampling options",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituentsAligned
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituents,
- "Aligned",
- "Draw the momentum of the constituents of the child clusters "
- "to be aligned relative to the direction of the child cluster",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituentsIsotropic
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituents,
- "Isotropic",
- "Draw the momentum of the constituents of the child clusters "
- "to be isotropic relative to the direction of the child cluster",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituentsTchannel
- (interfacePhaseSpaceSamplerConstituents,
- "Exponential",
- "Draw the momentum of the constituents of the child clusters "
- "to be exponential relative to the direction of the child cluster"
- " i.e. cosTheta ~ exp(lam*(cosTheta-1)",
- 2);
- // Matrix Element Choice Switch
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceMatrixElement
- ("MatrixElement",
- "Option for different Matrix Element options",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_matrixElement, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMatrixElementDefault
- (interfaceMatrixElement,
- "Default",
- "Choose trivial matrix element i.e. whatever comes from the mass and "
- "phase space sampling",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMatrixElementSoftQQbarFinalFinal
- (interfaceMatrixElement,
- "SoftQQbarFinalFinal",
- "Choose Soft p1,p2->q1,q2,g*->q1,q2,q,qbar matrix element"
- "NOTE: Here the matrix element depends on qi.q(bar)",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMatrixElementSoftQQbarInitialFinal
- (interfaceMatrixElement,
- "SoftQQbarInitialFinal",
- "Choose Soft p1,p2->q1,q2,g*->q1,q2,q,qbar matrix element "
- "NOTE: Here the matrix element depends on pi.q(bar)",
- 2);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMatrixElementTest
- (interfaceMatrixElement,
- "Test",
- "Choose Soft p1,p2->q1,q2,g*->q1,q2,q,qbar matrix element "
- "NOTE: Here the matrix element depends on pi.q(bar)",
- 4);
- static SwitchOption interfaceMatrixElementSoftQQbarInitialFinalTchannel
- (interfaceMatrixElement,
- "SoftQQbarInitialFinalTchannel",
- "Choose Soft p1,p2->q1,q2,g*->q1,q2,q,qbar matrix element "
- "NOTE: Here the matrix element depends on pi.q(bar)",
- 5);
- // Technical Max loop parameter for New ClusterFission approach and Matrix Element
- // Rejection sampling
- static Parameter<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceMaxLoopMatrixElement
- ("MaxLoopMatrixElement",
- "Technical Parameter for how many tries are allowed to sample the "
- "Cluster Fission matrix element before reverting to fissioning "
- "using the default Fission Aproach",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_maxLoopFissionMatrixElement, 5000000, 100, 1e8,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceFailModeMaxLoopMatrixElement
- ("FailModeMaxLoopMatrixElement",
- "How to fail if we try more often than MaxLoopMatrixElement",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionOldFission
- (interfaceFailModeMaxLoopMatrixElement,
- "OldFission",
- "Use old Cluster Fission Aproach if we try more often than MaxLoopMatrixElement",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionRejectEvent
- (interfaceFailModeMaxLoopMatrixElement,
- "RejectEvent",
- "Reject Event if we try more often than MaxLoopMatrixElement",
- 1);
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceDiquarkClusterFission
- ("DiquarkClusterFission",
- "Allow clusters to fission to 1 or 2 diquark Clusters or Turn off diquark fission completely",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_diquarkClusterFission, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionAll
- (interfaceDiquarkClusterFission,
- "All",
- "Allow diquark clusters and baryon clusters to fission to new diquark Clusters",
- 2);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionOnlyBaryonClusters
- (interfaceDiquarkClusterFission,
- "OnlyBaryonClusters",
- "Allow only baryon clusters to fission to new diquark Clusters",
- 1);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionNo
- (interfaceDiquarkClusterFission,
- "No",
- "Don't allow clusters to fission to new diquark Clusters",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceDiquarkClusterFissionOff
- (interfaceDiquarkClusterFission,
- "Off",
- "Don't allow clusters fission to draw diquarks ",
- -1);
- // Matrix Element Choice Switch
- static Parameter<SoftClusterFissioner,double>
- interfaceSafetyFactorOverEst("SafetyFactorOverEst","Safety factor with which the numerical overestimate is calculated",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_safetyFactorMatrixElement, 0, 10.0, 1.0, 1000.0,false,false,false);
- // Matrix Element IR cutoff
- static Parameter<SoftClusterFissioner,double>
- interfaceMatrixElementIRCutOff("MatrixElementIRCutOff","IR CutOff for MatrixElement with IR divergences. "
- "for MatrixElement SoftQQbarInitialFinalTchannel e.g. such that 1/(t^2)->1/((t-_epsilonIR*mGluonConst^2)^2)",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_epsilonIR, 0, 0.01, 1e-6, 1000.0,false,false,false);
- // Matrix Element Choice Switch
- static Switch<SoftClusterFissioner,int> interfaceWriteOut
- ("WriteOut",
- "Option for different Matrix Element options",
- &SoftClusterFissioner::_writeOut, 0, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceWriteOutNo
- (interfaceWriteOut,
- "No",
- "Choose trivial matrix element i.e. whatever comes from the mass and "
- "phase space sampling",
- 0);
- static SwitchOption interfaceWriteOutYes
- (interfaceWriteOut,
- "Yes",
- "Choose Soft q1,q2->q1,q2,g*->q1,q2,q,qbar matrix element",
- 1);
-tPVector SoftClusterFissioner::fission(ClusterVector & clusters, bool softUEisOn) {
- // return if no clusters
- if (clusters.empty()) return tPVector();
- /*****************
- * Loop over the (input) collection of cluster pointers, and store in
- * the vector splitClusters all the clusters that need to be split
- * (these are beam clusters, if soft underlying event is off, and
- * heavy non-beam clusters).
- ********************/
- stack<ClusterPtr> splitClusters;
- for(ClusterVector::iterator it = clusters.begin() ;
- it != clusters.end() ; ++it) {
- /**************
- * Skip 3-component clusters that have been redefined (as 2-component
- * clusters) or not available clusters. The latter check is indeed
- * redundant now, but it is used for possible future extensions in which,
- * for some reasons, some of the clusters found by ClusterFinder are tagged
- * straight away as not available.
- **************/
- if((*it)->isRedefined() || !(*it)->isAvailable()) continue;
- // if the cluster is a beam cluster add it to the vector of clusters
- // to be split or if it is heavy
- if((*it)->isBeamCluster() || isHeavy(*it)) splitClusters.push(*it);
- }
- tPVector finalhadrons;
- cut(splitClusters, clusters, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- return finalhadrons;
-void SoftClusterFissioner::cut(stack<ClusterPtr> & clusterStack,
- ClusterVector &clusters, tPVector & finalhadrons,
- bool softUEisOn) {
- /**************************************************
- * This method does the splitting of the cluster pointed by cluPtr
- * and "recursively" by all of its cluster children, if heavy. All of these
- * new children clusters are added (indeed the pointers to them) to the
- * collection of cluster pointers collecCluPtr. The method works as follows.
- * Initially the vector vecCluPtr contains just the input pointer to the
- * cluster to be split. Then it will be filled "recursively" by all
- * of the cluster's children that are heavy enough to require, in their turn,
- * to be split. In each loop, the last element of the vector vecCluPtr is
- * considered (only once because it is then removed from the vector).
- * This approach is conceptually recursive, but avoid the overhead of
- * a concrete recursive function. Furthermore it requires minimal changes
- * in the case that the fission of an heavy cluster could produce more
- * than two cluster children as assumed now.
- *
- * Draw the masses: for normal, non-beam clusters a power-like mass dist
- * is used, whereas for beam clusters a fast-decreasing exponential mass
- * dist is used instead (to avoid many iterative splitting which could
- * produce an unphysical large transverse energy from a supposed soft beam
- * remnant process).
- ****************************************/
- // Here we recursively loop over clusters in the stack and cut them
- while (!clusterStack.empty()) {
- // take the last element of the vector
- ClusterPtr iCluster =; clusterStack.pop();
- // split it
- cutType ct = iCluster->numComponents() == 2 ?
