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diff --git a/analyses/pluginCMS/ b/analyses/pluginCMS/
--- a/analyses/pluginCMS/
+++ b/analyses/pluginCMS/
@@ -1,386 +1,386 @@
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/PartonicTops.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// Fully leptonic partonic ttbar analysis
class CMS_2015_I1397174 : public Analysis {
/// Minimal constructor
: Analysis("CMS_2015_I1397174") { }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Set up projections and book histograms
void init() {
// Parton level top quarks
addProjection(PartonicTops(PartonicTops::E_MU, false), "PartonTops");
// Find jets not related to the top/W decays
VetoedFinalState vfs;
FastJets fj(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5, JetAlg::ALL_MUONS, JetAlg::ALL_INVISIBLES);
addProjection(fj, "Jets");
// Book histograms
_hVis_nJet30_abs = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 1);
_hVis_nJet30 = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 1);
_hVis_nJet60_abs = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 1);
_hVis_nJet60 = bookHisto1D( 4, 1, 1);
_hVis_nJet100_abs = bookHisto1D( 5, 1, 1);
_hVis_nJet100 = bookHisto1D( 6, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet1Pt_abs = bookHisto1D( 7, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet1Pt = bookHisto1D( 8, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet1Eta_abs = bookHisto1D( 9, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet1Eta = bookHisto1D(10, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet2Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(11, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet2Pt = bookHisto1D(12, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet2Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(13, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJet2Eta = bookHisto1D(14, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJMass_abs = bookHisto1D(15, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJMass = bookHisto1D(16, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJDR_abs = bookHisto1D(17, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJDR = bookHisto1D(18, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJHT_abs = bookHisto1D(19, 1, 1);
_hVis_addJJHT = bookHisto1D(20, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet1Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(21, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet1Pt = bookHisto1D(22, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet1Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(23, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet1Eta = bookHisto1D(24, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet2Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(25, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet2Pt = bookHisto1D(26, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet2Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(27, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJet2Eta = bookHisto1D(28, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJMass_abs = bookHisto1D(29, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJMass = bookHisto1D(30, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJDR_abs = bookHisto1D(31, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJDR = bookHisto1D(32, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJHT_abs = bookHisto1D(33, 1, 1);
_hFull_addJJHT = bookHisto1D(34, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet1Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(35, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet1Pt = bookHisto1D(36, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet1Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(37, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet1Eta = bookHisto1D(38, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet2Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(39, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet2Pt = bookHisto1D(40, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet2Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(41, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBJet2Eta = bookHisto1D(42, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBBMass_abs = bookHisto1D(43, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBBMass = bookHisto1D(44, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBBDR_abs = bookHisto1D(45, 1, 1);
_hVis_addBBDR = bookHisto1D(46, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet1Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(47, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet1Pt = bookHisto1D(48, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet1Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(49, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet1Eta = bookHisto1D(50, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet2Pt_abs = bookHisto1D(51, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet2Pt = bookHisto1D(52, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet2Eta_abs = bookHisto1D(53, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBJet2Eta = bookHisto1D(54, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBBMass_abs = bookHisto1D(55, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBBMass = bookHisto1D(56, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBBDR_abs = bookHisto1D(57, 1, 1);
_hFull_addBBDR = bookHisto1D(58, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet1Pt = bookProfile1D(59, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta0 = bookProfile1D(60, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta1 = bookProfile1D(61, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta2 = bookProfile1D(62, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet2Pt = bookProfile1D(63, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta0 = bookProfile1D(64, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta1 = bookProfile1D(65, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta2 = bookProfile1D(66, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJetHT = bookProfile1D(67, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJetHT_eta0 = bookProfile1D(68, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJetHT_eta1 = bookProfile1D(69, 1, 1);
_h_gap_addJetHT_eta2 = bookProfile1D(70, 1, 1);
void analyze(const Event& event) {
// The objects used in the PAPER 12-041 are defined as follows (see p.16 for details):
// * Leptons : from the W boson decays after FSR
// * Jets : anti-kT R=0.5 to all stable particles
// exclude W->enu, munu, taunu
// * B jet : B-Ghost matched
// * B from top : B hadron from top->b decay
// Visible phase space definition:
// * Leptons : pT > 20, |eta| < 2.4
// * B jets from top : pT > 30, |eta| < 2.4
// Additional jets : pT > 20, |eta| < 2.4
// *
// Full phase space definition:
// * Correction to dilepton BR from W boson BR
// * No cut on top decay products
// * Additional jets : pT > 20, |eta| < 2.4
// Do the analysis only for the ttbar full leptonic channel, removing tau decays
const Particles partontops = apply<ParticleFinder>(event, "PartonTops").particlesByPt();
if (partontops.size() != 2) vetoEvent;
const Particle& t1 = partontops[0];
const Particle& t2 = partontops[1];
// Apply acceptance cuts on top-decay leptons (existence should be guaranteed)
const auto isPromptChLepton = [](const Particle& p){return isChargedLepton(p) && !fromDecay(p);};
const Particle lep1 = t1.allDescendants(lastParticleWith(isPromptChLepton)).front();
const Particle lep2 = t2.allDescendants(lastParticleWith(isPromptChLepton)).front();
if (lep1.pT() < 1e-9*GeV || lep2.pT() < 1e-9*GeV) vetoEvent; // sanity check?
