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diff --git a/Decay/Dalitz/ b/Decay/Dalitz/
--- a/Decay/Dalitz/
+++ b/Decay/Dalitz/
@@ -1,215 +1,221 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz class.
#include "VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/epsilon.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/VectorWaveFunction.h"
#include "Herwig/PDT/ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/GeneralDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << ounit(coupling_,1./GeV);
void VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> iunit(coupling_,1./GeV);
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigVectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz("Herwig::VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz", "");
void VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz> documentation
("The VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz class provides a base class "
"for the decay of vector mesons to 3 pseudoscalar mesons");
static Parameter<VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz,InvEnergy> interfaceCouopling
"The coupling for the normalisation of the mode",
&VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::coupling_, 1./GeV, 1./GeV, 0./GeV, 1000./GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
void VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::
constructSpinInfo(const Particle & part, ParticleVector decay) const {
// set up the spin information for the decay products
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix)
double VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::me2(const int ichan, const Particle & part,
const tPDVector & ,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
MEOption meopt) const {
if(meopt==Initialize) {
// set the kinematics
mD_ = part.mass();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<momenta.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<momenta.size();++iy) {
// now compute the matrix element
complex<InvEnergy2> amp = amplitude(ichan);
// polarization vector piece
LorentzVector<complex<Energy3> > scalar = epsilon(momenta[0],momenta[1],momenta[2]);
// compute the matrix element
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
(*ME())(ix,0,0,0) = Complex(coupling_*amp*[ix]));
// return the answer
return (ME()->contract(rho_)).real();
double VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::
threeBodyMatrixElement(const int , const Energy2 q2,
const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2, const Energy2 s1, const
Energy m1, const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const {
mD_ = sqrt(q2);
mOut_[0] = m1;
mOut_[1] = m2;
mOut_[2] = m3;
// now compute the matrix element
// amplitide
complex<InvEnergy2> amp = amplitude(-1);
// epsilon piece
Energy6 kin = (pow<4,1>(m1)*(-2*(sqr(m2) + sqr(m3)) + s1) + pow<4,1>(m2)*(-2*sqr(m3) + s2) +
s3*(pow<4,1>(m3) + s1*s2 - sqr(m3)*(s1 + s2 + s3)) -
sqr(m1)*(2*pow<4,1>(m2) + 2*pow<4,1>(m3) + sqr(m2)*(4*sqr(m3) - 3*(s1 + s2) - s3) + s1*(s1 + s2 + s3) -
sqr(m3)*(3*s1 + s2 + 3*s3)) - sqr(m2)*(2*pow<4,1>(m3) + s2*(s1 + s2 + s3) - sqr(m3)*(s1 + 3*(s2 + s3))))/12.;
return norm(amp*coupling_*GeV*GeV2)*kin/GeV2/GeV2/GeV2;
VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::threeBodyMEIntegrator(const DecayMode & ) const {
int imode=0;
// construct the integrator
vector<double> inweights;
vector<int> intype;
vector<Energy> inmass,inwidth;
int iloc=-1;
vector<double> inpow(2,0.0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<resonances().size();++ix) {
tPDPtr resonance = getParticleData(resonances()[ix]->id);
if(resonance) {
tcDecayIntegratorPtr decayer(this);
WidthCalculatorBasePtr output(
return output;
void VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,
bool header) const {
if(header){output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";}
output << "newdef " << name() << ":Coupling " << coupling_*GeV << "\n";
// parameters for the DalitzBase base class
if(header){output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;}
complex<InvEnergy2> VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz::resAmp(unsigned int i) const {
// can't have a scalar here on spin/parity grounds
// shouldn't have E691 stuff either
// amplitude
static const Complex ii = Complex(0.,1.);
Complex output = resonances()[i]->amp;
if (resonances()[i]->type==ResonanceType::NonResonant) return output/GeV2;
// locations of the outgoing particles
- const unsigned int &d1 = resonances()[i]->daughter1;
- const unsigned int &d2 = resonances()[i]->daughter2;
- const unsigned int &sp = resonances()[i]->spectator;
+ const int &d1 = resonances()[i]->daughter1;
+ const int &d2 = resonances()[i]->daughter2;
+ const int &sp = resonances()[i]->spectator;
+ // epsilon piece =eps(d1,d2,sp)
+ double sign = (sp-d1)*(d1-d2)*(d2-sp)/2.;
// mass and width of the resonance
const Energy & mR = resonances()[i]->mass ;
const Energy & wR = resonances()[i]->width;
// momenta for the resonance decay
// off-shell
Energy pAB=sqrt(0.25*sqr(sqr(m2_[d1][d2]) -sqr(mOut_[d1])-sqr(mOut_[d2])) - sqr(mOut_[d1]*mOut_[d2]))/m2_[d1][d2];
// on-shell
Energy pR=sqrt(0.25*sqr( mR*mR -sqr(mOut_[d1])-sqr(mOut_[d2])) - sqr(mOut_[d1]*mOut_[d2]))/mR;
// Blatt-Weisskopf factors
double fR=1, fD=1;
unsigned int power(1);
// for the D decay
Energy pD = sqrt(max(ZERO,(0.25*sqr(sqr(mD_)-sqr(mR)-sqr(mOut_[sp])) - sqr(mR*mOut_[sp]))/sqr(mD_)));
Energy pDAB= sqrt( 0.25*sqr(sqr(mD_)-sqr(m2_[d1][d2])-sqr(mOut_[sp])) - sqr(m2_[d1][d2]*mOut_[sp]))/mD_;
double r1A(resonances()[i]->R*pR),r1B(resonances()[i]->R*pAB );
double r2A(parentRadius() *pD),r2B(parentRadius() *pDAB);
// Blatt-Weisskopf factors and spin piece
switch (resonances()[i]->type) {
case ResonanceType::Spin1:
fR=sqrt( (1. + sqr(r1A)) / (1. + sqr(r1B)) );
fD=sqrt( (1. + sqr(r2A)) / (1. + sqr(r2B)) );
output *= fR*fD;
case ResonanceType::Spin2:
fR = sqrt( (9. + sqr(r1A)*(3.+sqr(r1A))) / (9. + sqr(r1B)*(3.+sqr(r1B))));
fD = sqrt( (9. + sqr(r2A)*(3.+sqr(r2A))) / (9. + sqr(r2B)*(3.+sqr(r2B))));
output *= fR*fD;
+ // spin piece
+ output *= (sqr(mD_) - sqr(mOut_[sp]) + sqr(m2_[d1][d2]))/(sqr(mD_)*sqr(m2_[d1][d2]))/GeV2*
+ ((-sqr(m2_[sp][d1]) + sqr(m2_[sp][d2]))*sqr(m2_[d1][d2]) +
+ (mD_ - mOut_[sp])*(mD_ + mOut_[sp])*(mOut_[d1] - mOut_[d2])*(mOut_[d1] + mOut_[d2]));
default :
Energy gam = wR*pow(pAB/pR,power)*(mR/m2_[d1][d2])*fR*fR;
- return output/(sqr(mR)-sqr(m2_[d1][d2])-mR*gam*ii);
+ return sign*output/(sqr(mR)-sqr(m2_[d1][d2])-mR*gam*ii);
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,23896 +1,23888 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# This file contains the set-up of the decayers for Herwig outputted
-# from the Herwig Particles Database at 10:13:27 on the 4/7/2022.
+# from the Herwig Particles Database at 20:23:15 on the 4/7/2022.
# load libraries which are needed
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1Meson
newdef Tau1Meson:Iteration 1
newdef Tau1Meson:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1Meson:Points 10000
newdef Tau1Meson:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau1Meson:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1Meson:WeightLocation 1 0
insert Tau1Meson:MaximumWeight 0 0.50
insert Tau1Meson:MaximumWeight 1 0.02
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent Tau1MesonCurrent
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
newdef Tau1Meson:WeakCurrent Tau1MesonCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Pion
newdef Tau2Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2Pion:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Pion:WeightLocation 1 3
insert Tau2Pion:MaximumWeight 0 1.64338
insert Tau2Pion:MaximumWeight 1 0.00863434
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 0 0.812615
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 1 0.146317
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 2 0.0410682
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 3 0.51195
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 4 0.396123
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 5 0.0919263
create Herwig::TwoPionRhoCurrent Tau2PionCurrent
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 0 774.6
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1408
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 2 1700
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 0 149
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 1 502
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 2 235
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoParameters 1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 0 1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 0 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 1 0.167
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 1 180
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 2 0.05
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 2 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiModel 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau2Pion:WeakCurrent Tau2PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauKEta
newdef TauKEta:Iteration 10
newdef TauKEta:Ntry 500
newdef TauKEta:Points 10000
newdef TauKEta:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 1 3
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 2 6
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 0 0.021307
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 1 0.040893
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 2 0.00107674
insert TauKEta:Weights 0 0.842908
insert TauKEta:Weights 1 0.0652633
insert TauKEta:Weights 2 0.0918287
insert TauKEta:Weights 3 0.84012
insert TauKEta:Weights 4 0.0665051
insert TauKEta:Weights 5 0.0933754
insert TauKEta:Weights 6 0.549109
insert TauKEta:Weights 7 0.196521
insert TauKEta:Weights 8 0.254371
create Herwig::KPiKStarCurrent TauKEtaCurrent
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 0 892.1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 1 1700
insert TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 2 1717
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 0 51.3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 1 235
insert TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 2 322
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarParameters 1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 0 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 1 0.038
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 1 180
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 2 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 2 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KModel 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -3
newdef TauKEta:WeakCurrent TauKEtaCurrent
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME0
newdef DecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME100
newdef DecayME100:MECode 100
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME101
newdef DecayME101:MECode 101
create Herwig::a1ThreePionDecayer a13Pi
newdef a13Pi:Iteration 5
newdef a13Pi:Ntry 500
newdef a13Pi:Points 10000
newdef a13Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a13Pi:LocalParameters 1
newdef a13Pi:Coupling 90.44
newdef a13Pi:Lambda2 1.2
newdef a13Pi:a1mass2 1.5129
newdef a13Pi:SigmaMass 0.8
newdef a13Pi:SigmaWidth 0.8
newdef a13Pi:SigmaMagnitude 1.39987
newdef a13Pi:SigmaPhase 0.43585
newdef a13Pi:RhoMagnitude 0 1
newdef a13Pi:RhoPhase 0 0
newdef a13Pi:RhoMasses 0 0.7761
newdef a13Pi:RhoWidths 0 0.1445
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 0 0.339108
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 1 0.335601
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 2 0.325291
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 0 0.19616
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 1 0.191408
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 2 0.12137
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 3 0.115498
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 4 0.12729
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 5 0.127183
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 6 0.12109
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.188163
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.192479
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.121658
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.12135
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.127298
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.124835
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 6 0.124217
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.153071
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.165741
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.107509
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.10275
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.109738
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.11254
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 6 0.125344
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 7 0.123307
newdef a13Pi:ZeroMax 19.144
newdef a13Pi:OneMax 7.83592
newdef a13Pi:TwoMax 6.64804
newdef a13Pi:ThreeMax 6.66296
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau4Pion
newdef Tau4Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau4Pion:Ntry 2000
newdef Tau4Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau4Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau4Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau4Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau4Pion:MaximumWeight 0 0.24
insert Tau4Pion:MaximumWeight 1 2.41
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 0 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 1 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 2 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 3 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 4 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 5 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 6 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 7 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 8 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 9 0.054903
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 10 0.054903
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 11 0.054904
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 12 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 13 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 14 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 15 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 16 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 17 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 18 0.0558
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 19 0.0558
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 20 0.06175
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 21 0.06175
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 22 0.0781
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 23 0.0781
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 24 0.0550
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 25 0.0550
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 26 0.0517
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 27 0.0517
create Herwig::FourPionNovosibirskCurrent Tau4PionCurrent
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:rhoMass 0.7761
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1Mass 1.23
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:sigmaMass 0.8
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:omegaMass 0.782
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:rhoWidth 0.1445
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1Width 0.45
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:sigmaWidth 0.8
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:omegaWidth 0.00841
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:IntegrationMass 1.4
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:IntegrationWidth 0.5
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:SigmaMagnitude 1.39987
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:SigmaPhase 0.43585
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Lambda2 1.2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 1.2668e-09
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 7.25154e-07
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 5.44727e-06
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 1.8636e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 4.51749e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 9.01909e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.000159011
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 0.00025717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 0.000390448
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 0.000564921
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 0.000787028
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 0.00106365
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 0.00140218
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 0.00181066
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 0.00229787
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 0.00287348
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 0.00354818
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 0.00433394
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 0.00524412
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 0.00629386
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 0.00750026
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 0.00888287
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 0.0104641
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 0.0122697
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 0.0143294
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 0.016678
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 0.0193556
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 0.0224095
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 0.025895
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 0.0298766
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 0.0344302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 0.0396437
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 0.0456187
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 0.0524703
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 0.0603249
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 0.0693166
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 0.0795701
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 0.0911959
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 0.104253
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 0.118728
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 0.134509
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 0.151382
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 0.169043
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 0.187144
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 0.205332
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 0.223296
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 0.240783
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 0.257608
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 0.273644
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 0.288817
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 0.303092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 0.316463
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 0.328939
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 0.340546
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 0.351317
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 0.36129
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 0.370505
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 0.379004
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 0.386827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 0.394014
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 0.400604
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 0.406634
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 0.412139
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 0.417151
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 0.421702
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 0.425822
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 0.429538
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 0.432877
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 0.435862
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 0.438551
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 0.440898
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 0.442955
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 0.44475
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 0.446231
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 0.447525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 0.448599
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 0.449464
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 0.450137
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 0.450632
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 0.450953
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 0.451115
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 0.451131
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 0.45101
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 0.450759
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 0.450388
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 0.449905
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 0.449318
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 0.448719
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 0.447944
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 100 0.446996
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 101 0.446057
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 102 0.445045
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 0.443964
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 104 0.442821
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 105 0.441618
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 106 0.440362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 107 0.439058
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 108 0.437707
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 109 0.436533
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 110 0.434872
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 111 0.4334
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 112 0.431896
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 113 0.430362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 114 0.428803
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 115 0.427213
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 116 0.425602
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 0.42397
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 118 0.422326
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 119 0.420655
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 120 0.418972
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 121 0.41728
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 122 0.415571
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 123 0.413857
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 124 0.412098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 125 0.4104
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 126 0.408663
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 127 0.406921
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 128 0.405176
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 129 0.403429
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 130 0.40168
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 131 0.399931
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 132 0.398181
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 133 0.396433
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 134 0.394687
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 135 0.392944
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 136 0.391209
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 137 0.389472
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 138 0.38774
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 139 0.386011
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 140 0.38429
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 141 0.382576
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 142 0.380868
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 143 0.379168
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 144 0.377475
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 145 0.37579
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 146 0.374113
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 147 0.372446
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 148 0.370786
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 149 0.369135
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 150 0.367492
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 151 0.365861
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 152 0.364237
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 153 0.362623
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 154 0.361021
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 155 0.359431
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 156 0.357847
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 157 0.356276
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 158 0.354717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 159 0.353165
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 160 0.351626
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 161 0.350098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 162 0.348581
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 163 0.347074
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 164 0.345601
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 165 0.344092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 166 0.342625
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 167 0.341161
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 168 0.339711
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 169 0.338272
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 170 0.336663
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 171 0.335428
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 172 0.334023
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 173 0.332629
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 174 0.331247
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 175 0.329873
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 176 0.328516
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 177 0.327166
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 178 0.325828
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 179 0.324499
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 180 0.323183
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 181 0.321879
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 182 0.320585
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 183 0.319302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 184 0.318029
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 185 0.316768
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 186 0.31552
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 187 0.314277
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 188 0.313048
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 189 0.311828
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 190 0.31062
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 0.309424
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 192 0.308226
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 193 0.30706
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 194 0.305893
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 195 0.304738
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 196 0.303589
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 197 0.302453
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 0.301326
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 199 0.300207
insert Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 200 0.299101
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newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 1 0.0157885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 2 0.0315769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 3 0.0473654
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 4 0.0631539
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 5 0.0789423
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 6 0.0947308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 7 0.110519
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 8 0.126308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 9 0.142096
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 10 0.157885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 11 0.173673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 12 0.189462
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 13 0.20525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 14 0.221039
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 15 0.236827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 16 0.252615
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 17 0.268404
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 18 0.284192
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 19 0.299981
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 20 0.315769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 21 0.331558
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 22 0.347346
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 23 0.363135
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 24 0.378923
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 25 0.394712
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 26 0.4105
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 27 0.426289
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 28 0.442077
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 29 0.457866
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 30 0.473654
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 31 0.489442
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 32 0.505231
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 33 0.521019
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 34 0.536808
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 35 0.552596
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 36 0.568385
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 37 0.584173
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 38 0.599962
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 39 0.61575
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 40 0.631539
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 41 0.647327
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 42 0.663116
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 43 0.678904
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 44 0.694693
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 45 0.710481
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 46 0.726269
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 47 0.742058
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 48 0.757846
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 49 0.773635
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 50 0.789423
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 51 0.805212
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 52 0.821
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 53 0.836789
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 54 0.852577
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 55 0.868366
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 56 0.884154
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 57 0.899943
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 58 0.915731
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 0.93152
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 60 0.947308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 61 0.963097
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 62 0.978885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 63 0.994673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 64 1.01046
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 65 1.02625
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 66 1.04204
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 67 1.05783
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 68 1.07362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 69 1.0894
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 70 1.10519
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 71 1.12098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 72 1.13677
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 73 1.15256
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.16835
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.18414
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.19992
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.21571
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.2315
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.24729
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.27887
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.29465
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31044
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.32623
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34202
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 86 1.35781
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3736
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.38939
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.40517
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 90 1.42096
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.43675
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45254
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.46833
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.48412
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.4999
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.51569
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53148
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.54727
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.56306
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.57885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 101 1.59464
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 102 1.61042
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 103 1.62621
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 104 1.642
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 105 1.65779
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 106 1.67358
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 107 1.68937
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.70515
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72094
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.73673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.75252
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.76831
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.7841
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 114 1.79989
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.81567
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.83146
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.84725
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 118 1.86304
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 119 1.87883
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 120 1.89462
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 121 1.9104
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 122 1.92619
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 123 1.94198
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 124 1.95777
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 125 1.97356
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 126 1.98935
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 127 2.00514
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 128 2.02092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 129 2.03671
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 130 2.0525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 131 2.06829
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.08408
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 133 2.09987
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 134 2.11565
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.13144
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 136 2.14723
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 137 2.16302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 138 2.17881
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 139 2.1946
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 140 2.21039
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.22617
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.24196
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.25775
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.27354
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.28933
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.30512
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.3209
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.33669
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.35248
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.36827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.38406
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.39985
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.41564
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.43142
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.44721
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.463
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.47879
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.49458
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.51037
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.52615
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.54194
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.55773
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.57352
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.58931
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.6051
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.62089
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.63667
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.65246
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.66825
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.68404
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.69983
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.71562
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.7314
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.74719
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.76298
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.77877
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.79456
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.81035
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.82614
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.84192
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.85771
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.8735
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.88929
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.90508
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.92087
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.93665
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.95244
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.96823
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.98402
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 2.99981
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.0156
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.03139
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.04717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.06296
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.07875
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.09454
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.11033
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.12612
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.1419
insert Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 200 3.15769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau4Pion:WeakCurrent Tau4PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2MesonPhoton
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Points 10000
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:MaximumWeight 0 0.0107705
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:Weights 0 1
create Herwig::TwoPionPhotonCurrent Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:omegamass 0.782
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:omegawidth 0.0085
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:grho 0.112389
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:grhoomegapi 12.924
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:IntegrationMass 1.2
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:IntegrationWidth 0.35
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Weights 0 1
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Weights 1 -0.1
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoMasses 0 773
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1700
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoWidths 0 145
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoWidths 1 260
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:WeakCurrent Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer VectorVP
newdef VectorVP:Iteration 1
newdef VectorVP:Ntry 1000
newdef VectorVP:Points 10000
newdef VectorVP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 113 22 111 0.0002527 1.60721
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 213 22 211 0.000221 1.62841
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 113 22 221 0.000492 1.6601
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 223 22 111 0.000727947 1.6066
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 223 22 221 0.000143 1.61151
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 111 3.97e-05 1.57772
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 221 0.000212 1.59018
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 331 0.000219 1.75157
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 223 111 4.17e-05 1.82785
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100333 323 -321 0.003934 4.69434
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100333 313 -311 0.004011 4.43694
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 313 22 311 0.000384 1.60146
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 323 22 321 0.000253 1.59626
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 423 22 421 0.000616 1.60404
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 413 22 411 0.000152 1.5979
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 433 22 431 0.000764 1.60184
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 533 22 531 0.000248 1.59746
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 543 22 541 0.000266 1.59608
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 523 22 521 0.000553 1.59875
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 513 22 511 0.00031 1.59075
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 113 221 0.002663 3.81111
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 213 221 0.002663 3.83583
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 323 -321 0.000894 4.7074
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 313 -311 0.000908 4.7438
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 323 -311 0.001265 4.62484
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 -313 321 0.001273 4.88974
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 213 -211 0.002996 3.32873
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 113 111 0.002996 3.33537
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100223 213 -211 0.004507 3.88723
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100223 113 111 0.004507 3.71504
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 323 -211 0.00336 3.81291
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 313 111 0.00238 3.50939
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 313 211 0.00336 3.33937
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 323 111 0.00238 3.17369
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 -213 321 0.004159 2.90637
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 113 311 0.002939 2.94708
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 213 311 0.004159 2.95133
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 113 321 0.002939 2.9179
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100313 323 -211 0.009469 5.36672
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100313 313 111 0.006781 5.47961
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100323 313 211 0.009469 5.37021
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100323 323 111 0.006781 5.34432
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 441 0.000149 28.2694
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 331 2.5e-06 1.64689
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 213 -211 2.74e-06 3.14147
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 111 2.74e-06 3.15398
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 323 -321 1.8e-06 5.49223
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 313 -311 1.8e-06 5.30256
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 221 1.54e-06 5.62993
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 221 1.03e-06 1.60784
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 221 1.1e-06 5.27399
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 331 8.5e-07 5.15443
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 111 7.3e-07 5.67454
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 221 5.4e-07 2.95976
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 331 4.5e-07 2.58819
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 331 5.8e-07 5.78299
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 111 1.77e-07 1.59256
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 221 0.00023 1.66072
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 441 1.14e-05 3.23618
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 331 6.2e-07 1.63014
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 111 1.06e-05 1.6029
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30443 443 221 0.000135 1.61494
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30443 333 221 7.6e-06 5.31316
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 323 -321 2.1e-07 6.27385
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 313 -311 5.4e-07 6.24771
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 221 2.9e-07 5.36123
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 331 3.3e-07 5.16099
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 213 -211 1.7e-07 3.45613
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 111 1.7e-07 3.47115
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 223 331 3.2e-07 5.80649
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 221 2.5e-07 3.31378
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 223 111 2.2e-07 5.54156
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 331 2.6e-07 3.3628
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -533 531 0.000149 1.54526
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -513 511 0.000195 1.55437
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -523 521 0.000195 1.55739
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 223 221 0.00462 12.6483
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30333 223 221 0.00186 5.22461
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30333 333 331 0.00482 7.5409
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 100331 2.83e-06 3.01562
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 100441 0.00891 35.4282
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100553 22 551 7.49e-05 2.41144
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100553 553 221 0.000804 1.71743
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100543 22 541 0.000123 1.59954
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 551 3.23e-05 2.10347
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 9020221 9.33e-07 4.67138
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 300553 553 221 0.00101 2.85334
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 300553 553 331 0.00214 5.56012
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 20433 22 10431 0.000145 1.60398
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipCLEO
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEO:MaximumWeight 3.23008e+11
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 0 0.122363
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 1 0.12191
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 2 0.0940997
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 3 0.0915046
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 4 0.0649267
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 5 0.0628349
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 6 0.0656603
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 7 0.0688308
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 8 0.151479
insert DpKmPipPipCLEO:Weights 9 0.15639
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 10.4652 -0.321141 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 1 2 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 2 1 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -10311 31 1.463 0.1638 0 1 2 3 0.867429 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -10311 31 1.463 0.1638 0 2 1 3 0.867429 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 1 2 0.962 -0.521853 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 0.962 -0.521853 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 1 2 6.5 -2.63545 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 2 1 6.5 -2.63545 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -9000311 31 0.809 0.47 0 1 2 5.01 -2.8571 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:AddChannel -9000311 31 0.809 0.47 0 2 1 5.01 -2.8571 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEO:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211 1.5
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipE691
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:ParentRadius 0
newdef DpKmPipPipE691:MaximumWeight 1.86647e+09
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 0 0.189309
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 1 0.198072
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 2 0.195665
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 3 0.197668
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 4 0.110717
insert DpKmPipPipE691:Weights 5 0.108568
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.41421 0 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -313 13 0.8961 0.0505 0 1 2 0.78 -1.0472 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -313 13 0.8961 0.0505 0 2 1 0.78 -1.0472 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -10311 11 1.429 0.287 0 1 2 0.53 2.30383 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -10311 11 1.429 0.287 0 2 1 0.53 2.30383 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -30313 13 1.714 0.323 0 1 2 0.47 -0.890118 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:AddChannel -30313 13 1.714 0.323 0 2 1 0.47 -0.890118 0
do DpKmPipPipE691:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKpKmPipBABAR
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:Points 100000
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:ParentRadius 3
newdef DsKpKmPipBABAR:MaximumWeight 1.96562e+10
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 0 0.277177
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 1 0.293496
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 2 0.140435
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 3 0.0714531
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 4 0.141085
insert DsKpKmPipBABAR:Weights 5 0.0763539
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel -313 3 0.8956 0.0451 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel 333 3 1.01945 0.00426 0 1 2 1.15 -0.251593 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 21 0.92 0.24 0 1 2 2.67 1.56 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel -10311 1 1.425 0.27 1 2 0 1.14 2.55 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.72 0.135 0 1 2 0.65 1.36 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.22 0.21 0 1 2 0.46 -0.45 1.5
do DsKpKmPipBABAR:SetExternal 431 321 -321 211
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KmPipPi0E691
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:Iteration 10
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:Ntry 500
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:Points 10000
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:ParentRadius 0
newdef D0KmPipPi0E691:MaximumWeight 6.62438e+09
insert D0KmPipPi0E691:Weights 0 0.222738
insert D0KmPipPi0E691:Weights 1 0.221507
insert D0KmPipPi0E691:Weights 2 0.555754
do D0KmPipPi0E691:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0
do D0KmPipPi0E691:AddChannel -313 13 0.8961 0.0505 1 0 2 3.19 2.9147 0
do D0KmPipPi0E691:AddChannel -323 13 0.89159 0.0498 0 2 1 2.96 -1.95477 0
do D0KmPipPi0E691:AddChannel 213 13 0.7681 0.1515 1 2 0 8.56 0.698132 0
do D0KmPipPi0E691:SetExternal 421 -321 211 111
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KL0PipPimCLEO
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Points 10000
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:ResonanceMass 1
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KL0PipPimCLEO:MaximumWeight 3.24345e+10
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 0 0.0414772
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 1 0.132285
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 2 0.0588933
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 3 0.308645
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 4 0.0546762
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 5 0.107295
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 6 0.112617
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 7 0.0661828
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 8 0.0490123
insert D0KL0PipPimCLEO:Weights 9 0.0689157
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.1 -0.349066 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 323 3 0.89166 0.0508 1 0 2 0.11 2.46091 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 113 3 0.7693 0.1502 2 1 0 1 0 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 223 3 0.78257 0.00844 2 1 0 0.037 1.98968 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -323 3 0.89166 0.0508 2 0 1 1.56 2.61799 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.05 2 1 0 0.34 -3.00197 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1851 2 1 0 0.7 -0.907571 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 10221 1 1.31 0.272 2 1 0 1.8 1.48353 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -10321 1 1.412 0.294 2 0 1 2 0.0523599 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 2 0 1 1 -0.436333 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -30323 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 5.6 3.03687 1.5
do D0KL0PipPimCLEO:SetExternal 421 130 211 -211
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0Kbar0PipPimE691
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:Iteration 10
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:Ntry 500
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:Points 10000
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:ParentRadius 0
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:ResonanceMass 0
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimE691:MaximumWeight 1.01099e+09
insert D0Kbar0PipPimE691:Weights 0 0.545204
insert D0Kbar0PipPimE691:Weights 1 0.454796
do D0Kbar0PipPimE691:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0
do D0Kbar0PipPimE691:AddChannel -323 13 0.89159 0.0498 2 0 1 2.31 1.90241 0
do D0Kbar0PipPimE691:AddChannel 113 13 0.7681 0.1515 2 1 0 1.59 -2.14675 0
do D0Kbar0PipPimE691:SetExternal 421 -311 211 -211
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:MaximumWeight 3.81523e+11
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 0 0.116296
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 1 0.118406
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 2 0.060827
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 3 0.0598321
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 4 0.066831
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 5 0.0692735
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 6 0.099475
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 7 0.103939
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 8 0.152224
insert DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:Weights 9 0.152897
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.8957 0.0453 0 1 2 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.8957 0.0453 0 2 1 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 1 2 2.88 -1.16937 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 2 1 2.88 -1.16937 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 1 2 0.794 0.258309 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 0.794 0.258309 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -10311 31 1.4666 0.1742 0 1 2 3.74 0.891863 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -10311 31 1.4666 0.1742 0 2 1 3.74 0.891863 1.5
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -9000311 -1 0.809 0.47 0 1 2 1 0 0 26 0.67082 20.23 -1.25315 0.74162 20.9 -1.0664 0.806226 20.58 -0.851721 0.866025 20.62 -0.820305 0.921954 20.95 -0.76969 0.974679 19.97 -0.670206 1.0247 19.36 -0.457276 1.07238 17.81 -0.324631 1.11803 17.7 -0.23911 1.1619 17.72 -0.148353 1.20416 17.13 -0.0558505 1.24499 17.16 0.00872665 1.28452 17.09 0.0942478 1.32288 16.94 0.1309 1.36015 16.41 0.165806 1.39642 15.91 0.214676 1.43178 15.97 0.294961 1.46629 15.72 0.274017 1.5 16.54 0.301942 1.53297 16.64 0.350811 1.56525 15.91 0.345575 1.59687 17.25 0.375246 1.62788 17.24 0.420624 1.65831 17.59 0.506145 1.68819 16.51 0.570723 1.71756 14.07 0.621337
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel -9000311 -1 0.809 0.47 0 2 1 1 0 0 26 0.67082 20.23 -1.25315 0.74162 20.9 -1.0664 0.806226 20.58 -0.851721 0.866025 20.62 -0.820305 0.921954 20.95 -0.76969 0.974679 19.97 -0.670206 1.0247 19.36 -0.457276 1.07238 17.81 -0.324631 1.11803 17.7 -0.23911 1.1619 17.72 -0.148353 1.20416 17.13 -0.0558505 1.24499 17.16 0.00872665 1.28452 17.09 0.0942478 1.32288 16.94 0.1309 1.36015 16.41 0.165806 1.39642 15.91 0.214676 1.43178 15.97 0.294961 1.46629 15.72 0.274017 1.5 16.54 0.301942 1.53297 16.64 0.350811 1.56525 15.91 0.345575 1.59687 17.25 0.375246 1.62788 17.24 0.420624 1.65831 17.59 0.506145 1.68819 16.51 0.570723 1.71756 14.07 0.621337
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:AddChannel 0 -11 0 0 1 2 0 33.1 1.15541 0 0.963596 0.853 -0.959 0.314 1.2563 1.4982 1
do DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipCLEOMIPWA:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Leptons
newdef Tau2Leptons:Iteration 1
newdef Tau2Leptons:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Leptons:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Leptons:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau2Leptons:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Leptons:WeightLocation 1 1
insert Tau2Leptons:MaximumWeight 0 1.4
insert Tau2Leptons:MaximumWeight 1 1.35
insert Tau2Leptons:Weights 0 1
insert Tau2Leptons:Weights 1 1
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent Tau2LeptonCurrent
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef Tau2Leptons:WeakCurrent Tau2LeptonCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayer Vector2Meson
newdef Vector2Meson:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Meson:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Meson:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Meson:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 113 211 -211 6 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 213 111 211 6 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100113 211 -211 2.082 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 111 211 2.082 1.60125
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 211 -211 1.655 1.60103
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 111 211 1.655 1.60314
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 321 -321 0.194 1.61146
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 311 -311 0.194 1.59231
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 321 -311 0.274 1.5977
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 100211 -211 7.828 3.96846
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 100111 211 7.828 3.96787
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 111 100211 7.828 4.01174
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100113 100211 -211 17.9 3.92182
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 100111 211 17.9 3.89871
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 111 100211 17.9 4.05484
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 223 211 -211 0.1847 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 313 321 -211 4.57 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 313 311 111 3.23 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 323 311 211 4.57 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 323 321 111 3.23 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100313 321 -211 1.296 1.60116
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100313 311 111 0.916 1.59304
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100323 311 211 1.296 1.58997
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100323 321 111 0.916 1.60422
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30313 321 -211 3.114 1.59993
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30313 311 111 2.201 1.5941
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30323 311 211 3.114 1.59278
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30323 321 111 2.201 1.60125
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 321 -321 4.48 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 311 -311 4.59 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 211 -211 0.008986 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 321 -321 0.912 1.60035
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 311 -311 0.918 0.0762376
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30443 411 -411 12.83 1.60934
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30443 421 -421 12.83 1.5897
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 111 6.309 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 111 6.313 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 413 421 211 8.938 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 111 1.398 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 10321 111 14.45 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 10311 211 20.46 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 10311 111 14.27 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 10321 -211 20.43 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 321 10221 20 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 311 10221 20 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20323 321 10221 23.34 0.0623979
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20313 311 10221 23.34 0.0596804
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 300553 521 -521 24.188 1.62728
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 300553 511 -511 24.188 1.57433
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 211 -211 0.002568 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 321 -321 0.001111 3.00
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 311 -311 0.000873 0.000227768
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 211 -211 0.001055 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 321 -321 0.000905 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 311 -311 0.000905 8.49446e-05
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20223 9000111 111 4.169 6.7
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20223 9000211 -211 4.169 5.5
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20333 9000111 111 0.968 4.30758
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20333 9000211 -211 0.968 4.32395
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 130 310 0.000873 3.00
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 130 310 0.000905 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 130 310 4.59 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 130 310 0.918 1.6008
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 511 -511 1.33 1.60538
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 521 -521 1.33 1.60989
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 531 -531 0.75 1.57946
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 321 10221 1. 1.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 311 10221 1. 1.