- cutTwo(iCluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn) :
- cutThree(iCluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- // There are cases when we don't want to split, even if it fails mass test
- if(!ct.first.first || !ct.second.first) {
- // if an unsplit beam cluster leave if for the underlying event
- if(iCluster->isBeamCluster() && softUEisOn)
- iCluster->isAvailable(false);
- continue;
- }
- // check if clusters
- ClusterPtr one = dynamic_ptr_cast<ClusterPtr>(ct.first.first);
- ClusterPtr two = dynamic_ptr_cast<ClusterPtr>(ct.second.first);
- // is a beam cluster must be split into two clusters
- if(iCluster->isBeamCluster() && (!one||!two) && softUEisOn) {
- iCluster->isAvailable(false);
- continue;
- }
- // There should always be a intermediate quark(s) from the splitting
- assert(ct.first.second && ct.second.second);
- /// \todo sort out motherless quark pairs here. Watch out for 'quark in final state' errors
- iCluster->addChild(ct.first.first);
- // iCluster->addChild(ct.first.second);
- // ct.first.second->addChild(ct.first.first);
- iCluster->addChild(ct.second.first);
- // iCluster->addChild(ct.second.second);
- // ct.second.second->addChild(ct.second.first);
- // Sometimes the clusters decay C -> H + C' or C -> H + H' rather then C -> C' + C''
- if(one) {
- clusters.push_back(one);
- if(one->isBeamCluster() && softUEisOn)
- one->isAvailable(false);
- if(isHeavy(one) && one->isAvailable())
- clusterStack.push(one);
- }
- if(two) {
- clusters.push_back(two);
- if(two->isBeamCluster() && softUEisOn)
- two->isAvailable(false);
- if(isHeavy(two) && two->isAvailable())
- clusterStack.push(two);
- }
- }
-SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo(ClusterPtr & cluster, tPVector & finalhadrons,
- bool softUEisOn) {
- switch (_fissionApproach)
- {
- case 0:
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- break;
- case 1:
- return cutTwoMatrixElement(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (cluster->isBeamCluster()) {
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- }
- else {
- return cutTwoMatrixElement(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- {
- bool isPert=false;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cluster->numComponents(); i++)
- {
- if (cluster->isPerturbative(i))
- isPert=true;
- }
- if (isPert)
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- else
- return cutTwoMatrixElement(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- bool isPert=false;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cluster->numComponents(); i++)
- {
- if (cluster->isPerturbative(i))
- isPert=true;
- }
- if (!isPert)
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- else
- return cutTwoMatrixElement(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- bool isPert=true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cluster->numComponents(); i++)
- {
- if (!cluster->isPerturbative(i)) {
- isPert=false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (isPert)
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- else
- return cutTwoMatrixElement(cluster, finalhadrons, softUEisOn);
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
-namespace {
-int areNotSame(const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,const Lorentz5Momentum & p2){
- double tol=1e-5;
- if (abs(p1.vect().x()-p2.vect().x())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing x " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2) << abs(p1.vect().x()-p2.vect().x())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- if (abs(p1.vect().y()-p2.vect().y())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing y " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p1.vect().y()-p2.vect().y())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 2;
- }
- if (abs(p1.vect().z()-p2.vect().z())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing z " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p1.vect().z()-p2.vect().z())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 3;
- }
- if (abs(p1.e()-p2.e())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing e " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p1.e()-p2.e())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 4;
- }
- if (abs(p1.m()-p2.m())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing m " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p1.m()-p2.m())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 4;
- }
- if (abs(p1.m()-p1.mass())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing p1 m - mass " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p1.m()-p1.mass())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 4;
- }
- if (abs(p2.m()-p2.mass())>tol*GeV){
- std::cout << "disagreeing p2 m - mass " <<std::setprecision(-log10(tol)+2)<< abs(p2.m()-p2.mass())/GeV<< std::endl;
- return 4;
- }
- return 0;
-SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwoMatrixElement(ClusterPtr & cluster, tPVector & finalhadrons,
- bool softUEisOn) {
- // need to make sure only 2-cpt clusters get here
- assert(cluster->numComponents() == 2);
- tPPtr ptrQ1 = cluster->particle(0);
- tPPtr ptrQ2 = cluster->particle(1);
- Energy Mc = cluster->mass();
- // TODO BEGIN Changed comp to default
- if ( Mc < spectrum()->massLightestHadronPair(ptrQ1->dataPtr(),ptrQ2->dataPtr())) {
- static const PPtr null = PPtr();
- return cutType(PPair(null,null),PPair(null,null));
- }
- // TODO END Changed comp to default
- assert(ptrQ1);
- assert(ptrQ2);
- // And check if those particles are from a beam remnant
- bool rem1 = cluster->isBeamRemnant(0);
- bool rem2 = cluster->isBeamRemnant(1);
- // workout which distribution to use
- bool soft1(false),soft2(false);
- switch (_iopRem) {
- case 0:
- soft1 = rem1 || rem2;
- soft2 = rem2 || rem1;
- break;
- case 1:
- soft1 = rem1;
- soft2 = rem2;
- break;
- }
- // Initialization for the exponential ("soft") mass distribution.
- int counter_MEtry = 0;
- Energy Mc1 = ZERO;
- Energy Mc2 = ZERO;
- Energy m = ZERO;
- Energy m1 = ptrQ1->data().constituentMass();
- Energy m2 = ptrQ2->data().constituentMass();
- Energy mMin = getParticleData(ParticleID::d)->constituentMass();
- // Minimal threshold for non-zero Mass PhaseSpace
- if ( Mc < (m1 + m2 + 2*mMin )) {
- static const PPtr null = PPtr();
- return cutType(PPair(null,null),PPair(null,null));
- }
- tcPDPtr toHadron1, toHadron2;
- PPtr newPtr1 = PPtr ();
- PPtr newPtr2 = PPtr ();
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu1, pClu2, pQ1, pQone, pQtwo, pQ2;
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu = cluster->momentum(); // known
- const Lorentz5Momentum p0Q1 = ptrQ1->momentum(); // known (mom Q1 before fission)
- const Lorentz5Momentum p0Q2 = ptrQ2->momentum(); // known (mom Q2 before fission)
- // where to return to in case of rejected sample
- enum returnTo {
- FlavourSampling,
- MassSampling,
- PhaseSpaceSampling,
- MatrixElementSampling,
- Done
- };
- // start with FlavourSampling
- returnTo retTo=FlavourSampling;
- int letFissionToXHadrons = _allowHadronFinalStates;
- // if a beam cluster not allowed to decay to hadrons
- if (cluster->isBeamCluster() && softUEisOn) letFissionToXHadrons = 0;
- // ### Flavour, Mass, PhaseSpace and MatrixElement Sampling loop until accepted: ###
- bool escape = false;
- double weightMasses,weightPhaseSpaceAngles;
- do
- {
- switch (retTo)
- {
- case FlavourSampling:
- {
- // ## Flavour sampling and kinematic constraints ##
- drawNewFlavour(newPtr1,newPtr2,cluster);
- // get a flavour for the qqbar pair
- // check for right ordering
- assert (ptrQ2);
- assert (newPtr2);
- assert (ptrQ2->dataPtr());
- assert (newPtr2->dataPtr());
- // careful if DiquarkClusters can exist
- bool Q1diq = DiquarkMatcher::Check(ptrQ1->id());
- bool Q2diq = DiquarkMatcher::Check(ptrQ2->id());
- bool newQ1diq = DiquarkMatcher::Check(newPtr1->id());
- bool newQ2diq = DiquarkMatcher::Check(newPtr2->id());
- bool diqClu1 = Q1diq && newQ1diq;
- bool diqClu2 = Q2diq && newQ2diq;
- // DEBUG only:
- // std::cout << "Make Clusters: ( " << ptrQ1->PDGName() << " " << newPtr1->PDGName() << " ), ( "
- // << ptrQ2->PDGName() << " " << newPtr2->PDGName() << " )\n";
- // check if Hadron formation is possible
- if (!( diqClu1 || diqClu2 )
- && (cantMakeHadron(ptrQ1, newPtr1) || cantMakeHadron(ptrQ2, newPtr2))) {
- swap(newPtr1, newPtr2);
- // check again
- if(cantMakeHadron(ptrQ1, newPtr1) || cantMakeHadron(ptrQ2, newPtr2)) {
- throw Exception()
- << "SoftClusterFissioner cannot split the cluster ("
- << ptrQ1->PDGName() << ' ' << ptrQ2->PDGName()
- << ") into hadrons.\n"
- << "drawn Flavour: "<< newPtr1->PDGName()<<"\n"<< Exception::runerror;
- }
- }
- else if ( diqClu1 || diqClu2 ){
- bool swapped=false;
- if ( !diqClu1 && cantMakeHadron(ptrQ1,newPtr1) ) {
- swap(newPtr1, newPtr2);
- swapped=true;
- }
- if ( !diqClu2 && cantMakeHadron(ptrQ2,newPtr2) ) {
- assert(!swapped);
- swap(newPtr1, newPtr2);
- }
- if ( diqClu2 && diqClu1 && ptrQ1->id()*newPtr1->id()>0 ) {
- assert(!swapped);
- swap(newPtr1, newPtr2);
- }
- if (!diqClu1) assert(!cantMakeHadron(ptrQ1,newPtr1));
- if (!diqClu2) assert(!cantMakeHadron(ptrQ2,newPtr2));
- }
- // Check that new clusters can produce particles and there is enough
- // phase space to choose the drawn flavour
- m = newPtr1->data().constituentMass();
- // Do not split in the case there is no phase space available + permille security
- double eps=0.1;
- if(Mc < (1+eps)*(m1 + m + m2 + m)) {
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- // escape if no flavour phase space possibile without fission
- if (fabs((m - mMin)/GeV) < 1e-3) {
- escape = true;
- retTo = Done;
- }
- continue;
- }
- pQ1.setMass(m1);
- pQone.setMass(m);
- pQtwo.setMass(m);
- pQ2.setMass(m2);
- // Determined the (5-components) momenta (all in the LAB frame)
