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// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the MECuts class.
#include "MECuts.h"
#include "MECuts.xh"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcess.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Collision.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
: theMHatMin(2.0*GeV), theMHatMax(-1.0*GeV), thePTHatMin(0.0*GeV),
thePTHatMax(-1.0*GeV), thePTHatSingularMin(1.0*GeV),
theSingularMassMax(1.0*GeV), theCTHMin(-1.0),
theCTHMax(1.0), theTHatMin(0.0*GeV2), theTHatMax(-1.0*GeV2),
theUHatMin(0.0*GeV2), theUHatMax(-1.0*GeV2),
theScaleMin(0.0*GeV2), theScaleMax(-1.0*GeV2) {}
MECuts::MECuts(const MECuts & kc)
: Interfaced(kc), theMHatMin(kc.theMHatMin), theMHatMax(kc.theMHatMax),
thePTHatMin(kc.thePTHatMin), thePTHatMax(kc.thePTHatMax),
theCTHMin(kc.theCTHMin), theCTHMax(kc.theCTHMax),
theTHatMin(kc.theTHatMin), theTHatMax(kc.theTHatMax),
theUHatMin(kc.theUHatMin), theUHatMax(kc.theUHatMax),
theScaleMin(kc.theScaleMin), theScaleMax(kc.theScaleMax) {}
MECuts::~MECuts() {}
void MECuts::newcut(const SubProcess &) const
ThePEG_THROW_SPEC((Veto)) {}
void MECuts::cut(const SubProcess & sp) const
const ParticleVector & out = sp.outgoing();
int N = out.size();
if ( N < 1 ) throw MECutSetup();
if ( !sp.incoming().first || !sp.incoming().second ) throw MECutSetup();
// General cuts:
if ( sp.shat() < sHatMin() || sp.shat() >= sHatMax() ) throw Veto();
// Now check 2->2 proceses:
if ( N != 2 ) return;
if ( -sp.that() < tHatMin() || -sp.that() >= tHatMax() ) throw Veto();
if ( -sp.uhat() < uHatMin() || -sp.uhat() >= uHatMax() ) throw Veto();
double cth = out[0]->momentum().cosTheta();
if ( cth < cTHMin() || cth >= cTHMax() ) throw Veto();
Energy pt = out[0]->momentum().perp();
if ( pt < pTHatMin() || pt >= pTHatMax() ) throw Veto();
IBPtr MECuts::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void MECuts::doupdate() throw(UpdateException) {
if ( cTHMax() <= cTHMin() )
throw MECutZeroInterval(*this, "CTHMax <= CTHMin");
void MECuts::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << ounit(theMHatMin, GeV) << ounit(theMHatMax, GeV)
<< ounit(thePTHatMin, GeV) << ounit(thePTHatMax, GeV)
<< ounit(thePTHatSingularMin, GeV) << ounit(theSingularMassMax, GeV)
<< theCTHMin << theCTHMax
<< ounit(theTHatMin, GeV2) << ounit(theTHatMax, GeV2)
<< ounit(theUHatMin, GeV2) << ounit(theUHatMax, GeV2)
<< ounit(theScaleMin, GeV2) << ounit(theScaleMax, GeV2);
void MECuts::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> iunit(theMHatMin, GeV) >> iunit(theMHatMax, GeV)
>> iunit(thePTHatMin, GeV) >> iunit(thePTHatMax, GeV)
>> iunit(thePTHatSingularMin, GeV) >> iunit(theSingularMassMax, GeV)
>> theCTHMin >> theCTHMax >>
iunit(theTHatMin, GeV2) >> iunit(theTHatMax, GeV2)
>> iunit(theUHatMin, GeV2) >> iunit(theUHatMax, GeV2)
>> iunit(theScaleMin, GeV2) >> iunit(theScaleMax, GeV2);
ClassDescription<MECuts> MECuts::initMECuts;
void MECuts::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<MECuts> documentation
("There is no documentation for the ThePEG::MECuts class");
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfaceMHatMin
"The minimum value allowed for \\f$\\hat{m}=\\sqrt{\\hat{s}}\\f$ in GeV "
"in the hard subprocess. If the upper limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/MHatMax</interface> "
"is less than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theMHatMin, GeV,
2.0*GeV, 1.0*MeV, Constants::MaxEnergy, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfaceMHatMax
"The minimum value allowed for \\f$\\hat{m}=\\sqrt{\\hat{s}}\\f$ in GeV "
"in the hard subprocess If the lower limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/MHatMin</interface> "
"is larger than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theMHatMax, GeV,
-1.0*GeV, -1.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfacePTHatMin
"The minimum value allowed for \\f$\\hat{p_\\perp}\\f$ in GeV "
"in the hard subprocess. If the upper limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/PTHatMax</interface> "
"is less than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler",
&MECuts::thePTHatMin, GeV,
0.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfacePTHatMax
"The minimum value allowed for \\f$\\hat{p_\\perp}\\f$ in GeV "
"in the hard subprocess If the lower limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/PTHatMin</interface> "
"is larger than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::thePTHatMax, GeV,
-1.0*GeV, -1.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfacePTHatSingularMin
"The minimum value allowed for \\f$\\hat{p_\\perp}\\f$ in GeV for "