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:MaximumWeight 4.97018e+09
create Herwig::KPiIHalfFOCUSKMatrix /Herwig/Decays/KPiIHalfFOCUSKMatrix
create Herwig::KPiIThreeHalfFOCUSKMatrix /Herwig/Decays/KPiIThreeHalfFOCUSKMatrix
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:KMatrices 0 /Herwig/Decays/KPiIHalfFOCUSKMatrix
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:KMatrices 1 /Herwig/Decays/KPiIThreeHalfFOCUSKMatrix
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 0 0.157493
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 1 0.164351
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 2 0.0964694
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 3 0.105796
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 4 0.0737328
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 5 0.0732366
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 6 0.0573564
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 7 0.0576444
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 8 0.106815
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:Weights 9 0.107105
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 1 2 0.0918 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 2 1 0.0918 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 1 2 0.0721 -3.12414 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 2 1 0.0721 -3.12414 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 1 2 0.548 1.97222 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 2 1 0.548 1.97222 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 1 2 0.0759 -1.11701 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 0.0759 -1.11701 1.5
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -10311 -21 1.461 0.177 0 1 2 1. 0. 1.5 1 2 0 0 2. 0 3.389 4.991641660703782 3 1.655 0.780 -0.954 5.305800926062762 1 17.182 2.199114857512855
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel -10311 -21 1.461 0.177 0 2 1 1. 0. 1.5 1 2 0 0 2. 0 3.389 4.991641660703782 3 1.655 0.780 -0.954 5.305800926062762 1 17.182 2.199114857512855
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel 0 -21 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1.5 0 1 1 0 2. 0 1 0.734 3.68264
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:AddChannel 0 -21 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1.5 0 1 1 0 2. 0 1 0.734 3.68264
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSKMatrix:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KmPipPi0MarkIII
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Iteration 10
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Ntry 500
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Points 10000
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:ParentRadius 0
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:ResonanceMass 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:MaximumWeight 3.50224e+10
insert D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Weights 0 0.498349
insert D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Weights 1 0.186877
insert D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:Weights 2 0.314774
do D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2.0693 0.907571 0
do D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel 213 3 0.77 0.1533 1 2 0 1 0 25.3387
do D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel -323 3 0.8921 0.0511 0 2 1 0.4018 2.68781 10.1355
do D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel -313 3 0.8695 0.0502 0 1 2 0.4244 0.122173 10.1355
do D0KmPipPi0MarkIII:SetExternal 421 -321 211 111
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:MaximumWeight 7.02544e+11
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 0 0.17167
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 1 0.171674
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 2 0.0913019
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 3 0.0951954
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 4 0.0823211
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 5 0.0899305
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 6 0.150513
insert DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:Weights 7 0.147394
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.8961 0.0507 1 0 2 1 0 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.8961 0.0507 2 0 1 1 0 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.677 0.205 1 0 2 3.58 0.747001 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.677 0.205 2 0 1 3.58 0.747001 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 1 0 2 0.67 -0.21293 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 2 0 1 0.67 -0.21293 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.459 0.175 1 0 2 8.16 0 1.6 38 0.672 2.1762 -1.78024 0.719 2.4408 -1.67552 0.764 2.2678 -1.27409 0.807 2.3002 -1.3439 0.847 2.1351 -1.0472 0.885 1.8938 -0.942478 0.922 2.124 -1.18682 0.958 2.3446 -1.25664 0.992 1.948 -0.715585 1.025 1.8564 -0.750492 1.057 1.7688 -0.663225 1.088 1.7204 -0.383972 1.118 1.8669 -0.506145 1.147 1.6116 -0.0523599 1.176 1.7013 -0.191986 1.204 1.573 -0.0523599 1.231 1.8038 -0.0523599 1.258 1.752 0.139626 1.284 1.736 0.191986 1.31 1.8005 0.191986 1.335 1.8961 0.383972 1.36 1.8837 0.541052 1.384 1.6259 0.523599 1.408 1.7612 0.802851 1.431 1.558 0.959931 1.454 1.2402 1.11701 1.477 1.064 1.39626 1.499 1.0086 1.29154 1.522 0.5544 0.593412 1.543 0.4902 0.314159 1.565 0.44 0.383972 1.586 1.062 0.174533 1.607 1.242 0.191986 1.627 1.0323 0.331613 1.648 1.3015 0.0349066 1.668 1.7472 0.488692 1.687 1.1368 0.139626 1.707 1.4553 0.191986
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.459 0.175 2 0 1 8.16 0 1.6 38 0.672 2.1762 -1.78024 0.719 2.4408 -1.67552 0.764 2.2678 -1.27409 0.807 2.3002 -1.3439 0.847 2.1351 -1.0472 0.885 1.8938 -0.942478 0.922 2.124 -1.18682 0.958 2.3446 -1.25664 0.992 1.948 -0.715585 1.025 1.8564 -0.750492 1.057 1.7688 -0.663225 1.088 1.7204 -0.383972 1.118 1.8669 -0.506145 1.147 1.6116 -0.0523599 1.176 1.7013 -0.191986 1.204 1.573 -0.0523599 1.231 1.8038 -0.0523599 1.258 1.752 0.139626 1.284 1.736 0.191986 1.31 1.8005 0.191986 1.335 1.8961 0.383972 1.36 1.8837 0.541052 1.384 1.6259 0.523599 1.408 1.7612 0.802851 1.431 1.558 0.959931 1.454 1.2402 1.11701 1.477 1.064 1.39626 1.499 1.0086 1.29154 1.522 0.5544 0.593412 1.543 0.4902 0.314159 1.565 0.44 0.383972 1.586 1.062 0.174533 1.607 1.242 0.191986 1.627 1.0323 0.331613 1.648 1.3015 0.0349066 1.668 1.7472 0.488692 1.687 1.1368 0.139626 1.707 1.4553 0.191986
do DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipE791MIPWA:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipE791Isobar
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:MaximumWeight 3.36563e+11
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 0 0.123778
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 1 0.122056
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 2 0.0605775
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 3 0.0643372
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 4 0.0626611
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 5 0.0600647
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 6 0.0938941
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 7 0.100126
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 8 0.153163
insert DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:Weights 9 0.159342
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 8.4 -0.191986 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -313 3 0.8961 0.0507 1 0 2 1 0 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -313 3 0.8961 0.0507 2 0 1 1 0 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -30313 3 1.677 0.205 1 0 2 5.16 0.488692 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -30313 3 1.677 0.205 2 0 1 5.16 0.488692 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 1 0 2 0.989 -0.942478 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 2 0 1 0.989 -0.942478 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -10311 31 1.459 0.175 1 0 2 3.27 0.837758 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -10311 31 1.459 0.175 2 0 1 3.27 0.837758 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -9000311 31 0.797 0.41 1 0 2 5.69 -3.01942 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:AddChannel -9000311 31 0.797 0.41 2 0 1 5.69 -3.01942 1.6
do DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipE791Isobar:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:MaximumWeight 5.96422e+11
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 0 0.171062
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 1 0.182275
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 2 0.0954602
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 3 0.09182
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 4 0.0799592
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 5 0.0891437
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 6 0.147148
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:Weights 7 0.143132
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 1 2 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 2 1 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 1 2 6.01 -1.97222 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 2 1 6.01 -1.97222 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 1 2 1.05 -0.418879 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 1.05 -0.418879 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.461 0.177 0 1 2 8.05 0 1.5 40 0.63 2.31 -2.40855 0.66 1.76 -2.11185 0.69 2.07 -2.07694 0.72 1.95 -1.88496 0.75 1.68 -1.6057 0.77 1.95 -1.69297 0.8 1.61 -1.27409 0.83 1.69 -1.22173 0.86 1.56 -1.16937 0.89 1.65 -1.06465 0.91 1.75 -0.925025 0.94 1.7 -0.855211 0.97 1.58 -0.541052 1 1.61 -0.541052 1.03 1.58 -0.401426 1.06 1.69 -0.453786 1.08 1.6 -0.296706 1.11 1.53 -0.191986 1.14 1.52 -0.15708 1.17 1.6 0 1.2 1.6 -0.0174533 1.22 1.67 -0.0174533 1.25 1.71 0.122173 1.28 1.77 0.122173 1.31 1.78 0.15708 1.34 1.69 0.261799 1.36 1.74 0.418879 1.39 1.69 0.453786 1.42 1.39 0.541052 1.45 1.04 0.837758 1.48 0.66 1.11701 1.51 0.52 0.401426 1.53 0.48 -0.10472 1.56 0.8 -0.401426 1.59 1.15 -0.506145 1.62 1.43 -0.261799 1.65 1.56 -0.331613 1.67 1.71 -0.261799 1.7 1.53 -0.418879 1.73 1.6 -0.593412
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.461 0.177 0 2 1 8.05 0 1.5 40 0.63 2.31 -2.40855 0.66 1.76 -2.11185 0.69 2.07 -2.07694 0.72 1.95 -1.88496 0.75 1.68 -1.6057 0.77 1.95 -1.69297 0.8 1.61 -1.27409 0.83 1.69 -1.22173 0.86 1.56 -1.16937 0.89 1.65 -1.06465 0.91 1.75 -0.925025 0.94 1.7 -0.855211 0.97 1.58 -0.541052 1 1.61 -0.541052 1.03 1.58 -0.401426 1.06 1.69 -0.453786 1.08 1.6 -0.296706 1.11 1.53 -0.191986 1.14 1.52 -0.15708 1.17 1.6 0 1.2 1.6 -0.0174533 1.22 1.67 -0.0174533 1.25 1.71 0.122173 1.28 1.77 0.122173 1.31 1.78 0.15708 1.34 1.69 0.261799 1.36 1.74 0.418879 1.39 1.69 0.453786 1.42 1.39 0.541052 1.45 1.04 0.837758 1.48 0.66 1.11701 1.51 0.52 0.401426 1.53 0.48 -0.10472 1.56 0.8 -0.401426 1.59 1.15 -0.506145 1.62 1.43 -0.261799 1.65 1.56 -0.331613 1.67 1.71 -0.261799 1.7 1.53 -0.418879 1.73 1.6 -0.593412
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSMIPWA:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKpKmPipCLEO
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:Iteration 5
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:Points 100000
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:ParentRadius 3
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:MaximumWeight 1.97975e+10
insert DsKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 0 0.310813
insert DsKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 1 0.298424
insert DsKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 2 0.0870587
insert DsKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 3 0.145155
insert DsKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 4 0.158548
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.8958 0.0442 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 333 3 1.01946 0.00426 0 1 2 1.15 -0.261799 1.5
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel -10311 1 1.414 0.29 1 2 0 1.76 2.53073 1.5
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.965 0.24 0 1 2 3.67 2.72371 1.5 0.406 0.8
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 10331 1 1.718 0.137 0 1 2 1.27 1.78024 1.5
do DsKpKmPipCLEO:SetExternal 431 321 -321 211
newdef DsKpKmPipCLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Points 10000
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:MaximumWeight 1.78447e+10
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 0 0.0753509
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 1 0.0681671
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 2 0.0994813
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 3 0.0981905
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 4 0.170083
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 5 0.168769
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 6 0.0427302
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 7 0.0408067
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 8 0.119914
insert D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:Weights 9 0.116507
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel 9000221 51 0.47 -0.22 1 2 0 0.67 2.44346 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.965 0.05 1 2 0 1.71 0.614356 1.5 0.406 0.812
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.265 1 2 0 4.04 -0.34383 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 1 2 0 1.57 -1.36136 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 1 0 2 0.43 2.46091 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 2 0 1 0.43 2.46091 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 1 0 2 5.65 0.959931 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 5.65 0.959931 1.5
do D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:SetExternal 421 310 111 111
newdef D0KS0Pi0Pi0CLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPipPimE791
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:MaximumWeight 1.20263e+11
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 0 0.128729
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 1 0.127759
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 2 0.0627059
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 3 0.0636902
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 4 0.107573
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 5 0.108217
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 6 0.107941
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 7 0.109917
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 8 0.091867
insert DsPipPipPimE791:Weights 9 0.0916003
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.044 1 0 2 1 0 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.044 2 0 1 1 0 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0.723 0.0174533 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 113 3 0.77 0.1507 1 0 2 0.29 1.90241 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 113 3 0.77 0.1507 2 0 1 0.29 1.90241 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 225 5 1.275 0.1855 1 0 2 1.075 2.32129 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 225 5 1.275 0.1855 2 0 1 1.075 2.32129 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.172 1 0 2 2.225 -2.82743 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.172 2 0 1 2.225 -2.82743 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.31 1 0 2 1.107 2.82743 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.31 2 0 1 1.107 2.82743 1.5
do DsPipPipPimE791:SetExternal 431 -211 211 211
newdef DsPipPipPimE791:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpPipPipPimE791
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:Iteration 5
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:Ntry 500
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:Points 100000
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:MaximumWeight 2.29733e+11
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 0 0.108125
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 1 0.111705
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 2 0.070359
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 3 0.0708292
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 4 0.0625113
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 5 0.0616323
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 6 0.0766296
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 7 0.0762832
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 8 0.0872538
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 9 0.0872671
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 10 0.0941087
insert DpPipPipPimE791:Weights 11 0.093295
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 113 3 0.77 0.1507 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 113 3 0.77 0.1507 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3.98 -2.14152 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.044 0 1 2 0.427 2.87979 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.044 0 2 1 0.427 2.87979 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 225 5 1.275 0.1855 1 0 2 2.032 1.00007 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 225 5 1.275 0.1855 2 0 1 2.032 1.00007 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.172 1 0 2 0.789 1.83958 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.172 2 0 1 0.789 1.83958 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.31 1 0 2 0.736 -0.71384 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.31 2 0 1 0.736 -0.71384 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.478 0.324 0 1 2 2.281 -2.69304 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.478 0.324 0 2 1 2.281 -2.69304 1.5
do DpPipPipPimE791:SetExternal 411 -211 211 211
newdef DpPipPipPimE791:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau3Pion
newdef Tau3Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau3Pion:Ntry 1000
newdef Tau3Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau3Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau3Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau3Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau3Pion:MaximumWeight 0 2.3
insert Tau3Pion:MaximumWeight 1 2.45
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 0 0.13068
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 1 0.131829
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 2 0.0729247
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 3 0.0729963
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 4 0.0763421
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 5 0.076501
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 6 0.0824364
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 7 0.0827193
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 8 0.0675151
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 9 0.0677209
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 10 0.0696064
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 11 0.0687289
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 12 0.182751
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 13 0.183206
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 14 0.107469
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 15 0.106478
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 16 0.109374
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 17 0.109834
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 18 0.08196
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 19 0.0597712
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 20 0.0591571
create Herwig::ThreePionCLEOCurrent Tau3PionCurrent
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 0 774.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1370
insert Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 2 1720
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 0 149.1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 1 386
insert Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 2 250
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_2Mass 1.275
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_2Width 0.185
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_0Mass 1.186
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_0Width 0.35
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaMass 0.86
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaWidth 0.88
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1Mass 1.331
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1Width 0.814
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KaonMass 0.496
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KStarMass 0.894
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KaonCoupling 3.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:Fpi 92.4189
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1WidthOption 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWaveMagnitude 0 1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWaveMagnitude 1 0.12
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWavePhase 0 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWavePhase 1 3.11018
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWaveMagnitude 0 3.7e-07
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWaveMagnitude 1 8.7e-07
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWavePhase 0 -0.471239
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWavePhase 1 1.66504
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f0Phase -1.69646
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f2Phase 1.75929
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaPhase 0.722566
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f0Magnitude 0.77
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f2Magnitude 0.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaMagnitude 2.1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 0.000212435
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 0.01073
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 0.0555214
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 0.150291
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 0.304161
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 0.523206
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.812079
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 1.17487
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 1.61557
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 2.1384
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 2.74801
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 3.44963
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 4.24924
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 5.15367
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 6.17076
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 7.30953
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 8.58034
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 9.99512
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 11.5676
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 13.3136
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 15.2514
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 17.4021
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 19.7904
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 22.4445
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 25.3978
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 28.6887
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 32.3625
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 36.4717
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 41.0778
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 46.2524
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 52.078
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 58.6497
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 66.0744
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 74.4694
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 83.9592
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 94.6658
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 106.696
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 120.121
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 134.956
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 151.134
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 168.502
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 186.822
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 205.804
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 225.143
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 244.553
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 263.794
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 282.682
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 301.088
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 318.93
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 336.162
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 352.768
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 368.747
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 384.115
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 398.894
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 413.111
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 426.795
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 439.978
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 452.687
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 464.956
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 476.812
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 488.281
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 499.391
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 510.164
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 520.625
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 530.792
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 540.688
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 550.329
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 560.254
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 568.918
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 577.897
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 586.684
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 595.292
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 603.735
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 612.022
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 620.165
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 628.174
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 636.058
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 643.827
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 651.491
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 659.052
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 666.522
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 673.909
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 681.217
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 688.454
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 695.626
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 702.739
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 709.799
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 716.81
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 723.784
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 100 730.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 101 737.611
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 102 744.479
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 751.327
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 104 758.151
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 105 764.964
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 106 771.772
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 107 778.567
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 108 785.357
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 109 792.152
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 110 798.959
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 111 805.774
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 112 812.592
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 113 819.435
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 114 826.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 115 833.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 116 840.11
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 847.061
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 118 854.054
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 119 861.078
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 120 868.15
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 121 875.265
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 122 882.432
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 123 920.524
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 124 946.31
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 125 966.538
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 126 984.278
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 127 1000.56
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 128 1015.75
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 129 1030.24
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 130 1044.15
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 131 1057.56
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 132 1070.66
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 133 1083.47
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 134 1095.99
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 135 1108.33
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 136 1120.51
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 137 1132.55
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 138 1144.48
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 139 1156.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 140 1168.08
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 141 1179.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 142 1191.47
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 143 1203.12
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 144 1214.76
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 145 1226.4
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 146 1238.05
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 147 1249.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 148 1261.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 149 1273.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 150 1284.93
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 151 1296.77
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 152 1308.67
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 153 1320.7
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 154 1332.68
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 155 1344.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 156 1357.01
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 157 1369.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 158 1381.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 159 1394.16
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 160 1406.76
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 161 1419.49
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 162 1432.27
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 163 1445.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 164 1458.24
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 165 1471.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 166 1484.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 167 1498.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 168 1511.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 169 1525.39
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 170 1539.22
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 171 1553.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 172 1567.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 173 1581.58
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 174 1595.99
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 175 1610.55
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 176 1625.27
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 177 1640.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 178 1655.18
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 179 1670.37
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 180 1685.73
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 181 1701.25
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 182 1716.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 183 1732.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 184 1748.85
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 185 1765.02
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 186 1781.39
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 187 1797.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 188 1814.68
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 189 1831.58
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 190 1848.67
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 1865.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 192 1883.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 193 1901.05
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 194 1918.89
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 195 1936.92
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 196 1955.13
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 197 1973.64
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 1992.16
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 199 2010.95
insert Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 200 2029.97
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 0 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 1 15788.5
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 2 31576.9
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 3 47365.4
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 4 63153.9
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 5 78942.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 6 94730.8
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 7 110519
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 8 126308
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 9 142096
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 10 157885
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 11 173673
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 12 189462
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 13 205250
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 14 221039
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 15 236827
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 16 252615
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 17 268404
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 18 284192
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 19 299981
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 20 315769
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 21 331558
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 22 347346
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 23 363135
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 24 378923
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 25 394712
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 26 410500
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 27 426289
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 28 442077
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 29 457866
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 30 473654
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 31 489442
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 32 505231
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 33 521019
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 34 536808
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 35 552596
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 36 568385
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 37 584173
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 38 599962
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 39 615750
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 40 631539
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 41 647327
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 42 663116
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 43 678904
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 44 694693
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 45 710481
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 46 726269
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 47 742058
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 48 757846
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 49 773635
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 50 789423
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 51 805212
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 52 821000
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 53 836789
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 54 852577
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 55 868366
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 56 884154
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 57 899943
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 58 915731
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 931520
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 60 947308
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 61 963097
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 62 978885
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 63 994673
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 64 1.01046e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 65 1.02625e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 66 1.04204e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 67 1.05783e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 68 1.07362e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 69 1.0894e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 70 1.10519e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 71 1.12098e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 72 1.13677e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 73 1.15256e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.16835e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.18414e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.19992e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.21571e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.2315e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.24729e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26308e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.27887e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.29465e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31044e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.32623e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34202e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 86 1.35781e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3736e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.38939e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.40517e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 90 1.42096e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.43675e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45254e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.46833e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.48412e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.4999e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.51569e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53148e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.54727e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.56306e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.57885e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 101 1.59464e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 102 1.61042e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 103 1.62621e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 104 1.642e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 105 1.65779e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 106 1.67358e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 107 1.68937e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.70515e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72094e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.73673e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.75252e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.76831e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.7841e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 114 1.79989e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.81567e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.83146e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.84725e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 118 1.86304e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 119 1.87883e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 120 1.89462e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 121 1.9104e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 122 1.92619e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 123 1.94198e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 124 1.95777e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 125 1.97356e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 126 1.98935e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 127 2.00514e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 128 2.02092e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 129 2.03671e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 130 2.0525e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 131 2.06829e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.08408e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 133 2.09987e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 134 2.11565e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.13144e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 136 2.14723e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 137 2.16302e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 138 2.17881e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 139 2.1946e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 140 2.21039e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.22617e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.24196e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.25775e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.27354e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.28933e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.30512e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.3209e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.33669e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.35248e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.36827e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.38406e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.39985e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.41564e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.43142e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.44721e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.463e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.47879e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.49458e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.51037e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.52615e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.54194e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.55773e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.57352e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.58931e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.6051e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.62089e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.63667e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.65246e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.66825e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.68404e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.69983e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.71562e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.7314e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.74719e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.76298e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.77877e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.79456e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.81035e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.82614e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.84192e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.85771e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.8735e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.88929e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.90508e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.92087e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.93665e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.95244e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.96823e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.98402e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 2.99981e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.0156e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.03139e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.04717e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.06296e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.07875e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.09454e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.11033e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.12612e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.1419e+06
insert Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 200 3.15769e+06
newdef Tau3Pion:WeakCurrent Tau3PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauEtaPiPi
create Herwig::EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent TauEtaPiPiCurrent
newdef TauEtaPiPi:WeakCurrent TauEtaPiPiCurrent
newdef TauEtaPiPi:Ntry 500
newdef TauEtaPiPi:Points 10000
newdef TauEtaPiPi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauEtaPiPi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauEtaPiPi:MaximumWeight 0 0.03
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 0 0.0233
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 1 0.0172228
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 2 0.0177817
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 3 0.348627
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 4 0.225423
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 5 0.22759
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 6 0.0645809
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 7 0.0373083
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 8 0.0381665
create Herwig::HQETStrongDecayer CharmMeson
newdef CharmMeson:Iteration 10
newdef CharmMeson:Ntry 500
newdef CharmMeson:Points 10000
newdef CharmMeson:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef CharmMeson:fPi 130.2
newdef CharmMeson:g 0.566
newdef CharmMeson:gp 0.189
newdef CharmMeson:h 0.544
newdef CharmMeson:hp 0.413
newdef CharmMeson:k 0.407
newdef CharmMeson:kp 0.242
newdef CharmMeson:gtilde 0.283
newdef CharmMeson:Lambda 1
newdef CharmMeson:psiL 0
newdef CharmMeson:psiS 0.041
newdef CharmMeson:DeltaEta 0.0228833
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 413 421 211 1.31861
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 111 1.31029
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 111 1.33047
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 111 0.00421025
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 411 111 2.88287
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 421 211 2.95662
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 411 -211 1.94659
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 421 111 2.03457
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 411 311 2.42643
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 421 321 2.42032
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 413 111 3.41396
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 423 211 2.69729
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 413 -211 2.34226
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 423 111 1.87924
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 1.75845
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 1.31503
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10413 413 111 4.52314
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10413 423 211 3.47116
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10423 413 -211 5.22341
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10423 423 111 4.3453
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10433 413 311 1.57906
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10433 423 321 1.43562
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10411 411 111 6.57442
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10411 421 211 6.61319
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10421 411 -211 6.5581
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10421 421 111 6.65623
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10431 431 111 0.23295
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20413 413 111 5.06988
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20413 423 211 3.89552
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20423 413 -211 4.7005
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20423 423 111 3.81833
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20433 433 111 0.312448
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100411 423 211 0.702697
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100411 413 111 0.459932
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100421 413 -211 0.91423
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100421 423 111 0.353773
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100431 413 311 0.312344
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100431 423 321 0.268127
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 421 211 0.529936
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 411 111 0.262229
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 411 -211 0.522623
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 421 111 0.265886
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 411 311 0.425155
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 421 321 0.439374
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 423 211 0.709016
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 413 111 0.466036
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 413 -211 0.927575
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 423 111 0.356375
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 413 311 0.555473
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 423 321 0.439498
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20415 423 211 0.875288
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20415 413 111 0.567836
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20425 413 -211 1.1261
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20425 423 111 0.441275
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20435 413 311 1.0999
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20435 423 321 0.889948
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 421 211 0.725507
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 411 111 0.354557
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 411 -211 0.704963
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 421 111 0.364866
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 411 311 0.604124
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 421 321 0.637948
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 423 211 0.400638
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 413 111 0.259993
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 413 -211 0.517613
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 423 111 0.201602
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 413 311 0.331208
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 423 321 0.266494
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 421 211 0.756428
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 411 111 0.371794
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 411 -211 0.742232
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 421 111 0.378897
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 411 311 0.834109
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 421 321 0.857459
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 423 211 0.216795
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 413 111 0.141882
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 413 -211 0.283003
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 423 111 0.108743
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 413 311 0.288347
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 423 321 0.224403
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20433 10431 111 0.104478
create Herwig::HQETRadiativeDecayer HQETMesonEM
newdef HQETMesonEM:Iteration 10
newdef HQETMesonEM:Ntry 500
newdef HQETMesonEM:Points 10000
newdef HQETMesonEM:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HQETMesonEM:Ch 0.76
newdef HQETMesonEM:Lambda 1
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 1 1.58438
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 1 2.5813
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 1 0.89415
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 513 511 1 1.76346
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 523 521 1 1.75655
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 533 531 1 3.52061
create Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer Spin3VS
newdef Spin3VS:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3VS:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3VS:Points 10000
newdef Spin3VS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3VS:SetUpDecayMode 227 10213 -211 9.83 14.4611
do Spin3VS:SetUpDecayMode 227 10113 111 9.83 14.541
create Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer Spin3VP
newdef Spin3VP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3VP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3VP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3VP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 223 111 2.56 14.3724
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 223 211 2.56 15.0937
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 -323 321 1.31 23.915
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 -313 311 1.31 23.3936
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 -313 321 1.87 22.3731
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 323 -311 1.87 20.2477
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 227 213 -211 3.36 5.2274
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 227 113 111 3.36 5.17949
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 337 -323 321 2.04 9.45735
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 337 -313 311 2.04 8.75126
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 213 311 3.96 8.704
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 113 321 2.81 8.67937
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 -213 321 3.96 8.66011
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 113 311 2.81 8.87377
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 323 111 1.84 8.61878
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 313 211 2.61 8.66593
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 323 -211 2.61 7.884
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 313 111 1.84 8.03042
create Herwig::TensorMesonTensorScalarDecayer TensorTS
newdef TensorTS:Iteration 1
newdef TensorTS:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorTS:Points 10000
newdef TensorTS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 225 211 7.03 2.61509
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 225 111 7.03 2.62074
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 115 111 4.69 3.76572
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 215 -211 4.69 3.72084
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 115 111 4.08 2.56465
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 215 -211 4.08 2.58711
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 225 221 5.6 5.64108
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 225 321 11.5 6.54852
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 225 311 11.5 6.46993
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 325 111 0.86 4.11563
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 315 211 1.23 3.65465
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 315 111 0.86 3.5513
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 325 -211 1.23 4.21926
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 225 321 6.04 5.01724
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 225 311 6.04 5.00233
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 325 111 5.12 3.91523
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 315 211 7.44 3.55145
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 315 111 5.12 3.40497
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 325 -211 7.44 4.06722
create Herwig::Spin3MesonTensorPScalarDecayer Spin3TP
newdef Spin3TP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3TP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3TP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3TP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 217 215 111 14.7 59.2194
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 217 115 211 14.7 56.0268
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 117 215 -211 14.7 55.8436
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorScalarDecayer TensorVS
newdef TensorVS:Iteration 1
newdef TensorVS:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorVS:Points 10000
newdef TensorVS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 213 111 3.05 2.82807
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 113 211 3.05 2.82476
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 213 -211 3.05 2.80708
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 323 -311 1.85 4.52436
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 -313 321 1.85 4.90551
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 323 -321 1.29 4.58409
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 -313 311 1.29 4.68448
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 323 -321 1.49 6.69558
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 -313 311 1.49 7.19528
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 323 111 1.81 6.13777
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 313 211 2.58 7.80842
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 313 111 1.81 7.53973
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 323 -211 2.58 7.43458
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 323 111 0.99 6.6902
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 313 211 1.41 7.05247
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 313 111 0.99 6.17997
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 323 -211 1.41 6.93157
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 22 211 0.163 1.59356
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 22 111 0.163 0.00124589
create Herwig::PseudoTensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer PTVV
newdef PTVV:Iteration 1
newdef PTVV:Ntry 1000
newdef PTVV:Points 10000
newdef PTVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PTVV:SetUpDecayMode 10115 113 223 2.21 20.2476
do PTVV:SetUpDecayMode 10215 213 223 2.21 14.7618
create Herwig::TensorMesonTensorPScalarDecayer TTP
newdef TTP:Iteration 1
newdef TTP:Ntry 1000
newdef TTP:Points 10000
newdef TTP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TTP:SetUpDecayMode 215 225 211 45 5.70402
do TTP:SetUpDecayMode 115 225 111 45 6.58157
create Herwig::VectorMeson2FermionDecayer Vector2Leptons
newdef Vector2Leptons:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Leptons:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Leptons:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Leptons:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 113 11 -11 0.018524 1.60839
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 113 13 -13 0.018524 1.60498
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 223 11 -11 0.005429 1.60161
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 223 13 -13 0.005429 1.59833
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 333 11 -11 0.006852 1.60556
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 333 13 -13 0.006852 1.60986
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 11 -11 0.00159 1.5993
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 13 -13 0.001509 1.4405
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 15 -15 0.001509 1.53038
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 11 -11 0.008215 1.60017
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 13 -13 0.008215 1.60016
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 11 -11 0.005031 1.59862
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 13 -13 0.005031 1.6008
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 15 -15 0.005031 1.60219
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 11 -11 0.002315 1.6003
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 13 -13 0.002315 1.6003
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 15 -15 0.002315 1.6006
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 11 -11 0.00152 1.60068
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 13 -13 0.00152 1.60068
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 15 -15 0.00152 1.60751
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 11 -11 0.00127 1.6002
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 13 -13 0.00127 1.6002
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 15 -15 0.00127 1.60626
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 11 -11 0.001081 1.59966
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 13 -13 0.001081 1.59966
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 15 -15 0.001081 1.59171
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 11 -11 0.001 1.56074
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 13 -13 0.001 1.56074
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 15 -15 0.001 1.55385
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 3112 -3112 0.001342 1.5934
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3112 -3112 0.0009273 1.5978
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30223 11 -11 0.00462 1.60088
create Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinThreeHalfBaryonsDecayer Vector2Baryons3Half
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3114 -3114 0.00150640470181 0.00093350341391 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3224 -3224 0.00153402258271 0.00107528142563 0. 7.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3214 -3214 0.0015323974485 0.000860759359361 0. 5.5
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3114 -3114 0.000260326162249 0.000561082932891 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3224 -3224 0.000362882855521 0.000526423800011 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3214 -3214 0.00025226758188 0.000500391020504 0. 4.5
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3314 -3314 0.000397805035356 0.000678994938986 0. 0.0012
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKS0KpPi0BES
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:Iteration 5
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:Ntry 500
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:Points 100000
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:MaximumWeight 4.44668e+10
insert DsKS0KpPi0BES:Weights 0 0.442357
insert DsKS0KpPi0BES:Weights 1 0.324631
insert DsKS0KpPi0BES:Weights 2 0.132282
insert DsKS0KpPi0BES:Weights 3 0.100731
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:AddChannel 313 3 0.89555 0.0473 0 2 1 1 0 3
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:AddChannel 323 3 0.89167 0.0514 1 2 0 0.676 -0.16 3
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:AddChannel 9000211 1 1.0041 0.0972 0 1 2 1.746 -0.97 3
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:AddChannel 100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 2 1 3.567 0.17 3
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:AddChannel 0 1 1.817 0.097 0 1 2 4.214 -2.55 3
do DsKS0KpPi0BES:SetExternal 431 310 321 111
newdef DsKS0KpPi0BES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKpPipPimBES
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:Points 100000
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:MaximumWeight 4.52578e+10
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 0 0.16328
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 1 0.102356
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 2 0.137357
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 3 0.113523
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 4 0.0996095
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 5 0.1999
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 6 0.0914007
insert DsKpPipPimBES:Weights 7 0.0925743
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 113 23 0.77526 0.1474 1 2 0 1 0 3 0.139571
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 100113 23 1.465 0.4 1 2 0 7.44893 2.72 3 0.139571
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 9000221 81 0.9264 0.3 1 2 0 4.11088 0.98 3 1.082 0.5843 1.6663 0
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.965 0.5 1 2 0 1.37073 -1.26319 3 0.399 0.819
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.265 1 2 0 3.72645 -0.253185 3
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 313 3 0.8955 0.0514 0 2 1 1.06671 3.03 3
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 2 1 1.59255 -0.663185 3
do DsKpPipPimBES:AddChannel 10311 71 1.4712 0.178 0 2 1 2.8353 1.89 3 0.5468 0.23
do DsKpPipPimBES:SetExternal 431 321 211 -211
newdef DsKpPipPimBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKpPipPimFOCUS
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Iteration 5
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Ntry 500
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Points 100000
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:MaximumWeight 3.46765e+10
insert DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 0 0.259937
insert DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 1 0.2424
insert DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 2 0.152304
insert DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 3 0.163427
insert DsKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 4 0.181932
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 113 3 0.7711 0.1492 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 313 3 0.8961 0.0507 0 2 1 0.74 2.8222 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3.981 0.752237 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 2 1 2.721 -0.607375 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 10311 1 1.412 0.294 0 2 1 1.824 1.03498 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.31 1 2 0 6.615 -2.64766 1.5
do DsKpPipPimFOCUS:SetExternal 431 321 211 -211
newdef DsKpPipPimFOCUS:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::WeakPartonicDecayer WeakPartonic0
newdef WeakPartonic0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef WeakPartonic0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic0:Exclusive 1
newdef WeakPartonic0:Intermediates 0
newdef WeakPartonic0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef WeakPartonic0:MECode 0
create Herwig::WeakPartonicDecayer WeakPartonic100
newdef WeakPartonic100:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef WeakPartonic100:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic100:Exclusive 1
newdef WeakPartonic100:Intermediates 0
newdef WeakPartonic100:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef WeakPartonic100:MECode 100
create Herwig::VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer VectorVPff
newdef VectorVPff:Iteration 5
newdef VectorVPff:Ntry 500
newdef VectorVPff:Points 10000
newdef VectorVPff:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 223 111 11 0.2179 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 5.2618 0.273309
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 223 111 13 0.2179 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 26.8941 1
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 221 11 0.0643 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 4.3391 0.215086
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 221 13 0.0643 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.31309 0.375026
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 111 11 0.0120094 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 4.83188 0.218805
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 111 13 0.0120094 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.16628 0.327872
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 443 221 11 0.0643 2 443 3.0969 9.29e-05 2.34926 0.189627
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 443 221 13 0.0643 2 443 3.0969 9.29e-05 0.420516 0.200787
create Herwig::VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz OmegaDalitz
newdef OmegaDalitz:Coupling 178.71
newdef OmegaDalitz:Iteration 5
newdef OmegaDalitz:Ntry 500
newdef OmegaDalitz:Points 100000
newdef OmegaDalitz:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef OmegaDalitz:ParentRadius 0
newdef OmegaDalitz:UseAllK0 0
newdef OmegaDalitz:MaximumWeight 6.94037
insert OmegaDalitz:Weights 0 0.333826
insert OmegaDalitz:Weights 1 0.334815
insert OmegaDalitz:Weights 2 0.331359
do OmegaDalitz:AddChannel 213 3 0.7758 0.1503 0 2 1 1 0 0
do OmegaDalitz:AddChannel -213 3 0.7758 0.1503 1 2 0 1 0 0
do OmegaDalitz:AddChannel 113 3 0.7758 0.1503 0 1 2 1 0 0
do OmegaDalitz:SetExternal 223 211 -211 111
-create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0PipPimPi0BABAR
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Iteration 10
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Ntry 500
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Points 10000
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 1.20139e+10
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.0998954
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.0716971
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.0808757
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0823334
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.0595569
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.0669702
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 6 0.0921341
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 7 0.0829435
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 8 0.0891334
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 9 0.0455144
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 10 0.072181
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 11 0.07131
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 12 0.025525
-insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 13 0.0599298
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 213 3 0.7755 0.1493 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 113 3 0.7755 0.1493 0 1 2 0.602018 0.281 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -213 3 0.7755 0.1493 1 2 0 0.732578 -0.0279 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100213 3 1.459 0.4 2 0 1 0.80986 -0.1344 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100113 3 1.459 0.4 0 1 2 0.243196 -1.2287 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -100213 3 1.459 0.4 1 2 0 0.771728 0.1431 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30213 3 1.72 0.25 2 0 1 2.53429 -0.4067 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30113 3 1.72 0.25 0 1 2 1.69986 -0.9826 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -30213 3 1.72 0.25 1 2 0 2.69767 1.3771 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9010211 1 0.98 0.07 0 1 2 0.0804203 -1.0263 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.35 0 1 2 0.282406 -0.3421 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.507 0.109 0 1 2 0.18407 0.1292 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.718 0.137 0 1 2 0.377418 0.7487 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1852 0 1 2 0.323674 0.1536 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.4 0.6 0 1 2 0.344028 -0.0716 1.5
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.422573 -0.3857 0
-do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:SetExternal 421 211 -211 111
-newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::a1ThreePionCLEODecayer a1CLEO
newdef a1CLEO:Iteration 5
newdef a1CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef a1CLEO:Points 10000
newdef a1CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a1CLEO:f_2Mass 1.275
newdef a1CLEO:f_2Width 0.185
newdef a1CLEO:f_0Mass 1.186
newdef a1CLEO:f_0Width 0.35
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaMass 0.86
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaWidth 0.88
newdef a1CLEO:RhoMasses 0 0.7743
newdef a1CLEO:RhoMasses 1 1.37
insert a1CLEO:RhoMasses 2 1.72
newdef a1CLEO:RhoWidths 0 0.1491
newdef a1CLEO:RhoWidths 1 0.386
insert a1CLEO:RhoWidths 2 0.25
newdef a1CLEO:f0Phase -1.69646
newdef a1CLEO:f2Phase 1.75929
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaPhase 0.722566
newdef a1CLEO:f0Magnitude 0.77
newdef a1CLEO:f2Magnitude 0.71
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaMagnitude 2.1
newdef a1CLEO:Coupling 45.57
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWaveMagnitude 0 1
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWaveMagnitude 1 0.12
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWavePhase 0 0
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWavePhase 1 3.11018
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWaveMagnitude 0 3.7e-07
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWaveMagnitude 1 8.7e-07
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWavePhase 0 -0.471239
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWavePhase 1 1.66504
newdef a1CLEO:LocalParameters 1
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 0 0.132162
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 1 0.116638
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 2 0.121088
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 3 0.10656
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 4 0.102577
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 5 0.101169
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 6 0.104587
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 7 0.104663
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 8 0.110557
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 0 0.177017
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 1 0.176011
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 2 0.110129
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 3 0.108023
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 4 0.110553
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 5 0.109976
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 6 0.0886337
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 7 0.0591042
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 8 0.0605533
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.173357
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.172283
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.116031
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.114642
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.109058
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.114073
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 6 0.0809455
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 7 0.0601352
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 8 0.059477
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.125022
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.129911
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.0741652
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.0758126
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.0711541
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.0777299
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 6 0.0822551
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 7 0.0867606
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 8 0.0671056
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 9 0.0701714
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 10 0.0701456
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 11 0.0697667
newdef a1CLEO:ZeroMax 13.0704
newdef a1CLEO:OneMax 6.91104
newdef a1CLEO:TwoMax 6.94654
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeMax 6.40086
create Herwig::PScalarVectorVectorDecayer PVV
newdef PVV:Iteration 1
newdef PVV:Ntry 500
newdef PVV:Points 10000
newdef PVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 331 223 22 0.1412 1.17937
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 111 22 22 0.0178 1.08444
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 22 0.0176 1.08656
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 22 0.0221 1.09105
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 213 -213 0.0525 2.6
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 113 113 0.0371 2.63569
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 333 333 0.0267 8.54466
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 22 22 0.00521 1.10127
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 323 -323 0.0308 5.0763
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 313 -313 0.0308 5.22846
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 100541 543 22 0.0757 1.10098
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 100441 22 22 0.00212 1.10241
create Herwig::PScalarVectorFermionsDecayer PVff
newdef PVff:Iteration 1
newdef PVff:Ntry 500
newdef PVff:Points 10000
newdef PVff:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 111 22 11 0.00761872 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.0270172
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 11 0.00755416 2 113 0.707 0 2.82505
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 13 0.00755416 2 113 0.707 0 2.19738
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 11 0.0104 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 5.19839
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 13 0.0104 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.01441
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 223 11 0.0428 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000532818
create Herwig::EtaPiPiGammaDecayer Etapipigamma
newdef Etapipigamma:Iteration 1
newdef Etapipigamma:Ntry 500
newdef Etapipigamma:Points 10000
newdef Etapipigamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Etapipigamma:fpi 130.7
newdef Etapipigamma:RhoMass 771.1
newdef Etapipigamma:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef Etapipigamma:LocalParameters 1
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesC 1
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesA 0.840908
newdef Etapipigamma:Incoming 0 221
newdef Etapipigamma:Coupling 0 0.00506
newdef Etapipigamma:MaxWeight 0 3.95436
newdef Etapipigamma:Option 0 3
newdef Etapipigamma:Incoming 1 331
newdef Etapipigamma:Coupling 1 0.004278
newdef Etapipigamma:MaxWeight 1 3.53871
newdef Etapipigamma:Option 1 3
create Herwig::ExperimentalOmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Initialize 0
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesPoints 100
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesCut 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 0 300
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 0 0.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 1 320
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 1 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 2 340
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 2 0.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 3 360
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 3 1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 4 380
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 4 1.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 5 400
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 5 2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 6 420
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 6 2.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 7 440
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 7 3.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 8 460
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 8 4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 9 480
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 9 4.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 10 500
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 10 5.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 11 520
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 11 7.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 12 540
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 12 8.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 13 560
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 13 10.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 14 580
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 14 12.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 15 600
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 15 14.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 16 620
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 16 17.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 17 640
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 17 20.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 18 660
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 18 25.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 19 680
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 19 31.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 20 700
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 20 38.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 21 720
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 21 48.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 22 740
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 22 60.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 23 760
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 23 74.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 24 780
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 24 90
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 25 800
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 25 103.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 26 820
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 26 115.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 27 840
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 27 124.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 28 860
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 28 131.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 29 880
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 29 136.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 30 900
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 30 141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 31 920
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 31 144.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 32 940
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 32 147.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 33 960
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 33 149.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 34 980
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 34 151.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 0 282.534
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 0 0.860715
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 0 0.00243348
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 1 289.32
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 1 0.851815
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 1 0.00089491
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 2 296.107
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 2 0.843732
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 2 -0.000612618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 3 302.893
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 3 0.835875
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 3 -0.00209199
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 4 309.68
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 4 0.828085
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 4 -0.00354375
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 5 316.466
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 5 0.820287
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 5 -0.0049678
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 6 323.252
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 6 0.812437
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 6 -0.00636377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 7 330.039
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 7 0.804502
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 7 -0.00773106
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 8 336.825
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 8 0.796459
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 8 -0.00906897
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 9 343.612
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 9 0.788299
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 9 -0.0102967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 10 350.398
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 10 0.77978
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 10 -0.0114782
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 11 357.184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 11 0.770921
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 11 -0.0127871
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 12 363.971
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 12 0.761746
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 12 -0.0144895
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 13 370.757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 13 0.752725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 13 -0.0165141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 14 377.543
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 14 0.743833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 14 -0.0186278
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 15 384.33
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 15 0.735053
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 15 -0.0206378
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 16 391.116
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 16 0.726157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 16 -0.0225401
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 17 397.903
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 17 0.717151
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 17 -0.0243864
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 18 404.689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 18 0.70801
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 18 -0.0260833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 19 411.475
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 19 0.698521
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 19 -0.0277387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 20 418.262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 20 0.688706
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 20 -0.0294853
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 21 425.048
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 21 0.678618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 21 -0.0315488
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 22 431.835
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 22 0.668555
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 22 -0.0338262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 23 438.621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 23 0.658496
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 23 -0.036209
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 24 445.407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 24 0.648429
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 24 -0.0385969
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 25 452.194
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 25 0.638272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 25 -0.0410051
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 26 458.98
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 26 0.628033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 26 -0.0434404
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 27 465.767
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 27 0.61771
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 27 -0.0458955
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 28 472.553
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 28 0.607297
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 28 -0.0483627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 29 479.339
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 29 0.596791
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 29 -0.0508343
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 30 486.126
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 30 0.586171
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 30 -0.0532532
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 31 492.912
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 31 0.575358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 31 -0.0556833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 32 499.699
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 32 0.564361
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 32 -0.0581587
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 33 506.485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 33 0.553214
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 33 -0.0607547
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 34 513.271
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 34 0.541985
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 34 -0.0634188
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 35 520.058
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 35 0.530667
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 35 -0.0661334
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 36 526.844
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 36 0.519264
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 36 -0.0688841
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 37 533.63
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 37 0.507774
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 37 -0.0716561
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 38 540.417
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 38 0.496218
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 38 -0.0744314
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 39 547.203
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 39 0.484506
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 39 -0.077109
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 40 553.99
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 40 0.472569
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 40 -0.0798124
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 41 560.776
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 41 0.460391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 41 -0.0825951
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 42 567.562
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 42 0.448121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 42 -0.0856021
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 43 574.349
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 43 0.43585
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 43 -0.0886757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 44 581.135