- // p0Q1.setMass(ptrQ1->mass()); // known (mom Q1 before fission)
- // p0Q1.rescaleEnergy(); // TODO check if needed
- // p0Q2.setMass(ptrQ2->mass()); // known (mom Q2 before fission)
- // p0Q2.rescaleEnergy();// TODO check if needed
- pClu.rescaleMass();
- Energy MLHP1 = spectrum()->hadronPairThreshold(ptrQ1->dataPtr(),newPtr1->dataPtr());
- Energy MLHP2 = spectrum()->hadronPairThreshold(ptrQ2->dataPtr(),newPtr2->dataPtr());
- Energy MLH1 = spectrum()->lightestHadron(ptrQ1->dataPtr(),newPtr1->dataPtr())->mass();
- Energy MLH2 = spectrum()->lightestHadron(ptrQ2->dataPtr(),newPtr2->dataPtr())->mass();
- bool canBeSingleHadron1 = (m1 + m) < MLHP1;
- bool canBeSingleHadron2 = (m2 + m) < MLHP2;
- Energy mThresh1 = (m1 + m);
- Energy mThresh2 = (m2 + m);
- if (canBeSingleHadron1) mThresh1 = MLHP1;
- if (canBeSingleHadron2) mThresh2 = MLHP2;
- switch (letFissionToXHadrons)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- // Option None: only C->C1,C2 allowed
- // check if mass phase space is non-zero
- // resample or escape if only allowed mass phase space is for C->H1,H2 or C->H1,C2
- if ( Mc < (mThresh1 + mThresh2)) {
- // escape if not even the lightest flavour phase space is possibile
- // TODO make this independent of explicit u/d quark
- if (
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::u)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ||
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ) {
- escape = true;
- retTo = Done;
- continue;
- }
- else {
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- // Option SemiHadronicOnly: C->H,C allowed
- // NOTE: TODO implement matrix element for this
- // resample or escape if only allowed mass phase space is for C->H1,H2
- // First case is for ensuring the enough mass to be available and second one rejects disjoint mass regions
- if ( ( (canBeSingleHadron1 && canBeSingleHadron2)
- && Mc < (mThresh1 + mThresh2) )
- ||
- ( (canBeSingleHadron1 || canBeSingleHadron2)
- && (canBeSingleHadron1 ? Mc-(m2+m) < MLH1:false || canBeSingleHadron2 ? Mc-(m1+m) < MLH2:false) )
- ){
- // escape if not even the lightest flavour phase space is possibile
- // TODO make this independent of explicit u/d quark
- if (
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::u)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ||
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ) {
- escape = true;
- retTo = Done;
- continue;
- }
- else {
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- // Option All: C->H,C and C->H,H allowed
- // NOTE: TODO implement matrix element for this
- // Mass Phase space for all option can always be found if cluster massive enough to go
- // to the lightest 2 hadrons
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- // Note: want to fallthrough (in C++17 one could uncomment
- // the line below to show that this is intentional)
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- /*
- * MassSampling choices:
- * - Default (default)
- * - Uniform
- * - FlatPhaseSpace
- * - SoftMEPheno
- * */
- case MassSampling:
- {
- weightMasses = drawNewMasses(Mc, soft1, soft2, pClu1, pClu2,
- ptrQ1, pQ1, newPtr1, pQone,
- newPtr2, pQtwo, ptrQ2, pQ2);
- // TODO IF C->C1,C2 (and not C->C,H or H1,H2) masses sampled and is in PhaseSpace must push through
- // because otherwise no matrix element
- if(weightMasses==0.0) {
- // TODO check which option is better
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- // retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- // derive the masses of the children
- Mc1 = pClu1.mass();
- Mc2 = pClu2.mass();
- // static kinematic threshold
- if(_kinematicThresholdChoice != 1 )
- {
- // NOTE: that the squared thresholds below are
- // numerically more stringent which is needed
- // kaellen function calculation
- if(sqr(Mc1) < sqr(m1+m) || sqr(Mc2) < sqr(m+m2) || sqr(Mc1+Mc2) > sqr(Mc)){
- // TODO check which option is better
- // retTo = FlavourSampling;
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- // dynamic kinematic threshold
- }
- else if(_kinematicThresholdChoice == 1) {
- bool C1 = ( sqr(Mc1) )/( sqr(m1) + sqr(m) + _kinThresholdShift ) < 1.0 ? true : false;
- bool C2 = ( sqr(Mc2) )/( sqr(m2) + sqr(m) + _kinThresholdShift ) < 1.0 ? true : false;
- bool C3 = ( sqr(Mc1) + sqr(Mc2) )/( sqr(Mc) ) > 1.0 ? true : false;
- if( C1 || C2 || C3 ) {
- // TODO check which option is better
- // retTo = FlavourSampling;
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- assert(false);
- /**************************
- * New (not present in Fortran Herwig):
- * check whether the fragment masses Mc1 and Mc2 are above the
- * threshold for the production of the lightest pair of hadrons with the
- * right flavours. If not, then set by hand the mass to the lightest
- * single hadron with the right flavours, in order to solve correctly
- * the kinematics, and (later in this method) create directly such hadron
- * and add it to the children hadrons of the cluster that undergoes the
- * fission (i.e. the one pointed by iCluPtr). Notice that in this special
- * case, the heavy cluster that undergoes the fission has one single
- * cluster child and one single hadron child. We prefer this approach,
- * rather than to create a light cluster, with the mass set equal to
- * the lightest hadron, and let then the class LightClusterDecayer to do
- * the job to decay it to that single hadron, for two reasons:
- * First, because the sum of the masses of the two constituents can be,
- * in this case, greater than the mass of that hadron, hence it would
- * be impossible to solve the kinematics for such two components, and
- * therefore we would have a cluster whose components are undefined.
- * Second, the algorithm is faster, because it avoids the reshuffling
- * procedure that would be necessary if we used LightClusterDecayer
- * to decay the light cluster to the lightest hadron.
- ****************************/
- // override chosen masses if needed
- toHadron1 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ1->dataPtr(), newPtr1->dataPtr(),Mc1);
- if ( letFissionToXHadrons == 0 && toHadron1 ) {
- // reject mass samples which would force C->C,H or C->H1,H2 fission if desired
- //
- // Check if Mc1max < MLHP1, in which case we might need to choose a different flavour
- // else resampling the masses should be sufficient
- Energy MLHP1 = spectrum()->massLightestHadronPair(ptrQ1->dataPtr(), newPtr1->dataPtr());
- Energy MLHP2 = spectrum()->massLightestHadronPair(ptrQ2->dataPtr(), newPtr2->dataPtr());
- Energy Mc1max = (m2+m) > MLHP2 ? (Mc-(m2+m)):(Mc-MLHP2);
- // for avoiding inf loops set min threshold
- if ( Mc1max - MLHP1 < 1e-2*GeV ) {
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- }
- else {
- retTo = MassSampling;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(toHadron1) {
- Mc1 = toHadron1->mass();
- pClu1.setMass(Mc1);
- }
- toHadron2 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ2->dataPtr(), newPtr2->dataPtr(),Mc2);
- if ( letFissionToXHadrons == 0 && toHadron2 ) {
- // reject mass samples which would force C->C,H or C->H1,H2 fission if desired
- //
- // Check if Mc2max < MLHP2, in which case we might need to choose a different flavour
- // else resampling the masses should be sufficient
- Energy MLHP1 = spectrum()->massLightestHadronPair(ptrQ1->dataPtr(), newPtr1->dataPtr());
- Energy MLHP2 = spectrum()->massLightestHadronPair(ptrQ2->dataPtr(), newPtr2->dataPtr());
- Energy Mc2max = (m1+m) > MLHP1 ? (Mc-(m1+m)):(Mc-MLHP1);
- // for avoiding inf loops set min threshold
- if ( Mc2max - MLHP2 < 1e-2*GeV ) {
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- }
- else {
- retTo = MassSampling;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(toHadron2) {
- Mc2 = toHadron2->mass();
- pClu2.setMass(Mc2);
- }
- if (letFissionToXHadrons == 1 && (toHadron1 && toHadron2) ) {
- // reject mass samples which would force C->H1,H2 fission if desired
- // TODO check which option is better
- // retTo = FlavourSampling;
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- // Check if the decay kinematics is still possible: if not then
- // force the one-hadron decay for the other cluster as well.
- // NOTE: that the squared thresholds below are
- // numerically more stringent which is needed
- // kaellen function calculation
- if(sqr(Mc1 + Mc2) > sqr(Mc)) {
- // reject if we would need to create a C->H,H process if letFissionToXHadrons<2
- if (letFissionToXHadrons < 2) {
- // TODO check which option is better
- // retTo = FlavourSampling;
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- // TODO forbid other cluster!!!! to be also at hadron
- if(!toHadron1) {
- toHadron1 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ1->dataPtr(), newPtr1->dataPtr(),Mc-Mc2);
- // toHadron1 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ1->dataPtr(), newPtr1->dataPtr(),ZERO);
- if(toHadron1) {
- Mc1 = toHadron1->mass();
- pClu1.setMass(Mc1);
- }
- }
- else if(!toHadron2) {
- toHadron2 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ2->dataPtr(), newPtr2->dataPtr(),Mc-Mc1);
- // toHadron2 = spectrum()->chooseSingleHadron(ptrQ2->dataPtr(), newPtr2->dataPtr(),ZERO);
- if(toHadron2) {
- Mc2 = toHadron2->mass();
- pClu2.setMass(Mc2);
- }
- }
- }
- // NOTE: that the squared thresholds below are
- // numerically more stringent which is needed
- // kaellen function calculation
- if (sqr(Mc) <= sqr(Mc1+Mc2)){
- // escape if already lightest quark drawn
- if (
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::u)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ||
- fabs((m - getParticleData(ThePEG::ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV) < 1e-3
- ) {
- // escape = true;
- retTo = Done;
- }
- else {
- // Try again with lighter quark
- retTo = FlavourSampling;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Note: want to fallthrough (in C++17 one could uncomment
