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Xmin = <input type=text id="myparton" name=xmin value=(xmin-value) size=6>
Xmax = <input type=text id="myparton" name=xmax value=(xmax-value) size=6>
Xinc = <input type=text id="myparton" name=xinc value=(xinc-value) size=6><br>
Q2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = <input type=text id="myparton" name=scale value=(scale-value) size=6> GeV**2<br>
x axis: <input type=radio name=xbinning value=1 (xbinning-value-1)>lin
<input type=radio name=xbinning value=0 (xbinning-value-0)>log<br>
y axis: <input type=radio name=ybinning value=1 (ybinning-value-1)>lin
<input type=radio name=ybinning value=0 (ybinning-value-0)>log,
ymin= <input type=text id="myparton" name=ymin value=(ymin-value) size=4>
&nbsp;ymax = <input type=text id="myparton" name=ymax value=(ymax-value) size=4><br>
Output as: <input type=radio name=numplot value=num (numplot-value-num)>numbers or
<input type=radio name=numplot value=plot (numplot-value-plot)>plot (line width = <input type=text id="myparton" name=lwidth value=(lwidth-value) size=1>)
as ratio <input type=checkbox name="ratio" (ratio-value) id="mysubmit" title="selecting this will plot the ratio to the first pdf set"><p/>
<input type=submit id="mysubmit" value="Make the Plot"/>
<input type='submit' id="mychange" name='change' value='add sets' title='increase to (nplus) possible sets'/>
<input type='submit' id="myreset" name='change' value='remove sets' title='decrease to (nminus) possible sets'/>
<form method='post' action='/pdf-cgi/pdf_lhapdfxq'>
<input type='hidden' name='xq' value='2'/>
<input type='submit' id="mychange" value='Change to plotting versus Q**2'/>
<form method='post' action='/pdf-cgi/pdf_lhapdfE'>
<input type='submit' id="mychange" value='Change to Error Set plotting'/>

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 3:07 PM (39 m, 41 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
pdf_lhapdfx.part3 (1 KB)

Event Timeline