"Return both the metadata object and collection of IpolHistos from a binned ipol file"
imeta = read_ipolmeta(ifile)
if not imeta["DataFormat"].startswith('binned'):
raise IpolIOError("Error, DataFormat of ipol file %s is not binned" % ifile)
+ if not imeta["DataFormat"].endswith('2'):
+ raise IpolIOError("Error, DataFormat '%s' of ipol file %s is not supported by this version of Professor, please recalculate parametrisations." %(imeta["DataFormat"] ,ifile))
paramlimits = None
if bool(int(imeta.get("DoParamScaling", 0))):
assert imeta.has_key("MinParamVals") and imeta.has_key("MaxParamVals")
minparamvals = [float(s) for s in imeta["MinParamVals"].split()]
maxparamvals = [float(s) for s in imeta["MaxParamVals"].split()]