- // the line below to show that this is intentional)
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- /*
- * PhaseSpaceSampling choices:
- * - FullyAligned (default)
- * - AlignedIsotropic
- * - FullyIsotropic
- * */
- case PhaseSpaceSampling:
- {
- // ### Sample the Phase Space with respect to Matrix Element: ###
- // TODO insert here PhaseSpace sampler
- weightPhaseSpaceAngles = drawKinematics(pClu,p0Q1,p0Q2,toHadron1,toHadron2,
- pClu1,pClu2,pQ1,pQone,pQtwo,pQ2);
- if(weightPhaseSpaceAngles==0.0) {
- // TODO check which option is better
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- { //sanity
- if (areNotSame(pClu1+pClu2,pClu)) {
- std::cout << "PCLU" << std::endl;
- }
- if (areNotSame(pClu1,pQ1+pQone)) {
- std::cout << "PCLU1" << std::endl;
- }
- if (areNotSame(pClu2,pQ2+pQtwo)) {
- std::cout << "PCLU2" << std::endl;
- }
- if (areNotSame(pClu,pQ1+pQone+pQ2+pQtwo)) {
- std::cout << "PTOT" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // Should be precise i.e. no rejection expected
- // Note: want to fallthrough (in C++17 one could uncomment
- // the line below to show that this is intentional)
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- /*
- * MatrixElementSampling choices:
- * - Default (default)
- * - SoftQQbar
- * */
- case MatrixElementSampling:
- {
- counter_MEtry++;
- // TODO maybe bridge this to work more neatly
- // Ignore matrix element for C->C,H or C->H1,H2 fission
- if (toHadron1 || toHadron2) {
- retTo = Done;
- break;
- }
- // Actual MatrixElement evaluated at sampled PhaseSpace point
- double SQME = calculateSQME(p0Q1,p0Q2,pQ1,pQone,pQ2,pQtwo);
- // Total overestimate of MatrixElement independent
- // of the PhaseSpace point and independent of M1,M2
- double SQMEoverEstimate = calculateSQME_OverEstimate(Mc,m1,m2,m);
- // weight for MatrixElement*PhaseSpace must be in [0:1]
- double weightSQME = SQME/SQMEoverEstimate;
- assert(weightSQME>0.0);
- // weight(M1,M2) for M1*M2*(Two body PhaseSpace)**3 should be in [0,1]
- double weightFlatPS = weightFlatPhaseSpace(Mc, Mc1, Mc2, m, m1, m2, ptrQ1, ptrQ2, newPtr1);
- if (weightFlatPS<0 || weightFlatPS>1.0){
- throw Exception() << "weightFlatPS = "<< weightFlatPS << " > 1 or negative in SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo"
- << "Mc = " << Mc/GeV
- << "Mc1 = " << Mc1/GeV
- << "Mc2 = " << Mc2/GeV
- << "m1 = " << m1/GeV
- << "m2 = " << m2/GeV
- << "m = " << m/GeV
- << "SQME = " << SQME
- << "SQME_OE = " << SQMEoverEstimate
- << "PS = " << weightFlatPS
- << Exception::runerror;
- }
- // current phase space point is distributed according to weightSamp
- double Pacc = weightFlatPS * weightSQME;
- double SamplingWeight = weightMasses * weightPhaseSpaceAngles;
- if (!(SamplingWeight >= 0 ) || std::isnan(SamplingWeight) || std::isinf(SamplingWeight)){
- throw Exception() << "SamplingWeight = "<< SamplingWeight << " in SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo"
- << "Mc = " << Mc/GeV
- << "Mc1 = " << Mc1/GeV
- << "Mc2 = " << Mc2/GeV
- << "m1 = " << m1/GeV
- << "m2 = " << m2/GeV
- << "m = " << m/GeV
- << "weightMasses = " << weightMasses
- << "weightPhaseSpaceAngles = " << weightPhaseSpaceAngles
- << "PS = " << weightFlatPS
- << Exception::runerror;
- }
- Pacc/=SamplingWeight;
- if (!(Pacc >= 0 ) || std::isnan(Pacc) || std::isinf(Pacc)){
- throw Exception() << "Pacc = "<< Pacc << " < 0 in SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo"
- << "Mc = " << Mc/GeV
- << "Mc1 = " << Mc1/GeV
- << "Mc2 = " << Mc2/GeV
- << "m1 = " << m1/GeV
- << "m2 = " << m2/GeV
- << "m = " << m/GeV
- << "SQME = " << SQME
- << "SQME_OE = " << SQMEoverEstimate
- << "PS = " << weightFlatPS
- << Exception::runerror;
- }
- assert(Pacc >= 0.0);
- if (_matrixElement!=0) {
- if ( Pacc > 1.0){
- countPaccGreater1();
- throw Exception() << "Pacc = "<< Pacc << " > 1 in SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo"
- << "Mc = " << Mc/GeV
- << "Mc1 = " << Mc1/GeV
- << "Mc2 = " << Mc2/GeV
- << "m1 = " << m1/GeV
- << "m2 = " << m2/GeV
- << "m = " << m/GeV
- << Exception::warning;
- }
- }
- static int first=_writeOut;
- if (_matrixElement==0 || UseRandom::rnd()<Pacc) { //Always accept a sample if trivial matrix element
- if (_writeOut) {
- // std::cout << "\nAccept Pacc = "<<Pacc<<"\n";
- std::ofstream out("data_CluFis.dat", std::ios::app | std::ios::out);
- Lorentz5Momentum p0Q1tmp(p0Q1);
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu1tmp(pClu1);
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu2tmp(pClu2);
- p0Q1tmp.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- pClu1tmp.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- double cosThetaP1C1=p0Q1tmp.vect().cosTheta(pClu1tmp.vect());
- out << Pacc << "\t"
- << Mc/GeV << "\t"
- << pClu1.mass()/GeV << "\t"
- << pClu2.mass()/GeV << "\t"
- << pQone*pQtwo/(pQone.mass()*pQtwo.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ1*pQ2/(pQ1.mass()*pQ2.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ1*pQtwo/(pQ1.mass()*pQtwo.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ2*pQone/(pQ2.mass()*pQone.mass()) << "\t"
- << p0Q1*(pQone+pQtwo)/(p0Q1.mass()*(pQone.mass()+pQtwo.mass())) << "\t"
- << p0Q2*(pQone+pQtwo)/(p0Q2.mass()*(pQone.mass()+pQtwo.mass())) << "\t"
- << m/GeV << "\t"
- << cosThetaP1C1
- << "\n";
- out.close();
- Energy MbinStart=2.0*GeV;
- Energy MbinEnd=91.0*GeV;
- Energy dMbin=1.0*GeV;
- Energy MbinLow;
- Energy MbinHig;
- if ( fabs((m-getParticleData(ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV)<1e-5
- && fabs((m1-getParticleData(ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV)<1e-5
- && fabs((m2-getParticleData(ParticleID::d)->constituentMass())/GeV)<1e-5) {
- int cnt = 0;
- for (Energy MbinIt=MbinStart; MbinIt < MbinEnd; MbinIt+=dMbin)
- {
- if (first){
- first=0;
- std::cout << "\nFirst\n" << std::endl;
- int ctr=0;
- for (Energy MbinIt=MbinStart; MbinIt < MbinEnd; MbinIt+=dMbin)
- {
- std::string name = "WriteOut/data_CluFis_BinM_"+std::to_string(ctr)+".dat";
- std::ofstream out2(name,std::ios::out);
- out2 << "# Binned from "<<MbinIt/GeV << "\tto\t" << (MbinIt+dMbin)/GeV<<"\n";
- out2 << "# m=m1=m2=0.325\n";
- out2 << "# (1) Pacc\t"
- << "(2) Mc/GeV\t"
- << "(3) M1/GeV\t"
- << "(4) M2/GeV\t"
- << "(5) q.qbar/(mq^2)\t"
- << "(6) q1.q2/(m1*m2)\t"
- << "(7) q1.qbar/(m1*mq)\t"
- << "(8) q2.q/(m2*mq)\t"
- << "(9) p1.(q+qbar)/(m1*2*mq)\t"
- << "(10) p2.(q+qbar)/(m2*2*mq)\t"
- << "(11) m/GeV\t"
- << "(12) cos(theta_p1_Q1)\n";
- out2.close();
- ctr++;
- }
- // first=0;
- }
- MbinLow = MbinIt;
- MbinHig = MbinLow+dMbin;
- if (Mc>MbinLow && Mc<MbinHig) {
- std::string name = "WriteOut/data_CluFis_BinM_"+std::to_string(cnt)+".dat";
- std::ofstream out2(name, std::ios::app );
- Lorentz5Momentum p0Q1tmp(p0Q1);
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu1tmp(pClu1);
- Lorentz5Momentum pClu2tmp(pClu2);
- p0Q1tmp.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- pClu1tmp.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- double cosThetaP1C1=p0Q1tmp.vect().cosTheta(pClu1tmp.vect());
- out2 << Pacc << "\t"
- << Mc/GeV << "\t"
- << pClu1.mass()/GeV << "\t"
- << pClu2.mass()/GeV << "\t"
- << pQone*pQtwo/(pQone.mass()*pQtwo.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ1*pQ2/(pQ1.mass()*pQ2.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ1*pQtwo/(pQ1.mass()*pQtwo.mass()) << "\t"
- << pQ2*pQone/(pQ2.mass()*pQone.mass()) << "\t"
- << p0Q1*(pQone+pQtwo)/(p0Q1.mass()*(pQone.mass()+pQtwo.mass())) << "\t"
- << p0Q2*(pQone+pQtwo)/(p0Q2.mass()*(pQone.mass()+pQtwo.mass())) << "\t"
- << m/GeV << "\t"
- << cosThetaP1C1
- << "\n";
- out2.close();
- break;
- }
- // if (Mc<MbinIt) break;
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- retTo=Done;
- break;
- }
- retTo = MassSampling;
- continue;
- }
- default:
- {
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- }
- while (retTo!=Done && !escape && counter_MEtry < _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement);
- if(escape) {
- // happens if we get at too light cluster to begin with
- static const PPtr null = PPtr();
- return cutType(PPair(null,null),PPair(null,null));
- }
- if(counter_MEtry >= _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement) {
- countMaxLoopViolations();
- // happens if we get too massive clusters where the matrix element
- // is very inefficiently sampled
- std::stringstream warning;
- warning
- << "Matrix Element rejection sampling tried more than "
- << counter_MEtry
- << " times.\nMcluster = " << Mc/GeV
- << "GeV\nm1 = " << m1/GeV
- << "GeV\nm2 = " << m2/GeV
- << "GeV\nm = " << m/GeV
- << "GeV\n"
- << "isBeamCluster = " << cluster->isBeamCluster()
- <<"Using default as SoftClusterFissioner::cutTwo as a fallback.\n"
- << "***This Exception should not happen too often!*** ";
- generator()->logWarning( Exception(warning.str(),Exception::warning));
- switch (_failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement)
- {
- case 0:
- // OldFission
- return ClusterFissioner::cutTwo(cluster,finalhadrons,softUEisOn);
- break;
- case 1:
- // RejectEvent
- throw Exception() << warning.str()
- << Exception::eventerror;
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- assert(abs(Mc1-pClu1.m())<1e-2*GeV);
- assert(abs(Mc2-pClu2.m())<1e-2*GeV);
- assert(abs(Mc1-pClu1.mass())<1e-2*GeV);
- assert(abs(Mc2-pClu2.mass())<1e-2*GeV);
- {
- Lorentz5Momentum pp1(p0Q1);
- Lorentz5Momentum pclu1(pClu1);
- pclu1.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- pp1.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- // std::ofstream out("testCF.dat", std::ios::app);
- // out << pclu1.vect().cosTheta(pp1.vect())<<"\n";
- // out.close();
- }
- // Count successfull ClusterFission
- countFissionMatrixElement();
- // ==> full sample generated
- /******************
- * The previous methods have determined the kinematics and positions
- * of C -> C1 + C2.