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 44 0.423613
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 44 -0.0917407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 45 587.922
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 45 0.411225
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 45 -0.0946244
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 46 594.708
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 46 0.398597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 46 -0.0975017
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 47 601.494
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 47 0.385723
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 47 -0.100435
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 48 608.281
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 48 0.372704
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 48 -0.103516
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 49 615.067
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 49 0.35959
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 49 -0.106676
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 50 621.854
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 50 0.3464
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 50 -0.109892
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 51 628.64
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 51 0.333098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 51 -0.113121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 52 635.426
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 52 0.319686
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 52 -0.116385
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 53 642.213
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 53 0.306191
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 53 -0.119664
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 54 648.999
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 54 0.292541
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 54 -0.12291
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 55 655.786
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 55 0.278725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 55 -0.126184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 56 662.572
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 56 0.264753
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 56 -0.129498
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 57 669.358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 57 0.250639
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 57 -0.132862
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 58 676.145
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 58 0.236391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 58 -0.136272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 59 682.931
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 59 0.222033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 59 -0.139718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 60 689.718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 60 0.207536
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 60 -0.143174
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 61 696.504
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 61 0.192894
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 61 -0.14665
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 62 703.29
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 62 0.178087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 62 -0.150158
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 63 710.077
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 63 0.163157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 63 -0.153716
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 64 716.863
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 64 0.148098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 64 -0.157273
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 65 723.649
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 65 0.132821
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 65 -0.160847
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 66 730.436
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 66 0.117442
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 66 -0.164522
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 67 737.222
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 67 0.101967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 67 -0.168175
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 68 744.009
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 68 0.0862558
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 68 -0.171796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 69 750.795
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 69 0.0704105
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 69 -0.17551
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 70 757.581
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 70 0.0544364
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 70 -0.179198
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 71 764.368
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 71 0.0381918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 71 -0.182849
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 72 771.154
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 72 0.0217336
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 72 -0.186618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 73 777.941
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 73 0.00508918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 73 -0.190478
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 74 784.727
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 74 -0.0116074
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 74 -0.19445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 75 791.513
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 75 -0.028463
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 75 -0.198325
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 76 798.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 76 -0.0455796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 76 -0.202216
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 77 805.086
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 77 -0.0628507
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 77 -0.206212
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 78 811.873
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 78 -0.0803257
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 78 -0.210165
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 79 818.659
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 79 -0.0980796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 79 -0.214176
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 80 825.445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 80 -0.115981
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 80 -0.21834
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 81 832.232
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 81 -0.134042
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 81 -0.222474
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 82 839.018
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 82 -0.15233
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 82 -0.226615
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 83 845.805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 83 -0.170884
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 83 -0.230769
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 84 852.591
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 84 -0.189711
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 84 -0.234988
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 85 859.377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 85 -0.208805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 85 -0.239289
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 86 866.164
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 86 -0.228132
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 86 -0.243689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 87 872.95
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 87 -0.247688
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 87 -0.24814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 88 879.736
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 88 -0.267485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 88 -0.25262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 89 886.523
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 89 -0.287624
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 89 -0.257087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 90 893.309
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 90 -0.308122
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 90 -0.261627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 91 900.096
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 91 -0.328979
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 91 -0.266226
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 92 906.882
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 92 -0.350331
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 92 -0.270868
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 93 913.668
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 93 -0.372196
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 93 -0.275687
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 94 920.455
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 94 -0.394597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 94 -0.280733
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 95 927.241
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 95 -0.417472
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 95 -0.286075
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 96 934.028
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 96 -0.440914
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 96 -0.291621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 97 940.814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 97 -0.465088
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 97 -0.297381
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 98 947.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 98 -0.490461
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 98 -0.303462
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 99 954.387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 99 -0.51781
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 99 -0.310381
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction
create Herwig::EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer Etapigammagamma
newdef Etapigammagamma:Iteration 1
newdef Etapigammagamma:Ntry 500
newdef Etapigammagamma:Points 10000
newdef Etapigammagamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Etapigammagamma:grhoomega 12.924
newdef Etapigammagamma:Fpi 130.7
newdef Etapigammagamma:grho 5.89977
newdef Etapigammagamma:RhoMass 771.1
newdef Etapigammagamma:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef Etapigammagamma:RatioFpiF8 0.769231
newdef Etapigammagamma:RatioFpiF0 0.961538
newdef Etapigammagamma:Theta -0.349066
newdef Etapigammagamma:EtaMax 2.37239
newdef Etapigammagamma:EtaPrimeMax 9.76071
newdef Etapigammagamma:LocalParameters 1
create Herwig::EtaPiPiPiDecayer Etapipipi
newdef Etapipipi:Iteration 1
newdef Etapipipi:Ntry 500
newdef Etapipipi:Points 10000
newdef Etapipipi:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 221 111 1 0.06477 -1.17 0.21 0.06 1.72861
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 221 111 0 0.0883547 0 -0.062 -0.062 1.45813
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 111 1 0.02576 -3.08 0.13 0.62 2.94049
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 111 0 0.01891 0 -0.86 -0.86 1.827
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 221 1 49.42 -0.093 -0.059 -0.003 1.421
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 221 0 20.62 -0.105 -0.065 -0.004 1.42649
create Herwig::TensorMeson2PScalarDecayer Tensor2PScalar
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Iteration 1
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Ntry 3000
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Points 10000
newdef Tensor2PScalar:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 221 111 10.9 1.65316
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 221 211 10.9 1.64258
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 331 111 9.92 1.75949
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 331 211 9.92 1.70722
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 310 310 5.2 1.58967
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 130 130 5.2 1.58967
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 321 -321 7.36 1.67672
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 321 -311 10.41 1.63467
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 211 -211 18.73 1.57416
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 111 111 13.24 1.58603
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 221 221 8.362 1.71393
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 321 -321 11.03 1.58584
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 130 130 8.05 1.59016
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 310 310 8.05 1.59016
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 321 -321 14.65 1.60028
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 310 310 10.36 1.15672
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 130 130 10.36 1.16794
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 221 221 9.15 1.61424
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 211 -211 0.86 1.60017
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 111 111 0.608 1.60798
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 321 221 1.52 1.73005
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 311 221 1.52 1.59146
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 321 111 8.3 1.59797
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 311 211 11.74 1.57335
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 311 111 8.68 1.59206
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 321 -211 12.28 1.60384
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 525 521 111 27.23 1.61058
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 525 511 211 38.52 1.58036
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 515 511 111 27.16 1.59641
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 515 521 -211 38.62 1.59448
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 425 421 111 18.07 1.29457
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 425 411 -211 25.56 2.50567
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 415 411 111 14.91 0.867481
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 415 421 211 21.09 1.76064
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 435 421 321 23.39 2.89468
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 435 411 311 23.39 2.76409
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 535 521 -321 45.43 1.58715
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 535 511 -311 48.84 1.56884
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 211 -211 0.02 1.5984
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 111 111 0.0141 1.5916
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 321 -321 0.056 1.59793
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 311 -311 0.056 1.59259
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 9000221 9000221 104.1 43.4218
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10115 9000221 111 15.3 7.28776
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10215 9000221 211 15.3 7.29621
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10225 9000111 111 11.3 6.45245
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10225 9000211 -211 11.3 6.4156
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10335 9000111 111 4.43 2.88423
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10335 9000211 -211 4.43 2.94995
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 100445 411 -411 22.3 1.60573
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 100445 421 -421 22.3 1.61147
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer TensorVP
newdef TensorVP:Iteration 1
newdef TensorVP:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorVP:Points 10000
newdef TensorVP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 115 213 -211 21.1 4.68304
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 113 211 21.1 4.71348
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 213 111 21.1 4.73233
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 22 211 0.551 1.7
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 115 22 111 0.551 1.7
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 223 311 11.66 40.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 223 321 11.66 40.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 22 321 0.553 1.9
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 113 321 10.14 7.09367
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 213 311 14.33 6.86114
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 113 311 10.14 6.65245
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 -213 321 14.33 8.1
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 323 111 9.733 2.9
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 313 211 13.77 2.796
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 313 111 9.733 3.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 323 -211 13.77 3.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 425 423 111 8.035 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 425 413 -211 11.67 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 415 413 111 6.801 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 415 423 211 9.527 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 13.1 5.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 13.1 5.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 525 523 111 4.99 1.61535
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 525 513 211 7.059 1.5842
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 515 513 111 4.99 1.61501
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 515 523 -211 7.059 1.58463
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 13.09 1.78925
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 13.09 2.06728
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 535 523 -321 7.29 1.60271
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 535 513 -311 9.43 1.59959
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 20555 22 10551 1.11 1.82265
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer TVV
newdef TVV:Iteration 1
newdef TVV:Ntry 1000
newdef TVV:Points 10000
newdef TVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 115 22 22 0.0162 3.11504
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 22 22 0.0262 2.78159
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 335 22 22 0.00481 4.59851
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 553 223 0.178 1.79713
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 553 22 0.263 1.60345
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 100553 22 0.712 1.6244
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 333 333 0.452 9.76591
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 443 22 0.69 1.82472
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 323 -323 0.0404 20.851
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 313 -313 0.0406 24.2076
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 333 333 0.0423 10.832
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 22 22 0.0202 1.63476
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 555 553 22 0.569 1.61091
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 115 223 113 18.3 25.7157
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 215 223 213 18.1 28.7855
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 113 113 13 31.8738
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 213 -213 12.8 33.3322
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 315 113 313 12.6 42.8508
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 315 -213 323 16.7 33.5317
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 325 113 323 12.5 43.344
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 325 213 313 17.8 40.1134
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 223 223 0.0408 12.9271
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 545 543 22 0.577 1.60427
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 10555 10553 22 0.674 1.71503
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 10545 10543 22 0.747 1.60339
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 10545 20543 22 0.776 1.60319
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 20545 10543 22 0.785 1.60435
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 20545 20543 22 0.814 1.60065
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 20445 20443 22 0.826 1.69493
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 20555 20553 22 0.649 1.6045
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 200555 553 22 0.127 1.59418
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 200555 100553 22 0.182 1.59974
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 200555 200553 22 0.558 1.61541
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 200555 130553 22 0.0462 1.62772
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 30553 22 0.0393 1.6272
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 120555 20553 22 0.161 1.60282
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 120555 120553 22 0.573 1.60593
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100445 22 22 0.0121 1.75628
create Herwig::TensorMesonSpin3VectorDecayer T3V
newdef T3V:Iteration 1
newdef T3V:Ntry 2000
newdef T3V:Points 10000
newdef T3V:GenerateIntermediates 0
do T3V:SetUpDecayMode 100555 557 22 0.273 1.62766
do T3V:SetUpDecayMode 200555 100557 22 0.341 1.62976
create Herwig::PseudoTensorMesonTensorVectorDecayer PTTV
newdef PTTV:Iteration 1
newdef PTTV:Ntry 2000
newdef PTTV:Points 10000
newdef PTTV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 20555 555 22 1.44 1.6272
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 20555 22 1.65 1.73643
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 120555 555 22 0.202 1.61196
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 120555 100555 22 2.14 1.6433
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 200555 120555 22 2.57 1.68093
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 20545 545 22 3.9 1.60931
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 10545 545 22 3.79 1.60887
do PTTV:SetUpDecayMode 20445 445 22 1.99 2.01395
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer ISGW
newdef ISGW:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW:Points 10000
newdef ISGW:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 0 5.424e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 1 5.41804e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 2 3.893e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 3 7.59854e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 4 7.74351e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 5 5.13206e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 6 0.00136557
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 7 0.00142736
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 8 0.000823295
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 9 3.0946e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 10 3.02772e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 11 1.1885e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 12 0.000139391
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 13 0.000138853
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 14 7.29822e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 15 0.000449845
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 16 0.000482517
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 17 0.000210263
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 18 1.81584e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 19 1.8153e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 20 9.3705e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 21 6.15054e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 22 6.14914e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 23 4.59853e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 24 0.000997071
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 25 0.000975911
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 26 0.000445402
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 27 3.33599e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 28 3.31068e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 29 1.27265e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 30 0.000309993
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 31 0.000308636
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 32 8.9226e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 33 0.000200307
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 34 0.000200465
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 35 0.000127083
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 36 1.6939e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 37 1.72911e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 38 7.4697e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 39 0.120635
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 40 0.11301
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 41 0.0231386
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 42 0.146282
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 43 0.140715
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 44 0.0370693
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 45 0.00853693
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 46 0.00852123
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 47 0.000300696
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 48 0.0229497
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 49 0.0209246
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 50 0.00104239
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 51 0.00909127
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 52 0.00891799
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 53 0.000961694
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 54 0.0048722
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 55 0.00455352
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 56 0.000321721
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 57 0.00011395
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 58 0.000113855
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 59 8.51126e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 60 0.00150609
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 61 0.00153757
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 62 0.000747443
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 63 6.09267e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 64 6.23095e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 65 2.30318e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 66 0.000552937
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 67 0.000559378
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 68 0.000162807
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 69 0.000365874
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 70 0.000364205
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 71 0.000233785
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 72 3.16293e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 73 3.18219e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 74 1.37143e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 75 0.110313
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 76 0.103445
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 77 0.0210801
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 78 0.147362
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 79 0.147419
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 80 0.0384639
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 81 0.0111543
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 82 0.0103842
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 83 0.000319557
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 84 0.0211162
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 85 0.0193068
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 86 0.000966967
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 87 0.00819478
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 88 0.00823409
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 89 0.000922852
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 90 0.00451283
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 91 0.00419498
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 92 0.000294157
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 93 0.00578922
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 94 0.00516882
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 95 0.00492885
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 96 0.00482429
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 97 2.25872e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 98 1.87372e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 99 0.000308952
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 100 0.000227327
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 101 0.000319546
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 102 0.000269116
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 103 3.55367e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 104 2.49126e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 105 0.127728
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 106 0.107291
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 107 0.0670801
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 108 0.0655003
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 109 3.5304e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 110 2.5821e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 111 0.0023046
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 112 0.00152967
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 113 0.000513018
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 114 0.000456772
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 115 0.00229334
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 116 0.00182456
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 117 0.00357344
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 118 0.00305374
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 119 0.00155629
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 120 0.00121146
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 121 0.0129117
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 122 0.0127254
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 123 8.71673e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 124 8.13552e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 125 0.000669791
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 126 0.000503811
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 127 0.000192319
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 128 0.000174441
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 129 3.41743e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 130 2.08608e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 131 0.00733276
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 132 0.00655274
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 133 0.00633683
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 134 0.00619396
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 135 3.00359e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 136 2.49679e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 137 0.000406841
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 138 0.000300569
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 139 0.000419858
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 140 0.000352772
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 141 4.70378e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 142 3.28597e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 143 0.325353
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 144 0.27348
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 145 0.169488
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 146 0.165556
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 147 9.51603e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 148 7.10445e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 149 0.00591948
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 150 0.00402664
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 151 0.00135309
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 152 0.00118354
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 153 0.00575264
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 154 0.0045926
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ISGWCurrent
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ISGW:Current ISGWCurrent
create Herwig::ISGWFormFactor ISGWFormFactor
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Kappa 0.7
newdef ISGWFormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGWFormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGWFormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGWFormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BottomMass 5.12
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSud 0.31
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSus 0.34
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSuc 0.39
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSub 0.41
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPud 0.27
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPus 0.3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPuc 0.34
newdef ISGWFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.174533
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 0 -211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 0 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 1 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 1 -213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 2 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -215
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 2 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 2 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 3 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 3 -10213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -20213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 4 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 5 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 5 -10211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 5 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 5 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 6 221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 6 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 7 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 7 331
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 7 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 8 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 8 223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 8 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 8 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 9 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 9 225
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 9 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 9 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 10 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 10 10223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 10 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 10 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 10 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 11 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 11 20223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 11 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 11 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 11 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 12 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 12 10221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 12 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 12 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 12 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 13 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 13 111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 13 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 13 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 13 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 13 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 14 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 15 115
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 16 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 17 20113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 17 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 17 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 17 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 18 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 19 -321
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 19 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 20 -323
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 20 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 20 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 21 -325
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 21 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 21 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 22 -10323
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 22 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 22 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 23 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 23 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 23 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 24 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 24 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 24 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 25 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 25 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 25 4
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 26 423
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 26 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 26 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 26 4
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 28 4
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 30 4
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 31 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 32 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 33 223
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 33 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 34 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 35 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 36 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 37 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 39 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 40 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 41 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 42 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 43 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 44 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 45 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 46 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 47 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 48 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 49 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 63 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 64 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 68 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 69 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 69 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 69 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 69 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 70 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 70 115
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 70 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 70 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 70 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 70 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 71 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 71 10113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 71 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 71 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 71 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 71 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 72 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 72 20113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 72 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 72 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 72 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 72 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 73 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 73 10111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 73 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 73 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 73 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 73 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 74 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 74 221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 74 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 74 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 74 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 74 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 75 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 75 331
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 75 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 75 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 75 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 75 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 76 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 76 223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 76 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 76 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 76 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 76 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 77 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 77 225
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 77 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 77 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 77 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 77 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 78 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 78 10223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 78 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 78 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 78 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 78 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 79 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 79 20223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 79 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 79 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 79 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 79 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 80 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 80 10221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 80 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 80 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 80 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 80 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 81 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 81 -321
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 81 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 81 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 81 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 81 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 82 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 82 -323
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 82 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 82 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 82 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 82 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 83 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 83 -325
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 83 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 83 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 83 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 83 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 84 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 84 -10323
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 84 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 84 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 84 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 84 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 85 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 85 -20323
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 85 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 85 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 85 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 85 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 86 421
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 86 -10321
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 86 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 86 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 86 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 86 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 87 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 87 221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 87 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 87 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 87 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 87 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 88 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 88 331
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 88 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 88 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 88 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 88 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 89 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 89 223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 89 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 89 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 89 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 89 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 90 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 90 225
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 90 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 90 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 90 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 90 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 91 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 91 10223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 91 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 91 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 91 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 91 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 92 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 92 20223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 92 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 92 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 92 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 92 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 93 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 93 10221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 93 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 93 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 93 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 93 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 94 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 94 111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 94 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 94 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 94 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 94 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 95 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 95 113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 95 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 95 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 95 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 95 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 96 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 96 115
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 96 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 96 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 96 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 96 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 97 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 97 10113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 97 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 97 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 97 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 97 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 98 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 98 20113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 98 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 98 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 98 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 98 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 99 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 99 10111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 99 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 99 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 99 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 99 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 100 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 100 211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 100 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 100 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 100 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 100 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 101 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 101 213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 101 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 101 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 101 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 101 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 102 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 102 215
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 102 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 102 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 102 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 102 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 103 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 103 10213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 103 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 103 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 103 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 103 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 104 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 104 20213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 104 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 104 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 104 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 104 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 105 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 105 10211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 105 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 105 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 105 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 105 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 106 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 106 -311
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 106 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 106 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 106 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 106 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 107 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 107 -313
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 107 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 107 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 107 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 107 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 108 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 108 -315
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 108 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 108 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 108 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 108 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 109 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 109 -10313
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 109 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 109 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 109 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 109 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 110 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 110 -20313
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 110 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 110 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 110 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 110 3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 111 411
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 111 -10311
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 111 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 111 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 111 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 111 3
newdef ISGW:FormFactor ISGWFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer ISGW2
newdef ISGW2:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW2:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW2:Points 10000
newdef ISGW2:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 0 3.95005e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 1 3.94637e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 2 2.93349e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 3 0.000150493
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 4 0.000150827
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 5 8.10329e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 6 2.3802e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 7 2.26572e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 8 7.1564e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 9 9.89996e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 10 9.64194e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 11 4.2888e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 12 9.44215e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 13 9.51828e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 14 4.50299e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 15 2.20544e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 16 2.24693e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 17 6.73668e-07
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 18 0.021715
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 19 0.0208858
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 20 0.00664402
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 21 0.0255404
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 22 0.025497
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 23 0.00658113
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 24 0.00185728
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 25 0.00183174
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 26 0.000111333
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 27 0.00524991
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 28 0.00484557
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 29 0.000352201
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 30 0.00227392
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 31 0.00224978
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 32 0.000208191
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 33 0.00099356
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 34 0.000945282
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 35 7.59346e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 36 0.00132341
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 37 0.00111119
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 38 0.00169353
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 39 0.00164428
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 40 3.15924e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 41 2.25269e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 42 0.00026745
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 43 0.000246837
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 44 8.41891e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 45 7.91348e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 46 3.28996e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 47 2.30262e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 48 0.0362303
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 49 0.0288704
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 50 0.0365415
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 51 0.0353279
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 52 3.53069e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 53 2.15061e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 54 0.00110415
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 55 0.000809087
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 56 7.615e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 57 5.52131e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 58 2.05362e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 59 1.08796e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 60 0.000383419
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 61 0.000379941
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 62 0.000216721
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 63 0.00290645
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 64 0.00319323
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 65 0.00142608
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 66 0.000114956
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 67 0.000115039
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 68 3.64242e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 69 0.000783639
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 70 0.00078457
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 71 0.000339043
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 72 7.63314e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 73 7.5e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 74 2.61161e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 75 1.9627e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 76 1.93806e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 77 6.61598e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 78 0.0983649
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 79 0.0923127
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 80 0.019695
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 81 0.104439
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 82 0.103932
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 83 0.0256158
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 84 0.03
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 85 0.025
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 86 0.000845781
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 87 0.0212356
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 88 0.0194916
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 89 0.0012394
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 90 0.00345276
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 91 0.00325754
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 92 0.000199332
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 93 0.0040565
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 94 0.00376841
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 95 0.000258548
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 96 0.000260051
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 97 0.000254568
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 98 0.00012644
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 99 0.00014772
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 100 0.000144913
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 101 6.99968e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 102 0.00211882
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 103 0.00173084
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 104 0.00100721
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 105 9.99083e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 106 9.76224e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 107 2.53588e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 108 0.000336413
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 109 0.000331348
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 110 0.00012059
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 111 0.000397433
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 112 0.000454929
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 113 0.000157429
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 114 1.26452e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 115 1.25165e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 116 4.22398e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 117 0.000325529
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 118 0.000317369
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 119 0.000151852
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 120 0.0010775
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 121 0.00123644
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 122 0.000527677
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 123 9.54949e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 124 9.31059e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 125 2.4608e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 126 0.000453889
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 127 0.000481848
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 128 0.00011418
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 129 0.000178262
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 130 0.000177812
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 131 8.26077e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 132 1.11824e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 133 1.11997e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 134 3.32397e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 135 0.127942
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 136 0.119623
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 137 0.0238566
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 138 0.142655
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 139 0.140889
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 140 0.0340506
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 141 0.0134676
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 142 0.0126132
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 143 0.000340657
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 144 0.0174635
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 145 0.0159783
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 146 0.000864979
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 147 0.00297466
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 148 0.0027692
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 149 0.00019588
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 150 0.00298341
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 151 0.00277861
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 152 0.00016309
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 153 0.000600003
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 154 0.000584006
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 155 0.000279706
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 156 0.00220229
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 157 0.00211059
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 158 0.000841777
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 159 0.000174515
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 160 0.000171267
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 161 4.5077e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 162 0.000911064
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 163 0.000879918
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 164 0.000212121
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 165 0.000328061
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 166 0.000327529
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 167 0.000152402
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 168 2.10645e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 169 2.03215e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 170 6.1047e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 171 0.117102
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 172 0.109383
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 173 0.0217237
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 174 0.143488
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 175 0.144097
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 176 0.0335686
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 177 0.0170693
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 178 0.0153559
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 179 0.000359761
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 180 0.0160343
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 181 0.0146767
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 182 0.000791707
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 183 0.00273854
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 184 0.0025512
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 185 0.000181231
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 186 0.00272446
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 187 0.00254633
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 188 0.000149885
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 189 0.00735218
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 190 0.00640181
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 191 0.00289181
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 192 0.00280707
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 193 7.22655e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 194 5.71371e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 195 0.00086489
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 196 0.000689459
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 197 9.66759e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 198 9.21125e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 199 2.21916e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 200 1.67084e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 201 0.0618348
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 202 0.052149
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 203 0.0557922
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 204 0.0438118
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 205 0.116
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 206 0.116357
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 207 0.000106906
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 208 8.05859e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 209 0.00374456
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 210 0.00268945
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 211 0.000780993
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 212 0.000765418
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 213 0.000122102
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 214 8.68203e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 215 0.00809387
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 216 0.00701118
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 217 0.00303307
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 218 0.00292443
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 219 4.67003e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 220 3.16221e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 221 0.000394407
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 222 0.000303672
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 223 0.000436069
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 224 0.000379057
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 225 2.72813e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 226 1.70894e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 227 0.158135
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 228 0.131371
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 229 0.0481235
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 230 0.0467254
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 231 4.57786e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 232 3.12143e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 233 0.00330961
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 234 0.00240096
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 235 2.847e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 236 2.09826e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 237 0.000239374
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 238 0.000174513
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 239 0.00554538
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 240 0.00466466
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 241 0.00109984
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 242 0.000842737
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 243 0.0075
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 244 0.0072
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 245 1.91206e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 246 1.58666e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 247 0.000832562
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 248 0.000669596
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 249 0.000256716
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 250 0.000250306
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 251 2.53586e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 252 1.48864e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 253 0.0103666
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 254 0.00895946
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 255 0.00395922
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 256 0.00378779
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 257 6.20415e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 258 4.24016e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 259 0.0005196
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 260 0.00039878
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 261 0.000567317
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 262 0.000489709
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 263 3.57757e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 264 2.37409e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 265 0.402115
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 266 0.334931
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 267 0.122752
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 268 0.118601
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 269 0.000113546
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 270 9.35595e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 271 0.00851783
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 272 0.00630654
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 273 7.51719e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 274 5.56299e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 275 0.000606862
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 276 0.000454977
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ISGW2Current
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ISGW2:Current ISGW2Current
create Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor ISGW2FormFactor
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:BottomMass 5.2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ud 0.41
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0us 0.44
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ss 0.53
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0cu 0.45
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0cs 0.56
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ub 0.43
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0sb 0.54
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 177 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 178 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 178 20223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 178 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 178 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 178 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 178 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 179 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 179 10221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 179 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 179 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 179 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 179 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 180 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 180 111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 180 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 180 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 180 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 180 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 181 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 181 113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 181 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 181 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 181 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 181 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 182 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 182 115
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 182 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 182 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 182 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 182 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 183 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 183 10113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 183 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 183 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 183 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 183 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 184 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 184 20113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 184 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 184 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 184 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 184 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 185 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 185 10111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 185 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 185 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 185 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 185 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 186 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 186 211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 186 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 186 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 186 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 186 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 187 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 187 213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 187 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 187 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 187 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 187 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 188 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 188 215
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 188 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 188 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 188 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 188 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 189 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 189 10213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 189 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 189 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 189 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 189 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 190 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 190 20213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 190 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 190 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 190 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 190 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 191 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 191 10211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 191 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 191 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 191 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 191 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 192 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 192 -311
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 192 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 192 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 192 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 192 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 193 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 193 -313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 193 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 193 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 193 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 193 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 194 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 194 -315
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 194 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 194 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 194 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 194 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 195 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 195 -10313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 195 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 195 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 195 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 195 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 196 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 196 -20313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 196 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 196 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 196 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 196 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 197 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 197 -10311
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 197 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 197 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 197 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 197 3
newdef ISGW2:FormFactor ISGW2FormFactor
create Herwig::SMZDecayer ZDecayer
newdef ZDecayer:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef ZDecayer:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 0 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 1 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 2 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 3 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 4 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 0 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 1 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 2 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 3 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 4 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 5 3.
newdef ZDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef ZDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef ZDecayer:Points 10000
newdef ZDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef ZDecayer:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPi0Pi0BES
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Iteration 10
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Points 10000
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:MaximumWeight 2.92164e+09
insert DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Weights 0 0.421024
insert DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Weights 1 0.275114
insert DsPipPi0Pi0BES:Weights 2 0.303862
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.955 0.05 1 2 0 1 0 3 0.396 0.814
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.35 1 2 0 1.07 -0.7 3
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 1 2 0 0.352 -0.9 3
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 0 105 0 0 1 2 0 0.601 1.88319 3
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 0 105 0 0 0 1 2 0.267 -2.3 3
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:AddChannel 0 105 0 0 0 2 1 0.267 -2.3 3
do DsPipPi0Pi0BES:SetExternal 431 211 111 111
newdef DsPipPi0Pi0BES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKpKbar0Pi0BES
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Iteration 10
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Ntry 500
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Points 10000
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:MaximumWeight 1.5161e+10
insert DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Weights 0 0.397195
insert DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Weights 1 0.153766
insert DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Weights 2 0.164972
insert DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:Weights 3 0.284066
do DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:AddChannel 323 3 0.89167 0.0514 0 2 1 1 0 1.5
do DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:AddChannel -313 3 0.89555 0.0473 1 2 0 0.41 -0.314159 1.5
do DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:AddChannel -10311 -31 1.441 0.193 0 2 1 2.02 2.44346 1.5 0 0.96 0.00174533 1 -1.91463 0.113 -33.8
do DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:AddChannel -10311 -31 1.441 0.193 1 2 0 3.14 -3.03164 1.5 0 0.96 0.00174533 1 -1.91463 0.113 -33.8
do DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:SetExternal 411 321 310 111
newdef DpKpKbar0Pi0BES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPipPimBES
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:MaximumWeight 1.2786e+11
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 0 0.154792
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 1 0.1531
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 2 0.14591
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 3 0.145421
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 4 0.0748867
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 5 0.0728593
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 6 0.127339
insert DsPipPipPimBES:Weights 7 0.125692
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 9010221 -1 0.977 0.044 1 0 2 1 0 1.5 29 0.28 1.23 -3.59 0.448 2.8 -3.82 0.55 3.42 -3.87 0.647 3.32 -3.74 0.736 5.45 -3.38 0.803 6.22 -3.1 0.873 7.88 -2.6 0.921 11.85 -2.16 0.951 16.84 -1.77 0.968 21.74 -1.21 0.981 26.45 -0.58 0.993 18.64 -0.25 1.024 11.17 0.17 1.078 8 0.55 1.135 6.74 0.98 1.193 6.1 1.28 1.235 6.63 1.32 1.267 6.27 1.56 1.297 6.5 1.47 1.323 7.5 1.6 1.35 7.27 1.75 1.376 7.53 1.8 1.402 8.49 1.94 1.427 8.08 2.09 1.455 8.28 2.54 1.492 5.82 3.07 1.557 1.64 3.05 1.64 1.38 7.06 1.735 2.09 7.32
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 9010221 -1 0.977 0.044 2 0 1 1 0 1.5 29 0.28 1.23 -3.59 0.448 2.8 -3.82 0.55 3.42 -3.87 0.647 3.32 -3.74 0.736 5.45 -3.38 0.803 6.22 -3.1 0.873 7.88 -2.6 0.921 11.85 -2.16 0.951 16.84 -1.77 0.968 21.74 -1.21 0.981 26.45 -0.58 0.993 18.64 -0.25 1.024 11.17 0.17 1.078 8 0.55 1.135 6.74 0.98 1.193 6.1 1.28 1.235 6.63 1.32 1.267 6.27 1.56 1.297 6.5 1.47 1.323 7.5 1.6 1.35 7.27 1.75 1.376 7.53 1.8 1.402 8.49 1.94 1.427 8.08 2.09 1.455 8.28 2.54 1.492 5.82 3.07 1.557 1.64 3.05 1.64 1.38 7.06 1.735 2.09 7.32
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 113 3 0.77526 0.1477 1 0 2 0.13 -0.843185 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 113 3 0.77526 0.1477 2 0 1 0.13 -0.843185 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 1 0 2 0.91 1.03 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 2 0 1 0.91 1.03 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBES:SetExternal 431 -211 211 211
newdef DsPipPipPimBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPipPimBABAR
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:MaximumWeight 1.36319e+11
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 0 0.155922
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 1 0.154512
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 2 0.146145
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 3 0.145845
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 4 0.0706347
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 5 0.0690422
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 6 0.129849
insert DsPipPipPimBABAR:Weights 7 0.12805
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 -1 0.977 0.044 1 0 2 1 0 1.5 29 0.28 2.7 -3.4 0.448 2.2 -3.9 0.55 3.2 -3.7 0.647 3.3 -3.7 0.736 5 -3.4 0.803 5.1 -2.9 0.873 6.7 -2.6 0.921 10.7 -2.2 0.951 16.3 -1.9 0.968 22.9 -1.4 0.981 27.2 -0.8 0.993 20.4 -0.3 1.024 11.8 0.1 1.078 8.8 0.4 1.135 7.4 0.9 1.193 6.3 1.1 1.235 7 1.4 1.267 6.9 1.4 1.297 6.1 1.8 1.323 6.7 1.7 1.35 7 1.8 1.376 7.5 2 1.402 9.2 2.1 1.427 9.1 2.3 1.455 9.1 2.6 1.492 7 3.1 1.557 2.3 4.3 1.64 2.8 4.7 1.735 3.1 6
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 -1 0.977 0.044 2 0 1 1 0 1.5 29 0.28 2.7 -3.4 0.448 2.2 -3.9 0.55 3.2 -3.7 0.647 3.3 -3.7 0.736 5 -3.4 0.803 5.1 -2.9 0.873 6.7 -2.6 0.921 10.7 -2.2 0.951 16.3 -1.9 0.968 22.9 -1.4 0.981 27.2 -0.8 0.993 20.4 -0.3 1.024 11.8 0.1 1.078 8.8 0.4 1.135 7.4 0.9 1.193 6.3 1.1 1.235 7 1.4 1.267 6.9 1.4 1.297 6.1 1.8 1.323 6.7 1.7 1.35 7 1.8 1.376 7.5 2 1.402 9.2 2.1 1.427 9.1 2.3 1.455 9.1 2.6 1.492 7 3.1 1.557 2.3 4.3 1.64 2.8 4.7 1.735 3.1 6
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 113 3 0.77549 0.1462 1 0 2 0.19 -2.04159 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 113 3 0.77549 0.1462 2 0 1 0.19 -2.04159 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 1 0 2 1.2 0.958407 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 2 0 1 1.2 0.958407 1.5
do DsPipPipPimBABAR:SetExternal 431 -211 211 211
newdef DsPipPipPimBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPipPimFOCUS
create Herwig::PiPiAnisovichKMatrix /Herwig/Decays/FOCUSPiPiAnisovichKMatrix
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:MaximumWeight 4.9007e+08
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:KMatrices 0 /Herwig/Decays/FOCUSPiPiAnisovichKMatrix
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 0 0.181819
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 1 0.181611
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 2 0.167905
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 3 0.166896
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 4 0.152066
insert DsPipPipPimFOCUS:Weights 5 0.149703
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 9010221 -21 0.953 0.044 1 0 2 1 0 1.5 5 5 0 0 -3 1 0 0.974 -2.67035 0.755 1.49575 1.76 2.07869 0 0 1 0.863 3.5308 1 0 0 1 3.768 2.4487 1 2.179 1.86052 1 2.452 4.1277
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 9010221 -21 0.953 0.044 2 0 1 1 0 1.5 5 5 0 0 -3 1 0 0.974 -2.67035 0.755 1.49575 1.76 2.07869 0 0 1 0.863 3.5308 1 0 0 1 3.768 2.4487 1 2.179 1.86052 1 2.452 4.1277
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 1 0 2 0.06 2.93215 1.5
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 2 0 1 0.06 2.93215 1.5
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 1 0 2 0.126 -2.18341 1.5
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 2 0 1 0.126 -2.18341 1.5
do DsPipPipPimFOCUS:SetExternal 431 -211 211 211
newdef DsPipPipPimFOCUS:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKpKmPipBES
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:Points 100000
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:MaximumWeight 1.92226e+10
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 0 0.271191
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 1 0.27439
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 2 0.143114
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 3 0.0908046
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 4 0.141826
insert DsKpKmPipBES:Weights 5 0.0786757
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel -313 3 0.89555 0.0473 1 2 0 1 0 3
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel 333 3 1.01946 0.004249 0 1 2 1.09 -0.0631855 3
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel 9010221 21 0.919 0.272 0 1 2 2.88 1.62841 3
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel -10311 71 1.4712 0.178 1 2 0 1.26 2.91 3 0.5468 0.23
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel 10331 1 1.704 0.123 0 1 2 0.79 1.02 3
do DsKpKmPipBES:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.265 0 1 2 0.58 0.59 3
do DsKpKmPipBES:SetExternal 431 321 -321 211
newdef DsKpKmPipBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::PScalarLeptonNeutrinoDecayer PScalarlnu
newdef PScalarlnu:Iteration 1
newdef PScalarlnu:Ntry 500
newdef PScalarlnu:Points 100
newdef PScalarlnu:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 211 127.27 2 0.000138471 1.08315 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 321 36.06 2 1.87067e-05 0.731058 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 431 281.36 3 1.83428e-07 0.00782778 0.0760936
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 411 51.2 3 1.19915e-08 0.000511418 0.00135052
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 541 16 3 1.7429e-09 7.47667e-05 0.0179128
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 521 0.759 3 1.19578e-11 5.12844e-07 0.000114138
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer VectorVV
newdef VectorVV:Iteration 1
newdef VectorVV:Ntry 1000
newdef VectorVV:Points 10000
newdef VectorVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 30213 213 113 3.21 35.
