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diff --git a/Shower/Dipole/Base/ b/Shower/Dipole/Base/
--- a/Shower/Dipole/Base/
+++ b/Shower/Dipole/Base/
@@ -1,167 +1,173 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the DipoleIndex and DipoleSplittingInfo classes.
#include "DipoleSplittingInfo.h"
#include <iterator>
using std::ostream_iterator;
using namespace Herwig;
: theInitialStateEmitter(false), theIncomingDecayEmitter(false),
theInitialStateSpectator(false), theIncomingDecaySpectator(false) {}
DipoleIndex::DipoleIndex(tcPDPtr newEmitter, tcPDPtr newSpectator,
const PDF& newEmitterPDF, const PDF& newSpectatorPDF,
const bool decayingEmitter, const bool decayingSpectator)
: theEmitterData(newEmitter), theInitialStateEmitter(newEmitterPDF.pdf()),
theSpectatorData(newSpectator), theInitialStateSpectator(newSpectatorPDF.pdf()),
theSpectatorPDF(newSpectatorPDF) {}
// SW Note, this is used in DipoleShowerHandler.getWinner(),
// not including the comparison of the decay booleans led to a bug which took a long time to fix
// remember to update this function in case of new characteristics in DipoleIndex
bool DipoleIndex::operator ==(const DipoleIndex& x) const {
theEmitterData == x.theEmitterData &&
theInitialStateEmitter == x.theInitialStateEmitter &&
theEmitterPDF == x.theEmitterPDF &&
theIncomingDecayEmitter == x.incomingDecayEmitter() &&
theSpectatorData == x.theSpectatorData &&
theInitialStateSpectator == x.theInitialStateSpectator &&
theSpectatorPDF == x.theSpectatorPDF &&
theIncomingDecaySpectator == x.incomingDecaySpectator();
bool DipoleIndex::operator <(const DipoleIndex& x) const {
if ( theEmitterData == x.theEmitterData ) {
if ( theInitialStateEmitter == x.theInitialStateEmitter ) {
if ( theEmitterPDF == x.theEmitterPDF ) {
- if ( theSpectatorData == x.theSpectatorData ) {
- if ( theInitialStateSpectator == x.theInitialStateSpectator ) {
- return theSpectatorPDF < x.theSpectatorPDF;
+ if ( theIncomingDecayEmitter == x.theIncomingDecayEmitter ) {
+ if ( theSpectatorData == x.theSpectatorData ) {
+ if ( theInitialStateSpectator == x.theInitialStateSpectator ) {
+ if ( theSpectatorPDF == x.theSpectatorPDF ) {
+ return theIncomingDecaySpectator < x.theIncomingDecaySpectator;
+ }
+ return theSpectatorPDF < x.theSpectatorPDF;
+ }
+ return theInitialStateSpectator < x.theInitialStateSpectator;
- return theInitialStateSpectator < x.theInitialStateSpectator;
+ return theSpectatorData < x.theSpectatorData;
- return theSpectatorData < x.theSpectatorData;
+ return theIncomingDecayEmitter < x.theIncomingDecayEmitter;
return theEmitterPDF < x.theEmitterPDF;
return theInitialStateEmitter < x.theInitialStateEmitter;
return theEmitterData < x.theEmitterData;
void DipoleIndex::swap() {
pair<DipoleIndex,DipoleIndex> DipoleIndex::split(tcPDPtr emm) const {
DipoleIndex first(emitterData(),emm,emitterPDF(),PDF());
DipoleIndex second(emm,spectatorData(),PDF(),spectatorPDF());
return {first,second};
void DipoleIndex::print(ostream& os) const {
os << "[" << emitterData()->PDGName();
if ( emitterPDF().pdf() ) {
os << "<-" << emitterPDF().particle()->PDGName()
<< "(" << emitterPDF().pdf() << ")";
os << "," << spectatorData()->PDGName();
if ( spectatorPDF().pdf() ) {
os << "<-" << spectatorPDF().particle()->PDGName()
<< "(" << spectatorPDF().pdf() << ")";
os << "]";
os << flush;
: theConfiguration(false,false),
theScale(0.0*GeV),theIsDecayProc(false), theRecoilMass(0.0*GeV),
theEmitterX(1.0), theSpectatorX(1.0),
theHardPt(0.0*GeV), theLastPt(0.0*GeV),
theLastZ(0.0), theLastPhi(0.0), theLastEmitterZ(0.0),
theLastSpectatorZ(0.0), theLastValue(0.0),
theStoppedEvolving(false),theCalcFixedExpansion(false) {}
void DipoleSplittingInfo::fill(const DipoleSplittingInfo& other) {
*this = other;
void DipoleSplittingInfo::print(ostream& os) const {
os << "--- DipoleSplittingInfo --------------------------------------------------------\n";
os << " index = " << theIndex << "\n";
os << " configuration = (" << theConfiguration.first << "," << theConfiguration.second << ")\n"
<< " momentum fractions = [" << theEmitterX << "," << theSpectatorX << "]\n"
<< " generated starting from hard pt/GeV = " << theHardPt/GeV << "\n";
if ( theEmitterData && theEmissionData && theSpectatorData ) {
os << " splitting products = [(" << theEmitterData->PDGName()
<< "," << theEmissionData->PDGName() << "),"
<< theSpectatorData->PDGName() << "]\n";
} else {
os << " splitting products not available.\n";
if ( theSplittingKinematics ) {
os << " kinematic variables associated to '" << theSplittingKinematics->name() << "':\n"
<< " scale = " << (theScale/GeV)
<< " pt/GeV = " << (theLastPt/GeV) << " z = " << theLastZ << " phi = " << theLastPhi << "\n"
<< " emitter z = " << theLastEmitterZ << " spectator z = " << theLastSpectatorZ << "\n"
<< " splitting kernel value = " << theLastValue << "\n"
<< " further parameters = ";
copy(theLastSplittingParameters.begin(),theLastSplittingParameters.end(),ostream_iterator<double>(os," "));
os << "\n the splitting " << (theStoppedEvolving ? "terminated " : "did not terminate ") << "the evolution\n";
} else {
os << " No kinematic variables have been generated yet.\n";
if ( theEmitter && theSpectator && theSplitEmitter && theSplitSpectator && theEmission ) {
os << " the splitting has been performed:\n"
<< " emitter before emission:\n" << (*theEmitter)
<< " spectator before emission:\n" << (*theSpectator)
<< " emitter after emission:\n" << (*theSplitEmitter)
<< " emission:\n" << (*theEmission)
<< " spectator after emission:\n" << (*theSplitSpectator);
} else {
os << " the splitting has not yet been performed.\n";
os << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
os << flush;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 6:43 PM (20 m, 12 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(6 KB)

Event Timeline