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diff --git a/FixedOrderGen/configFO.yml b/FixedOrderGen/configFO.yml
index cf3fc4a..aea3393 100644
--- a/FixedOrderGen/configFO.yml
+++ b/FixedOrderGen/configFO.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
## number of generated events
events: 200
min pt: 20
peak pt: 30
algorithm: antikt
R: 0.4
max rapidity: 5
energy: 6500
particles: [p, p]
pdf: 230000
process: p p => h 4j
## fraction of events with two extremal emissions in one direction
## that contain an subleading emission e.g. unordered emission
subleading fraction: 0.00
## Allow different subleading configurations
## By default all implemented processes are allowed.
# subleading channels:
# - unordered
# - qqx
scales: max jet pperp
event output:
- HEJFO.lhe
# - HEJFO_events.hepmc
particle properties:
mass: 125
width: 0.004165
decays: {into: [photon, photon], branching ratio: 0.0023568762400521404}
mass: 80.385
width: 2.085
decays: {into: [e+, nu_e], branching ratio: 1}
mass: 80.385
width: 2.085
- decays: {into: [e-, nu_e_bar], branching ratio: 1}
+ decays: {into: [e-, nu_e_bar]} # equivalent to "branching ratio: 1"
random generator:
name: mixmax
# seed: 1
## unweighting parameters
## remove to obtain weighted events
# unweight:
# sample size: 200 # should be similar to "events:", but not more than ~10000
# max deviation: 0
## to use a rivet analysis
# analysis:
# rivet: MC_XS # rivet analysis name
# output: HEJ # name of the yoda files, ".yoda" and scale suffix will be added
## to use a custom analysis
# analysis:
# plugin: /path/to/
# my analysis parameter: some value
## parameters for Higgs-gluon couplings
## this requires compilation with qcdloop
# Higgs coupling:
# use impact factors: false
# mt: 174
# include bottom: true
# mb: 4.7

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:28 PM (16 h, 1 m)
Storage Engine
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text
(1 KB)

Event Timeline