- * In the case that one of the two product is light, that means either
- * decayOneHadronClu1 or decayOneHadronClu2 is true, then the momenta
- * of the components of that light product have not been determined,
- * and a (light) cluster will not be created: the heavy father cluster
- * decays, in this case, into a single (not-light) cluster and a
- * single hadron. In the other, "normal", cases the father cluster
- * decays into two clusters, each of which has well defined components.
- * Notice that, in the case of components which point to particles, the
- * momenta of the components is properly set to the new values, whereas
- * we do not change the momenta of the pointed particles, because we
- * want to keep all of the information (that is the new momentum of a
- * component after the splitting, which is contained in the _momentum
- * member of the Component class, and the (old) momentum of that component
- * before the splitting, which is contained in the momentum of the
- * pointed particle). Please not make confusion of this only apparent
- * inconsistency!
- ********************/
- LorentzPoint posC,pos1,pos2;
- posC = cluster->vertex();
- calculatePositions(pClu, posC, pClu1, pClu2, pos1, pos2);
- cutType rval;
- if(toHadron1) {
- rval.first = produceHadron(toHadron1, newPtr1, pClu1, pos1);
- finalhadrons.push_back(rval.first.first);
- }
- else {
- rval.first = produceCluster(ptrQ1, newPtr1, pClu1, pos1, pQ1, pQone, rem1);
- }
- if(toHadron2) {
- rval.second = produceHadron(toHadron2, newPtr2, pClu2, pos2);
- finalhadrons.push_back(rval.second.first);
- }
- else {
- rval.second = produceCluster(ptrQ2, newPtr2, pClu2, pos2, pQ2, pQtwo, rem2);
- }
- return rval;
- * Calculate the masses and possibly kinematics of the cluster
- * fission at hand; if claculateKineamtics is perfomring non-trivial
- * steps kinematics calulcated here will be overriden. Currently resorts to the default
- * @return the potentially non-trivial distribution weight=f(M1,M2)
- * On Failure we return 0
- */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::drawNewMasses(const Energy Mc, const bool soft1, const bool soft2,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- tcPPtr newPtr1, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQone,
- tcPPtr, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQtwo,
- tcPPtr ptrQ2, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2) const {
- // TODO add precise weightMS that could be used used for improving the rejection Sampling
- switch (_massSampler)
- {
- case 0:
- return ClusterFissioner::drawNewMasses(Mc, soft1, soft2, pClu1, pClu2, ptrQ1, pQ1, tcPPtr(), pQone, tcPPtr(),pQtwo, ptrQ2, pQ2);
- break;
- case 1:
- return drawNewMassesUniform(Mc, pClu1, pClu2, pQ1, pQone, pQ2);
- break;
- case 2:
- return drawNewMassesPhaseSpace(Mc, pClu1, pClu2, pQ1, pQone, pQ2, ptrQ1, newPtr1, ptrQ2);
- break;
- case 3:
- return drawNewMassesPhaseSpacePowerLaw(Mc, pClu1, pClu2, pQ1, pQone, pQ2, ptrQ1, newPtr1, ptrQ2);
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- return 0;// failure
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space
- * */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::drawNewMassesUniform(const Energy Mc, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2) const {
- Energy M1,M2;
- const Energy m1 = pQ1.mass();
- const Energy m2 = pQ2.mass();
- const Energy m = pQ.mass();
- const Energy M1min = m1 + m;
- const Energy M2min = m2 + m;
- const Energy M1max = Mc - M2min;
- const Energy M2max = Mc - M1min;
- assert(M1max-M1min>ZERO);
- assert(M2max-M2min>ZERO);
- double r1;
- double r2;
- int counter = 0;
- const int max_counter = 100;
- while (counter < max_counter) {
- r1 = UseRandom::rnd();
- r2 = UseRandom::rnd();
- M1 = (M1max-M1min)*r1 + M1min;
- M2 = (M2max-M2min)*r2 + M2min;
- counter++;
- if ( Mc > M1 + M2) break;
- }
- if (counter==max_counter
- || Mc < M1 + M2
- || M1 <= M1min
- || M2 <= M2min ) return 0.0; // failure
- pClu1.setMass(M1);
- pClu2.setMass(M2);
- return 1.0; // succeeds
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space
- * */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::drawNewMassesPhaseSpacePowerLaw(const Energy Mc,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, tcPPtr ptrQ2, tcPPtr ptrQ) const {
- Energy M1,M2,MuS;
- const Energy m1 = pQ1.mass();
- const Energy m2 = pQ2.mass();
- const Energy m = pQ.mass();
- const Energy M1min = m1 + m;
- const Energy M2min = m2 + m;
- const Energy M1max = Mc - M2min;
- const Energy M2max = Mc - M1min;
- assert(M1max-M1min>ZERO);
- assert(M2max-M2min>ZERO);
- double r1;
- double r2;
- int counter = 0;
- const int max_counter = 200;
- while (counter < max_counter) {
- r1 = UseRandom::rnd();
- r2 = UseRandom::rnd();
- M1 = (M1max-M1min)*r1 + M1min;
- M2 = (M2max-M2min)*r2 + M2min;
- counter++;
- if (sqr(M1+M2)>sqr(Mc))
- continue;
- // if (!phaseSpaceVeto(Mc,M1,M2,m,m1,m2) ) break; // For FlatPhaseSpace sampling vetoing
- if (!phaseSpaceVeto(Mc,M1,M2,m,m1,m2, ptrQ1, ptrQ2, ptrQ,_powerLawPower) ) break; // For FlatPhaseSpace sampling vetoing
- }
- if (counter==max_counter) return 0.0; // failure
- pClu1.setMass(M1);
- pClu2.setMass(M2);
- return weightPhaseSpaceConstituentMasses(Mc, M1, M2, m, m1, m2, _powerLawPower); // succeeds return weight
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space
- * */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::drawNewMassesPhaseSpace(const Energy Mc,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, tcPPtr ptrQ2, tcPPtr ptrQ ) const {
- Energy M1,M2,MuS;
- const Energy m1 = pQ1.mass();
- const Energy m2 = pQ2.mass();
- const Energy m = pQ.mass();
- const Energy M1min = m1 + m;
- const Energy M2min = m2 + m;
- const Energy M1max = Mc - M2min;
- const Energy M2max = Mc - M1min;
- assert(M1max-M1min>ZERO);
- assert(M2max-M2min>ZERO);
- double r1;
- double r2;
- int counter = 0;
- const int max_counter = 200;
- while (counter < max_counter) {
- r1 = UseRandom::rnd();
- r2 = UseRandom::rnd();
- M1 = (M1max-M1min)*r1 + M1min;
- M2 = (M2max-M2min)*r2 + M2min;
- counter++;
- if (sqr(M1+M2)>sqr(Mc))
- continue;
- // if (!phaseSpaceVeto(Mc,M1,M2,m,m1,m2) ) break; // For FlatPhaseSpace sampling vetoing
- if (!phaseSpaceVeto(Mc,M1,M2,m,m1,m2, ptrQ1, ptrQ2, ptrQ) ) break; // For FlatPhaseSpace sampling vetoing
- }
- if (counter==max_counter) return 0.0; // failure
- pClu1.setMass(M1);
- pClu2.setMass(M2);
- return weightFlatPhaseSpace(Mc, M1, M2, m, m1, m2, ptrQ1, ptrQ2, ptrQ); // succeeds return weight
-std::pair<Axis,double> SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionConstituents(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu, const Energy Mcluster) const {
- switch (_phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- // Aligned
- return std::make_pair(pClu.vect().unit(),1.0);
- }
- case 1:
- {
- // Isotropic
- return std::make_pair(sampleDirectionIsotropic(),1.0);
- }
- case 2:
- {
- // Exponential
- // New
- // double C_est_Exponential=1.18;
- // double power_est_Exponential=0.65;
- // Old
- double C_est_Exponential=0.63;
- double power_est_Exponential=0.89;
- double lambda=C_est_Exponential*pow(Mcluster/GeV,power_est_Exponential);
- return sampleDirectionExponential(pClu.vect().unit(), lambda);
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- return std::make_pair(Axis(),0.0); // Failure
-std::pair<Axis,double> SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionCluster(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const {
- switch (_phaseSpaceSamplerCluster)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- // Aligned
- Axis dir;
- if (_covariantBoost)
- // in Covariant Boost the positive z-Axis is defined as the direction of
- // the pQ vector in the Cluster rest frame
- dir = Axis(0,0,1);
- else
- dir = sampleDirectionAligned(pQ, pClu);
- return std::make_pair(dir,1.0);
- }
- case 1:
- {
- // Isotropic
- return std::make_pair(sampleDirectionIsotropic(),1.0);
- }
- case 2:
- {
- // Tchannel
- Energy M=pClu.mass();
- // New
- // double C_est_Tchannel=3.66;
- // double power_est_Tchannel=-1.95;
- // Old
- double C_est_Tchannel=9.78;
- double power_est_Tchannel=-2.5;
- double A = C_est_Tchannel*pow(M/GeV,power_est_Tchannel);
- double Ainv = 1.0/(1.0+A);
- return sampleDirectionTchannel(sampleDirectionAligned(pQ,pClu),Ainv);
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- return std::make_pair(Axis(),0.0); // Failure
-std::pair<Axis,double> SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionExponential(const Axis dirQ, const double lambda) const {
- Axis FinalDir = dirQ;
- double cosTheta = Kinematics::sampleCosExp(lambda);
- double phi;
- // std::cout << "cosThetaSamp = "<< cosTheta <<"\tlambda = " <<lambda << std::endl;
- // If no change in angle keep the direction fixed
- if (fabs(cosTheta-1.0)>1e-14) {
- // rotate to sampled angles
- FinalDir.rotate(acos(cosTheta),dirQ.orthogonal());
- phi = UseRandom::rnd(-Constants::pi,Constants::pi);
- FinalDir.rotate(phi,dirQ);
- }