const Jets jets = apply<JetAlg>(event, "Jets").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 20*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.4);
int nJet30 = 0, nJet60 = 0, nJet100 = 0;
Jets topBJets, addJets, addBJets, addJets_eta0, addJets_eta1, addJets_eta2;
for (const Jet& jet : jets) {
if (jet.pT() > 30*GeV) nJet30 += 1;
if (jet.pT() > 60*GeV) nJet60 += 1;
if (jet.pT() > 100*GeV) nJet100 += 1;
const bool isBtagged = jet.bTagged();
- const bool isBFromTop = any(jet.bTags(), hasParticleAncestorWith(Cuts::abspid == PID::TQUARK));
+ const bool isBFromTop = any(jet.bTags(), hasParticleAncestorWith(Cuts::abspid == PID::TQUARK, false));
if (isBFromTop) {
if (jet.pT() > 30*GeV) topBJets.push_back(jet);
} else {
if (isBtagged) addBJets.push_back(jet);
if (jet.abseta() < 0.8 ) addJets_eta0.push_back(jet);
else if (jet.abseta() < 1.5 ) addJets_eta1.push_back(jet);
else if (jet.abseta() < 2.4 ) addJets_eta2.push_back(jet);
const bool isVisiblePS = topBJets.size() >= 2
&& lep1.pT() > 20*GeV && lep1.abseta() < 2.4 && lep2.pT() > 20*GeV && lep2.abseta() < 2.4;
MSG_DEBUG(isVisiblePS << ": #b(top) = " << topBJets.size()
<< "; l1 = " << lep1.pT() << ", " << lep1.abseta()
<< "; l2 = " << lep2.pT() << ", " << lep2.abseta());
const double weight = event.weight();
if (isVisiblePS) {
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet30_abs, nJet30, weight);
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet30, nJet30, weight);
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet60_abs, nJet60, weight);
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet60, nJet60, weight);
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet100_abs, nJet100, weight);
fillWithOF(_hVis_nJet100, nJet100, weight);
fillGapFractions(addJets, _h_gap_addJet1Pt, _h_gap_addJet2Pt, _h_gap_addJetHT, weight);
fillGapFractions(addJets_eta0, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta0, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta0, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta0, weight);
fillGapFractions(addJets_eta1, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta1, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta1, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta1, weight);
fillGapFractions(addJets_eta2, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta2, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta2, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta2, weight);
// Plots with two additional jets
if (addJets.size() >= 1) {
const double ht = sum(addJets, Kin::pT, 0.0);
_hFull_addJJHT_abs->fill(ht/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJJHT ->fill(ht/GeV, weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addJJHT_abs->fill(ht/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJJHT ->fill(ht/GeV, weight);
const Jet& j1 = addJets[0];
_hFull_addJet1Pt_abs ->fill(j1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJet1Pt ->fill(j1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJet1Eta_abs->fill(j1.abseta(), weight);
_hFull_addJet1Eta ->fill(j1.abseta(), weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addJet1Pt_abs ->fill(j1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJet1Pt ->fill(j1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJet1Eta_abs->fill(j1.abseta(), weight);
_hVis_addJet1Eta ->fill(j1.abseta(), weight);
if (addJets.size() >= 2) {
const Jet& j2 = addJets[1];
_hFull_addJet2Pt_abs ->fill(j2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJet2Pt ->fill(j2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJet2Eta_abs->fill(j2.abseta(), weight);
_hFull_addJet2Eta ->fill(j2.abseta(), weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addJet2Pt_abs ->fill(j2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJet2Pt ->fill(j2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJet2Eta_abs->fill(j2.abseta(), weight);
_hVis_addJet2Eta ->fill(j2.abseta(), weight);
const double jjmass = ( +;
const double jjdR = deltaR(j1, j2);
_hFull_addJJMass_abs->fill(jjmass/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJJMass ->fill(jjmass/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addJJDR_abs ->fill(jjdR, weight);
_hFull_addJJDR ->fill(jjdR, weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addJJMass_abs->fill(jjmass/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJJMass ->fill(jjmass/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addJJDR_abs ->fill(jjdR, weight);
_hVis_addJJDR ->fill(jjdR, weight);
// Same set of plots if there are additional b-jets
if (addBJets.size() >= 1) {
