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diff --git a/Handlers/ b/Handlers/
--- a/Handlers/
+++ b/Handlers/
@@ -1,172 +1,174 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the XComb class.
#include "XComb.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/SubProcessHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Cuts/Cuts.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Debug.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/SimplePhaseSpace.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/UtilityBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcess.h"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/LorentzRotation.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/ColourLines.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/LuminosityFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/CascadeHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
: theLastS(Energy2()), theLastSHat(Energy2()), theLastY(0.0),
theLastP1P2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)), theLastL1L2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)),
theLastX1X2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)), theLastE1E2(make_pair(0.0, 0.0)),
- theLastScale(ZERO), theLastCentralScale(ZERO), theLastAlphaS(-1.0),
- theLastAlphaEM(-1.0), theMaxEnergy(ZERO) {}
+ theLastScale(ZERO), theLastCentralScale(ZERO), theLastShowerScale(ZERO),
+ theLastAlphaS(-1.0), theLastAlphaEM(-1.0), theMaxEnergy(ZERO) {}
XComb(Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair & inc, tEHPtr newEventHandler,
tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW, const PBPair & newPartonBins,
tCutsPtr newCuts)
: theEventHandler(newEventHandler),
thePartonExtractor(newExtractor), theCKKW(newCKKW), theCuts(newCuts),
theParticles(inc), thePartonBins(newPartonBins), theLastS(Energy2()),
theLastSHat(Energy2()), theLastY(0.0), theLastP1P2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)),
theLastL1L2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)), theLastX1X2(make_pair(1.0, 1.0)),
theLastE1E2(make_pair(0.0, 0.0)), theLastScale(ZERO), theLastCentralScale(ZERO),
- theLastAlphaS(-1.0), theLastAlphaEM(-1.0), theMaxEnergy(newMaxEnergy) {
+ theLastShowerScale(ZERO), theLastAlphaS(-1.0), theLastAlphaEM(-1.0),
+ theMaxEnergy(newMaxEnergy) {
thePartons = cPDPair(partonBins().first->parton(),
thePartonBinInstances.first =
thePartonBinInstances.second =
theParticleBins.first = thePartonBins.first->getFirst();
theParticleBins.second = thePartonBins.second->getFirst();
XComb::~XComb() {}
void XComb::clean() {
theLastParticles = PPair();
theLastPartons = PPair();
- theLastS = theLastSHat = theLastScale = theLastCentralScale = ZERO;
+ theLastS = theLastSHat = theLastScale =
+ theLastCentralScale = theLastShowerScale = ZERO;
theLastAlphaS = theLastAlphaEM = -1.0;
theLastY = 0.0;
theLastP1P2 = theLastL1L2 = theLastX1X2 = theLastE1E2 = DPair(0.0, 0.0);
theSub = SubProPtr();
thePartonBinInstances = PBIPair();
void XComb::prepare(const PPair & inc) {
theLastParticles = inc;
void XComb::subProcess(tSubProPtr sp) {
theSub = sp;
void XComb::setPartonBinInfo() {
void XComb::createPartonBinInstances() {
thePartonBinInstances.first =
thePartonBinInstances.second =
void XComb::setPartonBinInstances(PBIPair pbip, Energy2 scale) {
thePartonBinInstances = pbip;
theLastParticles = PPair(pbip.first->getFirst()->parton(),
theLastPartons = PPair(pbip.first->parton(),
lastS((lastParticles().first->momentum() +
lastSHat((lastPartons().first->momentum() +
lastP1P2(make_pair(0.0, 0.0));
void XComb::lastL1L2(pair<double,double> ll) {
theLastL1L2 = ll;
theLastX1X2 = make_pair(exp(-ll.first), exp(-ll.second));
theLastE1E2 = make_pair(Math::exp1m(-ll.first), Math::exp1m(-ll.second));
void XComb::lastX1X2(pair<double,double> xx) {
theLastX1X2 = xx;
theLastL1L2 = make_pair(-log(xx.first), -log(xx.second));
theLastE1E2 = make_pair(1.0 - xx.first, 1.0 - xx.second);
void XComb::lastE1E2(pair<double,double> ee) {
theLastE1E2= ee;
theLastL1L2 = make_pair(-Math::log1m(ee.first), -Math::log1m(ee.second));
theLastX1X2 = make_pair(1.0 - ee.first, 1.0 - ee.second);
tPBIPtr XComb::partonBinInstance(tcPPtr p) const {
return pExtractor()->partonBinInstance(p);
void XComb::Init() {}
void XComb::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << theEventHandler << thePartonExtractor << theCKKW
<< theCuts << theParticles << thePartons << thePartonBins
<< theParticleBins << thePartonBinInstances
<< theLastParticles << theLastPartons
<< ounit(theLastS, GeV2) << ounit(theLastSHat, GeV2) << theLastY