- // std::cout << "cosThetaTrue = "<< FinalDir.cosTheta(dirQ) <<"\tlambda = " <<lambda << std::endl;
- double weight = exp(lambda*(cosTheta-1.0));
- if (std::isnan(weight) ||std::isinf(weight) )
- std::cout << "lambda = " << lambda << "\t cos " << cosTheta<< std::endl;
- assert(!std::isnan(weight));
- assert(!std::isinf(weight));
- if (fabs(FinalDir.cosTheta(dirQ)-cosTheta)>1e-8) std::cout << "cosThetaTrue = "<< FinalDir.cosTheta(dirQ) <<"\tlambda = " <<lambda << std::endl;
- return std::make_pair(FinalDir,weight);
-std::pair<Axis,double> SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionTchannel(const Axis dirQ, const double Ainv) const {
- double cosTheta = Kinematics::sampleCosTchannel(Ainv);
- double phi;
- Axis FinalDir = dirQ;
- // If no change in angle keep the direction fixed
- if (fabs(cosTheta-1.0)>1e-14) {
- // rotate to sampled angles
- FinalDir.rotate(acos(cosTheta),dirQ.orthogonal());
- phi = UseRandom::rnd(-Constants::pi,Constants::pi);
- FinalDir.rotate(phi,dirQ);
- }
- double weight = 0.0;
- if (1.0-Ainv>1e-10)
- weight=1.0/pow(1.0/Ainv-cosTheta,2.0);
- else
- weight=1.0/pow((1.0-cosTheta)+(1.0-Ainv),2.0);
- if (std::isnan(weight) ||std::isinf(weight) )
- std::cout << "Ainv = " << Ainv << "\t cos " << cosTheta<< std::endl;
- assert(!std::isnan(weight));
- assert(!std::isinf(weight));
- if (fabs(FinalDir.cosTheta(dirQ)-cosTheta)>1e-8) std::cout << "cosThetaTrue = "<< FinalDir.cosTheta(dirQ) <<"\tAinv = " <<Ainv << std::endl;
- return std::make_pair(FinalDir,weight);
-Axis SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionAligned(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const {
- Lorentz5Momentum pQinCOM(pQ);
- pQinCOM.setMass(pQ.m());
- pQinCOM.boost( -pClu.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
- return pQinCOM.vect().unit();
-Axis SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionAlignedSmeared(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const {
- Lorentz5Momentum pQinCOM(pQ);
- pQinCOM.setMass(pQ.m());
- pQinCOM.boost( -pClu.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
- if (pQinCOM.vect().mag2()<=ZERO){
- return sampleDirectionAlignedSmeared(pClu-pQ,pClu);
- }
- const Axis dir = pQinCOM.vect().unit();
- double cluSmear = 0.5;
- double cosTheta;
- do {
- cosTheta = 1.0 + cluSmear*log( UseRandom::rnd() );
- }
- while (fabs(cosTheta)>1.0 || std::isnan(cosTheta) || std::isinf(cosTheta));
- if (!(dir.mag2()>ZERO)){
- std::cout << "\nDRI = 0"<< dir.mag2() << std::endl;
- }
- Axis dirSmeared = dir;
- double phi;
- if (fabs(cosTheta-1.0)>1e-10) {
- // rotate to sampled angles
- dirSmeared.rotate(acos(cosTheta),dir.orthogonal());
- phi = UseRandom::rnd(-M_PI,M_PI);
- dirSmeared.rotate(phi,dir);
- }
- if (!(dirSmeared.mag2()>ZERO)){
- std::cout << "\nDRI SMR = 0" <<cosTheta<< "\t" <<acos(cosTheta)<< "\t"<< phi<< "\t"<< dirSmeared.mag2() << std::endl;
- std::cout << dir.orthogonal() << std::endl;
- }
- return dirSmeared;
-Axis SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionIsotropic() const {
- double cosTheta = -1 + 2.0 * UseRandom::rnd();
- double sinTheta = sqrt(1.0-cosTheta*cosTheta);
- double Phi = 2.0 * Constants::pi * UseRandom::rnd();
- Axis uClusterUniform(cos(Phi)*sinTheta, sin(Phi)*sinTheta, cosTheta);
- return uClusterUniform.unit();
-Axis SoftClusterFissioner::sampleDirectionSemiUniform(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const {
- Axis dir = sampleDirectionAligned(pQ,pClu);
- Axis res;
- do {
- res=sampleDirectionIsotropic();
- }
- while (dir*res<0);
- return res;
-namespace {
- double SoftFunction(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pi,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pj,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & qbar) {
- Energy2 mq2 = q*q;
- double numerator = -(pi*pj)*(q*qbar+mq2)/sqr(GeV2);
- double denominator = sqr(q*qbar+mq2)*(pi*(q+qbar))*(pj*(q+qbar))/sqr(GeV2*GeV2);
- int cataniScheme = 1;
- // Different expressions which should yield similar results
- switch (cataniScheme) {
- case 0:
- numerator += ((pi*q)*(pj*qbar) + (pj*q)*(pi*qbar))/sqr(GeV2);
- break;
- case 1:
- numerator += - (0.5*(pi*(q-qbar))*(pj*(q-qbar)))/sqr(GeV2);
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- double Iij = numerator/denominator;
- return Iij;
- }
-/* SQME for p1,p2->C1(q1,q),C2(q2,qbar)
- * Note that:
- * p0Q1 -> p1
- * p0Q2 -> p2
- * pQ1 -> q1
- * pQone -> q
- * pQ2 -> q2
- * pQone -> qbar
- * */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::calculateSQME(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & qbar) const {
- double SQME;
- switch (_matrixElement)
- {
- case 0:
- SQME = 1.0;
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- /*
- // Energy2 p1p2 = p1*p2;
- Energy2 q1q2 = q1 * q2;
- Energy2 q1q = q1 * q ;
- Energy2 q2qbar = q2 * qbar;
- Energy2 q2q = q2 * q ;
- Energy2 q1qbar = q1 * qbar;
- Energy2 qqbar = q * qbar;
- Energy2 mq2 = q.mass2();
- double Numerator = q1q2 * (qqbar + mq2)/sqr(GeV2);
- Numerator += 0.5 * (q1q - q1qbar)*(q2q - q2qbar)/sqr(GeV2);
- double Denominator = sqr(qqbar + mq2)*(q1q + q1qbar)*(q2q + q2qbar)/sqr(sqr(GeV2));
- SQME = Numerator/Denominator;
- */
- double I11 = SoftFunction(q1,q1,q,qbar);
- double I22 = SoftFunction(q2,q2,q,qbar);
- double I12 = SoftFunction(q1,q2,q,qbar);
- SQME = (I11+I22-2.0*I12);
- if (SQME<0.0) {
- std::cout << "I11 = " << I11<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "I22 = " << I22<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "2*I12 = " << I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "soft = " << I11+I22-2.0*I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M = " << (p1+p2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M1 = " << (q1+q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M2 = " << (q2+qbar).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m1 = " << (q1).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m2 = " << (q2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m = " << (q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- /*
- Energy2 p1p2 = p1 * p2;
- Energy2 p1q = p1 * q ;
- Energy2 p2qbar = p2 * qbar;
- Energy2 p2q = p2 * q ;
- Energy2 p1qbar = p1 * qbar;
- Energy2 qqbar = q * qbar;
- Energy2 mq2 = q.mass2();
- double Numerator = p1p2 * (qqbar + mq2)/sqr(GeV2);
- Numerator += 0.5 * (p1q - p1qbar)*(p2q - p2qbar)/sqr(GeV2);
- double Denominator = sqr(qqbar + mq2)*(p1q + p1qbar)*(p2q + p2qbar)/sqr(sqr(GeV2));
- SQME = Numerator/Denominator;
- */
- double I11 = SoftFunction(p1,p1,q,qbar);
- double I22 = SoftFunction(p2,p2,q,qbar);
- double I12 = SoftFunction(p1,p2,q,qbar);
- SQME = (I11+I22-2.0*I12);
- if (SQME<0.0) {
- std::cout << "I11 = " << I11<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "I22 = " << I22<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "2*I12 = " << I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "soft = " << I11+I22-2.0*I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M = " << (p1+p2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M1 = " << (q1+q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M2 = " << (q2+qbar).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m1 = " << (q1).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m2 = " << (q2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m = " << (q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- SQME = sqr(sqr(GeV2))/(sqr(q*qbar-q*q)*(p1*(q1+q)-p1*p1-sqrt((p1*p1)*(q*q)))*(p2*(q2+qbar)-p2*p2-sqrt((p2*p2)*(q*q))));
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- /*
- Energy2 p1p2 = p1 * p2;
- Energy2 p1q = p1 * q ;
- Energy2 p2qbar = p2 * qbar;
- Energy2 p2q = p2 * q ;
- Energy2 p1qbar = p1 * qbar;
- Energy2 qqbar = q * qbar;
- Energy2 mq2 = q.mass2();
- double Numerator = p1p2 * (qqbar + mq2)/sqr(GeV2);
- Numerator += 0.5 * (p1q - p1qbar)*(p2q - p2qbar)/sqr(GeV2);
- double Denominator = sqr(qqbar + mq2)*(p1q + p1qbar)*(p2q + p2qbar)/sqr(sqr(GeV2));
- // add test Tchannel Matrix Element interference with gluon mass regulated
- // Denominator *= sqr(sqr(p1-q1)-_epsilonIR*sqrt((p1*p1)*(p2*p2)))/sqr(GeV2);
- */
- Energy mg=getParticleData(spectrum()->gluonId())->constituentMass();
- double Denominator = (sqr(p1-q1)-_epsilonIR*mg*mg)/(GeV2);
- Denominator *= (sqr(p2-q2)-_epsilonIR*mg*mg)/(GeV2);
- double Numerator = ((q1*q2)*(p1*p2)+(p2*q1)*(p1*q2))/sqr(GeV2);
- // double I11 = SoftFunction(p1,p1,q,qbar);
- // double I22 = SoftFunction(p2,p2,q,qbar);
- // double I12 = SoftFunction(p1,p2,q,qbar);
- double I11 = SoftFunction(q1,q1,q,qbar);
- double I22 = SoftFunction(q2,q2,q,qbar);
- double I12 = SoftFunction(q1,q2,q,qbar);
- SQME = Numerator*(I11+I22-2.0*I12)/Denominator;
- if (SQME<0.0) {