const Jet& b1 = addBJets[0];
_hFull_addBJet1Pt_abs ->fill(b1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBJet1Pt ->fill(b1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBJet1Eta_abs->fill(b1.abseta(), weight);
_hFull_addBJet1Eta ->fill(b1.abseta(), weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addBJet1Pt_abs ->fill(b1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBJet1Pt ->fill(b1.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBJet1Eta_abs->fill(b1.abseta(), weight);
_hVis_addBJet1Eta ->fill(b1.abseta(), weight);
if (addBJets.size() >= 2) {
const Jet& b2 = addBJets[1];
_hFull_addBJet2Pt_abs ->fill(b2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBJet2Pt ->fill(b2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBJet2Eta_abs->fill(b2.abseta(), weight);
_hFull_addBJet2Eta ->fill(b2.abseta(), weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addBJet2Pt_abs ->fill(b2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBJet2Pt ->fill(b2.pT()/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBJet2Eta_abs->fill(b2.abseta(), weight);
_hVis_addBJet2Eta ->fill(b2.abseta(), weight);
const double bbmass = ( +;
const double bbdR = deltaR(b1, b2);
_hFull_addBBMass_abs->fill(bbmass/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBBMass ->fill(bbmass/GeV, weight);
_hFull_addBBDR_abs ->fill(bbdR, weight);
_hFull_addBBDR ->fill(bbdR, weight);
if (isVisiblePS) {
_hVis_addBBMass_abs->fill(bbmass/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBBMass ->fill(bbmass/GeV, weight);
_hVis_addBBDR_abs ->fill(bbdR, weight);
_hVis_addBBDR ->fill(bbdR, weight);
void finalize() {
const double ttbarXS = !std::isnan(crossSectionPerEvent()) ? crossSection() : 252.89*picobarn;
if (std::isnan(crossSectionPerEvent()))
MSG_INFO("No valid cross-section given, using NNLO (arXiv:1303.6254; sqrt(s)=8 TeV, m_t=172.5 GeV): " << ttbarXS/picobarn << " pb");
normalize({_hVis_nJet30,_hVis_nJet60, _hVis_nJet100,
_hVis_addJet1Pt, _hVis_addJet1Eta, _hVis_addJet2Pt, _hVis_addJet2Eta,
_hVis_addJJMass, _hVis_addJJDR, _hVis_addJJHT,
_hFull_addJet1Pt, _hFull_addJet1Eta, _hFull_addJet2Pt, _hFull_addJet2Eta,
_hFull_addJJMass, _hFull_addJJDR, _hFull_addJJHT,
_hVis_addBJet1Pt, _hVis_addBJet1Eta, _hVis_addBJet2Pt, _hVis_addBJet2Eta,
_hVis_addBBMass, _hVis_addBBDR,
_hFull_addBJet1Pt, _hFull_addBJet1Eta, _hFull_addBJet2Pt, _hFull_addBJet2Eta,
_hFull_addBBMass, _hFull_addBBDR});
const double xsPerWeight = ttbarXS/picobarn / sumOfWeights();
scale({_hVis_nJet30_abs, _hVis_nJet60_abs, _hVis_nJet100_abs,
_hVis_addJet1Pt_abs, _hVis_addJet1Eta_abs, _hVis_addJet2Pt_abs, _hVis_addJet2Eta_abs,
_hVis_addJJMass_abs, _hVis_addJJDR_abs, _hVis_addJJHT_abs,
_hVis_addBJet1Pt_abs, _hVis_addBJet1Eta_abs, _hVis_addBJet2Pt_abs, _hVis_addBJet2Eta_abs,
_hVis_addBBMass_abs, _hVis_addBBDR_abs}, xsPerWeight);
const double sfull = xsPerWeight / 0.0454; //< correct for dilepton branching fraction
scale({_hFull_addJet1Pt_abs, _hFull_addJet1Eta_abs, _hFull_addJet2Pt_abs, _hFull_addJet2Eta_abs,
_hFull_addJJMass_abs, _hFull_addJJDR_abs, _hFull_addJJHT_abs,
_hFull_addBJet1Pt_abs, _hFull_addBJet1Eta_abs, _hFull_addBJet2Pt_abs, _hFull_addBJet2Eta_abs,
_hFull_addBBMass_abs, _hFull_addBBDR_abs}, sfull);
void fillWithOF(Histo1DPtr h, double x, double w) {
h->fill(std::min(x, h->xMax()-1e-9), w);
void fillGapFractions(const Jets& addJets, Profile1DPtr h_gap_addJet1Pt, Profile1DPtr h_gap_addJet2Pt, Profile1DPtr h_gap_addJetHT, double weight) {
const double j1pt = (addJets.size() > 0) ? addJets[0].pT() : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_gap_addJet1Pt->numBins(); ++i) {
const double binCenter = h_gap_addJet1Pt->bin(i).xMid();
h_gap_addJet1Pt->fillBin(i, int(j1pt/GeV < binCenter), weight);
const double j2pt = (addJets.size() > 1) ? addJets[1].pT() : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_gap_addJet2Pt->numBins(); ++i) {
const double binCenter = h_gap_addJet2Pt->bin(i).xMid();
h_gap_addJet2Pt->fillBin(i, int(j2pt/GeV < binCenter), weight);
const double ht = sum(addJets, Kin::pT, 0.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_gap_addJetHT->numBins(); ++i) {
const double binCenter = h_gap_addJetHT->bin(i).xMid();
h_gap_addJetHT->fillBin(i, int(ht/GeV < binCenter) , weight);
// @name Histogram data members