<< theLastP1P2 << theLastL1L2 << theLastX1X2 << theLastE1E2
<< ounit(theLastScale, GeV2) << ounit(theLastCentralScale, GeV2)
- << theLastAlphaS << theLastAlphaEM
+ << ounit(theLastShowerScale, GeV2) << theLastAlphaS << theLastAlphaEM
<< ounit(theMaxEnergy, GeV) << theMEInfo << theSub;
void XComb::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> theEventHandler >> thePartonExtractor >> theCKKW
>> theCuts >> theParticles >> thePartons >> thePartonBins
>> theParticleBins >> thePartonBinInstances
>> theLastParticles >> theLastPartons
>> iunit(theLastS, GeV2) >> iunit(theLastSHat, GeV2) >> theLastY
>> theLastP1P2 >> theLastL1L2 >> theLastX1X2 >> theLastE1E2
>> iunit(theLastScale, GeV2) >> iunit(theLastCentralScale, GeV2)
- >> theLastAlphaS >> theLastAlphaEM
+ >> iunit(theLastShowerScale, GeV2) >> theLastAlphaS >> theLastAlphaEM
>> iunit(theMaxEnergy, GeV) >> theMEInfo >> theSub;
ClassDescription<XComb> XComb::initXComb;
diff --git a/Handlers/XComb.h b/Handlers/XComb.h
--- a/Handlers/XComb.h
+++ b/Handlers/XComb.h
@@ -1,620 +1,640 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// XComb.h is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef ThePEG_XComb_H
#define ThePEG_XComb_H
// This is the declaration of the XComb class.
#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.fh"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonBin.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonBinInstance.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/AnyReference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/VSelector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassDescription.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Cuts/Cuts.fh"
namespace ThePEG {
* The XComb class stores all information about the generation of a
* hard sub-proces for a given pair of incoming particles, a pair of
* extracted partons, total parton-parton energy squared and a
* PartonExtractor object.
* When an event is generated, the objects used in the generation can
* be assigned an XComb object for easy acces to the corresponding
* information. To facilitate this, the corresponding classes inherits
* from the LastXCombInfo class which provides the relefant access
* functions.
* @see PartonExtractor
* @see Cuts
* @see LastXCombInfo
class XComb: public Base {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* Standard constructor.
XComb(Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair & inc,
tEHPtr newEventHandler, tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW,
const PBPair & newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts);
* Default constructor.
* Destructor.
virtual ~XComb();
/** @name Access the assigned objects used in the generation. */
* Return a reference to the corresponding collision handler
const EventHandler & eventHandler() const { return *theEventHandler; }
* Return a pointer to the corresponding collision handler
tEHPtr eventHandlerPtr() const { return theEventHandler; }
* A pointer to the parton extractor.
tPExtrPtr pExtractor() const { return thePartonExtractor; }
* A pointer to the kinematical cuts.
tCutsPtr cuts() const { return theCuts; }
* Return a possibly null pointer to a CascadeHandler to be used for
* CKKW-reweighting.
tCascHdlPtr CKKWHandler() const { return theCKKW; }
/** @name Access information about incoming particles and partons. */
* The incoming particle types.
const cPDPair & particles() const { return theParticles; }
* The incoming parton types.
const cPDPair & partons() const { return thePartons; }
* Additional information about the incoming partons.
const PBPair & partonBins() const { return thePartonBins; }
* The maximum cm energy for this process.
Energy maxEnergy() const { return theMaxEnergy; }
* Returns true if this XComb does not correspond to a proper
* subprocess generation. I.e. if we are only generating a partial
* event and the incoming particles and partons are not used
* explicitly.
bool empty() const { return !theEventHandler; }
/** @name Manipulate and acces information about the last selected
phase space point. */
* Reset all saved data about last generated phasespace point;
virtual void clean();
* Set information about currently generated partons.
void setPartonBinInstances(PBIPair pbis, Energy2 scale);
* Prepare this XComb for producing a sub-process.
void prepare(const PPair &);
* Return the pair of incoming particle instances.
const PPair & lastParticles() const { return theLastParticles; }
* Return the pair of incoming parton instances.