- std::cout << "I11 = " << I11<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "I22 = " << I22<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "2*I12 = " << I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "soft = " << I11+I22-2.0*I12<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "Numerator = " << Numerator<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "Denominator = " << Denominator<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M = " << (p1+p2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M1 = " << (q1+q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "M2 = " << (q2+qbar).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m1 = " << (q1).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m2 = " << (q2).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- std::cout << "m = " << (q).m()/GeV<< std::endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- if (SQME < 0) throw Exception()
- << "Squared Matrix Element = "<< SQME <<" < 0 in SoftClusterFissioner::calculateSQME() "
- << Exception::runerror;
- return SQME;
-/* Overestimate for SQME for p1,p2->C1(q1,q),C2(q2,qbar)
- * Note that:
- * p0Q1 -> p1 where Mass -> m1
- * p0Q2 -> p2 where Mass -> m2
- * pQ1 -> q1 where Mass -> m1
- * pQone -> q where Mass -> mq
- * pQ2 -> q2 where Mass -> m2
- * pQone -> qbar where Mass -> mq
- * */
-double SoftClusterFissioner::calculateSQME_OverEstimate(
- const Energy& Mc,
- const Energy& m1,
- const Energy& m2,
- const Energy& mq
- ) const {
- double SQME_OverEstimate;
- switch (_matrixElement)
- {
- case 0:
- SQME_OverEstimate = 1.0;
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- // Fit factor for guess of best overestimate
- double A = 0.25;
- SQME_OverEstimate = _safetyFactorMatrixElement*A*pow(mq/GeV,-4);
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- // Fit factor for guess of best overestimate
- double A = 0.25;
- SQME_OverEstimate = _safetyFactorMatrixElement*A*pow(mq/GeV,-4);
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- // Fit factor for guess of best overestimate
- SQME_OverEstimate = _safetyFactorMatrixElement*sqr(sqr(GeV2))/(sqr(mq*mq)*m1*m2*(m1+mq)*(m2+mq));
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- // Fit factor for guess of best overestimate
- // Energy MassMax = 8.550986578849006037e+00*GeV; // mass max of python
- // double wTotMax = 5.280507222727160297e+03; // at MassMax
- // double argExp = 55.811; // from fit of python package
- // double powLog = 0.08788; // from fit of python package
- Energy MassMax = 5.498037126562503119e+01*GeV; // mass max of python
- double wTotMax = 1.570045806367627112e+06; // at MassMax
- double argExp = 16.12; // from fit of python package
- double powLog = 0.3122; // from fit of python package
- // Energy2 p1p2=0.5*(Mc*Mc-m1*m1-m2*m2);
- // SQME_OverEstimate = _safetyFactorMatrixElement*A*pow(mq/GeV,-4)*(2*sqr(p1p2))/sqr(_epsilonIR*(m1*m2));
- Energy Mmin = (m1+m2+2*mq);
- // Energy MdblPrec = Mmin*exp(pow(pow(log(MassMax/Mmin),powLog)+600.0/argExp,1.0/powLog));
- // if (Mc >MdblPrec)
- // std::cout << "errroRRRRR R MC = " << Mc/GeV << "\t Mcmax "<< MdblPrec/GeV<< std::endl;
- if (MassMax<Mmin) MassMax=Mmin;
- double Overestimate = wTotMax*exp(argExp*(pow(log(Mc/Mmin),powLog)-pow(log(MassMax/Mmin),powLog)));
- SQME_OverEstimate = _safetyFactorMatrixElement*Overestimate;//*A*pow(mq/GeV,-4)*(2*sqr(p1p2))/sqr(_epsilonIR*(m1*m2));
- if (SQME_OverEstimate==0 || std::isinf(SQME_OverEstimate)|| std::isnan(SQME_OverEstimate)) {
- std::cout << "SQME_OverEstimate is " << SQME_OverEstimate << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Overestimate is " << Overestimate << std::endl;
- std::cout << "MC " << Mc/GeV << std::endl;
- std::cout << "m " << mq/GeV << std::endl;
- std::cout << "m1 " << m1/GeV << std::endl;
- std::cout << "m2 " << m2/GeV << std::endl;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- return SQME_OverEstimate;
-double SoftClusterFissioner::drawKinematics(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p0Q1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p0Q2,
- const bool toHadron1,
- const bool toHadron2,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pQ1,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pQbar,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pQ,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pQ2bar) const {
- double weightTotal=0.0;
- if (pClu.mass() < pClu1.mass() + pClu2.mass()
- || pClu1.mass()<ZERO
- || pClu2.mass()<ZERO ) {
- throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in SoftClusterFissioner::drawKinematics() (A)\n"
- << "Mc = "<< pClu.mass()/GeV <<" GeV\n"
- << "Mc1 = "<< pClu1.mass()/GeV <<" GeV\n"
- << "Mc2 = "<< pClu2.mass()/GeV <<" GeV\n"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- }
- // Sample direction of the daughter clusters
- std::pair<Axis,double> directionCluster = sampleDirectionCluster(p0Q1, pClu);
- Axis DirToClu = directionCluster.first;
- weightTotal = directionCluster.second;
- if (0 && _writeOut) {
- ofstream out("WriteOut/test_Cluster.dat",std::ios::app);
- Lorentz5Momentum pQinCOM(p0Q1);
- pQinCOM.setMass(p0Q1.m());
- pQinCOM.boost( -pClu.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
- out << DirToClu.cosTheta(pQinCOM.vect()) << "\n";
- }
- if (_covariantBoost) {
- const Energy M = pClu.mass();
- const Energy M1 = pClu1.mass();
- const Energy M2 = pClu2.mass();
- const Energy PcomClu=Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(M,M1,M2);
- Momentum3 pClu1sampVect( PcomClu*DirToClu);
- Momentum3 pClu2sampVect(-PcomClu*DirToClu);
- pClu1.setMass(M1);
- pClu1.setVect(pClu1sampVect);
- pClu1.rescaleEnergy();
- pClu2.setMass(M2);
- pClu2.setVect(pClu2sampVect);
- pClu2.rescaleEnergy();
- }
- else {
- Lorentz5Momentum pClutmp(pClu);
- pClutmp.boost(-pClu.boostVector());
- Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClutmp, pClu1.mass(), pClu2.mass(),DirToClu, pClu1, pClu2);
- }
- // In the case that cluster1 does not decay immediately into a single hadron,
- // calculate the momenta of Q1 (as constituent of C1) and Qbar in the
- // (parent) C1 frame first, where the direction of Q1 is u.vect().unit(),
- // and then boost back in the LAB frame.
- if(!toHadron1) {
- if (pClu1.m() < pQ1.mass() + pQbar.mass() ) {
- throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in SoftClusterFissioner::drawKinematics() (B)"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- }
- std::pair<Axis,double> direction1 = sampleDirectionConstituents(pClu1,pClu.mass());
- // Need to boost constituents first into the pClu rest frame
- // boost from Cluster1 rest frame to Cluster COM Frame
- // Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu1, pQ1.mass(), pQbar.mass(), DirClu1, pQ1, pQbar);
- Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu1, pQ1.mass(), pQbar.mass(), direction1.first, pQ1, pQbar);
- weightTotal*=direction1.second;
- if (0 && _writeOut) {
- ofstream out("WriteOut/test_Constituents1.dat",std::ios::app);
- Lorentz5Momentum pQ1inCOM(pQ1);
- pQ1inCOM.setMass(pQ1.m());
- pQ1inCOM.boost( -pClu1.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
- out << pQ1inCOM.vect().cosTheta(pClu1.vect()) << "\n";
- }
- }
- // In the case that cluster2 does not decay immediately into a single hadron,
- // Calculate the momenta of Q and Q2bar (as constituent of C2) in the
- // (parent) C2 frame first, where the direction of Q is u.vect().unit(),
- // and then boost back in the LAB frame.
- if(!toHadron2) {
- if (pClu2.m() < pQ.mass() + pQ2bar.mass() ) {
- throw Exception() << "Impossible Kinematics in SoftClusterFissioner::drawKinematics() (C)"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- }
- std::pair<Axis,double> direction2 = sampleDirectionConstituents(pClu2,pClu.mass());
- // boost from Cluster2 rest frame to Cluster COM Frame
- Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pClu2, pQ2bar.mass(), pQ.mass(), direction2.first, pQ2bar, pQ);
- weightTotal*=direction2.second;
- if (0 && _writeOut) {
- ofstream out("WriteOut/test_Constituents2.dat",std::ios::app);
- Lorentz5Momentum pQ2inCOM(pQ2bar);
- pQ2inCOM.setMass(pQ2bar.m());
- pQ2inCOM.boost( -pClu2.boostVector() ); // boost from LAB to C
- out << pQ2inCOM.vect().cosTheta(pClu2.vect()) << "\n";
- }
- }
- // Boost all momenta from the Cluster COM frame to the Lab frame
- if (_covariantBoost) {
- std::vector<Lorentz5Momentum *> momenta;
- momenta.push_back(&pClu1);
- momenta.push_back(&pClu2);
- if (!toHadron1) {
- momenta.push_back(&pQ1);
- momenta.push_back(&pQbar);
- }
- if (!toHadron2) {
- momenta.push_back(&pQ);
- momenta.push_back(&pQ2bar);
- }
- Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame(pClu.mass(),p0Q1, p0Q2, momenta);
- }
- else {
- pClu1.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- pClu2.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- pQ1.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- pQ2bar.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- pQ.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- pQbar.boost(pClu.boostVector());
- }
- return weightTotal; // success
diff --git a/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.fh b/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.fh
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.fh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// This is the forward declaration of the ClusterFissioner class.