Histo1DPtr _hVis_nJet30_abs, _hVis_nJet60_abs, _hVis_nJet100_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addJet1Pt_abs, _hVis_addJet1Eta_abs, _hVis_addJet2Pt_abs, _hVis_addJet2Eta_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addJJMass_abs, _hVis_addJJDR_abs, _hVis_addJJHT_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addJet1Pt_abs, _hFull_addJet1Eta_abs, _hFull_addJet2Pt_abs, _hFull_addJet2Eta_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addJJMass_abs, _hFull_addJJDR_abs, _hFull_addJJHT_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addBJet1Pt_abs, _hVis_addBJet1Eta_abs, _hVis_addBJet2Pt_abs, _hVis_addBJet2Eta_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addBBMass_abs, _hVis_addBBDR_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addBJet1Pt_abs, _hFull_addBJet1Eta_abs, _hFull_addBJet2Pt_abs, _hFull_addBJet2Eta_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addBBMass_abs, _hFull_addBBDR_abs;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_nJet30, _hVis_nJet60, _hVis_nJet100;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addJet1Pt, _hVis_addJet1Eta, _hVis_addJet2Pt, _hVis_addJet2Eta;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addJJMass, _hVis_addJJDR, _hVis_addJJHT;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addJet1Pt, _hFull_addJet1Eta, _hFull_addJet2Pt, _hFull_addJet2Eta;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addJJMass, _hFull_addJJDR, _hFull_addJJHT;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addBJet1Pt, _hVis_addBJet1Eta, _hVis_addBJet2Pt, _hVis_addBJet2Eta;
Histo1DPtr _hVis_addBBMass, _hVis_addBBDR;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addBJet1Pt, _hFull_addBJet1Eta, _hFull_addBJet2Pt, _hFull_addBJet2Eta;
Histo1DPtr _hFull_addBBMass, _hFull_addBBDR;
Profile1DPtr _h_gap_addJet1Pt, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta0, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta1, _h_gap_addJet1Pt_eta2;
Profile1DPtr _h_gap_addJet2Pt, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta0, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta1, _h_gap_addJet2Pt_eta2;
Profile1DPtr _h_gap_addJetHT, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta0, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta1, _h_gap_addJetHT_eta2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh b/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh
@@ -1,778 +1,782 @@
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh"
// Macros to map Rivet::Particle functions to PID:: functions of the same name
#define PARTICLE_TO_PID_BOOLFN(fname) inline bool fname (const Particle& p) { return PID:: fname (; }
#define PARTICLE_TO_PID_INTFN(fname) inline int fname (const Particle& p) { return PID:: fname (; }
#define PARTICLE_TO_PID_DBLFN(fname) inline double fname (const Particle& p) { return PID:: fname (; }
namespace Rivet {
/// @name Particle classifier functions
/// Unbound function access to PID code
inline int pid(const Particle& p) { return; }
/// Unbound function access to abs PID code
inline int abspid(const Particle& p) { return p.abspid(); }
/// Is this particle species charged?
/// Is this particle species neutral?
/// Is this a neutrino?
/// Determine if the PID is that of a charged lepton
/// Determine if the PID is that of a lepton (charged or neutral)
/// Determine if the PID is that of a photon
/// Determine if the PID is that of an electron or positron
/// Determine if the PID is that of an muon or antimuon
/// Determine if the PID is that of an tau or antitau
/// Determine if the PID is that of a hadron
/// Determine if the PID is that of a meson
/// Determine if the PID is that of a baryon
/// Determine if the PID is that of a quark
/// Determine if the PID is that of a parton (quark or gluon)
/// Determine if the PID is that of a W+
/// Determine if the PID is that of a W-
/// Determine if the PID is that of a W+-
/// Determine if the PID is that of a Z0
/// Determine if the PID is that of an SM/lightest SUSY Higgs
/// Determine if the PID is that of an s/sbar
/// Determine if the PID is that of a c/cbar
/// Determine if the PID is that of a b/bbar
/// Determine if the PID is that of a t/tbar
/// Determine if the particle is a heavy flavour hadron or parton
/// Determine if the PID is that of a heavy parton (c,b,t)
/// Determine if the PID is that of a light parton (u,d,s)
/// Determine if the PID is that of a heavy flavour (b or c) meson
/// Determine if the PID is that of a heavy flavour (b or c) baryon
/// Determine if the PID is that of a heavy flavour (b or c) hadron
/// Determine if the PID is that of a light flavour (not b or c) meson
/// Determine if the PID is that of a light flavour (not b or c) baryon
/// Determine if the PID is that of a light flavour (not b or c) hadron
/// Determine if the PID is that of a b-meson.