const PPair & lastPartons() const { return theLastPartons; }
* Set the pair of incoming parton instances.
void lastPartons(PPair pp) { theLastPartons = pp; }
* Return the SubProcess object corresponding to the last generated
* sub-process.
tSubProPtr subProcess() const { return theSub; }
* Set the SubProcess object corresponding to the last generated
* sub-process.
void subProcess(tSubProPtr);
/** A map of PartonBinInstance objects indexed by the extracted parton. */
typedef map<cPPtr,PBIPtr> PartonBinInstanceMap;
* Access the parton bin instance map (used by the parton extractor)
PartonBinInstanceMap& partonBinInstanceMap() { return thePartonBinInstanceMap; }
* Return the parton bin instance map (used by the parton extractor)
const PartonBinInstanceMap& partonBinInstanceMap() const { return thePartonBinInstanceMap; }
* Additional information about the incoming partons.
const PBIPair & partonBinInstances() const { return thePartonBinInstances; }
* Additional information about the incoming partons.
PBIPair & partonBinInstances() { return thePartonBinInstances; }
* Return the corresponding parton bin instance for a given
* extracted parton.
tPBIPtr partonBinInstance(tcPPtr) const;
* The last generated total energy squared of the incoming particles.
Energy2 lastS() const { return theLastS; }
* Set the last generated total energy squared of the incoming
* particles.
void lastS(Energy2 s) { theLastS = s; }
* The last generated total energy squared of the incoming prtons.
Energy2 lastSHat() const { return theLastSHat; }
* Set the last generated total energy squared of the incoming
* prtons.
void lastSHat(Energy2 sh) { theLastSHat = sh; }
* lastSHat()/lastS().
double lastTau() const { return lastSHat()/lastS(); }
* The last generated rapidity of the hard scattering sub-system.
double lastY() const { return theLastY; }
* Set the last generated rapidity of the hard scattering sub-system.
void lastY(double y) { theLastY = y; }
* Log of one over the momentum fraction of the first incoming
* particle w.r.t. the maximum allowed energy.
double lastP1() const { return theLastP1P2.first; }
* Log of one over the momentum fraction of the second incoming
* particle w.r.t. the maximum allowed energy.
double lastP2() const { return theLastP1P2.second; }
* Set log of one over the momentum fraction of the incoming
* particles w.r.t. the maximum allowed energy.
void lastP1P2(pair<double,double> pp) { theLastP1P2 = pp; }
* Log of one over the first incoming parton momentum fraction
* w.r.t. the first incoming particle.
double lastL1() const { return theLastL1L2.first; }
* Log of one over the second incoming parton momentum fraction
* w.r.t. the second incoming particle.
double lastL2() const { return theLastL1L2.second; }
* Set log of one over the incoming parton momentum fractions
* w.r.t. the incoming particles.
void lastL1L2(pair<double,double>);
* The first incoming parton momentum fraction w.r.t. the
* first incoming particle.
double lastX1() const { return theLastX1X2.first; }
* The second incoming parton momentum fraction
* w.r.t. the second incoming particle.
double lastX2() const { return theLastX1X2.second; }
* Set the incoming parton momentum fractions w.r.t. the incoming
* particles.
void lastX1X2(pair<double,double>);
* Return 1-lastX1() to highest possible precision for
* x\f$\rightarrow\f$ 1.
double lastE1() const { return theLastE1E2.first; }
* Return 1-lastX2() to highest possible precision for
* x\f$\rightarrow\f$ 1.
double lastE2() const { return theLastE1E2.second; }
* Set one minus the incoming parton momentum fractions w.r.t. the
* incoming particles.
void lastE1E2(pair<double,double>);
* Get the last chosen scale of the hard scattering.
Energy2 lastScale() const { return theLastScale; }
* Set the last chosen scale of the hard scattering.
void lastScale(Energy2 Q2) { theLastScale = Q2; }
* Get the last chosen central scale of the hard scattering.
Energy2 lastCentralScale() const {
theLastCentralScale != ZERO ?
theLastCentralScale :
* Set the last chosen central scale of the hard scattering.
void lastCentralScale(Energy2 Q2) { theLastCentralScale = Q2; }
+ * Get the last chosen shower scale.
+ */
+ Energy2 lastShowerScale() const {
+ return
+ theLastShowerScale != ZERO ?
+ theLastShowerScale :
+ lastCentralScale();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the last chosen showr scale.