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 30113 -213 213 3.21 35.
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 100213 213 113 9.59 52.2482
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 100113 -213 213 9.59 45.0477
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 533 -533 5.2 1.50168
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 513 -513 1.9 1.50069
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 523 -523 1.9 1.50134
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer ISGW2Hadronic
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Points 10000
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a1Bottom 1.1
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a2Bottom -0.24
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a1Charm 1.3
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a2Charm -0.55
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert ISGW2Hadronic:Currents 0 ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 10433
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert ISGW2Hadronic:Currents 1 ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor ISGW2HadronicFormFactor
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:BottomMass 5.2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ud 0.41
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0us 0.44
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ss 0.53
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cu 0.45
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cs 0.56
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ub 0.43
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0sb 0.54
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cc 0.88
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0bc 0.92
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pud 0.28
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pus 0.3
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pss 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcu 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcs 0.38
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pub 0.35
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Psb 0.41
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcc 0.52
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pbc 0.6
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ud 0.3
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1us 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ss 0.37
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cu 0.38
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cs 0.44
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ub 0.4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1sb 0.49
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cc 0.62
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1bc 0.75
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:AlphaCutOff 0.6
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDrho 0.889
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDKstar 0.928
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDsKstar 0.873
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDsphi 0.911
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBrho 0.905
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBDstar 0.989
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBsKstar 0.892
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBsDstar 0.984
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcDstar 0.868
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcpsi 0.967
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcBsstar 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcBstar 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.349066
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 0 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 0 -411
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 0 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 0 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 1 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 1 -413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 1 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -415
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 2 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 3 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 3 10413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 4 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -20413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 4 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 5 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 5 10411
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 5 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 5 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -421
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -423
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -425
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 8 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 8 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -10423
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -20423
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -10421
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 12 -431
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 13 -433
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 14 -435
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 14 3
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 15 -10433
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 15 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 16 -20433
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 17 -10431
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 18 441
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 19 443
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 19 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 20 445
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 21 10443
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 21 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 22 20443
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 22 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 23 10441
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 37 533
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 38 535
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 38 -3
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 39 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 42 311
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 42 -1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 43 313
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 44 315
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 45 10313
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 46 20313
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 46 3
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 48 321
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 49 323
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 50 325
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 51 10323
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 54 221
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 55 -531
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 55 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 55 0
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 55 3
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insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1471 4.37771e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1472 1.61607e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1473 7.95834e-17
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1474 2.78824e-14
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1475 0.000602705
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1476 5.8126e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1477 1.74483e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1478 0.00621574
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1479 0.000654424
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1480 0.000658909
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1481 1.96941e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1482 0.00701533
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1483 6.61807e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1484 0.0023576
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1485 2.56761e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1486 8.69341e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1487 0.000308561
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1488 6.59127e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1489 0.00234353
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1490 0.00178689
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1491 0.000607629
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1492 5.88894e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1493 0.0205931
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1494 1.24724e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1495 4.9042e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1496 5.08943e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1497 1.81373e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1498 8.97699e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1499 2.50892e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1500 9.90899e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1501 3.51392e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1502 2.62619e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1503 4.82711e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1504 4.86653e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1505 1.2628e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1506 3.60766e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1507 0.00128518
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1508 6.15486e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1509 3.13414e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1510 1.24113e-07
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insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1512 0.000362136
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1513 1.04208e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1514 1.6022e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1515 1.99376e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1516 1.44953e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1517 0.000513428
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1518 3.39376e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1519 5.45222e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1520 5.78621e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1521 2.14348e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1522 9.50426e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1523 2.77321e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1524 9.35602e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1525 1.51489e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1526 5.39663e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1527 3.06082e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1528 3.96726e-12
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1529 6.64529e-13
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1530 2.37078e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1531 2.08119e-12
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1532 0.0906514
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1533 0.00655737
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1534 0.194663
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1535 0.00720782
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1536 0.168179
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1537 0.0242007
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1538 0.00128659
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1539 0.151883
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1540 0.0064175
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1541 0.0349962
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1542 0.000119961
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1543 1.99774e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1544 0.0082
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1545 0.00888319
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1546 0.000159215
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1547 0.00160848
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1548 2.21177e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1549 6.84286e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1550 6.33654e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1551 7.10972e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1552 2.2482e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1553 1.03081e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1554 3.71723e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1555 0.000219427
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1556 1.84988e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1557 0.000250142
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1558 1.50801e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1559 1.06989e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1560 0.000294318
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1561 0.000248944
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1562 0.00796066
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1563 0.000288656
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1564 0.00608008
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1565 0.00205386
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1566 9.52966e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1567 0.00174605
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1568 1.50321e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1569 1.85848e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1570 0.00547791
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1571 9.45203e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1572 0.00653332
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1573 0.000892962
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1574 0.00525054
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1575 3.60714e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1576 7.93914e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1577 2.68419e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1578 2.06545e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1579 9.0377e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1580 0.00138584
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1581 5.37466e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1582 0.00182377
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1583 1.72699e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1584 3.2425e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1585 0.00047197
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1586 2.13647e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1587 0.000898207
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1588 1.33171e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1589 3.1837e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1590 8.03532e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1591 2.52199e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1592 1.03332e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1593 1.42268e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1594 7.61904e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1595 0.00753127
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1596 0.000273977
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1597 0.00958453
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1598 0.000436011
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1599 0.0170353
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1600 0.00236283
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1601 4.43421e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1602 0.0144288
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1603 0.000410463
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1604 0.00515483
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1605 1.67725e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1606 1.69155e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1607 5.55169e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1608 1.24044e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1609 5.50562e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1610 0.000942081
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1611 3.25734e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1612 0.0010801
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1613 8.48479e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1614 1.05941e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1615 0.00381795
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1616 2.65595e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1617 0.00719333
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1618 2.34508e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1619 1.97446e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1620 8.74246e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1621 2.15809e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1622 5.10599e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1623 8.03246e-15
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1624 9.84887e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1625 0.0859114
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1626 0.00665947
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1627 0.000152355
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1628 0.115277
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1629 1.59278e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1630 0.501858
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1631 0.00487397
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1632 0.00014329
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1633 0.18175
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1634 3.02994e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1635 4.46212e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1636 5.80007e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1637 2.0662e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1638 9.99202e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1639 5.19569e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1640 3.80089e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1641 1.36745e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1642 1.00467e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1643 0.000169181
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1644 0.000152837
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1645 1.13787e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1646 0.00405351
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1647 0.000190006
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1648 5.21745e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1649 2.48955e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1650 0.000885514
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1651 1.80427e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1652 9.29678e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1653 0.433737
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1654 8.81207e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1655 7.74234e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1656 0.207994
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1657 1.58071e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1658 3.06389e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1659 7.03968e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1660 2.50744e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1661 9.03655e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1662 1.77767e-15
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1663 6.34078e-13
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1664 0.0167046
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1665 0.0183919
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1666 0.00327335
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1667 0.016342
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1668 0.000318794
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1669 6.91014e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1670 3.74945e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1671 8.81558e-14
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1672 0.0230301
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1673 0.000433045
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1674 0.00440227
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1675 7.14496e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1676 0.00016
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1677 0.000165861
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1678 1.98216e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1679 6.41893e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1680 3.34973e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1681 1.15405e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1682 0.000563589
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1683 4.93522e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1684 0.000655498
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1685 4.05064e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1686 2.96856e-05
create Herwig::PScalar4FermionsDecayer PScalar4f
newdef PScalar4f:Iteration 1
newdef PScalar4f:Ntry 500
newdef PScalar4f:Points 10000
newdef PScalar4f:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PScalar4f:SetUpDecayMode 111 11 11 0.0251591 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000287254
do PScalar4f:SetUpDecayMode 221 11 11 0.0248 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000268792
create Herwig::ScalarScalarScalarDecayer ScalarSS
newdef ScalarSS:Iteration 1
newdef ScalarSS:Ntry 500
newdef ScalarSS:Points 10000
newdef ScalarSS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 111 111 1660 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 211 -211 2350 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 321 -321 1020 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 130 130 721 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 310 310 721 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 111 111 745 1.18096
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 211 -211 1054 1.18029
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 100111 111 5027 2.3846
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 100211 -211 5027 2.30756
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 321 -321 886 1.19989
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 130 130 627 1.19012
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 310 310 627 1.19012
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 111 111 503 1.1012
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 211 -211 711 1.09915
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 321 -321 2096 1.05631
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 130 130 1482 1.05209
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 310 310 1482 1.05209
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000221 111 111 3654 1.09971
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000221 211 -211 5178 1.09997
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 221 111 3330 1.10192
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000211 221 211 3330 1.10212
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 321 -321 2540 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 130 130 1796 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 310 310 1796 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000211 321 -311 3590 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 221 111 1357 1.09914
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 221 211 1357 1.09815
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 331 111 995 1.13279
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 331 211 995 1.13026
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 321 -321 950 1.10325
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 310 310 672 1.09597
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 130 130 672 1.09597
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 321 -311 1344 1.10042
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 221 221 235 1.26383
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 221 221 2189 5.4
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 9000221 9000221 21460 7.54408
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 311 111 2837 1.1139
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 321 -211 4000 1.1087
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 321 111 2837 1.1165
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 311 211 4000 1.10612
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10411 411 111 5472 1.09982
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10411 421 211 7714 1.09992
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10421 421 111 5447 1.09983
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10421 411 -211 7818 1.1194
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10511 511 111 9698 1.10058
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10511 521 -211 13710 1.09697
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10521 521 111 9698 1.10162
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10521 511 211 13710 1.09592
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100311 10311 111 6595 2.13753
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100311 10321 -211 9445 2.13275
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100321 10321 111 6595 2.13257
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100321 10311 211 9445 2.13815
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10431 431 111 103 1.10901
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 531 111 8314 0.664961
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000111 111 2057 1.89242
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000211 -211 2057 1.91997
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 9000111 111 1470 1.85695
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 9000211 -211 1470 1.89707
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 221 9000221 4051 1.76697
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000221 221 4316 1.75782
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 321 -321 104 1.18153
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 130 130 73.5 1.18066
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 310 310 73.5 1.18066
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 211 -211 93 1.10662
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 111 111 66 1.11492
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 221 221 64 1.17978
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 211 -211 1398 1.09972
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 111 111 989 1.10202
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 9000221 9000221 6079 7.35565
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 221 221 809 1.12039
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 221 331 2844 6.5
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 321 -321 686 1.1015
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 130 130 485 1.09478
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 310 310 485 1.09478
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 100111 111 2615 2.28089
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 100211 -211 2615 2.23395
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000311 311 111 3834 1.10384
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000311 321 -211 5406 1.10171
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000321 321 111 3834 1.11557
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000321 311 211 5406 1.08994
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 10321 -10321 104 1.53966
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 10311 -10311 104 1.50609
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 511 -311 12170 1.07391
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 521 -321 12170 1.1278
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 9010221 9010221 84 1.31568
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 311 221 5973 1.25177
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 321 221 5973 1.25638
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 10221 10331 488 2.37167
create Herwig::PScalarPScalarVectorDecayer PPVDecayer
newdef PPVDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef PPVDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef PPVDecayer:Points 10000
newdef PPVDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100111 -211 213 3.57 0 4.85468
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100211 111 213 3.57 4.92159
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100211 211 113 3.57 4.77463
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 311 113 1 3.79851
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 321 113 1 3.8839
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 321 -213 1.41 3.92582
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 311 213 1.41 3.83809
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 111 313 1.55 1.63383
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 111 323 1.55 1.64466
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 -211 323 2.19 1.64501
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 211 313 2.19 1.61787
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100331 -321 323 2.92 4.09876
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100331 -311 313 2.92 3.68371
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 -321 323 0.956 4.40423
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 -311 313 0.956 3.48178
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10221 -211 20213 2.68 3.30881
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10221 111 20113 2.68 3.42189
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 -211 20213 1.147 3.21729
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 111 20113 1.147 3.28207
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPi0EtaBES
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:ParentRadius 3
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:MaximumWeight 1.51603e+10
insert DsPipPi0EtaBES:Weights 0 0.520644
insert DsPipPi0EtaBES:Weights 1 0.239311
insert DsPipPi0EtaBES:Weights 2 0.240046
do DsPipPi0EtaBES:AddChannel 213 3 0.77511 0.1491 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do DsPipPi0EtaBES:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.99 0.24 0 2 1 1.421 2.794 1.5 0.584 0.511
do DsPipPi0EtaBES:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.99 0.24 1 2 0 1.421 -0.347593 1.5 0.584 0.511
do DsPipPi0EtaBES:AddChannel 0 103 0 0 0 1 2 1.238 0.612 0
do DsPipPi0EtaBES:SetExternal 431 211 111 221
newdef DsPipPi0EtaBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPi0KS0BES
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:UseAllK0 1
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:MaximumWeight 3.08916e+10
insert DsPipPi0KS0BES:Weights 0 0.382473
insert DsPipPi0KS0BES:Weights 1 0.140298
insert DsPipPi0KS0BES:Weights 2 0.165916
insert DsPipPi0KS0BES:Weights 3 0.145034
insert DsPipPi0KS0BES:Weights 4 0.166279
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:AddChannel 213 23 0.77511 0.1491 0 1 2 1 0 3 0.13957061
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:AddChannel 100213 23 1.465 0.4 0 1 2 7.84 2.2 3 0.13957061
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:AddChannel 313 3 0.89555 0.0473 1 2 0 0.433 0.0584074 3
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:AddChannel 323 3 0.89167 0.0514 0 2 1 0.338 -2.94159 3
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:AddChannel 100313 3 1.414 0.232 1 2 0 1.072 -2.94159 3
do DsPipPi0KS0BES:SetExternal 431 211 111 310
newdef DsPipPi0KS0BES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::QuarkoniumDecayer QDecayME0
newdef QDecayME0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef QDecayME0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME0:PartnerFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
newdef QDecayME0:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator
newdef QDecayME0:KinematicsReconstructor /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor
newdef QDecayME0:Shower Yes
newdef QDecayME0:Exclusive 1
newdef QDecayME0:Intermediates 0
newdef QDecayME0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef QDecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::QuarkoniumDecayer QDecayME130
newdef QDecayME130:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef QDecayME130:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME130:PartnerFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
newdef QDecayME130:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator
newdef QDecayME130:KinematicsReconstructor /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor
newdef QDecayME130:Shower Yes
newdef QDecayME130:Exclusive 1
newdef QDecayME130:Intermediates 0
newdef QDecayME130:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef QDecayME130:MECode 130
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorScalarDecayer VVSDecayer
newdef VVSDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef VVSDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef VVSDecayer:Points 10000
newdef VVSDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 9000111 0.238 9.00936
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 9010221 0.267 14.2908
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 10331 0.00207 2.22552
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 10331 0.00144 8.11845
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 10331 0.00127 7.04697
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 9010221 0.00064 5.78346
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 9010221 0.00044 6.12632
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100553 22 10551 0.105 1.84492
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 110551 0.16 1.95828
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 10441 0.258 3.80961
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 331 0.0508 1.64121
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 10331 0.00068 1.8543
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 9010221 0.000509 5.66804
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 213 9000221 5.056 4.95975
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 113 9000221 5.056 5.10698
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 9030221 0.00114 2.8072
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 20313 -311 0.00127 3.57449
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 20323 -321 0.00127 3.58
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 10213 -211 0.00106 7.98666
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 10113 111 0.00106 8.01101
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10313 -311 0.00152 3.70225
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10323 -321 0.00152 4.09967
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10213 -211 0.000694 8.30558
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10113 111 0.000694 8.31092
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 10223 211 1.45 2.82326
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30113 10223 111 1.45 2.83643
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 20213 111 1.09 2.82168
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 20113 211 1.09 2.78114
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30113 20213 -211 1.09 2.79808
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 10223 211 1.2 2.81029
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 10223 111 1.2 2.85301
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 20213 111 1.83 2.96886
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 20113 211 1.83 2.92035
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 20213 -211 1.83 2.92087
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100223 10113 111 1.659 2.55908
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100223 10213 -211 1.659 2.33324
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10443 111 0.0029 1.86135
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10333 313 -311 4.889 2.44776
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10333 323 -321 4.156 2.51169
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10223 113 111 4.411 3.29541
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10223 -213 211 4.411 3.32547
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10113 223 111 3.862 5.9555
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10213 223 211 3.862 5.6102
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10213 22 211 0.195 1.58726
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10433 413 311 0.161 2.09271
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10433 423 321 0.161 1.62303
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20533 513 -311 0.389 1.57892
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20533 523 -321 0.389 1.65181
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 213 311 4.98 2.21683
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 113 321 3.4 2.22014
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 -213 321 4.87 2.21695
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 113 311 3.55 2.21985
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 213 311 0.97 2.5873
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 113 321 0.69 2.67905
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 -213 321 0.97 2.62517
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 113 311 0.707 2.67986
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 223 321 4.76 3.5592
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 223 311 6 3.13577
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 223 321 0.6 5.60103
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 223 311 0.6 5.65356
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 313 211 0.941 3.34513
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 323 111 0.656 3.44165
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 323 -211 0.932 3.52483
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 313 111 0.658 3.35878
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 313 211 2.845 6.20364
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 323 111 1.99 7.14694
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 323 -211 2.84 6.18289
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 313 111 2 6.27914
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10423 413 -211 0.489 1.97898
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10423 423 111 0.347 1.76435
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10413 423 211 0.542 1.75368
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10413 413 111 0.383 2.00289
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20423 413 -211 1.933 3.82352
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20423 423 111 1.367 1.81635
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20413 423 211 1.926 1.91055
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20413 413 111 1.367 2.01247
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10523 513 211 0.13 1.5882
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10523 523 111 0.0924 1.61264
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10513 523 -211 0.13 1.58872
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10513 513 111 0.0924 1.61211
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20523 513 211 0.445 1.59926
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20523 523 111 0.314 1.59799
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20513 523 -211 0.445 1.59924
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20513 513 111 0.314 1.59793
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20433 433 111 0.022 1.6163
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20433 22 431 0.0587 1.60079
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 22 531 0.142 0.253632
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 533 111 0.0074 0.126654
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10543 22 541 0.0759 1.60144
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20543 22 541 0.175 1.60099
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10443 22 441 0.329 3.98776
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10553 22 551 0.0356 0.221701
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 323 -311 3.42 3.19968
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 -313 321 3.42 3.53218
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 -323 321 3.42 3.57566
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 -313 311 3.42 3.31095
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 22 111 0.01 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 22 211 0.01 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20333 -323 321 1.637 5.43736
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20333 -313 311 1.737 4.63598
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 22 311 0.119 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 22 311 0.22 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 513 -311 0.0418 1.60089
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 523 -321 0.0373 1.60358
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30333 333 9010221 1.73 6.54072
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 10553 111 0.00356 1.71427
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 10551 0.00458 1.67882
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30553 22 10551 0.184 1.73869
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30543 22 10541 0.39 1.60556
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100543 22 10541 0.943 1.61657
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 130553 22 10551 0.0248 1.67021
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 130553 22 110551 0.262 1.81534
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30443 22 10441 4.94 4.70124
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30553 22 10551 0.236 1.72189
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 130553 22 10551 0.0766 1.66645
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 130553 22 110551 0.357 1.80865
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30543 22 10541 0.39 1.60559
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100543 22 10541 0.943 1.61644
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 110553 22 551 0.0263 2.16152
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 110553 22 100551 0.187 2.42924
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 213 9000221 4.043 14.5531
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30113 113 9000221 4.043 16.3508
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100223 223 9000221 4.82 25.6739
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 223 10331 0.000894 6.75282
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 300553 10553 221 0.118 2.82317
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10443 22 221 0.00283 1.60273
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10443 22 331 0.00172 1.65219
create Herwig::HeavyDecayer HvyDecayME0
newdef HvyDecayME0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef HvyDecayME0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME0:Exclusive 1
newdef HvyDecayME0:Intermediates 0
newdef HvyDecayME0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef HvyDecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::HeavyDecayer HvyDecayME100
newdef HvyDecayME100:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef HvyDecayME100:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME100:Exclusive 1
newdef HvyDecayME100:Intermediates 0
newdef HvyDecayME100:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef HvyDecayME100:MECode 100
create Herwig::ScalarMesonTensorScalarDecayer STSDecayer
newdef STSDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef STSDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef STSDecayer:Points 10000
newdef STSDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do STSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10441 325 -10321 0.0217 4.36393
do STSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10441 315 -10311 0.0217 4.35748
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonLight1
newdef BaryonLight1:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonLight1:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonLight1:Points 10000
newdef BaryonLight1:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 0 2.29031
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 1 3.98905e-05
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 2 0.000122986
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 3 4.63043e-10
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 4 2.99887e-20
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 5 1.02435e-09
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 6 0.0037
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 7 0.00055
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 8 9.60594e-13
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 9 3.14573e-13
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 10 0.00404325
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 11 0.00135948
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 12 0.00239575
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 13 0.000490015
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 14 0.000228
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 15 3.58814e-06
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 16 0.00075
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 17 7.52759e-06
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonLight1Current
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonLight1:Current BaryonLight1Current
create Herwig::LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor BaryonLight1Form
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 0 1.25
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 0 1.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 0 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 0 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 0 0.96
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 0 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 0 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 1 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 1 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 1 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 1 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 1 -0.32
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 1 -1.72
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 1 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 1 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 2 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 2 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 2 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 2 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 2 -0.32
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 2 -1.72
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 2 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 2 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 3 1.41
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 3 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 3 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 3 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 3 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 3 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 3 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 3 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 4 -1.41
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 4 -0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 4 -0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 4 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 4 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 4 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 4 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 4 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 5 -1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 5 0.24
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 5 0.73
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 5 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 5 0.56
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 5 0.71
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 5 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 5 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 6 -1.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 6 -0.99
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 6 -0.85
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 6 -0.025
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 6 0.71
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 6 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 6 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 6 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 7 -0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 7 0.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 7 0.44
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 7 0.0043
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 7 0.64
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 7 0.84
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 7 0.83
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 7 1.16
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 8 -0.97
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 8 0.27
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 8 0.62
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 8 0.0061
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 8 0.64
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 8 0.9
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 8 0.83
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 8 1.16
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 9 1.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 9 0.33
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 9 0.07
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 9 0.0076
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 9 0.68
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 9 0.89
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 9 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 9 1.1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 10 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 10 0.94
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 10 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 10 0.022
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 10 0.75
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 10 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 10 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 10 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 11 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 11 1.33
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 11 1.38
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 11 0.031
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 11 0.75
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 11 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 11 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 11 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 0 2112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 0 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 1 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 1 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 1 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 2 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 2 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 2 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 3 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 3 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 3 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 3 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 3 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 4 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 4 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 4 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 5 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 5 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 5 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 6 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 6 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 7 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 7 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 7 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 8 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 8 2112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 9 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 9 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 10 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 10 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 10 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 11 3322
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 11 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1:FormFactor BaryonLight1Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy1
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 0 0.224655
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 1 0.223647
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 2 0.0680859
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 3 0.261028
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 4 0.259932
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 5 0.081155
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 6 0.261825
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 7 0.260714
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 8 0.0813646
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 9 6.31228e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 10 6.64235e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 11 1.66042e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 12 6.40337e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 13 5.98422e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 14 1.57092e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 15 6.19344e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 16 5.98856e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 17 1.59245e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 18 0.116794
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 19 0.111392
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 20 0.031394
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 21 8.71083e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 22 8.08105e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 23 2.10457e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 24 8.60724e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 25 8.27541e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 26 2.03931e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 27 1.07084e-10
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 28 1.06392e-10
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 29 2.51075e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 30 0.164188
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 31 0.164551
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 32 0.0460406
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy1Current
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Current BaryonHeavy1Current
create Herwig::BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactor BaryonHeavy1Form
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Order 50
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:LightMass 0.42
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:StrangeMass 0.57
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:LambdaQ 2.5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdaqq 0.71
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdasq 0.85
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdass 1
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 0 0.000375628
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 1 0.00343009
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 2 0.0199814
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 3 0.0917634
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 4 0.359697
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 5 1.2551
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 6 4.00327
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 7 11.8929
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 8 33.3858
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 9 89.612
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 10 232.335
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 11 587.125
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 12 1457.96
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 13 3583.66
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 14 8774.68
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 15 21515.4
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 16 53045.1
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 17 131869
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 18 331096
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 19 840161
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 20 2.15444e+06
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 21 5.57995e+06
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 22 1.45848e+07
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 23 3.84373e+07
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 24 1.0205e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 25 2.72723e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 26 7.33119e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 27 1.98107e+09
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 28 5.37853e+09
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 29 1.46646e+10
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 30 4.01372e+10
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 31 1.10242e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 32 3.03769e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 33 8.39505e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 34 2.32642e+12
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 35 6.46325e+12
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 36 1.79984e+13
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 37 5.02307e+13
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 38 1.40473e+14
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 39 3.93594e+14
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 40 1.10481e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 41 3.10643e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 42 8.74841e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 43 2.46747e+16
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 44 6.96937e+16
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insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 101 4.6887e-26
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newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 8 4214
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 8 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 9 5222
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 9 4224
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 9 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 10 4334
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 10 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1:FormFactor BaryonHeavy1Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy2
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 0 0.224529
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 1 0.220339
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 2 0.0563864
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 3 2.99041e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 4 3.16203e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 5 5.07564e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 6 2.20245e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 7 2.73425e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 8 4.50209e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 9 3.83095e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 10 3.46566e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 11 6.57251e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 12 0.266394
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 13 0.247822
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 14 0.0409128
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 15 0.273397
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 16 0.267639
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 17 0.0666931
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 18 0.273754
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 19 0.268016
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 20 0.0667733
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 21 0.100
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 22 0.098
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 23 1.72323e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 24 1.46686e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 25 1.71899e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 26 1.45838e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 27 1.75848e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 28 1.49537e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 29 0.164607
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 30 0.143456
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 31 0.041659
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 32 0.0362478
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy2Current
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Current BaryonHeavy2Current
create Herwig::SingletonFormFactor BaryonHeavy2Form
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:CharmMass 1.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaLambda 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaSigma 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaXi 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaXiPrime 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 0 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 1 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 2 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 3 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 4 6.4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 5 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 6 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 7 2.5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 8 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 9 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 10 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 11 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 12 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 0 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 1 5112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 1 4112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 1 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 1 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 2 5212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 2 4212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 2 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 2 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 3 5222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 3 4222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 3 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 4 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 4 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 4 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 5 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 5 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 5 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 6 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 6 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 6 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 7 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 7 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 7 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 8 4112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 9 4212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 9 3212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 10 4222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 10 3222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 11 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 11 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 11 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 12 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 12 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 12 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2:FormFactor BaryonHeavy2Form
create Herwig::KornerKramerCharmDecayer CharmBaryon1
newdef CharmBaryon1:Iteration 1
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ntry 500
newdef CharmBaryon1:Points 10000
newdef CharmBaryon1:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:OneOverNc 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Fpi 131.7
newdef CharmBaryon1:FK 160.6
newdef CharmBaryon1:Frho 0.272
newdef CharmBaryon1:fKstar 0.238
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mdcplus 2.42
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mscplus 2.54
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mdcminus 2.01
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mscminus 2.11
newdef CharmBaryon1:Cplus 0.73
newdef CharmBaryon1:Cminus 1.9
newdef CharmBaryon1:H2 0.119
newdef CharmBaryon1:H3 -0.011
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 0 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 0 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 0 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 0 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 0 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 0 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 0 0.0131
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 1 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 1 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 1 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 1 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 1 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 1 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 1 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 1 0.00585
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 2 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 2 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 2 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 2 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 2 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 2 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 2 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 2 0.0059
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 3 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 3 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 3 -0.169102
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 3 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 3 0.204124
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 3 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 3 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 3 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 3 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 3 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 3 0.00247881
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 4 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 4 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 4 0.985599
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 4 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 4 0.204124
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 4 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 4 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 4 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 4 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 4 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 4 0.0215345
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 5 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 5 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 5 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 5 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 5 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 5 2212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 5 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 5 0.045
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 6 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 6 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 6 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 6 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 6 321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 6 0.00427652
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 7 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 7 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 7 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 7 1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 7 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 7 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 7 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 7 0.136
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 8 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 8 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 8 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 8 -1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 8 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 8 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 8 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 8 0.067
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 9 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 9 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 9 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 9 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 9 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 9 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 9 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 9 0.0023
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 10 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 10 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 10 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 10 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 10 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 10 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 10 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 10 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 10 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 10 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 10 0.025
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 11 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 11 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 11 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 11 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 11 -321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 11 0.00201135
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 12 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 12 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 12 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 12 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 12 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 12 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 12 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 12 0.00075
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 13 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 13 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 13 -0.169102
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 13 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 13 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 13 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 13 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 13 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 13 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 13 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 13 0.0048
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 14 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 14 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 14 0.985599
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 14 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 14 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 14 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 14 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 14 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 14 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 14 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 14 0.0142804
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 15 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 15 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 15 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 15 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 15 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 15 3312
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 15 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 15 0.0176031
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 16 1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 16 -1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 16 2
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 16 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 16 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 16 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 16 0.0200215
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 17 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 17 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 17 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 17 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 17 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 17 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 17 0.41
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 18 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 18 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 18 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 18 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 18 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 18 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 18 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 18 0.0554171
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 19 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 19 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 19 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 19 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 19 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 19 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 19 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 19 0.0550436
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 20 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 20 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 20 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 20 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 20 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 20 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 20 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 20 0.201805
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 21 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 21 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 21 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 21 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 21 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 21 0.00524444
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 22 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 22 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 22 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 22 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 22 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 22 2212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 22 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 22 0.0798045
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 23 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 23 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 23 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 23 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 23 323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 23 0.00335682
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 24 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 24 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 24 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 24 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 24 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 24 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 24 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 24 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 24 0.0465517
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 25 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 25 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 25 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 25 -1.63299
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 25 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 25 213
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 26 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 26 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 26 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 26 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 26 0.166667
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 26 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 26 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 26 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 26 -313
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 27 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 27 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 27 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 27 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 27 -0.288675
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 28 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 29 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 29 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 29 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 29 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 30 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 30 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 30 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 30 223
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 31 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 31 0.408248
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 31 333
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 32 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 32 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 32 0.816497
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 33 -1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 33 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 33 -313
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 34 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 35 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 35 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 36 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 37 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 43 111
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 44 0.097631
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 44 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 45 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 46 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 46 211
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 47 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 47 321
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 48 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 48 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 49 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 50 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 52 223
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 53 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 53 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 53 333
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 54 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 54 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 54 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 55 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 55 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 55 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 55 2224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 55 -323
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 56 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 56 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 56 323
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newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 57 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 57 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 57 3214
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 57 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 57 0.0224257
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 58 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 58 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 58 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 58 -323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 58 0.0459226
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 59 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 59 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 59 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 59 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 59 0.0405582
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 60 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 60 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 60 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 60 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 60 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 60 0.0176579
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 61 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 61 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 61 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 61 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 61 2.00738e-09
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 62 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 62 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 62 3314
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 62 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 62 0.0742392
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 63 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 63 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 63 3334
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 63 323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 63 0.000160371
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 64 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 64 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 64 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 64 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 64 0.041161
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 65 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 65 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 65 3334
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 65 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 65 0.0643286
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy3
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 0 0.155059
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 1 0.154479
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 2 0.0478423
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 3 0.183107
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 4 0.18242
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 5 0.0558729
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 6 0.183291
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 7 0.182598
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 8 0.0559255
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 9 0.116825
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 10 0.110605
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 11 0.0267389
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 12 0.132773
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 13 0.132352
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 14 0.0365608
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 15 0.0227486
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 16 0.0222433
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 17 0.0338862
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 18 0.0334095
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 19 0.1
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 20 0.097
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 21 0.025
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 22 0.025
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy3Current
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Current BaryonHeavy3Current
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BaryonHeavy3Form
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:DownMass 0.322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:UpMass 0.338
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:BottomMass 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 5 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 10 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 12 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 12 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 13 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 13 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 14 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 15 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 15 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 16 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 17 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 18 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 19 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 0 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 1 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 1 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 2 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 2 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 3 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 4 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 5 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 6 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 7 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 8 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 9 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 10 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 11 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 12 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 13 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 13 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 14 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 14 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 15 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 15 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 16 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 16 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 17 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 18 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 19 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 19 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3:FormFactor BaryonHeavy3Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer WSB
newdef WSB:Iteration 1
newdef WSB:Ntry 500
newdef WSB:Points 10000
newdef WSB:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 0 0.21439
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 1 0.0902162
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 2 2.29241e-14
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 3 9.67869e-15
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 4 0.126126
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 5 0.10663
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 6 0.320113
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 7 0.272174
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 8 0.0107195
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 9 0.00938398
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 10 0.013847
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 11 0.0121369
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 12 0.00305138
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 13 0.00258198
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 14 0.000647596
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 15 0.000490013
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 16 0.0787667
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 17 0.0764814
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 18 0.19791
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 19 0.193905
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 20 0.00689828
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 21 0.00673749
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 22 0.00898338
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 23 0.0087807
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 24 0.0152457
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 25 0.0144707
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 26 0.0790222
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 27 0.0674034
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 28 0.0235821
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 29 0.0185835
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 30 0.00803963
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 31 0.00695707
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 32 0.00646112
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 33 0.00630702
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 34 0.183436
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 35 0.188816
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 36 0.0893685
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 37 0.0834068
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 38 0.0188587
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 39 0.0814216
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 40 0.0762031
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 41 0.0171754
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 42 0.000282313
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 43 0.00027201
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 44 0.000143382
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 45 0.000516226
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 46 0.000498686
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 47 0.000262857
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 48 0.000100106
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 49 9.60475e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 50 4.7111e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 51 4.8426e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 52 4.66258e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 53 2.04411e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 54 0.115875
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 55 0.114911
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 56 0.0302228
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 57 0.117263
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 58 0.114856
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 59 0.032145
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 60 0.000700866
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 61 0.000690372
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 62 0.000331167
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 63 0.00126096
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 64 0.00130993
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 65 0.000608944
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 66 0.00170589
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 67 0.00165399
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 68 0.000855379
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent WSBCurrent
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef WSB:Current WSBCurrent
create Herwig::WSBFormFactor WSBFormFactor
newdef WSBFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 0 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 0 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 0 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 0 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 0 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 1 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 1 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 1 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 1 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 1 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 2 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 2 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 2 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 2 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 2 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 3 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 3 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 3 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 3 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 3 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 4 0.762
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 4 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 4 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 4 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 4 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 5 0.762
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 5 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 5 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 5 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 5 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 6 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 6 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 6 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 6 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 6 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 7 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 7 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 7 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 7 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 7 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 8 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 8 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 8 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 8 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 8 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 9 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 9 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 9 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 9 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 9 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 10 0.681
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 10 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 10 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 10 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 10 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 11 0.681
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 11 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 11 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 11 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 11 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 12 0.655
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 12 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 12 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 12 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 12 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 13 0.655
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 13 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 13 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 13 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 13 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 14 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 14 1.226
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 14 0.733
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 14 0.88
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 14 1.147
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 14 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 14 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 14 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 14 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 15 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 15 1.226
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 15 0.733
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 15 0.88
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 15 1.147
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 15 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 15 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 15 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 15 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 16 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 16 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 16 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 16 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 16 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 16 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 16 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 16 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 16 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 17 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 17 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 17 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 17 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 17 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 17 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 17 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 17 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 17 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 18 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 18 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 18 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 18 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 18 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 18 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 18 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 18 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 18 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 19 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 19 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 19 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 19 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 19 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 19 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 19 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 19 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 19 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 20 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 20 1.236
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 20 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 20 0.772
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 20 0.92
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 20 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 20 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 20 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 20 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 21 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 21 1.236
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 21 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 21 0.772
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 21 0.92
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 21 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 21 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 21 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 21 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 22 0.723
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 22 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 22 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 22 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 22 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 23 0.704
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 23 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 23 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 23 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 23 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 24 0.643
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 24 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 24 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 24 2.42
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 25 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 25 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 25 2.42
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 31 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 32 5.82
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 33 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 33 5.71
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 34 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 34 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 34 5.71
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 35 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 38 0
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 46 0.283
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 34 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 39 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 40 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 42 4
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 43 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 43 -323
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 43 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 44 -313
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spin 44 1
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 44 -1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 44 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 45 113
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 45 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 46 213
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 46 2
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 47 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 47 -213
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spin 47 1
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 47 -2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 47 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 48 113
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 48 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 49 223
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 49 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Spin 50 1
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 50 -1
newdef WSBFormFactor:InQuark 50 5
newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 50 1
newdef WSB:FormFactor WSBFormFactor
create Herwig::BaryonFactorizedDecayer BottomBaryonScalar
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Iteration 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Ntry 500
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Points 10000
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a1Bottom 1.23
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a2Bottom 0.33
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a1Charm 1.1
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a2Charm -0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:CKM /Herwig/CKM
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 0 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 1 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 2 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 3 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 4 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 5 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 6 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 7 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 8 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 9 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 10 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 11 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 12 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 13 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 14 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 15 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 16 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 17 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 18 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 19 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 20 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 21 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 22 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 23 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 24 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 25 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 26 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 27 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 28 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 29 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 30 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 31 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 32 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 33 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 34 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 35 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 36 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 37 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 38 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 39 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 40 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 41 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 42 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 43 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 44 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 45 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 46 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 47 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 48 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 49 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 50 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 51 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 52 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 53 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 54 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 55 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 56 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 57 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 58 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 59 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 60 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 61 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 62 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 63 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 64 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 65 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 66 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 67 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 68 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 69 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 70 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 71 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 72 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 73 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 74 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 75 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 76 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 77 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 78 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 79 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 80 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 81 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 82 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 83 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 84 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 85 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 86 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 87 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 0 0.021
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 1 0.0018
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 2 0.0024
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 3 0.070
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 4 0.006
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 5 8.56063e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 6 4.41438e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 7 4.27007e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 8 6.07688e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 9 9.19826e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 10 1.19065e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 11 6.16384e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 12 6.01101e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 13 8.8887e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 14 3.7768e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 15 0.027
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 16 0.0025
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 17 0.0035
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 18 0.09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 19 0.0045673
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 20 0.028
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 21 0.0025
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 22 0.003
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 23 0.088
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 24 0.00457512
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 25 1.77806e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 26 9.17422e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 27 8.88518e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 28 1.27117e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 29 1.9241e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 30 1.79105e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 31 9.24135e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 32 8.95234e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 33 1.28062e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 34 1.9384e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 35 1.12622e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 36 5.83167e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 37 5.69376e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 38 8.42658e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 39 3.58044e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 40 1.12936e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 41 5.84801e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 42 5.70908e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 43 8.4519e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 44 3.5912e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 45 2.69015e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 46 1.39361e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 47 1.36195e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 48 2.02555e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 49 8.60654e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 50 0.018
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 51 0.00110106
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 52 0.0023
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 53 0.07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 54 0.00367262
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 55 1.43709e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 56 7.35099e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 57 6.98837e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 58 9.30994e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 59 3.95578e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 60 0.00598854
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 61 0.000472722
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 62 0.000640993
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 63 0.0169935
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 64 0.00128473
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 65 1.61781e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 66 7.84416e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 67 6.68216e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 68 6.88474e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 69 1.04211e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 70 8.01444e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 71 3.82459e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 72 3.05222e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 73 0.000225103
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 74 9.43004e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 75 0.0131163
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 76 0.000866485
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 77 0.000102483
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 78 0.0002451
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 79 2.59124e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 80 1.44122e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 81 0.00511908
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 82 0.020127
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 83 0.00153056
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 84 0.0501601
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 85 0.00379703
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 86 0.0128147
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 87 0.000969737
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent BottomBaryonScalarCurrent
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Current BottomBaryonScalarCurrent
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BottomBaryonScalarForm
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:DownMass 0.322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:UpMass 0.338
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:BottomMass 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 5 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 10 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 12 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 12 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 13 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 13 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 14 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 15 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 15 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 16 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 18 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 1 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 2 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 2 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 3 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 4 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 5 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 6 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 7 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 8 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 9 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 10 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 11 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 12 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 12 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 13 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 13 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 14 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 14 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 15 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 17 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 18 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 19 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:FormFactor BottomBaryonScalarForm
create Herwig::BaryonFactorizedDecayer BottomBaryonVector
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Iteration 1
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Ntry 500
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Points 10000
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a1Bottom 1.23
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a2Bottom 0.33
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a1Charm 1.1
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a2Charm -0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVector:CKM /Herwig/CKM