/// Determine if the PID is that of a b-baryon.
/// Determine if the PID is that of a b-hadron.
/// @brief Determine if the PID is that of a c-meson.
/// Specifically, the _heaviest_ quark is a c: a B_c is a b-meson and NOT a c-meson.
/// Charmonia (closed charm) are counted as c-mesons here.
/// @brief Determine if the PID is that of a c-baryon.
/// Specifically, the _heaviest_ quark is a c: a baryon containing a b & c
/// is a b-baryon and NOT a c-baryon. To test for the simpler case, just use
/// a combination of hasCharm() and isBaryon().
/// Determine if the PID is that of a c-hadron.
// /// Determine if the PID is that of a strange meson
// /// Determine if the PID is that of a strange baryon
// PARTICLE_TO_PID_BOOLFN(isStrangeBaryon)
// /// Determine if the PID is that of a strange hadron
// PARTICLE_TO_PID_BOOLFN(isStrangeHadron)
/// Is this a pomeron, odderon, or generic reggeon?
/// Determine if the PID is that of a diquark (used in hadronization models)
/// Determine if the PID is that of a pentaquark (hypothetical hadron)
/// Is this a fundamental SUSY particle?
/// Is this an R-hadron?
/// Is this a technicolor particle?
/// Is this an excited (composite) quark or lepton?
/// Is this a Kaluza-Klein excitation?
/// Is this a graviton?
/// Is this a BSM particle (including graviton)?
/// Determine if the PID is in the generator-specific range
/// Determine if the PID is that of an EW scale resonance
/// Check the PID for usability in transport codes like Geant4
/// Does this particle contain an up quark?
/// Does this particle contain a down quark?
/// Does this particle contain a strange quark?
/// Does this particle contain a charm quark?
/// Does this particle contain a bottom quark?
/// Does this particle contain a top quark?
/// jSpin returns 2J+1, where J is the total spin
/// sSpin returns 2S+1, where S is the spin
/// lSpin returns 2L+1, where L is the orbital angular momentum
/// Return the charge
/// Return 3 times the charge (3 x quark charge is an int)
/// Return the absolute charge
/// Return 3 times the abs charge (3 x quark charge is an int)
/// Alias for charge3
/// @deprecated Use charge3
/// Get the atomic number (number of protons) in a nucleus/ion
/// Get the atomic weight (number of nucleons) in a nucleus/ion
/// If this is a nucleus (ion), get nLambda
/// @name Particle pair classifiers
/// @todo Make versions that work on ParticlePair?
inline bool isSameSign(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isSameSign(,; }
inline bool isOppSign(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isOppSign(,; }
inline bool isSameFlav(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isSameFlav(,; }
inline bool isOppFlav(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isOppFlav(,; }
inline bool isOSSF(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isOSSF(,; }
inline bool isSSSF(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isSSSF(,; }
inline bool isOSOF(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isOSOF(,; }
inline bool isSSOF(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) { return PID::isSSOF(,; }
/// @name Particle charge/sign comparison functions
/// @brief Return true if Particles @a a and @a b have the opposite charge sign
/// @note Two neutrals returns false
inline bool oppSign(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return sign(a.charge3()) == -sign(b.charge3()) && sign(a.charge3()) != ZERO;
/// Return true if Particles @a a and @a b have the same charge sign
/// @note Two neutrals returns true
inline bool sameSign(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return sign(a.charge3()) == sign(b.charge3());
/// Return true if Particles @a a and @a b have the exactly opposite charge
/// @note Two neutrals returns false
inline bool oppCharge(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return a.charge3() == -b.charge3() && a.charge3() != 0;
/// Return true if Particles @a a and @a b have the same charge (including neutral)
/// @note Two neutrals returns true
inline bool sameCharge(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return a.charge3() == b.charge3();
/// Return true if Particles @a a and @a b have a different (not necessarily opposite) charge
inline bool diffCharge(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return a.charge3() != b.charge3();
/// @name Non-PID particle properties, via unbound functions
/// @brief Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement
inline bool isFirstWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.isFirstWith(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement
inline bool isFirstWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.isFirstWithout(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement
inline bool isLastWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.isLastWith(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement
inline bool isLastWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.isLastWithout(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the function requirement
inline bool hasAncestorWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) {
return p.hasAncestorWith(f, only_physical);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn't meet the function requirement
inline bool hasAncestorWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) {
return p.hasAncestorWithout(f, only_physical);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a parent which meets the function requirement
inline bool hasParentWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasParentWith(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a parent which doesn't meet the function requirement
inline bool hasParentWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasParentWithout(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the function requirement
inline bool hasChildWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasChildWith(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn't meet the function requirement
inline bool hasChildWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasChildWithout(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the function requirement
inline bool hasDescendantWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) {
return p.hasDescendantWith(f, remove_duplicates);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn't meet the function requirement
inline bool hasDescendantWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) {
return p.hasDescendantWithout(f, remove_duplicates);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which meets the function requirement
inline bool hasStableDescendantWith(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasStableDescendantWith(f);
/// @brief Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which doesn't meet the function requirement
inline bool hasStableDescendantWithout(const Particle& p, const ParticleSelector& f) {
return p.hasStableDescendantWithout(f);
/// Is this particle potentially visible in a detector?
