diff --git a/Documentation/Tex/makefile b/Documentation/Tex/makefile index f9fc36e..a035e7a 100644 --- a/Documentation/Tex/makefile +++ b/Documentation/Tex/makefile @@ -1,36 +1,37 @@ TEX=pdflatex BIB=bibtex FLG=-shell-escape figs = $(wildcard figs/*.pdf) #make the pdf all: MiMeS.pdf #run pdflatex and bibtex (runs only if you update something in pdfs or in the tex file) MiMeS.pdf: MiMeS.tex $(figs) refs.bib $(TEX) $(FLG) $< $(TEX) $(FLG) $< $(BIB) MiMeS || true $(TEX) $(FLG) $< $(TEX) $(FLG) $< #remove all output except the pdf file rm -f *.aux rm -f *.log rm -f *.out rm -f *.bbl + rm -f *.toc rm -f *.blg rm -rf _minted-MiMeS clean: rm -f MiMeS.pdf rm -f MiMeS.pdf rm -f *.aux rm -f *.log rm -f *.out rm -f *.bbl rm -f *.blg rm -f *.toc rm -rf _minted-MiMeS