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 0 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 1 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 2 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 3 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 4 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 5 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 6 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 7 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 8 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 9 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 10 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 11 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 12 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 13 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 14 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 15 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 16 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 17 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 18 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 19 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 20 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 21 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 22 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 23 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 24 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 25 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 26 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 27 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 28 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 29 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 30 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 31 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 32 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 33 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 34 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 35 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 36 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 37 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 38 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 39 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 40 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 41 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 42 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 43 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 44 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 45 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 46 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 47 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 48 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 49 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 50 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 51 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 52 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 53 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 54 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 55 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 56 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 57 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 58 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 59 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 60 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 61 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 62 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 63 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 64 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 65 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 66 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 67 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 68 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 69 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 70 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 71 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 72 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 73 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 74 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 75 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 76 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 77 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 78 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 79 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 80 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 81 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 82 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 83 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 84 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 85 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 86 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 87 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 88 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 89 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 90 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 91 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 92 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 93 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 94 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 95 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 96 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 97 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 98 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 99 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 100 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 101 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 102 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 103 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 104 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 105 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 106 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 107 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 108 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 109 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 110 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 111 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 112 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 113 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 114 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 115 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 116 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 117 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 0 0.06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 1 0.00612163
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 2 0.18
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 3 0.00309077
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 4 0.0695929
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 5 0.0324241
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 6 2.65172e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 7 8.37622e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 8 7.93362e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 9 8.953e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 10 1.3552e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 11 0.00115009
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 12 0.000972447
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 13 3.66488e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 14 1.13877e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 15 1.08871e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 16 0.000121201
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 17 5.14972e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 18 4.50002e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 19 4.13094e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 20 0.08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 21 0.00731867
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 22 0.23
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 23 0.00368031
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 24 0.0833327
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 25 0.038913
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 26 0.08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 27 0.00731593
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 28 0.24
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 29 0.00370561
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 30 0.083468
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 31 0.038978
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 32 5.49863e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 33 1.72936e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 34 1.64202e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 35 1.84595e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 36 2.79291e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 37 0.00237386
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 38 0.00201395
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 39 5.53851e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 40 1.7474e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 41 1.65383e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 42 1.85805e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 43 2.81345e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 44 0.00239027
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 45 0.00202752
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 46 3.45745e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 47 1.08706e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 48 1.02367e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 49 0.000112858
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 50 4.79645e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 51 4.13834e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 52 3.74634e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 53 3.46681e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 54 1.0836e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 55 1.02634e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 56 0.000113141
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 57 4.80722e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 58 4.14795e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 59 3.75666e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 60 8.25592e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 61 2.59006e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 62 2.44365e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 63 2.69568e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 64 1.1447e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 65 9.97623e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 66 9.23672e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 67 0.05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 68 0.00425156
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 69 0.15
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 70 0.00155878
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 71 0.041
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 72 0.0119752
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 73 4.20717e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 74 1.29436e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 75 1.16536e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 76 0.000100101
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 77 4.25338e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 78 2.30658e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 79 1.52993e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 80 0.0225479
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 81 0.00340359
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 82 0.0670545
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 83 0.00207781
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 84 0.0485642
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 85 0.0249597
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 86 5.19428e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 87 1.602e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 88 1.55161e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 89 2.07183e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 90 3.13573e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 91 0.006
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 92 0.00355305
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 93 2.20399e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 94 4.56021e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 95 6.2865e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 96 0.000590819
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 97 2.72562e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 98 0.000250635
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 99 0.000233231
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 100 0.0666776
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 101 0.00385387
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 102 0.00895393
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 103 0.000482572
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 104 0.000972852
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 105 0.00180393
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 106 6.10446e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 107 0.0217848
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 108 0.000128913
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 109 0.0832288
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 110 0.00593006
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 111 0.0408944
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 112 0.203886
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 113 0.0137325
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 114 0.0871771
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 115 0.0520421
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 116 0.00349373
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 117 0.0220737
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent BottomBaryonVectorCurrent
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Current BottomBaryonVectorCurrent
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BottomBaryonVectorForm
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:DownMass 0.322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:UpMass 0.338
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:BottomMass 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 5 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 10 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 12 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 12 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 13 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 13 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 14 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 15 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 15 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 16 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 18 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 1 3
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newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 2 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 3 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 4 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 5 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 6 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 7 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 8 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 9 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 10 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 11 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 12 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 12 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 13 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 13 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 14 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 14 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 15 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 17 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 18 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 19 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonVector:FormFactor BottomBaryonVectorForm
create Herwig::StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer HeavyStrong
newdef HeavyStrong:Iteration 1
newdef HeavyStrong:Ntry 500
newdef HeavyStrong:Points 10000
newdef HeavyStrong:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HeavyStrong:gSigma_cLambda_cPi 8.88
newdef HeavyStrong:gXiStar_cXi_cPi 8.34
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_c1Sigma_cPi 0.52
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_c1Xi_cPi 0.36
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_c1*Sigma_cPi 21.5
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_c1*Xi_cPi 20
newdef HeavyStrong:gSigma_bLambda_bPi 8.88
newdef HeavyStrong:gXiStar_bXi_bPi 8.34
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_b1Sigma_bPi 0.52
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_b1Xi_bPi 0.36
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_b1*Sigma_bPi 21.5
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_b1*Xi_bPi 20
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 0 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 0 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 0 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 0 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 0 2.00656
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 1 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 1 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 1 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 1 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 1 2.32796
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 2 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 2 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 2 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 2 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 2 2.00361
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 3 4224
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 3 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 3 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 3 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 3 2.25125
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 4 4214
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 4 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 4 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 4 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 4 2.16303
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 5 4114
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 5 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 5 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 5 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 5 2.06737
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 6 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 6 4232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 6 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 6 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 6 1.99324
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 7 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 7 4132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 7 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 7 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 7 1.50601
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 8 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 8 4132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 8 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 8 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 8 1.72816
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 9 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 9 4232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 9 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 9 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 9 1.68833
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 10 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 10 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 10 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 10 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 10 2.34015
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 11 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 11 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 11 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 11 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 11 5.25433
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 12 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 12 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 12 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 12 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 12 2.50106
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 13 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 13 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 13 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 13 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 13 11.5795
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 14 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 14 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 14 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 14 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 14 13.7322
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 15 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 15 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 15 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 15 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 15 11.5641
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 16 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 16 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 16 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 16 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 16 1.60113
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 17 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 17 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 17 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 17 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 17 1.59965
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 18 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 18 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 18 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 18 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 18 1.5982
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 19 5224
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 19 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 19 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 19 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 19 1.5944
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 20 5214
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 20 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 20 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 20 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 20 1.60103
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 21 5114
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 21 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 21 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 21 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 21 1.60585
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 22 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 22 5232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 22 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 22 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 22 1.88378
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 23 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 23 5132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 23 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 23 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 23 1.42109
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 24 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 24 5132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 24 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 24 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 24 1.63003
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 25 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 25 5232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 25 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 25 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 25 1.59544
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 26 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 26 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 26 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 26 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 26 4.22387
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 27 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 27 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 27 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 27 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 27 4.21194
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 28 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 28 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 28 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 28 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 28 1.96324
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 29 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 29 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 29 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 29 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 29 0.107134
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 30 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 30 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 30 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 30 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 30 0.132231
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 31 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 31 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 31 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 31 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 31 0.0747326
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 32 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 32 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 32 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 32 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 32 1.50908
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 33 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 33 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 33 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 33 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 33 1.5594
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 34 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 34 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 34 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 34 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 34 1.48272
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 35 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 35 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 35 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 35 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 35 1.75973
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 36 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 36 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 36 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 36 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 36 2.24229
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 37 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 37 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 37 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 37 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 37 2.09263
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 38 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 38 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 38 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 38 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 38 2.36559
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 39 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 39 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 39 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 39 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 39 2.18137
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 40 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 40 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 40 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 40 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 40 1.56278
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 41 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 41 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 41 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 41 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 41 1.49557
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 42 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 42 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 42 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 42 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 42 1.56355
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 43 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 43 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 43 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 43 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 43 1.55762
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 44 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 44 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 44 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 44 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 44 0.00928127
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 45 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 45 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 45 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 45 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 45 0.0125624
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 46 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 46 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 46 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 46 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 46 0.0120602
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 47 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 47 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 47 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 47 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 47 0.0167952
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 48 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 48 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 48 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 48 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 48 1.87626
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 49 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 49 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 49 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 49 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 49 1.616
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 50 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 50 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 50 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 50 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 50 1.84227
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 51 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 51 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 51 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 51 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 51 1.82865
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 52 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 52 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 52 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 52 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 52 2.77725
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 53 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 53 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 53 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 53 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 53 2.5378
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 54 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 54 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 54 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 54 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 54 2.93925
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 55 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 55 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 55 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 55 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 55 2.69015
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 56 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 56 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 56 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 56 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 56 1.34628
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 57 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 57 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 57 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 57 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 57 1.28732
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 58 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 58 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 58 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 58 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 58 1.34676
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 59 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 59 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 59 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 59 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 59 1.34286
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 60 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 60 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 60 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 60 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 60 0.00860417
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 61 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 61 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 61 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 61 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 61 0.0153272
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 62 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 62 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 62 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 62 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 62 0.0115148
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 63 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 63 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 63 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 63 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 63 0.0153888
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3StrongRoper
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Iteration 1
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Ntry 500
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Points 10000
newdef SU3StrongRoper:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Fcoupling 0.11
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Dcoupling 0.6
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Parity 1
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Proton 2212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedProton 202212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedNeutron 202112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma+ 203222
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma0 203212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma- 203112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedLambda 203122
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedXi0 203322
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedXi- 203312
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 0 1.80705
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 1 1.83437
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 2 0.626841
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 3 0.315783
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 4 0.0801244
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 5 0.495582
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 6 1.81893
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 7 1.82169
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 8 0.796182
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 9 0.417085
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 10 0.0805194
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 11 0.473075
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 12 1.67933
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 13 1.69741
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 14 1.601
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 15 3.86444
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 16 0.114795
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 17 0.119024
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 18 3.04579
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 19 2.91748
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 20 0.469575
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 21 0.45577
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 22 6.20849
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 23 10.9318
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 24 3.41669
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 25 4.09249
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 26 0.444487
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 27 0.464752
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 28 2.93537
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 29 3.02507
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 30 11.1723
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 31 10.8365
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 32 4.04486
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 33 3.44034
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 34 0.45577
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 35 0.448599
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 36 5.93298
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 37 11.0765
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 38 3.41669
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 39 3.94553
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 40 2.10871
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 41 0.177081
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 42 10.815
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 43 5.22192
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 44 0.225516
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 45 0.46041
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 46 1.59995
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 47 10.3094
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 48 5.47674
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 49 0.210177
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong2
newdef SU3Strong2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong2:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong2:Fcoupling -0.33
newdef SU3Strong2:Dcoupling 0.6
newdef SU3Strong2:Parity 0
newdef SU3Strong2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Strong2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Strong2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Strong2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Strong2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 0 1.62119
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 1 1.63297
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 2 13.6826
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 3 6.91591
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 4 7.5876
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 5 0.497088
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 6 1.62475
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 7 1.62009
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 8 11.8384
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 9 6.60507
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 10 7.74213
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 11 0.472179
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 12 18.252
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 13 18.5175
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 14 17.7211
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 15 11.4144
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 16 11.7404
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 17 11.9092
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 18 7.03876
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 19 6.94796
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 20 8.3926
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 21 8.33094
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 22 1.70959
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 23 52.0614
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 24 13.5324
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 25 3.05822
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 26 8.14647
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 27 8.37524
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 28 0.841043
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 29 0.854517
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 30 52.3542
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 31 51.8405
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 32 2.9055
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 33 13.5578
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 34 8.27111
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 35 8.18578
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 36 1.63768
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 37 52.1333
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 38 13.5324
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 39 1.94042
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 40 8.1767
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 41 4.11344
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 42 48.938
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 43 47.8208
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 44 23.6554
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 45 2.17309
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 46 8.21707
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 47 4.06565
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 48 47.7349
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 49 49.0244
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 50 23.5405
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 51 2.21665
create Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetScalarDecayer SU3Decuplet
newdef SU3Decuplet:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Decuplet:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Decuplet:Points 10000
newdef SU3Decuplet:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Decuplet:Ccoupling 1.5
newdef SU3Decuplet:Parity 1
newdef SU3Decuplet:Fpi 92.4
newdef SU3Decuplet:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Decuplet:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Decuplet:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Omega 3334
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 0 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 1 4.52362
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 2 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 3 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 4 2.64073
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 5 1.44792
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 6 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 7 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 8 2.63609
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 9 1.41052
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 10 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 11 4.06786
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 12 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 13 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 14 12.761
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 15 3.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 16 6.30188
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 17 6.54799
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 18 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 19 3.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 20 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 21 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 22 3.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 23 14.29
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 24 3.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 25 4.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 26 5.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 27 0.356554
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 28 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 29 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 30 1.72199
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3RoperDecuplet
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Iteration 1
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Ntry 500
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Points 10000
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Coupling 1.35
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Parity 1
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Proton 202212
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Neutron 202112
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma+ 203222
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma0 203212
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma- 203112
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Lambda 203122
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi0 203322
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi- 203312
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Omega 3334
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 0 2.56576
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 1 84.0227
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 2 2.56781
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 3 2.73098
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 4 56.7064
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 5 28.0791
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 6 2.57358
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 7 2.72882
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 8 57.6277
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 9 28.2219
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 10 2.56025
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 11 74.9779
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 12 16.1559
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 13 14.0751
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 14 0.791015
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 15 0.00104774
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 16 12.8492
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 17 43.7074
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 18 0.590208
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 19 0.608962
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 20 0.000397168
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 21 0.000528759
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 22 20.9576
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 23 12.4322
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 24 47.985
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 25 38.7633
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 26 12.8808
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 27 22.1448
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 28 1.10029
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 29 0.000365739
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 30 44.9148
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 31 12.3086
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 32 5.64695
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 33 2.7869
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 34 2.73645
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 35 1.57765
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 36 4.1449
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 37 5.09824
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 38 2.73002
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 39 2.48197
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 40 1.43915
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 41 4.43562
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong3
newdef SU3Strong3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong3:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong3:Fcoupling -0.69
newdef SU3Strong3:Dcoupling 1.75
newdef SU3Strong3:Parity 1
newdef SU3Strong3:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong3:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Strong3:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Strong3:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Strong3:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Strong3:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedProton 102214
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedNeutron 102114
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma+ 103224
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma0 103214
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma- 103114
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedLambda 103124
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedXi0 103324
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedXi- 103314
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 0 3.76502
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 1 3.80624
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 2 15.886
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 3 8.10483
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 4 49.1548
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 5 0.056859
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 6 3.7818
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 7 3.78946
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 8 16.046
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 9 8.07833
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 10 46.8005
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 11 0.0570574
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 12 38.4119
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 13 38.6815
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 14 37.2037
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 15 5.04034
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 16 1.81489
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 17 1.85277
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 18 0.297424
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 19 0.289611
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 20 4.94361
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 21 4.81691
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 22 1.3823
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 23 95.9447
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 24 29.2431
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 25 4.33187
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 26 4.6988
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 27 4.89784
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 28 0.662332
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 29 0.682562
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 30 98.0671
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 31 95.2452
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 32 4.18468
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 33 29.4475
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 34 4.81691
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 35 4.7443
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 36 1.28206
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 37 97.3651
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 38 29.2431
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 39 4.11443
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 40 26.6185
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 41 29.2309
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 42 460.632
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 43 450.193
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 44 18.8397
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 45 0.0169732
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 46 30.2496
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 47 28.0834
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 48 446.415
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 49 464.428
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 50 18.3862
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 51 0.0191169
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3OctetDecuplet2
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Points 10000
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Coupling 0.085
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Parity 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Proton 102212
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Neutron 102112
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma+ 103222
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma0 103212
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma- 103112
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Lambda 103122
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi0 103322
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi- 103312
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Omega 3334
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 0 2.32934
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 1 0.416437
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 2 2.32724
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 3 2.39008
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 4 0.288323
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 5 0.115812
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 6 2.32373
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 7 2.38921
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 8 0.281336
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 9 0.146149
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 10 2.32736
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 11 0.436271
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 12 0.101687
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 13 0.116201
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 14 0.0246518
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 15 0.748111
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 16 0.0736602
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 17 0.201734
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 18 0.00868203
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 19 0.00795239
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 20 0.362188
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 21 0.378257
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 22 0.0641479
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 23 0.08768
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 24 0.215179
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 25 0.302509
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 26 0.0757243
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 27 0.086701
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 28 0.0197644
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 29 0.83081
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 30 0.27337
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 31 0.0652819
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 32 0.644853
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 33 0.308066
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 34 0.0241458
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 35 0.00953046
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 36 0.438785
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 37 4.80464e-05
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 38 0.713118
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 39 0.298617
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 40 0.0186567
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 41 0.0109833
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 42 0.341691
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 43 5.03293e-05
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer SU3SingletOctet1
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Iteration 1
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Ntry 500
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Points 10000
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Coupling 0.39
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Parity 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Proton 2212
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:ExcitedLambda 101232
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 0 1.60862
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 1 1.65601
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 2 1.44904
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 3 10.9271
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 4 10.791
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer SU3SingletOctet2
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Points 10000
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Coupling 1.5
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Parity 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:ExcitedLambda 101234
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 0 1.84716
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 1 1.88647
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 2 1.63557
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 3 0.00132433
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 4 0.93801
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 5 0.80882
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong4
newdef SU3Strong4:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong4:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong4:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong4:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong4:Fcoupling -0.48
newdef SU3Strong4:Dcoupling 0.68
newdef SU3Strong4:Parity 1
newdef SU3Strong4:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong4:Proton 202212
newdef SU3Strong4:Neutron 202112
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma+ 203222
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma0 203212
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma- 203112
newdef SU3Strong4:Lambda 203122
newdef SU3Strong4:Xi0 203322
newdef SU3Strong4:Xi- 203312
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 0 0.0639544
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 1 0.0683901
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 2 0.0719544
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 3 0.0190191
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 4 1.56023
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 5 0.0352242
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 6 0.063882
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 7 0.0681114
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 8 0.189404
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 9 0.0737446
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 10 1.43798
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 11 0.0475399
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 12 1.83818
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 13 2.27413
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 14 2.14365
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 15 0.00257397
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 16 0.439475
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 17 0.494001
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 18 3.83517
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 19 3.9436
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 20 0.00603613
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 21 14.2647
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 22 3.48259
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 23 0.0893589
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 24 3.94828
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 25 3.98963
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 26 0.00113937
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 27 0.000501017
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 28 4.56376
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 29 6.14187
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 30 0.119288
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 31 3.62416
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 32 3.74573
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 33 2.9989
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 34 0.00187852
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 35 13.8324
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 36 2.84881
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 37 0.117276
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 38 1.19996
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 39 0.609627
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 40 164.291
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 41 84.1802
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 42 27.2875
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 43 2.56877
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 44 1.25728
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 45 0.647119
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 46 187.091
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 47 77.3773
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 48 25.0159
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 49 5.49723
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3OctetDecuplet3
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Points 10000
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Coupling 0.35
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Parity 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Proton 102214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Neutron 102114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma+ 103224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma0 103214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma- 103114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Lambda 103124
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi0 103324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi- 103314
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Omega 3334
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 0 1.08203
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 1 1.6621
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 2 1.08106
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 3 1.11398
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 4 1.13352
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 5 0.555956
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 6 1.08058
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 7 1.11181
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 8 1.10991
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 9 0.577804
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 10 1.08122
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 11 1.66787
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 12 0.511277
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 13 0.428777
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 14 0.262264
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 15 0.187729
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 16 0.0581627
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 17 1.16719
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 18 0.134985
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 19 0.132211
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 20 0.0842445
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 21 0.0831287
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 22 0.405935
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 23 0.429367
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 24 1.07034
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 25 1.26643
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 26 0.442732
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 27 0.385974
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 28 0.201153
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 29 0.15828
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 30 0.941479
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 31 0.0514224
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 32 2.16926
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 33 2.19241
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 34 3.46377e-07
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 35 8.02372e-08
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 36 1.97192
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 37 1.84709
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 38 1.3873e-08
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 39 3.14856e-07
create Herwig::OmegaXiStarPionDecayer OmegaXiStar
newdef OmegaXiStar:Iteration 1
newdef OmegaXiStar:Ntry 500
newdef OmegaXiStar:Points 10000
newdef OmegaXiStar:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef OmegaXiStar:Acomm 2.091e-07
newdef OmegaXiStar:AP -9.2e-08
newdef OmegaXiStar:AS -6.32e-08
newdef OmegaXiStar:BP 2.301e-06
newdef OmegaXiStar:BS -1.008e-06
newdef OmegaXiStar:MaximumWeight 0.00252403
newdef OmegaXiStar:Incoming 3334
newdef OmegaXiStar:Outgoing 3324
create Herwig::NonLeptonicOmegaDecayer OmegaNL
newdef OmegaNL:DStar -3.98e-07
newdef OmegaNL:FStar 5e-08
newdef OmegaNL:omegad -6.44444e-09
newdef OmegaNL:omegaf 8.5e-09
newdef OmegaNL:CBstar 1.35
newdef OmegaNL:sc -0.85
newdef OmegaNL:C 1.5
newdef OmegaNL:Fpi 92.4
newdef OmegaNL:hc 3.9e-08
newdef OmegaNL:hpi 3.2e-07
newdef OmegaNL:d 4.4e-08
newdef OmegaNL:f -5e-08
newdef OmegaNL:MLambda 1115.68
newdef OmegaNL:MXi 1314.83
newdef OmegaNL:MOmega 1672.45
newdef OmegaNL:MXiStar 1531.8
newdef OmegaNL:Mpiplus 139.57
newdef OmegaNL:MKplus 493.667
newdef OmegaNL:Mpi0 134.977
newdef OmegaNL:MK0 497.648
newdef OmegaNL:MBstar 1620
newdef OmegaNL:MR 1500
newdef OmegaNL:LocalMasses 1
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 0 1.5
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 1 0.40
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 2 0.20
newdef OmegaNL:Iteration 1
newdef OmegaNL:Ntry 500
newdef OmegaNL:Points 10000
newdef OmegaNL:GenerateIntermediates 0
create Herwig::NonLeptonicHyperonDecayer HyperonNL
newdef HyperonNL:Iteration 1
newdef HyperonNL:Ntry 500
newdef HyperonNL:Points 10000
newdef HyperonNL:GenerateIntermediates 0
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2212 -211 3.15441e-07 -2.56965e-06 1.02233
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2112 111 -2.34823e-07 1.71077e-06 0.572769
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2212 111 -2.6763e-07 -3.24965e-06 0.825223
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2112 211 1.39742e-08 -4.2112e-06 0.773064
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3112 2112 -211 4.26814e-07 1.42866e-07 1.59759
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3122 111 3.45387e-07 1.05341e-06 1.59532
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3312 3122 -211 -4.51957e-07 -1.5189e-06 1.59161
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4132 3312 211 2.89666e-07 2.71413e-06 0.0167771
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3122 211 3.56697e-07 1.91559e-06 0.0205336
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3222 111 2.10027e-07 2.23662e-06 0.0197528
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3212 211 2.95892e-07 2.18669e-06 0.0203823
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 2212 211 -8.18977e-08 1.99027e-06 0.025117
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3RoperGamma
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Iteration 1
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Ntry 500
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Points 10000
newdef SU3RoperGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Fcoupling -0.009
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Dcoupling -0.024
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Parity 1
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Proton 2212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedProton 202212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedNeutron 202112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma+ 203222
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma0 203212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma- 203112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedLambda 203122
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedXi0 203322
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedXi- 203312
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 0 1.34534
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 1 2.3978
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 2 0.01954
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 3 0.00189107
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 4 0.00998248
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 5 0.000310286
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 6 0.0310247
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 7 0.024809
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 8 5.2804e-05
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 9 0.014572
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma2
newdef SU3Gamma2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma2:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma2:Fcoupling -0.046
newdef SU3Gamma2:Dcoupling 0.033
newdef SU3Gamma2:Parity 0
newdef SU3Gamma2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 0 2.9575
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 1 1.97747
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 2 0.0962338
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 3 0.00969098
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 4 0.0522884
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 5 0.00991625
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 6 0.0712376
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 7 0.0130695
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 8 0.36402
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 9 0.0548153
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma3
newdef SU3Gamma3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma3:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma3:Fcoupling 0
newdef SU3Gamma3:Dcoupling 0.056
newdef SU3Gamma3:Parity 1
newdef SU3Gamma3:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma3:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma3:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma3:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma3:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedProton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedNeutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedLambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedXi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedXi- 3312
insert SU3Gamma3:MaxWeight 0 1.58351
create Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetPhotonDecayer DecupletGamma
newdef DecupletGamma:Iteration 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Ntry 500
newdef DecupletGamma:Points 10000
newdef DecupletGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef DecupletGamma:Ccoupling 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Parity 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Proton 2212
newdef DecupletGamma:Neutron 2112
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma+ 3222
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma0 3212
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma- 3112
newdef DecupletGamma:Lambda 3122
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi0 3322
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi- 3312
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta++ 2224
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta+ 2214
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta0 2114
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta- 1114
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*0 3214
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*- 3114
newdef DecupletGamma:Omega 3334
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi*0 3324
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi*- 3314
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 0 1.35718
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 1 1.34224
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 2 0.0314619
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 3 3.09183
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 4 0.00772277
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 5 0.122963
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma4
newdef SU3Gamma4:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma4:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma4:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma4:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma4:Fcoupling -0.093
newdef SU3Gamma4:Dcoupling 0.087
newdef SU3Gamma4:Parity 1
newdef SU3Gamma4:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma4:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma4:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma4:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma4:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedProton 102214
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedNeutron 102114
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma+ 103224
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma0 103214
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma- 103114
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedLambda 103124
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedXi0 103324
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedXi- 103314
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 0 0.415222
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 1 0.417084
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 2 0.0204893
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 3 0.00210252
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 4 0.00955353
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 5 0.00222245
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 6 0.0283485
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 7 0.00715258
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 8 0.0517918
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 9 0.0120169
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma5
newdef SU3Gamma5:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma5:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma5:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma5:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma5:Coupling 0.252
newdef SU3Gamma5:Parity 0
newdef SU3Gamma5:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma5:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma5:ExcitedLambda 101234
insert SU3Gamma5:MaxWeight 0 1.60087
insert SU3Gamma5:MaxWeight 1 2.20194
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1Vector
newdef Tau1Vector:Iteration 1
newdef Tau1Vector:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1Vector:Points 10000
newdef Tau1Vector:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 1 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 2 0
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 0 0.655878
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 1 0.0320164
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 2 1.05267
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent Tau1VectorCurrent
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
newdef Tau1Vector:WeakCurrent Tau1VectorCurrent
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer BZVector
newdef BZVector:Iteration 1
newdef BZVector:Ntry 500
newdef BZVector:Points 10000
newdef BZVector:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 0 0.000599733
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 1 0.000579422
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 2 0.000339457
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 3 0.00104623
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 4 0.00103622
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 5 0.000630363
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 6 0.00128096
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 7 0.00124115
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 8 0.000739429
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 9 0.0022
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 10 0.0022
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 11 0.00122368
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BZVectorCurrent
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BZVector:Current BZVectorCurrent
create Herwig::BallZwickyVectorFormFactor BZVectorFormFactor
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:CutOff 0.01
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 0 0.738927
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 0 -0.509824
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 0 1.07975
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 0 -0.86267
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_1 0 0.169706
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 0 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 0 0.00636396
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 0 0.149907
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_1 0 0.634275
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 0 -0.44477
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_1 0 0.188798
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 0 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_1 0 0.0155563
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 0 0.173241
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:VmR2 0 28.3024
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 0 38.34
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 0 27.8784
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 0 33.36
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 0 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 0 37.51
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 0 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 0 40.82
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mR2 0 28.3024
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 0 38.04
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 0 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 0 38.59
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 0 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 0 40.88
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 1 -0.738927
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 1 0.509824
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 1 -1.07975
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 1 0.86267
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_1 1 -0.169706
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 1 -0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 1 -0.00636396
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 1 -0.149907
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 1 0.44477
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_1 1 -0.188798
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 1 -0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_1 1 -0.0155563
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 1 -0.173241
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:VmR2 1 28.3024
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 1 38.34
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 1 27.8784
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 1 33.36
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 1 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 1 37.51
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 1 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 1 40.82
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 1 38.04
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 1 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 1 38.59
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 1 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 1 40.88
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 2 1.045
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 2 -0.721
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 2 1.527
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 2 -1.22
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_1 2 0.24
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 2 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 2 0.009
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 2 0.212
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_1 2 0.897
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 2 -0.629
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_1 2 0.267
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 2 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_1 2 0.022
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 2 0.245
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:VmR2 2 28.3024
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 2 38.34
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 2 27.8784
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 2 33.36
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 2 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 2 37.51
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 2 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 2 40.82
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 2 38.04
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 2 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 2 38.59
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 2 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 2 40.88
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 3 1.527
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 3 -1.22
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 3 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 3 0.009
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 3 0.212
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 3 -0.629
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 3 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 3 0.245
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 3 38.34
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 3 33.36
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 3 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 3 37.51
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 3 40.82
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 3 38.04
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 3 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 3 38.59
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 3 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 3 40.88
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 4 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 4 0.342
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 4 -0.491
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 4 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 4 0.369
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 4 49.4
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 4 36.78
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 4 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 4 40.38
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 4 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 4 52
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 4 46.31
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 4 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 4 41.41
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 4 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 4 48.1
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 5 -0.511
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 5 -0.99
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 5 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 5 0.342
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 5 -0.491
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 5 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 5 0.369
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 5 49.4
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 5 36.78
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 5 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 5 40.38
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 5 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 5 52
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 5 46.31
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 5 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 5 41.41
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 5 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 5 48.1
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 6 -0.735391
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 6 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 6 0.135765
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 6 0
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 6 0.154856
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 6 37.45
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 6 27.8784
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 6 34.47
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 6 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 6 37.01
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 6 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 6 41.24
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 6 37.19
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 6 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 6 37.95
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 6 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 6 40.87
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 7 2.351
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 7 -2.039
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 7 2.813
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 7 -2.45
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_1 7 0.231
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 7 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 7 -0.011
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 7 0.192
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_1 7 2.047
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 7 -1.787
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_1 7 0.26
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 7 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_1 7 0.043
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 7 0.217
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:VmR2 7 29.3764
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 7 33.1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 7 28.8369
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 7 31.58
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 7 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 7 32.94
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 7 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 7 40.14
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mR2 7 29.3764
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 7 32.83
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 7 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 7 33.01
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 7 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 7 39.38
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 8 1.484
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 8 -1.049
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 8 3.31
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 8 -2.835
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_1 8 0.308
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1r_2 8 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_1 8 -0.054
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2r_2 8 0.288
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_1 8 1.303
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 8 -0.954
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_1 8 0.349
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2r_2 8 0
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_1 8 0.027
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3r_2 8 0.322
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:VmR2 8 29.3764
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vmfit2 8 39.52
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mR2 8 28.8369
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 8 31.57
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mR2 8 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 8 36.54
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mR2 8 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 8 48.94
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mR2 8 29.3764
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 8 38.28
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mR2 8 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 8 37.21
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 8 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 8 45.56
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 0 113
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 0 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 1 -511
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 1 113
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 2 -511
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 2 213
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 2 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 2 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 3 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 3 213
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -323
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 4 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 4 3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 5 -511
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 5 -313
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 5 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 5 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 6 223
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 6 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 6 -2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 7 -531
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 7 323
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 7 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 7 -3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 8 -531
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 8 333
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 8 -3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 8 3
newdef BZVector:FormFactor BZVectorFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer BZScalar
newdef BZScalar:Iteration 1
newdef BZScalar:Ntry 500
newdef BZScalar:Points 10000
newdef BZScalar:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 0 0.000172345
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 1 0.00017204
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 2 0.00012728
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 3 0.000315966
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 4 0.000315402
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 5 0.000233225
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 6 0.000105173
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 7 0.000104496
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 8 7.67637e-05
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BZScalarCurrent
newdef BZScalarCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef BZScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BZScalarCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef BZScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -14
newdef BZScalarCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef BZScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BZScalar:Current BZScalarCurrent
create Herwig::BallZwickyScalarFormFactor BZScalarFormFactor
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.349066
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 0 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 0 0.182434
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 0 0.526087
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 0 -0.343654
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 0 0.980757
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 0 -0.801859
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 0 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 0 33.81
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 0 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 0 40.73
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 0 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 0 32.22
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 1 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 1 -0.182434
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 1 -0.526087
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 1 0.343654
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 1 -0.980757
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 1 0.801859
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 1 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 1 33.81
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 1 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 1 40.73
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 1 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 1 32.22
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 2 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 2 0.258
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 2 0.744
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 2 -0.486
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 2 1.387
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 2 -1.134
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 2 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 2 33.81
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 2 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 2 40.73
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 2 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 2 32.22
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 3 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 3 0.258
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 3 0.744
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 3 -0.486
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 3 1.387
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 3 -1.134
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 3 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 3 33.81
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 3 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 3 40.73
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 3 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 3 32.22
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 4 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 4 0.33
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 4 0.162
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 4 0.173
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 4 0.161
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 4 0.198
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 4 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 4 37.46
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 4 29.2681
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 4 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 4 29.2681
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 4 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 5 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 5 0.33
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 5 0.162
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 5 0.173
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 5 0.161
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 5 0.198
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 5 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 5 37.46
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 5 29.2681
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 5 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 5 29.2681
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 5 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 6 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 6 0.273
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 6 0.122
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 6 0.155
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 6 0.111
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 6 0.175
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_120 6 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit20 6 31.03
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12plus 6 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 6 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 6 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 6 -1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 0 111
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 1 -511
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 1 111
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 1 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 2 -511
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 2 211
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 2 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 3 -521
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 3 211
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 3 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -321
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 4 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 4 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 4 3
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 5 -511
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 5 -311
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 5 -2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Incoming 6 521
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 6 221
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Spectator 6 2
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:InQuark 6 -5
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:OutQuark 6 -2
newdef BZScalar:FormFactor BZScalarFormFactor
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer WSBHadronic
newdef WSBHadronic:Iteration 1
newdef WSBHadronic:Ntry 500
newdef WSBHadronic:Points 10000
newdef WSBHadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef WSBHadronic:a1Bottom 1.1
newdef WSBHadronic:a2Bottom -0.24
newdef WSBHadronic:a1Charm 1.3
newdef WSBHadronic:a2Charm -0.55
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent WSBHadronicScalarCurrent
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert WSBHadronic:Currents 0 WSBHadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent WSBHadronicVectorCurrent
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert WSBHadronic:Currents 1 WSBHadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::WSBFormFactor WSBHadronicFormFactor
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 0 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 0 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 0 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 0 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 0 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 1 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 1 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 1 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 1 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 1 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 2 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 2 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 2 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 2 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 2 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 3 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 3 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 3 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 3 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 3 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 4 0.762
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 4 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 4 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 4 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 4 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 5 0.762
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 5 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 5 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 5 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 5 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 6 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 6 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 6 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 6 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 6 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 7 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 7 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 7 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 7 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 7 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 8 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 8 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 8 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 8 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 8 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 9 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 9 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 9 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 9 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 9 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 10 0.681
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 10 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 10 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 10 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 10 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 11 0.681
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 11 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 11 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 11 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 11 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 12 0.655
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 12 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 12 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 12 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 12 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 13 0.655
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 13 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 13 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 13 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 13 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 14 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 14 1.226
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 14 0.733
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 14 0.88
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 14 1.147
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 14 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 14 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 14 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 14 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 15 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 15 1.226
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 15 0.733
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 15 0.88
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 15 1.147
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 15 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 15 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 15 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 15 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 16 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 16 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 16 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 16 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 16 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 16 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 16 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 16 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 16 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 17 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 17 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 17 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 17 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 17 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 17 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 17 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 17 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 17 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 18 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 18 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 18 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 18 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 18 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 18 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 18 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 18 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 18 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 19 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 19 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 19 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 19 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 19 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 19 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 19 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 19 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 19 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 20 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 20 1.236
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 20 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 20 0.772
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 20 0.92
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 20 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 20 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 20 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 20 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 21 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 21 1.236
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 21 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 21 0.772
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 21 0.92
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 21 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 21 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 21 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 21 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 22 0.723
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 22 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 22 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 22 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 22 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 23 0.704
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 23 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 23 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 23 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 23 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 24 0.643
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 24 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 24 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 24 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 24 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 25 0.643
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 25 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 25 0
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 25 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 26 0
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 26 0.717
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 26 0.853
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 27 0.853
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 28 1.076
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 31 0
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 41 0.686
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 42 0.651
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 42 0.686
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 43 0.331
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 44 0.331
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 45 0.283
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 46 0.283
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 48 0.283
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newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 49 0.281
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 204 5.67586e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 205 5.3492e-06
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 208 0.000127833
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 214 1.0629e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 215 6.10961e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 216 6.66537e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 217 3.31242e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 218 0.0029994
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 219 8.81898e-08
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 221 1.27859e-05
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 239 2.90052e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 240 4.32948e-07
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 247 6.99655e-08
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 248 1.61131e-06
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 306 4.83759e-07
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 326 9.33899e-06
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 329 0.000160028
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 335 0.000206543
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 336 0.00010703
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 337 0.000123779
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 346 2.05039e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 347 5.47924e-05
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 349 0.000207201
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 358 2.4122e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 359 0.000188805
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 360 0.000117368
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer Melikhov
newdef Melikhov:Iteration 1
newdef Melikhov:Ntry 500
newdef Melikhov:Points 10000
newdef Melikhov:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 0 0.000574253
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 1 0.000523847
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 2 0.000240896
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 3 0.000999546
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 4 0.00102111
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 5 0.000430377
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 6 0.000224393
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 7 0.000224168
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 8 0.000271174
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 9 0.000411405
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 10 0.000411092
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 11 0.000496488
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent MelikhovCurrent
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef Melikhov:Current MelikhovCurrent
create Herwig::MelikhovFormFactor MelikhovFormFactor
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Fit 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 0 113
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 0 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 0 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 0 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 1 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 1 213
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 1 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 1 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 2 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -213
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 2 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 2 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 3 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 3 113
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 4 111
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 4 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 4 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 4 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 5 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 5 211
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 5 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -211
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 6 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 6 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 7 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 7 111
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 7 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 7 1
newdef Melikhov:FormFactor MelikhovFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer MelikhovStech
newdef MelikhovStech:Iteration 1
newdef MelikhovStech:Ntry 500
newdef MelikhovStech:Points 10000
newdef MelikhovStech:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 0 0.132629
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 1 0.113122
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 2 0.337711
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 3 0.288721
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 4 0.043953
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 5 0.0431442
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 6 0.11173
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 7 0.109121
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 8 0.0106357
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 9 0.00957266
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 10 0.0137684
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 11 0.0123875
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 12 0.00391499
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 13 0.00386552
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 14 0.0051021
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 15 0.00504751
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 16 0.0843044
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 17 0.0792922
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 18 0.0187027
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 19 0.0770893
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 20 0.072427
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 21 0.0169877
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 22 0.124776
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 23 0.121677
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 24 0.0305758
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 25 0.125676
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 26 0.125481
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 27 0.0311555
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 28 0.000214676
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 29 0.000211978
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 30 0.000128561
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 31 0.000394065
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 32 0.000388644
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 33 0.000235631
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 34 0.000598245
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 35 0.000610799
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 36 0.000268044
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 37 0.00112259
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 38 0.0011597
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 39 0.000483222
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 40 0.0100923
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 41 0.00884077
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 42 0.00381443
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 43 0.00374616
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 44 0.0794698
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 45 0.068976
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 46 0.0324752
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 47 0.0258154
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 48 0.118027
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 49 0.113887
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 50 0.000401303
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 51 0.000399862
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 52 0.000234707
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 53 0.0028559
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 54 0.00274908
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 55 0.00116194
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent MelikhovStechCurrent
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef MelikhovStech:Current MelikhovStechCurrent
create Herwig::MelikhovStechFormFactor MelikhovStechFormFactor
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime 0.698132
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 0 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 0 0.24
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 0 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 0 0.38
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 0 0.46
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 0 0.75
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 0 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 0 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 0 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 1 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 1 0.24
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 1 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 1 0.38
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 1 0.46