inline bool isVisible(const Particle& p) { return p.isVisible(); }
/// @brief Decide if a given particle is direct, via Particle::isDirect()
/// A "direct" particle is one directly connected to the hard process. It is a
/// preferred alias for "prompt", since it has no confusing implications about
/// distinguishability by timing information.
/// The boolean arguments allow a decay lepton to be considered direct if
/// its parent was a "real" direct lepton.
inline bool isDirect(const Particle& p, bool allow_from_direct_tau=false, bool allow_from_direct_mu=false) {
return p.isDirect(allow_from_direct_tau, allow_from_direct_mu);
/// @brief Decide if a given particle is prompt, via Particle::isPrompt()
/// The boolean arguments allow a decay lepton to be considered prompt if
/// its parent was a "real" prompt lepton.
inline bool isPrompt(const Particle& p, bool allow_from_prompt_tau=false, bool allow_from_prompt_mu=false) {
return p.isPrompt(allow_from_prompt_tau, allow_from_prompt_mu);
/// Decide if a given particle is stable, via Particle::isStable()
inline bool isStable(const Particle& p) { return p.isStable(); }
/// Decide if a given particle decays hadronically
inline bool hasHadronicDecay(const Particle& p) {
if (p.isStable()) return false;
if (p.hasChildWith(isHadron)) return true;
return false;
/// Decide if a given particle decays leptonically (decays, and no hadrons)
inline bool hasLeptonicDecay(const Particle& p) {
if (p.isStable()) return false;
if (p.hasChildWith(isHadron)) return false;
return true;
/// Check whether a given PID is found in the particle's ancestor list
/// @deprecated Prefer hasAncestorWith
inline bool hasAncestor(const Particle& p, PdgId pid) { return p.hasAncestor(pid); }
/// Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay
inline bool fromBottom(const Particle& p) { return p.fromBottom(); }
/// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay
inline bool fromCharm(const Particle& p) { return p.fromCharm(); }
/// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay
inline bool fromHadron(const Particle& p) { return p.fromHadron(); }
/// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay
inline bool fromTau(const Particle& p, bool prompt_taus_only=false) {
return p.fromTau(prompt_taus_only);
/// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay
inline bool fromPromptTau(const Particle& p) { return p.fromPromptTau(); }
/// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a hadron or tau decay
/// @deprecated Too vague: use fromHadron or fromHadronicTau
inline bool fromDecay(const Particle& p) { return p.fromDecay(); }
/// @name Particle classifier -> bool functors
/// To be passed to any() or all() e.g. any(p.children(), HasPID(PID::MUON))
/// Base type for Particle -> bool functors
struct BoolParticleFunctor {
virtual bool operator()(const Particle& p) const = 0;
virtual ~BoolParticleFunctor() {}
/// Functor for and-combination of selector logic
struct BoolParticleAND : public BoolParticleFunctor {
BoolParticleAND(const std::vector<ParticleSelector>& sels) : selectors(sels) {}
BoolParticleAND(const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b) : selectors({a,b}) {}
BoolParticleAND(const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b, const ParticleSelector& c) : selectors({a,b,c}) {}
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const {
for (const ParticleSelector& sel : selectors) if (!sel(p)) return false;
return true;
std::vector<ParticleSelector> selectors;
/// Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction
inline BoolParticleAND operator && (const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b) {
return BoolParticleAND(a, b);
/// Functor for or-combination of selector logic
struct BoolParticleOR : public BoolParticleFunctor {
BoolParticleOR(const std::vector<ParticleSelector>& sels) : selectors(sels) {}
BoolParticleOR(const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b) : selectors({a,b}) {}
BoolParticleOR(const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b, const ParticleSelector& c) : selectors({a,b,c}) {}
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const {
for (const ParticleSelector& sel : selectors) if (sel(p)) return true;
return false;
std::vector<ParticleSelector> selectors;
/// Operator syntactic sugar for OR construction
inline BoolParticleOR operator || (const ParticleSelector& a, const ParticleSelector& b) {
return BoolParticleOR(a, b);
/// Functor for inverting selector logic
struct BoolParticleNOT : public BoolParticleFunctor {
BoolParticleNOT(const ParticleSelector& sel) : selector(sel) {}
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return !selector(p); }
ParticleSelector selector;
/// Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction
inline BoolParticleNOT operator ! (const ParticleSelector& a) {
return BoolParticleNOT(a);
/// PID matching functor
struct HasPID : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasPID(PdgId pid) : targetpids{pid} { }
HasPID(vector<PdgId> pids) : targetpids{pids} { }
HasPID(initializer_list<PdgId> pids) : targetpids{pids} { }
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return contains(targetpids,; }
vector<PdgId> targetpids;
using hasPID = HasPID;
/// |PID| matching functor
struct HasAbsPID : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasAbsPID(PdgId pid) : targetapids{abs(pid)} { }
HasAbsPID(vector<PdgId> pids) { for (PdgId pid : pids) targetapids.push_back(abs(pid)); }
HasAbsPID(initializer_list<PdgId> pids) { for (PdgId pid : pids) targetapids.push_back(abs(pid)); }
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return contains(targetapids, p.abspid()); }
vector<PdgId> targetapids;
using hasAbsPID = HasAbsPID;
/// Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the cut/function
struct FirstParticleWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