+ */
+ void lastShowerScale(Energy2 Q2) { theLastShowerScale = Q2; }
+ /**
* Get the \f$\alpha_S\f$ used in the hard scattering. Is negative
* if no value has been set.
double lastAlphaS() const { return theLastAlphaS; }
* Set the \f$\alpha_S\f$ used in the hard scattering.
void lastAlphaS(double a) { theLastAlphaS = a; }
* Get the \f$\alpha_{EM}\f$ used in the hard scattering. Is negative
* if no value has been set.
double lastAlphaEM() const { return theLastAlphaEM; }
* Set the \f$\alpha_{EM}\f$ used in the hard scattering.
void lastAlphaEM(double a) { theLastAlphaEM = a; }
* Check for meta information
bool hasMeta(int id) const {
return theMeta.find(id) != theMeta.end();
* Set meta information.
template<class T>
void meta(int id, T& ref) {
theMeta[id] = AnyReference(ref);
* Erase meta information.
void eraseMeta(int id) {
* Retrieve meta information.
template<class T>
T& meta(int id) const {
return theMeta.find(id)->second.cast<T>();
* Set the local parton bin info objects for this XComb.
void setPartonBinInfo();
* Create PartonBinInstance objects for this XComb.
void createPartonBinInstances();
* Set the pair of incoming particle instances.
void lastParticles(const PPair & p) { theLastParticles = p; }
* Set information about currently generated partons.
void resetPartonBinInstances(const PBIPair & newBins) { thePartonBinInstances = newBins; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* Standard Init function used to initialize the interface.
static void Init();
* The corresponding collision handler
tEHPtr theEventHandler;
* A pointer to the parton extractor.
tPExtrPtr thePartonExtractor;
* A pointer to a CascadeHandler to be used for CKKW-reweighting.
tCascHdlPtr theCKKW;
* A pointer to the kinematical cuts used.
tCutsPtr theCuts;
* The incoming particle types.
cPDPair theParticles;
* The incoming parton types.
cPDPair thePartons;
* The parton bin instance map (used by the parton extractor)
PartonBinInstanceMap thePartonBinInstanceMap;
* Additional information about the incoming partons.
PBPair thePartonBins;
* Additional information about the origins of the incoming partons.
PBPair theParticleBins;
* Additional information about the incoming partons.
PBIPair thePartonBinInstances;
* The pair of incoming particle instances.
PPair theLastParticles;
* The pair of incoming parton instances.
PPair theLastPartons;
* The last generated total energy squared of the incoming particles.
Energy2 theLastS;
* The last generated total energy squared of the incoming prtons.
Energy2 theLastSHat;
* The last rapidity of the sub process, log(x1/x2)/2.
double theLastY;
* Log of one over the momentum fraction of the incoming particles.
DPair theLastP1P2;
* Log of one over the incoming partons momentum fraction wrt. the
* incoming particles.
DPair theLastL1L2;
* The incoming partons momentum fraction wrt. the incoming
* particles.
DPair theLastX1X2;
* 1-lastX1() and 1-lastX2() to highest possible precision for
* x\f$\rightarrow\f$ 1.
DPair theLastE1E2;
* The last chosen scale of the hard scattering.
Energy2 theLastScale;
* The last chosen central scale of the hard scattering.
Energy2 theLastCentralScale;
+ * The last chosen shower scale.
+ */
+ Energy2 theLastShowerScale;
+ /**
* The \f$\alpha_S\f$ used in the hard scattering.
double theLastAlphaS;
* The \f$\alpha_{EM}\f$ used in the hard scattering.
double theLastAlphaEM;
* The maximum cm energy for this process.
Energy theMaxEnergy;
* Information saved by the matrix element in the calculation of the
* cross section to be used later when selecting diagrams and colour
* flow.
DVector theMEInfo;
* The SubProcess object corresponding to the last generated
* sub-process.
SubProPtr theSub;
* The meta information
map<int,AnyReference> theMeta;
* Describe a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<XComb> initXComb;
* Private and non-existent assignment operator.
XComb & operator=(const XComb &);
* This template specialization informs ThePEG about the base class of
* XComb.
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<XComb,1>: public ClassTraitsType {
/** Typedef of the base class of XComb. */
typedef Base NthBase;
* This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of the
* XComb class.
template <>
struct ClassTraits<XComb>:
public ClassTraitsBase<XComb> {
/** Return the class name. */
static string className() { return "ThePEG::XComb"; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* ThePEG_XComb_H */
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Sat, Dec 21, 1:34 PM (19 h, 45 m)
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