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 1 0.75
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 1 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 1 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 1 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 2 1.03
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 2 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 2 0.76
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 2 0.17
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 2 0.66
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 2 0.3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 2 0.2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 2 0.49
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 2 0.67
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 2 0.16
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 2 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 2 0.25
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 2 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 2 0.02
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 2 1.8
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 2 0.45
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 2 1.23
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 2 0.34
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 2 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 2 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 3 1.03
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 3 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 3 0.76
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 3 0.17
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 3 0.66
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 3 0.3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 3 0.2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 3 0.49
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 3 0.67
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 3 0.16
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 3 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 3 0.25
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 3 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 3 0.02
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 3 1.8
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 3 0.45
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 3 1.23
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 3 0.34
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 3 2.11
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 4 0.3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 4 0.69
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 4 0.54
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 4 0.32
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 4 0.6
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 4 0.34
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 4 2.01
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 23 -511
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 23 111
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 23 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 23 -1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 23 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 23 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 24 -521
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 24 113
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 24 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 24 -2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 24 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 24 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 25 -511
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 25 213
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 25 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 25 -1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 25 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 25 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 26 -521
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 26 -213
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 26 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 26 -2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 26 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 26 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 27 -511
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 27 113
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 27 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 27 -1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 27 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 27 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 28 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 28 311
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 28 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 28 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 28 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 28 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 29 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 29 321
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 29 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 29 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 29 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 29 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 30 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 30 313
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 30 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 30 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 30 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 30 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 31 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 31 323
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 31 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 31 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 31 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 31 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 32 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 32 221
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 32 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 32 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 32 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 32 3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 33 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 33 331
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 33 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 33 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 33 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 33 3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 34 431
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 34 333
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 34 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 34 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 34 4
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 34 3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 35 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 35 311
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 35 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 35 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 35 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 35 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 36 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 36 321
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 36 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 36 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 36 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 36 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 37 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 37 313
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 37 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 37 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 37 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 37 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 38 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 38 323
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 38 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 38 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 38 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 38 2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 39 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 39 221
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 39 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 39 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 39 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 39 3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 40 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 40 331
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 40 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 40 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 40 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 40 3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Incoming 41 -531
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Outgoing 41 333
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spin 41 1
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:Spectator 41 -3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:InQuark 41 5
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:OutQuark 41 3
newdef MelikhovStech:FormFactor MelikhovStechFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonLight2
newdef BaryonLight2:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonLight2:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonLight2:Points 10000
newdef BaryonLight2:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 0 2.29013
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 1 4.14333e-05
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 2 0.00012764
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 3 4.70199e-10
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 4 3.04697e-20
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 5 1.02959e-09
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 6 0.0028835
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 7 0.000392968
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 8 9.43244e-13
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 9 2.69324e-13
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 10 0.00405493
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 11 0.00117335
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 12 0.00239207
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 13 0.000443089
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 14 0.000229395
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 15 3.35965e-06
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 16 0.000719781
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 17 7.04736e-06
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonLight2Current
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonLight2:Current BaryonLight2Current
create Herwig::BaryonSimpleFormFactor BaryonLight2Form
newdef BaryonLight2Form:g_A 1.25
newdef BaryonLight2Form:alpha_D 0.6
newdef BaryonLight2Form:eta_V 0.97
newdef BaryonLight2Form:eta_A 1.08
newdef BaryonLight2Form:rho_E 0.094
newdef BaryonLight2Form:rho_M 0.86
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 0 2112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 0 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 0 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 0 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 1 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 1 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 1 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 2 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 2 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 2 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 3 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 3 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 3 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 3 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 3 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 4 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 4 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 4 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 5 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 5 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 5 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 6 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 6 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 6 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 7 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 7 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 7 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 8 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 8 2112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 9 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 9 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 10 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 10 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 10 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 11 3322
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 11 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2:FormFactor BaryonLight2Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer KiselevBc
newdef KiselevBc:Iteration 1
newdef KiselevBc:Ntry 500
newdef KiselevBc:Points 10000
newdef KiselevBc:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 0 0.175615
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 1 0.136474
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 2 0.137341
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 3 0.131993
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 4 0.0137226
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 5 0.0111086
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 6 0.0168782
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 7 0.0163124
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 8 0.000135914
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 9 0.000132475
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 10 6.16844e-05
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 11 0.00106059
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 12 0.00106038
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 13 0.000447588
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 14 0.027841
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 15 0.0259921
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 16 0.0101164
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 17 0.0397051
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 18 0.0395602
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 19 0.00990111
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 20 0.00068535
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 21 0.000682114
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 22 8.18378e-05
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 23 0.00136992
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 24 0.0013625
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 25 0.00014084
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent KiselevBcCurrent
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef KiselevBc:Current KiselevBcCurrent
create Herwig::KiselevBcFormFactor KiselevBcFormFactor
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 0 1.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 0 -5.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 0 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 0 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 1 1.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 1 8.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 1 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 2 1.27
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 2 -7.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 2 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 2 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 3 1.27
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 3 -7.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 3 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 3 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 4 1.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 4 9.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 4 0.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 4 2.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 4 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 4 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 4 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 4 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 5 1.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 5 9.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 5 0.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 5 2.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 5 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 5 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 5 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 5 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 6 0.32
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 6 -0.34
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 7 0.32
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 7 -0.34
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 8 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 8 3.6
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 8 -0.062
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 8 0.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 8 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 9 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 9 3.6
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 9 -0.062
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 9 0.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 9 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 9 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 9 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 9 6.2
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newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 10 -0.43
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newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 10 0
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newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 10 0
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newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 10 0
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newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 11 0.24
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 11 4.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 11 -0.077
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 11 0.13
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 11 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 12 0.66
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 12 -0.36
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 12 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 12 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 13 0.11
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 13 5.9
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 13 -0.074
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 13 0.12
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 14 0.17
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 14 -0.16
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 14 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 14 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 15 0.035
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 15 1.686
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 15 -0.015
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 15 0.052
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 0 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 0 531
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 0 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 0 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 0 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 1 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 1 533
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 1 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 1 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 1 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 2 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 2 511
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 2 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 2 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 3 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 3 521
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 3 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 3 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 3 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 4 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 4 513
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 4 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 4 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 5 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 5 523
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 5 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 5 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 5 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 6 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -411
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 6 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 6 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 7 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -421
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 8 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -413
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 8 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 9 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -423
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 9 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 10 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -431
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 10 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 11 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -433
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 11 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 11 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 11 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 12 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 12 441
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 12 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 12 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 12 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 13 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 13 443
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 13 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 13 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 13 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 13 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 14 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 14 100441
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 14 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 14 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 14 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 15 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 15 100443
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 15 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 15 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 15 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 15 4
newdef KiselevBc:FormFactor KiselevBcFormFactor
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer BcHadronic
newdef BcHadronic:Iteration 1
newdef BcHadronic:Ntry 500
newdef BcHadronic:Points 10000
newdef BcHadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef BcHadronic:a1Bottom 1.14
newdef BcHadronic:a2Bottom -0.2
newdef BcHadronic:a1Charm 1.2
newdef BcHadronic:a2Charm -0.317
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent BcHadronicScalarCurrent
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 -162
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 -162
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 -214
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 -214
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 -237
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 -73.7
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 15 441
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 -564
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 15 4
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
insert BcHadronic:Currents 0 BcHadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent BcHadronicVectorCurrent
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.197
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.197
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.457
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.457
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.55
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.256
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert BcHadronic:Currents 1 BcHadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::KiselevBcFormFactor BcHadronicFormFactor
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 0 1.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 0 -5.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 0 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 0 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 1 1.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 1 8.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 1 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 2 1.27
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 2 -7.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 2 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 2 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 3 1.27
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 3 -7.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 3 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 3 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 4 1.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 4 9.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 4 0.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 4 2.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 4 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 4 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 4 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 4 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 5 1.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 5 9.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 5 0.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 5 2.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 5 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 5 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 5 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 5 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 6 0.32
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 6 -0.34
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 6 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 6 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 7 0.32
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 7 -0.34
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 7 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 7 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 8 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 8 3.6
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 8 -0.062
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 8 0.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 8 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 9 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 9 3.6
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 9 -0.062
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 9 0.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 9 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 9 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 9 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 9 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 10 0.45
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 10 -0.43
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 10 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 10 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 11 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 11 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 11 0.24
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 11 4.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 11 -0.077
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 11 0.13
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 11 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 11 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 11 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 11 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 11 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 12 0.66
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 12 -0.36
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 12 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 12 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 12 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 12 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 12 4.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 12 4.5
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 12 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 13 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 13 0.11
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 13 5.9
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 13 -0.074
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 13 0.12
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 13 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 13 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 14 0.17
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 14 -0.16
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 14 4.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 14 4.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 15 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 15 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 15 0.035
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 15 1.686
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 15 -0.015
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 15 0.052
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 15 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 15 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 15 4.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 15 4.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 15 4.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 15 4.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 0 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 0 531
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 0 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 0 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 0 3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 1 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 1 533
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 1 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 1 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 1 3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 2 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 2 511
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 2 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 2 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 3 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 3 521
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 3 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 3 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 3 2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 4 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 4 513
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 4 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 4 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 5 541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 5 523
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 5 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 5 -5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 5 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 6 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -411
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 6 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 6 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 7 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -421
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 8 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -413
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 9 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -423
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 9 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 10 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -431
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 10 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 10 3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 11 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -433
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 11 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 11 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 11 3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 12 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 12 441
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 12 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 12 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 13 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 13 443
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 13 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 13 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 13 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 13 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 14 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 14 100441
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 14 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 14 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 14 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 14 4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Incoming 15 -541
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 15 100443
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 15 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 15 -4
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:InQuark 15 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 15 4
insert BcHadronic:FormFactors 0 BcHadronicFormFactor
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 0 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 1 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 2 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 3 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 4 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 5 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 6 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 7 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 8 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 9 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 10 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 11 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 12 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 13 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 14 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 15 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 16 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 17 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 18 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 19 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 20 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 21 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 22 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 23 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 24 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 25 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 26 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 27 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 28 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 29 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 30 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 31 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 32 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 33 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 34 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 35 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 36 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 37 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 38 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 39 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 40 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 41 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 42 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 43 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 44 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 45 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 46 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 47 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 48 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 49 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 50 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 51 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 52 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 53 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 54 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 55 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 56 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 57 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 58 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 59 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 60 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 61 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 62 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 63 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 64 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 65 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 66 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 67 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 68 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 69 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 70 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 71 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 72 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 73 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 74 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 75 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 76 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 77 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 78 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 79 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 80 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 81 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 82 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 83 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 84 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 85 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 86 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 87 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 88 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 89 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 90 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 91 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 92 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 93 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 94 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 95 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 96 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 97 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 98 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 99 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 100 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 101 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 102 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 103 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 104 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 105 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 106 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 107 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 108 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 109 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 110 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 111 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 112 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 113 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 114 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 115 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 116 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 117 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 118 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 119 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 120 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 121 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 122 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 123 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 124 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 125 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 126 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 127 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 128 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 129 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 130 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 131 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 132 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 133 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 134 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 135 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 136 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 137 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 138 0
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 0 0.193116
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 1 0.0124475
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 2 0.20794
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 3 0.0025397
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 4 0.00122669
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 5 0.084093
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 6 0.00487514
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 7 0.282946
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 8 0.00246642
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 9 0.00277351
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 10 0.0125732
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 11 0.000818638
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 12 0.0175067
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 13 0.000433506
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 14 0.000472281
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 15 0.000439635
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 16 0.000944917
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 17 9.54905e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 18 5.69733e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 19 0.020296
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 20 0.000609773
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 21 0.000755185
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 22 1.69391e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 23 2.91996e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 24 0.010402
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 25 1.69718e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 26 0.0109577
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 27 0.00065288
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 28 0.0341826
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 29 0.00119113
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 30 0.00118643
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 31 0.000382964
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 32 0.000725851
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 33 7.9988e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 34 4.52867e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 35 0.0161328
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 36 0.00119259
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 37 0.00221337
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 38 7.96752e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 39 0.0283814
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 40 4.22191e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 41 9.08505e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 42 4.59476e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 43 4.25866e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 44 5.70395e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 45 5.36411e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 46 0.000198872
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 47 2.3597e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 48 6.31403e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 49 2.76313e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 50 6.53392e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 51 1.16228e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 52 0.000235939
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 53 2.05836e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 54 5.9122e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 55 4.70365e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 56 1.10156e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 57 1.67266e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 58 1.53556e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 59 1.82907e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 60 1.79884e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 61 1.40662e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 62 2.91319e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 63 7.40867e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 64 1.24654e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 65 6.23803e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 66 5.52852e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 67 6.86018e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 68 0.000379401
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 69 5.19375e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 70 1.2337e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 71 7.15604e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 72 0.000326321
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 73 3.0374e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 74 0.00032888
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 75 1.19174e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 76 7.10892e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 77 5.61702e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 78 2.84121e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 79 1.59808e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 80 3.1846e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 81 4.98412e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 82 4.0687e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 83 6.63582e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 84 4.36959e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 85 9.2186e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 86 4.66808e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 87 4.33871e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 88 5.88252e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 89 0.00413246
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 90 2.39036e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 91 6.43915e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 92 2.79334e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 93 6.52122e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 94 0.00570196
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 95 0.000504975
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 96 9.5212e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 97 4.76489e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 98 4.31181e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 99 5.13987e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 100 0.00820037
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 101 4.05699e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 102 9.73322e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 103 4.94781e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 104 2.19891e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 105 0.00646066
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 106 0.00019162
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 107 0.00194861
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 108 0.000156104
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 109 0.000658833
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 110 0.00495538
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 111 0.000541734
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 112 0.00568466
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 113 0.00192927
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 114 0.00141085
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 115 0.000111666
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 116 0.000256352
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 117 0.00473289
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 118 0.000725369
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 119 0.00597086
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 120 0.00507513
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 121 8.38225e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 122 6.62744e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 123 9.59456e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 124 0.000214975
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 125 1.67729e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 126 0.000202917
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 127 2.00142e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 128 0.00022541
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 129 7.04733e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 130 0.000134124
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 131 2.3384e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 132 8.24132e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 133 6.50316e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 134 6.40716e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 135 0.000286851
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 136 4.44615e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 137 0.000366705
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 138 0.000226844
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer ExcitedLambda
newdef ExcitedLambda:Iteration 1
newdef ExcitedLambda:Ntry 500
newdef ExcitedLambda:Points 10000
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 0 0.00284407
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 1 0.00277839
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 2 0.000412905
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 3 0.00244756
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 4 0.0024288
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 5 0.000347225
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ExcitedLambdaCurrent
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ExcitedLambda:Current ExcitedLambdaCurrent
create Herwig::LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor ExcitedLambdaForm
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Xi 0.29
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Rho2 2.01
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Outgoing 0 101242
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Outgoing 1 101244
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutSpin 1 4
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutQuark 1 4
newdef ExcitedLambda:FormFactor ExcitedLambdaForm
create Herwig::RadiativeHeavyBaryonDecayer HeavyGamma
newdef HeavyGamma:Iteration 1
newdef HeavyGamma:Ntry 500
newdef HeavyGamma:Points 10000
newdef HeavyGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4312 4132 1 1.1004e-05 0 1.66921
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4322 4232 1 9.4102e-05 0 1.67004
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5312 5132 1 1.1004e-05 0 1.63358
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5322 5232 1 9.4102e-05 0 1.60473
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4214 4122 1 0.000376 0 0.035949
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5214 5122 1 0.000376 0 0.03294
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4314 4132 1 3.74e-05 0 0.000579519
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4324 4232 1 0.00032486 0 0.0462769
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5314 5132 1 0.00010132 0 0.00429418
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5324 5232 1 0.00032486 0 0.0463449
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4212 4122 1 0.0001088 0 0.064517
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5212 5122 1 0.0001088 0 0.0325132
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4224 4222 1 0.0003337 0 0.00297666
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4214 4212 1 8.34e-05 0 0.000203503
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4114 4112 1 -0.0001688 0 0.000903461
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4314 4312 1 -0.000611 0 0.0178619
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4324 4322 1 -0.0003607 0 0.00671238
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4334 4332 1 0.001055 0 1.59261
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5224 5222 1 0.0009945 0 0.00818774
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5214 5212 1 0.0002486 0 0.000627892
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5114 5112 1 -0.0004973 0 0.0025886
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5314 5312 1 -0.0004371 0 0.00938573
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5324 5322 1 0.0003088 0 0.00506067
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5334 5332 1 -0.0003769 0 1.67242
create Herwig::VectorMesonTensorVectorDecayer VTV
newdef VTV:Iteration 1
newdef VTV:Ntry 1000
newdef VTV:Points 10000
newdef VTV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 445 22 0.261 1.81532
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100553 555 22 0.22 1.61337
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 555 22 0.343 1.60543
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 100555 22 0.278 1.62572
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100543 545 22 0.932 1.60201
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 225 22 0.00569 1.97513
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 225 223 0.00875 6.58074
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 335 22 0.00286 4.9067
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 335 333 0.0037 8.55267
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 225 22 0.00447 2.02213
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 225 223 0.0037 6.54684
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 335 333 0.00158 9.75511
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 553 225 22 0.00187 2.09182
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 553 335 22 0.000958 5.81227
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 30553 555 22 0.0756 1.60734
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 130553 555 22 0.0224 1.60475
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 130553 100555 22 0.0766 1.61267
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 30543 545 22 0.692 1.60605
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 110553 10555 22 0.257 1.61525
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 20555 22 0.224 1.67225
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 120555 22 0.273 1.61934
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 325 -323 0.00762 6.97145
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 315 -313 0.00762 6.65196
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 325 -323 0.00343 11.1829
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 315 -313 0.00343 10.2958
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 115 113 0.00785 5.44984
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 443 215 -213 0.00785 5.47947
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 115 113 0.00235 6.97004
do VTV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 215 -213 0.00235 6.31133
create Herwig::ScalarVectorVectorDecayer SVV
newdef SVV:Iteration 1
newdef SVV:Ntry 2000
newdef SVV:Points 10000
newdef SVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10221 113 113 5.24 17.5926
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10221 213 -213 7.49 19.1659
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 113 113 0.979 16.8
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 213 -213 1.390 17.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 443 22 0.258 1.1081
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 323 -323 0.0358 12.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 313 -313 0.0358 12.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 333 333 0.0264 9.85019
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 22 22 0.0384 1.10652
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10111 113 223 13.9 8.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10211 213 223 13.9 8.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 223 223 0.0397 11.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10111 22 22 3.12 1.32957
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10551 553 22 0.29 1.11692
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 110551 553 22 0.121 1.11335
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 110551 100553 22 0.517 1.14139
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 210551 553 22 0.0717 1.10623
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 210551 100553 22 0.1 1.11241
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 210551 200553 22 0.272 1.15405
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 100551 10553 22 0.554 1.64308
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 200551 10553 22 0.0662 1.22834
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 200551 110553 22 0.242 1.47835
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 100441 10443 22 0.326 2.05629
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 110551 30553 22 0.153 1.22153
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 210551 130553 22 0.201 1.21858
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10541 543 22 0.286 1.09678
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 100541 10543 22 0.56 1.10508
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 100541 20543 22 0.615 1.10454
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 22 22 0.0049 1.51007
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 22 22 0.00369 1.47195
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10331 22 22 0.00103 1.1077
create Herwig::a1SimpleDecayer a1Simple
newdef a1Simple:Iteration 5
newdef a1Simple:Ntry 500
newdef a1Simple:Points 10000
newdef a1Simple:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a1Simple:LocalParameters 1
newdef a1Simple:Coupling 47.95
newdef a1Simple:OneMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:TwoMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:ThreeMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 0 773
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 1 1370
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 2 1750
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 0 145
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 1 510
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 2 120
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 0 1
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 1 -0.145
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 2 0
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 0 0.224559
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 1 0.2198
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 2 0.137131
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 3 0.138579
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 4 0.138346
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 5 0.141585
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.224847
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.220554
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.135879
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.13917
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.138596
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.140955
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.223434
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.222521
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.141309
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.134317
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.139732
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.138687
create Herwig::MamboDecayer Mambo
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau5Pion
newdef Tau5Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau5Pion:Ntry 4000
newdef Tau5Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau5Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 2 30
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 0 0.12
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 1 1.10
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 2 0.19
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 0 0.0829231
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 1 0.0837284
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 2 0.0832389
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 3 0.0828526
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 4 0.0841606
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 5 0.0834426
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 6 0.0834811
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 7 0.0824631
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 8 0.0836733
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 9 0.0830621
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 10 0.0832661
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 11 0.083708
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 12 0.0655493
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 13 0.0669399
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 14 0.06701
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 15 0.065621
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 16 0.066326
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 17 0.069194
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 18 0.0643572
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 19 0.0671479
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 20 0.0680149
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 21 0.0660456
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 22 0.0667967
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 23 0.0674793
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 24 0.0355917
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 25 0.0340749
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 26 0.03507
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 27 0.0355398
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 28 0.0292482
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 29 0.0299938
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 30 0.0832497
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 31 0.083435
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 32 0.0839012
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 33 0.0831666
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 34 0.0820835
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 35 0.0843757
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 36 0.0825918
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 37 0.0838889
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 38 0.0838214
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 39 0.0830818
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 40 0.0826944
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 41 0.08371
create Herwig::FivePionCurrent Tau5PionCurrent
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoMass 776
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:A1Mass 1260
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:SigmaMass 800
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:OmegaMass 782
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoWidth 150
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:A1Width 400
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:SigmaWidth 600
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:OmegaWidth 8.5
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoOmega 0
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:C 4
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:C0 3
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:fomegarhopi 0.07
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:grhopipi 6
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:garhopi 6
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:faaf 4
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:ffpipi 5
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -1
newdef Tau5Pion:WeakCurrent Tau5PionCurrent
create Herwig::OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer OniumPiPi
newdef OniumPiPi:Iteration 1
newdef OniumPiPi:Ntry 500
newdef OniumPiPi:Points 10000
newdef OniumPiPi:GenerateIntermediates 0
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 200553 553 3.92e-06 1 0 -2.523 1.189 0 0 4.26075 4.82302
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 200553 100553 0.000311 1 0 -0.395 0.001 0 0 2.40535 2.36975
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 100553 553 6.14e-05 1 0 -0.753 0 0 0 3.26611 3.64848
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 300553 553 1.77e-06 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.94445 2.98196
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 300553 100553 6.88e-05 1 0 -2.35 0.55 0 0 5.1262 5.45035
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 6.62e-05 1 0 -0.336 0 0 0 3.04451 3.08418
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 30443 443 2.06e-05 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.60132 3.2421
create Herwig::Spin3MesonTensorVectorDecayer Spin3TV
newdef Spin3TV:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3TV:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3TV:Points 10000
newdef Spin3TV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3TV:SetUpDecayMode 547 545 22 0.867 1.60331
do Spin3TV:SetUpDecayMode 557 555 22 0.626 1.60704
do Spin3TV:SetUpDecayMode 100557 555 22 0.18 1.60953
do Spin3TV:SetUpDecayMode 100557 100555 22 0.63 1.60791
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2K1Pi
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Points 1000000
newdef Tau2K1Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 1 15
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 2 30
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 3 57
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 4 81
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 5 105
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 0 0.0432342
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 1 0.0402371
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 2 0.0377649
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 3 0.00891024
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 4 0.00892244
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 5 0.0289829
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 0 0.135963
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 1 0.0544693
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 2 0.103456
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 3 0.0407584
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 4 0.0406337
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 5 0.055166
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 6 0.0410856
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 7 0.17814
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 8 0.0714935
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 9 0.0701645
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 10 0.0533418
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 11 0.038983
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 12 0.0671185
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 13 0.0251201
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 14 0.0241059
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 15 0.134816
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 16 0.0533723
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 17 0.104429
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 18 0.0421405
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 19 0.0408935
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 20 0.0542975
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 21 0.0412704
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 22 0.177165
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 23 0.0707521
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 24 0.0697738
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 25 0.0541069
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 26 0.0395385
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 27 0.0677817
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 28 0.024839
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 29 0.0248236
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 30 0.060583
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 31 0.0599504
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 32 0.0321508
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 33 0.0461654
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 34 0.0453398
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 35 0.0260173
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 36 0.0267423
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 37 0.0259576
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 38 0.0259962
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 39 0.0343573
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 40 0.0344674
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 41 0.0270866
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 42 0.0805987
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 43 0.0787342
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 44 0.0453765
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 45 0.0443932
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 46 0.0443514
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 47 0.043594
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 48 0.0332234
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 49 0.0332983
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 50 0.0247822
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 51 0.030008
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 52 0.0303925
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 53 0.0170077
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 54 0.0162828
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 55 0.0163017
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 56 0.0168413
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 57 0.0689969
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 58 0.0688125
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 59 0.0530756
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 60 0.0532699
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 61 0.0281161
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 62 0.0283676
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 63 0.0286176
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 64 0.0286531
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 65 0.0371487
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 66 0.0369731
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 67 0.089269
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 68 0.0897125
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 69 0.0478451
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 70 0.0480762
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 71 0.0481653
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 72 0.0467581
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 73 0.0360446
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 74 0.0353376
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 75 0.0316765
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 76 0.0313933
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 77 0.0154869
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 78 0.0159134
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 79 0.0160241
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 80 0.0162663
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 81 0.0691784
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 82 0.06884
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 83 0.0527187
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 84 0.0533145
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 85 0.0281019
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 86 0.0287812
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 87 0.0286907
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 88 0.0283158
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 89 0.0370588
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 90 0.0371021
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 91 0.0897679
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 92 0.0899712
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 93 0.0477173
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 94 0.0483365
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 95 0.0479435
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 96 0.0459924
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 97 0.0356369
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 98 0.0363713
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 99 0.0315165
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 100 0.031417
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 101 0.0157208
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 102 0.0154267
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 103 0.0160225
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 104 0.0160575
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 105 0.0662738
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 106 0.0667806
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 107 0.0329099
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 108 0.051158
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 109 0.0519009
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 110 0.0518297
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 111 0.0515922
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 112 0.0518303
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 113 0.051487
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 114 0.0320661
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 115 0.0320866
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 116 0.0263489
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 117 0.0421899
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 118 0.0420786
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 119 0.042311
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 120 0.0404591
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 121 0.0405805
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 122 0.0409838
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 123 0.0308081
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 124 0.0313261
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 125 0.0241062
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 126 0.0163214
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 127 0.0165679
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 128 0.0159972
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 129 0.0166933
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 130 0.0167966
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 131 0.0165165
create Herwig::TwoKaonOnePionCurrent Tau2K1PiCurrent
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 1 -0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 1 -0.135
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 1 -0.25
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 2 -0.038
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaKStarWeight 0.707107
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:EpsOmega 0.05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1WidthOption 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 1.47729e-06
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 1.19209e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 3.884e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 8.83255e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 0.00016561
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.000275439
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 0.000422332
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 0.000610773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 0.000845357
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 0.00113092
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 0.00147264
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 0.00187616
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 0.0023477
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 0.00289413
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 0.00352315
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 0.00424342
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 0.0050647
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 0.00599808
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 0.00705616
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 0.00825335
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 0.0096062
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 0.0111337
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 0.0128579
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 0.0148041
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 0.017002
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 0.0194858
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 0.0222956
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 0.0254781
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 0.0290874
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 0.0331862
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 0.0378467
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 0.0431501
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 0.0491862
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 0.0560496
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 0.0638341
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 0.0726215
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 0.0824662
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 0.0933765
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 0.105297
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 0.118103
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 0.131602
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 0.145564
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 0.159749
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 0.173938
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 0.18795
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 0.201649
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 0.214943
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 0.227773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 0.240109
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 0.25194
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 0.263268
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 0.274104
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 0.284466
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 0.294372
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 0.303845
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 0.312905
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 0.321576
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 0.329878
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 0.337832
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 0.345456
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 0.35277
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 0.35979
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 0.366532
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 0.373012
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 0.379243
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 0.38524
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 0.391014
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 0.396577
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 0.401939
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 0.407111
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 0.412102
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 0.416923
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 0.421577
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 0.426078
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 0.430427
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 0.434636
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 0.43871
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 0.442654
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 0.446475
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 0.450177
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 0.453765
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 0.457245
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 0.460621
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 0.463899
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 0.467077
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 0.470164
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 0.473162
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 0.476076
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 100 0.478909
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 101 0.481658
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 102 0.484333
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 0.486934
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 104 0.489465
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 105 0.491926
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 106 0.494321
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 107 0.496651
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 108 0.49892
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 109 0.501128
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 110 0.503277
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 111 0.505371
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 112 0.507409
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 113 0.509395
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 114 0.511328
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 115 0.513212
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 116 0.515047
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 0.516846
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 118 0.518624
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 119 0.520285
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 120 0.52194
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 121 0.523553
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 122 0.525124
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 123 0.526646
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 124 0.52814
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 125 0.529638
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 126 0.531016
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 127 0.532401
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 128 0.533751
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 129 0.535069
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 130 0.536354
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 131 0.537608
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 132 0.538831
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 133 0.540039
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 134 0.541194
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 135 0.542327
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 136 0.543438
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 137 0.544522
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 138 0.545582
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 139 0.546616
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 140 0.54764
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 141 0.548615
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 142 0.549581
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 143 0.550525
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 144 0.551449
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 145 0.552351
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 146 0.55324
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 147 0.554101
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 148 0.554944
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 149 0.555772
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 150 0.556583
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 151 0.557373
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 152 0.558155
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 153 0.558917
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 154 0.559664
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 155 0.560396
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 156 0.561114
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 157 0.561849
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 158 0.562508
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 159 0.563186
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 160 0.563851
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 161 0.564503
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 162 0.565145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 163 0.565774
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 164 0.566394
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 165 0.567001
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 166 0.567595
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 167 0.568182
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 168 0.56876
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 169 0.56933
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 170 0.569886
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 171 0.570433
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 172 0.570976
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 173 0.571504
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 174 0.572027
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 175 0.572542
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 176 0.573114
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 177 0.573548
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 178 0.574108
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 179 0.574524
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 180 0.575002
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 181 0.575473
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 182 0.575937
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 183 0.576394
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 184 0.576845
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 185 0.57729
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 186 0.57773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 187 0.578173
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 188 0.5786
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 189 0.579013
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 190 0.579431
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 0.579834
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 192 0.580246
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 193 0.580649
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 194 0.581045
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 195 0.581437
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 196 0.581827
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 197 0.582208
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 0.582586
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 199 0.582959
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 0 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 1 0.0158678
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 2 0.0317356
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 3 0.0476034
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 4 0.0634712
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 5 0.079339
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 6 0.0952068
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 7 0.111075
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 8 0.126942
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 9 0.14281
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 10 0.158678
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 11 0.174546
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 12 0.190414
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 13 0.206281
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 14 0.222149
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 15 0.238017
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 16 0.253885
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 17 0.269753
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 18 0.285621
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 19 0.301488
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 20 0.317356
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 21 0.333224
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 22 0.349092
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 23 0.36496
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 24 0.380827
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 25 0.396695
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 26 0.412563
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 27 0.428431
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 28 0.444299
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 29 0.460166
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 30 0.476034
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 31 0.491902
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 32 0.50777
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 33 0.523638
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 34 0.539505
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 35 0.555373
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 36 0.571241
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 37 0.587109
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 38 0.602977
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 39 0.618844
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 40 0.634712
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 41 0.65058
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 42 0.666448
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 43 0.682316
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 44 0.698183
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 45 0.714051
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 46 0.729919
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 47 0.745787
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 48 0.761655
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 49 0.777523
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 50 0.79339
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 51 0.809258
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 52 0.825126
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 53 0.840994
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 54 0.856862
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 55 0.872729
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 56 0.888597
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 57 0.904465
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 58 0.920333
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 0.936201
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 60 0.952068
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 61 0.967936
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 62 0.983804
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 63 0.999672
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 64 1.01554
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 65 1.03141
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 66 1.04728
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 67 1.06314
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 68 1.07901
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 69 1.09488
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 70 1.11075
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 71 1.12661
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 72 1.14248
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 73 1.15835
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.17422
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.19009
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.20595
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.22182
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.23769
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.25356
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26942
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.28529
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.30116
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31703
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.3329
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34876
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 86 1.36463
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3805
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.39637
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.41223
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 90 1.4281
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.44397
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45984
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.47571
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.49157
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.50744
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.52331
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53918
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.55505
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.57091
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.58678
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 101 1.60265
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 102 1.61852
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 103 1.63438
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 104 1.65025
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 105 1.66612
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 106 1.68199
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 107 1.69786
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.71372
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72959
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.74546
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.76133
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.77719
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.79306
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 114 1.80893
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.8248
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.84067
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.85653
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 118 1.8724
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 119 1.88827
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 120 1.90414
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 121 1.92
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 122 1.93587
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 123 1.95174
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 124 1.96761
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 125 1.98348
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 126 1.99934
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 127 2.01521
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 128 2.03108
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 129 2.04695
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 130 2.06281
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 131 2.07868
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.09455
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 133 2.11042
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 134 2.12629
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.14215
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 136 2.15802
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 137 2.17389
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 138 2.18976
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 139 2.20563
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 140 2.22149
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.23736
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.25323
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.2691
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.28496
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.30083
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.3167
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.33257
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.34844
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.3643
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.38017
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.39604
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.41191
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.42777
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.44364
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.45951
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.47538
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.49125
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.50711
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.52298
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.53885
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.55472
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.57058
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.58645
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.60232
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.61819
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.63406
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.64992
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.66579
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.68166
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.69753
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.71339
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.72926
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.74513
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.761
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.77687
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.79273
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.8086
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.82447
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.84034
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.85621
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.87207
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.88794
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.90381
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.91968
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.93554
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.95141
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.96728
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.98315
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.99902
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 3.01488
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.03075
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.04662
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.06249
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.07835
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.09422
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.11009
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.12596
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.14183
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.15769
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:A1Width 0.475
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:A1Mass 1.251
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaWidth 0.00843
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaMass 0.782
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:PhiWidth 0.00443
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:PhiMass 1.02
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:FPi 92.4189
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 1 1.37
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 1 0.51
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 1 1.5
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 1 0.22
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 3 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 5 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -1
newdef Tau2K1Pi:WeakCurrent Tau2K1PiCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauKPi
newdef TauKPi:Iteration 5
newdef TauKPi:Ntry 500
newdef TauKPi:Points 10000
newdef TauKPi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauKPi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauKPi:WeightLocation 1 5
insert TauKPi:MaximumWeight 0 0.07
insert TauKPi:MaximumWeight 1 0.14
insert TauKPi:Weights 0 0.667015
insert TauKPi:Weights 1 0.0215203
insert TauKPi:Weights 2 0.0176676
insert TauKPi:Weights 3 0.253612
insert TauKPi:Weights 4 0.040185
insert TauKPi:Weights 5 0.652889
insert TauKPi:Weights 6 0.0361892
insert TauKPi:Weights 7 0.0173992
insert TauKPi:Weights 8 0.261652
insert TauKPi:Weights 9 0.0318708
create Herwig::KPiCurrent TauKPiCurrent
newdef TauKPiCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Transverse 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:cV 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:cS 0.465
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorPhase 0 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMagnitude 1 0.075
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorPhase 1 82.5
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarPhase 0 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMagnitude 1 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarPhase 1 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 0 895.47
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 0 46.19
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 1 1414
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 1 232
insert TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 2 1717
insert TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 2 322
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMass 0 878
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarWidth 0 499
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMass 1 1429
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarWidth 1 287
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef TauKPiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef TauKPiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef TauKPi:WeakCurrent TauKPiCurrent
create Herwig::BtoSGammaDecayer BtosgammaKagan
newdef BtosgammaKagan:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef BtosgammaKagan:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Exclusive 1
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Intermediates 0
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Partonic_Tries 100
create Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan BtosgammaMass
newdef BtosgammaMass:TopMass 175
newdef BtosgammaMass:BottomMass 4.8
newdef BtosgammaMass:CharmMass 1.392
newdef BtosgammaMass:StrangeMassRatio 0.02
newdef BtosgammaMass:WMass 80.425
newdef BtosgammaMass:ZMass 91.1876
newdef BtosgammaMass:Lambda2 0.12
newdef BtosgammaMass:BMesonMass 5.2794
newdef BtosgammaMass:Mu 4.8
newdef BtosgammaMass:Delta 0.9
newdef BtosgammaMass:Lambda1 -0.3
newdef BtosgammaMass:alpha 0.00729735
newdef BtosgammaMass:CKM 0.976
newdef BtosgammaMass:FermiNormalisation 1.21691
newdef BtosgammaMass:MaximumTries 100
newdef BtosgammaMass:ycut 1
newdef BtosgammaMass:NSpectrum 100
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 0 0.825
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 1 0.867257
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 2 0.909515
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 3 0.951772
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 4 0.994029
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 5 1.03629
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 6 1.07854
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 7 1.1208
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 8 1.16306
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 9 1.20532
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 10 1.24757
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 11 1.28983
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 12 1.33209
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 13 1.37435
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 14 1.4166
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 15 1.45886
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 16 1.50112
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 17 1.54338
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 18 1.58563
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 19 1.62789
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 20 1.67015
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 21 1.7124
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 22 1.75466
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 23 1.79692
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 24 1.83918
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 25 1.88143
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 26 1.92369
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 27 1.96595
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 28 2.00821
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 29 2.05046
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 30 2.09272
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 31 2.13498
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 32 2.17724
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 33 2.21949
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 34 2.26175
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 35 2.30401
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 36 2.34626
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 37 2.38852
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 38 2.43078
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 39 2.47304
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 40 2.51529
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 41 2.55755
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 42 2.59981
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 43 2.64207
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 44 2.68432
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 45 2.72658
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 46 2.76884
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 47 2.8111
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 48 2.85335
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 49 2.89561
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 50 2.93787
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 51 2.98013
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 52 3.02238
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 53 3.06464
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 54 3.1069
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 55 3.14915
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 56 3.19141
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 57 3.23367
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 58 3.27593
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 59 3.31818
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 60 3.36044
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 61 3.4027
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 62 3.44496
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 63 3.48721
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 64 3.52947
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 65 3.57173
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 66 3.61399
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 67 3.65624
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 68 3.6985
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 69 3.74076
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 70 3.78302
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 71 3.82527
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 72 3.86753
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 73 3.90979
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 74 3.95204
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 75 3.9943
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 76 4.03656
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 77 4.07882
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 78 4.12107
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 79 4.16333
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 80 4.20559
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 81 4.24785
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 82 4.2901
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 83 4.33236
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 84 4.37462
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 85 4.41688
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 86 4.45913
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 87 4.50139
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 88 4.54365
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 89 4.58591
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 90 4.62816
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 91 4.67042
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 92 4.71268
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 93 4.75493
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 94 4.79719
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 95 4.83945
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 96 4.88171
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 97 4.92396
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 98 4.96622
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 99 5.00848
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 0 7.66578e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 1 8.88774e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 2 0.000101655
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 3 0.000114816
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 4 0.000128169
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 5 0.000141542
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 6 0.000154679
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 7 0.000167399
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 8 0.000179472
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 9 0.00019078
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 10 0.000201121
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 11 0.000210346
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 12 0.00021833
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 13 0.00022497
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 14 0.000230231
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 15 0.000233996
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 16 0.000236281
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 17 0.000237093
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 18 0.000236431
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 19 0.000234426
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 20 0.000231119
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 21 0.000226602
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 22 0.000220987
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 23 0.000214393
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 24 0.000206948
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 25 0.000198784
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 26 0.000190058
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 27 0.000180856
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 28 0.00017133
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 29 0.000161602
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 30 0.000151786
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 31 0.000141971
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 32 0.000132288
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 33 0.0001228
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 34 0.000113581
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 35 0.00010469
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 36 9.61778e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 37 8.80815e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 38 8.04295e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 39 7.32403e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 40 6.65241e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 41 6.02879e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 42 5.45173e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 43 4.92076e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 44 4.43443e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 45 3.9909e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 46 3.58802e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 47 3.22326e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 48 2.8946e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 49 2.59925e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 50 2.33464e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 51 2.09823e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 52 1.88754e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 53 1.70019e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 54 1.5339e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 55 1.38655e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 56 1.25614e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 57 1.14085e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 58 1.03894e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 59 9.48883e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 60 8.69297e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 61 7.9892e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 62 7.36625e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 63 6.81403e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 64 6.32388e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 65 5.88784e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 66 5.49905e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 67 5.1515e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 68 4.83997e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 69 4.55992e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 70 4.30743e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 71 4.07914e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 72 3.87217e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 73 3.68409e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 74 3.51284e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 75 3.35671e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 76 3.2143e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 77 3.08444e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 78 2.9662e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 79 2.85934e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 80 2.76345e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 81 2.67832e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 82 2.60408e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 83 2.54259e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 84 2.51139e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 85 2.5295e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 86 2.60152e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 87 2.72469e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 88 2.89586e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 89 3.11368e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 90 3.37949e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 91 3.69773e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 92 4.07611e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 93 4.52598e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 94 5.06366e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 95 5.71246e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 96 6.50607e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 97 7.49463e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 98 8.75571e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 99 1.04156e-05
newdef BtosgammaKagan:HadronicMass BtosgammaMass
create Herwig::SMTopDecayer Top
newdef Top:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef Top:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 0 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 1 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 2 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 3 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 4 1.5e-05
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 5 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 0 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 1 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 2 5.