FirstParticleWith(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
FirstParticleWith(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return isFirstWith(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using firstParticleWith = FirstParticleWith;
/// Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function
struct FirstParticleWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
FirstParticleWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
FirstParticleWithout(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return isFirstWithout(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using firstParticleWithout = FirstParticleWithout;
/// Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the cut/function
struct LastParticleWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
template <typename FN>
LastParticleWith(const FN& f) : fn(f) { }
LastParticleWith(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return isLastWith(p, fn); }
std::function<bool(const Particle&)> fn;
using lastParticleWith = LastParticleWith;
/// Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function
struct LastParticleWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
LastParticleWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
LastParticleWithout(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return isLastWithout(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using lastParticleWithout = LastParticleWithout;
/// Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the cut/function
struct HasParticleAncestorWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
- HasParticleAncestorWith(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
- HasParticleAncestorWith(const Cut& c);
- bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasAncestorWith(p, fn); }
+ HasParticleAncestorWith(const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) : fn(f), onlyphysical(only_physical) { }
+ HasParticleAncestorWith(const Cut& c, bool only_physical=true);
+ bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasAncestorWith(p, fn, onlyphysical); }
ParticleSelector fn;
+ bool onlyphysical;
using hasParticleAncestorWith = HasParticleAncestorWith;
/// Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn't meet the cut/function
struct HasParticleAncestorWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
- HasParticleAncestorWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
- HasParticleAncestorWithout(const Cut& c);
- bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasAncestorWithout(p, fn); }
+ HasParticleAncestorWithout(const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) : fn(f), onlyphysical(only_physical) { }
+ HasParticleAncestorWithout(const Cut& c, bool only_physical=true);
+ bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasAncestorWithout(p, fn, onlyphysical); }
ParticleSelector fn;
+ bool onlyphysical;
using hasParticleAncestorWithout = HasParticleAncestorWithout;
/// Determine whether a particle has an parent which meets the cut/function
struct HasParticleParentWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasParticleParentWith(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
HasParticleParentWith(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasParentWith(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using hasParticleParentWith = HasParticleParentWith;
/// Determine whether a particle has an parent which doesn't meet the cut/function
struct HasParticleParentWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasParticleParentWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
HasParticleParentWithout(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasParentWithout(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using hasParticleParentWithout = HasParticleParentWithout;
/// Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the cut/function
struct HasParticleChildWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasParticleChildWith(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
HasParticleChildWith(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasChildWith(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using hasParticleChildWith = HasParticleChildWith;
/// Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn't meet the cut/function
struct HasParticleChildWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
HasParticleChildWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
HasParticleChildWithout(const Cut& c);
bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasChildWithout(p, fn); }
ParticleSelector fn;
using hasParticleChildWithout = HasParticleChildWithout;
/// Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the cut/function
struct HasParticleDescendantWith : public BoolParticleFunctor {
- HasParticleDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
- HasParticleDescendantWith(const Cut& c);
- bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasDescendantWith(p, fn); }
+ HasParticleDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) : fn(f), rmduplicates(remove_duplicates) { }
+ HasParticleDescendantWith(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates=true);
+ bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasDescendantWith(p, fn, rmduplicates); }
ParticleSelector fn;
+ bool rmduplicates;
using hasParticleDescendantWith = HasParticleDescendantWith;
/// Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn't meet the cut/function
struct HasParticleDescendantWithout : public BoolParticleFunctor {
- HasParticleDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) : fn(f) { }
- HasParticleDescendantWithout(const Cut& c);
- bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasDescendantWithout(p, fn); }
+ HasParticleDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) : fn(f), rmduplicates(remove_duplicates) { }