"processes which are singular in the limit "
"\\f$\\hat{p_\\perp}\\rightarrow 0\\f$. This "
"cut is in addition to PTHatMin. Hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ "
"processes which do not proceed via intermediate resonances are "
"considered singular if either or both final-state products have a mass "
"less than SingularMassMax. This limit is not checked "
"automatically, but is assumed to be checked by the relevant "
"ThePEG::PartonXSecFn objects.",
&MECuts::thePTHatSingularMin, GeV,
1.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy,
false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy> interfaceSingularMassMax
"Hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ processes which do not proceed via "
"intermediate resonances are considered singular if either or both "
"final-state products have a mass less than this limit (int GeV). "
"For singular processes the aditional \\f$\\hat{p_\\perp}\\f$ cut in "
"PTHatSingularMin should be applied. This limit is not "
"checked automatically, but is assumed to be checked by the relevant "
"ThePEG::PartonXSecFn objects.",
&MECuts::theSingularMassMax, GeV,
1.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy,
false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,double> interfaceCTHMin
"The minimum allowed value of \\f$\\cos{\\hat{\\theta}}\\f$, where "
"\\f$\\hat{\\theta}\\f$ is the scattering angle in the restframe of a "
"hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, false, false, true,
0, 0, 0, &MECuts::cTHMax);
static Parameter<MECuts,double> interfaceCTHMax
"The maximum allowed value of \\f$\\cos{\\hat{\\theta}}\\f$, where "
"\\f$\\hat{\\theta}\\f$ is the scattering angle in the restframe of a "
"hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
1.0, -1.0, 1.0, false, false, true,
0, 0, &MECuts::cTHMin, 0);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceTHatMin
"The minimum allowed value of \\f$|\\hat{t}|=-\\hat{t}\\f$ in "
"GeV<sup>2</sup> in a hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. If the "
"upper limit in <interface>SubProcess/THatMax</interface> "
"is less than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theTHatMin, GeV2,
0.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceTHatMax
"The maximum allowed value of \\f$|\\hat{t}|=-\\hat{t}\\f$ in "
"GeV<sup>2</sup> in a hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. If the "
"lower limit in <interface>SubProcess/THatMin</interface> "
"is larger than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theTHatMax, GeV2,
-1.0*GeV, -1.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceUHatMin
"The minimum allowed value of \\f$|\\hat{u}|=-\\hat{u}\\f$ in "
"GeV<sup>2</sup> in a hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. If the "
"upper limit in <interface>SubProcess/UHatMax</interface> "
"is less than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theUHatMin, GeV2,
0.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceUHatMax
"The maximum allowed value of \\f$|\\hat{u}|=-\\hat{u}\\f$ in "
"GeV<sup>2</sup> in a hard \\f$2\\rightarrow 2\\f$ scattering. If the "
"lower limit in <interface>SubProcess/UHatMin</interface> "
"is larger than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theUHatMax, GeV2,
-1.0*GeV, -1.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceScaleMin
"The minimum allowed value of the user-defined scale in GeV<sup>2</sup> "
"in a hard scattering. If the upper limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/ScaleMax</interface> "
"is less than this, the upper limit is "
"inactive. This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theScaleMin, GeV2,
0.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
static Parameter<MECuts,Energy2> interfaceScaleMax
"The maximum allowed value of user defined scale in GeV<sup>2</sup> in a "
"hard scattering. If the lower limit in "
"<interface>SubProcess/ScaleMin</interface> "
"is larger than this, the upper limit is inactive. "
"This limit is automatically checked by the event handler.",
&MECuts::theScaleMax, GeV2,
-1.0*GeV, -1.0*GeV, Constants::MaxEnergy2, false, false, true);
MECutSetup::MECutSetup() {
theMessage << "MECuts was asked to check an icomplete "
<< "SubProcess/Collision/Event. This should never happen."
<< " the run will be aborted immediately.";
MECutZeroInterval::MECutZeroInterval(const MECuts & i, string s) {
theMessage << "The MECuts object '" << << "' is not "
<< "Properly set up since an interval was non-existent :"
<< s << ".";

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 3:00 PM (5 h, 14 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (11 KB)

Event Timeline