newdef Top:Iteration 1
newdef Top:Ntry 500
newdef Top:Points 10000
newdef Top:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef Top:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsFermionsDecayer Hff
newdef Hff:NLO Yes
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 0 2.116e-06
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 1 4.47418e-07
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 2 0.000763237
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 3 0.0276405
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 4 0.571455
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 5 0
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 6 5.76739e-09
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 7 0.000246492
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 8 0.0696381
newdef Hff:Iteration 1
newdef Hff:Ntry 500
newdef Hff:Points 10000
newdef Hff:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Hff:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef Hff:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef Hff:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsWWDecayer HWW
newdef HWW:WMaximum 0 19.5935
newdef HWW:ZMaximum 0 1.84109
newdef HWW:WMaximum 1 183.963
newdef HWW:ZMaximum 1 39.4542
newdef HWW:Iteration 1
newdef HWW:Ntry 2000
newdef HWW:Points 10000
newdef HWW:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HWW:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer HQET
newdef HQET:Iteration 1
newdef HQET:Ntry 500
newdef HQET:Points 10000
newdef HQET:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 0 0.0762401
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 1 0.0723751
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 2 0.0189018
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 3 0.105976
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 4 0.105066
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 5 0.0261202
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 6 0.0700031
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 7 0.066446
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 8 0.0172756
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 9 0.10208
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 10 0.106631
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 11 0.0278126
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent HQETCurrent
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef HQET:Current HQETCurrent
create Herwig::HQETFormFactor HQETFormFactor
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 0 421
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 0 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 1 -521
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 1 423
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 1 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 2 -511
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 2 411
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 2 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 2 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 3 -511
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 3 413
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 3 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 3 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:F1Scalar 1.02693
newdef HQETFormFactor:F1Vector 0.84
newdef HQETFormFactor:Rho2Scalar 1.17
newdef HQETFormFactor:Rho2Vector 1.179
newdef HQETFormFactor:R1 1.417
newdef HQETFormFactor:R2 0.836
newdef HQET:FormFactor HQETFormFactor
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:Iteration 10
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:Ntry 500
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:Points 10000
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:ParentRadius 0
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:ResonanceMass 1
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:UseAllK0 1
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:MaximumWeight 1.01496e+11
insert DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:Weights 0 0.683657
insert DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:Weights 1 0.316343
do DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2.725 -1.91986 0
do DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel 213 3 0.77 0.1533 1 2 0 1 -3.14159 25.3387
do DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:AddChannel -313 3 0.8921 0.0511 0 2 1 0.5617 0.750492 10.1355
do DpKbar0PipPi0MarkIII:SetExternal 411 -311 211 111
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipMarkIII
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:AddChannel 0 0 0. 0. 0 1 2 1. 0. 0.
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:AddChannel -313 3 0.8695 0.0502 1 0 2 0.04749 1.8325957145940461 10.1355
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:AddChannel -313 3 0.8695 0.0502 2 0 1 0.04749 1.8325957145940461 10.1355
set /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:Initialize 1
set /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:DatabaseOutput 1
set /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:ParentRadius 0
set /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:ResonanceMass 1
do /Herwig/Decays/DpKmPipPipMarkIII:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211#
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:Iteration 10
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:Ntry 500
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:Points 10000
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:ParentRadius 0
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:ResonanceMass 1
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:MaximumWeight 1.28484e+09
insert D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:Weights 0 0.438054
insert D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:Weights 1 0.561946
do D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0
do D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:AddChannel 113 3 0.77 0.1533 1 2 0 0.0975 1.62316 25.3387
do D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:AddChannel -323 3 0.8921 0.0511 2 0 1 0.2225 0 10.1355
do D0Kbar0PipPimMarkIII:SetExternal 421 -311 211 -211
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PipPimCLEO
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Points 10000
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:MaximumWeight 3.24646e+10
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 0 0.0288213
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 1 0.136035
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 2 0.0613148
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 3 0.308878
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 4 0.0586135
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 5 0.107635
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 6 0.115036
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 7 0.0670064
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 8 0.0486612
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO:Weights 9 0.0679996
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.1 -0.349066 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 323 3 0.89166 0.0508 1 0 2 0.11 -0.680679 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 113 3 0.7693 0.1502 2 1 0 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 223 3 0.78257 0.00844 2 1 0 0.037 1.98968 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -323 3 0.89166 0.0508 2 0 1 1.56 2.61799 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.05 2 1 0 0.34 -3.00197 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1851 2 1 0 0.7 -0.907571 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel 10221 1 1.31 0.272 2 1 0 1.8 1.48353 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -10321 1 1.412 0.294 2 0 1 2 0.0523599 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 2 0 1 1 -0.436333 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:AddChannel -30323 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 5.6 3.03687 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO:SetExternal 421 310 211 -211
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO:ResonanceMass 1
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKbar0PipPi0BES
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Iteration 10
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Ntry 500
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Points 10000
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:ResonanceMass 0
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:UseAllK0 1
newdef DpKbar0PipPi0BES:MaximumWeight 1.89908e+10
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 0 0.26496
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 1 0.0740731
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 2 0.109362
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 3 0.132708
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 4 0.213948
insert DpKbar0PipPi0BES:Weights 5 0.204948
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.55 -1.46608 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel 213 3 0.77511 0.1491 2 1 0 1 0 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel 100213 3 1.465 0.4 2 1 0 2.81 -3.07702 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel -313 3 0.89594 0.0487 2 0 1 0.194 -1.17461 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel -10311 1 1.47 0.187 2 0 1 0.658 -0.366519 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.27 2 0 1 2.04 -1.82736 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:AddChannel -9000311 51 0.75 -0.23 2 0 1 1.06 1.6057 1.5
do DpKbar0PipPi0BES:SetExternal 411 -311 211 111
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Iteration 10
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Ntry 500
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Points 10000
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:MaximumWeight 3.58426e+11
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 0 0.107489
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 1 0.106963
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 2 0.0786231
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 3 0.0774254
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 4 0.0506913
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 5 0.0536319
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 6 0.0515796
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 7 0.0511357
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 8 0.078321
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 9 0.0811541
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 10 0.13053
insert DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:Weights 11 0.132457
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 12.2 -0.610865 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 1 2 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 0 2 1 1 -3.14159 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 1 2 0.55 2.96706 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -100313 3 1.414 0.232 0 2 1 0.55 2.96706 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 1 2 6.98 -3.08923 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -30313 3 1.717 0.322 0 2 1 6.98 -3.08923 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 1 2 0.89 -0.715585 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 0.89 -0.715585 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -10311 1 1.461 0.177 0 1 2 3.45 0.628319 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -10311 1 1.461 0.177 0 2 1 3.45 0.628319 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -9000311 1 0.856 0.464 0 1 2 4.71 -2.80998 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:AddChannel -9000311 1 0.856 0.464 0 2 1 4.71 -2.80998 1.5
do DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:SetExternal 411 -321 211 211
newdef DpKmPipPipFOCUSIsobar:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::RadiativeHyperonDecayer RadiativeHyperon
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Iteration 1
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Ntry 500
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Points 10000
newdef RadiativeHyperon:GenerateIntermediates 0
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2212 -1.81e-07 4.7e-08 0.0245809
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3312 3112 8e-09 1.5e-08 6.02591e-05
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3212 2112 -2e-09 -4.5e-08 1.34599e-12
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2112 -5.2e-08 -5e-09 0.00237221
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3212 5e-09 7e-08 0.00175107
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3122 -3.4e-08 -8e-09 0.00171032
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PipPimCLEO2
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Iteration 10
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Points 10000
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:MaximumWeight 3.09848e+10
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 0 0.0313976
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 1 0.138102
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 2 0.062948
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 3 0.311012
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 4 0.0600748
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 5 0.107397
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 6 0.113649
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 7 0.0607273
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 8 0.0401992
insert D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:Weights 9 0.0744928
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 323 3 0.89166 0.0508 1 0 2 0.11 -0.628319 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 113 3 0.7693 0.1502 2 1 0 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 223 3 0.78257 0.00844 2 1 0 0.04 2.00713 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel -323 3 0.89166 0.0508 2 0 1 1.54 2.61799 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.977 0.05 2 1 0 0.34 -3.00197 1.5 0.207 0.0977
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1851 2 1 0 0.79 -0.942478 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 10221 1 1.31 0.272 2 1 0 1.74 1.48353 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel -10321 1 1.412 0.294 2 0 1 1.93 0.0174533 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.94 2 0 1 0.94 -0.436333 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel -30323 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 5.49 3.05433 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.93 -0.296706 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:SetExternal 421 310 211 -211
newdef D0KS0PipPimCLEO2:ResonanceMass 1
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PipPimBFactory
create Herwig::PiPiAnisovichKMatrix /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix
do /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:SetPoles 5 0.42380100000000004 1.44865296 2.4278937489000003 1.4641 3.3199026436
do /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:SetCouplings 5 5 0.22889 -0.55377 0.0 -0.39899 -0.34639 0.94128 0.55095 0.0 0.39065 0.31503 0.36856 0.23888 0.55639 0.1834 0.18681 0.3365 0.40907 0.85679 0.19906 -0.00984 0.18171 -0.17558 -0.79658 -0.00355 0.22358 set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:s0Scatt -3.92637
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:sA0 -0.15
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:sA 1.0
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:F1A 0 0.23399
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:F1A 1 0.15044
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:F1A 2 -0.20545
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:F1A 3 0.32825
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:F1A 4 0.35412
set /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix:Power 0.5
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Iteration 10
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Points 10000
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:MaximumWeight 5.68354e+10
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:KMatrices 0 /Herwig/Decays/BFactoryPiPiAnisovichKMatrix
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 0 0.0731448
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 1 0.0420579
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 2 0.101592
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 3 0.101836
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 4 0.248286
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 5 0.0397021
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 6 0.054909
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 7 0.042363
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 8 0.0263072
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 9 0.0380728
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 10 0.073135
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 11 0.0483004
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 12 0.0757819
insert D0KS0PipPimBFactory:Weights 13 0.0345126
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 113 3 0.77526 0.1478 2 1 0 1.058 0 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 223 3 0.78265 0.00849 2 1 0 0.0388 2.10661 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 2 1 0 1.43 -0.633555 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 2 1 0 2.85 1.78198 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel -323 3 0.8937 0.0472 2 0 1 1.72 2.38761 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 2 0 1 1.27 -0.76969 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel -30323 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 3.31 -2.06298 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel -100323 3 1.414 0.232 2 0 1 0.29 1.73486 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 323 3 0.8937 0.0472 1 0 2 0.164 -0.736529 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 325 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 0 2 0.1 -1.56381 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 100323 3 1.414 0.232 1 0 2 0.21 2.62148 1.5
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel -10321 -31 1.441 0.193 2 0 1 2.36 1.73486 1.5 0 0.96 0.00174533 1 -1.91463 0.113 -33.8
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 10321 -31 1.441 0.193 1 0 2 0.11 2.83267 1.5 0 0.96 0.00174533 1 -1.91463 0.113 -33.8
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:AddChannel 9010221 -21 0.953 0.044 2 1 0 1 0 1.5 5 5 0 0 -0.07 1 8.5 1.19555 12.2 0.418879 29.2 -0.00174533 10.8 -0.905826 0 0 1 8 -2.19911 1 26.3 -2.65814 1 33 -1.62665 1 26.2 -2.11883 1 0 0
do D0KS0PipPimBFactory:SetExternal 421 310 211 -211
newdef D0KS0PipPimBFactory:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::SMWDecayer WDecayer
newdef WDecayer:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef WDecayer:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 0 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 1 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 2 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 3 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 4 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 5 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 0 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 1 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 2 3.
newdef WDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef WDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef WDecayer:Points 10000
newdef WDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef WDecayer:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsGGHiggsPPDecayer HPP
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 0 0.624291
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 1 1.17718
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 2 1.15963
newdef HPP:SMHGGVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HGGVertex
newdef HPP:SMHPPVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HPPVertex
newdef HPP:SMHZPVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HZPVertex
newdef HPP:Iteration 10
newdef HPP:Ntry 500
newdef HPP:Points 10000
newdef HPP:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef HPP:GenerateIntermediates 0
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Kaon
newdef Tau2Kaon:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Kaon:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Kaon:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2Kaon:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Kaon:MaximumWeight 0 0.014
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 0 0.505259
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 1 0.43015
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 2 0.064591
newdef Tau2Kaon:WeakCurrent TwoKaonCzyzCurrent
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKpPipPimFOCUS
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Iteration 5
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Ntry 500
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Points 100000
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:MaximumWeight 5.26461e+10
insert DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 0 0.318979
insert DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 1 0.380276
insert DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 2 0.146808
insert DpKpPipPimFOCUS:Weights 3 0.153938
do DpKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 113 3 0.7711 0.1492 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DpKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 313 3 0.8961 0.0507 0 2 1 1.12344 -2.91645 1.5
do DpKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 9020221 1 0.972 0.059 1 2 0 0.47496 -2.34747 1.5
do DpKpPipPimFOCUS:AddChannel 315 5 1.4324 0.109 0 2 1 2.27739 0.951204 1.5
do DpKpPipPimFOCUS:SetExternal 411 321 211 -211
newdef DpKpPipPimFOCUS:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKpKmPipCLEO
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:Iteration 5
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:Points 100000
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:MaximumWeight 5.13147e+10
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 0 0.262273
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 1 0.168794
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 2 0.237705
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 3 0.125164
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 4 0.0611726
insert DpKpKmPipCLEO:Weights 5 0.144891
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.896 0.0503 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel -10311 1 1.414 0.29 1 2 0 3.7 1.27409 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 333 3 1.01946 0.00426 0 1 2 1.189 0.0174533 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 1.72 2.14675 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 100333 3 1.68 0.15 0 1 2 1.9 2.23402 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 1 2 0 6.4 2.61799 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5.1 0.925025 1.5
do DpKpKmPipCLEO:SetExternal 411 321 -321 211
newdef DpKpKmPipCLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::PseudoVectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer AVV
newdef AVV:Iteration 1
newdef AVV:Ntry 1000
newdef AVV:Points 10000
newdef AVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 553 20443 22 0.0227 1.60207
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 20443 22 0.0816 1.67717
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100553 20553 22 0.0257 1.60373
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 20553 22 0.0418 1.59983
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 120553 22 0.0317 1.61356
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20443 443 22 0.178 1.70231
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20553 553 22 0.0478 1.60209
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 553 22 0.0185 1.60901
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 100553 22 0.0529 1.60262
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 553 223 0.0207 1.94571
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 553 22 0.012 1.60562
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 100553 22 0.017 1.5984
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 200553 22 0.0501 1.60926
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20223 113 22 0.389 2.85408
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20223 333 22 0.0544 6.00413
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20333 333 22 0.129 6.83714
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 443 20223 22 0.0013 4.3633
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 443 20333 22 0.00152 9.49571
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 443 20333 223 0.00152 22.8437
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 443 20223 333 0.00096 9.01632
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 30443 20443 22 2.012 2.3473
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 30553 20553 22 0.0413 1.60753
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 130553 20553 22 0.0114 1.61343
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 130553 120553 22 0.0397 1.60752
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 30543 10543 22 0.118 1.60005
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 30543 20543 22 0.123 1.60687
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100543 10543 22 0.146 1.6
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100543 20543 22 0.16 1.60222
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 10543 543 22 0.0755 1.60226
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20543 543 22 0.0315 1.60654
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 30553 22 0.0172 1.60582
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 130553 22 0.0207 1.61951
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20443 313 -313 0.00603 20.3751
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20443 323 -323 0.00603 27.4378
do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20433 433 22 0.018 1.72015
create Herwig::VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz PhiDalitz
newdef PhiDalitz:Coupling 8.788
newdef PhiDalitz:Iteration 5
newdef PhiDalitz:Ntry 500
newdef PhiDalitz:Points 100000
newdef PhiDalitz:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef PhiDalitz:ParentRadius 0
newdef PhiDalitz:UseAllK0 0
newdef PhiDalitz:MaximumWeight 8.38399
insert PhiDalitz:Weights 0 0.333557
insert PhiDalitz:Weights 1 0.332802
insert PhiDalitz:Weights 2 0.333641
do PhiDalitz:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1.29597 0.671593 0
do PhiDalitz:AddChannel 213 3 0.7758 0.1439 0 2 1 1 0 0
do PhiDalitz:AddChannel -213 3 0.7758 0.1439 1 2 0 1 0 0
do PhiDalitz:AddChannel 113 3 0.7758 0.1439 0 1 2 1 0 0
do PhiDalitz:SetExternal 333 211 -211 111
create Herwig::HQETStrongDecayer BottomMeson
newdef BottomMeson:Iteration 10
newdef BottomMeson:Ntry 500
newdef BottomMeson:Points 10000
newdef BottomMeson:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef BottomMeson:fPi 130.2
newdef BottomMeson:g 0.566
newdef BottomMeson:h 0.544
newdef BottomMeson:hp 0.413
newdef BottomMeson:k 0.407
newdef BottomMeson:kp 0.242
newdef BottomMeson:gtilde 0.283
newdef BottomMeson:Lambda 1
newdef BottomMeson:psiL 0
newdef BottomMeson:psiS 0.041
newdef BottomMeson:DeltaEta 0.0228833
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 511 111 1.95802
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 521 -211 1.9329
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 511 211 1.87623
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 521 111 1.91432
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 511 -311 1.54908
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 521 -321 1.80933
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 513 111 1.97116
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 523 -211 1.93093
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 513 211 1.87396
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 523 111 1.913
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 513 -311 1.35449
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 523 -321 2.22418
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10513 513 111 7.62316
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10513 523 -211 7.51603
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10523 513 211 8.21482
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10523 523 111 8.32594
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10533 513 -311 1.05995
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10533 523 -321 1.51482
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10511 511 111 6.05498
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10511 521 -211 6.04809
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10521 511 211 6.03197
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10521 521 111 6.06396
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10531 511 -311 6.94284
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10531 521 -321 7.28808
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20513 513 111 7.60088
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20513 523 -211 7.57955
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20523 513 211 7.57639
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20523 523 111 7.6011
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20533 513 -311 9.14945
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20533 523 -321 9.64881
create Herwig::EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer EtapipiFermions
newdef EtapipiFermions:Iteration 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:Ntry 500
newdef EtapipiFermions:Points 10000
newdef EtapipiFermions:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef EtapipiFermions:fpi 130.7
newdef EtapipiFermions:RhoMass 771.1
newdef EtapipiFermions:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef EtapipiFermions:LocalParameters 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesC 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesA 0.840908
newdef EtapipiFermions:Incoming 0 221
newdef EtapipiFermions:Coupling 0 0.00506
newdef EtapipiFermions:Lepton 0 11
newdef EtapipiFermions:MaxWeight 0 0.00231953
newdef EtapipiFermions:Option 0 3
newdef EtapipiFermions:Incoming 1 331
newdef EtapipiFermions:Coupling 1 0.004278
newdef EtapipiFermions:Lepton 1 11
newdef EtapipiFermions:MaxWeight 1 7.48945
newdef EtapipiFermions:Option 1 3
create Herwig::ExperimentalOmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Initialize 0
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesPoints 100
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesCut 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 0 300
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 0 0.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 1 320
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 1 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 2 340
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 2 0.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 3 360
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 3 1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 4 380
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 4 1.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 5 400
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 5 2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 6 420
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 6 2.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 7 440
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 7 3.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 8 460
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 8 4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 9 480
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 9 4.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 10 500
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 10 5.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 11 520
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 11 7.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 12 540
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 12 8.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 13 560
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 13 10.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 14 580
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 14 12.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 15 600
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 15 14.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 16 620
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 16 17.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 17 640
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 17 20.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 18 660
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 18 25.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 19 680
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 19 31.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 20 700
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 20 38.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 21 720
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 21 48.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 22 740
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 22 60.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 23 760
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 23 74.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 24 780
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 24 90
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 25 800
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 25 103.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 26 820
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 26 115.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 27 840
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 27 124.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 28 860
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 28 131.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 29 880
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 29 136.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 30 900
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 30 141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 31 920
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 31 144.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 32 940
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 32 147.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 33 960
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 33 149.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 34 980
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 34 151.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 0 282.534
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 0 0.860715
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 0 0.00243348
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 1 289.32
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 1 0.851815
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 1 0.00089491
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 2 296.107
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 2 0.843732
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 2 -0.000612618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 3 302.893
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 3 0.835875
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 3 -0.00209199
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 4 309.68
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 4 0.828085
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 4 -0.00354375
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 5 316.466
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 5 0.820287
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 5 -0.0049678
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 6 323.252
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 6 0.812437
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 6 -0.00636377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 7 330.039
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 7 0.804502
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 7 -0.00773106
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 8 336.825
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 8 0.796459
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 8 -0.00906897
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 9 343.612
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 9 0.788299
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 9 -0.0102967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 10 350.398
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 10 0.77978
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 10 -0.0114782
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 11 357.184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 11 0.770921
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 11 -0.0127871
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 12 363.971
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 12 0.761746
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 12 -0.0144895
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 13 370.757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 13 0.752725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 13 -0.0165141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 14 377.543
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 14 0.743833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 14 -0.0186278
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 15 384.33
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 15 0.735053
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 15 -0.0206378
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 16 391.116
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 16 0.726157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 16 -0.0225401
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 17 397.903
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 17 0.717151
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 17 -0.0243864
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 18 404.689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 18 0.70801
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 18 -0.0260833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 19 411.475
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 19 0.698521
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 19 -0.0277387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 20 418.262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 20 0.688706
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 20 -0.0294853
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 21 425.048
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 21 0.678618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 21 -0.0315488
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 22 431.835
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 22 0.668555
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 22 -0.0338262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 23 438.621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 23 0.658496
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 23 -0.036209
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 24 445.407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 24 0.648429
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 24 -0.0385969
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 25 452.194
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 25 0.638272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 25 -0.0410051
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 26 458.98
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 26 0.628033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 26 -0.0434404
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 27 465.767
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 27 0.61771
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 27 -0.0458955
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 28 472.553
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 28 0.607297
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 28 -0.0483627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 29 479.339
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 29 0.596791
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 29 -0.0508343
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 30 486.126
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 30 0.586171
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 30 -0.0532532
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 31 492.912
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 31 0.575358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 31 -0.0556833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 32 499.699
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 32 0.564361
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 32 -0.0581587
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 33 506.485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 33 0.553214
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 33 -0.0607547
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 34 513.271
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 34 0.541985
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 34 -0.0634188
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 35 520.058
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 35 0.530667
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 35 -0.0661334
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 36 526.844
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 36 0.519264
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 36 -0.0688841
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 37 533.63
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 37 0.507774
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 37 -0.0716561
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 38 540.417
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 38 0.496218
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 38 -0.0744314
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 39 547.203
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 39 0.484506
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 39 -0.077109
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 40 553.99
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 40 0.472569
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 40 -0.0798124
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 41 560.776
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 41 0.460391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 41 -0.0825951
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 42 567.562
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 42 0.448121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 42 -0.0856021
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 43 574.349
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 43 0.43585
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 43 -0.0886757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 44 581.135
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 44 0.423613
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 44 -0.0917407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 45 587.922
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 45 0.411225
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 45 -0.0946244
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 46 594.708
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 46 0.398597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 46 -0.0975017
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 47 601.494
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 47 0.385723
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 47 -0.100435
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 48 608.281
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 48 0.372704
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 48 -0.103516
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 49 615.067
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 49 0.35959
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 49 -0.106676
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 50 621.854
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 50 0.3464
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 50 -0.109892
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 51 628.64
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 51 0.333098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 51 -0.113121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 52 635.426
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 52 0.319686
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 52 -0.116385
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 53 642.213
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 53 0.306191
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 53 -0.119664
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 54 648.999
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 54 0.292541
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 54 -0.12291
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 55 655.786
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 55 0.278725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 55 -0.126184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 56 662.572
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 56 0.264753
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 56 -0.129498
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 57 669.358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 57 0.250639
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 57 -0.132862
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 58 676.145
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 58 0.236391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 58 -0.136272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 59 682.931
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 59 0.222033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 59 -0.139718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 60 689.718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 60 0.207536
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 60 -0.143174
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 61 696.504
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 61 0.192894
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 61 -0.14665
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 62 703.29
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 62 0.178087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 62 -0.150158
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 63 710.077
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 63 0.163157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 63 -0.153716
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 64 716.863
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 64 0.148098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 64 -0.157273
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 65 723.649
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 65 0.132821
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 65 -0.160847
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 66 730.436
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 66 0.117442
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 66 -0.164522
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 67 737.222
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 67 0.101967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 67 -0.168175
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 68 744.009
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 68 0.0862558
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 68 -0.171796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 69 750.795
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 69 0.0704105
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 69 -0.17551
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 70 757.581
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 70 0.0544364
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 70 -0.179198
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 71 764.368
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 71 0.0381918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 71 -0.182849
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 72 771.154
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 72 0.0217336
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 72 -0.186618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 73 777.941
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 73 0.00508918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 73 -0.190478
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 74 784.727
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 74 -0.0116074
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 74 -0.19445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 75 791.513
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 75 -0.028463
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 75 -0.198325
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 76 798.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 76 -0.0455796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 76 -0.202216
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 77 805.086
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 77 -0.0628507
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 77 -0.206212
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 78 811.873
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 78 -0.0803257
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 78 -0.210165
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 79 818.659
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 79 -0.0980796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 79 -0.214176
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 80 825.445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 80 -0.115981
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 80 -0.21834
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 81 832.232
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 81 -0.134042
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 81 -0.222474
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 82 839.018
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 82 -0.15233
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 82 -0.226615
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 83 845.805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 83 -0.170884
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 83 -0.230769
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 84 852.591
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 84 -0.189711
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 84 -0.234988
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 85 859.377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 85 -0.208805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 85 -0.239289
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 86 866.164
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 86 -0.228132
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 86 -0.243689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 87 872.95
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 87 -0.247688
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 87 -0.24814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 88 879.736
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 88 -0.267485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 88 -0.25262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 89 886.523
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 89 -0.287624
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 89 -0.257087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 90 893.309
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 90 -0.308122
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 90 -0.261627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 91 900.096
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 91 -0.328979
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 91 -0.266226
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 92 906.882
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 92 -0.350331
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 92 -0.270868
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 93 913.668
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 93 -0.372196
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 93 -0.275687
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 94 920.455
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 94 -0.394597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 94 -0.280733
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 95 927.241
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 95 -0.417472
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 95 -0.286075
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 96 934.028
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 96 -0.440914
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 96 -0.291621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 97 940.814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 97 -0.465088
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 97 -0.297381
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 98 947.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 98 -0.490461
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 98 -0.303462
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 99 954.387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 99 -0.51781
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 99 -0.310381
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction2
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsKS0KS0PipBES
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:Points 100000
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:ParentRadius 5
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:MaximumWeight 2.2222e+10
insert DsKS0KS0PipBES:Weights 0 0.323694
insert DsKS0KS0PipBES:Weights 1 0.323191
insert DsKS0KS0PipBES:Weights 2 0.353115
do DsKS0KS0PipBES:AddChannel 323 3 0.89167 0.0514 0 2 1 1 0 3
do DsKS0KS0PipBES:AddChannel 323 3 0.89167 0.0514 1 2 0 1 0 3
do DsKS0KS0PipBES:AddChannel 10331 1 1.723 0.14 0 1 2 5.65 2.3 3
do DsKS0KS0PipBES:SetExternal 431 310 310 211
newdef DsKS0KS0PipBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::Spin3Meson2PScalarDecayer Spin3PP
newdef Spin3PP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3PP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3PP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3PP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 447 411 -411 6.01096 1.59891
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 447 421 -421 6.01096 1.6008
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 211 -211 1.548 7.52271
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 217 211 111 1.548 7.54001
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 321 -321 0.53 13.8703
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 311 -311 0.53 13.7072
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 217 321 -311 0.737 13.3601
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 311 221 3.04 8.38239
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 321 221 3.04 8.44805
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 321 111 0.92 6.12415
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 311 211 1.3 6.09512
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 311 111 0.92 6.11427
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 321 -211 1.3 6.13277
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 337 321 -321 1.83 6.56579
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 337 310 130 1.83 2.10003
create Herwig::RadiativeDoublyHeavyBaryonDecayer RadiativeDoublyHeavy
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Iteration 1
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Ntry 500
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Points 10000
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:GenerateIntermediates 0
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4414 4412 0.134 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4424 4422 0.121 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4434 4432 0.0412 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5514 5512 0.0111 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5524 5522 0.0256 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5534 5532 0.00858 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5414 5142 0.0213 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5424 5242 0.0305 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5434 5342 0.0175 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5412 5142 0.00615 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5422 5242 0.00615 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5432 5342 0.00600 1.