+ HasParticleDescendantWithout(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates=true);
+ bool operator()(const Particle& p) const { return hasDescendantWithout(p, fn, rmduplicates); }
ParticleSelector fn;
+ bool rmduplicates;
using hasParticleDescendantWithout = HasParticleDescendantWithout;
/// @name Unbound functions for filtering particles
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut
Particles& ifilter_select(Particles& particles, const Cut& c);
/// Alias for ifilter_select
/// @deprecated Use ifilter_select
inline Particles& ifilterBy(Particles& particles, const Cut& c) { return ifilter_select(particles, c); }
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut
inline Particles filter_select(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c) {
Particles rtn = particles;
return ifilter_select(rtn, c);
/// Alias for ifilter_select
/// @deprecated Use filter_select
inline Particles filterBy(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c) { return filter_select(particles, c); }
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut
inline Particles filter_select(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c, Particles& out) {
out = filter_select(particles, c);
return out;
/// Alias for ifilter_select
/// @deprecated Use filter_select
inline Particles filterBy(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c, Particles& out) { return filter_select(particles, c, out); }
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut
Particles& ifilter_discard(Particles& particles, const Cut& c);
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut
inline Particles filter_discard(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c) {
Particles rtn = particles;
return ifilter_discard(rtn, c);
/// Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut
inline Particles filter_discard(const Particles& particles, const Cut& c, Particles& out) {
out = filter_discard(particles, c);
return out;
// inline void ifilterIsolateDeltaR(Particles& particles, const FourMomenta& vecs) {
// ifilter_discard(particles,
// }
// inline Particles filterIsolateDeltaR(const Particles& particles, const FourMomenta& vecs) {
// }
/// @name Particle pair functions
/// Get the PDG ID codes of a ParticlePair
/// @todo Make ParticlePair a custom class instead?
inline PdgIdPair pids(const ParticlePair& pp) {
return make_pair(,;
/// @name Operations on collections of Particle
/// @note This can't be done on generic collections of ParticleBase -- thanks, C++ :-/
namespace Kin {
inline double sumPt(const Particles& ps) {
return sum(ps, pT, 0.0);
inline FourMomentum sumP4(const Particles& ps) {
return sum(ps, p4, FourMomentum());
inline Vector3 sumP3(const Particles& ps) {
return sum(ps, p3, Vector3());
/// @todo Min dPhi, min dR?
/// @todo Isolation routines?
// Import Kin namespace into Rivet
using namespace Kin;
/// Check Particle equivalence
inline bool isSame(const Particle& a, const Particle& b) {
return a.isSame(b);
diff --git a/src/Tools/ b/src/Tools/
--- a/src/Tools/
+++ b/src/Tools/
@@ -1,58 +1,62 @@
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Cuts.hh"
namespace Rivet {
FirstParticleWith::FirstParticleWith(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
FirstParticleWithout::FirstParticleWithout(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
LastParticleWith::LastParticleWith(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
LastParticleWithout::LastParticleWithout(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
- HasParticleAncestorWith::HasParticleAncestorWith(const Cut& c)
- : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
+ HasParticleAncestorWith::HasParticleAncestorWith(const Cut& c, bool only_physical)
+ : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }),
+ onlyphysical(only_physical) { }
- HasParticleAncestorWithout::HasParticleAncestorWithout(const Cut& c)
- : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
+ HasParticleAncestorWithout::HasParticleAncestorWithout(const Cut& c, bool only_physical)
+ : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }),
+ onlyphysical(only_physical) { }
HasParticleParentWith::HasParticleParentWith(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
HasParticleParentWithout::HasParticleParentWithout(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
HasParticleChildWith::HasParticleChildWith(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
HasParticleChildWithout::HasParticleChildWithout(const Cut& c)
: fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
- HasParticleDescendantWith::HasParticleDescendantWith(const Cut& c)
- : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
+ HasParticleDescendantWith::HasParticleDescendantWith(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates)
+ : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }),
+ rmduplicates(remove_duplicates) { }
- HasParticleDescendantWithout::HasParticleDescendantWithout(const Cut& c)
- : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }) { }
+ HasParticleDescendantWithout::HasParticleDescendantWithout(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates)
+ : fn([&](const Particle& p){ return c->accept(p); }),
+ rmduplicates(remove_duplicates) { }
Particles& ifilter_select(Particles& particles, const Cut& c) {
if (c == Cuts::OPEN) return particles;
// return ifilter_select(particles, *c);
return ifilter_select(particles, [&](const Particle& p){return c->accept(p);});
Particles& ifilter_discard(Particles& particles, const Cut& c) {
if (c == Cuts::OPEN) { particles.clear(); return particles; }
// return ifilter_discard(particles, *c);
return ifilter_discard(particles, [&](const Particle& p){return c->accept(p);});

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Sat, Dec 21, 1:27 PM (1 d, 41 m)
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