-#ifndef HERWIG_SoftClusterFissioner_FH
-#define HERWIG_SoftClusterFissioner_FH
-#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
-namespace Herwig {
-class SoftClusterFissioner;
-namespace ThePEG {
diff --git a/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.h b/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Hadronization/SoftClusterFissioner.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// SoftClusterFissioner.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-#ifndef HERWIG_SoftClusterFissioner_H
-#define HERWIG_SoftClusterFissioner_H
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h>
-#include "CluHadConfig.h"
-#include "ClusterFissioner.h"
-#include "HadronSpectrum.h"
-namespace Herwig {
-using namespace ThePEG;
-/** \ingroup Hadronization
- * \class SoftClusterFissioner
- * \brief This class handles clusters which are too heavy by a semi-perturbative cluster fission matrix element.
- * \author Stefan Kiebacher
- *
- * @see \ref SoftClusterFissionerInterfaces "The interfaces"
- * defined for SoftClusterFissioner.
- */
-class SoftClusterFissioner: public ClusterFissioner {
- /** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Default constructor.
- */
- SoftClusterFissioner();
- /**
- * Default destructor.
- */
- virtual ~SoftClusterFissioner();
- //@}
- virtual tPVector fission(ClusterVector & clusters, bool softUEisOn);
- /** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Function used to write out object persistently.
- * @param os the persistent output stream written to.
- */
- void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
- /**
- * Function used to read in object persistently.
- * @param is the persistent input stream read from.
- * @param version the version number of the object when written.
- */
- void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
- //@}
- /**
- * Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- */
- static void Init();
- /** @name Clone Methods. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Make a simple clone of this object.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr clone() const;
- /** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
- * to make it sane.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
- //@}
- /**
- * Private and non-existent assignment operator.
- */
- SoftClusterFissioner & operator=(const SoftClusterFissioner &) = delete;
- virtual void cut(stack<ClusterPtr> &,
- ClusterVector&, tPVector & finalhadrons, bool softUEisOn);
- /**
- * Splits the input cluster.
- *
- * Split the input cluster (which can be either an heavy non-beam
- * cluster or a beam cluster). The result is two pairs of particles. The
- * first element of each pair is new cluster/hadron, while the second
- * element of each pair is the particle drawn from the vacuum to create
- * the new cluster/hadron.
- * Notice that this method treats also beam clusters by using a different
- * mass spectrum used to generate the cluster child masses (see method
- * drawChildMass).
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * Split two-component cluster
- */
- virtual cutType cutTwo(ClusterPtr &, tPVector & finalhadrons, bool softUEisOn);
- /**
- * Split two-component cluster using New FissionApproach
- */
- virtual cutType cutTwoMatrixElement(ClusterPtr &, tPVector & finalhadrons, bool softUEisOn);
- //@}
- /**
- * Calculate the masses and possibly kinematics of the cluster
- * fission at hand; if claculateKineamtics is perfomring non-trivial
- * steps kinematics claulcated here will be overriden. Currentl;y resorts to the default
- * @return the potentially non-trivial distribution weight=f(M1,M2)
- * On Failure we return 0
- */
- virtual double drawNewMasses(const Energy Mc, const bool soft1, const bool soft2,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- tcPPtr, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQone,
- tcPPtr, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQtwo,
- tcPPtr ptrQ2, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2) const;
- /**
- * Calculate the masses and possibly kinematics of the cluster
- * fission at hand; if claculateKineamtics is perfomring non-trivial
- * steps kinematics claulcated here will be overriden. Currentl;y resorts to the default
- */
- double drawNewMassesDefault(const Energy Mc, const bool soft1, const bool soft2,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- tcPPtr, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQone,
- tcPPtr, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQtwo,
- tcPPtr ptrQ2, const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2) const;
- /**
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space
- * */
- double drawNewMassesUniform(const Energy Mc,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ2) const;
- /**
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space
- * */
- double drawNewMassesPhaseSpace(const Energy Mc,
- Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, tcPPtr ptrQ2, tcPPtr ptrQ ) const;
- /**
- * Sample the masses for flat phase space modulated by a power law
- * */
- double drawNewMassesPhaseSpacePowerLaw(const Energy Mc,
- Lorentz5Momentum& pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum& pClu2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ,
- const Lorentz5Momentum& pQ2,
- tcPPtr ptrQ1, tcPPtr ptrQ2, tcPPtr ptrQ) const;
- /**
- * Calculate the final kinematics of a heavy cluster decay C->C1 +
- * C2, if not already performed by drawNewMasses
- * @return returns false if failes
- */
- double drawKinematics(const Lorentz5Momentum &pClu,
- const Lorentz5Momentum &p0Q1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum &p0Q2,
- const bool toHadron1, const bool toHadron2,
- Lorentz5Momentum &pClu1, Lorentz5Momentum &pClu2,
- Lorentz5Momentum &pQ1, Lorentz5Momentum &pQb,
- Lorentz5Momentum &pQ, Lorentz5Momentum &pQ2b) const;
- /**
- * Calculation of the squared matrix element from the drawn
- * momenta
- * @return value of the squared matrix element in units of
- * 1/GeV4
- * */
- double calculateSQME(
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & p2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q1,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & q2,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & qbar) const;
- /**
- * Calculation of the overestimate for the squared matrix
- * element independent on M1 and M2
- * @return value of the overestimate squared matrix element
- * in units of 1/GeV4
- * */
- double calculateSQME_OverEstimate(
- const Energy& Mc,
- const Energy& m1,
- const Energy& m2,
- const Energy& mq) const;
- /** @name Access members for child classes. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Access to the hadron selector
- */
- // HadronSpectrumPtr hadronSpectrum() const {return _hadronSpectrum;}
- //@}
- /** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
- * EventGenerator to disk.
- * @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
- */
- virtual void doinit();
- std::pair<Axis,double> sampleDirectionCluster(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const;
- std::pair<Axis,double> sampleDirectionConstituents(const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu, const Energy Mcluster) const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of Cluster Fission products uniformly
- **/
- Axis sampleDirectionIsotropic() const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of Cluster Fission products uniformly
- * but only accepts those flying in the direction of pRelCOM
- **/
- Axis sampleDirectionSemiUniform(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of Cluster Fission products according to Default
- * fully aligned D = 1+1 Fission
- * */
- Axis sampleDirectionAligned(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of Cluster Fission products according to Default
- * Tchannel like distribution
- * */
- std::pair<Axis,double> sampleDirectionTchannel(const Axis dirQ, const double Ainv) const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of direction from an exponential distribution
- * */
- std::pair<Axis,double> sampleDirectionExponential(const Axis dirQ, const double lambda) const;
- /**
- * Samples the direction of Cluster Fission products according to smeared direction along the cluster
- * */
- Axis sampleDirectionAlignedSmeared(const Lorentz5Momentum & pQ, const Lorentz5Momentum & pClu) const;
- /**
- * Check if a cluster is heavy enough to be at least kinematically able to split
- */
- bool canSplitMinimally(tcClusterPtr, Energy);
- /**
- * Check if can't make a hadron from the partons
- */
- inline bool cantMakeHadron(tcPPtr p1, tcPPtr p2) {
- return ! spectrum()->canBeHadron(p1->dataPtr(), p2->dataPtr());
- }
- void countPaccGreater1(){
- _counterPaccGreater1++;
- };
- void countMaxLoopViolations(){
- _counterMaxLoopViolations++;
- };
- void countFissionMatrixElement(){
- _counterFissionMatrixElement++;
- };
- /**
- * Flag for allowing Hadron Final states in Cluster Fission
- */
- int _allowHadronFinalStates;
- /**
- * Choice of Mass sampling for SoftClusterFissioner
- * i.e. rejection sampling starting from MassPresampling
- * Chooses the to be sampled Mass distribution
- * Note: This ideal distribution would be ideally
- * exactly the integral over the angles as a
- * function of M1,M2
- */
- int _massSampler;
- /**
- * Choice of Phase Space sampling for SoftClusterFissioner
- * for child cluster directions and constituent directions
- */
- int _phaseSpaceSamplerCluster;
- int _phaseSpaceSamplerConstituent;
- /**
- * Choice of Matrix Element for SoftClusterFissioner
- * Note: The choice of the matrix element requires
- * to provide one overestimate as a function
- * of M1,M2 and another overestimate of the
- * previous overestimate independent of
- * M1 and M2 i.e. only dependent on M,m1,m2,m
- */
- int _matrixElement;
- /**
- * Choice of SoftClusterFissioner Approach
- */
- int _fissionApproach;
- /**
- * Power for MassPreSampler = PowerLaw
- */
- double _powerLawPower;
- /**
- * Choice of SoftClusterFissioner Approach
- * Technical Parameter for how many tries are allowed to sample the
- * Cluster Fission matrix element before reverting to fissioning
- * using the default Fission Aproach
- */
- int _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement;
- /*
- * Safety factor for a better overestimate of the matrix Element
- *
- * */
- double _safetyFactorMatrixElement;
- /*
- * IR cutOff for IR divergent diagramms
- * */
- double _epsilonIR;
- /*
- * Failing mode for MaxLoopMatrixElement
- * */
- int _failModeMaxLoopMatrixElement;
- // For MatrixElement only:
- // Counter for how many times we accept events with Pacc>1
- static unsigned int _counterPaccGreater1;
- // Counter for how many times we escape the sampling by
- // tries > _maxLoopFissionMatrixElement
- // NOTE: This maxing out either rejects event or uses old
- // ClusterFission
- static unsigned int _counterMaxLoopViolations;
- static unsigned int _counterFissionMatrixElement;
- private:
- int _writeOut;
-#endif /* HERWIG_SoftClusterFissioner_H */

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 3:12 PM (1 d, 16 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(88 KB)

Event Timeline