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1K2Pi
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Iteration 10
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Points 1000000
newdef Tau1K2Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 1 30
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 2 60
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 0 0.0273874
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 1 0.0811559
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 2 0.0860745
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 0 0.0982712
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 1 0.0985845
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 2 0.0754198
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 3 0.0751768
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 4 0.00576148
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 5 0.0054422
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 6 0.0030416
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 7 0.00282067
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 8 0.00292896
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 9 0.00333228
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 10 0.0354826
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 11 0.0362049
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 12 0.0288883
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 13 0.0290415
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 14 0.0706914
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 15 0.070505
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 16 0.0273647
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 17 0.0276436
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 18 0.0318761
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 19 0.0313382
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 20 0.0386597
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 21 0.0385886
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 22 0.0334508
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 23 0.0337579
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 24 0.0256563
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 25 0.0256098
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 26 0.0105038
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 27 0.0103908
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 28 0.0116108
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 29 0.0119557
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 30 0.0643114
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 31 0.135241
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 32 0.0462792
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 33 0.132393
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 34 0.00228711
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 35 0.00712326
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 36 0.00250683
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 37 0.00711817
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 38 0.00214168
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 39 0.00734524
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 40 0.056539
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 41 0.0371129
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 42 0.0419097
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 43 0.024564
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 44 0.0387979
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 45 0.0235521
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 46 0.0389098
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 47 0.023459
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 48 0.0389241
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 49 0.0234025
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 50 0.0564586
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 51 0.0414258
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 52 0.0424572
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 53 0.0306962
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 54 0.014456
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 55 0.0105052
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 56 0.0143489
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 57 0.0105307
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 58 0.0143897
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 59 0.0108141
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 60 0.0689819
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 61 0.061703
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 62 0.0616514
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 63 0.0386958
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 64 0.0453983
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 65 0.045033
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 66 0.00234914
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 67 0.0017299
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 68 0.00225587
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 69 0.00149289
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 70 0.00146865
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 71 0.00133644
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 72 0.00127344
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 73 0.00154511
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 74 0.0013302
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 75 0.0491598
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 76 0.0264942
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 77 0.0264046
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 78 0.0288977
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 79 0.0179427
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 80 0.017631
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 81 0.0417104
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 82 0.0358827
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 83 0.0414594
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 84 0.0165004
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 85 0.0267491
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 86 0.0163126
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 87 0.0191507
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 88 0.026621
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 89 0.0189324
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 90 0.0464448
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 91 0.0292149
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 92 0.0286853
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 93 0.0277957
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 94 0.0201043
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 95 0.0201356
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 96 0.0138683
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 97 0.0116343
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 98 0.0140018
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 99 0.00576547
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 100 0.00879157
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 101 0.00565538
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 102 0.00658881
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 103 0.00871664
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 104 0.00650336
create Herwig::OneKaonTwoPionCurrent Tau1K2PiCurrent
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 1 -0.145
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 2 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 1 -0.135
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 2 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 1 -0.25
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 2 -0.038
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:FPi 92.4189
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Masses 0 1.27
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Masses 1 1.402
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Widths 0 0.09
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Widths 1 0.174
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 1 1.37
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 1 0.51
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightKStarPi 0 0.33
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightKStarPi 1 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightRhoK 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightRhoK 1 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -3
newdef Tau1K2Pi:WeakCurrent Tau1K2PiCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinHalfBaryonsDecayer Vector2BaryonsHalf
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Points 10000
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 2212 -2212 0.00135736265293 0.00163222616377 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 2112 -2112 0.0015117595557 0.00158881446341 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3122 -3122 0.00137881900413 0.00163561699791 0.740 2.1
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3212 -3212 0.001988067505 0.000944247071286 0. 1.5
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3222 -3222 0.00233118573611 0.00102277134344 -0.270 2.0
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3312 -3312 0.000852659560453 0.00141162244048 0. 2.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3322 -3322 0.000801719253474 0.00150424724997 0. 2.1
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 2212 -2212 0. 0.00103222902272 0. 1.7
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 2112 -2112 0.00084599445285 0.00098818310509 0. 1.7
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3122 -3122 0.000621041230885 0.00119542938517 0. 2.5
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3212 -3212 0.000599393812308 0.000941856299908 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3222 -3222 0.00194199600339 0.00288222568159 0.379 15.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3312 -3312 0.000327664954147 0.00108249234586 0. 2.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3322 -3322 0.000664382626732 0.00102912698738 0. 2.
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KmPipPi0CLEO
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Points 10000
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:ResonanceMass 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:MaximumWeight 1.5069e+10
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 0 0.27933
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 1 0.139113
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 2 0.0791496
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 3 0.0865894
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 4 0.173267
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 5 0.0888929
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 6 0.153658
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.75 0.544543 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel 213 3 0.77 0.1507 2 1 0 1 0 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel -323 3 0.8915 0.05 2 0 1 0.44 2.84489 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel -313 3 0.8961 0.0505 1 0 2 0.39 -0.00349066 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel -10321 1 1.412 0.294 2 0 1 0.77 0.959931 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel -10311 1 1.412 0.294 1 0 2 0.85 2.89725 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel 30213 3 1.7 0.24 2 1 0 2.5 2.98451 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:AddChannel -30323 3 1.717 0.322 2 0 1 2.5 1.79769 1.5
do D0KmPipPi0CLEO:SetExternal 421 -321 211 111
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DpKpKpKmLHCB
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:Iteration 5
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:Ntry 500
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:Points 100000
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:ParentRadius 5
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:UseAllK0 0
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:MaximumWeight 1.76488e+11
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 0 0.104231
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 1 0.105053
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 2 0.146671
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 3 0.144912
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 4 0.249732
insert DpKpKpKmLHCB:Weights 5 0.249401
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 333 3 1.01946 0.004249 0 2 1 1 0 1.5
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 333 3 1.01946 0.004249 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 9020221 41 0.965 0.059 0 2 1 6.24 -1.028 1.5 0.399 0.818
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 9020221 41 0.965 0.059 1 2 0 6.24 -1.028 1.5 0.399 0.818
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 10221 1 1.422 0.324 0 2 1 6.92 0.228638 1.5
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:AddChannel 10221 1 1.422 0.324 1 2 0 6.92 0.228638 1.5
do DpKpKpKmLHCB:SetExternal 411 321 321 -321
newdef DpKpKpKmLHCB:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0KpKmBABAR
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:MaximumWeight 9.19001e+08
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 0 0.249044
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 1 0.335059
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 2 0.107772
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 3 0.0711498
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 4 0.0685624
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 5 0.0640033
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 6 0.0557078
insert D0KS0KpKmBABAR:Weights 7 0.0487022
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 9000111 61 0.999 0.1 1 2 0 1 0 1.5 0.324 0.537
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 333 3 1.01955 0.0046 1 2 0 0.415 -0.977 1.5
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 10211 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 1.656 1.66 1.5
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.999 0.1 0 1 2 0.635 -2.91 1.5 0.324 0.537
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 1 2 0 1.455 -1.93 1.5
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.173 1 2 0 0.334 0.2 1.5
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2751 0.185 1 2 0 0.851 0.06 1.5
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:AddChannel -9000211 61 0.999 0.1 0 2 1 0.125 2.47 1.5 0.324 0.537
do D0KS0KpKmBABAR:SetExternal 421 310 321 -321
newdef D0KS0KpKmBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KpKmPi0BABAR
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Iteration 10
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Ntry 500
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Points 10000
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 1.16865e+10
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.343357
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.126398
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.16327
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0882327
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.161081
insert D0KpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.117661
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 323 3 0.89166 0.0508 0 2 1 1 0 1.5
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10321 -31 1.414 0.29 0 2 1 3.78 -2.58309 1.5 2 0 0 1 0 1.95 1.76
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 333 3 1.01956 0.00426 1 0 2 0.73 0.314159 1.5
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.965 0.05 1 0 2 2.51 -1.06116 1.5 0.406 0.833
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel -323 3 0.89166 0.0508 2 1 0 0.597 -0.595157 1.5
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel -10321 -31 1.414 0.29 2 1 0 0.887 1.89194 1.5 2 0 0 1 0 1.95 1.76
do D0KpKmPi0BABAR:SetExternal 421 321 -321 111
newdef D0KpKmPi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz DsPipPi0EtaPBES
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:Iteration 5
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:Ntry 500
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:Points 100000
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:ParentRadius 3
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:UseAllK0 0
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:MaximumWeight 2.90872e+09
insert DsPipPi0EtaPBES:Weights 0 1
do DsPipPi0EtaPBES:AddChannel 213 23 0.77511 0.1491 0 1 2 1 0 1.5 0.139571
do DsPipPi0EtaPBES:SetExternal 431 211 111 331
newdef DsPipPi0EtaPBES:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:MaximumWeight 4.09325e+08
insert D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:Weights 0 0.627275
insert D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:Weights 1 0.372725
do D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:AddChannel 9000111 61 0.999 0.1 1 2 0 1 0 3 0.47 0.506
do D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:AddChannel -323 3 0.8961 0.0507 0 2 1 0.234 -1.74619 3
do D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.43 -1.78319 3
do D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:SetExternal 421 310 221 111
newdef D0KS0Pi0EtaCLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KmPipEtaBELLE
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Iteration 5
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Ntry 500
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Points 100000
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:MaximumWeight 6.39265e+09
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 0 0.209108
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 1 0.126735
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 2 0.0970208
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 3 0.142866
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 4 0.187095
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 5 0.0946442
insert D0KmPipEtaBELLE:Weights 6 0.142532
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel -313 3 0.89555 0.0473 0 2 1 1 -3.14159 1.5
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.99 0.1 1 2 0 2.779 -0.867429 1.5 0.596 0.585 0.424
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel -10311 -31 1.425 0.27 0 2 1 10.82 0.872665 1.5 0 0.1195 -0.0366519 0.5 -0.0122173 5.36 -3.3
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel -10321 -31 1.425 0.27 0 1 2 1.7 1.98618 1.5 0 0.3465 0.0226893 0.5 0.445059 0.293 -15.9
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel 215 5 1.319 0.105 1 2 0 1.64 -1.33692 1.5
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel -100313 3 1.421 0.236 0 2 1 6.98 3.01418 1.5
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel -30323 3 1.718 0.322 0 1 2 3.41 0.911062 1.5
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:AddChannel 0 5 1.974 0.376 0 1 2 13.98 -2.65814 1.5
do D0KmPipEtaBELLE:SetExternal 421 -321 221 211
newdef D0KmPipEtaBELLE:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PipKmCLEO
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:MaximumWeight 8.18968e+09
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 0 0.377484
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 1 0.0773891
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 2 0.183331
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 3 0.103191
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 4 0.0732188
insert D0KS0PipKmCLEO:Weights 5 0.185387
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel 323 3 0.89166 0.0508 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel 313 3 0.89594 0.0487 1 2 0 0.2 1.67726 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel 100313 3 1.414 0.232 1 2 0 8.4 -0.29147 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel 30323 3 1.717 0.322 1 0 2 15.3 2.58832 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel 10321 -31 1.463 0.233 1 0 2 1.3 -1.76278 1.5 1 0.8 2.33 1 -5.31 1.07 -1.8
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:AddChannel -10211 1 1.474 0.265 0 2 1 0.4 -0.467748 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmCLEO:SetExternal 421 310 211 -321
newdef D0KS0PipKmCLEO:ResonanceMass 1
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PimKpCLEO
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:MaximumWeight 1.22713e+10
insert D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Weights 0 0.360638
insert D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Weights 1 0.102405
insert D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Weights 2 0.155327
insert D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Weights 3 0.19101
insert D0KS0PimKpCLEO:Weights 4 0.19062
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:AddChannel -323 3 0.89166 0.0508 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:AddChannel 313 3 0.89594 0.0487 1 2 0 0.4 1.91812 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:AddChannel -10321 -31 1.463 0.233 1 0 2 6.2 -1.99666 1.5 1 0.8 2.33 1 -5.31 1.07 -1.8
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:AddChannel 10211 1 1.474 0.265 2 0 1 3.1 -0.942478 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:AddChannel 30213 3 1.72 0.25 2 0 1 11.4 1.57603 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpCLEO:SetExternal 421 310 -211 321
newdef D0KS0PimKpCLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PipKmLHCB
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:MaximumWeight 1.257e+11
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 0 0.229876
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 1 0.030525
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 2 0.0352478
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 3 0.0404057
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 4 0.09982
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 5 0.102873
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 6 0.0977819
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 7 0.0512257
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 8 0.0799366
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 9 0.0849499
insert D0KS0PipKmLHCB:Weights 10 0.147358
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel 323 3 0.8931 0.0469 1 0 2 1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel 100323 3 1.414 0.21 1 0 2 4.3 -2.79253 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel 10321 -31 1.435 0.279 1 0 2 0.62 -1.16937 1.5 0 1.785 0.28 1 2.8 4.7 -5.3
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -313 3 0.89594 0.0487 2 1 0 0.213 -1.88496 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -100313 3 1.426 0.27 2 1 0 6 -3.12414 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -315 5 1.4324 0.109 2 1 0 3.2 -3.00197 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -10311 -31 1.435 0.279 2 1 0 2.5 0.872665 1.5 0 0.15 -2.5 1 -1.1 4.2 -3
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel 215 5 1.3181 0.1098 0 2 1 0.19 -2.25147 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -10211 1 1.43 0.265 0 2 1 0.52 -1.43117 1.5
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -100213 23 1.182 0.41 0 2 1 1.6 -3.08923 1.5 0.493677
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:AddChannel -30213 23 1.53 0.259 0 2 1 0.38 -1.22173 1.5 0.493677
do D0KS0PipKmLHCB:SetExternal 421 310 211 -321
newdef D0KS0PipKmLHCB:ResonanceMass 1
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0KS0PimKpLHCB
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Iteration 5
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Ntry 500
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Points 100000
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:MaximumWeight 2.14848e+10
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 0 0.133344
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 1 0.0879782
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 2 0.0880309
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 3 0.0818903
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 4 0.0985817
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 5 0.095388
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 6 0.098542
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 7 0.0693463
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 8 0.0840913
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 9 0.0879037
insert D0KS0PimKpLHCB:Weights 10 0.0749034
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel -323 3 0.8931 0.0469 1 0 2 1.1 0 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel -100323 3 1.414 0.21 1 0 2 4.7 -1.85005 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel -10321 -31 1.435 0.279 1 0 2 0.58 -2.86234 1.5 0 1.785 0.28 1 2.8 4.7 -5.3
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 313 3 0.89594 0.0487 2 1 0 0.41 3.07178 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 100313 3 1.426 0.27 2 1 0 6.2 3.05433 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 315 5 1.4324 0.109 2 1 0 6.3 -2.42601 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 10311 -31 1.435 0.279 2 1 0 3.7 1.74533 1.5 0 0.15 -2.5 1 -1.1 4.2 -3
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.98 0.05 0 2 1 1.8 1.11701 1.5 0.324 0.329
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 10211 1 1.43 0.265 0 2 1 0.44 -2.44346 1.5
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 100213 23 1.182 0.41 0 2 1 2.33 -1.0472 1.5 0.493677
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:AddChannel 30213 23 1.53 0.259 0 2 1 1.04 0.0698132 1.5 0.493677
do D0KS0PimKpLHCB:SetExternal 421 310 -211 321
newdef D0KS0PimKpLHCB:ResonanceMass 1
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0PipPimPi0CLEO
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Points 10000
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:MaximumWeight 1.45159e+10
insert D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Weights 0 0.46577
insert D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Weights 1 0.255208
insert D0PipPimPi0CLEO:Weights 2 0.279022
do D0PipPimPi0CLEO:AddChannel 213 3 0.7755 0.1493 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0CLEO:AddChannel 113 3 0.7755 0.1493 0 1 2 0.56 0.1745 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0CLEO:AddChannel -213 3 0.7755 0.1493 1 2 0 0.65 -0.0697927 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0CLEO:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.03 1.3439 0
do D0PipPimPi0CLEO:SetExternal 421 211 -211 111
newdef D0PipPimPi0CLEO:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0PipPimPi0BABAR
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Iteration 10
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Ntry 500
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Points 10000
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 1.20139e+10
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.0998954
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.0716971
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.0808757
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0823334
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.0595569
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.0669702
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 6 0.0921341
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 7 0.0829435
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 8 0.0891334
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 9 0.0455144
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 10 0.072181
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 11 0.07131
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 12 0.025525
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 13 0.0599298
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 213 3 0.7755 0.1493 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 113 3 0.7755 0.1493 0 1 2 0.602018 0.281 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -213 3 0.7755 0.1493 1 2 0 0.732578 -0.0279 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100213 3 1.459 0.4 2 0 1 0.80986 -0.1344 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100113 3 1.459 0.4 0 1 2 0.243196 -1.2287 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -100213 3 1.459 0.4 1 2 0 0.771728 0.1431 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30213 3 1.72 0.25 2 0 1 2.53429 -0.4067 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30113 3 1.72 0.25 0 1 2 1.69986 -0.9826 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -30213 3 1.72 0.25 1 2 0 2.69767 1.3771 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9010211 1 0.98 0.07 0 1 2 0.0804203 -1.0263 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.35 0.35 0 1 2 0.282406 -0.3421 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.507 0.109 0 1 2 0.18407 0.1292 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.718 0.137 0 1 2 0.377418 0.7487 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1852 0 1 2 0.323674 0.1536 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.4 0.6 0 1 2 0.344028 -0.0716 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.422573 -0.3857 0
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR:SetExternal 421 211 -211 111
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz D0PipPimPi0BABAR2
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Iteration 10
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Ntry 500
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Points 10000
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:ParentRadius 5
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:UseAllK0 0
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:MaximumWeight 1.20835e+10
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 0 0.109915
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 1 0.0692565
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 2 0.0760525
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 3 0.067592
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 4 0.0609495
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 5 0.0693793
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 6 0.0858475
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 7 0.0869637
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 8 0.0997246
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 9 0.0459907
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 10 0.0757169
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 11 0.0749656
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 12 0.0215097
insert D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:Weights 13 0.056137
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 213 3 0.7758 0.1503 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 113 3 0.7758 0.1503 0 1 2 0.55 0.280998 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel -213 3 0.7758 0.1503 1 2 0 0.73 -0.0279253 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 100213 3 1.465 0.4 2 0 1 0.55 -0.13439 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 100113 3 1.465 0.4 0 1 2 0.19 -1.22871 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel -100213 3 1.465 0.4 1 2 0 0.53 0.143117 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 30213 3 1.72 0.25 2 0 1 0.91 -0.406662 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 30113 3 1.72 0.25 0 1 2 0.6 -0.98262 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel -30213 3 1.72 0.25 1 2 0 0.98 1.37706 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 9010211 1 0.98 0.044 0 1 2 0.06 -1.02625 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 10221 1 1.434 0.173 0 1 2 0.2 -0.342085 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.507 0.109 0 1 2 0.18 0.129154 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 10331 1 1.714 0.14 0 1 2 0.4 0.748746 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 225 5 1.2754 0.1851 0 1 2 0.25 0.153589 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.5 0.4 0 1 2 0.26 -0.0715585 1.5
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.43 -0.385718 0
do D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:SetExternal 421 211 -211 111
newdef D0PipPimPi0BABAR2:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.14561
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 0 0.281828
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 1 0.24359
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 2 0.24463
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 3 0.0906574
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 4 0.0584243
insert EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:Weights 5 0.0808699
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.757 0.175 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10321 71 1.453 0.414 0 2 1 1.92 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10321 71 1.453 0.414 1 2 0 1.92 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 0 2 1 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 1 2 0 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.506 0.112 0 1 2 0.111 0.24 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 0.553 -1.01 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.0633 2.73 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:SetExternal 441 321 -321 331
newdef EtacKpKmEtaPBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.144995
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 0 0.205365
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 1 0.155253
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 2 0.155781
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 3 0.155518
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 4 0.156274
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 5 0.068097
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 6 0.0441395
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:Weights 7 0.0595741
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.757 0.175 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10311 71 1.453 0.414 0 2 1 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10311 71 1.453 0.414 1 2 0 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10311 71 1.453 0.414 0 2 1 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10311 71 1.453 0.414 1 2 0 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 0 2 1 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 1 2 0 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.506 0.112 0 1 2 0.111 0.24 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 0.553 -1.01 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.0633 2.73 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:SetExternal 441 310 310 331
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaPBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:MaximumWeight 4.06892
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 0 0.166925
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 1 0.0901217
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 2 0.0950313
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 3 0.0891488
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 4 0.0840518
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 5 0.237553
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:Weights 6 0.237169
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 2.116 0.289 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.953 0.335 0 1 2 0.068 0.393185 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 0.1018 0.973185 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.0137 2.68319 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.44 0.046 0 1 2 0.0027 -2.45 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.705 0.258 0 2 1 0.0124 -0.75 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.705 0.258 1 2 0 0.0124 -0.75 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.931 0.271 0 2 1 0.0556 -0.02 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.931 0.271 1 2 0 0.0556 -0.02 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.815 0.197 0 1 2 0.0336 0.67 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:SetExternal 441 111 111 331
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaPBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:MaximumWeight 339.927
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 0 0.152954
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 1 0.152653
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 2 0.0814028
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 3 0.0806023
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 4 0.109316
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 5 0.106708
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 6 0.0607462
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 7 0.0766538
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 8 0.0894617
insert EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:Weights 9 0.0895021
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9000111 1 0.98 0.075 0 2 1 1 0 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9000111 1 0.98 0.075 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.3169 0.105 0 2 1 0.0585 -1.04 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.3169 0.105 1 2 0 0.0585 -1.04 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.953 0.335 0 1 2 1.583 -2.60159 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.107 -1.15 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 1.413 -2.41 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.506 0.112 0 1 2 1.17 2.32 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 0 2 1 2.399 2.6 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 1 2 0 2.399 2.6 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.704 0.11 0 2 1 0.823 1.39 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.704 0.11 1 2 0 0.823 1.39 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.936 0.464 0 1 2 0.541 -1.59 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 14.5 1.67 1.5
do EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:SetExternal 441 111 111 221
newdef EtacPi0Pi0EtaBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacPipPimEtaBABAR
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:MaximumWeight 169.588
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 0 0.153063
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 1 0.15282
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 2 0.0815226
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 3 0.0807404
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 4 0.108738
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 5 0.106738
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 6 0.060595
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 7 0.0767368
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 8 0.0895071
insert EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:Weights 9 0.0895388
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9000211 1 0.98 0.075 0 2 1 1 0 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel -9000211 1 0.98 0.075 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 215 5 1.3169 0.105 0 2 1 0.0585 -1.04 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel -215 5 1.3169 0.105 1 2 0 0.0585 -1.04 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.953 0.335 0 1 2 1.583 -2.60159 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.107 -1.15 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 1.413 -2.41 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.506 0.112 0 1 2 1.17 2.32 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 10211 1 1.474 0.265 0 2 1 2.399 2.6 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel -10211 1 1.474 0.265 1 2 0 2.399 2.6 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.704 0.11 0 2 1 0.823 1.39 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.704 0.11 1 2 0 0.823 1.39 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.936 0.464 0 1 2 0.541 -1.59 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 14.5 1.67 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:SetExternal 441 211 -211 221
newdef EtacPipPimEtaBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:MaximumWeight 2.02818
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 0 0.16717
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 1 0.0901361
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 2 0.0947056
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 3 0.0889924
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 4 0.0838669
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 5 0.237829
insert EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:Weights 6 0.2373
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 2.116 0.289 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9000221 1 0.953 0.335 0 1 2 0.068 0.393185 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 0.1018 0.973185 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.0137 2.68319 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.44 0.046 0 1 2 0.0027 -2.45 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 215 5 1.705 0.258 0 2 1 0.0124 -0.75 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel -215 5 1.705 0.258 1 2 0 0.0124 -0.75 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10211 1 1.931 0.271 0 2 1 0.0556 -0.02 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10211 1 1.931 0.271 1 2 0 0.0556 -0.02 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 5 1.815 0.197 0 1 2 0.0336 0.67 1.5
do EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:SetExternal 441 211 -211 331
newdef EtacPipPimEtaPBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.143325
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 0 0.205545
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 1 0.154709
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 2 0.156071
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 3 0.155051
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 4 0.154567
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 5 0.067933
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 6 0.0461846
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:Weights 7 0.059939
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.757 0.175 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10311 71 1.453 0.414 0 2 1 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 10311 71 1.453 0.414 1 2 0 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10311 71 1.453 0.414 0 2 1 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel -10311 71 1.453 0.414 1 2 0 0.96 0.79 1.5 0.68 0.832
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 0 2 1 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.942 0.08 1 2 0 0.138 0.21 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.506 0.112 0 1 2 0.111 0.24 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 41 0.979 0.1 0 1 2 0.553 -1.01 1.5 0.366 0.518
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:AddChannel 225 5 1.2755 0.1867 0 1 2 0.0633 2.73 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:SetExternal 441 130 130 331
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaPBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKpKmEtaBABAR
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.46255
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 0 0.136794
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 1 0.163503
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 2 0.202187
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 3 0.202364
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 4 0.159633
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 5 0.0865053
insert EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:Weights 6 0.049015
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.505 0.109 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.72 0.135 0 1 2 0.754 2.2 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 10321 1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel -10321 1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 2.189 0.238 0 1 2 1.685 2.1 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 0 2 1 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 1 2 0 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 335 5 1.525 0.073 0 1 2 0.0724 1 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.41 0.27 0 1 2 0.748 0.9 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 21 0.922 0.24 0 1 2 1.386 -0.3 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.786 -1.2 1.5
do EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:SetExternal 441 321 -321 221
newdef EtacKpKmEtaBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.454261
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 0 0.135935
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 1 0.164251
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 2 0.203788
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 3 0.203893
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 4 0.158626
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 5 0.0871637
insert EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:Weights 6 0.0463435
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.505 0.109 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.72 0.135 0 1 2 0.754 2.2 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10321 1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel -10321 1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 2.189 0.238 0 1 2 1.685 2.1 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 0 2 1 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 1 2 0 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 335 5 1.525 0.073 0 1 2 0.0724 1 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.41 0.27 0 1 2 0.748 0.9 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 21 0.922 0.24 0 1 2 1.386 -0.3 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.786 -1.2 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:SetExternal 441 310 310 221
newdef EtacKS0KS0EtaBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Ntry 500
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.48378
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 0 0.13617
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 1 0.163721
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 2 0.204176
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 3 0.203262
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 4 0.158758
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 5 0.0878308
insert EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:Weights 6 0.0460827
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9030221 1 1.505 0.109 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10331 1 1.72 0.135 0 1 2 0.754 2.2 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10321 1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel -10321 1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.79 2.3 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 2.189 0.238 0 1 2 1.685 2.1 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 0 2 1 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.945 0.201 1 2 0 0.339 -0.2 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 335 5 1.525 0.073 0 1 2 0.0724 1 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 10221 1 1.41 0.27 0 1 2 0.748 0.9 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 9010221 21 0.922 0.24 0 1 2 1.386 -0.3 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:AddChannel 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.786 -1.2 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:SetExternal 441 130 130 221
newdef EtacKL0KL0EtaBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 0.329007
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.0970497
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.100858
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.0946529
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0995436
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.0916953
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.105277
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 6 0.0989058
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 7 0.0786982
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 8 0.0818711
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 9 0.0761961
insert EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:Weights 10 0.0752524
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 9000111 61 0.999 0.1 0 1 2 0.0543 1.08 1.5 0.324 0.329
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 0.0785 2.73 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.931 0.271 0 1 2 0.178 -1.4 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.3183 0.105 0 1 2 0.00354 1.83 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -315 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:SetExternal 441 130 130 111
newdef EtacKL0KL0Pi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 0.291059
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.0966465
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.0937202
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.0983306
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0958421
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.0982743
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.112177
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 6 0.085968
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 7 0.0873712
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 8 0.0778486
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 9 0.0751527
insert EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:Weights 10 0.0786683
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -10311 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 0.5 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.125733 1.94847 0.73 0.121118 3.50979 0.79 0.159899 1.39954 0.85 0.145667 2.46328 0.91 0.407368 0.317052 0.97 0.460674 0.158039 1.03 0.296832 0.377543 1.09 0.354611 0.32561 1.15 0.378761 0.639111 1.21 0.443909 0.70592 1.27 0.579285 0.652895 1.33 0.631517 1.11345 1.39 0.857273 1.46494 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.738576 1.87175 1.57 0.480795 2.11966 1.63 0.316841 2.45726 1.69 0.24425 1.9175 1.75 0.297801 1.94115 1.81 0.414482 2.32344 1.87 0.502267 2.2462 1.93 0.60127 2.4103 1.99 0.667464 2.34216 2.05 0.631569 2.33903 2.11 0.678071 2.39201 2.17 0.740038 2.4721 2.23 0.810344 2.41485 2.29 0.801925 2.44073 2.35 0.761501 2.30201 2.41 0.827926 2.27807
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 9000111 61 0.999 0.1 0 1 2 0.0543 1.08 1.5 0.324 0.329
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 0.0785 2.73 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.931 0.271 0 1 2 0.178 -1.4 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.3183 0.105 0 1 2 0.00354 1.83 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:AddChannel -315 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00313 -1.34319 1.5
do EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:SetExternal 441 310 310 111
newdef EtacKS0KS0Pi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKpKmPi0BABAR
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 53.0765
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.168321
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.166661
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.227501
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.181966
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.123621
insert EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.13193
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10321 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.154 3.786 0.73 0.198 3.944 0.79 0.161 1.634 0.85 0.125 3.094 0.91 0.307 0.735 0.97 0.528 -0.083 1.03 0.215 0.541 1.09 0.39 0.254 1.15 0.49 0.618 1.21 0.422 0.723 1.27 0.581 0.605 1.33 0.643 1.33 1.39 0.92 1.528 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.75 1.844 1.57 0.585 2.128 1.63 0.366 2.389 1.69 0.312 1.962 1.75 0.427 1.939 1.81 0.511 2.426 1.87 0.588 2.242 1.93 0.729 2.427 1.99 0.777 2.306 2.05 0.775 2.347 2.11 0.83 2.374 2.17 0.825 2.401 2.23 0.86 2.296 2.29 0.891 2.32 2.35 0.994 2.297 2.41 0.892 2.143
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel -10321 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.154 3.786 0.73 0.198 3.944 0.79 0.161 1.634 0.85 0.125 3.094 0.91 0.307 0.735 0.97 0.528 -0.083 1.03 0.215 0.541 1.09 0.39 0.254 1.15 0.49 0.618 1.21 0.422 0.723 1.27 0.581 0.605 1.33 0.643 1.33 1.39 0.92 1.528 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.75 1.844 1.57 0.585 2.128 1.63 0.366 2.389 1.69 0.312 1.962 1.75 0.427 1.939 1.81 0.511 2.426 1.87 0.588 2.242 1.93 0.729 2.427 1.99 0.777 2.306 2.05 0.775 2.347 2.11 0.83 2.374 2.17 0.825 2.401 2.23 0.86 2.296 2.29 0.891 2.32 2.35 0.994 2.297 2.41 0.892 2.143
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 10111 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 0.0925 2.9 1.5
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.931 0.271 0 1 2 0.213 -1.45 1.5
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 115 5 1.3183 0.105 0 1 2 0.00595 1.75 1.5
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel 325 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00569 -1.21319 1.5
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00569 -1.21319 1.5
do EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:SetExternal 441 321 -321 111
newdef EtacKpKmPi0BABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKS0KpPimBABAR
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:MaximumWeight 0.888692
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 0 0.126935
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 1 0.14215
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 2 0.0972488
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 3 0.269105
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 4 0.161253
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 5 0.107028
insert EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:Weights 6 0.0962795
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.119 0.259 0.73 0.103 -0.969 0.79 0.158 0.363 0.85 0.232 0.448 0.91 0.468 0.091 0.97 0.371 0.276 1.03 0.329 0.345 1.09 0.343 0.449 1.15 0.33 0.687 1.21 0.45 0.696 1.27 0.578 0.785 1.33 0.627 0.986 1.39 0.826 1.334 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.736 1.918 1.57 0.451 2.098 1.63 0.289 2.539 1.69 0.159 1.566 1.75 0.24 1.962 1.81 0.381 2.17 1.87 0.457 2.258 1.93 0.565 2.386 1.99 0.64 2.361 2.05 0.593 2.329 2.11 0.614 2.421 2.17 0.677 2.563 2.23 0.788 2.539 2.29 0.753 2.55 2.35 0.646 2.315 2.41 0.789 2.364
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel -10321 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.119 0.259 0.73 0.103 -0.969 0.79 0.158 0.363 0.85 0.232 0.448 0.91 0.468 0.091 0.97 0.371 0.276 1.03 0.329 0.345 1.09 0.343 0.449 1.15 0.33 0.687 1.21 0.45 0.696 1.27 0.578 0.785 1.33 0.627 0.986 1.39 0.826 1.334 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.736 1.918 1.57 0.451 2.098 1.63 0.289 2.539 1.69 0.159 1.566 1.75 0.24 1.962 1.81 0.381 2.17 1.87 0.457 2.258 1.93 0.565 2.386 1.99 0.64 2.361 2.05 0.593 2.329 2.11 0.614 2.421 2.17 0.677 2.563 2.23 0.788 2.539 2.29 0.753 2.55 2.35 0.646 2.315 2.41 0.789 2.364
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.999 0.1 0 1 2 0.0625 1.08 1.5 0.324 0.329
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 10211 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 0.0656 2.63 1.5
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.931 0.271 0 1 2 0.166 -1.04 1.5
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 215 5 1.3183 0.105 0 1 2 0.00323 1.85 1.5
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00664 -1.36319 1.5
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00664 -1.36319 1.5
do EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:SetExternal 441 310 321 -211
newdef EtacKS0KpPimBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
create Herwig::ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz EtacKL0KpPimBABAR
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Iteration 5
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Ntry 5000
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Points 100000
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:ParentRadius 5
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:UseAllK0 0
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:MaximumWeight 1.44204
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 0 0.167286
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 1 0.121615
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 2 0.11639
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 3 0.223158
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 4 0.168495
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 5 0.110926
insert EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:Weights 6 0.0921306
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 10311 -1 1.438 0.21 1 2 0 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.119 0.259 0.73 0.103 -0.969 0.79 0.158 0.363 0.85 0.232 0.448 0.91 0.468 0.091 0.97 0.371 0.276 1.03 0.329 0.345 1.09 0.343 0.449 1.15 0.33 0.687 1.21 0.45 0.696 1.27 0.578 0.785 1.33 0.627 0.986 1.39 0.826 1.334 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.736 1.918 1.57 0.451 2.098 1.63 0.289 2.539 1.69 0.159 1.566 1.75 0.24 1.962 1.81 0.381 2.17 1.87 0.457 2.258 1.93 0.565 2.386 1.99 0.64 2.361 2.05 0.593 2.329 2.11 0.614 2.421 2.17 0.677 2.563 2.23 0.788 2.539 2.29 0.753 2.55 2.35 0.646 2.315 2.41 0.789 2.364
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel -10321 -1 1.438 0.21 0 2 1 1 0 1.5 30 0.67 0.119 0.259 0.73 0.103 -0.969 0.79 0.158 0.363 0.85 0.232 0.448 0.91 0.468 0.091 0.97 0.371 0.276 1.03 0.329 0.345 1.09 0.343 0.449 1.15 0.33 0.687 1.21 0.45 0.696 1.27 0.578 0.785 1.33 0.627 0.986 1.39 0.826 1.334 1.45 1 1.57 1.51 0.736 1.918 1.57 0.451 2.098 1.63 0.289 2.539 1.69 0.159 1.566 1.75 0.24 1.962 1.81 0.381 2.17 1.87 0.457 2.258 1.93 0.565 2.386 1.99 0.64 2.361 2.05 0.593 2.329 2.11 0.614 2.421 2.17 0.677 2.563 2.23 0.788 2.539 2.29 0.753 2.55 2.35 0.646 2.315 2.41 0.789 2.364
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 9000211 61 0.999 0.1 0 1 2 0.0625 1.08 1.5 0.324 0.329
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 10211 1 1.474 0.265 0 1 2 0.0656 2.63 1.5
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 0 1 1.931 0.271 0 1 2 0.166 -1.04 1.5
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 215 5 1.3183 0.105 0 1 2 0.00323 1.85 1.5
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel 315 5 1.4256 0.0985 1 2 0 0.00664 -1.36319 1.5
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:AddChannel -325 5 1.4256 0.0985 0 2 1 0.00664 -1.36319 1.5
do EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:SetExternal 441 130 321 -211
newdef EtacKL0KpPimBABAR:ResonanceMass 0
+create Herwig::VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Coupling 178.71
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Iteration 5
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Ntry 500
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Points 100000
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:GenerateIntermediates 1
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:ParentRadius 1.5
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:UseAllK0 0
+newdef JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:MaximumWeight 8.03937e+08
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 0 0.175797
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 1 0.175917
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 2 0.15083
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 3 0.0726852
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 4 0.0714469
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 5 0.0725041
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 6 0.0733257
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 7 0.0728376
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 8 0.0743336
+insert JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:Weights 9 0.0603233
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 213 3 0.77526 0.1478 2 0 1 1 0 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -213 3 0.77526 0.1478 1 2 0 1 0 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 113 3 0.77526 0.1478 0 1 2 1 0 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100213 3 1.429 0.576 2 0 1 0.513 -2.63 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -100213 3 1.429 0.576 1 2 0 0.513 -2.63 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 100113 3 1.429 0.576 0 1 2 0.513 -2.63 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30213 3 1.644 0.109 2 0 1 0.067 -0.46 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel -30213 3 1.644 0.109 1 2 0 0.067 -0.46 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 30113 3 1.644 0.109 0 1 2 0.067 -0.46 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 3 2.155 0.32 2 0 1 0.042 1.7 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 3 2.155 0.32 1 2 0 0.042 1.7 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 0 3 2.155 0.32 0 1 2 0.042 1.7 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:AddChannel 223 3 0.78265 0.00849 0 1 2 0.013 2.78 1.5
+do JpsiPipPimPi0BABAR:SetExternal 443 211 -211 111

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 12:52 PM (1 d, 17 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(1 MB)

Event Timeline